Air humidity measurement devices

A device for measuring indoor air humidity

The question of how to make a device for measuring air humidity has interested physicists from time immemorial. At one time, this problem also worried weather forecasters.

Table of contents:

Today, even for ordinary people, it is no less important to have information about the level of humidity inside the premises where they live, work and simply spend a lot of time.

How does air humidity affect your health?

The body of an adult, mature person consists of almost 70% water, and the body of a small child is even more, about 90%. According to experts, a person should consume at least 2 liters of ordinary water per day, which helps maintain the basic functioning of the body.

Prolonged exposure to a dry environment leads to loss of moisture from the skin and, as a result, rapid aging. The human lungs release air whose humidity is about 100%. If too dry air is inhaled, it is moistened in the body due to internal fluids. Prolonged exposure to such conditions necessarily causes drying of the mucous membranes. This is where the feeling of dry mouth, dry lips, nasal congestion, the occurrence of periodic small coughs, wheezing and snoring during sleep comes from.

Equipment for measuring air humidity

There are a number of both specialized and improvised instruments for measuring indoor air humidity levels. Among the most common special devices are psychrometers and hygrometers. Such devices serve a single purpose, but their operation is based on fundamentally different principles.

If we talk about improvised methods of measuring humidity, then we can note the possibility of using an ordinary glass of water or a standard thermometer, which will be discussed in more detail below.


A hygrometer is a device for measuring air humidity, the operating principle of which makes it possible to identify how changes in humidity indicators affect individual bodies and matters. A striking example is the hair hygrometer, where defatted human hair serves as the measuring medium. By changing its own length, based on changes in humidity, the hair allows you to obtain data on the required indicator in the range from 30 to 100%.

Film-type hygrometers have also become widespread. Such a device for measuring air humidity contains an element in the form of an organic film that is extremely sensitive to moisture levels. There are also a number of other, more highly accurate hygrometers. However, their use in domestic conditions may be too expensive.


The psychrometric method of calculating humidity indicators has become quite widespread in everyday life. If a hygrometric device for measuring air humidity usually shows deviations of about 5% in both directions, then in the case of psychrometers there are no such errors.

The simplest psychrometers have two sensors - dry and wet. While the evaporation of water cools the wet sensor, the dry element of the psychrometer records changes in the ambient temperature. The result of measurements based on this principle is the formation of the necessary indicators in a special microprocessor device.

Thus, it is easy to understand that a psychrometer is a device for determining air humidity, where the main role is played by recording the temperature difference between dry and wet sensors.

Measuring air humidity without using equipment

There is a fairly simple way by which you can obtain fairly objective data on the level of humidity in a room. Moreover, all you need to do is have an ordinary glass glass of water.

To measure humidity, you need to fill a glass with cold water, then place the container in the refrigerator for several hours until the water cools to a temperature of about 5 o C. Having placed the glass in the room in which you want to find out the humidity level, you should observe the surface of the glass, turning attention to the following:

  • if the walls of the glass first fog up and then dry quickly within a few minutes, then the air in the room is dry;
  • the persistence of the effect of fogging the walls after 5-10 minutes after the start of observations indicates average air humidity;
  • the appearance of flowing streams on the walls of the glass indicates high humidity.

Measuring humidity with a thermometer

A fairly effective device for measuring air humidity is a regular thermometer. Using a thermometer for this purpose is a kind of copying of the principle of operation of psychrometers.

To begin with, using a standard mercury thermometer, the air temperature in the room is recorded, and then its head is tightly wrapped with damp gauze or a piece of wet cotton wool. After 10 minutes, new temperature readings are noted.

To find out the percentage of humidity, the wet-bulb temperature is subtracted from the dry-bulb temperature data.

Maintaining humidity balance in practice

Theoretical knowledge about indoor humidity measurement is important. However, for those who are faced with the need to maintain a “healthy” balance of dryness and humidity in the air space, practice is still required.

To control the humidity conditions in your own home, it is enough to purchase an effective device for measuring indoor air humidity. Now this task is not a problem. The most popular in recent years are electronic devices for calculating humidity with external and internal sensors. The external sensor is placed outside the window, while the device body remains inside. This allows you to obtain objective data on humidity indicators both indoors and outdoors.

If you wish, you can spend money on purchasing a psychrometer or hygrometer. However, this option cannot be called too economical. The cost of a particular device here will largely depend on the accuracy of the indicators and the available measurement ranges.

As a result, the most effective may be the purchase of a special air humidifier, which, in addition to its main task, is capable of recording the necessary indicators in the room.


Instruments for measuring air humidity.

