Isofra for sinusitis - a local antibiotic
Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is a very unpleasant and serious disease, but a drug such as Isofra for sinusitis has proven its effectiveness in numerous clinical and laboratory tests.
Table of contents:
- Isofra for sinusitis - a local antibiotic
- Antibiotics for sinusitis: benefit or harm
- Isofra - a drug with antibiotic action
- Isofra for sinusitis: drops or spray?
- Use of the drug
- Indications for use
- Use during pregnancy
- Isofra for children
- Contraindications
- Isofra - an analogue of any nasal spray?
- Isofra - antibiotic nasal spray
- What's in it
- What effect does the drug have?
- Indications
- Is the spray effective for sinusitis?
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Recommendations for use
- Use in pregnant and breastfeeding women
- Use in pediatrics
- Drug interactions
- Benefits of using Isofra
- Isofra for sinusitis: effects and recommendations for use
- Features of impact and composition
- Main contraindications
- Directions for use and dosage
- Undesirable consequences
- Isofra - treatment of sinusitis with nasal spray
- Appearance and composition of the drug
- How to use correctly?
- Who needs isofra?
- Who should not use Isofra?
- Benefits of isofra in the treatment of sinusitis
- Which is better: Isofra or Polydex?
- Isofra for sinusitis (reviews)
- Isofra for sinusitis
- Reviews
- Nasal spray: isofra - an effective medicine
- How to use correctly?
- Contraindications and side effects
- Isofra or Polydex?
- Isofra during pregnancy
- Use of isofra in children
- Reviews
- Isofra for sinusitis instructions
- Isofra for sinusitis: reviews and treatment
- The use of isofra for sinusitis
- Isofra - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and release forms (nasal spray 1.25% nasal drops) of a medicinal product for the treatment of sinusitis in adults, children and pregnancy based on the antibiotic Framycetin
- Isofra - treatment of sinusitis with nasal spray
- Benefits of isofra in the treatment of sinusitis
- What do you need to remember and understand if your doctor recommended treatment with Isofra?
- Nasal drops or spray - what to choose?
- Isofra for children - reviews from parents and recommendations from doctors
- Isofra for children: instructions - a guide for literate parents
- We buy Isofra for children: price is not a priority, but one of the advantages
- Isofra - an analogue of any nasal spray?
- Instructions for using Isofra spray
- Release form and composition
- How to properly inject
- Contraindications
- Patient reviews about the use of this medicine:
- Appearance and composition of the drug
- How to use correctly?
- Who needs isofra?
- Who should not use Isofra?
- Which is better: Isofra or Polydex?
- Indications for use
- Dosage of the drug "Isofra"
- The advantage of spray over drops
- Isofra is a nasal spray with an antibiotic effect. Myths and real possibilities.
- Isofra: instructions for use and reviews are not a basis for starting or refusing treatment. What should you be guided by?
- Isofra during pregnancy: should I buy it or not?
- What is better to buy: Polydex or Isofra?
- Isofra for sinusitis: correct use is a condition for the effectiveness of the prescription
- Indications, contraindications and side effects
- Where and how best to purchase the drug: price and other selection criteria
- A selection of reviews
- Price range
- Isofra - nasal drops
- What should you be guided by?
- Pricing policy and analogues
- Pregnancy
- Indications and contraindications
- Pharmacology
- Application
- More on the topic:
- Sinusitis treatment in Ufa
- Dioxin nasal drops
- Recent Entries
Today, this drug is considered the most reliable and effective drug in its group.
Antibiotics for sinusitis: benefit or harm
Antibiotics are substances that selectively suppress the vital functions of individual microorganisms. Today, countless types of such drugs are known, but only a few of them are used to treat sinusitis.
Unfortunately, many people take antibiotics for any minor ailment (headache, cough, runny nose). This causes great harm to the body.
If you have been diagnosed with sinusitis, you should not immediately begin therapy with antibiotics. To begin with, you should try to be treated with plant-based products. Such drugs, as a rule, increase immunity and at the same time suppress infection, coping well with the disease. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics causes the development of bacterial resistance to the components of drugs of this pharmacological group.
It is also important to know that the use of antibiotics for sinusitis is justified only in the bacterial form of the disease. In case of a different nature of inflammation, it is necessary to use other drugs. But still, doctors quite often prescribe antibiotics at their own peril and risk, without confirming the bacterial nature of sinusitis. They fear the transformation of the acute course of the disease into a chronic one. This decision is due to the fact that tests take a lot of time, and a severe form of sinusitis can significantly harm the body. But as soon as the results of the study arrive, the treatment is adjusted.
Also, do not forget that antibiotics for sinusitis are taken in strict accordance with the prescribed dose and duration of therapy. If you stop taking these medications a few days after starting treatment and barely feel any improvement, you risk a relapse of the disease. In addition, a repeated course of the same drug may not give the desired effect, since microorganisms have already learned to fight it.
Isofra - a drug with antibiotic action
Using the drug Isofra for sinusitis allows you to avoid the use of antibiotics orally and an unpleasant puncture. The medicine is available in the form of a spray. The active ingredient of the drug is the antibiotic framycetin, which is effective against a fairly wide range of bacteria.
Typically, Isofra spray is prescribed based on certain factors: the presence of characteristic mucous discharge, pressing pain in the maxillary sinuses, confirmation of the disease by tests. In most cases, therapy with this drug is completed very successfully and in a short time.
To treat sinusitis, Isofra spray is injected into each nostril. The nose must first be cleared of mucus. The dosage of the drug is determined according to the age of the patient. Duration of treatment is no more than 10 days. However, already on the 5th day a complete cure is possible. Using this medicine for more than 10 days can provoke the formation of a fungal infection against the background of reduced immunity.
In relation to some types of bacteria, Isofra does not give the desired result. Therefore, if you do not feel any improvement after 10 days of using the drug, then the causative agent of your form of sinusitis is not sensitive to the drug.
In most cases, Isofra spray very effectively fights inflammation without causing side effects. In addition, this drug is used to prevent relapses of sinusitis. But still, it is up to a specialist to decide whether Isofra is suitable for a disease such as sinusitis or not.
Isofra for sinusitis: drops or spray?
If you try to find Izorfra drops at a pharmacy, your search will be in vain. This drug is not available in the form of a solution for instillation. It is sprayed using a special dispenser, which is included in the kit along with the bottle.
The dispenser promotes uniform distribution of the drug, the particles of which penetrate into the most inaccessible places. This device promotes the uniform distribution of the drug, the particles of which penetrate into the most inaccessible places. The dispenser makes it quite easy and simple to use the medicine, which makes it possible to cure inflammation of the maxillary sinuses in the early stages.
The design of the dosing device is organized in such a way as to accurately adhere to a certain dosage. This is a significant advantage of Isofra spray over other medications.
Often, when treating rhinitis or sinusitis in children, it is recommended to take Isofra in drops, i.e. remove the dispenser yourself. Some believe that this version of the medicine is safer for a child compared to a spray. But they are wrong.
Moreover, it is inconvenient to instill drops not only for children, but also for adults. Indeed, in such cases it is impossible to comply with the prescribed dosage: part of the solution flows into the larynx and, as a result, is swallowed, and part flows back out. And if for ordinary drops the dosage is not important, then for antibiotics it is very important to take the drug correctly!
