Feeling of ear fullness

Ear congestion without pain: causes, symptoms and treatment features

In our article we will tell you why ear congestion occurs without pain. Causes and treatment are two important topics that we will cover in detail.

Table of contents:

Not everyone knows that ear congestion often occurs in people with heart disease. This is usually associated with high blood pressure in the human body. But for other reasons, ear congestion may occur without pain. Depending on the severity of the disease, you can cope with it yourself, or you should consult a doctor.


How does ear congestion manifest without pain? As a rule, it appears due to the fact that there is some kind of obstruction in the ear canal. Namely, an object of foreign origin. These include: accumulated sulfur, dirt, fat, sweat deposits. A person may have the feeling that there is simply a plug of wax in his ear. But he cannot get rid of it, and it is not visually visible.

Ear congestion without pain can occur if fluid begins to accumulate in the canal. In order to get rid of this, the human body begins to experience spasms. Thus, he wants to overcome this disease on his own. If ear congestion occurs without pain, then removing it is quite simple. You need to turn your head to the side in the direction where the problem is. Namely, if the right ear is blocked, then it is necessary to tilt the head to the right side. If the problem is with the left, you should tilt your head to the left. Next you need to wait a certain time. Usually 10 minutes is enough. During this period, the congestion should go away through pressure. In order to speed up the process, you can use a method such as jumping. They need to be performed on one leg. The main rule of jumping is not to fall. Therefore, it is better to carry out these movements with maximum caution. It is also not recommended to jump high. Such body movements can cause disruption of normal blood flow in the head. Because of this, pain occurs.

Pressure drops

Why does ear congestion occur without pain? The reasons may be different. Now we will look at them. One of the most common ear infections is when they occur in the air during a flight. The fact is that when a person is on an airplane, he feels pressure changes.

It will not be possible to completely ensure the absence of congestion. But you can alleviate the condition by inserting earplugs into your ears. Another way is to open your mouth. The opening time is a couple of seconds. This method is considered effective. Each organism has its own individual characteristics. Therefore, one method will suit some, and another will suit others.


What else causes ear congestion without pain? The reasons for this are different.

Another common cause of such an ailment as a stuffy ear is the presence of any infections or viruses in the body. This option is considered the most dangerous to human health. Therefore, specialist consultation and professional medical care are necessary here. You should know that if there is any infection in the human body, it is contraindicated to carry out such a procedure as washing with special medications. This is due to the fact that there is a possibility of the infection spreading deeper into the body. This should not be allowed under any circumstances.

This will cause new foci of its spread. Thus, the treatment process will become more complicated and more serious harm will be caused to the patient. As a rule, human infectious conditions are accompanied by a symptom such as elevated body temperature. This is due to the spread of infected bacteria. Temperatures can rise to forty degrees.

Other reasons

Listed below are several more reasons why ear congestion occurs without pain:

  1. Sulfur, or rather its accumulation in the ear canal. This may occur due to a malfunction of the nervous system of the human body.
  2. Formation of a large amount of dirt. It is clear here that the reason for its accumulation is lack of hygiene for a long time. Or a person is in places with increased pollution.
  3. There are also various pathologies that can occur in the ear canal. In this case, there is no pain. One of the factors by which the presence of pathology can be determined is whistling. The patient hears it in his ear.

Ear congestion without pain. Treatment and its features

When the cause of congestion lies in the accumulation of substances such as dirt and wax, the treatment will consist of rinsing the ear with hydrogen. The recipe for preparing a rinsing solution is quite simple. You should take hydrogen peroxide, its concentration should be 3%. Then you need to add water to it in a one to one ratio.

Next, you need to carry out the procedure of instilling the prepared mixture into the ear. Afterwards you should wait for a certain time. In the ear canal, all accumulations will dissolve in this liquid and come out of the ear. In this case, hydrogen peroxide and water mixed together can turn red or brown. There is no need to worry, as this process is considered normal.


You should know that congestion in the ear can be removed through the nose. These organs are interconnected. Therefore, rinsing your nose will ensure that your ear canals are clean. For this procedure, you should purchase a Neti pot. This can be done in almost every pharmacy. If you are afraid of the procedure, you should know that it is quite simple, and there is no reason to worry about anything.

You can prepare the washing solution yourself. A ratio of water and hydrogen peroxide in equal quantities is suitable. Or you can salt the water and use it for rinsing. After this procedure, compression of the capillary vessels occurs. And this helps relieve swelling in these organs.

There are ways to relieve nasal congestion on your own. You can use medications such as antispasmodics. It is recommended to avoid ear candles. In general, when using them, you must strictly follow the instructions for entering them. There is a risk that the ear canal may be damaged. Therefore, before using them, you should think about confidence in the correct application without violating the input technology. If in doubt, it is better not to use them.

Also, to get rid of congestion, medications whose action is aimed at narrowing blood vessels help. To clear the ear canal faster, you can chew chewing gum. This can be done for about a quarter of an hour. Eating and yawning also helps get rid of this disease.

Cleaning the ear canals

If there is an infection in a person’s ear, it is necessary to carry out a procedure for cleaning the deep canal systems. Carrying out this process yourself at home is problematic. The patient should go to a medical facility so that the doctor can perform an examination and clean the deep canals. After the procedure is done, the patient is prescribed ointments and solutions that include an antibiotic. These drugs should ensure the human recovery process. If the infection has spread to other organs, the patient must begin taking broad-spectrum antibiotics in the form of tablets or injections. When the infection spreads to other organs, a person experiences dizziness and nausea. He also has worsening vision.


There are a number of other pathologies when congestion is observed:

  1. Rhinitis.
  2. Inflammation in the ear canal.
  3. Defects of the nasal septum.
  4. A disease such as sinusitis.

Sometimes ear congestion appears without pain after a cold, and this also occurs with a sore throat.

With such complications, the underlying disease should be treated. After it is cured, the congestion will go away from the ear. When treating the above diseases, the patient is recommended to place a cotton ball in the ear. This will protect the opening from any infections entering it. This ball will also protect your ear from the cold.

