Bacteriophages list of drugs

What are bacteriophages, list of drugs, treatment, advantages over antibiotics

Bacteriophages are viruses that selectively infect bacterial cells. Their vital activity and reproduction are possible only inside bacterial cells.

Table of contents:

By multiplying inside the cell, they cause destruction and death of the bacterium itself.

Modern medicine considers them as an effective, safe and perfect remedy in the fight against dangerous, difficult-to-treat bacterial infections. But treatment with bacteriophages causes mistrust and fear in many people.

Features of the structure and parasitism of bacteriophages

Bacteriophages represent a large and diverse group of viruses. Their sizes are one hundred times smaller than the size of bacterial cells. When magnified many times, the structure of phages is striking in its diversity; some of them look like crystalline complexes, intricately twisted among themselves.

Being intracellular viral parasites, they selectively destroy certain bacterial cells. They lack a cellular structure and consist only of genetic material covered with an outer protein coat. This forces them to look for suitable cellular complexes to actively multiply within them.

Habitat of bacteriophages

Bacteriophages are present wherever bacteria live, so their habitat is diverse. This can be the human body, air and water environment, soil, food products, clothing, etc.

Mechanism of action

A bacteriophage invades a bacterial cell for only one purpose - to use its cellular structures for its own reproduction. To do this, a smart virus injects its own genetic information into the body of the bacterium. The bacterium begins, according to the program established by the phage, to synthesize particles that are uncharacteristic for it, from which new bacteriophages are subsequently assembled. All that remains of the bacterial cell are fragments through which synthesized phages emerge, capable of further damage to neighboring bacterial cells.

In the natural environment, bacteriophages play a critical role as natural regulators of the number of pathogenic microbes.

Areas of application of bacteriophages

In addition to the medical industry, they have found their application in other important areas.

  • In agriculture - they are successfully used to prevent and treat plants and animals from bacterial infections.
  • In genetic engineering, these small viral structures are used to naturally exchange genes between different bacteria, allowing the original structure of bacterial DNA to be changed in the desired direction.

Treatment with bacteriophages

This is an effective alternative to antibiotics.

Bacteriophages are grown as follows. A material containing bacteriophages is applied to a nutrient medium seeded with a certain culture of sensitive bacteria. In the place where they hit, a zone of destroyed bacteria forms in the form of an empty spot. Using a bacteriological needle, this material is collected and transferred into a suspension containing a young bacterial culture. This manipulation is performed 5-10 times so that the grown bacteriophage culture is pure.

Preparations based on bacteriophages are available in the form of aerosols, suppositories, tablets, solutions and other dosage forms. The names of such drugs use the group of bacteria against which they are directed. The most famous bacteriophages: pseudomonas, staphylococcal, potassium, streptococcal and dysentery phages.

The production of bacteriophages in the near future will become the most promising branch of pharmacology.

Advantages of bacteriophages over antibiotics:

  • Русский
  • Do not suppress human immunity;
  • They are combined with absolutely all medications, even with antibiotics, enhancing their effect;
  • Not addictive;
  • Do not lead to the development of resistance of bacterial cultures to phages;
  • Helps in the treatment of indolent bacterial infections that are insensitive to antibiotics;
  • They act selectively without destroying beneficial bacterial flora;
  • They have no contraindications to treatment.

They are used in the treatment of various bacterial infections. Since phages reproduce exclusively in bacteria, they do not cause any harm to health. Bacteriophages act selectively, infecting bacteria of a certain group. The most widely used staphylococcal bacteriophage is effective in the treatment of chronic staphylococcal infections and bacterial carriage.

List of bacteriophage drugs

  • Salmonella for oral administration 100ml rub
  • Koli bacteriophage 20ml. 4 pcs. rub., coliproteus for oral administration, 100 ml rub.
  • Streptococcal for oral, local and external use 20 ml. 4 things. rub.
  • Klebsiella polyvalent for oral administration 20 ml. 4 pcs rub.
  • Klebsifag (klebsell pneumonia) 20ml. 4 things. 500 rub.
  • Dysenteric polyvalent 80 mg. 500 tab. 3400 RUR, 20 ml. 4 pcs -400 rub.
  • Proteus bacteriophage 20ml. 4 pcs. rub.
  • Pseudomonas bacteriophage/pseudomonas 100ml. and 20ml. 4 things. rub.
  • INESTI complex bacteriophage 20ml. 4 things. and 100ml. for oral administration
  • Pyobacteriophage 100 ml. rub.
  • Pyobacteriophage polyvalent purified 20ml. 4 pcs. rub.
  • Sextaphage Piobacteriophage polyvalent 20ml. 4 pcs. rub.

I want to try a bacteriophage for the treatment of chronic cystitis caused by E. coli, because... Antibiotics are contraindicated for me. Phage-sensitive E. coli were found in a urogenital smear. How and how long should the sextaphage be used?

The instructions for use don't really explain anything.

Go to your local therapist - he will tell you everything in detail.

Hello! Please tell me if there are bacteriophages for the treatment of ulcers and gastrointestinal erosions caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori

The same goes to the doctor. Treatment of this type of bacteria is complex and multi-stage and you cannot do it on your own.

But if you are not cured, but only “flirt” with the pathogen, then... all this is strange!

Hello. Please tell me if this drug can cure streptococcus, in particular angina/miller.

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Bacteriophage Staphylococcal

Description current as of 02/20/2015

  • Latin name: Bacteriophagum Staphylococcum
  • ATX code: J01XX
  • Active ingredient: Staphylococcal bacteriophage (Bacteriophagum staphylococcum)
  • Manufacturer: Biopharma (Ukraine), NPO Microgen (Russia), Biomed (Russia)


The active component of the drug Staphylococcal Bacteriophage is an anti-staphylococcal bacteriophage in liquid form, in the form of suppositories, ointments or tablets.