To measure humidity, psychrometers are used , which consist of two mercury thermometers: dry and wet. The reservoir of the wet thermometer is shrouded in gauze or other hygroscopic material, the end of which is dipped in water. Due to the evaporation of moisture, the temperature on the wet bulb thermometer decreases. The difference in the readings of wet and dry thermometers is greater the lower the relative humidity and is due to heat removal from the wet thermometer due to the evaporation of moisture. Only at a relative humidity of 100% do the thermometer readings coincide. Relative humidity is determined using derived conversion formulas or a nomogram, knowing the readings of cold and wet thermometers.

Rice. 2.2.2. Instruments for measuring microclimate parameters

a - thermograph: 1. - drum; 2 - pointer; 3 — bimetallic plate; b — August’s psychrometer: 1 — “dry” thermometer; 2 — “wet” thermometer; 3 - gauze; 4 - cuvette with water; c — aspiration psychrometer; d - cup anemometer. To directly determine relative humidity, hygrometers are used, the operating principle of which is based on the ability of human hair to change its length in humid and dry air. To record changes in relative humidity over time, recorders and hygrographs are used.

Rice. 2.2.3. Thermal anemometer:

1 – sensor; 2 – thermocouple; 3 – rheostat; 4 – heating battery; 5 – galvanometer.

Instruments for measuring air speed.

Air velocity is measured using different types of anemometers: vane anemometers, type ASO-3 (flow speed from 0.3 to 0.5 m/s), cup type, type MS-13 and induction, type ARN-49 (speed within 1- 20 m/s), hot-wire anemometers and catathermometers (speed no more than 0.5 m/s). Thermal anemometers allow you to measure minor fluctuations in air flow and temperature throughout the volume of a room. Actinometers and radiometers are used to measure the intensity of thermal radiation. Absolute air pressure is measured using barometers and barographs. Barometers can be based on the principle of operation: mercury, spring and special aneroids.

Microclimate parameters are assessed:

- as optimal if the average values ​​and results of at least 2/3 of the measurements are within the optimal values; -as acceptable if the average values ​​and results of at least 2/3 of the measurements are within the acceptable values; - as non-conforming if the average values ​​and results of more than 2/3 of the measurements do not correspond to the acceptable values.

A comprehensive assessment of the state of the microclimate with simultaneously changing parameters is carried out based on the value of the equivalent effective temperature. Equivalent effective temperature is the air temperature that corresponds to a certain combination of three microclimate parameters. Their combination can create comfortable or uncomfortable microclimatic conditions that lead to overheating or hypothermia of the body. Meteorological conditions can be assessed by the temperature of dry and wet thermometers and by the speed of air movement, using a nomogram for the working area of ​​production premises (Figure 2.2.4.). Currently, ranges of possible combinations of temperature and air speed in industrial premises during the warm period have been established for various industrial clothing. When the air temperature increases from 26 to 28 0 C, the air speed should increase from 0.5 to 3 m/s. But you can always select the speed of air movement and its relative humidity, when the combination of three parameters creates comfortable conditions at a given temperature. The subject of further research to create comfortable microclimatic conditions is to determine the upper and lower limits of microclimate parameters, which will ensure not only labor safety, but also save energy resources for heating, ventilation and air conditioning of work areas.

Fig.2.2.4. Nomogram of microclimatic parameters of the working area

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3 instruments and 3 accessories for measuring indoor air humidity

Indoor air humidity is one of the most important indicators that determine the microclimate in the house. If the temperature and speed of air flows can be approximately determined by personal sensations, then it will not be possible to say how much water is in the volume of the room “by eye”. How to determine air humidity? To do this, use either a device for measuring indoor air humidity or improvised means.

They all have individual precision and order of use.

The issue of temperature measurement was discussed in a previous article.

Physical concept

Humidity is the content of water vapor in the air. The comfortable existence of living organisms, the possibility of the development of living nature, and the safety of materials are possible only with certain values ​​of this parameter.

Absolute shows the amount of water vapor in a certain volume. Most often measured in g/m3. It has no practical significance, since it is impossible to determine whether the humidity is normal or not, knowing that the amount of water vapor is 10 g/m3.

The maximum values ​​vary depending on the air temperature. At – 30 o C this parameter is equal to 0.29 g/m 3 , at 0 o C – 4.8 g/m 3 , at + 30 o C – 30.4 g/m 3 . The maximum value is reached at a temperature of 100 o C (boiling point of water) and is equal to 598 g/m 3.

Relative is determined by dividing the current humidity value by the maximum possible at a certain temperature, multiplied by 100. Humidity is measured as a percentage. It is widely used in weather forecasts, the composition of food products, and the characteristics of industrial, warehouse and residential premises.

What are the dangers of insufficient and excess moisture?

The moisture content necessary for the full functioning of a living organism is highly individual and depends on many parameters. A significant excess or deficiency of water vapor is equally harmful to humans, plants, animals, food, building and finishing materials.

