Sodium hydrochloride instructions

The drug Sodium hydrochloride, application, release forms

Currently, there are a huge number of different substances that have many purposes and applications. These include sodium hydrochloride. In addition to the medical sphere, it is used in almost all household areas.

Sodium hydrochloride: significance

The important thing is that sodium chloride is found in small volumes (concentration 0.5-0.9%) in the tissue fluids of the human body and in his blood. The constancy of osmotic pressure is ensured to a significant extent by this factor. The substance in question enters the body in small quantities with food. With various pathological abnormalities, which are accompanied by excessive release of sodium chloride, a deficiency of this element appears. Such conditions are observed with wide burns, severe and prolonged diarrhea, and decreased function of the adrenal cortex. As a result of a lack of sodium chloride in a person, a thickening of the blood occurs, because water flows from the vascular bed into the tissues. If the deficiency increases further, then dysfunction of the circulatory and nervous system develops, convulsive muscle contractions and spasms of smooth muscles occur. To prevent similar reactions, sodium hydrochloride is used.

Release forms

The product in question is available in the following forms: powder; in the form of pills from which an isotonic solution is prepared; ready-made 0.9% solution in ampoules of various volumes, in bottles with a capacity of 5 and 6 g - for making injections. The most widely used solution in medical practice is sodium hydrochloride solution. There are isotonic and hypertonic solutions. In the first case, the osmotic pressure is equal to the pressure of blood plasma - the solution is physiological. In the 2nd case, the osmotic pressure is higher. The first is rapidly removed from the vascular system and increases the volume of water only temporarily. Because of this, in case of shock and blood loss, its effectiveness is insufficient. In such cases, it is necessary to immediately perform a transfusion of plasma, blood or replacement fluids. This solution is also used when the body is dehydrated and intoxicated.

Indications for use and doses

Sodium chloride is used, as already written above, to combat intoxication and dehydration of the body in various diseases, such as food poisoning, acute dysentery, burns, acute circulatory disorders, shock, diarrhea, peritonitis. In case of intoxication and large loss of water, in most cases the solution is administered intravenously by drip. They do this in huge quantities - three liters a day. Why is sodium hydrochloride unsafe? The use of this drug does not need to be considered when treating with impressive doses of corticosteroids, with circulatory disorders that threaten pulmonary and cerebral edema, and with hypernatremia. It is necessary to limit the volume of solution when administering it to patients with problematic renal excretory function. A side effect, chloride acidosis, may occur if large quantities of the substance are administered.

Other implementation options

Sodium hydrochloride in one form or another is used in various industries and in everyday life. For example, in the production of paper, cardboard, artificial fibers, fiberboard. In the chemical industry, it acts as a catalyst or reagent, used in neutralization reactions, in the production of shampoo and soap, for etching aluminum and in the production of pure metals. Used as a catalyst in the production of biodiesel fuel. In everyday life, it is used as part of gels or dry granules for cleaning sewer pipes.

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Table of contents:


Sodium chloride - characteristics, properties, instructions for use, side effects, interactions with other drugs


1. Isotonic (physiological) 0.9% solution containing sodium chloride – 9 g, distilled water – up to 1 liter.

2. Hypertonic 10% solution containing sodium chloride - 100 g, distilled water - up to 1 liter.

Release form

  • To dissolve medicinal substances for intramuscular and subcutaneous injections, a 0.9% sodium chloride solution is produced in ampoules of 5, 10, 20 ml.
  • For dissolving medications, intravenous drips, enemas and external use: 0.9% sodium chloride solution in bottles of 100, 200, 400 and 1000 ml.
  • For intravenous injection and external use: 10% sodium chloride solution in bottles of 200 and 400 ml.
  • For oral (inside) administration: tablets 0.9 g. To use, the tablet must be dissolved in 100 ml of boiled warm water.
  • For treating the nasal cavity: nasal spray – 10 ml.

pharmachologic effect

Indications for use

  • Restoring water balance in case of body dehydration caused by various reasons.
  • Maintaining plasma volume during surgery and after.
  • Detoxification of the body (food poisoning, dysentery, cholera, etc.).
  • Maintaining plasma volume in case of extensive burns, diarrhea, blood loss, diabetic coma.
  • Eye rinsing for inflammatory and allergic irritations of the cornea.
  • Rinsing the nasal mucosa for allergic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, prevention of sinusitis, acute respiratory infections, after removal of polyps and adenoids.
  • Inhalation of the respiratory tract (using special devices - inhalers).

It is used to treat wounds, moisturize bandages and fabric dressings. The neutral environment of saline is well suited for dissolving drugs and co-infusion with other drugs.

1. Deficiency of the elements sodium and chlorine.

2. Dehydration due to various reasons: pulmonary, gastric and intestinal bleeding, burns, vomiting, diarrhea.

Sodium chloride - instructions for use

With long-term use of large doses of sodium chloride, it is necessary to analyze the content of electrolytes in plasma and urine.

