Useful tips: how to get rid of addiction to vasoconstrictor drops
Inappropriate use of vasoconstrictor drops can lead to their addiction. As a result, a disease such as drug-induced rhinitis develops.
Table of contents:
- Useful tips: how to get rid of addiction to vasoconstrictor drops
- Causes of dependence on drops
- Signs of addiction to drops
- How to get rid of addictive behavior: tips and tricks
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- Our pages
- Discussions
- How I got rid of vasoconstrictor addiction
- What are the dangers of dependence on long-term use of vasoconstrictors?
- How I cured addiction to vasoconstrictor drops
- 100% recipe for getting rid of addiction with vasoconstrictor nasal drops
- You may also be interested in
- Tip 1: How to get rid of addiction to nasal drops
- Tip 4: How to get rid of drug addiction
- How to get rid of addiction to nasal drops?
- How did my addiction to nasal drops begin?
- How did I get rid of my addiction to drops?
- Comments
- Eliminating addiction to nasal drops
- Reasons for addiction
- Symptoms
- Consequences
- Treatment methods
- Self-treatment
- Traditional methods
- Help from doctors
- Withdrawal process
- Conclusion
- Cancel reply
- How to get rid of nasal drops
- Why does addiction occur?
- General recommendations
- Drug treatment
- Topical corticosteroids
- Antihistamines
- Nasal rinsing solutions
- Physiotherapy
- Laser therapy
- Acupuncture
- Electrophoresis
- Conclusion
Causes of dependence on drops
With prolonged use of vasoconstrictor drops, atrophic rhinitis may occur.
Uncontrolled and prolonged use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops causes an allergic reaction in the nasal mucosa. After using the drops, the person feels relief and can breathe normally. However, the symptoms subside for a short period of time, and the patient again resorts to vasoconstrictor drops. Because of this, addiction occurs.
With frequent nasal instillation, vascular tone decreases and a chronic runny nose develops. All nasal medications contain ephedrine. This is a substance that constricts blood vessels, reducing their blood flow.
With long-term use of vasoconstrictor drugs, atrophy of the nasal mucosa develops, as a result of which the nasal vessels dilate. Over time, their tone decreases and addiction to the drugs occurs.
Signs of addiction to drops
Symptoms of drug-induced rhinitis
Free breathing is impossible without the use of vasoconstrictor drops. Upon examination, the doctor can detect hyperemia of the nasal passages, their enlargement and areas with hemorrhages.
The difference between drug-induced rhinitis and other forms of the disease is its protracted course and complete dependence on the vasoconstrictor.
The following symptoms indicate dependence on nasal drops:
- Headache
- Swelling of the nasal passages
- Constant nasal congestion
- Dry mucous membranes
- Itching and tingling in the nose
- Tearing
- Sneezing
These alarming symptoms indicate that the patient has overdone the use of vasoconstrictor drops. It is necessary to consult a doctor to prescribe adequate treatment.
How to get rid of addictive behavior: tips and tricks
Effective methods for treating dependence on vasoconstrictor drops
To get rid of nasal dependence, it is recommended to replace the drops with a sodium chloride solution. The solution should be used to rinse the nasal cavity to facilitate breathing. To moisturize the nasal mucosa, you can use isotonic rinsing solutions: Aqua Maris, Aqualor, Marimer, etc.
It is also necessary to perform the following procedures to get rid of addiction:
- Increase the time between instillations
- To reduce the concentration, dilute the drug with boiled water.
- Reduce dosage to 3 times a day
To relieve a runny nose, you should instill a vasoconstrictor diluted in water no more than 4 times a day, and at night it is advisable to use drops only 1 time. It is necessary to reduce the dosage of the drug daily. If you experience sniffles due to a cold, you should not immediately resort to nasal drops. There are other alternative ways to relieve a runny nose.
Useful video - How to get rid of dependence on vasoconstrictor drops.
Traditional medicine offers many recipes that help get rid of addiction to nasal drops:
- The nose can be instilled with onion juice or honey solution. It is recommended to use a medicinal mixture instead of drops: honey, sea buckthorn oil, aloe juice. Mix all ingredients in equal quantities and instill 2-3 drops into the nose 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is 14 days.
- It is useful to instill a decoction of oak bark into the nose for drug-induced rhinitis. It can be purchased at a pharmacy, brewed according to the instructions and used as directed.
- It is recommended to rinse the nasal mucosa daily with an infusion of medicinal herbs. You can perform the procedure using sage, calendula or chamomile. You need to take 2 tablespoons of any plant and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. The infusion should brew for an hour, and then strain it.
- The effect is also observed from inhalations using tea tree oil. Cotton pads with boromenthol ointment also help. They should be soaked and inserted into both nostrils for half an hour. It is recommended to carry out the procedure within 10 days.
Getting rid of addiction to vasoconstrictor drops is long-term. If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations and also use traditional methods for treatment, you can get rid of medicinal rhinitis forever.
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Comments (2)
08/05/2016 at 23:12 | #
I rarely use vasoconstrictor drops for colds, so I am not dependent on them. I heard the opinion of some doctor that you can get rid of addiction by taking a course of drops with hormones. This is true?
