Antihistamines for coughs in adults

Useful tips: how to get rid of an allergic cough

An allergic cough is a common symptom of an allergic reaction when allergens and foreign microorganisms enter the body.

Table of contents:

The cough may continue for a long time. How to eliminate this unpleasant symptom?

Causes of allergic cough

Allergic cough is not a disease, but only a specific manifestation of the body to an allergen

When foreign microorganisms and allergens enter the respiratory tract, a person develops swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, nasal passages, and trachea. As a result, this leads to spasm of the respiratory tract, which is what causes coughing. This is a kind of response of the body.

Cough can occur due to various allergic reactions, even in a healthy person. Typically, an allergic cough appears in children with weakened immune systems. The risk group includes children suffering from diathesis and on hormonal treatment. In adults, this cough does not develop as often. It is most often observed in people working in hazardous conditions, where the air is heavily polluted, fumes of toxic substances, paints and varnishes, etc. are observed.

The main provoking substances predisposing to the development of allergic cough:

You should be aware that taking certain medications can also trigger an allergic cough.

There are cases when an allergic cough occurs due to eating allergenic foods, such as strawberries, wild strawberries, nuts, fruits, honey, fish, eggs.

In addition, cough can be a symptom of a disease of an allergic nature: allergic tracheitis, rhinitis, obstructive bronchitis.

Signs of the disease

A dry cough, tickling throat, runny nose and red eyes are signs of an allergic cough.

An allergic cough must be distinguished from the symptoms of other diseases. At the beginning of the development of the disease, it is very difficult to distinguish it from an acute respiratory viral infection or a cold.

If the cough is of an allergic nature, then it has the following characteristic features and may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

Usually the cough when an allergen enters the body is dry. The patient cannot cough up due to irritation of the mucous membrane. During severe coughing attacks, a person may experience shortness of breath. In most cases, attacks appear suddenly, immediately after contact with the allergen.

A distinctive feature of an allergic cough is the absence of fever, headache, and chills.

Allergic cough and other accompanying symptoms cannot be eliminated with conventional medications, but after taking antihistamines, the symptoms quickly disappear.

Drugs for the treatment of allergic cough

Effective medications for allergic cough can only be prescribed by a doctor, depending on the age and severity of the disease.

Allergic reactions are treated with medications. Many medications can reduce the symptoms of allergic cough, but are not able to cure allergies.

For allergic coughs in adults and children, 2 types of drugs are used - cough suppressants and sputum thinners. The first group is used in exceptional cases, and the second for respiratory tract infections in which viscous sputum is formed. Such drugs are prescribed only by a doctor and are not used for a long time.

To eliminate allergic cough, antihistamines are often prescribed:

  • Claritin. Antiallergic drug with the active ingredient loratadine. Can be purchased in tablet or syrup form. The drug is not prescribed to children under 2 years of age.
  • Tavegil. A drug that has an antiallergic effect. Available in any form. Take the drug for 7 days. After use, the effect occurs within 30 minutes. The product should not be taken by children under 6 years of age.
  • Suprastin. The use of the drug is effective for any allergic reactions. Up to 6 years old, take 1/3 of the tablet, and from 7 years old, you can take 1/2 of the tablet.
  • Zyrtec. Second generation anti-allergy remedy. It can be used not only to relieve allergy symptoms, but also to prevent allergic diseases.
  • Peritol. The drug has antiallergic, antiserotonin and sedative effects. Children over 2 years of age should take it in syrup form.
  • Other antihistamines have also proven themselves to be effective: Cetrin, Ketotifen, Fenistil, Erius, Telfast, etc.

If you have symptoms of an allergic cough, you should consult your doctor about the possibility of using antihistamines. You should not treat yourself, as many medications have contraindications.

Traditional methods of treatment

It should be remembered that folk recipes do not help get rid of the disease, but only soften the symptoms.

To mitigate the symptoms of an allergic cough, you can use alternative medicine recipes. Tinctures and decoctions have a positive effect on the immune system and reduce susceptibility to allergens.

Effective folk remedies for treating allergic cough:

  • Milk with onions. Take one small onion and place it in a glass of hot milk. Next, boil for a few minutes. Wait until it cools down and drink in 2 doses.
  • Honey syrup. Chop 5 small onions and add a liter of water. Add 5 tablespoons of honey to the container and put on fire.
  • Lemon-honey mixture. Finely chop the lemon, add 4 tablespoons of water and 2 tablespoons of honey. Stir the mixture well, put on fire and cook until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Take a tablespoon warm about 5 times a day.
  • Chamomile decoction with lemon. Take a tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers and finely chopped lemon and pour into a thermos. Add a little black tea there and pour boiling water over it. Leave to infuse for an hour. Use in small quantities throughout the day.
  • Garlic syrup. Finely chop a few cloves of garlic, mix with liquid honey and leave for a day. Take a tablespoon of the prepared syrup every day when a coughing attack occurs.
  • Inhalations are effective in combating allergic cough. Boil the potatoes, add 2-3 leaves of thyme and eucalyptus to the water. Boil for 4-5 minutes. Next, add a drop of fir oil and stir. Take a terry towel, lean over the pan and inhale the vapors for 15 minutes. You can perform alkaline inhalations with the addition of soda.
  • It is useful for children to rub their back and chest with goat fat mixed with butter. After completing the procedure, dress the child warmly.


Improper treatment of allergic cough can cause dangerous complications

If you do not take measures to eliminate an allergic cough, this increases the risk of complications.

