Antibiotic for throat for adults

Antibiotic for sore throat: review of the best drugs

Many are confident that antibacterial drugs are the only way to quickly and safely treat. Such medications are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, but this does not mean that they can be taken for any disease.

Table of contents:

The most common complaint of patients when visiting a specialist is a sore throat, which can occur for various reasons. To prescribe effective treatment, the doctor conducts a thorough examination of the patient and, if necessary, selects drug therapy. In what cases is an antibiotic indicated for sore throat in adults and children, and when is it best to refuse treatment with it?

Indications for prescribing antibacterial drugs

Antibiotics are prescribed if the sore throat is caused by a bacterial infection

In fact, a sore throat does not always require taking an antibiotic, especially without consulting a specialist. Such pain in the mouth may be one of the symptoms of a cold or a viral disease, for which such medicine is completely useless. In this regard, it is first necessary to find out the cause that provoked the appearance of sore throat and only then begin treatment.

If the patient suffers from a sore throat, but the body temperature remains normal, then topical medications, for example, lozenges, can be used. If you have painful sensations in the throat that persist for a long time and are not replaced by other symptoms, you should definitely seek advice from a specialist. Often the cause of throat discomfort is infections of viral or fungal origin, for which antibiotics are considered a completely useless medicine.

Antibiotics are antibacterial substances of predominantly natural origin, which have an inhibitory effect on the growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms, and also cause their death.

When diagnosing a streptococcal infection, such medications are mandatory, since the lack of effective treatment can cause the development of serious complications.

Antibacterial drugs are necessarily prescribed for acute tonsillitis, and in other cases their use depends on the type of throat pathology and the general condition of the patient. In what situations is taking antibacterial drugs absolutely necessary:

  • sore throat of bacterial origin
  • severe intoxication of the body
  • development of purulent complications
  • diagnosing pathologies such as sinusitis and sinusitis
  • presence in the patient's history of recurrent otitis media
  • sore throat combined with high body temperature for several days
  • chronic diseases of inflammatory origin
  • concomitant bronchitis and pneumonia

In any case, only a specialist can prescribe antibacterial drugs, taking into account the possible risk of such treatment and its expected effectiveness.

Antibiotics for the treatment of throat

There are many types of antibiotics for treating the throat; the doctor can choose the right one after examination.

Most often, antibacterial drugs for pain in the throat are prescribed for acute tonsillitis and these should be broad-spectrum drugs. Taking them does not reduce the duration of the disease, but allows you to get rid of unpleasant symptoms already on the third day after starting to take them. In addition, the prescription of broad-spectrum antibiotics helps to avoid the development of various diseases that often occur with sore throat.

When a sore throat occurs, specialists most often prescribe antibiotics such as penicillins and cephalosporins. This is due to the fact that streptococcal infections experience increased sensitivity to these particular groups of drugs. Both natural and synthetic penicillins can be used for treatment. They have a destructive effect on many microorganisms, and are also characterized by good bioavailability and low toxicity.

A good effect in the treatment of acute tonsillitis is provided by those antibacterial drugs that are administered intramuscularly.

Taking into account the type of disease and the degree of the pathological process, penicillin can be prescribed for oral administration.

Treatment of throat disease in adults is most often carried out with the help of:

If a bacterial throat disease is identified in childhood, the following is usually prescribed for treatment:

Useful video - Antibiotics for sore throat:

It should be remembered that sore throat must be treated, because in the absence of effective therapy, the risk of it becoming chronic increases. If this does happen, the treatment is supplemented with antibacterial drugs that contain penicillic acid or its semi-synthetic analogues in a higher dosage. The most effective drug is Ampicillin, which has an inhibitory effect on bacterial growth.

If a patient is diagnosed with a sore throat without a rise in body temperature, then treatment is carried out using:

Antibacterial therapy often causes the development of side effects from the digestive tract. It is for this reason that experts prescribe special medications that help restore normal intestinal microflora and ensure normal liver function.

Antibiotics during pregnancy

Antibiotics are prescribed to pregnant women if other treatment methods are not effective.

Taking any medications during pregnancy is carried out only under the supervision of a specialist, and this is especially true for antibiotics. Usually they are prescribed only when the real benefit of taking them for the expectant mother outweighs the possible harm to the fetus.

In most cases, antibacterial therapy is resorted to during pregnancy if a high body temperature persists for several days, which cannot be brought down by any means.

Expectant mothers are prescribed gentle antibacterial drugs with a minimum concentration, which are absorbed into the blood in small quantities and have a local effect. These include:

  • Doctor Mom lollipops containing phytocomponents
  • lollipops with sage or chamomile, which can be purchased at any pharmacy
  • Inhalipt spray, which helps reduce tissue swelling and speed up the healing process
  • Bronchicum containing herbal components is suitable for the treatment of young children
  • Orasept spray with phenol has an antimicrobial effect and quickly eliminates tissue inflammation
  • Faringosept is an antiseptic drug and helps not only eliminate unpleasant symptoms, but also relieve inflammation

It is important to remember that during pregnancy it is prohibited to use an antibacterial agent such as Bioparox. Despite its high effectiveness, this drug is considered a local antibiotic and can have a negative effect on the woman’s body and the developing fetus. Only a specialist can prescribe medications to expectant mothers to treat the throat, so any self-medication should be avoided.

Rules for taking antibiotics

Antibiotics are only effective and beneficial medicines when taken correctly!

For any throat disease, the prescription of antibacterial drugs is carried out taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen to it. One type of medicine can have a detrimental effect on cocci, others on bacilli, and still others have a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity. Penicillin is considered an active antibiotic against streptococci, so it is most often prescribed for sore throats.

This antibiotic does not have a negative effect on the intestinal microflora and does not cause any disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, as often happens when treated with other drugs.

There are some rules for taking antibacterial drugs, the observance of which is mandatory when treating sore throat:

  1. Any medicine may cause side effects, and if they occur, you should stop taking them and consult your doctor
  2. You cannot stop taking an antibiotic at your own request, even if the patient’s condition has noticeably improved
  3. if it is possible to carry out treatment with drugs of a narrower group, they should be given preference for throat diseases
  4. you cannot use the same antibacterial agent to treat a disease several times in a row, since the risk of developing severe allergic reactions is too high
  5. It is necessary to take antibiotics in a strictly specified dosage and you cannot reduce or increase it yourself
  6. Before starting antibacterial therapy, it is necessary to study the instructions that come with any medicine
  7. any local or systemic antibacterial drug should be prescribed only by a specialist

In fact, not everyone can take antibiotics to treat throat diseases, and there are contraindications for some categories of people to undergo such treatment. The following patients should not take antibiotics:

  • women during pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • patients suffering from allergic reactions to various medications
  • patients diagnosed with renal or liver failure, as well as chronic diseases of such organs

Treatment of sore throat is carried out not only with antibacterial drugs, but also with the help of concomitant therapy. To speed up recovery, the patient is recommended to gargle with medicinal solutions, use compresses and do inhalations.