09.28.2016 at 23:16 | #
I took Farmazolin for six months for sure. Perhaps I would have continued for years, but! My ear began to ache at night and there was a rush of heat in my ear. The nose on the right side, even after instillation, did not really improve, which made me panic. She took her daughter to an ENT specialist and asked to see herself, as a result of long-term use of vasoconstrictor drops in her ear, which was suffering from an organ plug (for the first time in her life), and also hello right-sided sinusitis. The doctor prescribed a good antibiotic, complex nasal drops No. 8. I really breathe at night, I haven’t taken any drops for a week, I’m still treating my sinusitis. I hope for complete restoration of the mucous membrane and blood vessels, because... the consequences were very alarming)
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The medical information published on this page is strictly not recommended for self-medication. If you feel negative changes in your health, immediately contact an ENT specialist. All articles published on our resource are for informational purposes only. If you use this material or a fragment of it on your website, an active link to the source is required.
How I got rid of vasoconstrictor addiction
Friends, hello. This is how I wished you health. But when it comes to health, there are no trifles, and I realized this after I once became addicted to such a seemingly ordinary thing as nasal drops. What is vasoconstrictor addiction and how I got rid of my addiction to nasal drops is the topic of today’s post.
I don’t remember how this whole story began, but only one day I began to notice that I couldn’t sleep without using drops (vasoconstrictors) in my nose. You put it in your nose and sleep until the morning; if you don’t put it in, you can’t breathe. Of course, I understood that such an addiction was harmful and even went to Laura twice, but at first I could not defeat the “xylene monster”.
What are the dangers of dependence on long-term use of vasoconstrictors?
Such drops act on the body as follows: when they fall on the nasal mucosa, the vasoconstrictor causes the blood capillaries to narrow, causing the swelling of the nasal mucosa to decrease, and the person begins to breathe calmly. Everything would be fine, but such drops cause addiction, dryness and degeneration of the mucous membrane, tissue hypoxia, and with prolonged use they cause a drug-induced runny nose and even poisoning by the components of the drug. It is especially harmful to use vasoconstrictor drugs for pregnant women, since the fetus literally suffers from hypoxia because of this.
In short, if you become addicted to vasoconstrictors, then without them your nose can no longer breathe, and it is very difficult to get rid of such an addiction. To be honest, I’ll tell you a secret that I suffered from this for about three years.
How I cured addiction to vasoconstrictor drops
I started struggling with addiction by visiting a doctor. He told me that everything was fine with me, but I was dependent on vasoconstrictors. To get rid of it, I should completely abandon vasoconstrictor drops, and instead prescribed me Nasonex hormonal drops. The drops are expensive, but whatever you can’t do for your health, I bought it. Perhaps the drops are good, but the whole point is that the drops help after quite a long time, and at the same time you cannot use vasoconstrictors. How can I sleep and breathe before Nasonex starts working? In short, I suffered with these miracle drops, but I still got up in the middle of the night to drip Naphthyzin. I realized that addiction is better than insomnia.
Having failed, I decided to fight my addiction to nasal drops by rinsing my nose with saline solutions like Aquamaris. But either my dependence on the drops was very high at that time, or my nose doesn’t like “salty foods,” but this water didn’t really help me either.
The third stage of the fight against naphthyzine addiction began after I began to experience frequent headaches. I thought: “Are my headaches related to the use of nasal drops? It's time to do something, and right now!
The man said, the man did, or rather, he started reading reviews on this topic on the Internet. Having combined my experience drop by drop with the reviews of poor fellows like me, I realized that at first you will still have to drip into your nose at night, but you need to drip smartly.
100% recipe for getting rid of addiction with vasoconstrictor nasal drops
We don’t drip our nose during the day, and if it’s not a cold, but a drug addiction, then it’s quite possible to withstand it. At night we drip into only one nostril, for example, the left. I lay on my left side and sometimes it turned out that both nostrils were breathing at once for a long time, but in any case at least one nostril was breathing all night - the left one. After three days, I realized that my right nostril was no longer blocked tightly. But still, I continued to drip into my left nostril for another four days, so that the mucous membrane of my right nostril was completely restored. After a week of such clever use of the drops, I completely stopped dripping the drops, trying to fall asleep on my right side. Now the healthy right nostril was breathing, and the left one began to breathe better every day. I soon realized that my naphthyzine addiction had come to an end.
As you can see, everything is simple, cheap and without much stress. If you are addicted to nose drops, get rid of it urgently, because if you have this “bondage” for a long time, then there is a high probability that the previous purity of breathing will never return. It's a pity that I didn't know about this earlier.
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I was addicted for 10 years. It came out exactly the same + sinupret. I’ve been breathing without droplets for 5 years now!
