How often can Isofra be used?

Isofra: how often can it be used?


We've had snot for the 3rd week. we drip isofru. I have no strength anymore

Isofra is not prescribed for clear discharge, because transparent is in most cases an allergic runny nose.

Table of contents:

I alternate with Polydexa.

The meaning is one antibacterial local action.

agree with you. It’s good to alternate them

see also

We are almost 11 months old. The day before yesterday I started having a severe runny nose, today my sniffles are already yellow-greenish. At night the temperature was 38.5. The pediatrician said to take Isofra. I'm thinking, is it worth it? Still an antibiotic... For now I'm rinsing Otrivin baby.

Girls, hello! I recently wrote a post about isofra. But no one answered whether it was used in the 1st trimester and how it affected the baby. This is just the situation. 5 days ago I saw an ENT specialist and she prescribed Isofra.

Girls! Who has been prescribed Isofra drops for a child - do they help quickly? We were told that if the snot does not go away by Monday, we will need to take Isofra.

Girls, I'm confused and shocked. Since the 1st, our child has had sniffles due to teething. I called the doctor on the 2nd, she said to rinse, suction and drip influenza. That's what I did, sometimes.

Girls, what should Isofra look like? The bottle says that it is a spray, but there was no nozzle for the spray in the box and in fact these are drops. When I drip, the child doesn’t know how many drops come out. It crept in.

Girls, hello! Today we went to the ENT specialist for a check-up, were treated with protargol, Nazivin at night, Otipax, and had tubotitis. She said there is still swelling in her nose, and Isofra is dripping, she has no questions about her ears. Isofra is an antibiotic, that's it.

Please give me some advice! My daughter (she is 4.5 months old) has had snot for the second day and yesterday her temperature was 37.7. The snot is sometimes transparent, sometimes white, sometimes flows like a river, sometimes it doesn’t seem to particularly bother the child. But when she sleeps, she snores loudly. The pediatrician prescribed drips.

Girls, tell me, an ENT specialist prescribed us complex drops for a week to drip Nazivin + dexamethasone - miramestine for nasal congestion, she said that in case of exacerbations, we can drip them again! We have adenoids and it so happened that the drops helped, but after 1.5 weeks.

Both my daughter and I have had runny noses for three weeks now. At first I didn’t treat it, in the hope that it would go away on its own (by the way, our teeth were still growing, and they had a runny nose for 1.5 months). Stuffy nose.

Damn, we're sick again. 🙁 Just about 3 weeks ago we were sick, yesterday we took the last tests and again! :(( I found a well-known article about frequently ill children by Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky. So as not to lose it, I’m copying it into the post. How much.


Isofra: a drug to eliminate bacterial rhinitis

When it comes into contact with the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, Isofra creates a high concentration of the active component, which destroys the cytoplasmic membranes of bacterial cells, disrupts their normal functioning and leads to the rapid death of microorganisms. Like any medicine, Isofra has contraindications, which are listed in the instructions for use. Whether it is really necessary to take this drug is decided by the doctor in each specific case.

Composition and effect of the drug

The active component of Isofra is framycetin, which belongs to the class of aminoglycosides, so this nasal spray can be considered a local antibacterial drug.

In addition to framycetin, the product contains the following ingredients:

An antibiotic nasal spray has a broad-spectrum bactericidal effect. Inhibits the growth and vital activity of most gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms (Escherichia, Klebsiella, staphylococci, Haemophilus influenzae), which contribute to the emergence and maintenance of infectious processes in the nasopharynx.

Release form

The drug Isofra is produced in the form of a nasal spray by the French pharmaceutical company Bouchard-Recordati Laboratory. The medicine is packaged in plastic bottles made of opaque material, 15 ml in volume. The bottle is equipped with a special nozzle that sprays the drug when you press it, as well as a screw-on plastic cap.

Nasal drops or spray?

After a doctor prescribes a medicine to a patient, many people search for information about the medicine on the Internet. This may be the reason for the confusion. Many people, when looking for a review, do not fully know what to look for - drops or Isofra nasal spray, but in the instructions for the medicine everything is written clearly and clearly. The drug is available in only one form - in plastic bottles with a spray nozzle, that is, in the form of a spray.

Indications and contraindications

A medicinal solution with the antibiotic Isofra is intended for injection into the nose. Since the drug has a powerful effect, its independent administration is unacceptable - a doctor’s prescription is required. Before starting treatment, you should carefully read the instructions for use, familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications and possible adverse reactions.

Isofra nasal spray is recommended for use in the following situations:

  • in the complex treatment of all kinds of rhinitis, having different etiologies, both acute and chronic;
  • therapy of inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses (sphenoiditis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis);
  • pharyngitis complicated by symptoms of nasal congestion;
  • as a prophylactic agent after surgery in the nasal cavity to prevent the development of microbial infection.

According to the instructions for use, the intranasal drug Isofra has a list of contraindications when treatment with this solution can cause serious harm to human health.

The drug should not be used in the following cases:

  • Individual intolerance to framycetin, as well as other drugs from the group of aminoglycoside antibiotics (amikacin, neosin, gentamicin, tobramycin, kanamycin).
  • Early childhood under 1 year of age due to the risk of developing dysbacteriosis and allergic reactions to the drug.
  • The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Acute and chronic renal failure.

Isofra for children

It is not advisable to use the drug for the treatment of rhinitis of bacterial etiology in children under 12 months, since framycetin can have a negative effect on the child’s health. However, since the drug is not tested on pregnant women and children, it is impossible to speak with complete confidence about either the harm or benefit of the drug in these groups of patients.

As already mentioned, Isofra is not available in the form of nasal drops, only in spray form. Due to this, caution should be exercised when irrigating the nasal passages in childhood, since a jet of active solution supplied under pressure can damage the thin capillaries of the mucous membrane of the inner lining of the nasal cavity.

This remedy, which has a pronounced therapeutic effect, is effectively used for treatment in ENT practice. But you cannot independently choose and use Isofra spray for children because the mucous membranes at an early age are not sufficiently protected and are highly sensitive to various types of influences.

