Antiviral drugs for influenza

The best medicines for flu and colds - list, characteristics, prices

During the annual cold and flu epidemic, the problem of choosing a good drug for these diseases is especially acute. Manufacturers are vying with each other to offer effective medicines against colds and flu, and it is very difficult to sort through such variety.

Table of contents:

Which drug is more effective to take at what stage of a cold?

If you decide to buy the drug not on the recommendation of a doctor, but on your own, you should take into account that each drug has certain indications and contraindications for use, acts on one or another symptom of a cold or eliminates the immediate cause of the disease.

How to choose an inexpensive, but high-quality and effective drug yourself, and what should you know about modern medications for colds and flu?

What you need to know when choosing a medicine

Before you buy cold and flu medicine, you should make sure it is safe and effective. This must be an official remedy with a medically proven therapeutic effect.

Recently, a large number of widely advertised dietary supplements and low-quality generics of well-known medications with supposedly strong antiviral effects have appeared on pharmacy shelves. Taking such drugs will not only not have the desired therapeutic effect, but can also lead to the development of side complications. Therefore, of course, it is better to entrust the choice of medicine to a doctor, but if this is not possible, you should choose only a proven and high-quality drug, without splurging on cheap counterfeits.

As a rule, effective drugs are expensive, but there are a number of drugs with the same active ingredient at a more reasonable price. Ask your pharmacist or doctor about this

All medications for colds and flu can be divided into three broad groups, each of which has a specific effect on the body, helping to overcome the disease:

  1. Medicines that treat symptoms. This is the most extensive category of medicines that helps cope with the manifestations of colds (cough, fever, headache, nasal congestion, etc.). They do not eliminate the cause of the disease, but significantly facilitate its course.
  2. Antiviral drugs - used if the disease is caused by a virus. Medicines fight the virus directly, inhibit the development of the disease and increase the resistance of cells to the effects of pathogens.
  3. Immunomodulatory agents. Medicines correct and strengthen the body's defenses to fight infection.

The most popular are antiviral drugs and immunomodulators, which, according to advertising, quickly eliminate the disease and are an excellent preventative against flu and colds. But most of the drugs in this group are used throughout the entire year, so doctors do not undertake to judge possible complications in the future from taking such drugs. Such medications have a lot of side effects and therefore should be used with caution, especially in certain categories of people - the elderly, children, pregnant and lactating women, and people with serious concomitant diseases.

Eliminating the cause: antiviral drugs

Antiviral medications are the most effective medications for colds and flu because... They suppress the cause of the disease - the virus, weaken its manifestations and prevent it from multiplying. A universal remedy that suppresses all types of viruses and strains of influenza has not yet been developed, but at the moment most antiviral drugs can cope with influenza A and B viruses.

Effective antiviral drugs

Patients note the occurrence of a number of side effects when using the drug. Reviews about the antiviral effect of Arbidol are contradictory (some patients confirm the effect of the drug, others consider it useless).

Homeopathic remedies have proven themselves well in the fight against viruses: Oscillococcinum, Vibrukol, Aflubin, Gripp-gel, Ergoferon. They do not have an immediate effect, like other antiviral drugs, but in long-term therapy they effectively suppress viruses and reduce the symptoms of the disease. Their advantage is the safety of use and the absence of side effects, which makes them attractive to such categories as children, pregnant and lactating women, and the elderly.

Important! Antiviral drugs are effective if taken when the first symptoms of the disease occur. After 3-5 days of illness, medications will not bring the expected therapeutic effect.

It is advisable to take antiviral drugs at the earliest stages of the disease - at the first signs

The most effective antiviral drug is considered to be a new generation of flu and cold medicine based on neuraminidase inhibitors - Oseltamivir (tablets) and Zanamivir (powder for inhalation). Medicines quickly relieve cold symptoms, cope with influenza B and A strains, and have proven themselves to be excellent preventative agents. The only drawback of such drugs is the high price: Oseltamivir will cost from 650 rubles. per package, Zanamivir - from 1039 rubles. (5 mg).

Fighting the disease: immunomodulators and interferons

Immunomodulatory agents and interferons destroy the causative agent of the disease, while preserving the body's cells and preventing the spread of infection. In combination with anti-inflammatory drugs, they enhance the effect of the latter, which allows you to quickly cope with the disease.


In medical practice, it is customary to use immunostimulating agents only in cases of severe infections, when the body itself is not able to cope with the cause of the disease. During epidemics of influenza and ARVI, immunomodulators are indicated as a prophylactic agent.

Immunostimulating agents are used only in cases of severe infections

Note! Self-administration of immunomodulators without a doctor’s prescription during the acute phase of the disease will be useless, and in the worst case, will cause serious complications in the body.

Popular immunomodulatory drugs:

  • Tsitovir-3 (price - rub.). In addition to the antiviral effect, it has an immunomodulatory effect. Reduces symptoms of the disease and inflammatory processes, increases resistance to viral infections.
  • Kagocel (price - rub.). It has a complex effect: it destroys viruses and at the same time strengthens the immune system. Effective for the treatment and prevention of colds and flu. Minor allergic reactions were noted as side infections.
  • Tiloron (from 680 rub.). The new antiviral agent has a detrimental effect on viral cells, disrupting their reproduction, and also strengthens the body's immune defense. The medicine is used in the treatment of any respiratory viral infections.


Medicines act on the basis of interferon inducers - they stimulate the production of certain types of proteins in the human body, which help suppress infectious agents.

Interferons - stimulate the production in the human body of certain types of proteins that counteract viruses

Effective cold and flu medications:

  • Amiksin (from 600 rubles) is a powerful tool for boosting immunity and in the fight against viruses. It is not toxic and is well tolerated by patients. Contraindicated in children under 7 years of age and pregnant women.
  • Viferon (rub.) – comes in the form of suppositories, for this reason it is often prescribed to children, starting from the first year of life. The medicine is well tolerated and has few contraindications. Effective for influenza and viral colds.
  • Cycloferon (from 180 rub.). Effective in the treatment of ARVI, herpes and influenza, it is available in the form of ointment, injection solution, and tablets. Approved for use from the age of four. Of the side effects, only minor allergic reactions were noted.
  • Anaferon (from 200 rub.). Tablets with immunostimulating and antiviral effects. They reduce the risk of complications and quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Inferon and Grippferon (from 260 rubles). Available in the form of nasal drops. Prevents the proliferation of airborne viruses and activates the immune system. They are relatively safe and are allowed for pregnant women and children.

