What is more effective: tablets or suppositories?

suppositories or tablets which is better

suppositories or tablets which is better

In the section Diseases, Medicines, the question Why are rectal suppositories better absorbed and more effective than regular tablets? the best answer given by the author VITALY RUSSU is: Suppositories intended for insertion into the rectum can be divided into two large groups.

Table of contents:

The first group includes those suppositories that act at the injection site. They may have, for example, an antihemorrhoidal effect. The second group includes suppositories, which are like substitutes for tablets. That is, the medicinal substances from them are absorbed, enter the blood and have an effect on the entire body (this is as you were prescribed). A medicine (well, for example, you took a pill) that enters the stomach and intestines is affected by many digestive enzymes. It either enters an acidic or alkaline environment and can interact with food particles. In addition, when absorbed from the intestines, substances from the tablets enter the liver. There are also many enzymes there that can destroy the medicine. Therefore, sometimes after all these transformations, only 10–20% of the taken dose of the drug enters the blood. Of course, not all drugs are so destroyed. But doctors must take this fact into account. And the medicine that gets into the rectum is absorbed directly into the blood, bypassing the liver. In addition, it does not have to “pass” through the entire digestive tract. This is the great advantage of candles.

After inserting the suppository, you must lie down for at least 30–40 minutes. If you experience any unusual sensations, such as a burning sensation, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Source: http://2oa.ru/svechi-ili-tabletki-chto-luchshe/

What is better for thrush: suppositories or tablets?

About 75% of the fair sex have encountered thrush in their lives. For treatment, suppositories or tablets are usually prescribed. It is very important to take a responsible approach to solving this problem. After all, it is easy to buy both suppositories and tablets for thrush at the pharmacy without a prescription. Both the first and second are very effective. But it is not recommended to choose treatment on your own; only the attending physician can prescribe the necessary drug.

Causes and symptoms of pathology

With thrush, there is itching and burning of the genitals. White or cottage cheese-like discharge also appears, a sour smell is felt, and sometimes swelling and pain occur when going to the toilet, as well as during sexual intercourse. Thrush appears in women for various reasons. But the main problem is a violation of the vaginal microflora, where Candida fungi actively develop. As a result, candidiasis appears. Main reasons:

  • treatment with cytostatics or immunosuppressants;
  • use of hormonal contraception;
  • weakened immunity due to severe illnesses;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • poor nutrition;
  • poor quality linen;
  • anorexia;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • abuse of antibacterial products for intimate hygiene;
  • pregnancy;
  • stress;
  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • climate change.

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Suppositories or tablets: which is better to choose for thrush?

It is difficult to choose medications for women with thrush, as well as to cure the disease. The disease may return again and again or develop into a chronic form. Therefore, the doctor does a general examination, prescribes tests and a smear to determine the severity of the disease. After which tablets or suppositories are prescribed. Very often, both forms of drugs are prescribed for complex treatment to enhance the effect and speed up recovery. Many women are intimidated by candles, but this is the most common method of therapy that works in the hearth itself. And the pills lead to cleansing of the body.

It is believed that with the help of suppositories, the course of treatment lasts on average 14 days, and sometimes 2-3 doses of tablets are enough.

Popular oral medications

Although tablets are fast-acting medications, they also have a number of side effects on the body. The most popular oral remedies against candidiasis:

  • "Diflucan" (capsules or powder for suspension, dosage is individual);
  • “Pimafucin” (tablets, mandatory treatment for both partners);
  • "Clotrimazole" (tablets, the most affordable remedy);
  • "Mikosist" (solution for injection or capsule, used for very severe forms);
  • "Mikomax" (capsules, a very strong drug with a number of side effects);
  • "Futsis" (tablets, dosage is individual);
  • "Irunin" (capsules, fast-acting).

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Commonly prescribed suppositories for treatment

Suppositories for thrush are local therapy with deep penetration into the vagina. With their help, the fungus dies and the symptoms go away. During menstruation, most suppositories are not used, unlike pills. The best drugs among suppositories:

Modern medications affect the cause and symptoms of pathology.

  • "Zalain";
  • "Livarol";
  • "Clotrimazole";
  • "Pimafucin";
  • "Nystatin";
  • "Betadine";
  • "Hexicon";
  • "Polygynax";
  • "Terzhinan";
  • "Fluconazole";
  • "Klion-D".
There are also disadvantages to using candles. Firstly, sexual activity is prohibited during the treatment period. Secondly, the treatment period brings some discomfort, as the discharge increases. After completing the course, you may need to use the suppositories again after some time, but as a preventive measure. All treatment is individual. Especially during lactation and pregnancy, since during this period it is generally necessary to minimize the use of any medications.

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The information on the site is provided for general information purposes only. We recommend that you consult your doctor for further advice and treatment.

Source: http://etogribok.ru/molochnica/lechenie/chto-luchshe-ot-molochnitsy-svechi-ili-tabletki.html

What is more effective than Vitaprost tablets or suppositories?

I have been suffering from chronic prostatitis for a long time. Now they recommended Vitaprost. What is better to use - Vitaprost tablets or suppositories?

