Procedures for

Physiotherapeutic procedures in the treatment of osteochondrosis!

There are two ways to treat osteochondrosis: surgical and conservative (without surgery). With the surgical method, the consequences of the disease are removed by surgical intervention, and with the conservative method, treatment of osteochondrosis occurs with the help of physiotherapy, therapeutic massages and therapeutic exercises.

Table of contents:

But both doctors and patients primarily hope for non-surgical treatment, which is gentler, more affordable and has no side effects. Therefore, in parallel with physical therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed.

Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis is a therapeutic intervention that is aimed at relieving pain symptoms, relaxing muscles, and rapid recovery of the patient. As a rule, it is used for severe disease, especially in the acute period. Helps relieve inflammation, restore the patient’s mobility, and when combined with physical therapy leads to maximum effect and rapid improvement in health.

Physiotherapy for spinal osteochondrosis is based on various methods and factors influencing the patient’s body. Light, dirt, eclectic energy, mechanical energy, etc. can be used.

Physiotherapy procedures for osteochondrosis

  • UFO - ultraviolet radiation,
  • vibration effects (ultrasound, acupressure vibration massage, or zonal massage),
  • laser therapy,
  • electrotherapy for osteochondrosis,
  • shock wave therapy,
  • diadynamic therapy - DDT,
  • balneotherapy,
  • magnetotherapy,
  • interference therapy.

The names may have scared you, but in fact there is nothing scary in these procedures. Let's look at them in more detail to fully understand what their effectiveness is and how they “work”:

Ultraviolet radiation

Physiotherapeutic procedures with ultraviolet radiation for osteochondrosis are carried out using special equipment that emit ultraviolet radiation. They are called irradiators. They have antibacterial properties and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, ultraviolet radiation helps better synthesize vitamin D in our skin and absorb calcium, thereby strengthening the bone structure and our spine.

The use of ultraviolet radiation depends on the area of ​​damage to the spine:

— ultraviolet physiotherapy for cervical osteochondrosis of the spine is carried out on the back of the neck and on the upper area of ​​the shoulder blades, on the outer surface of the shoulder and in the subclavian region,

— for thoracic osteochondrosis, procedures are performed in the chest area on the midline of the spine,

— physiotherapy for osteochondrosis of the lumbar region occurs as follows: ultraviolet light is directed to the lumbosacral region, also to the gluteal region and to the back of the legs and thighs.

Important: before UV treatment, be sure to test the patient for sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, using small biodoses of radiation.

Vibration effects

Treatment of osteochondrosis with vibration physiotherapy occurs with the help of high-frequency sounds - Hz and higher. This effect helps eliminate pain of varying degrees and different locations. Ultrasound procedures are often carried out in parallel with drug treatment of osteochondrosis, which improves the penetration of drugs into the site of the disease.

Laser therapy for osteochondrosis

Involves the use of special lasers – helium-neon. This therapy for osteochondrosis activates bioelectric processes in nerve tissues, perfectly heals, relieves inflammation and pain syndromes.


In this case, physiotherapy for osteochondrosis is carried out using current and an electric field, which activate heat in the affected tissues of the spine. This allows you to improve local blood circulation, speed up regeneration processes and relieve inflammation in the area of ​​the disease.

Shock wave therapy for osteochondrosis

This is the use of acoustic waves. They are transmitted to the affected area of ​​the back, reducing pain, improving metabolic processes, blood flow and eliminating inflammation.

Diadynamic therapy - DDT

Physiotherapy DDT for osteochondrosis affects the body with diadynamic pulse current. This process eliminates muscle tension and reduces compression of nerve fibers. Therefore, improvement occurs quickly, and pain goes away after two procedures.


In other words, it is a therapeutic bathing using mud, mineral water..., which bring the main therapeutic effect. Mud is treated with its chemical composition and temperature, and mineral substances are treated with a direct effect on the receptors. This improves metabolism, blood circulation, and reduces swelling and inflammation in the vertebrae.


Magnetic therapy for osteochondrosis involves applying a magnetic field to the affected area. At the same time, a bioelectric field is formed in the tissues, which stimulates cellular processes and promotes rapid recovery.

Interference therapy

This method of therapy is based on the use of mid-frequency current pulses, which follow individual oscillations-beats, formed by the interference (superposition) of two different-frequency currents. The current easily penetrates the tissue, improves blood supply and metabolism, resulting in reduced inflammation and pain.

Combined physiotherapy

The use of several methods of therapy for osteochondrosis is the most effective method of treatment. For example, diadynamic therapy together with electrophoresis with novocaine on the diseased part of the spine quickly relieves pain and restores mobility to the patient. Laser radiation + acupuncture is also often used for maximum impact on bio-points (acupuncture).

As you can see, the possibilities of physiotherapy for osteochondrosis are not limited... All methods are interesting and useful in their own way! Most importantly, do not forget that all medications, physical exercises and physiotherapy should be prescribed exclusively by a specialist doctor! Don't self-medicate!


