Feeling of pressure in the nose

Heaviness in the sinuses, but the nose is breathing

In May of this year, for the first time in my life, I developed sinusitis, most likely due to prolonged spring allergies. I had a very bad headache, the temperature was low, there was severe heaviness and pain in the sinuses, my nose was breathing poorly.

Table of contents:

Then I took antibiotics, washed my nose with saline. A solution (I mixed the solution with some strong antiseptic, I don’t remember the exact name, I bought it in ampoules), Polydex in the nose, Tafen Nasal, Sinupret drank and something else. In 3-4 days it became much easier, everything ended well without punctures.

At the end of September, I had a runny nose, and seemed to be breathing normally, but I felt weak and had a slight headache, I felt that it was from my nose, I drank Sinupret and Polydex (all according to the instructions). It also became easier immediately.

And then, a little over a week ago, I got sick—fever, throat, nose. She recovered in two days, but her nose still bothers her - she seems to be breathing, but there is still a nasal voice. I continue to rinse with aquamaris and sometimes I see green snot (not always). At night, one nostril or the other does not breathe, but overall breathing is not impaired.

And today I discovered that it’s hard for me to bend over - there’s a sharp pressure in the sinuses, as soon as I tilt my head a little - and immediately there’s a very unpleasant sensation in the sinuses, in the evening my head began to ache, I feel like it’s all from the nose.

Please tell me what to do besides rinsing (I rinse with saline solution), I take antihistamines (Claritin or loratadine), I’m leaning towards Polydex again, but it seems like I recently took it. The frequency is confusing, in general, how to help yourself and why this happens, because there is no nasal congestion and no particular snot.

Source: http://03online.com/news/tyazhest_v_pazuhah_no_nos_dyshit/0484

How to Relieve Sinus Pain with Sinusitis

Common symptoms for colds in winter, spring and autumn allergic manifestations are pain and nasal congestion. Understanding the causes and treatment of these symptoms will help you alleviate your condition.

Use these six tips when treating sinusitis.

Determine the cause of the symptom

Some people are naturally more prone to developing sinusitis; nasal congestion and a feeling of pressure in the sinuses can be caused by narrow nasal passages, overgrowth of polyps, or a deviated nasal septum. In order to avoid the development of sinusitis, it is necessary to monitor the free flow of the nasal passages.

Humidify the indoor air

Too warm and dry air in the room contributes to the rapid drying of the nasal mucosa, which causes the accumulated mucus to thicken. Thick mucus is difficult to clear from the sinuses, leading to pain and pressure.

In bedrooms and rooms where you spend a long time, you can use special humidifiers, especially from October to April.

Irrigate your nasal passages

You can use pharmaceutical saline solutions or sprays to irrigate the nasal passages, or prepare a solution at home and use a Neti Pot (a special teapot for rinsing the nasal passages) for rinsing. To prepare a saline solution, take a glass of warm distilled or boiled water, add a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of soda to soften it. Pour the mixture into a Neti Pot, tilt your head to the side at a 45-degree angle and pour the solution into your nostril through the spout of the rinse pot. The solution should flow out of the other nostril. When you finish rinsing, blow your nose to get rid of any remaining water. Repeat on the other side.

Open your sinuses

To do this, apply a damp, warm cloth to your face several times a day. To moisturize the nasal passages, you can inhale steam 2-4 times a day. To thin the mucus, you need to drink plenty of fluids.

Avoid irritants

Many irritants such as air pollution, cigarette smoke, cleaning products, hair sprays and other aerosols can worsen your condition. Do not be in the company of people who smoke, and if there is severe air pollution, try to stay at home.

Whether you can install an air filter depends on what is causing your symptoms. However, filters can trap dust, dust mites and other household air pollutants, leaving allergens in the air. If your sinusitis is of an allergic nature, you should consult your doctor about the advisability of purchasing an air filter.

Drug treatment may improve your condition

Vasoconstrictors help relieve swelling of the mucous membrane in the nasal passages and reduce nasal congestion. Such products are available in nasal drops and sprays based on naphazoline, oxymetazoline, phenylephrine, and in tablets based on phenylephrine and pseudoephedrine. You should not use nasal drops for more than 3 days and traditional medicine for more than 7.

Nasal or oral steroid medications reduce mucosal swelling and mucus production. Nasal polyps are a barrier to the use of nasal steroid drops. Drugs such as Rhinocort, Nazarel and Nazanex are available only with a prescription.

If the procedures performed do not help, your doctor may recommend that you consult a specialist. In some cases, surgery may be required to ensure patency of the nasal passages.

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Source: http://xn--c1aqgcbbkm.xn--p1ai/oblegchenie-simptomov-sinusita/

Nasal pressure and headache

Causes and treatment of pain in the nose and forehead

Important! Doctors are dumbfounded! Alexander Myasnikov: colds, runny nose, flu and ARVI are easily treated! Just need it before bed. Read more

Every person knows firsthand the unpleasant sensation of nasal congestion, accompanied by difficulty breathing and headache.

This is how a runny nose or rhinitis manifests itself, which can be an independent disease or a symptom included in the clinical picture of damage to the nasal sinuses.


A runny nose is the discharge of mucous, mucopurulent or bloody secretion from the nasal cavity - its appearance and composition depends on the type of pathological process. It appears in the presence of a viral, bacterial, fungal infection, and can be either primary or secondary as a result of injury or an immunodeficiency state.

Rhinitis also occurs when an allergen enters the body, and it is not necessary to adhere exclusively to the inhalation route of penetration. In addition, atrophic and hypertrophic rhinitis are distinguished, characterized by impaired blood supply and nutrition of the mucous membrane in the first case and its excessive growth in the second.

A runny nose is also observed with sinusitis - inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. The process affects the mucous membrane and submucosa, and in severe cases it can spread to the bone walls.

Most often it has a bacterial etiology, less often viral or fungal, and in many cases complicates the course of acute respiratory infections. Sinusitis, like rhinitis, occurs in acute or chronic form and is divided according to the localization of inflammation as:

  • sinusitis (maxillary sinus);
  • ethmoiditis (ethmoid bone labyrinth);
  • sphenoiditis (sphenoid sinus);
  • frontal sinusitis (frontal sinus).

According to the primary focus of the pathology, sinusitis is distinguished:

  • rhinogenic (the primary lesion is localized in the nasal cavity);
  • odontogenic (with damage to teeth);
  • traumatic.

Hemisinusitis is an inflammation of several sinuses on one side (left or right), and pansinusitis means that the process affects all sinuses completely.


The clinical picture of acute sinusitis includes symptoms such as:

  • general weakness;
  • headache;
  • increase in body temperature to 37–38.5 C;
  • swelling of the tissues of the cheek, root of the nose;
  • nasal congestion and difficulty in nasal breathing;
  • soreness in the nose;
  • the presence of mucous, mucopurulent discharge.

The discharge of secretion and pus is not always present - if there is pain between the eyebrows, but there is no runny nose, there is a high probability that the outflow of sinus contents is impaired due to the blockage of its anastomosis, that is, communication with the nasal cavity.

Chronic sinusitis outside the acute phase is not characterized by any other symptoms other than the presence of mucopurulent discharge from the nasal cavity.

When the process is activated, weakness, fever, severe pain in the nose, and headaches are observed.

Pain in the nose with a runny nose is usually caused by irritation of the mucous membrane or injury; The sensation of burning and fullness in the nasal area during acute rhinitis can be equated to pain. If the pain is of significant intensity, intensifies when bending forward, putting pressure on any part of the nose and paranasal area, you need to think about possible sinusitis.

The headache that accompanies both rhinitis and sinusitis is much more pronounced in the case of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. Its localization depends on which sinus is affected by the pathological process:

  1. With sinusitis, the pain covers the upper jaw and infraorbital region, radiating (gives) to the teeth; In addition, it intensifies in the evening. When using a decongestant (vasoconstrictor), the pain intensity decreases.
  2. The bridge of the nose with a runny nose hurts in the case of ethmoiditis; the pain is constant, aching.
  3. Frontitis is characterized by the appearance of pain in the forehead above the eyebrows; it tends to intensify in the morning.
  4. Sphenoiditis is accompanied by pain in the back of the head, increasing in the morning.

In severe cases, complications arise - orbital abscess, brain abscess, meningitis, osteomyelitis, thrombosis of the cavernous or sagittal sinus. If your forehead hurts with a runny nose or a constant severe headache of another location appears, you should consult a doctor.


Based on the examination and questioning of the patient, a list of probable pathologies is determined that can be identified during further examination. When your nose hurts with a runny nose, laboratory and instrumental tests will be required to clarify the diagnosis:

  • general blood analysis;
  • rhinoscopy, endoscopy of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx;
  • rhinocytogram;
  • microbiological examination of secretions;
  • plain radiography, computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses;
  • diagnostic puncture of the maxillary sinus.

An otolaryngologist is involved in the diagnosis and treatment of lesions of the paranasal sinuses, but consultation with an ophthalmologist, neurologist, neurosurgeon, or maxillofacial surgeon may be required.


Depending on the severity of the disease, the patient is treated on an outpatient basis or hospitalized in an inpatient department. Therapy with broad-spectrum antibiotics (amoxiclav, augmentin, levofloxacin) is prescribed. To liquefy the secretion in order to simplify its evacuation, mucolytics (acetylcysteine, rhinofluimucil) are used.

For severe inflammation, topical steroids are indicated. Decongestants and antihistamines can be used for a short time.

Puncture is also used, followed by rinsing the sinuses with an antiseptic solution, rinsing the nasal cavity according to Proetz - the name cuckoo has been assigned to it, and physiotherapy. Surgical treatment - maxillary sinus, frontotomy, ethmoidotomy, sphenoidotomy - involves opening and sanitizing the affected sinus, which facilitates breathing and the patient’s condition.