Possible consequences of an allergic cough:

With allergic bronchitis, wheezing is observed when inhaling. They may be wet, dry or whistling. Subsequently, the cough becomes productive with sputum production. Sometimes shortness of breath may occur. The development of obstructive bronchitis is caused by prolonged exposure to the allergen on the respiratory tract. In this case, the main symptom of obstruction is shortness of breath.

An allergic cough can lead to serious complications, so it is necessary to take timely measures to eliminate it.

With bronchospasm, the space between the bronchi and bronchioles decreases in size. The patient's breathing rhythm is disrupted, shortness of breath and severe cough appear. The skin becomes pale and the area under the eyes turns blue.

Useful video - Allergies: symptoms and treatment:

Bronchial asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory tract. Allergens, acting on the mucous membrane, enhance the reaction of the bronchi, as a result, mucus is released and bronchospasm appears. Asthma is manifested by the following symptoms: shortness of breath, wheezing and whistling from the throat, signs of suffocation.


The most effective treatment for allergic cough is eliminating the allergen

To prevent the occurrence of an allergic cough, the following recommendations must be followed:

  1. Limit contact with the allergen.
  2. Eliminate foods containing dyes from your diet.
  3. Take measures to strengthen the immune system (harden the body, eat vegetables and fruits, etc.).
  4. It is advisable to carry out wet cleaning every day.
  5. Do not use fragrances, cosmetics, detergents with added fragrance, etc.
  6. Soft toys, carpets, woolen blankets can provoke the development of a coughing attack, so these things must be removed.
  7. It is better not to have pets.
  8. It is recommended to rinse with an isotonic solution after going outside. This will remove accumulated dust, allergens and foreign microorganisms from the nose and mouth.
  9. If possible, you should stop smoking.
  10. In spring and summer, if the cause of the cough is hay fever, then you need to go outside less often.
  11. Children's toys absorb a lot of dust. Small children put everything in their mouth, so toys should always be washed under running water.

These are the basic recommendations that must be followed to prevent the development of an allergic cough.

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Comments (1)


11/25/2017 at 11:07 pm | #

As an experienced allergy sufferer, I want to say that you cannot do without a proven allergy medicine. My symptoms start in mid-summer and include coughing. At first I used oral medications, now, for five years now, I have been using injectable ones, they are more effective and the positive effect lasts longer.

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Antihistamines for cough

Antihistamines for coughs are the first aid for allergic reactions. After all, such a condition is not always expressed in the form of itchy skin and runny nose. Sometimes allergies cause more serious symptoms, which include coughing, which over time can develop into choking.

When should you take antihistamines for a cough?

An allergic cough may not appear immediately. However, this symptom is difficult to confuse with others, since it is accompanied by swelling of the nasal mucosa, runny nose and frequent sneezing. With allergies, it is always dry and unproductive. In this case, sputum is not separated and does not accumulate in the respiratory organs. With mild allergies, the cough may be weak and infrequent before taking antihistamines. But if you do not pay attention to this symptom, it can quickly develop into a strong and frequent one. In this case, the patient will not have enough air, pain and sore throat will quickly appear. Often this symptom develops into Quincke's edema. This condition is very dangerous and requires emergency medical attention. In addition to antihistamines, hormonal therapy is also indicated in this case. For children with swelling of the larynx, the hormone is sprayed through an inhaler; adults are most often given a drip with Prednisolone.

It should be clarified that allergies can be either congenital or acquired. For some people it appears in childhood, for others it may occur in adulthood. It all depends on how strong a person's immune system is.

What antihistamines are recommended for cough?

Today you can find many antihistamines in pharmacies. The remedies given in the table are the best, according to allergists and network users.

Name of antihistamine

It does not cause drowsiness, works within half an hour, and is relatively inexpensive.

Children under one year of age, pregnancy and breastfeeding, bronchial asthma, diseases of the central nervous system.

High efficiency, different release forms (syrup and tablets), rapid action (fifteen minutes after administration).

Individual fructose intolerance, pregnancy and lactation, bronchial asthma.

It does not cause drowsiness and is effective in action because it is quickly absorbed into the walls of the stomach.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding, age up to one year, diseases of the central nervous system.

Convenient release form, can be given to newborns up to one year old, high efficiency.

Lactation and pregnancy, individual intolerance.

An excellent product that comes in the form of drops and gel that relieves itchy skin. Can be given to children.

The antihistamines described in the table that can be used for cough are provided for informational purposes only. They should only be prescribed by a medical specialist.


An effective cure for allergic cough

Medicine for allergic cough is prescribed when conventional antitussives do not give positive results.

Treatment of a symptomatic cough during an allergic reaction will be ineffective if the main cause is not eliminated - the effect of the irritating allergen on the body. Cough during an allergic reaction symptomatically coincides with the signs of cough syndrome in acute and/or chronic diseases of the respiratory center, obstructive bronchitis and other respiratory diseases.

How to understand that it is an allergic cough?

Before starting treatment for a symptomatic cough, you need to clearly know its differences in allergies from other diseases:

  1. A cough with bronchitis is accompanied by copious secretion of mucous mucous formations, and with allergies it is dry.
  2. A cough with bronchitis or whooping cough is a temperature reaction of the body, but with an allergy it is not.
  3. A wheezing breath, a barking cough, wheezing in the chest - these are all signs of an infectious or bacterial lesion of the respiratory system. An allergic cough is dry and annoying, accompanied by attacks of suffocation.

