Hexoral or Lugol which is better

Lugol or Hexoral which is better

Which is better: Lugol or Hexoral?

In the section Diseases, Medicines, to the question Advise what is better for the throat: Hexoral or Lugol spray? The best answer given by the author Veronika Likucheva is vigorous Lugol, but in my opinion, it helps better.

Table of contents:

Hexoral only makes my throat hurt more. I also like strepsils spray

Lugol helps me more))

Buy dioxidin in amuls and rinse 2-3 times.

Source: http://2oa.ru/lyugol-ili-geksoral-chto-luchshe/

Hexoral or Lugol spray?

I like Lugol better

Hexoral is better. You will burn your entire throat with Lugol spray.

We use tantum verde! Tonsilgon drops also relieve swelling very well

they are herbal, we have been using them for a long time

We always use Hexoral... Lugol spray is disgusting... it tastes.

Lugol helped me when I was a child. only then there was no sperm. Mom wrapped cotton wool, dipped the cotton wool in this crap and smeared it all over her throat. a couple of days and no sore throat)). I already used hexoral in “our days”, it also helped me

Mom won't miss

women on baby.ru

Our pregnancy calendar reveals to you the features of all stages of pregnancy - an extremely important, exciting and new period of your life.

We will tell you what will happen to your future baby and you in each of the forty weeks.

Source: http://www.baby.ru/blogs/post/3740/

Choosing a spray for pharyngitis

A swollen, itchy throat and cough cause considerable discomfort. Such signs are characteristic of many diseases, including pharyngitis. Any patient wants to alleviate their suffering and get rid of the disease as quickly as possible. Topical products can help cope with this. One of the best solutions is a spray for pharyngitis.

Symptoms of pharyngitis

Pharyngitis in medicine is called inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa. Symptoms of the disease are:

  • pain that is more disturbing during normal swallowing of saliva (“empty swallow”) than when eating;
  • feeling of a lump in the throat, soreness;
  • nonproductive (dry) cough.

Sometimes this is accompanied by general malaise and a slight rise in temperature (37-38°C). If the inflammation affects the lateral ridges of the organ, the pain may radiate to the ears.

On visual examination, pharyngitis is characterized by redness of the posterior part of the pharynx and palatine arches (folds on the side walls of the pharynx). At the same time, the palatine tonsils are not inflamed (this symptom is typical for tonsillitis). And when palpating the neck, the doctor will detect pain and enlargement of its upper lymph nodes.

In 70% of cases of pharyngitis, they are provoked by viruses (“the palm” belongs to rhinovirus infection, which is why we get ARVI). In addition, the disease can be caused by bacteria, fungi, allergies, injuries, irritating factors (cold, hot, polluted air, tobacco smoke, chemicals). The chronic form is often caused even by such seemingly unrelated things as caries and metabolic disorders.

Time-tested sprays

Sprays for pharyngitis, among other medications and procedures, are prescribed by doctors to patients to ease the course of the disease and return the throat to normal. Such drugs have a number of serious advantages:

  • convenience, compactness, ease of use;
  • targeted action - the drug enters directly onto the inflamed mucosa.

Lugol spray.

Today, the pharmaceutical market offers various aerosol medicines - from time-tested to new developments:

  • Lugol. A drug whose effectiveness has been assessed for several generations. Previously, it was produced only in the form of a solution, and the procedure for lubricating the tonsils was unpleasant. To lubricate the affected area, it was proposed to literally “put” a finger wrapped in a bandage and moistened with medicine into the mouth, or use a wooden stick. Recently, this product was also produced in the form of a spray for the convenience of patients. Thanks to the healing properties of the main active ingredient - molecular iodine - the drug has an antibacterial, antiseptic effect, and a local irritating effect (that is, it improves blood supply to the inflamed area, relieves pain). For Lugol's pharyngitis, the spray is used from two to six times a day, depending on the severity of the disease. After irrigation, it is recommended to refrain from eating and drinking for half an hour.
  • Inhalipt. This medicine has been used for more than four decades. It is one of the first domestically produced drugs released in the form of sprays. Thanks to its multicomponent composition (streptocide, sulfathiazole, thymol, eucalyptus and peppermint oils), it provides an antiseptic and disinfectant effect. The inflamed mucous membrane is treated three to four times a day. The “later” Novoingalpt and Ingalipt-N sprays are similar in composition.