Among the immunomodulators, there are drugs that should be used only as prescribed by an immunologist (Imudon, IRS-19, Immunal, Methyluracil). Such medications should not be used independently in the treatment of viral diseases.

Eliminating symptoms: symptomatic medications

Flu and cold symptoms medications are an excellent addition to regular flu and cold medications. They do not stimulate immune cells and cannot fight viruses, but they quickly eliminate respiratory and intoxication symptoms.

These include drugs with anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, vasoconstrictor, antitussive, and restorative effects.


A common and time-tested remedy for fever and colds is Paracetamol, which has virtually no side effects and is inexpensive. Based on paracetamol, many anti-flu and anti-cold drugs have been created: Fervex, Panadol, Efferalgan, Teraflu, Rinza, Coldrex, etc. (recommended for use by adults).

Ibuprofen-based drugs are also popular, which, in addition to their anti-inflammatory effect, are excellent at reducing fever. These are Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Ibuklin.

Note! Antipyretics are recommended to be taken at temperatures above 38 degrees and no more than four times a day.

The third popular group of antipyretics includes drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid. These drugs have a number of contraindications and are not recommended for use by children, pregnant and lactating women.

For sore throat

Lozenges, lozenges and sprays help eliminate irritation, soreness and inflammation in the throat.

Medicines for sore throat

Which medications are most effective:

For nasal congestion and runny nose

Treatment of flu and colds is not complete without nasal drops - the drugs help relieve swelling in the nose, eliminate inflammation, and ease breathing.

Nasal drops - relieve swelling in the nose, make breathing easier

The most popular drugs:

Additionally, the doctor may recommend the use of antihistamines that will help cope with itching, swelling of the mucous membranes, and inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx (Chlorphenamine, Pheniramine).

Medicines for children against flu and colds

Children's age is often a contraindication to most anti-flu and cold medications. Therefore, before giving your child medications, you should visit a doctor - if the disease is minor, the pediatrician will most likely advise you to do without drug treatment, limiting yourself to following the regimen and using traditional methods.

Before starting treatment for your child, you should consult your doctor.

If the disease is caused by viruses, then treatment will be based on the use of antiviral drugs:

Children's medications based on paracetamol or ibuprofen - Panadol, Nurofen, Ibuprofen - will help cope with fever. For a cough, use Doctor Mom (lozenges) and Gedelix syrup, and Pinosol and Vibrocil will relieve nasal congestion.

What should be in your first aid kit for colds and flu?

A wide variety of cold and flu medications provides the buyer with a wide choice of medicines. There is no need to chase advertised remedies; it is enough to focus on the most necessary and proven effective medicines.

Rating of medications for colds and flu (what should be on hand)

It is believed that the simplest way to quickly regain health is to take medications, and according to the principle “the more, the better.” Doctors warn that this approach is incorrect: the body has a certain set of immune and protective forces, which are depleted from constant use of medications. Therefore, you should not uncontrollably absorb all the medications for flu and colds, but it is better to consult a doctor who will recommend one or two effective medications in your case, or even simply give recommendations on how to cure the disease without medications.


Review of the 6 best antiviral drugs for influenza

Every year, residents of our country spend more than thirty billion rubles on antiviral drugs for colds and flu. Some choose an effective medicine based on the pharmacist’s recommendations, others based on bright advertising, price, beautiful packaging, advice from a friend or neighbor, while others do the right thing and go to the doctor. I want to present you with a list of the most popular and effective antiviral drugs. And also familiarize you with the features of each flu remedy. Antiviral drugs for the flu will quickly get you back on your feet.

All anti-flu drugs, depending on their mechanism of action, can be divided into the following groups:

  1. vaccine preparations that stimulate the production of antibodies to influenza pathogens;
  2. drugs that increase the body's protective properties by activating the production of interferon;
  3. true antiviral drugs that suppress the replication of the virus by inactivating neuromidase (Oseltamivir, Zanamivir) and those that block the M2 channels of the viral cell (Amantadine, Remantadine).

Effective remedies for influenza and acute respiratory viral infections are new drugs that have not been on the market for more years. Their “young age” is explained by long-term testing before they went on sale. We bring to your attention a list of medications that includes the best drugs for influenza and ARVI:


Ingavirin is an effective medicine against influenza, ARVI and other diseases of viral etiology. Ingavirin, although a new medicine, has already earned good reviews from those who have tried it for the treatment and prevention of influenza.

The basis of the drug vitaglutam or imidazolylethanamide is pentanedionic acid.

Mechanism of action. The drug has antiviral, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effects.

Ingavirin has a detrimental effect on adenovirus infection, influenza A, B, respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza virus. Activates the production of interferons and cytotoxic lymphocytes (T-killers) in the body. Vitaglutam inhibits the reproduction of the virus at the stage of nuclear formation.

By reducing the production of inflammatory proteins, the drug relieves inflammation.

Ingavirin perfectly relieves intoxication symptoms, catarrhal symptoms, and leads to a rapid normalization of body temperature.

Side effects rarely occur in the form of mild allergic reactions.

The drug is not used in cases of hypersensitivity to its components and in children.

This medicine for the influenza virus is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since its effect in such cases has not been studied.

Ingavirin is capsules for oral administration of 60 mg and 90 mg. Average price in Russia:

  • Ingavirin 60 mg, 7 capsules – 380 rubles;
  • Ingavirin 90 mg, 7 capsules – 480 rubles.


Arbidol is a good medicine for influenza and ARVI, which consists of umifenovir and excipients.

