Hyperplasia of the pharyngeal tonsil in adults

Inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil

The nasopharyngeal tonsil is a peripheral organ of the human immune system. It is represented by lymphoid tissue, where mature lymphocytes multiply, protecting the body from infections.

Table of contents:

Pathological processes within it can cause frequent sore throats, snoring, tonsil hyperplasia and chronic tonsillitis. To check the condition and monitor the pharyngeal tonsil, contact an ENT specialist, as well as an immunologist.


This gland is unpaired and is located in the mucous membrane of the pharynx and nasal sinuses. It is on the periphery of the digestive and respiratory system that the greatest accumulation of harmful microorganisms that enter with air or food is noted. Therefore, such a compact arrangement, together with the palatine tonsils, helps the body cope quite effectively with germs and viruses. It happens that the tonsil increases slightly in size due to various reasons, which leads to difficult airway patency and rhinolalia.


The pharyngeal tonsil has a porous surface and consists of several fragments of the mucosa, transversely located and enveloped in multilayered epithelium. It has peculiar cavities (lacunae) in the amount of 10-20 pieces, which are designed to filter microorganisms that get inside. The deepest lacuna is called the “pharyngeal bursa” (Lyushka).

But under the influence of certain factors, pathogenic microorganisms can begin to multiply in the area of ​​lacunae, which leads to the occurrence of chronic tonsillitis. On the entire surface of the gland there are follicles that produce lymphocytes. They enter the circulatory system thanks to a dense network of capillaries passing at the base of the lacunae.

Hyperplasia of the nasopharyngeal tonsil

Hyperplasia (increase in size) of the gland is called adenoiditis. This is one of the most common abnormalities in children. The proliferation of adenoids occurs in early preschool age and up to 15 years, but cases of the disease occur in both adults and one-year-old children.

Adenoids can be either single or represented by a branched conglomerate. They are located at the base of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and nasal sinuses. They are an oval, soft to palpation, of irregular shape and pink color with longitudinal slits dividing each fragment into 2-3 parts.

With adenoiditis, the symptoms are pronounced and are presented in the form of snoring, difficulty in nasal breathing, constant discharge from the nasal cavity, hearing impairment and frequent inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. Another symptom is chronic rhinitis.

Congestive hyperemia in the mucous membrane of the gland and in the surrounding soft tissues leads to chronic hypoxia and oxygen starvation of the brain, which can even lead to a delay in the development of the child. Patients suffering from this kind of illness often suffer from viral and bacterial infections, since the overgrown gland can no longer cope with its function normally and, instead of protecting itself, it becomes a permanent source of infection.

Inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil

Inflammation of the tonsil (nasopharyngeal sore throat or acute adenoiditis) is provoked by a viral or microbial infection and begins with a rise in temperature, which can range from 37.5-39.5 °, and a feeling of dryness and soreness in the throat.

The symptoms are similar to purulent and catarrhal tonsillitis, in which a whitish coating is noted on the surface of the tonsils, only pain and inflammation are localized behind the soft palate. In such cases, the patient will feel an accumulation of secretions behind the walls of the palate, which is difficult to cough up. In acute adenoiditis, inflamed lymphoid tissue can block the passages of the pharyngotympanic tube, which can lead to inflammation of the middle ear. There is a sharp deterioration in nasal breathing in a vertical position and its virtual absence in a horizontal position of the body.

At the onset of the disease, there is a runny nose, paroxysmal cough, mainly at night, and a feeling of stuffiness in the ears. Quite often, such inflammation becomes the cause of stenosing laryngitis. With proper treatment, the disease lasts about 5 days. Young children often experience digestive system disorders in the form of vomiting and loose stools.

The gland has many nerve endings, so its inflammation is often painful for the patient. It is supplied with arterial blood from branches of the carotid artery and transmits lymphocytes to the body. In case of pathology of the nasopharyngeal tonsil in the form of purulent tonsillitis, the danger is the breakthrough of abscesses with the possible development of sepsis or meningitis caused by streptococcus.

Surgery to remove the third tonsil

The decision to perform this type of operation is made by the doctor, after weighing the pros and cons when conservative treatment methods do not bring the desired results. Direct indications for surgical intervention are:

  1. frequent sore throats;
  2. critically difficult nasal breathing;
  3. complications from internal organs.

The nasopharyngeal tonsil is removed under general anesthesia through the oral cavity. It is usually recommended to be observed in the hospital for another 6 days after the operation, but the use of radiosurgical methods minimizes the occurrence of side effects, and the patient can be discharged home within a few hours after recovery from anesthesia for home observation.

After surgery, the patient needs to stay at home for at least three days. On the first day, you definitely need cold drinks and warm, soft food. Side effects requiring re-hospitalization are:

  1. nose bleed;
  2. bleeding from the mouth;
  3. temperature increase over 38°.

The third (or pharyngeal) tonsil, which is part of the conglomerate of nasopharyngeal tonsils (palatine and lingual), is designed to protect a person from pathogenic microorganisms penetrating from the external environment. However, under the influence of a number of factors, it can grow and become inflamed, undermining protection and reducing immunity. If there is no desired result from conservative treatment, surgical intervention is recommended. Thanks to modern technologies and qualified doctors, both children and adults can be relieved of problems such as snoring, chronic runny nose, constantly difficult breathing, rhinolalia and frequent inflammation in the larynx in one day.

ATTENTION! The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only! No website can solve your problem in absentia. We recommend that you consult your doctor for further advice and treatment.

