Children's sprays for runny nose

How to choose a runny nose spray for children

During the cold season, the risk of respiratory tract diseases increases. Most children are susceptible to this disease. The best way to cure a runny nose in a child is to use a spray.

Table of contents:

A runny nose spray for children not only makes nasal breathing easier, but is also able to fight viruses and microbes on the mucous membrane. Preparations in the form of a spray are equipped with a special dispenser, which ensures uniform distribution of the active substance throughout the entire nasal cavity, reaching the most inaccessible places. To select a drug, you need to know its characteristics and spectrum of action.


Nasal rinses gently and effectively cleanse the nose. Moisturizers are used for daily hygiene, prevention, treatment of mild forms of the runny nose, as an aid and complex treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Aqua Maris

Aqua Maris is used to clear the nose of accumulated mucus. The product contains water from the Adriatic Sea. Effective treatment is achieved through microelements: sodium, magnesium, calcium.

Indications for use of the spray:

  • Inflammatory disease of the upper respiratory tract;
  • Dryness, burning in the nose;
  • Prevention of infectious diseases.

The product has no contraindications.


The solution consists of sterile isotonic seawater. Aqualor prevents the development and spread of infections through the nasal cavity. The product gently cleanses the nose and improves the child's breathing.

The drug is used for:

  • Complex treatment and prevention of influenza, ARVI;
  • Complex treatment and prevention of ENT diseases;
  • Treatment of acute, chronic, allergic rhinitis;
  • Daily nasal hygiene.


Marimer is isotonic sea water. Moisturizes, cleanses, heals the mucous membrane of a child's nose. The spray is used for daily hygiene of the nasal cavity, prevention, treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Hypersensitivity and an allergic reaction to the components of the drug are possible.


Sprays in this group are designed to constrict blood vessels and facilitate breathing. Before using vasoconstrictor sprays, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the nasal passages using rinses.

A universal remedy for the treatment of runny nose. The spray has a vasoconstrictor property due to the xylometazoline it contains, and gently moisturizes and cleanses the nose with sea water. Relieves swelling and inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes.

Benefits of using Snoop spray:

  • The solution is based on sterile sea water, without preservatives;
  • Instant and long-lasting effect of use;
  • Economical use.

Prolonged use of the spray can lead to irritation and dryness of the mucous membrane.


The drug Vibrocil for children provides quick and effective help in the treatment of a runny nose. Spray

has a vasoconstrictor effect, eliminates the symptoms of a runny nose not only during colds, but also during allergic rhinitis.

Vibrocil is used to treat:

  • Acute and chronic sinusitis;
  • Acute and vasomotor rhinitis;
  • Otitis media;
  • Allergic runny nose.

While using the drug, burning and dryness in the nose may occur.


A good spray for a runny nose, has a local effect, relieves swelling of the nasal mucosa and inflammation. The effect is achieved immediately after application and lasts for 10 hours. It is recommended to use at night so that the child can breathe without difficulty and does not wake up.


Spray for topical use, effectively acts on the inflamed mucous membrane.

The components of the drug will quickly relieve swelling and reduce nasal discharge. Used to eliminate symptoms of acute and chronic rhinitis. Long-term use and overdose can lead to side effects. Use to treat runny nose in children, use with caution.

Nazol baby

Nazol baby is designed specifically for the treatment of children, taking into account all the structural features of the children's nose. The product has antimicrobial and antibacterial effects. This is an effective and safe drug, it gently constricts blood vessels and removes mucus, facilitating the child’s difficulty breathing. The spray moisturizes the mucous membrane and eliminates all unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

Antibacterial agents

When an infection enters the nasal mucosa, causing inflammation, vasoconstrictors will not help. Antibacterial agents are used to treat severe rhinitis and sinusitis.


The narrow area of ​​action allows the spray to be used as monotherapy and in complex treatment

diseases of the nasal cavity. It is an antibacterial agent.

Isofra spray is used to treat:

Side effect: allergic skin reaction.


Bioparox nasal spray has an anti-infective and anti-inflammatory effect. The product is used to treat purulent runny nose; it can rinse and disinfect the nasal cavity, eliminate all symptoms and prevent complications in the future.

Contraindications: children under 2.5 years of age, individual intolerance to the components of the spray. For the treatment and prevention of runny nose in children, do 1 inhalation 4 times a day. For maximum effect, the dosage of the spray must be strictly observed.

How to choose the right remedy for a runny nose and how to use it

To choose a spray for the common cold for children, it is necessary to determine the origin and degree of complexity of the disease. For prevention, it is better to use moisturizers. To treat a runny nose at the initial stage, you can add vasoconstrictors to moisturizers. If the disease process is started, then you cannot do without antibacterial agents.

The dosage for all sprays is approximately the same: 1 injection into each nasal passage, 3 times a day. Duration of treatment is up to 1 week. Do not use antibacterial agents at the beginning of the disease, as they can only harm the child.

Consultations with Dr. Vitaly Anatolyevich Starovoytov:


Effective sprays for the treatment of runny nose in children over 1 year old

Autumn is the time of year when colds peak. When a runny nose appears in an adult, it is often not treated at all, considering it a minor problem.

It’s another matter if the child is overcome by a cold; in this case, parents strive to find the most effective cure for a runny nose for the child. The most modern remedies for children's runny nose include sprays. But each drug has its own contraindications, and many of them are not approved for use by young children. From a large number of medications, you can choose the most effective spray for the common cold, approved for children over 1 year old.

A runny nose spray helps not only to make breathing easier, but also to fight germs and viruses that have settled in a child’s nose. Preparations in this form have a special dispenser, thanks to which the medicinal substance is evenly distributed throughout the entire nasal cavity, affecting the most inaccessible places.

