Quickly cure a cold

How to quickly cure a cold at home

Colds occur suddenly and at any time of the year. A person can eat an ice cream cone, drink an iced cocktail, or get caught in a cold rain, and wake up the next morning with a headache, a stuffy nose, and a sore throat.

Table of contents:

Fever and runny nose are treated with decoctions and rinses. And the immune system is strengthened with vitamin dishes and drinks. A cold should not be neglected, because a simple and harmless disease leads to serious complications.

Rest, fresh air and disinfection

A runny nose and sore throat are a reason to take sick leave. The body, forced to fight viruses, is contraindicated in additional loads. On a bus or in an office, a person can catch an infection or sit in a draft, which will lead to a deterioration in health and increased inflammation. And the patient himself during a cold becomes a source of bacteria and viruses.

The immune system will cope with a runny nose and cough faster if the patient stays at home and spends several days under a blanket or blanket. At temperatures from 36.6 to 37.2, light morning exercises are allowed. A simple warm-up activates blood circulation and sweating. But after doing the exercises, you should not take a contrast shower, go outside or open a window. It's better to crawl under the covers and get some sleep. During rest, the body recovers, produces more energy and leukocytes to fight viruses.

The room in which the patient is constantly located is ventilated twice a day. In the warm season, windows are opened for 1–1.5 hours, in winter – for 10–20 minutes. A person leaves the bedroom or living room for the kitchen or another warm room. Returns after closing the windows. You should not sit or sleep in a draft to avoid complications.

Ventilation is sometimes supplemented with quartz lamps. The room is irradiated with ultraviolet light to reduce the concentration of viruses in the air. In this case, the windows are opened after disinfection. The room will be filled with oxygen, and the excess ozone formed due to the lamp will evaporate.

A patient with cold symptoms is advised to take warm baths twice a day, wash their hands and wash their face regularly to prevent bacteria from accumulating on the skin. During illness, bed linen is changed as often as possible, and pillows and blankets are aired on the balcony.

Ginger tea and berry fruit drinks

The body cleanses itself of toxins and viruses when it sweats. The temperature drops, inflammation decreases and well-being improves. Warm herbal infusions can initiate the sweating process. When you have a cold, it is recommended to brew:

Anti-inflammatory tea is prepared from 30 g of the plant and a cup of cold water. It is better to heat the broth in a water bath, but do not bring it to a boil. Remove when the drink turns brownish or yellowish. Infuse in a thermos or container wrapped in a terry towel. Drink with sugar, raspberry jam or honey.

Cranberry juice removes heat:

  • Frozen berries are poured into an enamel plate or pan and mashed with a fork.
  • Pour the cranberry puree into a gauze bag and separate the juice from the crushed fruit.
  • The cake is returned to the pan and filled with water.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil, cool to 60 degrees and pour in the juice.

Medicinal fruit drinks are seasoned with honey, and less often with sugar. In a similar way, vitamin drinks are prepared from blackberries, lingonberries and viburnum. Berry infusions are mixed with freshly squeezed citrus juices to increase the concentration of vitamin C. The body converts ascorbic acid into substances that strengthen the immune system and destroy the source of inflammation.

Viburnum, cranberries and lingonberries are scalded with boiling water and then ground in a blender along with a few tablespoons of heated honey. Eat 5-6 tablespoons of fresh jam per day. Add 30–40 g of sea buckthorn, ground with sugar, to herbal decoctions.

Important: Honey should not be heated above 60 degrees, and berries should not be boiled for longer than 5 minutes. Products contain vitamins, which during prolonged heat treatment are destroyed and turn into carcinogens.

Ginger root speeds up metabolic processes and warms the body from the inside. By increasing blood circulation, the spice helps the immune system fight viruses that cause a cold. Fresh ginger is added to porridges and first courses, and is also used to prepare an anti-inflammatory agent:

  1. A piece of root 5–6 cm long is cut into thin slices. The peel is removed before chopping.
  2. Pour the ginger into a teapot or pan and add 2 liters of water.
  3. The drink is brought to a boil, seasoned with 20 g of cardamom and 3 star anise. Sometimes a pinch of cinnamon is added to the broth.
  4. The ginger medicine is removed from the stove 10 minutes after boiling. Leave for 40 minutes and filter.
  5. Pour juice from 1 small lemon into a warm drink or simply add thin citrus slices.