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Comments (6)


01.02.2017 at 13:34 | #

I don’t like heavy antibiotics, so I treat a sore throat with Trachisan, which is a topical antibiotic. After these absorbable tablets, the throat becomes easier, the pain subsides and the swelling goes away.

03/27/2017 at 22:12 | #

I am also treated with Trachisan, I like the menthol taste and the fact that it quickly soothes my throat. This is important for my work. Usually everything goes away in a few days.


02/10/2017 at 14:06 | #

I don't support antibiotics at all. Therefore, at the first symptoms of soreness and discomfort in the throat, I dissolve Isla-Moos lozenges. They relieve inflammation and moisturize the throat mucosa. Symptoms causing discomfort in the throat disappear.

03/29/2017 at 21:33 | #

Come on, the antibiotic, I’m not delaying it. I immediately start gargling my throat; if you start on time and are not lazy, you can get rid of a red throat in a few days. I’ve also been drinking since the first day, when I feel like I’m getting Esberitox. There, echinacea in the composition perfectly helps fight colds.


09.09.2017 at 11:23 | #

I also don’t welcome antibiotics, but I rarely go without them. It’s good that eco-antibiotics have now appeared, such as ecoclave, which do not disturb the intestinal microflora, thanks to lactulose in the composition. The doctor prescribes it for me and of course I always have Tantum Verde on hand, I can’t live without it either)

09.11.2017 at 18:11 | #

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Throat diseases

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What antibiotic to take for a sore throat in an adult

According to statistics, doctors are most often contacted with a complaint about a sore throat. These complaints are a whole complex of pathological conditions of the pharynx, larynx and pharynx. There can be many reasons, although they are divided into only two types - infectious and non-infectious.

The last reason may be due to: smoking, mechanical damage, hot or spicy food, etc. And the infectious cause links all inflammatory causes due to pathogenic microorganisms. In most cases, it is because of infections that people consult a doctor, who, in turn, after identifying the disease, prescribes a course of treatment, which often includes antibiotics.

In this article you can learn about which antibiotic to take for a sore throat and cough.

The most common throat diseases

Often there are only a few diseases that cause pain in grief. And many people think that if they have a sore throat, antibiotics will help. But this is a misconception, since some diseases may not perceive them at all, thus the patient deliberately destroys the immune system and does not get rid of the disease. Therefore, before using antibiotics, you should consult your doctor. The four most common throat diseases are pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sore throat and streptococcal throat infection, which will be discussed further.


When an infection enters the human body, there is practically no chance to escape from it, since according to statistics, the occurrence of pharyngitis is 90% after infection. This disease closely resembles ARVI, as it is accompanied by sneezing, runny nose and dry cough. But pharyngitis also has symptoms such as soreness and pain in the back of the throat. This is exactly the above case in which taking antibiotics will only harm the patient. Based on the symptoms, it is determined and treatment is prescribed.


Unlike pharyngitis, the occurrence of sore throat can be caused not only by the penetration of infection into the body, but also by fungus and virus. In this case, treatment is necessary only after the causative agent of the disease has been identified. Antibiotics can be taken only if the causative agent of tonsillitis is bacteria. If a virus or staphylococcus particles gets on the mucous membrane, the disease develops into an acute and even chronic form. If reproduction continues and the number of viral particles increases, then the pharyngeal ring and palatine tonsils become inflamed. Acute or chronic tonsillitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the patient's body temperature rises;
  • discomfort, cough and pain in the throat appear;
  • clearly noticeable swelling and redness of the mucous membrane;
  • Plaque or purulent follicles appear in the area of ​​the palatine tonsils.

Such a case requires the use of antibiotics only those that contain penicillin, macrolides or cephalosporin. But to determine the exact antibiotic for the course of treatment, you need to consult a doctor, who, after the culture result, will indicate the right choice.

Streptococcal infection

It is this infection that is the most common cause of pharyngitis and sore throat. The infection appears after infection or subsequently an illness that has weakened the immune system. And the development of viral particles due to bad habits such as smoking cannot be ruled out, because the mucous membrane becomes more vulnerable to infection. Heartburn also affects the proliferation of bacteria on the walls of the throat due to the entry of gastric juice into the walls of the throat.

The incubation period lasts from one to four days. In adults, the disease can be severe and with an elevated temperature of up to 40 degrees. The symptoms are similar to sore throat and pharyngitis, as the infection develops into these diseases.

Antibiotics to eliminate sore throat

Sore throat is considered one of the most common throat diseases, so it is important to know about the full range of antimicrobial drugs that eliminate this problem. The following are attributed to the penicillin series:

  • Amoxicillin is considered a semi-synthetic drug that has a wide range of properties. It is effective against bacteria and has the main advantage for such drugs - it has no side effects. Amoxicillin continues to fight harmful microorganisms even in gastric juice, since it does not disintegrate in it.
  • Bizzilin-5 is a medicine that prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, but some bacteria, fungi and viruses are resistant to it. Therefore it is applied only in certain cases. It has a long-lasting effect and suppresses the chance of complications.
  • Amoxiclav is a mixed antibacterial product. It is very effective for tonsillitis, as it quickly and efficiently eliminates foci of inflammation, and most importantly does not harm the immune system. Side effects of Amoxiclav include weight loss and, in some cases, rash.
  • Ampicillin is a medicine that has a low price compared to others. Just like Amoxicillin has a wide spectrum of action. Destroys the main pathogenic microorganisms from which serious diseases such as sore throat and pharyngitis begin. It is in good demand, because it is allowed for children from two months, but for those who have weak kidneys, it is contraindicated.

Also, for angina, a cephalosporin series is recommended:

  • Cefuroxime is a second generation medicine. Has a targeted effect on certain microorganisms. Has poor absorption (about 50%).
  • Ceftriaxone - the drug is prescribed only for acute or particularly complex diseases. It has quite a handful of side effects, as it causes diarrhea, fever and headache. It is prescribed only with the instructions of a doctor, because independent use can confuse the whole picture of the disease.

