ACC for dry or wet cough

ACC for dry cough: how to use correctly

A cough can be productive with sputum, or dry without it. The latter type occurs with colds and allergies. Many drugs are offered to eliminate it.

Table of contents:

One of which is ACC. It is noteworthy that this remedy for productive cough perfectly removes phlegm, but at the same time can be used to treat dry cough.

Properties and composition of ACC

Due to their ease of use, effervescent tablets are one of the popular forms of the ACC drug.

In pharmacies, this drug is offered in two dosages: 100, 200 and 600 milligrams. There is also ACC Long. It is effective for 12 hours and should not be taken more than twice a day.

The medicine is produced in the form:

  • effervescent pills;
  • mixtures for inhalation;
  • granules, when dissolved, syrup is obtained;
  • solution for internal injection.

Each form of the drug may differ in its composition of excipients.

In addition to the main component, the syrup contains:

  • carmellose sodium;
  • disodium edatate;
  • sodium benzoate;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • "Cherry" flavoring;
  • sodium saccharinate.

Tablets include:

  • lactose anhydride;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • sodium citrate;
  • blackberry flavoring "B";
  • mannitol;
  • citric anhydride;
  • saccharin;
  • sodium hydrogen carbonate.

The powder for obtaining the solution consists of:

  • sucrose;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • dry orange flavor;
  • saccharin.

This remedy is effective for all types of dry and wet cough. Its main active component is acetylcysteine, which acts on the mucous membrane and helps remove phlegm from the lungs in a short time. Taking ACC should be accompanied by drinking plenty of fluids, then its effect will accelerate.

What is the treatment for dry paroxysmal cough in an adult, you can find out by reading the article.

The potential of this drug has not been fully exhausted. It has mucolytic, antioxidant and expectorant properties. Recently, it has become known that it can remove toxins from the body. But more often it is used for colds that are accompanied by a cough in order to eliminate its manifestation. ACC liquefies and reduces the viscosity of sputum and removes it out. Relieves inflammatory processes.

Indications for use

ACC begins to work within an hour

Powder for syrup or tablets are usually prescribed. These two products are the most convenient to use. But the doctor prescribes in what form to use this medicine, because each type has its own indications. For example, syrup treats chronic lung diseases, and the solution is even used for laryngotracheitis.

The main indicators for use are:

  • respiratory diseases: pneumonia, various types of bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, bronchial asthma;
  • sinusitis: acute and chronic;
  • Otitis media

From this article you can learn how to cure a dry cough in a child.

ACC is used in most cases for wet cough. If this symptom is dry, it is prescribed only after using drugs that have increased the dilution of sputum. They have already worked and converted it into a productive form, so the use of this medicine will be more than justified and effective.

For dry cough, ACC Long is more often used, but it is prescribed in combination with auxiliary drugs that will complement its action and provide effective treatment.

After administration, the drug begins to act in full force after an hour. It is excreted from the body mainly through urine, and a small part through feces. The rate of withdrawal directly depends on the functioning of the kidneys, in case of kidney disease it can take a long time.

Contraindications and side effects

ACC should not be taken orally in the following cases:

  • with pulmonary hemorrhage;
  • during pregnancy;
  • while breastfeeding;
  • renal failure;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • hepatitis;
  • personal sensitivity to the components of the drug.

You cannot self-medicate. Use only on the recommendation of a doctor who can prescribe it for both treatment and preventive measures.

The drug can affect everyone differently, there is a possibility of individual side effects such as:

  • headaches, tinnitus (from the central nervous system);
  • nausea, stomatitis, heartburn, vomiting (regarding the gastrointestinal tract);
  • increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure (relates to the cardiovascular system).

The instructions for the ACC: Long and 200 varieties mention possible allergic reactions. They may appear as a rash or itching.

How to take it correctly for dry cough

Carefully follow the ACC dosage prescribed by your doctor!

Firstly, different dosages of the medicine are established for children and adults. Secondly, each type of ACC has its own daily portion.

So, how to cure a child's dry cough? The drug ACC 100 can be taken by babies almost from birth. Children under 2 years old take it 3 times a day, 50 mg. After two and up to 5 years, the number of doses increases to 4 and each dose is 100 mg. From the age of six, the daily dose reaches 600 mg, which must be divided into 3 times.

ACC Long can be taken by children over 14 years of age. Their daily dose of 600 mg is taken at one time. The tablet is dissolved in water and taken orally after meals. If due to unforeseen circumstances it was not immediately possible to drink the already prepared remedy, it can be taken within two hours after, but no later than the specified time. Otherwise, you need to make a drink from another tablet.

ACC 200 is accepted only in the form of a solution. It is prescribed to children over 6 years old, the daily dosage is two times, one packet of powder dissolved in warm water. Adolescents and adults should take one sachet in three doses.

The powder for the solution can be added to warm juice, water, tea or compote. Granules for syrup are diluted in a bottle with warm plain water to the indicated mark. After taking the drug orally, it should be taken with additional liquid in large quantities to enhance the therapeutic effect. Additionally, you can use cough recipes at home to enhance the effect of ACC.

The course lasts a minimum of five days, in advanced cases it can reach six months, which includes the treatment period and time to prevent infection.


Olga, 36 years old: “After suffering from the flu, my daughter developed a complication - acute bronchitis. The pediatrician at the local clinic prescribed her ACC. This is how we first came across this drug. Since I am a supporter of proven remedies and do not stuff children with unnecessary pills. I immediately asked the pharmacy for instructions for it. After reading it, I realized that it can only help with a wet cough. And hers was pronounced - dry. Therefore, I turned to a private doctor, who, to my surprise, confirmed the correctness of the prescribed treatment. And he said that we were prescribed this effective drug together with Ambroxol, which will complement each other and speed up the healing process. Having listened to the advice of both doctors, we took everything in the indicated doses, and to my relief, my daughter fully recovered within a week.”

Margarita, 30 years old: “I bought myself effervescent pills, they turned out to be very pleasant in taste, similar to lemonade. I dissolved one tablet in 2/3 glass of warm water, I like this consistency

I like it. I took it for a dry cough for five days along with a syrup that has an expectorant effect. And the cough disappeared."

