Headache due to nasal congestion

What to do if you have a headache from a runny nose: folk advice and medications

A cold often comes with a range of different symptoms. Their intensity and manifestation depend on the human immune system and the pathogen itself.

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Often, in addition to cough and nasal congestion, a headache is also observed. It can be caused by various reasons: from harmless swelling and fatigue to dangerous inflammation of the membranes of the brain.

Causes of pathology

Runny nose with headache

Headaches with a cold are common. It can occur due to swelling of the nose, lack of oxygen, fatigue and weakness of the body. To understand why your head hurts from a runny nose, what to do and how to get rid of it, you need to see a doctor. There is no need to endure constant and severe pain, since they can be symptoms of quite dangerous diseases.

The most common causes of headache due to viral infection are:

  • The amount of intracranial fluid increases. When you have a cold, secretion increases, there is more fluid, it puts pressure on the membranes of the brain and causes pain. It is for this reason that medications for relieving cold and flu symptoms are aimed specifically at reducing swelling and relieving headaches.
  • Intoxication. The disease is usually caused by bacteria and viruses. If they continue to actively reproduce, their waste products cause intoxication of the body, which is also expressed in headaches. In this case, it is recommended to take antibacterial or antiviral drugs as prescribed by your doctor and drink more fluids so that toxins are eliminated from the body through the pores and kidneys.
  • Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. This disease is called sinusitis. It has its own varieties depending on which sinuses are inflamed (sinusitis - if the sinuses are near the nose, frontal sinuses - if the frontal sinuses, etc.). With all varieties, severe headaches, swelling of the nose, and sometimes purulent nasal discharge are observed. Most often, sinusitis occurs as a complication of a runny nose if not treated properly.
  • Otitis. Otitis media is also a complication of a runny nose and is accompanied by both ear pain and headaches, which can be quite severe.
  • Meningitis. The most dangerous cause of headache. With meningitis, the membranes of the brain become inflamed, which is very life-threatening. The headaches are very strong, there is also nausea, high fever, and general weakness. This condition requires immediate hospitalization.

Drug treatment

Features of drug treatment of pathology: types of drugs

Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor depending on the causes of the disease. It starts with identifying those reasons. Since headaches occur with a runny nose and cold, you first need to defeat the infection.

In case of severe infection and severe headaches, severe swelling, antiviral drugs or antibiotics are prescribed if the infection is bacterial. They need to be taken to the end to stop the proliferation of microorganisms and speed up recovery.

  • Popular antiviral drugs include Ergoferon, Anaferon, Arbidol, Kagocel, and Rimantadine. They have different effects. Some block the proliferation of bacteria and destroy them, while others activate the body’s protective function and enhance the production of interferon. Therefore, a doctor should prescribe such drugs, taking into account the characteristics of the disease.
  • If the pain is severe, the doctor will also prescribe painkillers, for example, Bral, Paracetamol, Solpadeine, Pentalgin. However, they are not recommended for long-term use; they are intended for emergency relief of an attack of pain.
  • For sinusitis, in addition to general treatment of the infection, local medications are prescribed, for example, Isofra spray and drops, Aqua Maris for rinsing, etc. There are also nasal drops with antibiotics, which can destroy bacteria directly at the site of inflammation, as well as a large selection of antiseptic drugs.
  • Sometimes vasoconstrictor drops are enough to relieve headaches with a runny nose if the pain is caused by swelling and oxygen deprivation. Among such drugs, the most famous are Snoop, Nazivin, Nazol, Rinonorm, Tizin, etc. They can be used regularly, but no more than 2-3 times a day and no longer than 3-5 days. If after this time the runny nose and headache have not gone away, you should consult a doctor for examination and search for other treatment.

Useful video - Runny nose, sinusitis and sinusitis.

If treatment does not help, the headache hurts and the swelling does not go away, then more radical treatment methods are used. For sinusitis, this is a puncture of the maxillary sinus and removal of fluid from it using a probe.

People's Councils

Traditional methods of treating runny nose and headaches

You can use traditional medicine for colds, flu and headaches only with the permission of a doctor. Self-medicating without examination can be dangerous.

Not only will it not give the desired result, but it can also increase pain and swelling. It is worth remembering that when using herbs, essential oils and natural juices, there is always a danger of an allergic reaction and burn of the mucous membrane when instilled into the nose.

Several folk remedies for treating a runny nose:

  1. You can lubricate your temples, forehead, and areas behind the ears with menthol oil. It is advisable to add it to another base oil so as not to cause skin irritation. Pharmacy natural rubs based on eucalyptus and mint oil are used in a similar way. You can lubricate your nostrils with them, but only the skin and in no case the mucous membrane from the inside, otherwise you can get burned.
  2. Any aromatherapy will be useful in the absence of allergies. You can use an aroma lamp for this. Lavender, basil, and mint oils will help relieve headaches and ease breathing.
  3. A cold compress can help relieve a headache. To do this, you need to moisten a towel with cold water and apply it to your forehead for a while. When the towel warms up, you can repeat the procedure 2 more times. The towel should not be icy; severe hypothermia should not be allowed, otherwise the inflammatory process will intensify.
  4. Massaging certain points on the face helps relieve swelling and relieve headaches. Using light circular movements using your fingertips, you need to massage the hollows near the wings of the nose, the point between the eyebrows, the temples and the areas behind the earlobes.
  5. You can lubricate your temples and forehead not only with oil, but also with lemon juice. Its smell also helps relieve headaches.
  6. Among herbal infusions for colds and headaches, infusions of clover flowers, elderberry, and mint are known. They should be drunk throughout the day in small portions.
  7. There is also a way to get rid of headaches: you need to hold a small portion of cognac in your mouth and spit it out. Alcohol is known to dilate blood vessels. However, it is not recommended to abuse it, since alcohol weakens the immune system.