This modern medicine is valued because it is based on animal prostate extract. The natural component allows you to effectively treat prostate diseases without worrying about side effects.

Both forms of medication - tablets and suppositories - have proven to be effective. They have an effective organotropic effect on the main organ of the male reproductive system.

If we talk about Vitaprost tablets, they are coated and quickly dissolve in the intestines. Pills are available with a dosage of the main substance of 50 and 100 mg. Their excipients are lactose, cellulose, cropovidone, calcium stearate. Tablets are prescribed for chronic prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, before and after surgery, to prevent exacerbations of non-bacterial prostatitis.

As for suppositories, they contain 50 mg of the main active ingredient. They are recommended for use in cases of prostate hyperplasia, relapses of chronic prostatitis, after surgical interventions on the prostate gland, to prevent exacerbations of the inflammatory process.

As you can see, the indications for use of both forms of the drug are almost the same. Both tablets and suppositories treat relapses of chronic prostatitis. Only pills are produced with a larger dose of the active medicinal substance.

What tablets and suppositories have in common is that their use cannot be combined with the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

What is the difference between Vitaprost and Vitaprost Forte?

I had a number of problems with my prostate. Without hesitation, I went to a friend with a medical education. He recommended Vitaprost. But I don’t know, I also saw Vitaprost Forte in pharmacies. How do they generally differ and which drug is really better and more effective?

How to place Vitaprost Forte suppositories correctly?

The wife was prescribed Vitaprost Forte suppositories. For some reason we just can’t figure out the instructions. How to place these same candles correctly?

What is more effective: Prostamol or Vitaprost?

Tell me, which drug will best cope with prostate adenoma? I don’t know what to buy - Prostamol or Vitaprost?

Which is better: prostacor or vitaprost?

I was recently diagnosed with prostate problems. A friend with medical education recommended Prostakor. But friends say that Vitaprost is much better. So I don’t know which of these two drugs to buy?

What is better Prostatilen or Vitaprost Forte?

My husband has prostate inflammation. A doctor I know recommended Prostatilen. Another medical friend assures me that Vitaprost Forte is better than Prostatilen. What to choose?

The number of inflammatory diseases increases every year. All kinds of ailments of the genitourinary system are now being recorded.

Vitaprost is a modern drug intended for the complex treatment of prostatitis. It affects.

The drug Vitaprost forte is an antiaggregation and anti-inflammatory agent that exhibits.

Inflammation of the pelvic organs is a fairly common pathology. Age of men who have prostate inflammation.

Copying materials only with a link to the resource.

Source: http://menportal.info/faq/chto-effektivnee-tabletki-ili-svechi-vitaprost

What is more effective: Vitaprost tablets or suppositories?

Men's health is considered an indicator of the health of the nation. Every man over 40 years of age is at risk of developing prostatitis.

Vitaprost produced by Nizhpharm is considered an effective drug for the treatment of prostatitis.

Patients often wonder when choosing Vitaprost, suppositories or tablets - which is better? Both forms have their own characteristics, we will consider them below.

Prostatitis and its effect on men

Prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate tissue. Usually this disease is diagnosed in men after 40 years of age, but recently prostatitis has begun to “get younger.”

Based on the nature of the disease, there are two forms: acute and chronic. Chronic prostatitis can have the following complications: prostate stones, cysts, abscess. Sclerotic lesions of the prostate gland may also develop.

The following risk factors are identified:

  • decreased immunity;
  • venereal diseases;
  • use of nicotine, alcohol, drugs;
  • unbalanced sex life;
  • passive lifestyle.

The symptoms of prostatitis cannot be confused with anything. Problems with urination, pain in the groin, fever, general depression, erectile dysfunction - all this requires immediate attention to a urologist.


The active ingredient of the drug is samprost, an extract of bovine prostate tissue. The drug is of animal origin; it is synthesized from the prostate tissue of mature bulls.

Samprost eliminates swelling and inflammation of the prostate gland, has an antithrombotic effect, and normalizes blood circulation in the organ.

Extraction of the bovine prostate stimulates potency, strengthens the tone of the bladder and sphincter muscles, which prevents spontaneous urination and defecation.

Samprost has been successfully used in pharmacology since 1992. Clinical studies have proven that the use of Samprost in men of various ages helps reduce pain, normalizes urination, improves the composition and quality of ejaculate, and increases libido.

Indications for use

Vitaprost is used for acute and chronic prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and surgical interventions on the prostate gland. It counteracts the formation of blood clots, is antispasmodic, normalizes blood flow, and promotes the regenerative function of prostate tissue.

Inflammation of the prostate gland

For chronic prostatitis, for its prevention in the off-season, Vitaprost and Vitaprost Forte are prescribed in therapeutic care after operations.

For the treatment of acute or chronic prostatitis in combination with urinary tract infections, aseptic prostatitis, in preparation for surgical operations on the prostate, subsequent postoperative rehabilitation, Vitaprost Plus is prescribed. It is also used in the complex treatment of infectious diseases of the genitourinary organs.

Release form and dosage

Prostatitis fears this remedy like fire!

You just need to apply it.

The drug Vitaprost is available in the following dosage forms: rectal suppositories and tablets. The tablets are called Vitaprost, dosage 20 mg, 20 tablets per package.