It's flowing through the windows

Excessive moisture in the air literally has a deplorable effect on the condition of the objects around us. The inner surface of the windows becomes covered with drops of moisture, which flows onto the windowsill. Bed linen, clothing, and fur products acquire an unpleasant damp smell and are inconvenient and unpleasant to use.

Food spoils and is impossible to eat. Enclosing structures and finishing become covered with mold. Its spores spread through the air and can cause allergic reactions and a sharp decrease in immunity. A person gets sick more often, and the recovery process takes longer.

Like in the desert

Lack of moisture in the air at low temperatures leads to hypothermia and dehydration due to increased sweating.

In such air, the level of static electricity increases and the amount of dust increases. The mucous surfaces of the human body dry out. There is a sore throat, dryness in the nasal cavity, and burning in the eyes.

We use devices

The easiest way to measure air humidity is with a device. It's called a hygrometer. According to the principle of action it happens:

In domestic conditions, psychrometric, hair, and electronic hygrometers are used. To obtain reliable results, know how they measure air humidity.

The most reliable

Determining air humidity using a psychrometer (from Greek - cold) is not difficult. The operation of the device is based on the fact that the presence of moisture lowers the temperature. The panel is equipped with 2 thermometers and a psychrometric table. The first thermometer is dry, the second is wet. To measure, you need to find the difference in temperature readings. The table shows the air temperature measured by a dry thermometer vertically and the difference in readings horizontally. The intersection of these two lines shows the relative air humidity as a percentage.

The psychrometer is a reliable, fairly simple device for determining humidity, providing accurate information. Requires constant monitoring for the presence of water in the wet thermometer container. Allows you to simultaneously monitor air temperature and humidity.


The oldest and simplest device for measuring humidity is the hair hygrometer. How to find out air humidity using it?

Just look at the arrow, under which there is a scale with divisions every 1%. The principle of operation is based on changing the linear dimensions of objects depending on their saturation with moisture. For such an item, ordinary fat-free hair is used. This is where the name of the device “hair” comes from.

The disadvantage is the large measurement error (about 10%). The advantages are:

  • high sensitivity;
  • quick response to changes in humidity;
  • large measurement range - from 30 to 100%.

Used to determine the relative air humidity in residential areas. Often it is a beautifully designed piece of furniture.

Most modern

How is humidity measured in modern classic and high-tech interiors? Modern design requires modern appliances. One of these is a digital (electronic) hygrometer. It is based on measuring the resistance of electric current when the humidity of the electrolyte changes.

The disadvantage of this air humidity detector is the need to connect to an electrical network or use batteries.

The liquid crystal display also displays time and temperature. There is a backlight for use at night. The update rate of readings is from 10 to 20 seconds. The error in measuring indoor air humidity is 5%.

Themselves with a mustache

How to measure humidity if there is no device, and there is no need to buy it due to rare use? Ingenuity, experience of generations, simple objects that are in every home will come to the rescue.

Burn, burn my candle

Introducing the old-fashioned way to determine the humidity in a room. To do this, it is enough to make a moisture meter from a simple candle and a match. Before measuring air humidity:

  • close the doors leading to adjacent rooms;
  • ensure there are no drafts;
  • light a candle;
  • watch the flame.

If the flame sways and the halo has a crimson color, there is a lot of water vapor in the air. If the combustion is evenly vertical and the flame is orange-yellow, the presence of water vapor is normal.

Water, glass, refrigerator

This method makes it possible to measure air humidity at home. This device has only three moisture readings:

Before checking the humidity in the apartment, pour plain cold tap water into a glass glass. Place in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. The water temperature should be 6 o C.

You can measure either using an outdoor thermometer or a bathroom thermometer. Then place the glass on the table in the room, 1 meter away from the windows and walls. After 10 minutes, evaluate the result:

  • condensation on the outer walls of the glass has concentrated into drops that flow onto the table - excess;
  • the physical state of the condensate has not changed - normal;
  • the condensate has evaporated or it has become significantly less - insufficient.

Make your own psychrometer

To determine air humidity, you can use an ordinary room mercury thermometer. It can be used to measure air humidity using a psychrometric method. Before measuring the humidity in the room, prepare an ordinary rag and water.

The procedure for checking the presence of water vapor in the air volume with your own hands is as follows:

  • measure the air temperature in the room and record it;
  • wrap the mercury flask of the thermometer with a damp cloth;
  • wait 10 minutes;
  • take and record thermometer readings;
  • calculate the difference between dry and wet measurements;
  • download the psychrometric table;
  • find the humidity level in the room.

Such an air humidity meter does not take up much space, does not require additional costs, and provides the necessary measurement accuracy.