Ginger tea is stored in a thermos. Add a little honey, which has antiseptic properties, and 10-15 drops of echinacea to each cup of drink. Alcohol tincture strengthens the immune system, and ginger stimulates the removal of toxins from the body.

A sore throat and runny nose can be relieved with milk decoction. Finely chop a piece of ginger root weighing 25–30 g and pour into an enamel bowl. Pour in two cups of milk and place the mixture in a water bath. When the drink becomes hot, add 2-3 pinches of black or allspice to it. Boil for 10–15 minutes, strain and cool to 45–50 degrees. A spoonful of honey is dissolved in a warm milk-ginger decoction.

After taking this medicine, a slight burning sensation occurs inside. This means the components are working. The drink is contraindicated for peptic ulcers, gastritis and liver problems. Freshly squeezed orange juice is added to the milk broth along with honey, which enriches the body with vitamin C.

For a wet cough, replace the citrus component with two pinches of turmeric. The spice stimulates the release of mucus and helps with bronchitis, pharyngitis and sore throat.

Pastes to strengthen the immune system

Patients with colds are advised to avoid fatty foods. Beef and pork broths, cutlets, sausage and semi-finished products are contraindicated. A weakened body does not need fats and extra calories. Meat soups are replaced with vegetables and fruits, as well as fermented milk drinks. Ryazhenka, kefir and natural yogurt restore intestinal microflora, increasing immunity.

Some patients practice one-day fasting, but this method of treatment raises doubts among doctors. The body fighting an infection should not be overloaded with food, but it is not worth giving up food completely.

Apples, oranges, peppers, cabbage, sea fish and spinach are sources of vitamins responsible for the production of leukocytes. It is these cells that destroy viruses and treat inflammation. Vegetable and fruit salads are complemented with light and nutritious pastes that improve immunity.

The first, lemon, is prepared from 1 large citrus. The yellow workpiece is dipped in hot water for 2-3 minutes to soften slightly. The fruit, cut into large pieces, is passed through a meat grinder, and then 100 g of butter is added to the sour mass. The dairy product is softened in a water bath. The workpiece is seasoned with 4–5 tbsp. l. honey Pour into a jar with a tight lid and put it in the refrigerator. Bran bread sandwiches are prepared daily with lemon paste.

The salty vitamin snack consists of 100 g of hard or processed cheese and the same amount of butter. The products are crushed, mixed and simmered in a water bath for 5–10 minutes so that they melt and turn into a homogeneous mass. The preparation is seasoned with a paste of 4 garlic cloves and 10 walnut or pine nut kernels. A bunch of finely chopped parsley and green onions are added to the pasta, which has cooled to 60 degrees. Store the snack in a glass jar for 3-4 days.

Garlic cheese paste contains vitamin C, phytoncides and amino acids, which invigorate, relieve inflammation, runny nose and cough. There is no unpleasant odor left after the medicine. Parsley neutralizes it.

Rinse and bath solutions

If you have a cold, your feet should be warm. If the body temperature does not rise above 37.2, mustard baths are allowed. They warm and increase blood circulation. 2–3 liters of hot water are poured into the basin. No boiling water, your feet should be comfortable. 50 g of mustard powder is dissolved in the liquid. The feet are lowered into the prepared bath and kept for 20 minutes, periodically adding hot water. Immediately after the procedure, woolen or thick terry socks are put on your feet. The patient is advised to lie down for 30–40 minutes and not run with steamed feet on the cold floor. Heels can be smeared with “Star”. The product warms and disinfects, removes cold symptoms in 3-4 days.

Many viruses and bacteria accumulate in the nasal passages and larynx. They cause a runny nose, inflammation of the mucous membranes and soreness. The infection is washed out with a solution that includes:

  • boiled water – 300 ml;
  • regular or sea salt – 25 g;
  • baking soda – 15 g;
  • regular or blue iodine – 3-4 drops.