Sodium chloride 10 - instructions for use

Sodium chloride 9 - instructions for use


  • increased content of sodium ions in the body;
  • increased content of chlorine ions in the body;
  • lack of potassium;
  • circulatory fluid disorders, with the possibility of cerebral and pulmonary edema;
  • cerebral edema, pulmonary edema;
  • acute heart failure;
  • intracellular dehydration;
  • extracellular excess fluid;
  • treatment with significant doses of corticosteroids.

Used with great caution in patients with changes in renal excretory function, as well as in children and the elderly.

Side effects

  • discomfort in the digestive system: nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, diarrhea;
  • disorders of the nervous system: lacrimation, constant thirst, anxiety, sweating, dizziness, headache, weakness;
  • arterial hypertension, rapid heartbeat and pulse;
  • dermatitis;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • anemia;
  • excess fluid content in the body or its parts (edema), which indicates a pathological shift in water-salt metabolism;
  • acidosis – a shift in the body’s acid-base balance towards increased acidity;
  • hypokalemia – a decrease in potassium content in the body’s blood.

If side effects occur, the drug should be stopped. It is necessary to assess the patient’s well-being, provide adequate assistance and save the bottle with the remaining solution for analysis.

Sodium chloride during pregnancy

1. Preeclampsia (increased concentration of sodium in the blood plasma) with severe swelling.

2. Moderate and severe stages of toxicosis.

Interaction with other drugs

Synonymous drugs for sodium chloride

  • Sodium chloride 0.9% for intravenous infusion - sterile solution in bottles.
  • Sodium chloride 1.6% for intravenous infusion.
  • Sodium chloride 12% for intravenous infusion.
  • Sodium chloride Brown (Germany) - powder for the preparation of solution for injection, solution for infusion, solution for injection, solvent for the preparation of dosage forms for injection, nasal spray.
  • Sodium chloride bufus – powder for the preparation of solution for injection, solution for infusion, solution for injection, solvent for the preparation of dosage forms for injection, nasal spray.
  • Sodium chloride-Cinco – isotonic solution for infusion, hypertonic solution, eye drops and eye ointment.
  • Sodium chloride – 0.9% solution for infusion (Bulgaria).
  • Salorid – 0.9% solution for infusion (Bangladesh).
  • Rizosin – 0.65% nasal spray with and without menthol.
  • Salin – 0.65% nasal spray (India).
  • No-salt – 0.65% nasal spray.
  • Physiodose – 0.9% solution for topical use.

Additional Information

1. Remove container from outer packaging immediately before use. It protects and maintains the sterility of the drug.

2. Squeeze the container tightly and check for integrity. If damage is found, discard the container, as the solution in it is dangerous.

3. Check the solution visually: for transparency, absence of impurities and inclusions. If present, discard the container.

4. Hang the container on a tripod, remove the plastic fuse and unscrew the lid.

5. Add medications into the solution following aseptic rules. Move the clamp that regulates the movement of the solution to the “closed” position. Disinfect the area of ​​the injection container, make a puncture in it with a syringe and inject the drug. Mix well. Move the clamp to the “open” position.

Storage conditions and expiration dates

  • powder and tablets - without restrictions;
  • 0.9% solution in ampoules – 5 years;
  • 0.9% solution in bottles – 12 months;
  • 10% solution in bottles – 2 years.

Do not use after expiration date. Before using any drug containing sodium chloride, you should consult your doctor.

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Sodium chloride

Description current as of 08/03/2015

  • Latin name: Natrii chloridum
  • ATX code: B05XA03
  • Active ingredient: Sodium chloride
  • Manufacturer: Medpolymer, Sintez OJSC, Alium Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company (Russia), Pharmland JV (Republic of Belarus)


The active ingredient of this product is sodium chloride. The formula for sodium chloride is NaCl, these are white crystals that quickly dissolve in water. Molar mass 58.44 g/mol. OKPD code - 14.40.1.

Saline solution (isotonic) is a 0.9% solution, it contains 9 g of sodium chloride, up to 1 liter of distilled water.

Hypertonic sodium chloride solution is a 10% solution, it contains 100 g of sodium chloride, up to 1 liter of distilled water.

Release form

A 0.9% sodium chloride solution is produced, which can be contained in ampoules of 5 ml, 10 ml, 20 ml. Ampoules are used to dissolve medications for injection.

A solution of sodium chloride 0.9% is also produced in bottles of 100, 200, 400 and 1000 ml. Their use in medicine is practiced for external use, intravenous drips, and enemas.

Sodium chloride solution 10% is contained in bottles of 200 and 400 ml.

For oral administration, tablets of 0.9 g are available.

A nasal spray is also produced in 10 ml bottles.

pharmachologic effect

Sodium chloride is a drug that acts as a rehydrating and detoxifying agent. The medicine is able to compensate for the lack of sodium in the body, subject to the development of various pathologies. Sodium chloride also increases the amount of fluid that circulates in the vessels.

Such properties of the solution are manifested due to the presence of chloride ions and sodium ions in it. They are able to penetrate the cell membrane using various transport mechanisms, in particular the sodium-potassium pump. Sodium plays an important role in the process of signal transmission in neurons; it is also involved in the metabolic process in the kidneys and in the electrophysiological processes of the human heart.