"Multi-tasking" drugs

With analgesic effect

If we talk about sprays with an analgesic effect that can relieve a nasty sore throat, then this series includes Tantum Verde and Theraflu Lar. Both drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect, smell pleasantly of mint, and are indicated for pharyngitis.

Theraflu lar relieves painful sensations when swallowing due to the contained iceocaine, tantum verde - benzydamine hydrochloride. Both drugs also have antimicrobial properties.

Baby sprays

Which spray should you prefer to defeat pharyngitis? Adults can use all the drugs presented (after reading the instructions for contraindications and consulting with a doctor). Children need to choose medicine much more carefully.

Thus, according to manufacturers’ instructions and doctors’ reviews, Lugol spray can be prescribed to small patients from six months, Ingalipt – from three years, Theraflu Lar – from four, Cametone – from five, Yox – from eight years. The aerosol form of Hexoral for pharyngitis can be used for children at an age when they can already hold their breath at the time of injection of the drug.


Contraindications for use in children and adults in most cases are individual intolerance to the components of the drugs. Some of them cannot be used by pregnant and lactating women, as well as for certain diseases. So it’s better to immediately study the insert and get advice from a specialist to avoid unpleasant consequences.

ATTENTION! The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only! No website can solve your problem in absentia. We recommend that you consult your doctor for further advice and treatment.

Source: http://infogorlo.ru/zabolevaniya/faringit/vybor-spreya-pri-faringite.html

Which spray is best for treating a throat?

Throat sprays have always been part of the treatment of infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the throat. They help flush pathogens from the affected area, speed up tissue healing, reduce inflammation, and simply provide pain relief. Different drugs act differently depending on their composition. Therefore, it is worth understanding which medications of the proposed form may be most useful for patients.

For adults

Adults are generally prescribed medications according to indications and desired effect. That is, the funds must have:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Painkillers;
  • Cleansing;
  • Moisturizing;
  • Decongestant;
  • Regenerating effect.

Based on this and the feedback received, you can make a list that contains the most effective and popular local spray products.

Hexoral, Maxicold Lor, Stopangin

This group of drugs belongs to antibiotic sprays. Their active component is hecatidine, which shows excellent effectiveness against bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

An effective product that contains antibiotics

The products are equipped with a convenient nozzle that will allow you to treat specific areas. This type of medication is considered almost safe, which is why it is used during pregnancy and in pediatrics.


This is a domestic drug, which has long become one of the most popular drugs in the treatment of infectious pathologies of the throat. Perfectly relieves inflammation, has a softening and irrigating effect.

Most often used in therapy, which will allow you to cope with the disease much faster

It contains sulfonamide bonds, and, therefore, is also a local antibiotic, which is effective even against those pathogens that have developed resistance to other groups of antibacterial agents.


This medication belongs to the group of immunomodulators, but in addition it has good anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, and antitumor agents. Based on sodium deoxyribonucleate.

The product has a full range of antiviral properties, which will allow you to quickly cope with the disease and reduce pain.

It also has an antioxidant and detoxifying effect. Helps strengthen local immunity and enhance its work.

Iodinol, Lugol, Yox

This group of drugs is based on iodine. A powerful antiseptic copes well with pathogens - from viruses to fungi, and helps speed up tissue healing. But in some cases it can cause an allergic reaction.

Should be used only as prescribed by a doctor

In general, it is relatively safe, but despite this, it is not used in pregnant, breastfeeding women or in pediatrics.


Cameton is also a domestic drug that has long been familiar to many. Contains essential oils and chlorobutanol. The taste has a specific, bitterish, with a pronounced minty smell.

Although the product has a specific taste, it is still worth using, especially since it can quickly relieve pain

Helps cope with pathogens, reduces inflammation, facilitates breathing and reduces sore throat. Like Ingalipt, it is a budget option for the treatment of inflammatory and infectious pathologies of the nasopharynx and throat.


Miramistin is the No. 1 antiseptic according to modern doctors. It is active against a wide variety of pathogens, from herpes, influenza and HIV viruses to chemotherapy-resistant fungi.