Possible consequences of pathology

The best prevention is strengthening the immune system, hardening, regularly taking multivitamin complexes, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. In this case, viral and bacterial infections will affect the body less often, and the disease itself will be easier.

It is important to start treatment from the very first signs of a cold. As soon as symptoms appear, you need to drink as much fluid as possible; hot drinks with lemon or raspberries, as well as bed rest, will help. In this case, it will be most effective, and the likelihood of complications is significantly reduced.

A runny nose with a headache if not treated correctly can lead to unpleasant consequences. For example, with self-medication and copious instillation of various herbal remedies and oils into the nose, allergic rhinitis may occur. It is accompanied by even more severe swelling and headache. The consequence of such severe rhinitis can be sinusitis, when the infection penetrates the maxillary sinuses, causing them to become inflamed. This leads not only to headaches in the nose, cheeks, forehead, but also to the formation of pus. Sinusitis is more difficult to treat than a common cold; it quickly becomes chronic.

In addition to sinusitis, frontal sinusitis or sphenoiditis may occur.

Frontitis is characterized by pressing pain in the forehead, and sphenoiditis is characterized by pain in the back of the head, radiating to the eyes. In this case, vision may even deteriorate.

The most frightening consequence is meningitis. Both sinusitis and otitis media can lead to it, since the meninges are located close to both the middle ear and the maxillary sinuses. The infection can spread to the brain. It is important to start treatment within the first day after symptoms appear, otherwise complications can be very serious: blindness, deafness, or even death. Unfortunately, recognizing meningitis is not so easy right away. Symptoms resemble regular flu, but often add high fever, severe headaches, vomiting, loss of consciousness, delirium, inability to tilt the head, and convulsions.

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Comments (1)


11/17/2016 at 10:25 pm | #

I also somehow suffered from such a wild combination, runny nose and headache. Then I took Morenazal spray with chamomile, and everything went away. It relieves swelling, inflammation and cleanses the mucous membrane well.

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  • Lilya - Some are treated with what, some with tea. – 03/09/2018
  • Anna - Very good sore throat. – 03/09/2018
  • Anya - Wow, judging by history. – 03/09/2018
  • Agata - My mother was still in my childhood. – 03/08/2018
  • Alice - I used to treat myself with rinses. Now. – 03/08/2018
  • Ekaterina - In all the articles they write that. – 03/08/2018

The medical information published on this page is strictly not recommended for self-medication. If you feel negative changes in your health, immediately contact an ENT specialist. All articles published on our resource are for informational purposes only. If you use this material or a fragment of it on your website, an active link to the source is required.

Source: http://tvojlor.com/lor/nose/rinit/nasmork/bolit-golova-ot-nasmorka-chto-delat.html

What to do when your nose is stuffy, your head hurts, but there is no fever

If a headache and a feeling of nasal congestion occur simultaneously, you should first establish the exact cause and begin comprehensive treatment.

When a person experiences such manifestations against a background of elevated temperature, this does not raise any questions. However, situations accompanied by nasal congestion and severe headaches against the background of general good health lead many into a stupor.

What diseases lead to this clinical picture?

An experienced doctor will make a diagnosis, taking into account the characteristics of the headache and the nature of nasal congestion, and after receiving diagnostic data, will select the appropriate treatment. However, it will be difficult to figure out this issue on your own, and incorrectly selected therapy can have a detrimental effect on your health.

The most common diseases accompanied by headache and nasal congestion: sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis.

Acute infectious processes are manifested by an increase in temperature; with normothermia, chronic processes and diseases occur against the background of reduced immunity. None of these conditions add rainbow colors. It is difficult to treat.


Chronic sinusitis is the outcome of an acute process that is left untreated or untreated.

The root cause of the disease can be: ARVI, influenza, scarlet fever, measles, acute rhinitis.

A chronic process always reduces the body's natural defenses, thereby opening the way for more serious diseases. When the inflammatory process spreads, meningitis (inflammation of the membranes of the brain) may develop; the disease can cause the death of the patient.

  • nasal congestion;
  • headache;
  • low-grade fever (37.2);
  • change in sense of smell;
  • purulent discharge from the nose.

Self-medication is not recommended. You should contact an ENT specialist to prescribe comprehensive treatment. After starting therapy, headaches stop, other symptoms disappear later.


The first step is to use means and methods aimed at emptying the sinuses of contents and reducing swelling of the mucous membrane.

Medicines are used in combination with magnetotherapy and laser treatment. At home, you can use darsonvalization (a point electrode on the area of ​​the affected sinus). To remove the contents of the sinuses, rinsing and puncture are used (for sinusitis).