The last to help against infections and viruses is the macrolide series:

  • Erythromycin is a drug that has some similarities to penicillin. Used to eliminate sore throat caused by staphylococcus. Less toxic and approved for use by pregnant women.
  • Spiramycin - fights complicated diseases of the ear, nose and throat. It also has reduced toxicity and is still contraindicated for nursing and pregnant women. The drug is popular because it quickly eliminates inflammation.
  • Sumamed is a medicine that will completely eliminate all symptoms of a sore throat in 5 days. It is not used in every case, but only when the acute form of tonsillitis becomes chronic. For children it is prescribed from six months.

How to take antimicrobial medications

Each antimicrobial drug has its own characteristics, but they are all covered by uniform rules for their use. The main and first rule is always that the form and the drug itself should be prescribed only by a doctor after examination. Because self-medication can be dangerous to health. It is necessary to monitor the course of treatment; in the first days the effectiveness of the medication is assessed and if changes are not felt, then you need to tell the doctor about it and he will change the treatment.

Since many antibiotics have a remarkable number of side effects, they may occasionally occur. If you experience nausea, headache or dizziness, please inform your doctor and the course will be adjusted.

Increasing the dosage is also unacceptable when taking antimicrobial drugs. Violation of this rule is considered to be on a level with self-medication, because it can be just as dangerous to health. In some cases, the outcome can be fatal. Reducing the dosage without doctor's instructions is not recommended.

Taking your medication on time can be written down as a rule. Because the body needs to constantly maintain the concentration of the drug in the blood.

Both antibiotics are toxic in their own way, so it is important to understand how they affect the intestines and the body as a whole. So when using antibacterial drugs, you need to take probiotics to restore the intestinal flora.

Well, the last rule should be full compliance with all points in the instructions for the drug.

Contraindications to taking medications

It is known that taking drugs such as antibiotics have their contraindications, so there is a certain list of people who are strictly prohibited from taking these medications:

  • pregnant women;
  • women who are breastfeeding;
  • people who have weak kidneys or liver, as well as those who have permanent disease of these organs;
  • people who have an allergic reaction to certain components of antibiotics.

What to do if your throat hurts and taking antibiotics is contraindicated? In this case, local drugs are prescribed, so that small doses of the medicine will be absorbed into the blood and toxicity to the body will be minimal.

At the moment, it is impossible to imagine how sore throat or similar diseases were previously treated without antibiotics. There is an opinion that with the help of these medicines anything can be cured. But in fact, you cannot be so attached to this type of medicine, since they are, first of all, toxic, and, secondly, have a detrimental effect on the immune system. Therefore, treating a simple disease with antibacterial medications can destroy the immune system, which will lead to easy infection of the body and this time the disease may turn out to be fatal.

It is better to know all the medications and their names than to get sick and take just anything. After reading this article, you know that it is better for an adult to prescribe antibiotics for a sore throat to the attending physician, rather than self-medicate. After all, antibiotics are actually our friends, only up to a certain point, as long as we act according to the rules. And everything you need to know is already indicated above.


Latest data on lozenges for throat lozenges with antibiotics

One of the main manifestations of pharyngitis is a sore throat that gets worse when talking and swallowing. Other symptoms of an acute disease may include: cough, feeling of dryness and scratchiness, fever, intoxication symptoms, runny nose, nausea.

For many patients, the most painful and uncomfortable conditions are: severe dryness, itching, and a feeling of “sand” in the throat. Wanting to get rid of unpleasant symptoms as quickly as possible and return to their normal lifestyle, patients go to the pharmacy to buy tablets or lozenges to treat a throat with an antibiotic.

However, this approach is fundamentally wrong and, instead of the expected relief, it can cause harm to health. It is important to remember that antibiotics for the throat, for adults and especially children, should only be prescribed by a doctor.

It should be understood that antibacterial drugs can only be used for bacterial infections. If the disease is caused by viruses, then taking antibiotics is contraindicated. To reduce pain, lozenges with antiseptic and analgesic effects can be used for viral pharyngitis.

Antibiotic for sore throat in adults

Acute pharyngitis extremely rarely occurs as an independent disease. More often, they act as a manifestation of another infection (rhinovirus, adenovirus, etc.). In children, a common cause of pharyngitis is chronic adenoiditis, that is, inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa occurs due to the constant flow of mucus through it.

The overwhelming number of pharyngitis develops against the background of ARVI, that is, it is viral in nature, and therefore does not require the prescription of antibacterial drugs. Antibiotics are also not prescribed for a sore throat without fever. Inflammation of the mucous membrane, occurring without other signs of an infectious process, should be distinguished from:

  • pharyngitis of an allergic nature (if dryness, pain when swallowing, cough appear after a long stay in dusty rooms, when ragweed blooms, etc.);
  • chronic pharyngitis in smokers;
  • pharyngitis that developed against the background of gastroesophageal reflux.

The first symptoms of viral and bacterial pharyngitis are similar - sore throat, cough (and cough can be either a separate symptom or a reflex reaction to irritated mucous membranes), runny nose, fever, nausea, sensation of a lump when swallowing.

In order to differentiate viral pharyngitis from bacterial pharyngitis, you should consult a doctor and take a blood test. In favor of a bacterial pathogen will be evidenced by: high ESR, leukocytosis with band neutrophilia. Also, in favor of bacterial infection they say: fever for more than three days (poorly reduced by antipyretic drugs), the presence of purulent discharge (sputum, discharge from the nasal passages, as well as drainage of greenish mucus along the back wall of the pharynx), painfully enlarged lymph nodes ( cervical, submandibular). Severe pain and significant enlargement, as well as redness and tension of the skin over the lymph node, are characteristic of lymphadenitis. If lymphadenitis occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. Self-medication, in this situation, is life-threatening. Since an inflamed lymph node can fester and be complicated by an abscess, phlegmon, sepsis, etc.

Enlarged tonsils and the presence of purulent deposits on them indicate acute tonsillitis. Unlike pharyngitis, tonsillitis is caused primarily by bacteria (group A B-hemolytic streptococci) and without adequate antibiotic therapy can cause many serious complications.

Throat tablets with antibiotic, dissolving

It is important to understand that throat tablets with antibiotics, applied topically for resorption, cannot replace systemic antibacterial therapy.

List of popular antibiotic throat tablets:

  • Grammidin;
  • Gramicidin C Renewal (230 rubles per pack of 20 tablets);
  • Dorithricin (360 rubles per pack of 10 tablets);
  • Trachisan.

The most common and effective throat lozenges containing an antibiotic are drugs from the Russian pharmaceutical company Valenta Pharma:

  • Grammidin Neo (255 rubles per pack of 18 tablets);
  • Grammidin Neo with anesthetic (230 rub.);
  • Grammidin for children (255 RUR).