In order to choose a medicine that will be most effective for a particular child, you should understand the characteristics of sprays for the common cold, their contraindications and spectrum of action.

Based on the principle of action, these drugs are divided into several large groups:

The main task of such medications is to moisturize and sanitize the mucous membranes of the nose, as well as to facilitate breathing by getting rid of mucus stagnation.

Aqua Maris is a remedy that helps get rid of mucus accumulation in the sinuses. It contains water from the Adriatic Sea. The effectiveness of the drug is achieved due to the presence of various microelements in the composition: magnesium, calcium and sodium.

Aqua Maris is used for the following symptoms:

  • burning and dryness in the nose;
  • difficulty breathing due to swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract.

This medicine can be used for preventive purposes, to protect against infectious diseases and for daily nasal hygiene. Aqua Maris has no contraindications and is prescribed for children from birth. It is available in 2 forms: drops and spray. Drops are used for children under one year old; after 1 year, the use of a spray is allowed.

Aqualor is an analogue of Aqua Maris; it also contains sea water. Thanks to this, the use of this medicine allows you to prevent the development of infection and clear the child’s nose of accumulated mucus.

Aqualor is used for:

  • treatment of sinusitis and rhinitis;
  • prevention of ENT diseases.

This product is excellent for daily nasal hygiene. It has no contraindications and is recommended for use in children from 0 years of age.

Marimer. Like other drugs already discussed, the main active ingredient in this spray is sea water. It is the microelements contained in it that help in the fight against diseases of the nasopharynx and remove mucus, making it easier for the child to breathe.

This medicine is used for symptoms such as:

  • dryness and itching in the sinuses;
  • accumulation of mucus and difficulty breathing.

Of the minuses, it is worth noting possible allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

LinAqua is a medicine based on sea water. Thanks to the main active ingredient, it has an antimicrobial effect and moisturizes the nasal cavity. The drug is used for nasal hygiene and helps get rid of mucus accumulation in the sinuses.

LinAqua is available in 3 types: Soft, Baby and Forte. For children over 1 year of age, it is preferable to use LinAqua Soft or Baby, since these drugs contain a reduced concentration of potassium. This drug is an analogue of Aqua Maris, Marimer and Avcalor; it is as effective as they are, but costs an order of magnitude less.

Otrivin Baby contains an isotonic salt solution, in other words, saline solution. Otrivin Baby moisturizes and cleanses the nasal mucosa and helps improve local immunity. Effective for the prevention of ENT diseases, in addition, it is used for daily hygiene of the nasal cavity.

This product is available in the form of drops and spray. An allergic reaction to the components of the drug may occur.

Vasoconstrictor medications are designed to relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa and make breathing easier. Before using medications from this group, you should first rinse your nasal passages with a moisturizer.

Snoop is a universal remedy for the treatment of runny nose in both adults and children from 1 year of age. The xylometazoline it contains helps relieve swelling of the mucous membranes, and sea water moisturizes and cleanses the nasal passages of mucus.

The effect of using Snoop is almost instantaneous and lasts for several hours. Thanks to the spray shape, it is economical to use.

But, despite all the obvious advantages of this medicine, it cannot be used constantly. The maximum duration of use is 5 days, since long-term use of this drug leads to addiction.

Vibrocil helps relieve swelling in the nose and eliminates the symptoms of a runny nose. It is effective for both colds and allergies.

The main active ingredients in Vibrocil are phenylephrine and dimethindene. The first has a vasoconstrictor effect, and the second has an antiallergic effect.

This drug is used to treat:

  • otitis;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • acute rhinitis;
  • chronic and acute sinusitis.

Xymelin. This drug is designed to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and make it easier for the baby to breathe. The main component is xylometazoline. It causes a narrowing of the nasal mucous membranes, eliminating swelling. The effect of using the drug appears after 5 minutes and lasts for 8-10 hours.

Xymelin is effective in treating:

Xymelin has several varieties: Extra, Eco. For children, it is preferable to use Ximelin Eco, since it has a lower concentration of the active substance compared to its counterpart with the Extra prefix.

Nazivin. The medicine works effectively by eliminating swelling of the nasal mucous membranes. The main substance is oxymetazoline hydrochloride. It has a local vasoconstrictor effect.

This drug is used in the treatment of chronic and acute rhinitis and sinusitis, otitis media, inflammation and blockage of the auditory tube. Nazivin Baby is available for children, containing a smaller amount of active ingredient.

The course of treatment is 3-5 days. With prolonged use, addiction occurs and the following side effects are possible: dry nasal mucosa, fatigue and headache.

Nazol Baby is a product that is designed specifically for use in children. When creating it, all the structural features of a child’s nose were taken into account. Nazol Baby has an antimicrobial effect and relieves inflammation.

Indicated for use in the treatment of:

  • influenza and ARVI;
  • allergic reactions accompanied by swelling of the nasal mucosa.

Duration of treatment – ​​3 days. Contraindications for use: diabetes mellitus, diseases of the vascular system. Side effects when treated with Nazol Baby may include headaches, insomnia or dizziness.

In severe forms of rhinitis, when moisturizers and rinses do not help, it is necessary to use antibacterial medications.

Isofra is a local antibiotic. It can be used both in complex treatment and independently. This spray has a strong antibacterial effect.

This medicine is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

The components of Isofra can cause allergic reactions, manifested in the form of skin rashes.

Sialor protargol. This medicine has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. The main active ingredient is protargol - a silver proteinate. It dries out the mucous membrane and fights pathogenic microorganisms.