Important! Any attempts to treat allergic cough with mucolytic or antitussive drugs do not give a positive result. Only antihistamines can have a complex effect on the patient’s body.

Allergic cough accompanied by attacks of suffocation

The causes of an allergic cough can be very different:

  1. The body's reaction to cold or heat.
  2. Reaction to certain foods, for example, chocolate, eggs, honey, strawberries.
  3. Reaction to chemical exposure at the household level and in the environment.
  4. Reaction of an epidermal nature, for example, to six, saliva or feces of domestic and/or wild animals, insect bites, etc.
  5. An allergic cough can be triggered by household mold, dust, and plant pollen.
For any reaction of the body, it is necessary to undergo a full examination to find out the true cause of the cough.

Choosing the right medicine

To get rid of various signs of allergies, special medications are prescribed against allergic cough and other symptomatic signs. Antihistamines are the main form of treatment. Such medications are prescribed in order to block the actions of a biologically active substance - histamine, which is involved in the process of functional regulation of the body, and is activated in the event of penetration of an allergen. What medicine for allergic cough is most often prescribed by doctors? List of popular and effective antihistamine treatments:

Antihistamines are the main form of treatment

1. Fenkarol is a drug that has antipruritic, antiexudative and antiallergic effects. The active component of the dosage form is quifenadine hydrochloride, which does not have anticholinergic and adrenolytic activity, and does not have a pronounced hypnotic or sedative effect. The drug is prescribed for various forms of urticaria, dermatosis, allergic rhinitis and hay fever. Contraindications for use are: hypersensitivity of the body, pregnancy and lactation period in women, children under 3 years of age.

2. Suprastin is a pharmaceutical drug recommended as a medicine for allergic cough in adults with various forms of immunopathological processes in the body. Chloropyramine acts as an antihistamine blocker, allowing you to comfortably tolerate an allergic reaction. The drug is not recommended for people with chronic pathologies of the respiratory system, functional disorders of the gastric and/or intestinal tract, children under 6 months, as well as lactating and pregnant women.

3. Fenistil is an antiallergic drug recommended by experts for various skin reactions of the body - sunburn, chicken pox, stinging and/or blood-sucking insect bites, eczema, food or drug allergies. Contraindications: glaucoma, prostatic hyperplasia, children under 1 month, increased sensitivity of the body.

Fenistil is an antiallergic drug recommended by experts for various skin reactions of the body.

4. Zyrtec. Cetirizine, the main active component of the drug, can block H1-histamine receptors. The antihistamine activity of the pharmacological agent allows you to effectively combat an allergic reaction. Clinical manifestations of the action of the main substance make it possible to stabilize the membranes of mast cells, relieve the spasmodic reaction of smooth muscle muscles, influence the quantitative composition of exudate, prevent swelling of muscle tissue and limit the severity of histamine-induced bronchoconstriction.

5. Pipolfen is a drug intended to eliminate reactions of an allergic nature and asthmatic attacks. The medicine for allergic cough and runny nose contains the active ingredient promethazine hydrochloride, which has high antihistamine activity and a pronounced blocking effect on the central nervous system. The pharmacological agent has an antiemetic and sedative effect. This drug is not recommended for people with clinical pathologies of the digestive and urinary system, as well as for patients whose professional activities involve a risk to life.

Pipolfen is a drug intended to eliminate reactions of an allergic nature and asthmatic attacks.

Important! Before choosing a medicine for allergic cough for children, you need to clearly define the diagnosis.

A prolonged dry cough is a clear reason to visit a pediatrician, especially if the cough reflex is of a non-productive nature and the child’s body temperature remains within acceptable limits. For a high-quality diagnosis and identification of all cause-and-effect factors, the doctor must provide complete information about your baby’s environment. After completing a certain laboratory diagnostic procedure, the consulting specialist will prescribe the necessary course of treatment.

A prolonged dry cough in a child is a clear reason to visit a pediatrician

Reaction to drugs

Drug allergy is another type of allergic reaction caused by the body’s individual intolerance to a particular drug form. Such reactive sensitivity can occur in people of all ages and does not depend on gender. However, medical statistics claim that, in most cases, it is women who most often experience an allergic cough to medications, the symptoms of which can vary:

  • angioedema;
  • acute inflammation of the papillary layer of the skin, that is, the appearance of blisters;
  • severe redness of the skin;
  • skin itching with signs of urticaria.

In some cases, drug allergies lead to asthma attacks, gastrointestinal disorders, bronchospasm, loss of vision, and sometimes to anaphylactic shock, which is life-threatening.

There is a distinctive sign of an allergic reaction: after oral or intramuscular administration of pharmacological drugs, a person begins to feel feverish. A painful nonproductive cough and a sharp increase in temperature are the main signs of a secondary reaction of the body to dosage forms. Often drug allergies are caused by antibiotics with antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Drug allergies can occur in people of all ages

Attention! The reaction of the person or the people around him should be immediate: for any symptomatic manifestations of a drug allergy, you must urgently call an ambulance. Any self-medication is a threat to life.

Unconventional methods of treatment

A wide selection of antihistamine pharmacological agents and medications for allergic cough in adults and children is an effective way to get rid of an unpleasant symptom. However, along with official medicine, there are also non-traditional methods of treating attacks of dry cough due to an allergic reaction of the body. Treatment with herbal decoctions is a therapeutic and preventive measure to influence attacks of the cough reflex, which often disturb the patient at night.