Release form

  • 50 or 100 ml of such a solution in a bottle - one bottle in a cardboard box.
  • 20 ml of this solution in a bottle - four bottles in a cardboard box.
  • 25 ml of such a solution in an aerosol package - one package in a cardboard box.
  • 10 and 20 grams of ointment in a bottle, one bottle in a cardboard box.
  • 10 candles per package, one package in a cardboard box.
  • 10, 25 and 50 tablets per package, one package in a cardboard box.

pharmachologic effect

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

What is a Bacteriophage?

This drug is relatively new on the drug market and many patients have a natural question: “Bacteriophage - what is it?”

Bacteriophages are viral particles that kill only certain types of pathogenic bacteria. On their basis, appropriate drugs are created. The discovery of the drugs belongs to the Canadian scientist Felix D'Herelle.

Structure of Bacteriophages

An ordinary bacteriophage consists of a tail and a head. The tail is usually 3-4 times longer than the diameter of the head. The head contains double-stranded or single-stranded RNA or DNA with an inactive transcriptase, surrounded by a shell of protein or lipoprotein called the capsid.

Reproduction of Bacteriophages

As with conventional viruses, the reproduction cycle of lytic bacteriophages can be divided into adsorption of the phage on the cell wall, introduction of DNA, reproduction of the phage, and evacuation of daughter populations from the cell.

Attachment of the phage to the bacterial cell occurs due to its surface structures, which serve as specific receptors for viruses. In addition to receptors, phage attachment depends on temperature, acidity of the environment, the presence of cations and a number of other compounds. Up to 300 virus particles can be adsorbed on one cell.

After attachment, the cell wall is broken down by lysozyme enzymes. At the same time, calcium ions are released, activating ATPase - this causes contraction of the sheath and insertion of the tail shaft into the cell. The viral DNA is then injected into the cytoplasm. Having penetrated the bacterium, the phage DNA takes control of the cell’s genetic apparatus, carrying out the phage’s reproductive cycle.

First of all, the synthesis of enzymes necessary for the formation of copies of phage DNA (DNA polymerase, thymidylate synthetase, kinase) occurs. It takes 5-7 minutes from the moment of infection. The cell's RNA polymerase converts viral DNA into mitochondrial RNA, which is translated by ribosomes into early proteins. “Early” proteins are mainly viral RNA polymerase and proteins that limit the expression of bacterial genes. The viral RNA polymerase transcribes the so-called “late” proteins necessary for the assembly of new phage particles.

The reproduction of nucleic acids occurs due to the activity of synthesized DNA polymerases of the virus. By the end of the cycle, the components of the phage are combined into a mature virion.

Evacuation of Bacteriophage populations from the cell

Newly biosynthesized proteins in the cytoplasm form a pool of precursors. The other pool includes the DNA of the offspring. Specialized regions in the viral DNA induce the association of these proteins around groups of nucleic acid molecules and the synthesis of new heads. The head interacts with the tail to form a daughter phage. After the offspring are released, the host cell is destroyed, releasing a new population.

An alternative to cell destruction may be an integrative form of interaction in which the phage DNA, instead of replication, is integrated into the bacterial chromosome or becomes a plasmid. As a result, the viral genome replicates along with the host DNA.

Types of Bacteriophages

The use of bacteriophages determines their clinical classification. Based on this thesis, the following types of bacteriophages can be distinguished:

  • bacteriophages for the treatment of intestinal infections: dysentery, polyvalent, salmonella ABCDE-group, typhoid, coliproteus, intesti-bacteriophage (a mixture of phages against the most common pathogens of intestinal infections);
  • bacteriophages for the treatment of purulent-septic lesions: Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella polyvalent, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, antistaphylococcal bacteriophage, coli, Proteus, streptococcal, combined pyobacteriophage (a mixture of phages that destroy most likely pathogens of infections of a purulent-septic nature).

The use of bacteriophage preparations in medicine is becoming increasingly widespread due to the increasing incidence of polyvalent resistance of pathogens to antibacterial agents.

Indications for use

How to take this medicine? The drug is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases caused by staphylococcus:


There are no contraindications to the use of this product.

Side effects

Adverse reactions to the administration of the drug have not been established.

With the intradermal route of administration, short-term hyperemia and inflammation are possible.

Instructions for staphylococcal bacteriophage (Method and dosage)

The drug is injected into the site of infection. The frequency of injections and their size are determined by determining the clinical form of the disease, the nature of the infectious focus and standard recommendations. The average duration of treatment is 5-15 days. In cases of relapse, additional courses of treatment are possible. Instructions for using staphylococcal bacteriophage for children and adults are somewhat different. Recommendations for the use of the drug for children are given at the end of the section.

Liquid phage is allowed to be used topically in the form of lotions, irrigation or tamponing in a volume of up to 200 ml, taking into account the size of the affected area. An ointment is also available for topical use.

It is advisable to carry out therapy of purulent-inflammatory limited lesions both locally and orally for 1-4 weeks.

For purulent-inflammatory lesions of the throat, ear or nose, the drug is used for rinsing, instilling, washing and administering moistened turundas 2-10 ml up to three times a day.

For carbuncles and boils, liquid bacteriophage is injected directly into or around the lesion, 0.5-2 ml daily. In total, up to 5 injections are given per course of treatment.

Treatment of chronic osteomyelitis is carried out by infusion of the drug into the wound immediately after surgical treatment.

In case of abscesses, the bacteriophage is injected into the cavity of the lesion, emptied of pus. When opening an abscess, a tampon moistened with the drug is inserted into the wound.

Treatment of deep pyodermatitis is carried out by making intradermal injections of the drug into one place of 0.1-0.5 ml or into several places in a total dose of up to 2 ml. Administration is carried out every 24 hours, a total of 10 injections.