There are cases when noise in the ear and congestion without pain occurs due to damage to the mucous membrane. With this option, fluid accumulates in the ear, which has an astringent effect. In this case, treatment should be carried out in a hospital using a catheter. The doctor introduces a special solution that contains enzymes necessary to remove accumulated fluid in the ear opening. Afterwards, the tube, called the Eustachian tube, is purged. Usually, several procedures are enough to restore a person’s normal auditory activity.

Is it possible to get rid of ear congestion on your own?

What to do if ear congestion occurs without pain after a cold? Can you do the treatment yourself or do you need to go to a doctor?

If a person does not have any serious symptoms, for example, fever or leakage of any fluid from the ear opening, then you can get rid of congestion on your own. An effective way is to warm it up using an infrared lamp. If it is possible to purchase it, then this method of treatment will be quite effective. An alternative replacement for a lamp is a heating pad. In order to use it, you need to fill it with warm water. Then add sea salt to it and warm your ear. Salt is needed to make the water cool more slowly. Salt heating pads are available for sale. They are quite easy to use. When kneading they become warm.


Now you know why ear congestion occurs without pain. Causes and treatment are two important topics that we also discussed in detail in the article. We hope this information was useful. In general, remember that the causes of ear congestion without pain with noise can be different, so treatment is selected individually. It is better to contact a qualified specialist with this question.

Source: http://www.syl.ru/article/308897/zalojennost-ushey-bez-boli-prichinyi-simptomyi-i-osobennosti-lecheniya

How to quickly and effectively get rid of ear congestion

The feeling of stuffiness in the ears is very unpleasant and requires special attention, as it may indicate the presence of various types of diseases. This symptom can be long-term or short-term, however, a very important factor is to determine the cause of ear congestion.

Causes of ear congestion

Ear congestion can be caused by both physiological and pathological factors.

The main reasons why the ear can become blocked are:

  • Infection. It can usually be recognized by a prolonged feeling of ear fullness (more than two days) and pain when touching the auricle. Such reasons include complications, for example, after otitis media. In this case, the best option would be to seek help from a doctor.
  • Sulfur plug. If the accumulation of sulfur has not reached enormous proportions, then you can cope with its expulsion on your own. If the plug is in the ear long enough, then only a doctor can deal with it.
  • Pressure changes. You can often experience stuffy ears after flying or diving.

If we consider the causes of a stuffy ear in more detail, they are as follows:

  • Otitis and its complications.
  • Inflammatory processes of the middle ear.
  • Rhinitis.
  • Swelling of the middle ear.
  • The presence of foreign bodies, water and wax plugs in the ear.
  • Side effects of some drugs.

Diagnosis of ear congestion

If you experience congestion in your ears, you should consult an otolaryngologist.

If ear congestion goes away painlessly, then most likely this fact does not require concern and the reason lies in pressure changes, or cerumen plug or water that got into the ear during bathing.

If the issue is excess water, then you can try the following methods to get rid of ear congestion:

  • Tilt your head in the direction where the affected ear is located and jump on one leg, shaking your head a little.
  • Lie with the affected ear on a pillow; after 30 minutes, excess fluid should drain out.
  • Place your finger in the affected ear and create a vacuum, gently pressing on the eardrum.

If the problem is pressure changes, then the following methods for getting rid of ear congestion should help:

  • Swallow saliva more often; you can chew gum to do this.
  • Inhaling, close your nostrils and then direct the air into your nose.
  • Using earplugs when flying.

If the issue is the formation of sulfur plugs, then you can try the following methods:

  • Place a mixture of apple cider vinegar and isopropyl alcohol or hydrogen peroxide into your ear.
  • Pour warm water into the ear, hold it for a few minutes and tilt your head, the wax plug should flow out of the ear along with the liquid.
  • There is no need to try to remove the wax plug with sharp objects, as this can injure your ear and aggravate the situation.

Useful video - Causes of stuffy ears:

If ear congestion does not go away for more than two days and is accompanied by pain, then you should seek help from a doctor.

The doctor will conduct a full diagnosis, which can take place in several stages:

  • Visual examination to identify the inflammatory process.
  • Palpation of the auricle and detection of pain by applying pressure.
  • Otoscopy, which is an examination of the middle ear using a metal funnel.
  • Hearing acuity assessment.

These diagnostic methods allow the doctor to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

What to do if your ear suddenly gets blocked?

If you suddenly have a stuffy ear, then, first of all, you should pay attention to your body temperature, having first measured it. At normal temperatures, the set of actions should be as follows:

  • Gently clean the ear canal.
  • Make a cotton swab and place it in the saline solution.
  • Place the tampon in the ear, squeezing it out first.
  • Make a warm dry compress.
  • Lie on your side so that the affected ear is on the compress.

At elevated temperatures, the set of actions changes slightly:

  • Take an antipyretic drug.
  • Do not clean the affected ear or use warm compresses.
  • You can rinse your nose with saline solution.
  • If the pain is severe, you should call an ambulance.

Drug and surgical treatment

Congestion is only a symptom, so the doctor selects the treatment method depending on the diagnosis

A doctor prescribes a medication treatment regimen if there is an ear infection that results in congestion.

The most common treatment for ear congestion is:

  • Cleansing the ear of excess fluid, wax and purulent masses.
  • Treatment of the outer and inner ear with antiseptic and antimicrobial drugs.
  • Use of vasoconstrictors, antihistamines and corticosteroids.
  • Taking anti-inflammatory and painkillers.
  • Installation of drainage according to indications.
  • Use of physiotherapy.

Surgical intervention occurs in particularly advanced cases and in cases of complications, when the fight against the disease cannot be achieved only with drug therapy. Therefore, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner so that treatment is faster and easier, avoiding complex cases.

An important factor in successful treatment is following the prescribed complex therapy for the treatment of the inflammatory process.

The most common surgical methods for treating stuffy ears are:

  1. Inserting a catheter into the auditory tube to widen it and deliver medications to the inner ear.
  2. Installation of an eardrum shunt to normalize pressure and remove excess fluid in the middle ear. This method is used for purulent otitis media.
  3. Carrying out a mastoidotomy, which consists of cutting the temporal bone to remove purulent masses and affected tissue.
  4. A puncture of the eardrum, which is performed when there is an accumulation of purulent masses in the inner ear.