Use of the drug
Isofra is often prescribed for various forms of sinusitis. The instructions for use of the drug describe in some detail the pharmacological action, possible adverse reactions and contraindications. In general, Isofra spray for sinusitis has only positive reviews: thanks to it, the patient receives the desired effect from the treatment.
Indications for use
Isofra is used as part of complex treatment for infectious and inflammatory ENT diseases. These include:
- sinusitis of various types, including sinusitis (but provided there is no damaged septum);
- rhinopharyngitis;
- non-allergic chronic runny nose;
- infectious rhinitis of a bacterial nature;
- therapy and prevention after surgery in the nasal cavity.
However, do not forget that this antibiotic can be taken exclusively for irrigation of the nasal mucosa. It is contraindicated to use Isofra for rinsing the maxillary sinuses during puncture.
It is also necessary to understand that in advanced cases of sinusitis, nasal antibiotics alone are not enough. This drug must be combined with other methods of complex therapy. Moreover, with proper combination with physiotherapy and other drugs, the effectiveness of Isofra spray increases.
Isofra should not be used simultaneously with antifungal solutions and ointments, since such drugs can suppress the effect of the antibiotic.
Use during pregnancy
Isofra during pregnancy is prescribed only by a doctor and only if the potential benefit from using the medicine exceeds the possible risk to the health of the woman and the fetus.
There is no reliable confirmed information about the effect of the drug on the course of pregnancy and fetal development and, given that the drug is quite new, we can say that it is not particularly dangerous. However, it should be understood that Isofra is an antibiotic, albeit a local one.
Isofra for children
It is worth mentioning right away that Isofra spray for the treatment of sinusitis in children can be purchased only after passing the appropriate tests for the sensitivity of pathogenic bacteria to the active substance of the antibiotic. You also need to check your individual tolerance to the drug. If the prescribed treatment is adequate and there are no contraindications, Isofra spray is completely safe for children and very effective.
Some parents often classify this drug as a panacea for the common cold, while others believe that Isofra has low effectiveness or does not give the expected effect at all. You can also find quite a lot of negative reviews about this drug if it was used to treat a child without a doctor’s prescription. In this regard, you should not rely on reviews of Isofra spray from those parents whose children were treated with this medicine without confirmation of its need. If only because this drug is not intended for the treatment of allergic sinusitis and rhinitis. And they are quite common.
First of all, you should carefully consider all the information specified in the instructions for the drug Isofra and do not prescribe the drug yourself or your children.
It occasionally happens that a medication prescribed on the recommendation of a pediatric ENT doctor turns out to be ineffective. In the case of children, you should not wait and take the drug for ten or seven days. If after the first three days of therapy you have not noticed significant improvements in the child’s condition, then it is necessary to convey this information to the attending physician. Most likely, he will change the medication.
Contraindications for the drug Isofra can be divided into two groups:
- absolute (individual intolerance to the components of the drug);
- relative (pregnancy, lactation, tendency to allergies).
There is also a possibility of suppression of the normal microflora of the nasal mucosa with the development of dysbacteriosis. This is often the main reason why patients are wary of taking antibiotics, especially if they are prescribed to a child.
Isofra - an analogue of any nasal spray?
Some people confuse Isofra spray with the more general concept of “nasal spray”. However, this is absolutely not true.
In terms of the active substance in its composition, Isofra has no analogues. After all, a nasal spray is just a specific way of spraying a solution into the nose, and not the name of the medicine.
But still, Isofra has similar drugs in the pharmacological group:
It is the doctor’s task to decide on the selection of a specific remedy. After all, although they all belong to the same group of medications and contain the same main active ingredient, each medicine is active against a specific number of microorganisms to ensure a more complete effect in the treatment of sinusitis.
In general, you must always remember that there are no harmless drugs. Isofra spray is beneficial, but only when there is really a need to take it. Moreover, in a strictly prescribed dosage and with an optimal duration of treatment. In addition, you should not self-medicate and succumb to the persuasion of advertising or the advice of loved ones.
only to be carried out by a doctor!
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Isofra - antibiotic nasal spray
Isofra is a drug with an antibacterial effect, which is used for topical use in ENT practice. This spray is successfully used for various diseases of the upper respiratory tract caused by a bacterial infection. The drug is produced by the well-known international pharmaceutical company Laboratories Bouchara Recordati.
What's in it
The active substance of the spray, which determines its effect, is the antibiotic - framicerin. One milliliter of spray contains 12.5 mg, which corresponds to 8000 IU.
In addition to framycetrin, the drug also contains auxiliary components, namely: sodium chloride, purified citric acid, sodium citrate and methylparaben.
What effect does the drug have?
Framycetrin belongs to the group of aminoglycoside antibiotics. It exhibits a bactericidal effect against most gram-negative and gram-positive microbes, which most often cause respiratory diseases. Resistance to the drug develops rather slowly and insignificantly.
At the same time, enterococci, streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Providence, some types of staphylococcus, anaerobic bacteria, rickettsia, chlamydia and mycoplasma remain immune to the action of the drug. Therefore, for the most effective treatment with Isofra, it is necessary to establish the causative agent of the disease.
When used as a nasal spray, Framycetrin has no systemic effects on the body.
Isofra is prescribed for the treatment of various infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract:
- sinusitis;
- rhinopharyngitis;
- rhinitis.
Most often, the medicine is an integral part of complex therapy for these diseases, but in mild cases of the disease it can be used in monotherapy.
The spray is also widely used after surgical interventions to prevent the development of bacterial infection of the respiratory tract.
Is the spray effective for sinusitis?
Isofra is one of the most popular topical antibiotic nasal products. Quite often the drug is called antibiotic nasal drops, which is not entirely true, since the medicine is only available in spray form. This form of release ensures ease of use and accurate dosing of the product.
The drug is highly therapeutically effective in the treatment of bacterial sinusitis. Getting directly into the site of inflammation, it creates high concentrations of the antibiotic framicetrin in the mucous membrane of the nose and paranasal sinuses, which ensures the effectiveness of the medicine.
In the initial stages of bacterial sinusitis, Isofra allows you to avoid the systemic use of antibacterial agents, but in most cases it is used as part of complex therapy as an adjuvant that enhances the effectiveness of treatment.
It must be borne in mind that if sinusitis is viral, allergic or fungal, the medicine will be completely ineffective. Therefore, it is very important that Isofra for sinusitis is prescribed by an otolaryngologist after determining the cause of the disease.
The drug has almost no contraindications. It can be included in the treatment regimens of almost all patients with bacterial diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The only exceptions are patients with hypersensitivity to framicetrin, any aminoglycoside antibiotic, or to the auxiliary components of the drug. In addition, the spray is not used to treat children under one year old, pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Side effects
Isofra is very well tolerated and has almost no side effects. In rare cases, in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the product, allergic manifestations may develop:
Recommendations for use
Isofra for sinusitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract is used only as prescribed by a doctor. In this case, the doctor will indicate how often and how to use the medicine correctly.