If the disease is infectious, antibacterial drugs and NSAIDs are prescribed. For allergies, antihistamines are prescribed.

An important factor for achieving a long-term effect is vitamin therapy and increasing the overall resistance of the body.


Modern society does not allow a sick person to receive full treatment for simple diseases. This leads to the fact that a simple cold can be complicated by inflammation of the frontal sinuses. Considering that the disease is transmitted on the legs, it often becomes chronic.

With chronic frontal sinusitis, headaches occur during relapses and are localized in the forehead. With significant development of the process, swelling and redness are observed above the eyebrows, upper eyelid, and in the inner corners of the eyes. With physical impact on the frontal sinuses, the pain intensifies.


Headache is difficult to relieve with usual remedies. Additional signs will be purulent discharge from the nose, decreased performance, rapid fatigue, drowsiness, and possibly an increase in body temperature to 38 degrees. A runny nose becomes permanent.

In the absence of timely effective treatment, blockage of the frontonasal canal occurs. The condition requires immediate surgical intervention due to the danger of inflammation spreading to the brain. After mechanical cleaning of the sinuses through the incision, the doctor drains the sinuses until they are completely clean.

Treatment includes anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy, and general strengthening. In addition to these methods of therapy, traditional medicine is used for frontal sinusitis.


Chronic sinusitis has a sluggish course with frequent relapses. During an exacerbation, severe headaches, nasal congestion, general intoxication and other symptoms are observed, depending on the neglect of the process.

Headache is observed in the projection of the maxillary sinuses with irradiation to the forehead, upper jaw, and root of the nose. If the patient is asked to tilt his head forward, he experiences a feeling of heaviness and the pain intensifies.

The reasons for the chronicity of the process are colds that are left unattended, congestion caused by a foreign body in the nose (in children), a deviated septum, polyps, frequent allergies, bad habits and weakened immunity.


Sinusitis requires timely and complete treatment. Complications of this disease often lead to death.

Before deciding on self-medication, we advise you to familiarize yourself with possible complications:

  • tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis;
  • dacryocystitis (inflammation of the lacrimal sac);
  • attention and memory are impaired due to constant hypoxia;
  • drowsiness;
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • inflammation of facial tissues;
  • pneumonia;
  • when inflammation penetrates, the development of encephalitis, meningitis, and brain abscess is possible;
  • penetration of inflammation into the bones;
  • with purulent damage to the eyeball - loss of vision;
  • sepsis - if the infection gets into the blood.

Any form of sinusitis poses a threat to the health and life of the patient due to the close proximity of the permanent source of infection from the brain.

Treatment is carried out comprehensively. It consists of emptying the sinuses of contents (most often a puncture), reducing swelling of the mucous membrane, anti-inflammatory therapy, immunomodulation and immunostimulation of the body, and physiotherapy.

During the remission stage, it is necessary to monitor the airway, rinse the nasal passages with saline and strengthen the body’s overall resistance.

It is necessary to completely get rid of bad habits (you definitely shouldn’t smoke if you have sinusitis), toughen up, eat right and maintain a balance between work and rest.

The main factor for preventing the chronic course of these diseases is timely and complete treatment of inflammatory processes, even if at first glance they seem insignificant. Correct treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor of a narrow specialty, in this case an otolaryngologist.

Source: http://gaimorit-sl.ru/obshie-simptomy/zalozhen-nos-bolit-golova-temperatury-net.html

Stuffy nose and headache

Pain in the head and inability to breathe through the nose are painful symptoms. The person who experiences them not only feels unwell, but their quality of life completely changes. There is no doubt that this is a manifestation of the disease; in addition, in the owner of these symptoms, the entire body is attacked by unfavorable factors.

During nasal breathing, the hairs located in the nose serve as a biological filter for the air we breathe. The air not only warms up, but is also cleared of foreign microorganisms that can cause disease.

With a runny nose, the body's immune function weakens: when forced to breathe through the mouth, the penetration of pathogenic viruses and bacteria becomes unhindered.

Photo 1: With nasal congestion, oxygen starvation of the brain is observed, which is manifested by memory deterioration and decreased performance. Source: flickr (Ilham Bratama).

Causes of nasal congestion and headaches

In what cases is nasal congestion accompanied by a headache, but the body temperature does not rise?

No temperature

Chronic rhinitis

With a prolonged runny nose, which has passed into the chronic stage, swelling of the nasal mucosa is observed, which is why the patient cannot breathe freely through the nose. Constant headaches occur at normal temperatures. This can be a complication after respiratory diseases, and drug-induced rhinitis. This condition occurs when uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor drops in the nose.

Allergic rhinitis

Inflammation of the nasal mucosa that is caused by an allergic reaction is called allergic rhinitis. In this condition, the nose does not breathe, the head hurts, as a result, there is a lack of oxygen, and the body temperature remains within normal limits.

This is interesting! It is very rare, but a person may even be allergic to water. And then even a little rain can cause an allergic reaction.

Allergy symptoms can be eliminated with the help of antihistamines, but this is a temporary measure. The most important thing is to identify and prevent further exposure to the allergen on the body in order to prevent the accumulation and development of complications.

Photo 2: Food, dust, pet hair, pollen, medications - and this is not the whole list of allergens that cause allergic rhinitis. Source: flickr (Evgeniy rumedicalnews).

