How to quickly cure a runny nose at home
Sometimes curing a runny nose seems like a task beyond the capabilities of even the wisest doctor. A constant runny nose, headaches and sleepless nights have never brought anyone into a state of euphoria.
Table of contents:
- How to quickly cure a runny nose at home
- How to cure a runny nose
- How to treat a runny nose
- How to quickly cure a runny nose in 1 day
- How to properly treat a runny nose
- Where to start treating a runny nose?
- How to quickly get rid of a runny nose
- How to cure a bad runny nose at home
- How to cure a runny nose with folk remedies
- How to get rid of a runny nose without injections?
- How and with what to cure chronic runny nose
- How to treat persistent nasal congestion
- What to do if your runny nose doesn’t go away for a long time
- Add a comment Cancel reply
- Cold treatment
- How to cure a runny nose quickly with folk remedies
- How to quickly get rid of a runny nose using folk remedies at home?
- How to cure a runny nose quickly - in one hour with salt at home.
- Quick treatment of a runny nose with smoke.
- How to cure runny nose and colds in 1 night?
- Massage helps cure a runny nose in 1 day.
- Treatment of a runny nose with mustard plasters in 1 night.
- Garlic inhalations will cure a runny nose in one day.
- All methods may have contraindications. Before using traditional recipes, be sure to consult your doctor!
- How to cure a runny nose quickly using folk remedies Comments 29
- Runny nose: treatment quickly at home
- Thermal treatments for a runny nose
- Warming up your feet
- Potato warming
- Chicken eggs
- Inhalations for a runny nose
- Soda inhalations
- Pine buds
- Homemade drops for a runny nose
- Beetroot drops
- Oil drops
- Beetroot-honey drops
- Video - How to treat a runny nose with folk remedies
- What drops can be combined with home recipes?
- Benefits of treating a runny nose at home
- Quickly treat a runny nose at home
- Warming up the sinuses
- What does traditional medicine offer?
- Treating a runny nose in a child
- Recipe for turuntula in the nose with Vishnevsky ointment
- Treatment with the Asterisk
- Inhalation with a nebulizer
- How to treat a runny nose at home using folk remedies
- Salty water
- Aloe juice
- Carrot juice
- Onion juice
- Beet juice
- What will strengthen the immune system
- How to treat different types of runny nose
- Chronic
- Obsolete
- Strong
- How to treat a runny nose in pregnant women
Every sick person tries to get rid of a runny nose as quickly as possible.
I think you have seen for yourself more than once from personal experience that treating nasal congestion is not so easy. Sometimes medicine isn't as effective as grandparent's old tried and tested methods. We’ll find out how to not lose heart, your immune system and how to quickly cure a runny nose at home right now.
How to cure a runny nose
A runny nose does not go away for a long time and because of this you cannot sleep, breathe freely and live as before? It was beyond my power to cure a runny nose. This problem is so common that people of all ages face it at different times of the year. Unfortunately, not everyone can understand how to cure a runny nose quickly. So, despite the many pharmacies and remedies, getting rid of a runny nose is not an easy task.
- Firstly, you do not need to go to extremes and immediately run to the nearest hospital. It is more convenient to treat nasal congestion at home. It is advisable to take sick leave for at least three days so that your body can stay warm and calm.
- Secondly, you should not buy all your medications at the pharmacy. Pharmacy is not a guarantee of health. We will face all these problems together in this article and come to a common conclusion.
How to treat a runny nose
Any drug from the pharmacy will help you get rid of a runny nose for a short time - nasal drops, tablets that will clear up a persistent runny nose in a week. But quickly curing a runny nose does not always provide a 100% guarantee that the disease will not return to you. So, if you want to quickly cure a runny nose, the following are suitable for you:
- nasal drops based on herbal tinctures. It is more reliable to cure a runny nose with herbs. So, after such drops, your body will be fine, since there are no chemicals in the herbs;
- chemical-based nasal drops. These drops differ from herbal drops in their rapid effectiveness and ease of use. Also, after such drops, patients do not experience discomfort in the nose as after herbal oils, which is why they are gaining popularity among patients with a runny nose. It is more convenient to treat a runny nose with such drops.
- sprays. Nasal spray is now in great demand because it is the most effective among drops. With the help of a spray, the liquid reaches the sources of inflammation in the nose, which helps to quickly get rid of a runny nose.
- pills. Tablets that relieve nasal congestion will help fight a runny nose. Treating a runny nose is no longer a problem, because thanks to the tablets, a lingering runny nose goes away in 3-4 days.
How to quickly cure a runny nose in 1 day
An integrated approach to the disease will help you quickly get rid of a runny nose. This includes:
- pharmaceutical drugs (antiviral tablets, anti-virus mixtures, drops);
- frequent home tea drinking (with honey, lemon and ginger). Have you ever tried to cure a runny nose at home with tea? In vain. At the bottom of the article, look for delicious recipes for healthy tea;
- maintaining warm air in the apartment;
- Be sure to ventilate the room so that the air is fresh and clean. Do not under any circumstances spray the room you are in with an aerosol with any wonderful smell. This can make the situation worse, since such aerosols usually contain a huge amount of chemicals. Chemicals can cause irritation to the inner lining of the nose. This, in turn, will cause further development of a runny nose.
You can completely cure a runny nose at home only if you are constantly in a room where there are no germs or causes for the development of the disease. Find out: how to cure a sore throat at home
How to properly treat a runny nose
Many people want to cure a runny nose in 1 day. Fortunately, medicine is so developed that operations are performed on any organ. If only there was a desire for clients and, of course, money. The operation is a complex process that leaves terrible consequences. If your runny nose has not gone away for a long time, this is not yet a reason to collect all the money and run to the operating table.