For administration into the abdominal, pleural, and articular cavities, capillary drainage is used, and up to 100 ml of bacteriophage is injected every other day. There are only 3-4 such introductions.

For cystitis, the drug is injected into the bladder using a catheter.

For purulent bursitis, pleurisy or arthritis, the drug is administered into a cavity previously emptied of pus, 20 ml every other day. The course of treatment is 3-4 administrations.

Also, Staphylococcal bacteriophage is used orally in the form of tablets in the treatment of urogenital infections (cystitis, pyelonephritis, pyelitis, salpingoophoritis, endometritis), intestinal infections and other diseases caused by staphylococcus.

How to use Staphylococcal Bacteriophage for intestinal staphylococcal lesions and intestinal dysbiosis: the drug is used orally on an empty stomach three times a day, 2 hours before meals; The drug is prescribed rectally in the form of suppositories or enemas once a day. Treatment lasts 7-10 days.

For newborn children, the drug is diluted with an equal amount of water in the first 2 doses. It can also be mixed with breast milk.

For sepsis or enterocolitis in newborns, the drug is used by performing high enemas up to three times a day. A combination of rectal and oral use is permitted.

When treating pyoderma, omphalitis, purulent wounds in newborns, the drug is used in the form of applications twice a day and in the form of tablets - 1 piece up to four times a day. The ointment is used locally with bandages of 5-20 grams up to two times a day.

For the prevention of enterocolitis and sepsis in newborns, when there is a risk of developing a hospital infection or intrauterine infection, the drug is used in the form of enemas twice a day for a week.

In aerosol form, Staphylococcal Bacteriophage is used to irrigate affected mucous membranes and skin for purulent-inflammatory lesions, burns, septic wounds and sore throat.

The most justified use of this remedy is in cases of infection with antibiotic-resistant strains.


Such cases have not been studied.


If antiseptic solutions (not including furatsilin) ​​were used before local application of the product, the affected area should be washed with saline solution or 3% sodium bicarbonate solution.

Terms of sale

Dispensing of the drug is permitted without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature of 2-10 degrees in a dark place. Keep away from children.

Best before date

special instructions

Treatment with the drug should be started as early as possible.

The drug must be shaken before use; a cloudy solution should not be used.

When opening the bottle, storing and sampling the product, the following rules should be observed:

  • hands must be washed thoroughly;
  • Before removing, the cap must be treated with an alcohol solution;
  • the cap should be removed without removing the stopper;
  • the drug should be removed from an opened bottle only by piercing the stopper with a sterile syringe;
  • If, during opening, the cork was accidentally uncorked along with the cap, then it should not be placed with the inner surface on the table, and the bottle should not be left open (after taking the product, it must be closed with the cork);
  • It is recommended to store the opened bottle in the refrigerator.

Subject to compliance with the specified rules and in the absence of turbidity, the product from the opened bottle can be used throughout the entire shelf life.


For children

The drug is approved for use in newborns and children of all ages.

With antibiotics

During pregnancy and lactation

It is possible to use the product during the specified periods under the supervision of the attending physician.

Reviews of Staphylococcal Bacteriophage

Despite many cases of cure, the therapeutic effect of taking the drug is not guaranteed in all cases. This is evidenced by reviews of Staphylococcal Bacteriophage. This feature is more often detected when the product is used for newborns and young children.

The effectiveness of the drug may vary depending on the sensitivity of the particular strain to the phage and other factors that should be determined before starting treatment.

In some situations, parents prematurely stop the course of treatment for their infant, frightened by the supposedly worsening symptoms of the disease, and then report that the drug did not work on the child. In any case, before deciding to undergo therapy with this medicine, and during treatment, you should be observed by your doctor and clarify all unclear questions with him.

Staphylococcal Bacteriophage price, where to buy

In Ukraine, the price of the drug Staphylococcal Bacteriophage liquid 100 ml produced by the Biopharma company (Kiev) averages 318 hryvnia.

In Russia, the price of staphylococcal and polyvalent Pyobacteriophage liquid bacteriophage in standard packaging of 20 ml No. 4 is almost the same and amounts to rubles.

Buying a staphylococcal bacteriophage in Moscow (manufactured by NPO Microgen, Nizhny Novgorod) will cost rubles per 100 ml bottle.

Such drugs are almost never found in tablet or suppository forms in pharmacies.

  • Online pharmacies in Russia Russia



Pharmacy IFC

Education: Graduated from Vitebsk State Medical University with a degree in Surgery. At the university he headed the Council of the Student Scientific Society. Advanced training in 2010 - in the specialty "Oncology" and in 2011 - in the specialty "Mammology, visual forms of oncology".

Work experience: Worked in a general medical network for 3 years as a surgeon (Vitebsk Emergency Hospital, Liozno Central District Hospital) and part-time as a district oncologist and traumatologist. Worked as a pharmaceutical representative for a year at the Rubicon company.

Presented 3 rationalization proposals on the topic “Optimization of antibiotic therapy depending on the species composition of microflora”, 2 works took prizes in the republican competition-review of student scientific works (categories 1 and 3).

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All materials presented on the site are for reference and informational purposes only and cannot be considered a treatment method prescribed by a doctor or sufficient advice.

The site administration and the authors of the articles are not responsible for any losses and consequences that may arise when using the site materials.