Instead of saline solution, herbal infusions are used: chamomile, eucalyptus, sage or coltsfoot. After rinsing, the nasal passages and throat are lubricated with sea buckthorn oil, beet juice, radish juice with honey or aloe.

For sore throat and runny nose, garlic and onion inhalations are performed. Vegetables are cut, poured with cold water and left under the lid for 5-10 minutes. Then open and inhale the released essential oils through the nose and mouth.

The maxillary sinuses are heated with boiled eggs or fabric bags filled with hot buckwheat. A cabbage leaf soaked in honey or a piece of gauze soaked in an aqueous-alcohol solution is applied to the throat.

After rinsing, Kalanchoe juice is instilled into the nose. The wings and bridge of the nose are rubbed with “Zvezdochka”, oxolinic ointment or “Doctor Mom”.

Additional Recipes

  1. For a sore throat, sneezing and the first signs of a runny nose, drink a glass of vodka or cognac. A pinch of red or black pepper is added to alcohol for a warming effect. After drinking alcohol, a person goes to bed, and wakes up in the morning cheerful and healthy. The method is contraindicated for ulcers, heart problems and blood pressure.

A cold is one of the warning signs of a weakened immune system. After recovery, a person is recommended to improve his health: eat a lot of citrus fruits and honey, exercise and take a contrast shower. And also do not smoke or abuse alcohol, which weakens the body's defenses.

Video: what cold medications can be used during pregnancy

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Cleaner fish are hermaphrodites. The female can degenerate into a male and fertilize the offspring.

Source: http://howtogetrid.ru/kak-bystro-vylechit-prostudu-v-domashnix-usloviyax/

How to quickly cure a cold

During the off-season, the chances of catching an acute respiratory infection increase many times over. The disease prevents you from leading your usual lifestyle, and everyday activities and worries cease to be as important. Find out below how to quickly recover from a cold and return to active activities.

How to treat a cold

Respiratory diseases spread among the population, usually during the changing seasons. This fact is explained by the fact that at this time a person experiences a lack of important vitamins, due to which the body’s defenses are reduced and it becomes vulnerable to pathogens. According to experts, it is more correct to classify a cold as an acute respiratory disease (acute respiratory disease).

When a viral agent is detected, the disease is defined as ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection). Modern science has identified more than 200 pathogens of respiratory diseases. Depending on the etiology, it is mostly decided how to quickly cure a cold for an adult. The symptoms of influenza are slightly different from acute respiratory infections, for this reason it is separated into a separate category. As a result, it is necessary to list the clinical “components” of the common cold:

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  • body temperature rises on the eve of evening or night;
  • sore and sore throat;
  • cough;
  • runny nose;
  • nasal congestion;
  • weakness.

A characteristic feature of acute respiratory infections is its gradual development. Many people are interested in how to quickly cure a cold if it begins gradually? The main thing that experts urge is not to ignore even the most insignificant signals from the body. A quick remedy for colds at home is a good night's sleep. For acute respiratory infections, it is important to take vitamin C, not to get too cold, and drink plenty of warm, slightly acidified liquid. This complex, as a rule, helps the patient recover faster and return to their normal lifestyle.

How to cure a cold at an early stage

If you show the first signs of an acute respiratory infection, put off important things for a few days and try to just relax. Getting enough sleep will help the immune system cope with the disease faster. Have no doubt, it will be much more useful to listen to this advice than to go to pharmacies and look for something to drink for a cold. At the first symptoms of the disease, the following measures must be taken:

  • take a loading dose of vitamin C (the child should be given the appropriate amount of ascorbic acid);
  • Avoid stress and excessive physical activity;
  • spend a day or two at home in comfortable clothes and warm socks;
  • stop taking antipyretics at a temperature not exceeding 38 degrees;
  • drink warm liquids in large quantities, preferably herbal teas.

How to quickly recover from a cold

It is quite possible to quickly overcome the disease if you follow all the recommendations of specialists. However, you should not rush to medications at the first symptoms of an acute respiratory infection, when your head is splitting and your whole body hurts. Commercials telling how to quickly cure a cold often offer the public not only ineffective, but even dangerous remedies. There is no doubt that Theraflu, Arbidol, Coldrex are powerful drugs that will help you quickly, but the relief will be short-lived.