Traditional methods

Traditional recipes are used only when the cause of ear congestion is found

In folk medicine there is a fairly large selection of recipes that can relieve ear congestion. But the main rule of successful treatment is coordination of the method with the attending physician.

The most common recipes for the treatment of ear congestion:

  • Using a warm compress. You need to immerse the towel in warm water, then wring it out and apply it to your ear until it cools completely.
  • Carrying out inhalations with the addition of eucalyptus oil.
  • Warm olive oil, which is poured into the ear canal, will help with sulfur plugs. Then the auricle is gently massaged and the oil is allowed to flow out along with the plug.
  • Drink plenty of warm drinks.
  • A compress made from a mixture of tea tree oil and coconut oil. A cotton swab dipped in oil is placed in the ear for a few minutes.
  • Ear drops based on anise oil.
  • Compresses using propolis tincture. A cotton swab is moistened in the tincture and placed in the ear canal for several minutes.
  • Geranium leaf compress. Take a fresh geranium leaf and place it in the ear canal for a while.
  • Onion juice ear drops.
  • Boric alcohol compress. Moisten the gauze in boric alcohol, secure it to the auricle and cover it with cellophane on top. Keep the compress for 30 minutes.
  • Horseradish juice drops with added honey.
  • A decoction of raspberry roots. Brew two tablespoons of raspberry roots in a liter of boiling water. After the decoction has been infused overnight, it is ready for use.
  • Camphor oil drops.
  • Rinsing the ear canal with chamomile infusion.
  • Kalanchoe juice drops.
  • Golden mustache juice compress. A cotton swab is moistened in the juice of the plant and inserted into the ear canal for twenty minutes.
  • Drops from an infusion using bay leaves. You need to take 5 bay leaves and brew 50 ml of boiling water. After the infusion has cooled, it can be used as ear drops.
  • Drops from mint tincture. It is necessary to infuse mint with vodka or alcohol and bury it in the ear canal.

In order to remove an insect from the ear, it is enough to drop a few drops of vegetable oil into the ear canal. Usually the insect floats to the surface and leaves the ear along with the leaking oil.

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Comments (5)


04/14/2017 at 23:10 | #

I often experience a feeling of stuffiness in my ear, I noticed that this is due to pressure changes. The doctor advised to inhale, heal the nose and direct air there, as described in the article. It helps, but not always.


29.10.2017 at 14:16 | #

I recently had a stuffy ear. It seemed like nothing, but after going to the doctor and taking a medical history, it turned out that the headphones “helped.” Loud music in them, that’s even more correct. So be careful with them). Everything ended well with my ear - I took Otinum drops for several days - they softened the plug perfectly, the doctor then removed it in a minute. But now I'm careful with headphones.


01/07/2018 at 09:45 | #

Most likely due to cerumen, it is enough to use a drop of Stopit, they effectively remove the cerumen.


01/16/2018 at 16:38 | #

Good evening. I have had this problem for three weeks, I drank beer every day, and my friend’s ears began to get very stuffy. More than three weeks have passed. It’s lessened by a lot, but it still gets blocked at times. I’ve ruled out alcohol altogether. Who can tell me what to do and how to treat it. And what’s subtle about it.

02/08/2018 at 17:08 | #

Alexets, reduce your alcohol intake and consult an ENT specialist, maybe it’s just a sulfur plug, then use Stopit drops.

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Ear diseases

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The medical information published on this page is strictly not recommended for self-medication. If you feel negative changes in your health, immediately contact an ENT specialist. All articles published on our resource are for informational purposes only. If you use this material or a fragment of it on your website, an active link to the source is required.

Source: http://tvojlor.com/lor/ear/kak-izbavitsya-ot-zalozhennosti-v-ushah.html

Ear congestion - causes and treatment

Often ear pain and ear congestion coincide. They may be minor, with only a slight tingling sensation. The temperature may be normal or slightly elevated. The feeling of stuffiness in the ears is very unpleasant.

What happens when your ears are blocked?

The structure of the ear is quite complex. Thus, the Eustachian (auditory) tube is a canal that is connected to the nasopharynx and the middle ear and is designed to equalize the pressure in the middle ear. But if for some reason the Eustachian tube closes, then the pressure in the middle ear does not have the opportunity to adapt to changes in environmental pressure. Because of this, the eardrum seems to bend inward, which leads to the blockage of the ears.

Causes of ear congestion

Possible causes of ear congestion are:

  • inflammation of the middle ear;
  • catarrh of the ear (tubo-otitis, acute inflammation of the Eustachian tube);
  • swelling of the auditory tube on an airplane during takeoff and landing, as well as during deep dives;
  • ear congestion after swimming;
  • change in pressure in the middle ear cavity (ear congestion pressure);
  • runny nose (rhinitis);
  • presence of foreign bodies in the ear (insects);
  • water getting into the ear when swimming and diving;
  • formation of sulfur plugs;
  • deviated nasal septum.

Congestion of the ear canals can also be caused by the penetration of viral particles into the body, leading to excessive production of mucus in the nasal cavity. Excess mucus produced leads to a runny nose and filling of the ear canals. At the same time, there is no proper air circulation through the ear canals and, as a result, congestion in the ears occurs.

Ear congestion can be a symptom of the following diseases:

Treatment of ear congestion

Due to the existing close connection between the nasopharynx and the ear canal, the resulting ear congestion requires an integrated approach to treatment. Among the wide variety of treatment methods used to relieve ear congestion, the most common is the use of medications.

Modern pharmacy chains sell a wide range of the following types of medicines:

  • Compresses
  • Ear drops
  • Complex exercises leading to pressure equalization
  • Vasoconstrictor nasal medications
  • Inhalers

All of the above remedies should be used only after consulting a doctor, since many of them may have some side effects on the body.

Folk remedies for ear congestion are applicable in cases where minor ear congestion can go away if a person yawns or swallows saliva. But if ear congestion is persistent, you must immediately show an ENT doctor. Only a doctor after examination can relieve ear congestion. At the first appointment, the ENT doctor, after conducting an examination, makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment.