Not all doctors are committed to treating runny noses in children with antibacterial drugs. In this matter, you should listen to the recommendations of the doctor whom you trust and whose competence you do not doubt. In most cases, it is possible to eliminate the symptoms of rhinitis without antibiotic therapy, but if a specialist strongly advises spraying Isofra spray into the nose to relieve nasal congestion in children, you need to listen to his opinion. Refusal of treatment can lead to negative consequences.

Dosage and instructions

Isofra spray must be used following the instructions for use. Before irrigating your nasal passages, carefully read the composition and list of contraindications to ensure safe treatment.

Spray for a runny nose is used only intranasally. Adults are allowed to take 1-2 injections into each nasal passage at intervals of 3 hours up to 6 times a day. Children after one year can irrigate the nasal cavity up to 3 times a day, one irrigation in each nostril.

Isofra will help you quickly get rid of a runny nose if you follow simple instructions for use:

  1. Before the procedure, clear your nose of accumulated mucus. To do this, you need to blow your nose and rinse your nasal passages with saline or saline solution.
  2. Press the bottle several times. Such irrigation “into the air” allows you to calibrate the dispenser to release an exact portion of the drug.
  3. Slightly tilt your head to the side and make one injection into each nasal passage, try to keep the bottle straight.

You are allowed to use the spray no more than 6 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment should not exceed 10 days. If there is no therapeutic effect from the drug, you should consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis or select another medication.

Side effects

When treated with Isofra nasal spray, even if you strictly follow the instructions for use, in rare cases, adverse reactions may occur. Negative consequences may occur in people with hypersensitivity to framycetin, as well as in cases of individual intolerance to the drug.

In exceptional cases, symptoms such as:

  • allergic reactions;
  • signs of local irritation of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages (itching, hyperemia, peeling, dryness);
  • angioedema;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • toxicoderma.

All of these signs are a signal to stop using the medication and immediately consult a doctor.


Isofra nasal spray has a Belarusian analogue, Framinazine, containing a similar active ingredient. The drug has the same therapeutic effect, but costs less.

The following remedies have a similar effect:

  • Bioparox. A spray used both for inhalation through the oral cavity and for irrigation of the nasal passages. The active ingredient is fusafungin, which destroys pathogenic fungi and microbes. Also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Polydexa. A unique drug that contains two antibiotics: neomycin and polymyxin, as well as the vasoconstrictor component phenylephrine.
  • Garazon. A combination medication consisting of the corticosteroid betamethasone and the aminoglycoside gentamicin. It is used in ENT practice for instillation into the ears and nasal passages.

If the doctor prescribed Isofra spray for the common cold, then you should not independently select analogues for it and look for a replacement. If the proposed medicine is not suitable for you, inform your doctor so that he can select a different intranasal solution.

How is Isofra different from its analogues?

It is quite difficult to find cheaper drops or nasal spray with an antibiotic, but no less effective than Isofra. The drug contains framycetin, which has a pronounced antibacterial effect.

Isofra nasal spray, unlike incomplete analogues, has a small list of contraindications. When using it, negative side reactions occur only in rare cases.

To combat a runny nose, various nasal drops and sprays are used. Isofra is one of the most effective and highly effective intranasal drugs, which is used in adults and children starting from one year of age. The antibiotic contained in the composition ensures rapid disposal of microbial infections and accelerates the healing process.


Isofra - instructions for use, indications, contraindications, reviews

Composition and release form

Spray in an opaque plastic bottle with a capacity of 15 ml with a special spray nozzle.

The main active ingredient of isofra is framycetin , an antibiotic from the aminoglycoside group. 100 ml of the drug contains 1.25 g of framycetin sulfate.


Drops are not effective against infection with anaerobic pathogens, treponema, and some types of streptococcus.


  • Rhinopharyngitis,
  • Rhinitis,
  • Sinusitis with intact bridges,
  • Prevention of upper respiratory tract infection after surgical treatment.

Application and dosage

For adult patients, press the dispenser once four to six times a day.

For babies, press the dispenser once in each nostril three times a day.

Duration of use – up to ten days.


Side effects

In some cases, an allergic reaction occurs.

Prolonged and improper use of the drug leads to “addiction” of microbes and the emergence of resistant strains.


For children and babies

The convenient form of the spray allows you to evenly treat the entire infected surface of the nasal mucosa.

You should not be alarmed that this is an antibiotic, since a very small amount of the active substance enters the child’s blood.

Most often, the drug is prescribed to children for long-lasting runny nose, thick and purulent nasal discharge, as well as a combination of sinusitis and otitis media.

If the drug causes an allergic reaction, you should stop using it and consult a doctor.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Clinical researches

A group of scientists and doctors from the Russian State Medical University ( Moscow ) conducted an experiment on the use of Isofra spray in the treatment of children aged from 4 weeks to 12 months. Among the participants in the experiment were children with catarrhal and purulent rhinitis and sinusitis.

The drug was injected three times a day into each nostril, one injection, for a week.

No child was allergic to the drug. Already on the fifth day of treatment, complete recovery was recorded in 60% of patients. Treatment with other drugs gave a similar result only after 8 days.

At the Department of Otolaryngology, Faculty of Pediatrics, Russian State Medical University, a study was conducted on the effectiveness of Isofra spray in the treatment of second and third degree adenoids in children.

Already on the third day, the children noted an improvement in nasal breathing. By the tenth day, in 7 out of 9 patients, X-ray examination revealed the absence of inflammation. In five patients with the third degree of adenoid enlargement after treatment, the degree of enlargement decreased to the second.


My daughter is six months old, and she recently developed clear nozzles. The temperature also rose to 37.5. The doctor from the clinic prescribed Isofra for us. We sprayed it, but there was no use. The next day, the nose became completely blocked, and the child became completely ill. Another doctor, a neighbor, later said that these drops are prescribed only for sinusitis. Why were they prescribed to us for clear snot and at the very beginning of the disease? Then I also read in the instructions that they are prescribed from one year onwards. Maybe our doctor mixed something up? It’s already scary to go to her after this. You never know what he will prescribe for a child!