Nettle infusion can eliminate the cough reflex in the shortest possible time

The following traditional medicines will help alleviate the patient’s condition:

  1. Calcium chloride diluted in boiled water will help get rid of itching and relieve night coughs.
  2. Nettle infusion can eliminate the cough reflex in the shortest possible time. It is necessary to brew 1 liter of water with nettles. This remedy is taken at least 3 times a day before meals.
  3. Freshly squeezed celery juice will help relieve muscle spasms in the throat. Take 0.5 tbsp of the product. every 2-3 hours during the day.
  4. Honey and lemon will help soothe a raw cough. You need to grind the lemon along with the zest and mix with honey, pour boiled water over the mixture in a proportional ratio of 1:1:2. This entire healing mixture is heated to a homogeneous mass, but does not boil. Take 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day. This cough treatment is not suitable for people who have a positive allergic reaction to prescription ingredients.
  5. Infuse the bay leaf decoction for 30 minutes. To prepare you will need 250 ml of water and 2 tbsp. chopped dry bay leaf.
  6. If coughing attacks are caused by plant pollen entering the respiratory tract, then treatment with a horsetail decoction will help: 200 g of dry raw material is poured into 1 glass of water, the product is brought to a boil, but does not boil. Leave for 2-3 hours. Drop the otar into the nasal passages. The remedy is recommended to be used not only to eliminate runny nose and cough in adults, but also to treat young patients.
  7. In case of damage to the upper respiratory tract, steam inhalations using soda or essential oils are recommended, and in case of inflammation of the lower parts of the respiratory system, there is a special device for dispersive spraying - a nebulizer.

Bay leaf infusion is effective for coughs

Allergies can be treated comprehensively, and timely seeking help from a specialist will speed up the recovery process.

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Tablets and other medicines for allergic cough

To treat an allergic cough, conventional remedies do not work; you need a drug that will relieve not the symptoms of the disease, but its root cause - the irritant. Diagnosing the disease is difficult even in adults, not to mention children. Many sick people think that they are suffering from acute respiratory infections, bronchitis or another respiratory disease. In this case, the medications taken do not produce results, and the attacks intensify. For an accurate diagnosis, you need to promptly consult a doctor who will prescribe effective antihistamines. Here are the signs of allergic cough in adults. The causes of allergic cough in children are described here.

Types of medications

For treatment, you can take the following tablets for allergic cough:

  1. Fenkarol. The drug is prescribed not only to relieve allergic reactions, but also to prevent their occurrence. It also has an antipruritic effect and reduces the development of allergic inflammation of the tissue. Does not have a negative effect on the central nervous system. The only side effects that may occur are drowsiness, dry mouth, and sometimes nausea. Not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Price: 150 rubles.
  2. Suprastin. The most common remedy that is recommended to be taken if you suspect an allergic reaction, before going to the doctor. It is also available in the form of injections - first aid for acute allergic reactions. It is prescribed for almost all types of allergies, regardless of the irritant. A distinctive feature of Suprastin is that it can be taken by children from birth; the drug is harmless and has no side effects. Pregnant mothers should use with caution. Price: 110 rubles.
  3. Diazolin. Another effective and inexpensive drug for allergic cough, which has a sedative effect. It helps get rid of rashes, relieves itching, swelling, and symptoms of food allergies. But, unlike suprastin, it has side effects. It reduces mental activity and dulls reactions, so in hazardous industries and drivers should not use it. For gastrointestinal diseases, glaucoma, epilepsy, heart rhythm disorders and pregnancy, it is strictly prohibited. Price: 45 rubles.
  4. Pipolfen. The drug is prescribed for all types of allergic reactions and bronchial asthma. Available in the form of tablets and injection solutions. It has a significant drawback: side effects. Patients may have nightmares, blood pressure may drop, tinnitus and dry mouth may appear. However, it is prescribed from the age of 2 years. Long-term use has a negative effect on liver function. Price: 300 rubles.
  5. Tavegil. A synthetic antihistamine with powerful effects. It is produced not only in the form of tablets, but also in the form of aerosols, ointments, suppositories, and solutions. You need to take the drug for a week. There are few contraindications, the effect occurs within half an hour, and has a negative effect on the kidneys. Children are prescribed from 6 years of age. Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. Price: 120 rubles.
  6. Ketotifen. It has a positive effect on mast cells, prevents the release of histamine and bronchial spasm. It has an average effect, the result is noticeable an hour after administration. The course of treatment is 2 months. There are no contraindications other than pregnancy and intolerance to the components. Side effects are also limited: nausea, dizziness, sleep disturbance, anxiety, so it is prescribed even to newborns. Also available in syrup form. Price: 50 rubles.
  7. Cetrin. The drug eliminates the symptoms of allergic reactions, belongs to the group of selective drugs, and has gained popularity for its lack of effects on the central nervous system. It has virtually no sedative or depressant effects. Children can take from 6 years of age (tablets), as prescribed by a doctor from 2 years of age in syrup. Has a moderate antihistamine effect. It begins to work within 20 minutes after administration, the effect is noticeable within 24 hours. It is also available in the form of syrup. It is not contraindicated for kidney disease, but should be taken in a limited dosage. Price: 150 rubles.
  8. Fenistil. The drug is a first, non-selective generation, and has a moderate sedative effect. Combats allergy symptoms, positioning itself as a remedy in the fight against itchy skin, allergic rhinitis and bronchitis. Available in the form of drops, gels and coated tablets. The disadvantage of the remedy is that it only affects the symptoms and does not fight the irritant and the root cause. Price: 250 rubles.
  9. Erius. The good thing about this remedy is that while it relieves allergy symptoms, it does not affect the brain, attention is not dulled, and the reaction does not slow down. Children under 12 years of age are prescribed in the form of syrup, adults - tablets. The action begins half an hour after administration and is effective within 24 hours. It is taken as a course only during the period of exacerbation of the disease. Side effects include: bowel dysfunction, dizziness, weakness, fatigue. Price: 380 rubles.
  10. Zyrtec. An effective second generation antihistamine. It is used as a preventive measure, alleviates the course of the disease, relieves symptoms, reduces swelling and redness. Children are prescribed from one year in the form of drops, from 6 years - tablets. The difficulty of taking it is that the capsules have to be swallowed without chewing. The drug is most effective when taken before bedtime. Price: 190 rubles.
  11. Telfast. The drug is a new generation, fights the causative agent of an allergic reaction, is not addictive, and does not have many contraindications. Prescribed for children from 6 years of age. There were no side effects other than dizziness and drowsiness. The effect is noticeable an hour after administration; it is necessary to avoid interaction of the drug with drugs containing magnesium or calcium (the beneficial properties are reduced). Produced by the well-known and proven pharmaceutical company Sanofi Aventis. Price: 400 rubles.

