Inhalation with ambrobene during pregnancy

Ambrobene during pregnancy

Price for Ambrobene capsules (75 mg, 20 pcs.): rub.

Ambrobene during pregnancy

A woman expecting the birth of a baby needs to closely monitor her condition and well-being.

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But no matter how much the expectant mother takes care of herself, there is still a risk of contracting an infection. Decreased immunity and hormonal changes during pregnancy weaken the body to some extent. Therefore, it is very easy to get a cold during this period. And the most common symptom of a cold is a dry cough, which can even be dangerous for the expectant mother and her baby.

The most alarming manifestations of a cough are its intensity and unproductiveness. Why? Because the constant urge to cough deprives a woman of proper sleep, which affects her condition. She becomes nervous and irritable. In addition, coughing attacks negatively affect the muscle tone of the uterus, causing tension. In severe cases, spontaneous miscarriage may occur for this reason. And due to reduced immunity, a bacterial infection can also accompany a cold, which can cause the development of bronchitis.

Now the pharmaceutical industry offers a decent number of drugs that can relieve coughing attacks and thin sputum. One of these medicines is Ambrobene. It is prescribed by the attending physician both to ordinary people and to women during pregnancy.

Is it possible to use Ambrobene during pregnancy?

1. Composition of the drug and its dosage forms.

The main active ingredient is ambroxol. The drug belongs to the group of mucolytics, that is, it has the properties of thinning mucus and improving the process of expectoration.

The release is made in the form of various dosage forms:

  • tablets and injections;
  • inhalations, syrup and capsules.
  • 1 ml of the drug contains 7.5 mg of the main substance.

2. Taking medication by pregnant women.

Based on the data obtained as a result of research, it was revealed that the drug can be used by women during pregnancy. It does not have a negative effect on the development of the fetus.

However, there is an exception - the first trimester of pregnancy. It is during this period that taking the drug is contraindicated due to the fact that its components can negatively affect the normal development of organs and systems of the fetus.

Despite the fact that in general Ambrobene is safe for pregnant women and their unborn babies (except for the above exception), it should be taken only as prescribed by a specialist. After all, a cough can be caused not only by a viral, but by a bacterial infection, and in this case, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. Therefore, you should not self-medicate.

Indications for use

Before prescribing the drug, the doctor first examines the patient and identifies the cause of the cough. If the cause is clarified and a decision is made to treat with this drug, then you need to know that it is used for the following diseases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchitis and tracheitis;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • pneumonia.

Typically, pregnant women are prescribed pills or syrup. You can use inhalations using a nebulizer using the substance in ampoules only with the consent of the treating doctor!

How to use Ambrobene during pregnancy?

You must adhere to the recommendations given by your doctor and strictly follow the instructions.

Different dosage forms use different dosage regimens:

  • if these are tablets, then they are taken 1 piece at a time. 3 times a day with water;
  • if it is syrup, then you need to drink 5 ml per day (the kit includes a special measuring spoon);
  • if a solution is made for inhalation, then it is prescribed 2 ml, diluted in the same amount of physiological solution. It is necessary to inhale until the dose is completely sprayed.

The duration of treatment is determined by the treating specialist, but you need to take the drug for at least 5 days.

Side effects and contraindications

Sometimes pregnant women taking this drug may experience:

  • nausea or dry mouth;
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • rashes on the skin.

If the above symptoms appear, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Contraindications to the use of Ambrobene during pregnancy are:

  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance to the main substance ambroxol;
  • liver failure in severe form.

Be healthy and may your pregnancy proceed favorably!



Despite the excessive attention to her health and every possible strengthening of the body, the expectant mother does not exclude the occurrence of colds while carrying a baby. This is due to the weakening of the body's defenses and hormonal changes. One of the symptoms of a cold is a dry cough. During pregnancy, a debilitating nonproductive cough can become a real disaster: the expectant mother cannot sleep at night, becomes irritable and nervous, and coughing attacks provoke muscle tone of the uterus. It is impossible to ignore a cough during pregnancy, since, firstly, this can lead to the addition of a bacterial infection and the development of bronchitis, and secondly, an increase in the tone of the uterus during a cough can provoke a spontaneous miscarriage.

The modern pharmacy chain offers a lot of drugs that help thin sputum and relieve coughing attacks; one of these drugs is Ambrobene. During pregnancy, it can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor.

Is it possible to use Ambrobene during pregnancy?

Ambrobene belongs to the group of mucolytics - drugs that help liquefy sputum and its further productive expectoration. The main active ingredient of the drug is ambroxol. Ambrobene is available in the form of syrup, capsules, tablets, solution for inhalation and injection. 1 ml of the drug contains 7.5 mg of ambroxol.

As medical statistics show, the use of Ambrobene and its analogues during pregnancy does not cause pathologies in the intrauterine development of the fetus, so this remedy can be used to treat cough in expectant mothers. An exception is the first trimester of pregnancy - the use of Ambrobene, however, like any other drug, is contraindicated, since at this stage of gestation all the organs and systems of the unborn child are formed, and the active components of the drug can cause disruption of this delicate process.

Despite the proven safety of the effects of Ambrobene on the fetus, self-medication is still not recommended. The thing is that the cause of a cough may not necessarily be a viral infection, and in some cases the expectant mother needs a serious antibiotic. By self-medicating, you only waste precious time, and in the meantime the disease progresses and can become chronic.

Indications for use

Before prescribing Ambrobene during pregnancy, the doctor must determine the cause of the cough. During pregnancy, Ambrobene can be prescribed for diseases such as:

As a rule, in most cases, the doctor prescribes Ambrobene syrup or tablets during pregnancy. But this is not at all important.