Pharmacopoeia indicates that sodium chloride maintains constant pressure in the extracellular fluid and blood plasma. In the normal state of the body, a sufficient amount of this compound enters the body with food. But in pathological conditions, in particular, with vomiting, diarrhea, and serious burns, there is an increased release of these elements from the body. As a result, the body experiences a deficiency of chlorine and sodium ions, as a result of which the blood becomes thicker, the functions of the nervous system, blood flow, convulsions, and spasms of smooth muscles are disrupted.

If an isotonic sodium chloride solution is promptly introduced into the blood, its use helps restore the water-salt balance. But since the osmotic pressure of the solution is similar to the pressure of blood plasma, it does not stay in the vascular bed for a long time. After administration, it is quickly eliminated from the body. As a result, after 1 hour, no more than half of the injected amount of solution is retained in the vessels. Therefore, in case of blood loss, the solution is not effective enough.

The product also has plasma-substituting and detoxifying properties.

When a hypertonic solution is administered intravenously, there is an increase in diuresis, replenishing the deficiency of chlorine and sodium in the body.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

Excretion from the body occurs mainly through the kidneys. Some sodium is excreted in sweat and feces.

Indications for use

Sodium chloride is a saline solution that is used when the body loses extracellular fluid. Indicated for conditions that lead to limited fluid intake:

Considering what sodium chloride is, it is used externally to wash wounds, eyes, and nose. The drug is used to moisturize dressings, for inhalation, and for the face.

The use of NaCl is indicated for forced diuresis in cases of constipation, poisoning, and internal bleeding (pulmonary, intestinal, gastric).

It is also indicated in the indications for use of sodium chloride that this is a drug that is used for diluting and dissolving drugs that are administered parenterally.


The use of the solution is contraindicated for the following diseases and conditions:

The solution is prescribed with caution to people who suffer from arterial hypertension, peripheral edema, decompensated chronic heart failure, chronic renal failure, preeclampsia, as well as those diagnosed with other conditions in which sodium retention occurs in the body.

If the solution is used as a diluent for other medications, existing contraindications should be taken into account.

Side effects

The following conditions may develop when using sodium chloride:

If the drug is used correctly, the development of side effects is unlikely.

If a 0.9% NaCl solution is used as a base solvent, then side effects are determined by the properties of the drugs that are diluted with the solution.

If any negative effects occur, you should immediately report it to a specialist.

Instructions for use of Sodium Chloride (Method and dosage)

The instructions for saline solution (isotonic solution) provide for its administration intravenously and subcutaneously.

In most cases, intravenous drip administration is practiced, for which the Sodium Chloride dropper is heated to a temperature of degrees. The volume that is administered to the patient depends on the condition of the patient, as well as the amount of fluid that has been lost by the body. It is important to take into account the person’s age and weight.

The average daily dose of the drug is ml, the solution is administered at an average speed of 540 ml/h. If there is a severe degree of intoxication, then the maximum volume of medication per day can be 3000 ml. If there is such a need, a volume of 500 ml can be administered at a speed of 70 drops per minute.

Children are given a dose of 20 to 100 ml per day per 1 kg of weight. The dosage depends on body weight and the age of the child. It should be borne in mind that with prolonged use of this medicine it is necessary to monitor the level of electrolytes in plasma and urine.

To dilute drugs that need to be administered by drip, use 50 to 250 ml of sodium chloride per dose of the drug. The characteristics of administration are determined based on the main drug.

The hypertonic solution is administered intravenously.

If the solution is used to immediately compensate for the deficiency of sodium and chlorine ions, 100 ml of the solution is injected dropwise.

To perform a rectal enema to induce defecation, 100 ml of a 5% solution is administered; 3000 ml of an isotonic solution can also be administered throughout the day.

The use of a hypertensive enema is slowly indicated for renal and cardiac edema, increased intracranial pressure and for hypertension it is carried out slowly, ml is administered. Such an enema cannot be performed in case of colon erosion and inflammatory processes.

Purulent wounds are treated with a solution according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor. Compresses with NaCl are applied directly to a wound or other lesion on the skin. Such a compress promotes the separation of pus and the death of pathogenic microorganisms.

The nasal spray is instilled into the nasal cavity after it has been cleansed. For adult patients, two drops are instilled into each nostril, for children - 1 drop. It is used for both treatment and prevention, for which the solution is dripped for about 20 days.

Sodium chloride for inhalation is used for colds. To do this, the solution is mixed with bronchodilators. Inhalation is carried out for ten minutes three times a day.

If absolutely necessary, saline solution can be prepared at home. To do this, mix a full teaspoon of table salt in one liter of boiled water. If it is necessary to prepare a certain amount of solution, for example, with salt weighing 50 g, appropriate measurements should be taken. This solution can be applied topically, used for enemas, rinses, and inhalations. However, under no circumstances should such a solution be administered intravenously or used to treat open wounds or eyes.


In case of overdose, the patient may feel nausea, suffer from vomiting and diarrhea, he may develop abdominal pain, fever, and rapid heartbeat. Also, in case of an overdose, blood pressure may increase, pulmonary edema and peripheral edema, renal failure, muscle cramps, weakness, dizziness, generalized convulsions, and coma may develop. If the solution is administered excessively, hypernatremia may develop.

With excessive intake into the body, hyperchlorimic acidosis may develop.

If sodium chloride is used to dissolve drugs, then the overdose is mainly associated with the properties of those drugs that are diluted.

If NaCl is inadvertently overadministered, it is important to stop this process and assess whether the patient has any more negative symptoms. Symptomatic treatment is practiced.


NaCl is compatible with most medications. It is this property that determines the use of the solution for diluting and dissolving a number of drugs.

When diluting and dissolving, it is necessary to monitor the compatibility of drugs visually, determining whether a precipitate appears during the process, whether the color changes, etc.

When concomitantly prescribing the drug with corticosteroids, it is important to constantly monitor the levels of electrolytes in the blood.

When taken in parallel, the hypotensive effect of Enalapril and Spirapril decreases.

Sodium Chloride is incompatible with the leukopoiesis stimulator Filgrastim, as well as with the polypeptide antibiotic Polymyxin B.

There is evidence that isotonic solution increases the bioavailability of drugs.

When diluted with a solution of powdered antibiotics, they are completely absorbed by the body.

Terms of sale

Sold in pharmacies by prescription. If necessary, use the drug to dilute other medications, etc. write out a prescription in Latin.

Storage conditions

The powder, tablets and solution should be stored in a dry place, in a well-closed container, and the temperature should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius. It is important to keep the drug away from children. If the packaging is sealed, freezing does not affect the properties of the drug.

Best before date

There are no restrictions on storing powder and tablets. The solution in 0.9% ampoules can be stored for 5 years; solution in bottles 0.9% - one year, solution in bottles 10% - 2 years. Cannot be used after the shelf life has expired.

special instructions

If an infusion is given, the patient's condition should be carefully monitored, in particular plasma electrolytes. It should be taken into account that in children, due to immature renal function, sodium excretion may slow down. It is important to determine its plasma concentration before repeated infusions.

It is important to monitor the condition of the solution before administering it. The solution must be transparent and the packaging undamaged. Only a qualified specialist can use the solution for intravenous administration.

Any preparations with Sodium Chloride should only be dissolved by a specialist who can qualifiedly assess whether the resulting solution is suitable for administration. It is important to strictly adhere to all antiseptic rules. Any solution should be administered immediately after its preparation.

The result of a series of chemical reactions involving sodium chloride is the formation of chlorine. Electrolysis of molten Sodium Chloride in industry is a method of producing chlorine. If you carry out electrolysis of a solution of Sodium Chloride, you also end up with chlorine. If crystalline Sodium Chloride is treated with concentrated sulfuric acid, the result is hydrogen chloride. Sodium sulfate and sodium hydroxide can be produced through a chain of chemical reactions. A qualitative reaction to chloride ion is a reaction with silver nitrate.


Different drug manufacturers may produce the solution under a separate name. These are the drugs Sodium chloride Brown, Sodium chloride Bufus, Rizosin, Salin Sodium chloride Sinco, etc.

Preparations containing sodium chloride are also produced. These are combined salt solutions of sodium acetate + sodium chloride, etc.

For children

It is used in accordance with the instructions and under the careful supervision of specialists. The immaturity of renal function in children should be taken into account, so repeated administration is carried out only after an accurate determination of plasma sodium levels.

During pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, a sodium chloride dropper can only be used in pathological conditions. This is toxicosis in the moderate or severe stage, as well as gestosis. Healthy women receive sodium chloride from food, and its excess can lead to the development of edema.


Most reviews are positive, as users write about this product as a useful drug. There are especially many reviews about the nasal spray, which, according to patients, is a good remedy for both the prevention and treatment of a runny nose. The product effectively moisturizes the nasal mucosa and promotes healing.

Sodium Chloride price, where to buy

The price of saline solution in ampoules of 5 ml is on average 30 rubles per 10 pcs. Buying sodium chloride 0.9% in a 200 ml bottle costs an average of rubles for 1 bottle.

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Pharmacy IFC




Education: Graduated from Rivne State Basic Medical College with a degree in Pharmacy. Graduated from Vinnitsa State Medical University named after. M.I. Pirogov and internship at his base.

Work experience: From 2003 to 2013 – worked as a pharmacist and manager of a pharmacy kiosk. She was awarded diplomas and decorations for many years of conscientious work. Articles on medical topics were published in local publications (newspapers) and on various Internet portals.

Please tell me how much sodium chloride 0.9% 200 ml should be taken for gargling?

Thank you! Well done for explaining the drug!

Inna: Usually, insomnia occurs for me due to some kind of experience and when you lie down, it’s not.

Olesya: I tried glycine forte, which is more expensive in the price category, but the dosage is the same.

Andrey: Not a word is said about choosing the size of stockings according to a person’s parameters: height, leg size, etc.

Olga: For coxarthrosis of the 2nd degree, I have been injecting for 4 years at the rate (after 6 months), there is no improvement.

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Sodium chloride 0.9%, Solution for infusion

Instructions for medical use of the drug

Sodium Chloride 0.9%

Solution for infusion 100ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml

1000 ml of solution contains

sodium chloride 9.00 g

excipient: water for injection

Theoretical osmolarity 308 mOsm/l Acidity (titration to pH 7.4) < 0.3 mmol/l pH 4.5 – 7.0

Transparent, colorless aqueous solution.

Plasma replacement and perfusion solutions. Solutions affecting water-salt balance. Electrolytes.

ATX code В05ВВ01

The total sodium content in the body is about 80 mmol/kg, of which about 97% is in the extracellular space and about 3% in the intracellular space. The daily exchange is about 100-

180 mmol (corresponding to 1.5 – 2.5 mmol/kg body weight).

The kidneys are the main regulator of sodium and water balance. Together with the mechanisms of hormonal control (renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, antidiuretic hormone), as well as with the hypothetical natriuretic hormone, they are responsible, mainly

Thus, for maintaining the volume of extracellular space in a constant state, as well as for regulating its water composition.

Chloride is replaced by bicarbonate in the vascular system and is thus involved in the process of regulating the acid-base balance.

Sodium is the main cation in the extracellular space, and together with

It regulates the acid-base state of the body with various anions. Sodium and potassium are the main mediators of bioelectric processes in the body.

Normalizes the water-salt balance and eliminates fluid deficiency in the human body, which develops during dehydration or through the accumulation of extracellular fluid in areas of extensive burns and injuries, during operations on the abdominal organs, peritonitis.

Improves tissue perfusion, increases the effectiveness of blood transfusion measures in case of large blood losses and severe forms of shock.

It also has a detoxification effect as a result of a short-term increase in fluid volume, a decrease in the concentration of toxic products in the blood, and activation of diuresis.

It is quickly eliminated from the vascular system. The drug is contained in the vascular bed for a short time, after which it passes into the interstitial and intracellular sector. Very quickly, salt and liquid begin to be excreted by the kidneys, increasing diuresis.

Sodium Chloride solution 0.9% has the same osmolarity as plasma. The introduction of this solution leads, first of all, to replenishment

interstitial space, which makes up 2/3 of the total

extracellular space. Only 1/3 of the injected volume remains in the intravascular space. Therefore, the hemodynamic effect of the solution has only a short-term effect.

− replacement of fluid and electrolytes in hypochloremic alkalosis

− short-term replacement of intravascular volume

− hypotonic or isotonic dehydration

− for dissolving and diluting medications

- externally, for washing wounds and moistening dressings.

Sodium Chloride 0.9% is used for intravenous administration.

If the drug is administered by rapid infusion under pressure, then all air must be removed from the plastic bottle and infusion system before administration.

Use the solution only if it is transparent and the bottle is not damaged. The solution is for single use only. The remaining contents of the drug must be disposed of

The dose is set depending on the loss of fluid and electrolytes by the body, on average 1 l/day. In case of large fluid losses and severe intoxication, it is possible to administer up to 3 l/day

The rate of administration is 540 ml/h (180 drops/min), if necessary, the rate of administration is increased.

For pediatric patients, the dose should be set depending on the individual needs of the child’s body for water and electrolytes, as well as depending on the age, body weight and clinical condition of the patient.

For children with acute dehydration, up to 30 ml/kg is administered.

With large losses of extracellular fluid, i.e. If hypovolemic shock is threatened or present, higher doses and increased rates of administration may be prescribed, for example by pressurized infusion.

When administering a solution of Sodium Chloride 0.9%, it is necessary to take into account the total daily fluid intake. With long-term administration of large doses of 0.9% sodium chloride solution, it is necessary to monitor the content of electrolytes in plasma and urine.

The amount of solution needed to wash wounds or to moisten dressings is determined for each case individually, depending on the severity of the wound.

When a large amount of the drug is administered, the following may occur:

- headache, dizziness

- nausea, vomiting, diarrhea

- tachycardia, arterial hypertension

- twitching and hypertonicity

- pain and irritation at the injection site

- hypernatremia, hyperchloremia, hypokalemia, acidosis

- extracellular hyperhydration, extracellular dehydration

- circulatory disorders that can cause pulmonary and cerebral edema

- cerebral edema, pulmonary edema

- acute left ventricular failure

- use of corticosteroids in large doses

- eye rinsing during ophthalmological operations

Compatible with colloid and hemodynamic blood substitutes (mutually enhancing the effect).

When used with corticosteroids, hypernatremia is potentiated. When mixing with other drugs, it is necessary to visually monitor compatibility (however, invisible and therapeutic incompatibility is possible).

Sodium Chloride 0.9% should be used with caution in patients with:

- disorders for which limited sodium intake is prescribed, such as heart failure, general edema, pulmonary edema, hypertension, eclampsia, severe renal failure.

Clinical monitoring should include monitoring of serum ionogram, water and acid-base balance.

High infusion rates should be avoided during hypertonic hydration as this may result in increased plasma osmolarity and increased plasma sodium concentrations.

Pregnancy and lactation

Data on the use of Sodium Chloride 0.9% during pregnancy are limited. Animal studies have not shown direct

or indirect harmful effects Sodium Chloride 0.9% relative to

Since the concentrations of sodium and chloride are similar to those found in the human body, there are no harmful effects of Sodium Chloride 0.9% during pregnancy and lactation.

is expected when using the drug according to the instructions for use.

Therefore, this drug can be used by pregnant and lactating women as prescribed.

However, caution should be exercised in cases of eclampsia.

Features of the effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles or potentially dangerous mechanisms

Sodium Chloride 0.9% does not affect the ability to drive a vehicle or operate machinery.

Shelf life after dilution or mixing with other drugs

From a microbiological point of view, the product must be used immediately after mixing. If this does not happen, the time and storage conditions of the diluted solution are entirely the responsibility of the user and are usually no more than 24 hours at a temperature of 2°C to 8°C.

Symptoms: overdose can lead to hypernatremia,

hyperchloremia, excess water, hyperosmolarity of blood serum and metabolic acidosis.

Treatment: immediate stop of infusion, administration of diuretics with

constant monitoring of serum electrolyte levels, correction of electrolyte and acid-base imbalances.

100 ml, 500 ml or 1000 ml of the drug are placed in polyethylene

10 or 20 bottles along with instructions for medical use in the state and Russian languages ​​are placed in a cardboard box.

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25° C.

Keep out of the reach of children!

Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

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B.Braun Melsungen AG, Germany

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LLP "B. Brown Medical Kazakhstan"

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What is sodium hydrochloride?

what is sodium hydrochloride

The drug Sodium hydrochloride, application, release forms

Currently, there are a large number of different substances that have multifaceted purposes and applications. These include sodium hydrochloride. In addition to the medical field, it is used in many household applications.

Sodium hydrochloride: significance

It is important that sodium chloride is found in small volumes (concentration 0.5-0.9%) in the tissue fluids of the human body and in its blood. The constancy of osmotic pressure is ensured to a large extent by this factor. The substance in question enters the body in small quantities with food. With various pathological abnormalities, which are accompanied by excessive release of sodium chloride, a deficiency of this element occurs. Such conditions are observed with extensive burns, severe and prolonged diarrhea, and decreased function of the adrenal cortex. As a result of a lack of sodium chloride in a person, blood thickening occurs, as water passes from the vascular bed into the tissues. If the deficiency increases further, then dysfunction of the circulatory and nervous system develops, convulsive muscle contractions and spasms of smooth muscles appear. Sodium hydrochloride is used to prevent such reactions.

Release forms

The product in question is available in the following forms: powder; in the form of tablets from which an isotonic solution is prepared; ready-made 0.9% solution in ampoules of different volumes, in bottles with a capacity of 5 and 6 grams - for the preparation of injections. The most widely used solution in medical practice is sodium hydrochloride solution. There are isotonic and hypertonic solutions. In the first case, the osmotic pressure is equal to the pressure of blood plasma - the solution is physiological. In the second case, the osmotic pressure is higher. The first is quickly removed from the vascular system and increases the volume of fluid only temporarily. Because of this, in case of shock and blood loss, its effectiveness is insufficient. In such cases, a simultaneous transfusion of plasma, blood, or replacement fluids must be performed. This solution is also used for dehydration of the body and its intoxication.

Indications for use and doses

Sodium chloride is used, as already written above, to combat intoxication and dehydration of the body in various diseases, such as food poisoning, acute dysentery, burns, acute circulatory disorders, shock, diarrhea, peritonitis. In case of intoxication and large loss of fluid, the solution is most often administered intravenously by drip. They do this in large quantities - three liters per day. How can sodium hydrochloride be dangerous? It is undesirable to use this drug during treatment with large doses of corticosteroids, with circulatory disorders that threaten pulmonary and cerebral edema, and with hypernatremia. It is necessary to limit the volume of solution when administering it to patients with problematic renal excretory function. A side effect, chloride acidosis, may occur if large quantities of the substance are administered.

Other Applications

Sodium hydrochloride in one form or another is used in various industries and in everyday life. For example, in the production of paper, cardboard, artificial fibers, fiberboard. In the chemical industry it acts as a catalyst or reagent, used in neutralization reactions, in the production of shampoo and soap, for the etching of aluminum and in the production of pure metals. Used as a catalyst in the production of biodiesel fuel. In everyday life, it is used as part of gels or dry granules for cleaning sewer pipes.

The drug Sodium hydrochloride, application, release forms

Article from the section: Miscellaneous

You see, sodium cannot have a hydrochloride simply because hydrochloric acid - HCl forms chloride NaCl - table salt, all the acids that chlorine forms are monobasic: HCl - hydrochloric acid (chlorides) HClO - hypochlorous acid (hypochlorites) HClO2 - chloride Dislocation of the shoulder joint - symptoms and treatment May 14 The unique structure of the shoulder joint allows the head of the humerus to move downwards, as a result of which the arm can be lowered down without the introduction of an anesthetic solution (Novocaine, Icecaine, and in case of severe pain - Promedol). Sodium hydrochloride: significance. It is important that sodium chloride in small volumes (concentration 0.5-0.9

SODIUM CHLORIDE solution - instructions for use, reviews, description Sodium hypochlorite (sodium hypochlorite) - NaOCl[K 4], inorganic compound, sodium salt of hypochlorous acid. how long does it last? The acute pain was relieved, but for some reason my back did not straighten. Treat with NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. With proper treatment you will be good as new in a week. you know, the acute pain has been relieved, but for some reason the back does not straighten. That's why I'm worried. Be_HappY. How long has it been going on? a total of 4 days. the first two days there was acute pain, yesterday it was better, today I at least slept like a person, but my back seems to be chained in an inclined position. My husband insists on light gymnastics, straightening up slowly, but somehow I don’t believe him. What if the pain comes back again? Be_HappY. Your husband is absolutely right - exercise therapy in this case is one of the main methods of therapy. I need to find a good doctor. I have been suffering with him for a long time. The only thing that really helped was a massage from a chiropractor; we did it several times. A year or two later again. Homeopathy has helped, but it must be selected strictly individually! The doctor selected me according to the program on the computer. The effect was amazing. But a few years later she broke it again - she was lifting something heavy. And so they prescribed Nicoflex for me to smear, but it made me sneeze (allergies). heating - a Russian stove generally helps a lot! do not lift weights, do special exercises. In general, I highly recommend seeing a homeopath. There are no homeopaths in our hole. Maybe I’ll find it somewhere in the area, but it doesn’t say that he’s a good doctor, and my friends can’t recommend anyone. Bernard's currents help me well, massage is good, don't carry any weights, warm wool on the lower back, hot stones are also good on the back, be patient for 2 weeks, lie down.

The elbow is festering, what should I do? — Ideal woman Help! My nail has grown into my finger, it is swollen, red and festering. What to do if your lip piercing festeres? lip piercing festeres and hurts, pierced with SODIUM CHLORIDE while breastfeeding: You can. SODIUM CHLORIDE in childhood: Use caution.

What is sodium hydrochloride? Answer: Sodium chloride, not sodium hydrochloride. feel the difference . Water solubility. oh my friend, yes, you are welcome with such questions in the community ru_drugs

Pain in the elbow joint: causes and types of pain, symptoms Pain in the elbow joint can appear in a person at any age, simultaneously in the left elbow joint and the elbow joint of the right hand. — Best answers to the question: What is sodium hydrochloride? Just come in =).

Sodium hydrochloride - Chemistry and petrochemistry Agency of corporate Chemistry and Chemists No. 1 () Officials have discovered a new substance - sodium hydrochloride" A series of articles about a substance unknown to science have appeared in various sources

15. Knee joint - V.S. Khudina local injection August 4 Careful aspiration immediately relieves pain, since a large volume of fluid causes stretching of the joint capsule. Sodium hydrochloride is becoming an increasingly popular disinfectant in enterprises (stations, structures, units) of housing and communal services and

Sodium hypochlorite Sodium hydrochlorite. Sodium process and ideal for disinfecting swimming pools and drinking water

Backache. How to determine the cause and eliminate the attack Back pain is one of the most common ailments; cope with it. It shoots, tingles, and the burning and numbness do not stop. Pain Basic properties of sodium hypochlorite. Sodium hypochlorite (sodium salt of hypochlorous acid) – NaClO, is obtained by chlorination of aqueous sodium hydroxide (NaOH).

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Sodium chloride

Sodium chloride is a plasma substitute. The active component of the drug is the substance of the same name, which, according to its external characteristics, is white crystals with a salty taste. These crystals dissolve easily in water.

In medicine, a saline solution of Sodium chloride 0.9% is used, containing 9 g of the active substance and distilled water, as well as a hypertonic 10% solution containing 100 g of the active substance.

The drug is produced in various dosage forms:

  • Sodium chloride solution 0.9% for diluting medications for subcutaneous and intramuscular injections. The solution is available in transparent ampoules of 5, 10 and 20 ml.
  • A solution of 0.9% in bottles of 100, 200 and 1000 ml for dissolving medications during intravenous drip infusions. This solution is also suitable for external use and for enemas.
  • 10% solution, produced in bottles of 200, 400 ml and used for skin treatment and for intravenous injections.
  • Tablets 0.9 g for internal use.
  • Powder.
  • Nasal spray.

pharmachologic effect

The drug has a rehydrating property, that is, it helps restore water balance in the body. It also has a detoxifying effect. Since the drug quickly replenishes sodium deficiency, it can be used in the treatment of various pathological conditions. Saline solution Sodium chloride 0.9% has the same osmotic pressure as human blood. Thanks to this, after using a dropper, the Sodium chloride solution is quickly removed from the body, only for a certain period of time, increasing the volume of circulating blood.

External use of sodium chloride saline solution helps cleanse the wound of pus and pathological microflora. When using Sodium Chloride droppers, not only does the lack of sodium and chlorine in the body replenish, but also urine output increases.