A very effective remedy and most often used in the treatment of various viral diseases

It has no taste, odor or coloring properties, and therefore can be easily used literally everywhere. It can be safely used by pregnant women, young children and breastfeeding mothers.


Novosept is a medicine originally from Holland. It has no analogues in composition. It contains 3 active components that have antiseptic, immunomodulatory and anesthetic effects. The composition contains an antibiotic. It must be used every 2 hours.

The product contains antibiotics which will allow you to quickly cope with inflammation.

It has a number of contraindications and incompatibilities with other medications. Often causes irritation of mucous membranes. Therefore, before use, you should carefully study the instructions.


The composition is similar to the previous Anti-angin. Has antiseptic and anesthetic effects. The active ingredients are chlorhexidine and tetracaine.

A very popular product among consumers, since the product has active substances and is not very expensive

Due to the lack of an immunomodulatory effect, it is less effective than the previous medication, but also costs less.


Octenisept is an antibiotic for topical use. It has a spray bottle (note that there is also a solution that is sold in a regular bottle and does not have a special nozzle). The active components are phenoxyethanol and octenidine.

This remedy can be used by both adults and children, but the latter should consult a doctor

It shows good effectiveness against the pathogenic component of the disease and can be used by any patient. In the case of children, use is carried out under adult supervision or with their assistance.

Propolis and Proposol

These are preparations based on bee products. Such medications are classified as apitherapy. They promote wound healing, eliminate inflammation, and also actively fight bacteria.

This remedy is very active in effective wound healing.

In addition, propolis is a natural immunostimulant. The problem is that if you have a food allergy, especially to bee products, you should not use such products.


A drug that is produced in Ukraine. The active component is eucalyptus extract and more. Shows a narrowly targeted effect against staphylococci. The specific mechanism of action has not yet been fully elucidated, but in fact it turns out that the medication has anti-inflammatory, wound healing and irrigating effects.

The product has an active anti-inflammatory agent with quick healing results

Has an unpleasant herbal aftertaste. Not used in pediatrics, pregnancy, lactation, liver pathologies and when driving.

For children

Sprays with different compositions can be used in children. The main condition is the possibility of using a specific medication at a certain age, as well as the type of pathology.

Medicines approved in pediatrics are:

It is worth noting that restrictions of 2-3 years for this form are a common occurrence, which is easily explained by the inability to properly inject the medicine into the respiratory tract. This is explained by the fact that a sick child is not always able to correctly perform the required actions.

Improper use of the drug in the form of an aerosol or spray can lead to the development of undesirable effects - from worsening the condition to bronchospasm.

It is important to understand that the medications mentioned above are used at different ages. While some can be injected into the throat area almost from birth, others will have to be postponed until 12 years or more. Therefore, when purchasing a product, check the age of the child.


During pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, it is important to choose the right medications. Despite the fact that local drugs usually have a low level of absorption into the systemic circulation and permeability through the placental barrier, a number of drugs are not recommended for use in such a delicate situation.

Therefore, the permitted means are:

If possible, then in the 1st trimester it is necessary to stop using medications, unless the doctor indicates otherwise.


The drugs received positive reviews. The most popular remain Kameton and Ingalipt. Octenisept and Miramistin are recognized as the most effective and safe. Derinat has been evaluated as an immunomodulator. These drugs are considered one of the best. If we take herbal remedies and homeopathy, then the best analogues to synthetics are Propolis spray, Proposol and Chlorophyllipt.

Source: http://prolor.ru/g/lechenie/kakoj-sprej-dlya-gorla-luchshe.html

Hexoral or Lugol which is better

Girls, what's wrong with Lugol? Today, after an examination, an ENT specialist diagnosed us with something like pharyngo-mycosis, I don’t remember the exact wording, plaque on the tonsils and prescribed Lugol. The nose seems fine, but there is a cough, it feels like it’s still from snot, which you just need to wash out. And she prescribed “complex drops”, I didn’t even remember their name, like ordering from a pharmacy, it contains diphenhydramine.

What can replace Lugol's?

For me personally, this is an ideal remedy; in general, it’s the only way I can save myself if my throat hurts. But children don’t like it because it stings a lot.