Women need to be especially careful during pregnancy. Although the child’s body is protected by the placenta, it is nevertheless extremely vulnerable, which must be taken into account by expectant mothers when taking another pill of an unknown drug. Then a logical question arises: how to quickly cure acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections? It is important to understand that you also need to be able to get sick. Adults, as a rule, rush to work, ignoring any warnings from the body, which is absolutely not allowed. You can quickly cure colds and runny nose:

  • medications;
  • inhalations;
  • jars or mustard plasters;
  • drinking plenty of water;
  • herbal infusions and teas;
  • rubbing;
  • eating large amounts of citrus fruits.

How to quickly cure a throat

Patients with a cold in most cases complain of discomfort when swallowing. A sore throat and sore throat caused by a cold cause many problems. You need to be treated without waiting for a severe cough to start. As a result, experts recommend resorting to irrigation and gargling with antiseptics at the first signs of a cold. As a rule, solutions of furatsilin, soda and salt, and decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, thyme, mint) are effective. As for medications, it is good to use sprays such as Lugolit and Miramistin.

How to quickly cure a runny nose

How to cure a runny nose at home quickly? You can relieve the symptoms of nasal congestion without the use of medications using traditional methods. It is good to use recipes with calendula, aloe juice, and honey. The latter should be used carefully when treating a child. Pharmacy medications will also help to cope with ARVI. Among them, oxolinic ointment and Interferon are considered more effective. When you have a runny nose, the air should be humidified all the time, which is especially important if you get sick during the heating season.

Quick treatment for colds and coughs

Laryngeal spasms respond well to home remedies such as black radish juice. The recipe for its preparation is very simple: mix chopped vegetables and granulated sugar in equal parts, leave under a closed lid for 4-5 hours. The resulting “juice” can be given to an adult and a child 3 times a day, 20 mg per dose. Bromhexine, Lazolvan, Libexin are considered effective cough medicines.

Video: how to quickly get rid of a cold

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

Source: http://sovets.net/6989-kak-bystro-vylechit-prostudu.html

How to cure a cold quickly?

Many people, when their temperature rises, chills, cough and sinus congestion appear, do not pay due attention to this state of their body. As a rule, they are interested in quick ways to treat a cold, and they are limited only to eliminating the specified symptoms. And when their health improves a little, they begin to lead their usual lifestyle.

People mistakenly believe that a cold cannot lead to any serious consequences. However, this is fundamentally wrong. The cold is an “insidious” disease that can affect anyone, regardless of their age.

What are the causes of a cold?

It should be immediately noted that the cause of a cold can be any of more than 100 types of different viruses. But most often colds are caused by rhinoviruses, which are transmitted by airborne droplets. These viruses can also spread through contact, for example, through a handshake or shared objects - telephone, toys, utensils. If after such contact a person touches the mucous membranes of his eyes or nose, he will most likely catch a cold. It is also worth noting that the chances of infection increase in people who have weakened immune systems.

When a person has a cold, the following symptomatic manifestations occur:

  • cough (most often “dry”);
  • sinus congestion;
  • pain and itching in the larynx;
  • weakness throughout the body;
  • headache;
  • sneeze;
  • insignificant increase in body temperature (no more than 38⁰C).

Medications for treating colds

To begin with, it would not be amiss to note that if the disease is not acute, you can quickly cure a cold at home without resorting to the help of a specialist. But if a cold has overcome a child or a pregnant woman, you should immediately seek qualified medical help.

General recommendations for self-treatment of colds include:

  • drink plenty of fluids (water, chicken broth, compotes, fruit drinks);
  • constant peace. Get plenty of rest and bed rest;
  • monitor the temperature. Don't let yourself get cold. And after you sweat, immediately change into dry, clean clothes.

What medications are recommended to be taken?

