Is Isofra possible for pregnant women?

Isofra during pregnancy

Price for Isofra spray (15 ml): rub.

Description of Isofra

The presence of a runny nose in pregnant women in the first, second and third trimester, including during breastfeeding, may not necessarily be infectious.

Table of contents:

The appearance of rhinitis in an expectant mother is not entirely good for her health, and a pregnant woman can develop this disease at any stage of her pregnancy. Therefore, it is very important that correct and competent treatment for this disease is prescribed. If you are concerned about unpleasant symptoms such as nasal congestion, discharge and sneezing, then you should definitely consult a doctor, since rhinitis poses a serious threat to pregnancy and the fetus, regardless of what stage of pregnancy this disease occurs. Incorrect functioning of the respiratory system due to a runny nose can cause fetal hypoxia due to a lack of oxygen entering the blood. This is especially dangerous in the first three months of pregnancy, when rapid development of the fetus occurs.

So, as it becomes clear from what is described above, a pronounced runny nose in an expectant mother is very dangerous for the baby due to lack of oxygen. If a pregnant woman suffers from a runny nose, which is a consequence of rhinitis or sinusitis, then the doctor will prescribe Isofra to her. This drug has antimicrobial capabilities and is used in the treatment of acute inflammatory processes occurring in the paranasal sinuses. The active component in this medicine is framycetin (an antibiotic), which can effectively kill bacteria, thereby effectively curing a runny nose.

Indications for use of the drug

The therapeutic effect of Isofra is based on the coordinated destruction of bacteria by antimicrobial drugs that belong to the same group. A microscopic particle of fracemin penetrates the cell and inhibits the integrity of the protein. As a result of this influence, the death of cells of harmful microbes occurs, which provoke acute inflammatory symptoms of the nasal cavity. The substance Fracemin has a slow increase in resistance.

It is recommended to take Isofra if there are acute inflammatory symptoms of a microbial nature in the nasopharynx. As a rule, this drug is not prescribed independently; it is prescribed simultaneously with combination therapy of microbial acute inflammatory symptoms of the disease: for sinusitis, nasopharyngitis and rhinitis. But only in cases where there is no curvature of the nasal septum. Isofra can be prescribed as a medicine for inflammatory processes in the postoperative period.

The medicine is not used for cleaning the maxillary sinuses and as a douching agent.

Recommendations for using Isofra

The pharmacological form of Isofra is a spray with a nebulizer. Method of use: spray into the nose. When sprayed into the nasal cavity, the medicine begins its active penetration into the mucous membrane. Microscopic particles of the main component of the drug have the same distribution and have the property of being rapidly absorbed. In addition, they are able to reach the farthest and deepest parts of the nasal cavity.

Before using the drug, the container with its contents must be held straight up. The head should be tilted slightly back for better and uniform spraying of the medicine in the nasal cavity. For these purposes, a specially supplied dispenser is used.

For adults, the medicine is prescribed according to the following scheme: spray once into each nostril 5 times a day. Duration of use – 10 days. When using the medicine for more than ten days, there is a risk of developing diseases of the mucous cavity or fungal disease.

Use of Isofra during pregnancy and lactation

It is not recommended to use the drug for expectant mothers during pregnancy and lactation. This precaution is due to the fact that Isofra contains organic particles that can provoke embryo pathology and morphological deviations.

Especially Isofra is absolutely contraindicated in the first three months of pregnancy (first trimester), because at this time the active development of the fetus occurs. In addition, other topical medications pose a similar danger. Once in the mucous membrane, they are absorbed into the blood, which is not only undesirable for a pregnant woman, but also dangerous, since they can adversely affect the development of the child, provoking various defects at any stage of pregnancy.

As a consequence of complications after taking Isofra during pregnancy - the pathology of congenital bilateral deafness. It is not recommended to use the drug during breastfeeding, since its components can penetrate into breast milk, and with it into the baby’s body. And then it has a negative impact on the general condition of the child, especially for those babies who were born premature or weak.

Symptoms of negative effects on the baby’s body:

  • weakness;
  • central nervous system suppression;
  • severe drowsiness.

An overdose of this drug does not pose a particular threat to the body, since it has a very low threshold for its adsorption capacity. However, it is worth emphasizing that this does not mean that this medicine can be used uncontrolled and for a long time. In this case, it threatens the appearance of fungal diseases and candidiasis.


Isofra during pregnancy third trimester

Description of Isofra

A runny nose during pregnancy (this can be the first, second or third trimester), as well as during lactation, may not always be an infection. Rhinitis during pregnancy is not the best condition for an expectant mother. It can appear in any trimester. It is necessary to find the right approach to treatment during this period of life. Nasal congestion, sneezing and snot are the first symptoms to visit a doctor. Because rhinitis is always a threat to pregnancy and the fetus. No matter what trimester this happens. Impaired breathing due to a runny nose during pregnancy reduces the amount of oxygen entering the blood and develops fetal hypoxia, especially in the first trimester, when the fetus develops too quickly. It follows from this that a severe runny nose is dangerous for the unborn child due to a lack of oxygen. If you have a runny nose - rhinitis, sinusitis, then you will be prescribed isofra. It is an antibacterial agent that is used to treat acute inflammatory conditions in the paranasal sinuses. One of the components of the drug is an antibiotic - framycetin. It kills bacteria, and as a result, it effectively cures the runny nose.

Indications for use of the drug

The modes of action of Isofra are coordinated with the destruction of microbes by antimicrobial agents of this group. The fracemin microparticle invades the cell and inhibits protein integrity. The result is the death of bacterial cells, which causes acute inflammatory reactions in the nasal cavity. The component Fracemin is distinguished by the fact that the growth of its resistance is slow.