My son was prescribed isofra when he had a long and painful toothache. Against the backdrop of this teething, his nose was stuffy and he had green snot. No medications helped at all. Moreover, isofra did not help either. Then the pediatrician said that when the tooth comes out, then the snot should go away. Indeed, this is what happened. The snot then went away. But he didn’t have any negative reaction to the drops, everything went fine, without allergies or anything else.

We used this spray when we had thick green snot. It really helped very quickly. The ENT specialist scared us that we would have to inject the child with antibiotics. But it’s a shame to inject a small child. And even antibiotics. I started asking other mothers, and they recommended this spray. Then I found out that this is also an antibiotic, but it is not dangerous, because it only acts locally and is not harmful to the body. Since then I have no longer needed this medicine, because the child grows quite strong and rarely gets sick.

I am quite happy with the drug, my daughter started kindergarten and the snot never stopped. I thought it was already her sinusitis. But I got to a good doctor, and he advised me to rinse my nose with any available means and after rinsing, drip isofra. A week of treatment and we forgot about the runny nose. After that, of course, they also got sick, but at least they were cured and didn’t drag this snot along with them for months, as was the case then. We are happy with the medicine, it is quite safe and very effective if used correctly.

I have advanced sinusitis. At first they tried to use isofra for treatment, because the body does not tolerate systemic antibiotics and the doctor decided to try local ones. She didn't help. At first it seemed to get easier, but over time everything returned to its place. But Polydex helped me better. There are three components and they act together. The swelling is relieved faster and the effect of use is longer lasting. The antibiotic there is stronger than in isofra.

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Isofra for children: at what age can you apply it and how?

Treatment of a runny nose in children is not a big problem, but finding a truly effective remedy that has a minimum of contraindications is quite difficult, especially when it comes to young children. Today we will discuss the drug “Isofra”, we will figure out at what age it can be used, and also consider the detailed instructions.

Composition and pharmacological actions

The main substance is framycetin sulfate, the concentration of which is 1.25% (1 ml contains 12.5 mg of the substance). Excipients include sodium chloride and citrate, water, citric acid monohydrate and E218.

Indications for use

It is used only in combination with other drugs, as it is local in nature and poorly distributed by the circulatory system. The spray treats rhinitis and nasopharyngitis, as well as sinusitis.

At what age can children

As for the minimum age, Isofra, according to the instructions for use, is not used to treat children (dripping into the nose is not allowed even after surgery) under 1 year.

The product is used when the child is already 12 months old, and only as prescribed by a specialist.

How to drip for a child

Next, we’ll figure out how often Isofra can be given to a child, and how to do it correctly. Shake the bottle slightly before each use. It is also worth making sure that the liquid is not cold.

For children, spray 1 time into each nostril 3 times a day. The use of the spray is not tied to meals. The course of treatment is a week, or the one prescribed by your attending physician.

special instructions

Above we talked about how many days to drip Isofra to a child. It is worth clarifying that if after 7 days of local use no improvement was noticed, then you should definitely go for a second consultation, since the emergence of a drug-resistant infection cannot be ruled out.

It is worth noting that interactions with other drugs have not been studied, so it is not recommended to use other nasal sprays or drops in parallel, in order to avoid a negative reaction from the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Framycetin is an antibiotic, so you should use the drug strictly in the indicated dosage. Although the drug enters the blood in small quantities, however, when treated in combination with other antibiotics, the absorption of which takes place in the stomach or intestines, a negative effect on the liver can be created.

Contraindications and side effects

Side effects are presented only in the form of a skin rash, which is treated with antiallergic drugs. The spray is contraindicated in the following cases: intolerance to the main component or additives; age up to 12 months.

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Children should not take it without consulting a doctor. It could be worse. When my son had diarrhea, we were contacted by a pediatrician.

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How often can Isofra be used?

I really hope to get help on this forum once again)

Son, 3 years 2 months, normal pregnancy and childbirth, breastfeeding until 3 years old, has been going to kindergarten since September last year. I still get sick from ARVI and very often once a month. The first ARVI was worse and there were complications - otitis media (November 2011), thanks to the forum specialists - I learned how to treat it: saline solution, compote and walks.

What worries me now: for about 2 months the same situation has been repeating itself - a typical picture of ARVI - clear snot flowing, capriciousness, poor appetite, after a day or two everything except the snot returns to normal. The snot becomes yellowish and thick. I fly according to Komarovsky, wait a week, nothing changes, I take the more difficult one and everything goes away without a trace. Then for 7-10 days the child goes to kindergarten and everything starts again. Again, only isofra saves. It turns out that I use it approximately 3-5 days every 10 days.

I suspect this is not normal. ((Is it harmful??

Questions: maybe it’s not ARVI? Allergy? I have never observed any allergies in my son, either food or medicinal (maybe this is not relevant, but even a bee at the dacha recently bit me on the lip - no traces, nothing swollen at all).

The ENT specialist found that the adenoids were normal.

There is a suspicion that for some reason there is much more snot only in the right nostril.

It seemed that the quartz tube helped. I bought a lamp for home, and it’s been warming my nose for two days now. Isofra began to drip again. I've been sick for 4 days.

I'm really looking forward to your comments. Thank you. Sorry for the confusion, I'm worried.

The effect of using an antibiotic indicates the bacterial nature of the runny nose.

It seemed that the quartz tube helped.

Confirms the bacterial nature of snot.

The suspicions are correct, because bacteria will soon become resistant to Isofra and another antibiotic will have to be selected.

Could you be a little more specific about the treatment at this stage?

I understood about the bacterial nature of the runny nose. What should we do about it? This means that local immunity is weak. All sorts of “viferons” and homeopathy, I don’t use oils.

Yes, I understand that it can be addictive. But it’s been helping for almost a year now. By the way, I tried Polydex and it didn’t help.

What to do with such a bacterial runny nose. It’s bad that every time ARVI turns into such a bacterial runny nose, yes.