Constant nasal congestion is a reason to go to the doctor, but not to the surgeon.
To cure a runny nose at home, you need to be patient. But the result will be much better. And the organs will not suffer from endless pills or injections.
Where to start treating a runny nose?
First you need to try to cure a runny nose at home. Start by cleansing your body.
Be sure to take vitamins (fresh fruits, vegetables, fortified food supplements) and drink nettle tincture. It will help circulate blood throughout the body and at the same time cleanse it.
Strengthen your immune system. Don't forget about proper nutrition. This is an important point, since many patients, having given free rein to their normal lifestyle, begin to eat cakes, pastries, and so on.
In addition to the disease, which the body must cope with itself, you stuff it with unnecessary food. The body spends additional energy on processing food, which it could spend on fighting viruses. The diet should be filled with cereals, stewed and fresh vegetables, citrus fruits, honey (not sugar), sweet teas and compotes from dried fruits.
A warm bath or shower, the jets of which will be directed towards the wings of the nose, will help you treat a runny nose. After this procedure, you should wrap your nose in a warm scarf or scarf and go to bed, or better yet, sleep. If you consider all treatment points at once, getting rid of a runny nose will be easier and faster.
How to quickly get rid of a runny nose
There are life situations when you need to cure a runny nose as quickly as possible. For example, you have an important interview or conference with a representative from Greece. So, the night before an important event, you need to quickly get rid of your runny nose. The task is not easy, but we can do it.
Boiled potatoes will help you quickly get rid of a runny nose. Boil the potatoes for 15 minutes, then remove from the stove, place on the table and immediately sit over the pan with potatoes, wrap yourself in a blanket and breathe. At first it will be difficult to get used to the air temperature, because it will be almost degrees above zero. But ten minutes of such torture, and in the morning you will be like a cucumber! By the way, for a quick recovery, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil (pine or juniper) to the potatoes.
You can cure a runny nose overnight with salt water. Dilute boiled warm water with salt (ratio: 1 tablespoon of salt per glass of water). The salt should completely dissolve in the liquid. Rinse your nose well with this solution, then blow your nose. After a good night's sleep, you will no longer have to treat nasal congestion.
If you have a regular runny nose without fever, a foot bath with mustard will help get rid of your runny nose. After steaming your feet well in hot water (it should be almost boiling water), put on the warmest socks you have, after lubricating your feet with essential oil.
How to cure a bad runny nose at home
No matter how much you would like to quickly cure a runny nose at home, you will have to wait a little. To treat a severe runny nose, you need not one remedy, but several at once. In addition, treating a runny nose at home is much more effective than being on a drip. Many are sure that only experienced doctors can treat a runny nose correctly. You can see from experience that this is a lie. So, to cure runny nose at home, collect all the foods and oils. We begin.
If you have a constant runny nose, you need to go to the sea and start treating yourself with local sea water. You need to rinse your nose every day 2-3 times a day. If it is not possible to get to the sea (due to distance or season), make sea water at home. Mix salt, iodine and warm water (proportions: a tablespoon of salt, a glass of water, a drop of iodine). Procedures should be at least twice a day, every day. Within 3-5 days, you will see that the constant nasal congestion will begin to change to free breathing. Do not stop rinsing your nose with sea water until you feel that you can breathe absolutely freely.
Try to get uncut garlic. These sprigs (which sprout from the garlic) need to be dried and then lightly set on fire. You need to light it carefully and only a little, so that smoke comes out of the tail. This haze must be inhaled through the nose. Constant nasal congestion will disappear after three days of such procedures.
To quickly cure a runny nose, make onion paste. Grate the onion on a fine grater and put it in a bandage. Bring this paste in a bandage as close to your nose as possible and inhale the smell for minutes. If you have very sensitive mucous membranes, inhale less. Almost the same can be done with garlic. Peel the outer shell of the garlic, divide it into small parts (so that each fits into your nose) and take turns inserting a clove of garlic into your nose for five minutes. After two procedures, persistent nasal congestion will disappear.
How to cure a runny nose with folk remedies
Cure a runny nose with folk remedies, of course, takes longer, but is safer for health. To cure a runny nose without leaving home, be patient. You can even treat nasal congestion with ordinary iodine, which is available at any pharmacy in your locality. The main thing is to use it in the correct dosages.
How to get rid of a runny nose without injections?
In fact, treatment, which includes injections, IVs and antibiotics, is the last stage of treatment. This should be resorted to only in rare cases. For example, if a patient has a prolonged runny nose or constant nasal congestion, then doctors prescribe this type of treatment. Therefore, you need to try in every possible way to treat a runny nose at home.
Treat nasal congestion with iodine drops
A glass of water containing five drops of iodine will help you quickly get rid of a runny nose at home. You should drink this water before going to bed. Additionally, draw two dots on the sides of the nose, after moistening the ear stick in iodine. Find out: how to cure cough at home
How and with what to cure chronic runny nose
Chronic runny nose should be treated under the supervision of a doctor, especially if you are doing it for the first time. But remember that you will not be able to completely cure a chronic runny nose. In this section you will learn how to treat a severe runny nose during an exacerbation.
The easiest way to get rid of a runny nose is with medications. This type of product can be purchased at a pharmacy. So, in order for a constant runny nose to go away at least for a while, buy medications that have the following effects:
These medications will help you cure a runny nose during a painful exacerbation.
How to treat persistent nasal congestion
A prolonged runny nose is not a reason for panic and depression. Constant nasal congestion is a good reason to visit a doctor. Do not try to cure a runny nose at home if the illness lasts more than two weeks. Be sure to take sick leave and seek advice from an experienced doctor. A constant runny nose can lead to the development of a disease such as sinusitis. In this case, you need to cure a runny nose as soon as possible.