1. Drugs that eliminate cold symptoms

For colds, it is recommended to take teas (dry mixtures) diluted in hot boiled water. With their help you can relieve headaches and muscle pain, lower body temperature. In other words, to make the patient feel better. However, these teas are not able to eliminate the root cause of the cold. Taking only them, quick treatment of a cold is impossible. As a rule, it is permissible to take them no more than 2-4 packets per day and no longer than 3-5 days, depending on the specific drug and the reason for which it is prescribed.

For example, you can take the following medications:

  • fervex. One sachet is dissolved in hot water, mixed thoroughly until completely dissolved and drunk immediately. Take 2-3 sachets per day (preferably between meals). The maximum dose for adults and children over 12 years of age is 4 sachets per day. Children (6-10 years old) can take 1 package 2 times a day, children (10-12 years old) - 1 package 3 times a day;
  • pharmacitron. One packet is diluted in hot water, stirred and drunk. Use at intervals of 3-4 hours, but no more than 3 packets per day. Prescribed only to adults and children over 14 years of age. Pharmacitron should not be taken for more than 5 days.

2. Immunomodulators

In case of a cold, taking medications that can stimulate the body's immune system is indispensable. After all, the stronger the immune system, the more effectively and quickly the body will cope with the disease. These drugs will increase the protective functions of the body, which has weakened due to illness. If you do not know exactly which part of the immune system has failed and want to cure a cold quickly, it is recommended to choose immunomodulatory drugs that have a wide spectrum of action, for example:

  • cycloferon. This drug, in addition to such an advantage as a wide spectrum of action, is also safe. Therefore, its use is often prescribed to children over 4 years of age who have a cold. Children (4-6 years old) need to take 1 tablet/day, children (6-11) – 2 tablets/day. From 12 years of age, children can take 3 tablets/day. Adults with a cold are usually prescribed to take this drug in the amount of 2-4 tablets/day. The course of treatment lasts days, depending on the severity of the disease;
  • amiksin. Adults with a cold are usually prescribed a course of 6 tablets. The first two days take 1 tablet/day, and on subsequent days - 1 tablet. every 48 hours. Children under 7 years of age should not take amixin. Children (7-14 years old) are prescribed a course of administration, which consists of three tablets, at the rate of 1 tablet/48 hours.

3. Medicines for cough, sore throat and runny nose

These symptoms that accompany a cold should be addressed individually. That is, to treat a runny nose, drops and sprays are used, to treat a cough, you need to take special syrups, and to eliminate a sore throat, you need to take various medicines and lozenges.

Fighting a cough

A cough medicine such as sinecode helps to quickly get rid of a cold. Adults and children over 13 years of age are prescribed 3 tsp/3 times a day. Children (3-6 years old) can take 1 tsp/3 times a day, children (6-12 years old) 2 tsp/3 times a day. The possibility, dose and methods of taking Sinecode for children under 3 years of age should be discussed with a doctor.

You can also take the following medications:

Resisting the runny nose

Naphthyzin drops will effectively cope with a runny nose. Adults need to use this drug by instilling 1-2 drops into each nasal passage 2-3 times a day. We are talking about a 0.1% solution. For children, a 0.05% solution of naphthysine is instilled 1-2 times a day, 1-2 drops into each nasal passage.

You can also use the following to combat sinus congestion and swelling:

Eliminate sore throat

Pain in the larynx can be treated with lozenges such as Strepsils. Children over 5 years old and adults are recommended to dissolve 1 lozenge every 3-4 hours. You should not suck more than 8 lozenges per day.

There are quite a large number of lozenges that effectively counteract sore throats, for example:

4. Vitamins

Taking vitamin complexes can help you recover faster. Of course, you won’t be able to cure a cold in 1 day, but you can significantly speed up the process. It is best to replenish the body with vitamins and beneficial microelements by eating fruits and vegetables. But it often happens that eating only fresh vegetables and fruits is not enough. You can get out of this situation by taking the following vitamins:

  • belonging to group B (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12). These vitamins promote the effective absorption of other beneficial substances into the blood. They also accelerate the synthesis of antibodies that support immune activity;
  • D. This vitamin is indispensable in the metabolic processes of microelements such as phosphorus and calcium. This is extremely important for colds;
  • C. Actively destroys pathogens, and also promotes the active division of cells of the immune system;
  • E. Controls the processes of breakdown of free radicals at the cellular level;
  • Cu. Has excellent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties;
  • Fe. Maintains the necessary level of oxygen in the body.