This medicine is used in the treatment of purulent runny nose, acute and chronic rhinitis, and sinusitis. Sialor rinses and disinfects the nasal cavity and helps prevent the development of complications.

After administration of the drug into the nasal sinuses, a slight burning sensation is often observed, which quickly passes. Sialor with protargol is available in the form of drops and spray. The course of treatment is 5 days.

As a rule, all sprays have a similar application procedure: you need to tilt your head back a little and tilt it in the direction opposite to the one into which the medicine will be injected. 1-2 injections are necessary in each nostril. The procedure must be carried out 2-4 times a day. Your doctor will advise you on the exact dosage and duration of treatment.

In order to choose the right medicine for a runny nose for a child, you first need to assess the degree and stage of development of the disease. To prevent nasal diseases, moisturizing medications are used. When treating the initial stage of a runny nose, vasoconstrictors should be added to moisturizers. In case of severe disease and purulent stagnation, it is necessary to use the agents in the following sequence:

  1. 1. moisturizing (removes accumulated mucus);
  2. 2. vasoconstrictor (relieves swelling and prepares the mucous membrane);
  3. 3. anti-inflammatory (fights pathogenic microorganisms, relieves inflammation).

It is the use of drugs in this sequence that will help overcome even a severe runny nose. And, most importantly, when choosing a medicine for a runny nose, you need to pay attention to contraindications and age restrictions.

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Spray for runny nose and nasal congestion for children over one year old

Rhinitis in children is quite common, especially during cold season. And not every medicine combines ease of use and effective treatment. Such a drug is a spray for runny noses for children, but among the many, you need to choose the best one.

Runny nose: causes of the condition, symptoms

Children usually get colds in the off-season, when the body is undergoing restructuring. He is weak after a long winter and lacks vitamins. And drafts and cold air from an air conditioner are dangerous for children even during the hot summer. As a result of the activation of viruses and bacteria, inflammation of the nasal mucosa occurs. It swells and the snot starts flowing uncontrollably. In addition, the child's body temperature rises. He becomes lethargic, capricious, and complains of a headache. After some time, when the infection has become firmly entrenched in the child’s body, the discharge becomes thicker and changes color, becoming greenish or yellowish. A runny nose becomes chronic and is more difficult to cure.

The cause of year-round and seasonal rhinitis is an allergy that develops to pollen, dust, and food products. Treatment of this form of runny nose is associated with the elimination of the provoking factor. And the emphasis in therapy is on antihistamines.

Rhinitis is diagnosed in children after injuries to the nose, with congenital anomalies in the structure of the organ. A foreign body trapped in the nasal cavity causes excessive mucus secretion.

In accordance with the causes of the pathological condition, a children's spray for the runny nose is also selected.

Nasal drops or sprays – which is better?

The effect of a spray for a runny nose is aimed only at eliminating the symptoms of rhinitis. It is used when:

  • the mucous membrane has dried out, become covered with crusts and clots of mucus;
  • the nose is completely blocked and the child has trouble breathing;
  • your ear starts to hurt;
  • nose clogged with thick mucus;
  • Allergic rhinitis was diagnosed.

Sprays should not be used on infants, as particles of the sprayed product may enter the ear cavity. Only moisturizers are safe and will not cause side effects. Therefore, sprays are intended for children from one year old.

And for infants, nasal drops are suitable for nasal congestion.

Types of runny nose sprays for children

Nasal preparations for a runny nose are divided into those that are necessary for:

  • rinsing the nasal cavity;
  • constriction of blood vessels;
  • thinning thick secretions;
  • eliminating viruses and germs from the nose;
  • immunomodulatory effect;
  • stopping the allergic reaction.

The spray may contain antibiotics, homeopathic remedies, essential oils, and antihistamines.

Local vasoconstrictors

A nasal spray, after which the nasopharynx vessels narrow, allows a small patient to temporarily restore nasal breathing. The components of the drugs relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, and the inflammation will stop and will not go further into the middle ear area. The use of vasoconstrictor solutions will stop the course of acute rhinitis and protect against sinusitis and sinusitis.

But you can’t get carried away with medications. After using them for more than five days, atrophy of the ciliated epithelium of the nasal mucosa develops. As a result, the runny nose returns with renewed vigor. In addition, vasoconstrictors are dangerous for a child as a result of getting used to them. Used for runny nose in children:

  1. Nazol Baby is suitable for babies from two months to two years. They begin to inject two-month-old babies with one dose three times a day, increasing it to two in each nostril four times a day for one-year-olds. From the age of six you can take three units of solution.
  2. Naphthyzin is effective for up to four hours after application. The spray is contraindicated for children under one year of age. It is recommended to inject two doses into each nostril. Sanorin works similarly. Both medications should not be used in children with heart problems.
  3. Tizin is indicated when rhinitis is caused by infection. It is suitable for children from 2 years old. The spray is used every five hours. Before irrigating the nose, the organ cavity is washed with saline solutions.
  4. Aqualor Baby anti-nasal spray is safe even for newborns. It consists of purified sea water and helps against runny nose caused by colds and flu.
  5. Nazaval is allowed for children from three years of age. It prevents allergens from entering the nasal cavity, preventing the development of rhinitis symptoms.

All vasoconstrictor sprays are prescribed only by doctors; they are not recommended to be used independently.

Medicines against purulent discharge

When the amount of snot increases, and after five days it becomes viscous and thick, then medications containing substances that thin the mucus are prescribed. Rinofluimucil contains acetylcysteine ​​and tuaminoheptane sulfate. It is safe for children over 3 years old; you can irrigate the nose with the drug three times a day, one dose.

Typically, the appearance of pus in the mucus indicates viral and bacterial infections.