Tanya, 23 years old: “When my son went to kindergarten, he immediately began to get sick very often. We stayed at home more than we went there. Constantly standing in line at the hospital did not improve the situation. The prescribed medications did not work immediately, and their effect did not last long. After the antibiotics, it took my son even longer to come to his senses than he was sick. I constantly asked doctors about some alternative drugs that would protect the immune system. And so we were finally prescribed the following course: drink dry cough syrup for three days, and then administer 1 sachet of ACC per day. All this took effect literally on the fifth day. And I want to note that the next time we got sick was only two months later. Anyone who remembers the first years of a child’s stay in kindergarten will understand me. It's been a really long time for us."

Vladimir, 46 years old: “I have a dry cough, don’t think, not from smoking. I'm not interested in that kind of thing. In general, I caught a cold somewhere. I don't like being sick. I need to take some medicine and be healthy tomorrow. A friend recommended Acc Long; he himself was once cured with it. I know that it would be better to see a doctor. But it’s easier to go to the pharmacy and buy it than to go to the hospital and waste time. The next morning the cough was still there, but it was milder and my throat didn’t sore. So I realized that the remedy was working. I took it for another day. And on the third day everything disappeared. I recommend!"


More about treating dry cough in this video:

ACC differs from other similar drugs not only in its effective action, but also in its affordable price. It can be used at the first sign of a cold as a preventive measure. For a wet cough, it can be used independently, and for a dry cough, together with effective expectorants. The effect of this drug is to liquefy viscous sputum and remove it out. Thanks to it, a dry cough quickly takes on the form of a productive cough, therefore reducing the duration of the disease. ACC is used not only for adults, but also for children from the first days of cold symptoms. This is the right choice for a speedy recovery.


How to use ACC for cough correctly

The drug "ACC" (in Russian, more often called ACC) is prescribed for coughs in the treatment of colds of various types. In addition, the drug is prescribed in the presence of allergic cough spasms; it has several release forms and dosage options, the choice of which depends on the age and weight of the patient. “ACC Long” has the longest duration of action, the effect of which lasts for 12 hours. The latest variation of the drug is taken only twice a day.

For which cough should I take Acc, dry or wet?

Cough spasms can be either productive, in which sputum is released, or dry, most often manifested at the initial stage of a cold. Initially, the drug is positioned by manufacturers as a remedy for wet coughs, which helps remove mucus from the respiratory system and makes breathing easier. However, “ACC” also helps with dry cough, bringing it to the productive stage.

In medical practice, it is customary to prescribe this medicine in various forms for the following ailments:

  • pneumonia;
  • different types of bronchitis, in particular obstructive, chronic and acute;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • sinusitis of various nature;
  • otitis, against the background of which a cough spasm occurs;
  • broncholitis;
  • laryngotracheitis;
  • muvoviscidosis.

It is worth considering that clinical benefit from this drug is only possible if it is used to treat ailments included in the list of those listed above. Thus, you should not try to stop a cough spasm with the help of “ACC” on your own. If the drug does not give any effect, then, most likely, the disease does not belong to its action profile.

How does the medicine work?

The drug "ACC" is considered an excellent way to combat phlegm that occurs in the cavity of the respiratory tract, lungs and bronchi due to various types of infectious lesions. At the same time, sputum, trying to come out for natural reasons, provokes a cough, and often this substance turns out to be too viscous and dense, which leads to too strong adhesion to the bronchi. With the help of "ACC" it is possible not only to completely establish, but also to advance the process of sputum discharge from the respiratory organs and its removal to the outside.

The main component of the drug is a cysteine ​​derivative; this amino acid directly affects the structure of sputum, changing its consistency. The mucus increases in its condition, easily detaches from the bronchi and is naturally removed from the respiratory tract. Due to the removal of sputum, the healing process occurs, and the protective reactions of the mucous membranes are restored.

It is noteworthy that the action of “ACC” is aimed at eliminating not only ordinary mucous sputum, but also that in which purulent formations have already appeared. The drug is often used in conjunction with antibacterial drugs, since it facilitates the penetration of the latter into the mucous part of the respiratory organs. It is important to maintain a two-hour interval between medications. In addition to its active effect on sputum, the cough medicine has antioxidant properties; accordingly, acetylcysteine ​​significantly facilitates the course of any viral infection.

In fact, the drug eliminates the symptoms characteristic of severe flu, while simultaneously fighting cough spasms.

Instructions for use of tablets and powder ACC (acc) for dry cough

The correct dosage of the drug is calculated based on the type of disease for which therapy is being carried out, the age and weight of the patient. In addition, the dosages of “ACC” for dry cough are different for children and adults. When treating such a serious illness as cystic fibrosis, the daily dose of the drug is no more than 800 mg, provided that the patient’s weight exceeds 30 kg. The duration of therapy can be very long and last at least 3-6 months. Treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor and taking into account the use of a complex of drugs.

For the treatment of dry cough spasm in other respiratory diseases for people over 14 years of age, a dosage of 400 to 600 mg of the drug in the form of tablets or powder consistency is indicated at one time. If the course of the disease is too acute, then taking the drugs under the supervision of a doctor lasts at least a week. For a chronic illness, a dry cough can be treated with tablets or ACC powder for about six months.

According to the instructions for use, unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor, the drug is taken immediately after meals as an expectorant. The method of taking the medicine is as follows: the powder or a certain number of tablets are dissolved in ½ glass of water or tea and drunk immediately.

The medication for children is taken according to a different scheme, and the important point here is the type of drug relative to the dosage of the active component in it:

  1. "ACC 100" is approved from birth for the treatment of dry cough in infants. The dosage for children under 2 years of age is 50 mg three times a day, then the dosage is increased to 100 mg in four doses, and after six years this medication should be taken at a dosage of 600 mg per day, which should be divided into three doses.
  2. "ACC 200" is permitted only for children over 6 years of age, and the use of the medicine is permitted only in the form of a solution. Do not use more than two sachets of powder dissolved in water at any one time. For adolescents aged 14 years and over, the number of sachets is increased to three, which is equal to the adult dosage.
  3. "ACC Long" is approved only after 14 years of age; the daily dosage of this type of drug should not exceed 600 mg, and the patient must receive it in one go. The tablet dissolves in water and is taken orally immediately after meals. The duration of storage of the solution does not exceed half an hour, otherwise the tablet must be re-dissolved for a new solution.