Here you will find instructions for using Stodal cough syrup.


For children, the best solution would be to buy syrups; they are easier to give to the child, it is easier to control the intake process, you do not need to swallow a large tablet, allergic cough syrup for children usually has a pleasant taste.

  1. Lomilan. An effective remedy in the fight against seasonal allergic diseases. It has no contraindications, with the exception of hypersensitivity to components and pregnancy. Requires caution when driving during the course. Prescribed for children from 2 years of age. When taken, headache, nausea, sleep disturbances, liver problems, and drowsiness may occur. Price: 80 rubles.
  2. Claritin. A selective remedy prescribed to adults and children for exacerbation of chronic allergies, as well as for the prevention of relapses. It affects the cellular structures involved in the allergic reaction, but does not have side effects on other organs. The therapeutic effect is noticeable within half an hour after administration and is observed throughout the day. The drug is not able to pass through the encephalitic barrier, so it has no effect on the central nervous system. Price: 150 rubles.
  3. Zodak. The drug is available not only in the form of syrup, but also tablets, drops, and solutions. Prescribed for allergic reactions in adults and children over 1 year of age. Should be taken with caution in old age. The syrup is very convenient to use - the product is effective throughout the day. For kidney disease, syrup is not prohibited, but the dosage should be reduced. Dizziness and abdominal pain may occur. Price: 120 rubles.

Other drugs and medicines

Other drugs are also used to treat allergic cough. Thus, inhalation with mineral water is considered effective. With allergies, the human body lacks chlorides. Healing mineral water is purchased at the pharmacy, after which a therapy session is carried out. Instead of mineral water, you can use regular saline solution 0.9%, as well as cromones (cromohexal). This method of healing is also suitable for children; it is painless and harmless.

The second treatment option is aerosols. According to the principle of action, these are the same inhalations, only in a convenient bottle with a precise dosage. The following tools are especially popular:

  1. Alcedin. The drug fights allergic reactions, eliminating the symptoms of the disease. It is prescribed for children from 6 years of age, has virtually no contraindications, and should be used with caution during pregnancy. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect and has low absorption. In case of tuberculosis, systemic infections, or recent surgery, use is strictly prohibited. Price: 400 rubles.
  2. Klenil. A local drug, prescribed to combat bronchial asthma, has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects. Inhibits the synthesis of the metabolic process. Side effects may include hoarseness, headaches, and increased intraocular pressure. The inhaler should be used regularly, and not just when an allergic attack occurs. The therapeutic effect is observed after a week's course. Recommended for children from 4 years old. Price: 450 rubles.
  3. Intal. An effective drug that acts on mast cells of the mucous membrane, preventing the release of mediator substances from the respiratory tract. It is used only as a course; it is ineffective in relieving local acute attacks. After ingestion, bronchial spasm may occur, which is treated by drinking a glass of water immediately after inhalation. Not prohibited during pregnancy and for children over 5 years old. People suffering from renal and liver failure should take it with caution. Price: 640 rubles.
  4. Tailed. Spreading throughout the bronchi, the drug blocks inflammatory reactions and stabilizes the functioning of the mast cell membrane. It is an analogue of Instal, but is 4 times more effective. Reduces the frequency of attacks of suffocation and allergic cough, improves respiratory function. It is considered a highly safe drug and is prescribed to children from 2 years of age. No more than 8 inhalations are allowed per day, and the course of treatment is 6 weeks. Price: 2000 rubles.

There are a lot of remedies for allergic cough. The simplest, cheapest and most effective are tablets, but syrups, inhalations, and aerosols can be used for treatment. Just choose the appropriate drug after consulting your doctor. Self-medication in this matter is unacceptable, because allergic reactions can not only cause complications, but also be fatal. You may also want a list of nasal drops for allergic rhinitis. Also check out folk remedies for allergic rhinitis.

On what basis do you write that Cetrin can be used by children from two years old?!

Such a prescription can only be made by the attending physician (subject to urgent need, because there are other drugs with an acceptable defect for a given age).

The instructions for the drug Cetrin say in black and white, for children from 6 years old!

Hello Victoria! Thank you for drawing attention to this, a doctor can prescribe it for children from 2 to 6 years old - but in syrup (as with other medications, you must consult a doctor before use - especially when treating children).