Tablets with antiseptic effect

  • Faringosept (has a bacteriostatic effect on gram- and gram+ pathogens. The cost of a package of 20 tablets is about 280 rubles);
  • Strepsils (effective against gram- and gram+ pathogens, has antiseptic, antifungal, analgesic and softening effects. Packaging costs 24 rubles)
  • Septolete Total (has antimicrobial (acts on gram-, gram+ flora, fungi and some viruses), analgesic and antiseptic effects. The cost per pack is 16 rubles);
  • Hexoral tabs (shows a pronounced antimicrobial effect). Cost 16 tablets - 200 rubles);
  • Laripront (shows antimicrobial, antiviral, mucolytic and anti-inflammatory effects). Price per pack 20 tab. rub.).

The following tablets have pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anesthetic effects:

Cheap lozenges

Inexpensive drugs that have analgesic and antiseptic effects include:

  • Adjisept (cost of a pack of 24 tablets is 110 rubles);
  • Gorpils (24 tablets – 140 rub.);
  • TheraFlu LAR with menthol (20 tablets - 130 rubles);
  • Suprima-Lor (16 tablets -130 rubles).

Lozenges containing herbal ingredients

  • Isla, Icelandic moss extract (30 pcs. - 390 rub.);
  • Eucalyptus-M (24 pcs.);
  • Zvezdochka-Propolis - contains extracts of propolis, licorice, ginger, chamomile, menthol, thyme (18 pcs.);
  • Chlorophyllipt (20 pcs. - 130 rub.);
  • Sage, lozenges (10 tablets - 130 rubles)

Antibiotic throat lozenges: a brief description of the main remedies


Grammidin Neo is a combined product that is effectively used in the complex therapy of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat and oral cavity.

The basic version of the drug (Grammidin Neo) includes the antibiotic gramicidin C and the antiseptic component cetylpyridinium chloride. The mechanism of the antimicrobial action of gramicidin C is realized by increasing the degree of permeability of bacterial membranes, and, consequently, disrupting cell stability, which leads to the death of the pathogen. The action of gramicidin is effectively complemented by the antiseptic effect of cetylpyridinium chloride, which can suppress the processes of growth and active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity.

It should also be noted that hypersalivation (excessive secretion of saliva), which occurs during the resorption of Grammidin Neo, promotes mechanical cleansing of the oral cavity.

The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, emollient and moderate analgesic effect. In case of pronounced discomfort in the throat, it is recommended to use Gramidin Neo with an anesthetic.

This version of the drug, in addition to gramidicin C and cetylpyridinium chloride, contains the local anesthetic lidocaine, menthol and eucalyptus oil.

Lidocaine provides a pronounced analgesic effect. The effect occurs as soon as the tablet is dissolved and lasts about an hour. Menthol and eucalyptus oil contained in the preparation provide additional pain relief and cooling of the mucous membrane. Eucalyptus oil also exhibits anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

The inclusion of sweeteners (mannitol and aspartame) in the product helps improve the taste of the candies.

It should be noted that Grammidin Neo has minimal systemic absorption, since it is practically not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. In this regard, the development of undesirable effects from the use of the drug is practically not observed.

Antibiotics for the treatment of throat in adults and children, in the form of lozenges, can be used as part of a treatment complex:

Contraindications to the use of Grammidin are individual intolerance to the components of the product, the first trimester of pregnancy, lactation and children under four years of age.

From the age of four it is allowed to use children's Grammidin.

Undesirable reactions during treatment may include allergies, a temporary decrease in the sensitivity of the tongue and a disturbance in the sense of taste. Nausea and gastrointestinal disturbances are extremely rare.

Children from four to twelve years old are prescribed one tablet. up to four times a day. Adults and patients over 12 years old - two tablets each. (with an interval of half an hour) up to four times a day. During the hour after Grammidin is absorbed, eating or drinking is prohibited.

The duration of treatment should not exceed seven days.

Another Russian drug containing gramicidin C is Gramicidin C Renewal. The medicine has indications and contraindications similar to Grammidin. It is also used in the same way. The main difference is that Gramicidin C Renewal does not contain analgesic or antiseptic components.


Combined drug of the German pharmaceutical company Medice. The drug is effectively used for pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, gingivitis and stomatitis.

It has pronounced analgesic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.

The effectiveness of Dorithricin is due to its constituents: benzocaine (analgesic effect), benzalkonium chloride and tyrothricin. Benzalkonium chloride, in addition to its antiseptic effect, exhibits activity against gram+ pathogens (antibacterial action) and Candida fungi (fungicidal activity).

Tyrothricin belongs to antibiotics with local influence (linear and polycyclic polypeptides). It contains gramicidin and tyrocidin. The mechanism of bactericidal activity is realized due to its ability to disrupt cellular respiration and destroy bacterial membranes. Due to the specificity of action, tyrothricin does not contribute to the occurrence of cross-resistance.

All components of the drug have low systemic absorption and do not affect the intestinal microflora. Adverse reactions from the use of Dorithricin are rare and are usually associated with individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  • individual hypersensitivity to components;
  • age under six years;
  • disaccharidase deficiency.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women can use lozenges only after consulting their doctor.

The course of treatment is from five to seven days.


Trachisan is a combined product that has antibacterial, analgesic and antiseptic effects. The antibacterial effect is due to the action of tyrothricin (the same antibiotic as in Dorithricin). In addition, Trachisan contains chlorhexidine and lidocaine (local anesthetic).

It should be noted that in addition to the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, chlorhexidine is capable of exhibiting antibacterial activity against gram- and gram+ pathogens. The mechanism of action is realized by disrupting the osmotic balance in cells and destroying the cytoplasmic membrane of the pathogen.

The product is effective for stomatitis, gingivitis, glossitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis. Also, Trachisan can be used for prophylactic purposes before and after tonsillectomy, tooth extraction, etc.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are individual hypersensitivity to the components, erosions and ulcers of the oral mucosa, fructose intolerance and the patient’s age under four years.

Women carrying a child and breastfeeding should consult their doctor before using Trachisan.

Undesirable effects may include allergies, temporary changes in taste, and numbness of the tongue. In rare cases, tooth enamel may turn yellowish-brown.

From four to twelve years it is necessary to dissolve one tablet at a time. at intervals of 2 hours. Maximum per day - no more than six tablets.

Adults and patients over twelve years of age can dissolve up to eight tablets. per day.

The optimal duration of treatment is from five to seven days.

Lozenges with antiseptic effect

The cost of packaging is 30 tablets. It costs about 300 rubles. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, and also promotes the regeneration of mucous membranes.

The antiseptic effect is due to the presence of lysozyme in the composition. This enzyme is capable of destroying the cell membranes of gram- and gram+ pathogens. Also, the product has fungicidal and antiviral activity.