Mechanism of action: Arbidol tablets have antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. Umifenovir copes well with influenza A and B viruses and coronaviruses associated with severe respiratory syndrome by blocking the fusion of the fatty membrane of the viral cell with the cell membrane. Increases the production of interferons, immune cells, enhances the activity of phagocytes.

The drug is well tolerated by patients. In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur.

The drug is not used in cases of hypersensitivity to its components and in children under three years of age.

There are no data on the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation.

Arbidol does not affect the speed of physical and mental reactions, therefore it can be used in patients whose activities require increased attention.

Arbidol is available in the form of tablets of 50 mg, capsules of 100 mg, 200 mg, powder for suspension 25 mg/5 ml bottle 37 g,

Average price in Russia:

  • Arbidol 50 mg, 10 tablets – 180 rubles;
  • Arbidol 100 mg, 10 capsules – 250 rubles;
  • Arbidol Maximum 200 mg, 10 capsules – 500 rubles;
  • Arbidol powder for suspension 25 mg/5 ml bottle 37 g – 300 rubles.


Tamiflu is the most effective medicine against swine flu and influenza B. Tamiflu consists of oseltamivir and excipients.

The drug is widely used for the prevention and treatment of swine flu and other serotypes of influenza A and B.

Mechanism of action: a drug with a pronounced antiviral effect on influenza A and B viruses. Tamiflu acts directly on the virus by inhibiting neuromidase, without which the virus cannot spread throughout the body and multiply.

The drug effectively reduces the intensity of influenza symptoms and the risk of complications, shortens the contagious period. When using the drug to prevent influenza, 90% of people who take Tamiflu do not get sick.

Resistance does not develop to Tamiflu.

The drug is not used in case of hypersensitivity to its components and in case of renal failure.

During pregnancy and lactation, Tamiflu is prescribed with caution when the expected effect outweighs the risk of adverse reactions and fetal pathology.

Side effects of the drug:

  • dyspepsia: nausea and vomiting are observed after taking the first dose. With further use, dyspepsia goes away;
  • very rare: diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache, cramps, cough, insomnia, malaise, nosebleeds, decreased hearing, conjunctivitis, dermatitis, urticaria, bronchitis, sinusitis, swollen lymph nodes.

Note! Some patients who took Tamiflu to prevent or treat influenza experienced seizures and delirium-type disturbances. The reason for such reactions could not be found out.

Tamiflu is available in the form of capsules of 30 mg, 45 mg, 75 mg and powder for suspension 12 mg/1 ml.

Average price in Russia:

  • Tamiflu capsules 75 mg 10 pcs. – 1360 rubles;
  • Tamiflu powder for suspension 12 mg/1 ml bottle 30 g – 1140 rubles.


Relenza and Tamiflu are antiviral drugs for influenza A and B. The active ingredient of the drug is Zanamivir. Relenza is available as a powder for inhalation through Diskhaler.

Mechanism of action: the drug has a pronounced antiviral effect on influenza A and B viruses. Zanamivir acts selectively on the virus by inhibiting neuromidase, without which the virus cannot spread throughout the body and multiply.

The drug effectively reduces the intensity of influenza symptoms, reduces the risk of complications and shortens the contagious period. Resistance does not develop to Relenza.

The drug is not used in case of hypersensitivity to its components. Patients with a history of bronchospasm require careful monitoring when treated with Relenza.

During pregnancy, it is not recommended to take Relenza in the first trimester. The drug is prescribed to pregnant and nursing mothers with caution when the expected effect outweighs the risk of adverse reactions and fetal pathology.

Side effects of the drug:

  • allergic reactions: urticaria, angioedema, rarely Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis.
  • bronchospasm;

Note! Some patients who inhaled Relenza to treat influenza experienced bronchospasm and breathing problems. If you have asthma or chronic bronchitis while using Relenza, have an inhaler containing Salbutamol or another bronchodilator on hand.

Average price in Russia:

  • Relenza 20 doses with Dishaler. – 1200 rubles.


Rimantadine is an old, proven remedy for the prevention and treatment of influenza and GRVI and tick-borne encephalitis based on rimantadine.

Mechanism of action of the drug. The drug has an antiviral effect. Remantadine is a derivative of amantadine (an anti-Parkinsonian drug) that stops the process of viral reproduction. The drug is effective at the onset of the disease.

Remantadine is contraindicated for persons with acute liver pathology, acute and chronic kidney disease, thyrotoxicosis, or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Remantadine is not prescribed for pregnant women.

  • impaired attention and concentration, sleep disturbance, headaches, dizziness, irritability, fatigue;
  • dry mouth, refusal to eat, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain.

Attention! The drug is prescribed with caution to people with hypertension and the elderly, as it increases the risk of stroke.

Remantadine is available in the form of 50 mg tablets and 100 mg capsules.

Average price in Russia:

  • Remantadine 50 mg, tablets 20 pcs. – 205 rubles;
  • Remantadine 100 mg, capsules 10 pcs. – 160 rubles;


Amiksin, like the above-mentioned drugs for influenza and ARVI, is widely used for their treatment and prevention. The basis of Amiksin is Tiloron.

Mechanism of action. Amiksin has good antiviral and immune-modulating effects by increasing the formation of interferons by intestinal cells, liver, T-lymphocytes and neutrophils. The drug also suppresses the reproduction of the virus by stopping the translation of viral proteins. Amiksin is active against influenza viruses, hepatitis A, B, C, herpes, cytomegaloviruses,

The drug is not used in cases of hypersensitivity to its components, in children under seven years of age, in pregnant and nursing mothers.

Adverse reactions rarely occur in the form of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and allergic manifestations.

Amiksin is produced in the form of film-coated tablets of 60 mg and 125 mg.

Average price in Russia:

  • Amiksin 60 mg, 10 tablets – 600 rubles;
  • Amiksin 125 mg, 6 tablets – 700 rubles.

Antiviral drugs should only be taken after consulting a doctor. Only he will be able to choose an effective and safe drug for you, taking into account your age, severity of the disease and concomitant pathology. Self-medication can harm your body.