There are three types of suppositories, depending on the dosage, the content of the active pharmaceutical substance, and other components:

  • Vitaprost 50 mg;
  • Vitaprost Forte 100 mg;
  • Vitaprost Plus (contains samprost 100 mg, lomefloxacin 400 mg).

The antibiotic lomefloxacin is used to treat urinary tract infections and STDs. Suppositories containing an antibiotic are used for complex therapy of chronic prostatitis with infectious complications.

Features of application

To use suppositories, it is necessary to carry out certain hygiene procedures:

  1. perform an act of defecation. If this is not possible, clean the anus with an enema;
  2. rinse the area near the anus with warm water and wipe dry;
  3. insert a candle into the anus on your own or with outside help. Hands must be clean; for comfortable insertion, Vaseline or a similar substance must be applied to the fingers;
  4. Maintain a lying position for half an hour.

The standard course of using suppositories is 10 days, the purpose depends on the severity of the disease. It is allowed to use no more than once a day. The tablets are taken once or twice a day, regardless of meals. They should be swallowed whole, followed by water.

Contraindications and side effects

Vitaprost is prohibited for use by persons under 18 years of age. Alcohol negatively affects the absorption of the drug, so it is forbidden to drink alcohol during treatment.

The drug is contraindicated for people who are allergic to the components of the drug.

Side effects may include: itching, urticaria, dysbacteriosis, arrhythmia, hypotension, dizziness.

The tablets are not recommended for people with lactose intolerance, fructose intolerance, or chronic liver disease. Patients with epilepsy or atherosclerosis should additionally consult a doctor.

What's better: pills or suppositories?

It should be noted that while taking the medication in any dosage form there is no restriction on physical activity. The drug does not affect attention and reaction speed, therefore it is allowed to drive a car, perform industrial work, and play sports.

The drug does not affect indicators in general and biochemical urine analysis. Different release forms contain one active component, but each of them has its own application characteristics.

Suppositories have the following features:

  • rectal suppositories are quickly absorbed;
  • have a long-lasting effect;
  • do not cause allergies;
  • the drug acts on the prostate and areas of inflammation located nearby;
  • An overdose cannot be allowed.

The disadvantages include the fact that candles must be stored under certain temperature conditions, while tablets do not require special storage rules. Suppositories have a certain advantage in the form of dosage: it is different, while tablets are available in one dosage. Vitaprost Forte suppositories are designed for complex therapy along with antibiotics.

To use suppositories, you need to carry out some procedures, while tablets are enough to be washed down with water.

But the cost of suppositories is lower than the cost of tablets. At the same time, suppositories have several dosage options and additional components, while tablets are available in one dosage.

Video on the topic

A practicing dermatovenerologist about the drug Vitaprost:

Affordable price, natural ingredients, positive, honest reviews from thousands of patients - for more than three decades, Vitaprost has proven itself to be a reliable remedy for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland. Several types of dosage forms, dosage variability, rapid relief of disease symptoms - this is why doctors and patients choose the drug. The ability to choose any dosage and form of application makes this remedy universal for the treatment of prostatitis.

Despite the fact that Vitaprost is an over-the-counter drug, based on the totality of symptoms and the course of the disease, the attending physician should prescribe the form of the drug and dosage. Prostatitis requires complex treatment, which, in addition to taking medications, should include prostate massage, physiotherapy, and physical therapy. It is also worth sticking to a diet and giving up bad habits.

  • Eliminates the causes of circulatory disorders
  • Gently relieves inflammation within 10 minutes after administration

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How to overcome PROSTATITIS at home?

My husband drinks one glass at night instead of Viagra.

Source: http://prostata.guru/prostatit/lechenie/preparaty/vitaprost-chto-luchshe-svechi-ili-tabletki.html


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I was looking for WHAT IS BETTER: A CANDLE OR A PILL. FOUND! Tablets and suppositories. Both forms of the drug are vaginal, that is, they are inserted into the vagina. The question often arises, which is better, tablets or suppositories.

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What's better: pills or suppositories?

In the section Diseases, Medicines, the question Why are rectal suppositories better absorbed and more effective than regular tablets?

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The second group includes suppositories, which are like substitutes for tablets. That is, the medicinal substances from them are absorbed, enter the blood and have an effect on the entire body (this is as you were prescribed).

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Preparations for thrush in women. What is better to choose: tablets, suppositories or ointments?

Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the urogenital tract is often caused by fungi belonging to the genus Candida. It is believed that every woman has encountered this disease at least once in her life. And in 30% of the fair sex it even becomes chronic.

Symptoms of the disease

Before looking for drugs for thrush in women, it is necessary to accurately establish the diagnosis. And only a doctor can do this. However, based on a number of characteristic signs, a woman herself can understand that she has thrush. Thus, the main symptoms of this disease include a feeling of burning and itching in the area of ​​the external genitalia. This is especially pronounced during critical days. Unpleasant sensations intensify after a shower or bath, and the condition worsens after sexual intercourse. In addition to this kind of discomfort, women are also bothered by copious white, curd-like discharge from the vagina.