I want to tell you another story of survival. I faced the same problem in March, for me it was a complete nightmare. It all started with a banal virus that I picked up from my nephew. I usually don’t tolerate ARVI well, I often get sick in a complicated form, and my nose is very difficult and takes a long time to heal. When a slight runny nose started, I immediately bought gel drops number 7. Everything went from them, since recently they also began to add oxymetazoline to them. The next day, severe congestion began, glazolin came into play, the action of which lasted only a couple of hours, in general, the same as gel drops. Naturally, I washed my nose with various commercial rinses (Rinostop, Morenazole) and a simple saline solution through a bottle, but all this did not save me, my nose still did not breathe normally. It was already the second week, I decided to go to my therapist, I was prescribed Atrivin drops, and the doctor said that I didn’t need to see an ENT specialist, for the first time I believed her. I bought these villainous vigorous drops, after which my nose was stuffed up even worse, and on the plus side I had terrible dryness in my nose and throat, so I couldn’t get enough water. After a few uses I threw them away. At the end of the second week I went to the doctor again with the same thing. This time I spoke more firmly, they prescribed Afrin to me, gave me a referral for an x-ray and an ENT appointment (the appointment was only for the next week). And so the third week went by, and my nose also didn’t breathe, without the use of vasoconstrictor drugs (and x-rays, by the way, didn’t show anything. It was the fourth week, I was still on drops. At first I liked Afrin, it moisturized the mucous membrane a little and lasted at least hours for 10. I dripped them for a week, as soon as the effect ended, my nose started getting blocked again. Every day the effect of the drug began to decrease, only 5 hours was enough. Sometimes twice a day was not even enough, I dripped three times. No amount of rinsing helped me! I I stopped smelling, if I didn’t drip, I felt swelling, heaviness in the bridge of my nose, it was impossible to breathe, I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t work normally, I couldn’t study, my nose was constantly in need of oxymetazoline. I went to the ENT specialist and told about my problem and said that According to the x-ray, everything is clear. The ENT looked at me indifferently and said (warm it with an egg, stop dripping, buy an expensive anti-allergy drug), she did not advise me of any alternative in response to my requests, and besides, she also condemned that “what I got stuck, since there’s nothing on the X-ray.” I already wanted to go to a paid hospital and even made an appointment. But one day I decided that I couldn’t do this anymore. It’s really difficult to get out of the habit and the recommendations about not dripping and everything were simply unrealistic, but you try to breathe only through your mouth for at least a day, I personally feel dizzy, I can’t just exist normally. So, after reading articles on the Internet, I decided to fight immediately. Don't take me for a fool, but this is how I saved myself. In the morning, I washed my nose with Rinostop as always, even though he wasn’t breathing at all. Then I went and got some Aloe juice. I washed my nose several times a day and instilled aloe juice through a pipette 5-6 times. Believe it or not, after that you could at least blow your nose. I applied cold leaves to the swelling area and kept it there longer. I also did the Darsonval procedure, massaged my sinuses for 5 minutes, on the same day I did yoga, after which my nose finally began to breathe. And this salvation happened in just one day; at night I didn’t use anything. I continued my actions for exactly a week, my mucous membrane was completely restored and I no longer use anything that contains a vasoconstrictor!
Great. I'll have to try it on occasion. Thank you.
I’ve had the same bullshit as the author for probably 8 months now, but I don’t understand, they write everywhere that rhinitis causes addiction, but I’ve never had snot and never have. It’s just that around October, my nose stopped breathing in a horizontal position, I spray it only at night and it lasts all night. I use xymelin. During the day, my nose sometimes breathes, sometimes it doesn’t, but at night, if I don’t spray it, I can’t sleep, my nose is completely clogged... in the last month, some kind of bullshit has started with my nose, everything hurts there, it’s bleeding, herpes is crawling out inside the nose, and the last few days the head has been hurting, I don’t understand what. In general, I think it’s not a miracle that all these problems are caused by drops... we need to get rid of them. I’ll try to eliminate the drops one nostril at a time...
It was also like that, it was addictive. The headache is due to the fact that the blood vessels are narrowed.
I myself lived on Naphthyzin for several years, later switched from it to children's sprays (Snoop, Aquamaris and the like), and recently I have been using Nazivin spray diluted with water. And only recently I seriously consulted with an ENT specialist and he prescribed me Tafen-nasal spray. The spray contains hormones and requires strict adherence to the instructions. Essentially, this is the same product as the Nasonex you mentioned, only it costs a little less. And so... I'm just starting treatment. A day has passed without Nazivin, Tafen puffed twice today, as expected, but there is no effect yet. More precisely, there is, but weak: for half a day the nose did not breathe at all, and later it began to breathe a little. Unfortunately, I’m the kind of person that either my nose breathes well or it doesn’t. That is, I cannot breathe through one nostril or, as now, through two, but weakly. It’s easier for me to continue breathing through my mouth instead of only partially through my nose. Therefore, you will have to wait until Tafen fully reveals its effect.
There was an addiction for more than 8 years. Many thanks to the author….I didn’t think of this method myself…..A week has passed…..and….I don’t use the drops anymore.
Did it really help?? ? I’ve been on the drops for 9 years, I don’t know how to get rid of it, it’s terrible, I’m already hysterical
Back in 2004, I was diagnosed with drug addiction)) so count how long I’ve already been struggling with this matter.