Author: Torsunova Tatyana

Distension in the bridge of the nose

Age: not specified

Chronic diseases: not specified

Hello, dear doctor! I am concerned about the almost constant feeling of heaviness and fullness in the bridge of the nose, headache, and weakness. Breathing is free (a little worse on one side due to a deviated septum), nasal discharge is insignificant and serous. I’ve been treating sinusitis for a month and a half: now I’m on my third course of antibiotics + Nasonex Sinus, Aqua Maris. UHF, Tube-quartz. This is the second episode of protracted sinusitis in a row (the first was in the summer of this year, we were also treated with three courses of a/b, cuckoos, sprays and complex nasal drops, antihistamines - a pinpoint pain in one sinus persisted for a long time even after the ENT specialist said that it was sinusitis no longer - I did a CT scan; and the neurologist and dentist ruled out their pathology). The first symptoms are always headache and swelling in the bridge of the nose, without discharge or nasal congestion. Please answer the following questions:

1. What causes the feeling of fullness in the bridge of the nose?

2. How long does it take to heal from sinusitis?

3. Is it possible to have discomfort in the sinuses after recovery and how long do they last?

4. Prevention of relapses and what should be done when the first symptoms appear?

Thanks in advance for your answers!

Tags: feeling of fullness in the nose, fullness in the nose, feeling of fullness in the bridge of the nose

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Hello! A feeling of fullness in the bridge of the nose occurs as a result of swelling in the area of ​​the frontal sinuses and ethmoid bone cells in chronic sinusitis. The treatment period for sinusitis varies from 7-15 days depending on the severity of the disease, adequacy of treatment, etc. A feeling of fullness may persist in the presence of swelling of the nasal mucosa. Prevention of relapse in your case is surgical intervention for a deviated nasal septum. As long as this problem exists, sinusitis will be your constant companion in life during hypothermia, etc. Otherwise, I recommend rinsing your nose with nasal showers (Aqua Maris, Aqualor, Dolphin, etc.) every day, 2 times a day. At the first symptoms of difficulty in nasal breathing, instill vasoconstrictors into the nose, and then rinse the nose with antiseptics (Miramistin, for example).

p. S. Be healthy!

Causes of headaches with allergic rhinitis

Allergic reactions that occur when the nasal mucosa comes into contact with allergens often occur in the form of rhinitis (runny nose).

Allergic rhinitis is a variant of vasomotor rhinitis. The disease is accompanied by copious clear nasal discharge, swelling of the mucous membrane, and difficulty breathing.

Depending on the type of allergen, vasomotor rhinitis can be seasonal (occur during the flowering of certain plants, against the backdrop of low temperatures in winter), as well as year-round if sensitization is caused by household allergens (dust, household chemicals, animal hair).

How does the disease manifest?

The main symptom of allergic rhinitis is constant nasal congestion, copious mucous discharge, and itching in the nose. Often accompanied by lacrimation, irritation of the conjunctiva of the eyes, which is accompanied by a feeling of “sand in the eyes” and photophobia. As the disease progresses, the allergic reaction spreads to other ENT organs and respiratory tracts, often leading to the development of bronchial asthma. A common symptom of vasomotor rhinitis is recurrent headaches.

Causes of cephalalgia

Swelling of the nasal mucosa

As a result of an allergic reaction, symptomatic dilation of the vessels of the mucous layer of the nasal cavity occurs, swelling occurs, and nasal breathing becomes difficult. Less oxygen enters the brain tissue, chronic tissue hypoxia develops, which can manifest itself as a nagging headache, as well as increased fatigue, drowsiness, and impaired concentration.

Aseptic inflammation

During an allergic reaction, pathological processes are often not limited only to the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, but also extend to the ears, vestibular system and paranasal sinuses. As a result, aseptic (non-microbial) inflammation of the ears (otitis media), vestibular apparatus (cochleitis), as well as sinusitis can form. Each of these processes can cause cephalgia in vasomotor rhinitis.

The development of an inflammatory process in the middle or inner ear is accompanied by an acute headache.

Cephalgia can be localized (one-sided) or generalized, depending on the extent of the process. Otogenic headache often appears along with ear congestion, noise, and hearing loss. Sometimes the nature of the pain is dull, the patient describes a feeling of “lead in the head.”

Cephalgia associated with the development of inflammation in the vestibular system will be accompanied by dizziness, and may also manifest itself as nausea and even vomiting. Symptoms intensify with changes in body position and movement.

Allergic sinusitis manifests itself as cephalalgia in the projection of the paranasal sinuses (in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses, in the frontal part of the head). The pain is dull, pressing in nature, and intensifies when the head is tilted forward.

Sleep disturbance

Difficulty in nasal breathing in the acute period of allergic rhinitis leads to sleep disturbance. Sleep becomes superficial, intermittent, and does not bring rest. Poor sleep quality also contributes to the development of cephalgia in vasomotor rhinitis.

Bacterial complications

Chronic pathological processes in the nasal mucosa during vasomotor rhinitis make it sensitive to infectious agents (viruses, bacteria). As a result, infectious inflammation is easily associated, accompanied by general intoxication, which can cause headaches with allergic rhinitis.


Long-term use of vasoconstrictor sprays can cause headaches

Nasal congestion with vasomotor rhinitis forces patients to use vasoconstrictor nasal sprays for a long time, which reduce exudation and swelling of the mucous membrane, restoring breathing. Nasal sprays and drops bring temporary relief (from two to eight hours), over time their effect weakens, addiction develops, which provokes patients to irrigate the mucous membrane more often than recommended in the instructions for the medicine. Local nasal medications usually contain a vasoconstrictor (oxymetazoline, xylometazoline, mezaton and others). With frequent use, the drug is absorbed from the mucous membrane into the blood, causing a systemic effect - increased blood pressure and vasospasm. Therefore, overuse of nasal medications is dangerous and can cause headaches.