I am a terrible allergy sufferer, I have tried a lot of medications, of course they all help, but this is a temporary effect. I recently tried inhalations with mineral water and was pleased. I really liked this inhalation, because the effect was longer than from Suprastin. By the way, if I have allergies in the form of rashes, then I definitely crush suprastin tablets in water and smear the area of ​​the allergy, this helps very well with irritation and redness.

Hello Manya, I also have allergies, now I also have an allergic cough, I want to ask you about inhalations, how effective are they? I just haven’t heard of this yet, I’ve also tried all sorts of medications, of course they help, but only temporarily, and there are also some rashes on my palms, I’m already worried, will suprastin with water help?


Cough tablets for allergies

Allergic cough is most often treated with antihistamines. Today there are quite a large number of drugs that alleviate this symptom. They are available in several forms: tablets, syrup and aerosol. However, they cannot completely cure allergies and get rid of cough forever. Fortunately, there are also remedies that reduce chronic inflammation caused by a malfunctioning immune system. They help prevent allergic symptoms with which the body responds to an external irritant. You can also use traditional methods.

Pharmacy drugs

Treatment of allergic cough is long-term. In some cases, the course lasts several weeks or months. But sometimes it is necessary to take medications for many years or for life. In this case, the doctor’s prescriptions may change several times depending on the situation.

If you want to take anti-allergy pills on your own, do not forget to consult a specialist. After all, in order to understand which drugs will treat you most effectively, you need to determine what you are allergic to.


  • "Suprastin". The most popular tablets for allergic cough. It is advisable to take it only if you suspect an allergic reaction. It is prescribed for almost all types of allergies in adults, without specifying the irritant. Since the medicine has no side effects, it can be used even for newborns. But pregnant women are advised to exercise caution during treatment.
  • "Tavegil". A very powerful antihistamine for adults. The course of treatment is 7 days. Relief occurs within 30 minutes after administration. The drug has a small number of contraindications. In addition, it adversely affects the kidneys. For children it can only be used from 6 years of age. Pregnant and lactating women are strictly prohibited from treating with Tavegil.
  • "Fenkarol". This medicine can not only treat allergic cough, but also prevent its occurrence. In addition, it eliminates skin itching and reduces the intensity of the development of the inflammatory process. Does not affect the nervous system. As for side effects, there are few. In rare cases, a feeling of dry mouth and drowsiness may occur, and even more rarely, nausea may occur. Pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding are not recommended to take this remedy.
  • Telfast. This remedy represents a new generation of antihistamines. It effectively fights the cause of cough - the causative agent of allergies. The drug has very few contraindications, but children can still take it no earlier than 6 years of age. In addition, it has no addictive effect. This is a big plus. Among the side effects, only drowsiness and slight dizziness were noticed. Relief occurs approximately an hour after taking the tablet. However, you cannot take this drug at the same time with medications containing calcium or magnesium. In this case, the effectiveness of treatment decreases. Manufacturer: Sanofi Aventis.
  • Zyrtec. Antiallergic drug belonging to the second generation. It is most often prescribed for adults for preventive purposes. In addition, it brings significant relief, eliminates cough, relieves skin redness and swelling. Children can only be treated with it from the age of 6 years. The only downside of the medicine is that large capsules are sometimes difficult to swallow, and you cannot bite them. This remedy has maximum effect if taken before going to bed.


  • "Zodak". This syrup is prescribed for allergic coughs in both adults and children. The latter can be taken only from 1 year. Elderly people are advised to exercise caution when taking it. Zodak syrup is very easy to use and retains its healing effect throughout the day. If any kidney disease is diagnosed, the standard dosage should be reduced. Side effects include abdominal pain and slight dizziness.
  • "Claritin." A product with selective action. Prescribed for both adults and children. This syrup effectively eliminates allergic cough and prevents relapses. The drug affects only those cellular structures that take part in the development of the allergic reaction. At the same time, the syrup has no side effects. The effect appears approximately 30 minutes after consumption and lasts throughout the day. The active substances of Claritin do not penetrate the blood-brain barrier. Thus, the syrup does not affect the central nervous system.
  • "Lomilan." An excellent syrup that copes well with allergic coughs and other symptoms of seasonal allergies. It does not have any contraindications. The exception is excessive sensitivity to the components of Lomilan and pregnancy. This syrup may affect alertness and reaction speed. Children are allowed from 2 years of age. Side effects include headache, drowsiness, sleep disturbances, nausea and liver disorders.


  • "Intal". This drug affects the mucous membrane and prevents the release of mediator substances from the respiratory tract. It is advisable to use it in courses. It is not suitable for symptomatic treatment, since it will not relieve an acute attack of cough. It should be borne in mind that after administration there is a risk of bronchospasm. You can remove it by immediately drinking a glass of water. Children can use from 5 years of age. Allowed for pregnant women. Caution when taking should be observed for those who have been diagnosed with liver and kidney failure.
  • "Alcedine." This drug effectively eliminates allergic cough. Can be used for children from 6 years of age. It has almost no contraindications. True, pregnant women need to use it extremely carefully. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect and a low level of absorption. If any systemic infections or tuberculosis have been diagnosed or surgery has been performed, Alcedin is strictly prohibited.
  • "Tailed." This remedy is able to block cough and inflammation and stabilize the functioning of the cell membrane. It is an analogue of Intal, but is 4 times more effective. Significantly reduces the frequency of coughing and choking attacks, and also improves breathing. The drug is safe, so it can be used for children from 2 years of age. The course of application is designed for a 6-week period. Every day you need to do up to 8 inhalations, but no more.
  • "Klenil." Local action medication. Prescribed for the treatment of bronchial asthma. The product actively fights cough and inflammation. As for side effects, people experienced hoarseness, headache, and increased eye pressure. The inhaler must be used constantly, and not only when you need to relieve a symptom that has appeared - to eliminate a cough. The obvious effect is noticeable after 7 days of regular use. It is not recommended to treat children under 4 years of age.