The drug Isofra is based on the antibiotic framycetin. The medicine is injected into children three times a day. Unlike vasoconstrictors, a nasal spray has a detrimental effect on bacteria in the nasal cavity. It should be used after washing the baby’s nose with soapy water. The drug should not be used for more than ten days, as it causes allergic reactions in the form of itching and rash.

Polydex nasal spray with phenylephrine has a local effect on pathogens in the nasal cavity. In addition, it relieves swelling by constricting blood vessels. The medicine is used in the treatment of rhinitis of various etiologies in children starting from three years of age. The course of therapy should not exceed five days, otherwise addiction will occur. It is not recommended to prescribe the drug on your own; it has many side effects. After three days of treatment with the drug, the amount of nasal discharge decreases, headaches disappear, and nasal breathing is restored.

Hormonal aerosols

Topical glucocorticosteroids contain synthetic hormonal agents, the action of which is aimed at relieving swelling and inflammation in the nasopharynx and eliminating an allergic reaction. Nasal medications are used only for severe acute rhinitis. They do not act immediately, but several hours after irrigation of the nasal cavity.

Children over two years of age can be cured of a runny nose with:

Since the mechanism of action of the medicine is based on hormones similar to substances produced by the adrenal glands, they should be used with caution in children and only as prescribed by a doctor. They have many side effects, so you should not treat allergic forms of runny nose with them yourself.

Combination drugs

When a spray is used in the treatment of a runny nose of an infectious and allergic nature, it refers to a combined remedy.

Vibrocil contains not only vasoconstrictor components, but also the antiallergic substance dimethindene, which does not reduce the activity of the epithelium of the nasal mucosa. The spray begins to be used only from the age of six, injecting an aerosol into each nasal passage three to four times a day.

Pinosol is a herbal preparation. But in addition to mountain pine oil, eucalyptus and peppermint, vitamin E is added to it. The action of the components of the product is designed to suppress bacteria and fungi and restore the mucous membrane. The spray acts on the cause of rhinitis, eliminating it. It is not used in the treatment of allergies, and is also not recommended for children under six years of age.

Cameton contains eucalyptus oil, camphor, menthol, and chlorobutanol hemihydrate, so the spray fights pathogenic microbes in the nasal cavity, reducing inflammation and pain. When used, the nasal tissues are moistened. Children over five years of age are allowed to use the drug. The course of treatment lasts until the symptoms of rhinitis are completely eliminated, but no more than ten days.

Products based on essential oils are used only after the child’s body’s reaction to the aerosol components has been tested.

Immunostimulating agents

The viral form of rhinitis can be cured in combination with other drugs with sprays based on interferon alpha, which inhibits pathogenic flora. In addition to eliminating a runny nose, the substance restores the biological activity of the mucous membrane.

Grippferon is prescribed for all forms of colds. Already from the first minutes after injection, a stuffy nose is cleared of snot, and the child’s well-being improves. The product is recommended for use from infancy. For maximum effect, before irrigating the nose, the cavities are washed with saline solution.

Nazoferon has an antiviral effect, but a spray for the common cold is used in children over 1 year of age for five days. The dose is calculated depending on the age of the child.

The nasal product IRS 19 contains lysates, destroyed bacterial cells of various types. After spraying into the nose, the child’s body begins to produce immunoglobulins that prevent the proliferation of viruses. The drug is used for adenoid growths, rhinitis caused by bacterial or viral infection. It is allowed to use the spray from three months of age for a course of two weeks.

Immunomodulatory nasal medications help prevent runny nose in children.

How to choose the right drug

It is necessary to select sprays for a runny nose taking into account the age of the child, the severity of the disease, and the cause of its occurrence.

Children over one year old need to rinse the nasal cavity with a saline solution based on sodium chloride and sea water. In addition to cleansing the nasal passages of mucus, it is removed and the mucous membrane is moistened. The aerosols, along with sea water, contain plant extracts - chamomile, sea buckthorn, sage. Aquamaris and Aqualor Baby are safe for children. To stimulate the immune system, Grippferon spray is suitable.

In severe cases, children over two years old can use topical glucocorticosteroids and vasoconstrictor sprays.

A child over three years old tolerates antiseptic drugs such as Miramistin and Protargol well. Facilitates nasal breathing Rinofluimucil, ACC-sinus. By normalizing the function of the epithelium and accelerating the elimination of pathogenic secretions, aerosols help children recover in a short time.

But the spray is only one of the drugs that will help a child get rid of a severe runny nose in combination with other dosage forms.

Rules for using sprays

In order for the use of medication to lead to the desired result, it must be correctly administered into the nasal cavity:

  1. Before the procedure, the nose is cleared of snot, forcing the child to blow his nose. For a child under three years of age, the nasal passages are cleaned with a special suction or aspirator.
  2. Having placed the child on the couch, inject the spray first into one nostril, and after one minute into the other. The pressure should not be strong, otherwise the walls of the nasal mucosa will be injured. The can is held vertically.
  3. After the procedure, it is necessary for the baby to remain in a lying position for some time. The fluid released from the nose is gently wiped away with a napkin.

If the child complains of a burning sensation or pain, the procedure is repeated only after consultation with a specialist.

When our son was very young, we did not use drops, we only washed our nose mainly with Aquamaris or Humer. But since a year we have already started using Vibrocil for illness, and for seasonal allergies we use Nasonex Sinus, it helps very well.

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  • Tonya to the post How to drip the drug Iodinol into the nose of adults and children with a runny nose?
  • Tonya on How to take Afrin for nasal congestion and sinusitis?