Hormonal medications, which are often used to treat severe allergic reactions, can also increase blood pressure and, therefore, cause headaches.

The main treatment for vasomotor rhinitis is antihistamines, which by blocking histamine receptors in tissues reduce allergic manifestations. A side effect of taking these medications can be headaches. Headaches are especially often provoked by first-generation antihistamines (Suprastin, Diphenhydramine, Diazolin).

Treatment of headaches with vasomotor rhinitis

Since cephalgia in allergic rhinitis is a symptom and not an independent disease, proper and timely treatment of the underlying disease is necessary. Proper treatment is necessary not only because of frequent headaches, but also because the disease can progress and cause more severe allergic reactions, such as bronchial asthma. Only a doctor can prescribe effective and safe treatment. Allergist-immunologist deals with allergic diseases.

If headaches are associated with taking medications prescribed by an allergist, you need to contact him again to change the drug or adjust the treatment.

Source: http://zdorovayagolova.ru/davlenie-i-golovnye-boli/davlenie-v-nosu-i-golovnaja-bol.html

Is there pressure in the nose and head? This is sinusitis. What to do?

What is sinusitis? Do you think this is a disease that affects older people? In fact, this happens in your life more often than you think, but you just don’t know what it’s called. Do you feel pressure behind your face? Does your head seem to be filled with something, is there pressure on your eyes, is your nose bursting? This severe condition that you often call a cold or runny nose is actually sinusitis.

Every person has sinuses, which lie at the base of the face. Honestly, no one will say exactly why nature endowed you with them, but the main function they are given is to lighten the weight of the skull and improve vocal resonance, as well as humidify and warm the air that you inhale.

You have two sinuses on your forehead, a series of sinuses that sit between your eyes and run along both sides of your nose and one behind each cheek. Your sinuses are always moist, and each sinus cavity has a narrow opening that acts as a drainage.

The sinuses should be filled with air. Any mucus or fluids in them drain into the nose. Sometimes the sinuses cannot drain completely correctly and then the mucus and fluid causes pressure and pain. One of the commonly mentioned forms of sinusitis is sinusitis, which is often considered an infection, but if sinusitis is treated, you may find that it is a virus - always the problem. Any sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, which leads to the fact that the fluid does not drain. The reasons can be different, including infection, but sometimes, on the contrary, because a sinus problem has arisen, an infection occurs later.

You may have sinus problems that are due to specific medical conditions. Most often, it is a cold. In this case, sinusitis appears and disappears simultaneously with the disease. You will feel sinus discomfort for a while and then it will just go away.

Some people have persistent sinus problems. This is because there is a condition in their body that prevents fluid and mucus from draining properly. For example, such a condition could be a physical condition where the drainage channels are too small.

Here are some other conditions that, in addition to the above, can cause sinusitis:

- Deviation of the nasal septum. Your septum, made of cartilage and bone, separates the two sides of your nose and sinuses. The septum should be exactly in the center of the nose, but for most people, this is not the case (80% of the world's population). This makes the passage on one side (usually the right) narrower than the other.

- Narrow sinuses. Some people are born with narrow sinuses. Such people may have ongoing problems with drainage of mucus and fluid.

- Allergies and sensitivities. If you have allergies or environmental sensitivities, then you have most likely encountered inflammation of the nasal tissues; swelling of the tissues is the reason why the drainage routes are blocked and, therefore, fluid accumulates.

How to relieve pressure from sinusitis?

The following tips will help you relieve sinus pressure and pain.

- Keep your body well hydrated, that is, drink more water.

— Use saline nasal sprays

— Buy ​​a humidifier for home

- Place a warm, damp washcloth over your nose (repeat periodically)

— Inhale steam (you can do it in the shower, you can do it with heated water, and so on)

— Decongestants may help during an acute episode, but if used regularly they will do more harm than good

- If you have an infection, then you need an ENT clinic and a doctor who will prescribe you medications - antibiotics.

To prevent problems, get allergy tests done to understand what factors are causing your problem. And avoid these factors. If the problems are caused by structural changes, try surgery. Although this seems like an extreme intervention, if constant pressure is tormenting you, then modern surgery is the answer.

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Articles in the "ENT" section

Prevention of tonsillitis

Tonsillitis (popularly sore throat) is an acute inflammatory process that affects the area of ​​the palatine tonsils. As a result of infection of the body, the protective function of the immune system is destroyed. In the chronic form, the focus of inflammation spreads to adjacent soft tissues. The disease is dangerous due to its complications. In the article we will find out the specifics of the course and the main symptoms, and also outline the main preventive measures.

If your ears are ringing.

Tinnitus is not a rare symptom. Indeed, almost all people experience it sometimes. Sometimes tinnitus can feel like a dull hum, sometimes a buzzing sound, and sometimes a form of high-pitched whine. It may be that the ringing lasts a long time, in such cases it is better to consult a doctor. In any case, if you encounter this symptom, it is worth understanding it.