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17 comments on the article “Review of the 6 best antiviral drugs for the flu”

I tried a lot of medications in the winter when I got the flu, but the best one for me in terms of price and result ratio was Ingavirin.

Honestly, of all the drugs listed, I only know Amiksin from two opposite sides. My husband takes it and everything is fine, it helps him, but my friend’s kidneys are failing. So, you should first consult a doctor, because... serious medications.

I try not to use medications. To do this, I simply get vaccinated before the flu season begins. I've been fighting the flu like this for years now.

You are not fighting the flu, but your immunity, watch the videos of virologist G.P. Chervonskaya and D.M. n. Cyrillic G.B.. maybe what’s in your head about vaccines will become clearer...

This list does not include Influcid, which I have been treating with for quite some time. It’s made from natural ingredients, I personally didn’t have any side effects. What you need against influenza and ARVI. Eliminates both headaches and aches. The period of sick leave is reduced by 2-3 days. Overall, I am completely satisfied with Influcid.

And I like Influcid as a prophylactic agent. Ten days of taking 15 drops three times a day, and now I’m going through the third season without any problems. I try to take a preventive course at the end of October or beginning of November - before widespread coughing has yet begun. So, as for me, it’s more reliable.

Thank you for the article. I'll keep it on mind.

The best thing is Tamiflu

As for me, the review is not entirely complete. Influcid, for me, is the best remedy for ARVI and influenza. I have already overcome more than one cold and I always recommend it to my friends who are sick. So far everyone says thank you for the quick and trouble-free treatment.

I would like to contact the author of the article and ask him about his competence. Let him read reference books!! All the drugs described are complete profanation!!

Ergoferon suits me best of all the antiviral drugs. It has good components, has an effect on the immune system, acts as an anti-inflammatory and antihistamine. Because of this, in addition to full treatment, you feel better during illness. I recover quickly with it and manage without complications.

Anaferon undermines the liver in my opinion, everything started to hurt immediately after taking the pill. My liver is fine, but I am now allergic to this medicine. Previously, he was also treated with it on the advice of a therapist. There were no problems before, but now there are when taking it.

I try to strengthen my immune system with various herbs. I drink ginseng, linden, chamomile. But if I suddenly get sick, I take Ingavirin from the pharmacy. An excellent antiviral agent. If you take it on time, the disease will recede immediately.

I take Ingavirin for colds. It is convenient because you only need to drink it once a day for a week. The very next day I feel much better, the sore goes away completely in about five days, but I always finish the pack, just in case and so as not to waste the good stuff))

And we learned about Ingavirin from a neighbor. Mom got sick, temperature 37.5, runny nose, sore throat, weakness, she had a hard time with the virus, the temperature didn’t seem to be high, but she was lying down. A neighbor came to visit, I shared my sadness about my mother, and she told me about Ingavirin, I bought it, I had my doubts, but decided to try it. After 3 days of taking 1 capsule per day, my mom was flying like a bird. In my opinion the best remedy!

And we learned about Ingavirin from a neighbor. My mother got sick, her temperature was 37.5 - it didn’t seem to be high, but she was lying down. A neighbor came to visit, she told me about Ingavirin, I bought it, I had my doubts, but decided to try it. After 3 days of taking it, my mommy was flying like a bird. In my opinion the best remedy!

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Flu, sinusitis, sore throat

Types of antiviral drugs for influenza and ARVI

Antiviral medications for colds and flu are essential in the fight against these diseases. Of course, if you are in an environment where there is already a person with ARVI or flu symptoms, you need to take preventive measures. During the period of intensification of colds, you should strengthen your immune system and reduce the possibility of infection to a minimum. But most people neglect prevention and worry about health when the disease has already begun to cause the first symptoms.

If the doctor determines that the disease is of a viral nature (influenza, ARVI), then he prescribes a specific antiviral drug for ARVI or influenza for treatment.

How the body resists viruses

In most cases, the body itself can overcome the virus without special effective drugs. To resist viruses, the immune system produces special substances - antibodies and interferons. After foreign organisms penetrate the skin or mucous membranes, they encounter immune cells, which send signals to the immune system. She, in turn, begins to produce antibodies that can bind to viral proteins. But it will take some time to produce the required amount of antibodies. As a result of this activity of the immune system, it remembers which virus it fought, and when it appears again, ready-made antibodies will quickly be able to neutralize it. True, in this way the body cannot protect itself from all viral diseases. Antibodies will be effective if you have already had rubella or chickenpox. In this case, the immune system will not allow the disease to reoccur.

Influenza and ARVI have the ability to change their structure and the emergence of new strains. Therefore, even if you have already suffered from such diseases, next time you can become infected with another type of acute respiratory viral infection or influenza, with which your body is not yet familiar. In the fight against these viruses, the most effective proteins are interferons. They counteract at the intracellular level without selective action, therefore they actively fight almost all types of pathogenic microorganisms. When interferon enters the intercellular space, it begins to have an antiviral effect on all neighboring cells. As a result, they become resistant to the virus. Interferon also suppresses the development of viral proteins.

However, there are a number of microorganisms that suppress the activity of interferon, then only antiviral drugs will help. But there is always a risk that the virus has already adapted to the action of a particular drug, in which case the use of these drugs will not bring results. If this happens, the doctor will prescribe another antiviral drug.

The course of treatment for viral diseases such as influenza and ARVI involves taking special antiviral drugs. If you start taking them from the first hours of development of the pathological process, then the possibility of the virus entering healthy cells will be reduced to a minimum, which means that intoxication of the body and possible exacerbations of chronic diseases can be avoided.

If you want your body to quickly learn to resist the flu, resort to preventive measures in the form of vaccination.

What viruses cause influenza and ARVI?