Then, in 2004, they prescribed Nasonex. And it was hell. My nose couldn’t breathe, my hands were reaching for drops, my head was cracking... I lived in apathy for 3 days. My lips hurt because they were constantly dry, because I had to breathe through my mouth. After three days one nostril began to work normally.. in about a week the nose came to its senses.. but that was not the case.. it didn’t last long, although I tried not to drip, even when I got sick.. but one day I gave up.. and this nonsense started again... in 2013, having learned that she was pregnant, she realized that it was time to quit. I bought Pinosol and the nightmare began again.. and, you know, again it was very bad for three days, then improvements began.. but it only sounds like “only three days”, in fact In fact, it’s torture when minutes add up to hours.. and what do you want?? I haven’t drank for about a year and a half.. I got sick again, and again I couldn’t stand it.. it’s now 2018. and yesterday I said to myself: I’m tired of it! I’m already friends they call me a drug addict! my head is constantly spinning, it has become difficult to breathe at such a level that you constantly take a deep breath (yes, yes, it’s all because of the blood vessels)... I pulled myself together and in the morning I just started rinsing with sea water (like Aquamaris. Mazala Dr. Mom put in drops for children at night.. Today at the pharmacy they recommended Fleming's ointment (a girl works there who, as she admitted, lived on vasoconstrictors for a year). Homeopathy. And, since I have a small child, I know what homeopathy is, just as I know its miraculous properties.. I thought and thought. I took it.. This ointment costs about 300 rubles. I came home, anointed my nose, and even slept without problems. I got up and I was surprised.. Apply 2-3 times a day. This is not an advertisement, this is my experience. For now I will say that it’s easy to breathe, I don’t reach for drops. I anointed it a second time. I need it again at night. Let everything work out this time!
Well, pull yourself together! It’s still harmful, and count how much money you spend! I had a bottle for two or three days (150 rubles each). About 14 thousand a year! For drops! Horror! This is me now I counted how much money I’ve lost in 14 years... Wow!
good luck to everyone! endure a little and become free!)
Yes. When the nose does not breathe, the condition is terrible. Especially at night, instead of sleep, all thoughts are about drops
Try!! It will definitely work out for me, the most nightmare was the first day, when I had to breathe only through my mouth, but before going to bed I put drops in one nostril and basically slept normally, of course, for a person who can’t breathe through his mouth at all, I think it will be very difficult, and I also washed my nose several times Aqualor Forte for congestion, it seems to me that this product also had benefits)) I have been on the drops for more than 15 years...
I also became a victim of vasoconstrictor drops. I have been struggling with this since childhood, and then one day I was able to get rid of addiction for several years: out of despair, the doctor prescribed me drops with Avamis hormones, the hormones act locally, i.e. only in the nose and do not affect the rest of the body (the doctor said so, and this is indicated in the annotation). In general, after just 2-3 uses, the swelling disappears, which prevented me from properly inhaling or exhaling. The bottom line is that we must allow the mucous membrane to recover; vasoconstrictor drops are addictive, last only a few hours, and eventually the mucous membrane grows so much that it makes nasal congestion a constant problem. Hormones help at first for a while, too, but after treatment (a jar lasts for a month) I was able to do without drops and breathe through my nose! I forgot about this problem forever, so I thought, I only used rinsing my nose with water and salt if I got sick. And then one day I fell ill with bronchitis, the doctor scared me so much and, without delving into my diagnosis, prescribed me 2 drops of vasoconstrictors. After using them, my nasal congestion problem resurfaced! And with the same power as before! Like a drug addict (not funny, of course). In general, I will be treated with Avamis again! Why did I write all this: if suddenly you are cured, but under no circumstances resort to vasoconstrictor drops again. We are like drug addicts in this case. Don't repeat my mistake! And health to everyone!
PS, besides Avamys, I also tried Flixonase on the recommendation of a friend. The composition is similar. It helped me too.
Thank you so much. Thanks to this post, I got rid of more than 15 years of drip addiction, although it took me a little longer, but it doesn’t matter!! The important thing is that now I feel just happy!! thank you.
Tip 1: How to get rid of addiction to nasal drops
- addiction to nasal drops how to get rid
- - peony tuber root;
- - centaury;
- - rose hip;
- - St. John's wort;
- - dandelion root;
- - horsetail;
- - corn columns with silks;
- - pharmaceutical camomile;
- - red geranium;
- - calendula officinalis.
Tip 4: How to get rid of drug addiction
How to get rid of addiction to nasal drops?
This story was brazenly translated from one of the bourgeois blogs. The guy from her was addicted to a nasal spray based on oxymetazoline , the main active ingredient in many nasal drops and sprays (nazol, Nazivin, Sanorin). Although his technique is also suitable for any vasoconstrictor drops like naphthyzine or xylene. Spelling and punctuation not saved)
. So, here I am, standing in the middle of the pharmacy with a head “heavy” from a cold and a breathless nose, looking at a bottle of nasal spray - a 12-hour solution to nasal congestion. And at work I have important phone calls where I can’t afford to speak nasally, I have to be a professional with a clear head and a confident voice.
How did my addiction to nasal drops begin?
There's nothing worse than lying in bed at night trying hard to sleep with a stuffy nose. Eventually I came up with something that I started using every time before bed to help me breathe through my nose... a nasal spray.
The result is phenomenal, just a couple of sprays into each nostril and within a minute I am able to breathe normally through my nose. So I put the spray in my pocket and left it there for many weeks.
How come I didn’t think of using it before? Why doesn't everyone use nasal drops every time they have a cold? Well, unfortunately, I independently came to the answer to the question: why you shouldn’t use vasoconstrictor drops for so long and often.
The instructions for the spray included a warning that you should avoid using it for more than 3 days. And I did read it. However, he did not pay enough attention. The results from using it were too good for me to just stop. On the fourth night I decided that I would use it again the next night.