Knowing all these signs, it is difficult to confuse thrush with any other disease. But you still can’t do without visiting a gynecologist. After all, only a specialist can confirm the diagnosis and help you choose the most suitable treatment regimen for your case.

It is also worth remembering that in some cases thrush can be asymptomatic. But this does not mean that it is not worth treating. After all, without taking appropriate medications, the disease will become chronic. In this case, it will be quite difficult to get rid of the problem.

Hygiene rules

Before you start choosing drugs against thrush in women, it is important to remember the basic recommendations that gynecologists give when this disease is detected. So, first of all, it is necessary to regularly thoroughly clean the genitals with special intimate hygiene products that have a neutral Ph level. If we are talking about chronic candidiasis, then a woman needs to completely abandon various aromatic intimate hygiene products. The ban also applies to taking bubble baths.

Gynecologists pay special attention to the underwear of women suffering from exacerbations of thrush. It should be cotton. If you suffer from chronic candidiasis, then you should forget about synthetic underwear. It is also advisable to minimize the use of scented sanitary pads.

Selection of treatment

In most cases, getting rid of thrush is quite difficult. Actions should primarily be aimed at eliminating the causative agent of the disease. It is also important to restore normal vaginal microflora. This is what the treatment of thrush in women is aimed at. The drugs, however, must be used in combination. Among other things, it is important to raise general immunity. Indeed, often other diseases that worsen the general state of health lead to the development of candidiasis.

It is quite difficult to cure thrush without consulting a specialist. After all, the doctor can choose effective local antifungal agents and, if necessary, select antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. It is also important to take time to restore the vaginal microflora. It is also advisable to undergo an examination to identify the cause of candidiasis.

Selection of drugs

In most cases, for complex treatment of the disease, gynecologists recommend using both local remedies and drugs against thrush in women, available in tablet form.

The doctor may prescribe suppositories, ointments, vaginal capsules. The course of treatment will depend on which drug the specialist advised you to take, as well as the nature of the disease. Thus, in most cases, 3-5 days of therapy are sufficient to relieve acute symptoms. But in order to overcome a disease that has become chronic, you have to be treated for several weeks.

Popular local remedies

To understand what exactly the doctor prescribes for you, you can try to figure out on your own what medications there are for thrush in women. Reviews from patients who have undergone treatment will help you determine how effective a particular medication is.

So, one of the most popular remedies is Pimafucin. It is available in the form of vaginal suppositories, creams and tablets. The active ingredient in them is natamycin. With its help you can get rid of fungal infections of the mucous membranes caused by Candida fungi. Vaginal suppositories are used for 3-6 days, they are administered once a day. The cream can be applied to all problem areas up to 4 times a day.

Doctors often prescribe the drug Clotrimazole. It is the cheapest remedy intended for the treatment of thrush. Available in the form of cream, ointment, powder, solution for external use, vaginal tablets, capsules and even spray. This synthetic drug is even used to treat chronic forms of thrush, although the course can last up to a month.

Polygynax is quite expensive. But it has not only an antifungal, but also an antimicrobial effect. The medicine is prescribed when staphylococcal, enterococcal and other infections are detected. This drug is also intended to improve trophic processes in the vagina. This product contains active ingredients such as nystatin, neomycin and polymyxin.

Vaginal suppositories "Livarol" are often used for chronic infections. This drug actively fights fungi belonging to the genus Candida. Usually 5 days are enough to get rid of the problem, but in some cases the course can last twice as long. In advanced cases, complex treatment consisting of several courses is necessary.

Medicines for thrush in women called “Natamycin” are available in the form of suspensions, creams, and vaginal tablets. As a rule, they are prescribed in a course of six days.

Benefits of local remedies

Not everyone knows, but many local medications for thrush in women and men only work if the infection in the body has recently become active.

As a rule, 5-14 days of treatment is enough to get rid of problems. The duration of the course depends on which drug is prescribed. But if necessary, the doctor can build an individual regimen for using medications. This is aimed, as a rule, at making the treatment of thrush in women more effective. Drugs that are used topically quickly relieve discomfort: they help get rid of itching, burning sensation and reduce heavy discharge.

In addition, topical medications are considered safer than those taken orally. Judging by the reviews of patients, side effects from their use were almost never observed.

Disadvantages of using topical medications

Before using suppositories or ointments, it is important to know that they may not have the expected therapeutic effect. As a rule, such drugs are ineffective in chronic forms of infection. In such situations, comprehensive treatment is necessary. Local medications are used to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, and tablets are designed to combat the infection as a whole.

But if medications for thrush in women are taken only until the discomfort disappears, without adhering to the regimen prescribed by the doctor, then there is a risk that the infection will return quite quickly. At the same time, it will be more difficult to get rid of it again. Another disadvantage is that it is better to abstain from sexual intercourse while using local remedies. In addition, when they are used, greasy marks remain on the laundry. By the way, all drugs for thrush in women have this drawback. It is better to insert suppositories, like vaginal tablets, immediately before bedtime, inserting them deep into the vagina. After entering them, it is advisable not to get out of bed for at least 30 minutes.