During treatment, you should adhere to the following recommendations:
- Before you start using the product, you need to read the instructions for the medicine;
- for adult patients, it is usually recommended to perform 1 spray of the spray 4-6 times a day in each nostril;
- for children, the medicine is used no more than 3 times a day;
- during injection, the head must be slightly tilted forward, and the bottle with Isofra must be held vertically to ensure that the drug is sprayed in the form of a spray and not a stream;
- before using Isofra, you should clear the nasal passages of accumulated mucus using saline drops or spray;
- the use of vasoconstrictor drops is allowed for severe swelling of the nasal mucosa;
- the duration of treatment can be 10 days, however, if there is no improvement after a week of using the drug, you should consult a doctor to adjust the therapy;
- It is prohibited to rinse the sinuses with the drug.
It should be borne in mind that long-term use of Isofra can cause the development of resistance of microorganisms, as well as cause dysbacteriosis.
Use in pregnant and breastfeeding women
Safety studies of Isofra use in pregnant and breastfeeding women have not been conducted. Due to the possible toxic effect on the cochleovestibular apparatus of the fetus, the use of the spray for the treatment of pregnant women is not recommended.
Framycetrin has the ability to pass into breast milk, so during lactation it is better to give preference to another remedy for treating the disease or to stop breastfeeding for the period of treatment.
Use in pediatrics
Isofra is approved for use in children over 1 year of age.
Drug interactions
At the moment there is no information about drug interactions between the drug. However, before starting treatment, you should inform your doctor about all prescription and over-the-counter medications you are using to prevent possible negative effects.
Benefits of using Isofra
The use of Isofra in the treatment of diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses has its advantages:
- allows you to avoid the need for systemic use of antibiotics or reduce their dose;
- the active component of the drug goes directly to the site of inflammation, where it exerts its effect;
- there is practically no systemic effect on the body;
- ease of use;
- uniform distribution and accuracy of dosing of the drug due to the spray form.
Isofra for sinusitis: effects and recommendations for use
High therapeutic activity is possible only if the instructions for use are followed and after adequate medical diagnosis. Considering that it belongs to the group of antibiotics, self-medication with the drug is not allowed.
Features of impact and composition
The drug Isofra belongs to the group of aminoglycoside antibiotics for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the hearing and respiratory organs in chronic or acute forms. After contact with the mucous membranes, it is quickly absorbed into epithelial structures, the active components penetrate into the systemic bloodstream. Under the influence of the spray, the production of proteins responsible for inflammation slows down.
The drug has high therapeutic activity against many bacterial agents, with the exception of streptococci and anaerobic infections. Isofra spray is ineffective for allergic rhinitis. The active component of the drug is the substance framycetin sulfate - 12.5 mg in 1 ml. The secondary components of Isofra are:
- sodium chloride;
- citric acid;
- purified water;
- methyl parahydroxybenzoate.
Treatment of sinusitis with Isofra can bring good results only at the initial stage of the pathological process. With local limited use of Isofra against the background of sinusitis, the risk of side effects is reduced, the risks of secondary infection and deterioration of the general condition are reduced. An antibacterial spray is prescribed 4-5 days after the onset of the first symptoms of the disease, when the mucous secretion thickens, changes to a greenish tint, and bursting pain occurs in the frontal sinuses.
Main contraindications
In addition to the pronounced antibacterial effect against the background of inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity, the drug Isofra has a number of contraindications:
- pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- intolerance to any components of the drug;
- serious diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract (including functional disorders);
- early childhood and neonatal period;
- complicated neurological history;
- allergic reactions to drugs from the aminoglycoside group.
The obvious negative effects on the fetus during pregnancy in relation to the nasal spray have not been reliably studied. But, given that Isofra belongs to the aminoglycoside group of antibiotics, the drug is not recommended due to the risk of side effects during pregnancy and feeding a child.
The combined use of Isofra spray with drugs from the group of muscle relaxants, atropines, anticholinergics and ganglion blockers is inappropriate. This combination can cause complications in patients with existing neurological disorders.
Directions for use and dosage
Before using the medicine, it is necessary to prepare the nasal cavities for the procedure. To do this, you should carry out a number of simple manipulations:
- abundant rinsing of the nose with saline solutions;
- removal of crusts, mucous secretions (alternate nose blowing, aspiration procedures);
- treatment of mucous membranes with a solution of Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin.
The medicinal composition is injected alternately into the cleansed nasal passages, according to the age dosage:
- Adult patients and children over 12 years old - 1 spray in each nostril 5-6 times a day.
- Children from 3 years old - 1 injection 3-4 times a day.
For sinusitis or sinusitis, combination therapy is used with the simultaneous administration of several drugs at once.
The frequency of daily injections, the duration of the treatment course and other recommendations can only be given by the attending physician. When starting treatment, you should complete the entire course of therapy without interruption. In case of inadequate use of an antibiotic, a secondary inflammatory process and other complications of sinusitis may occur.
Undesirable consequences
Considering the local use of the antibacterial drug Isofra for sinusitis, the occurrence of side effects is doubtful. Overdose and other serious consequences are practically excluded when used correctly. Confirmed facts of side effects are allergic reactions in the form of swelling, itching, local reactions (redness, pinpoint rash on the face).
Inappropriate use of Isofra or non-compliance with doctor's recommendations may lead to a decrease in the sensitivity of some strains to the drug. The efficiency will be noticeably reduced. Before use, you must read the instructions for use, storage conditions and periods.
Isofra - treatment of sinusitis with nasal spray
Treatment of sinusitis often involves prescribing antibacterial therapy. As a rule, isofra is used for sinusitis as part of a complex treatment, as a local antibacterial drug.
It has undergone many clinical trials, where its high effectiveness has been confirmed; there are also positive reviews about the use of the product from practicing specialists.
Appearance and composition of the drug
Isofra is available in an opaque bottle with a volume of 15 ml. In addition to it, there is a nozzle for uniform distribution of the substance in the nasal cavity. The dispenser allows you to get the required volume of antibiotic with each use.
This medicine is a nasal spray, since it is this method of irrigation of the mucous membrane that is most effective in the treatment of sinusitis.
The active substance in isofra includes an antibiotic of the aminoglycoside group - framycetin sulfate, which is effective in suppressing gram-positive and gram-negative flora, that is, it covers a wide range of possible pathogenic microorganisms.
This fact makes it possible to use the spray until the results of a sensitivity study of the bacterial flora are clarified.
- The use of such a remedy is possible only with the appearance of signs of a bacterial infection;
- It is pointless to carry out a course to treat a common runny nose or a viral infection with the drug isofra;
- To clarify the need to use a spray, you should consult your doctor.
How to use correctly?
Before injection, you should clear your nose of accumulated mucus by rinsing with furatsilin solution or sea salt. In case of severe swelling, you can use vasoconstrictor drops to improve access to the maxillary sinuses.
An adult needs to inject the product one dose 4 to 6 times a day, and children - no more than three times a day.
The duration of the course is from 7 to 10 days. The bottle must be in an upright position during use.
Since isofra is an antibiotic, it is very important to strictly follow the recommendations written in the instructions. You should not make the common mistake of stopping use of the drug when clinical improvement occurs, which is often observed after 3–5 days of therapy.