Traditional medicine

Nature also makes its contribution to the treatment of coughs of allergic origin. She offers many different medicinal herbs, berries, flowers, fruits and vegetables that help in eliminating this symptom.

There are so-called folk recipes. Let's list a few of them.

  1. Drink decoctions of plants that contain azulene. They cope well with coughs of an allergic nature. Among such plants are eucalyptus, geranium, yarrow, St. John's wort and chamomile. In addition, you can use decoctions of viburnum, string and nettle.
  2. A good option is potato inhalation. To prepare it, you will need to peel several potatoes and boil the peelings. Add thyme herb and eucalyptus leaves to the boiled peelings. Simmer it all over low heat for 5 minutes. Add a drop of fir essential oil to the potion. Now you can begin the procedure. The duration of such inhalation should not exceed 10 minutes.
  3. If you have already started coughing, thoroughly rub camphor oil into your chest. Then place mustard plasters pre-soaked with warm water there. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 20 minutes.
  4. An excellent helper is lemon with the addition of natural honey. To prepare this medicine, finely chop the lemon, add a couple of tablespoons of honey and 4 tablespoons of drinking water. Mix all this well and cook over low heat until you get a homogeneous mass. The product should be taken chilled, 1 full tablespoon no more than 6 times a day.

If you are going to use traditional methods of treating allergic cough, please note that you must first consult with your doctor. To avoid unexpected side effects during treatment.

After the fact

Today there are quite a lot of medicines that relieve and eliminate allergic cough. Traditionally, tablets are considered the easiest to take, relatively inexpensive and effective. However, as they say, the light did not converge on this form of release of the drug. Therefore, if desired, you can use syrup, aerosol or do inhalations according to “grandmother’s” recipes.

The most important thing is to choose the most suitable drugs after mandatory preliminary consultation with an experienced specialist.

In this case, there can be no talk of any self-medication (including folk methods). After all, an allergic cough can provoke the development of serious complications - even tragic consequences.

Author: Yulia Zablotskaya

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How to recognize an allergic cough?

  • How does an allergic cough manifest in a child?

  • How to treat an allergic cough in a child?

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    Allergic cough tablets

    Every person experiences a cough during their life. And if the usual remedies against this disease do not help, the doctor prescribes drugs for allergic cough. After all, its manifestations are similar to the symptoms of respiratory diseases, bronchitis and other respiratory problems.

    How to distinguish an allergic cough?

    Before you begin treating a cough, you need to understand its origin. Only then is there a chance of receiving effective therapy and getting rid of the problem:

    1. The cough that accompanies bronchitis is characterized by the presence of copious discharge in the form of sputum.
    2. Bacterial damage is characterized by the presence of a barking cough, wheezing in the chest area and constant whistling when inhaling.
    3. With an allergic cough, attacks of suffocation occur. It is dry and haunts the patient constantly.

    Only special antihistamines will help relieve a person from coughing up an allergic nature. They are able to have a complex effect on the body. There will be no effect from mucolytic drugs.

    An allergic cough can develop for various reasons:

    1. Due to the consumption of certain foods: honey, strawberries, chocolate;
    2. As a reaction to high or low temperature;
    3. Due to exposure to chemicals;
    4. Triggered by dust, mold or pollen.

    It is important to get tested to understand the cause of your cough. And if it turns out that the cause is an allergy, the doctor will prescribe special medications.

    Fenkarol – protection against allergies

    Fenkarol is a great remedy for allergic coughs. Its main and active ingredient is quifenadine hydrochloride. This remedy is prescribed by doctors not only as a medicine, but also as a means of prevention.

    With it you can:

    • Relieve itching;
    • Remove tissue inflammation;
    • Get rid of annoying cough.

    The medicine does not have any effect on the central nervous system. Therefore, it does not have many side effects. Among the adverse consequences that may occur are:

    Fenkarol is not prescribed to pregnant women, children under 3 years of age, nursing mothers, as well as patients suffering from glucose and fructose intolerance, as well as from a lack of sucrose.

    Popular Suprastin

    Popular tablets for allergic cough Suprastin contain the active substance chloropyramine. It should be used at the very first sign of a problem.

    Suprastin is available in tablets. There is another form - a solution intended for injection in case of acute allergic attacks. The drug is prescribed for a variety of types of allergic reactions. In this case, the source of irritation is not important.

    An important advantage of the medicine is that even infants can take it. Doctors often prescribe it to patients from the first days of life. And during pregnancy, Suprastin is contraindicated. However, experts prescribe it, carefully monitoring the patient’s reaction.

    Diazolin – cough and itching go away

    Another effective and proven remedy for allegic cough is the drug Diazolin. It has a mild sedative effect. It's inexpensive. Helps relieve all symptoms of food allergies: cough, itching, swelling.