It is necessary to use this medication when you have contagious, acute inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity. Isofra alone is not prescribed; it is used in parallel with the combined treatment of microbial acute inflammatory diseases. Such as: sinusitis, rhinitis, nasopharyngitis. But only if the nasal septum is not deviated. Isofra is also prescribed after operations if there is inflammation.

The drug is not used to cleanse the maxillary sinuses, nor is it used for douching.

Recommendations for using isofra

Isofra is produced in the form of a spray with an atomizer. Used by spraying into the nose. The drug is sprayed into the nasal cavity and introduced into the mucous membrane. Thanks to this method of application, microparticles of the active substance of the drug spread equally, are quickly absorbed, and also penetrate well into the most distant and deep places of the nasal cavity.

Directly while taking the medication, the bottle should be held straight up. Tilt your head slightly back so that the medicine is well and evenly sprayed throughout the nasal cavity. A specially designed dispenser will help you with this. Adults should use the drug as follows: spray once five times a day into each nostril. The medication should be used for ten days. If the drug is used longer, a disease of the nasal mucosa or fungal diseases may appear.

When the drug is prescribed to a child, then the doses should be as follows: one spray three times a day. The course of treatment is one week.

Restrictions and precautions when using isofra

If your body does not tolerate one of the components of isofra, or the drug generally gives an allergic reaction, then the drug cannot be used. Since the drug isofra is poisonous, it should not be prescribed to women during pregnancy in any trimester, and during lactation, as well as to children under one year of age. Very few clinical studies have been conducted on the effect of the drug on this category of patients.

Isofra should be taken with special care if there is renal failure or pathological changes in the nervous system that are chronic in nature. Parkinson's disease, hearing aid. Isofra cannot be used in parallel with atropine or ganglion blockers. They may increase neuromuscular blockade during pathological changes. This may result in side effects.

The occurrence of any side effects when using the drug isofra is practically not observed. Due to the low absorption capacity of the drug, as well as the fact that it is absorbed directly into the mucous membrane. Sometimes an allergy to the drug may occur. But this happens when there is a personal susceptibility to antibacterial drugs.

Use of isofra during pregnancy and lactation

Isofra should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Since the composition contains organic substances, the use of which may cause disruption of embryonic development. Morphological abnormalities.

This medication is especially dangerous in the first trimester of pregnancy. Because during this period the fetus develops especially actively. These may also include medications of local importance. When introduced into the mucous membrane, they penetrate into the blood, which is not a good sign during pregnancy. Because they have a bad effect on the development of the future baby, leading to defects during development, this applies to any trimester.

When using isofra, this may be congenital bilateral deafness. The drug isofru should not be used during lactation. Since the components of the drug penetrate into breast milk, and with it into the baby’s body. Having a detrimental effect on it, this applies more to weak children and those born prematurely. Which can manifest itself in weakness, depression of the central nervous system, as well as drowsiness.

Using a dose higher than the safe one cannot harm the body, because isofra has a low systemic adsorption capacity.

But it should be said that with prolonged or uncontrolled use, this medication can disrupt the microflora of the mucous membrane. Fungal diseases and candidiasis may also occur.

Find out the due date

Taking smears for flora and cytology analysis. General analysis of blood, urine, blood for sugar, blood for hemosyndrome, blood from a vein for AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis B and C, blood group, biochemical blood test.

Visiting a therapist, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist.

End of the embryonic period.

Screening for the risk of Down syndrome and Edwards syndrome using ultrasound (“nuchal translucency”) and biochemical markers.

Visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist (measurement of weight, blood pressure, abdominal size).

The first sensation of fetal movements in multiparous women.

Visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist (measurement of weight, blood pressure, abdominal size).

The first sensation of fetal movements in primiparous women.

General blood analysis.

Determination of the condition of the fetus by organs.

To assess the development of the fetus, the condition of the placenta, water, and to identify the threat of miscarriage.

At this time, you may be told the gender of the baby.

Doppler study of placental blood flow.

Eliminating the risk of developing placental insufficiency.

General blood analysis.

Rule out gestational diabetes.

Prenatal leave for pregnant women with twins.

Risk of gestosis and pyelonephritis.

Three quarters behind.

Prenatal leave for most pregnant women.

From 30 weeks - weekly or every 10 days visit to the gynecologist.

Before each appointment, a general urine test is performed.

At 30–34 weeks of pregnancy, it is advisable to conduct a cardiotocographic study to identify chronic heart diseases of the expectant mother.

At 34 weeks - a general blood test.

At week 36 - smear for flora, general blood test, urine test, blood for hemosyndrome, blood from a vein for AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis B and C.

The doctor will give you an exchange card in which all the data about your pregnancy, test results and conclusions of medical specialists will be entered. This exchange card is required in the maternity hospital.

She should always be with you in case you have to end up in the maternity hospital prematurely.

* Approximate calculation based on average cycle length and onset of ovulation - plus 14 days to the beginning of the last menstruation.

**Full 40 weeks.

The team of the website understands how important the date of her birth is for an expectant mother, therefore they offer a new service - an interactive pregnancy calculator, developed especially for you. With its help, you can calculate your due date and all the main points of your pregnancy. As a basis, you can take the date of your last menstruation or the date of conception, if you know it exactly. The calculation will take just a few seconds, the page will refresh, and you will receive your pregnancy calendar by week. Now you will know exactly when your baby will be able to move his fingers, respond to your touch, and hear your voice.

If it seems to you that you became pregnant earlier or later than your menstruation, then after a routine ultrasound you will be able to once again calculate the gestational age, based on a number of medical indicators. Thanks to the Pregnancy Calculator service, you will know the answers to many questions regarding your pregnancy period and expected due date.