Why then is the EOC so against him?

Lugol - based on iodine

hexoral - based on hexiditin (AB)

I can’t comment on the EOK’s opinion, I don’t remember where the quote came from (I remember the fact, I don’t remember where it came from).

I can't even imagine what it will look like.

“smearing your throat with all sorts of Lugols” is a phrase from interesting letters, its meaning is somehow non-positive. Yes, and I came across some phrases on the forum, unfortunately I don’t remember them.

Nothing worked out for us with this same Lugol. Well, how can you explain to a 2-year-old child that they need to anoint their tonsils? First from one side, and then from the other. Well, why aren’t there spray guns or... maybe even score?

It looks like a fungus, a plaque. In short, I am in disarray.

I also read that it is convenient to treat pharyngomycosis with caramel, especially for children who are not allowed to smear their tonsils. It’s called decamine caramel, but they don’t sell it here. I wonder if Tantum Verde can be used against germs? And in general, how correctly can a diagnosis be made without any bacterial cultures, just by simple examination?

Doctors say that a sore throat is distinguished from, say, pharyngitis upon examination. And the causative agents of sore throat in 95% of cases are streptococci, so they are usually not cultured. Moreover, the result is a few days later, when the sore throat is already over. They say that bacterial cultures are done on frequently ill citizens to find out for sure. This is all from the words of the doctors; I was curious myself when my husband fell ill with a sore throat.

I have this in my head too for some reason.

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Source: http://www.komarovskiy.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7746

Using throat sprays for pharyngitis

Benefits of throat sprays

Compared to other medications for pharyngitis, throat sprays have two main advantages:

  1. Firstly, this is a very convenient form of using the drug - you can quickly and discreetly use the spray anywhere;
  2. Secondly, this is a “targeted” action of the active substance - the medicine is sprayed directly onto the affected mucous membrane of the throat and forms a protective film there, providing an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect.

Sprays for pharyngitis are based on antiseptics, antibiotics and essential oils. In addition, they usually contain components that:

  • have a local anesthetic and enveloping effect,
  • prevent the proliferation of bacteria and the development of inflammation,
  • have a mucolytic effect.

Throat sprays are in very wide demand on the pharmacological market, so they are represented by several dozen items. Let's look at the most popular of them and try to find out whether there is an "ideal" spray for the treatment of pharyngitis.

Aerosols and sprays for the treatment of pharyngitis


Ingalipt is a domestic aerosol to combat infectious diseases of the throat. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. The main active ingredient, streptocide, blocks the enzymes of pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to their death and promotes a speedy recovery. Ingalipt also contains medicinal substances such as thymol, eucalyptus and peppermint oil, sulfathiazole and glycerol. The therapeutic effect of Ingalipt for pharyngitis is based on neutralizing pathogenic microbes and stopping inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane of the throat. Reviews from clinical specialists suggest that Ingalipt is a hypoallergenic drug that has minor side effects.

If the temperature is elevated with pharyngitis, antipyretics must be added to the complex treatment.


Hexoral is also available in the form of a throat spray. It is active against most bacteria - the causative agents of pharyngitis and tonsillitis, as well as fungi. The main active ingredient of Hexoral - hexetidine - has an antiseptic effect, and the antimicrobial effect of the drug is enhanced by medicinal components such as essential oils of peppermint, anise, cloves, eucalyptus, as well as levomenthol and methyl salicylate. Hexoral has a pronounced local effect, as a result of which pain in the throat goes away, cough decreases, and swelling of the mucous membrane subsides. Hexoral is very effective for pharyngitis in adults, but this drug is not recommended for use in children due to the high content of ethyl alcohol and other toxic substances.


Many of our compatriots are accustomed to using Lugol in the form of a solution to treat the throat for pharyngitis and other infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx. However, in recent years, Lugol spray has appeared in pharmacies, which has greatly simplified the treatment process with this wonderful remedy. It is based on molecular iodine, which has an antiseptic, bactericidal and local irritant effect. Lugol is effective not only against bacteria, but also against pathogenic fungi, and with long-term use it can suppress staphylococcal flora. A large number of positive reviews allows us to judge the high effectiveness of Lugol in the treatment of throat diseases, including in children. And its price also pleases patients. However, with all the advantages of this drug, Lugol, like most medicines, has contraindications (sensitivity to iodine, pregnancy, adenomas, tuberculosis, nephrosis, various skin diseases) and undesirable side effects in the form of an allergic reaction .