What to do if your runny nose doesn’t go away for a long time
Treating nasal congestion in all possible ways does not always lead to recovery, unfortunately. The doctor may suggest that you treat a runny nose using UHF or microwave therapy. Also, magnetic therapy (static field) and mud therapy are becoming more and more popular. They also agree to treat nasal congestion using hardware interventions (hardware inhalations and ultraviolet radiation). A persistent runny nose goes away in a matter of minutes if you agree to an ionized procedure, which includes several approaches.
It is worth refusing surgical interventions, as this can become your burden for life. Those who undertake to treat a runny nose with a needle, then cannot cure a runny nose in other ways.
Don't forget about disease prevention. It is much more pleasant to treat a runny nose with folk remedies than to stay in the hospital. But it’s even better not to get sick at all. For this:
- always wash your hands with soap after any kind of contact;
- wash your nose with an antiviral agent after walking outside;
- take vitamins;
- eat right;
- exercise (at least do exercises in the morning);
- do not freeze;
- monitor the condition of your body. Always pay attention to headaches and earaches.
For half a liter of boiling water, prepare two slices of lemon, a centimeter of ginger root, black tea, and cinnamon. Add cinnamon after the tea has steeped for about three minutes. You can stir the tea with sugar. But under no circumstances add honey to boiling water. When honey gets into hot water, it loses its beneficial properties and vitamins.
Mint leaves, honey water, green tea, lemon. Prepare honey water in advance (cool the boiling water and add honey. Calculate one spoon of honey per glass). Then brew green tea with mint leaves. Add honey water and a couple of lemon mugs. The magic potion is ready!
Linden, mint and black tea in a bite with honey - and a quick recovery is guaranteed!
Visit our website: Treatment of Colds. ru - all about the treatment of colds
Good recommendations for treating a runny nose at home!
A very useful article - I think all possible types of treatment for a runny nose are given. You can take it and use it. It’s just that different treatments do not work the same for different people, this must be taken into account.
Useful recommendations, because a runny nose can occur not only in the slushy autumn season, but also in the heat. It is especially useful to know how to get rid of it in 1 day. I'll take note!
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Cold treatment
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How to cure a runny nose quickly with folk remedies
How to quickly get rid of a runny nose using folk remedies at home?
A runny nose is a thing that doesn’t seem to be considered a serious illness, but it really gets in the way. What can I do to make my runny nose go away quickly?
If your nose is stuffy, this folk remedy helps to quickly cure a runny nose: grate horseradish root. While grating the horseradish, breathe deeply, inhaling the smell containing beneficial substances.
Then take a teaspoon of grated horseradish. Mix it with a small amount of apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial properties and helps treat a runny nose. Quickly spread the resulting mixture onto a piece of black bread and eat, slowly, chewing thoroughly. If vinegar is too spicy, you can mix horseradish with honey.
Nasal congestion and runny nose disappear quickly.
If you don’t have horseradish, then one apple cider vinegar will help quickly cure rhinitis. Dip your fingers in vinegar and rub the vinegar into the wings of your nose; when your fingers become dry, dip them again and carefully lubricate them inside. This is not as effective a remedy for a runny nose as the horseradish option. But it will help relieve nasal congestion in 2-3 days. And horseradish breaks through right away.
This remedy will help get rid of chronic nasal congestion and non-allergic runny nose. Mix grated horseradish with lemon juice in a 2:1 ratio. Take 0.5 tsp. 3 times a day, after taking this mixture, do not eat anything for 30 minutes. In the first week, this remedy may cause lacrimation, but then this will go away, like a long-term runny nose. (HLS 2014 No. 6, p. 40).
How to quickly get rid of a runny nose, recipe: onions + honey + potatoes.
Extract juice from potatoes and blue onions. Take 1 part of each type of juice and 1 part of honey, mix. Instill a few drops 3-7 times a day. A runny nose can be cured in one day. (HLS 2004 No. 16, p. 25).
Drops with honey for quick treatment of a runny nose.
Add 0.5 tsp to a glass of warm water. salt and 0.5 tsp. honey Place 1-2 drops into the nose every hour. This folk remedy allows you to cure a runny nose quickly, both in advanced cases and at the first symptoms of rhinitis. Such drops can also be used to treat children. A runny nose when treated with this folk remedy goes away in 2-3 days. If severe sneezing begins after instillation, then repeat the procedure after 5 minutes. If your nose gets very hot from these drops, then you need to add a little less honey and salt. (HLS 2011 No. 10, p. 10).
If you add 2-3 drops of garlic to this solution, the speed of treatment with this folk remedy will double (HLS 2013 No. 4, p. 40).
Onions are the easiest way to get rid of a runny nose.
Peel the onion and remove the top two white petals from the onion. Cut a strip 1.5-2 cm long and 0.5-0.7 cm wide from the middle part of each petal. Blow your nose well (if that doesn’t work, rinse your nose with salt water) and insert these strips into your nose. Hold for 1 minute. If the runny nose has just begun, it will go away after the first procedure. And if it is neglected, then the treatment must be repeated 2-3 times with an interval of minutes. There will be no burn to the nasopharynx; a runny nose can be cured in 1 day, even in 1 evening. (HLS 2013 No. 7, p. 30).
How to cure a runny nose quickly - in one hour with salt at home.
Table salt in an aqueous solution of 8-10% concentration is an active sorbent. It pulls out all the “rubbish” from the diseased organ. The saline dressing must be breathable for it to work. If your nose is stuffy and your head hurts, you should apply a circular bandage to your forehead and back of your head overnight. After one to two hours, the runny nose goes away, and by morning the headache disappears. If the infection has managed to penetrate the bronchi and a cough has begun, then a salt bandage should be applied to the throat and chest (HLS 2009 No. 21, p. 33).