And “Isofroy”, including, although not only.

So if the snot gets thicker, it means the Komarovsky treatment has failed.

The essence of the treatment is that the snot should not thicken.

The local immunity has thickened and turned off - hello microbes.

This is called addiction.

So in “Polydex”, in addition to 2 antibiotics, there is also a hormone and a vasoconstrictor.

Such artillery is used in the complete absence of snot and swelling of the nose to the point of obstruction. This is not your case at all.

Bacterial runny nose should not be allowed.

When it has developed, there is nothing left to do; its own local immunity has given up, which means Isofra will work for it.

So, the main thing is not to allow the snot to thicken.

Mine has the same problem. In our case, the reason is a deviated nasal septum - in one nostril, even moderate snot completely blocks breathing. We can only save ourselves by washing (saline solution from a syringe without a needle). Moreover (again, in our case) you need to start rinsing at the “snot is running” stage, because as soon as you stop running, that’s it, hello, the runny nose is thick and lingering.

So what to do. It seems like I’m really trying to do it according to Komarovsky: I constantly fill it with saline, keep it moisturized, and go for walks often. True, we sleep with the window closed, but during the day it’s always good and I have plenty of ventilation..

I’m currently reading materials on strengthening local immunity. And I walk with him a lot, wash my face with cold water, and drink milk from the refrigerator. True, I’m still ripe for dousing (unfortunately, I don’t like it at all).

Maybe you can recommend something else for local immunity?

So a night without moisturizing your nose is quite enough.

If the snot thickens quickly, you can use a saline solution of a different concentration of 0.65%

Sorry for the impudent question, but maybe you see some other mistakes in my treatment according to Komarovsky? Sooooo grateful to you for your prompt and to-the-point answers.

These are not mistakes, but an individual approach.

At your age, it is quite possible to rinse your nose, especially the problematic nostril.

There are also a lot of nasal rinses on sale.

It's not about the window.

An open window will dry out all your efforts.

What is the temperature in the room at night?

And on which side does the child prefer to sleep?

There are also a lot of nasal rinses on sale.

Six months ago I “washed myself” with Aqualor until I had otitis (that’s what they explained to me on this forum), now I’m afraid to wash under pressure, I just spray saline solution from a spray bottle. But in my childhood I was taught to rinse my nose like this: just put warm salt water in a cup and “inhale” it through your nose (pinch one nostril) and it pours out through your mouth. How do you like this method? It seems that in this case it should not get into the ear.

But I still can’t teach my son to do this (((

It will lead to otitis media.

I think the safest is the teapot method.

Look at AquaMaris for nasal rinsing.

Children under three years old should not have their nose washed.

The physiological need for fluid is 6 ml/kg/hour, that is, you should normally drink 93 ml per hour, and drinking plenty of fluids is 1.5-2 times more, that is, ml per hour. You have to count, since the snot gets thicker.

MamaDasha, in your case this also needs to be checked.

ENT and radiography of the nose.

In short, the means are as follows (in order of decreasing effectiveness):

-breathing exercises for the nose

-massage of biologically active points of the face

- UFO courses for nasopharynx

I think the safest is the teapot method.

Look at AquaMaris for nasal rinsing.

Children under three years old should not have their nose washed.

I looked at Aquamaris for washing, I’ll look in pharmacies, I didn’t catch my eye. And it cannot cause otitis media. How is it different from rinsing from a cup?

My son is 3.2 years old. You can wash it, right?

ENT and radiography of the nose.

-massage of biologically active points of the face

Can you read about this on the Internet or do you have a special technique here?

I consider it the safest, since the pressure is minimal - only a column of liquid presses. By rinsing with a suction from a cup or with a syringe or spray or “Dolphin”, we create pressure everywhere, which contributes to otitis media.

The “from the teapot” method is possible.

As I already wrote, this is a consequence of thickening of the snot.

But they can thicken precisely because of the curvature of the nasal septum.

It can be found.

Personally, my knowledge comes from manuals for kindergarten health workers.

1. deep inhale and exhale through the nose while pronouncing the sound “mm-mm” (mouth closed)

2. exhale through the nose in short bursts (mouth closed)

3. Pinch your nose with your fingers - count loudly and slowly to 10, then take a deep breath and exhale through your nose, closing your mouth.

4. the nose is pinched with the fingers - hold the breath for a count (up to 10) and exhale through the nose - inhale completely through the nose

5. exhale in turn through the right and left nostrils (the other is pressed with a finger, the mouth is closed)

6. put a light piece of paper on your palm and blow it off, exhaling alternately through the left and right nostrils (the mouth is closed and the nostril is closed with a finger)

This child needs to be taught and given some kind of “reminder” in kindergarten.

Of course, reward for fulfillment, and do not scold for non-compliance.

After the holidays I will go to the ENT specialist and ask for a referral for an x-ray.

Is the fact that the septum is curved clearly visible on an x-ray? I ask because our local ENT specialist is an old woman of about 70 years old; I'm worried whether she'll be able to accurately see this curvature.

There are other reasons for thickening of snot, besides insufficiently fresh and humid air, drinking and problems with the septum.

Thank you!! I saved it for myself, tried it with my son, not everything worked out, of course, but at least he does it))) I read about massage, we’ll try it tomorrow.

This way you can show the picture to another doctor.

The same radiologist will be able to evaluate.

They do happen, but we need to rule out the most common ones first.

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"Isofra": instructions for use of nasal spray for infants and children over one year old

The nasal mucosa in children has little protection against bacteria. Therefore, a runny nose is a very common complaint among children. The drug Isofra is a remedy that works against inflammation of the nasal mucosa. A local antibiotic that suppresses the proliferation of pathogenic organisms and combats nasal congestion. It is used to treat a runny nose of a bacterial nature and its complications.

Release form, composition and effect of the drug

Many people incorrectly call this drug drops. In a laboratory in France, pharmacists developed a spray, and it is now being successfully produced. Thus, there is only one form - a spray containing 15 ml of framecithin sulfate and excipients. Isofra drops do not exist.