Physiotherapy for sinusitis: review of the best

Sinusitis is considered a dangerous pathology in which the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus becomes severely inflamed. Such a pathological process develops with various violations of the free outflow of mucous secretion from the sinus, which becomes an ideal environment for the activation of pathogenic microorganisms.

Physiotherapy for sinusitis is an important component of therapeutic treatment, as is taking medications. With the help of this treatment, it is possible to clear the nasal sinuses from the accumulation of mucus and stop the inflammatory process in them.

Causes of pathology and symptoms

Sinusitis can be unilateral or bilateral

The maxillary sinuses are considered a kind of filter, so small particles and dust inhaled from the air accumulate in them. In a healthy person, such a mucous membrane cleanses itself independently, that is, during breathing, dust along with mucus enters the nasal cavity and is expelled during the process of sneezing or blowing the nose.

With colds, the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity swells and thereby closes the passage to the maxillary sinus. With this pathological condition, the removal of mucus to the outside is disrupted, it accumulates in the cavity and causes the formation of purulent exudate.

There are the following reasons that can provoke the development of sinusitis:

  1. Sudden changes in temperature are considered the main provocateur of the development of such pathology. Both overheating and hypothermia pose a danger to the nasal cavity, and such temperature changes end in the development of respiratory diseases.
  2. Chemical substances when exposed to the human body cause irritation of the nasal mucosa and its swelling. With repeated contact with chemicals, drying of the mucous membrane and the formation of cracks are observed.
  3. A previous infectious disease is considered an additional factor that can cause the development of sinusitis. Pathology can develop as a result of overheating, hypothermia, or exacerbation of any chronic illness. Often the cause of relapse and complications are diseases of the teeth and gums, as well as laryngitis, stomatitis and pharyngitis.
  4. Injuries to the nose, bumps and polypous formations create certain difficulties when chewing food, and the outflow of mucus from the nose is disrupted. In case of nasal injuries, it is recommended to wash it yourself using home tools, and if a polyp or lump is detected, it is imperative to remove them.

The main clinical manifestation of this pathology is the occurrence of a feeling of tension and pressure in the areas of the affected sinus.

In more severe forms of the disease, severe pain may occur, localized in the temples, forehead or cheekbones.

Sometimes the pain syndrome affects half of the face or the entire area of ​​the facial surface. The characteristic symptoms of sinusitis are toothache, which occurs in the upper jaw and intensifies while eating. People with this disease experience problems with nasal breathing and the appearance of specific discharge from the nose.

Indications for physiotherapy

Physiotherapy improves blood microcirculation and relieves inflammation

Physiotherapy is considered one of the safest methods of therapy and is used both independently and in combination with other types of treatment. The integrated use of natural and artificial factors in the treatment of sinusitis significantly accelerates the patient’s recovery.

The basis of such procedures is the body’s reflex response to an influencing stimulus and this is carried out by converting energy into biological processes.

All physiotherapy procedures are selected by specialists taking into account the following criteria:

  • features of the pathology
  • stages of progression of sinusitis and its neglect
  • anamnesis and medical history
  • gender and age
  • mental and physical condition

Indications for physiotherapeutic procedures are inflammatory processes in the ENT organs, the formation of scars and adhesions, as well as the recovery period after suffering pathology and injury.

Despite the safety of such physiotherapeutic treatment, in some cases it will have to be abandoned. Contraindications to physiotherapy in the treatment of sinusitis are the acute stage of the disease and heart failure. In the treatment of sinusitis, electrophoresis, UHF treatment and electrotherapy with low frequency currents are most widely used.

Procedures for sinusitis

UHF procedure for sinusitis

Physiotherapeutic treatment for sinusitis is carried out only on an outpatient basis, since the patient does not have all the necessary equipment and devices at home.

In addition, the patient cannot follow the correct technology for carrying out such a procedure, so this process must be supervised by a specialist.

For sinusitis, the following physiotherapy procedures can be performed:

  • Ultrasonic exposure involves massaging the epithelial tissue, which stimulates metabolic processes in it and enhances the production of beneficial enzymes.
  • Electrophoresis is the application of electric current directly to the inflamed sinuses, which allows for a significant improvement in the patient’s condition. Typically, this procedure is carried out over 10 days, and the duration of one session can reach 15 minutes.
  • Electrotherapy is the effect of ultrashort or ultra-frequency waves on the nasal sinuses. Using this procedure, it is possible to expand the capillaries of the mucous membrane, and thereby improve the discharge of mucus from the sinuses.
  • Mud therapy is the making of cakes from special therapeutic mud with a high content of minerals. This cake is applied to the area of ​​the inflamed maxillary sinuses and creates a special thermal effect, thanks to which it is possible to relieve inflammation and liquefy thick mucus.
  • Inhalations for sinusitis with medicinal plants are the patient inhaling chemicals that have a positive effect on the nasal mucosa. This procedure helps relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, thins the mucus and accelerates its removal from the organ.
  • Dynamic pulse currents are indicated for those patients who complain of severe pain during sinusitis. This treatment helps eliminate discomfort without the use of special analgesics.
  • Magnetic therapy is considered the simplest procedure for the treatment of sinusitis, which can be done even at home. The device creates an alternating magnetic field, which is a source of weak currents. With their help, a cascade of protective reactions is activated, and capillaries and blood vessels dilate. In addition, a sufficient amount of blood and oxygen enters the tissues, swelling of the nasal cavity is reduced and pain is eliminated. The magnet has some contraindications, among which are the patient’s tendency to nosebleeds, epilepsy and constant use of anticoagulants.