    This medicine slows down the reaction rate. It is not recommended to use it if the patient works in a hazardous industry or is a driver. Other contraindications include:

    • Glaucoma;
    • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
    • Epilepsy;
    • Heart rhythm problems;
    • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    Pipolfen - quick help

    Pipolfen tablets are prescribed to eliminate serious attacks of bronchial asthma or to eliminate an allergic reaction. This drug has effects on the central nervous system. As a result, the person experiences:

    • Drowsiness;
    • Sedative, calming effect;
    • Inhibition of actions and thoughts.

    At the same time, not only the cough disappears, but also the itching and even hives.

    In the pharmacy you can find the drug in 2 release forms:

    Like any other medicine, Pipolfen has its side effects:

    Despite this, doctors prescribe it to children starting from 2 years old. But you can’t take the drug for a long time. Otherwise, liver function may be impaired.

    Tavegil is always at the peak of popularity

    The famous Tavegil is a very popular and one of the most famous pharmaceutical allergy remedies. It works powerfully against all allergic symptoms. The main substance of the drug is clemastine.

    Tavegil will help against allergic cough in adults in the form of:

    • the usual pills;
    • gentle suppositories that are administered rectally;
    • solutions for injections;
    • ointments for external use only;
    • aerosols.

    Tavegil can be taken in childhood, starting from 6 years of age. In this case, it is best to choose syrup.

    The drug will begin to act within minutes after administration. There is a possibility of negative effects on the kidneys. The product should not be used by pregnant and nursing mothers.

    Ketotifen – protection against bronchial spasms

    A drug such as Ketotifen will not allow bronchial spasm to develop. It is based on ketotifen fumarate. The pills you take will work within an hour.

    Contraindications include:

    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • children under 3 years old. However, on the recommendation of a doctor, it can be used at an earlier age. This becomes possible thanks to minimal side effects.

    Cetrin – for children and adults

    An excellent medicine for allergic cough is Cetrin. This selective drug does not have any effect on the central nervous system. Therefore, it is often prescribed by doctors and chosen by patients. It will effectively eliminate all allergic symptoms without suppressing any body functions.

    Often this remedy is prescribed even for children. Cetrin can be taken in tablet form by children from 6 years of age. Children from 2 years old can use syrup. After 20 minutes, an effect will occur that will last throughout the day. Therefore, a one-time dose per day is enough to live peacefully without allergic reactions.

    Fenistil - from the first month of life

    The first generation of antiallergic drugs includes the drug Fenistil. Therefore, it has a sedative effect and is not recommended for those whose profession or activity depends on concentration.

    With the help of Fenistil, you can eliminate skin itching, cough and runny nose of an allergic nature. The product is available in the form of tablets, drops and gel. This medicine is prescribed even to infants, starting from 1 month of life.

    The main disadvantage of the drug is that it eliminates allergy symptoms, but does not remove the cause or suppress the irritant.

    Erius - a new generation of anti-allergy drugs

    The drug Erius does not slow down the reaction and does not dull attention. Its active substance is desloratadine. With this ingredient you can get rid of all signs of allergies, including constant coughing.

    Children are recommended to be prescribed a dose of Erius syrup per day. Adults - tablets. The effect will follow half an hour after taking the product and lasts throughout the day. The doctor prescribes the drug in case of acute allergies.

    Among the side effects, the instructions for use indicate:

    Zyrtec - prevention and treatment

    Second generation antihistamines are represented by the popular drug Zyrtec. It can be used both as a prophylactic and to eliminate acute allergy symptoms. With its help you can remove swelling, improve coughing, and reduce hyperemia.

    Children can take the product from the age of one year. In this case, drops are prescribed. Starting from 6 years old, you can give tablets, but this should only happen under the supervision of a doctor.

    The medicine is most effective in the evening. Therefore, it is recommended to drink it before bed.

    What happens if an allergic cough is not treated?

    If you give up on an allergic cough, do not treat it or carry out the therapy incorrectly, you can get a lot of unpleasant and even very dangerous complications for your health. Among the possible consequences, experts highlight:

    If bronchitis is allergic in nature, then wheezing will be observed only when inhaling. They may qualify as dry, wet or even whistling. If no measures are taken, the cough will move to the productive stage when sputum production appears. Often shortness of breath also appears at the same time.

    In case of prolonged exposure to an allergen on the respiratory tract, obstructive bronchitis develops. And it is shortness of breath that will be the main and defining symptom of this problem.

    Allergic cough needs to be treated. To do this, it is important to contact a specialist in time. He will prescribe the most effective measures to eliminate the problem. Otherwise, the patient is at risk of bronchospasms, when the clearance between the bronchioles and the bronchi themselves is significantly reduced. The result is a severe cough, irregular breathing rhythm, shortness of breath, the skin turns pale, and serious bruises appear under the eyes.

    An advanced version of an allergic cough can easily lead to a problem such as bronchial asthma. And this is a chronic disease, which is accompanied by attacks of suffocation, constant shortness of breath and wheezing from the throat.

    Allergic coughs can be alleviated and completely eliminated using a wide variety of medications. Today there are a lot of different recipes for traditional medicine based on medicinal herbs and plants. The traditional means to combat this problem are tablets. This is the simplest, most inexpensive and effective treatment option. If the patient does not like this form of medication, there is always an alternative. You can inhale, use drops, syrups or aerosols. The main thing is to choose the right drug that will cope with the task assigned to it.

    It is better not to self-medicate in the case of an allergic cough. If you approach this issue incorrectly, you are likely to get a lot of negative complications. This can only be avoided by contacting a qualified professional. Then sad consequences can be avoided, preserving your health for many years.

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