Chronic sinusitis

This disease is an inflammatory process localized in the paranasal sinuses.

  • malaise;
  • nasal congestion (can be one-sided or two-sided depending on the location of the inflammatory process);
  • severe headache of the paranasal sinuses;
  • sense of smell is impaired;
  • purulent nasal discharge;
  • a febrile state is observed only in the acute period.

Very often people develop sinusitis in parallel with infectious diseases: rhinitis, influenza, measles, scarlet fever, etc. Examination and treatment prescriptions should be carried out by a qualified doctor. There is no need to self-medicate; incorrect actions can lead to serious complications.

Nasal polyps

Benign formations caused by the growth of the nasal mucosa are called polyps. They can reach large sizes, which interferes with nasal breathing. Severe headaches occur due to impaired oxygen supply to the brain. A deviated nasal septum can aggravate the situation. Most often, surgical treatment is performed.


The appearance of boils (purulent inflammations) on the nasal mucosa causes headaches, closes the nasal passages and makes breathing difficult. Boils can be either single or multiple. The patient should undergo treatment under the supervision of a doctor to prevent complications.

Photo 3: Sometimes pain in the nose can be caused by furunculosis, in which there is inflammation on the skin of the nose, and this pain radiates to various parts of the head! Source: flickr (Julia M.).

Temperature with headache and nasal congestion


With sinusitis, the mucous membrane of the maxillary (maxillary) sinuses becomes inflamed. Inflammation can involve either one sinus or two at once. Infectious diseases, dental diseases, bacterial infections, and also those caused by viruses can provoke inflammation.

Photo 4: Acute sinusitis is characterized by fever, pressing headache, difficulty breathing through the nose and at the same time nasal discharge. Source: flickr (health ideas).

First, there is a feeling of fullness and pain in the area of ​​the affected sinus. At the same time, toothache may occur on the affected side. Gradually, the nature of the headache can intensify and be localized in the cheekbones and forehead, and much less often it can rise to the temples. Nasal discharge may be clear or light green.

When entering the chronic stage, pain spreads to the eye sockets, pain when blinking - this signals the spread of inflammation to the eyes. Conjunctivitis occurs and the sense of smell is impaired.

Untreated sinusitis has serious complications: meningitis, maxillary osteomyelitis, chronic bronchitis.


The location of inflammation in frontal sinusitis is concentrated in the frontal paranasal sinus. The disease begins with pain in the forehead, pain in the eyes, lacrimation, fever, and nasal congestion.

If frontal sinusitis is not treated, the anterior bone wall becomes inflamed, and over time, necrosis of the bone tissue occurs and a fistula is formed. If inflammation reaches the posterior wall, sepsis and brain abscess may develop.


This is an inflammation of the sphenoid sinus. The headache is localized in such patients in the occipital region. General malaise, lacrimation, nasal congestion, fever - all these are symptoms of sphenoiditis. Complications may include: meningitis, damage to the optic nerve when inflammation spreads towards the orbit.


The process of inflammation in which the mucous membrane of the ethmoid bone is involved. Ethmoiditis develops with bacterial and viral infections. It begins with malaise, pain in the root of the nose and the inside of the eye socket, fever up to 38.

Breathing through the nose becomes impossible. In the first days, copious discharge of a transparent nature is observed, followed by a purulent secretion with an unpleasant odor. If treated incorrectly, this disease is also complicated by meningitis, brain abscess, visual impairment, etc.

A sore throat

When a sore throat appears as an additional symptom of headache, nasal congestion with an increase in temperature, this indicates the following diseases:

Colds and flu

The body's inflammatory response to viruses or bacteria is characterized by fever, swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose, enlarged tonsils, headache, sore throat, and general malaise.

Even a simple respiratory infection should not be neglected. Complications will not keep you waiting: pneumonia, heart complications, meningitis.

Photo 5: Timely treatment and bed rest are the key to a speedy recovery. Source: flickr (Evgeniy rumedicalnews).

Symptom Relief Measures

First of all, you need to contact a doctor who will collect anamnesis, according to the test results, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Self-medication is unacceptable.

  1. For headaches, painkillers are prescribed.
  2. For non-allergic nasal congestion, rinsing the nose with an isotonic solution and then instilling vasoconstrictor drops is recommended. It should be remembered that the drops are not used for more than 5 days, otherwise drug-induced edema may develop.
  3. For allergic manifestations - antihistamines.
  4. Sore throat is treated by frequent gargling with anti-inflammatory solutions, the use of sprays, and dissolving tablets to treat sore throat.
  5. At elevated temperatures, antipyretics are used.

This is interesting! In Great Britain, homeopathy is protected by the Queen! During the cholera epidemic, in a hospital where homeopathy was used, the mortality rate was 16%, and in traditional clinics - 51%.

Homeopathic remedies

A large selection of homeopathic medicines are successfully used for allergies, headaches, and nasal congestion.

Interesting! Homeopathic doctors say that in case of allergies, treatment with homeopathy is perhaps the only chance to get rid of the disease forever.