I didn’t know that nasal congestion causes swelling of the mucous membrane, and oxymetazoline relieves it by constricting the blood vessels. Reducing swelling makes it temporarily possible to breathe through your nose with relief. But as soon as the spray stops working, the swelling returns and is even stronger than before. The drops need to be used again and even more. This is such a vicious circle, and as a result - complete addiction to the vasoconstrictor drops.
The solution to the problem is obvious, isn't it? Just give up the vasoconstrictor drops to allow the mucous membrane to return to normal. It's easy to say. The inability to breathe normally through your nose sometimes just drives you crazy. This forces you to resort to vasoconstrictors again and again, even fully realizing that sooner or later this will result in a bigger problem.
How did I get rid of my addiction to drops?
If you have not yet repeated my mistakes and do not use drops or spray for too long, then you can simply stop using it for a couple of weeks and allow the mucous membrane to stop a little.
I could not afford such “luxury” and for now I continue to use it in one nostril.
Yes exactly. I still use the spray, but only in one of my nostrils to give the other a chance to recover. Once I can breathe normally in that nostril, I plan to stop using the vasoconstrictors in the other nostril as well. And so far everything is going according to plan).
PS In the comments below there is also a diagram from a user on how to overcome addiction to nasal drops.
I suffered from addiction for 13 years. It dripped every 3-4 hours, and at night too.
Like a drug addict she went everywhere with a bottle! Just awful!
The doctors kept saying that we needed to have an operation. But it is difficult to tolerate, and for many, the effect only lasts for a while.
As a result, I found a good doctor and acted according to the following scheme.
It’s simply impossible to “endure it.” This lasts for several weeks, but at night it’s impossible, I can’t sleep with a stuffy nose: my head hurts, my general condition worsens...
1. Rinse 5-6 times a day with saline solution (such as Aqualor-baby)
2. In the morning and before bed, 2 sprays in each nostril - Nasonex. The break between injections is about 12 hours.
3. Drip Rinofluimucilin at night. 5 days.
4. And no vasoconstrictors. But! Rinofluimucilin is also a vasoconstrictor, but not as potent. It's possible.
When it was completely unbearable, I still dripped:
5. Your usual vasoconstrictor drops, BUT diluted in half with water. And only in one nostril!
We have already written about this here. You drip into one nostril, the other is restored.
As a result, the first days were difficult. Rinofluimucilin cleared my nose before bed. Sometimes at night I dripped diluted vasoconstrictors into one nostril and slept with one nostril
breathable. But that was literally the first 2-3 nights.
Then it becomes easier. Even the diluted ones also removed the vasoconstrictors.
Five days later I removed rhinofluimucilin and gradually became better and better.
As a result, after a month I already forgot about rinsing with saline solutions. The nose stopped bothering me.
I’ve been living like a normal person for four months! No drops! Sometimes I wash it with saline solution.
It's better to go to the doctor, etc. Everyone may have different reasons for a runny nose.
But if I recommend surgery, it’s better to try to do without it! Fight first!
I want to thank you very much. Words simply cannot describe how huge it is! I was on xylomethozoline for 3 years, be it Galazolin, Snoop, Afrin, or any other drug. Rinofluimucin really helped. The active ingredient is just different. I washed my nose 4 times a day, first with saline solution, and immediately again with furacillin. Rinofl. I dripped more often than you advised, I dripped as soon as my nose was blocked, otherwise it was simply impossible to work. BUT. I took it for 3 days! Today is the seventh day, and the last time I sprayed my nose was 3 days ago! Now I sit, write and breathe through a clean nose! Sometimes the nose gets stuffy for a moment, but not too much, and then it goes away on its own. It's hard to convey this buzz after being addicted to the drops. Thank you so much for the real recipe!!
Thank you for such a detailed review
I never considered nasal drops to be a medicine. I have always been treated with folk remedies, but I have heard about these drops. People cannot live without them in winter.
As for me, drops are nothing. I have never used them and will never use them. Firstly, I remember this terrible feeling of drops in my nose, and secondly, I can breathe through my mouth. I know that many people don’t know how, I’m lucky. Sometimes I deal with nasal congestion through exercise. Try running, playing football, volleyball, even a banal climb up the stairs will eliminate this ailment.
Breathing through your mouth is not an option. The nose is needed to filter the air and keep it warm in winter. Breathing only cold air through your mouth, especially during seasonal respiratory diseases, is fraught.
Eliminating addiction to nasal drops
Dependence is associated with various drugs or alcoholic beverages. A person’s behavior during this period is familiar to many: he tries his best to get a portion of pleasure. The same behavior causes a person to become dependent on vasoconstrictor nasal drops. The products are easy to purchase and are sold without a prescription. A person simply puts drops into his nose and gets rid of a runny nose, but not everything is so simple. If it is not cured, the frequency of use of the drug increases and the effect of the drops decreases. In such cases, addiction develops, so you need to know how addiction to nasal drops appears and how to get rid of it.
Reasons for addiction
Many people believe that a vasoconstrictor for a runny nose is the main medicine that will help them. They are accustomed to treating themselves and also independently controlling the dosage and duration of treatment, not paying attention to the mandatory instructions that must be strictly followed. Many people think that nasal drops are absolutely harmless, but this is not so. The treatment process leads to some disturbances:
- the appearance of a headache;
- disruption of the nasal mucosa;
- insomnia;
- nervousness;
- gestational hypertension.