Bacteriophage staphylococcal 100ml solution for oral administration microgen

Bacteriophage Klebsiella pneumonia 20ml n4 solution for oral administration microgen

Streptococcal bacteriophage 20ml n4 solution for oral administration microgen

Staphylococcal bacteriophage 20ml n4 solution for oral administration microgen

Bacteriophage coliproteus 100ml solution for oral administration microgen

Bacteriophage intesti 20ml n4 solution for oral administration microgen

Pyobacteriophage combined 100ml solution for oral and external use microgen

Bacteriophage intesti 100ml solution for oral administration microgen

Bacteriophage Pseudomonas aeruginosa 100ml solution for oral administration

Salmonella bacteriophage. abcde 100ml solution for oral administration

Salmonella bacteriophage n50 tablets

Staphylococcal bacteriophage 20ml n8 solution for oral administration

Bacteriophage disent. watered. n50 tablets

Klebsiella bacteriophage polyvalent 20ml n4 solution for oral administration microgen

Bacteriophage Klebs. pneumatic 20ml solution for oral administration

Bacteriophage coli 20ml n4 solution for oral administration

Bacteriophage Proteus 20ml n4 solution for oral administration

Bacteriophage dysentery polyvalent n50x10 tablets

Bacteriophage disent. watered. n50 tablets (p)

Bacteriophages list of drugs

Bacteriophages are a type of virus that infects bacterial cells, thereby eliminating them or stopping their activity; they are also simply called phages. Nowadays, bacteriophages are widely used in the medical field, a good alternative to antibiotics.

They help well against bacterial infections, in most cases much more effectively than antibiotics, especially where there are biological membranes. Also helps against food poisoning.

In Russia, they have been treating with similar drugs for a long time; at the moment, approval for the use of bacteriophages has not been received in the West, despite all their therapeutic and preventive effectiveness.

Now there are many varieties of bacteriophages on the medical market, such as pyobacteriophage, streptococcal, coliproteus and many others.

For a visual example, check out the small list of drugs:

  • staphylococcal bacteriophage (100 ml) solution for oral use,
  • intesti - bacteriophage (100ml),
  • Klebsiel pneumonia (20ml 4n),
  • streptococcal bacteriophage (20ml 4n),
  • staphylococcal bacteriophage (20 ml n4),
  • bacteriophage coliproteus (100 ml),
  • bacteriophage intesti (20ml 4n)
  • All these are solutions for oral administration.

Price of bacteriophages

The price of the above drugs ranges from 550 to 800 rubles. You can order bacteriophages and many others on our website.

Pickup at 8a, Balaklavsky Prospekt. The pick-up point is open every day from 09:00 to 20:00. You can order home delivery.


Bacteriophages - classification, types and purpose

Bacteriophage therapy is a fairly new trend in modern medicine. The principle of operation of this treatment is the reproduction of bacterial cells by destroying harmful bacteria and replacing them with healthy ones. The main purpose of bacteriophages is the safe and effective treatment of bacterial infections and viruses.

Bacteriophages: types and purpose

The use of bacteriophages in medicine is extensive; polyvalent species are most often used, which contain a whole complex of active microorganisms. Basic forms:

  • Coliphages, or simply coli, help cope with skin inflammation and infection of internal organs caused by enteropathogenic E. coli.
  • Typhoid bacteriophages - eliminate illnesses caused by salmonella and typhoid pathogens.
  • Coliproteus or coliproteophages - are used in the treatment of cystitis, colpitis, pyelonephritis, colitis and other diseases caused by enteropathogenic bacteria Escherichia and the Proteus virus.
  • Klebsiella polyvalent bacteriophages are a complex remedy that destroys Klebsiella rhinoscleroma, pneumonia and ozena.
  • Dysenteric polyvalent dysphags - destroy Shigella Flexner and Sonne in bacterial dysenteries.
  • Protean proteophage - fights protean species of specific microorganisms, such as vulgaris and mirabilis, which are the main cause of purulent intestinal inflammation.
  • Staphylophages - destroy the action of staphylococcal microbes, active in any purulent inflammation.
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsifagus - treat inflammatory ailments of the digestive, urogenital and respiratory systems caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae.
  • Streptophagus - actively fights inflammatory infections caused by streptococcus.
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa - used in the treatment of dysbiosis and other infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Classification of bacteriophages

Today there are 19 types of active forms of viruses. They differ in shape, their genome structure and the type of nucleic acid. The classification of these drugs in medicine also differs in the speed of their influence on the activity of microorganisms:

  • moderate - only partially affects and destroys pathogenic bacteria, but causes significant changes in them, which are transmitted during their further reproduction, preventing the progression of the virus;
  • It is customary to call virulent those that, upon entering the body, act rapidly and very actively and almost instantly destroy bacterial cells, leading to their death.

Advantages and disadvantages

It has been proven that treatment with bacteriophages is the safest replacement for penicillin therapy in the treatment of bacterial infections. The main advantages include the following:

  1. They have much fewer side effects compared to antibiotics. It has been noted that an allergic reaction to bacteriophages is extremely rare, and secondary negative effects in the human body are much less common.
  2. They are combined with absolutely any type of drugs, including penicillin, and are not addictive.
  3. All drugs have a release form that is very convenient for the consumer: solutions for oral administration or tablets.
  4. With prolonged use of phages, there is no suppression of the immune system.
  5. Even mild, sluggish inflammatory processes and viruses are cured, for which the use of antibiotics is considered inappropriate.
  6. Unlike other medications, to which most viruses and microbes develop gradual resistance, it is almost impossible to adapt to phages and harmful microorganisms.

But it is worth noting that such therapy also has a number of disadvantages, which should also be taken into account before starting treatment. These include:

  • the likelihood of transfer of the bacterial genome between microorganisms;
  • difficulties in selecting the most suitable group of bacteriophages for treatment;
  • The general course of treatment for the virus takes at least 20 days, while treatment with antibiotics takes only 3–7 days.

Bacteriophages in pediatrics

The use of phages in the treatment of childhood infectious diseases requires particularly careful diagnosis and drug selection. Before the appointment, the child must undergo bacteriostatic and bacteriological analysis to determine the state of the microflora.