Cameton is a combination drug for the treatment of inflammation of the ENT organs. Its main active ingredient, chlorobutanol, has an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Camphor and levomenthol, increasing blood flow at the site of application, have a local irritating effect. Eucalyptus oil, which is part of Kamenton, irritates the receptors of the mucous membrane and exhibits a stimulating effect. Contraindications to this drug include children under 5 years of age and individual intolerance to the components. Reviews from patients indicate the effectiveness of Kamenton in the initial stages of the disease, but it will not relieve severe inflammation and will not destroy the infection. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in combination with antimicrobial drugs.

Tantum Verde

Tantum verde is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug for topical use for diseases of the oral cavity and ENT organs. The active substance – benzydamine – has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and weak antibacterial effect. Currently, Tantum Verde is widely used to treat children and pregnant women due to the absence of serious contraindications and unwanted side effects. However, clinical studies and patient reviews indicate that this drug is well suited for the symptomatic treatment of diseases of the oropharynx, but is not recommended for use as monotherapy due to its low bactericidal qualities.

Features and rules for using throat sprays

  1. For the best effect, before using the spray, it is recommended to gargle with warm water;
  2. Spraying the medicine must be done while holding your breath;
  3. After irrigating the throat, it is advisable not to swallow saliva and try to keep the medicine in the mouth for three minutes. It is also necessary to abstain from food and drink for about half an hour;
  4. Throat sprays are prohibited for use in children under 4 years of age due to the risk of laryngospasm (reflex cessation of breathing).

Drawing conclusions

There are many types of sprays for various throat diseases, including pharyngitis. We looked at the most famous: Ingalipt, Hexoral, Lugol, Kamenton, Tantum Verde. Each of them has its own pros and cons. And the drug that suits one patient may cause an unwanted allergic reaction in another. Because we are all unique! And for advice on which spray is suitable for treating pharyngitis for a particular patient, you should contact not a pharmacist at a pharmacy, but a competent ENT doctor. Then the disease will recede quickly and without consequences!

Another remedy used for diseases of the ENT organs, which, unlike the above sprays, includes natural ingredients - herbs and minerals from the Siberian-Altai region, beekeeping products and natural malachite, is described in the following video.

Source: http://anginamed.ru/lekarstva/ispolzovanie-spreev-dlya-gorla-pri-faringite.html

Antiseptic Lugol spray - review

Is it possible to replace hexoral and rinses?

I have been familiar with tonsillitis since childhood. Chronic tonsillitis and enlarged tonsils are the norm. I’m used to constant rinsing, but in the fall and spring you still need to take extra care of yourself. I decided to try Lugol spray after Hexoral, so the taste was not so tart compared to it.

The taste of iodine is obvious because it is the basis in the composition (therefore, anyone who has problems with the thyroid gland or is allergic to iodine does not need to buy it for themselves, only after consulting a doctor), but you get used to it easier and easier each time. The color of the liquid is the same as iodine, but the consistency is thicker.

The effect is not immediate (which is sometimes very important), but long-lasting. Well softens and heals. It is consumed slowly (considering frequent use), and costs about 90 rubles. And the presence of a spray bottle is very helpful in use. In general, it is a good assistant in the fight against a sore throat.

VARMINT recommends Antiseptic Lugol spray

Disgusting product for a child

I don’t consider this medicine to be ineffective and I know many who only use Lugol’s for a sore throat, but it didn’t work for us at all. The child had to spray it down the child’s throat 4 times a day, before we only used Tantum Verde once. From the first time it became clear that there will be big problems with splashing. The child...

Effective but inconvenient

This spray is inconvenient to use, which is why it gets a four rating. It's not even a spray, it doesn't spray, it just squirts out of the tip in a thin stream. It’s very difficult for me to get on my tonsils, although when I swallow, it seems like my entire throat is lubricated with it.

I'm treating the whole family. Use according to instructions.