Children's cough syrup Ass

To treat cough in children, manufacturers produce a special form of the drug “ACC” in the form of a syrup, the administration and tolerability of which is much easier than a solution obtained from tablets or powder. The medicine in this form is also convenient in that it is ready for use and does not require additional steps for dilution.

The syrup dosage is calculated using a measuring cup, and it depends on the age and, accordingly, the weight of the child. In particular, 5 ml of the drug is equal to one quarter of a glass.

If the child’s age ranges from 2 to 6 years, then 5 ml should be taken no more than three times a day. After 7 years, the number of doses increases to 3-4, or it is permissible to take 10 ml at a time, but twice a day. After 15 years, the daily dose is 10 ml 3 times a day. The drug also contains a special syringe for easy dosage calculation. Its use is very convenient for treating very young children.

Contraindications and side effects

Like any medicine, ACC for cough has its contraindications, non-compliance with which can lead to side effects. According to the instructions developed by the manufacturers of the medicine, it is prohibited for use in the following cases:

  • coughing up bloody mucus;
  • bleeding in the lungs;
  • fructose intolerance at the genetic level;
  • individual intolerance to the main component of the medication and other substances in its composition;
  • renal failure, various liver diseases, especially hepatitis;
  • the presence of a peptic ulcer.

As side effects when taking this drug, it is customary to consider such phenomena as various allergic reactions, rapid heartbeat, heartburn, general disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, which manifests itself in the form of diarrhea and vomiting, headaches and tinnitus.

Allergic reactions are typical in the presence of individual intolerance to substances in the drug; in this case, immediate discontinuation of the drug is required due to the risk of angioedema. In other cases, the study of the drug did not lead to the identification of any situations in which its use would pose a threat to human life. If any signs of side effects appear, you should immediately stop taking the drug and consult a doctor to adjust the treatment regimen.

The drug "ACC" is successfully used to treat various ailments accompanied by a dry and productive cough. The drug and its dosage should be prescribed only by a doctor after diagnosis.

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Citrus fruits help strengthen the immune system, but they are not always allowed to be consumed if you have lung diseases. Consult your healthcare provider for clarification.

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For what cough can you take ACC?

Many pathologies of the respiratory organs are accompanied by a painful cough. Moreover, regardless of whether it is dry or wet, the patient tries to get rid of this unpleasant symptom as soon as possible. In pharmacies you can find many medicines that will help cure a cough in a short time, including ACC. The medication can be prescribed for both dry and productive cough. ACC with a dry cough increases the volume of mucus produced and promotes its removal, and with a wet cough it helps to easily remove mucus from the respiratory organs.

General characteristics of the drug

The pharmaceutical industry produces the drug ACC in several doses and forms. There is also a long-acting drug that cannot be taken more than 2 times a day. In pharmacies you can find the following forms of the drug:

  • soluble cough tablets;
  • solution for inhalation;
  • powder, which when diluted in water produces a drink;
  • sweet syrup. This form of medication is convenient to prescribe for the treatment of cough in a small child;
  • solution for intravenous and intramuscular injections.

The active component of these dosage forms is acetylcysteine. In addition, each type of drug differs in some auxiliary components. Thus, the granules, among other things, contain citrus flavoring, the soluble tablets contain blackberry flavoring, and the syrup contains cherry flavoring.

ACC can be prescribed for both non-productive and wet coughs. The acetylcysteine ​​contained in the drug promotes the rapid removal of sputum from the bronchi and lungs. When taking ACC, the patient must drink a lot, in this case the effect of the drug is enhanced, and the sputum is cleared well.

The effect of this drug has not yet been fully studied. Acetylcysteine ​​has a pronounced mucolytic, expectorant and antioxidant effect. Recent studies have shown that this substance can effectively remove toxic substances from the body. However, ACC is most often used for wet and dry coughs to facilitate sputum discharge. This medication is able to thin thick mucus and then gently remove it from the respiratory organs. Among other things, acetylcysteine ​​has a mild anti-inflammatory effect.

ACC can be prescribed for the treatment of both adults and children of various ages. In the latter case, the required dose is calculated by the attending physician.


When taking ACC for a cough, you can notice a positive result just an hour after the initial dose. Most often, doctors prescribe granules for making a solution and original soluble tablets to patients with cough. Such medications are considered more convenient to use. You can start taking one or another form of the drug only on the recommendation of a doctor, since they have different effects on the respiratory organs.

Syrup with acetylcysteine ​​will quickly help eliminate cough in chronic lung pathologies, and a special solution for inhalation is very effective for laryngotracheitis.

The drug is prescribed by doctors for pathologies of the respiratory organs, which are accompanied by various types of cough, namely:

  • bacterial and viral pneumonia;
  • bronchitis of various types;
  • cystic fibrosis and asthma;
  • various types of sinusitis;
  • otitis.

ACC for bronchitis and pneumonia is prescribed only as part of complex therapy. In this case, in addition to ACC, antibiotics and medications of other groups are often prescribed.

Most often, ACC is prescribed for a productive wet cough. This medication can also be used for unproductive coughs, but only if the patient has already taken medications to thin out too thick sputum. The viscous mucus in the respiratory organs has already liquefied, and the cough has become productive. Otherwise, ACC will have no effect on an exhausting dry cough.

For dry coughs, people are usually prescribed ACC Long, but only in combination with drugs that help thin the mucus.

When prescribing ACC for children with a dry cough, you should immediately tell the parents that the treatment will give a noticeable result if the drinking regime is observed, and in addition to this drug, the child will take syrups based on licorice root or medications containing ambroxol.


Not all cases can be treated with ACC. It is contraindicated to take the medication if:

  • pulmonary hemorrhages;
  • coughing up sputum mixed with blood;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • septic;
  • hepatitis;
  • special sensitivity to the ingredients in the drug.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the drug can be prescribed only in special cases when there is no alternative. In this case, the expected benefit for the expectant mother should be higher than the possible harm to the child.