Normal indicators

It is not enough to determine the air humidity in the room. It is also necessary to know whether the data obtained is normal. The optimal and most comfortable value is 45%. In this case, the acceptable range of changes in air humidity in the apartment is 30 – 60%. In rooms with different functional purposes, it is recommended to maintain different amounts of water vapor:

  • hall, dining room, living room, kitchen, bathroom – 40-60%;
  • bedroom for adults and teenagers – 40-50%;
  • children's room - 45-60%;
  • office - library - 30-40%.

Achieving different indicators of the presence of moisture even in small rooms is quite troublesome. First of all, you need to ensure the humidity level. Most modern living spaces lack it due to the large number of heating and electrical appliances.

This makes you feel worse and reduces your performance. Children suffer the most from this.

We bring it to normal

To ensure a comfortable stay, it is necessary to regulate the relative humidity of the air. To do this you need:

  1. Ventilate the premises regularly, at least twice a day. It is best to do this after waking up and before going to bed. In winter, it is better to carry out short-term ventilation with a wide open window to prevent cooling of the walls and floor. In summer, when the amount of moisture outside is insufficient, you can open the windows not widely for a long time.
  2. Increase the number of indoor plants. Moistening occurs due to the evaporation of moisture from the soil surface. Wrinkled, drooping, dried leaves will indicate a lack of air moisture.
  3. Set up an aquarium. The evaporation of water from its surface greatly humidifies the air. This is noticeable even without measurements. If you don’t want to get involved in aquarium farming, you can place water containers in your apartment. Not so aesthetically pleasing, but very practical.
  4. Carry out wet cleaning regularly. The absence of dust will allow more moisture to be suspended.
  5. Buy a special device for humidifying the air. This is especially true if there are infants and young children.
  6. Spray water using a spray bottle for watering plants or ironing clothes.


Whether you choose one method or use a set of measures does not matter. The main thing is that the temperature and humidity indicators are within normal limits.

We need the right humidity, humidity is very important to us. This main conclusion can be drawn by reading the article. Maintain the air humidity in the apartment within normal limits and take care of your own health.


Hygrometer - a device for measuring air humidity

A hygrometer is a device that determines the level of air humidity in the surrounding space and thus plays a fairly important role, since the well-being of people largely depends on this indicator.

Weather-dependent people, asthmatics and heart patients are especially susceptible to the strong influence of air humidity. It is necessary to maintain a normal level of the indicator, and in order to monitor its changes, a hygrometer is used.

The first hygrometers appeared in the 18th century. Until today, they have come a long way in development: from the simplest mechanical to electronic and psychrometric.

Hygrometers come in the following types:

  • hairline;
  • weight;
  • ceramic;
  • condensation;
  • electronic;
  • psychrometric (psychrometer).

Let us consider in more detail the technology of operation of each type of device.

Hair hygrometer

Hair hygrometers work on the basis of ordinary hair and its properties. Hair can change its length at different air humidity. It is pulled onto a board or frame and, lengthening or shortening, moves the arrow, which in turn moves along the scale of the device.

A hair hygrometer is good for home use if it is not necessary to obtain extremely accurate data.

Also, they should not be moved or otherwise mechanically influenced. At the slightest impact, the hygrometer can fail, since its entire structure is quite fragile and delicate.

Weight hygrometer

An absolute weighing hygrometer consists of several tubes connected to a system. They contain a hygroscopic substance that can absorb moisture from the air.

A certain portion of air, taken at one point in space, is drawn through the entire system.

Thus, a person determines the mass of the tube system before and after passing air through it, as well as the direct volume of air passed through, and with simple mathematical manipulations can calculate the indicator being studied in absolute value.

Mechanical (ceramic) hygrometer

A porous or solid ceramic mass, which also includes metal elements, has electrical resistance. Its level directly depends on humidity.

For it to function correctly, the ceramic mass must consist of some metal oxides. Kaolin, silicon and clay are used as a base.

Condensation hygrometer

This hygrometer is quite easy to use. The principle of its operation is based on the use of a built-in mirror. The temperature of this mirror changes along with the air temperature in the surrounding space.

Its temperature is determined at the initial moment of measurement. Then drops of moisture or small ice crystals appear on the surface of the mirror. The temperature is measured again.

Using the temperature difference determined by a condensation hygrometer, air humidity is determined.

Electronic hygrometer

A layer of lithium chloride is applied to a plate of glass or other similar electrical insulating substance.

Humidity changes - the concentration and resistance of lithium chloride increases or decreases.

It is worth noting that the readings of an electronic (electrolytic) hygrometer may be slightly affected by air temperature, so it is often equipped with a built-in thermometer.

This hygrometer is extremely accurate and gives readings with minimal error.

Psychrometric hygrometer (psychrometer)

The psychrometer is a system of two conventional alcohol thermometers. One of them is dry, and the second is wet (this state is regularly maintained).