Isofra should also not be considered as ordinary drops for the common cold. Using this remedy from time to time or for less than 7 days will lead to the pathogenic flora becoming accustomed to the active substance and the absence of further effect from the treatment.
If you continue to inject the spray for more than 10 days, a fungal infection may develop.
The absence of positive dynamics within 5 days in an adult and 3 days in a child indicates the need to revise the treatment regimen.
Who needs isofra?
The use of the drug is recommended for the following diseases:
- Sinusitis (including sinusitis), in the absence of a violation of the integrity of the nasal septum;
- Chronic rhinitis (except allergic);
- Prevention and treatment of complications after nasal surgery;
- Other bacterial infections of the nasal cavity.
Despite the fact that the drug has not undergone rigorous clinical studies for use in pregnant women, many experts allow the use of Isofra for the treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy, citing the fact that the local effect does not apply to the entire body and has minimal effect on the fetus.
However, the drug is not prescribed for sinusitis as a monotherapeutic agent. The effectiveness of isofra is much more pronounced when the disease is treated comprehensively.
Who should not use Isofra?
An absolute contraindication to the use of the drug is intolerance to the active substance, that is, an allergic reaction to antibiotics of the aminoglycoside group.
There are no studies on the effect of this drug in children under one year old, or during breastfeeding. Therefore, the use of isofra for sinusitis in this category of patients is not recommended. It should also be used with caution by people prone to allergic reactions.
Benefits of isofra in the treatment of sinusitis
- Significantly fewer side effects compared to the use of antibacterial therapy in the form of tablets;
- The active substance goes directly to the site of inflammation without loss and in the required quantity;
- Ease of use for preschool children;
- Reducing the number of tablets during complex therapy, which means reducing the load on the excretory organs - kidneys and liver;
- Uniform distribution of the active substance.
Which is better: Isofra or Polydex?
Isofra has no analogues in terms of its active substance. However, there are other topical agents containing antibiotics.
Such a drug is Polydex with phenylephrine. It contains several active components:
- Dexamethasone, which has anti-inflammatory properties;
- Phenylephrine for vasoconstriction;
- And two antibiotics: neomycin sulfate and polymyxin B sulfate.
So which drug is better to choose for the treatment of sinusitis? It should be noted that Polydexa with phenylephrine is a complex remedy, which means that it acts much stronger and more extensively. But in addition, it has a much wider range of contraindications.
The indications for use and side effects of both drugs are similar, so if, in addition to a viral infection, you need to relieve nasal congestion, you should choose Polydex.
If there is no nasal congestion and you only need to deal with bacteria, choose isofra.
These drugs have different active ingredients and act on completely different microorganisms. Those bacteria that can be destroyed with polydex may be absolutely not susceptible to isophra and vice versa.
Therefore, if you have doubts about the choice of medicine and you do not know the cause of the disease, it is advisable to undergo diagnostics.
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Isofra for sinusitis (reviews)
In today's publication we will talk about how Isofra works for sinusitis. Reviews about this medicine are often positive, as it is suitable for adults and children.
Colds, flu, and viral infections await us at every turn during the cold season. The most vulnerable place during this period is the upper respiratory tract. In this case, Isofra, an antibiotic in the form of a spray, can help.
The main active ingredient of the drug, framycetin, can cope with most microbes. It fights the cause of the disease, rather than temporarily eliminating its symptoms.
The instructions for use say that the medicine can be used to treat rhinitis, sinusitis, adenoids, pharyngitis, sinusitis and in the period after surgical intervention in the respiratory tract.
Isofra for sinusitis
Isofra is a topical antibacterial medication. After using it, the main symptoms of ENT diseases disappear: swelling of the nasal passages subsides, the amount of discharge, including purulent, is reduced, the process of inflammation subsides, due to which the nasal mucosa returns to its normal state.
The main advantages of the drug include:
- no negative impact on the body;
- the positive effect of use occurs after just a few injections;
- the product can be used to treat children from an early age;
- does not cause irritation to the nasal mucosa;
- the price is acceptable for any patient. The cost of the medicine varies from 150 to 180 rubles.
The main recommendation for using the drug is the rule of how to properly drip Isofra:
- adults are prescribed one injection 5 times a day;
- for the treatment of children, the spray is used three times a day;
- the product is used daily, but not more than 7 days;
- Due to the fact that Isofra is not a nasal drop, but a spray, the injection dose is limited. This avoids overdose;
- when treating sinusitis, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the nasal passages using warm water. You can use saline solution;
- The spray cannot be used during pregnancy and lactation. It is especially dangerous to use the drug in the 1st and 2nd trimester, as well as in the last stages, at 37 weeks of pregnancy. In the 3rd trimester, the medication can be used only on the recommendation of a doctor and if the benefit to the mother is greater than the harm to the child. The product contains substances that can lead to the development of deafness in the fetus.
Important tips also include the use of analogues and additional means:
- Many consider Polydex to be an analogue of Isofra (reviews for sinusitis are often written about it). However, this is not quite true. The drug is also an antibiotic, but contains two substances. In this regard, it has more contraindications. At the same time, it is safe for children and adults prone to allergic reactions. Therefore, what is better to use, Polydex or Isofra, the doctor will be able to tell after studying the clinical picture.
- An analogue of the medicine under discussion is Bioporox. It can handle a lot of germs. Helps clear sinuses and nasal cavity.
- For purulent sinusitis and preoperative adenoids, it is recommended to use two drugs together - Rinofluimucil and Isofra. The first helps relieve swelling, reduce snot secretion, and cleanse the mucous membrane. The second acts as an antibacterial agent. This combination cures the disease much faster.
After reading about exudative diathesis, you will know how to deal with it.
Reviews from doctors about the spray are positive.
Isofra is a nasal medication containing an antibiotic. The medicine has a bactericidal effect. The drug is prescribed if there is no effect from other nasal medications. The spray is safe for children over one year old, as it is not absorbed into the blood and does not harm the child’s body. The main contraindications include pregnancy, lactation, and individual intolerance to the components.
Isofra is an excellent remedy for serious ENT diseases, including purulent sinusitis. The medicine quickly copes with the cause of the disease, relieving the main symptoms.
Even more information about the use of the drug and its analogues can be found in the following video
To quickly overcome vesicular stomatitis, read our publication on its treatment.
Nasal spray: isofra - an effective medicine
Sinusitis is an unpleasant disease caused by purulent inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. Antibiotics are often used for treatment. Isofra for sinusitis is a drug used in addition to the main treatment.
Isofra is available in a plastic bottle with a spray cap.
It allows you to evenly dose and distribute the product onto the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Volume 15 ml. Isofra belongs to the category of sprays and is actively used by specialists, as it is the most convenient way to influence pathogenic microbes and bacteria.
The active ingredient of isofra is the antibiotic framycetin sulfate. It is able to influence gamma-positive and gamma-negative bacteria that cause sinusitis and stop their reproduction.
Prescribed for diseases:
- Sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis and other inflammations of the upper respiratory tract
- Treatment of inflammatory complications in the postoperative period
Isofra for sinusitis has a number of positive features.
- Almost complete absence of adverse reactions in the body
- Precision of impact on affected areas of mucous membranes
- Rapid penetration into the lesion
- Ease of use for children
- Possibility of eliminating the use of drugs in tablets
Isofra is not used for nasal rinsing; the drug is considered to be of little effectiveness against anaerobic microbes or pneumococci.