My mother treated me with Lugol's solution as a child. But then it was necessary to wrap cotton wool around a thin stick and lubricate the throat. I really didn't like it. All this caused a gag reflex in me. Now Lugol has appeared in a spray. What happiness! True, in the spray Lugol became more liquid.

effective remedy

I have a sore throat very often and I often suffer from various types of sore throat that are just found. Lugol helps me in the fight against throat diseases. Literally after 2-3 days of regular use, not a trace remains of the disease.

Source: http://irecommend.ru/content/mozhno-li-zamenit-geksoral-i-poloskaniya

Which is better: Hexoral or Lugol?

Confrontation between Hexoral and Lugol! Online voting will help identify the best drug from a given product segment. You can also express your point of view by taking part in the survey. The outcome may depend on your vote. Find it difficult to answer? Then quickly read the reviews of other people who have tested the functions of the drugs on themselves.

When starting to vote, be sure to compare your personal experience of using Lugol and Hexoral. The overall assessment should consist of the quality of the product, the presence or absence of side effects, and the overall impression after use. We advise you not to take into account the price of drugs, pay attention exclusively to the effectiveness.

Source: http://tablets.indexe.info/sravnenie/chto-luchshe-geksoral-ili-lyugol.html

Which spray is best for the throat with pharyngitis

Dry cough, sharp pain when swallowing, a feeling of constant tickling, sometimes accompanied by fever - symptoms of inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa. Pharyngitis is accompanied by swelling, which leads to pain. The use of sprays for pharyngitis can cure the disease without resorting to other medications.


The main positive feature of aerosols over other local drugs is the delivery of the drug to the area of ​​inflammation. The therapeutic effect begins immediately after application. Lollipops and solutions do not have such an effect, since they flow down the upper wall of the pharynx without getting onto its lower and side parts. The spray for pharyngitis contains antibiotics, painkillers, and antiseptics.

Instructions for use

The spray can is inserted into the oral cavity and, using a dispenser, directs a stream of medicine into the pharynx. To achieve a therapeutic result, the following rules must be observed before using the aerosol:

  • rinse your mouth with water;
  • hold the breath;
  • administer medicine;
  • Do not swallow saliva for 3–4 minutes;
  • do not eat or drink for half an hour.

The affected area is constantly washed with saliva, for this reason the throat spray for pharyngitis has a number of disadvantages.

Disadvantages and contraindications

The main disadvantage of sprays for pharyngitis is the physiological feature of the pharynx. Saliva, water, food wash away the analgesic and antiseptic film. The duration of action when irrigating the mucous membrane is shorter than that of tablets, injections, and lozenges.

The substances included in the inhaler have general contraindications depending on the composition. In case of respiratory failure, heartburn and children under 3 years of age, this therapy cannot be used.

Bronchospasm is a dangerous complication if you use a dispersed dispenser during bronchitis. Small children do not know how to hold their breath and can draw aerosol into their lungs. This is dangerous, as it threatens to stop breathing. Heartburn occurs when the stomach is too acidic. The ingredients of the drug, getting into the stomach with saliva, will cause an increase in the inflammatory process.

Choosing a spray for pharyngitis

The range of sprays offered is very wide. Depending on the severity of the disease, age and condition of the patient, you can choose the most suitable drug.


Essential oil creates a protective film on the inflamed area of ​​the larynx, levomenthol promotes pain relief. The therapeutic result lasts up to 12 hours. Dose – once or twice a day. Hexoral for pharyngitis is prescribed as an auxiliary medication. Active substance – Hexetidine. Additional components:

This composition allows you to disinfect gram-positive, gram-negative bacteria and fungi.


The drug is injected simultaneously into the mouth and nose. The frequency of inhalations is 3–4 times a day, for pregnant women – 2 times. Cametone is effective as a spray for the treatment of pharyngitis.

The purpose depends on the degree of the disease:

  • in severe cases - inhalation 3 times a day;
  • with medium – 2 times;
  • from 5 to 12 years – 1 time.

Side effects may be an allergic reaction to levomenthol and camphor, manifested as dry throat and nose, rash.


Bactericidal, antiviral, antifungal spray Octenisept is a broad-spectrum aerosol. Cannot be used with other antiseptics. It has no contraindications, except for allergies to the main ingredient.