Oral drugs

Often women are faced with the fact that thrush, even after treatment with local remedies, reoccurs. In this case, you cannot do without drugs that are taken orally. The action of some is aimed at blocking sterol synthesis in fungal cells. This is what makes their further reproduction impossible. Others destroy the cell walls of fungi of the genus Candida, and they die.

In some cases, the doctor may recommend the drug Itraconazole. For vaginal candidiasis, it is prescribed to take it twice (200 mg) for one day or once in the same dosage for three days. But this is not the only medicine that can actively fight thrush. Medicines containing fluconazole, nystatin and natamycin have proven themselves to be excellent. They cause the death of Candida fungi.


Often, for chronic forms of infection, drugs are prescribed in a course. Complex treatment can last several months, with the doctor describing a detailed plan for how to take medications for thrush in women. "Flucostat", for example, which is available in capsule form, has pronounced antifungal activity. The main active ingredient in it is fluconazole. It fights quite effectively against both Candida fungi and other mycoses. The drug “Flucostat” is taken in a dosage of 150 mg once. But the doctor may prescribe a different dosage regimen, depending on the test results. The effectiveness of other agents, such as Diflazon, Mediflucon, and Fluconazole, has also been proven.

But it is worth remembering that these popular drugs for thrush in women are not suitable for everyone. Diflucan, for example, helps approximately 50% of patients. These statistics apply to all drugs that contain fluconazole.

Treatment of pregnant women

Expectant mothers often experience exacerbations of thrush. This is due to a decrease in general immunity during pregnancy. It is important to remember that in this case you should not select medications yourself. For example, in an interesting situation, it is not recommended to use oral medications that contain fluconazole. An alternative is Pimafucin based on natamycin. When taking it, no negative effects on the body of the unborn baby were noticed. The expectant mother can take natamycin tablets, use vaginal suppositories or creams.

In the chronic form of the disease, the drug "Pimafucin" may not help. In this case, medications for thrush in women during pregnancy must be selected more carefully. So, the expectant mother may be prescribed Terzhinan or Hexicon suppositories. But if any side effects occur, you should immediately stop using them.

Selection rules

Despite the fact that self-treatment of candidiasis is not recommended, many people try to choose remedies without consulting a specialist. But it is difficult for a person unfamiliar with the peculiarities of treating fungal diseases to correctly choose the most suitable drugs for thrush in women. It is also impossible to answer the question of what is better - cream, suppositories, tablets or ointment. Oral agents have a complex effect on the body, killing fungi. All others help fight the infection locally. Vaginal suppositories can relieve itching and eliminate the burning sensation even after one dose. Ointments and creams often work the same way. They can be applied to the skin around the vagina to relieve swelling and redness, or inserted internally using a cotton swab. The active substance penetrates deep into the mucous tissues and in the initial stages of the disease it is possible to get rid of the disease only with the help of these means.

But often only an integrated approach allows you to forget for a long time about how thrush manifests itself. And an incorrectly chosen treatment regimen or stopping the use of drugs immediately after the first symptoms disappear only leads to candidiasis becoming chronic.

Source: http://www.syl.ru/article/161549/new_preparatyi-ot-molochnitsyi-u-jenschin-chto-luchshe-vyibrat-tabletki-svechi-ili-mazi

Vitaprost: tablets or suppositories?

Pathologies of the prostate gland remain the most pressing problem for the entire male half of humanity. Its functions are to synthesize a secretion that combines with the seminal fluid and is responsible for its homogeneity.

Prevalence of prostate diseases

The most common prostate disease among the stronger half is prostatitis. It can proceed secretly for a long time and not manifest itself. However, it leads to disruption of reproductive functions and spermatogenesis.

Statistics say that prostate diseases occur in% of men. Some sources claim that about 80% are familiar with inflammation of the prostate gland to one degree or another).

Moreover, most of them are of reproductive age.

The most common of all prostate pathologies is prostate adenoma.

It mainly affects men over 50. Its occurrence is a reason to think about the appropriateness and correctness of previous treatment for prostatitis.

What is prostatitis?

The concept of prostatitis includes a fairly large list of diseases.

They affect both the prostate gland itself and the lower genital tract.

This includes prostadonia with non-infectious etiology, allergic disorders, metabolic and infectious prostatitis.

What are the symptoms of prostatitis?

  1. Disturbances in the act of urination, its regularity and frequency.
  2. Pain syndrome. Pain may accompany the act of urination itself. There may be constant pain that gets worse with urination.
  3. Sexual disorders. This includes premature ejaculation, impaired orgasm, weak sexual desire, and decreased synthesis of sex hormones.

Causes of prostatitis

The etiology of prostatitis comes down to stagnation of blood and prostate secretions, infections.