The faster moisture evaporates, the lower the relative humidity. The condensed liquid begins to cool. Thus, the difference between the temperatures of two thermometers and the rate of evaporation are determined, and on their basis the air humidity is found.

A psychrometer is not a hygrometer in the literal sense, but it measures the same indicator, so they are often identified.

In fact, the principle of operation of any hygrometer is quite simple and is based on the physical or chemical properties of materials and substances.

Almost any hygrometer is suitable for home use, but the most accurate data is still provided by electronic hygrometers.


May 13,:32

Very useful information

Very useful information, thanks for the clear answer to my question!

December 21,:59

Very interesting

July 6,:52

Why electronic

Why does an electronic thermo-hygrometer constantly show less than 20% humidity? It looks like the letters LL

July 6,:06

Yes, there is such a thing. Electronic

Yes, there is such a thing. Electronic hygrometers are not able to perfectly accurately show the humidity in a room; for this, more professional devices are needed, as in the article above. LL - usually a designation of humidity below normal, i.e. below 40%, different for all models. Therefore, the readings of such home appliances should be regarded as approximate.

October 11,:28

Tell me, do you need them all?

Tell me, do they all need to be checked every two years?

October 11,:35

This question is best asked in

It is better to ask this question to a specialist in technical circles, for example, to a certain service

November 7,:10

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A device for measuring indoor air humidity

In order to avoid unpleasant health problems associated with suboptimal humidity in the house, you should constantly monitor its level in the room. Dry, dusty air can contain a large number of allergens, which can have consequences. Damp indoor air can lead to various chronic diseases. So how do you measure air humidity? A very detailed answer can be given to this answer.

To carry out such control, indoor air humidity should be measured regularly. At the moment there is a very useful device that will allow you to measure the level of humidity in the house. Such a device is a hygrometer. There are several types of hygrometers, which you should learn more about.

Device for determining air humidity

A thermohygrometer is a very complex device that measures not only air humidity, but also room temperature. Among other things, the thermohygrometer records readings about the state of temperature and humidity recorded from different points. That is, directly from the place where the thermohygrometer itself is installed and from the point where the sensor was previously installed.

The device synchronizes readings received from different points in the room, and based on this, it already provides results for checking humidity levels and measuring temperature.

A few words can be said about the technical characteristics of the thermohygrometer. The cable of this device is one and a half meters long, and the indicators are displayed in the range from 0 to 90%. There are also wireless models of thermohygrometers. These devices are equipped with another useful function, which is that when the humidity in the room is critical, an alarm is triggered, notifying about an unfavorable change in the air condition.


A psychrometer is also called a psychrometric hygrometer. It consists of two thermometers. One is called “dry” and measures air temperature. The second is called moistened because it is wrapped in a cloth wick and immersed in a vessel of water. This thermometer shows the temperature of the wet wick. Humidity indicators are derived from the evaporation of moisture. The lower the air humidity in the room, the more intensely the moisture evaporates. And as a result of these processes, it is possible to obtain the necessary data on both air temperature and humidity.

Hair and film hygrometers

The operating principle of a hair hygrometer is quite simple and at the same time very interesting. It consists in the presence in the mechanism of the device of synthetic fat-free hair, which tends to change length depending on the air condition. The hair is stretched between the spring and the end of the arrow. When there is a hairline vibration, the needle moves across the dial, showing data on the state of the air.

This device for determining humidity has a fairly wide range of values ​​(from 0 to 100%), which indicates the accuracy of the hair hygrometer readings. One of the biggest advantages of such devices is its simplicity. Hair hygrometers are very easy to use, which will avoid unnecessary headaches during its operation. We can also mention once again the accuracy of his testimony. Hair hygrometers can be hung on the wall.

In addition to hair hygrometers, there are film hygrometers. Their devices are different, and therefore the principle of operation of film hygrometers is somewhat different. Such devices have a sensitive element made of organic film. This material has the property of stretching or shrinking depending on the state of air humidity. The indicators are displayed on the dial when the position of the center of the film sensitive element changes.

If the conditions in which the device will be used to determine air humidity include the presence of relatively low temperatures, then the two types of hygrometers described above will be the only devices that will be able to measure the level of air humidity in the room.

How to choose a hygrometer

Before choosing a hygrometer, you should familiarize yourself with information about what types of such devices exist. There are several of them:

The buyer will decide for himself which hygrometer to choose from those presented in the list above. In order to decide on the choice of such a device, you should pay attention to its technical characteristics and draw a couple of important conclusions that will guide you when choosing a device.