The main components of Gorlospas are:


Propolis, which is part of the Proposol spray, has softening and healing properties. It is used for manifestations of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the throat, but in the absence of bleeding. Prescribed from 12 years of age. The course of treatment is 3–7 days. The intensity of irrigation is reduced as the inflammatory process subsides: from 2–3 times a day to 1–2. The course can be repeated.

Has side effects in the form of:

  • skin reactions (redness, itching, dermatitis);
  • nausea;
  • laryngospasm;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • dryness and burning in the mouth.


It is a mixture of vegetable oils that have bactericidal, wound-healing, soothing and immunomodulatory properties. The main purpose of Olefar is to promote the restoration of the mucous tissue of the larynx.

A single dose for the treatment of pharyngitis in adults and children over 12 years of age is 250 mg, which is achieved by pressing the spray head twice. For ages 6 to 12 years – one spray.

Sea buckthorn makes up 50% of the total composition, calendula – 30% and cinnamon and tea tree – 10% each. Sea buckthorn oil contains a large amount of carotenoids and provitamins A, which have regenerative and antioxidant properties.

Not recommended during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or under 6 years of age.

Tantum Verde

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory inhaler. Effectively relieves pain. In addition, Tantum Verde has bactericidal and antimicrobial properties. In acute forms it is used in combination therapy.

Daily use according to instructions:

  • adults and children over 12 years old 4–6 sprays 2–4 times;
  • from 6 to 12 years 4 inhalations 2 times;
  • from 3 to 6 years, the portion is determined based on body weight (1 irrigation per 4 kg, daily amount - 4).

The duration of use of Tantum Verde is no more than 7 days.

Side effects: possible photosensitizing effect.

Immunomodulator IRS-19

The purpose of IRS-19 is the prevention and treatment of ENT diseases. Features of use: injected into the nose.

Daily doses for inflammation of the throat:

  • from 3 months to 3 years – 1 dose in each nostril 2 times;
  • from 3 years – 1 dose in each nostril 2–5 times.

Requirements for irrigation: the can must be in a vertical position, the head should not be thrown back. Before using IRS 19, it is necessary to clean the nasal mucosa.

Spray and Lugol's solution

Lugol for pharyngitis is a proven, effective, inexpensive antiseptic for children. The main component of Lugol's solution is iodine, which has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.

Lugol spray has the same qualities, becoming more convenient for use at any age. Inhalation must be carried out 4–6 times a day.

When treated with Lugol, metal dentures can oxidize and become unusable.


A spray for pharyngitis is a medicine that allows you to quickly relieve pain and recover in the initial phase of the disease. As an auxiliary drug in complex therapy, it helps restore the mucous membrane of the larynx and strengthen the immune system. The basis of many aerosols is natural ingredients that have no side effects or contraindications. The restriction for children is due to the child’s inability to hold their breath, which is necessary for treatment.

  • List of antibiotics for sore throat in an adult in injections 33242

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Source: http://garganta.ru/gorlo/faringit/sprej.html

Instructions and description of Lugol's preparations

Lugol is a time-tested medicine, which in most cases is used as an antiseptic for inflammatory and infectious diseases of the oropharynx in adults and children: tonsillitis, chronic and acute tonsillitis and stomatitis.

Lugol's constituent components

The active ingredient is molecular iodine, which has an antiseptic, local irritant, bactericidal effect on a number of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and pathogenic fungi. Including the staphylococcal bacillus, which is more resistant, and with prolonged treatment it can be destroyed. The drug Potassium iodide, which is present in the drug, improves the solubility of iodine in water, but glycerol softens its effect.

Dosage forms

  • Lugol's solution for local use, lyophilisate as a base for gel for intradermal administration;
  • Lugol spray for topical use 1.25% dark glass bottle 50ml.

Pharmacokinetic properties

If the drug is used in recommended doses, iodine absorption through the mucous membranes and skin of the oral cavity is insignificant. Upon contact with mucous membranes, 30% of the substance is converted to iodides. Iodine is rapidly absorbed if accidentally swallowed. The adsorbed agent easily penetrates into tissues and accumulates in the thyroid gland. It is excreted, as a rule, by the kidneys, to a lesser extent with sweat and feces.