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How to choose a spray for runny nose for children under three years old

Aerosol for intranasal administration is a relatively new form of the drug. Unlike drops, the spray irrigates the maximum surface of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses. Thanks to this, the effectiveness of local treatment of inflammatory processes in the upper parts of the ENT organs is significantly increased. Convenient dispensers allow you to control the amount of medication injected into the nasal canals, thereby eliminating the possibility of overdose and, accordingly, side effects.

Sprays for children from 1 year

A runny nose is just one of the manifestations of an infectious or allergic disease. Nasal obstruction (swelling of the nasal cavity) occurs due to acute or chronic inflammation of the tissues inside the nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses. For this reason, the internal diameter of the air channels narrows, which leads to difficulty breathing.

To treat rhinitis in children, medications with minimal concentrations of active ingredients are used. The fact is that the child’s body is susceptible to sensitization due to the unstable functioning of the immune system. An overdose of medications often leads to the appearance of allergic edema and, accordingly, a deterioration in the patient’s well-being. To avoid complications, vasoconstrictor, homeopathic and moisturizing aerosols are used in pediatrics to treat children over one year of age.

Saline based products

Moisturizing sprays are universal preparations that are used to rinse the nasal cavity and thin the mucus in it. The aerosols contain sterilized sea water, extracts from medicinal plants (sage, rose hips, sea buckthorn, chamomile) and beneficial microelements. Children's sprays for the common cold have virtually no contraindications, so they can be used to treat rhinitis of any origin. Some of the safest sprays include:

The use of hypertonic solutions (salt concentration greater than 0.9%) when treating children under 2 years of age is not recommended, as they lead to dehydration of the mucous membrane.

If a child has difficulty breathing due to stagnation of mucus in the nasal passages or the formation of crusts in them, rinsing with saline aerosols will help ease breathing. They not only relieve inflammation and swelling, but also dilute nasal secretions, which facilitates its evacuation from the airways. To achieve the necessary therapeutic effect, sanitation of the nasopharynx must be performed at least 4-5 times a day.

Homeopathic remedies

The therapeutic effect of homeopathic remedies has not been proven scientifically. In this regard, the effectiveness of homeopathy is equated to the effectiveness of placebo. The aerosols contain extracts of medicinal herbs and negligible concentrations of infectious agents. This allows the body to develop antibodies to them and thereby cope with the disease.

To treat a child, it is advisable to use gentle homeopathic preparations with an immunostimulating effect:

A good spray does not contain preservatives or synthetic substances that can cause an unwanted reaction. It should be remembered that homeopathic remedies do not have a vasoconstrictor effect, so they do not bring immediate relief.


Vasoconstrictor aerosols (anticongestants) are used both for allergic rhinitis or hay fever, and for colds. The medications contain adrenaline receptor stimulants (phenylephrine, xylometazoline, naphazoline), which help narrow the blood capillaries in the nasopharynx. Due to the outflow of blood and intercellular fluid from the tissues, swelling in the mucous membrane decreases, resulting in easier breathing through the nose.

Anticongestants contain a minimal concentration of vasoconstrictor substances, since their excess often leads to undesirable systemic effects - tachycardia, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, etc. In pediatric practice, to relieve signs of rhinorrhea (acute rhinitis) and congestion, the following is used:

Adrenaline receptors are located not only in the nasal cavity, but also in the bronchi and myocardium, so an overdose of anticongestants often leads to side effects.

It should be remembered that anticongestants have one very important feature: if stimulants of adrenaline receptors constantly circulate in the bloodstream, the vessels stop responding to them. To achieve the required therapeutic effect, it is necessary to increase the dosage of drugs. But if you use vasoconstrictor aerosols for 7 days or more, this will lead to the development of local vascular dystonia and, as a consequence, drug runny nose.

Sprays for children over 2 years old

Nasal congestion and burning often indicate blockage of the airways with dried mucus. The best drug for softening crusts and facilitating nasal breathing is a children's runny nose spray. Bottles with medicinal solutions are equipped with sprayers that convert the liquid into a fine suspension. The aerosol is instantly absorbed into the tissues, but practically does not penetrate into the systemic bloodstream, and therefore does not provoke unwanted reactions.

To treat patients over 2 years of age, all of the above drugs, as well as antiviral, oil and hormonal agents, can be used. The first help to destroy a viral infection in the ENT organs, the second help relieve inflammation, and the third help soften the mucous membrane and speed up its regeneration.

Topical glucocorticosteroids

Hormonal aerosols for children over 2 years old contain synthetic steroid hormones - glucocorticosteroids. They have anti-edema, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties. They cannot be called “first aid” drugs, since the active components of the drugs begin to act a few hours after spraying the spray.

To eliminate swelling in the baby’s nasopharynx and normalize breathing through the nose, you can use:

It is important to understand that glucocorticosteroids are analogues of hormones produced by the adrenal glands. Long-term use of the products can negatively affect the functioning of the endocrine system. Therefore, for no apparent reason, they should not be included in the treatment of allergic rhinitis or rhinoconjunctivitis.

Topical glucocorticosteroids are not used to treat chronic inflammation in the nasal cavity, as they reduce local immunity.

Oil sprays

Oil nasal aerosol for a runny nose is a medicinal product with emollient, wound-healing and antiseptic effects. It contains extracts from medicinal plants that have immunostimulating, antimicrobial and fungistatic (antifungal) properties - sea buckthorn, peppermint, chamomile, eucalyptus, Scots pine, etc. Oil-based sprays are highly viscous and can therefore clog narrow nasal passages in children under 2 years of age. For this reason, it is better not to use them for the treatment of bacterial and viral rhinitis in infants.