For example, ear congestion in acute otitis media occurs due to infection of the auditory tube due to infection of the nose, pharynx, difficulty in nasal breathing due to acute respiratory viral infections, chronic rhinitis, deviated nasal septum, and allergies. Therefore, ear congestion due to otitis media can be cured by eliminating the cause of the disease accordingly: an existing infection, ARVI.

Treatment of a deviated nasal septum - septoplasty surgery allows not only to straighten the nasal septum, but also to eliminate ear congestion. Surgery on the nasal septum is non-traumatic for the patient.

Treatment of acute tubo-otitis is aimed at restoring the drainage and ventilation functions of the Eustachian tube. To reduce swelling of the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube, vasoconstrictors are used in the form of nasal drops (for example, naphthyzine). To resolve the inflammatory fluid, heat is applied to the ear and physiotherapeutic procedures are used.

If the inflammation in the nose and nasopharynx has subsided, but the auditory tube remains impassable, ear blowing is used to help remove fluid through the Eustachian tube into the nasopharynx. For acute eustachitis, 1-2 such procedures are sufficient.

A good effect is achieved by introducing enzymes through a catheter into the auditory tube and the tympanic cavity that dissolve congealed inflammatory fluid and glucocorticoid drugs that relieve inflammation.

Why do my ears get blocked when I have a cold?

Ear congestion can also occur with the most common cold. In this case, ear congestion is most often a consequence of frequent nose blowing. When blowing your nose, there is an increase in pressure in the area of ​​the tympanic cavity, and all because the Eustachian tube in such a pathological condition is in a closed state. But crackling in the ears during a cold occurs when the Eustachian tube opens.

What to do if your ears are blocked?

If your ear is blocked during a cold, then close your nose with your fingers and start blowing air until you feel a pop. After this, perform five to six swallowing movements. Even if your ear doesn’t go away right away, then most likely it will happen within five to ten minutes, so don’t worry too much about it.

To combat ear congestion, it is also recommended to blow through a thin straw and inflate balloons.

But otolaryngologists still advise going to a clinic. But sometimes unforeseen circumstances arise when congestion occurs far from hospitals (at the dacha, for example, after swimming in a river) or at night. In this case, to answer the question “I have a stuffy ear, what should I do?” there are several simple tips that you can use before going to see a doctor.

If your ear is blocked after a cold and you still have a runny nose, then you need to rinse each nasal passage with a solution of salted water (1 level teaspoon per glass of 200 ml of boiled water). You can simply “suck in” your nose a little, or you can use a syringe or a syringe without a needle. Parents should do this procedure for their child.

Today there are ready-made drops based on sea water - they can also be used for rinsing. Then instill vasoconstrictor drugs (naphthyzin, galazolin and many others with similar effects) into the cleansed nasal passages. It will also be useful to instill 2-3 drops of the same warm vasoconstrictor into the sore ear itself along with the nose. But not boric alcohol - this is a common misconception that can only increase pain.

If these simple remedies did not help, then the further answer to the question “I have a stuffy ear, what should I do?” There is only one answer - urgently contact an ENT doctor. It is not permissible to self-medicate here, as serious complications associated with hearing loss may arise. And if the process turns into purulent otitis media, then the patient’s life may be threatened, since the brain is located in close proximity to the ear.

Questions and answers on the topic “Ear congestion”

Question: I have been suffering from congestion in my right ear for a long time. Not strong, but disturbing. I visited different ENT doctors. One noticed inflammation of the posterior wall of the external canal, and prescribed a candibiotic, UHF, and quartz. The inflammation went away, but the congestion remained. There is no hearing loss, audiometry confirms. I started going to the gym again: while jogging at the 3rd kilometer, my ear popped up, the effect lasted for about 3 hours, then it popped up again! Sleeping on the left side is also preferable - it puts off! ENT says - most likely neurology - I don’t know which doctor to go to!

Question: Yesterday my left ear was blocked. This happened before (about a week ago), but it just passed very quickly. Nothing hurts. There was no runny nose. I can't hear well. I can’t see a doctor because I’m temporarily abroad.

Question: My ear got blocked after water got in there. Sulfur plugs form frequently. At the ENT appointment, the ears were washed, the wax came out, but the congestion remained. There was no temperature. A diagnosis of acute catarrhal otitis media was made. They prescribed vasoconstrictor drops in the nose, Otipax in the ear, and boric alcohol at night. After 4 days of treatment, the eardrum was red and retracted; Amoxiclav was prescribed. I drank it for 5 days, the membrane is normal, the congestion remains. They did Politzer blowing. Now I go for pneumomassage. The congestion has generally lasted for 10 days. It’s very disturbing and annoying - I have no strength! Please tell me what this could mean, is it dangerous? This is the first time this has happened to me. How long can congestion last? I can hear well, but somehow it’s loud (like in a traffic jam). What else can be done in this case? I am 31 years old, stage 3 chronic kidney disease, so my blood pressure rises, but now it’s rare, mostly normal. Thank you!

Question: I have the following question. When I sleep on my left side, my left ear gets blocked and I can’t hear anything with it. Please tell me what should I do and what is it? Thank you in advance.

Question: At the age of 14, I had a perforation of the membrane in my right ear and hearing loss in it was reduced. Now I am 38 years old and after rinsing my nose with the Dolphin toilet, I blew my nose very sharply and there was a blockage in my right ear with great pain. I didn’t sleep all night from pain and stupor. It hurts to press on the ear. There is no bleeding. We don't have an ENT doctor. Tell me what could have happened. What treatment to do? Thanks in advance.

Question: My husband fell ill with a sore throat, the doctor prescribed me to take Flemoxin Solutab for 5 days. On the third day of treatment, my right ear became blocked; it didn’t hurt, but I also had trouble hearing. Along with antibiotics, I took grammidin and washed my nose with Dolphin. Please tell me how to cure this and whether it caused any complications? My husband is 55 years old.

Question: My ear is blocked. How to get rid of congestion in the ear?

Question: Two days ago my left ear hurt, it’s stuffy, I’m very worried about pain when chewing, squeezing my jaws, and throbbing pain appears in my left ear. What could it be?