Indications for use

Lugol is used in the treatment of various types of viral respiratory infections (angina, pharyngitis, tonsillopharyngitis)

Side effects of Lugol

  • allergic reactions;
  • rhinitis;
  • angioedema;
  • hives;
  • lacrimation,
  • salivation,
  • acne.

There are very few contraindications for prescribing Lugol: hypersensitivity to the drug or its components.

Use of Lugol during pregnancy

The use of Lugol during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated according to the instructions. But the opinions of doctors on this matter are very different. Some are categorically against prescribing Lugol during pregnancy, since there are no reliable studies on its safe use during such a period. Others (the majority) consider the drug absolutely safe.

The use of Lugol during breastfeeding is possible only locally and in short courses. Iodine can pass into breast milk and can potentially affect the baby's thyroid function.

Methods of using Lugol's dosage forms

Lugol's solution - a cotton swab is moistened in the prepared solution, and the tonsils, pharynx and larynx are treated by lightly wiping. The duration of the course is no more than 10 days. Please note that the drug slightly dries out the mucous membranes. Therefore, for severe pain in the throat and constant sore throat, it is better to use Lugol with glycerin.

Lugol spray is used for local irrigation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, pharynx, mouth, from 2 to 6 rubles/day. depending on the course of the disease.


Iodine, which is part of the drug, promotes the oxidation of metals, which can damage metal surfaces and tools. Incompatible with ammonia solutions and essential oils. Its antiseptic activity is weakened by an alkaline or acidic environment, the presence of blood, pus, and fat. If the drug is taken orally, it can reduce the effects of drugs that suppress thyroid function. Iodine-based drugs may increase the likelihood of some drugs irritating the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Lugol spray for children

Relatively recently, Lugol spray for children appeared in pharmacies. The medicine is used topically 4-6 times a day. for the purpose of irrigating the oral cavity, pharynx, pharynx, spraying the spray with 1 press of the spray head. You need to hold your breath while injecting.

The use of Lugol spray for children with infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract is more than justified. In addition to the fact that its composition is quite simple, the drug has a powerful disinfectant effect. Lugol's components attack pathogenic bacteria and have a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect on the throat. At the same time, the swelling of the larynx quickly subsides, the pain disappears. Not to mention easy to use.

Use of drugs Lugol for sore throat

The use of Lugol is effective in the combinatorial treatment of angina. But it is advisable to use it in mild cases. In case of severe inflammation, antibiotics are used. Until our time, Lugol was produced exclusively in the form of a solution. The appearance of the spray greatly simplified the treatment of sore throat with this drug.

For angina, the drug is used to irrigate the mucous membrane of the pharynx, pharynx, and mouth from 2 to 6 times a day. taking into account the severity of the disease. Spraying is carried out with one click on the spray head. Before irrigation, you need to take a deep breath and hold the exhale. Do not drink or eat for about 30 minutes after injection. Lugol's solution for sore throat is most conveniently used using tweezers with a cotton swab to lubricate the tonsils and oral cavity.


Nowadays there are many drugs that are similar in their effects to Lugol. But they contain completely different substances. The most common of them are Anginal Hexoral, Anzibel. Analogs for the active ingredients are: Yox, Polividone, etc.

Prices for Lugol's drugs

The cost of Lugol in pharmacies is on average affordable: solution - from 10 rubles, spray - from 100 rubles.

Lugol: Patient reviews

Inna: Lugol's solution with glycerin was prescribed to me by my pediatrician after a number of unsuccessful attempts to cure my son's sore throat. At first I didn’t believe her words: “It will pass in 2 days!” The medicine actually turned out to be effective!

Larisa: I remember Lugol's solution from childhood. When they treated my throat, it was one of the most terrible procedures for me. But now it doesn't seem so unpleasant to me.

Martha: For some, Lugol is a quick help for a sore throat, but for others it’s a stone age. Maybe it’s “old”, maybe in the 21st century it’s no longer fashionable to use it, but I can confidently say: “IT TREATS ANGINA EXCELLENTLY.

Source: http://kashelb.com/lekarstva-ot-kashlya/196-lyugol-instruktsiya-primenenie-otzyvy