Let's look at the most common types of viruses that lead to influenza and ARVI:

  1. Influenza virus. Most often, influenza is caused by viruses of types A and B. Symptoms begin to appear on the first or second day after a foreign microorganism enters the body. The average duration of the disease is about 7 days if you start taking appropriate medications on time.
  2. Rhinoviruses. These microorganisms begin to multiply on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. They are easily carried through the air by sneezing. The first symptom is a runny nose; it appears on the second or third day after infection. With effective treatment, recovery occurs within 6-8 days.
  3. Adenoviruses. These viruses of groups B, C and E cause inflammation of the larynx and eyes. Characteristic symptoms of the disease are: high fever, sore throat and red eyes.
  4. Parainfluenza. When infected with this type of virus, laryngitis develops, and then the infection descends into the bronchi. A runny nose appears less often. If you do not take antiviral drugs for influenza, the fever can last up to 8 days.

The most important task for a virus is to penetrate the host’s body in order to actively multiply in it. After a foreign microorganism penetrates a cell, it builds its proteins in it to implement replication. As soon as such viruses begin activity in the cell body and feed on its contents, it quickly dies. So, step by step, aggressive viruses, introducing themselves into new healthy cells, begin to destroy them.

What antiviral drugs exist for influenza and ARVI?

Antiviral drugs for acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, having an effect on viruses, strive to stop their reproduction and spread throughout the human body. There are synthetic and natural based medications. They are used both to combat an already established disease and to prevent it. Today, modern medicine knows about 500 types of causative agents of colds. They are often treated with three traditional types of medications:

  • broad spectrum drugs;
  • means for the treatment of herpes;
  • drugs against cytomegalovirus.

If the disease is mild, you can limit yourself to taking interferon analogues. Start taking antiviral medications for the flu as soon as your doctor prescribes it. Otherwise, the virus can multiply throughout the body to such an extent that the medicine will no longer be effective.

Taking antiviral drugs provides a number of advantages for the human body:

  • reduces the risk of exacerbation of chronic problems (asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, etc.);
  • relieves symptoms;
  • reduces recovery time;
  • reduces the risk of severe complications.

Antiviral drugs for ARVI are also taken as preventive measures if one of the family members is already sick.

Chemical antiviral drugs for the treatment of influenza

This type of antiviral agent is the most effective. These drugs include the quite popular Acyclovir, Remantadine, Arbidol, Ribavirin and Tamiflu. The safest among these drugs is Acyclovir, but it is more specialized in a small list of infections. The most popular from the above list is Remantadine, which is produced not only in tablet form, but also in the form of syrup under the name Orvir. The significant disadvantages of this antiviral drug include its narrow range of application. It is active only against influenza viruses in the first days of infection. It will not be effective against other pathogenic microorganisms. But accurately determining whether you have the flu or not is quite problematic. Therefore, to avoid mistakes, it is prescribed during epidemics.

Ribavirin is active not only against influenza, but also in the fight against respiratory viruses, which sometimes cause the development of pneumonia in children in the first year of life. In comparison with rimantadine, it is more effective, since it has an antiviral effect not only during the period of infection, but also in the initial stage of the disease.

Arbidol is sometimes mistakenly called a broad-spectrum drug, since the instructions for use indicate that it is effective in the fight against influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections. In fact, it can only combat influenza viruses in the initial stages of the disease.

The most effective drug among those presented is the new generation drug Tamiflu. It differs in that it can effectively counteract viruses throughout the entire duration of the disease. Tamiflu can halve the duration of a fever and the risk of complications from influenza. But at the same time, it has a significant number of side effects, so it cannot be used to treat a child under 12 years of age. Under the influence of this antiviral drug, microorganisms lose their ability to penetrate the cell membrane, and intoxication is gradually inhibited and disappears.

Interferon group of drugs for ARVI and influenza

The most effective and at the same time safe group of antiviral drugs for ARVI and influenza are interferons and their inhibitors. These drugs have been used for a long time; they have proven themselves in counteracting many viral diseases. As mentioned above, interferon actively fights all types of viruses, and therefore is not a narrowly targeted agent. It is produced by the body itself, so the only side effect may be a sensitivity reaction to foreign protein cells.

The action of interferon is so effective that the symptoms of the disease disappear on the second day from the start of taking the drug. It actively counteracts foreign microorganisms not only in the first days of a cold, but also during the acute phase of the disease. The complex of advantages of this medicine has led to the fact that pharmaceutical companies began to produce it in a variety of forms. Interferon, Cycloferon, etc. are available for sale in the form of injections. For the treatment of children, interferon analogues exist in the following form:

  • rectal suppositories Viferon;
  • vaginal suppositories Kipferon;
  • nasal drops Derinat and Grippferon.

These drugs are prescribed to infants under one year old and older children for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and other similar diseases during any period of illness. They are generally well tolerated, only Grippferon can cause a slight burning sensation in the nose. It should be borne in mind that it does not have a vasoconstrictor effect.

If you compare Kipferon and Viferon, they are both good and quite effective, only the first begins to act faster due to the fact that it contains specific antibodies. Viferon is a synthetic analogue of interferon, so the risk of adverse reactions when taking it is lower.

When using antiviral drugs such as Cycloferon and Interferon, it should be taken into account that it will take some time for them to begin to act fully. But the flu needs to be cured quickly. Therefore, they can only be used as preventive measures.

Derinat is an antiviral agent in the form of drops that quickly has an immunostimulating effect. It is mainly prescribed to children in the first or second year of life; it stimulates the production of interferons by the child’s immune system. It can be given to children without any fear, as it is practically free of side effects. When Derinat is instilled into the nose, it begins its antiviral effect and at the same time stimulates the similar work of other antiviral drugs.

Antiviral and immunomodulatory agents

Pharmaceutical companies have produced many drugs in this group in recent years. Therefore, we will focus on the most famous and effective medications. They themselves do not have an antiviral effect, however, when affecting the body, they provoke the formation of interferon, which will fight viruses.

Among immunomodulatory drugs, there are drugs that are prescribed only by an immunologist after a thorough examination. But other drugs - immunomodulators can be freely prescribed by a therapist, these include:

All of them are used only as a preventive treatment, since the first effect occurs only after two to three weeks of taking such a remedy.