Source: http://www.diagnos-online.ru/symptoms/symptom0215.html

Ear congestion without pain: why do ears become blocked and what to do at home?

Ear congestion without pain can occur with a number of serious pathologies of the hearing organ and brain damage. But there are also physiological reasons for this condition. Congestion can be treated at home.

Causes of ear congestion without pain

To understand why your ears are blocked, you need to understand the reasons for these sensations. The appearance of an inflammatory process occurring in the mucous membrane of the hearing organs is accompanied by edema. This is how the tissue increases in size, which is why it covers the ear canal. Air stops passing from the middle ear to the nasopharynx, and the pressure in the tympanic cavity drops. This is accompanied by a subjective feeling of congestion.

Often the causes of this condition are physiological and do not require treatment. These include wax build-up, water blockage, and changes in atmospheric pressure during airplane takeoff and landing, rapid elevator rides, or immersion in water. In the second case, it is enough to yawn slightly at the right moment and the unpleasant sensation disappears. If there are wax plugs, they need to be removed in the ENT office or yourself at home. If water gets into the ear, it is recommended to pull the earlobe down and back, while tilting the sore side towards the shoulder. The moisture will come out on its own and the unpleasant sensation will disappear.

What diseases does it indicate?

When the ears become blocked due to pathology, it requires serious treatment. Such diseases include:

  • meningitis;
  • injuries to the brain and skull bones;
  • abnormalities of the auditory analyzer;
  • damage to the nasal septum;
  • neoplasms of the hearing aid;
  • sensorineural hearing loss;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • cardiopsychoneurosis;
  • otitis (inflammatory process in the middle ear);
  • tubotympanitis (inflammation of the tympanic cavity and Eustachian tube);
  • preceptive hearing loss (impaired perception of sounds);
  • influenza, acute respiratory infections;
  • angina;
  • measles.

All of these diseases require contacting a specialist and prescribing therapy. Most of them are successfully treated at home under the supervision of an ENT doctor.

If ear congestion persists for more than 2 days without pain or signs of infectious diseases, this is a reason to contact a clinic.

Delaying your visit increases the risk of deafness.

Diagnostic measures

To determine the cause of the discomfort, it is worth visiting an otolaryngologist. At the appointment, the doctor examines the ears using a funnel. This painless procedure allows you to see the presence of inflammation and swelling of the soft tissues. If there is a suspicion of pathology of the auditory analyzer, further studies are prescribed:

  • audiometry - determines the level of hearing, the sensitivity of the analyzer and diagnoses sensorineural hearing loss;
  • tympanometry - allows you to evaluate the functional activity of the auditory ossicles, membranes and the work of the middle ear in conducting impulses;
  • computed tomography - provides a layer-by-layer analysis of the auditory zones of the cerebral cortex, as well as the temporal bones.

With proper diagnosis, the cause of ear congestion is detected in 90% of cases. This allows you to competently build a treatment regimen and avoid possible complications.

Treating congestion at home

Treatment begins with a correct diagnosis by the doctor at the appointment. He also prescribes medications depending on the reason why the ear is blocked. If there is a physiological problem—cerumen plug—its removal is prescribed. It is carried out directly at the reception. If the problem recurs, you can remove the plug at home.

For this purpose, cerumenolytics are used. They act on the sulfur plug, dissolving it and facilitating removal. Such medicines include “A-cerumen”, “Remo-Vax”, “Aqua Maris Oto”. A budget-friendly solution for softening cork is 3% hydrogen peroxide. It is poured into the ear with a syringe without a needle. The solution is left for a few minutes, then removed along with the stopper.

If there is a pathological cause of ear congestion, drug treatment is used:

  • antibiotics (amoxicillin) - used for otitis with pus discharge;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (Otipax, Sufradex) - helps reduce swelling in tubotympanitis;
  • vasoconstrictors (xylometazoline) - relieve tissue swelling, improve the conductivity of sound vibrations;
  • antimycotics (“Amphoglucamine”) - helps eliminate fungi from the ear cavity;
  • antiviral (Kagocel, Tamiflu, Remantadine) - help with ear congestion associated with a viral infection.

Most diseases accompanied by a feeling of ear congestion can be successfully treated at home under the supervision of a specialist.

Stuffed ears with nasal congestion: what to do?

With nasal congestion, unpleasant sensations in the ears often occur. This is due to the reaction of the body, which tries to prevent the spread of infection to the hearing organs. The swelling that occurs with nasal congestion blocks the passage of air contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms into the ear cavity. But the patient notes discomfort.

To prevent inflammation from spreading to the hearing organs, timely treatment of the nasopharynx disease that has arisen is required. Increased pressure in the middle ear puts pressure on the eardrum, which causes holes to appear in it and hearing loss. Most often, such complications occur when:

To eliminate nasal congestion and prevent complications on the hearing organ, several methods are used:

  • antiviral or antibacterial drug therapy;
  • massage the sinuses to facilitate the passage of mucus without effort;
  • warm compresses based on oils;
  • the use of vasoconstrictor drops as a temporary measure to alleviate the condition;
  • the use of ear drops to prevent the development of complications.

If all treatment rules are followed, the performance of the hearing organ will remain at the same level, and nasal congestion will disappear without a trace.

Illness during pregnancy: causes and treatment

Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, expectant mothers often experience stuffy ears, especially in the second trimester. Swelling occurs in the tissues of all organs due to fluid retention, which also affects hearing. The pressure in the middle ear drops, which pulls on the eardrum. It becomes concave, and the woman feels congested.

This condition is physiological and therefore does not require treatment. As the hormonal levels stabilize, the unpleasant sensations recede. To alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman, you can use vasoconstrictor drops. They also help relieve the symptoms of physiological rhinitis, which can also cause ear congestion.

Causes of tinnitus

Ringing in the ears in the absence of external irritation of the hearing organs can occur for several reasons. Of these, ear diseases include:

  • otitis;
  • foreign body in the ear canal;
  • otosclerosis;
  • eardrum injury (rupture);
  • neoplasms of the hearing organs of various types;
  • inflammation of the labyrinth;
  • hearing loss of various origins;
  • inflammatory process in the nerve of the auditory analyzer.