Traditional methods of treating colds

Folk remedies are often used as additional therapy for colds. They help to quickly get rid of colds and are a storehouse of vitamins, nutrients, minerals and beneficial microelements, which the body weakened by the disease so needs.

It is necessary to give several popular folk recipes that will contribute to a speedy recovery. So.

Recipe No. 1 (honey with milk)

Surely, there are few people who would not know about this rather old and proven recipe. However, it is not often used in the fight against colds. But in vain, it is very effective and perfectly helps relieve pain in the larynx. To prepare it, you need to heat the milk to an acceptable drinking temperature. And drink it in small sips, snacking on natural honey. It is recommended to use this product 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening before bed.

Recipe No. 2 (saline solution)

A solution made from regular table or sea salt effectively helps fight the runny nose. In 0.5 l. boiling water, add 1 tbsp. salt. Wait until the salt dissolves completely and the solution cools to a warm state. Then rinse each nasal passage several times a day (4-6).

Inhalations using the following medicinal herbs will help cope with colds:

Pour 2 tbsp into a container. spoons of dry herb (you can select several from the above herbs and make a collection), fill it with 1 liter. boiling water, wait about 5 minutes. Then, covering your head with a towel, begin to breathe the vapors of herbs over the container. Such procedures can be carried out 2-3 times a day. You can also use drops for runny nose, which contain medicinal herbs, for inhalation.

Recipe No. 4 (tea with raspberries)

Raspberries have unique properties. It perfectly lowers the temperature and promotes active sweating. If the disease is at an early stage of its development, you can cure a cold in 1 day in this way. Before drinking raspberry tea, it is recommended to drink water, compote or fruit juice so that the body has a sufficient supply of fluid. Making this tea is very simple. Pour 1-2 tbsp. raspberry jam with boiling water and, after cooling, give the patient a drink. This tea can be drunk up to 5-7 times a day.

Recipe No. 5 (rubbing feet)

To carry out the procedure, you need to take triple cologne (can be replaced with alcohol) and actively rub your legs (calves and feet) with it. Then you need to put on warm socks and go to bed. It is recommended to do this procedure every day before bed until complete recovery.

Finally, I would like to remind you that the best treatment for a cold is its prevention. Avoid hypothermia, dress appropriately for the weather and take care of your health!

My treatment takes no more than a week. The main thing is to get rid of a cough quickly during a cold. Inhalations help me do this. Prospan in nebulizer drops is an excellent remedy for cough. And it thins sputum and makes coughing easier. I rinse my nose with a saline solution and drink plenty of warm water throughout the day. I haven't been sick for more than a week.

Source: http://anginet.ru/orvi/kak-bystro-vylechit-prostudu

Is it possible to cure colds and runny nose at home in just one day?

To quickly cure colds and runny nose at home, it is not necessary to use expensive medications; you can use improvised remedies that will have the same effective effect and help get rid of unpleasant symptoms in 24 hours. However, the procedures should be carried out in a certain sequence, following the rules for their implementation. If you violate the methodology, you will not be able to achieve results as quickly as you would like.

Before starting treatment, it is important to make sure that it is really an acute respiratory infection (acute respiratory disease), and not a more dangerous sore throat or pneumonia. So, for a common cold it is typical:

  • strong flow of clear discharge (snot) from the nose;
  • sore throat, mild redness;
  • a slight (up to 37.9) increase in temperature, but at first it may be absent;
  • feeling of aching throughout the body;
  • lacrimation.

If you have a severe sore throat, high body temperature or its rapid increase, significant general weakness and nausea, a consultation with a therapist is required.