Bacteriophages are prescribed for both infants and older children in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Ear infections.
  • Inflammatory processes of the respiratory organs (throat, trachea, nasopharynx, lungs, nose, larynx).
  • Infections of the genitourinary system.
  • Eye diseases with an existing inflammatory process (corneal damage, conjunctivitis).
  • Infectious processes of the gastrointestinal tract (cholecystitis, gastroenterocolitis, dysbacteriosis).
  • Purulent wounds, surgical infections, abscesses, burns, furunculosis and much more.

Treatment with bacteriophages is also acceptable for very young children, since these medications have a much lower percentage of side effects and do not harm the sensitive intestinal microflora of a newborn.

Rules to follow during treatment:

  1. Before administering a bacteriophage to an infant or an older child, it is necessary to conduct a mandatory rectal tolerance test using an enema. Young children often experience a rejection reaction in the form of excessive regurgitation or diarrhea.
  2. Before treating Intesti with a drug prescribed for gastrointestinal infections in children, you should definitely check the dosage with your pediatrician.
  3. Before using these drugs on an infant, a number of additional tests and drug tolerability tests may be required.

Bacteriophages: list of drugs and price


It is impossible to find medications comparable to bacteriophages in their structure. When replacing, drugs are prescribed that are comparable in their properties, but with completely different active ingredients.

The selection of pharmaceuticals should be made exclusively by a professional physician. In some situations, staphylococcal drugs are replaced with Zyvox, Fosfomycin, Linemax, Forteraz, Monural.

It should be remembered that chemical drugs have many more side effects and have a more negative effect on the immune system and intestinal function.


Bacteriophages. Types and purpose and drugs

Bacteriophages are specific viruses that selectively attack and infect microbes. By multiplying inside the cell, they destroy bacteria. In this case, pathogenic microflora is destroyed, and beneficial microflora is preserved. The use of these viruses was proposed at the beginning of the century for the treatment of infectious diseases. However, interest in them in many countries of the world was lost after the advent of antibiotics. Today, interest in these viruses is returning.

Structural features and habitat

What are bacteriophages? This is a large group of viruses, 100 times smaller than bacterial cells. The structure of phages, when magnified many times, is strikingly diverse.

What are the types of bacteriophages?

Let's consider the types of microbes and their purpose, depending on their type.

There are nineteen families of viruses, differing in the type of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA), as well as in the shape and structure of the genome.

Bacteriophages in medicine are classified according to the speed of their influence on pathogenic bacteria:

  1. Moderate bacteriophages slowly and partially destroy pathogenic microorganisms, causing irreversible changes in them that are transmitted to the next generation of microbes. This is the so-called lysogenic effect.
  2. Virulent virus molecules, having entered microbial cells, actively and quickly multiply. They lead to the death of the bacterium almost instantly (lytic effect).
  3. The mild type of microbes is used as an alternative to treat bacterial infections. They have certain advantages:
  4. Convenient shape. The drug is produced for oral administration as a solution or in tablet form.

Unlike antibiotics, bacteriophages have no side effects, they are less likely to cause an allergic reaction, and do not have secondary negative effects.

There is no microbial resistance. It is more difficult for bacteria to adapt to viruses, and with a complex effect it is almost impossible.

  • the course of therapy is longer;
  • certain difficulties in choosing the right group of drugs;
  • The bacterial genome is transferred from one microbe to another.

Types of bacteriophages

In medicine, taking into account the specificity of the described viruses, they prefer to use complex and polyvalent bacteriophages, which contain several varieties of these microbes.

List and description of medications:

  1. Dysfak, polyvalent dysenteric. It causes the death of Shigella Flexner and Sonne.
  2. Typhoid kills the causative agents of typhoid fever, salmonella.
  3. Klebsiella polyvalent. It is a complex remedy that destroys Klebsiella pneumonia, ozena, and rhinoscleroma.
  4. Klebsiella pneumonia, Klebsifagus is an excellent assistant in the fight against urogenital, respiratory, digestive systems, surgical infections, and generalized septic pathologies.
  5. Coliproteophage, coliprotean. Intended for the treatment of pyelonephritis, cystitis, colitis and other diseases caused by Proteus and E. coli.
  6. Coliphage, if. Effectively acts in the treatment of infections of the skin and internal organs caused by enteropathogenic Escherichia coli E. Coli.
  7. Proteophage, Proteaceae has a detrimental effect on specific Proteus microbes vulgaris and mirabilis, which are causative agents of purulent inflammation of intestinal pathologies.
  8. Streptococci, streptophage quickly neutralizes staphylococci released during any purulent infections.
  9. Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Recommended for the treatment of inflammation caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Lyses the bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosis.
  10. Complex pyobacteriophage. It is a mixture of phagolysates of streptococci, enterococci, staphylococci, pseudomanus aeruginosis, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella oxytoca and pneumonia.
  11. Sectophage, polyvalent pyobacteriophage. Has a detrimental effect on Escherichia coli.
  12. Intensity. A complex drug that lyses Shigilla, Salmonella, Enerococcus, Staphylococcus, Pseudomanis proteus and Aerunina.

Treatment with bacteriophages

Only a doctor, after examining and identifying an infection, should prescribe medications. Their independent use may be ineffective because sensitivity to phages cannot be determined without special testing.

The treatment regimen is developed individually for each client. Most often, medications are used to treat intestinal dysbiosis. The course of treatment can be about five days, but in some cases up to 15 days. Repeat courses 2-3 times for greater effectiveness.

An example of a course of treatment for staphylococcal infection:

  • for a child up to six months – 5 ml;
  • from six months to one year – 10 ml;
  • child from one to three years old – 15 ml;
  • from 3 years to 8-20 ml;
  • for a child after eight years - 30 ml.;
  • Infants are given phages orally, drops in the nose, or in the form of an enema.