Tinnitus can occur in the presence of diseases not related to the hearing system. Such pathologies include:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • endocrine pathologies (diabetes, thyroiditis, thyrotoxicosis);
  • narrowing of the jugular veins and carotid veins;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • hepatitis of viral etiology;
  • prolonged emotional stress;
  • intoxication with certain industrial poisons;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • fluid in the ear cavity.

Whatever the cause of the noise, this condition requires the intervention of a specialist to prescribe competent treatment.

To successfully get rid of unpleasant sensations in the ears at home, you need to accurately determine the cause of this condition. Timely treatment will help to quickly get rid of the feeling of congestion, avoid complications and maintain hearing at the same level.

Source: http://attuale.ru/zalozhennost-uha-bez-boli-pochemu-zakladyvayut-ushi-i-chto-delat-v-domashnih-usloviyah/

Ear congestion: what to do if your ears are blocked, treatment, connection with diseases

Ear congestion in a patient is expressed by various kinds of subjective sensations, sometimes causing significant discomfort and is more often characterized by the following phenomena:

  • Change in self-perception of one’s own voice (to the point of being unrecognizable);
  • A decrease in the usual general sound background (both on one and both sides), leading to the need to listen to surrounding sounds;
  • Heaviness in the head;
  • The appearance of extraneous background (“tunnel”) noise, a squeak that has no connection with surrounding sound sources (“tinnitus”);
  • Sensation of a foreign body (fluid) in the ear canal.

In a significant number of cases, the above sensations are accompanied by pain in the ears.

The mechanism of the sensation of ear fullness

A. Pressure difference in the tympanic cavity and the environment

The eardrum, thanks to which sound vibrations are transmitted through small auditory ossicles to the auditory receptors of the inner ear, hermetically protects our hearing organ from the environment by forming a kind of air chamber - the middle ear.

However, its one hundred percent tightness can cause barotrauma, accompanied by acute pain in the ears with a sharp increase or decrease in pressure in the environment, observed, for example, during a rapid rise into the air or immersion in the depths of water.

To prevent this from happening, nature has provided a kind of “valve” that balances internal and external pressure. Its role is played by the auditory (Eustachian) tube, connecting the tympanic cavity of the ear with the nasopharynx, where it exits in the folds of the tubal tonsils.

The equalization of the pressure difference occurs each time simultaneously with swallowing movements, during which the lumen of the Eustachian tube opens for some time.

In cases where the opening of the lumen of the auditory tube is not carried out for a long time, the difference between the pressure inside the tympanic cavity and in the external environment increases. It is in this situation that the ears become blocked.

b. Disturbance in the formation of sound sensation and its transmission at various stages of the “sound receptor-auditory nerve-hearing center in the brain” chain

This mechanism manifests itself in a wide range of diseases, sometimes having nothing to do with otolaryngology.

Natural Causes of Ear Congestion

Natural, logical reasons for the feeling of stuffiness in the ears include a change in the atmospheric pressure surrounding a person when moving in fast-moving transport (high-speed elevator, subway, airplane) at the beginning or end of the movement.

However, if these complaints appear with minimal changes in atmospheric pressure during the day and occur with minor movements, and even more so if they are accompanied by a headache and ear pain, such congestion should be classified as pathological, as a manifestation of something hidden at that moment for the patient diseases.

Pathological causes of ear congestion

1. Foreign bodies of the external auditory canal

A similar situation occurs:

  • When water flows in while swimming or showering;
  • When insects crawl into the ear canal while sleeping outdoors or in the country;
  • When children (especially young children) play with toys that have small removable parts.

2. Viral and colds of the upper respiratory tract with catarrhal manifestations

Even if the inflammation during a cold is limited to the nasal cavity, as with rhinitis, frequent runny nose, especially when it requires effort, causes a significant increase in pressure in the tympanic cavity. Otherwise, like “a stuffy ear with a runny nose,” the patient cannot express his complaints, helping the attending physician clarify the cause of the sudden hearing loss.

In cases where inflammation covers the entire pharynx, the tubal tonsils do not pose any particular obstacle to the progression of infection, causing inflammation of the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube (eustacheitis). It becomes swollen and, independently or under the influence of air passing through the pipe, is ready to close and completely block the communication between the nasopharynx and the middle ear. This is accompanied by painful sensations in the form of clicking and severe itching.

3. Acute and chronic inflammation of the outer, middle and inner ear

The infection can penetrate both through the Eustachian tube (tubotympanitis) and during inflammation of the external auditory canal associated with pustular skin lesions, traumatic injuries, and manifestations of a general allergic reaction (rash).

It is possible for infection to penetrate into the inner ear through the bloodstream in the presence of recent acute or chronic purulent diseases with manifestations in the nasopharynx and oropharynx such as scarlet fever, tonsillitis (tonsillitis, adenoiditis), carious teeth, measles, etc.

In this case, the pathological symptoms of ear congestion are not limited to. Quite intense pain in the ear occurs, sometimes taking on a pulsating character. The patient also complains of tinnitus. The overall body temperature rises, reaching 40°C. Pus begins to leak from the ear canal.

It is this cause of ear congestion that most often occurs in children under six years of age, who are especially prone to allergic reactions.

4. The presence of a curved cartilaginous or bone part of the nasal septum and polypous growths of the nasal mucosa

By disrupting the ventilation of the upper respiratory tract, obstacles create “dead” zones with impaired outflow of mucus, which can itself clog the internal opening of the Eustachian tubes, and also provide an excellent environment for the preservation of various pathogenic microorganisms, which cause inflammation of the auditory tube.

5. Thickening, presence of adhesions and scars on the eardrum

They occur after traumatic injuries and previous severe purulent otitis. The eardrum becomes inert, less mobile, and this prevents it from reacting quickly to a sudden pressure difference.