How to use correctly?
Like any drug, isofra has its own application characteristics that must be observed to achieve a good effect.
➡ Cleansing the nasal passages
Before using isofra, it is necessary to clear the nasal passages of any mucus that has formed. You can use pharmaceutical products. A solution of furatsilin or drops with sea salt do a good job. If the nasal cavity is blocked and breathing is difficult, it is necessary to use vasoconstrictors.
The use of drops for sinusitis is reduced to injecting the medicine according to the instructions. Isofra is administered 1 drop 4-5 times a day; for children the dose should be reduced to 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment should last no more than a week. After this period, you should not use isofra. If a person does not feel a visible effect, the specialist should begin to select alternative methods of treatment.
After instillation of the nose, the person needs to take a horizontal position or tilt his head back slightly so that Isofra spray can penetrate deeper and act on the most distant areas. If you experience a burning sensation or a desire to sneeze, you can lightly squeeze your nose and massage.
Contraindications and side effects
Isofra is considered a safe topical agent. But the use of drops must be carried out according to the instructions.
Frequent signs of the negative effects of isofra on humans are allergic reactions to the components of the drops and burning in the nasal passages.
Use not recommended:
- Individual intolerance to the components of the drug
- Pregnancy and lactation
- Children under 2 years of age
- Kidney diseases
- Nervous system diseases
- Disturbances in the functioning of the hearing aid
Isofra should be used with caution in combination with other drugs containing antibiotics. Before use, read the instructions.
Isofra or Polydex?
In modern medicine, there are many antibiotic nasal sprays. Only the attending physician can prescribe medicine. It is also not advisable to select analogues yourself. Speaking about isofra, it is worth saying that there are no drugs similar in composition. You can use products with a similar principle of action.
Drops for the treatment of sinusitis called Polydex can be considered similar in effect to isofra. It is impossible to say exactly what is better. The active substance is different, and therefore the effect on harmful microorganisms is different.
The range of action of polydex is much wider. It contains three components that have an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect for sinusitis. Drops can also be used as a vasoconstrictor. The side effects of the drug are almost the same, therefore, if complex treatment of sinusitis is necessary, you should opt for Polydex.
There is also no clear opinion on what is more effective in treating sinusitis, Isofra or Polydex. To select a medicine, it is necessary to undergo tests and accurately determine the microbes that cause sinusitis.
Isofra during pregnancy
It is not advisable for pregnant women to use isofra for sinusitis. Despite the minimum of contraindications, the spray contains antibiotic components that penetrate into the cells and bloodstream. There are a number of caveats that you need to pay attention to.
- Use Isofra only when the risk of developing the disease outweighs the risk of impact on the fetus
- Do not take isofra in the 1st trimester of pregnancy
- Choose the minimum dose and strictly follow your doctor’s recommendations
- Do not take more than one drug containing an antibiotic during the period of illness.
The use of isofra for sinusitis is contraindicated during lactation, since the components of the drops are toxic and can negatively affect the physical condition of the child and cause disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.
Use of isofra in children
It is permissible to treat sinusitis in children with isofra drops under the supervision of a pediatrician. Before using the spray, you need to check the child’s reaction to tolerance to the components.
To do this, 1 drop of isofra solution is injected into each nasal passage. If within half an hour there are no signs of burning, irritation of the mucous membrane, itching or an allergic reaction, the use of isofra can be continued.
The dosage of isofra for sinusitis is prescribed to a child at the rate of 1 drop 2-3 times a day. The period of use, as for adults, should not exceed 7 days.
Isofra is a spray containing an antibiotic, therefore its use during an exacerbation of sinusitis must comply with the instructions in the instructions. Drops of this kind cannot be discontinued arbitrarily without completing the course of treatment; drug withdrawal syndrome may occur and the patient’s condition will sharply worsen.
A common mistake people make is using isofra as a remedy for nasal congestion. Such use can lead to the adaptation of inflamed mucous membranes to the medicine and the cessation of the action of the antibiotics included in the isofra.
Following the rules for using the medicine, we can say for sure that isofra helps with sinusitis with minimal side effects on the body as a whole.
The child goes to kindergarten and often catches a cold. The latter illness was accompanied by severe mucous formations in the nose. A diagnosis of early stage sinusitis was made. They prescribed isofra. The drug quickly helped cure the child. The bottle with a nozzle is easy to use even for children.
I suffer from chronic sinusitis. I tried to treat with folk remedies, but it took a long time to see the effect. They recommended Isofra nasal drops. They contain an antibiotic that acts on germs in the nose. In 4 days I got rid of swelling and mucus discharge. I recommend this drug to everyone.
Isofra for sinusitis instructions
Isofra for sinusitis: reviews and treatment
This medicine is available as a spray and nasal drops. The spray bottle is equipped with a special delivery device, making the use of the drug very convenient. In addition to sinusitis, Isofra is also prescribed for infected rhinitis and nasopharyngitis, as well as after surgical treatment to prevent infection in the respiratory tract.
The use of isofra for sinusitis
Isofra for sinusitis should be used only after irrigating the nasal mucosa with vasoconstrictor drops. The dosage of the drug for adults is 4-6 doses per day (one dose equals one injection), for children – 3 doses per day.
Isofra is an alternative to oral antibiotics, which avoids such unpleasant consequences of systemic antibiotic therapy as the development of dysbiosis. However, in any case, only an otolaryngologist can adequately assess whether this drug is suitable and whether only local use of antibiotics will be sufficient.
You should know that this drug cannot be used for more than 10 days, since against the background of a decrease in local immunity, the development of fungal inflammation is possible.
“My daughter is only one and a half years old. Recently, after a prolonged cold, signs of incipient sinusitis appeared. Our pediatrician said that we need to prescribe antibiotics and suggested starting with a local drug - Isofra. To my great joy, after a couple of days the amount of purulent discharge decreased significantly and the temperature returned to normal!”
Alla, 32 years old, Kostroma:
Prices for Isofra vary from 200 to 250 rubles, depending on the form of release and the region.
Isofra - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and release forms (nasal spray 1.25% nasal drops) of a medicinal product for the treatment of sinusitis in adults, children and pregnancy based on the antibiotic Framycetin
Isofra is an antibiotic from the group of aminoglycosides for topical use in otorhinolaryngology. Acts bactericidal. Active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria that cause the development of infectious processes in the upper respiratory tract.
Framycetin sulfate + excipients.
Pharmacokinetic studies of Isofra have not been conducted due to low systemic absorption.
As part of combination therapy for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, including:
Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Adequate and strictly controlled clinical studies of the safety of the use of Isofra during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) have not been conducted.
Isofra - treatment of sinusitis with nasal spray
Treatment of sinusitis often involves prescribing antibacterial therapy. As a rule, isofra is used for sinusitis as part of a complex treatment, as a local antibacterial drug.
It has undergone many clinical trials, where its high effectiveness has been confirmed; there are also positive reviews about the use of the product from practicing specialists.
Isofra is available in an opaque bottle with a volume of 15 ml. In addition to it, there is a nozzle for uniform distribution of the substance in the nasal cavity. The dispenser allows you to get the required volume of antibiotic with each use.