Nasal cleansing procedures

Nasal rinsing is an effective additional method of treating sinusitis.

An effective physiotherapy treatment for sinusitis is nasal rinsing using saline solutions and antiseptics.

This procedure can be carried out independently at home according to the following scheme:

  • into a container with a narrow neck, pour a solution at room temperature intended for rinsing the nose
  • you should slowly pour the solution into one nostril, while tilting your head slightly in the opposite direction
  • the same procedure should be repeated on the other side
  • during this procedure, the solution flows out of the nose and sinuses through the mouth along with mucus discharge

During hospital treatment, nasal lavage is often performed by moving fluids along the Proetz, which is called the “cuckoo”.

To do this, the patient sits on the couch, and the doctor pours rinsing liquid into one nostril. At the same time, an aspirator is brought to the second nostril, with the help of which the solution is removed along with the contents of the sinuses. During this procedure, the patient constantly repeats “peek-a-boo” so that the liquid does not flow into the throat.

You can learn more about what physical procedures can be used for sinusitis from the video:

For such a procedure, antiseptics such as Furacilin, hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin and saline can be used.

For sinusitis, physiotherapy is mainly carried out using anti-inflammatory drugs. This treatment is considered completely painless and does not cause pain. Physiotherapy can be prescribed to both older people and young children.

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Comments (1)


03/23/2018 at 12:50 | #

I have chronic sinusitis and physiotherapeutic treatment, especially electrotherapy with high-frequency currents, helps me effectively. Once a year I undergo such procedures at the end of winter, when there is a seasonal exacerbation.

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Water procedures for prostate adenoma: warming, baths, sauna

When visiting a doctor, men often ask whether it is harmful to take hot baths and go to the sauna if you have prostate adenoma.

Indeed, for some urological diseases, water procedures are contraindicated.

But, if the correct technology is followed, such procedures can even be useful for adenoma.

Medical history

BPH is a benign neoplasm that develops from the stromal component of the prostate or glandular epithelium.

In clinical practice, it is also called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). In this case, the patient develops nodules that gradually compress the urethra and cause a number of specific symptoms. There are several stages of the disease.

The first stage of prostate adenoma is characterized by increased urination (especially at night) and decreased urine flow.

With the transition to the second stage, difficulties arise with urination. Urine becomes intermittent and comes out in drops. The patient has to make an effort to empty the bladder. There is discomfort during ejaculation and urine discharge, and a burning sensation. An inflammatory process develops in the mucous membrane of organs.

The third stage is the most severe, characterized by a significant decrease in the contractility of the bladder and an increase in its size. The functions of the urinary system are completely disrupted. Patients often need to use a urine bag every day. The listed symptoms may include: thirst, constipation, nausea, exacerbation of hemorrhoids, weakness, fever, loss of appetite.

What is noteworthy is that scientists still cannot find an exact answer to the question of what causes the development of a neoplasm. But the older the man, the higher the risk of its occurrence, so older people should definitely attend scheduled visits to the doctor and follow preventive measures.

Water procedures for prostate adenoma

Contrary to popular belief, water procedures for male diseases are not only permitted, but also recommended by specialists for health purposes.

They can be used as an additional method in complex therapy for both adenoma and chronic prostatitis. But, it should be remembered that only by following certain rules of the technological process can a good therapeutic effect be achieved and not harm the body.


Baths for prostate adenoma:

When answering the question: is it possible to heat a prostate adenoma? It is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It is very important to choose the right water temperature, which should be around degrees. Staying in hot water for a long time (over degrees) can aggravate the disease and contribute to the development of the inflammatory process.
  • You should not take warm or hot baths during an acute inflammatory process, accompanied by fever, chills, fever and malaise.
  • You can take baths no more than once a day. It is better to do this in the evening to relax before a night's rest.
  • You can add essential oils to the water (calendula, juniper, sage), as well as decoctions of chamomile, calendula, echinacea, and St. John's wort. Decoctions can improve the therapeutic effect of hydrotherapy and alleviate the symptoms of the disease.
  • You are allowed to stay in the bathroom for no more than a minute. At this time, you need to monitor the temperature of the water and gradually add hot water while it cools. Sudden changes in temperature are extremely undesirable.
  • You should take a bath after performing hygiene procedures. After it, you should dry yourself with a soft cotton towel and put on clean underwear. Within minutes after this, it is undesirable to go outside or be in drafts.
  • If the above rules are followed, water procedures will have a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the male organs, improve blood circulation, and help relieve pain and inflammation.