There are several reasons leading to this:

  1. One of the main reasons is the tendency to reduce physical activity and, as a result, blood stagnation in the pelvis. Therefore, those who spend most of their working time sitting are more prone to prostatitis. For example, drivers, clerks.
  2. It is also important to use various medications, without any particular reason;
  3. History of sexually transmitted pathologies.
  4. Prostatitis often occurs after vesiculitis (inflammatory disease of the seminal vesicles).
  5. Sometimes the culprits of prostatitis are sexual deviations;
  6. Infections that enter the body through the urethra through the prostate ducts. As for example, with urethritis.
  7. Urethritis can also lead to prostatitis.
  8. Infection may occur through casual sexual intercourse. Moreover, if a woman has inflammatory pathologies in the genitourinary system, she may not even know about it. Even just a change of sexual partner can itself change the balance of the microflora and, as a result, lead to the activation of opportunistic bacteria. This situation also leads to prostatitis. But a prerequisite for this is a decrease in the general condition of the body and immunity due to alcohol abuse, hypothermia, and chronic pathologies.
  9. Gonorrhea and trichomoniasis tend to have a chronic, sluggish course. This also leads to the development of prostatitis.
  10. The infection can penetrate hematogenously from other pathological inflammatory infectious foci. For example, with cystitis, colitis, paraproctitis. Colon disease is often observed in parallel.
  11. The development of prostatitis is provoked by congestion in the prostate with impaired metabolic processes. Diseases of the cardiovascular system contribute to stagnation of blood circulation. Then you can simultaneously monitor the presence of hemorrhoids, varicose veins of the spermatic cord, swelling and varicose veins of the legs.
  12. Stagnation of gland secretion. Reasons for this: abnormal sexual activity. This includes interrupted coitus, masturbation and long-term sexual abstinence.

Vitaprost tablets: men's medicine

"Vitaprost" in tablets is the most popular form. This is due to ease of use.

This medicine also contains bovine prostate extract. Studies have shown its effectiveness in the treatment of adenoma, sexual disorders, male infertility, and chronic prostatitis of non-bacterial etiology. Taking it before and after prostate surgery is also effective.

Tablets are recommended both for the treatment of pathology and as a prophylactic agent.

Side effects are extremely rare. Itching and redness may appear. It is recommended to stop taking the drug.

How to always bring a girl to orgasm?

It's no secret that almost 50% of women do not experience orgasm during sex, and this greatly affects both manhood and relationships with the opposite sex. There are only a few ways to always bring your partner to orgasm. Here are the most effective:

  1. Strengthen your potency. Allows you to prolong sexual intercourse from several minutes to at least an hour, increases a woman’s sensitivity to caresses and allows her to experience incredibly powerful and long-lasting orgasms.
  2. Learning and applying new positions. Unpredictability in bed always excites women.
  3. Also, do not forget about other sensitive points on the female body. And the first of them is the G-spot.

You can find out the rest of the secrets of unforgettable sex on the pages of our portal.

Vitaprost: review of forms

The drug is available in suppositories for rectal use and tablets.

Tablet forms are called Vitaprost.

Vitaprost suppositories contain 50 mg, Vitaprost plus and Vitaprost forte - 100 mg each.

Vitaprost Plus differs from other Vitaprost drugs in the presence of the antibacterial drug lomefloxacin (400 mg). It is active against aerobic gram-negative bacteria. These are the causative agents of gonorrhea, intestinal infections, and pneumonia.

Vitaprost: treatment, reviews

The therapeutic effect of Vitaprost lies in its effect on the main pathophysiological manifestations of prostatitis: stagnation of blood, stagnation of pancreatic secretions, disturbances of blood microcirculation with concomitant hypoxia and microthrombi in the vessels, infection, inflammatory response and, if necessary, infection.

By normalizing blood flow in the microvasculature and reducing platelet stasis, the formation of microthrombi stops.

The anti-inflammatory effect of Vitoprost consists of stopping the inflammatory response with inhibition of the release of inflammatory mediators and subsequent swelling of prostate tissue. In addition, by improving the flow of oxygen through the blood, cell repair is stimulated.

As a result of the decrease in swelling, the patency of the prostate ducts is normalized and the movement of prostate secretions is improved. As a result, the secretory function of the glandular cells of the prostate gland improves.

Thanks to this complex sequential action, Vitaprost leads to a reduction in the size of the prostate and an improvement in the quality of the ejaculate. In addition, the tone of the bladder improves and the frequent urge to urinate stops.

Vitaprost forte: reviews

Vitaprost Forte is said to be an effective medicine that quickly relieves the symptoms of prostatitis. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory effect, the swelling of the gland is relieved, its microcirculation and blood supply are improved.

As a result, patients note a decrease and disappearance of pain in the prostate gland and the restoration of normal urination.

In addition, the drug has vasodilatory properties (dilates the blood vessels of the gland). This promotes greater blood flow through them and the opening of the so-called “closed” vessels.

As a result, the volume of oxygen delivery to the prostate cells increases and their regeneration and, consequently, their functioning are enhanced. Which cannot but affect the improvement of sexual function.

Some patients note that Vitaprost Forte suppositories seemed more effective to them than tablet forms.

Directions for use and doses

Suppositories Vitaprost, Vitaprost forte, Vitaprst plus are used daily, 1 suppository. The suppository is inserted into the anus after bowel movement. Independently or with the help of an enema, and after the procedure put a Vitaprost suppository. It is recommended to take 1 suppository once a day. After administering the suppository, you need to lie down for half an hour. The course of therapy should continue for at least 10 days.

Vitaprost tablets are taken for therapeutic purposes, one tablet twice a day. The recommended course for prostate adenoma is 1 month, for chronic prostatitis - a minimum course of 10 days.