Bacteriophage preparations

Bacteriophages multiply inside bacteria, thereby killing them. While drugs are consumed during treatment and their quantity decreases, the number of phages can, on the contrary, increase.

When the food of phages—harmful bacteria—disappears, the phages themselves disappear.

Bacteriophage preparations are used in the treatment of diseases in children:

  • ear infections;
  • genitourinary infections;
  • respiratory infections;
  • surgical infections;
  • gastrointestinal tract infections;
  • eye infections, etc.

To grow bacteriophages, material with bacteriophages is applied to a nutrient medium that is seeded with a specific bacterial culture. In places where they enter, a zone of destroyed bacteria is formed, which is an empty spot. This material is removed with a bacteriological needle. It is transferred to a suspension containing a young bacterial culture. These steps are performed up to 10 times to ensure that the resulting bacteriophage is pure.

Based on bacteriophages, drugs are produced in the form of suppositories, aerosols, tablets, solutions and other forms. The names of medications use the group of bacteria they are intended to combat.

Comparison with antibiotics

Unlike antibiotics, all types of bacteriophage drugs do not adversely affect the human body.

Each type selectively affects microorganisms, so they not only do not harm the microflora, but are also used in the treatment of dysbiosis. However, these drugs are used much less frequently than antibiotics for several reasons:

  1. Bacteriophages do not penetrate the blood. They are used only if it is possible to easily deliver the drug to the site of exposure. For example, gargle, apply directly to a wound, drink if you have an intestinal infection.
  2. To use bacteriophages, it is important to be confident in the diagnosis. The exception is combination drugs with bacteriophages against various pathogens. The effectiveness of these drugs is less, and the price is higher.



Preparations created on the basis of bacteriophages do not cause the development of resistance in pathogenic microflora.

Phage therapy is useful for individuals allergic to antibiotics, is not teratogenic, and can be used during pregnancy.

In addition, such drugs have a positive effect on the state of local immunity. When used topically, phages have the particular advantage that they continue to multiply and penetrate deeper as long as infection is present. One of the main reasons for low efficiency or complete lack of therapeutic effect is the inept selection of phages for therapeutic purposes. The same disease, such as dysentery, can be caused by different types of dysentery bacteria. Phages that are active against some dysentery bacteria have no effect on others. This has not always been adequately taken into account when preparing phage drugs to treat certain diseases. Phage prevention of bacterial infectious diseases in epidemic foci involves the use of bacteriophages to individuals at high risk of infection. It has been convincingly shown that when a dysentery infection appears in kindergartens, nurseries, schools, the use of phage preparations prevents the disease of children who have had contact with the sick. Currently, dry preparations of phages are prepared in the form of dragees. There are special collections of typical phages active against pathogenic microorganisms. Phages have helped identify the sources of many diseases. Using specific phages, it is possible to determine the presence of certain pathogenic and non-pathogenic forms of microbes in various environments.

Today in Russia the following are produced:

  • monovalent bacteriophages - streptococcal, staphylococcal, pseudomonas, dysentery, coliphage, proteus, cholera, typhoid, pseudotuberculosis, salmonella, klebsifagus, etc.;
  • combined preparations of polyvalent bacteriophages - coliproteus, liquid pyobacteriophage complex, pyopolyphage, sextaphage, intesti-bacteriophage, etc.;
  • cosmetic gels with bacteriophages: phagodent, otophag, phagoderm, fagogin, etc.

Streptococcal bacteriophage is available in the form of a solution (20 ml bottle). No impurities or sediment are allowed in the solution. To preserve the drug, quinozole is used in an amount of 0.01 mg per ml of solution. Streptophage has the ability to lyse streptococcal bacteria isolated during purulent infections.

Streptococcal bacteriophage is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of purulent lesions caused by streptococci. The drug is used for carbunculosis and other skin lesions, as well as in the treatment of endometritis, osteomyelitis, urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, colpitis, ENT diseases and many others. etc. (see instructions)

It can also be used for preventive treatment of fresh wounds, especially surgical incisions during surgery. It is recommended to use the drug only after analyzing the microflora of the wound. The sooner treatment with bacteriophage begins, the more effective it is. Moreover, it is advisable to treat with a bacteriophage exactly the place that is the center of the spread of infection.

The drug is used to treat wounds or mucous membranes; it can be administered subcutaneously around the affected area of ​​the skin. Such injections are given once every 1–2 days on the recommendation of a medical specialist.

Antistaphylococcal bacteriophage is available in the form of a solution, suppository, ointment and tablets. Staphylophage has the ability to lyse staphylococcal bacteria isolated during purulent infections. Apply topically in the form of ointments, lotions, irrigation or tamponing of affected areas.

Staphylococcal bacteriophage is recommended to be prescribed for the treatment and prevention of purulent infections of the skin, mucous membranes, diseases caused by staphylococcal bacteria, as well as intestinal dysbiosis.


Bacteriophage Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a solution (bottle of 20, 50 and 100 ml). The bacteriophage has the ability to specifically lyse the bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa and has an immunostimulating effect. It is prescribed for inflammatory processes that occur with the formation of pus and are localized in a variety of places, for diseases of the respiratory system, in otolaryngology, surgical, urogenital, enteral, septic diseases, purulent-inflammatory diseases of newborns.

The drug is used to normalize the microflora of the internal environments of the body and for prophylactic purposes for the treatment of postoperative and newly infected wounds, for the prevention of nosocomial infections. It is effectively used for almost any disease caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The most effective is a combination of oral local application of the drug (apply lotions to sore spots, gargle, drop in the ears, etc.).

To treat diseases of the urinary system, the drug is infused directly into the affected organ - into the bladder, into the renal pelvis. The procedure is carried out once or twice a day. If it is necessary to treat diseases of the female genital organs, the drug is infused into the uterus once a day, 5–10 ml.