The main component of the drug is framycetin. This is a strong aminoglycoside antibiotic. It is very effective in the fight against a huge number of bacteria - streptococcus, pseudomonas, enterobacteria, etc. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, enterococci, streptococci, some staphylococci, chlamydia, rickettsia and mycoplasma are resistant to it. The spray has the following composition:

  • sodium chloride;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • water;
  • sodium citrate;
  • citric acid monohydrate;
  • E218.

The substance acts destructively for bacteria, preventing microorganisms from conducting normal life activities.

Indications for use of the spray

Use the product in accordance with the instructions if the problem is bacterial:

  • with purulent sinusitis;
  • with prolonged nasopharyngitis;
  • with adenoiditis;
  • for acute rhinitis and sinusitis;
  • after surgical interventions.

Be careful if you have a deviated nasal septum or rhinitis caused by allergies.

Can Isofra be used for children under one year old?

The question of at what age or month can children start using the solution is quite controversial. Although the annotation states that the drug is not prescribed to children under one year of age, clinical experience indicates the possibility of its use for the treatment of infants. Many otolaryngologists use it during treatment, because it is a good replacement for many systemically acting antibiotics.

Sometimes doctors prescribe Isofra to very young patients, due to the high effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of bacterial infections

Based on the results of experiments, it was found that the product is characterized by high effectiveness and good tolerability in infants. When treating infants with sinusitis or a runny nose with Isofra, most children recovered in less than 7 days, and when using other antibacterial substances, treatment took about 10 days.

Something to remember! At this age, the nasal passages are short. Spraying may cause otitis media or eustacheitis in young children.

Instructions for use of the drug

The instructions for the drug are provided for informational purposes only; all decisions regarding use are made by the doctor. The spray bottle must be in an upright position when administered. The dispenser must be inserted first into one nasal passage and make one injection, then into the other.

Before using the spray, you must read the rules set out in the annotation:

  • It is imperative to maintain equal time intervals between injections of Isofra for children.
  • One spray is permissible at a time, otherwise the dose of the antibiotic increases and there is a high probability of side effects.

The drops must be used strictly according to the instructions, since they are not suitable for treating any runny nose.

How to drip Isofra?

How to use the spray correctly is indicated in the instructions:

  1. if there is congestion, you first need to empty your nose - a minute before the procedure you need to drip vasoconstrictor drops (we recommend reading: Sialor drops for children);
  2. to determine the dosage, you need to spray the product several times to the side;
  3. bend your head forward and spray one spray into each nostril;

How often and for how many days can the product be used?

The children's dosage is one spray into each nasal passage three times a day. The course of treatment is 7-8 days. The maximum duration of the course is up to 10 days, but if the baby does not get better within a week, then the medicine must be discontinued.

By following the instructions, the risk of overdose is minimized. If a child accidentally injects himself with a large dose of the spray or even drinks it, you need to call a doctor and monitor the baby’s well-being. It is also necessary to give him as much liquid as possible and give him a sorbent. Allergy may occur. Due to the low absorption rate, an overdose is practically impossible.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Manufacturers prohibit the use of the medicine in the following cases:

  • in case of individual intolerance to components;
  • in the presence of an allergic reaction;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • as a nasal rinse.

Remember that Isofra should not be used with antifungal medications, because they can neutralize the effect of the spray. Please note the following restrictions:

  • high sensitivity of the child’s body to the active substance or additional components;
  • child is less than 12 months old.

In general, the drug is well tolerated, although there have been cases of allergies. In case of an allergic reaction, use should be stopped, the nose should be rinsed carefully, and the throat should be rinsed thoroughly. If the doctor considers it necessary, take antihistamines.

With long-term treatment, the drug dries out the nasal mucosa, changing its microflora. Long-term use is addictive. If you have any negative reaction to treatment, you must inform your doctor.

Analogues of Isofra spray

At this time, there are no drugs with an identical active antibiotic. There are similar drugs containing aminoglycosides.

For the drug Isofra, you can select products that are similar in the effect obtained. It is usually suggested to replace the drug Isofra with the following medications: Collargol, Polydexa, Protargol, Rinofluimucil, Chlorophyllipt and many others. The composition of these drugs includes: garamicin, dilaterol, bramitob, streptomycin, amikacin and a number of other substances.

It is difficult to consider these drugs as analogues, because Rinofluimucil, for example, does not replicate either the composition of Isofra or the mechanism of action. It can only be called an analogue as a cure for a runny nose. The drug is prescribed for various rhinitis, which significantly distinguishes it from Isofra.

It is often recommended to replace Isofra with Polydex. This is extremely wrong and harmful. Polydexa contains two other antibiotics plus a hormone. The product is stronger and more effective. Allowed to be used only from 2.5 years.

Previously, the drug Bioparox was often prescribed. It has an extended antimicrobial effect. However, Bioparox is currently prohibited from production.

The doctor decides which remedy is best. You can study various analogues and, with the consent of the doctor, replace the medicine with one that is cheaper. Below is a table for comparison with some analogues.

The possibility of using Isofra for infants remains controversial; there is no publicly available evidence for this, and the instructions indicate that it cannot be used. And the spray, as far as I know, cannot be used at all for small children.

I think that in any case, consultation with a competent pediatrician is necessary. One must be very careful when treating infants, especially in the case of antibiotics. And sprays are indeed contraindicated for small children.

Attention! All information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is for informational purposes only. For all questions regarding the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, you must consult a doctor for an in-person consultation.


Isofra for children: instructions for use

During the flu season and other acute respiratory viral infections, the entry point for pathogens is the upper respiratory tract. It is the mucous membrane of the nose and paranasal sinuses that viruses are the first to attack and often remain on it, causing inflammation.

They are often accompanied by harmful bacteria, which cause purulent runny nose, sinusitis, otitis media and other diseases. In such situations, local antibiotic preparations, which include Isofra, are in demand. Is this medicine approved for children and how to use it correctly?