Source: http://infogorlo.ru/glandy/nosoglotochnaya-mindalina.html

Tonsil hyperplasia


  1. Tonsil hyperplasia is a disease that is considered a childhood disease, in which pus collects in the folds of the mucous membrane of the tonsils, causing pathologies of the heart and/or kidneys.
  • Causes of tonsil hyperplasia
  • Symptoms
  • Tonsil hyperplasia in children
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Prevention
  • Forecast


  • Causes of tonsil hyperplasia
  • Symptoms
  • Hyperplasia of the palatine tonsils
  • Hyperplasia of the lingual tonsil
  • Hyperplasia of the nasopharyngeal tonsil
  • Hyperplasia of the pharyngeal tonsil
  • Tonsil hyperplasia in children
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Prevention
  • Forecast
  • Tonsil hyperplasia is a disease that is considered a childhood disease, in which pus collects in the folds of the mucous membrane of the tonsils, causing pathologies of the heart and/or kidneys.

    • Causes of tonsil hyperplasia
    • Symptoms
    • Tonsil hyperplasia in children
    • Diagnostics
    • Treatment
    • Prevention
    • Forecast


    Tonsils can grow due to swelling caused by inflammation. Provocateurs may be allergic agents or infection. The third reason is true hyperplasia. From 3 to 6 years, enlargement of the tonsils is a normal physiological process. Tonsil hyperplasia can be caused by pathogens such as mycoplasma and chlamydia. Correct prescription of medications is important for treatment. Anti-inflammatory drugs are relevant to relieve inflammation and minimize swelling. Antibacterial drugs are needed to destroy the pathogen that caused the disease.

    If drug treatment is ineffective, the doctor prescribes a surgical operation called adenotomy. After this, you need to take immunostimulants for prevention. For the first degree of hyperplasia, surgery is not required.

    Causes of tonsil hyperplasia

    For the occurrence of the disease, a damaging factor, for example, a burn, is important. In such situations, not only the tonsils are affected, but also the tissues adjacent to them. Not only too hot water, but also alkaline and acidic substances can damage the tonsils. For treatment of such patients, hospitalization is mandatory.

    Among the reasons are the impact of a third-party object. Most likely these are small fish bones that violate the integrity of the lymphatic tissue. When swallowing, a person in such cases feels as if something is stabbing in his throat. The next reason is tumors and abnormal development of the tonsils. An organ can also be damaged if:

    • contact with infected mucus (adenoiditis)
    • mouth breathing, resulting in prolonged inhalation of cold air
    • diseases to which the child was exposed at a young age
    • relapses and frequent diseases of the ears, throat and/or nose.

    The following children are at risk for tonsil hyperplasia:

    • malnourished
    • with poor living conditions, without proper care from parents or guardians
    • imbalance of hormones in the body
    • lymphatic-hypoplastic constitutional anomaly plays a role
    • exposure to radiation for a long time
    • lack of vitamins

    Activation of the production of lymphoid cells plays a role in pathogenesis.


    For effective treatment, parents must notice the pathology in time and come to the doctor with this problem. Timely diagnosis is a guarantee that there will be no complications. Doctors often record hypertrophic processes in several types of tonsils, including the pharyngeal tonsil. The doctor must palpate the tonsils; the consistency is soft or tightly elastic to the touch. The shade can be either light yellow or rich red.

    The child may complain of difficulty inhaling and exhaling, as well as discomfort when swallowing. Breathing becomes noisy, the doctor records dysphagia (swallowing disorder) and dysphonia (voice disorder). Parents may characterize the little patient’s voice as nasal, his speech as unintelligible, and some of the words may not be pronounced entirely correctly by the patient.

    As already noted, tonsil hyperplasia leads to hypoxia - the body does not receive enough oxygen. As a result, coughing and snoring may occur during sleep. If the pathological process involves the child’s ears, then the doctor notes otitis media.

    Complications can be constant colds, because a child with hyperplasia cannot breathe normally and keeps his mouth open. Otitis media (the above-mentioned complication) causes persistent hearing loss.

    Hyperplasia of the palatine tonsils

    There is no inflammation, but lymph tissue growth is observed mainly in young children. Hyperplasia of the palatine tonsils in such cases acts as a compensation mechanism when the body is attacked by infections. When the tonsils become so large that they become an obstacle to the inhalation of air and its passage through the respiratory tract, surgery is performed to remove some of the tissue.

    Pathogenesis involves an immunoreactive process. Breathing through the mouth is also important if the child has a problem such as adenoids. They contribute to the production of large amounts of infected mucus, which negatively affects the tonsils. Pathologies of the adrenal glands or thyroid gland play a role in pathogenesis. Apnea is likely to occur at night.

    Hyperplasia of the lingual tonsil

    This tonsil is located at the root of the tongue. From the age of fourteen, it develops back and therefore splits in two. When this process is disrupted, lymphatic tissue grows. With hyperplasia of the lingual tonsil, a teenager complains of a foreign body in the throat. This process can accompany the patient until he turns 40 years old. The cause is most often congenital. The patient's swallowing worsens, the timbre of his voice changes, and relatives may notice periods of time when the patient does not breathe at night, which is called apnea.

    When a child is diagnosed with hyperplasia of the palatine tonsil, during physical exercise, breathing becomes bubbling and noisy. A symptom such as cough is likely to cause laryngospasm. Taking pills will not work; the cough will continue for years. In some cases, the cough can be prolonged and severe, leading to bleeding.

    Hyperplasia of the nasopharyngeal tonsil

    Researchers put forward the point of view that the nasopharyngeal tonsils play a role in immunity until the baby is 3 years old. Due to frequent childhood illnesses, pathological growth of lymph tissue may begin. The disease is typical for children living in cold or excessively damp rooms. Inflammation appears in the respiratory organs.

    Tonsils can be of three degrees of growth. The first degree is characterized by the adenoids covering the top of the plate that forms the nasal septum. If this plate is closed by 65%, the doctor records degree II; closure by 90% or more indicates stage II of the pathology in question.