It is strictly forbidden to start taking the drug without a doctor’s recommendation, even if there are no contraindications!

Side effects

ACC may have certain side effects. When treated with this medication, there is a high likelihood of the following disorders:

  • There may be persistent headaches and constant tinnitus;
  • heartburn, constant nausea and bowel disorders;
  • increased heart rate and decreased blood pressure.

The annotation for ACC Long contains information that there may be allergic reactions that look like a skin rash.

How to take the medicine

The dosage of ACC depends not only on the person’s age and the severity of the disease, but also on the type of drug. All types of ACC have a certain daily dosage.

ACC 100 can be given to children almost from birth. Children under 2 years of age are prescribed a medicine of 50 mg three times a day. A soluble 100 mg tablet is divided in half and then diluted in 0.5 cups of water.

From 2 to 5 years old, the child drinks the medicine 4 times a day, a single dose is 100 mg. Children over 6 years old drink ACC 200 three times a day.

ACC Long can be prescribed to patients over 14 years of age. The daily dose is 600 mg, taken at a time. The effervescent tablet is dissolved in water and drunk immediately after meals.

You need to understand that if the prepared medicine could not be drunk for some reason, then it should be taken no later than a couple of hours after dilution. If more time has passed, then prepare a fresh medicinal drink.

ACC 200 can only be taken in the form of an aqueous solution. It is prescribed to children who are already six years old. You can consume 2 sachets per day, which are previously diluted in warm water. Adolescents over 14 years of age and adult patients consume a whole sachet of pre-diluted drug three times a day.

The powder for the solution can be diluted in water, iced tea, your favorite juice or cooled compote. The powder for preparing the solution is poured with clean water up to the line marked on the bottle, and then mixed well, after closing the lid. After taking the medicine, be sure to drink enough water or other drink, in which case the effectiveness of the treatment will be higher.

If ACC does not help with cough at all for 4-5 days, then you need to consult a doctor; the dose may need to be adjusted. The minimum course of treatment is 5 days, but if necessary, therapy can last up to six months.

Infants can dilute ACC in water and then give it through a bottle with a nipple.

Features of treatment for pregnant women

During pregnancy, women's immunity is greatly reduced, which is why the incidence of respiratory infections increases. To treat pregnant women, doctors select medications that will not have a negative effect on the fetus. The effect of ACC on pregnant women has not yet been fully studied, but based on the fact that it is prescribed to infants, expectant mothers can also take this medicine. The dose of medication for this group of patients is determined by the doctor.

If alarming symptoms appear while taking the drug, stop treatment and contact a medical facility.

ACC is a highly effective remedy for wet and dry coughs, which can also be purchased at a low price. The form and dose of the medicine is selected by the doctor individually, but more often they prescribe soluble tablets and packaged powder for preparing a healing drink.

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ACC200 does not help with coughing, it even gets worse, either it’s an infection or it’s a linden tree and not ACC200.


How to take ACC for dry cough?

ACC for dry cough is traditionally prescribed by doctors because the active substance acetylcysteine ​​has a mucolytic effect.

Pharmaceutical companies manufacture various dosage forms so that a patient of any age can use this medicine to transform a non-productive cough into a productive form.

When discussing whether it is possible to drink ACC for a dry cough, you need to know that this active substance changes the structure of the viscous secretion. It normalizes the content of protein, immunoglobulins, glycoproteins, enzymes in sputum, suppresses the growth of microorganisms, reducing the percentage of their waste products. This effect of acetylcysteine ​​allows you to change the characteristics of the cough and relieve the inflammatory process occurring in the respiratory organs.

ACC normalizes the content of protein, immunoglobulins, glycoproteins, enzymes in sputum, inhibits the growth of microorganisms

Why does the medicine help?

ACC is recommended for the treatment of dry cough by therapists and pediatricians who know exactly whether or not this active substance can be used for diseases of the respiratory system. Acetylcysteine ​​is a substance that began to be actively used to treat cough at the beginning of the 21st century. It is a derivative derived from the amino acid cysteine, which is found in many foods containing proteins. Cysteine ​​is involved in processes responsible for tissue formation and detoxification of the body. The presence of this amino acid in the body allows the destruction of mucus in the respiratory tract. It accelerates the healing processes of the respiratory system, activating the production of leukocytes and lymphocytes.

ACC is recommended for the treatment of dry cough

If a person takes a single dose of ACC for any cough, dry or wet, he will feel relief after the active substance is absorbed in the intestines into the plasma and reaches the liver. There, the necessary metabolic changes occur that convert acetylcysteine ​​into the amino acid cysteine, and it naturally enters into various biochemical reactions leading to the production of sputum.

The amino acid quickly breaks down, and its remnants are eliminated from the body through the excretory system 3 hours after taking the medicine.

This ability of the active substance to be quickly eliminated from the body makes it possible to answer positively the question of parents about whether ACC can be used for children with a dry cough. Doctors often recommend it to children over 2 years of age when other medications for dry cough do not help get rid of it.

When does the drug help?

A drug using an amino acid involved in natural metabolic processes brings significant benefits to a weakened body. This explains why manufacturers recommend taking ACC for dry or wet coughs, if sputum is difficult to separate and chest pain occurs.

ACC is recommended for the treatment of dry cough

On a note! The medicine works effectively for any respiratory diseases. The active substance allows you to remove purulent sputum from a lung abscess or pneumonia, when other medications are powerless.

ACC is prescribed to prevent attacks of bronchial asthma, because it allows patients to breathe freely better than all other drugs. In this case, there is a decrease in the frequency of attacks. If a chronic disease does worsen, its course passes without the addition of opportunistic microflora, which significantly alleviates the person’s condition.

People who have suffered complications from an acute respiratory viral infection in the form of a dry cough and difficulty breathing use this remedy. After a short course of treatment, they fully recover from the disease.