Regardless of who is sick - an adult or a child - in order to quickly recover, you will need to adhere to several mandatory rules:

  1. 1. When you have a cold, it is important to stay at home and observe semi-bed rest: lie down and rest as much as possible, sleep a lot. This will enable the immune system to cope with the virus that has entered the body.
  2. 2. During treatment, you need to drink plenty of fluids: these can be herbal decoctions, regular tea with lemon and honey, infusion of rose hips, viburnum, cranberries and any juices. It is only important that the drink is at room temperature and does not irritate a sore throat.
  3. 3. During treatment, adhere to a dairy-vegetable diet. Eat non-spicy, non-acidic foods, exclude smoked meats, pickles, chips, crackers and other semi-finished products.
  4. 4. Food and drink should contain a large amount of vitamin C. These can be fruits (oranges, tangerines, lemons) and drinks (rosehip decoction, tea with lemon, tea with ginger). If you are not allergic to bee products, it is advisable to add honey to warm tea; it is a natural immunostimulant.
  5. 5. The rooms where the patient is located will need to be well ventilated. This will help prevent him from getting re-infected and not infecting others.
  6. 6. On the first day of treatment, loading doses of medications should not be taken. Antibiotics will not help at all with a cold, and at a temperature below 37.8 you should not take paracetamol or other antipyretic drugs. They will only prolong the recovery period.

Commonly used effective methods for treating colds in adults and children

If signs of an impending cold are detected, adults should adhere to semi-bed rest, which will allow the body to actively engage in the fight against viruses. To do this, you need to take time off from work or take sick leave.

They will help you get rid of unpleasant symptoms in 1 day and several procedures.

Heavy nasal discharge indicates the presence of viruses in the nasal cavity. You can simply wash them, this will make breathing easier and help fight colds.

For rinsing, use regular saline solution (1 teaspoon solution of kitchen salt per 1 liter of water) or take decoctions of chamomile and calendula. You can rinse your nose, or you can simply drop in saline solution (3-4 drops) with a pipette after 2-3 hours. After instilling the saline solution, the nasal passages are cleared of secretions (blow the nose well).

To eliminate a strong flow, you can use vasoconstrictor drops: naphthyzin, galazolin, etc., but they are alternated with saline solution. Or first use saline solution, blow your nose, and then drip naphthyzin.

With ARVI, the throat very often hurts. A sore throat begins to be treated at the initial stage of the disease. In the absence of timely treatment, pharyngitis will join the cold.

Gargling helps relieve sore throat and sore throat. For it, use a mixture of salt, soda (1 teaspoon each) and iodine (3-4 drops), pour the mixture into a glass of warm water and gargle every hour or two. The more often you rinse, the faster the cold will go away. The duration of one procedure is up to a minute.

You can use pharmaceutical solutions for rinsing: Miramistin, Lugol or calendula tincture. But they are diluted in water according to the instructions. It is good to alternate rinses: saline solution - Miramistin - calendula.

Inhalation is an effective way to get rid of a cold. With respiratory diseases, the upper respiratory tract is affected and there is no need to warm up the bronchi and lungs yet. Regular steam inhalations over a saucepan or kettle or using a compressor inhaler set to the maximum particle size are sufficient.

A popular method is to use boiled potatoes and soda. To do this, wash and boil the potatoes in their skins, then mash them and add a teaspoon of soda. You need to breathe the composition for 10-15 minutes at least three times a day, always during inhalation, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. When carrying out inhalations, you should be careful not to burn the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx with hot steam.

You can use decoctions of chamomile, eucalyptus, rosehip for procedures over a teapot. Or take essential oils: eucalyptus, sea buckthorn, mint. Inhalations using Borjomi and grape juice have a good effect.

Warming up over steam will relieve discomfort, eliminate inflammation, and make sputum discharge more comfortable. Carrying out these procedures correctly will help prevent coughing.

For respiratory illnesses, it is important to keep warm. To avoid freezing, dress in comfortable clothes and put on warm socks. Dry mustard is poured into them - this is an effective means of warming.

Hot foot baths with mustard and very warm (up to 38.5) baths with pine extracts will also help. After these procedures, do not go outside for the next 3-4 hours. You definitely need to lie down and rest for at least half an hour.

The best option is a bath followed by inhalations before bed.