For preventive purposes, a tablet is prescribed twice a day for at least a month, once or twice a year.

Duration of treatment with Vitaprost forte is 15 days for BPH, 10 days for chronic prostatitis, 20 days for overactive bladder.

The cost of Vitaprost in suppositories is lower than its tablet forms, but the effectiveness of treatment does not suffer from this.

Despite the fact that the dosage in suppositories is lower, the fact that they are applied locally ensures that the active substance penetrates the prostate faster and there is less loss. This makes candles no less popular.

The cost of tablets is 700 - 900 rubles, and the cost of suppositories is rubles.


The drug Vitaprost is produced by Nizhpharm OJSC (Russia).

Indications for use

Vitaprost plus is prescribed for acute and chronic prostatitis with an infectious etiology, as well as if there is a concomitant infection of the urinary tract. It is also effective in the aseptic form of prostatitis with possible infectious complications.

Vitaprost tablets are recommended for chronic prostatitis, prostate surgery, prostate cancer, and exacerbations of chronic abacterial prostatitis.


Vitaprost, Vitaprost forte, Vitaprost plus are not recommended for use if you are intolerant to any components of the drug.

The tablet form of Vitaprost is also not recommended for patients with concomitant deficiency of lactase, sucrose, lactose intolerance, fructose.

Tablets or suppositories. What to choose?

Only a specialist can make such an optimal choice. Both suppositories and tablets are prescribed for chronic prostatitis and during surgery.

If there is a urinary tract infection, then you should use Vitaprost Plus. It contains an antibiotic. In other cases, an antibiotic is usually prescribed as an additional dose.

Tablet forms should be used with caution in patients with lactose and fructose intolerance, given the presence of these substances in the tablets.

The amount of the main active ingredient in tablets is greater than in suppositories, however, as noted in reviews, this did not have a significant effect on the result of treatment and the speed of recovery.

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Which contraceptive suppositories are better: types, principle of action, application

One of the methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy is vaginal suppositories, used immediately before sexual intercourse. The mechanism of their action is associated with the inactivation of sperm, which significantly reduces their chances of fertilizing the egg. Contraceptive suppositories are not the most popular type of contraception, since to maintain high efficiency they require strict adherence to the rules of use, and this is not always convenient. But many women who, for health reasons, cannot use hormonal drugs, use it successfully.

Principle of action and types of contraceptive suppositories

Contraceptive vaginal suppositories, tablets or creams are local non-hormonal contraceptives. Modern drugs of this type use surfactant chemical compounds (benzalkonium chloride or nonoxynol-9) as active components. The mechanism of their action is associated with a detrimental effect on sperm and an increase in the viscosity of cervical mucus, which creates additional obstacles for damaged sperm to enter the uterine cavity.

Benzalkonium chloride preparations include vaginal suppositories:

Benzalkonium chloride has spermicidal activity. When in contact with sperm for 10 seconds, it first damages the membranes of their flagella, and then the heads, which leads to loss of motor activity, the inability to penetrate the uterine cavity and fertilize the egg. Such speed of action is a necessary condition for the high effectiveness of the drug, since sperm after ejaculation move very quickly and are able to reach the fallopian tubes in just 90 seconds. Benzalkonium chloride also has antimicrobial activity against the pathogens of chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, trichomoniasis and Staphylococcus aureus.

Preparations containing nonoxynol-9 include the Patentex Oval N and Nonoxynol contraceptive suppositories. Nonxinol-9 has a spermicidal effect within 40 seconds due to fragmentation (separation of the flagellum from the head) and inhibition of sperm motility. It also has bactericidal activity against chlamydia and gonococci, and antiviral and antifungal activity against some sexually transmitted pathogens.

Important: When using contraceptive suppositories, a woman should take into account that their effectiveness in preventing unwanted pregnancy is 80-85%, that is, it does not provide a complete guarantee of preventing conception.


Due to their not very high reliability, contraceptive suppositories are recommended to be used only as a one-time, temporary or periodic means of contraception. With regular and active sexual life, it is better to choose other methods to prevent pregnancy.

Contraceptive suppositories are suitable for women if:

  • irregular sexual activity and rare sexual contacts, when placement of an intrauterine device or systematic use of hormonal oral contraceptives is inappropriate;
  • the need for contraception after childbirth or termination of pregnancy;
  • the presence of serious health-related contraindications for the use of hormonal contraception;
  • breastfeeding;
  • premenopause;
  • the need for additional insurance when using oral contraceptives (missing or late taking of a pill), vaginal diaphragm, cervical cap.

When inserted into the vagina, contraceptive suppositories have a local effect, are not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, do not pass into breast milk, do not affect the menstrual cycle and the composition of the normal microflora of the vagina, and therefore are generally considered safe for health. They are the optimal method of contraception for women during lactation or after the age of 40 in the presence of pathologies that do not allow the use of hormones, if partners do not want to use condoms.

Features of application

First of all, a woman must strictly comply with all the requirements specified in the instructions, otherwise their effectiveness is significantly reduced. The spermicidal effect of vaginal suppositories begins 5-10 minutes after insertion into the vagina and lasts for about an hour. Before each repeated sexual intercourse, even if it occurs while the previously administered drug is still in effect, it is necessary to use a new suppository.