In pediatric practice, the following is used to treat nasopharyngitis, sinusitis and bacterial rhinitis:

Due to the fact that oil aerosols contain herbal additives, they can cause allergic reactions. If after spraying the spray the child develops itching, burning or nasal congestion, the use of the drug should be discontinued.

Antiviral agents

What spray will help eliminate rhinorrhea during ARVI and colds? With a viral infection of the ENT organs, catarrhal inflammation occurs in the mucous membrane. To flush out pathogenic agents from the respiratory tract, single-celled glands begin to produce more nasal secretions. Due to swelling of the soft tissues, it stagnates in the nasal cavity and clogs the internal passages (choanae).

Antiviral aerosol is the best local drug that enhances immunity and prevents the penetration of virions into epithelial cells. The nasal product contains interferon-alpha1, which inhibits the activity of the viral flora and accelerates the regression of inflammation. To restore the physiological activity of the nasal mucosa and eliminate rhinorrhea, use:

Antiviral sprays can be used to prevent viral rhinitis in anticipation of seasonal diseases - influenza, nasopharyngitis, colds, etc.

Unlike hormonal drugs, the immunostimulating aerosol does not affect the functioning of the endocrine system and does not dehydrate the mucous membrane. Antiviral drugs are often used to prevent runny nose in children with secondary immunodeficiency.

Sprays for children over 3 years old

The treatment regimen for rhinitis in children over 3 years of age can already include a mucolytic, antiseptic and antibacterial nasal spray. Mucolytics quickly thin out mucus, which prevents its stagnation in the maxillary sinuses, and antiseptic antibacterial aerosols help destroy fungal and microbial flora in the upper parts of the ENT organs.

When purchasing a nasal spray for children, you need to take into account many nuances - individual intolerance to medicinal components, the presence of other diseases and the etiology of the disease, i.e. causes of rhinitis. This especially applies to the choice of local drugs with specific effects, which include antibiotics and antiseptics.


If the inflammation of the nasal cavity was caused by bacteria or fungi, this will be indicated by a yellowish or greenish nasal secretion. To destroy pathogenic flora in the nasopharynx and prevent the development of sinusitis, it is recommended to use an antiseptic nasal aerosol for children. It contains substances that inhibit the activity of microbes and fungi, and also prevent their reproduction.

Antiseptics are good because bacteria do not develop resistance to them, as often happens when local antibiotics are abandoned prematurely. Medicines of this pharmacological group are prescribed only by a pediatrician and only if there are indications:

"Protargol" is a nasal spray that contains colloidal silver. It can cause adverse reactions, so for children over 3 years of age a spray with a concentration of active ingredients of no more than 1% is prescribed.

Antibacterial agents

For purulent inflammation of the airways in the nasopharynx, aerosols with antibiotics are prescribed. They destroy staphylococcal, meningococcal, streptococcal and pneumococcal infections directly at sites of inflammation. Antibacterial aerosols are widely used in the treatment of bacterial rhinopharyngitis, purulent sinusitis and sphenoiditis.

Antimicrobial nasal sprays often cause side effects, so they are used to treat rhinitis complicated by purulent inflammation. The best local drugs include:

Sofradex additionally contains dexamethasone, which is a glucocorticosteroid, so it can only be used as prescribed by an ENT doctor.

When undergoing local antibacterial treatment, you must strictly follow the doctor's recommendations regarding the dosage of drugs and the duration of the course of therapy. Premature cessation of use is fraught not only with relapses of inflammation, but also with the development of resistance in bacteria to the action of antimicrobial components.

Mucolytic agents

Mucolytic sprays reduce the viscosity of nasal secretions and accelerate their removal from the ENT organs. The medicine contains components (extracts from fir, anise, eucalyptus, cyclomen) that thin the mucus and stimulate the activity of cilia in the ciliated epithelium. Thanks to the normalization of epithelial functions, the process of mucus movement through the upper parts of the respiratory tract is accelerated.

To prevent stagnation of mucus in the nasopharynx and facilitate breathing, it is recommended to use for the treatment of children:

Experts do not recommend using aerosol mucolytics before bedtime, as the liquefied secretion can penetrate into the laryngopharynx and cause a spasmodic cough in the child.


Nasal spray is a convenient and practical form of medication for intranasal administration. In pediatrics, aerosol forms of medications are used to treat children over 1 year of age. This is due to the fact that fine liquid is injected into the nose under pressure, so some of the liquid can penetrate the Eustachian tube and provoke catarrhal inflammation in it.

The treatment regimen for children under 2 years of age includes sprays that contain a minimum amount of synthetic and active components - “Otrivin Baby”, “Aqua Maris”, “Aflubin-Naze”, “Tizin Xylo”, etc. They rarely cause allergic reactions, but at the same time they alleviate the condition of a small patient with the development of obstructive processes in the nasopharynx. Children over 2 years old can be prescribed oil, hormonal and antiviral sprays - “Pinosol”, “Avamys”, “Genferon Light”. The treatment regimen for patients over 3 years of age may include aerosols of mucolytic, antiseptic and antibacterial action - “Rinofluimucil”, “Collargol”, “Isofra”, etc.

Author: Irada Huseynova

Comments and reviews

Throat spray for children under 3 years old

  • Nasal drops for children under one year old

  • Drops for runny nose for children under 2 years old

  • Current prices and products

    A drug made according to an old folk recipe. Find out how it got on the coat of arms of the city of Shenkursk.

    Famous drops for preventing diseases and increasing immunity.

    Monastic tea for ENT diseases

    For the prevention and assistance in the treatment of diseases of the throat and nose according to the prescription of Schema-Archimandrite George (Sava).

    Any use of site materials is permitted only with the consent of the portal editors and by installing an active link to the source.