Many types of nasal drops are classified as adrenergic receptors. They have a stimulating effect on the walls of blood vessels, causing them to narrow. Among the most effective remedies for the common cold are the following: “Naphthyzin”, “Xylometazoline”, “Sanorin”.
Such drugs have a vasoconstrictor effect and are aimed at relieving swelling and improving breathing. Simply put, drops will not help cure a cold, but will only relieve unpleasant symptoms. Long-term use of drops may cause rhinitis. If it is not treated in time, pathological changes will occur in the nasal cavity, which can be corrected with surgery.
It is necessary to treat the nose with drops for no more than 3-5 days. If the drug is used longer than prescribed, xylometazoline, sanorin or naphthyzine dependence may develop. Vascular tone will decrease, and mucosal atrophy will develop. It will be difficult to breathe, and the person will become dependent on the vasoconstrictor drops. It is not possible to cure addiction by completely quitting the drug. You must first consult a doctor who will examine the patient and give the right advice.
Those people who constantly have a stuffy nose due to colds, allergies or flu suffer greatly. They are ready to go to great lengths to get rid of a runny nose and breathe at full capacity. In such cases, drops and sprays come to the rescue. For example, Naphthyzin, a popular remedy for the common cold. It helps within a few minutes of application. It also perfectly relieves the symptoms of the disease and improves the patient’s well-being.
But you should understand that there are also negative aspects to the use of such drugs: since the drug helps well, the patient turns to it for help again and again. He does not follow the rules of treatment. Therefore, when the disease subsides, nasal congestion appears again. There are people who have been using drops for many years and do not want to go to the hospital for help. If you use medicine so frivolously, the consequences can be sad. It will all start with an illness and end with problems with the nervous system.
Signs of dependence on vasoconstrictor drops are:
- the use of drops lasts longer than the prescribed time;
- the recommended dosage no longer helps;
- a large supply of medicines at home and at work;
- a forgotten drug at home makes you nervous;
- when it becomes difficult to breathe, you want to quickly apply the spray.
Many people cannot even imagine what the consequences of a simple runny nose can be. Nowadays there are many auxiliary remedies for it. They narrow the blood vessels in the nasopharynx, remove swelling and restore mucus secretion. It becomes much easier for a person to breathe. But the relief does not last long.
Those people who are dependent on drops should know the following:
- naphthyzine drops and any others do not cure the disease;
- drops relieve unpleasant symptoms for several hours, after some time nasal congestion appears again;
- to cure a runny nose, it is necessary to use other cold medications;
- drops should be used as an aid in therapy, and not as the main medicine.
Treatment methods
If a person is prevented from living normally by a runny nose, he or she is dependent on drops. Therefore, it is necessary to abandon them and contact a specialist. The doctor will conduct a special examination, find the cause of the disease and begin treatment. The duration and method of treatment depend on individual indicators: how long a person suffers from a runny nose, uses drops, how often he uses them.
Treatment will give a positive result if you follow basic procedures.
- Replace the drug with hormonal nasal rinses. New developments have virtually no side effects. They help restore the nasal mucosa, reduce naphthyzine dependence and dependence on other drugs.
- If the tissues of the nose are destroyed, and infections have developed because of this, then you should take a course of antibiotics. Their choice depends on the severity of the disease and the sensitivity of the patient.
- You can replace vasoconstrictors with other drugs and alternate them with nasal rinsing. This will help you gradually get rid of your addiction and replace the drops with a harmless solution. Over time, the mucous membrane will also recover, and the need for drops will completely disappear.
- Ointments will help restore the nasal mucosa.
If a person does not have the opportunity to see a doctor, or his illness is not so serious, he can try to recover at home. It is worth knowing that self-treatment will last much longer. If the nose is very stuffy and the drops cannot be completely removed, then you can instill them in only one nostril. And give the second an opportunity to recover. When it becomes normal, breathing improves, and the discharge stops bothering you, you can stop using the drops completely.
You can also do breathing exercises. Exercises will train breathing and have a healing effect on the nasal mucosa. For gymnastics to give a positive result, it is better to consult a doctor.
Traditional methods
You can get rid of addiction with the help of traditional medicine. Before starting treatment, you must make sure that the patient is not allergic to the components used. Let's look at a few effective folk recipes below.
- Medicinal juice of aloe flower. To prepare it, you need to take a plant that is more than 3 years old. Aloe juice must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2, mix everything well and use as nasal drops. Drop the product into both nostrils, 4 drops 3-4 times a day.
- The second drops recipe is honey drops. To prepare them, take liquid honey and dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio. The method of application is the same as for aloe.
For the best effect, they need to be dripped into a clean mucous membrane. If there is discharge, rinse the nose well before using the drops. Afterwards, it is necessary to observe the reaction of the mucous membrane: since it is inflamed, there is a risk of an allergic reaction.
Help from doctors
Many people who are addicted to drops are simply afraid and even embarrassed to go to the hospital. But addiction is a disease that needs to be cured. Treatment must be correctly selected, so the help of a doctor is simply necessary. He is based on the individual characteristics of the patient. It also takes into account the cause of rhinitis, the type of drug, the frequency and duration of its use.
The patient will be offered the following types of addiction treatment:
- treatment with hormonal drugs;
- installation of drug blockades;
- capillary therapy;
- lymphotropic treatment;
- ultraviolet sanitation;
- acupuncture;
- phytotherapy;
- operation.