How to take the antibiotic Isofra during pregnancy?

Treatment of viral and infectious inflammation in the nasopharynx often requires the use of complex treatment, which includes the use of medications and physiotherapeutic courses. Treatment sometimes involves the use of antibacterial drugs. Most often, for such symptoms, Isofra is prescribed. This drug has minimal side effects and no contraindications.

Local medicine is allowed during pregnancy or lactation, however, it is not advisable to use the medicine without a doctor’s permission. To make sure whether Isofra can be used during pregnancy and how to administer the drug correctly, read this material.

About the drug "Isofra"

Isofra nasal drops have been known on the Russian market for quite a long time. They have gained wide popularity due to their effective action against inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract. “Isofra” is prescribed not only for infectious lesions of the nose, but also for sinusitis, sinusitis, various allergic reactions, swelling, frostbite, and the appearance of mucous discharge.

The drug is intended for topical use, and the drug contains framycetin, an antibiotic with an anti-inflammatory effect.

The action of the medication is aimed at destroying gram-positive and gram-negative viruses, as well as eliminating the source of inflammation. The drug belongs to the group of aminoglycosides.

Immediately after administration of the drug, the patient feels relief of the general condition, hydration of the mucous membranes, and thinning of mucous secretions.

The medication naturally removes mucus, clearing the upper respiratory tract. Thus, the patient is cured.

Instill the drug in accordance with the approved dosage. Using this medication without the permission of a specialist may be dangerous to your health. Remember that all medications with antibiotics are prescribed when absolutely necessary.

Do not use Isofra if you have a common runny nose or mild symptoms of an infectious lesion of the body. In case of long-term use of the medication, the body gets used to it. Further use of the drug will be ineffective.

Self-treatment with these drops is unacceptable, since the permitted dosage must be clearly indicated.

How to use Isofra if you are expecting a baby

There are no contraindications in the instructions for use of the drops, which indicate a prohibition on the use of the medication in case of pregnancy or during feeding. However, doctors do not have a clear opinion.

Some experts note that the use of antibiotics in case of inflammation in the nasopharynx is undesirable, since the components can negatively affect the development of the baby.

Other doctors note that the described nasal spray is not dangerous, since it is not absorbed into the blood, and its action is aimed only at destroying viruses and bacteria.

Therefore, in case of inflammation of the nasopharynx in a pregnant woman, it is necessary to consult an experienced doctor. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances, since Isofra has certain consequences during pregnancy in the 1st trimester. At this time, the main development of the placenta occurs and any improper treatment in case of inflammation can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

Experts have a clear opinion about the use of Isofra during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, since at this time there are no effects on the placenta.

It is known for sure that Isofra can be used during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, since at this time there is a decrease in the immune system and a weakening of the protective functions of the entire body. With such signs, the medication will protect and treat the body without harm to the child.

If left untreated, a complication occurs and even an ordinary runny nose can develop into the stage of sinusitis or otitis media.

The use of Isofra at this stage is justified by the fact that the consequences of otitis or sinusitis are much more serious, and the use of an antibacterial drug in this case is more than justified.

At this time, you must see a doctor. Only an experienced specialist will be able to timely determine the onset of the inflammatory process and prescribe the correct dosage.

Do not treat yourself or take medications without the permission of your doctor. The effect of some medications can have a detrimental effect on the health of the baby and the expectant mother and lead to serious consequences

Only a qualified specialist can assess the suitability of the Isofra medication based on the symptoms and signs of inflammation.


During pregnancy, a woman's immune system decreases noticeably. At this time, it is especially important to strengthen the body in every possible way, take large amounts of vitamins and walk more in the fresh air.

If you are pregnant, do not stay in crowded places, as the prevalence of acute respiratory infections can negatively affect the development of your baby.

If the disease has not passed you by, consult a doctor as soon as possible. At this time, it is necessary to accurately determine the nature of the disease and find the correct treatment as quickly as possible. Don't be afraid if your doctor has prescribed you antibacterial drugs in the form of drops. During viral or infectious inflammation, it is important to defeat the disease as quickly as possible.

Directory of main ENT diseases and their treatment

All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate from a medical point of view. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating you can harm yourself!


Review of the drug isofra: properties, indications and use during pregnancy

Sinusitis is a disease during which inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus occurs. The nasal passages suffer from pathology, since it is through them that mucous discharge comes out, making it difficult for a person to breathe.

To treat the nose, nasal drops, rinsing solutions, sprays or inhalation pencils are used. One of these medicines is isofra spray, which is used to restore mucous membranes. Below we will look at the features of the drug, indications and contraindications, and also tell you whether women who are expecting a child should use the drug.

What is isofra?

Isofra is a medicine available in the form of a nasal spray. The difference between the drug and other drugs lies in the main active ingredient, which is framycetin sulfate. This is an antibiotic substance that has an immediate effect on the nasal mucosa, soothes inflammation and kills pathogenic bacteria.

The advantage of the drug is the combination of antibiotic action and local use. The components of the drug reach only the surface of the mucous membrane and do not penetrate into the body, which ensures effective treatment coupled with safety. This is the main reason why the drug is prescribed to women during pregnancy for use after the first trimester.

What other advantages are there? Let's look at them below:

  • The components of the drug do not have an aggressive effect on the nasal mucosa
  • The medicine kills pathogenic bacteria in a short time, so there is no need to change the drug due to the body’s addiction
  • Framycetin sulfate copes with a wide range of different bacteria. The spray can be used for many bacterial infections

The medicine helps prevent relapses of sinusitis, however, using the drug for more than seven days is not recommended, as it weakens the body. If during this period the woman does not feel any improvement, it means that the bacteria are not affected by the components of the drug, and the medicine must be changed.