  • First, you should decide for yourself what the accuracy of the hygrometer should be. It sounds rude, but in fact it can help in choosing a device. The fact is that different devices give different results. This suggests that some devices will provide very accurate readings of air humidity, while others will provide only relative data. This does not mean that “bad” devices exist. It’s just that many buyers are content with relative data, since there is no need for ultra-precise data.
  • Next, you need to decide where the hygrometer will be installed. This can help in your choice, since not all hygrometer models can be installed at every point in the room. For example, not all hygrometers can be wall-mounted.
  • When choosing a hygrometer, you should very carefully check that the device has the appropriate equipment. It is necessary to pay attention to the presence of indicators and a psychrometric table. A high-quality device will definitely have this included.

High humidity in the apartment

Indoor air humidity is measured to avoid problems associated with dry air or high humidity. Many people may think that this is not a good reason to control air humidity. In order to change your attitude towards this issue, you should pay more attention to the possible consequences.

Humid indoor air affects the development of mold. A humid environment is an ideal environment for the growth and spread of spores of this harmful fungus. Mold spores flying in the air can lead to the development of various allergic diseases. Dampness in the room will allow the fungus to grow many times over and increase the number of spores released into the air. The presence of mold has a detrimental effect on health. Allergies are not the only dangerous consequence of indoor mold. The fungus can cause other infections.

Dangerous consequences can also result from mold spores getting into food. This will lead to foodborne illnesses that tend to spread throughout the body. This poses a danger to all family members.

To avoid such dangerous consequences for the body, you should regularly ventilate the room. Despite the air temperature outside the window, it is imperative to carry out such activities at least twice a day. This will help reduce the risks of air humidification and mold to a minimum.


Awareness of the state of air humidity allows you to avoid many unpleasant and even dangerous consequences for health. This is precisely why devices such as hygrometers exist. The range of such devices is very diverse, which will allow the buyer to choose a hygrometer that will meet all requirements.

When choosing a hygrometer from the various existing models, you should pay attention to the accuracy of the air humidity indicators provided by the device. Not every buyer needs ultra-precise hygrometer readings, being content with relative ones.

Also, when choosing a hygrometer, you should very carefully check all its technical characteristics. A hygrometer chosen spontaneously may not perform all its declared functions, which will affect both the nerves and mood. Money spent in vain will certainly not add joy. To avoid such troubles, be sure to take a receipt when purchasing. It should always be possible to return low-quality goods back to the store.


A device for measuring air humidity and features of its use

From this article you can find out what a device for measuring air humidity should be like. The text discusses the main types of devices designed to control climate by measuring water vapor in the air. The existing types of devices, their technical and operational features, and rules of use are described here.

A device for measuring air humidity and its specifics

Humidity affects the condition of furnishings, household appliances and human well-being. The presence of water vapor in a certain amount in the air depends on the following factors: technogenic impact, climatic features of the region, the state of communications and buildings as a whole, as well as the operating conditions of the room.

A device for measuring air humidity helps control the optimal microclimate in the house

The humidity standard for a healthy person is considered to be 40-60%. To create optimal conditions, special devices are used. Depending on the needs, these can be dehumidifiers or humidifiers. Air humidity meters are used to coordinate the operation of these devices.

Note! There are air conditioning systems with an automated moisture level control function. This type of equipment independently measures air parameters and adjusts them to the norm.

How is air humidity measured in residential premises?

You can measure the amount of water vapor at home using available means, for example, a spruce cone, whose scales open if the room is dry, or monitor the state of condensation by first cooling a container of water.

If the air in the room is dry, the scales of the cone will open

The method, which involves the use of a container, is based on how condensation behaves on cooled surfaces and at what speed it evaporates. A medium located in a closed space, subject to balanced processes of condensation and evaporation, is in a state of saturated vapor. If the amount of moisture in saturated steam is close to the concentration of water vapor in the air of the room, then the evaporation process will be difficult. This will indicate the presence of excessive moisture in the room.

How to measure air humidity in an apartment using a glass:

  1. Fill a glass container with water. Not only a glass, but also a bottle or jar is suitable for these purposes.
  2. Place the container in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  3. After this, take out a glass and measure the temperature of the water. This indicator should not exceed 50°C.
  4. The control vessel should be placed in the room, away from heating appliances.

A popular way of measuring air humidity is using a glass of water.

Note! It is imperative to note the time to observe the behavior of the condensate. This will take from 5 to 10 minutes.

If the condensation accumulated on the walls dries within the indicated time, it means the room is dry. Wet glass indicates that the room has optimal conditions with a sufficient level of humidity. If the drops of condensate are large and flow down the walls of the vessel in streams, this indicates an increased amount of water vapor in the room.

What instruments are used to measure air humidity?

More accurate data can be obtained using special instruments. There are several types of devices available for these purposes. The most primitive instruments that measure indoor air humidity are called hygrometers.

This category of devices includes the following types of devices:

How does a hair hygrometer work?

  • condensation;
  • hair;
  • film

Each type of listed devices functions due to a certain operating principle, for example, the design feature of the hair device is the presence of U-shaped tubes. The condensation hygrometer is considered the most accurate. It takes measurements with minimal error.