You can use Ambrobene inhalation during pregnancy through a nebulizer using ampoules of the drug, of course, with your doctor's permission!

How to use Ambrobene during pregnancy?

It is important to strictly follow the instructions and adhere to the dosage of the drug indicated by the doctor. The treatment regimen is as follows:

- syrup - take 5 ml per day;

- tablets - 1 tablet three times a day, washed down with a small amount of liquid;

- solution for inhalation - 2 ml of the drug three times a day, pre-mixed with the same amount of saline. Breathe until the indicated dose is completely sprayed.

The duration of Ambrobene therapy during pregnancy is determined by the doctor for each individual case, but the course of treatment is at least 5 days.

Side effects and contraindications

During pregnancy, during treatment with Ambrobene, the expectant mother may experience the following side effects:

- skin rashes;

Contraindications for use of Ambrobene during pregnancy are: first trimester, severe liver failure, individual intolerance to ambroxol.

Obstetrician-gynecologist Irina Levchenko

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Ambrobene (tablets, syrup, solution, for inhalation) - instructions for use, price, reviews

  • the drug stimulates the production of enzymes in the bronchial mucosa that break down the bonds between the substances that make up the sputum;
  • activates the formation of surfactant (a mixture of active substances that prevent the alveoli of the lungs from sticking together);
  • activates the function of the cilia of the bronchial mucosa, preventing them from sticking together.
  • Release forms

    • Tablets – 30 mg, 20 pieces per package;
  • Ambrobene retard capsules – 75 mg ambroxol, 10 or 20 pieces per package;
  • Syrup (3 mg ambroxol in 1 ml) – 100 ml bottles;
  • Solution for inhalation and internal administration (7.5 mg ambroxol in 1 ml) – bottles of 40 ml and 100 ml;
  • Solution for injection in ampoules (15 mg ambroxol in 2 ml) – 5 ampoules per package.
  • Instructions for use

    Indications for use

    Ambrobene in any dosage form is used for the treatment of chronic and acute respiratory diseases in which there is sputum and its discharge from the respiratory tract is impaired: pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis.


    • individual intolerance to any component of the drug;
  • functional failure of the liver and kidneys;
  • secretion of sputum in large quantities and impaired bronchial motility due to immobile cilia (due to the threat of stagnation of sputum in the bronchi).
  • Side effects

    • From the digestive tract (less than 1%): increased salivation or dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, bowel dysfunction (constipation or diarrhea).
  • From the respiratory system (less than 1%): copious nasal discharge, shortness of breath.
  • Allergic reactions (less than 1%): skin rashes such as urticaria, itching, swelling of the face, fever, anaphylactic shock (isolated cases).
  • Other reactions (less than 1%): headache, weakness, heaviness in the legs, chills, increased blood pressure, problems with urination.
  • Ambrobene treatment

    How to use Ambrobene?

    Ambrobene dosage

    • Tablets: adults are prescribed 90 mg/day (1 tablet x 3 times) for 2-3 days, and then 30 mg/day (0.5 tablet x 2 times).
  • Ambrobene retard capsules: adults, 1 capsule (75 mg) per day.
  • Syrup: adults, 90 mg/day (10 ml x 3 times) for 2-3 days, then 60 mg/day (10 ml x 2 times).
  • Ambrobene solution orally: for 2-3 days, 90 mg/day (4 ml x 3 times), then 60 mg/day (4 ml x 2 times).
  • Ambrobene solution for injection: adults pomg/day (2 ml x 2-3 r.)
  • The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually depending on the severity of the disease. On your own, without consulting a doctor, it is recommended to take the drug for no longer than 4-5 days.


    Symptoms of a drug overdose may include nausea, vomiting, drooling, and decreased blood pressure. To help with an overdose, you should rinse your stomach and take fat-containing foods in the first 2 hours after taking the medicine.

    For dosages for children, see below in the section “Ambrobene for children”

    Ambrobene for children

    Ambrobene in tablet form is contraindicated in children under 6 years of age, and in the form of retard capsules - up to 12 years of age. Up to 2 years of age, Ambrobene can be used only as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision. The drug is given orally to the child after meals with a sufficient amount of liquid (warm tea, juice, water, broth).

    Doses of syrup for children

    • up to 2 years – 15 mg/day (2.5 ml x 2 times);
  • from 2 to 6 years – 22.5 mg/day (2.5 ml x 3 times);
  • from 6 to 12 years – mg/day (5 ml x 2-3 r.);
  • over 12 years old - as for adults: 90 mg/day (10 ml x 3 times) for 2-3 days, then 60 mg/day (10 ml x 2 times).
  • Doses of the drug in tablets

    children from 6 to 12 years old – 0.5 tablets. x 2-3 rubles/day.

    Doses of the drug in capsules for children over 12 years of age

    1 capsule (75 mg) per day, preferably at the same time of day.

    Doses of the drug for children in the form of an oral solution

  • from 2 to 6 years – 1 ml x 3 rubles/day
  • from 6 to 12 years – 2 ml x 2-3 rubles/day;
  • after 12 years - as for adults: 90 mg/day (4 ml x 3 times) for 2-3 days, then 60 mg/day (4 ml x 2 times).
  • Doses of the drug for children in the form of injections

    Ambrobene solution for injection is administered to children subcutaneously, intramuscularly and intravenously (drip or slow stream). The solvent used is saline solution (0.9%) sodium chloride, Ringer-Locke solution, 5% solution of levulose, glucose.

    • Children under 2 years old – 1 ml x 2 times per day;

    For inhalations

    In the treatment of respiratory diseases, you can also use a method such as Ambrobene inhalation. Sometimes it will be more effective than other routes of drug administration. This is especially true for the treatment of chronic diseases (bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis, bronchiectasis).