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) included in the composition stimulates regenerative processes in the mucous membranes.

Lizobakt can be used for gingivitis, stomatitis (including herpetic nature), erosions and ulcers of the oral mucosa, pharyngitis, tonsillitis.

Can be used to treat women carrying a child and breastfeeding. A contraindication for use is individual intolerance to the components.

Adults and children are recommended to dissolve two pieces. three to four times a day. The duration of treatment is up to eight days.

The drug is well tolerated by patients. Side effects are extremely rare.

Infectious disease doctor A. L. Chernenko

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Antibiotics for sore throat - which are the most effective?

The most common reason for patients to visit otolaryngologists is a sore throat caused by various factors. After a thorough examination, the doctor selects the optimal therapy and prescribes the most appropriate medications for the sick person.

Some people believe that the best way to treat a sore throat is with antibacterial drugs. These medications act quickly and are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, but are not absolutely safe. They are not allowed to be taken for all diseases.

Causes of sore throat

Most often, pain in the throat occurs when a viral or bacterial infection enters the body. Artists, TV presenters, announcers, teachers, educators, trainers who are forced to constantly strain their vocal cords often have a sore throat.

  • A child may also have a sore throat after a hysterical attack and loud crying. Sensitive and allergy-prone people experience throat discomfort after being in dusty, smoky rooms that smell of toxic substances.
  • Also, the pharynx becomes inflamed and painful if its mucous walls are accidentally damaged by sharp bones, foreign objects, or too hot food.

In what cases are antibiotics prescribed for a sore throat?

If a sore throat is caused by a viral infection, then treatment with antibiotics is useless. Antibiotics are prescribed only to eliminate a bacterial infection. To prescribe the most appropriate medicine, the doctor must find out which pathogenic bacteria are causing the inflammatory reaction in the upper respiratory tract. To make a diagnosis, the doctor takes a smear from the patient for bacteriological culture.

  • In case of an inflammatory reaction in the throat, a sick person is prescribed antibacterial agents in the form of tablets, injection solutions, absorbable lozenges, and sprays. These medications are effective against bacterial tonsillitis and tonsillitis.
  • With viral pharyngitis, accompanied by inflammation of the tonsils and mucous membranes of the pharynx, antibiotic drugs are powerless.

Taking antibiotics is indicated if the following symptoms are observed:

  • body temperature rises rapidly, jumps to 38 – 39°C;
  • tonsils become inflamed and covered with purulent plugs;
  • the lymph nodes in the neck and under the lower jaw are noticeably enlarged;
  • intoxication of the body is felt;
  • complications arise - otitis media, bronchitis, sinusitis, pneumonia.


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How to take antibiotics correctly for a sore throat?

Pathogenic microorganisms cause severe intoxication in adults, and especially in children. But antibiotics also overload the body weakened by the disease with toxins. The situation worsens when a sick person eats heavy food and drinks alcohol. To avoid problems, you should take antibiotics strictly as prescribed by your doctor, carefully observing the dosage.

There are certain rules for taking antibiotics, they are given below.

  1. If the drug does not have a positive effect after three days of use, then you need to consult a doctor to change the method of therapy.
  2. If diarrhea, nausea, migraines, weakness and other side effects occur, the antibiotic should be stopped immediately.
  3. It is strictly prohibited to arbitrarily choose medications and change the method of therapy. Only a medical specialist can select medications for the patient and adjust their dosage.
  4. During the period of taking antibiotics, it is imperative to restore the intestinal microflora with the help of probiotics - preparations containing beneficial bacteria.
  5. Tablets for sore throat should be washed down well with water.
  6. A sick person must follow a diet. It is prohibited to consume smoked meats, marinades, fatty foods, fried foods, and alcoholic beverages.

What antibiotic should I use to treat my throat?

When the body is affected by a bacterial infection, fever, sore throat, or swollen lymph nodes, the following antibacterial medications are usually prescribed:

  • from the group of penicillins - Amoxicillin, Bicillin;
  • from the group of macrolides - Azithromycin, Sumamed, Clarithromycin;
  • from the group of cephalosporins - Cephalexin, Cefuroxime;
  • from the group of lincosamides - Clindamycin, Dalacin.

All of the above medications effectively eliminate inflammatory reactions in the ears, throat, and nasal cavity caused by bacterial infection. Only a doctor selects antibiotic medications, focusing on the age and physical condition of the patient, as well as the type of causative agent of the disease.

You should not purchase medications at your own discretion: incorrectly selected products can be useless, cause an allergic reaction, and even cause serious harm to health.

Many people believe that antibiotics come only in tablet form and are only taken orally. In fact, antibiotic drugs can be found in pharmacies in the form of dissolving tablets or throat sprays.

These topical medications contain antiseptic components. Below is a list of the most popular and effective antibacterial agents that have a local effect.

  1. Gramicidin. Lozenges to help cope with sore throat and tonsillitis.
  2. Bioparox. Spray used for inflammation of the tonsils and larynx.
  3. Stopangin. Spray based on hexetidine, which has an antibiotic, enveloping, analgesic effect.
  4. Faringosept. Lollipops based on ambazone monohydrate, which have a strong antiseptic effect, quickly destroying pathogenic bacteria in the upper respiratory tract.
  5. Trachisan. Lozenges used for sore throat and pharyngitis, effectively relieving pain and inflammation, killing pathogenic microorganisms.

Antibiotics of the penicillin group and their effects on the body

Amoxicillin is considered the best drug for the treatment of bacterial diseases of the throat, ears and nasal cavity. It is allowed to be taken even by patients prone to allergic reactions to potent medications. Amoxicillin is a low-toxic antibiotic; it is practically insoluble in the blood, but has an inhibitory effect on almost all known pathogenic bacteria.

Children under 10 years of age should take 250 mg of the drug up to three times a day, children over 10 years of age and adults - from 500 to 1000 mg, depending on the severity of the disease. The therapeutic course usually lasts 10 days.

Amoxicillin helps reduce sore throat, extinguish fever, and relieve the inflammatory reaction. But if you interrupt antibiotic treatment, the pain in the throat will resume with renewed vigor. After interrupted therapy, bacteria develop immunity to the drug, so resuming treatment with Amoxicillin is useless.

We have to choose other antibiotic agents. It is recommended to use combined antibacterial medications containing amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. The best combination antibiotics are Amoxiclav, Clavocin, Flemoklav Solutab.

The best antibiotics of the group of macrolides, cephalosporins, lincosamides

Antibiotic medications of the cephalosporin group are rarely used to treat sore throat. These medications have little effect on the bacterial infection that causes a sore throat, so doctors prescribe them as a last resort if the patient is allergic to penicillin antibiotics. The most commonly used cephalosporins are:

These medications are available either in tablet form or in the form of injection solutions.

Antibiotics from the lincosamide group are considered low-toxic, they act intensely and are quickly eliminated from the body. But they can only be used for sore throats affected by beta-hemolytic streptococci. The best drugs are:

Since these medications quickly break down and leave the body, they need to be taken at least four times a day.

If a person with pharyngitis suffers from a weakened immune system or does not adhere to the treatment prescribed by the doctor, then he may develop acute paratonsillitis. With this serious illness, accompanied by high fever, acute pain in the throat, and the formation of an abscess on the tonsil, only macrolides help.

These antibiotics have an important advantage: they are able to penetrate cell membranes and destroy bacteria lodged inside cells. Macrolides even kill pathogenic microorganisms that are resistant to other antibacterial drugs. Azithromycin and Clarithromycin are considered the most popular and effective. These medications should be taken only once a day, as they have an extremely intense effect on the body.

What antibiotics can be taken during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, it is necessary to use any medications with extreme caution, not to mention antibiotics. Antibacterial drugs are taken under the strict supervision of a medical specialist.

Antibiotics can cause serious harm to the health of the embryo in the womb, so doctors prescribe them to pregnant patients in special cases when other medications do not help cope with a serious illness. Typically, potent drugs are prescribed to pregnant women who have a high fever for several days that cannot be treated with gentle treatment.

Young mothers are prescribed antibiotics that are poorly absorbed into the blood and contain the active ingredients in minimal concentrations. Most often, doctors prescribe the following topical antibiotics to patients:

  • Doctor Mom - lozenges based on medicinal plant extracts;
  • Dr. Theiss - lollipops based on sage oil and other herbal ingredients;
  • Inhalipt is a sulfonamide-based spray containing eucalyptus and mint oils;
  • Bronchicum - lozenges containing thyme essential oil;
  • Orasept is an anesthetic and antiseptic spray based on phenol;
  • Faringosept - antiseptic lozenges containing ambazone monohydrate.

Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from using Bioparox spray. This antibiotic medicine is highly effective, but it can have an extremely negative effect on the female body and on the embryo developing in the womb.

Expectant mothers are strictly prohibited from self-medicating. Only a doctor should select therapy for them.

And a little about secrets.

If you or your child are often sick and are treated with antibiotics alone, know that you are only treating the effect, not the cause.

So you simply “spare” money to pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies and get sick more often.

STOP! Stop feeding someone you don't know. You just need to boost your immunity and you will forget what it’s like to be sick!

There is a way for this! Confirmed by E. Malysheva, A. Myasnikov and our readers! Read more.


Antibiotics for sore throat: necessity and principles of selection

Sore throat or tonsillitis is an inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsils, which can spread to the lymphoid and lingual tissue. The first recorded cases of tonsillitis in human history occurred in the first century AD.

Before you continue reading: If you are looking for an effective method of getting rid of a runny nose, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis or colds, then be sure to look at this section of the site after reading this article. This information has helped so many people, we hope it will help you too! So, now back to the article.

In the 19th century, tonsillitis was recognized as a dangerous disease and began to be carefully studied. The impetus for this was the premature death of George Washington as a result of complications of purulent tonsillitis.

In the 21st century, no one dies from a sore throat: the discovery of antibiotics put an end to the series of deaths. Nevertheless, tonsillitis remains a serious problem that requires timely diagnosis and responsible therapy. And the basis for the treatment of bacterial sore throat are antibacterial drugs.

What kind of antibiotics are used for angina and what is the choice of medication based on? How long does therapy last? And in general, is sore throat dangerous? Let's figure it out together, a detailed review.

Viral and bacterial tonsillitis: identify!

In the vast majority of cases, sore throats are caused by viruses. Among them are herpes simplex virus, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegaloviruses, adenoviruses and other pathogens. There are studies showing that in 19% of cases of exudative tonsillitis in children, the cause of the disease lies in the Epstein-Barr virus.

Tonsillitis most often affects children over the age of two. In young children, the cause of the disease is usually various respiratory viruses.

Viral tonsillitis is treated exclusively symptomatically. Antibiotics have no effect against viruses and, therefore, are not prescribed. Therefore, it is so important to correctly identify the pathogen.

Bacterial sore throat: can it be cured without antibiotics?

Many patients faced with a sore throat wonder: is it possible to get by with a little blood and be cured without antibiotics? The answer depends on the origin of the tonsillitis. A viral sore throat actually goes away on its own.

Bacterial sore throat is an infectious disease. Our immune system can cope with viruses and opportunistic microbes, which include some strains of staphylococci, Candida fungi, enterobacteria and others.

If the body encounters pathogenic bacteria that quickly multiply and release a lot of toxins, even the strongest immunity is simply unable to withstand the onslaught. In such cases, there is only one way out - antibacterial treatment.

Bacteria: find and neutralize

The choice of antibacterial agent for tonsillitis depends on the type of bacteria that provoked the disease. As a rule, the range of pathogenic microorganisms that are associated with sore throat is quite limited.

In 15–30% of cases, the cause of sore throat lies in bacterial infection. Group A streptococci, in particular the beta-hemolytic streptococcus Streptococcus pyogenes, play an important role in inflammatory diseases of the tonsils. This pathogen invades the adhesin receptors, which are located in the epithelium of the tonsils.

Sore throat in older children is usually associated with streptococcus and, most often, group A. Peritonsillar abscess is a dangerous complication of tonsillitis, which is accompanied by acute inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tonsils, and is caused by the fusobacterium Fusobacterium necrophorum.

However, sore throat is famous not only for streptococci and fusobacteria. Acute tonsillitis and pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharynx) can also cause:

  • mycoplasma Mycoplasma pneumoniae;
  • Corynebacterium diphtheriae (the causative agent of diphtheria);
  • chlamydia Chlamydia pneumoniae - quite rare;
  • Neisseria gonorrhea is the causative agent of gonorrhea, which is usually responsible for the development of pharyngitis in sexually active individuals.

In the case of recurrent pharyngitis, a polymicrobial flora most often occurs, including aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. Mixed infections usually include streptococci, staphylococci, including the infamous Staphylococcus aureus, as well as Haemophilus influenzae and other bacteria.

Antibiotics against sore throat: when to start?

We have already mentioned that antibiotics are prescribed only against sore throats of bacterial origin. The problem is that too often bacterial and viral tonsillitis are clinically indistinguishable. Even the most competent doctor is sometimes unable to differentiate between a virus and a bacteria, especially in the initial stages of a sore throat.

If your tonsillitis is 1-2 days old, and the doctor has already prescribed antibiotics, there may be grounds to talk about the unreasonable prescription of drugs. According to standard treatment protocols, the bacterial origin of sore throat is indicated by:

- the presence of exudate - bloody fluid that oozes from the small vessels of the tonsils;

Bacterial sore throat is characterized by a sharp rise in temperature up to 39–40 degrees. In addition, fever with bacterial tonsillitis is very difficult to correct. If you can't bring down your fever with regular antipyretic medications, it may be due to a bacterial infection in your tonsils;

- leukocytosis - an increase in the level of leukocytes in the blood.

The appearance of such symptoms indicates that the sore throat is bacterial in nature, and, therefore, it is time to take antibiotics.

Why is antibacterial treatment needed?

We all know that Paracetamol reduces fever, and cough drops thin mucus. We clearly see the effect of these drugs. But what does treatment with antibacterial drugs give us?

Timely administration of antibiotics for sore throat allows:

  • prevent acute rheumatic fever. You can completely avoid persistent hyperthermia as a result of an increase in body temperature to 40 degrees if you start taking antibiotics on time;
  • prevent purulent-inflammatory complications. A timely prescribed effective antibacterial drug is an opportunity to avoid the development of a common complication of purulent tonsillitis - paratonsillar abscess - and, as a consequence, surgical intervention;
  • reduce the severity of clinical manifestations of angina. Correct treatment of tonsillitis gives every chance to get rid of or prevent acute pain in the throat, which is practically impossible to correct;
  • prevent bacterial infection from spreading to family members, colleagues, neighbors, and so on;
  • reduce the likelihood of complications, including cardiac ones.

What antibiotics are indicated for streptococcal sore throat?

In the case of tonsillitis associated with group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus Streptococcus pyogenes, antibiotics are essential. What antibacterial agents are preferable for the most common streptococcal sore throat?

Oral semisynthetic penicillins are used as the drugs of choice in such cases. For patients who cannot take tablets, injectable benzylpenicillin is indicated.

In addition, when infected with group A streptococcus, the following are effective:

Let's look at each group of drugs in more detail.

Semi-synthetic penicillins

An effective antibacterial drug, which is the first-line treatment for bacterial sore throat caused by beta-hemolytic streptococcus, is Amoxicillin (Flemoxin).

Amoxicillin has a wide spectrum of action, which covers not only gram-positive, but also gram-negative flora. High bioavailability, low toxicity and good tolerability distinguish Amoxicillin from other antibacterial drugs.

For bacterial sore throat, Amoxicillin is prescribed in a dose of 500–1000 mg three times a day. The optimal course of treatment is ten days.

It should be remembered that penicillins can be destroyed by strains of bacteria that produce beta lactamase. Infection with antibiotic-resistant strains is likely with recurrent tonsillitis. If your child gets a sore throat a second time or more during the fall-winter season, Amoxicillin must be replaced with another antibiotic. Protected penicillins or lincosamides (Clindamycin) are used as alternatives.

Protected penicillin - treatment for sure!

Protected penicillins are a complex of Amoxicillin and a substance that prevents the destruction of the beta-lactam ring. The most commonly used compound is clavulanic acid or its salts. Note that these substances do not have a systemic effect and do not have a bactericidal effect. The only function of clavulanates is to protect the antibiotic from beta-lactamases, in particular from penicillinase.

Among the most famous protected penicillins, Augmentin, Amoxiclav and the dispersible form - Flemoclav - take pride of place.

Amoxicillin complexes with clavulanic acid (for example, Amoxiclav) are prescribed as antibacterial treatment for follicular and purulent tonsillitis at a dose of 500–1000 mg two to three times a day. The course of treatment lasts from seven to ten days.

There is evidence that long-term administration of protected penicillins for severe recurrent tonsillitis caused by beta-hemolytic streptococcus is an alternative to tonsillectomy. Sometimes a 3-6 week course of Augmentin can save tonsils that are almost doomed to be removed.

Caution: infectious mononucleosis!

If children have all the symptoms of a sore throat, the doctor should be especially careful when prescribing penicillin antibiotics. The fact is that the clinical manifestations of bacterial tonsillitis in the initial stages are very difficult to differentiate from the symptoms of a viral disease called infectious mononucleosis. And children are more likely to become infected with this infection.

The pathology that is associated with the Epstein-Barr virus has almost all the signs of bacterial tonsillitis. Severe sore throat, fever, the appearance of exudate in the tonsils and even enlarged lymph nodes - all these symptoms of infectious mononucleosis are sometimes difficult to distinguish from bacterial tonsillitis. As a result of this confusion, antibacterial agents may be erroneously prescribed.

That's when the real problems begin. The fact that antibiotics are not effective against bacterial infections is not so bad. In the end, the Epstein-Barr virus is generally eliminated on its own, that is, over a certain period of time, the disease will go away on its own.

Trouble awaits those patients with infectious mononucleosis who, through a doctor’s mistake or on their own initiative, begin to take penicillin antibiotics. Such treatment in almost 100% of cases is accompanied by the appearance of a thick reddish rash that covers the entire body. If you develop severe rashes while taking an antibiotic (for example, Augmentin) for a sore throat, there is a high probability that the cause of the infection is the Epstein-Barr virus.

The actions of the injured patient in this case should be limited to immediately informing the doctor, who will most likely cancel the antibacterial drug.

Cephalosporins: pros and cons

As an alternative to semisynthetic penicillins, cephalosporin antibiotics are used. Their prescription is justified if the patient, for example, is allergic to penicillins.

For the treatment of bacterial tonsillitis, second- and, less commonly, third-generation cephalosporins are used. These drugs include:

Cefuroxime is a second-generation drug that is active mainly against gram-positive microorganisms. Cefpodoxime and cefixime are more effective against infection with gram-negative flora, and therefore are used very rarely for bacterial tonsillitis.

One of the main disadvantages of oral cephalosporins is their low bioavailability. Most of these drugs are only 40–60% absorbed in the intestine. Therefore, many doctors openly dislike cephalosporins for oral administration.

Cefuroxime is active against many gram-positive strains, including those that produce beta-lactamase. For angina in adult patients caused by beta-hemolytic streptococcus, the antibiotic cefuroxime is prescribed at a dose of 250 mg twice a day for ten days.

The most well-known cefuroxime drugs include Zinnat produced by the Glaxo corporation, as well as Axef (Medokemi company, Cyprus).

Pediatric forms of cefuroxime are available in the form of a dry powder, which is dissolved before use. The dosage of cefuroxime for children is calculated, as in the case of other antibiotics, based on the child’s weight.

Antibiotics for sore throat in injections: is there any point?

I would like to pay special attention to injectable dosage forms of cephalosporin antibiotics. Russian doctors are particularly sensitive to parenteral antibacterial agents. Often these medications are prescribed as first-line treatments. Despite the fact that official treatment protocols primarily recommend tablet antibiotics, our doctors, in an effort to cover the entire spectrum, prescribe injections.

Undoubtedly, ceftriaxone is one of the most popular domestic parenteral antibiotics.

A third-generation cephalosporin drug that is active against many gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms, ceftriaxone, of course, will cope with sore throat. Moreover, it is also effective against infection with strains that produce beta-lactamase. However, are antibiotic injections really necessary for a sore throat?

The vast majority of foreign experts believe that there is no particular need for the use of injectable antibiotics for tonsillitis. Both tableted protected penicillins and lincosamides have high bioavailability and a wide spectrum. The high antibacterial effectiveness and safety of Amoxicillin and clavulanic acid complexes in the treatment of follicular and purulent tonsillitis, as well as peritonsillar abscess, have been clinically proven.

Therefore, before buying your favorite set of syringes and clinking glass bottles, consult with a great specialist. And believe that modern pharmaceuticals are able to offer a worthy alternative to effective but traumatic injectable antibiotics.

Lincosamides and bacterial tonsillitis: irreconcilable enemies

Lincosamides do not have the disadvantages of unprotected penicillins and cephalosporins. Therefore, in many cases these antibiotics are prescribed for bacterial sore throat.

Many patients and even some doctors have almost never encountered drugs from the lincosamide group. But the old, time-tested Lincomycin, which is used today mainly in dental practice, belongs to them.

Among the most effective lincosamides indicated for the treatment of bacterial pharyngitis, Clindamycin takes pride of place.

Clindamycin is recommended for use for recurrent sore throats along with protected penicillins. The tablet form of the antibiotic penetrates tissues just as well as the injected form, and this fact is one of the important advantages of the drug. In addition, Clindamycin is equally effective against rapidly and slowly dividing microorganisms. This property of the antibiotic explains its high effectiveness against sore throats caused by infection with group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus.

The only limitation to the use of Clindamycin is due to the rather narrow spectrum of action of the drug. Therefore, before prescribing it, it is better to carry out a differential diagnosis of the pathogen.

Clindamycin is prescribed in the form of oral tablets or capsules, and also as an injection solution. Note that in case of mild or moderate angina, oral Clindamycin is used. And only in cases of severe recurrent tonsillitis, including those caused by hospital strains of streptococcus, is an injectable antibiotic prescribed.

Clindamycin tablets or capsules are dosed based on the patient's medical history. The antibiotic dosage ranges from 150 to 400 mg every six hours, that is, four times a day. This intensive frequency of use is caused by the rather short half-life of Clindamycin. However, some inconvenience in dosing is more than compensated by the high effectiveness of the antibiotic even in severe sore throat caused by highly resistant strains of beta-hemolytic streptococcus.

In Russian pharmacies, Clindamycin can be purchased under the following trade names:

— Dalacin is an original drug that is of high quality and the same price. Manufacturer: American concern Pfizer;

— Clindacin produced in Jordan.

Complicated form of acute tonsillitis

A serious complication of bacterial tonsillitis is a peritonsillar abscess or phlegmonous tonsillitis. This condition is characterized by the occurrence of extensive inflammation not only in the tonsils, but also in the tissues adjacent to them. A peritonsillar abscess can develop on one or both sides of the tonsil.

Most often, the complication is recorded in children, adolescents and young adults. The basis of treatment for peritonsillar abscess is:

  • opening and drainage of purulent contents;
  • prescription of antibiotics.

Despite the threatening name of the disease and the rather frightening picture, full of bright ulcers against the background of purplish-red tonsils, peritonsillar abscess responds well to antibacterial treatment. What antibiotics are prescribed for phlegmonous sore throat?

As a rule, oral, that is, tablet medications are sufficient to eliminate the pathogen. The following are used as first-line treatments for peritonsillar abscess:

In rare cases of spontaneous opening of a paratonsillar abscess during antibacterial therapy, gargling with antiseptic solutions is recommended.

The effectiveness of treatment for angina largely depends on how long you take antibiotics: the course of treatment should not last less than 10 days.

Sore throat: antibiotics for mixed infection

In the vast majority of cases, the cause of bacterial sore throat is streptococcus. However, there is a possibility of developing tonsillitis as a result of infection with intracellular pathogens, including mycoplasma and chlamydia. Penicillins and cephalosporins do not penetrate the cell membrane and therefore do not have a bactericidal effect on these microorganisms.

Sore throat associated with intracellular bacteria requires a special approach to therapy. The disease must be carefully diagnosed, and the pathogen itself must be identified. If tonsillitis is associated with intracellular infection, macrolide antibiotics are the drugs of choice.

The most effective macrolides include Azithromycin and Clarithromycin.

The famous antibiotic, which is taken for sore throat and contains only 3 tablets per package, is Azithromycin. The drug has a long half-life, so it can be used only once a day. The adult dosage is 500 mg per day, and the children's dosage is selected individually depending on the age and weight of the child. The course of treatment for tonsillitis with Azithromycin can range from three to seven days.

Clarithromycin is a broad-spectrum macrolide often prescribed for tonsillitis. Adult patients are advised to use 250–500 mg of Clarithromycin per day for seven or ten days. The dosage for children is 7.5 mg per kilogram of the child’s body weight.

Effective clarithromycin preparations include:

— Klacid produced by the famous company Abbott;

— Fromilid, which is produced by the Slovak company KRKA;

— Clarithromycin-Teva from the Israeli concern Teva.

Self-medication - stop!

If symptoms of a bacterial sore throat appear, any patient should immediately consult a doctor. If, against the background of a sore throat and a moderate increase in temperature, there is a sharp deterioration in the condition - fever, intense pain, difficulty swallowing, shortness of breath - there is no time to waste. Moreover, bacterial tonsillitis is an infection that can be transmitted by airborne droplets. This means that while you are thinking about the need to see a doctor, you can infect the whole family. And it’s not just you who will need a doctor.

Despite the fact that antibiotics are still available in Russian pharmacies without a prescription, you should not rely on luck. The prerogative of selecting an antibacterial agent belongs only to specialists. Trust the knowledge and experience of a qualified doctor and recover from this unpleasant disease - sore throat - with a calm heart.

The article above and comments written by readers are for informational purposes only and do not encourage self-medication. Consult a specialist regarding your own symptoms and illnesses. When taking any medicine, you should always use the instructions that come with the medicine and your doctor's advice as a guide.

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