In what cases is the drug prescribed?

The drug is prescribed by a doctor when the patient has all the signs of sinusitis: thick mucous discharge, weakness and pressing pain in the maxillary sinuses. Sinusitis is diagnosed through medical tests and examination, and only after confirmation of the diagnosis does the doctor prescribe a nasal spray.

Sinusitis is not the only disease that serves as an indication for the use of isofra during pregnancy and lactation. In addition to this case, the medicine is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • sinusitis (provided that the patient’s nasal septum is not damaged)
  • nose treatment after surgery
  • rhinitis caused by bacteria
  • nasopharyngitis
  • chronic runny nose of non-allergic nature

Before using Isofra during pregnancy and lactation, remember 4 key points:

  1. Since the drug is antibiotic, its components do not have any effect on viral infections. Before using the drug, get tested to identify the pathogen
  2. The drug is used only for irrigation of the nasal passages. Performing a puncture with medication is strictly prohibited
  3. If you have sinusitis in an advanced stage, combine the drug with other drugs that will have a complex effect on the body. In severe cases, physiotherapy is prescribed, but during pregnancy this method of treatment is undesirable, as it can harm the unborn child.
  4. Do not combine treatment with a nasal spray with the use of ointments and solutions against fungal infections. The components of such drugs reduce the medicinal properties of antibiotics, which makes treatment ineffective

Before using the drug during pregnancy and lactation, you should consult an experienced doctor. Isofra is a new and little-studied drug, therefore it is prescribed by the attending physician in cases where its use is justified and will not harm the child growing in the womb.

Drugs similar to Isofra

The drug does not have identical analogues, however, according to its pharmacological properties, similar drugs are distinguished:

The listed drugs have the same active ingredient. The difference between the drugs is that each of them is active against a specific group of microorganisms. None of them are harmless, but at the right dosage they have the expected effect.

Why is the use of isofra during pregnancy undesirable? The drug isofra belongs to the group of aminoglycolysis drugs. Drugs of this series have teratogenic properties, which, in turn, has a negative impact on the formation of the vestibular apparatus of the unborn child.

During the first trimester, the drug is strictly contraindicated. This is explained by the fact that it is during this period that the fetal organs are formed and any external influence can affect the appearance of pathologies. These include:

  • congenital deafness
  • developmental defects
  • disturbances in the formation of internal organs

You can take the drug in another trimester only if the doctor decides that the positive effect on the mother’s body outweighs the negative effect on the fetus. If possible, it is better to use safer drugs, for example, saline solutions for rinsing the nose.

Precautions during treatment

The drug isofra is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, children under 3 years of age and people who are intolerant to the components of the drug. People with the following diseases should use the drug with caution:

  • hearing aid diseases
  • neurological diseases
  • myopathy

The drug is not recommended to be combined with atropine, muscle relaxants and anticholinergics. If a person has chronic neurological diseases, this will have a dramatic side effect - increased neuromuscular blockade. Overdose or excessive uncontrolled use leads to the integrity and functioning of the microflora being disrupted.

How to use Isofra?

The drug is used 6 times a day, one injection. For children and pregnant women, this dosage should not exceed 3 times a day. The course of treatment is a week. Allergic reactions in the form of skin manifestations are possible as side effects.

The medicine is widespread and is sold in almost any pharmacy in the city, but for this you need to get a prescription from your doctor. The shelf life of the medicine is 3 years; it must be stored at a temperature that does not exceed room temperature.

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"Isofra" (framycetin) for sinusitis for pregnant women - is the risk justified?

Do you have a severe runny nose? Did sinusitis strike during the happy period of waiting for a replenishment? Run to the doctor immediately, and if you are prescribed a risky drug, find out more about its effect on the fetus. In this article we will discuss how Isofra spray during pregnancy affects the health of the unborn baby.

Drops or spray "Isofra" - a local antibiotic for high-risk groups

This is a common remedy, the dangers of which no man thinks about, but women of childbearing age have to be nervous and find out before treatment - “am I pregnant?” .

This medicine for the common cold and sinusitis is based on the antibacterial drug framycetin (an antibiotic). This means that your body will receive not only help in overcoming the disease, but also a dose of toxins. How does this relate to the risk of harm to the fetus?

Everything that a doctor prescribes for a pregnant woman has a group - A, B, C, D and X. If something belongs to X, this means that you have an ironclad guarantee of harm to the embryo, fetus and unborn child, no matter what you are in your trimester. No specialist can prescribe this.

Other groups can be assigned, but you will have to seriously weigh what is more expensive - the life of the mother or a threat to the health of the baby.

Framycetin is an aminoglycoside, a substance belonging to group D, that is, pharmacists have reliable information that its use had a negative effect on some children in the womb. The difference with group X is that this is not a guarantee of harm, but a risk of it. This is the same as saying: be treated with framycetin, but know that there have been cases of developmental delays and illnesses in children born under the influence of this drug. This is what Framycetin is for pregnant women.

Is it possible to refuse treatment for sinusitis?

Sinusitis, or a runny nose that is not treated and that gets worse, will very likely end in sinusitis, that is, the infection will go further and deeper into the tissue of the nasopharynx.

The most disastrous consequences of untreated sinusitis include:

  • Outpouring of pus into the skull;
  • Blood poisoning;
  • Inflammation of the brain;
  • Infection in the heart;
  • Irreparable kidney damage.

But all these terrible consequences do not come out of nowhere and do not arise overnight. If you are seen by a doctor and do not miss appointments, protect yourself from the cold and take care of your health in every possible way, then the matter will probably never reach the most acute stage - neither you nor the doctor will allow this to happen.