Quick treatment of a runny nose with smoke.
To cure a runny nose, you need to inhale the smoke from smoldering cotton wool or smoldering crackers. Inhale through one or the other nostril until you cry. A runny nose goes away on the same day, most often after the first procedure, maximum after the second. It happens that in one day chronic constant nasal congestion, which has tormented a person for many years, goes away (HLS No. 10, 2007; No. 18, p. 40, 2011; No. 21, p. 7, 2011).
Quick treatment of runny nose and colds at home with kvass.
If you have a cold, cough, or runny nose, drink a glass of kvass at night, adding 2 tsp. honey Then you need to wrap your back and chest well - often in the morning all cold symptoms disappear. (HLS 2008 No. 13, p. 4).
Using calamus root, a man managed to cure a runny nose in one day, or rather, in three procedures. He ground calamus root into powder, dipped his finger in the flour and coated the walls of his nose. After three procedures, I managed to get rid of nasal congestion. (HLS 2006 No. 11, p. 25).
Kalanchoe will help with a runny nose.
Tear off a Kalanchoe leaf, rinse and squeeze the juice out of it. If you instill Kalanchoe juice into your nose 3-4 times a day, 2-3 drops in each nostril, you can cure a runny nose in 1 day. If pure juice causes a strong burning sensation, then it can be diluted with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio, but the treatment will not be as effective. Instilling Kalanchoe juice during a runny nose causes severe sneezing, but you should not be afraid of this - it means the medicine is working correctly! (HLS 2006 No. 11, p. 25).
Kalonchoe juice can be replaced with golden mustache juice - the effect will be the same. But it is more difficult to squeeze the juice out of the golden mustache. You can take aloe juice, but the effectiveness of treatment is lower, although everything is individual: for some, aloe will help faster than Kalanchoe with a runny nose
How to cure runny nose and colds in 1 night?
As soon as you feel the onset of the disease: sore throat, nasal congestion, prepare this mixture at night. Mix 50 g of alcohol or vodka with 1 tsp. honey (or sugar), add hot boiled water to 100 ml and drink. Go to bed, well covered, to sweat. In the morning you will wake up without any trace of a cold. (HLS 2003, No. 14 p. 11).
A newspaper reader's wife had a cold, and he found this recipe in the Healthy Lifestyle for 2003. I prepared a mixture of vodka, honey and water. The wife, having drunk this mixture, immediately went to bed and covered herself well. I sweated, after 2 hours I dried myself, changed my underwear and went to bed. In the morning I woke up without signs of a cold - I recovered in 1 night! (HLS 2012, No. 14 p. 27).
Massage helps cure a runny nose in 1 day.
A 5-year-old woman had a constantly stuffy nose. She did not part with the drops from her runny nose; she dripped even at night. Until I started doing massage. Now, at the first signs of nasal congestion, she begins to massage the wings of the nose, the maxillary sinuses, and the bridge of the nose. Performs massage until breathing becomes free. Within 1-2 days, the runny nose goes away (HLS 2012, No. 20 p. 41).
Lubricate the bridge of your nose with butter, clench your fingers into a fist and rub the bridge of your nose with your knuckles - the stuffy nose begins to breathe. (HLS 2014, No. 6 p. 40).
Treatment of a runny nose with mustard plasters in 1 night.
As soon as the reader has the first symptoms of a runny nose, before going to bed she applies mustard plasters to her heels, covers herself and holds them as long as she has the strength to endure (it is advisable to keep them for at least 1 hour). Then he removes the mustard plasters and quickly walks around the room, then goes to bed. In the morning there is no trace of a runny nose.
Another method of treating the initial stage of rhinitis is to lubricate the sinuses with Kalanchoe juice 4-5 times a day, a runny nose goes away before it has time to gain strength. (HLS 2013, No. 9 p. 33).
Garlic inhalations will cure a runny nose in one day.
Grate 5-8 cloves of garlic. Quickly apply a thin layer of the paste onto a piece of bandage or gauze so that the lubricated surface is as large as possible. Place the bandage in a dry kettle, close the lid, take the spout of the kettle into your mouth and breathe through your mouth, holding your nose, for 8-10 minutes, inhaling deeper the garlic aroma. For the next procedure, you need to take a new bandage and new garlic. If a runny nose, sore throat or acute respiratory infection begins, it is enough to take 5 inhalations per day, and everything goes away on the same day. (HLS 2013, No. 21 p. 33).
Chronic nasal congestion - treatment at home with tar.
This folk remedy will not cure a runny nose in one day, but it will help get rid of many years of chronic nasal congestion.
The story is like this. After another cold, it turned out that my nose couldn’t breathe at all. I went to an ENT specialist, they treated me for sinusitis, prescribed drops, tablets, aerosols, rinses, inhalations, injections, massage, vitamins. There was no improvement, nasal congestion did not go away, I could only breathe through my mouth, it was impossible to sleep at night - the swelling of the nasopharynx intensified. The doctors made a puncture, but the improvements were only temporary, then it all started again, and even worse: a stuffy nose, snot flowing.
The doctor sent me to an allergist, who diagnosed allergic rhinitis. I started treating my runny nose with my antiallergic medications. During treatment, it was possible to relieve nasal congestion, but after treatment it was again difficult to breathe through the nose.
At home, I used many folk remedies to treat a runny nose: calendula solution, Kalanchoe juice, warming with salt. But they didn’t help either. Until she met a friend who advised her a folk remedy that helped her get rid of chronic nasal congestion.