Sore throat and what to do with it

Acute tonsillitis is usually called a sore throat, although an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis can also be called a sore throat. In general, tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils, which are two lymph nodes at the back of the throat that act as defense mechanisms to help prevent infections. The tonsils become inflamed when they themselves are infected, and then tonsillitis occurs.

If nasal congestion is chronic, rinsing with saline solution is required, and breathing steam from potatoes in this case is useless

Steam inhalation has been adopted around the world as an at-home treatment for nasal congestion, but new research suggests it may not help with chronic nasal congestion.

Source: http://www.medvopros.com/view_story/v_nosu_i_golove_davlenie__eto_sinusit__chto_delat/1/

How to relieve sinus pressure

Sinuses are cavities filled with air. Sinus pressure sometimes causes uncomfortable, painful sensations caused by inflammation or irritation of the membrane that lines your nasal passages. Swelling of the sinuses blocks the natural flow of air and mucus in the sinus passages. Mucus enters a confined space and the airways are blocked, resulting in increased pressure in the sinuses, pain, which subsequently develops into sinusitis. [1] Regardless of the cause, there are ways to relieve sinus pressure and discomfort.

Steps Edit

Method 1 of 4:

Using over-the-counter medications to relieve pressure and discomfort Edit

Method 2 of 4:

Reducing Sinus Pressure with Home Remedies Edit

Method 3 of 4:

Increase indoor humidity Edit

Method 4 of 4:

Seeking medical help Edit

Source: http://ru.wikihow.com/%D1%83%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%8C-% D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5-%D0%B2-%D0%BF%D0%B0%D0%B7% D1%83%D1%85%D0%B0%D1%85-%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%B0

There's something bothering me in my nose, what is it?

When visiting an ENT doctor, patients may present various complaints. Many people are concerned about difficulty in nasal breathing - a situation that certainly arises even with a normal runny nose. And sometimes they draw the doctor’s attention to the feeling that something is blocking the passage of air in the nose. What is the cause of the unpleasant symptoms and how else can the pathology manifest itself? Only a qualified specialist can answer these questions.

Causes and mechanisms

A person should breathe freely through his nose, without any effort. The nasal passages do not normally collapse and provide good aeration. But there are cases when the air flow is limited. And the reason for this is structural disorders in the nasal cavity and surrounding tissues. If you do not take into account situations associated with temporary edema and swelling of the mucous membrane during a runny nose, then the list of probable conditions should include:

  • Foreign bodies.
  • Polyps.
  • Deviated septum.
  • Hypertrophy of the nasal concha.
  • Adenoids.

The mechanism for the appearance of a feeling of something foreign in the nose is associated with the pressure of bone deformations, hypertrophied tissues or foreign bodies on sensitive nerve endings. Limiting the air flow speed adds to the unpleasant picture, making it difficult to breathe through the nose. And to successfully resolve the issue, it is necessary to establish the cause of the violations.


A person who feels that something is constantly preventing him from breathing in his nose should definitely seek medical help. Only a doctor will conduct a full diagnosis and determine the source of the disorders. To begin with, he will evaluate subjective signs (complaints) and collect anamnesis of the disease (information about the onset and development of pathology). At this stage, it is important to establish not only the symptoms that are most troubling, but also those that may have been ignored. The following aspects need to be considered:

  • After which nasal congestion developed.
  • Difficulty breathing is present constantly or occurs periodically.
  • Are there factors that improve the condition?

Further research will provide a holistic picture of the clinical picture of the disease and will make it possible to establish a preliminary diagnosis.

Not a single doctor’s appointment takes place without a clinical examination, because the information received becomes the basis for the diagnosis.

Foreign bodies

Accidentally entering the nasal cavity, a foreign body provokes a pathological process in it. Pediatric doctors most often encounter this condition. Seeds, buttons, peas, small parts of toys and other objects may be found in the nose. Sometimes a foreign body goes unnoticed and is asymptomatic, but in most cases one has to deal with problems with the functioning of the nose.

When a foreign object enters the nose due to irritation of the mucous membrane, paroxysmal sneezing is observed, serous discharge and lacrimation appear. But these symptoms pass quickly enough. Then a latent period may begin, which does not manifest itself in anything. Over time, an inflammatory reaction forms around the foreign body, which provokes the following picture:

  • Pain in the nose, sometimes radiating to the frontal, buccal or pharyngeal region.
  • Mucous or mucopurulent discharge.
  • Difficulty in nasal breathing.
  • A feeling of something foreign.

A very important feature is the one-sided nature of the symptoms, which distinguishes them from similar manifestations with rhinitis or sinusitis. Objects with sharp edges often cause nosebleeds in children. By pressing on the receptors of the mucous membrane, the foreign body in some cases causes headaches and dizziness, insomnia and irritability.

When foreign objects remain in the nasal passages for a long time, they may undergo some changes. Organic substances swell, completely blocking the air flow on one side, or break down into smaller parts. During a sharp inhalation, some of them are able to migrate further along the respiratory tract - into the pharynx and larynx. And constant traumatization of the epithelium leads to the proliferation of granulation tissue. In addition, salts may be deposited on foreign bodies.