I had to be treated with an antibiotic

It happens that without antibacterial therapy the body cannot defeat the infection. An ENT specialist will tell you about this and will most likely prescribe a local antibiotic. When agreeing to it, be careful and take into account your circumstances - the duration of your pregnancy and your health.

Recommendations for women expecting a baby or not ruling out the possibility of becoming pregnant during this period:

  • Not being sure that a new life has not arisen in the uterus, refuse antibiotics, turning to non-invasive ENT procedures, such as washing, warming, rinsing;
  • Avoid treatment with aminoglycosides, in particular Isofra, during pregnancy in the 1st trimester;
  • When taking Isofra during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, carefully weigh the benefits promised by the drug and the risk it poses to the fetus in the womb;
  • Complete the Isofra course during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester 9 weeks before giving birth;
  • Do not mix antibacterial drugs, do not take more than one antibiotic;
  • Choose the minimum effective dose.

Your doctor should tell you about the risks of treatment and the harms of not treating

Most likely, if you are thinking about antibiotics in an interesting position, it means you are, as they say, “pinned.” Everyone knows the harm that antibacterial drugs of chemical origin can have on the body - it’s better to smell onions or garlic than to swallow “chemicals”. But if folk remedies are powerless, heavy artillery enters the battle.

We will not try to persuade you to accept or reject any particular position on the issue of antibiotics for expectant mothers. IN

You yourself are responsible for the life and health of your unborn baby. But by law, you have the right to complete and accessible medical information from your healthcare provider and the facility where you receive care.

Without understanding the risks, you remain in a helpless position, and your future is controlled by chance. Therefore, you need to take control of the situation and seek comprehensive answers from the doctor, and in a language you understand, and not in abstruse terms.

Information about the medicine can be provided by the pharmacist at the pharmacy; it can also be read in the instructions or found on the Internet or in a medicine reference book.

If you realize that your health is at risk, which will affect future childbirth, feeding, and now pregnancy, you have the right to choose a drug with a proven risk from groups C or D. However, if the doctor finds an alternative treatment for you, do not rush to risk your child, try something other than Isofra drops in early pregnancy.

To summarize, we can say the following. The answer to the question whether it is possible to drip Isofra during pregnancy (or use a spray) will be the opposite of the answer to whether it is possible for you not to treat sinusitis or sinusitis now.

If the doctor says “it’s okay” for your runny nose, you say “no” to the antibiotic.

And vice versa: if the otolaryngologist sees a threat to your health that cannot be ignored, you will have to accept that harmful antibiotics will end up in your body.


Isofra during pregnancy

There are conflicting opinions on the Internet, some say it is possible that the antibiotic is local and will not get into the blood, and some say it is not possible. I'm confused.

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"Isofra" (framycetin) for sinusitis for pregnant women - is the risk justified?

Do you have a severe runny nose? Did sinusitis strike during the happy period of waiting for a replenishment? Run to the doctor immediately, and if you are prescribed a risky drug, find out more about its effect on the fetus. In this article we will discuss how Isofra spray during pregnancy affects the health of the unborn baby.

Drops or spray "Isofra" - a local antibiotic for high-risk groups

This is a common remedy, the dangers of which no man thinks about, but women of childbearing age have to be nervous and find out before treatment - “am I pregnant?”

This medicine for the common cold and sinusitis is based on the antibacterial drug framycetin (an antibiotic). This means that your body will receive not only help in overcoming the disease, but also a dose of toxins. How does this relate to the risk of harm to the fetus?

Everything that a doctor prescribes for a pregnant woman has a group - A, B, C, D and X. If something belongs to X, this means that you have an ironclad guarantee of harm to the embryo, fetus and unborn child, no matter what you are in your trimester. No specialist can prescribe this.

Other groups can be assigned, but you will have to seriously weigh what is more expensive - the life of the mother or a threat to the health of the baby.

Framycetin is an aminoglycoside, a substance belonging to group D, that is, pharmacists have reliable information that its use had a negative effect on some children in the womb. The difference with group X is that this is not a guarantee of harm, but a risk of it. This is the same as saying: be treated with framycetin, but know that there have been cases of developmental delays and illnesses in children born under the influence of this drug. This is what Framycetin is for pregnant women.

Is it possible to refuse treatment for sinusitis?

Sinusitis, or a runny nose that is not treated and that gets worse, will very likely end in sinusitis, that is, the infection will go further and deeper into the tissue of the nasopharynx.

The most disastrous consequences of untreated sinusitis include:

  • Blood poisoning;
  • Inflammation of the brain;
  • Infection in the heart;
  • Irreparable kidney damage.

But all these terrible consequences do not come out of nowhere and do not arise overnight. If you are seen by a doctor and do not miss appointments, protect yourself from the cold and take care of your health in every possible way, then the matter will probably never reach the most acute stage - neither you nor the doctor will allow this to happen.

I had to be treated with an antibiotic

It happens that without antibacterial therapy the body cannot defeat the infection. An ENT specialist will tell you about this and will most likely prescribe a local antibiotic. When agreeing to it, be careful and take into account your circumstances - the duration of your pregnancy and your health.

Recommendations for women expecting a baby or not ruling out the possibility of becoming pregnant during this period:

  • Not being sure that a new life has not arisen in the uterus, refuse antibiotics, turning to non-invasive ENT procedures, such as washing, warming, rinsing;
  • Avoid treatment with aminoglycosides, in particular Isofra, during pregnancy in the 1st trimester;
  • When taking Isofra during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, carefully weigh the benefits promised by the drug and the risk it poses to the fetus in the womb;
  • Complete the Isofra course during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester 9 weeks before giving birth;
  • Do not mix antibacterial drugs, do not take more than one antibiotic;
  • Choose the minimum effective dose.