    Is it possible to go to the bathhouse if you have prostate adenoma?

    Bath procedures for prostate adenoma can improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, are useful for venous congestion, and relax the smooth muscles of the male genital organs.

    You should be careful when doing this. Overheating of the prostate gland and testicles can have a very negative impact on health and aggravate the patient's condition.

    High temperatures will contribute to the spread of the inflammatory process, swelling of the prostate, and deterioration of testicular function.

    Thus, only in moderate doses, prostate adenoma and a bath can be combined, improve the patient’s condition, and not cause harm.

    Contrast procedures

    A contrast shower has an excellent tonic effect, improves blood circulation, saturates the body with energy, stimulates tissue metabolism, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and the immune system.

    This method can be a good preventative measure against male diseases and can be used as an additional treatment for prostate adenoma. Doctors say that a few minutes of a contrast shower can replace an hour's walk in the park.

    During the procedures, it is important to remember that a contrast shower involves alternating cool and warm flows of water, but in no case does it overcool the body or suddenly warm it up.

    For 2-3 minutes you can stand under water at a temperature of degrees, and then turn on cool water of degrees for a few seconds, gradually replacing it with warm water again.

    Swimming in an ice hole

    Hardening the body is not prohibited for prostate adenoma. At the same time, you should be careful about your health and not overdo it with procedures.

    Important: Doctors recommend refraining from swimming in an ice hole, including during Epiphany frosts!

    Hypothermia can have an extremely negative impact on health and aggravate the disease.

    In the complex treatment of adenoma, the use of water procedures is a good addition to drug treatment. Their correct use allows you to achieve a positive effect on the body, improve physical condition, and muffle unpleasant symptoms. Please use caution and follow basic guidelines. Be healthy!


    Features of physiotherapy for osteochondrosis

    Physiotherapeutic procedures for osteochondrosis can have a significant positive effect on the patient’s condition. Many of them are not indicated in the acute period.

    Benefit of Physiotherapy

    The advantage of physiotherapy is its local selective effect, as well as the ability to provide a therapeutic effect on deep-lying tissues. In addition, with cervical osteochondrosis, the effect occurs on the neck area, shoulder girdle, and with lumbar osteochondrosis - the lower back, buttock area.

    Thanks to physical therapy, it is possible to achieve the use of lower dosages of medications. It stimulates the immune system, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and helps prevent relapses. The physiotherapeutic effect improves blood microcirculation, optimizing the access of oxygen and nutrients to the affected tissues.

    Physiotherapeutic methods are used either separately or in combination with other methods or procedures. Mud mixtures, electrical energy, light waves, and thermal influence are used.

    The most current varieties

    The following physiotherapy procedures are most often prescribed for cervical osteochondrosis and other localizations:

    1. Electrophoresis is prescribed very often. Heat is transferred to the patient's body, which activates blood flow, reduces inflammation, relieves pain and discomfort. Consequently, the execution of movements becomes easier. The presence of pacemakers or other metal objects in the patient's body makes this method contraindicated for him.
    2. Pulsed low-frequency currents are also widely used. By acting directly on nerve endings, they have a significant analgesic effect.
    3. Diadynamic therapy affects tissues with different currents. As a result, the pain decreases and the spasmed muscles relax.
    4. Modulated sinusoidal current also refers to electrophoresis. The parameters are individually selected according to the patient’s pain intensity.
    5. Transcutaneous electrical neurostimulation has an effective effect on acute pain. Hydrophilic gaskets are used. This procedure ensures the activation of nerve endings.
    6. One of the varieties of ultraviolet radiation activates the synthesis of vitamin D in the body. It promotes the absorption of calcium. UFO also relieves inflammation and has an analgesic effect.
    7. Magnetotherapy has an effect by creating a magnetic field that is created directly at the diseased location.
    8. Vibration therapy is provided by the action of ultrasound. It helps relieve pain and activates the reparative functions of tissues.
    9. Shock wave therapy is carried out using an acoustic wave. It optimizes the condition of the microvasculature and reduces pain.
    10. Laser treatment promotes tissue repair and faster wound healing. Relieves inflammation, relieves pain, activates metabolic processes.

    Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a very effective auxiliary method of therapy. In this way, you can achieve a reduction in pain both in the cervical spine and in the head, improve blood supply to the brain, relieve muscle spasms, and increase the range of motion of the cervical spine.

    Translated from Greek, “physio” and “therapy” mean “treatment by nature.” Physiotherapeutic procedures are completely painless, not costly, but extremely useful and effective. Therefore, you should not forget about them as another full-fledged method of treating spinal pathologies.