If your doctor recommends this medicine, then there is no need to doubt whether you can drink ACC for a dry cough. This drug is recommended by the manufacturer to treat this symptom. It can be taken for diseases and pathological conditions of the respiratory system such as:

  • bronchitis of any form;
  • inflammatory processes in the trachea;
  • lung abscess;
  • pneumonia;
  • COPD

ACC is prescribed for bronchitis

The ability of the active substance to normalize secretions secreted by the respiratory organs makes it possible to take ACC not only for the treatment of dry cough, but also to normalize the condition of inflammation of the maxillary sinus and middle ear. The inclusion of this medicine in complex therapy allows you to speed up the recovery process for these diseases.

On a note! The drug can be taken for a long time for cystic fibrosis and other pathologies associated with poor sputum production and respiratory disorders.

How do patients feel about this medicine?

All patients taking ACC leave only positive reviews about this active substance for dry cough. A drug synthesized from an amino acid is considered the safest drug, forcing the body to stimulate processes leading to recovery.

Pediatricians prescribe the medicine in a minimal dose to children suffering from complications after ARVI. It can be syrup or powder diluted in water. The resulting drink has a pleasant taste, and the children agree to drink it throughout the course of treatment. The drug gives a good expectorant effect, and the cough goes away within a few days after starting treatment.

Pediatricians prescribe the medicine in a minimal dose to children suffering from complications after ARVI.

Many parents use it constantly for children when they develop a non-productive form of cough. They note that after using this remedy, the cough always becomes moist, and the child’s condition improves.

Adult patients turn to ACC treatment after unsuccessful attempts to treat dry cough with other medications. People taking this medicine report getting quick results in the most difficult cases. Many consumers like that ACC does not fight the cough reflex, but effectively removes phlegm. When using it, the cough may intensify, which means the beginning of active separation of sputum from the bronchi.

Those who traditionally use this remedy like the form of the drug. Quickly dissolving granules in bags allow you to prepare a drink that is pleasant to drink after a meal. Other users of this medication like the tablet form. The effervescent tablet does not contain sugar. The manufacturer tried to give it the taste of a mineral drink. It can be used to treat people suffering from diabetes.

Many consumers like that ACC does not fight the cough reflex, but effectively removes phlegm

When to stop taking the drug

Acetylcysteine ​​is well tolerated by the body in the doses recommended by the manufacturer. It perfectly removes phlegm, speeding up recovery. Despite the fact that the active substance is an amino acid, its excess in the body can lead to side effects. Allergic reactions occur no more often than 1 case in 1000, but if they occur, you should stop taking the medication and inform your doctor.

Important! In 1 patient, pathological reactions from the respiratory system were observed. This may be shortness of breath or bronchospasm, which is often observed in people with bronchial asthma.

Some patients with the same frequency of cases experience complications in the functioning of the digestive organs. After taking the dosage form, they experience heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. To reduce the likelihood of a side effect in the digestive system, the medicine is taken after meals.

The drug is not recommended for ulcerative gastritis

The ACC drug has complete contraindications. It should not be taken if intolerance to the active substance or other components of the drug is detected.

The drug is not recommended for the following diseases and pathological conditions of the body:

  • acute ulcerative gastritis;
  • bleeding from the lungs;
  • fructose intolerance.

The active substance accumulates in all fluids and penetrates the placental barrier. It should not be taken by women during pregnancy or nursing mothers.

With prolonged use, the drug can cause an allergic reaction because it participates in the metabolic processes of histamine. Most often this causes itchy skin.

Its ability to thin mucus can cause a runny nose. Long-term use affects the adrenal glands and dilates the veins of the esophagus. Therefore, patients forced to take ACC for a long time should do so under medical supervision.

The use of ACC may cause a runny nose

Acetylcysteine ​​has undergone clinical trials, and its capabilities are still being studied by scientists. It is easily tolerated by the body in a daily dose of 500 mg per 1 kg of weight. With a deliberate overdose, side effects from the gastrointestinal tract intensify, which cease after the active substance is completely removed from the body. Fatal poisoning from this drug can only occur when a person consumes a huge dose of the drug in one go. This will amount to several dozen packages at once, which cannot be done in everyday life.

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ACC for dry cough: how to use correctly

A cough can be productive with sputum, or dry without it. The latter type occurs with colds and allergies. Many drugs are offered to eliminate it. One of which is ACC. It is noteworthy that this remedy for productive cough perfectly removes phlegm, but at the same time can be used to treat dry cough.

Properties and composition of ACC

Due to their ease of use, effervescent tablets are one of the popular forms of the ACC drug.

In pharmacies, this drug is offered in two dosages: 100, 200 and 600 milligrams. There is also ACC Long. It is effective for 12 hours and should not be taken more than twice a day.

The medicine is produced in the form:

  • effervescent pills;
  • mixtures for inhalation;
  • granules, when dissolved, syrup is obtained;
  • solution for internal injection.

Each form of the drug may differ in its composition of excipients.

In addition to the main component, the syrup contains:

  • carmellose sodium;
  • disodium edatate;
  • sodium benzoate;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • "Cherry" flavoring;
  • sodium saccharinate.

Tablets include:

  • lactose anhydride;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • sodium citrate;
  • blackberry flavoring "B";
  • mannitol;
  • citric anhydride;
  • saccharin;
  • sodium hydrogen carbonate.

The powder for obtaining the solution consists of:

  • sucrose;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • dry orange flavor;
  • saccharin.

This remedy is effective for all types of dry and wet cough. Its main active component is acetylcysteine, which acts on the mucous membrane and helps remove phlegm from the lungs in a short time. Taking ACC should be accompanied by drinking plenty of fluids, then its effect will accelerate.

How to treat a severe runny nose and cough without fever is indicated in the article.

What is the treatment for dry paroxysmal cough in an adult, you can find out by reading the article.

How to cure cough during teething is indicated in the contents of this article:

The potential of this drug has not been fully exhausted. It has mucolytic, antioxidant and expectorant properties. Recently, it has become known that it can remove toxins from the body. But more often it is used for colds that are accompanied by a cough in order to eliminate its manifestation. ACC liquefies and reduces the viscosity of sputum and removes it out. Relieves inflammatory processes.

Indications for use

ACC begins to work within an hour

Powder for syrup or tablets are usually prescribed. These two products are the most convenient to use. But the doctor prescribes in what form to use this medicine, because each type has its own indications. For example, syrup treats chronic lung diseases, and the solution is even used for laryngotracheitis.