    The information published on the site is intended for informational purposes only and in no way calls for independent diagnosis and treatment. To make informed decisions about treatment and medications, consultation with a qualified physician is required. The information posted on the site is obtained from open sources. The portal's editors are not responsible for its accuracy.

    Higher medical education, anesthesiologist.


    Cold sprays for children: list of the best

    Every caring mother usually keeps a couple of remedies in her home medicine cabinet in case the baby’s nose stops breathing “normally”. But how to determine for what type of rhinitis what is more effective to use: medicine in the form of drops or a special spray for the runny nose for children? Are there any restrictions on use and how to properly administer the medicine into the nose?

    In order not to make a mistake or harm your health, it is important to know the causes of a runny nose and what modern pharmaceuticals will help get rid of it.

    When does it happen?

    A runny nose, according to doctors, is a condition in which the inner surface of the nasal cavity is irritated or inflamed and tries to get rid of bacteria, viruses or microbes by producing mucus.

      Mucus accumulates, leaks, or remains, forming a blockage in the nasal passages or flowing down the back of the throat and interfering with normal breathing.
  • Rhinitis is a reaction of the nasopharyngeal mucosa to external irritants. For example, changes in humidity levels, stress, strong odors.
  • Allergy is also a reaction of the mucous membrane, but it is pathological in nature. It can be seasonal, off-season (all year round) and for professional reasons.
  • A runny nose due to ARVI or bacterial infections (sinusitis, adenoids) is the most common type that accompanies childhood diseases. Under the influence of bacteria and viruses, the protection in the nasopharynx disappears, and harmful microorganisms begin to multiply there.
  • Traumatic rhinitis - occurs when the mucous membrane is injured.
  • There is no need to treat a runny nose if the child has liquid discharge. This is a sign that the body is good at eliminating pathogens.

      A child's runny nose has conventional stages, the duration of which is individual for each child:
  • There is discomfort in the nasal cavity, itching and sneezing. This stage does not last long - a few hours. You can start rinsing with sea water.
  • Irritation begins and watery discharge appears. Afterwards, the mucous membrane swells and normal breathing is disrupted. May cause blocked ears. The duration of the stage is from several hours to several days. Vasoconstrictors are used and, if necessary, contain an antibiotic.
  • Accompanied by thick discharge of different colors, congestion goes away, the nose clears and breathes normally.
  • Application principle

    Aerosols against rhinitis for the nose are a finely dispersed medicinal suspension that is sprayed onto the inner surface of the nose. From the point of view of convenience, the spray does have advantages: the coverage area during injection is higher than the penetration of the drug in the form of a drop.

    When using, the child's head should be in an upright position; but tilt it slightly when the medicine is administered. Injection should be made into the nostril opposite to the tilt of the head. In any case, before using the medicine, the child’s nose must be cleared of accumulated mucus. This can be done with saline solutions. They are also available in the form of drops and sprays and contain an isotonic solution of sodium chloride. They are usually made from sea water and contain beneficial compounds and microorganisms.

    It is their use that makes it possible to wash away substances that cause inflammatory processes, destroy microbes, and moisturize the mucous membrane to prevent it from drying out and the appearance of crusts.

    In aerosol format, saline solutions are produced under the trademarks Aqualor, Marimer, Aquamaris, Linakva, Otrivn More, Quicks in different price categories.

    In addition to saline solutions, vasoconstrictors can be used. They are designed to combat allergic rhinitis and ARVI: they constrict blood vessels, relieve swelling and help restore smooth breathing and even hearing. The mucus stops secreting, the nose “opens”. But it is not recommended to use them for a long time; the optimal period is up to three days.

    These are such medicinal brands as Nazol, Nazol-baby, Nazivin, Afrin, Rinofluimucil Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Rino-stop, Tizin-xylo, etc.

      Three important rules for using the spray:
  • This dosage form is not used to treat children under 5-6 years of age due to the short distance between the pharynx and ear. Infections may spread from the nasopharynx into the ear during injection and contribute to its spread.
  • In each specific case, the medicine and its dosage should be selected only by a specialist - an otolaryngologist. Self-medication will only be harmful.
  • If symptoms do not go away when using the drug for more than three days, the spray should be discontinued.
  • Indications and contraindications

      When the spray is needed:
  • Children's age up to 6 years.
  • Pregnant and lactating women are prohibited from taking it.
  • For hypertension.
  • For allergy sufferers.
  • For diseases of the heart and vascular system.
  • Kidney failure, etc.
  • The spray does not cure, it only relieves symptoms! You cannot use it for more than 5 days.

    Review of drugs for the common cold

    The following is a description of the most popular modern aerosols.

    Preparations with sea water and saline solution

    They are practically safe and most effective. The main task is to moisturize the mucous membrane and remove secretions.

    Contains purified sea water with trace elements (sodium, magnesium, calcium). Used for treatment and hygiene procedures in children.

    Packaging: 50 ml glass bottle with a special nozzle.

    Metal balloon (shower for nasal irrigation), volume 125 ml.

    Application regimen: 1-2 injections 2-3 times a day.

    Cost: about rubles.

    Restrictions on use: no, completely safe.

    Contains an isotonic solution, without preservatives and dyes.

    Packaging: metal bottle (shower for nasal irrigation and rinsing), volume 50, 125 ml.

    How to use: hygienic care once a day, in combination with medical procedures once a day. Washing is carried out in a lying position.

    Price: approximately rubles

    Restrictions: safe for children and adults.

    Contains an isotonic solution of natural sea salt.

    Hygiene product for the care of the nasal cavity for children from 3 months. Also suitable for frontal irrigation.