  1. Atropa belladonna: this remedy is prescribed in the initial stages of allergies, when areas of the skin become red in response to an allergen.
  2. Alumina: aluminum oxide, prescribed for allergic itching if a rash appears.
  3. Phus (Rus): one of the areas of application of this drug is skin diseases in the form of urticaria and eczema.
  4. Sulfur (Sulfur): for all manifestations of skin allergies, and for furunculosis.
  5. Borax (Borax): effective for rashes on the fingers.
  6. Apis: helps with nasal congestion, relieves swelling, reduces discharge.
  7. Arum triphyllum: for severe nasal congestion.
  8. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus): good for chronic rhinitis.
  9. Sambucus: very useful for use in pediatrics for nasal congestion, even in infants.
  10. Kali bichromicum (Kali bichromicum): prescribed for thick green discharge, wheezing in obese infants.
  11. Ranunculus bulbosus (Ranunculus bulbosus): both for nasal congestion and for eczema and herpes.
  12. Argentum nitricum: Used for headaches.
  13. Cimicifuga: will relieve pain in the eye sockets and eyebrow area.
  14. Cocculus: works for pain with severe dizziness.
  15. Gelsemium (Gelsemium): will remove pain in the occipital region.
  16. Glonoinum: effective for pain with strong pulsation.

Source: http://www.gomeo-patiya.ru/simptomy/zalozhen-nos-i-bolit-golova-185.html

Stuffy nose, headache

They say that if a runny nose is treated, it goes away in 7 days, and if it is not treated, it will take several days. So is it worth spending time and money? Specifically, it is worth it in order to avoid complications of sinusitis, or, as it is called in everyday life, sinusitis.


This disease is characterized by severe difficulty in nasal breathing; the nose is blocked in most cases on both sides, but alternating blockage of the right and left nostrils also occurs. As a rule, the patient has mucous (transparent) or purulent discharge from the nose. But, if the nose is very stuffy, there may not be a runny nose, since the flow of mucus from the sinuses is difficult.

Unpleasant sensations in the nose and paranasal area, and from time to time, pain due to sinusitis slowly increase: in the evening they are more pronounced than in the morning. In acute sinusitis, body temperature can rise to 38 C or higher. In a chronic course, it rarely increases. General malaise is manifested by fatigue, weakness, sleep disturbance, associated with difficulty breathing.

Manifestations of the disease depend on which sinus is affected. With inflammation of the frontal sinus - frontal sinusitis - dull pain in the forehead area is disturbing, often in the morning, when a person wakes up. With inflammation of the maxillary sinus (sinusitis), pain appears in the area of ​​the upper jaw and teeth, and pain is felt when touching the cheek on the affected side. Due to the close location of the sinuses to the tear duct in the corner of the eye, inflammation may be accompanied by swelling of the eyelid and pain in the area between the eyes. In addition, the sense of smell is sometimes impaired, and pain appears when touching the nose and the swollen area. Inflammation of the sphenoid sinus (sphenoiditis) is rarely seen.

Later, the localization disappears and the whole head begins to ache, if both halves of the nose are blocked, but if the inflammatory process is one-sided, then the headaches are one-sided, pain in the ears and neck is noted.


Sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis, sphenonditis) is an infectious inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, in which swelling of the mucous membrane appears and blocks the anastomosis between the maxillary sinus and the nasal cavity. A person has a couple of them: these are the maxillary sinuses (maxillary sinuses), which are located in the thickness of the upper jaw; lattice, located behind the bridge of the nose; sphenoidal, located at the base of the skull, and the frontal sinus. Any of them opens into the nasal passages. Through the openings (ostia) of these sinuses, air is exchanged and mucus is released. The mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses passes into the nasal cavity. Based on this, any inflammatory process in the nasal cavity, in which swelling of the mucous membrane appears, causes an inflammatory process in the sinuses. This happens in the following sequence: swelling of the mucous membrane - closure of the anastomosis; accumulation of mucus in the sinus cavity. It puts pressure on the sinus walls, which leads to pain. In the sinuses, the production of mucus continues, which, due to a violation of the outflow, stagnates and the process slowly becomes inflammatory. This exudate is a breeding ground for the introduction of new and development of existing bacteria and viruses in the body. During their life, they produce toxins, which are carried through the bloodstream throughout the body and become a cause of general illness.

The mucus slowly transforms into pus of a viscous consistency, which is why it is not well evacuated from the sinus; in addition, when the anastomosis is open, it can fill the entire sinus. If treatment is not started on time, purulent contents can break into the surrounding structures. For example, in the eyes: slowly growing swelling of the eyelids appears, they turn red, and protrusion of the eyeball forward (exophthalmos) may also appear.

There are many circumstances for the origin of sinusitis. But the main one is an infection: bacteria or viruses enter the maxillary sinus through the nasal cavity (mouth, pharynx) or through the blood and lead to an inflammatory process. Conditions that impair nasal breathing predispose to the formation of sinusitis: congenital disorders of the development of the anatomical structures of the nasal cavity, deviated nasal septum, vasomotor rhinitis, hypertrophic rhinitis (increased nasal turbinates), and in children - adenoids. hay fever.

Immunity disorders and untimely or incorrect treatment of ARVI. rhinitis creates an almost 100 percent guarantee of the development of this disease.

A bacterium called staphylococcus can live in the nasopharynx for a long time and not manifest itself in any way, but in negative conditions, for example, with a cold, it leads to inflammation in the sinuses.