    Physiotherapeutic procedures should not be prescribed by the patient independently. Only a specialist knows which physiotherapy procedures will be most significant for each patient individually.

    By the way, now you can get my free e-books and courses that will help you improve your health and well-being.


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    Physiotherapy for sinusitis and other procedures

    Treatment of sinusitis is a long, inconvenient, and, frankly speaking, sometimes painful process. But do not despair, today there are techniques that can significantly alleviate the symptoms of the disease and speed up recovery.

    Procedures for sinusitis are the best way to resolve problems associated with the inflammatory process. There are quite a lot of them and they are varied, we have selected the most effective and affordable ones for you, so any technique that you like best can be applied in the very near future.


    In physiotherapy, physical factors are used to obtain a positive result of therapy. In the treatment of sinusitis, in addition to drug treatment aimed at eliminating the infection, physiotherapy is also actively used. Their tasks include stimulating local blood circulation, which helps reduce swelling and the outflow of fluid from the sinuses, as well as a thermal effect on tissue and pain relief. Physical therapy is often used in pediatrics.

    UHF (ultra high frequencies)

    The properties of radiation allow dosed exposure to a limited area. The UHF device generates an electromagnetic field, which causes local expansion of capillaries and increases their permeability.

    The anti-inflammatory effect is achieved by stimulating local blood circulation and lymph formation, tissue metabolism, reducing exudation and eliminating swelling. The procedure inhibits the vital activity of microbes and has a resolving and analgesic effect. UHF electromagnetic oscillations during sinusitis can warm tissue to a depth of 6 cm.

    UFO (ultraviolet irradiation)

    The positive effects of ultraviolet irradiation are based on the fact that some molecules in the tissues of a living organism are able to completely absorb light waves, while releasing biologically active substances that enter the blood. This stimulates intensive migration of leukocytes to the site of inflammation and phagocytosis (their enhanced fight against the causative agent of the disease). The procedure for ultraviolet irradiation of the nasal mucosa is carried out using tubes of different diameters.


    Electrophoresis is based on the process of dissociation of a substance in an aqueous solution. This means that an electric current is passed through the drug solution, so that the ions of the dissolved drug begin to purposefully penetrate the skin or mucous membranes.

    Accumulating in the area of ​​application, they have a therapeutic effect. After which they are gradually absorbed into the bloodstream, which carries the medicine throughout the body, but the main amount remains at the injection site. The so-called Darsonval works on this principle.

    The electrophoresis procedure enhances local blood circulation, improves tissue trophism, and has an analgesic, draining and anti-inflammatory effect. That is why electrophoresis is often prescribed in the treatment of local inflammation.


    It uses an alternating magnetic field that acts locally. Under the influence of the magnetic field, very weak electric currents begin to arise, activating redox reactions that stimulate enzymatic activity and local blood circulation. In this case, the swelling of the mucous membrane decreases, which leads to an improvement in the outflow of contents from the sinus, pain and inflammation decrease, and infectious agents die.

    UT (ultrasound therapy)

    The UT device converts electricity and produces pulsed ultrasonic waves, which in therapeutic dosages have a physical effect on tissues and muscle fibers. This is expressed in the form of tissue micromassage (cellular massage), which improves the diffusion of physiological fluid through cell membranes, enhances metabolism, creates “deep heat,” activates enzymes, and reduces pain. Ultrasound penetrates to a depth of 4 cm.

    Activities to cleanse the nose and sinuses

    Rinsing the nose using antiseptic and saline solutions

    The following solutions are used for the procedure:

    • Furacilin or Miramistin;
    • Self-prepared saline solution (a teaspoon of sea or table salt per liter of water).
    • Saline;
    • Decoctions of chamomile, calendula and string.

    Nasal rinsing at home:

    The liquid for washing at room temperature is poured into a container with a narrow neck (for example, a small kettle). Slowly pour the solution into one nostril, while the head is slightly tilted in the opposite direction. Then repeat the procedure on the other side. The solution flows out through the mouth and other nostril along with the discharge from the nose and sinuses.

    Nasal lavage using the Proetz method of moving fluids (“cuckoo”)

    The essence of the procedure: the patient lies on the couch, and the doctor pours a rinsing solution into one nostril. At this time, the assistant brings the aspirator to the other nostril and removes this solution along with the contents of the sinuses. During the procedure, the patient repeats “peek-a-boo” so that the soft palate closes the entrance to the oropharynx and the liquid does not flow into the throat. Antiseptic solutions are used:

    • Furacilin;
    • Miramistin;
    • Diluted hydrogen peroxide;
    • Saline.

    Yamic catheter

    The essence of the procedure: The patient is in a sitting position. After preliminary anemia and anesthesia, the catheter is inserted into the nasal cavity. The posterior and then the anterior balloons of the Yamik catheter are inflated. And they create a difference in pressure, due to which the pathological contents come out of the sinus.