The main indicators for use are:

  • respiratory diseases: pneumonia, various types of bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, bronchial asthma;
  • sinusitis: acute and chronic;
  • Otitis media

How to treat and what are the causes of cough after eating is indicated in this article.

From this article you can learn how to cure a dry cough in a child.

How a dry tearing cough is treated can be found here in the article:

ACC is used in most cases for wet cough. If this symptom is dry, it is prescribed only after using drugs that have increased the dilution of sputum. They have already worked and converted it into a productive form, so the use of this medicine will be more than justified and effective.

For dry cough, ACC Long is more often used, but it is prescribed in combination with auxiliary drugs that will complement its action and provide effective treatment.

After administration, the drug begins to act in full force after an hour. It is excreted from the body mainly through urine, and a small part through feces. The rate of withdrawal directly depends on the functioning of the kidneys, in case of kidney disease it can take a long time.

Contraindications and side effects

ACC should not be taken orally in the following cases:

  • with pulmonary hemorrhage;
  • during pregnancy;
  • while breastfeeding;
  • renal failure;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • hepatitis;
  • personal sensitivity to the components of the drug.

You cannot self-medicate. Use only on the recommendation of a doctor who can prescribe it for both treatment and preventive measures.

The drug can affect everyone differently, there is a possibility of individual side effects such as:

  • headaches, tinnitus (from the central nervous system);
  • nausea, stomatitis, heartburn, vomiting (regarding the gastrointestinal tract);
  • increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure (relates to the cardiovascular system).

The instructions for the ACC: Long and 200 varieties mention possible allergic reactions. They may appear as a rash or itching.

How to take it correctly for dry cough

Carefully follow the ACC dosage prescribed by your doctor!

Firstly, different dosages of the medicine are established for children and adults. Secondly, each type of ACC has its own daily portion.

So, how to cure a child's dry cough? The drug ACC 100 can be taken by babies almost from birth. Children under 2 years old take it 3 times a day, 50 mg. After two and up to 5 years, the number of doses increases to 4 and each dose is 100 mg. From the age of six, the daily dose reaches 600 mg, which must be divided into 3 times.

ACC Long can be taken by children over 14 years of age. Their daily dose of 600 mg is taken at one time. The tablet is dissolved in water and taken orally after meals. If due to unforeseen circumstances it was not immediately possible to drink the already prepared remedy, it can be taken within two hours after, but no later than the specified time. Otherwise, you need to make a drink from another tablet.

ACC 200 is accepted only in the form of a solution. It is prescribed to children over 6 years old, the daily dosage is two times, one packet of powder dissolved in warm water. Adolescents and adults should take one sachet in three doses.

The powder for the solution can be added to warm juice, water, tea or compote. Granules for syrup are diluted in a bottle with warm plain water to the indicated mark. After taking the drug orally, it should be taken with additional liquid in large quantities to enhance the therapeutic effect. Additionally, you can use cough recipes at home to enhance the effect of ACC.

The course lasts a minimum of five days, in advanced cases it can reach six months, which includes the treatment period and time to prevent infection.


Olga, 36 years old: “After suffering from the flu, my daughter developed a complication - acute bronchitis. The pediatrician at the local clinic prescribed her ACC. This is how we first came across this drug. Since I am a supporter of proven remedies and do not stuff children with unnecessary pills. I immediately asked the pharmacy for instructions for it. After reading it, I realized that it can only help with a wet cough. And hers was pronounced - dry. Therefore, I turned to a private doctor, who, to my surprise, confirmed the correctness of the prescribed treatment. And he said that we were prescribed this effective drug together with Ambroxol, which will complement each other and speed up the healing process. Having listened to the advice of both doctors, we took everything in the indicated doses, and to my relief, my daughter fully recovered within a week.”

Margarita, 30 years old: “I bought myself effervescent pills, they turned out to be very pleasant in taste, similar to lemonade. I dissolved one tablet in 2/3 glass of warm water, I like this consistency

I like it. I took it for a dry cough for five days along with a syrup that has an expectorant effect. And the cough disappeared."

Tanya, 23 years old: “When my son went to kindergarten, he immediately began to get sick very often. We stayed at home more than we went there. Constantly standing in line at the hospital did not improve the situation. The prescribed medications did not work immediately, and their effect did not last long. After the antibiotics, it took my son even longer to come to his senses than he was sick. I constantly asked doctors about some alternative drugs that would protect the immune system. And so we were finally prescribed the following course: drink dry cough syrup for three days, and then administer 1 sachet of ACC per day. All this took effect literally on the fifth day. And I want to note that the next time we got sick was only two months later. Anyone who remembers the first years of a child’s stay in kindergarten will understand me. It's been a really long time for us."

Vladimir, 46 years old: “I have a dry cough, don’t think, not from smoking. I'm not interested in that kind of thing. In general, I caught a cold somewhere. I don't like being sick. I need to take some medicine and be healthy tomorrow. A friend recommended Acc Long; he himself was once cured with it. I know that it would be better to see a doctor. But it’s easier to go to the pharmacy and buy it than to go to the hospital and waste time. The next morning the cough was still there, but it was milder and my throat didn’t sore. So I realized that the remedy was working. I took it for another day. And on the third day everything disappeared. I recommend!"


More about treating dry cough in this video:

ACC differs from other similar drugs not only in its effective action, but also in its affordable price. It can be used at the first sign of a cold as a preventive measure. For a wet cough, it can be used independently, and for a dry cough, together with effective expectorants. The effect of this drug is to liquefy viscous sputum and remove it out. Thanks to it, a dry cough quickly takes on the form of a productive cough, therefore reducing the duration of the disease. ACC is used not only for adults, but also for children from the first days of cold symptoms. This is the right choice for a speedy recovery.

ACC for dry cough: can the disease be cured with this medication or not?

When a cough appears, dry or with sputum production, it brings a feeling of discomfort, pain, and difficulty breathing. Modern pharmacology offers a very large selection of means to eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon.

Before deciding whether the drug ACC can be taken for a dry cough or not, you should carefully study the composition of the medicine and its main effect.