    Symptoms: nasal congestion, significant “snot”, which is why nasal passage is very poor. Due to these factors, blood circulation in the nasal cavity is impaired, which aggravates inflammation in the nasopharynx. If the adenoids are of the second or third degree, then the voice is impaired and is characterized as deaf. The auditory tubes may be closed, in such cases, which is logical, hearing decreases to a greater or lesser extent. The child’s mouth may be slightly open, sometimes the lower jaw may sag, the nasolabial folds may smooth out, which changes facial features.

    Hyperplasia of the pharyngeal tonsil

    This amygdala develops before the age of 14, with a particularly rapid rate of development in infants. Hyperplasia of the pharyngeal tonsil is one of the manifestations of lymphatic diathesis. Hereditary factors, regular hypothermia of the body, lack of nutrients or calories in the diet, and attack by viral pathogens may also play a role.

    In some cases, chronic inflammatory processes in the tonsils cause excessive growth of their tissue. It is difficult for the patient to breathe through his nose, so he opens his mouth to inhale and exhale air. The upper lip is higher than the normal level, swelling of the face and some elongation are observed. Therefore, the doctor may mistakenly suspect mental retardation.

    The brain does not have enough air. In the morning the child looks as if he did not get enough sleep. During the day he can be unreasonably capricious. Dryness of the oral mucosa is typical, the voice is hoarse when the child tries to breathe through the mouth. Long-term rhinitis with sinusitis is also recorded; tubotympanitis and otitis are likely. The temperature may be slightly increased, appetite worsens, memory and attention also become worse.

    Tonsil hyperplasia in children

    The child's body is often exposed to infections, such as whooping cough or scarlet fever. Hypertrophic processes are launched as compensatory ones. The diagnosis in question is made mainly to children under the age of ten years. Hyperplasia does not manifest itself as an inflammatory process. The tonsils are pale yellow in color, they are not red.

    With the 1st degree of proliferation there are no symptoms. If growth is intense, then parents note a nasal voice of the child, breathing complications and other symptoms that were listed above. A large number of follicles, which are more fragile than normal, close the gaps without plugs.


    An experienced doctor pays attention to the facial expression of a small patient. It is important to interview parents, and, if possible, the child himself, to identify the main complaints. The history may indicate such points as low immune defense of the body, respiratory diseases (several per year), and a stuffy nose for a long time. Laboratory tests are important to determine the diagnosis. It is necessary to identify the pathogen and check its response to commonly used medications. The patient is prescribed bacterial culture from the throat.

    The patient's blood must be taken for analysis, including acid-base balance, and urine must be taken for analysis to detect inflammation. Instrumental diagnostic methods are also relevant when diagnosing tonsil hyperplasia. Ultrasound diagnostics of the pharynx, pharyngoscopy, fibroendoscopy and rigid endoscopy are performed.

    Tonsil hyperplasia can be caused (must be taken into account when diagnosing):

    • cancer in the tonsils
    • tuberculosis
    • granulomas of the pharynx of an infectious nature
    • leukemia
    • lymphogranulomatosis


    Treatment requires a comprehensive approach, including the use of medications, physical therapy and, if necessary, surgery. In grade I (classification described above), special medications and rinses are prescribed. For the latter procedure, cauterizing and astringent agents are suitable, including a tannin solution; Antiseptics are also prescribed.

    Hypertrophied areas are lubricated with a 2.5% solution of silver nitrate. The following medications are suitable for treatment:

    Topical physiotherapy techniques include:

    In some cases, endopharyngeal therapy with laser is needed. Mud ultraphonophoresis, electrophoresis, inhalation with decoctions of medicinal herbs, and vacuum hydrotherapy are often prescribed. In cases of II and III degrees of hyperplasia, surgical operations are resorted to. Most often, part of the overgrown tonsil is removed. This method is relevant for patients under seven years of age, if there is no polio, diphtheria, infectious diseases, or blood diseases.

    Cryosurgery is a method of treating tonsil hyperplasia, in which the organ is affected by low temperatures, which allows you to get rid of pathological growths. In this case, the patient does not feel pain, and there is no blood either. This operation is indicated for patients with heart failure, atherosclerosis and heart defects.

    The next method of treating the pathology in question is diathermocoagulation, in other words, cauterization. When agreeing to treatment with this method, consult your doctor about the high likelihood of various complications.


    It is important to live in favorable conditions, keeping the room clean, maintaining a normal level of air humidity and a temperature comfortable for the human body. Nutrition must be correct for the immune system to be active. In autumn and winter, you need to dress according to the weather, not breathe through your mouth, so that the tonsils are not exposed to icy air.

    To maintain immunity, hardening, spa treatment, and additional courses of minerals and vitamins may be important. Respiratory and any other diseases must be treated on time so that they do not become chronic.


    Doctors almost always give a favorable prognosis. Thanks to tonsillotomy, a person can breathe through his nose, and his immunity returns to normal. The brain functions without hypoxia, which normalizes the patient’s sleep and general well-being. Nasal voice also disappears after proper treatment. At an early age, moderate hyperplasia of the tonsils can be detected, but after the child reaches ten years of age, it goes away. If after 10 years hyperplasia still exists, you need to consult a doctor.

    If symptoms appear, consult a doctor for early diagnosis and treatment.

    Source: http://medsait.ru/pediatriya/giperplaziya-mindalin

    Tonsil hyperplasia: symptoms and treatment

    The palatine tonsils and nasopharyngeal tonsil are accumulations of lymphoid tissue that have a protective function in children. After puberty ends in healthy people, they disappear. But in some cases, the tonsils grow, and then they do not protect, but become centers of chronic infection. Hyperplasia of the tonsils in rare cases in children causes breathing problems and oxygen starvation, which impairs brain function. Such patients often suffer from respiratory infections, and sometimes they even have developmental delays.