You need to drink half a glass of warm milk with birch tar every morning on an empty stomach and eat nothing for half an hour. On the first day - 1 drop of tar, on the second day 2 drops, etc. add up to 12 drops, then reduce one drop at a time and reach 1 again. This is one course - 23 days.
The woman carried out one course of treatment with tar, took a break for 1 week and repeated the course of treatment again. My nose started breathing! The constant nasal congestion has gone away.
(HLS 2011 No. 13, pp. 8-9).
Tar is a very powerful folk remedy, in this case it helped cure an allergic runny nose, but it will also help with a chronic runny nose of any nature. This remedy can even cure lung cancer.
The man suffered from a chronic runny nose for a long time. Friends advised me to smell birch tar. It helped! The runny nose has gone away and is no longer coming back, the nose is breathing freely. But for prevention, the man continues to sniff tar at least once a day. (HLS 2014, No. 1 p. 27).
How to treat nasal congestion with chestnut.
After an acute respiratory infection, a woman had a stuffy nose for almost a month. The treatment prescribed by the doctor did not help. Once she read that horse chestnut was used to cure sinusitis, and she decided that chestnut could be used in her case as well. In the morning I dipped the chestnut in water, and before going to bed, I peeled it off and cut off thin shavings from the kernel. She pushed it deeper into the nostril and lay down on the same side, placing a cloth under her cheek. If you start sneezing, it’s okay – just keep calm and everything will calm down. She lay there for an hour, then blew her nose and fell asleep. The next evening I repeated the same procedure with the other nostril. I did this for 2 weeks until my stuffy nose started breathing freely again and completely cleared up. (HLS 2013 No. 23, p. 30).
The woman had a constantly stuffy nose for many years, with nasal discharge. Thyme helped. She bought natural thyme oil at the pharmacy and simply brought the bottle to her nose and exhaled its aroma. And I added 1 drop of oil to the tea. This remedy helped and managed to cure nasal congestion. (HLS 2013, No. 13 p. 27).
All methods may have contraindications. Before using traditional recipes, be sure to consult your doctor!
How to cure a runny nose quickly using folk remedies Comments 29
Hello! I’ve had a stuffy nose and a bad runny nose for a month now; nasal medications help me literally for a couple of hours. Tell me, please, what should I do, how can I quickly cure a runny nose?
I’m 60 years old, I’ve had a severely stuffy nose and runny nose for 3 weeks now – how can I treat it? I tried all the drugs, folk remedies and rinses. I can't sleep at night. I tearfully ask you to tell me what to do with a runny nose in order to get rid of it quickly. Thank you!
To quickly remove nasal congestion, you need to drop half a pipette of fresh urine into your nose 2-3 times a day, and lie down for a while after the procedure. A very effective remedy - you can cure a runny nose in 1 day. Suitable even for children.
Svetlana, I'm not going to breathe urine) -D
It is impossible to cure a runny nose in one day. Complete delirium, at least seven days.
Run! and everything will be fine, the runny nose will go away. Running helps relieve nasal congestion after the first kilometer
I am now in a sanatorium, I have a runny nose, how can I cure a runny nose quickly?
fuck how to cure a runny nose faster. I have had a stuffy nose for two months now and nothing helps. Help…
I, too, have been unable to breathe through my nose for a month now, and nothing helps! I don’t want to depend on drops, but I’m tired of sleepless nights! Jumping or running in place is really good for clearing up nasal congestion! But also, unfortunately, a runny nose only goes away for a while
Thank you, but we won’t treat a runny nose with urine!
An old runny nose + sinusitis can be cured well with the herbal medicine “Sinupret”
This remedy will help cure a runny nose in 1 day: Take laundry soap, lather it and inhale the foam. Then you start sneezing. Do this 2 times and your runny nose will go away quickly.
Hello! I want to ask for advice, I should go to Nikolaev tomorrow! There are two little children there, one is 1 year and 8 months old. the second one is one and a half months old!! What should I do, how can I quickly cure a runny nose so as not to infect them?? Urgently.
I advise everyone to undergo physical therapy - warm your nose as prescribed by the doctor. After 10 days, 10 procedures, I forgot about my runny nose. For 25 years now, nasal congestion has not visited me.
I have had a constantly stuffy nose for several years now – what should I do? Please give a folk recipe on how to treat chronic constant nasal congestion
I tried to treat nasal congestion with soap foam and the herbal medicine Sinupret, but none of the remedies helped me!
If nothing helps, then it is most likely allergic rhinitis. See a doctor immediately. I had a stuffy nose and runny nose for 4 months, and then they discovered asthma, it was too late. Therefore, the sooner treatment is prescribed, the better.
Hello. Please advise how to quickly cure a runny nose
I know how to cure a runny nose in 1 day. Buteyko breathing helps me: exhale (exhale) the air and hold it, but not as much as possible (for about a second), and then continue normal shallow breathing. Then breathe for a second and hold your breath again. Do this 10 times. Repeat after half an hour, and so on every half hour. You can cure a runny nose in one day or even evening
I also know how to treat a runny nose in one day - you drink tea with ginger, lemon and honey all evening, eat ginger-honey-lemon grounds from the bottom - in the evening you can get rid of nasal congestion, cough and all the symptoms of a cold
Remedies for quick treatment of nasal congestion
1. Massage points - between the eyebrows, press for 3 seconds (third eye area), area of the maxillary sinuses - press and hold for 30 seconds.
3.Burn a clove of garlic and inhale the smoke through your nose.
Due to the fact that I did not systematically treat my runny nose, it became chronic. Now, when there is an exacerbation, I am treated with antibiotics and use Sinuforte. There has been progress - I have started to get sick significantly less often, one might say that no more often than others.
Try ASD and everything will go away: runny nose, cough and sore throat...