    The patient lies on his side and the doctor injects an antiseptic or other disinfecting drug into the nasal cavity, which, under slight pressure, penetrates the maxillary sinus.

    Inhalation treatment

    Inhalation is a treatment method that involves inhaling water vapor with a drug dissolved in it. The main advantages of inhalations for sinusitis are:

    • The medicine quickly enters the nasal cavity;
    • There are no complications as with taking pills or injections;
    • Has a therapeutic effect on all parts of the respiratory tract;
    • Minimum side effects and mild, long-lasting action;
    • Can be used for sinusitis in children of any age.

    For steam inhalations for sinusitis, decoctions of medicinal herbs, mineral water, saline solutions, essential oils, steam from boiled jacket potatoes, and propolis are used.

    Carrying out hardware inhalations allows the use of medications in the treatment of sinusitis (immunostimulants, mucolytics, antibiotics, antiseptics, etc.).

    What operations are there for sinusitis?

    Antibiotics as a treatment for sinusitis

    How to avoid a puncture if you are very scared?

    Technique for performing acupressure massage for sinusitis

    How to treat sinusitis for pregnant women?

    Traditional recipes for the treatment of sinusitis

    How is sinusitis pierced, and what is the danger?

    Drops and sprays effective for sinusitis and runny nose


    What procedures are effective for joint arthrosis?

    Treatment of arthrosis is long-term and based on drug therapy. But no less effective in the fight against articular pathologies are procedures for arthrosis prescribed by the attending physician. Comprehensive treatment of the disease is recommended. In addition to procedures carried out in therapeutic rooms, the disease is also treated at home, using alternative medicine, physical exercise, and self-massage.

    Concept of illness

    Osteoarthritis affects the cartilage of the joint. The disease develops slowly, sometimes a person does not suspect that he is sick for years. The cartilage of the joints does not receive enough nutrients, which causes the cartilage to become thinner and the joint to become deformed. A sick person, if he does not detect signs of the disease in time, risks remaining disabled. As arthrosis develops, the limb shortens, crunches, and pain bothers you. Over time, the ability to move independently is lost.

    The reasons why the disease develops include:

    • age - the older the person, the more worn out the body is considered;
    • excess body weight - extra pounds create stress on the limbs, resulting in the development of arthrosis;
    • injuries - dislocations, fractures, sprains and ligament tears lead to illness;
    • impaired metabolism in the body;
    • inflammatory process in the joint (purulent arthritis);
    • hypothermia - low temperatures provoke arthrosis;
    • heredity;
    • poor quality nutrition;
    • violation of normal blood clotting;
    • autoimmune diseases (diabetes mellitus, systemic lupus erythematosus);
    • congenital dysplasia is an intrauterine disorder of the development of the musculoskeletal system;
    • intoxication with chemicals;
    • infectious diseases (gonorrhea, tuberculosis, tick-borne encephalitis).

    A common symptom of the disease is pain. At first, the painful sensations are subtle, then the pain increases every day. At the final stage of arthrosis, a person feels unbearable pain in the limbs, joints are destroyed, and the ability to move is lost.

    What procedures are prescribed for arthrosis?

    Drug therapy includes taking drugs that negatively affect the liver and cause allergic reactions. In addition to medication treatment, the doctor prescribes a course of physical procedures, most of which are performed in the clinic. Some procedures are possible at home on your own. In the medical institution, the following types of physiotherapy are indicated for the treatment of arthrosis:

    1. Microwave therapy.
    2. Magnetotherapy.
    3. Ultrasound treatment.
    4. Radiation therapy.
    5. Barotherapy.
    6. Acupuncture.
    7. Quantum therapy.
    8. Cold treatment.
    9. Electrophoresis.
    10. Balneotherapy.
    11. Massage.
    12. Treatment with mud.
    13. Thermal applications.
    14. Exercise therapy.
    15. Therapeutic wraps.

    Microwave therapy

    Another name for the method is ultra-high frequency therapy. It is characterized by the effect of an ultrahigh frequency electromagnetic field on the human body. Thanks to this method, blood vessels dilate, blood flow increases, and smooth muscle spasms decrease. Microwave therapy has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antispasmodic effects. The method includes 2 methods: decimeter and centimeter. To treat arthrosis, a second method is used, in which microwaves penetrate human tissue to a depth of 6 cm.

    Despite the effectiveness of the method, this procedure is not allowed for everyone. Microwave therapy is contraindicated in pregnancy, blood diseases, cardiovascular failure, malignant cancer tumors, and hypotension.


    The affected area of ​​the limb is exposed to a magnetic field of varying intensity, due to which the body tissues are magnetized and blood flow improves. This method can be treated not only in a hospital. It is possible to use magnetic therapy at home (for example, the Almag apparatus). Contraindications to the procedure: poor blood clotting, cancer tumors, heart and vascular disease, purulent inflammation, high body temperature for an unknown reason.