Your doctor should tell you about the risks of treatment and the harms of not treating

Most likely, if you are thinking about antibiotics in an interesting position, it means you are, as they say, “pinned.” Everyone knows the harm that antibacterial drugs of chemical origin can have on the body—it’s better to smell onions or garlic than to swallow “chemicals.” But if folk remedies are powerless, heavy artillery enters the battle.

We will not try to persuade you to accept or reject any particular position on the issue of antibiotics for expectant mothers. IN

You yourself are responsible for the life and health of your unborn baby. But by law, you have the right to complete and accessible medical information from your healthcare provider and the facility where you receive care.

Without understanding the risks, you remain in a helpless position, and your future is controlled by chance. Therefore, you need to take control of the situation and seek comprehensive answers from the doctor, and in a language you understand, and not in abstruse terms.

Information about the medicine can be provided by the pharmacist at the pharmacy; it can also be read in the instructions or found on the Internet or in a medicine reference book.

If you realize that your health is at risk, which will affect future childbirth, feeding, and now pregnancy, you have the right to choose a drug with a proven risk from groups C or D. However, if the doctor finds an alternative treatment for you, do not rush to risk your child, try something other than Isofra drops in early pregnancy.

To summarize, we can say the following. The answer to the question whether it is possible to drip Isofra during pregnancy (or use a spray) will be the opposite of the answer to whether it is possible for you not to treat sinusitis or sinusitis now.

If the doctor says “it’s okay” for your runny nose, you say “no” to the antibiotic.

And vice versa: if the otolaryngologist sees a threat to your health that cannot be ignored, you will have to accept that harmful antibiotics will end up in your body.


Use of Isofra during pregnancy

Isofra is a topical antibacterial drug. This antibiotic is prescribed for a runny nose of a bacterial nature, as well as various complications of rhinitis. Many bacteria that cause sinusitis and pharyngitis are sensitive to this drug. But there are some microorganisms that are completely insensitive to the drug - these are B.cepacia, S.pneumoniae, S.maltophilia and some anaerobic bacteria. Isofra spray during pregnancy can be prescribed by doctors as part of complex therapy. Despite the fact that the instructions for use indicate pregnancy as a contraindication, many doctors consider the spray to be completely safe.

Characteristics of the medicine

Isofra belongs to the medicinal group of aminoglycosides. The active ingredient is framycetin. Research has proven that this substance has a negative effect on the growing fetus, but since Isofra is applied topically, the penetration of the antibiotic into the bloodstream will be minimal. The drug has the following therapeutic effect:

  • Helps thin thick mucus;
  • moisturizes the nasal mucosa;
  • has a detrimental effect on many microorganisms that provoke diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • gently relieves inflammation.

After using Isofra, patients note that nasal congestion has disappeared and it has become easier to breathe. Within a few days of regular use of the spray, a person’s condition improves significantly.

When prescribing any medications during pregnancy, the doctor weighs all possible risks for the mother and fetus. At this time, doctors try to prescribe only gentle medications.

Why is a runny nose dangerous for a pregnant woman?

A woman can experience a runny nose at any stage of pregnancy. This is predisposed by hormonal changes in the body, decreased immunity, swelling and an increased tendency to allergies. This symptom may not bother the woman very much, but it is worth understanding that this condition is dangerous for the unborn child.

The danger of a runny nose in an expectant mother is that the body does not get enough oxygen, which means that the blood is not sufficiently saturated with it. This condition can lead to fetal hypoxia, which is especially dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy. If there is insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus, organs and systems may not form correctly.

If the runny nose is bacterial in nature, then the danger lies in infection of the fetus. The placenta is not able to protect the unborn child from all pathogens.

With a prolonged runny nose, a pregnant woman increases the risk of premature birth and miscarriages!

Indications for use of Isofra

Framycetin particles penetrate bacterial cells and destroy protein. Due to this, there is a massive death of pathogenic microorganisms that provoke acute inflammatory processes in the organs of the nasopharynx.

Isofra is used to treat the following diseases of the upper respiratory tract:

  • rhinitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • rhinitisopharyngitis;
  • sinusitis, in the absence of damage to the nasal sinuses.

This local antibiotic is prescribed as a prophylactic agent before and immediately after operations on the respiratory organs.

Isofra cannot be used to rinse the maxillary sinuses with sinusitis.


According to the instructions for use, the drug should not be prescribed to people with special sensitivity to aminoglycosides, as well as to children under 1 year of age.

Pregnancy is also contraindicated, since there is a possibility of the antibiotic penetrating the placental barrier. Despite the prohibition in the instructions, many doctors consider this medicine to be absolutely safe. When using the spray in a therapeutic dosage and only topically, it is very unlikely that the antibiotic will enter the bloodstream and the fetus.

During pregnancy, Isofra can be prescribed at all stages, since, according to doctors’ observations, it is well tolerated by women and does not affect the fetus.


The spray is used to spray into the nasal passages. For the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory organs in pregnant women, 1 dose of Isofra is prescribed in each nasal passage, up to 4 times a day. The duration of treatment is usually 10 days, but the doctor can adjust the course either up or down. If after a week of regular use of Isofra there is no improvement, then the drug should be discontinued.

Isofra is well tolerated by pregnant women. Only in isolated cases can there be allergic reactions that disappear without a trace after discontinuation of the drug.

Features of using Isofra

For treatment to be as effective as possible, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Before first use, you need to do one single spray into the air so that further dosing of the medicine is correct.
  • When spraying, the spray bottle is held strictly vertically, and the patient's head should be tilted slightly forward.
  • The medication is almost not absorbed into the bloodstream, so it does not affect the reaction rate.
  • Isofra should not be used simultaneously with other nasal sprays without a doctor’s recommendation.
  • Before spraying Isofra, it is advisable to rinse the nasal passages with salt water or a decoction of medicinal herbs.