I really liked the review about the treatment of nasal congestion with ASD
Very good recipes I will try
Simply rinsing your nose with salt water will quickly help cure a runny nose, you just need to do it more often, after 1-2 hours, and in 1 day everything will go away
Thank you for the useful and interesting article.
You can completely cure a runny nose at home only if you constantly stay in a room where there are no germs or reasons for the development of the disease
I completely agree with the comment about rinsing your nose with salt water. One of the simplest and most effective methods, but not very pleasant) Although now in pharmacies there are a lot of different sprays based on sea salt. I just bought one of these for myself. It cleanses the mucous membrane very effectively, and it immediately becomes easier to breathe; it allows you to quickly cure a runny nose
And I really like the spray based on calcined sea salt, morenasal with chamomile. Excellent for breaking through congestion and relieving inflammation. I noticed that it speeds up the healing process.
Runny nose: treatment quickly at home
A runny nose is perceived by many as a banal condition that cannot cause significant cause for concern. But at the same time, as the disease develops, complications such as sinusitis, sinusitis, sepsis and even meningitis may appear. To avoid complications and cure a runny nose, you can use effective home techniques.
Runny nose: treatment quickly at home
Thermal treatments for a runny nose
Warming up your feet
It is advisable to use this procedure at night, when you can immediately go to bed. At the same time, it is also worth insulating your feet with socks to enhance the warming effect. In most cases, if the disease has just manifested itself, 1-2 procedures will be enough for the patient. If this is not enough, treatment can be continued for a week. Warming your feet can be combined with other home treatment methods.
To start the procedure, you need to pour warm water into a container; it is better to take a plastic basin. The temperature of the liquid should be as comfortable as possible for you, so there cannot be specific recommendations for the number of degrees. For every five liters of water, take one tablespoon with the top of sea salt and a tablespoon with the top of mustard. The products are added to the water and the feet are steamed for 15 minutes. Such procedures should be used with caution in the presence of varicose veins and heart disease.
It is necessary to warm up your feet before going to bed
Potato warming
This technique involves direct heating of the maxillary sinuses. First, you need to bring the peeled potatoes to readiness, which are wrapped in a gauze bandage while hot. If there is no bandage or gauze, you can use any cotton material. This must be done so as not to burn the skin. After this, the potatoes are applied to the wings of the nose and compresses are kept until the vegetable cools completely.
As the temperature drops, you can unwrap the compress to prolong the procedure. This treatment can be used until the symptoms disappear completely, but preferably just before bedtime. You can also warm your nose in this way in childhood, but you should be careful to avoid burns.
Potatoes are applied to the wings of the nose and compresses are kept until the vegetable cools completely
Chicken eggs
It is necessary to boil two medium-sized chicken eggs, it is important that they are cooked completely. After this, they are carefully removed from the water and wrapped in cloth. It is important to take only natural material. Applying the eggs to the wings of the nose, carry out the procedure for 5-10 minutes. It is recommended to do this twice a day. The second warm-up should be done before going to bed. The duration of therapy is approximately 3-5 days.
You need to warm the wings of your nose with eggs for 5-10 minutes.
Attention! Thermal procedures are strictly prohibited if the patient has a high body temperature. This can provoke a noticeable deterioration in the patient's condition.
Warming up the nose with a runny nose
Inhalations for a runny nose
Soda inhalations
To carry out the procedure, you need to take 1200 ml of water and boil it. As soon as the water boils, add two tablespoons of dried chamomile and a tablespoon of soda. The solution is thoroughly mixed, after which it is necessary to place the saucepan on the table and, covered with a thick terry towel, breathe in the steam for 10 minutes. It is important to carry out such procedures carefully, as during them you can severely burn your face. To prevent this from happening, it is enough to keep your face 40 degrees away from a container of hot water. If you don’t have chamomile, you can take the same amount of string and calendula instead. It is also very useful to take “Star” balm instead of plants. For this amount of water, a piece the size of a match head is enough.
Potato inhalation for a runny nose
Pine buds
You also need to take 1.2 liters of water and add 2-3 tablespoons of pine buds to it. They are boiled for about ten minutes, after which they are also wrapped in a blanket or towel and breathed over the steam for about 10 minutes. Such sessions can quickly eliminate swelling and reduce the manifestation of the inflammatory process. If you add a head of garlic to water, there is no need to boil the fruit; it will also have a strong antibacterial effect.
Attention! It is enough to carry out 1-2 procedures per day, as it has a fairly strong effect on the entire respiratory system.
Homemade drops for a runny nose
Beetroot drops
To treat a runny nose, place two drops of beetroot juice in each nostril.
They are prepared from fresh root vegetables. To do this, rub a small amount of beets through a press or on a fine grater. You only need to get a little juice for one-time use. The liquid should be instilled immediately, as it quickly loses its healing properties in the open air. Place two drops of beet juice into each nostril. You can repeat the procedure up to four times a day. Such a procedure can cause a lot of discomfort due to burning.
If you are one of the patients who also experienced a similar symptom, you should use the juice with a compress. To do this, a piece of gauze is folded into a tampon and soaked in squeezed juice. After squeezing lightly, it is inserted into the nasal sinuses for half an hour. For children, the procedure can be reduced to 15 minutes. In this case, using beets twice a day is enough. The duration of therapy is three to five days.
Oil drops
Olive oil is a great help in fighting a runny nose
They are also used with a tampon. They help especially well when the patient complains of severe dryness of the nasal mucosa. To prepare the medicine, you need to heat 120 ml of vegetable oil in a water bath; olive oil is best. You cannot bring it to a boil, after which the product will become completely useless. For every 0.12 liters of vegetable oil, you need to take 30 g of onion puree; you can also simply chop the fruit finely. Both components are mixed in a glass container. After eight hours, the mixture must be strained, squeezing out all the grounds. Soak a cotton swab in the resulting liquid and lubricate the entire nasal cavity with it 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is until the symptoms disappear completely.
Beetroot-honey drops
Beetroot-honey drops quickly eliminate swelling and inflammation
This medication allows not only to quickly eliminate inflammation and swelling, but also to thoroughly disinfect the nasal sinuses to prevent bacteria from descending below. Beetroot juice and honey are mixed in equal proportions. It is also worth taking enough beets so that there is enough for a one-time procedure to prevent the evaporation of vitamins from the juice.
Honey is pre-melted in a water bath. It is worth making sure that the temperature of the product does not rise above +69 degrees. These drops are instilled up to four times a day until the symptoms disappear completely. The resulting liquid can also be used to lubricate cotton swabs. They are inserted into the nasal sinus for a minute. The product is not suitable for treating patients with intolerance to bee products.
Attention! If using squeezed beet juice causes a lot of discomfort and unpleasant sensations, you should prepare approximately 50 ml of liquid. After this, it must be kept at room temperature for two hours, and then diluted in equal proportions with boiled water. Next, use the resulting liquid according to the selected recipe.
Video - How to treat a runny nose with folk remedies
What drops can be combined with home recipes?
Attention! These drugs should only be used for 3-4 days together with folk remedies if they do not give the desired effect. It is advisable to use the medications only before going to bed.
Benefits of treating a runny nose at home
Using only home remedies is not always possible, especially when a runny nose progresses to the stage of sinusitis or in a condition that combines symptoms of a cold and allergies at the same time. But at the same time, at the first signs of the disease, it makes sense to treat at home, since it has a number of noticeable advantages:
- the products do not contain any aggressive components;
- they are not addictive and cannot provoke withdrawal symptoms;
- rarely provokes an allergic reaction;
- Well tolerated by patients without side effects;
- many are suitable for use in childhood and pregnancy;
- can be used in combination therapy with any pharmaceutical drugs;
- affect not only the nasal cavity, but also the entire respiratory system.
Attention! But, despite the large number of positive aspects of home therapy, when used in childhood and pregnancy, additional consultation with your doctor may be required. This is due to the impossibility of making an accurate prediction about the reaction of the body of patients in these groups to the treatment.
If using home methods does not give the desired result within five days, you should consult a doctor. This is especially true in cases where the disease is accompanied by green sputum, pain in the sinuses and head. Sometimes, to get rid of a runny nose at home, it may be necessary to use complex treatment with pharmacy and folk remedies.
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I save myself from a runny nose with saline solution. I do it myself - two tablespoons of salt per liter of water and rinse with a syringe.
Quickly treat a runny nose at home
The first symptom of a cold is usually a runny nose. As soon as a person feels that the nose is starting to get stuffy, quick treatment measures need to be taken. Then you won’t have to start the process and get back on your feet in a matter of days. We offer options proven by experience and people on how to treat a runny nose at home.
What is important in home treatment for a runny nose:
- In pharmacies you can buy many drugs for home treatment. You should carefully read the instructions before use, paying special attention to contraindications;
- There is no one proven remedy that will help everyone with a runny nose. You need to try and see what suits a particular situation;
- You should also remember about the dosages and frequency of taking pharmaceutical or folk remedies.
Warming up the sinuses
It is very important to regularly warm up the nose when treating a runny nose at home. Warming is done several times a day and it is best to use ordinary salt for this purpose. The salt should be poured into a dry frying pan, heated, and poured into a fabric bag.
Next, place regular paper napkins on the sides of the nose, and on them, on both sides, bags of hot salt. In principle, some people use boiled eggs instead of salt (convenient, less fuss with preparation).
Important! If the runny nose is purulent, you need to use a saline solution for treatment (or buy special drops at the pharmacy). Only when the nasal discharge becomes clear can the described treatment methods be practiced.
What does traditional medicine offer?
There are many traditional medicines available for home treatment of a runny nose. Most medications for the common cold are available in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.
What you can buy at the pharmacy for home treatment:
- Means for washing the nasopharynx. Most often, preparations are made on the basis of ordinary saline solution. They help well with allergic or infectious runny nose, eliminate dust, and kill pathogens.
- Vasoconstrictor drugs. It must be remembered that such medications cannot be used for more than five days in a row, otherwise they will become addictive and a runny nose will develop into a severe form.
- Nasal drops. Often the drops also contain vasoconstrictors. So, you need to carefully read the composition and, if such substances are present, then do not use the selected drops for more than five days in a row.
Treating a runny nose in a child
In cases with children, it is still not recommended to self-medicate, but it is necessary to seek help from a specialist in order to prevent complications and correctly diagnose the disease. Common vasoconstrictor drops, which are also approved for use in children under one year of age:
Homeopathic remedies include Ocarizalia or Euphorbium Compositum. You can also use traditional medicine:
- 1 tsp. Mix honey thoroughly with three teaspoons of beet juice (grate the vegetable and squeeze through cheesecloth).
- Apply the prepared mixture to your nose, 2 drops up to 4 times a day.
The recipe is used in the absence of an allergic reaction to honey.
Recipe for turuntula in the nose with Vishnevsky ointment
It is necessary to rinse your nose with saline solution (pharmaceutical solution) or prepare a solution of salt and iodine. Then you can start preparing the mixture:
- Mix Vishnevsky ointment, aloe juice, Kalanchoe and cyclamen root in equal proportions.
- Dip a cotton swab into the prepared mixture and insert it into the inflamed nostril for 30 minutes.
- This procedure is recommended for sinusitis for 3 weeks.
Treatment with the Asterisk
The most effective treatment method is acupressure with ointment. To do this, apply the Star on the chin, temples, between the lip and nose, earlobes, above the bridge of the nose and between the thumb and index finger of the right and left hand.
Inhalations are also often used: dilute 1 g of stars in 1 liter of boiling water and add 1 tbsp. l. salt, bend over the container with the infusion, cover your head with a towel and breathe for 20 minutes.
Inhalation with a nebulizer
A modern way to treat a runny nose at home. This method is safe and many doctors trust it with more confidence than various traditional methods. Because hot steam is not used here, which can damage the mucous membrane.
Reasons to choose nebulizer inhalation:
- Ease of controlling the dosage of the drug;
- The inhaler device is lightweight, even children can handle it;
- Fast action of the medicine, prompt relief of symptoms.
Important! Only certain medications will be compatible with a certain inhaler model. So, before starting home treatment, it is important to study the instructions. Only pharmaceutical preparations are suitable: no homemade tinctures or decoctions.
How to treat a runny nose at home using folk remedies
Salty water
Much has already been said about salt water in this material. In fact, ordinary salt water is ideal for treating the problem described. You can start using salt water immediately after the first symptoms appear. Dissolve a small spoon of salt in 100 ml of cool water. Drip the solution into each nostril.
Aloe juice
There is a miracle cure that helps you cope with rhinitis with ease. Many people have heard about it, but few people use it - it's aloe juice. To prepare the drops, you need to cut off a “fleshy” leaf of the plant up to 20 cm long at the base and squeeze the juice out of it. For the best effect, rinse your nostrils with saline before the instillation procedure.
- children 3–7 years old (1–2 drops 5 times a day);
- from 8 to 14 years (2-4 drops 5-6 times a day);
- over 14 years old (5 drops up to 6 times a day).
Carrot juice
You need to squeeze out the juice from fresh carrots (if you don’t have a device for squeezing out juice, you can grate the carrots and then squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth). Add olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice in equal proportions. Drip your nose three times a day, two drops into each nasal passage.
Onion juice
Peel the onion and chop finely. Add 100 ml of water and a small spoon of honey to four large spoons. Leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Then apply the resulting mixture to your nose throughout the day.
Beet juice
In this situation, a folk recipe for nasal drops is prepared by mixing two large spoons of fresh beet juice and the same amount of honey. Place three drops into each passage up to three times a day.
What will strengthen the immune system
Since a runny nose most often occurs against a background of weakened immunity, many folk remedies are aimed at strengthening the protective functions of the body itself. It is recommended to drink herbal infusions, decoctions of berries and medicinal flowers.
Important! If you don’t want to collect the herbal mixture yourself, you can buy it ready-made at the pharmacy. All that remains is to brew the collection like tea and take it orally.
Folk recipes for inhalation for a runny nose:
- decoction based on calendula. It will be possible to kill all pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammation. Also promotes tissue healing;
- eucalyptus decoction. The remedy is ancient and suitable for relieving pain. Excellent for removing mucus and effectively fighting infection;
- lavender oil (dilute in a liter of boiling water). Has anti-inflammatory effect. Excellent for severe runny nose due to the effective removal of mucus;
- any vegetable essential oils. Aroma therapy helps relieve the symptoms of a runny nose and its unpleasant manifestations. You can use cypress essential oil (relieves mucosal inflammation), pine oils (improves mucosal secretion), rosemary oil (an excellent antibacterial agent), cedar oil (for disinfection).
How to treat different types of runny nose
- drops and sprays (Galazolin, Otrivin, Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Farmazolin, Rinostop);
- oils (Pinosol, Tezil, peach, menthol);
- agents with astringent and cauterizing properties (Collargol, Protargol, Silver Nitrate).
You can prepare drops at home: 20 pcs. bay leaf pour 200 ml of boiling water, add 1 tsp. honey with 1/3 tsp. salt, mix thoroughly, let stand until it cools to room temperature, drip three times a day.
To cure an old runny nose, you need to take several courses:
- Place 20 drops of propolis tincture 10%, camphor oil, unrefined sunflower oil into a dark glass container, shake everything well.
- The first week - 5 drops in each nostril 3 times a day, then a three-day interval and repeat the course.
To treat a severe runny nose, complex therapy will be required:
- antiviral drugs and immunostimulants (Interferon, Genferon, Viferon, Cycloferon);
- vitamins (ascorbic acid);
- antihistamines (Citrine, Loratadine, Diazolin);
- antibiotics (penicillins, macrolides, cephalosporins);
- vasoconstrictor drops (Naphthyzin, Nazivin, Xilin);
- homeopathy (Aflubin, Sinupret);
- folk remedies (aloe juice drops, fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C).
How to treat a runny nose in pregnant women
Pregnant women are prescribed medications that will not harm the health of the mother and child; most often they are based on herbal components. It is very important to choose the right regimen, since even the slightest runny nose can have a bad effect on the development of the fetus and lead to premature birth or failure. Recommended products for expectant mothers:
- drops (Rinazolin, Vibrocil, Nazivin, Pinosol);
- sprays (AquatMaris, Aqualor, Delufen);
- ointments (Oxolin, Doctor Mom, Evamenol);
- Asterisk (exception - individual intolerance);
- antibacterial drug (Bioparox);
- inhalations (chamomile, linden, Borjomi water, tea tree oil, menthol oil).
To cure a runny nose at home, it is recommended to follow an integrated approach. Using several methods at once helps to achieve results faster and the condition will improve in a matter of days. The main thing is to start treatment on time so as not to start the disease.
Questions and answers:
Good afternoon Can
Pinosol drops help a lot
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I take aloe juice for a runny nose. It helps well - everything goes away in a few days.
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