    This therapy is based on vibrations of ultrasonic waves that penetrate the tissues of the human body to a depth of 6 cm. Ultrasound cannot be seen with the naked eye, but treatment with such waves produces results. Ultrasonic waves warm the joints and normalize blood circulation. Thanks to the waves, metabolic processes in the joint are improved, swelling, pain and inflammation are relieved. Just like any other treatment, ultrasound has contraindications:

    • oncological diseases;
    • pregnancy;
    • blood clotting disorder;
    • blood diseases;
    • diseases of the endocrine system.

    Radiation therapy (laser treatment)

    Laser therapy includes treatment with ultraviolet and infrared rays. Thanks to the therapeutic effects of the laser, local blood flow improves, cartilage tissue regenerates, inflammation and pain in the joint are relieved. Contraindications to the procedure:

    • blood diseases;
    • oncological neoplasms;
    • diseases of the endocrine system;
    • heart failure.


    This method creates low pressure in the diseased joint, due to which blood flow improves, blood stagnation is relieved, and unopened capillaries open. Barotherapy is prescribed if drug treatment does not bring results. Contraindications: synovitis, heart and vascular diseases.


    This method of treatment is considered to be an ancient method. As a result of acupuncture, pain due to arthrosis is relieved, damaged tissues are restored, and metabolic processes in cartilage are improved. This method of treatment is performed by a professional, since the result of treatment depends on the precise insertion of the needle and the depth of the puncture. Contraindications to acupuncture are considered to be:

    • rheumatic inflammation of the joints;
    • neoplasms;
    • infections;
    • alcohol and drug conditions.

    Quantum therapy

    Quantum therapy is an innovative method of treating arthrosis, based on the use of small doses of light and electromagnetic radiation. Quantum therapy improves blood circulation in the joint, reduces pain, promotes the regeneration of damaged tissue, and relieves inflammation. Contraindications to therapy: pregnancy, cancer, diseases of the endocrine system, blood diseases, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, heart, liver and kidney failure.


    Includes 2 methods: dry cold treatment (air flow) and liquid treatment with low temperatures (liquid nitrogen). Thanks to cryotherapy, blood flow in the extremities improves, pain is relieved, swelling and inflammation are reduced. This method, unlike other methods of treating arthrosis, can be used for oncological tumors. Cold treatment is prohibited in cases of heart rhythm disturbances, after heart attacks and strokes, and Raynaud's disease.


    Electrical procedures involve the use of current with medications. Under the influence of current, medications penetrate into the cartilage affected by arthrosis, blood circulation in the joints improves, inflammation is relieved, and pain is eliminated. The procedure is contraindicated in the following cases:

    • for pustules, abscesses, ulcers and wounds on the skin of the limb;
    • with varicose veins;
    • at elevated body temperature;
    • for cancerous tumors;
    • high blood pressure;
    • if the patient has pacemakers;
    • in the presence of bleeding after joint replacement.


    The method includes the use of medicinal baths (turpentine, salt, iodine-bromine, pine). Baths improve tissue blood circulation and metabolism in the affected area, deliver useful components to joints and cartilage, and have a warming effect. Before you begin treatment procedures, it is important to remember the rules:

    1. You cannot take a bath after eating; it is recommended to wait for 1 hour.
    2. Before the procedure, clean the skin with a washcloth and soap.
    3. The best time to take medicinal baths is before bed.
    4. After the session, it is recommended not to wipe the skin, but to blot it with a towel.
    5. The procedure takes no more than 20 minutes.

    Contraindications: tumor growths, high body temperature, exacerbation of chronic diseases, alcohol intoxication.


    Massage therapy sessions are an effective method of treating arthrosis, which helps restore joint mobility after treatment of the disease. Massage relieves pain, restores motor function of the limbs, relaxes muscles, improves blood flow, and relieves swelling of tissues. The procedure is performed by a specialist with the permission of the attending physician. Rules for massage:
    1. Before starting the procedure, the affected limbs are warmed up (rubbing with hot water is suitable).
    2. Massage the whole body, not just the sore limb.
    3. The massage is performed slowly and carefully. If painful sensations appear, the session must be stopped.
    4. The patient should relax during the procedure.
    5. For long-term remission, a massage course is carried out 3-4 times a year.
    6. Contraindications to massage: high and low blood pressure, tuberculosis, varicose veins, oncology, renal, liver and pulmonary failure in acute form, myocardial ischemia.

    Mud therapy

    Scientifically, mud treatment is called peloidotherapy. The procedure is carried out in the form of applications to the affected limb. Thanks to peloid therapy, blood circulation in sore limbs improves, the feeling of numbness is eliminated, pain is reduced, joint tissues are deeply warmed up, and cartilage is saturated with minerals. However, this method of treatment has contraindications:
    • cancerous tumors;
    • tuberculosis of any organs;
    • nephrosis and nephritis in chronic form;
    • any bleeding;
    • exacerbation of a chronic disease;
    • epilepsy;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • HIV;
    • hypertension;
    • pregnancy;
    • cardiovascular diseases.