This is a mucolytic drug, the main active ingredient of which is acetylcysteine, which effectively relieves the patient of a wet cough. In addition to the mucolytic effect, the medicine also has an expectorant effect, antioxidant, removes toxins from the body, and relieves inflammation.

An antitussive drug is available in the form of syrup, effervescent tablet, powder in a bag, solution for injection, mixture for inhalation, which helps patients choose the most convenient form of medication and method of administration. Children are not always calm about taking different medications, and such varied dosage forms help them take the medicine with tea and juice.

To understand whether ACC can be taken or not for a dry cough, you need to know for what diseases it is prescribed:

  • different forms of bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • otitis media;
  • sinusitis.

Contraindications to taking the drug are:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • sputum with bloody clots;
  • septic ulcer;
  • pulmonary hemorrhage.

Side effects occur quite rarely, but still occur. They manifest themselves, as in the case of taking most other medications, in the form of pain in the head and abdomen, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Heartburn, tachycardia, blood pressure problems, and allergic skin reactions may also occur.

Therefore, when asked whether ACC is possible for a dry cough or not, doctors answer that yes, it is possible. But only on condition that the drug is used together with those medications that help thin the sputum.

Cough therapy with ACC always gives positive results, as evidenced by reviews from both doctors and patients. Thanks to different forms of the medicine, it actively helps to suppress and relieve any manifestation of cough, both wet and dry.

To get the most effective treatment result possible, the question of whether ACC can be used for a dry cough or not must be decided by the attending physician.

ACC: for which cough should I take this medication?

The drug has a wide spectrum of action, and if you have been prescribed the drug ACC, the instructions for which cough to take it describe in detail.

If you purchased the medicine in the form of a bag of powder or granules, you should know that one such bag is diluted in half a glass of warm water.

The resulting product should be thoroughly mixed and consumed immediately after meals.

Please note that the prepared solution does not lose its medicinal properties within 3 hours.

To prepare such a medicine from ACC granules, you can use not only plain water, but also warm tea, juices, compotes, which should then be washed down with a few sips of plain water and thereby cleanse the oral cavity of the active components of the medication.

When the doctor has told you which cough to take ACC for, he prescribes doses of the drug, also based on the causes of the cough. If you have bronchitis, tonsillitis and other diseases, the dose of the drug will be different in order to obtain the most effective result of therapy.

Adults are prescribed 2-3 times a day 200 mg of the drug (granules). The same dosage is for children over 14 years of age.

As for the question of what kind of cough and how to take ACC for children, it all depends on the type of drug:

  • ACC 100 - admission for the youngest children is allowed. Children under 2 years old are allowed 50 mg 3 times a day; children over 5 years old - 100 mg, 4 times a day; children over 6 years old - 600 mg, divided into 3 doses per day.
  • ACC Long is prescribed for children over 14 years of age. The daily dose is 600 mg at a time. The drug is taken after meals.
  • Doctors can recommend ACC 200 for therapy in children over 6 years of age. Most often, a solution is prepared: ½ sachet is dissolved in half a glass of warm water 2 times a day. Children over 12 years old - 3 times a day.

The medicine is approved for the treatment of pregnant and lactating women. In this case, you can use ACC 100, which is taken 3 times a day, 50 mg. When a patient experiences inadequate body reactions to taking the drug, you should stop taking it and consult a doctor.

When treating dry cough in pregnant women, the doctor also prescribes other drugs aimed at treating the cause of the disease, as a result of which the cough appeared.

Since the state of pregnancy does not allow the use of many medications, especially antibiotics, the entire range of medications can only be prescribed by a doctor, based on the characteristics of the pregnant woman’s body and the course of pregnancy. Self-prescribing and taking medication is contraindicated.

  • Fluimucil is a complete analogue of ACC, which is prescribed for the same diseases and different types of cough, in the same dosage.
  • Acetylcysteine-Hemofarm is perfect for pediatric cough therapy, because has release forms in small dosages (100 and 200 mg).
  • Ambrohexal has the same therapeutic effect, thins mucus and does not cause side effects.

Regardless of what cough you decide to take ACC for, its effect begins within 30 minutes after taking the medicine and lasts from 4 hours to 24 hours, depending on what the dose of the medicine was - 100 or 200 mg or 600 mg.

On the third day of the course of treatment, the concentration of the drug in the body reaches its maximum and you have a lasting therapeutic effect. Therefore, reviews from doctors and patients about this medication are always positive.

This is also facilitated by the fact that the medicine helps eliminate cough, which can appear as a result of a variety of viral, infectious diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, as a result of an allergic reaction.

ACC helps get rid of productive cough, non-productive, acute, chronic, subacute, night and morning. When diagnosing your disease, the doctor must clarify all the nuances of the cough and its features in order to choose a dosage form for you - ACC 100, 200, Long or a hot drink.

For each specific clinical case, the required concentration of the active substance, acetylcysteine, is selected, which will ensure high effectiveness of treatment and rapid recovery of the patient.

The potential of the drug has not yet been fully identified and active research is currently underway in this area, aimed at developing the effective properties of ACC to eliminate cough symptoms.

Acc for coughing: purpose, contraindications

ACC is a modern and common cough medicine. It has a mucolytic effect and stimulates the bronchial system. While taking the drug, there is a significant decrease in the viscosity of the mucus. The drug is especially effective in the presence of mucopurulent sputum.

In addition to the mucolytic effect, ACC for cough has a weak antitussive, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. It is due to such a wide range of effects on the respiratory system that ACC is considered one of the most effective cough medications.

ACC for cough: release forms

ACC is available in many forms, making it possible to choose the best product for both adults and children:

  • ACC 100, 200 are tablets that dissolve in water. The product is available in a tube.
  • ACC powder for making syrup. The drug is available in boxes of 200 mg (20 packs) and 600 mg (6 packs).
  • ACC-Long – effervescent tablets. Produced in tubes of 10 pcs.
  • ACC – powder for the preparation of suspension for oral administration – 100 and 200 mg, 2 pcs. packaged.

For children, the product is available in the form of a powder for preparing a solution: 30 g of the product is diluted into 75 ml and, accordingly, 60 g in a bottle is diluted with 150 ml.