The active substance in isofra includes an antibiotic of the aminoglycoside group - framycetin sulfate, which is effective in suppressing gram-positive and gram-negative flora, that is, it covers a wide range of possible pathogenic microorganisms.
Preparation before the procedure.
Before injection, you should clear your nose of accumulated mucus by rinsing with furatsilin solution or sea salt. In case of severe swelling, you can use vasoconstrictor drops to improve access to the maxillary sinuses.
The absence of positive dynamics within 5 days in an adult and 3 days in a child indicates the need to revise the treatment regimen.
The use of the drug is recommended for the following diseases:
Despite the fact that the drug has not undergone rigorous clinical studies for use in pregnant women, many experts allow the use of Isofra for the treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy. citing the fact that the local effect does not extend to the entire body and has minimal effect on the fetus.
However, the drug is not prescribed for sinusitis as a monotherapeutic agent. The effectiveness of isofra is much more pronounced when the disease is treated comprehensively.
There are no studies on the effect of this drug in children under one year old, or during breastfeeding. Therefore, the use of isofra for sinusitis in this category of patients is not recommended. It should also be used with caution by people prone to allergic reactions.
Benefits of isofra in the treatment of sinusitis
Isofra has no analogues in terms of its active substance. However, there are other topical agents containing antibiotics.
The indications for use and side effects of both drugs are similar, so if, in addition to a viral infection, you need to relieve nasal congestion, you should choose Polydex.
It should be noted that the bacterial flora listed above is rarely the cause of rhinitis, as well as inflammation of the maxillary sinuses (sinusitis) that develops against it. Therefore, Isofra spray in most cases effectively treats runny nose of certain nosological forms, including in children, and is actively prescribed by ENT doctors, therapists and pediatricians.
Before you continue reading: If you are looking for an effective method of getting rid of a runny nose, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis or colds, then be sure to look at this section of the site after reading this article. This information has helped so many people, we hope it will help you too! So, now back to the article.
The instructions for the drug Isofra, as well as the instructions for any other drug, describe in detail the pharmacological action, indications, contraindications and possible adverse reactions. Among the latter are allergies and dysbiosis - the main reason for patients’ wariness regarding antibiotics, especially if they are prescribed to children. Therefore, when purchasing a drug, reviews from those who have already used the medicine are of no less interest to parents than the instructions in the instructions and the doctor’s recommendations.
This makes a certain sense, but you need to understand that reviews on forums cannot in any way serve as a guide to action, just like instructions. Whether Isofra is suitable or not for treating children (or adults), only a doctor can decide.
Doctors usually prescribe Isofra spray if a runny nose is accompanied by certain symptoms, focusing on tests and the nature of mucous discharge.
The duration of treatment with Isofra is no more than 10 days, but after 2-3 days, if there is no improvement in the patient’s condition, it makes sense to think about changing the medication.
What do you need to remember and understand if your doctor recommended treatment with Isofra?
First of all, you need to carefully consider the information that the instructions provide about Isofra. Let's start with the form of the drug.
Nasal drops or spray - what to choose?
If you look for Isofra drops in pharmacies, your search will not be successful. Isofra is sprayed into the nose using a special dispenser, which is placed on the bottle with the solution. This method of application ensures ease of use, uniform spraying of microparticles of the active substance into the nasal cavity, as well as penetration of the antibiotic into hard-to-reach areas.
Some people think the drops are safer for young children than the spray. This is wrong. Moreover, putting drops into the nose is inconvenient for both a child and an adult. If you do this while standing, then you don’t have to think about any exact dose: part of the solution flows back out, and part flows into the larynx and is swallowed.
When spraying Isofra spray, it enters the nose in a strictly dosed manner and acts “at its destination.” This provides a pronounced therapeutic effect, thanks to which the medicine is popular among doctors and patients. While when instilled, the drops “work” are not nearly as flawless. That is why manufacturers of the drug limit themselves to releasing it in spray form.
Isofra for children - reviews from parents and recommendations from doctors
Isofra for children: instructions - a guide for literate parents
It occasionally happens that even a medicine prescribed on the recommendation of a pediatrician or children's ENT doctor turns out to be ineffective. The instructions help to navigate the effectiveness of Isofra for children. In general, reading the instructions for any medicine is useful and correct. If you carefully study the method of use, you will not use the drug for more than a week if there is no noticeable effect from the treatment.
Moreover, if the first three days of therapy have not made significant changes in the child’s condition (rhinitis does not go away, and sometimes worsens), this should be brought to the attention of the doctor. It is quite possible that he will decide to change the drug. Please note: this medicine is not recommended for use in children without a doctor’s prescription.
We buy Isofra for children: price is not a priority, but one of the advantages
Like absolutely any medicine, Isofra during pregnancy is prescribed only by a doctor and only if the benefit from it significantly outweighs the risk to the health of the mother and fetus. The doctor may decide to treat a pregnant woman with Isofra if there is a possibility that rhinitis will develop into sinusitis or other sinusitis. These diseases are much more dangerous during pregnancy than the drug itself, especially since it is used topically. The only absolute contraindication is allergies. But this applies to any antibiotic, and not only during pregnancy.
Solving this issue, like the issue of using any medicine, is the doctor’s task. Both drugs contain antibacterial active substances, however, it is impossible to say that Isofra is an analogue of Polydex.
Firstly, Polydex contains two antibiotics: polymyxin B and neomycin. Each of them is active against certain groups of microorganisms; as a result, their combined action provides a more complete effect in the treatment of infectious rhinitis.
Isofra - an analogue of any nasal spray?
No and no again. Nasal spray is not the name of the medicine, but a special form for spraying a solution into the nose.
You also need to understand that with advanced sinusitis, Isofra alone is not enough: the use of the drug must be combined with other methods of complex treatment.
You can buy Isofra at a regular pharmacy: the price of the drug is low, and it is available with a doctor’s prescription. You can also use the extremely popular services of online pharmacies today. In this case, all information about the drug: instructions, price, availability can be obtained directly online.
When searching for a medicine on online resources, the price may vary depending on the markups of intermediaries, as well as on the principle of operation of the service. Often, when delivering Isofra, the price partially includes payment for this service.
. “No matter how much we tried to treat his nose before, my husband’s sinusitis kept getting worse whenever he caught a cold or became hypothermic. In winter, spring, autumn there is always trouble. It was easier in the summer, we went to the seaside, it seemed like everyone wouldn’t get sick. But I got sick again and again. And they made punctures and tried a whole bunch of different injections - nothing helped. Now we are being treated with Isofra and everything has passed. Still, a runny nose needs to be treated with antibiotics, I understand that now.”
. “Not every runny nose can be treated with Isofra. The medicine helps well when the cause of a runny nose is bacteria. And if you have an allergic runny nose or an acute respiratory viral infection, you will not be saved by this remedy, you will only do harm.”
The article above and comments written by readers are for informational purposes only and do not encourage self-medication. Consult a specialist regarding your own symptoms and illnesses. When taking any medicine, you should always use the instructions that come with the medicine and your doctor's advice as a guide.