Release form

The medication is available in the form of a nasal spray with a concentration of the active ingredient of 1.25%. Inside one plastic bottle of Isofra there is 15 milliliters of clear liquid. The bottle has a screw cap made of polyethylene. It is sold in a cardboard box along with instructions and a spray nozzle.


The main component of the drug, responsible for its therapeutic effect, is represented by framycetin sulfate. Its dosage per 100 milliliters of solution is 800 thousand international units or 1.25 grams, that is, one milliliter of the drug contains 12.5 mg of framycetin. To keep the medicine liquid and not spoil, purified water, citric acid, sodium citrate, methylparaben and sodium chloride are added to it.

Operating principle

Framycetin in the spray is an antibiotic representing the group of aminoglycosides. It has a local bactericidal effect against both gram-positive flora and many gram-negative microorganisms.

  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • Some strains of streptococci;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • E. coli;
  • Klebsiella;
  • Shigella;
  • Haemophilus influenzae;
  • Salmonella;
  • Enterobacter;
  • Proteus.

By damaging the cytoplasmic membranes in the cells of microorganisms, the medicine affects metabolic processes, which is why the pathogen quickly dies. However, Isofra does not affect some bacteria, for example, anaerobic microbes or pneumococci. Do not use the drug in case of viral infection of the nasopharynx, for example, with ARVI or influenza.

It should also be noted that those bacteria on which framycetin usually acts may also be insensitive to the drug. This is indicated by the lack of improvement after several days of treatment with the spray. If after 4-5 days from the start of using the product, the discharge does not decrease, and the nose is still stuffy, you should consult a doctor.


The drug Isofra is most in demand for infectious processes that are localized in the upper respiratory tract, since most pathogens of such pathologies are sensitive to framycetin.

  • For rhinitis, when harmful bacteria cause inflammation of the nasal mucosa, manifested by thick yellow-green discharge.
  • With rhinopharyngitis, when an inflammatory process in the pharynx is added to a runny nose of a bacterial nature.
  • For sinusitis, if pathogens enter the paranasal sinuses and provoke sinusitis, sphenoiditis, frontal sinusitis or ethmoiditis. Such pathologies are most often diagnosed in children under 15 years of age. The disease often develops as a complication of rhinitis, when in a small patient the symptoms of a runny nose first go away, and then the body temperature rises, and a thick purulent secretion begins to be released from the nose.

The spray is also prescribed by ENT doctors for prophylactic purposes after operations in the nasal area to prevent inflammation and bacterial infection in the postoperative period.

In addition, Isofra is used for adenoiditis, since clinical trials have shown that the use of this spray helps with nasal congestion, making breathing easier, and after a course of treatment for third-degree adenoids, many patients experience improvement (the degree decreases to second).

At what age is it allowed to take it?

According to the manufacturer's recommendation, Isofra spray should be used in children aged 1 year and older.

However, there are clinical studies showing that the medication is safe for children under one year of age. They confirmed the possibility of using the medicine in babies older than one month, but only a doctor should prescribe it to infants.

The spray form allows for uniform treatment of the nasal mucosa, and the active substance enters the blood of infants in such a small amount that it does not provoke any harmful effects. Therefore, you should not be alarmed that such young children are prescribed antibiotics into the nose. Using this medication in children, you can avoid the use of antibiotics orally, which is often accompanied by side effects, promotes allergization and disrupts the balance of the natural flora in the child’s body.


Isofra should not be used if you are intolerant not only to framycetin, but also to any other aminoglycoside antibiotic, for example, streptomycin or gentamicin. In addition, the medicine should not be used to rinse the paranasal sinuses. If a child with sinusitis has septal damage, treatment with Isofra is also not recommended.

Side effects

The body of some young patients reacts to the injection of Isofra with an allergy. If it appears, further use of the spray should be stopped. Other side effects do not appear during treatment with this drug, but the annotation for the medicine notes the likelihood of resistance to such an antibiotic in the microorganisms against which it is used. In this case, the drug must be replaced with another antibacterial agent, taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen.

Instructions for use and dosage

  • Isofra is used only intranasally, and the drug must be injected rather than instilled, since the use of a spray will create the desired concentration of the drug and distribute the antibiotic evenly inside the nasal passages.
  • Before treating the nasal cavity with the medicine, it should be cleared of excess secretions and crusts. When administering the medication, the bottle should be held vertically, trying not to tilt it to the side.
  • In childhood, the drug is used three times a day, one injection into each nasal passage. In this case, the duration of treatment with the spray should not exceed one week.


Since the Isofra solution applied to the mucous membrane acts only at the site of application, and it does not penetrate into the systemic bloodstream, there have been no cases of overdose of such a medication with a single injection of a large dose. If treatment with Isofra, even in the dosage prescribed by the doctor, continues for longer than 7-10 days, this threatens to disrupt the composition of the microflora of the nasopharynx (provokes dysbacteriosis).

Interaction with other drugs

Since the medicine is used topically, the manufacturer does not mention any incompatibility with other drugs. Isofra can be prescribed together with Rinofluimucil, Vibrocil and other medications that have anti-inflammatory, decongestant and vasoconstrictor effects. However, these drugs cannot be administered into the nasal cavity at the same time, so as not to reduce the antibacterial effect.

Terms of sale

Isofra, like many other antibacterial agents, is a prescription drug. Therefore, before you go to the pharmacy for such medicine, you should consult a doctor and get a prescription from him. The average price of one bottle of spray is rubles.


Since Isofra is available in light-proof packaging, there are no special requirements for storing the bottle. It is important that a small child does not have access to the place where the medicine will be placed. The manufacturer's recommended storage temperature is less than 25 degrees Celsius. The shelf life of the product is 3 years and is indicated on the packaging. If the marking has been erased or the end date has passed, it is unacceptable to spray the drug into the child’s nose.


There are quite a lot of positive reviews about the use of Isofra spray in children. Doctors praise the drug for its wide range of effects on bacteria, rare cases of resistance to its active substance, and a convenient dosage form, thanks to which the antibiotic reaches the nasopharyngeal mucosa in a sufficiently high concentration. Another advantage of the drug is its exclusively local effect.