Indications for use of the drug ACC for cough

The product is effective for diseases such as:

  • Acute and chronic bronchitis.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Acute or chronic sinusitis.
  • Otitis.
  • Chronic lung diseases.
  • Pneumonia.
  • The drug is prescribed to patients after complications caused by surgery.

The remedy is very effective in the treatment of wet productive cough, which is accompanied by strong sputum production. However, ACC is also recommended for coughing with viscous and difficult to separate mucus.

ACC contains the active substance acetylcysteine. It helps reduce the viscosity of mucus accumulated in the nasopharynx and respiratory tract. Thanks to such active components, the removal of mucus becomes less painful and disturbing to a person.

How does ACC work for coughs?

Even in a healthy person, mucus accumulates in the upper respiratory tract, this is especially noticeable in the morning, when the body has been in a horizontal position for a long time. The secretion performs a protective and cleansing function. But during illness, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, the body tries to remove bacteria and viruses through the active production of mucus, which in this case is already called sputum.

If the resulting mucus has a very viscous consistency, it is very difficult to remove from the body, causing a lot of discomfort to the patient. The drug ACC for cough has a special effect on sputum. It reduces its viscosity, has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. This effect is achieved due to the presence of special components in the drug that affect the disulfide bonds of sputum, which are responsible for its thickness and composition. As a result, a dry, non-productive cough becomes wet with copious mucus production.

After starting to take ACC, you may feel like your cough is getting worse. In fact, this effect only has a positive effect on the speed of recovery. The cough, which initially bothers you greatly, becomes less noticeable and goes away completely over time.

The anti-inflammatory effect helps reduce the inflammatory process. This prevents the likelihood of complications from decreasing.

Contraindications to the use of ACC for cough

The cough medicine ACC has exclusively positive reviews based on the effectiveness, safety and reasonable price of the product. However, there are some contraindications to the use of the drug, which are described in the instructions. ACC is generally well tolerated by both children and adults. But still, contraindications include individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to the active components of the product.

In addition, drinking ACC and ACC-Long during early pregnancy is also not advisable. The drug is contraindicated in case of renal and liver failure. You should take the medicine with caution if you have a stomach or duodenal ulcer.

In any case, even if the remedy is quite harmless, you should drink it only after a doctor’s prescription. After the therapist determines the cause of the cough, he chooses the best drug. But as practice shows and numerous reviews say, ACC helps with coughs and is a very effective remedy.

I have a wet cough, how can I get rid of it? Help? I took antibiotics, ACC and everything was fine.


Salaam Alaikum

As with a runny nose, do not let the mucus dry out. Unless directed by your doctor, never take cough suppressants (such as Libexin, Tusuprex, or codeine). For dry cough at the onset of the disease, mucolytics are effective, increasing the amount of sputum and thinning it (pectusin, licorice syrup and others). And when the cough becomes wet, expectorants (mucaltin 2 tablets 4 times a day, washed down with warm green tea, for smokers - bromhexine or ambrobene). Don't forget to drink more warm liquids.

Folk remedies can also help treat cough. Mix grated black radish with honey and leave for several hours - as a result you will get a healing drink that perfectly copes with dry cough. You can drink sweetened onion juice (2-3 spoons per day) or a mixture of freshly squeezed carrot juice with warm milk (1:1). An exotic recipe from Brazil: rub a couple of bananas through a sieve, stir with a glass of warm water or milk, add a spoonful of honey - by the way, and a great dessert! It is also useful to simply drink an infusion of thyme or coltsfoot.

Thyme, known to many housewives as a seasoning, has long established itself as a mucus separator and expectorant. Even with whooping cough, official medicine recognizes the antitussive and antispasmodic effects of thyme. It is also sometimes called thyme. The infusion is prepared as follows: pour 1 tablespoon of the herb with a glass of boiling water, leave for one hour under the lid and filter. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day

Warm milk with soda (a quarter teaspoon of soda per glass) or milk in half with mineral water (Essentuki No. 4) - two to three times a day - helps to separate phlegm. If it is very tasteless, replace it with milk and honey. Boil a medium-sized onion in 0.5 liters of milk and add a spoonful of honey. This mixture should be consumed at night. The milk is very tasty, does not smell of onions at all, and even children drink it easily. A dry cough after it becomes softer and goes away faster.

To get rid of a cough during a cold, you can rub your chest with any lard (even pork) and wrap yourself up warm. Bear, badger and other exotic lard has no advantages! An ordinary iodine net or a bag of heated oats or salt placed on the chest is also good. Another option is one pepper patch on the chest and two under the shoulder blades, keep it on for a day (remove if the burning sensation is severe!).

Inhalations are the best means of increasing mucus discharge, thereby improving coughing. You can use a special inhaler or simply breathe, covered with a blanket, over a pan of brewed chamomile, mint or thyme.

Now about how to carry out inhalation. You can roll a funnel out of thick paper, cover a saucepan or kettle with its wide end, and inhale steam through the narrow gap. Many people prefer to breathe the steam over the pan, covering their heads with a towel. This is also not forbidden, just be careful not to accidentally tip a pan of hot water over yourself. And keep in mind that for those suffering from hypertension or high blood pressure, this method is contraindicated.

It is more convenient for a child to do inhalation from a teapot or coffee pot. Fill it one-third full with water. Place a pacifier with the end cut off or a rubber tube through which the baby will breathe. The duration of any inhalation is 5 - 10 - 15 minutes, for children - up to 5 minutes. Do it 1 - 2 times a day.

Start inhalation 5 minutes later, and for a child 10 minutes after the water has boiled. It is strictly forbidden to breathe over boiling water!

And it really makes sense to try broncholithin. This is a children's mixture, so you need 1 tbsp. spoon 6 times a day.


You need bronchodilators such as broncholithin, you can also (together) mucaltin.


Mucaltin and pectusin can help you with a wet cough.


Try searching here. It helped me a lot.


Apply fir oil to your chest and back, or even better, put on a pepper patch for a week or two - you will forget that it is a cough.


ONLY folk remedies.

Tina Kovacs

If the cough is of an allergic nature, what you drink will not help. .

You can add vitamins to your diet, but don’t take antibiotics yet, drink more, preferably lemon water.
