Inhalation with decasan using a nebulizer

Decasan for inhalation for respiratory diseases

The drug does not penetrate through the skin into the mucous membrane and blood, and is used to combat respiratory tract infections in children and adults. Along with rinsing and instillation into the nose, inhalations with Decasan allow the drug in aerosol form to penetrate into the deep passages of the respiratory tract.

Table of contents:

The product has antibacterial, antimycotic and antiviral effects without disturbing the microflora of the mucous membrane.

Properties of the drug

The active ingredient is decamethoxin, an antiseptic and disinfectant. It has the following therapeutic properties:

  • Fungicidal - has a detrimental effect on fungal infections.
  • Protistocidal - destroys pathogenic protozoa such as Trichomonas and Giardia.
  • Antiviral - blocks the ability of viruses to reproduce.
  • Bactericidal effect against diphtheria and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci and other microbes resistant to antibiotics.

Unicellular organisms, viruses, bacteria and fungi have membranes consisting of a bilipid layer. Decamethoxin, upon contact with a cell foreign to the body, reacts with the structure of this membrane, disrupting its permeability, changing the internal environment of the cell, which leads to its death. Decasan does not affect the cells of the human body.

The use of the drug increases the sensitivity of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria to antibiotics, which makes it possible to reduce their dosage.

Decasan solution reduces swelling by reducing the development of the inflammatory process and removing toxins from the body.

How to use

Decasan solution is indicated for use for disinfection of organs from pathogens. Due to the absence of side effects, the drug is used to treat diseases of the respiratory tract and oral cavity in children. For lacunar tonsillitis and tonsillitis, gingivitis, stomatitis and periodontitis, the use of Decasan in the form of rinsing or irrigation of the pharynx is indicated.

After operations in the nasal cavity, when removing adenoids, correcting the septum, the nasal passages are irrigated with the drug, first diluted with sodium chloride 1:1.

For bacterial bronchitis and other infectious diseases of the pulmonary tree, as well as for sinusitis and prolonged bacterial rhinitis, inhalations are used using a nebulizer. With this method of administration, the drug, sprayed into a fine mist, penetrates into difficult-to-reach places, and also does not limit the mobility of children during the procedure. They can take a sitting position, make gentle movements, watch cartoons, draw, read a book.

Decasan for inhalation is available in disposable capsules of 2 ml. This is a convenient dosage for one-time use in children. For long-term use, purchase Decasan solution in bottles of 50, 100, 200 ml.

Inhalations with Dekasan

Inhalations using a nebulizer are given to children under 12 years of age once a day for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and 2 times with an interval of 12 hours for bronchial and pulmonary diseases. However, in case of serious complications, the number of procedures is increased according to the doctor’s recommendation.

When using the drug for inhalation for children over 12 years of age, Dekasan is diluted with saline in a ratio of 1 to 1, bringing the volume to 5-10 ml per inhalation.

However, do not leave any excess for reuse. The treatment period for children is 7–10 days, if necessary 12. Inhalations with Decasan for ARVI help prevent the development of complications and speed up recovery.

When carrying out inhalations with a nebulizer for young children, the dosage per inhalation does not exceed 4 ml.

After inhalation for children, clean your lips and face with a damp handkerchief, since prolonged use of antiseptics leads to irritation or dry skin. It is also noteworthy that Decasan, in comparison with other antibacterial drugs, can be used in compressor and mesh nebulizers.

An ultrasound device is also applicable for such procedures, since it does not disrupt the molecular structure of the drug and does not deprive it of its therapeutic properties.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug has no contraindications other than increased sensitivity of the body to the components of Decasan. Side effects are rare. They manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions, redness and urticaria when used externally, as well as dryness or cracking of the lips after prolonged use of inhalations.

The drug does not penetrate into the blood, so the likelihood of an overdose is low; at the same time, it should not be taken orally, since it may burn the esophagus and sensitive gastric mucosa. The practice of using the antiseptic solution Decasan during inhalation accelerates recovery in children and adults.


Dekasan for inhalation with a nebulizer

Decasan is a medicine characterized by an antiseptic effect. Has a wide range of applications. In medical practice, the medicine has gained wide demand for the sanitation of the birth canal and surgical equipment, as well as diseases of the respiratory tract, the development of which was influenced by infection and fungi.


The medication in question and its components do not penetrate the skin into the blood, so it can be used in the treatment of diseases in children. In addition to rinsing and instilling into the nose, the Decasan solution, presented in the form of an aerosol, is able to penetrate deep into the respiratory tract and have an antimicrobial, antibacterial and antiviral effect, without disturbing the microflora of the mucous membrane.

The drug is based on an active substance called detamethoxin. Its action is based on the elimination of the intercellular membrane of all pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, they lose their ability to reproduce and slowly die.

Spraying the drug using a nebulizer allows its microparticles to capture the entire mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, removing all microorganisms from its surface. The effectiveness of this treatment option is quite high.

This allows the drug in question to be used in the treatment of the following types of pathologies:

On the video - dekasan for inhalation with a nebulizer:

How to divorce

Before you start taking any action regarding taking Decasan, you must carefully read the instructions. But here it all depends on the format in which the drug was purchased. If these are capsules for a nebulizer, then no special steps need to be taken to dilute the medicine, since it is already ready for use.

How steam inhalations are done for tracheitis, and what medications are needed for this, is described in this article.

But what medicine to treat tracheitis, and which remedy is the most effective, is described in great detail in this article.

How is sinusitis treated with inhalations, and what medicine should be used. can be found in this article:

You may also be interested in learning which herbs for cough inhalation should be used first.

If you buy Dekasan in its pure form, then to obtain a medicinal solution you need to dilute the product with saline solution. If the medicine is to be used by an adult, then the ratio between Decasan and saline solution will be 1:1. But for children this proportion will be 1:2.

But in this case, you need to understand that the formula in question is quite approximate, because the concentration of the main substance may differ in different packages. So it would be most correct if the ratio of the drugs in question is chosen by the attending physician.

How to use for children and adults

The medicinal solution Decasan today is very popular in medical practice for disinfecting organs from the negative effects of pathogenic microorganisms.

Since the drug has no side effects, it can be used in the treatment of pathologies of the respiratory tract and sweat cavity in young patients. If it is necessary to treat stomatitis, sore throat and tonsillitis, then the solution should be used as a gargle.

If an operation was performed in the nasal cavity, adenoids were removed or the nasal septum was corrected, then it is worth irrigating the nasal passages with a solution. But before this, you need to dilute the product in equal quantities with sodium chloride.

If there is bacterial bronchitis and other infections of the pulmonary tree, as well as sinusitis and a persistent runny nose, then an inhalation solution is used. A nebulizer can help with this. Due to the fact that the solution will be introduced by spraying, all its particles will be able to penetrate deeply into accessible places. This use of the drug is very convenient for children, who can sit and watch cartoons at the time of the manipulation.

Dekasan for inhalation is presented in 2 ml capsule format. This dosage is considered very beneficial and convenient for one-time use by children. For long-term use, it is better to buy Decasan solution in containers of 50, 100 and 200 ml.

Inhalations using a nebulizer can be performed on patients under 12 years of age. Do them once a day for diseases of the upper respiratory tract; if the child is over 12 years old or is an adult patient, then the number of procedures increases to 2 per day.

If the drug is to be used for adults, then combine the solution with saline in equal proportions. One manipulation should take 5-10 ml. Moreover, it is necessary to make the solution in a volume that will be sufficient for one inhalation, since the remaining product is no longer suitable for reuse. The duration of therapy will be 7-10 days. If necessary, the dosage can be increased.

How inhalations are carried out for inflammation of the nasopharynx, and what medications should be used first, is described in great detail in this article.

For those who want to learn about how to dilute Pulmicort 0.5 for inhalation for a child, you should follow the link and read the contents of this article.

You may also be interested in learning about how to use Ambrohexal for inhalation for children; for this you should read the instructions for use.

How inhalation occurs through a nebulizer for a dry cough is described in great detail in this article.


  • Irina, 34 years old: “With the help of Decasan solution, I was able to cure a cough due to bronchitis. It was dry and painful for me. He strangled me especially hard in the mornings and at night. The doctor prescribed this drug to me in combination with other medications. But it was after the inhalations that I felt relief already on the 3rd day. The cough began to turn into a wet cough with sputum discharge. The full treatment took me only 7 days, and then my condition improved.”
  • Andrey, 36 years old: “We used Decasan solution to treat rhinitis in a child. The fact is that he often develops this disease due to a deviated septum. So as soon as my son’s nose starts to clog, I carry a nebulizer and the medicine. It’s enough to perform one procedure a day to see relief within a couple of months.”
  • Anna, 38 years old: “In our family, Dekasan is considered one of the most popular medicines. It is always in our first aid kit. The fact is that this is a universal remedy for the treatment of runny nose and cough. It can also be used by both adults and children. For example, I used it to treat a cough that I had due to the flu. I suffered quite a lot with him; I couldn’t sleep, eat, or work fully. When I went to the doctor, he prescribed inhalations with Decasan. I did only 10 procedures once a day, after which my condition improved and the cough disappeared.”

Decasan is a unique drug that effectively treats diseases of the upper respiratory tract in children and adults. Noticeable relief occurs after just a few procedures, which indicates the high effectiveness of the drug. In addition, it does not cause any side effects at all, so it is completely safe for children.


Use of the drug Decasan for inhalation

Decasan is an antiseptic drug that is used to treat respiratory diseases. The drug was developed by Ukrainian doctors, but it has found its distribution in Russia. Decasan is usually used for inhalation using a nebulizer. Compound:

Important! Dekasan is available in the form of a nebula (50, 100, 1000, 3000 and 5000 milliliters) and a bottle (50, 100, and 200 milliliters). For a bottle of Dekasan (100 milliliters) you will have to pay rubles.

This medicine has the following effects on the body:

  • Fungicidal effect - kills pathogenic fungi (fungi of the genus Candida, yeast fungi, fungi of the genus Microsporum, and so on).
  • Bactericidal effect - kills various bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, etc.).
  • Antiviral effect - kills some viruses (rhinoviruses, reoviruses, etc.).
  • Anti-inflammatory effect - eliminates inflammation, helps with coughs and reduces swelling of the airways, which leads to recovery.


Decasan fights pathogens as follows:

  • The active substance decamethoxin, when it enters a cell, binds to the lipid structures of the pathogenic microorganism.
  • Because of this, cellular permeability is impaired.
  • After some time, the metabolism inside the pathogenic microorganism is disrupted, which leads to its death.
  • It should be understood that Decasan is a selective medicine, so it poses a danger only to pathogens, but is completely safe for humans.

This drug has the following indications:

  • Severe inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract (bronchiectasis, pulmonary hypoplasia, chronic bronchitis, etc.).
  • Diseases of the upper respiratory tract (sore throat, pharyngitis, sinusitis, otitis media, and so on).
  • Diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, etc.).
  • Skin disorders (eczema, fungal skin diseases, etc.).
  • Some other diseases (ulcerative colitis, urethritis, prostatitis, and so on).
  • Can also be used on open wounds and surgical instruments.
  • Also widely used for dry cough.

Treatment of diseases in adults

Respiratory diseases in adults can be treated with Decasan as follows:

  • Consult your physician before use.
  • It is advisable to do inhalations using a nebulizer. To do this, you need to mix Dekasan for inhalation with a nebulizer and saline solution in a ratio of 1 to 1; The nebulizer must be filled with this solution. Inhalations with Decasan should be done 2-3 times a day, 1 session should last approximately minutes. Dosage of drugs, milliliters of medication for one treatment session. After the treatment session, it is advisable not to eat food for the next few minutes. The duration of the treatment course is no more than 30 days.
  • The dosage of the medicine may vary depending on the type and stage of the disease.
  • To enhance the therapeutic effect, the drug can be heated to a temperature of +38 degrees before inhalation.

Treatment of diseases in children

Decasan for inhalation is used for children as follows:

  • The attending physician should prescribe the medication.
  • It is usually used for inhalation with a nebulizer for children.
  • It is advisable to do inhalations using a nebulizer. To do this, you need to mix Decasan for inhalation and saline solution (ratio - 1 to 2). The nebulizer must be filled with this solution. Inhalations should be done 1-2 times a day, 1 session should last approximately 5-10 minutes. Dosage of drugs, milliliters of medication for one treatment session.
  • After the treatment session, it is advisable not to eat food for the next few minutes. The duration of the treatment course is no more than 15 days.
  • The dosage of the medicine may vary depending on the type and stage of the disease.
  • To enhance the therapeutic effect, the drug can be heated to a temperature of +38 degrees before inhalation.


The following is known regarding contraindications and side effects:

  • The drug has no contraindications (except for cases of individual intolerance).
  • The drug has no side effects.
  • Combines well with other drugs:


Let's list a few analogues:

    • Furacilin. It is a powerful medicine that kills many pathogens. The main active ingredient is nitrofural. Eliminates cough. Intended for the treatment of acute respiratory tract diseases. Release form: aqueous and alcoholic solutions, tablets and ointments. It has some side effects - nausea, dizziness, loss of appetite and so on. Instructions for use are approximately the same as using Decasan. Price in rubles for 10 tablets.
    • Chlorophyllipt. It is a good antiseptic based on natural ingredients. The main active ingredient is eucalyptus leaf extract. Intended for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Release form: alcohol and aqueous solution, as well as tablets. Mainly used for inhalation dilution for inhalers. Instructions for children - approximately the same as the use of Dexan. May cause allergic reactions. Price in rubles for 10 tablets.


Now you know how to breed Dekasan. Let's summarize. Decasan is a good remedy against sore throat, ARVI and other diseases.

Important! Directions for use: use as a liquid for a nebulizer for inhalation.

This medicine can be given to any child as it has no contraindications. When using the drug, you need to ensure that it is properly diluted.


Dekasan for inhalation with a nebulizer

Decasan is an affordable and, most importantly, effective antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral drug. How to dilute Decasan for inhalation for children and adults? How many times a day should I use the drug? We will try to give the most detailed answers to these and many other questions later in this article.

Instructions for use of the solution

The method of using Decasan for inhalation for children according to the instructions involves, first of all, carefully studying the instructions for the drug. The packaging of Decasan for inhalation indicates the concentration of the active substance and the composition of the drug. Today, the product is available in 2 ml nebulas, that is, in the form of ready-made capsules for the nebulizer.

The standard form of the drug is a clear solution that can be applied externally or by inhalation. The drug is diluted with saline solution. The exact proportions can only be prescribed by the attending physician, based on information about the characteristics and form of the disease, its severity and the patient’s age.

  1. The conventional inhalation scheme involves 1-3 procedures per day.
  2. The maximum daily dose of the drug for inhalation should not exceed 20 ml.
  3. How many days do inhalations take? The duration of the course of treatment is 5-7 days, but it is better to check with your doctor. Typically, the drug is used until the symptoms of the disease are alleviated.

The dosage of the drug for inhalation with a nebulizer for children and adults is different, therefore, to clarify the treatment regimen, consultation with a specialist is required. On the first day of therapy, it is recommended to do one procedure. If no improvement is observed, intensive therapy can be carried out, increasing the number of inhalations to 3 per day.

The drug is practically not absorbed into the blood, so the risk of overdose is reduced to zero. The product is approved for use by children over the age of one year. The degree of influence of the drug on the condition of the fetus during pregnancy has not been fully studied, but the drug is allowed to be used during lactation. Pregnant women can only take inhalations with the permission of a doctor.


Detamethoxin is the main active component of the drug, which promotes the destruction of the intercellular membrane of almost all gram-positive and some gram-negative bacteria. As a result of the action of the drug, viruses and bacteria lose their ability to develop and gradually die.

The use of a nebulizer for inhalation provides microparticles of the drug with the opportunity to cover almost the entire area of ​​the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which confirms the highest efficiency of this method of using the drug. Thus, inhalations using the drug in question are indicated for:

  • rhinitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • sore throat;
  • tonsillitis;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis, various types of infections with microorganisms - streptococci, staphylococci and others.


The inhalation solution is a medication that has certain contraindications for use. Among these it is worth highlighting:

  • individual hypersensitivity to the active component of the drug;
  • acquired or hereditary form of intolerance to the constituent components of the drug.

Otherwise, Dekasan is a completely safe and harmless medicine that has a gentle, but most effective effect on the cause of the disease. Among the analogues in Russia are such drugs as Aurisan, Conjunctin, Decamethoxin, Oftadek, Berodual (in Latin Berodual) and others.

Side effects

In rare cases, the drug can provoke the development of unpleasant side effects. For example, when using the composition externally, allergic manifestations may occur on the skin - hives or redness in the areas treated with the drug. A similar reaction occurs in patients with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

During the treatment of chronic bronchitis and purulent bronchiectasis by inhalation, there is a possibility of developing a burning sensation in the chest area and a rush of heat. Literally 30 seconds after the procedure, all symptoms disappear without a trace.

How to dilute Decasan and do inhalations?

The nebulizer solution for inhalation must be prepared strictly according to the instructions. Unlike ready-made Dexane in nebulas, the drug in its standard form requires dilution. The dose prescribed by the attending physician is added to the saline solution, bringing the finished product to the required volume. Residues of the drug cannot be reused.

Inhalations using the drug in question help to cope with the majority of gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms, which are the causative agents of many different diseases. Doctors recommend Dekasan for a runny nose and cough, as well as other symptoms of colds. Mix the solution in the required proportion, then breathe over the steam for several minutes.

For children

Decasan instructions for inhalation for children indicate that the product is acceptable for use by infants from 2 years of age. For the treatment of children under 12 years of age, the drug is recommended to be used in a diluted form. The drug is diluted in saline in a ratio of 1:1. For one inhalation procedure, 0.2 mg/ml is sufficient. For regular inhalations, prepare the following proportion of solution: 2 ml of product and 2 ml of saline solution. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 1-2 times a day.

For adults

For adult patients and children over 12 years of age, the drug for inhalation with a nebulizer does not need to be diluted with saline solution.

  • It is recommended to use a solution of 0.2 mg/ml, 5-10 ml per inhalation.
  • The procedure is indicated to be carried out 1-2 times a day.

How long can Decasan be stored after opening the bottle? Unless otherwise specified in the instructions, then until the expiration date of the medicine indicated on the bottle.


Alena, 25 years old: Doing inhalations with Dekasan at home is very simple. Just read the instructions carefully and mix all the ingredients of the drug in the required proportions. The doctor prescribed this medicine to me when I had a severe runny nose and sore throat. All symptoms disappeared within two days. Now I recommend it to everyone I know. An effective and completely harmless remedy against colds.

Evgeniy, 35 years old: An excellent remedy for colds - we tested it on the whole family. First the children caught a cold, and the youngest even caught sinusitis. The composition is very easy to prepare, and inhalation is not at all difficult; I could easily cope with the kids without my wife. Then this remedy saved us from the virus - we were already starting to sneeze, but inhalations with Decasan did not allow us to defeat the disease.

Arina, 28 years old: My son is 5 years old. We get colds and coughs quite often.

Our local pediatrician advised me to purchase a nebulizer with Decasan at the pharmacy. After using hormonal drugs, the effect really impressed me. The child breathes freely, and the cough is heard less and less often. I was very pleased with this medicine.


Inhalation with Decasan in a nebulizer

Decasan for inhalation is an antiviral, antimicrobial, antimicrobial and fungicidal drug that is prescribed to patients with infectious diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. The bactericidal properties of decasan have proven effective against most bacteria and viral organisms known to science that cause inflammatory processes in the respiratory system. The drug is able to resist the most dangerous infections such as diphtheria, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococci of all genotypes and many other strains of microorganisms.

For what diseases is it effective?

Decasan for inhalation using a nebulizer is effective in the presence of inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the tissues of the upper and lower respiratory tract. Well heals wound formations in the oral cavity and nasopharynx.

In general, dekasan for inhalation is indicated for use if a patient is diagnosed with the following types of diseases:

  • gingivitis;
  • acute bronchitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • periodontitis;
  • pulmonary hypoplasia;
  • abscess cyst of the lungs;
  • pneumonia of infectious origin;
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • angina;
  • purulent processes in the lungs and bronchial tree.

Decasan solution is widely used in the rehabilitation process of patients who have undergone surgery on the chest and respiratory system. The drug allows you to accelerate wound healing by disinfecting its surface from pathogenic viruses and bacteria. As a result, inflammation of the mucous membrane and injured tissues practically does not develop.

How does the solution work when inhaled with a nebulizer?

After inhaling dekasan vapors using a nebulizer, the active components of the drug enter the tissues of the lungs and bronchi. The process of interaction of the drug with the protein compounds of these respiratory organs begins. In addition, the drug suppresses the activity of foreign microorganisms, which, during normal functioning of the lungs, should not be present in the respiratory tract. Decasan disrupts the permeability of pathogenic microorganism cells. They stop receiving nutrition, the process of their division slows down, which ultimately leads to their systemic death. This is how the body rids itself of pathogenic microflora in the respiratory system.

As the amount of infection and viruses on the mucous membrane of the lungs decreases, inflammation decreases proportionally and the intoxicating effect on the body decreases.

The patient feels a general improvement in his health. A distinctive feature of inhalation with dekasan is that the drug does not disrupt the structure of the cell membrane of vital human organs, but acts selectively, suppressing only the pathogenic activity of pathogenic microorganisms. These pharmacological properties of the drug exhibit its cytostatic effect. As a result of the course of therapy, the patient receives maximum benefit from decasan inhalations and maintains the health of other organs and systems.

Method of using dekasan for inhalation and duration of treatment

To inhale the respiratory tract, decasan solution is poured into a nebulizer and the medicinal vapor is inhaled for 3-4 minutes. This is how long inhalation should last for an adult. For one procedure you will need 10 ml. solution. Children are inhaled with the drug for 1-2 minutes. This is enough for the sensitive mucous membrane of the respiratory system to be saturated with all the components of the antimicrobial medication. The optimal treatment schedule would be to carry out inhalation procedures in the morning and evening.

This maintains a time interval of 12 hours, which it is advisable to observe when treating with this drug. This will avoid overdose and maintain a stable concentration of the drug in the lungs. The duration of the therapeutic course is 5-6 days. At the doctor’s discretion, the treatment period can be extended or shortened if the patient shows positive dynamics towards recovery. As a rule, children, even with purulent processes in the bronchial tree, feel significantly better after the first 3 days of inhalation.

Features and reviews about the treatment of children

The child’s body is more sensitive to the active components of the drug, so inhalation of children requires compliance with certain features. In particular, parents and the attending physician need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. Monitor for allergic reactions. Children prone to allergies may experience side effects such as hives on the arms, stomach and chest. It is possible to form a small red rash, which is also of an allergic nature. Experienced allergy sufferers cannot exclude an attack of bronchial asthma. Phenomena such as sudden swelling of the respiratory system and the onset of anaphylactic shock in children from inhalation of decasan were not observed. If allergic reactions of any type are detected, you should refuse further inhalations and consult your doctor to prescribe a complex of antihistamines.
  2. Burning in the chest. Children's respiratory mucosa is too delicate, so some may experience a strong burning sensation in the chest during or after inhalation. If the child complains of such sensations, then the dosage should be reduced from 10 ml. up to 5-7 ml. one refill for inhalation.
  3. In the first 2 days of inhalation, the duration of the procedure should last no longer than 1 minute. This is necessary so that the child’s body gets used to the active components of the medicine.

Most reviews of Decasan as a solution for inhalation are extremely positive. Here are some reviews from grateful parents who regularly use the drug to maintain the health of their children:

“My child has suffered from inflammatory diseases of the bronchi since childhood. From the age of 3 we were tormented by constant bronchitis. The baby often missed kindergarten, and when school started, the absences lasted for weeks. On the recommendation of our local pediatrician, I started giving her inhalations at home. As soon as I hear the first manifestations of a cough, I don’t wait until acute bronchitis begins. I fill with 10 ml. dekasana in a nebulizer and inhale my daughter in the morning and evening for 2 minutes. Within 5 days, the symptoms of the disease completely go away.” - Marina, 28 years old, Omsk.

“I am the father of a 15-year-old son with experience of asthma. Chronic bronchitis when diagnosed is normal. The bronchi periodically become inflamed, mucus, sputum, and cough appear. We use decasan solution for preventive purposes in the morning and evening, when autumn and cold weather begin outside. Since the treatment, my son has completely forgotten about his lung problems.” — Sergey, 39 years old, Kaliningrad.

“One day my daughter was very cold and fell ill. The hospital said she had double pneumonia. Our treatment was long. We have tested many different medications on ourselves. We were injected with strong antibiotics, prescribed pills and many other things. My health began to improve after several courses of decasan inhalation. It turned out that the lungs were parasitized by a pneumococcal infection, and the vapors of the solution are very effective against these microorganisms,” - Ekaterina, 35 years old, Shebekino.

How to dilute with saline?

The drug dekasan can be used as a concentrated base for inhalation, or you can use saline solution and dilute the medication to a more diluted composition. Before filling the drug into the nebulizer, it is mixed with saline solution in a separate metal container. Then the medicinal mixture is heated to 38 degrees to increase the volatility of its vapors.

Mixing decasan and saline solution is carried out based on a 1 to 1 ratio.

This means that by 10 ml. medication, you need to add the same volume of saline solution. Inhalations with a diluted drug are recommended for children under 6 years of age, as well as for patients who are prone to allergic reactions to a large number of inhaled medications.

Contraindications and precautions

Decasan belongs to the category of medicines that have virtually no contraindications and interact well with all body systems. However, during the treatment process the following points must be taken into account:

  1. Allergy. It is not recommended to use the solution for inhalation in patients with hypersensitivity to the active components of Decasan.
  2. Pulmonary failure. In the presence of this pathology, the absorption of the drug is reduced, and the medicine may not bring the desired therapeutic effect. First, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of malfunction of the respiratory system, and only after that begin inhalation procedures.
  3. Pregnancy and lactation. No negative effects of decasan on fetal development have been recorded. However, it is recommended to refrain from inhalations in the first trimester of pregnancy. During breastfeeding, it is better to inhale dekasan, which was previously diluted with saline solution.

Due to the individual characteristics of each organism, it is necessary to listen to its behavior after completion of inhalations. It is especially important to control the breathing rate to avoid bronchial spasms or the formation of edema in the bronchial tree. This rule applies to adults and children.

We recommend reading

Inhalation for bronchial asthma through a nebulizer

Inhalation for bronchitis with a nebulizer

Method of using Ambrohexal solution for inhalation


Helpful advice

Citrus fruits help strengthen the immune system, but they are not always allowed to be consumed if you have lung diseases. Consult your healthcare provider for clarification.

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The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor!


What and how to do inhalations for a runny nose

A runny nose is a symptom of various diseases. It occurs in every person, regardless of age and gender. The main problem that appears along with this symptom is difficulty breathing, leading to other negative sensations such as headache, loss of appetite, weakness, swelling of the mucous membranes in the nasal cavity.

That is why people try to get rid of a runny nose as quickly as possible. One of the methods to combat the problem is inhalation. The effectiveness of the procedure depends on what methods are chosen and what medications are used.

Is it possible to do inhalations with a runny nose?

Doctors recommend doing inhalations for runny noses of various origins. This method comes from traditional medicine, confirming its effectiveness. Inhalation has no side effects, there are practically no serious contraindications, but for children you will need to consult a pediatrician before the procedure.

Inhalation is used for the following types of runny nose:

  1. Dry rhinitis is congestion in the nasal cavity without mucus secretion. In the process, it is possible to moisten the mucous membranes and cause the contents to leak out.
  2. Thick runny nose - the resulting congestion gradually disappears, thickened secretions go away, which prevents the inflammatory process and problems in the sinuses.
  3. Allergic rhinitis - allergens are released naturally, swelling is relieved.

Inhalations are also used for ARVI. In this case it is possible to achieve:

  • rapid removal of the virus from the body;
  • reducing dryness in the nasal cavity;
  • relief of general condition.

For each disease, a special composition is selected, the most effective in each specific case.

Rules for the procedure

In order for the effectiveness of the technique to be high and there are no complications, you will need to follow the rules for inhalation:

  1. Choose a suitable remedy.
  2. Observe the exact dosage (take into account the disease, severity of symptoms and age).
  3. Repeat the procedures during the day - at least 3 times.
  4. Before and after inhalation, it is not recommended to eat for 30 minutes.
  5. Use the selected product directly at the time of the procedure (you should not prepare it in advance or refill the inhaler).
  6. You are not allowed to talk during the procedure.
  7. Inhalation of vapors should be done slowly and deeply.
  8. The temperature of the liquid used should not be higher than 60 degrees.
  9. The procedure, carried out for a runny nose and cough, involves inhalation through the nose and mouth at the same time.
  10. The steam technique is carried out for no more than 15 minutes (5-10 minutes are recommended).
  11. Essential oils are added in small quantities (2-3 drops are enough).
  12. Before the procedure, you should not perform physical activity.
  13. Inhalation is carried out while sitting.

To increase efficiency, you need to use special devices with masks that help more effectively deliver vapors or aerosols into the nasal cavity.

What to use for inhalation for cough and runny nose

Inhalation for cough and runny nose can be carried out using the following compositions:

  • clean water - 250 ml (without gas);
  • validol - 1 tablet;
  • baking soda - 1 tsp;
  • iodine tincture - 7 drops.

Mix all components and dissolve. Pour the composition into the device or a regular kettle. After this, inhale the vapors for 10 minutes. Repeat for 3 days.

Another simple recipe:

Inhalation is cold (you need to inhale the vapors).

If you need to treat a wet cough, you should use a simple recipe.

  • clean water - 1 l;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.

Wash the unpeeled potatoes, then place them in a container of water. Cook until done. Cool to a degree, then inhale, inhaling the vapors.

Using herbal infusions or decoctions from the pharmacy also helps. For this purpose you will need:

The liquid should infuse for at least 30 minutes, after which it will need to be heated to 40 degrees to inhale the medicinal vapors.

A composition prepared from:

  • essential oil - 12 drops;
  • pure water - 200 ml (without gas).

The process of preparing the product is simple: you need to heat the water until it boils, then cool to 85 degrees. The next step is to add essential oil and stir. You will need to inhale the resulting steam for 10 minutes a day. The product will not only help relieve nasal congestion, runny nose and cough, but also relieve sore throat during a cold.

Nebulizer Recipes

Nebulizer solutions vary in composition, which helps to find the best option in each specific case. To prepare you will need to take:

  • mixture of calendula and St. John's wort flowers - 1 tbsp;
  • water - 200 ml.

Boil water and add herbs. The liquid should infuse for 40 minutes. After this, you can pour the infusion into the device and carry out the procedure. A quick effect can be achieved by brewing chamomile. To do this you will need to take 1 tbsp. plants and 1 glass of water.

Another recipe will help get rid of cough, runny nose and nasal congestion:

  • a mixture of calendula, eucalyptus and pine buds - 1.5 tbsp;
  • a glass of boiled water.

The composition must be infused for at least 35 minutes. Use once a day for 10 minutes.

Inhalation of a runny nose with saline solutions using a nebulizer should be done 3-4 times a day. To do this, just pour the composition into the device.

A saline solution has similar properties, for the preparation of which you will need to take:

  • water (200 ml);
  • table salt without iodine - 1 tbsp.

The components should be mixed and then used to conduct the procedure.

If the runny nose is too severe, then for inhalation with a good therapeutic effect you need to use special formulations that contain antibiotics. To prepare the composition you need to take:

  • Fluomycil powder - quantity according to instructions (take into account the person’s age);
  • water - 250 ml.

A day you need to do 2-3 procedures for 5 minutes.

Compositions obtained by mixing propolis and calendula are also used to combat the common cold. You will need:

  • calendula tincture (without alcohol) - 200 ml;
  • liquid propolis - 1.5 tsp.

All ingredients are actively mixed, after which they are used for therapeutic effects 2 times a day for 10 minutes.

Inhalation with a nebulizer with saline solution

Inhalation procedures using a nebulizer with saline solution are effective, even if the problems are advanced. It is important to remember that formulations for procedures should be purchased taking into account the age of the people who will use them.

For children

Kids need to choose special formulations that will be effective, but mild in impact. They should not contain harmful chemical components.

You can prepare an effective and non-allergenic solution for inhalation for nasal congestion or runny nose using a low concentration salt composition (0.9%). Alkaline mineral water is an alternative.

The saline solution needs to be warmed up a little (a few degrees), and then poured directly into the inhaler. The duration of the standard procedure is only 3-5 minutes.

With gradual but deep inhalation of the steam, the nasal cavity will be well cleared of accumulated mucus and the infection will come out. It will also be possible to get rid of the crusts that have formed.

For adults

To treat patients over 15 years of age (adults), you will need to purchase Ambrobene or Lazolvan, which are convenient to use for inhalation. They then need to be mixed in equal proportions with saline solution. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes, repeat 2 times during the day.

This composition is also suitable for treating children; in this case, the concentration of the drug must be taken into account. For children under 2 years old - 1 ml of the composition, then as they grow older - 2-6 years - 2 ml of the composition and from 6 years old - 3 ml. The duration of the course should not exceed 5 days.

How to get rid of a runny nose during pregnancy

A runny nose may also occur during pregnancy. Inhalation procedures are effective for its treatment. You can choose slightly alkaline mineral water as the main treatment.

Before use, you will need to ensure that all the gas comes out of it. Then, using boiled, cooled water, you need to dilute the mineral water (the proportions of the liquids are equal).

Inhalation of the resulting composition should be carried out 1-2 times a day. The recommended duration of one procedure is 5-7 minutes. In this case, the nebulizer increases the effectiveness of the effect and significantly saves time.

Another recipe that is suitable for use during pregnancy:

  • purified non-carbonated water - 980 ml;
  • table salt - 7 g;
  • essential (it is better to exclude citrus options) oil - 3 drops (choose one to which you are not allergic).

The water must be heated, but not boiled (optimally up to 50 degrees). Then add the remaining ingredients - essential oil and salt. Inhalation of the resulting composition will need to be carried out 2-3 times a day, the duration of one procedure should not exceed 5 minutes. As a result, you can achieve the removal of mucus from the nose and improve your general condition.

You may be interested in an article about the healing properties of essential oils and their use in home medicine.

Here you will learn the rules for using Albucid drops for a runny nose in a child.

Contraindications for inhalations

You will have to refuse the procedure if:

  • body temperature above 37.1 (for hot options) and 37.7 (for cold ones);
  • there is blood or pus in the nasal cavity;
  • there is a feeling of stuffiness or pain in the ears;
  • severe diseases of the respiratory system;
  • allergic reactions to the drug used;
  • there are problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • vomiting is present.

Other restrictions are established during the preliminary diagnosis process by a specialist.

Inhalation is a good way to get rid of a runny nose and other manifestations of allergies or colds. Various options are used as medicinal compositions - herbal preparations, ready-made saline solutions, mineral water or table salt.

The technique must be applied following the rules and taking into account existing contraindications. Positive aspects of the procedure: ease, accessibility, possibility of use by children and pregnant women, high efficiency.


Use of Dekasan for inhalation with a nebulizer

Decasan is a broad-spectrum drug. Today, it is used not only for the sanitation of wounds or the treatment of surgical instruments, but also as an effective remedy for the treatment of respiratory diseases. The drug has an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect, suppressing the activity of fungi, viruses and bacteria in the area of ​​inflammation. Dekasan for inhalation with a nebulizer has no age restrictions and is absolutely safe for treating adults and children from birth. The average cost of Dekasan in pharmacies ranges from 115 to 350 rubles. This price for the drug makes it accessible to all categories of the population. What else do you need to know about this drug?

Description, general information

Decasan is a powerful antiviral, antifungal and bactericidal agent. The drug is known for its wide spectrum of action against a large number of pathogenic microorganisms that cause diseases of the oropharynx and respiratory tract. Inhalations with Decasan are used to combat infections such as:

And this is not a complete list. Since recent studies have shown amazing results - none of the known strains of bacteria, fungi or viruses have shown resistance to Decasan. At the same time, the drug reduces the resistance of pathogenic microflora to antibiotics, which allows achieving greater effect from complex antibacterial therapy.

The drug is not absorbed through the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and respiratory tract into the general bloodstream, and is not addictive. However, it is not recommended to use it with other drugs of similar action, as this may lead to a decrease in the therapeutic effectiveness of both drugs.

The drug does not have a toxic effect even with long-term use in recommended doses. By heating the solution for inhalation to a temperature of 38 0, it is possible to achieve a more powerful therapeutic effect.


Decasan for nebulizer is recommended for use for various diseases of the respiratory tract, mouth and nasopharynx. Due to its disinfecting effect, upon penetration into the body, the drug quickly eliminates the causative factor of the disease, preventing its severe form from developing. In addition, inhalations help moisturize the mucous membrane, which is extremely important for increasing local immunity.

According to the instructions for use, the main indications for inhalations with Decasan are:

  • bacterial, purulent and fungal infection of the oral cavity;
  • inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, including purulent ones (including the possibility of using Decasan for sinusitis);
  • laryngitis, tracheitis and laryngotracheitis;
  • tonsillitis, adenoiditis;
  • gum diseases (periodontitis, gingivitis and stomatitis);
  • various forms of bronchitis, regardless of the pathogen, and its complications (chronic bronchitis in the acute stage, broncho-obstruction, bronchiectasis, polycystic lung disease, complicated by a purulent course, and others);
  • inflammatory processes occurring in the respiratory organs (including pneumonia, pleurisy, lung abscess and others).

Inhalations with Decasan are recommended when the first signs of a cold, flu or acute respiratory viral infection appear. This helps to stop the inflammatory process at the initial stage, preventing the development of complications. If time has been lost, the drug can later be used as part of complex therapy prescribed by a therapist or pediatrician.


Decasan quickly penetrates into the source of inflammation without having a systemic effect on the body. Method of application: using a nebulizer. Use with steam inhalers is not possible.

Usually the drug is used as independent therapy. If simultaneous use with antibiotics is necessary, it is necessary to take into account the ability of the drug to enhance their effect. In the future, this may affect the duration of the course of taking them.

Dekasan is available for inhalation in 2 ml nebulas for convenient dose calculation for one use. For savings, you can purchase the drug in bottles with a capacity of 100 ml, 200 ml or 400 ml. This volume is convenient for external use, but can also be used for inhalation. In this case, the required proportions are calculated using a syringe.

For adults

Dekasan for runny nose and respiratory diseases in adults is used in its pure form, 5-10 ml per procedure. Inhalations should be performed up to two times a day. The duration of the course is selected by the attending physician and can be up to 2-4 weeks.

After the procedure, patients often experience a sharp, unpleasant taste in the mouth. This is not a side effect, but is explained by the specific taste of the solution itself in its pure form. For many, this factor turns out to be decisive in the matter of further treatment. But, given the proven effectiveness of the antimicrobial agent, doctors do not recommend interrupting the course because of such an insignificant detail.

For children

Inhalations with Dekasan concentrated solution for children are prohibited. For a child under 12 years of age, the drug must be diluted before use in the proportions specified by the doctor. If treatment for dry cough and other manifestations of ARVI is carried out independently without consulting a pediatrician, you should adhere to the standard dosage regimen - mixing Decasan and saline in equal proportions. For one inhalation it is recommended to use 2 ml of Decasan and 2 ml of sodium chloride, heating both drugs to a temperature of 38 0. The duration of the procedure is 7-10 minutes. Per day, as in adults, no more than two inhalations are performed.

Again, even in diluted form, the drug has a specific taste, which should be warned about in advance.

Using Decasan for inhalation for children, after only a day of use, it can relieve cold symptoms, relieving a runny nose and sore throat. According to statistics, after two procedures, 30% of patients experience a complete recovery.

Interaction with other drugs

We have already said that Decasan is recommended for use in monotherapy for respiratory diseases. But when administered by inhalation, it can be used with other medications prescribed by the attending physician. In this case, its ability to interact with antibacterial drugs to enhance their activity against pathogenic microorganisms must be taken into account.

Side effects and contraindications

Among the side effects when using Decasan inhaled, patients noted a slight burning sensation in the nose, mouth and behind the sternum. These symptoms are not an indication for discontinuation of treatment. Specific therapy is not required when they appear - the discomfort goes away on its own within 30 minutes after the procedure.

The drug has virtually no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to decamethoxin.

Inhalations during pregnancy

If you follow your doctor's recommendations regarding dosage, frequency of administration and course duration, the inhalation drug is safe for use during pregnancy. Decasan does not have any effect on the circulatory system, does not have the ability to be absorbed through mucous membranes or penetrate the placental barrier to the fetus.

Additional recommendations

Finally, we will give some general recommendations regarding the use of Decasan in adults and children:

  1. The drug must be administered exclusively using a nebulizer. The use of antimicrobial agents, the category of which includes Decasan, using the steam method is ineffective. Moreover, in a number of diseases, heat exposure can aggravate the course of the disease.
  2. When treating a runny nose, throat and gum disease, it is necessary to use a mask selected in size according to the patient’s age. For diseases of the bronchi, including complicated forms, it is recommended to use a mouthpiece to minimize loss of solution during breathing.
  3. Residues of the drug after inhalation cannot be stored. After each procedure, the nebulizer must be thoroughly rinsed.
  4. When treating several patients in a family at once, it is recommended to use your own mouthpiece or mask.
  5. Inhalations with a nebulizer do not have a thermal effect, which is why they are allowed at elevated body temperatures. But with high readings from 38 0, it is recommended to interrupt the course of treatment until the temperature normalizes within subfebrile values.
  6. Before the procedure, it is forbidden to drink or eat food, as this may trigger an attack of nausea. After inhalation, eating, drinking, talking and walking outside is also prohibited for half an hour.

Local immunity in children is much weaker against pathogenic microflora. Therefore, inflammation in the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract develops very quickly, affecting the lower sections. The use of Decasan helps prevent the spread of infection and stop inflammation at its initial stage. But, despite all the usefulness and effectiveness of the drug, to prevent the development of complications, you can and should consult your doctor.