Klebsiella bacteriophage, produced in the form of a solution (amp. 5 and 10 ml, bottle 20 ml), is effective against Klebsiella ozena, pneumonia and rhinoscleroma. This drug is prescribed for the treatment of ailments caused by Klebsiella, such as rhinoscleroma, inflammatory processes in the sinuses or middle ear, inflammatory processes in soft tissues and internal organs, incl. digestive system, generalized septic diseases, purulent-septic diseases of newborns. The drug is used in the form of inhalations, enemas, applications, and also orally. The medicine is used 1 to 3 times a day, depending on the disease. The course of treatment is from 10 to 40 days.

For the treatment of rhinoscleroma and ozena, irrigation of the nasal cavity and inhalation are prescribed; At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to close the nasal passages with cotton balls soaked in the medicine, which should be removed only after an hour. This treatment should be carried out twice a day for 3-4 weeks. If the infection has spread to the throat area, in addition to irrigating the nasal cavity, inhalations must also be performed.

For inhalation it is best to use a nebulizer, because... It is undesirable to heat the solution above 40°C. There are no contraindications to the use of the drug, possibly in combination with drugs, incl. with antibiotics and dietary supplements.

Coliphage - coli bacteriophage liquid (vial 20, 100 ml, amp. 2, 10 ml; pack - 10 pcs.) for oral administration, local and external use. Coliphage has the ability to specifically lyse enteropathogenic E. coli (Escherichia coli), the most significant in the etiology of purulent-inflammatory diseases. The drug is used for the treatment and prevention of infections of the skin and internal organs caused by Escherichia coli, including purulent-septic diseases, purulent-complicated wounds, burns, abscesses, phlegmons, boils, carbuncles, cholecystitis, proctitis, cystitis, etc. (see instructions) .

Coliphage is used in the prevention of co-infections and for the preventive treatment of postoperative, newly infected wounds, as well as nosocomial infections for epidemic indications.

For enterocolitis and intestinal dysbiosis, administer 3 times a day 1 hour before meals. When treating purulent-inflammatory diseases with localized lesions, it is used topically for 7–20 days. Purulent wounds are treated in the form of irrigation, applications, dressings, administration through drainage at least 1 time per day.

For abscesses, after opening and removing the purulent contents, the drug is administered in an amount less than the volume of the removed pus. In drained cavities, 20–200 ml once a day.

To prevent sepsis and enterocolitis during intrauterine infection or the risk of nosocomial infection in newborns, coliphage is used in the form of enemas 2 times a day for 5–7 days.

Important! Koli bacteriophage liquid is not suitable for use if the solution is cloudy and there are flakes.

Proteus bacteriophage, produced in the form of a solution, is used to prevent and treat ailments caused by various varieties of Proteus. This drug is used to treat diseases of the ENT organs, bronchi and lungs. The medicine is also prescribed for the treatment of wounds, purulent processes of the skin and soft tissues of a very different nature and location. In addition, it is used to treat purulent processes localized in bone tissue and joints. Effective in the treatment of infections of the urinary organs, gastrointestinal tract, in the treatment of blood poisoning, inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes of the eyes. It is also widely used to treat diseases of young children.

Proteus bacteriophage can be used in the treatment of patients of all ages and with any concomitant diseases. The drug has virtually no side effects or contraindications. It is used for compresses, rinsing, and cotton balls soaked in the preparation are placed. A single dose of the drug can vary from 5 to 200 ml. When treating an abscess, a cotton ball soaked in the drug is introduced into the cavity.



Bacteriophages are highly effective immunobiological drugs with antibacterial action. Used for the treatment and prevention of acute intestinal infections and purulent-inflammatory diseases. Indispensable when pathogens are resistant to antibiotics. They are also used in the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in combination with drugs that normalize the intestinal microflora.

Bacteriophages are living agents, bacterial viruses, widespread in nature. In medicine, the ability of bacteriophages to destroy the cells of pathogenic microorganisms is used. The lytic effect of bacteriophages is strictly specific. In the production of phage preparations, the specificity of bacteriophages is taken into account and polyvalent phage preparations are prepared - mixtures of bacteriophages that are active against various types of pathogens. When used, bacteriophages do not disrupt the normal human biocenosis and can be used in complex therapy with other drugs. Bacteriophages are manufactured using natural raw materials and can be recommended for both adults and children.