There is another category of devices for measuring air humidity, they are called psychrometers. Types of psychrometers:

The station version of the device is the most popular of them. Its design includes a pair of thermometers mounted on a tripod. A dry thermometer shows the air temperature in the room; a wet thermometer is wrapped in a cloth, one end of which is lowered into a reservoir filled with liquid (water).

Note! Do not place the tip of a wet bulb thermometer directly into the tank, otherwise it will indicate the temperature of the water rather than the air masses circulating above it. There must be a distance of at least mm between the end of the device and the container.

Classification of instruments for measuring relative air humidity (hygrometers)

The state of human health depends on a large number of factors. An important role in this is played by the cleanliness and humidity of the air. If there is not enough moisture in the room, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract will dry out, as a result of which a person may develop diseases associated with the activity of harmful bacteria.

Hygrometer with electronic display

The simplest hygrometers involve the use of a table of relative air humidity; from the temperature indicated in it, you can get an idea of ​​the state of the microclimate at the current moment. More advanced models have a set of microcircuits that independently perform calculations and display the result electronically on the screen.

In addition to traditional designs, the modern market offer allows you to buy humidity meters with additional functionality. Such devices also display other data:

  • air temperature in the room;
  • current time and date;
  • atmospheric pressure level.

The most used types of instruments for measuring air humidity

Note! Some types of devices are equipped with an indication system. It informs the owner if the microclimate of the room is outside the normal range. This feature allows you to notice the problem in a timely manner and fix it.

Features of hair room air humidity meter

This type of device is used to determine the humidity level within 30-80%. The design of the device consists of several elements:

  • metal frame in the form of a frame;
  • measuring scale (the step of each division corresponds to 1% humidity);
  • human hair (low-grease);
  • screw-adjustable pointer;
  • a pulley designed to allow the free end of a hair to be thrown over with a weight attached.

Modern devices for measuring air humidity can also display the date

A hair hygrometer is a type of measuring device designed to determine air humidity, the principle of operation of which is based on the hygroscopicity of human hair, in other words, the ability to lengthen or shorten under the influence of moisture. When the humidity in the room decreases or increases, the hair tension weakens or, on the contrary, increases. As a result, the pulley turns and moves the arrow pointing to the scale. Due to this, it is possible to determine the exact indicator of ambient humidity.

The hair type hygrometer has a significant advantage over other devices. Its readings cannot be affected by air temperature, as is the case with electrolytic models. It does not require electricity to operate; the hygrometer operates through mechanical processes.

Which device option to choose to create comfortable climatic conditions. Types of designs, their characteristics, the best models of purifiers.

What device measures air humidity in its absolute value?

In order to identify the current level of humidity in a room, you need to know two values: the relative humidity indicator and the absolute value. The percentage ratio between them is the desired parameter. Therefore, it would be useful to know the name of the device for measuring air humidity in its absolute value and the principle of its operation. A weighing hygrometer measures the amount of water vapor contained in one unit of air (1 m³).

Mechanical type hygrometer

The device includes several U-shaped tubes that form a system. Inside them there is a hygroscopic substance that absorbs moisture from air masses. A certain volume of air passes through the system, which is taken from one point. This design allows you to determine the mass of air at the inlet and outlet, as well as its volume. The absolute value is determined by mathematical calculations.

Interesting fact! The study of water vapor as one of the components of air began in the 16th century. The author of the first scientific work on this topic was J. Port. It was published in the 17th century. After the heyday of steam engines. water vapor again interested scientists. After serious research in this area, the fourth International Conference was held in 1963, dedicated to its physical characteristics.

Characteristics of ceramic instruments for determining air humidity

Ceramic devices are a commonly used type of moisture meter; moisture meters of this type are simple and mechanical. The device is made of ceramic mass, which can be porous or solid. It contains metal elements. The ceramic mass has electrical resistance, and room humidity has a direct impact on the level of this resistance.

In order for the mechanical design of a room humidity meter to function properly, certain metal oxides must be included in the ceramic mass. Silicon, clay and kaolin are used as a base.

Features of condensation devices for measuring air humidity in an apartment

A condensation hygrometer makes it possible to obtain the most accurate indicators reflecting the climatic comfort of the room. It is for this reason that many consumers will choose to buy this type of indoor air humidity meter.

Mechanical thermometer with hygrometer

The design of the device consists of the following elements:

  • metal box;
  • thermometer;
  • rubber bulb;
  • heat-insulating gasket;
  • front wall;
  • ring.

Modern device showing temperature, time and humidity

The condenser type of humidity and temperature meter analyzes the amount of condensation that forms on the surface of the glass. A small beam of light is directed onto a special mirror that is cooled, causing drops of water or ice crystals to appear on the surface. The temperature is determined using an electronic thermometer built under the mirror. The device converts the received data into an indicator that displays the level of relative humidity.