A polyp is a benign local growth of the mucous membrane. They begin to grow from the upper floor of the nasal cavity. In the early stages, while the growth is small, there are no symptoms, but as the polyp grows, the clinical picture becomes brighter. The main signs include difficulty breathing, a feeling of a foreign body and constant discomfort in the nose. Additionally there are:

  • Decreased sense of smell.
  • Frequent sneezing.
  • Nasal discharge.
  • Nasal voice.
  • Pain in the paranasal sinuses area (sometimes).

Impaired oxygenation of the brain causes decreased mental performance, headaches, sleep disturbances and increased fatigue. In children, this often leads to improper formation of the facial skull and bite defects. And newborns may suffer from malnutrition and low weight due to limited sucking function due to a stuffy nose. If the polyps of the posterior nasal region reach large sizes, they can even block the mouths of the Eustachian tubes, which leads to hearing loss.

When something in the nose constantly interferes with breathing, polyposis should be ruled out as a common cause of obstructed air passage.

Deviated septum

The feeling of a foreign body and discomfort occurs due to the fact that the nasal septum is curved. A similar situation occurs after injuries or against the background of other diseases (polyps, shell hypertrophy). The deformation can take different forms: thickening, bending, ridge, spike. It narrows the nasal passage and becomes an obstacle to the normal passage of air.

Complaints do not occur in all patients with a crooked nasal septum. The main symptom is a feeling of congestion and discomfort that interferes with nasal breathing. Additional symptoms include:

The pathology provokes the development of colds (including sore throats and bronchitis), which is associated with frequent mouth breathing. Headaches that are reflexive in nature may appear. And children develop specific (“adenoid”) facial features.

Hypertrophy of the nasal concha

The mucous membrane grows not only in some local area, but can completely cover the entire nasal concha. Hypertrophied cavernous tissue narrows the lumen of the passages, thereby making breathing difficult and causing the feeling that something is in the way in the nose. The consequences of pathology also include:

  • Dryness in the nasopharynx.
  • Mucopurulent discharge.
  • Voice change (nasality).
  • Periodic headaches.

Impaired adequate ventilation of the auditory tube increases the risk of eustacheitis and tubo-otitis. And compression of the nasolacrimal duct by growths contributes to the development of conjunctivitis and dacryocystitis.


Another reason why nasal breathing in a child is impaired is adenoids or hyperplasia of the pharyngeal tonsil. The growths block the choanae, which negatively affects the passage of air through the respiratory tract. This is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Constant congestion.
  • Nasal discharge.
  • Sniffling and snoring at night.
  • Nasal voice.
  • Hearing loss.
  • Dry cough.

Children with adenoid vegetations often have characteristic facial features, such as a half-open mouth and malocclusion. Due to hypoxic phenomena, they lag behind in academic performance, are less physically active, and sleep poorly.

If a child has difficulty breathing through the nose, then among the probable causes we should not forget about the growth of the pharyngeal tonsil (adenoids).

Additional diagnostics

The cause of discomfort in the nose and difficulty breathing can only be determined through a comprehensive examination. And it includes not only an analysis of clinical symptoms, but also taking into account the results of additional diagnostics. The range of required research includes:

  • Analysis of nasal discharge (cytology, culture).
  • Rhinoscopy (anterior and posterior).
  • Pharyngoscopy.
  • X-ray of the sinuses and facial skull.
  • CT scan.

The severity of the concomitant inflammatory process can be judged not only by local signs, but also by the indicators of a general blood test. And in persons with a predisposition to hypersensitivity, it is necessary to perform skin tests with allergens. Based on the information received, a conclusion is drawn about the causes of the pathological process and the methods necessary to eliminate it.

Source: http://elaxsir.ru/simptomy/drugie/chto-to-meshaet-dyshat-v-nosu.html

Sinusitis without runny nose and nasal congestion: forms of the disease, causes and diagnosis

Sinusitis without a runny nose or nasal congestion requires early diagnosis and timely treatment to reduce the risk of developing life-threatening complications.

Violation of the outflow of contents from the maxillary sinus against the background of inflammatory processes leads to destructive changes in the bones of the facial skull.

The erased form of the disease without specific treatment turns into a chronic inflammatory process with a predominance of proliferative changes, provoking the growth of polyps in the maxillary sinus and nasal passages. The accumulation of pus in the chronic form of the disease leads to the gradual destruction of the mucous membrane, sinus plates and the lower wall of the orbit.

Sinusitis or maxillary sinusitis is an acute or chronic disease resulting from bacterial, viral or fungal invasion. Inflammation is accompanied by edema, swelling of the sinus mucosa, and increased formation of first serous and then purulent exudate.

Forms of the disease are classified according to etiology, pathogenesis, and course.

According to etiology, the following forms are distinguished:

According to the pathogenesis and clinical symptoms, sinusitis is:

  • subacute (edematous-catarrhal, vasomotor, allergic);
  • acute (serous-purulent, purulent);
  • chronic (granular, papillomatous, polyposis, hypertrophic, trophic).