6. During pregnancy

Ears get blocked “just like that” during pregnancy. This is due to changes in the woman’s hormonal levels characteristic of this condition. For this reason, soft tissues contain more fluid, the mucous membranes are full-blooded and swollen. This causes a narrowing, or even complete closure of the lumen of the auditory tube. If in this case the ear is blocked, but does not hurt and there are no other symptoms, then there is no reason to worry. In such cases, the pregnant woman is advised to suck lollipops, eat chewing candies, or use chewing gum. You can simply hum your favorite songs out loud. This will help relieve discomfort, which will disappear altogether after childbirth.

7. High blood pressure

Often the ears become stuffy and dizzy due to a sharp rise in blood pressure, which is observed during an arterial crisis. High blood pressure causes increased blood flow in the inner ear, which leads to these symptoms. More often than not, especially in the early stages of the development of arterial hypertension, the patient adds to these complaints that he has a headache.

8. Wax plugs

Earwax is necessary for a mechanical barrier to water and small dust particles in the external auditory canal on the way to the middle ear. Special glands are responsible for its production. In some situations, earwax is produced in excess.

Improper cleansing of the external auditory canal leads to accumulation and compaction of secretions in close proximity to the eardrum. The result is a natural decrease in hearing with symptoms of congestion.

9. Cholesteatoma

This is an accumulation of desquamated horny masses of the superficial parts of the skin of the ear canal. More often observed in chronic otitis media.

10. Previous traumatic brain injuries and strokes, tumors affecting the hearing center in the brain (temporal lobes)

Here, among the reasons associated with damage to the neural chain of formation of auditory sensations, one should also include a tumor of the auditory nerve - neuroma.

11. Sensorineural hearing loss (Meniere's syndrome) and otosclerosis

Hearing loss and otosclerosis manifest themselves in a gradual decrease in hearing, a feeling of fullness in the ears with the simultaneous appearance of tinnitus without the obvious reasons described above. The initiating factor for the development of these diseases is assumed to be a local (in the temporal bone and inner ear) metabolic disorder (minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, fats).

12. Temporomandibular joint dysfunction

It is caused by compression by the edematous articular capsule of the neurovascular bundle passing nearby and responsible for the blood supply and innervation of the outer and middle ear. It is observed with frequent (habitual) dislocations and injuries of the lower jaw.

Treatment of ear congestion

Based on diagnosis of the cause of discomfort. Therefore, for adequate treatment it is necessary to consult an ENT doctor.

Only a specialist can accurately determine the cause of ear congestion, prescribe additional, clarifying diagnostic methods (audiogram, tympanometry), and refer, if necessary, to a cardiologist, neurologist, or dentist for consultation.

Source: http://uhonos.ru/uho/simptomy-uha/zakladyvaet-ushi/

Pawns ears

A feeling of fullness in the ears - an altered perception of one's own voice and background sounds. Discomfort is caused by disturbances in the functioning of the sound-perceiving or sound-conducting system of the auditory analyzer. Untimely diagnosis and treatment of pathology can cause the development of serious complications, such as purulent otitis media, meningitis, labyrinthitis, etc.

As a rule, ear congestion is a consequence of inflammatory reactions in the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, middle ear and eustachian tube.

Due to severe intoxication of the body, the soft tissues swell, which leads to blockage of the auditory canal connecting the middle ear with the nasopharynx.

A decrease in pressure in the tympanic cavity provokes a feeling of fullness in the ears.

Mechanism of occurrence

Why are my ears clogged? An unpleasant phenomenon occurs due to impaired conduction or perception of sound signals by the auditory analyzer. Malfunctions in the operation of the components of the sound-conducting circuit inevitably lead to distortion or weakening of sounds, as a result of which the patient notes the fact of hearing loss.

The eardrum not only conducts sound signals, but also amplifies them many times over. Through the auditory ossicles, sound penetrates the auditory receptor center, where it is modulated and converted into an electrical impulse. The presence of obstacles in the path of the sound wave contributes to its weakening, which leads to a decrease in the threshold of auditory sensitivity.

Much less often, a feeling of fullness in the ear occurs due to dysfunction of the main parts of the sound-receiving system. Damage to the ear labyrinth, auditory nerve and hair receptors contributes to hearing impairment and the development of sensorineural hearing loss. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, the problem can only be eliminated through surgery.


Why do my ears always get blocked? There are many exogenous and endogenous factors that contribute to hearing loss and a feeling of congestion. Conventionally, they can be divided into two categories:

  • natural - the formation of sulfur plugs, a sharp change in atmospheric pressure;
  • pathological - infectious diseases, traumatic brain injuries, abnormal development of the hearing organ and nasal septum.

Ignoring the problem can cause the development of autophony or deafness.

It should be understood that congestion in the ear without pain does not guarantee the absence of inflammatory processes. If discomfort does not go away within a few days, you should seek help from an otolaryngologist. In some cases, the symptom signals the development of benign tumors, serous otitis media or sensorineural hearing loss.

Natural causes

What should you do if your ears are blocked? First you need to find out what factors contributed to the problem. Experts include the following natural causes of discomfort:

  • wax plugs - an excess amount of wax in the external auditory canal contributes to the formation of dense plugs that prevent the sound signal from penetrating into the ear;
  • pressure changes - a sharp change in pressure on the eardrum leads to its stretching and decreased elasticity. Congestion often occurs during air travel, diving, traveling on a fast train, etc.;
  • moisture in the ear canal – the entry of water into the external auditory canal contributes to the formation of a barrier to the passage of sound, as a result of which the audibility of surrounding sounds is reduced.

If your ear does not hurt, but is blocked and has difficulty hearing, it is advisable to undergo examination by a specialist. In approximately 15% of cases, the symptom signals the development of cardiovascular diseases, such as arterial hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypotension, etc.

Pathological causes

Congestion in the ears, accompanied by dizziness or pain, most often signals the development of inflammation in the parts of the hearing organ. Ear pathologies occur due to decreased reactivity of the body or infection of the upper respiratory tract.