But much more often sinusitis is provoked by acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. parainfluenza, infections penetrating from diseased teeth (odontogenic sinusitis), allergies (allergic sinusitis) Virtually all viruses that affect the upper respiratory tract (causative agents of ARVI) can lead to sinusitis, because the epithelium of the paranasal sinuses is very similar to the epithelium of the respiratory tract and viruses also affect this part of the respiratory tract. Fortunately, viral infections such as influenza, parainfluenza, and adenovirus provoke only acute forms of sinusitis; they cannot cause chronic sinusitis. Despite the fact that the main role in the development of chronic sinusitis is played by bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci), and simple ones - chlamydia and mycoplasma (quite often leading to sinusitis in children), it is fundamentally important to properly treat viral diseases, otherwise A viral infection may be replaced by a bacterial one.

Diseases of the ENT organs are no less common in the development of sinusitis than infections. Acute and chronic rhinitis can lead to the formation of sinusitis due to blockage of the maxillary sinus outlet (connects the cavity of the maxillary sinus with the nasal cavity) through which the sinus is drained and cleansed. Chronic tonsillitis can serve as a source of infection, which is introduced into the maxillary sinus when blowing the nose. Chronic pharyngitis, as well as chronic tonsillitis, can play the role of a source of infection in the development of sinusitis. A deviated nasal septum can lead to sinusitis due to pathological narrowing of the new passage and impaired drainage and ventilation of the maxillary sinus.


The doctor can suggest that the patient suffers from sinusitis based on the symptoms. But it is not always possible to accurately localize the affected sinus. To clarify the diagnosis and detect the main focus of the inflammatory process, radiography or a more informative diagnostic method is prescribed - computed tomography (CT) of the paranasal sinuses.


In addition, theoretically, sinusitis, unlike acute rhinitis, will not go away on its own, and self-medication can end very badly. Based on this, at the first suspicion of sinusitis, immediately contact an otolaryngologist.

The basis of treatment is the fight against swelling of the nasal mucosa. This means that it is necessary to ensure good flow of discharge from the sinus.

Drugs for local therapy are prescribed: drops (vasoconstrictors), sprays, inhalers that can eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane. The instructions for using them are as follows: lie on your side, drip vasoconstrictor drops into the nostril that is closer to the pillow so that the medicine gets on the side wall of the nose, and lie there without moving for 5 minutes. After this, you need to turn over to the other side and do the same from the other nostril. After another 5 minutes. - blow your nose. After this, it is necessary to instill bactericidal, anti-inflammatory or analgesic drops prescribed by the doctor.

Bactericidal drugs and antihistamines are used in treatment. Quite often, a method of rinsing the nose with antiseptic (furacillin) solutions is prescribed. Many people are familiar with the method of moving liquid known as the cuckoo. The patient lies on the couch on his back. The doctor asks the patient to say: Ku-ku-ku-ku, so that the communication of the nasopharynx with the oropharynx overlaps. Now there is a slow infusion of a medicinal solution into one nostril, with simultaneous suction from the other nostril using a vacuum device. Negative pressure promotes the evacuation of pus from the sinuses, and the medicinal solution, intensively moving through the nasal cavity, flushes the sinuses. Additionally, physiotherapy is prescribed. UFO, UHF.

Many people, just hearing the diagnosis of sinusitis or sinusitis, panic and are afraid to pierce the maxillary sinus. It is believed that once you do this, you will need to inject it forever. But sinus puncture is not prescribed without a doctor’s testimony. In some situations you simply cannot do without it. For example, if the anastomosis cannot be opened by other means and pus does not come out of the sinus, there is a risk of it breaking into the surrounding tissue. During the puncture, pus is pumped out, the sinus cavity is washed, and then antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are injected into it. It goes without saying that the procedure is not the most pleasant, but very effective. And if a relapse (repeated inflammation of the sinuses) occurs, it is either because the treatment of sinusitis was not completed, or other factors predispose to its formation. For example, sinusitis occurring against the background of a deviated nasal septum is characterized by a long course and treatment, and frequent relapses. But this problem can be solved through surgery to restore the nasal septum.


Prevention of sinusitis involves getting rid of factors that provoke conditions that impair nasal breathing: deviated nasal septum, vasomotor rhinitis, hypertrophic rhinitis (increased nasal turbinates), polyps, bacterial carriage. In children, these are adenoids or allergic diseases.

It is necessary to treat the chewing teeth of the upper jaw in a timely manner; in 10 percent of cases of sinusitis, inflammation developing on the tops of the teeth is to blame.

It is mandatory to be directed to treat influenza, ARVI, rhinitis responsibly and maintain the body’s immune defense.

Source: http://muzashtor.ru/diseases/zalozhen-nos-bolit-golova.html

Nasal congestion headache what is it

Runny nose and headache, but no fever - what do the symptoms indicate?

If a person complains that he has a runny nose and a headache, then these symptoms do not indicate any specific pathology. And this condition is not always accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Therefore, the help of a specialist in this situation will be necessary, especially in cases where such signs persist for a long time.


Respiratory diseases

Rhinovirus infection is one of the possible causes of a runny nose. Children with this disease develop a fever, but adults usually have a normal body temperature.