The causes of sinusitis without runny nose and nasal congestion in children and adults are due to the following changes:

  • excessive swelling of the anastomosis of the maxillary sinus with the nasal concha;
  • deviated nasal septum;
  • severe deformation of the nasal passages;
  • postoperative scars, synechiae;
  • polyps;
  • cysts;
  • tumors.


Impaired mucus secretion with complete or partial obstruction of the lumen and blockage of the maxillary cavity leads to the rapid growth of bacterial flora with the formation of pus, which, due to the lack of drainage, destroys bone structures and soft tissues.

Sinusitis without runny nose and nasal congestion develops with influenza and ARVI against the background of rapid swelling of the mucous membrane, when the patient only a few days after the onset of general intoxication shows symptoms of sinusitis (impaired nasal breathing due to low air flow, discharge of pus, mucus).

Symptoms of sinusitis without runny nose and nasal congestion:

  • headache, toothache;
  • puffiness of the face;
  • weakness;
  • lethargy;
  • swelling of the lower eyelids and cheeks;
  • heat;
  • decreased sense of smell;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • dilation of small blood vessels below the orbit.

Diagnosis of sinusitis without runny nose and nasal congestion:

  • X-ray reflects the violation of pneumatization of the sinuses, the fluid level, and is the most informative method of examination;
  • Diaphanoscopy of the maxillary sinus with a purulent lesion will reveal impaired light transmission and areas of darkening;
  • computed tomography in layer-by-layer sections will display changes in the mucous membrane and bones of the facial skeleton; sinus contents.

The doctor chooses a diagnostic method depending on a number of factors - the severity of the disease, the age of the child, and the patient’s condition. Reviews from doctors on forums about the use of diaphanoscopy note the low diagnostic significance of this study.

Is there sinusitis without a runny nose: signs, course of the disease and treatment with prevention

Is there sinusitis without a runny nose? Signs of the maxillary sinus in case of impaired mucus outflow are characterized by the predominance of general cold symptoms at the onset of the disease.

As purulent contents form, local symptoms begin to appear.

Sinusitis most often develops against the background of cold viral diseases; incipient inflammation can be suspected by the characteristic local manifestations of inflammation.

At the first signs of sinusitis, you should urgently seek help from a general practitioner or otolaryngologist.

Common symptoms include:

Local symptoms of sinusitis without a runny nose include:

  • feeling of fullness in the projection of the sinus;
  • pain in the paranasal area when tilting the head forward;
  • redness of the cheek from the eye socket to the wings of the nose;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • nasal voice;
  • swelling of the face;
  • photophobia;
  • impaired sense of smell;
  • toothache.

Local symptoms develop against the background of increasing inflammatory changes and infiltration of soft tissues by leukocytes. Carrying out rhinoscopy at a doctor’s appointment allows you to accurately determine the presence of the disease and begin specific therapy.

The occurrence of sinusitis without a runny nose differs from classic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses by the formation of high pressure in the maxillary sinus. Timely X-ray examination and rhinoscopy will allow one to suspect the presence of obstruction of the lumen of the maxillary orifice.

Late diagnosis increases the risk of an abscess breaking into the soft tissues of the face, damage to the outer meninges with the development of meningitis, and rhinogenic sepsis. When the clinical picture is erased, long-term inflammation passes into the atrophic stage, during which destructive and degenerative changes in the mucous membrane and bone tissue develop.

Treatment of sinusitis without a runny nose includes surgical methods, conservative therapy and traditional medicine.

The surgical method is a puncture of the maxillary sinus, which is a diagnostic and treatment procedure that provides high-quality drainage with the discharge of pus. The puncture is carried out in a medical facility, performed in the office of an otolaryngologist or operating room.

After the puncture, drainage is installed, and the sinuses are washed with solutions of antiseptics and antibiotics. Puncture is the most effective method of treatment by emptying the sinuses and inhibiting the growth of pathogenic flora.

Conservative therapy is carried out immediately after diagnosis and consists of a complex effect on the lesion. For acute sinusitis without a runny nose, treatment is aimed at quickly suppressing the growth of bacterial flora, relieving swelling, and restoring the patency of the nasal passages.

Antihistamines are used to eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane. Rinsing the nose with saline or seawater spray increases the rate of mucus discharge, the release of pus, and the removal of swelling. The doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent proliferative processes; the use of nasal glucocorticosteroids is often required to prevent inflammation from becoming chronic.

Systemic antibiotics are prescribed in a course, selected depending on the class of the drug and the sensitivity of the pathogenic flora. In the presence of viral and fungal invasion, interferon-based drugs and antimycotic agents are used.

Traditional medicine is aimed at increasing general immunity and strengthening human health. Warming up the maxillary sinus is strictly contraindicated, as this stimulates the growth of bacteria.

Prevention of sinusitis with a runny nose involves early treatment, the use of vasoconstrictor drops and rinsing the nose. Sinusitis develops as a result of the reflux of turbulent flows of mucus through the maxillary anastomosis into the maxillary sinus.

It is not recommended to blow your nose if your nose is stuffy; it is preferable to rinse your nose with seawater spray after using xylometazoline-based drops. Preventive flushing under pressure is carried out in medical institutions using the Proetz (cuckoo) movement method; high-quality drainage prevents the accumulation of mucus and pus, and gently cleanses the sinus of pathological secretions.