When using contraceptive suppositories, the following rules must be observed:

  • Until the moment of use, the purchased drug should be stored in a cool place at an air temperature not exceeding 20°C, otherwise it may deteriorate;
  • do not use soap and products with an alkaline pH for hygiene procedures 2 hours before and immediately before sexual intercourse; it is better to wash with plain water or a special product with a neutral pH;
  • the suppository should be inserted as deeply as possible in a supine position, minutes before the intended sexual intercourse, which will allow the active components of the drug, under the influence of body temperature, to pass into the liquid phase and be evenly distributed throughout the mucous membrane;
  • for 3 hours after sexual intercourse, do not douche or wash yourself with soap or intimate hygiene products, as they neutralize the spermicide, converting its active substance into an inactive form;
  • after sexual intercourse, it is unacceptable to take baths, swim in the sea or other bodies of water, or swim in the pool for 3 hours;
  • do not use suppositories for contraception when undergoing a course of treatment for diseases of the reproductive system with vaginal preparations (tablets, ointments, suppositories, douching).

Important: It is pointless to introduce some kind of contraceptive suppositories for contraception after sexual intercourse; in this case, only emergency contraception (special pills with high doses of hormones) will help to prevent pregnancy.

Effective contraceptive suppositories

Vaginal suppositories with spermicidal action are available in a wide range in any pharmacy, they are freely available, are not very expensive and are available without a doctor’s prescription. To choose which contraceptive suppositories will be better in each specific situation, you should not rely on advertising, advice from friends, acquaintances and reviews on the Internet. A woman should seek advice from a gynecologist, who will conduct an examination and offer several options to choose from. This requirement is especially relevant in the presence of chronic diseases in the organs of the reproductive system.

The best drugs in this group, according to experts, include contraceptives:

All of them contain the same dosage of spermicide - 18.9 mg, but differ in the auxiliary components used to create the dosage form and maintain the stability of the drug. Available in packs of 5 and 10 suppositories. Pharmatex is produced by the French pharmaceutical company Innotera Shuzi, Benatex by the Russian company Nizhpharm OJSC, and Erotex by the Ukrainian-Spanish enterprise Sperko Ukraine. Many women prefer Erotex candles, as they additionally contain essential oils of rose, lemon or lavender, which give a pleasant aroma. The cheapest of them are Benatex suppositories.


Despite the fact that contraceptive suppositories do not occupy a leading position in the degree of reliability of protection against unwanted pregnancy, they have a number of significant advantages compared to other methods of contraception. Among them:

  1. A number of drugs have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects. The use of contraceptive suppositories, unlike condoms, cannot guarantee protection against all sexually transmitted infections, but it is still better than nothing.
  2. Additional lubricating and moisturizing effect, which is especially important for women who produce little natural lubrication. In this case, contraceptive suppositories can easily eliminate the problem of vaginal dryness and relieve the associated discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse.
  3. The ability to cancel birth control suppositories at any time, unlike hormonal pills, the course of which must be completed to the end and cannot be interrupted.
  4. Possibility of combining, if necessary, with other methods of contraception.
  5. Local action, no systemic effect on the body and safety for health.
  6. Easy to use and administer, can be used by women of any age.

Among other things, suppositories do not have a negative effect on the fetus in the event of conception, which the woman does not yet know about.


Contraceptive suppositories have not only advantages, but also some disadvantages. These include:

  • not the highest degree of protection against unwanted pregnancy;
  • the possibility of allergic reactions in both women and men (rash, itching, burning, swelling and irritation of the mucous membrane), the development as a result of inflammatory processes on the external genitalia, in the vagina and cervix;
  • the need to insert a suppository at a strictly defined time before contact, which introduces some inconvenience, forces the interruption of love pleasures and deprives the possibility of spontaneous and sudden sexual intercourse;
  • leakage of part of the drug during and after sexual intercourse, often leading to the formation of difficult-to-remove greasy stains on the bed and underwear;
  • a long-lasting feeling of oiliness in the mucous membrane and skin in the genital area, causing severe discomfort in a number of women.

With constant use, the balance of vaginal microflora is disrupted, and thrush may develop.

Precautionary measures

Before using birth control suppositories, to prevent complications, it is better to consult a doctor or at least carefully read the instructions and become familiar with the contraindications. The latter include:

  • individual intolerance or allergic reactions to any of the components in the drug;
  • diseases of the external genitalia, vagina and cervix, accompanied by damage to the mucous membrane, inflammation, redness, formation of cracks, ulcers or erosions;
  • carrying out local therapy with vaginal tablets, ointments or suppositories.

Before using drugs in this group, it is important for a woman to find out what side effects birth control suppositories may have. Given the lack of systemic effects, these include only local allergic reactions and irritation of the mucous membrane. To prevent such phenomena at the most inopportune moment, it is worth checking the effect of the drug in advance.

Advice: If you experience any discomfort, pain, itching, swelling, rash, or irritation after inserting birth control suppositories, you should immediately try to wash off the product as much as possible with warm water from the external genitalia and douche.

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