    Symptoms of the development of tonsil hyperplasia

    Tonsil hyperplasia is one of the most common abnormalities in childhood. The tonsils, also known as tonsils in children, are an important human organ that helps our body fight off the infection that has entered it. They are located between the palatine arches in the throat, just in the place where the nasal and oral cavities connect on both sides of the tongue.

    When lymphatic tissue grows, disease symptoms occur and can interfere with normal breathing. A complication of this is increasing hypoxia, which primarily affects the brain, also causing disturbances in the development of the baby and frequent viral and bacterial infections.

    It is necessary to distinguish between genuine hyperplasia of the tonsil and an increase in its size due to inflammatory edema caused by allergic diseases and infections.

    Features of the treatment of tonsil hyperplasia

    The disease is treated by various methods, but the most common method is surgery (adenotomy). Adenatomy is often used not for indications that determine genuine hyperplasia of the tonsils, but for recurrent otitis, sinusitis, and upper respiratory tract infections, assuming that this operation will eliminate the source of chronic infection. Unfortunately, these actions do not always eliminate the problems of diseases of the nose and ear, and in some cases even worsen them, because decantation of the pharyngeal tonsils leads to disruption of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract.

    Taking these nuances into account, the approach to treating the disease is that surgical intervention occurs only in the case of true hyperplasia of 2-3 degrees, the second method is conservative treatment of adenoiditis. In the case of conservative treatment, the basis is local action on the mucous membrane of the nose, nasopharynx and tonsils; drugs with a wide range of effects on the bacterial flora are used, because in chronic adenoiditis and rhinosinusitis, different associations of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic flora dominate.

    Stages of treatment for tonsil hyperplasia

    Treatment should begin with conservative therapy with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

    The use of the local steroid drug "Nasonex" is effective during the treatment of tonsil hyperplasia and allows you to avoid resorting to adenotomy in the absence of true tonsil hyperplasia.

    After adenotomy, it is appropriate to carry out prophylaxis with the local immunomodulatory drug IRS-19.

    Tonsil surgery is very simple for both the patient and the doctor. The prepared patient comes to the doctor on the appointed day, takes premedication and 30 minutes later goes to the operating room. The anesthesiologist puts a breathing mask on him and after about 6 breaths the patient falls asleep. The operation for the patient ends here. The next thing he will feel and see will be complete calm and ward.

    In many hospitals, patients after surgical treatment remain in the hospital for another 6 days after surgery. But the radiosurgical methods used during the operation make it possible to be discharged within the first day and recover in a comfortable home environment. Most often, medical supervision in the postoperative period after removal of diseased tonsils is not required, but if necessary, the patient can promptly obtain advice from the attending physician.

    Finally, it should be noted that it is impossible to operate to treat tonsil hyperplasia without significant indications. This conclusion can only be reached after a comprehensive examination by a qualified doctor.

    Causes of hyperplastic proliferation of tonsils

    The causes of the disease are:

    chronic viral infections;

    acute viral infections;

    physiological hyperplasia (at the age of 3-6 years);

    intracellular infections of the respiratory tract: chlamydia, mycoplasma.

    Source: http://www.astromeridian.ru/medicina/giperplazija_mindalin.html

    First Doctor

    Tonsil enlargement in adults

    Hyperplasia of the palatine tonsils

    Moderate enlargement of the tonsils due to the proliferation of lymphatic tissue and in the absence of an inflammatory process in them is more often observed in children. Hyperplasia of the palatine tonsils manifests itself as a compensatory process in response to a large number of attacks from infectious agents.

    The main threat from hypertrophied tonsils is the complete closure of the airway. To avoid this, at a certain stage it is necessary to surgically remove part of the organ, which ensures adequate breathing.

    Hyperplasia of the palatine tonsils is characterized by an immunoreactive process that occurs in response to the negative impact of environmental factors. In addition, the proliferation of lymphatic tissue is facilitated by breathing through the mouth in the presence of enlarged adenoids.

    As a result of adenoiditis, increased secretion of infected mucus is possible, which affects the palatine tonsils. Hypertrophy is also promoted by infectious diseases, allergies and frequent inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity and oropharynx.

    Among the accompanying factors, it is worth highlighting living conditions that are unsuitable for the baby, poor nutrition with insufficient amounts of vitamins, hormonal imbalance due to pathology of the thyroid gland or adrenal glands, as well as small radiation doses that have an effect for a long time.

    Enlarged palatine tonsils are characterized by a pale pink tint, a smooth surface, formed lacunae and a loose consistency. They protrude slightly from behind the anterior palatine arches. Children experience coughing and difficulty swallowing and breathing.

    Speech impairment occurs due to disturbances in the upper resonator, which is manifested by a nasal voice. Hypoxic changes in the brain cause restless sleep, insomnia and cough. At night, periods of lack of breathing (apnea) are possible due to relaxation of the pharyngeal muscles.

    In addition, tubular dysfunction can cause the development of exudative otitis media with a further decrease in hearing function.

    Hyperplasia of the lingual tonsil

    In children, the lingual tonsil is very well developed and is located in the root of the tongue. At the age of one hundred years, its reverse development is observed, as a result of which it is divided into 2 parts. However, sometimes this process does not occur, and the lymphatic tissue continues to enlarge.

    Thus, hyperplasia of the lingual tonsil can reach such a size, occupying the space between the root and the pharynx (posterior wall), resulting in a foreign body sensation.

    Hypertrophic processes can last up to 40 years, the cause of which is most often a hereditary developmental anomaly. Symptoms of enlarged tonsils include difficulty swallowing, a feeling of additional formation in the oral cavity, a change in voice timbre, the appearance of snoring and frequent periods of lack of breathing (apnea).

    Hyperplasia of the lingual tonsil during physical activity is manifested by noisy bubbling breathing. A cough that occurs for no reason is dry, loud and often leads to laryngospasm. Drug therapy does not bring improvement, so the cough has been bothering me for years.