Difficulty in nasal breathing, sneezing and sore throat are characteristic manifestations of this pathology. If left untreated, a runny nose can last up to 2 weeks.

Chronic rhinitis

With this group of diseases, there are also complaints such as “headache, runny nose, but no fever.” These symptoms are most characteristic of hypertrophic and allergic inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

In the first form of rhinitis, a person is bothered by difficulty breathing, which can be constant. Sometimes nasal congestion occurs on each side in turn. If the thickened anterior sections of the inferior turbinates compress the openings of the nasolacrimal canals, conjunctivitis and lacrimation develop. In cases where the inferior nasal concha puts pressure on the nasal septum, headaches appear reflexively.

Allergic rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa associated with contact with an allergen. Nasal congestion, excessive watery discharge and sneezing are the main symptoms. Over a long period of time, headaches, irritability, weakness, impaired sense of smell and nosebleeds occur.

Chronic sinusitis

This is an inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the paranasal sinuses. In a chronic process, there is usually no increase in temperature. The pathology is accompanied by a number of symptoms:

  • In the paranasal area, above the bridge of the nose, in the nose, above the eye, unpleasant sensations appear, which gradually increase over time. In the evening they intensify, and in the morning they are least pronounced. After some time, a person develops a headache.
  • Nasal congestion, usually on both halves. It is usually permanent, but sometimes slight improvements may occur. In some people, congestion in the right and left halves of the nose alternates. The voice becomes nasal.
  • Runny nose. Nasal discharge is usually clear mucous or yellowish-green purulent. But if the nose is very blocked, then the outflow of secretions from the sinuses is difficult, and there may be no discharge.
  • Frequent sneezing.
  • Weakness and general malaise.
  • Sleep disorders.

But depending on which sinus is involved, the symptoms of the disease differ. Sinusitis can be either unilateral or bilateral. Highlight:

  • Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the maxillary sinus. It develops when bacteria or viruses enter the sinus from the nasal cavity in many infectious diseases affecting the respiratory tract. The pathological process can cause changes in the teeth of the upper jaw.
  • Frontitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane that lines the sinus of the frontal bone. The causes of development coincide with those that cause sinusitis. But the pathology is much more severe. The chronic form of the disease occurs if the outflow of sinus contents is impaired. This occurs due to hypertrophy (proliferation and increase in volume) of the middle turbinate or against the background of a deviated nasal septum. Very severe pain appears in the frontal region, and it is most pronounced in the morning. In difficult situations, the sense of smell deteriorates and photophobia occurs.
  • Ethmoiditis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane that covers the cells of the ethmoid bone. Usually this condition occurs in conjunction with sinusitis and frontal sinusitis.
  • Sphenoiditis is an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane that covers the sphenoid sinus. I am worried about headaches in the area of ​​the orbit, crown, back of the head and deep in the head.

A persistent runny nose accompanied by headaches requires consultation with a specialist to clarify the diagnosis. Only after this the doctor will give the necessary recommendations for treatment.

Stuffy nose, headache. Sinusitis?

People often suffer from headaches accompanied by a runny nose. Many people simply don’t pay attention to it and live with it. They do not even suspect that all these symptoms can result in something more dangerous than ordinary nasal congestion. All this can turn into such a not very pleasant and painful disease as sinusitis.

Sinusitis is a disease that manifests itself as inflammation of the maxillary sinus. These sinuses are located in the maxillary bone.


The causes of the disease are all diseases associated with the respiratory tract. These may be respiratory tract infections, as well as an increase in bacteria in the nasopharynx. The disease can also manifest itself in diseases of the upper four molars.

The main predisposition factors to sinusitis include:

  • Fracture of the nasal septum and rhinitis
  • Impaired immunity caused by chronic diseases or allergies
  • Incorrect treatment of colds and acute respiratory infections
  • Bacterial carriage. This is when a person has staphylococcus in the body, which remains inactive for a long time
  • The disorder of the nasal cavity is congenital
  • Heavy nasal breathing

The main causes of sinusitis remain primarily acute respiratory infections and diseased teeth. Streptococci and staphylococci play a major role in the development of chronic sinusitis. Often a bacterial infection turns into a viral one.

Disease of the ENT organs is the next cause of sinusitis. In this case, the infection may develop due to rhinitis, as swelling of the nasal mucosa occurs. The disease can be caused by tonsillitis and pharyngitis.

A crooked nose bridge can also cause sinusitis. This occurs due to poor ventilation of the maxillary sinus. This pathology is solved by surgery to straighten the bridge of the nose.

As you can see, the causes of the disease can be a huge number of factors.


Most often, the disease manifests itself as pain in the sinuses, runny nose and congestion on one or both sides of the nose. You may also notice nasal discharge, accompanied by headache and a feeling of pressure on the eyes. You should pay attention to the duration of the runny nose. If it does not go away for more than a month, even with the use of drugs for it, then there is a suspicion of sinusitis.

Treatment of sinusitis

If a diagnosis is made, antibiotics are first prescribed. Many of the new generation drugs cope with the disease in three days. Medicines such as Zitrolide and Macropen should be taken once a day before meals. All antibiotics are selected individually by the attending physician.