If the addiction is at a serious stage, then doctors recommend surgery. For example, laser cauterization, ultrasound treatment of the nose, septoplasty and radiocoagulation.
Withdrawal process
When vasoconstrictors are discontinued, the patient may feel discomfort. To remove congestion and feel normal, doctors recommend:
- try not to drip into your nose for at least 2-3 days;
- endure unpleasant sensations.
Usually the discomfort goes away after 3 days. And this torment will pay off: a person will not need to drip into his nose every day. To ease your suffering, use these tips:
- massage your nose with light circular movements;
- do breathing exercises: you need to inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth; the respiratory passages expand, the air gradually dries out the nasal mucosa and increases vascular tone;
- In order to sleep normally and not suffer from nasal congestion all night, you can put several pillows under your head, take hot baths for your body and legs: the blood flow begins to be distributed from top to bottom, swelling gradually decreases, the nasal tunnels expand, and it becomes easier for the patient to breathe.
Overuse of nasal drops can lead to rhinitis. This is a serious disease that can only be treated with surgery. To prevent the consequences of the disease from leading to the appearance of another one, you must follow the instructions for using the drops. You can remove addiction by replacing the drug with a hormonal one, or using folk remedies. But consultation with a doctor is necessary.
- 03/20/2018 Olga you need good psychotherapy (not pills).
- 02/19/2018 Anatoly Eglonil 50 mg * 3 times a day for three months. .
- 02/15/2018 Anatoly I often feel sick, for more than 15 years, it started when I was.
- 02/08/2018 Olga The picture with the mask is super. This is exactly me, before.
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How to get rid of nasal drops
Complex therapy methods can help cope with dependence on topical anticongestants (vasoconstrictor drops). As part of the conservative treatment of drug-induced rhinitis, anti-inflammatory and decongestant medications, general stimulating sanitizing procedures, as well as physiotherapeutic methods - laser therapy, acupuncture, electrophoresis, etc. are used. Irrational use of anticongestants often causes the development of uncontrolled vasodilation - excessive relaxation of muscle fibers in the walls of the arterioles that permeate the nasopharynx.
Violation of vascular tone leads to swelling of the nasal mucosa and, as a consequence, the development of drug-induced rhinitis. Treatment of non-advanced forms of the disease is carried out with the help of medications and physiotherapeutic procedures. For atrophic and hypertrophic changes in the tissues of the nasopharynx, surgical methods of therapy are used - conchotomy, cryotherapy, etc.
Why does addiction occur?
How to get rid of addiction to nasal drops? Before we answer this question, we need to understand why decongestants are addictive. When dealing with a runny nose, most people limit themselves to using vasoconstrictor aerosols or drops. They contain substances (adrenaline receptor stimulants) that cause the arterioles in the nasopharynx to narrow. The reasons for the development of medicinal rhinitis lie in the long-term use of anticongestants.
Abuse of vasoconstrictors entails the development of tachyphylaxis - a rapid decrease in the response to the action of the drug after its use. To relieve swelling, a person is forced to constantly increase the dose of drops used. All nasal decongestants belong to the group of vasoconstrictors, i.e. substances that affect the functioning of adrenaline receptors, which are located in the walls of blood vessels.
Systematic use of decongestants sooner or later leads to a “ricochet” effect. Refusal of vasoconstrictors activates compensatory mechanisms, during which the body tries to restore normal blood flow to the tissues in the nasal cavity. This is expressed in the dilation of blood vessels and increased production of nasal secretions.
Irrational use of anticongestants is fraught with hyperplasia (enlargement) of the mucous membranes and glands that produce nasal secretions.
If you do not stop using decongestants within 7 days, this will lead to drug-induced rhinitis, the development of which is based on vasodilation. It is quite difficult to cure addiction, since refusal of vasoconstrictor medications negatively affects a person’s well-being - constant nasal congestion, copious clear discharge, sneezing, etc. occur.
General recommendations
Is it possible to give up the habit of putting decongestants in your nose on your own? It is possible to get rid of drip addiction without the participation of an otolaryngologist only in the initial stages of its development. If vasoconstrictor medications have been used for years, it is likely that symptoms of drug-induced rhinitis will only be eliminated through physical therapy and surgery.
There are several ways to get rid of addiction:
- A sharp refusal. If you have been using vasoconstrictor medications for a relatively short time, abruptly stopping the medications will help you cope with the problem. As a rule, the “ricochet” effect persists for several days, after which vascular tone is restored and the runny nose goes away on its own;
- Gradual withdrawal. Get rid of chronic addiction gradually, deliberately increasing the intervals between the use of anticongestants. To reduce the concentration of substances in the medicine, it is recommended to dilute it with saline or mineral water;
- Replacing the drug. Anticongestants containing xylometazoline are considered the most dangerous. To quickly get rid of “drip” addiction, it is recommended to replace the drug with drops that contain phenylephrine or naphazoline. After 1-2 weeks, it is recommended to switch to homeopathic nasal preparations, as well as hypertonic solutions for rinsing the nasopharynx.
Vitamins C, B5, P and E help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and eliminate swelling in the nasal passages.
You can independently treat dependence on drops with the help of drugs that increase vascular tone - Dihydroquertecin, Ascorutin, Cavinton. With their help, it will be possible to eliminate vasodilation and, as a consequence, manifestations of drug-induced rhinitis.
Drug treatment
How to get rid of addiction to nasal drops? If a person cannot quit decongestants on his own within a month, he should seek help from a specialist. The attending physician will assess the condition of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and determine how much it has become “accustomed” to vasoconstrictors. In the absence of noticeable hypertrophic or atrophic changes in the soft tissues, the patient will be prescribed anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous medications that do not affect vascular tone.
Topical corticosteroids
Treatment of “drip” addiction is almost always accompanied by the use of local hormonal drugs, i.e. topical corticosteroids. They have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, so they can be used to relieve swelling and inflammation in the nasal turbinates and internal nasal openings:
Hormonal medications are contraindicated for people suffering from fungal diseases.
In cases where the patient cannot immediately refuse decongestants, the doctor simply reduces the dose of the drugs and simultaneously prescribes corticosteroids. During the treatment process, the regularity of use of vasoconstrictors gradually decreases, due to which the body weanes itself off vasoconstrictors almost painlessly.
How to wean yourself off vasoconstrictor drops? Conservative treatment of medicinal rhinitis is often accompanied by the use of antiallergic drugs. Like decongestants, they reduce swelling in the nasopharynx, but do not affect adrenaline receptors. To restore normal vascular tone in the mucous membrane, it is recommended to drip the following drugs into the nose:
Antiallergic medications prevent the release of inflammatory mediators, which lead to swelling of the nasopharynx and, as a result, blockage of the nasal passages. If the symptoms of medicinal rhinitis are constantly bothering you, you can replace decongestants with antihistamine drops for a while.
Nasal rinsing solutions
You can get used to vasoconstrictors in literally five to ten days, but giving up their use is quite difficult. How can I wean myself off nasal decongestants? Hypertonic and isotonic salt solutions have pronounced anti-edematous properties.
As a rule, treatment of “drip” addiction involves the use of hypertensive drugs that contain more than 0.9% sodium chloride. Drug-induced runny nose is cured using the following nasal remedies:
To achieve the desired results, nasal rinsing should be done at least 4-5 times a day. To relieve the symptoms of drug-induced rhinitis, avoid decongestants completely or replace them with homeopathic remedies.
What to do if medications do not help relieve nasal congestion? If, at a doctor’s appointment, a patient states, “I have been using vasoconstrictor drops for more than 5 years,” in 90% of cases, an instrumental examination reveals pathological changes in the nasopharynx. It should be understood that decongestants negatively affect the functioning of the glands that secrete nasal secretions. If you drip drops constantly, this will lead to insufficient mucus production and, as a result, dehydration and thinning (atrophy) of soft tissues.
Treatment of atrophic and hypertrophic changes in the nasal mucosa is carried out using physiotherapeutic procedures. They help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, restore the secretory activity of the glands in the nasopharynx and thereby stop the manifestations of a medicinal runny nose.
Laser therapy
How to cure drug runny nose? Laser therapy is often used to eliminate the symptoms of vasomotor and drug-induced rhinitis. Laser study has a beneficial effect on transcapillary processes in the arterioles that are located in the nasopharynx. After completing 7-10 sessions of laser treatment, you will completely get rid of addiction and vascular dystonia.
Instrumental therapy has an anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictor and anti-edematous effect on the ciliated epithelium that covers the nasal turbinates. To soften the effect of laser study, after the procedure it is recommended to instill moisturizing drops into the nose - “Physiomer”, “No-Sol”, “Quix”, etc.
Acupuncture is one of the most effective methods of treating chronic and drug-induced runny nose. During the procedure, the specialist inserts thin needles into regional and segmental points that are located on the face. Stimulation of acupuncture points allows you to restore normal innervation of muscle fibers, which are responsible for the expansion and contraction of arterioles in the nasal cavity.
It is worth noting that the mechanism of action of acupuncture is currently poorly understood. Many doctors are skeptical about this treatment method, although practical results speak in its favor. Physiotherapy does not eliminate psychological addiction to nasal drops, but it helps eliminate somatic disorders caused by vasodilation, i.e. disturbance of vascular tone.
Electrophoresis is an instrumental method for the treatment of ENT diseases, based on the introduction of drugs into the nasopharynx through an electric current. The drugs commonly used are:
- thiamine (vitamin B2);
- pantothenic acid (vitamin B5);
- rutin (vitamin P);
- Diphenhydramine
Electrophoresis is contraindicated for people with impaired blood clotting and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
To reduce discomfort during electrophoresis, you need to instill analgesic substances into the nose. The duration of the session depends on the degree of vascular dystonia and the condition of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. The therapeutic effect is observed already through electrophoresis sessions.
Abuse of vasoconstrictor drops inevitably leads to drug-induced rhinitis. The development of the disease is based on vasodilation - dilation of blood vessels associated with relaxation of muscle fibers in the vascular walls. Pathological processes are provoked by active substances contained in decongestants - oxymetazoline, xylometazoline, naphazoline, etc.
How to treat dependence on vasoconstrictors? To wean yourself off anticongestants, you need to replace them with nasal medications of a different type - homeopathic, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory (topical corticosteroids), etc. If drug treatment is ineffective, physiotherapy (electrophoresis, laser treatment) is prescribed, which helps restore vascular tone and patency of the nasal passages.
Author: Guseinova Irada
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