    • children under 2 years old - 1 ml of Ambrobene solution 1-2 times a day (only under the supervision of a doctor);
  • children from 2 to 6 years old – 2 ml x 1-2 rubles/day;
  • children over 6 years old and adults – 2-3 ml x 1-2 r./day.
  • Inhalations are usually carried out for 4-5 days.

    During pregnancy and lactation

    Experiments on animals did not reveal any teratogenic effects of Ambrobene on the fetus. There are no clinical data confirming the safety of the drug during pregnancy. Based on this, it is recommended to avoid prescribing the drug to pregnant women (especially in the first trimester).

    For dry cough

    The body's defense response to infection is coughing. If a dry cough occurs, treatment should be carried out without delay. A dry cough does not bring relief to the patient and can even cause complications - pneumothorax (air entering the pleural cavity due to rupture of the lung tissue) or pneumomediastinum (air entering the mediastinum due to bronchial rupture).

    Ambrobene drug interactions

    • Simultaneous treatment with Ambrobene and other antitussive drugs containing Codeine makes it difficult to produce sputum, because they suppress cough.
  • Ambrobene improves the accumulation of antibiotics such as Erythromycin, Amoxicillin, Doxycycline, Cefuroxime in the lung tissue and bronchi.
  • Ambrobene in the form of an injection solution cannot be mixed with solutions whose pH is higher than 6.3.
  • Analogs

    There are a number of analogues of Ambrobene based on the active substance (synonyms):

    Ambroxol, Ambrolan, Lazolgin, Bronkhoxol, Ambrosan, Lazolvan, Bronkhorus, Medox, Bronchovern Drops, Neo-Bronchol, Mucobron, Deflegmin, AmbroHexal, Remebrox, Halixol, Flavamed, Suprima-kof, ambroxol-retard.

    Lazolvan or Ambrobene?

    The manufacturers of the drugs are different: Ambrobene is produced by the famous pharmaceutical company Ratio farm in Germany, and Lazolvan is produced in Greece and Italy. However, the active ingredient of both drugs is ambroxol. Therefore, the therapeutic effect of both Ambrobene and Lazolvan is almost the same: they dilute sputum and stimulate the cough reflex.

    The price of Ambrobene is lower than Lazolvan.

    Reviews about the drug

    Most reviews about the drug were written by mothers of children, who noted a fairly rapid effect of treatment and good tolerability of the drug (regardless of the release form). Only a few reviews note the unpleasant taste of the medicine; other patients, on the contrary, like its taste.

    The price of Ambrobene, depending on the form of release, varies from 119 to 270 rubles. The drug is available without a prescription.

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    Is it possible to do inhalations with Ambrobene during pregnancy?

    How can you treat a throat and cough during pregnancy? On Friday I just got discharged from sick leave (I was sitting at home for 2 weeks), and on Saturday morning my throat hurt(((And a wet cough started(((

    The therapist told me it was possible. But this is a therapist from a clinic, not from a residential complex. So I’m wondering if it’s worth using it or not.

    rinse every hour with soda, eucalyptus... breathe over the potatoes, do inhalations with saline solution (I can’t tell you about ambrobene), milk with honey and a spoonful of butter, you can suck the lysobacter, drink tea with lemon, more liquid

    Lizobakt, of course, just don’t quit, drink it all according to the scheme to restore the mucous membrane. For cough nebulizer just with saline water

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    Ambrobene during pregnancy

    Unfortunately, pregnant women are no less susceptible to colds than children. The thing is that the revolutionary hormonal changes that pregnancy entails weaken the immune system, as a result of which cough, runny nose and other manifestations of colds are frequent companions of pregnant women. However, since many medications are contraindicated for pregnant women, it is not at all surprising that many expectant mothers have questions about taking this or that drug. In today's publication we want to talk about a medication such as Ambrobene and find out how safe it is to take it while expecting a child.

    Unfortunately, pregnant women are no less susceptible to colds than children. The thing is that the revolutionary hormonal changes that pregnancy entails weaken the immune system, as a result of which cough, runny nose and other manifestations of colds are frequent companions of pregnant women. However, since many medications are contraindicated for pregnant women, it is not at all surprising that many expectant mothers have questions about taking this or that drug. In today's publication we want to talk about a medication such as Ambrobene and find out how safe it is to take it while expecting a child.

    Is it possible to use Ambrobene during pregnancy?

    We will immediately answer your question and assure you that taking Ambrobene during pregnancy is allowed if your attending physician considers it necessary to treat you with this drug. However, it is not recommended to use Ambrobene in the first trimester of pregnancy.

    Note that the active ingredient of Ambrobene is ambroxol, which is considered an analogue of bromhexine. This substance belongs to the group of expectorants and mucolytics, which affects the secretion of mucus in the respiratory tract.

    Ambrobene is a drug that is prescribed for respiratory diseases of a pregnant woman, especially if they are accompanied by impaired formation and secretion of sputum.

    No negative effects of the active substance on the fetus were detected, so expectant mothers can quite safely be treated with it. Note that Ambrobene does not cause the development of any abnormalities in the fetus, reduces the viscosity of sputum and allows it to be removed from the respiratory tract. Moreover, Ambrobene stimulates the activity of cells that produce the liquid part of the secretion of the respiratory tract, which also helps to thin the sputum.

    The method of using Ambrobene is chosen by the expectant mother herself. This can be tablets, syrup, or even inhalation of the drug.

    Ambrobene, indications and contraindications

    So, the indications for taking Ambrobene are:

    • Acute and chronic bronchitis;
    • pneumonia and bronchial asthma;
    • bronchiectasis.