To make breathing easier, drops that constrict blood vessels (Rinonorm, Suprastin) are used.

Doctors try to adhere to treatment without the use of antibiotics. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • Many people get used to them
  • They dramatically undermine the immune system
  • There are many fake medicines

Cuckoo method

The doctor inserts a catheter into one nostril and suction into the other. As a result, the cavity is washed with Furacilin solution. Part is pumped out along with the pus, and part of the medicine remains in the sinus, which prevents further formation of pus.

The disadvantages of this method are that this procedure must be carried out several times.

Piercing method

In this case, the maxillary sinus is pierced and washed with saline solution. After this procedure, it is filled with dioxidine solution.

If we take this disease seriously, then people need to monitor their health more carefully. There is little pleasure in the fact that needles are inserted into a person’s nose and a not very pleasant liquid is pumped into the sinuses. A person should pay special attention to headaches and how often they occur. If the frequency is high, then consult a doctor immediately. The same can be said about a runny nose. Yes, it happens that the nose is stuffy, and this goes away within a few days, but if it lasts for quite a long time, then again you are on your way to the hospital.

The most important thing is that if you don’t want to get sick, take care of yourself!

I have been suffering from a runny nose for several days. Today I had an unbearable headache and the temperature rose to 38. It is impossible to tilt my head down, the pain immediately spreads and darkens my vision.

What to do? I suspect sinusitis. How to treat it? Is it possible to do without ambulances and hospitals?

What causes the feeling of nasal congestion?

Nasal congestion is a pathological condition, a symptom of rhinitis (runny nose) and other diseases.

Nasal congestion is an extremely unpleasant condition that every person encounters repeatedly during his life.

From the moment we are born, we get used to breathing through our nose. This happens reflexively without the participation of our consciousness. And only at the moment when nasal congestion does not allow us to breathe freely, we pay attention to it.

In addition to our inconvenience, the danger of such a condition is that with inadequate nasal breathing, the brain does not receive the required amount of oxygen.

This provokes regular headaches, problems with sleep and mood, increased fatigue and partial loss of ability to work.

What is nasal congestion?

Nasal congestion occurs due to some factor that disrupts the natural patency of the nasal passages. Most often it is caused by swelling of the nasal mucosa.

In other words, nasal congestion is a physiological condition characterized by obstruction of the nasal passages, due to which the natural process of free air circulation is disrupted and a person loses the ability to breathe freely.


Nasal congestion is a year-round phenomenon. However, a surge in such conditions occurs in late autumn, winter and early spring. It is directly related to the period of colds.

However, nasal congestion can also be caused by other reasons:

  • various rhinitis;
  • sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and others);
  • allergic rhinosinusopathy;
  • congenital or acquired curvature of the nasal septum;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • unfavorable environmental situation;
  • the formation of polyps in the nasal cavity;
  • enlarged adenoids.

However, most often such a symptom is observed in acute respiratory diseases caused by a viral or bacterial attack on the human body.

Symptoms of nasal congestion

We have already named the main symptom several times. This is difficulty in nasal breathing. It can be minor or absolute.

The patient may alternately have blocked left and right nostrils. However, the worst situation is tolerated when both nasal passages are closed.

If it becomes very difficult to breathe through your nose, you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist.

Other symptoms are minor, but worsen as nasal congestion worsens. They are:

  • regular headaches, usually localized in the temporal region of the skull;
  • increased irritability, fatigue and nervousness;
  • itching and burning in the nasal cavity;
  • mucous nasal discharge.
Specific symptoms depend on the cause of the nasal congestion.

What causes stuffy nose in the morning?

Nasal congestion can plague a person at any time of the day or night. However, very often people complain that they experience such a pathological condition in the morning. Then it goes away on its own and throughout the day they breathe absolutely freely.

If you are a hostage to such a situation, then with a 99.9% probability we can say that the problem is insufficient air humidity in your bedroom.

Most often, such complaints are noted in winter, when batteries in houses and apartments operate at full capacity. Heating appliances keep our homes warm in freezing cold weather. But at the same time, they do us a disservice by drying out the air in our apartments.

Fortunately, dealing with this problem is quite simple. If you have some money, then buy a humidifier. If not, then install an aquarium or other open containers with water in the room and cover the batteries with wet towels at night.

After carrying out these measures, the problem will go away on its own in a few days. In the morning you will wake up refreshed and rested. And your breathing will be free and easy.

Possible complications

Nasal congestion in the absence of a timely and proper response to it can provoke a large number of complications.

First of all, if you don’t respond to it in any way, it can develop into a chronic form. Everyone knows that any chronic disease is much more difficult to treat than its acute form.

In addition, if the problem of congestion is not given due attention, it can lead to the appearance of:

  • sinusitis, sinusitis and sinusitis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • persistent headaches;
  • disorders in the functioning of the brain;
  • neuroses and depression;
  • bronchitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • otitis;
  • I snore.

Treating a stuffy nose will not cause you any difficulties if the right methods and remedies are used.

Remember that the feeling of nasal congestion already indicates the presence of some disease. If it does not go away within 10-12 days, go to see a doctor.

Source: http://vzdorovomtele.ru/zalozhennost-nosa/zalozhennost-nosa-golovnaja-bol-chto-jeto.html