Homeopathic antiviral remedies for ARVI and influenza

Recently, homeopathic antiviral medicines have been gaining popularity in the fight against influenza and ARVI viruses. Oscillococcinum, Aflubin and Vibrucol are especially popular. The technology of action of these drugs has not yet been described, but it is believed that they activate the body’s defense system, which means they have an immunostimulating effect.

In practice, such homeopathic remedies gave results only when taken during the period of infection with ARVI, and then only in each case. The effect of these drugs is purely individual.

Therefore, it is better not to waste time, but to start taking a more effective remedy in the fight against colds. Homeopathic medicines should be used only if you have had a positive experience of using it previously to treat a cold in your particular body.

Treatment of ARVI and influenza with antiviral drugs

Flu, if left untreated, can lead to serious consequences, so its treatment should be approached promptly and responsibly. By its nature, influenza is a viral disease, so antiviral drugs are used against it. But there is no perfect cure for the flu.

The most common drugs used to combat influenza are:

  • M2 channel blockers Amantadine and Remantadine;
  • neuroamidase inhibitors – Zanamivir and Oseltamivir.

Amantadine effectively fights influenza type A. The daily dose for an adult is from one to two hundred milligrams of the drug. The duration of treatment and prevention is 10 days.

Remantadine inhibits the reproduction of influenza viruses. The result of taking it will only be in the first days of illness with influenza type A, but it also copes well with intoxication from influenza virus type B. This antiviral drug is sold in the form of tablets; adults take two tablets three times on the first day of illness, and on the second day - twice, on the third day - once. Remantadine is also used as a prophylaxis against viral colds; in this case, you need to take one tablet once a day for 14 days. When taking it, there is a risk of side effects, such as sleep disturbances, attention problems and irritability.

An antiviral drug for influenza, Zanamivir, is prescribed to children over 5 years of age and adults in the form of inhalations of five milligrams per day. This remedy cannot be combined with other inhaled medications, otherwise exacerbations of chronic lung diseases are possible. People without such problems may experience nasopharyngeal irritation due to an overdose.

Oseltamivir is an analogue of the well-known Tamiflu. For flu or colds, children over 11 years of age and adults are prescribed 75 mg twice a day, taken for five days. This drug begins to be prescribed to children from one year old.

Before taking any antiviral drug, consider the fact that the duration of treatment and dose may vary for each person. This depends on many factors: age, health status, weight of the patient. In addition, the regimen and dose of a particular drug depends on the purpose of administration: treatment of a disease or prevention.

Also carefully read the information about possible side effects and contraindications; it may not be used in your case.

Use of antiviral drugs during pregnancy and lactation

Despite the fact that during pregnancy it is not recommended to take medications that are not related to the woman’s condition, acute respiratory viral infections and influenza are indications for starting treatment with antiviral medications. If therapy is not started in time, there will be a serious danger to the health and life of the mother and fetus.

Antiviral drugs for influenza and ARVI during pregnancy are prescribed as soon as the first symptoms appear. The most common drug in this case is Tamiflu. And although it is better to start taking it from the first days of the disease, in severe cases it is taken much later.

If for some reason Tamiflu is not suitable or it is not possible to purchase it, pregnant women are prescribed Zanamivir. It is taken by inhalation twice a day for five days.

Taking antiviral drugs for influenza during breastfeeding has some special features. During treatment, it is better to stop breastfeeding your baby or consult a doctor about the individual use of antiviral drugs.

These two drugs, in terms of safety level, belong to group “C” - this means that they have not undergone special clinical trials in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women against influenza. But their effectiveness exceeds the possibility of threatening the health of the mother and fetus.

Features of the treatment of influenza and ARVI in children

Under 3 years of age

With the onset of autumn, cold season begins for kids. The cause is most often the ARVI virus, which is easy to become infected in a public place, transport or in kindergarten. Children have weaker immunity than adults, so it is much easier for them to become infected. If your child is sick, call a doctor at home. He will prescribe effective medications specifically for your case. This way, you will avoid the possible risk of complications and ineffective treatment. You should not trust the advice of friends, grandmothers or advertising on TV. Let's consider what remedies doctors recommend in such cases:

  1. Ribarin is prescribed to babies under one year of age for bronchitis and pneumonia. Only doctors can prescribe it, as it has many side effects.
  2. Relenza counteracts various forms of influenza. It is recommended to take it no later than two days from the moment the first symptoms appear.
  3. Vitaferon is a broad-spectrum drug that can be used to treat children under 3 years of age. It contains substances that have a stimulating effect on the immune system. The only problem with taking it may be sleep disturbance.
  4. Groprinosin also activates the immune system and blocks the spread of viral infections.

Over 3 years of age

Weakened children's immunity plays into the hands of influenza viruses. If a child gets sick more than five times a year, care should be taken to strengthen his immune system. Allergies, poor appetite, fungal and cold infections, fatigue - this whole complex of problems is a signal that immunity needs to be boosted.

Of the four types of antiviral drugs, the following are used to treat children over 3 years of age:

  1. The most well-known chemical drugs are Remantadine, Ribaverin and Arbidol.
  2. Immunostimulants that have an effect after several weeks of use and are used only as prophylaxis - Imudon, Immunal, Bronchomunal.
  3. Interferons Derinat, Anaferon, Viferon have immunostimulating activity. They increase the level of interferon in the child’s body and stop the activity of the virus in the early stages of the disease.
  4. Homeopathic remedies Vibrukol and Aflubin are the safest and help the immune system fight viruses, but their effect affects each person individually.

Not all antiviral drugs for influenza are suitable for children. There are a number of drugs that are used only for the treatment of adults, and they are contraindicated for children:

  • medicines that help fight cough such as Ambrohexale or Bromhexine;
  • a drug with high toxicity - Amiksin or Tilaxin;
  • a number of antiviral agents, the safety and effectiveness of which have not been confirmed - Neovir, Thymogen, Cycloferon and others.