Specialty: Otorhinolaryngologist Work experience: 29 years

Specialty: Audiologist Work experience: 7 years

Source: http://gajmorit.com/bez-nasmorka-i-zalozhennosti-nosa/

interesting sensations in the bridge of the nose - osteochondrosis?

kiss, writes August 29, 2009, 18:27
  1. Apparently neuralgia of one of the cranial nerves. You can tell more precisely upon inspection. Treatment, acupressure of the spine (strengthened cervical spine). Acupressure facial nerve massage.

I think I agree with biatl that the reason is compression of one of the cranial nerves. You need to get your neck in order as quickly as possible. What about acupressure? Acupressure is not always enough. It is more often used to relax muscles and will work 100% only in the case of pure myalgia (carpal tunnel syndrome). And here most likely there is a displacement of the vertebrae.

Message edited by user Oksana Sergeevna 07/05:20

Purchase effective medications to treat this disease

Source: http://www.medkrug.ru/community/show_thread/62?thread=17565

What to do if your nose is stuffy from pressure?

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Heart pain, headaches, and pressure surges are symptoms of early onset. Add to your diet.

Every person has experienced nasal congestion in their life. Often this phenomenon is accompanied by a painful sensation in the temporal part of the head, high body temperature, high blood pressure and sleep problems. But even in the absence of concomitant symptoms, when a person has a stuffy nose from pressure, he feels tired and becomes irritable.

The discomfort from nasal congestion is explained very simply: a sufficient amount of oxygen does not pass through the nasal passages and does not enter the brain. It is worth understanding what are the causes of nasal congestion and how it can be dangerous?

Causes of nasal congestion

There are a huge number of reasons why a stuffy nose can occur:

  1. Deviation of the nasal septum.
  2. Dry indoor air. This is one of the most common causes of nasal congestion and inflammatory processes occurring in its mucous membrane. When indoor air is not humidified, people with allergic, viral or bacterial rhinitis may dry out the nasal mucosa and develop dry congestion. Various sinusitis will also provoke persistent nasal congestion in dry indoor air.
  3. A foreign body lodged in the nasal passages. Typically, this phenomenon occurs without accompanying symptoms, but when a foreign object remains in the nose for a long time, its mucous membrane becomes swollen.
  4. Various types of rhinitis.
  5. Side effect to certain medications.
  6. Allergic reactions of the body.
  7. Polyps that form in the nasal passages.
  8. Adenoids.
  9. Nose injury.
  10. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels, in which nasal congestion occurs with high blood pressure.

What can be dangerous about nasal congestion?

When the nose is stuffy from pressure, there is no runny nose and headaches appear, such symptoms indicate problems with the cardiovascular system. This may be atherosclerosis or other vascular diseases. Such diseases are dangerous to human health and life, so you should not delay a visit to the doctor and refuse therapy.

If the patient does not undergo the necessary treatment, nasal congestion from pressure can lead to the following consequences:

  • Partial or complete loss of smell;
  • The appearance of abnormalities in the hearing organs;
  • High fatigue, loss of strength;
  • Being in a state of depression;
  • Diseases of a neurological and inflammatory nature;
  • Progression of chronic diseases;

It is necessary to consult a doctor to determine the root cause of nasal congestion in cases where there are disturbances in the full respiratory process. If breathing is not done through both nostrils, there is a desire to breathe through the mouth and shortness of breath, you must urgently contact specialists for advice and qualified help.

Prevention and treatment of nasal congestion

When a person has a stuffy nose, in each specific case a specialist selects the necessary therapy that will be most effective. The patient may be recommended:

  • Rinse and moisturize the nasal passages with saline solutions;
  • Spray alkaline solutions into the nose;
  • Lubricate the nasal mucosa with special oils to prevent it from drying out;
  • Use glycerin or vaseline ointment to treat the nasal passages;
  • In case of allergic reactions that provoke nasal congestion, it is imperative to take antihistamines;
  • Moisten the nasal mucosa by inhalation;
  • Strengthen the immune system with products containing vitamins necessary for the body, or take special vitamin complexes, as well as drugs that stimulate the functioning of the immune system;
  • If the nose is stuffy from pressure, it is necessary first of all to normalize its parameters and direct treatment to eliminate the cardiovascular disease that provoked this symptom;

To prevent nasal congestion, experts recommend:

  1. Ventilate the room as often as possible.
  2. Wet clean it daily.
  3. Walk for a long time in the fresh air.
  4. Correct your diet, rest schedule and ensure your body gets a good night's sleep.
  5. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, especially in cases where blood pressure rises, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Regardless of the reasons causing nasal congestion, you should never self-medicate. This can lead not only to serious complications, but also to the disease becoming chronic. Therefore, you first need to consult a doctor and establish the root cause of why your nose is stuffy and your blood pressure rises, and only based on this, carry out treatment.

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The information provided on the site is not a guide to action. Only the attending physician should make a diagnosis and prescribe medications.

Source: http://serdcenebolit.com/zakladyivaet-nos-ot-davleniya.html