    Thermal applications

    For the procedure, paraffin, ozokerite, salt and sand bags are used, which are applied to the sore joint. Thanks to the applications, cartilage is regenerated, the temperature in the sore joint increases, and blood flow improves. Contraindications to treatment with heat carriers: pregnancy, heart and vascular diseases, blood diseases, exhaustion of the body.


    Exercise therapy is an important method of treating arthrosis. Physical exercise is allowed after the pain has subsided and the inflammatory process in the sore joint has subsided. The exercises are prescribed by the doctor and individually for each patient. Therapeutic exercise restores muscle elasticity, joint mobility, and strengthens the cardiovascular system. Exercises are done slowly, without sudden movements, under the supervision of an instructor. Physical therapy also has a number of contraindications:

    • hernias;
    • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
    • blood diseases;
    • infectious diseases accompanied by high body temperature;
    • recent surgery.

    Medical wraps

    Arthrosis is treated at home using alternative medicine. However, this method is effective only at the initial stage of the disease, when the cartilage has not yet been destroyed and the joint has not become deformed. At the last stage of arthrosis, treatment at home is pointless and dangerous. Herbs, honey, clay, cabbage leaves, chalk, etc. are used for medicinal wraps. A contraindication to the use of therapeutic wraps is an allergic reaction to the ingredient used for the procedure.

    Procedures for arthrosis are carried out only as prescribed by the attending physician. A correctly selected treatment method helps to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of arthrosis: pain, inflammation, swelling, decreased joint mobility. But you cannot prescribe procedures yourself. This can lead to serious complications and progression of the disease.


    Physiotherapeutic procedures for osteochondrosis

    Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis is a fairly popular treatment method that has existed for a long time and has proven its effectiveness for various diseases. It allows you to deliver the medicine to the desired area very quickly and without pain. This method has no side effects, it does not cause various allergies and is indicated for patients of various ages and in any physical condition. It is these circumstances that make physiotherapy so popular, but not the main method of treatment. Physiotherapeutic procedures speed up the healing process by half and significantly reduce the progression of a chronic disease.

    Why is physiotherapy needed?

    For osteochondrosis, physiotherapy is prescribed to stimulate recovery processes in the body and eliminate all symptoms of the disease. Basically, physiotherapy for osteochondrosis affects the body by such physical factors as heat, cold, and various radiations.

    Mechanical impact. It is aimed at relieving pain, eliminating inflammation, relaxing spasmodic muscles, normalizing metabolism and blood microcirculation in the affected area, releasing pinched nerve roots, strengthening the immune system, reducing the need for medications and shortening treatment time, stimulating cardiovascular activity systems.

    However, physiotherapy also has contraindications.

    1. This is oncology
    2. period of exacerbation of osteochondrosis,
    3. pregnancy, mental disorders,
    4. disturbances in the functioning of the liver, kidneys, respiratory and cardiovascular systems,
    5. skin diseases in the affected area.

    Types of physiotherapy

    Electrophysiotherapy is the application of electric current. This method warms up all tissues, improves all metabolic processes and improves blood circulation. Such procedures perfectly relieve pain, and with the help of an electric field, medications are delivered directly to the site of the disease.

    1. Electropuncture is the process of irritating the exit points of the spinal nerve roots with electric current. This method is designed to relieve pain and relax muscles.
    2. Diadynamic current - points are heated by different frequencies. This method will perfectly relieve spasms and pain.
    3. SMT therapy - the analgesic effect is achieved by sinusoidal modulated currents. This procedure also perfectly relaxes the muscles.
    4. UVR therapy. This is a special ultraviolet irradiation that promotes increased production of vitamin D, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium. This procedure relieves pain, inflammation, warms up, and stimulates the immune system.
    5. Laser therapy. The effect is on the area of ​​the exits of the nerve roots of the vertebrae with a helium - neon laser. This procedure eliminates spasms, inflammation, pain, and activates recovery processes.
    6. Detensor therapy is a method of spinal traction, which is performed using special equipment under the influence of the gravity of one’s own body.
    7. Magnetotherapy Exposure to a low-frequency electromagnetic field improves blood circulation in the affected area.
    8. Ultrasound therapy Vibration effects of ultrasound waves relieve pain and inflammation.
    9. Therapeutic exercise is also a method of physiotherapy, which is used both for the prevention and treatment of this disease. At the very initial stage, regular gymnastics is used; in case of exacerbations and more complex cases, a special set of exercises is required, selected individually.

    Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis is a very good and effective method. The procedures are aimed at eliminating pain specifically at the source of inflammation, other tissues and organs are not affected. And chronic diseases do not get worse.

    All types of physiological effects are good in their own way, but all procedures have different effects on a person, so everything needs to be selected individually, since there is simply no universal method. Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis is prescribed only by the attending physician.