    Packaging: 20 ml glass bottle.

    Usage regimen: 1-2 doses 2-4 times a day.

    Cost: approximately rubles.

    Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.

    Contains water from the Atlantic Ocean.

    Quickly thins mucus in the nasal cavity.

    Packaged in a 30 ml bottle.

    Application regimen: 1-3 irrigations several times a day.

    Cost: rubles.

    Careful use after surgery is recommended.

    These drugs can be replaced with an ordinary aqueous solution of table salt. You need bottled water, heated to a certain degree.

    Proportion: 1 tsp. (9 grams) salt per 1 liter. warm water. The solution can be used for 24 hours. A fresh solution is prepared for each use.

    The prepared solution is poured into a bottle with a sprayer or into a device for rinsing the nasal sinuses.

    Despite the ease of preparing such a remedy, many mothers prefer to use a purchased children's runny nose spray to treat children's runny nose, because the original packaging guarantees sterility and is easy to use.

    Vasoconstrictor drugs

    They constrict blood vessels and reduce the amount of mucus. They have contraindications.

    Decongestant in the form of a nasal spray. Quickly removes purulent formations from the nose. Intended for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx and sinuses. It has a mucolytic and vasoconstrictor effect.

    Packaging: 10 ml glass bottle

    Scheme: 1-3 irrigations several times a day.

    Cost: varies within 280 rubles

    Do not use in children under 3 years of age, intolerance to individual components, thyrotoxicosis, extrasystole, bronchial asthma, glaucoma, cardiovascular disorders.

    Spray with vasoconstrictor and antihistamine action, contains phenylephrine and dimentedine. Suitable for children from 6 years old, adults. Release form: bottle with dispenser, volume 10 ml.

    Dose of the drug: 1-2 sprays into the nose 3-4 times a day.

    Cost: rubles

    Contraindications: heart disease, thyroid disease, etc.

    This medicine is used for respiratory and allergic rhinitis, hay fever, sinusitis, otitis media

    Release form: dark glass bottle, volume 10 ml.

    Dosage: 1 spray 1-2 times a day.

    Cost: rubles.

    Contraindications: atrophic rhinitis, children under 2 years of age (for Xymelin 0.05%), children under 6 years of age (for Xymelin 0.1%), reaction to individual components of the solution.

    The active ingredient is tetrizoline. Reduces the level of swelling of the nasal cavity, constricts blood vessels. Used for rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis.

    Release form: glass bottle with a 10 ml spray nozzle.

    Directions for use: one portion in each nostril, no more than once every four hours. If necessary, the procedure is repeated immediately before bedtime.

    Cost: 210 rubles.

    Not recommended for allergies to components, children under 2 years of age and dry rhinitis.

    Antiviral sprays

    Antiviral drug - immunomodulator.

    It is well absorbed by the body and fights viruses in the nasal cavity.

    Release form: glass bottle of 10 ml.

    Application: spray into each nostril three times a day.

    Do not take during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or if there is an individual intolerance.

    2. Interferon – Genferon Light

    The active ingredient is interferon. It counteracts viruses and improves immunity.

    Available in the form of a glass bottle with a dispenser, volume ME.

    Application: one spray into each nostril.

    Risk factors: allergies, pregnancy, seizures.

    Oil based sprays

    Anti-inflammatory oil essence. The drug is intended to liquefy the mucous membrane. Contains a complex of essential oils + tocopherol acetate

    Release form: glass container with a 10 ml nozzle.

    Dosage regimen: one dose in each nostril 3 times a day.

    Cost: approximately rubles.

    Topical antibiotics

    A potent antibiotic for the treatment of bacterial diseases.

    Packaging: 15 ml lightproof bottle, contains neomycin, polymyxin B, dexamethasone, phenylephrine.

    Indicated for sinusitis, rhinopharyngitis.

    Regimen: 2 injections 3 times a day.

    Price category: approximately 280 rubles.

    It should not be used in early childhood (two and a half years or less), kidney disease, albuminuria, and is also not recommended for pregnant women.

    Another antibiotic, active ingredient framycitin 12.5 mg + excipients (E 218, sodium chloride, citric acid, H2O).

    Acts as an antimicrobial agent, indicated for sinusitis, for irrigation of the nasal mucosa, bacterial pharyngitis, sinusitis; rhinopharyngitis.

    Packaged in a 15 ml bottle.

    Directions for use: one injection three times a day, course 7 days.

    Cost: 300 rubles.

    Contraindications: children under one year of age and allergies to the components of the drug.

    All of the above drugs are available from pharmacies without a prescription.

    The main way to store cold remedies for children is in a cool place, away from light. Some drugs have a more limited shelf life due to their loss of quality. Then the shelf life is limited to 20-45 days.

    It is important that this place is inaccessible to children.

      When starting treatment for a runny nose in a child, you must follow the following rules:
  • Do not be alarmed when your child develops a runny nose; this is an adequate protective reaction of the body.
  • Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. The pediatrician or ENT will select a treatment regimen and medication based on symptoms and indicate a specific dosage based on the child’s individual physiological parameters (age, height, weight).
  • Any runny nose is a signal that the child’s body is beginning to fight the infection, and the adult’s task is simply to help. And to determine what is happening, it is recommended to get tested. General blood test, general urine test, nasal and oral swabs, etc.
  • Long-term use of the medicine can be addictive, and in the future the body will no longer respond correctly. Therefore, the duration of use of the spray is limited to one week.
  • The wrong drug or incorrect dosage can cause side effects or overdose. This is dangerous for the child's growing body.
  • It is important to monitor the expiration date of the drug and store it in accordance with the recommendations in the instructions.
  • Source: