Banana cough medicine

Banana is a delicious cough medicine

Banana is not just a tasty treat: it is a wonderful cosmetic product and even an effective “medicine”. For example, a cough “medicine” is prepared from bananas at home.

Table of contents:

Banana pulp is rich in vitamins B, PP, E, A and C. In addition, it contains a large amount of sucrose, fiber, organic acids, enzymes, carotene, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium and other biologically active substances.

Having such a rich composition, bananas help improve immunity, which means bananas are useful for ARVI and other diseases. During illness, it is recommended to eat 1-2 bananas every day (provided that the person has not recently suffered a heart attack or stroke and does not have diabetes).

For severe sore throat and cough, it is recommended to prepare a banana-based remedy.

Its composition is as follows:

Take a ripe banana, wash it and peel it. After this, the pulp is crushed in a blender or using a fork (you should get a mushy mass). Add cocoa powder to this banana paste and mix thoroughly. Then boil the milk, pour it into the pulp and mix everything again. If necessary, add 1 tsp. honey Drink this banana milkshake hot before bed. The recommended course of treatment for cough is 5 days, although after the first procedure the condition improves significantly.

This remedy is prepared from:

  • 1 banana
  • 1 dessert spoon of natural honey

The banana is washed, peeled and the white “threads” are removed. After this, the pulp is crushed into a pulp (for this you can use a grater, blender or a regular table fork). Then honey is added to the banana paste and the mixture is placed in a water bath for 7-10 minutes. Darkening of the product is a sign that the “preparation” is ready. Take 1 tsp of the cooled banana-honey mixture. The product prepared according to this recipe should be eaten one day before.

The recipe for this medicine is:

The bananas are washed, the skin is removed, and the pulp is rubbed through a sieve. This banana mass is transferred to a small saucepan, filled with water and sugar is added. Boil the product in a water bath for 5–7 minutes. Drink a banana smoothie hot. Moreover, this “medicine” can be given even to small children.

banana mixtures for cough, banana for cough, cough treatment with banana mixtures

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Recipes for treating cough with banana in children and adults

Not many patients know about the excellent qualities of banana. This fruit was brought to the Russian state from southern countries. It has a bright yellow color and a sweetish taste. It is worth admitting that not only adults love him, but also adults. But, oddly enough, bananas are also used as a remedy for coughs.

Benefits of banana

In fact, banana contains many vitamins and minerals. It is rightfully recognized as a storehouse of useful elements. It contains substances in the form of protein, fiber, iron and phosphorus, magnesium and potassium, calcium and sodium, vitamins B, A and C, E and PP, and also includes organic acids and other important trace elements.

Bananas also contain a substance called ephedrine. Medicines against rhinitis, bronchitis and bronchial asthma are made from it.

Thanks to this composition, bananas help boost immune function and prevent the reproduction and growth of infections.

Bananas contain ascorbic acid. This element is very important during colds, since thanks to it there is a natural increase in interferon in the patient’s blood.

The main advantages of using banana products include the following.

  • Availability of components.
  • Ease of drug production.
  • Natural composition.
  • The possibility of combining banana with any type of medicine.
  • No side effects or contraindications.
  • Pleasant taste.
  • Excellent therapeutic effect.

Treatment of cough with banana

Many experts recommend using a banana for coughs, the recipe for a child is as follows.

  1. Using fruit with honey. To prepare the medicine, you need to take one fruit and peel it. Then cut into pieces and grind to a paste. For such purposes, you can use a blender, mixer, meat grinder or regular spoon. Then add a spoonful of honey to the mixture and stir everything thoroughly. Transfer the mixture to a saucepan and place on the stove for approximately five to ten minutes. When the medicine is prepared, it will take on a golden hue.

Banana with honey for cough is recommended to take two spoons up to three times a day. The duration of the treatment course is five to seven days.

  • In using banana with honey and water. To prepare, you also need to take one banana and peel it. Mash to a paste and add two tablespoons of water. Stir well and put the resulting mixture on the stove for ten minutes. After cooking, you need to add one spoon of honey. You need to take two spoons up to three times a day. This medicine is excellent for coughs for children of different ages. Experts say that wet or dry cough, sore throat and sore throat will disappear in two days.
  • In using jelly. To prepare banana cough jelly, you need to take one fruit and mash it with a fork or spoon until it turns into a puree. Then pour a cup of boiled water and add a spoonful of sugar. Mix the jelly thoroughly and let it brew for half an hour.

    The product must be used throughout the day every two hours. In this case, the portion should be divided into half of one mug. This remedy is perfect for children who refuse to eat during a cold. Banana is considered a very high-calorie product, therefore it provides not only strength and energy, but also all the necessary vitamins.

  • Treatment of cough with banana, cocoa and milk

    Many people have heard about banana smoothie. Some even take it internally. The composition of this medicine is quite simple. Milk with banana for cough is considered an effective and affordable remedy. Plus it has a pleasant taste. There are several cooking recipes.

    • To prepare the product, you need to take one banana, peel it and grate it until it turns into puree. Then pour a mug of hot milk and put on the stove for a few minutes. After the mixture begins to boil, you need to add a spoonful of sugar for taste. You should take the cough suppressant up to two times a day for five to seven days.
    • To prepare the medicine, you will need the same ingredients, only cocoa is also added to the drink. You need to take one banana and grind it to a paste. Meanwhile, put water on the fire and bring it to a boil. Add banana pulp. Mix well. Then add two more tablespoons of cocoa powder and boil a little. Mix the mixture thoroughly and take warm. This banana cough remedy can also be taken as a preventive measure during the cold and flu season.

    Other Cough Treatments Using Bananas

    During a cold, patients feel weak and unwell. Such phenomena are observed with severe intoxication of the body. As a result, the patient loses strength and appetite, which is why the body is unable to cope with viruses and bacteria.

    Treatment of cough with banana for bronchitis includes the use of mint tincture. To prepare the product, you need to take one banana and mash it with a spoon. Meanwhile, add milk and bring it to a boil. Then add banana pulp and honey, keep on the stove for about two to three minutes. When the cocktail is ready, add a spoonful of mint tincture and lemon juice. Mint tincture can be purchased at pharmacy stores.

    You can use banana for cough in another way, the recipe is simple. You need to take one banana and crush it to a puree. Pour hot milk over the resulting slurry and add a piece of butter. For taste, you can add a spoonful of honey or sugar. Mix the mixture thoroughly and take up to two times a day. The duration of the treatment course is five days. This cough syrup can cure a cough in a few days.

    Use of banana remedy for cough

    When a patient decides to take bananas for a cough, special recommendations must be followed.

    1. Whatever mixture the patient prepares, it should be taken one hour before eating or two to three hours after eating.
    2. The medicine must be taken only warm. Strong hot drinks can cause burns and throat irritation. And cold will not have the corresponding effect.
    3. Even if the unpleasant symptom disappears after one or two days, the medicine must be taken for at least five days in a row. If this rule is followed, the patient will be able to completely prevent the inflammatory process that is located in the respiratory tract.
    4. It is worth noting that the banana product deteriorates quite quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a new portion every day. During the day, the banana remedy can be stored in the refrigerator and warmed to the desired temperature before use.
    5. If an adult has a cough, the remedy can be doubled. But a child should not eat more than one banana a day.

    Banana medicine should not be the main treatment method. Therapeutic therapy must be carried out comprehensively. Therefore, it is necessary to take other medications. Before use, you should consult your doctor, as banana has several relative contraindications.

    The content of all content presented on the site is for educational and informational purposes only, aimed at giving visitors to the resource a clearer understanding of the prevention, symptoms and methods of treating colds. Be sure to consult your doctor.


    Cough banana with honey: recipe for a child

    During the cold period, coughing is the most common occurrence. No one is safe from it: neither an adult nor a child. It is easier for adults to take bitter pills, but you cannot explain to children that tasteless medicines are a necessity. What to do in this case? Paradoxical as it may seem, traditional medicine has repeatedly proven that the gifts of nature are not only tasty and healthy, but also faithful allies in the fight against cough.

    Banana for cough with honey is a favorite “pill”. Both children and adults will be happy to take this medicine.

    Cough recipe with banana and honey: benefits

    An ordinary banana can eliminate cough even with bronchitis. Main advantages:

    • All products included in the recipe are natural, so they contain the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals.
    • The medicine has a pleasant and sweet taste, which is why children really like these “magic” pills.
    • Affordable price: banana can be bought in any store at a fairly low cost.
    • Preparing the medicine is simple and easy; it only takes a few minutes.
    • The medicine effectively combats even a severe cough, removes phlegm and helps reduce a sore throat.

    Judging by the reviews, a banana with honey for coughs helps just fine. Mommies share the secrets of preparing this medicine in specialized thematic sections.

    Miracle honey

    It's no secret that honey contains a large number of useful micro- and macroelements: potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese, as well as more than 25 types of carbons. In addition, there are almost all the vitamins that contribute to the normalization of the activity of all organs in the body (A, B, C, E, PP, K).

    Users note that with daily use of this miracle drug, you can protect yourself from heart and joint diseases. If we talk about the miraculous power against cough, then many highlight antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. The natural components of honey also effectively fight cough. That is why, when a person has a cold, doctors recommend using this product. When consuming honey, you must remember that high temperature treatment can reduce the level of beneficial elements. Water or milk should not be heated more than 60 degrees.

    The healing composition of bananas

    Who would have thought that a common banana could cure a cold? Many people believe that this product has virtually no beneficial properties. However, the southern fruit contains a large amount of ascorbic acid. It is this component that is one of the best helpers for overcoming a viral disease. Banana contains vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system. In addition, magnesium and potassium support the functioning of the circulatory system, which has a positive effect on heart function.

    The fruit contains choline, which is responsible for memory function. And folic acid and B vitamins help the human body produce hormones that increase resistance to infectious diseases. The recipe for banana with cough honey for a child will be presented below. This is an excellent remedy to quickly cure a baby. In addition, there are a large number of combinations when mixing these two tasty and healthy ingredients.

    Medicinal gruel

    Cough banana with honey effectively helps with dry cough. The mixture helps the mucus to be coughed up well. To prepare, you will need one banana and 1 tablespoon of honey. The fruit should be crushed using a blender. The resulting mixture must be mixed with honey.

    If the honey is thick and heavily candied, then you must first melt it in a water bath. You must take the resulting medicine several times a day. As a result, coughing attacks will stop and the sore throat will soften. Young parents claim that this recipe for banana with cough honey is best for children.

    Banana decoction

    A cough remedy with banana and honey can be prepared as a medicinal decoction. The ingredients you will need are one ripe banana and honey. You should chop, or better yet, thoroughly grind the banana pulp with a spoon, pour liquid honey on top and mix. The resulting mixture must be placed on low heat and boiled until it boils. It is important to carefully ensure that the mixture does not run off or burn. After 10 minutes, the brew takes on a golden hue. After this, it must be removed from the heat and cooled.

    You can pour a little water into such a decoction (it is recommended to take two tablespoons for one banana), boil for 10 minutes, then add 2 tablespoons of honey. A healing decoction for cough should be taken 2-3 times a day, 1 glass (no more) for 3-5 days.

    It is important to remember that honey can cause allergies. That is why control the added volume of this product if you are preparing a decoction for a child. However, researchers have proven that a person can only be intolerant to one/several types of honey. If you go through a “careful” search, you can easily find the variety that is suitable for your body.

    Honey-spicy slices

    For those who like healthy cookies, a cough banana with honey can be prepared in the form of slices. The recipe is so simple that even a child can do it. You need to cut the banana into thin slices and place it on a plate. Drizzle honey on top. It can be preheated over a fire in an iron bowl or in a steam bath.

    To vary the taste, you can add a little (pinch) of ginger to honey. It will only help enhance the healing properties of the mixture. Another option: banana slices dipped in honey can be topped with sesame seeds. It is saturated with vegetable fats and calcium, so it also helps against cough.

    Banana milkshake

    Cough banana with honey can be easily prepared as a cocktail. It's convenient and tasty. To prepare, you will need to mash the pulp of one banana and pour half a glass of boiling milk on top. Add 1 tsp to the resulting mixture. butter to soften inflammation, and 2 tsp. honey If the patient is allergic to honey, it can be replaced with powdered sugar. Judging by the reviews, this suspension helps not only with a severe cough, but also if there are signs of laryngitis.

    Chocolate banana puree

    Banana puree, and even with chocolate, is just a dream for a child with a sweet tooth. This healing miracle remedy has a softening effect on inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract. You can add cocoa butter to banana puree in the following proportion: for 1 fruit – 2 tsp. cocoa. Banana and honey recipes for coughs receive mostly positive reviews, but doctors warn that cocoa butter can cause diarrhea, especially in children, because it has a laxative effect.


    There is only one contraindication regarding honey: children under 3 years of age are not recommended to consume this product. Doctors allow 0.5 tsp. honey 3-4 times a day for children from 3 years old, but no more. After all, the glucose content in it can provoke an increase in blood pressure and raise blood sugar levels. Children over 7 years old should not eat more than one banana with honey per day.

    It is also not recommended to eat banana if there is an exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers and inflammation of the pancreas. Those who have suffered a stroke or heart attack should also be careful. If a patient has diabetes mellitus and high acidity of gastric juice, then the banana mixture should not be taken. When using this medicine, an adult must take into account the time: 1.5 hours before meals.

    There are a lot of recipes for preparing a miraculous natural cough medicine. Please remember that some components may cause intolerance. However, this directly depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Before using any folk remedy for treatment, read the contraindications.

    Let one of the above recipes definitely help you cope with coughing attacks and quickly overcome the cold period. Pamper yourself with delicious medicines, be healthy and don’t get sick!


    Banana for cough: delicious recipes for children and adults

    Proven folk remedies are indispensable home help for the manifestation of ailments. For example, the well-known and beloved banana is used as a medicine for colds, and especially for coughs. Even a child can easily prepare banana “medicine”.

    What is useful for cough

    Banana pulp is rightfully considered a real storehouse of nutrients. It contains protein, fiber, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, vital for the body, a large amount of vitamins B, A, C, E, PP, organic acids and other biologically active microelements.

    Ephedrine, contained in bananas, is often used in the manufacture of medications for bronchial asthma, rhinitis and bronchitis.

    Having such a beneficial composition, bananas help improve immunity, and therefore stop the penetration and multiplication of viral infections in the respiratory tract.

    Bananas owe their healing effects primarily to ascorbic acid. It is this that promotes the production of interferon, a special protein that prevents viruses from entering healthy cells. And if the virus fails to penetrate the cell, it dies.

    Vitamin C, in combination with other beneficial substances that make up bananas, strengthens and prolongs the effect of interferon, and potassium is extremely effective in destroying existing pathogenic bacteria and microbes.

    The benefits of banana treatment are as follows:

    • availability of ingredients;
    • ease of preparing banana-based medicines;
    • natural composition;
    • Possibility of combination with any medications and medical procedures;
    • no side effects compared to many chemical drugs;
    • pleasant taste (especially important for young children who refuse to take other cough remedies);
    • good therapeutic result.

    Treatment with folk remedies with banana should be started when the first symptoms of the disease appear in order to prevent its development.

    Banana folk remedies recipes

    Banana is much more beneficial when consumed in combination with other ingredients that can enhance its effect. Below are the most common and effective folk recipes for treating cough.

    With honey

    1. Peel the banana.
    2. Mash the pulp to a pulp using a blender or a regular table fork.
    3. Add honey to banana paste and mix thoroughly.
    4. Place the mixture in a water bath for 5–10 minutes. The main sign of a ready-to-use medicine is a dark golden hue.

    When preparing the medicine according to this recipe, do not believe the rumors that honey loses its beneficial properties when heated. It has been proven that when these components are combined, all the necessary substances remain in the mixture.

    • 1 ripe banana;
    • 1.5–2 tsp. natural honey;
    • 2 tbsp. l. purified water.
    1. Grind the banana pulp and add water.
    2. Simmer the resulting mixture over low heat.
    3. After 10 minutes, remove the mass from the heat and add honey.

    As practice shows, a banana-honey mixture relieves dry and wet coughs, as well as a sore throat in just 2 days!

    With milk

    1. Grind the banana pulp using a grater or sieve until pureed.
    2. Pour hot milk over the puree.
    3. Place the mixture on the fire and bring to a boil. If desired, you can add sugar for sweetness.

    The first recipe for treating coughs with bananas was invented by traditional healers in Brazil.

    With cocoa

    • 1 ripe banana;
    • 3 tbsp. l. cocoa powder or 2 tsp. cocoa butter;
    • 1 glass of water (well filtered or mineral water without gas).
    1. Grind the banana pulp thoroughly and mash it to a paste.
    2. Place the water on the fire and bring to a boil.
    3. Add cocoa and boiled water to banana paste. Mix the mixture thoroughly.

    With milk, honey and cocoa

    1. Mash the banana pulp to a paste.
    2. Place the milk on the stove and bring to a boil.
    3. Pour milk over the banana pulp, add cocoa powder and mix everything thoroughly. Add honey to the cooled mixture.
    • 1 ripe banana;
    • 1 glass of milk;
    • 1 tsp. natural honey;
    • 2 tsp. cocoa powder.
    1. Grind the banana pulp, add honey and pour milk.
    2. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly and simmer over low heat for 8 minutes.
    3. Add cocoa powder to the boiled darkened pulp.

    Some doctors claim that boiled banana mixture gives the most effective healing results.

    The simplest, but no less effective recipe for making a healthy drink is presented in the video.

    Video: The benefits and harms of bananas

    Recipes with unusual flavors

    Today, various components are increasingly being added to ordinary folk recipes, which greatly increase the benefits of banana pulp and improve its taste. Several such miracle recipes are presented below.

    With plantain tincture

    • 1 ripe banana;
    • 100 ml water or milk;
    • 2 tsp. natural honey;
    • 1.5 tsp. plantain tinctures.
    1. Chop the banana and mash thoroughly.
    2. Place milk or water on the stove and bring to a boil.
    3. Add plantain tincture and honey to the boiling liquid. Reduce heat and cook for another 2-3 minutes.

    This remedy coats the mucous membrane well, providing an expectorant effect. Within a day after taking the medicine, the cough becomes milder and less frequent.

    With mint tincture and lemon

    • 1 ripe banana;
    • 1 tbsp. l. natural honey;
    • 200 ml milk;
    • 1 tsp. mint tincture;
    • 1 tsp. lemon juice.
    1. Mash the banana pulp thoroughly with a fork.
    2. Put the milk on the fire and bring to a boil, and heat the honey in a water bath.
    3. Mix banana paste with warm honey, mint tincture and lemon juice. Mix everything thoroughly and pour in milk.

    Tincture of mint or plantain can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently at home. To do this, you need to place fresh and thoroughly washed mint or plantain leaves tightly into a dark glass container and pour regular vodka over them. In this form, close the container and put it in a dark place for at least a week (the more, the better). Then strain the alcohol tincture from the plant using a strainer and pour it into a jar.

    With butter

    • 1 ripe banana;
    • 1 glass of milk;
    • 2 tsp. butter;
    • 1 tsp. honey or powdered sugar.
    1. Beat the banana pulp well using a blender or mixer.
    2. Pour boiling milk over the resulting paste, add butter and sweetener.
    3. Mix the mixture thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is formed.

    A banana mixture obtained in this way helps to quickly get rid of a cough and cure a sore throat.

    With vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg

    • 1 ripe banana;
    • 1 glass of milk;
    • 2 tsp. honey;
    • 1 pinch of vanilla;
    • 1 pinch of cinnamon;
    • 1 pinch of nutmeg powder.
    1. Mash the banana pulp with a fork until smooth.
    2. Add honey, vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg to the milk. Mix all ingredients well and bring to a boil over low heat.
    3. Pour the cooled liquid over the banana puree.

    How to take banana mixture correctly

    When using cough medicine, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

    1. Any prepared banana mixture is taken during the day, after dividing it into 3-4 doses: 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after meals.
    2. It is best to use the product warm, so try to warm it up before each use.
    3. Even if the cough goes away within a day, it is advisable to continue the recommended course of treatment, which is 7–10 days. This way you can completely stop the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract.
    4. Since banana medicine spoils very quickly, it is prepared daily (especially for mixtures that include honey). It is recommended to store the medicine during the day in the refrigerator.
    5. For adults with a severe cough, you can double the daily portion. Children under 12 years old should not eat more than 1 banana per day.

    Other banana cough remedies


    1. Grind the banana pulp and mash it to a paste.
    2. Add water and sugar to the slurry and mix thoroughly to form a thick syrup.
    3. Let the liquid cook in a water bath for about 8 minutes.

    You need to take the syrup hot, half a glass every 2-3 hours. The course of treatment is from 5 to 7 days.

    Within 7 days of using the syrup, even the most severe sore throat will go away.


    • 1 ripe banana;
    • 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
    • 1 glass of mineral water without gas.
    1. Mash the banana pulp with a wooden masher and mix with sugar.
    2. Pour water into a separate container and put it on the stove to boil.
    3. Pour boiling water over the sweet banana pulp, stir until smooth, cover with a lid and leave to steep for at least half an hour.

    Kissel, like syrup, drink half a cup every 2 hours. If desired, you can strain it. The course of treatment is 5 days.

    Banana peel decoction

    1. Wash the banana well. Remove the peel and cut it into small pieces.
    2. Pour milk into a saucepan, adding chopped peel. Place on fire and bring to a boil.
    3. As soon as the liquid boils, reduce the heat and cook for another 10–15 minutes.
    4. Remove the broth from the stove, strain, add honey and mix thoroughly.

    Drink 1 tablespoon every 2 hours. The course of treatment can last from 5 to 7 days.

    Fried banana

    • 1 ripe banana;
    • 1 tsp. granulated sugar;
    • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.
    1. Cut the banana pulp into slices or strips.
    2. Sprinkle banana slices on all sides with sugar.
    3. Pour oil into a frying pan and fry the bananas until golden brown.

    This cough medicine should be taken hot before bed.

    Video: How to fry a banana

    Features of use for children

    Children usually enjoy taking medicine from bananas. However, before you start treating your child, it is very important to take into account some nuances:

    1. Bananas are not recommended for children under 6 months of age.
    2. You need to choose a banana recipe taking into account the baby’s health characteristics, after consulting a doctor.
    3. Medicines containing honey should not be given to children under 1 year of age, as they can cause an allergic reaction. Children under 3 years old can take the banana-honey mixture no more than 4 times a day, half a teaspoon. Children from 3 to 7 years old are allowed to drink 1 teaspoon of natural product.
    4. Purees with alcohol tinctures should not be given to children under 12 years of age, even if alcohol is present in minimal quantities.

    In case of a serious illness, the medications prescribed by the pediatrician cannot be completely replaced with banana medicine, however, it can serve as an excellent auxiliary anti-inflammatory agent.

    Contraindications and precautions

    Banana medications are contraindicated for use by people who have:

    • varicose veins or thrombophlebitis;
    • diabetes;
    • increased acidity of gastric juice;
    • individual intolerance to the components included in the medicine.

    If an atypical reaction of the body occurs (diarrhea, vomiting, acute abdominal pain, allergies, etc.), you should immediately stop treatment with banana and consult a doctor.

    In addition, people who have suffered a stroke or heart attack need to consult a doctor before using cough suppressants.

    Banana-based medicinal mixtures, jelly and puree bring relief from any cold. Pamper yourself and your child with delicious recipes and never get sick!


    Banana for cough - simple recipes for children and adults

    Bananas are sold year-round in all stores. Basically, they are eaten just for fun, and not everyone knows that bananas have been used in folk medicine for a very long time to treat various diseases.

    Among them are ulcers and gastritis, diseases and blockage of blood vessels, even damage to the skin. But in this article we will talk about the benefits of banana and methods of using it to combat various types of coughs in adults and children during colds.

    Bananas - cough recipes

    Beneficial properties of bananas

    Why are bananas actively used to treat coughs? The fact is that this fruit has a number of beneficial properties that not only remove phlegm, but also treat dry cough, sore throat and sore throat. Banana gently envelops the mucous membrane and eliminates its irritation.

    The fruit is also a source of vitamin C, which must be consumed during a cold to strengthen the immune system and speed up recovery.

    In addition to ascorbic acid, banana pulp contains other macro- and microelements that a person must receive daily to maintain health. Among the most important is potassium, which is very quickly washed out of the human body. It is precisely found in large quantities in these fruits.

    Thus, a banana will not only relieve such cold symptoms as cough, but will also help you recover faster from illness and get back on your feet. Another advantage of this fruit is the fact that almost no one is allergic to it, so not only adults, but also children can be treated completely safely.

    Simple banana recipes for cough

    The easiest way to use this exotic fruit in the fight against cough is based on preparing a banana infusion.

    You just need to add the crushed pulp of one ripe banana to a glass of water and mix well until you get a paste. Drink this remedy once a day before bed, while lying in bed. Therapy lasts about three days.

    You can also prepare a simple decoction of banana pulp.

    To do this, you need to mash it well or even pass it through a sieve, then put it in a saucepan. Pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture and bring everything together to a boil over low heat. Then turn off the stove and mix everything well. This decoction should be drunk hot at night for five days.

    I would like to immediately note that such a unique medicine as a banana makes children very happy, and they are easily treated with this particular fruit. Of course, they like the taste of this paste better than the tablets and syrups bought at the pharmacy. Therefore, treatment for cough if a child is sick will be quite easy.

    Other banana recipes for coughs for adults and children

    There are several more interesting banana-based folk medicine recipes to get rid of cough.

    It should be said right away that all prepared decoctions, infusions, cocktails and drinks from bananas are not stored, so you need to constantly prepare fresh ones and not try to use leftovers from old ones. This can lead to food poisoning, which will only harm the patient.

    Banana with milk

    • One banana, always ripe, must be washed and peeled.
    • Grind the pulp in any available way: with a fork, a sieve or in a blender. The main thing is to get a mass with a consistency similar to gruel.
    • Transfer it to a small saucepan. There you need to pour the mixture with a glass of well-heated milk and mix
    • . Bring all this in a saucepan to a boil over low heat, and then remove.
    • The resulting drink should be consumed hot and at night.

    This recipe is very effective in helping to get rid of a strong, deep cough. The duration of treatment is five days.

    Banana with honey

    Recipes based on the interaction of honey and banana are considered the most effective, since both of these components are distinguished by their beneficial properties individually.

    One ripened banana must be finely chopped. Add 1 tsp to the resulting slurry. honey Mix everything well and place in a water bath. This should cook for about seven minutes. Darkening of the mass serves as a sure signal that it is ready. The patient must eat this paste throughout the day, taking one teaspoon at a time.

    There is another option for mixing these components: chop the banana pulp in a saucepan and add two tablespoons of water. Cook the mixture over low heat for 10 minutes, and add honey to the prepared mixture.

    Strong remedy - bananas with honey and onions

    • Русский
    • In this case, the pulp obtained by grinding banana pulp is mixed with 1 tsp. honey and warms up in a water bath.
    • Then during this time you need to grate a small onion to obtain juice.
    • Place the banana-honey mixture in a separate plate and pour onion juice strained through cheesecloth.
    • Mix everything well and take the warm mass, 1 tablespoon at a time. three times a day.

    The desired effect is achieved after 3 days, and the cough subsides. This recipe is more for adults; children are unlikely to like the oniony taste of bananas.

    When choosing this method of cough treatment, it is necessary to take into account an allergic reaction to honey. If it is, then these methods are not suitable for treating cough.

    Banana with cocoa

    To prepare this unusually tasty, and at the same time healthy, cocktail, you also need to wash and peel one ripe banana, mash the pulp in any way, add 2 teaspoons of cocoa to this pulp and mix everything. The resulting mass should be poured with preheated milk (one glass). Again, mix everything with a fork or blender until smooth.

    This cocktail is recommended to be consumed warm, and in the morning. The fact is that cocoa invigorates the body and is not recommended for consumption less than four hours before bedtime.

    Instead of milk, you can use hot water in this recipe.

    Banana jelly with water

    Recipes for preparing simple decoctions and infusions of banana in water have already been discussed above. Here it is proposed to prepare a kind of jelly.

    To do this, you need to turn the pulp of one banana into pulp again. Then add 1 tbsp. sugar and mix everything well. Transfer the mixture into a deep bowl and pour a glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave to steep for half an hour. If desired, the resulting mass can be strained through a non-metallic sieve.

    It is recommended to take this jelly twice a day with a two-hour break between doses of half a glass. The course of treatment lasts about five days.

    Banana syrup

    You need to mix the pulp of 1 banana, crushed to form a paste, with two teaspoons of sugar and pour in half a glass of water. Everything is mixed well and placed in a water bath for seven minutes. During this time, the mass will darken and thicken. The syrup should be consumed in small portions, 1 tsp, throughout the day.

    The method is suitable for those who are allergic to honey, since the recipe itself is similar to the one above called “Banana with Honey”.

    Tea with dried bananas

    The recipe is very simple: simply add pieces of dried bananas to already brewed tea. However, adding sugar to tea is not recommended in this case. To sweeten the drink, you can add a little honey. Tea should be drunk hot.

    Basic rules for taking medicinal banana products

    The main conditions when taking banana and its cough cocktails can be considered:

    • use the product only in fresh form, it must be prepared on the day of administration to the patient;
    • a preliminary check of the patient for individual intolerance to one or another additional component is necessary;
    • all cocktails and decoctions should be taken orally while still hot, but not so hot that you can burn your tongue or throat;
    • for use by children, dosages are usually not reduced, but the amount of some components in the recipe, for example, cocoa, may be slightly reduced;
    • all homemade products for cough treatment are prepared only from ripe, ripened bananas; it is not recommended to use green ones;
    • Banana medicine is taken an hour before meals or 2 hours after.

    Now you can take a closer look at the rules for taking banana products prepared at home independently for adults and children separately.

    For adults, the effectiveness of banana medications can be increased by taking them at least three hours after meals, as well as increasing the amount to two pieces daily. And although the cough will go away quickly, within a few days, to consolidate the results and increase the patient’s immunity, it is recommended to take banana remedies for at least a week.

    It is better not to treat children under one year of age with such products, especially if they contain honey. It is clear that the dosage of a particular product made from bananas should be adjusted according to the age of the child. After ten years, it is recommended to give him no more than one banana a day, and even less for younger ones.

    Contraindications to the use of banana products

    Despite the fact that banana is considered a very healthy and hypoallergenic fruit, there are some contraindications to using it to treat cough. Among them are the following:

    • in the presence of serious vascular diseases, such as varicose veins or thrombophlebitis, since bananas increase blood viscosity;
    • with increased acidity of juice in the stomach and pancreatitis;
    • after suffering a stroke or heart attack, consultation with your doctor is necessary before use;
    • with individual intolerance to bananas, although this is rare, the possibility cannot be excluded.

    Video recipe for a banana for a child’s cough

    These are delicious and simple ways to get rid of a cough during a cold, which can torment not only children, but also adults every year.

    Of course, you should not refuse to take medications prescribed by your doctor in favor of banana therapy; it is better to combine them. It is with such combinations that the patient will quickly recover and be able to return to his normal activities.

    As for children, they will be only too glad to get rid of an annoying illness with such a tasty product, and this will greatly simplify the task of parents to cure the child and strengthen his immunity.

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    Comments 2

    I didn't know about this product! Even bananas can be used for healing... amazing! We'll try next time, children often get sick.

    Delicious treatment! Children will probably like the product more than tablets)

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    Banana cough medicine

    Who said cough medicine can't taste good? Of course, we are more familiar with treatment with tablets and mixtures, but many prefer to use folk remedies. Moreover, they are equally useful not only for adults, but also for children. Most often in the recipe you can find such popular ingredients as honey, aloe and lemon. But did you know that when used correctly, an ordinary banana for cough is no less effective, although an unusual medicine?!

    Beneficial features

    Recently, doctors and nutritionists have turned their attention to bananas. Its use is recommended for athletes, pregnant women, people weakened after illness or long-term treatment, and those who are struggling with extra pounds. But it turned out that under certain conditions it may well replace a traditional medicine. For example, it is able to treat severe non-productive cough.

    This treatment is possible due to the fact that bananas contain:

    • simple sugars that are quickly absorbed, giving strength to recovery;
    • antioxidants – substances that neutralize free radicals and accelerate healing;
    • dietary fiber, which helps eliminate toxins formed during the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms;
    • a lot of potassium, which directly stimulates the functioning of the heart and immune system;
    • serotonin is a hormone that improves mood and accelerates recovery;
    • ephedrine – gently stimulating the nervous system, activating blood circulation and relieving bronchopulmonary spasms.

    In addition, banana has mild sedative and excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Once on the back wall of the larynx, a banana has an enveloping effect and thus very quickly soothes a cough.

    Choosing a fruit

    You need to choose bananas correctly - to prepare the medicine you need ripe, but not overripe fruits. The flesh of an unripe banana is astringent and can irritate a sore throat. The peel of the ripe fruit is uniformly yellow and pleasantly matte. If there are some dark spots, the banana is already slightly overripe, but still good. When the spots are extensive, there will be darkened areas on the flesh - such a banana is no longer worth buying.

    Greenish bananas can be ripened at home. To do this, you need to wrap them in thick paper and put them in a dark place, preferably cool - with a temperature of degrees. They cannot be stored in the refrigerator - the banana freezes there and quickly spoils.

    A peeled banana quickly loses its healing properties due to contact with air and can no longer effectively treat a cough. Therefore, you need to peel it right before use, and if you need half, cut it off along with the peel.

    Best Recipes

    How can you make cough medicine from ordinary bananas? Here are some healthy and really tasty recipes that children will especially like, but will help adults recover too:

    1. Banana drink recipe. The simplest cough remedy. To prepare a healing drink, you will need one very ripe fruit and two teaspoons of regular sugar. Peel the banana and grind with sugar until smooth. Then pour boiling water over it, mix well, put on the stove and bring to a boil. Turn it off immediately! When the product has cooled to a comfortable temperature, use the third part. And then every two hours drink another third warm.
    2. Recipe for tincture with mint and lemon. It treats any cough well. Peel a ripe banana and beat in a blender with linden or buckwheat honey (2 tablespoons) heated in a water bath to body temperature, gradually add one tablespoon of mint tincture (syrup for children) and fresh lemon juice. The consistency is an airy puree, which can be stored in the refrigerator in a sealed container for up to 3 days. Take 2 tbsp cocktail. spoons 3 times a day after meals, after rinsing your throat.
    3. Banana milk recipe. Banana milk with honey is an excellent remedy that can quickly relieve even a very dry and severe cough. Mash the peeled ripe banana well. Add honey (1 tablespoon) preheated in a water bath to the puree. Mix everything well and pour in warm milk (1 glass). Place on the fire, stirring constantly, bring to a boil and remove immediately. Cool to a comfortable temperature and drink in small sips. Adults can add a teaspoon of cognac or herbal balm. Such a hot cocktail at night is especially useful - the treatment will be effective.
    4. Banana wine cocktail recipe with cinnamon and ginger. It perfectly warms up the entire body, improves blood circulation, relieves coughs and is especially good for colds. To prepare the cocktail, the recipe prescribes: a glass of high-quality Cahors, a piece of fresh ginger, half a stick (or 1/2 teaspoon of ground) cinnamon. Pour Cahors into an enamel container, add spices and bring to a temperature close to boiling (small bubbles will appear in the wine, but they should not actively come to the surface). Beat the peeled banana in a blender, strain the hot wine, pour into the puree and blend everything again. Drink the cocktail in small sips while lying in bed before going to bed. Of course, this medicine is only for adults!

    If you wish, you can find any other interesting recipe on the Internet. But, in principle, even a banana eaten after a meal will relieve a sore throat and have an anti-inflammatory effect. But those who are going to start treatment with bananas for cough should first familiarize themselves with the contraindications.


    Not everyone can use bananas for coughs, even as medicine. They are contraindicated for those who suffer from diabetes - this fruit contains too much sugar.

    You should not treat cough with bananas for the following diseases:

    • gastritis with high acidity;
    • tendency to increased gas formation, flatulence;
    • biliary dyskinesia;
    • thrombophlebitis, varicose veins;
    • serious cardiovascular diseases;
    • increased blood viscosity.

    It is advisable not to get too carried away with bananas during pregnancy. If you consume large amounts, you can gain weight very quickly. But for everyone else, banana cough medicine can be an excellent alternative to pharmaceutical drugs.

    Author: Anna Alexandrova

    Comments and reviews

    Burnt sugar for a child's cough

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