    In some cases, bleeding is observed due to hacking cough due to the pressure of the enlarged gland on the epiglottis and irritation of the nerve endings.

    Hyperplasia of the nasopharyngeal tonsil

    It is generally accepted that the nasopharyngeal tonsils are involved in the body’s immune defense mainly up to 3 years of age. The proliferation of lymphatic tissue is provoked by frequent childhood illnesses, for example, measles, cold viral diseases or scarlet fever.

    Hyperplasia of the nasopharyngeal tonsil is also observed in children living in houses with poor living conditions (high humidity, insufficient heating) and receiving poor nutrition. As a result, the body loses its protective abilities and is subject to aggression from infectious agents, which leads to inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs.

    Depending on the size of the tonsils, there are 3 degrees of proliferation. When the adenoids cover the top of the plate (vomer) that forms the nasal septum, it is worth talking about the first degree. If the vomer is closed by 65%, this is the second, and by 90% or more, this is the third degree of enlargement of the tonsils.

    Hyperplasia of the nasopharyngeal tonsil is manifested in the baby by almost constant nasal congestion with strong discharge that closes the nasal passages. As a result, there is a violation of local blood circulation in the nasal cavity and nasopharynx with the further development of the inflammatory process.

    Large adenoids lead to voice impairment, when it loses sonority and becomes dull. A significant decrease in hearing function is observed when the opening of the auditory tubes closes, especially with a runny nose.

    The baby's mouth may be open, the lower jaw droops, and the nasolabial folds are smoothed out. In the future, this can cause facial deformation.

    Hyperplasia of the pharyngeal tonsil

    In relation to the other glands of the pharyngeal ring, it is the pharyngeal one that develops the fastest. Its increase in size most often occurs before the age of 14, especially in infancy.

    Hyperplasia of the pharyngeal tonsil is a sign of lymphatic diathesis. In addition, a hereditary predisposition to its hypertrophy is possible, but do not underestimate poor nutrition, frequent hypothermia and exposure to viral pathogens.

    In some cases, chronic inflammation of the glands is the trigger for their hyperplasia, since the lack of proper treatment leads to an increase in lymphatic tissue cells to carry out the protective function of the body.

    Hyperplasia of the pharyngeal tonsil is characterized by difficulty in nasal breathing, which contributes to the constant opening of the mouth to perform the act of breathing. As a result, sometimes even by facial expression one can suspect the desired diagnosis, because in addition to the open mouth, there is a raised upper lip, the face is slightly elongated and swollen, and visually it seems that the child has a reduced intellectual level.

    Due to the lack of physiological nasal breathing, the brain suffers from a lack of oxygen in the form of hypoxia. In addition, periods of apnea at night become more frequent. In the morning the baby looks sleep deprived, which manifests itself in whims and tearfulness during the day.

    The oral mucosa is dry, and cold air entering the larynx and trachea contributes to the development of a hoarse voice with the appearance of a cough. In addition, with hyperplasia, prolonged rhinitis with a complication - sinusitis, as well as otitis and tubotympanitis is observed.

    Among the general manifestations, it is necessary to note the possibility of an increase in temperature to low-grade levels, decreased appetite, psycho-emotional lability and cognitive impairment (deterioration of memory and attention).

    Hypertrophy of the palatine glands is characterized by an increase in size in a chronic form. On the one hand, this leads to nasal congestion, difficulties with normal inhalation and exhalation and a number of other unpleasant symptoms, on the other hand, it threatens serious complications. Diagnosed in adults, but more often occurs in young children.

    Both glands are formed by a collection of lymphoid tissue, the purpose of which is to trap bacteria and viruses. Act as part of the lymphatic system and help protect the body from infections. The tonsils are located in the back of the throat and are visible through the mouth. The function is to prevent bacteria and viruses from penetrating deeper into the throat, producing antibodies to attack pathogenic microorganisms. Enlarged palatal lymph glands in adults and children are associated with frequent infections and inflammation in the throat.

    Symptoms of the pathological process

    Hypertrophy of the tonsils in rare cases occurs without pronounced symptoms. Classic signs that determine enlarged glands:

    Voice changes. As a result of tissue growth near the vocal cords, the timbre changes slightly. Difficulty swallowing. Enlargement of the tonsils becomes the reason for this. Loss of appetite. Swallowing is painful, making eating difficult. This symptom affects children to a greater extent. Halitosis. The infection promotes the proliferation of microbes, causing bad breath. Snore. Hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils affects free exhalation and inhalation, which is why air exchange in the lungs is difficult in adults and children during sleep, and characteristic noisy sounds are present. Obstructive apnea (stopping breathing). A condition that develops in severe cases. Occurs during breaks in breathing during sleep. A serious and dangerous phenomenon, potentially leading to pulmonary hypertension and hypertrophy of the right side of the heart. Frequent ear infections. Enlarged tonsils often lead to blockage of the Eustachian tubes and impede drainage. Fluid accumulates behind the eardrum, increasing the risk of infection. The process is either one-sided or affects both ears. Chronic sinusitis, rhinitis. Hypertrophy of the nasopharyngeal tonsil and adjacent tissue complicates the outflow of fluid from the sinuses. Blockage threatens the development of infection. Symptoms of nasal congestion, bloating and heaviness appear. The tissue growth is nothing more than adenoids. Its inflammation is adenoiditis. It is possible in childhood and adolescence. Degrees are assigned based on the size of the growth. Headache, decreased performance due to insufficient oxygen supply.

    Causes that lead to pathology

    At birth, the tonsils are immature; as they grow older, they undergo a number of changes and their functions improve. Under the influence of harmful substances in the air, tobacco smoke, dust, viruses and microbes, the tonsils are forced to “react”, causing them to change size and gradually grow. Not all patients are affected by this. According to doctors, heredity, the frequency of inflammation and infections, fetal asphyxia during childbirth, etc. play a role. It is difficult to name the exact reasons why pathology develops.

    It has been noticed that hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils most often threatens people with diseases of the upper respiratory tract and endocrine disorders. Environmental conditions, lack of variety in the diet and lack of vitamins influence.

    Hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils is classified depending on the size of the tonsils. There are 3 degrees:

    it is characterized by a slight increase. The tissue of the organ grows to a third of the height between the palatine arch and the pharynx;

    the tonsil should occupy two-thirds of the height;

    diagnosed if the tonsils completely block the lumen in the throat and close together.

    I, II, III degrees of hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils

    Stages 2 and 3 are characterized by symptoms of difficulty breathing through the mouth and nose, difficulty swallowing and a nasal voice. The change in timbre is accompanied by hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsil. In adolescence, under the influence of hormones and the rapid growth of the body, the reverse process is possible, the tonsils become smaller and take on normal sizes. It is not always worth removing enlarged glands in childhood; there are good reasons for this.

    As the glands enlarge, their structure, color and density do not change. The color is pink, the lacunae are clean, there is no plaque. Hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils is characterized only by an increase in size.

    Hypertrophy of the lingual tonsil is diagnosed in adults when tubercles grow and enlarge on the root of the tongue. A similar process is observed in children with adenoiditis at the same time. As a rule, hypertrophy of the lingual tonsil is treated without special treatment; the symptoms disappear during puberty and it decreases again.

    If this does not happen, upon examination in adults, an enlarged gland is noted at the back wall of the pharynx and the root of the tongue. Patients come for examination and complain of a “lump in the throat,” rawness, “something is bothering the throat.” This is nothing more than hypertrophy of the lingual tonsil. Decoctions of burdock, milkweed, and milk thistle oil are recommended for treatment.

    There are 2 types of hypertrophy of the lingual tonsil:

    vascular-glandular. The tonsil tissue is penetrated by venous vessels, the number of mucous glands increases; lymphoid. Formed when the palatine tonsils are removed as a compensatory reaction.

    Unilateral processes in the throat

    If the tonsil is enlarged on only one side, a serious illness is suspected. The reason for this may be a tumor, lung disease, sexually transmitted infections (syphilis), or other microbial infections.

    An examination by an oncologist is required to rule out the growth of cancer cells. Treatment, if the diagnosis is confirmed, involves cutting off the inflamed gland on one side and carrying out anti-cancer treatment.

    An enlarged gland on one side is a reason to seek help from a venereologist or pulmonologist, although in some cases this is an individual feature of the body.

    Treatment and assistance with gland overgrowth

    Therapy is chosen based on the degree of proliferation of the tonsils. At the initial stage, treatment involves following hygiene rules and always rinsing your mouth after eating. Inhalation through the nose will reduce the number of germs and viruses entering the body. The tonsils remain moisturized and are able to resist infection.

    Hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils is treated with antiseptics and cauterization. The tonsils are lubricated with a 2% solution of Corralgol, Lapis, Tanid-glycerin, Karatolin, etc. Proper treatment and regularity of procedures will improve the patient’s condition, ease breathing and reduce the number of unpleasant symptoms.

    When hypertrophy of the tonsils affects the quality of life, a person has difficulty breathing, swallowing food, he feels tired and overwhelmed, radical treatment is necessary. Surgery is performed. The gland is removed from one side or both, excised partially or completely.

    Folk remedies help in treatment. Brew oak bark and walnut leaves for rinsing. The astringent effect of the decoction prevents proliferation and reduces the volume of the glands. Use propolis oil to lubricate the tonsils, alkaline mineral water, and saline solutions for rinsing.

    During the summer season, swimming in the sea is recommended. Sea water rinses the nasopharynx and hardens the body. Warming up in the sun strengthens the immune system.

    Pay attention to the tonsils. The decision to remove them must be made strictly according to indications. Conservative treatment helps normalize the patient’s well-being. The enlargement of the gland on one side deserves special attention. In this case, a visit to the hospital is not postponed; it is important to exclude an oncological process. Discuss treatment with folk remedies with your doctor, he will recommend effective remedies.

    Tonsils are a collection of lymphatic tissue compactions; these tissues perform the functions of the immune defense of our body. There are several types of tonsils in the human body, they are distinguished by location. Depending on the age and development of the body, some tonsils practically atrophy. And some can cause diseases such as lingual tonsil hyperplasia or pharyngeal tonsil hyperplasia.

    Causes of the disease

    If negative factors influence the tonsils, they lose their protective function and infectious processes begin in them. An activated infection provokes an increase in the size of the tissues of the tonsils, which leads to a deterioration in the patency of the larynx, and this, in turn, makes breathing difficult. Further development of the process can cause hypoxia, which affects the brain. It can also cause frequent diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs. Tonsil hyperplasia can be caused by a viral pathogen, allergic exposure, as well as chlamydial or mycoplasma infection.

    Treatment of hyperplasia in the early stages is carried out using medications. It is recommended to relieve swelling and inflammation with anti-inflammatory drugs. The infection itself is treated with antibiotics. In case of insufficient effect of treatment or its absence, surgical intervention is recommended. To increase effectiveness, local immunostimulating drugs are prescribed for prevention. Why does tonsil hyperplasia occur?

    Hyperplasia is characteristic mainly of children, but sometimes the disease occurs at an older age and for various reasons:

    The cause of the disease may be mechanical damage to the throat. In this case, in addition to the tonsils themselves, the larynx or mouth is also damaged. Thermal damage can be caused by exposure to boiling water or aggressive substances. Acid or alkali causes a chemical burn to the throat. In this case, you must immediately contact a medical facility. Another provoking cause is sometimes a foreign body that damages the lymphatic tissue during a meal (fish bone, sharp bone fragments). It is worth remembering the general condition of the body, its immune resistance to various types of infections, since it is this that responds to the aggression of surrounding factors. The disease can be provoked by prolonged exposure to low temperatures on the throat when breathing through the mouth, frequent inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, including echoes of childhood diseases.

    Indirect reasons for the occurrence of hyperplasia of the pharyngeal tonsil are considered to be poor nutrition, poor environment, and the influence of bad habits that reduce the body's defenses. Also an important role in enlarged tonsils is played by disturbed hormonal balance, lack of vitamins and increased background radiation. The beginning of the development of tonsil hyperplasia is the activation of immature lymphatic cells.

    Symptoms and diagnosis

    Considering that increased growth of lymphatic tissue is more often observed in children, the main thing for parents is to detect the problem, followed by contacting a specialist. Timely diagnosis will completely stop the subsequent growth of the tonsils and eliminate the further development of complications.

    Often the disease occurs with inflammation of not just one type, but several, for example, the pharyngeal and lingual tonsils. Therefore, the symptoms of the disease have a wider range of manifestations, in contrast to the enlargement of one tonsil. When palpated, the tonsils are often of medium density or soft; they acquire a yellow or reddish tint.

    During the active phase of the disease, enlarged tonsils interfere with the normal process of breathing and the passage of food. As a result, breathing problems occur, especially during periods of sleep or rest. When forming speech, minor problems appear, such as voice distortion, unintelligible speech and incorrect pronunciation. Impaired breathing prevents the full supply of oxygen to the lobes of the brain, which can lead to hypoxia. Apnea occurs due to relaxation of the pharyngeal muscles. In addition, problems with the ears appear; otitis media and hearing impairment due to tubular dysfunction may develop.

    In addition to the listed manifestations, complications in the form of colds are possible; this is caused by inhaling cold air while constantly breathing through the mouth. Otitis media can cause systematic hearing loss and other diseases of the middle ear.

    In children, the lingual tonsil develops systematically until adolescence; it is located in the area of ​​the root of the tongue. After 15 years, it begins the reverse process and is divided into two parts. It happens that this does not happen, but the lymph cells continue to grow. Thus, tonsil hyperplasia enlarges and grows between the root of the tongue and the pharynx, which creates the sensation of a foreign body.

    Such processes can last up to 40 years due to the development of a hereditary anomaly. Symptoms of enlarged lingual tonsils include difficulty swallowing, a sensation of formation behind the tongue, distortion of the voice timbre, the appearance of snoring and apnea. Hyperplasia of the tonsil during exercise is manifested by bubbling, unreasonable coughing and uncharacteristic noise. Drug treatment does not always help, so symptoms may persist for years. In certain cases, bleeding occurs due to irritation of the nerve endings of the larynx.

    Treatment options

    Treatment of tonsil hyperplasia must begin with treatment with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. The use of local steroid drugs is allowed, which makes it possible to avoid adenotomy (only in the absence of true hyperplasia). In difficult cases, adenotomy is performed, after which prophylaxis with immunostimulating drugs is recommended.

    The first two methods are effective in the early stages of the disease and in the presence of strong immunity in humans. In the case of such treatment, the basis is a local effect on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and tonsils using drugs with a wide range of effects on the bacterial flora. The most common method is surgery, or adenotomy.

    Adenatomy is also often used for recurrent otitis media and infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract, in order to eliminate foci of chronic infection. Unfortunately, such actions do not always solve problems of the nose and ear, because the removal of pharyngeal tonsils disrupts the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Considering this, surgical intervention is suitable only in the presence of true hyperplasia of 2-3 degrees.

    Methods for preventing the disease

    Considering the reasons for the development of tonsil hyperplasia, it is worth identifying the main preventive directions that make it possible to avoid the disease or sharply reduce the likelihood of its occurrence. Prevention of hyperplasia is based on ensuring favorable living conditions. This means cleanliness in the home, optimal humidity and temperature. It is also necessary to adhere to proper nutrition, since the lack of a complex of vitamins and minerals sharply reduces the protective function of the human body.

    Make sure to dress warmly during the cold season, monitor breathing through your nose so that cold air does not enter the nasopharynx, but passes through the nose well moistened and warmed. Strengthening the body through hardening and physical exercise has a great effect on the condition of the nasopharynx. It is also advised to periodically visit health facilities, carrying out complex procedures, taking vitamins and minerals.

    Prevention of hyperplasia involves timely treatment of respiratory diseases, acute respiratory and inflammatory processes. If you have the first signs of the disease, you must consult a specialist in order to start therapy in a timely manner and exclude surgical intervention or chronic pathology. Gargling with cool water and sea salt has a positive effect on disease prevention. Since the occurrence of hyperplasia is typical at an early age, it is advisable to harden children.

    Source: http://first-doctor.ru/razrastanie-mindalin-u-vzroslyh/

    Hyperplasia of the lingual tonsil: symptoms, treatment, prevention

    Tonsils are a collection of lymphatic tissue compactions; these tissues perform the functions of the immune defense of our body. There are several types of tonsils in the human body, they are distinguished by location. Depending on the age and development of the body, some tonsils practically atrophy. And some can cause diseases such as lingual tonsil hyperplasia or pharyngeal tonsil hyperplasia.

    Causes of the disease

    If negative factors influence the tonsils, they lose their protective function and infectious processes begin in them. An activated infection provokes an increase in the size of the tissues of the tonsils, which leads to a deterioration in the patency of the larynx, and this, in turn, makes breathing difficult. Further development of the process can cause hypoxia, which affects the brain. It can also cause frequent diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs. Tonsil hyperplasia can be caused by a viral pathogen, allergic exposure, as well as chlamydial or mycoplasma infection.

    Treatment of hyperplasia in the early stages is carried out using medications. It is recommended to relieve swelling and inflammation with anti-inflammatory drugs. The infection itself is treated with antibiotics. In case of insufficient effect of treatment or its absence, surgical intervention is recommended. To increase effectiveness, local immunostimulating drugs are prescribed for prevention. Why does tonsil hyperplasia occur?

    Hyperplasia is characteristic mainly of children, but sometimes the disease occurs at an older age and for various reasons:

    1. The cause of the disease may be mechanical damage to the throat. In this case, in addition to the tonsils themselves, the larynx or mouth is also damaged.
    2. Thermal damage can be caused by exposure to boiling water or aggressive substances. Acid or alkali causes a chemical burn to the throat. In this case, you must immediately contact a medical facility.
    3. Another provoking cause is sometimes a foreign body that damages the lymphatic tissue during a meal (fish bone, sharp bone fragments).
    4. It is worth remembering the general condition of the body, its immune resistance to various types of infections, since it is this that responds to the aggression of surrounding factors.
    5. The disease can be provoked by prolonged exposure to low temperatures on the throat when breathing through the mouth, frequent inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, including echoes of childhood diseases.

    Indirect reasons for the occurrence of hyperplasia of the pharyngeal tonsil are considered to be poor nutrition, poor environment, and the influence of bad habits that reduce the body's defenses. Also an important role in enlarged tonsils is played by disturbed hormonal balance, lack of vitamins and increased background radiation. The beginning of the development of tonsil hyperplasia is the activation of immature lymphatic cells.

    Symptoms and diagnosis

    Considering that increased growth of lymphatic tissue is more often observed in children, the main thing for parents is to detect the problem, followed by contacting a specialist. Timely diagnosis will completely stop the subsequent growth of the tonsils and eliminate the further development of complications.

    Often the disease occurs with inflammation of not just one type, but several, for example, the pharyngeal and lingual tonsils. Therefore, the symptoms of the disease have a wider range of manifestations, in contrast to the enlargement of one tonsil. When palpated, the tonsils are often of medium density or soft; they acquire a yellow or reddish tint.

    During the active phase of the disease, enlarged tonsils interfere with the normal process of breathing and the passage of food. As a result, breathing problems occur, especially during periods of sleep or rest. When forming speech, minor problems appear, such as voice distortion, unintelligible speech and incorrect pronunciation. Impaired breathing prevents the full supply of oxygen to the lobes of the brain, which can lead to hypoxia. Apnea occurs due to relaxation of the pharyngeal muscles. In addition, problems with the ears appear; otitis media and hearing impairment due to tubular dysfunction may develop.

    In addition to the listed manifestations, complications in the form of colds are possible; this is caused by inhaling cold air while constantly breathing through the mouth. Otitis media can cause systematic hearing loss and other diseases of the middle ear.

    In children, the lingual tonsil develops systematically until adolescence; it is located in the area of ​​the root of the tongue. After 15 years, it begins the reverse process and is divided into two parts. It happens that this does not happen, but the lymph cells continue to grow. Thus, tonsil hyperplasia enlarges and grows between the root of the tongue and the pharynx, which creates the sensation of a foreign body.

    Such processes can last up to 40 years due to the development of a hereditary anomaly. Symptoms of enlarged lingual tonsils include difficulty swallowing, a sensation of formation behind the tongue, distortion of the voice timbre, the appearance of snoring and apnea. Hyperplasia of the tonsil during exercise is manifested by bubbling, unreasonable coughing and uncharacteristic noise. Drug treatment does not always help, so symptoms may persist for years. In certain cases, bleeding occurs due to irritation of the nerve endings of the larynx.

    Treatment options

    1. Treatment of tonsil hyperplasia must begin with treatment with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.
    2. The use of local steroid drugs is allowed, which makes it possible to avoid adenotomy (only in the absence of true hyperplasia).
    3. In difficult cases, adenotomy is performed, after which prophylaxis with immunostimulating drugs is recommended.

    The first two methods are effective in the early stages of the disease and in the presence of strong immunity in humans. In the case of such treatment, the basis is a local effect on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and tonsils using drugs with a wide range of effects on the bacterial flora. The most common method is surgery, or adenotomy.

    Adenatomy is also often used for recurrent otitis media and infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract, in order to eliminate foci of chronic infection. Unfortunately, such actions do not always solve problems of the nose and ear, because the removal of pharyngeal tonsils disrupts the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Considering this, surgical intervention is suitable only in the presence of true hyperplasia of 2-3 degrees.

    Methods for preventing the disease

    Considering the reasons for the development of tonsil hyperplasia, it is worth identifying the main preventive directions that make it possible to avoid the disease or sharply reduce the likelihood of its occurrence. Prevention of hyperplasia is based on ensuring favorable living conditions. This means cleanliness in the home, optimal humidity and temperature. It is also necessary to adhere to proper nutrition, since the lack of a complex of vitamins and minerals sharply reduces the protective function of the human body.

    Make sure to dress warmly during the cold season, monitor breathing through your nose so that cold air does not enter the nasopharynx, but passes through the nose well moistened and warmed. Strengthening the body through hardening and physical exercise has a great effect on the condition of the nasopharynx. It is also advised to periodically visit health facilities, carrying out complex procedures, taking vitamins and minerals.

    Prevention of hyperplasia involves timely treatment of respiratory diseases, acute respiratory and inflammatory processes. If you have the first signs of the disease, you must consult a specialist in order to start therapy in a timely manner and exclude surgical intervention or chronic pathology. Gargling with cool water and sea salt has a positive effect on disease prevention. Since the occurrence of hyperplasia is typical at an early age, it is advisable to harden children.

    Source: http://progorlo.ru/stroenie/glotka/giperplaziya-yazychnoj-mindaliny