When using Isofra spray correctly, overdose is excluded. Symptoms of poisoning can occur even when taking therapeutic doses if there is intolerance to the components included in the drug.

Numerous reviews on forums indicate that Isofra is often prescribed to pregnant women for the treatment of nasopharyngeal diseases. This drug can be used at all stages of pregnancy, the main thing is to follow the doctor’s recommendations.


Isofra during pregnancy

"Isofra" during pregnancy.

In general, I flew on vacation and became very ill, after the flight my ear was blocked, the function of the auditory tube was impaired, my ear did not hear for a month and a half, they diagnosed me with exudative otitis media, so they treated me with everything, antibiotics twice, antihistamines of 4 types, vasoconstrictors also type 3 + also a hormonal spray in the nose, Nasonex, they did all sorts of different procedures with medications... in addition, they sprayed a reagent in my eye that they spray on roads, I had a mild chemical burn, for this they prescribed 4 more types of medications... then probably a week later I I find out that I’m pregnant and I’m already 6 weeks pregnant... Can you imagine how I worried throughout the entire pregnancy, that I took all these medications when I was already pregnant, especially in the first trimester, when there is a high risk of any medications affecting the development of the fetus... Ugh -pah-pah, my son was born healthy, thank the Lord God. So get treatment and get well. Take care of yourself and your baby. Dress warmly, especially your feet should be warm... You are already in the third trimester, so many drugs are approved for use and are not so dangerous for the fetus

You don't know what's better. One ENT specialist prescribed Isofra, an antibiotic, and said that it is possible during pregnancy, because... low absorption into the bloodstream, another ENT, I later went to another, he said that apart from sea water and children's Nazivin, nothing can be done... it’s not clear who to believe. but I was exhausted with this runny nose during pregnancy, because, as I wrote during the entire pregnancy, it happened 4 times with frequency

Very strange... Isofra is an antibiotic, prescribed for green or yellow nasal discharge. And when there is congestion, vasoconstrictors are needed. For sinusitis, my ENT specialist also prescribed Isofra.

"Isofra" during pregnancy.

This is an antibiotic, I couldn’t prescribe anything simpler, especially for a pregnant woman

Try influenzaferon, you can use it

Who took Isofra for

From my own experience, I can say that sinusitis cannot be cured by isofra alone (Unfortunately, an antibiotic is needed, I was prescribed vilprofen. Drugs such as isofra, Sinupret, Sinuforte, Pinosol, etc. do not help.

The ENT doctor didn’t allow me to say it’s impossible, she prescribed me Quix and children’s Nazivin

Previously, bioporox was prescribed, but it was discontinued, although it helped

Isofra drops during pregnancy

This is called pregnancy rhinitis. The runny nose will go away as soon as you give birth. Drip vasoconstrictors for children only. And antibiotics should generally be avoided during pregnancy

If the doctor prescribed it, then the risk for you is greater than the possible consequences

I have been taking vasoconstrictor drops without stopping since the beginning of pregnancy.

Nasal drops during pregnancy

It’s dangerous, interferon is made from living components of human blood, in order to have an effect, you need to drip influenza constantly, not 2-3 times a day, but much more, and this only harms the baby’s nasal mucosa.

Well, nothing helps cure snot during pregnancy.

I got rid of Aqualor in 2 minutes) and I continue to drip influenza.

Runny nose during pregnancy (((

I actually managed to get sinusitis at 20 weeks

hellish headaches and a stuffy nose, I took antibiotics amoxiclav for 4 days because I had a lot of purulent discharge from the nasal mucosa and I was dripping tafen nasal, but it’s a very strong drug, you can’t have it at this time. In general, it’s better to go to the ENT specialist, he’ll pick it up for you you need the drops and medicines, we can write to you and advise you on anything, everything progresses differently for everyone and your deadline is such that half of the drops and medicines are not allowed, so don’t risk the baby’s health and go to the doctor.

My nose has been stuffy and running for 2 weeks now. I also don’t know how to treat it ((((I wash it and sometimes spray it with children’s nazivin

Tizin for children during pregnancy.

I was dripping and didn’t suffer... I went for an ultrasound on Mon, everything is fine there)) by the way, if your nose is very stuffy, rinsing with Aqualor form is not bad and Cinnabsin tablets helped me during the period of green snot, I did without antibiotics

I sprayed it on the first B and now. I absolutely cannot breathe through my mouth, to the point of losing consciousness. So you have to drip baby drops


Read it, but it's for kids

Use of isofra at 12 weeks

I won’t use it even without pregnancy. It's an antibiotic

An ENT doctor prescribed it to me, who else was prescribed it and who used it?

Yellow-green snot during pregnancy.

Protorgol is definitely possible. I once used Isofra for b. This is an antibiotic, but local. Be careful with beet juice, my cousin’s mother dropped some on it when she was a child and burned the mucous membrane, it was very painful and then she had snot and allergies all her life, her nose is a weak point. It needs to be bred somehow.

I use baby drops at b. But I had a fourth, I was afraid of everything at first, only interferon and derinat were dripped

Girls, I also suffer from severe nasal congestion. Yesterday LORik recommended DIOXIDINE. I'm also afraid to drip it. 12 weeks and the first screening is also around the corner. At home I have both ISOFRA and DIOXIDINE. I don't know what is better to use? Tell me please, be so kind

Protorgol is better because it doesn’t stop but brings everything out, so protorgol is more effective in a day or two, it will go away..



Local antibiotic isofra, probably if there are complications then it’s possible


Yes, it’s better to drip than to prolong the illness, the longer you are sick, the greater the chance that it will affect the placenta

Last week I was dripping Polydex for three days, the snot was yellow 🤧 it went away in a jiffy.

It seems to me that nothing bad will come from it, it’s a local effect.

Isofra began to drip.

Everything will be fine, less worries 🎀 the baby can feel your emotional state too.

Don't blame yourself unnecessarily. Try to do everything to make it better for you and your baby!

Get better! Everything will be fine!

37-38 weeks. Second pregnancy. Appointment with a gynecologist

Wow. almost 38 already? how soon a miracle will happen.

I also really hope that I don’t go overboard this time... and I’m so worried that I might not have time to wash and put everything away. Because... The chest of drawers is still filled to capacity with my son’s clothes. We’re just going to order him a bed with a wardrobe (where I’ll move his things). And they will have to do it for at least a month, and then there are the New Year holidays, which may drag on even more because of this... and if I give birth earlier, then everything will not be sorted out.

Hello) today I visited the doctor where I am going to give birth, she also looked at me in the chair, she said that everything is ready for me to give birth and wants to admit me next Monday, 10/12/16. But I don’t want that, it will be almost 39 weeks, that’s not forty yet, but I don’t want to move around either ((. As for the abruption, I don’t even know (maybe she meant the cervix, that she twisted something with it, because the placenta is up to her cannot be reached by hand. In any case, take care of yourself!)

sinusitis and possible pregnancy

I had sinusitis at 5 weeks, the ENT specialist said it was better to have an abortion, but of course I didn’t, I was treated with local antibiotics, and a healthy son was born))) Good luck to you)))

I was told that Aquamaris or Nazivin is good... well, basically any baby drops... good health to you and your baby

Aqualor with a yellow cap, cool stuff. I myself suffer from a very bad nose.

I'm shocked with

I don’t know how it is during pregnancy, whether it can or cannot be used, but my husband and daughter were cured of sinusitis and other such diseases by inhalation with an alcohol tincture of propolis; for the second month it is much better

As far as I know, isophra is ab. And it’s better to use it now than to treat sinusitis later, make a puncture and drink and drip inside. Isofra is not particularly absorbed into the bloodstream. But it will work locally.

There is nothing wrong with isofre. This is a local antibiotic. I have been suffering from sinusitis all my life, if I don’t use Isofra it will be even worse. So I had to spray it during pregnancy too.

Cold tablets. Forewarned is forearmed


Well, I remember the juice at 1.5 months also hurt me about citramon, I don’t agree, it’s prescribed for headaches with b., but you need to consult a doctor, not a member of the forum

Well, advice needs to be filtered and about medications, I think it’s not necessary to give without a doctor, but for the rest you can listen; the decision is yours


So I'm sick (((

tea with lemon and honey. I was sick for a week... my nose couldn’t breathe at all. buy malavit drops and gargle and rinse your nose. Read the proportions there. It helps a lot. You can take it... well, I also took Sinupret for a runny nose. If you have a fever, you can use Panadol

You can bring down the temperature with paracetamol. I am sick too. I drink tea with lemon and honey, boiled milk with honey. Onions and garlic will also help you, just don’t overdo it. Ointment doctor mom, star. Get well!


Can pregnant women use Isofra?) Have you used it?

Nasal drops

I was also prescribed Isofra. I took it in September for sinusitis and again they said that it would have to be taken to prevent it from turning purulent. I'm so worried. Tell me, did it have any effect on your baby? how long they dripped and for what period.

Isofra was prescribed. This is the edge for sinusitis, so that it does not turn into sinusitis. If your runny nose doesn't go away. And so, rinsing the nose with salt water and furatsilin solution

Vibrocil was prescribed to me by an ENT specialist. It's even worse because of swelling. It helps a lot, but overdoing it is also not recommended.

Is there really no one who

Also, Aquamoris drops for children helped a lot and Rinofluimucil... the doctor at the residential complex prescribed Pinosol, which made me feel worse


This is a local antibiotic. If you need treatment, then you need it

Fuflomycins and more (just in case, copied from the Internet, not mine)

When my face hurt and my nose stank of purulent snot, which was not removed through the nose, Polydex helped out, the pain actually went away in 3 days. And this green snot starts coming out.

That's all and a little more about the runny nose. 👶

I'll take note

About the health of healthy children, or what NOT to treat a child for.

Blinn. I’ve read a third of it, I’ll probably finish reading it tomorrow, but my topic is right at the beginning - about “do not treat” and “without medications”!)) I almost never call doctors, I don’t go to clinics. Snot, cough, runny nose, fever - everything is exactly as in the article - I do nothing for the most part. We drink, sleep, ventilate. All. But oh my god. I’ve heard so much from everyone over the past 4 years. All my acquaintances, friends, husband and mother are simply tearing me to shreds. That I’m just a sadist and don’t do anything, and an enemy to the child. Mom moans terribly, saying, well, don’t you feel sorry for him? why don't you want to help him?? Sveta, we need to do something. Ahhh. ))) My brain explodes))

But I really believe that if you don’t interfere with the body, then it will cope just fine (well, we’re not talking about serious diseases, of course). And all these manipulations are just for my own peace of mind, they say, I’m flying. But when everyone around you considers you a complete fool and a snide mother, inevitably doubts sometimes creep in, what if I really do make things worse. This is just the popular one, as described in the article - “it will go down”, “it will go over”.) Thank you, I will re-read it more often to make sure that the chosen path is correct)

I always thought that if the cough is not treated, it will only get worse, but it turns out not... it’s good that I read all this. I will be more relaxed about viruses.

Neither pediatricians nor therapists treat us with any “pherons.” And tests are not simply prescribed.

I read about ice cream during illness for the first time! I will never do this, I have chronic pharyngitis and I can’t eat cold at all. And I always keep my feet warm. :-)