If a child has mild cold symptoms and does not have a high fever of more than 38.5°C, it is better to give the body the opportunity to overcome foreign microorganisms on its own. Try to cure ARVI with drinking plenty of fluids, tea with rose hips or honeysuckle, chamomile decoction, honey and other well-known home remedies. If the condition does not improve within 1-2 days, you should seek help from a doctor.

Treatment of herpes with antiviral drugs

Separately, it is worth mentioning the treatment of herpes, which is also viral in nature. This disease is not as dangerous as the flu, but is accompanied by an unpleasant symptom - a rash on the lips. Herpes is fought with two groups of drugs: general and local. The first include immunomodulators and interferons. The second includes products that are applied to rashes and contain active elements against the herpes virus. Such topical ointments include Zovirax, Acyclovir, Acyclostad and others. In fact, this is one drug that is produced by different manufacturers under their own names. These medications are effective and reliable means in the fight against herpes; they have been used for many years and have not lost their medicinal qualities over time.

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Effective flu medications for adults and children

During cold season, people are looking for an effective flu medicine. But does it really exist? Opinions are divided on this matter. One half of patients say that antiviral medications for colds and flu provide excellent results. The rest are dissatisfied and say that there is no point in buying expensive medicines.

Types of medicines for treating influenza

All medications for flu and colds are usually divided into three main groups. They include.

  • Antiviral agents. This type of medicine is aimed at fighting the influenza virus. Thanks to its use, cells become more resistant to harmful microorganisms.
  • Immunostimulating drugs. These medications are aimed at boosting immune strength in a natural way. They contain human interferon.
  • Symptomatic remedies. Such medications do not kill harmful microbes. But they cope well with the symptoms of the disease.

Antiviral drugs for influenza

The list of medications with proven effectiveness includes the following.

  1. Remantadine. One of the old and proven antivirus products. It is inexpensive, accessible and can even combat the swine flu virus. In most cases there is a positive effect. In some situations, adverse reactions may occur in the form of dry mouth, nausea, dizziness, tachycardia, apathy and nervousness. The medicine is most effective when the first signs of the disease appear.

It has been proven that this product is resistant to some mutating microorganisms. If Remantadine does not bring the expected benefit, then it is recommended to replace it with modern anti-influenza drugs. There are contraindications such as epilepsy, renal or liver failure. The average price fluctuates around two hundred rubles.

  • Tamiflu. One of the antiviral agents that has high activity against influenza A and B viruses. It is recommended to start taking it when the first signs of influenza and colds appear. When using the drug Tamiflu, side effects may occur in the form of diarrhea, pain in the head, nausea, insomnia, depression and anxiety.

    This medication is considered to have increased toxicity. As a result, many experts are of the opinion that Tamiflu for influenza is a dangerous drug. The main contraindications include kidney disease.

  • Ribavirin. An antivirus product that is quickly effective. Prescribed only to adult patients over eighteen years of age. It is recommended by many doctors, as it copes well with adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, herpes and oncogenic viruses. It is recommended to take Ribavirin when traveling to African and American countries, where there is a high risk of contracting exotic infections. There are a number of contraindications in the form of heart failure, myocardial infarction, severe anemia, renal and liver failure, and autoimmune diseases. On average, the cost of a medication ranges from two hundred rubles.
  • Amiksin. This medicine has two properties at once: antiviral and immunostimulating. It belongs to a new generation of drugs, and therefore has little toxicity. Side effects are quite rare. If Amiksin is taken in excess of the prescribed dosage, chills, allergic reactions, or complaints from the digestive system may occur. Amiksin is indicated for ARVI and influenza, herpes and hepatitis. It is also used as a complex treatment for tuberculosis, urogenital infections and other pathological processes. This drug is considered quite expensive, but effective. The average cost is about six hundred rubles.
  • Immunostimulating drugs for influenza

    Such medications are inexpensive but effective. These include the following means.

    1. Cycloferon. Effective against colds and flu, herpes and papillomavirus. Cycloferon is aimed at inducing interferon. Thanks to this action, the immune system begins to exhibit antiviral and anti-inflammatory protection. It has a number of contraindications in the form of liver diseases, allergic manifestations, diseases of the digestive system and individual intolerance. The average price for the drug fluctuates around three hundred rubles.
    2. Viferon. A medicine with antiviral and immunostimulating properties. Available in the form of candles. The main indications include acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, and herpes. The treatment course lasts from five to seven days. Viferon suppositories can be used by pregnant and lactating women. The main contraindication includes individual intolerance to the active components. The cost of Viferon ranges from two hundred and fifty rubles.
    3. Grippferon. Medicine for flu and colds. Available in the form of nasal drops. Used as a treatment and prevention of influenza and colds. It is effective against various viruses, which include adenoviruses, influenza viruses, parainfluenza and rhinoviruses. When using Grippferon, no additional symptomatic treatment is required. It is able to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of the disease in the form of nasal congestion, runny nose, pain in the throat and head within the first day. The use of the medicine is not recommended for children and adults who have allergic reactions. It is worth noting that Grippferon can be used against influenza during pregnancy and lactation.

    Antiviral medications for children

    In childhood, flu and colds are much more severe and last longer. To boost immune function and fight the virus, doctors also recommend giving antiviral medications. They contain substances that have immunostimulating, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Antiviral drugs for children include the following.

    • Viferon. Available in the form of candles. The product can be used immediately after birth. The active substance is human interferon. The treatment course is five days. The average cost of Viferon is two hundred and fifty rubles.
    • Anaferon. Approved for use in children from the first month of life. Available in the form of tablets that easily dissolve in water. The average price fluctuates around three hundred rubles.
    • Ergoferon. An antiviral drug that can be given to children from six months of age. Helps overcome unpleasant symptoms such as nasal congestion, discharge, fever and sore throat. An analogue of Ergoferon, but it is more effective against the influenza virus, as it is a more modern remedy.
    • Oxolinic ointment. An excellent remedy for flu and colds. It is used not only for medicinal purposes, but also for preventive purposes. It is enough to lubricate your nose every time before going outside during exacerbations. A fairly cheap and accessible product that can be used in children of any age.
    • Grippferon or Interferon in ampoules. Nasal drops that protect the nasal mucosa from the multiplication of the virus. Can be used in children from the first month of life. For preventive purposes, you need to instill one drop of the product into each nostril up to two times a day. If infected, it is recommended to increase the dosage to two drops.
    • Kagocel. Medicine for flu and colds. Approved for use in children from six years of age. It can be used even with delayed treatment. Suitable for preventive purposes.