  • Bacteriophage typhoid. Typhoid bacteriophage has the ability to lyse typhoid Salmonella. Used for the prevention of typhoid fever in adults and children.
  • Dysenteric polyvalent bacteriophage. The dysentery polyvalent bacteriophage (Dysphag) causes specific lysis of Shigella Flexner and Sonne, the causative agents of bacterial dysentery. Used for bacterial dysentery: treatment of patients with bacterial dysentery, sanitation of convalescents (bacterial carriage), prevention of bacterial dysentery.
  • Bacteriophage Klebsiella pneumoniae. Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteriophage (Klebsifag) has the ability to specifically lyse Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria. Intended for the treatment of purulent-septic and enteral diseases caused by the bacteria Klebsiella pneumonia: surgical infections, diseases of the urogenital area, gastrointestinal tract, purulent-inflammatory diseases of the ear, throat, nose, respiratory tract and lungs, generalized septic diseases, purulent-septic diseases newborns.
  • Bacteriophage Klebsiella polyvalent. Bacteriophage Klebsiella (Klebsiella) polyvalent has the ability to specifically lyse the bacteria Klebsiella ozena, rhinoscleroma and pneumonia. Intended for the treatment of diseases caused by Klebsiella bacteria: treatment of ozena, rhinoscleroma, purulent-inflammatory diseases of the ear, nose and throat of Klebsiella etiology; infected wounds, abscesses, cystitis, pyelonephritis, enteral diseases caused by Klebsiella bacteria. It is also used prophylactically in case of contamination with nosocomial strains of Klebsiella.
  • Bacteriophage coli. Bacteriophage coli (Coliphage) has the ability to specifically lyse enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (E.coli), the most significant in the etiology of purulent-inflammatory diseases. Used for the treatment and prevention of infections of the skin and internal organs caused by Escherichia coli (purulent-septic diseases, purulent-complicated wounds, burns, abscess, phlegmon, boils, carbuncles, hidradenitis, bursitis, tendovaginitis, osteomyelitis, mastitis, pleurisy, cholecystitis, proctitis , cystitis, pyelitis, pyelonephritis, endometritis, colpitis, salpingoophoritis, enteritis, enterocolitis, toxic infections); for the prevention of co-infections.
  • Bacteriophage coliproteus. Bacteriophage coliproteus (Coliproteophage) has the ability to specifically lyse common enteropathogenic Escherichia and Proteus (Pr.mirabilis and Pr.vulgaris). Used for the treatment and prevention of enterocolitis; for the treatment of colpitis of coliproteus etiology and other diseases caused by coli and proteus bacteria (cystitis, pyelitis, pyelonephritis, endometritis, salpingoophoritis, enteral pathology).
  • Protean bacteriophage. Protean bacteriophage (Proteophage) has the ability to specifically lyse Proteus bacteria (Pr. mirabilis and Pr. vulgaris). It is used for the treatment and prevention of purulent-inflammatory and intestinal diseases caused by Proteus bacteria of the species vulgaris and mirabilis (surgical infections, urogenital infectious pathology, enteral infections); for prophylactic purposes in newly infected wounds; with intestinal dysbiosis.
  • Salmonella bacteriophage. The Salmonella bacteriophage ABCDE group is capable of causing lysis of Salmonella and bacteria similar in antigenic structure to them. Used for salmonellosis in children and adults: treatment of salmonellosis, sanitization of convalescents (bacterial carriage), prevention of salmonellosis according to epidemiological indications.
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteriophage. Bacteriophage Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas aeruginosis) has the ability to specifically lyse the bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosis. Used for the treatment and prevention of purulent-inflammatory diseases of various organs caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (diseases of the ear, throat, nose, respiratory tract and lungs, surgical, urogenital, enteral infections, septic diseases, purulent-inflammatory diseases of newborns), as well as dysbiosis; for prophylactic purposes for the treatment of postoperative and newly infected wounds; for the prevention of nosocomial infections.
  • Staphylococcal bacteriophage. Staphylococcal bacteriophage (Staphylophage) has the ability to lyse staphylococcal bacteria isolated during purulent infections. It is used for the treatment and prevention of purulent infections of the skin, mucous membranes, visceral organs caused by staphylococcal bacteria (sinusitis, otitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, purulent wounds, infected burns, abscess, phlegmon, boil, carbuncle, hidradenitis, panaritium, paraproctitis, mastitis, bursitis, osteomyelitis, urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, colpitis, endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis, gastroenterocolitis, cholecystitis, omphalitis, sepsis), as well as intestinal dysbiosis.
  • Streptococcal bacteriophage. Streptococcal bacteriophage (Streptophage) has the ability to lyse streptococcal bacteria isolated during purulent infections. Used for the treatment and prevention of purulent infections of the skin, mucous membranes, visceral organs caused by streptococci (sinusitis, otitis, sore throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, wound suppuration, purulent burns, abscess, phlegmon, boil, carbuncle , hidradenitis, felon, paraproctitis, mastitis, bursitis, tendovaginitis, osteomyelitis, urethritis, cystitis, pyelitis, pyelonephritis, colpitis, endometrig, salpingo-oophoritis, gastroenterocolitis, cholecystitis, omphalitis, pyoderma, sepsis), as well as intestinal dysbiosis.
  • Intesti-bacteriophage. Intesti-bacteriophage has the ability to specifically lyse Shigella, Salmonella, staphylococcal and enterococcal bacteria, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosis. It is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract caused by sensitive microorganisms: bacterial dysentery, salmonellosis, typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, dysbacteriosis, enterocolitis, colitis, dyspepsia.
  • Pyobacteriophage combined. Pyobacteriophage combined (Piopolyphage) is capable of lysing staphylococci, streptococci (including enterococci), Proteus (mirabilis and vulgaris), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and Escherichia coli. Intended for the prevention and treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases of the ear, throat, nose, sinuses, respiratory tract, lungs; surgical infections (suppuration, abscess, phlegmon, osteomyelitis, peritonitis); urogenital infections (urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis); gynecological infections (colpitis, endometritis, salpingoophoritis); enteral infections (gastroenterocolitis, cholecystitis, dysbacteriosis); purulent-septic diseases of newborns.
  • Pyobacteriophage is polyvalent. Pyobacteriophage polyvalent (Sextaphage) has the ability to specifically lyse staphylococci, streptococci (including enterococci), Escherichia coli, Protea (mirabilis and vulgaris), Pseudomonas aeruginosis and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Intended for the prevention and treatment of various forms of purulent-inflammatory and enteral diseases: purulent-inflammatory diseases of the ear, throat, nose, respiratory tract, lungs and pleura; surgical, urogenital and enteral infections; generalized septic diseases, incl. purulent-septic diseases of newborns and infants.
  • Pyobacteriophage is complex. Pyobacteriophage complex liquid is a mixture of phagolysates of staphylococci, streptococci, enterococci, Escherichia coli, Protea (mirabilis and vulgaris), Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella (pneumonia and oxytoca). Used for the treatment and prevention of purulent-inflammatory and intestinal diseases: diseases of the ear, throat, nose, respiratory tract and lungs; surgical infections; urogenital infections; enteral infections; generalized and septic diseases; purulent-inflammatory diseases of newborns; for the treatment of postoperative and newly infected wounds.

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