Instructions for using Isofra spray
The consumer is concerned: “Can the manufacturer be trusted?” Judge for yourself: the company has existed since 1926, registered in France, but has its headquarters in Milan. About four thousand employees work on the creation of drugs and their analogues. Specialization - in cardiovascular drugs and therapeutic drugs for the urinary system.
There are sales offices in Western and Eastern Europe.
The created drug “Isofra” for children and adults is not specialized for the company (as well as “Polydex” produced by this company), but meets modern requirements.
Release form and composition
Isofra nasal spray for the treatment of chronic sinusitis is available in 15 ml bottles. with dispenser. Each ml of nasal solution contains 12.5 mg of the antibiotic framycetin. There is no drug "Isofra" in the form of nasal drops.
Framycetin belongs to the aminoglycoside group of antibiotics with a broad spectrum of action against bacteria that cause inflammation in the upper respiratory tract. This is the most harmless group in terms of increased sensitivity of the body.
“Isofra” for children, as well as for adult patients, is indicated for nasal use for rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, chronic sinusitis, in the complex treatment of conditions after surgical interventions in the nasopharynx (removal of adenoids, correction of the nasal septum, removal of nasal polyps, puncture of the maxillary sinus).
The difference in the use of the spray for children and adults is the frequency of injections: adults are recommended 5-6 injections per day, children 2-3. Pediatricians recommend that parents refrain from using Isofra on their own. Despite the course of treatment, if there is no improvement in the child’s condition after three days of use, you should consider replacing the spray.
How to properly inject
The use of the drug should be carried out only in consultation with the attending physician.
Very often, with improper treatment of colds or viral diseases, especially with reduced immunity, symptoms such as constant pain and heaviness in the head, especially in the cheekbones, severe nasal congestion, loss of smell, and increased body temperature appear. These are signs of such an unpleasant disease as sinusitis. Since the main cause of the development of this disease is the addition of bacterial flora, treatment of sinusitis cannot be done without antibiotics.
Isofra is a modern antibiotic from the group of aminoglycosides (active ingredient - framycetin), produced in the form of a solution for topical use. Isofra for sinusitis gives a very good result, since the most common pathogens of sinusitis are highly sensitive to this drug.
An important advantage of the drug is the possibility of its use in children aged 1 year and older, so very often pediatricians prescribe Isofra for sinusitis. Feedback from pediatricians about the use of this drug is only positive, since in uncomplicated sinusitis the effect occurs very quickly, which in most cases allows avoiding the systemic use of antibiotics. In addition, the form of release of the drug makes its use very comfortable even for the smallest patients.
The advantages of the drug have led otolaryngologists to increasingly prescribe Isofra for sinusitis.
Patient reviews about the use of this medicine:
Elena, 31 years old, Rostov-on-Don:
Anastasia, 25 years old, Moscow:
“Very pleased with Isofra! I very often have sinusitis (the doctor said that this is due to a nasal injury suffered in childhood and a deviated nasal septum). Almost every winter I suffer from this unpleasant disease. And when I found out about the drug Isofra, I immediately decided to try it, and was so pleased that at the first signs of beginning sinusitis, I now immediately drip Isofra, and recently I have practically not done any punctures or rinses!”
“The pediatrician prescribed Isofra for my daughter for sinusitis. At first I doubted it, because I know that antibiotics must be used in the treatment of sinusitis. But then I found out that Isofra is also an antibiotic, only local. Dropped into the nose after Nazol. And after a few days there was no more discharge, and no more fever!”
Useful materials on the topic:
Appearance and composition of the drug
This medicine is a nasal spray, since it is this method of irrigation of the mucous membrane that is most effective in the treatment of sinusitis.
This fact makes it possible to use the spray until the results of a sensitivity study of the bacterial flora are clarified.
How to use correctly?
An adult needs to inject one dose 4 to 6 times a day. and for children - no more than three times a day.
The duration of the course is from 7 to 10 days. The bottle must be in an upright position during use.
Since isofra is an antibiotic, it is very important to strictly follow the recommendations written in the instructions. You should not make the common mistake of stopping use of the drug when clinical improvement occurs, which is often observed after 3–5 days of therapy.
Isofra should also not be considered as ordinary drops for the common cold. Using this remedy from time to time or for less than 7 days will lead to the pathogenic flora becoming accustomed to the active substance and the absence of further effect from the treatment.
If you continue to inject the spray for more than 10 days, a fungal infection may develop.
Who needs isofra?
Who should not use Isofra?
An absolute contraindication to the use of the drug is intolerance to the active substance, that is, an allergic reaction to antibiotics of the aminoglycoside group.
Which is better: Isofra or Polydex?
Such a drug is Polydex with phenylephrine. It contains several active components:
So which drug is better to choose for the treatment of sinusitis? It should be noted that Polydexa with phenylephrine is a complex remedy, which means that it acts much stronger and more extensively. But in addition, it has a much wider range of contraindications.
If there is no nasal congestion and you only need to deal with bacteria, choose isofra.
These drugs have different active ingredients and act on completely different microorganisms. Those bacteria that can be destroyed with polydex may be absolutely not susceptible to isophra and vice versa.
Therefore, if you have doubts about the choice of medicine and you do not know the cause of the disease, it is advisable to undergo diagnostics.
The competition of pharmaceutical companies in sales markets is beneficial to consumers, because it forces them to work on new drugs, give them a convenient form for use, and look for analogues. One of these tools is presented by the French company Lab. Bacchara-Recordati. Instructions for use of Isofra are always included in the package and require study.
Are there analogues of the drug "Isofra"?
Some people mistakenly consider Polidex nasal spray to be an analogue. These are different drugs in composition: Polidexa includes other antibiotics (polymyxin B and neomycin), the hormonal anti-inflammatory drug dexamethasone and a vasoconstrictor component. Therefore, this drug is prescribed in more complex cases of nasopharyngeal diseases; by all indications, it cannot be considered an analogue.
Indications for use
As is known, the main causes of sinusitis are considered to be influenza viruses, respiratory infections, and herpes. But antibiotics do not work on viruses. “Isofra” for sinusitis is prescribed not in the acute stage of the disease, but in a chronic process, when a bacterial infection joins a viral infection and causes rapid suppuration in the sinuses.
Bacterial flora normally lives on the mucous membranes of the nose and upper respiratory tract. When trying to cause an inflammatory process, microorganisms are destroyed by immune cells. If the protective reaction of the nose is insufficient, then pathogens win and a runny nose occurs, followed by a transition to the maxillary sinuses and larynx.
Dosage of the drug "Isofra"
To get the maximum effect of the spray, you must first apply vasoconstrictor drops or sprays such as Naphthyzin, Galazolin, Xymelin 15–20 minutes beforehand. When breathing becomes freer, try to clear the nasal passages by blowing your nose. Isofra spray is administered with the bottle in a strictly vertical position. The dispenser is first inserted into one nostril and one injection is made into the nose, then the same is repeated on the opposite side.
Do not make several injections at once. This artificially increases the dosage of the antibiotic and provokes side effects. The course of treatment with Isofra for sinusitis is no more than a week. If there is no improvement, the drug is discontinued and another one is prescribed.