The appearance of discomfort may be associated with the development of pathologies such as:

  • Otitis is an ENT disease characterized by the occurrence of foci of inflammation in the middle, outer or inner ear. As a rule, it develops against the background of general diseases (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia, scarlet fever). Swelling of the affected tissues interferes with the conduction and normal perception of sound signals, which leads to congestion, tinnitus and heaviness in the head;
  • perceptual hearing loss is an ear pathology that occurs as a result of damage to the main parts of the sound-receiving apparatus (hair receptors, vestibulocochlear nerve, ear labyrinth);
  • tubotympanitis - inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes of the Eustachian tube and tympanic cavity. Swelling of the tissue leads to blockage of the ear canal, resulting in a vacuum in the middle ear. This creates excess pressure on the ear membrane from the external auditory canal.

Perceptual hearing loss is practically not amenable to drug treatment, which is due to the inability of hair cells (auditory receptors) to regenerate.

If ear congestion does not go away within a few days, you need to be examined by a specialist. As a rule, ear pathologies develop against the background of common infectious diseases (flu, measles, colds, sore throat), the progression of which is fraught with serious complications.

During pregnancy

Most women during gestation, approximately in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, periodically experience ear congestion. The occurrence of the problem is often caused by hormonal changes and a decrease in the body's resistance. The production of excess amounts of progesterone and estrogen leads to malfunctions of the detoxification organs. For this reason, excess moisture accumulates in the tissues, as a result of which the mucous membranes of the ENT organs begin to swell.

Tissue swelling helps to reduce the internal diameter of the auditory canal, which prevents normal ventilation of the tympanic cavity. Due to low pressure in the middle ear, the eardrum is pulled inward, which leads to discomfort.

Important! Ear congestion without pain may signal the development of catarrhal otitis media. Untimely treatment of the disease can cause the development of purulent inflammation.

Other reasons

Why is my left ear stuffy? Hearing loss associated with a feeling of fullness in the ears is not always associated with dysfunction of the auditory analyzer.

Malfunctions of the hearing organ may be associated with diseases of other organs and systems, which include:

  • Cholesteatomas are benign neoplasms consisting of keratinized epithelial cells, cholesterol crystals and keratin. Occur mainly with the development of chronic purulent otitis, accompanied by otorrhea;
  • Meniere's syndrome is an otolaryngological disease characterized by the accumulation of endolymph in the cavity of the inner ear. Excessive fluid creates pressure on the hair cells, resulting in decreased hearing and a feeling of congestion;
  • dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint - inflammation of the joint capsule, accompanied by damage to the neurovascular bundle that provides innervation to the middle ear;
  • otosclerosis is a pathology characterized by the proliferation of bone tissue in the mastoid process; leads to damage to the structures of the sound-conducting system, which can lead to hearing loss and blocked ears;
  • skull injuries - contact damage to soft tissues and the chain of nerves in the auditory analyzer, which leads to the development of auditory dysfunction.

If your ear is blocked and does not go away, you need to seek help from an ENT doctor to undergo a differential diagnosis. An audiological examination will allow you to accurately determine in which link of the sound-conducting chain the disturbances have occurred, which will facilitate the correct choice of the appropriate course of therapy.


What types of examinations do you need to undergo if your ear is blocked? First of all, the specialist will examine the external auditory canal for the presence of perforations in the eardrum and tissue hyperemia. If ear diseases are suspected, the patient will be offered the following types of diagnostics:

  • audiometry – determination of the threshold of auditory sensitivity in relation to sound signals of varying intensity and frequency;
  • videoendoscopy - examination of the cavity of the outer and middle ear using an endoscope, which allows you to determine the presence of foci of inflammation in the soft tissues;
  • tympanometry - a study of the functions of the middle ear, during which a specialist assesses the degree of mobility of the auditory ossicles and eardrum;
  • computed tomography is a method of obtaining layer-by-layer images of the brain and temporal bones, thanks to which it is possible to determine the presence of mechanical damage and tumors in the hearing organ.

What to do if your right ear is blocked after a cold? Post-infectious complications accompanied by hearing loss most often signal the development of pathogenic flora in the main parts of the auditory analyzer. If otorrhea is present, the specialist must culture the discharge from the external auditory canal. In this way, it is possible to determine the degree of sensitivity of pathogens to the components of antifungal and antibacterial agents.

Drug therapy

To eliminate the vacuum in the ear, a specialist may prescribe medication, physiotherapy or surgery. The principle of therapy directly depends on the factors that provoked the problem. As part of pharmacotherapy, the following types of medications are used to relieve an unpleasant symptom:

  • vasoconstrictor drops (“Nazol”, “Snoop”) - reduce vascular permeability, which leads to an increase in the internal diameter of the auditory canal and restoration of ventilation of the tympanic cavity;
  • anti-inflammatory drops (“Otipax”, “Sufradex”) - contribute to the regression of foci of inflammation in the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and Eustachian tube;
  • antiviral drugs (“Kagocel”, “Remantadine”) – kill pathogenic viruses that provoke the development of bullous and diffuse external otitis;
  • antifungal agents (“Candibiotic”, “Amphoglucamine”) - inhibit the activity of mold and yeast-like fungi that cause the development of otomycosis;
  • antibacterial drugs (Dexon, Amoxicillin) - destroy aerobic and anaerobic bacteria that lead to the development of purulent otitis media.

Important! During antibacterial therapy, it is advisable to use probiotics to prevent dysbiosis.

Removing traffic jams

Why do my ears periodically clog? Failure to comply with basic hygiene rules is one of the most common causes of discomfort. If moisture gets into the external auditory canal, an air plug may form in the ear, preventing the evacuation of fluid. To remove it, experts recommend rinsing the ear with saline solution heated to a temperature of degrees.

If your ear suddenly becomes blocked, this may indicate a blockage of the ear canal with wax. The occurrence of a problem is often preceded by a slight deterioration in hearing associated with partial blockage of the auditory canal. To dissolve earwax and eliminate plugs, experts recommend using cerumenolytics. They contain surface active components that soften dense masses and facilitate their evacuation. If the right ear is blocked, it is more advisable to use drugs such as A-cerumen, Remo-Vax, Aqua Maris Oto, etc.

High-density plugs that are not dissolved by cerumenolytics are removed during curutage using a special probe.

Author: Guseinova Irada

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Constantly stuffy ears - the reason

  • Ear is blocked and hurts

  • Stuffed ears after a cold

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