    As for contraindications, if there are ulcers in the stomach and duodenum, with epilepsy and convulsive syndrome, as well as with hypersensitivity to any substance that is part of the medicine, it is prohibited to take Ambrobene.

    Ambrobene should be used with caution in diseases and disorders of the liver and kidneys. If you have the above diseases, your doctor should select the dose individually, taking into account tests and data on the function of these organs.

    Note that any form of release of the described medication, for example, Ambrobene syrup, should be used during pregnancy only under the supervision of a doctor and only as prescribed. It should be remembered that the use of the drug in the first third of pregnancy is extremely undesirable.

    Side effects of Ambrobene include the following conditions:

    • allergic reactions: skin rash, urticaria, angioedema, in some cases - allergic contact dermatitis, anaphylactic shock;
    • weakness, headache;
    • diarrhea, dry mouth and respiratory tract, exanthema;
    • rhinorrhea, constipation, dysuria.

    With prolonged use in high doses, nausea and vomiting may occur.

    If you notice at least one of the above symptoms, you should immediately stop taking the drug and consult your doctor.

    Based on all of the above, we can conclude that Ambrobene is a fairly effective remedy for treating cough, which can also be taken during pregnancy, but only as prescribed by a doctor. Therefore, do not self-medicate under any circumstances and follow the doctor’s instructions so that your pregnancy goes smoothly and the health of your unborn baby is not at risk.

    Take care of yourself and be healthy!

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    Features of the use of Ambrobene solution in the treatment of cough

    When treating coughs, specialists often prescribe ambrobene for inhalation, since it is a fairly effective remedy with mucolytic and expectorant properties. One of the main symptoms of colds is a cough that occurs against the background of irritation of the respiratory tract. First of all, when treating cough, it is advisable to use drugs that do not suppress cough attacks, but promote the discharge of sputum. That is why most experts prefer ambrobene solution for inhalation.

    When is the drug prescribed?

    Ambrobene for inhalation thins mucus bypassing the gastrointestinal tract

    Ambrobene for inhalation significantly reduces the viscosity of sputum, as a result of which it begins to be effectively removed from the respiratory tract. This procedure allows the medicine to quickly penetrate the mucous membranes and relieve the symptoms of the disease without affecting other organs. Inhalations with ambrobene are indicated for colds accompanied by cough, pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis.

    The main component of the medication is ambroxol, which has a high mucolytic property, so after the first procedures you can notice an improvement in the patient’s well-being. Abroxol is considered especially effective for obstructive bronchitis, because the drug immediately enters the bronchial tree, thins mucus and promotes its separation, thus improving the patient’s condition. If you inhale with this drug, you can reduce the dosage or duration of taking antibiotics.

    How to carry out the procedure correctly?

    In order to eliminate possible errors when treating cough with this drug, it is recommended to follow the instructions for ambrobene for inhalation, which are included with the drug. Following the instructions, the solution can be used not only for inhalation, but also taken orally. Very often, two types of medication are prescribed simultaneously, which makes it possible to speed up the recovery process.

    Inhalation with ambrobene and saline is considered very effective, since saline solution moisturizes the mucous membrane well and promotes the formation of sputum, which is necessary for dry coughs. To carry out this procedure, you must follow the recommendations:

    • dilute the ambrobene halfway with saline;
    • Before the procedure, warm the medicine a little;
    • breathe for 10 minutes without taking deep breaths, breathing should be normal.

    You definitely need to know how to dilute ambrobene for inhalation, since the effect after the procedure depends on this.

    The product comes with a special measuring cup that makes it easy to measure the required amount of liquid. When treating diseases accompanied by coughing attacks, a nebulizer is usually used - a device with which the medicine is converted into an aerosol and, when inhaled, enters the bronchi. The medicine is not intended for steam inhalers, which is very important to remember when purchasing a device for therapy.

    The dosage of ambrobene for inhalation differs depending on the age of the patient:

    • adults and children over 6 years of age are prescribed 3 ml of solution 2 times a day;
    • children from 2 to 6 years old – 2 ml;
    • children under 2 years old – 1 ml.

    It is necessary to carry out inhalations with Ambrobene for children and adults until the cough disappears or until a specialist prescribes another drug. Parents whose children are under 2 years of age should refrain from carrying out the procedure on their own and seek help from a specialist.

    Can the drug be used during pregnancy?

    Ambrobene during pregnancy is taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

    Inhalations with Ambrobene during pregnancy are not a contraindication for the treatment of a pregnant woman, but such therapy should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor and carried out under his supervision. This rule is especially important to follow until 28 weeks of pregnancy.

    If we talk about carrying out the procedure during breastfeeding, it should be noted that studies have shown that ambroxol, the main active ingredient of this medicine, enters the baby’s body along with breast milk. But at the same time, its adverse effects were not noticed, so treatment with ambrobene is allowed, but under the strict supervision of a doctor.

    Contraindications and side effects

    • first half of pregnancy;
    • sensitivity to certain components;
    • stomach ulcer;
    • epilepsy;
    • limited kidney function.

    Side effects after the procedure occur extremely rarely, and they are quite insignificant: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and allergic reactions may occur.

    Knowing how to make inhalations with ambrobene, strictly following the recommendations for the use of the drug specified in the instructions, you can quickly get rid of a cough, preventing the development of serious diseases.

    If you have questions for your doctor, please ask them on the consultation page. To do this, click on the button:

    3 comments on ““Features of using Ambrobene solution in the treatment of cough””

    I was very dissatisfied with Ambrobene. I fell for advertising. As a result, I developed a terrible allergy... I had a severe cough, and after a couple of days of taking it I discovered a rash on my body. Horror. I immediately went to the doctor. Prescribed sleep for cough. I received treatment from him. At least there were no side effects.

    is there a comparison table for mucolytics? at least for example, lazolvan and ambrobene

    I've been sick for 10 years. doctors are firewood. they do not want and cannot treat the nasopharynx. It is unknown what kind of infection there is. analyzes are incomplete. they only take money

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    Ambrobene for inhalation

    Ambrobene is a mucolytic drug used for inhalation for bronchial diseases and asthma. The drug is available in various forms, including a solution, which must be prepared before use for use with a nebulizer. Inhalation, according to most doctors, is the most effective way to treat colds.

    Description of the drug

    The method of using Ambrobene directly depends on its dosage form - the drug can be taken orally or inhaled. The solution for inhalation is a transparent, odorless, yellowish liquid. Ambroxol hydrochloride is the main active component of the drug, contained in the drug at a concentration of 7.5 mg per 1 ml.

    Along with the active substance, the drug contains the following excipients:

    Ambroxol is a benzylamine, that is, a metabolite of bromhexine, which has pronounced secretolytic, secretomotor and expectorant effects. The effect after using the medicine occurs after approximately 30 minutes of inhalation and lasts approximately 6-12 hours - it all depends on the dose taken.

    The results of the studies showed that the active component stimulates the serous cells of the glands of the bronchial mucosa. As a result, ciliated epithelial cells are activated, reducing the viscosity of sputum. After inhalation, the formation of surfactant is activated, having a direct effect on all cells of the respiratory tract. The product in question has an antioxidant effect.

    Indications for use of Ambrobene

    The drug Ambrobene is intended for use in diseases of the lungs and bronchi. Inhalations are indicated if the patient has bronchitis with difficult passage due to a large amount of accumulated thick sputum. The active component enters directly into the respiratory tract and effectively removes mucus.

    In some cases, Ambrobene is prescribed for obstructive bronchitis, which makes it possible to reduce the frequency and dosage of antibiotics taken. In case of bronchial asthma, inhalation is recommended immediately after the end of the attack, but first it is necessary to take bronchodilators to avoid bronchospasm.

    Ambrobene inhalations are carried out for bronchiectasis of the lungs, a characteristic feature of which is stagnation of sputum and the formation of peculiar sacs with pus. The drug effectively cleanses the bronchi. This remedy is effective against pneumonia. You can prepare an inhalation solution with Ambrobene to relieve symptoms of colds, for example, dry cough and runny nose.


    Despite numerous positive reviews about Ambroben, this drug has a list of certain contraindications. Inhalations are not recommended for:

    • allergies;
    • disorders of the kidneys;
    • stomach ulcer;
    • epilepsy;
    • hypersensitivity and intolerance to the constituent components of the drug Ambrobene.

    Inhalations are carried out with special caution in the presence of serious liver diseases and problems with the activity of the bronchial muscles, as well as in women during pregnancy. There is currently no exact data on the effect of the active substance on the condition of a child and a pregnant woman. At what age can inhalations be done? Ambrobene can be given to children over the age of one year. Newborns under one year of age may only be given the medicine with a pediatrician’s prescription.

    Side effects

    In rare cases, the use of Ambrobene may lead to the development of serious side effects. Symptoms are expressed in different ways, since the form of side effects largely depends on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

    A severe overdose of the drug can cause problems in the digestive system. There is a possibility of developing nausea, dry mouth, vomiting, dyspepsia, diarrhea and abdominal pain. Some patients noted disturbances in taste perception.

    The reaction to hypersensitivity to the constituent components of Ambrobene is expressed in the form of allergy manifestations: itching, rash, angioedema, urticaria and even anaphylactic shock.

    How to do inhalations with Ambrobene: instructions

    How to dilute Ambrobene for inhalation? Before attempting to inhale yourself for the first time, consult a professional doctor who, if necessary, may prescribe simultaneous administration of several dosage forms of the drug.

    First you need to properly prepare the solution for inhalation, and then figure out how to carry out the procedure:

    1. The drug must be diluted in sodium chloride solution (0.9%) in a 1:1 ratio. The required composition is sold in almost any pharmacy.
    2. After this, the product should be warmed to room temperature.
    3. Everything is ready for the procedure. The medicine should be inhaled gradually, trying to take deep breaths. Experts recommend maintaining a constant breathing rate. The procedure lasts on average 10 minutes.

    The exact dosage of Ambrobene is prescribed by the attending physician, but there are general recommendations for preparing the solution. The dosage directly depends on the patient’s age, form and severity of the disease. However, in most cases, this drug is prescribed in a 1:1 ratio.

    Dosage of the drug

    Before pouring Ambrobene for inhalation into a nebulizer, it must be prepared. Most often, the drug is mixed with saline, which helps moisturize the mucous membrane and thin the sputum. The drug and solution are diluted in a 1:1 ratio. Before inhalation, the resulting medicine is slightly warmed. The duration of the procedure can be up to 10 minutes. It is enough for children to breathe the therapeutic steam composition for 3-5 minutes.

    — Adults and children over 6 years old

    For adult patients and children over 6 years of age, the drug is prepared in the following proportions: 2-3 ml of Ambrobene per 2-3 ml of saline solution. It is recommended to continue the procedure for 5-10 minutes. Inhalation should be done 1-3 times a day, 1.5 hours after meals. How many days do inhalations take? To achieve a pronounced effect, treatment should last for 5-7 days.

    For children aged 2 to 6 years, the medicinal composition is prepared based on the proportion of 2 ml of Ambrobene to 2 ml of saline solution. One inhalation should last 3-5 minutes. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 1-2 times a day, after 1.5 hours from the moment of eating. The duration of treatment is on average 5-7 days.

    For children under 2 years of age, the medicine must be prepared in the following proportions: 1 ml of the drug to 1 ml of saline solution. The procedure should be carried out within 3-5 minutes. Inhalations should be done 1-2 times a day. It is recommended to take the product 1.5 hours after meals for 5-7 days. Doctors recommend using a special measuring cup. Before preparing the composition and inhaling, you should carefully study the instructions for the product and check the expiration date.

    Analogues of the drug "Ambrobene"

    The drug Ambrobene has a whole list of similar medicines, similar in composition and principle of action. Below is a short list of Ambrobene analogs sold in the form of solutions for inhalation:

    Modern pharmacy chains offer a wide variety of similar drugs with the same composition, but in different dosage forms - syrup, drops, tablets. Many of the drugs sold are cheaper than Ambrobene, but when choosing a drug it would be better to get professional advice from a specialist.

    The drug in the form of a solution for inhalation in Moscow can be purchased at a minimum price of 120 rubles. In other cities of Russia, the cost of the drug in question may differ. In many ways, the final price of the drug depends on the individual approach of each seller to conducting their trade. The cost of the drug in other dosage forms reaches 270 rubles.


    Ambrobene - tablets, capsules, syrup and solution used to treat bronchitis and cough.

    Ambrobene is one of the most frequently prescribed drugs, having expectorant and mucolytic properties. Amrobene is a very effective cough suppressant.

    Before you continue reading: If you are looking for an effective method of getting rid of a runny nose, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis or colds, then be sure to look at this section of the site after reading this article. This information has helped so many people, we hope it will help you too! So, now back to the article.

    A cough is the body’s reaction to irritation, inflammation of the respiratory canals, or some kind of interference with the normal passage of air. Most often, a cough accompanies some kind of infection (cold, bronchitis). It is because of coughing that our bronchi get rid of any obstacles to normal breathing, so the importance of coughing is great. First of all, treatment should be aimed at getting rid of mucus in the respiratory tract, and not at suppressing cough. The medicine Ambrobene is primarily aimed at improving sputum discharge.

    There are two types of cough: dry and wet. A wet cough is accompanied by the release of mucus from the respiratory tract. When the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are dry, and the cough itself is very painful, it is a dry cough. Ambrobene is designed to relieve cough pain by thinning mucus and removing it from the respiratory tract.

    Viruses and bacteria cause various inflammations of the respiratory tract: colds, bronchitis and pneumonia (pneumonia). Basically, these diseases begin with a dry cough. Therefore, the sooner treatment begins, the less likely it is to develop serious respiratory diseases. Taking Ambrobene according to the instructions will help you begin treatment effectively.

    What is Ambrobene - in what forms is it produced and when is it prescribed?

    Ambrobene is a mucolytic agent that helps thin mucus and remove it from the respiratory tract. Has an expectorant effect. Ambrobene is very effective and quickly relieves painful dry cough. It contains the active substance ambroxol, and after administration it begins to act within a few minutes.

    There are many dosage forms of the drug that can be selected for each individual:

    • pills;
    • capsules;
    • solution (for intravenous administration);
    • solution (for oral administration);
    • solution for inhalation;
    • syrup;
    • extended-release tablets;
    • effervescent tablets.

    Indications for use are various diseases of the mucous membranes of the respiratory canals, which are caused by the formation of viscous sputum:

    • dry cough due to a cold,
    • lung disease (chronic and obstructive),
    • bronchitis chronic and acute,
    • pneumonia,
    • bronchiectasis,
    • asthma (bronchial), if there is difficulty with sputum discharge.


    When the drug is administered, bypassing the digestive tract (this is called parenteral administration), it very quickly enters the tissues. The highest concentration is in the lungs.

    Processed by the liver through the formation of inactive metabolites. Then the drug is excreted from the body by the kidneys: 90% are inactive metabolites, 10% are unchanged.

    After taking Ambrobene, the therapeutic effect comes within 30 minutes and its effect lasts, depending on the amount of the substance taken, from 6 to 12 hours.

    When the drug enters the gastrointestinal tract, the effect of the drug appears quickly and lasts approximately 8 hours.

    Ambrobene tablets

    One tablet contains ambroxol hydrochloride and various excipients (lactose, corn starch, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate).

    Ambrobene tablets are taken orally after or during meals. Wash down with plenty of any warm liquid.

    For children over the age of 5, half a tablet is prescribed no more than three times a day. For adults, the first three days of treatment are prescribed one tablet no more than three times per day, after the prescribed time, one tablet no more than two times per day or half a tablet no more than three times per day.

    In the form of syrup

    Composition of Ambrobene syrup: 5 ml contains 15 mg of ambroxol hydrochloride and other excipients: liquid sorbitol, saccharin, propylene glycol, raspberry flavoring, purified water. It comes in a bottle made of dark glass and has a measuring cup included.

    According to the instructions, Ambrobene syrup is taken orally after or during meals.

    How to use syrup for children:

    - children under two years of age (with the exception of newborns and premature babies) - no more than twice a day, 2.5 ml;

    - children from two to five years old take Ambrobene syrup no more than three times a day, 2.5 ml;

    - children from five to 12 years old - no more than three times a day, 5 ml;

    - children over 12 years old - during the first three days of treatment, no more than three times a day, 10 ml, then no more than two times a day, 10 ml.

    Method of using Ambrobene syrup for adults: the same as for children over 12 years of age (the first three days, no more than three times a day, 10 ml, then no more than two times a day, 10 ml).

    Syrup for children has a pleasant sweet taste and raspberry smell. It is very effectively used to treat dry cough in children. It is believed that Ambrobene cough syrup is one of the most convenient and effective medicines.

    Ambrobene extended-release capsules

    Composition of Ambrobene capsules:

    • active substance – ambroxol hydrochloride;

    Other (auxiliary) substances:

    • various microcrystalline microcelluloses;
    • hypromellose;
    • ethyl acrylate and methacrylic acid (copolymer);
    • triethyl citrate;
    • silicon dioxide

    Capsule shell: gelatin, iron dyes, titanium dioxide.

    Ambrobene capsules are gelatin capsules that have a colorless transparent body and an opaque brown cap. Capsules contain white or light yellow granules of the drug substance.

    Directions for use: capsules are taken only after meals, swallowed whole without chewing. It is recommended to drink large amounts of any liquid, because then the mucolytic effect of the medicine is better manifested.

    Ambrobene capsules are not intended for children under 12 years of age. Teenagers over 12 years of age and adults take no more than one capsule once a day (preferably in the morning). The duration of treatment is selected for each individual by the attending physician. It is not recommended to take the medicine for longer than five days.

    Solution for inhalation and oral administration

    Ambrobene is widely used as a solution for oral administration and inhalation for coughs and inhalations for bronchitis. Inhalations reduce the viscosity of sputum, which improves the efficiency of its removal from the respiratory canals. The drug for inhalation penetrates faster into the tissues of the mucous membranes and affects their functional properties. An inhaler is used for treatment (not for steam inhalations).

    Composition of Ambrobene solution: 100 ml of solution contains the active substance ambroxol 0.75 mg; other (auxiliary) substances (hydrochloric acid, potassium sorbate and purified water).

    Ambrobene solution is a clear, colorless or slightly yellowish, odorless liquid. Available in dark-colored bottles with a dropper stopper and a screw cap. The set includes a measuring cup.

    Ambrobene solution: application

    According to the instructions, Ambrobene solution is taken orally using a measuring cup after a meal with a large amount of liquid (water, tea, juice).

    - children under two years of age: no more than twice a day, 1 ml of solution;

    - children after two years and up to six: no more than three times a day, 1 ml of solution;

    - children from six to twelve years old: no more than three times a day, 2 ml of solution;

    - children over twelve years of age and adults: during the first two to three days, take no more than three times a day, 4 ml of solution, in the following days, no more than two times a day, 4 ml of solution.

    Ambrobene solution for inhalation is used using any modern equipment. Only steam inhalations are not used. The solution is mixed with sodium chloride solution (0.9%) in a 1:1 ratio and heated to a comfortable temperature (body temperature). Inhalations are carried out in calm breathing mode, otherwise coughing attacks can be provoked.

    - children under two years of age: inhalation of Ambrobene solution no more than twice a day, 1 ml;

    - children from two to six years old: inhalations no more than twice a day, 2 ml;

    - children over 6 years old and adults: inhalations no more than twice a day, 2-3 ml.

    — the use of Ambrobene for inhalation by children under two years of age must be under the supervision of a physician;

    — patients who suffer from bronchial asthma need to take bronchodilators before inhalation. To avoid irritation of the respiratory tract, which will lead to spasm.

    For effective inhalation you need a good inhaler. How to choose the right inhaler for inhalation? - a very useful article, don’t be lazy to read! This article also explains how to do inhalations and many other important and interesting nuances.

    Ambrobene solution for injection

    Composition of the solution for injection: active substance – ambroxol hydrochloride (15 mg); other substances – sodium chloride, citric acid (monohydrate), water for injection.

    Instructions for Ambrobene (solution for injection): the drug can be administered intramuscularly, subcutaneously or intravenously. It can be administered intravenously using droppers.

    Sodium chloride (0.9% solution), levulose solution, glucose solution, Ringer-Locke solution or other solutions with a pH of no more than 6.3 are used as a solvent.

    Children are prescribed this drug based on body weight - 1.2-1.6 mg per kg of weight.

    Most often, children under 2 years of age are prescribed 1 ml no more than twice a day;

    children over 2 years of age and under 5 – 1 ml no more than three times a day;

    children over 5 years old - 2 ml no more than three times a day;

    adults – 2 ml no more than three times a day (in especially severe cases, it is possible to increase the single dose of the drug to 4 ml).

    Special instructions: for premature infants and newborns with respiratory distress syndrome, the daily dose of Ambrobene is increased to 10 mg/kg, divided into four administrations. In very severe cases, the daily dose is increased to 30 mg/kg.

    For intravenous administration using droppers, 50 ml of Ambrobene solution is diluted according to the instructions in 500 ml of a base solution (Ringer-Locke solution, sodium chloride (0.9%), dextrose solution (0.5%) and others with a pH of no more than 6.3 ). The medicine is administered over 2 hours. The dropper speed is 84 drops per minute.

    Special instructions: the possibility of re-treatment while maintaining the indications according to the given scheme only after 14 days. Such administration of the drug should be stopped when acute signs of the disease disappear. The drug is either taken orally or rectally.

    Ambrobene during pregnancy and lactation

    In order to say with confidence about the safety of the drug Ambrobene during pregnancy for women, it is necessary to conduct appropriate tests. But such studies are not conducted on pregnant women. Tests carried out on animals did not reveal any risks to the fetus.

    Ambrobene during pregnancy, especially the first 28 weeks, can only be prescribed by a doctor. This occurs after a thorough risk-benefit assessment.

    During lactation: studies conducted on animals have shown that the active substance of the drug (ambroxol) penetrates the mammary glands and is excreted in breast milk. Therefore, only the attending physician can prescribe Ambrobene for a woman during breastfeeding after carefully checking the risk-benefit ratio.

    It is possible to use this drug to stimulate prenatal lung maturation in the fetus if there is a risk of premature birth.

    Ambrobene for children

    The drug is successfully used for children.

    Very often parents ask the question: “How should children take Ambrobene?” The dosage form of the drug and dosage for children are prescribed only by the attending physician. Self-medication is very dangerous.

    Most often, for dry coughs, doctors prescribe Ambrobene cough syrup for children because it has a pleasant taste and smell. About the drug Ambrobene in syrup, the instructions for use explain that it can be taken by children almost from birth.

    To enhance the effect of cough treatment in children, inhalations with Ambrobene solution are often prescribed. The inhaler promotes rapid penetration of the medicine into the respiratory tract and reduces recovery time.

    The drug is prescribed for a period of no more than five days, achieving good expectoration with the help of the mucolytic properties of Ambrobene.

    Contraindications. Side effects. Overdose

    • pregnancy first semester;
    • sensitivity to certain elements of Ambrobene;
    • stomach ulcer;
    • duodenal ulcer;
    • epilepsy;
    • limited functional capacity of the kidneys.

    Under the supervision of the attending physician, people with any impaired renal function or severe liver disease should take the drug with caution. The dose should be reduced and the intervals between doses of Ambrobene increased.

    You need to take the medicine especially carefully if there is an increased amount of sputum produced. In this case, there is an increased risk of sputum stagnation in the lungs. Treatment must be carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

    Respiratory system: the likelihood of rhinorrhea (constant discharge of watery mucus from the nose) and dryness in the respiratory canals.

    Digestive system: possible dry mouth, increased salivation, gastralgia (stomach pain), diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting.

    Various allergic reactions: urticaria, skin rash, itching and angioedema. Isolated cases include the occurrence of contact dermatitis and anaphylactic shock.

    Also, when Ambrobene solution is administered intravenously, headaches, shortness of breath, chills, feelings of fatigue and heaviness in the legs, increased body temperature and pressure may occur.

    When Ambrobene is taken orally in amounts up to 25 mg per kg, it is well tolerated.

    Symptoms of overdose: sharp deterioration in health, increased salivation, decreased blood pressure, nausea, vomiting.

    In case of overdose, you should rinse your stomach for the first 1.5 hours and start taking fat-containing foods. It is imperative to monitor all body indicators and, if deterioration occurs, carry out symptomatic therapy.

    Interaction with other drugs

    It is not recommended to take Ambrobene with medications that have antitussive activity. As a result of their interaction, the removal of mucus from the bronchi becomes more difficult, since the cough is suppressed.

    Ambrobene solution for injection according to the instructions is incompatible with medications with a pH greater than 6.3, as it has acidic properties. This, in particular, applies to mixing the drug with others in one dropper or syringe.

    Ambrobene improves the flow of antibiotics into the respiratory tract. Therefore, it is very often prescribed for therapeutic purposes simultaneously with these drugs (doxycycline, erythromycin and others).

    Storage conditions and conditions of release from pharmacies

    Tablets, oral solution, extended-release capsules and injection solution should be stored at temperatures up to 25°C in a dry place away from light.

    Ambrobene syrup should be stored at a temperature not lower than 8° and not higher than 25°C, in a place inaccessible to light.

    All medications should be stored in places out of the reach of children.

    Ambrobene is available in pharmacies without a prescription.

    Lazolvan or Ambrobene - what to choose?

    Both products contain the active substance ambroxol. It is one of the most popular remedies with mucolytic properties. Stimulates the formation of sputum, easy discharge and removal from the pulmonary tract. Ambroxol also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. A noticeable improvement in the condition when taking a drug containing ambroxol occurs no earlier than after 4 days.

    Medicines Lazolvan and Ambrobene differ only in excipients. Therefore, Lazolvan or Ambrobene is prescribed individually for each person. The price varies: the price of Ambrobene is lower than that of Lazolvan.

    As for use in children, the reviews are different. Lazolvan helps some, Ambrobene helps others. Your pediatrician will tell you what is right for your child.

    It is not at all necessary to see a doctor if you have a slight sore throat or a mild cough. Most often, these disorders are temporary and disappear soon. But if there is a deterioration in the condition, pain is felt or the cough does not calm down, then you should consult a doctor. This is especially true for children. Ambrobene for children (reviews from doctors and consumers are positive), of course, is a very effective medicine, but it is better to see a specialist.

    It is not entirely correct to talk about treating cough specifically, because it is necessary, first of all, to treat the disease that causes it. A specialist will make the correct diagnosis. You should not self-medicate. Your doctor will tell you how to take Ambrobene and for how long.

    Taking drugs that suppress cough as a reflex leads to the fact that sputum does not come out of the respiratory tract. Which, as a result, can lead to its accumulation in the lower part of the lungs, because such drugs disrupt the mechanism of formation and removal of sputum.

    You can read the official instructions for using Ambrobene on the website of the manufacturer of this drug.

    Don't forget to leave comments on the article; your opinion may be very important for many readers. Be healthy!

    The article above and comments written by readers are for informational purposes only and do not encourage self-medication. Consult a specialist regarding your own symptoms and illnesses. When taking any medicine, you should always use the instructions that come with the medicine and your doctor's advice as a guide.

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    Do you want to get rid of your nose, throat, lung and cold diseases? Then be sure to check it out here.

    It is also worth paying attention to other drugs for bronchitis and cough:

    Then a neighbor suggested trying a remedy she had tested, Ambrobene, she treated her child with it, and lo and behold) and the syrup helped us, on the 3rd day the cough was gone))))) my son drank the syrup with pleasure, he really liked the taste with a raspberry smell) Ambrobene is an expectorant, removes phlegm, is convenient to take, because There is a measuring cup.

    So this is a note for mothers;)

    P.S. If you have trouble clearing your throat, then try a massage.

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