The advantage of spray over drops
The drops must be instilled strictly in a supine position with the head turned to the side to ensure the passage of the medicinal solution through the winding nasal passage. This is very inconvenient for using drops on a child. The spray form can be used in any position of the patient. After injection, the baby can turn his head and move as much as he wants. Dosing drops is much more difficult.
In this article you can read the instructions for using the drug Isofra. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Isofra in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Isofra in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use of a drug based on the antibiotic Framycetin for the treatment of sinusitis and rhinitis in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Nasal spray 1.25% (sometimes mistakenly called nasal drops).
If within 7 days of treatment the therapeutic effect is absent or weak, the drug must be discontinued.
No clinically significant interactions of Isofra with other drugs have been identified.
Isofra is a nasal spray with an antibiotic effect. Myths and real possibilities.
Isofra nasal spray is a solution of the antibiotic framycetin, used for the local treatment of a runny nose of a bacterial nature and its complications: pharyngitis and sinusitis. Treatment with Isofra brings good results, however, it is inactive against B.cepacia, S.pneumoniae, S.maltophilia, like any drug from the aminoglycoside series, the same applies to some anaerobes, for example Bacteroides spp. Clostridium spp.
Isofra: instructions for use and reviews are not a basis for starting or refusing treatment. What should you be guided by?
On Internet resources you can find recommendations for the use of Isofra drops in the treatment of rhinitis in young children, but you need to remember that there is no special solution for instillation into the nose. There is no need for this: the design of the dosing device allows you to extremely accurately adhere to the dosage of the antibiotic when injecting.
Is the drug dangerous or harmless for children? Let’s make a reservation right away: you can buy Isofra for treating a child only as prescribed by a doctor. In this case, it is necessary to undergo tests for individual tolerance to the drug and the sensitivity of pathogenic bacterial flora to framycetin. In the absence of contraindications and the adequacy of the prescribed treatment, the spray for children is absolutely safe and very effective.
If some parents classify Isofra for children as a panacea for the common cold, according to other reviews of the drug, its effectiveness is low or absent. It is also likely that you will find negative reviews about the use of this drug to treat children if the medicine was used without a doctor’s prescription.
Therefore, you can rely on reviews of Isofra from parents of children who have undergone treatment only if the medicine was prescribed by a doctor. If only because the drug is not intended for the treatment of allergic rhinitis and is ineffective against resistant strains of bacteria.
It goes without saying that when buying Isofra for children, the price is the last thing parents are interested in. However, one cannot help but notice that it is quite acceptable. Also take into account the short duration of therapy: like any antibiotic, the drug is not intended for long-term use. Therefore, it is enough to buy one bottle of the drug, the price of which is affordable for any wallet.
Isofra during pregnancy: should I buy it or not?
What is better to buy: Polydex or Isofra?
Secondly, unlike Isofra, Polydex additionally contains an anticongestant - phenylephrine, which constricts the vessels of the nasal mucosa, as well as the hormone dexamethosone, which has both an anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect.
Therefore, Polydexa, if necessary, can be prescribed even to patients with a tendency to allergies, however, this medicine cannot be used for self-medication. Only focusing on the patient’s condition, his allergostatus and test results, the doctor can recommend the drug Polydexa or Isofra to the patient.
Isofra for sinusitis: correct use is a condition for the effectiveness of the prescription
It should be said that Isofra is prescribed quite often for sinusitis. However, this antibiotic can be used exclusively intranasally and only for irrigation of the nasal mucosa. The use of the drug for sinusitis as a drug for washing the maxillary sinuses during puncture is contraindicated.
When properly combined with other medicinal substances and physiotherapy, the effectiveness of Isofra increases. However, it should be remembered that it cannot be used simultaneously with antifungal ointments and solutions: the latter can neutralize the effect of the antibiotic.
Indications, contraindications and side effects
Regarding Isofra, the instructions highlight a number of nosological forms for which the drug is indicated for use. These include:
Contraindications of Isofra are divided into absolute and relative. The first includes individual intolerance to framycetin and other aminoglycosides (other components of the drug), the second includes a tendency to allergies, pregnancy, and lactation during breastfeeding. The instructions also indicate that the drug cannot be used to rinse the maxillary and other paranasal sinuses.
Before buying Isofra, it is recommended to read the instructions and pay attention to possible side effects. These include allergic reactions of various forms and inhibition of the normal microflora of the nasal mucosa with the development of dysbacteriosis.
Where and how best to purchase the drug: price and other selection criteria
A selection of reviews
Price range
The average price of Isofra is rubles.
Isofra - nasal drops
Isofra nasal drops are an antibacterial solution of framycetin. Framycetin is used for bacterial rhinitis, as well as complications associated with it.
What should you be guided by?
The instructions for use clearly show the pharmacological action of the drug, its indications, contraindications, as well as possible side effects.
Many people are concerned about the possibility of getting an allergic reaction or dysbiosis due to the use of antibiotics. Many rely on reviews found on various forums. It is important to understand that neither the reviews of other patients, nor even the instructions can be a guideline or a guide to action. Only a doctor can decide on the need to use the drug in your specific case.
Isofra nasal drops are prescribed in a ten-day course. If after a few days there is no result, then you should think about changing the product.
If your doctor recommended these particular nasal drops to you, then it is important to study the instructions in detail.
What is better to choose: nasal drops or spray? Let's try to figure it out. The fact is that spraying occurs thanks to a special dispenser, which is placed on the bottle itself. Through its use the following goals are achieved:
The statement that drops are a safer option compared to a spray is not entirely correct. On the contrary, it is much easier for both children and adults to use a spray than drops. The spray can be used in a standing position, without thinking about the exact dosage, everything happens by itself.
Pricing policy and analogues
Isofra costs within rubles. The price of the drug corresponds to its quality. Since this is an antibacterial agent, it cannot be taken for a long time, so one bottle will be enough. Analogues are often cheaper and contain similar active components, but still have differences.
Isofra has the following analogues: bioparox, vibrocil, protargol, rhinofluimucil.
During pregnancy, isofra can only be used if prescribed by a doctor and if the potential benefit outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.
Indications and contraindications
The drug is indicated in the following cases:
Separately, I would like to note the effect of the remedy for sinusitis. The drug irrigates the nasal mucosa, but it should not be used to rinse the maxillary sinuses. In addition, if we are talking about advanced chronic forms of sinusitis, then isofra alone will not be enough; the drug will need to be used in combination with other drugs.
Antifungal ointments and solutions neutralize the effect of the drug if used simultaneously!
As for contraindications, they are of two types: absolute and relative. Absolute contraindications include individual intolerance to the components of the product. Relative contraindications are:
Before purchasing the drug, you should carefully read the instructions
The drug may cause the following side effects:
Framycetin is the active component of the drug. This substance has a therapeutic effect on the tissues of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and sinuses. A characteristic feature of framycetin is its bactericidal activity.
According to experts, resistance to framycetin practically does not develop.
Isofra is available for intranasal use, that is, directly into the nasal cavity. To ensure the correct dosage, a couple of sprays should be done before first use.
When spraying, the bottle itself is held vertically, while the head must be tilted slightly forward. As for the frequency and duration of use, this should be determined by a doctor.
Adults are usually prescribed one dose up to six times a day; for children, the maximum administration of one dose should not exceed three times.
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