    Symptomatic treatment of influenza

    Pharmacy kiosks also offer medications that can relieve symptoms of the disease. They will not help get rid of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections and will only temporarily relieve unpleasant symptoms. These medications include the following.

    1. Koldakt Plus. Available in the form of capsules, the active components of which are paracetamol and ascorbic acid. You need to take one capsule every twelve hours. When treating with this drug, it is recommended to completely stop drinking alcoholic beverages.
    2. Coldrex. Available in tablet form. Can help with colds, which manifest themselves as a wet cough. You need to take one tablet up to four times a day. The drug is contraindicated for people with diabetes, liver and kidney failure.
    3. Rinzu. A drug that perfectly copes with the symptoms of colds and flu. Available in tablet form. They need to be taken up to four times a day. Cannot be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and is also prohibited for children under fifteen years of age. The treatment course is at least five days.
    4. Fervex. A drug that is available in powder form. Just add the product to hot water and take. The active ingredients are paracetamol and vitamin C. It is not recommended to use it for more than three days. There are two types: children's and adults. Children are approved for use at four years of age.
    5. Antigrippin. Available in the form of powder and effervescent tablets. The active substances are chlorphenamine and ascorbic acid, which relieves swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and constricts blood vessels. Approved for use in adults and children from the age of two.

    Herbal antiviral flu medications

    There are antiviral drugs for influenza that are herbal based. They can be taken by children of different ages and adults, pregnant and lactating women. The list of the best means includes the following list.

    • Oscillococcinum. Homeopathic drug with antiviral and immunostimulating properties. It is available in granules, which dissolve quickly in the mouth when taken.
    • Echinacea. Can be used as an immunostimulating agent. But it is also effective against cough.
    • Imupret. It contains walnut, horsetail and oak bark.
    • Gossypol. A preparation based on natural polyphenol from cotton.

    Other types of flu medicines

    Often, flu and colds are accompanied not only by fever, nasal congestion and general weakness, but also by sore throat and runny nose. Along with antiviral drugs for influenza, you can take other medications for complex treatment. The following remedies will help with a sore throat and sore throat.

    1. Grammidin. Available in the form of lozenges. There are many varieties, one of which includes anesthetic tablets. They are good to take at night, as they not only soothe the throat, but also have analgesic properties. The treatment course is about seven days. They should be consumed up to four to five times a day.
    2. Faringosept. An excellent drug that has a powerful effect. Prescribed for children over six years of age. The tablets should be dissolved after meals up to five times a day.
    3. Lysobacter. Plant-based lozenges. They are recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, for children from two years of age and for adults. The treatment course lasts up to seven days.
    4. Strepsils. The product is available in tablet form. It can eliminate pain and also has antiseptic properties. Approved for use in children over five years of age. The treatment course lasts three to four days.

    To remove nasal congestion and overcome a runny nose, you can use the following medications for the flu.

    • Sanorin, Nazivin. They have a vasoconstrictor effect. They will help relieve congestion for up to six hours. It is recommended to use only in extreme cases and for no more than five days, as the drugs can lead to addiction.
    • Pinosol. An excellent medicine that has three release forms: drops, spray and ointment. It contains essential oils, which not only eliminates nasal congestion, but also eliminates runny nose and kills germs. Approved for use in children.
    • Aqua Maris. A product aimed at moisturizing the nasal mucosa. Does not dry out blood vessels and speeds up the healing process. The composition of the drug includes sea water.
    • Vibrocil. A drug against viruses and allergic manifestations. It has not only a vasoconstrictor effect, but also an antihistamine. Quickly copes with germs and relieves swelling.

    The following are commonly classified as antipyretic drugs.

    • Paracetamol. One of the best medicines that relieves fever and pain. Refers to inexpensive and accessible means. Available in the form of tablets, syrup and suppositories. Can be used by children from three months.
    • Ibuprofen. A good effective drug that has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. Can be given to children from one month of age.
    • Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid. Approved for use in children over twelve years of age and adults. It is strictly forbidden for young children, pregnant women and people suffering from poor blood clotting.

    Preventive measures to prevent influenza

    Don't look for the best medicines for flu and colds. They may suit some people, but harm others. Each body is individual and has its own problems. During pregnancy and childhood up to seven years of age, it is better to use traditional methods of treatment. They will not harm your health and have no contraindications or side effects. But the road to recovery will be much longer. Therefore, experts recommend strengthening the immune system.

    The main recommendations include:
    • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
    • Doing daily exercise.
    • Eating healthy and vitamin-rich foods.
    • Taking vitamin complexes during exacerbations.
    • Ventilate the room up to three times a day and humidify the air.
    • Walk for at least one hour a day.
    • Avoid visiting crowded places during the infection period. If this cannot be avoided, then the nose should be lubricated with oxolinic ointment.

    When the first signs of influenza appear, it is necessary to begin the treatment process immediately.

    Kagocel is excellent for prevention.

    Ergoferon - I didn’t notice any effect.

    Great article! I myself try to drink a lot, a lot, when I’m sick, 3-5 liters of liquid, this drinking regimen helps me recover in three days.

    And ingavirin helps me well. I start drinking it as soon as I smell the slightest sore throat or runny nose. This helps me prevent the disease from developing.

    The content of all content presented on the site is for educational and informational purposes only, aimed at giving visitors to the resource a clearer understanding of the prevention, symptoms and methods of treating colds. Be sure to consult your doctor.