Mothers note that the medicine helps to cope with a long-term runny nose, the symptom of which is purulent, thick discharge. The effectiveness of the drug is confirmed for sinusitis and complications of a runny nose with otitis media.

An allergic reaction during treatment is very rare.

The price of the spray is considered affordable by many parents, so they rarely look for cheaper drugs. The disadvantage of the drug is its unpleasant taste, which children do not like. In addition, mothers note that the injection occurs with quite a lot of force, which causes them concern. Some mothers are afraid of side effects, because Isofra is an antibiotic, but the experience of many parents and doctors shows that children generally tolerate the medicine well, and the bacterial infection goes away quickly.

At the same time, doctors, including doctor Komarovsky, warn that giving children antibacterial drops without consulting a specialist is unacceptable.

If used incorrectly, the medicine will not have the desired effect and may even lead to addiction, which is why in the future you will have to use stronger drugs or use antibiotics systemically in the treatment of bacterial sinusitis or rhinitis.


No other drugs based on framycetin are produced, so if it is necessary to replace Isofra, doctors prescribe drugs with a similar therapeutic effect, but with a different composition:

  • Protargol. These drops based on silver proteinate have an antiseptic and astringent effect, and also reduce the severity of inflammation during the runny nose, conjunctivitis, sinusitis, otitis media and other diseases. Children are prescribed medication from birth.
  • Dioxidine. This antimicrobial agent is produced in the form of a solution, which is sometimes recommended to be dripped for a runny nose or otitis media. In some cases, the doctor prescribes complex drops with this component.
  • Polydexa. The composition of this nasal spray includes two antibiotics of different groups, supplemented with phenylephrine and glucocorticoid. In children, this medication is used at the age of 2.5 years and older.

You will learn everything about childhood runny nose and its treatment from Dr. Komarovsky’s program in the next video.

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Isofra spray - why is the drug considered unique in Russia?

Despite the prevalence of acute respiratory infections and associated pathology of the ENT organs among adults and children, many issues regarding their treatment still require clarification. The most difficult aspect is the rationale for prescribing systemic antibiotics in tablet forms. Recently, cases of their unjustified prescription have become more frequent, which often leads to various side effects and the development of pathogen resistance to treatment.

Considering the possible difficulties associated with systemic antibiotic therapy, the use of local agents with antibacterial activity has become relevant. The most convenient form for use has become nasal sprays, which, being absorbed into the blood in a minimal amount, can destroy pathogenic microorganisms that multiply in the nasal cavity and sinuses. These drugs include Isofra spray, created by the French laboratory Bouchara-Recordati.

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How does the spray against microorganisms work?

The main effect of Isofra is antibacterial. It has a bactericidal effect, that is, it can destroy bacterial cells. Its therapeutic effect is aimed at removing pathological discharge from the nose and sinuses. The prolonged existence of such a secretion without treatment contributes to the worsening of the disease, the flow of contents into the deeper layers of the respiratory tract and the occurrence of subsequent tracheitis and bronchitis. Isofra nasal spray can be called an etiological drug, that is, a drug that acts directly on the cause of the disease.

It is advisable to combine the use of Isofra with other measures for the treatment of sinusitis and rhinitis: rinsing the nose and sinuses with saline solutions, using vasoconstrictors, vitamin therapy, etc.

When can a spray be more effective than tablets?

Inflammatory diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses can be caused by various microorganisms, including viruses and bacteria. In the upper respiratory tract, diseases can be caused by bacteria of various families, so effective therapy requires good antibiotics with a broad spectrum of action. One of these are aminoglycosides, which are active against most gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. However, aminoglycosides in tablet forms have a fairly large number of side effects, the most dangerous of which is a toxic effect on hearing.

The possibility of using these drugs in the form of intranasal sprays has made it possible to safely use them for the treatment of infectious pathologies of the nasopharynx, sinuses and nasal cavity. A large number of clinical studies have proven that the absorption of local antibacterial drugs into the bloodstream is so small that it is unable to cause such serious complications. Thanks to this, in the treatment of many respiratory infections, the prescription of systemic antibacterial agents in tablet form can be avoided.

In some cases, even with the use of Isofra, the prescription of systemic antibiotics cannot be avoided. This spray can be combined with any other antibacterial therapy. The need for its use is evidenced by the prolonged persistence of symptoms during therapy, fever, chills, signs of intoxication, and deterioration in general health.

What is included in Isofra spray?

The main component of this drug is an antibiotic from the group of aminoglycosides, framycetin, intended exclusively for topical use in the nasal cavity. 1 milliliter of the drug contains 800 thousand international units of the main substance, which is several times lower than the maximum permissible dosage. Framycetin has a detrimental effect on the following types of bacteria:

It is these pathogens that in most cases cause infectious inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

When can you not do without antibacterial spray?

Isofra is used for the treatment of infectious diseases that have developed in the upper respiratory region: the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses. Diseases with similar localization are the following conditions:

  • rhinopharyngitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • sinusitis (without concomitant damage to the septum).

Recently, otorhinolaryngologists began to prescribe Isofra for adenoiditis with a good therapeutic effect. It is also successfully used to prevent infections after surgical interventions in the nasal area. In response to surgical trauma, inflammatory reactions very often occur, which increase the likelihood of the addition of secondary pathogenic microorganisms. The use of topical antibacterial sprays to prevent the development of infection allows you to avoid the use of antibiotics, which can adversely affect the body weakened after surgery.

Isofra does not have a vasoconstrictor effect, that is, it does not eliminate swelling and congestion. To combat detailed symptoms, decongestant sprays (Tizin, Rinostop, Rinonorm, Naphthyzin, Nazol, Nazivin and others) should be used, but no more than 5 days in a row.

What rules should be followed during treatment with Isofra?

Isofra is prescribed to patients in the following doses:

  • children – one spray in each nasal passage 3 times a day;
  • adults – 1 spray in each nostril 4 to 6 times a day.

The duration of therapy with Isofra should not be more than one week. Prolonged and uncontrolled use can lead to the emergence of bacterial species that are resistant to standard therapy. In this regard, Isofra should be used only after a doctor’s prescription.

The bottle containing the drug is extremely easy to use. It does not require additional manipulations or special storage conditions. To spray effectively, you just need to hold the product vertically.

Some sources provide evidence that this antibacterial medicine can be used for inhalation. Is it possible to drip Isofra into a nebulizer? There is no information about this in the instructions, but sometimes ENT doctors can recommend this method of treatment. In such cases, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of a specialist. The standard proportions for diluting the drug in a compressor inhaler are 3 drops of the drug per 2 milliliters of saline solution. The duration of the procedure is about 10 minutes. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor.

All contraindications and side effects are kept to a minimum

The undeniable advantage of Isofra is the absence of serious undesirable effects from its use and a large list of contraindications. Isofra should not be used only in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • for washing the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity;
  • in the presence of hypersensitivity to framycetin or other components of the drug.

The only adverse reaction that rarely occurs after consumption may be an allergic process.

There are no known cases of overdose with Isofra. Experts are of the opinion that its occurrence is impossible as a result of low absorption into the blood.

At what age can Isofra be prescribed to children?

The instructions for using Isofra spray indicate that children can be treated with it, but there is no specific data on the age at which this therapy should be started. This indicates that this medicine does not have any age restrictions. This makes Isofra the only spray in Russia with antibacterial activity that can be used in children from the first days of life. The main condition for use at this age is strict adherence to the dosage and duration of therapy, which is indicated in the annotation. When treating children, you can resort to a shorter course (5 days).

ENT doctors are increasingly prescribing Isofra spray for children with adenoid growths. During clinical trials, it was proven that it significantly reduces the size of adenoid vegetations, which is associated with the correction of the bacterial flora in the nasopharynx under the influence of Isofra.

Can Isofra be prescribed during pregnancy?

The instructions for use of Isofra clearly state that it is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But rhinitis and sinusitis do not spare women who are waiting for the birth of their child. What to do in this case? Few women will agree to use a drug that lists pregnancy as a contraindication, even if this drug was prescribed by a doctor. There is a similar drug, the use of which is not contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. We are talking about the antibacterial aerosol Bioparox, the main properties of which will be discussed below.

Drops and spray are not the same thing

Isofra on pharmacy counters exists only in the form of a spray. It is this form of release that contributes to the correct distribution of the drug in the nasal mucosa. Isofra nasal drops are a non-existent drug that is not represented on our pharmaceutical market. Any offers to purchase such a drug are fraudulent. Sometimes on forums you can find ways to use Isofra in the form of nasal drops for adults and children, but this information should not be trusted. Spray is the only form of release that guarantees the effective therapeutic effect of Isofra in the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract.

Isofra is not a panacea for acute respiratory infections

After reading the data on the effectiveness of this spray, many may have the erroneous assumption that it can be used for any rhinitis and rhinosinusitis. This is far from true. It must be taken into account that these diseases can be not only bacterial, but also viral in nature. Moreover, the onset of the disease is almost always associated with the penetration of a viral infection into the area of ​​the nasal mucosa, which is subsequently contaminated with bacterial flora. Using Isofra for viral infections will not bring any benefit, but can only cause harm. How to determine the cause of the disease?

With viral rhinitis and sinusitis, nasal discharge is clear or whitish. The spread of bacterial flora will be indicated by a change in its color to green or yellow. In such cases, we can already talk about a runny nose of a purulent nature, which requires the prescription of antibacterial agents. For parents, the criterion for the need to use Isofra spray may be the persistence of symptoms of the disease for more than 7 or 10 days, as well as the appearance of “green snot” that occurs with sinusitis. Even after these signs appear, you should not resort to treatment with Isofra on your own, because each specific case of the disease requires an individual approach, which can only be provided by the attending physician.

Polydexa is a good replacement option, but care must be taken

Isofra has no analogues identical in composition to the original medicine. This makes it urgent to search for drugs that can replace it if necessary. The drug Polydex, like Isofra, is produced by the pharmaceutical company Bouchard-Recordati Laboratory. Both drugs have almost identical indications for use, but have certain differences that allow them to be used to solve slightly different problems.

vasoconstrictor (removing congestion);

The choice of a specific drug depends on the clinical situation, the patient's age, symptoms and concomitant diseases. For severe complaints of congestion and severe swelling, the use of Polydexa may be preferable because it is a three-component remedy and can reduce the number of sprays used to treat an episode of the disease. This is very important for young children who may refuse to use several sprays at once.

Isofra or Polydexa: which is better for children? There is no clear answer. Of course, Isofra should be used to treat children under 2.5 years of age, because Polydexa is prohibited at such an early age. The choice of drug for the treatment of older children depends on the specific clinical case, so only a specialist should prescribe drugs.

Bioparox or Isofra?

In addition to Polydexa, there are other worthy drugs on the Russian pharmaceutical market that are similar in their effect to Isofra spray. One of these medicines is Bioparox aerosol. It is based on a polypeptide antibiotic that is active against the following pathogens:

  • some anaerobic species of bacteria;
  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • yeast-like fungi;
  • mycoplasma

Bioparox has a slightly different spectrum of sensitivity, as well as a wider list of indications. It can be used not only for the treatment of infectious diseases of the nose, pharynx (rhinitis, nasopharyngitis) and sinuses (sinusitis), but also for laryngitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis and bronchitis. This is ensured by the possibility of its use not only in the nose, but also in the oral cavity.

It cannot be said unequivocally that one drug is better than another, because they are effective against different pathogens and pathologies. It is ideal to prescribe an antibacterial spray after identifying the pathogen on the mucous membrane of the nose or pharynx, but this is not always done, and besides, the culture is prepared within two or even three weeks. The ineffectiveness of one remedy should lead to the idea that its antibacterial component may not have an effect on the pathogen that caused the pathology. In such cases, the drug must be replaced with another.