Note! Consumers can select and buy a device for measuring air humidity of an improved modification. Such models are equipped with a display designed to display readings. The advantage of such devices lies in long-term stability. The devices are characterized by a long service life and an increased range of action (the device covers from 0 to 100%).

The most optimal level of air humidity in the room is 40-60%

Features of electronic temperature and humidity meters

The capabilities of an electronic device for measuring indoor air humidity allow you to measure changes in the concentration of the electrolyte that coats a material with electrical insulating properties. These materials include plastic and glass. Some device options have an automatic heating function. They measure the dew point.

In addition, temperature fluctuations are taken into account, since it can affect the operation of the device, albeit insignificantly, therefore the devices are equipped with thermometers to facilitate their operation.

Electronic modifications are precise in measurements, which mechanical designs cannot offer. The percentage of errors in their work is extremely low.

Hygrometer in modern design

Consumers can buy air humidity meters that have different operating specifications:

  1. Air conductivity measurement - devices determine the value of absolute humidity. To calculate relative humidity, you need to measure the temperature.
  2. Optoelectronic measurements - devices measure dew point using a cooled mirror. It is frozen, after which a process of gradual heating occurs.
  3. Resistive measurements - the operation of the devices is based on the effect of changes in the conductivity of polymers or salts under the influence of humidity levels.
  4. Capacitance measurements - during operation, the unit monitors changes in the capacitance of the capacitor (polymer or metal oxide).

Psychrometric hygrometer VIT-1

How to measure air humidity at home using a psychrometer

Psychrometers are designed to determine relative humidity. The device operates due to the physical properties of the liquid, in particular its ability to evaporate. This process creates a difference between the wet bulb and dry bulb temperature readings. During evaporation, the liquid loses some of its energy, causing a decrease in temperature. This change is detected by the thermometer.

The psychrometer design consists of a pair of alcohol or mercury psychrometers. As the liquid evaporates, the wet bulb thermometer cools. The lower the air humidity level, the faster the liquid evaporates. In turn, the drier the air, the lower the temperature indicator displayed by wet thermometers. Due to this, there is a difference between the readings.

Note! Regardless of the device used to measure air humidity, it should not be installed near radiators or air conditioners, otherwise the measurements will be inaccurate. In addition, you need to monitor the condition of the material for moisture. It should be clean and wet.

Some psychrometric hygrometers require specific temperature conditions. For example, the lowest permissible temperature limit for winter is -15°C, and for summer the highest temperature limit is 40°C. The measurement range depends on the temperature, the air humidity table with environmental indicators can be used as a guide.

Measuring range according to air humidity table:

Air humidity level in a room: how to measure the amount of water vapor

The process of measuring humidity using a psychrometer is very simple. In addition to this value, the device also measures the temperature parameter. As a rule, along with alcohol thermometers mounted on a plastic base, the manufacturer places a psychrometric table of relative air humidity, which allows you to read the readings.

There is one important condition that ensures accurate operation of the device. The psychrometer is extremely sensitive to drafts, so it is recommended to create conditions under which the speed of movement of air masses in the room should not be more than 1 m/sec, otherwise the difference in readings taken from thermometers will be much greater than in reality, which will lead to inaccurate result.

Modern design of a device for measuring air humidity

The psychrometric table of air humidity is used to interpret the psychrometer readings. The first column contains dry bulb temperature readings. The first line displays the difference that occurs during the measurement process between the readings of both thermometers. To get the actual level of relative humidity, you need to take the value that is formed at the intersection of the corresponding parameter from the first column and the first row.

The Assmann psychrometer is an improved modification of the device, which takes measurements more accurately and is not afraid of drafts, since its thermometers are protected from heat and direct sunlight thanks to the metal case.

Home weather stations for convenient microclimate control

For consumers who pay increased attention to their own health and strive to bring air parameters closer to the optimal value, climate control equipment manufacturers offer to buy an electronic hygrometer - a humidity and temperature meter and a barometer in one device. A design with similar functionality is capable of fully controlling the microclimate. However, the price of such devices is quite high.

Such devices not only have a large number of functions, but also have a decorative design. They can optimally fit into almost any room interior. You can also find unusual combinations on sale, for example, baby monitors with a built-in hygrometer. These devices are optimized specifically for children's rooms. There are also models with Wi-Fi function. They connect to the World Wide Web and display weather forecasts and other data on the display.

Home weather station for microclimate control

A hygrometer will become an indispensable assistant in maintaining optimal climatic conditions in the house. Its readings help to adjust the operation of the humidifier or dehumidifier and bring the level of water vapor in the air to normal.

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Which air humidifier is better: how to choose the optimal device

Air humidity in the apartment: the norm for residential premises

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