Instructions for the drug Sodium chloride

In most cases, Sodium chloride 0.9% is used for heavy losses of extracellular fluid or for diseases that prevent the supply of this fluid, in particular dyspepsia. cholera. vomiting and diarrhea. large burns. Sodium chloride droppers are also effective for dehydration caused by hyponatremia or hypochloremia. Externally, the solution is used to wash the nose, eyes, wounds, moisturize bandages, etc. The solution is also effective for intestinal, gastric and pulmonary bleeding. for constipation and poisoning. It is also used for forced diuresis. In some cases, sodium chloride is used for inhalation.

Methods of using Sodium chloride

Before using the drug, the solution is heated to a temperature of °C.

The drug can be used in various dosages:

  • In case of dehydration, up to 1 liter of solution per day is usually poured.
  • In case of severe poisoning, which has caused a large loss of fluid, the solution is administered in a dosage of up to 3 liters per day. In this case, it is recommended to use droppers, injecting the solution at a rate of 540 ml/hour.
  • In cases of dehydration in children, accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure, a solution of poml/kg body weight is administered.
  • Rinse the stomach with a 2-5% solution, and for constipation, do enemas with a 5% solution (75 ml is administered rectally).
  • For gastric, intestinal and pulmonary bleeding, droppers of Sodium chloride 10% are given;
  • For complex treatment of respiratory tract diseases, sodium chloride is prescribed for inhalation, as well as baths and wiping with a 1-2% solution. Sodium chloride for inhalation can also be used as an additional remedy for colds (to prepare an inhalation composition, mix 1 ml of Lazolvan and solution). Inhalations are carried out for 5-7 minutes three times a day.

Contraindications and side effects

The use of various forms of the drug is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • with high sodium levels;
  • with extracellular hyperhydration;
  • for hypokalemia;
  • in case of blood circulation disorders, if there is a possibility of developing cerebral or pulmonary edema;
  • with renal failure;
  • with acute left ventricular failure;
  • for chronic heart failure.

When using the drug, high dosages of glucocorticosteroids should not be used. It is prohibited to inject the solution under the skin, as this may lead to the development of tissue necrosis.

In most cases, patients tolerate the drug well, but with prolonged use of the solution or when using it in large doses, acidosis may develop. overhydration and hypokalemia.

The description of the drug posted on this page is an expanded and simplified version of the official version of the annotation for the drug. The information is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute a guide for self-medication. Before using the drug, you must consult a specialist and read the instructions approved by the manufacturer.


The drug "Sodium hydrochloride", application, release forms

Currently, there are a large number of different substances that have multifaceted purposes and applications. These include sodium hydrochloride. In addition to the medical field, it is used in many household applications.

Sodium hydrochloride: significance

It is important that sodium chloride is found in small volumes (concentration 0.5-0.9%) in the tissue fluids of the human body and in its blood. The constancy of osmotic pressure is ensured to a large extent by this factor. The substance in question enters the body in small quantities with food. With various pathological abnormalities, which are accompanied by excessive release of sodium chloride, a deficiency of this element occurs. Such conditions are observed with extensive burns, severe and prolonged diarrhea, and decreased function of the adrenal cortex. As a result of a lack of sodium chloride in a person, blood thickening occurs, as water passes from the vascular bed into the tissues. If the deficiency increases further, then dysfunction of the circulatory and nervous system develops, convulsive muscle contractions and spasms of smooth muscles appear. Sodium hydrochloride is used to prevent such reactions.

Release forms

The product in question is available in the following forms: powder; in the form of tablets from which an isotonic solution is prepared; ready-made 0.9% solution in ampoules of different volumes, in bottles with a capacity of 5 and 6 grams - for the preparation of injections. The most widely used solution in medical practice is sodium hydrochloride solution. There are isotonic and hypertonic solutions. In the first case, the osmotic pressure is equal to the pressure of blood plasma - the solution is physiological. In the second case, the osmotic pressure is higher. The first is quickly removed from the vascular system and increases the volume of fluid only temporarily. Because of this, in case of shock and blood loss, its effectiveness is insufficient. In such cases, a simultaneous transfusion of plasma, blood, or replacement fluids must be performed. This solution is also used for dehydration of the body and its intoxication.

Indications for use and doses

Sodium chloride is used, as already written above, to combat intoxication and dehydration of the body in various diseases, such as food poisoning, acute dysentery, burns, acute circulatory disorders, shock, diarrhea, peritonitis. In case of intoxication and large loss of fluid, the solution is most often administered intravenously by drip. They do this in large quantities - three liters per day. How can sodium hydrochloride be dangerous? It is undesirable to use this drug during treatment with large doses of corticosteroids, with circulatory disorders that threaten pulmonary and cerebral edema, and with hypernatremia. It is necessary to limit the volume of solution when administering it to patients with problematic renal excretory function. A side effect, chloride acidosis, may occur if large quantities of the substance are administered.

Other Applications

Sodium hydrochloride in one form or another is used in various industries and in everyday life. For example, in the production of paper, cardboard, artificial fibers, fiberboard. In the chemical industry it acts as a catalyst or reagent, used in neutralization reactions, in the production of shampoo and soap, for the etching of aluminum and in the production of pure metals. Used as a catalyst in the production of biodiesel fuel. In everyday life, it is used as part of gels or dry granules for cleaning sewer pipes.

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