When the temperature rises above 37.9, inhalations, warming and other thermal procedures cannot be performed.

During pregnancy, it is important not to harm the baby. If a pregnant woman has ARVI, consultation with a doctor is mandatory. In the treatment of pregnant women, rest, drinking plenty of fluids, rinsing the nose and gargling come to the fore.

  • Carry out inhalations and foot baths;
  • Apply procedures using iodine;
  • Instill vasoconstrictor drops into the nose;
  • Use viburnum, sage, sea buckthorn.

Essential oils are used for inhalation over a teapot or placed in a room with a sick child

Although children get colds more often than adults, they tolerate them more easily. If there are signs of a cold in a child, it is advisable to provide him with semi-bed rest, for example, offer to watch cartoons or read. Wear comfortable but fairly warm clothes. A child with a low temperature (up to 38.0) should not be sent to kindergarten. In this case, all the same procedures are shown as for adults.

Children can undergo inhalations from the age of 4-5, as soon as they can understand the principle of the procedure. The same rule applies to the use of rinses. Small children under 5 years of age are not recommended to rinse with iodine (there is a risk of laryngospasm). Hot foot baths with mustard are recommended for children.

Any procedures must be performed under the supervision of an adult. When rinsing, additional care must be taken to ensure that the child does not swallow the solution.

When a baby has a cold, he does not eat well; he should not be force-fed, but it is important that he eats. To do this, you should prepare dishes that he loves (within the diet limits). Children should also drink a lot.

For children, good room ventilation and frequent wet cleaning are especially important.

In infants, colds are extremely rare; they are still protected by the immunity received from their mother. Therefore, the presence of copious nasal discharge and sneezing more often provoke allergic reactions to dust, animal hair, and plant pollen. If there are symptoms of a cold, be sure to call a pediatrician and treatment is carried out according to his instructions.

For children under one year old, instillation of saline solution into the nose (and for them it is advisable to buy it at the pharmacy), cleansing the nose with an aspirator, and aromatic inhalations are recommended. You can simply pour the oil into a saucer and place it in the room where the child is. Other procedures should be recommended by your doctor.

To quickly cure a cold and recover in one day, you need to stay in bed, put drops in your nose, perform steam inhalations, and gargle. During treatment, it is very important to stay warm and use warming procedures.

All information on the site is provided for informational purposes. Before using any recommendations, be sure to consult your doctor.

Full or partial copying of information from the site without providing an active link to it is prohibited.

Source: http://lecheniegorla.ru/kak-bystro-vylechit-prostudu-i-nasmork-v-domashnix-usloviyax/

How to quickly cure a cold

At work, you feel a sore throat, heaviness in your head, a warm forehead and a stuffy nose. Why do such troubles always befall us at the wrong time? In order not to disrupt an important project at work, in order to pass the exam without debt, in order not to give up an interesting trip on the weekend - you need to know how to quickly recover from a cold.

There is no time to regret that cold prevention was not done. It is necessary to quickly take time off from work or school and start taking emergency vitamin C in combination with folk remedies.

In order not to lose your ability to work for a long time, know: only emergency treatment of a cold in the early stages of the disease is effective.

Emergency measures at the first signs of a cold

An adult can recover quickly from a cold only if emergency measures are taken at the very first symptoms. The following advice can only be used by those people who understand that their health deteriorated precisely because of simple neglect of it: the immune system was not strengthened in time, the body suffered from hypothermia due to inappropriate clothing and shoes.

If there is a suspicion that you have become a victim of a flu epidemic, immediately call a doctor at home, go on sick leave and do not self-medicate! Don't joke with serious illnesses!

These tips cannot be applied if your child is sick. You are responsible for the lives of children, but it is not for you to judge what they are sick with. Only a specialist will be able to make a correct diagnosis: among childhood diseases, there are many diseases with symptoms like a cold, but treated in a completely different way.

How to quickly get rid of a cold as an adult:

  1. If you have a mild form of a cold, then going to the doctor for a sick leave is fraught with standing in long lines at the clinic and the real possibility of getting a complication. Therefore, we definitely ask for time off from work: we take a day off or a vacation at our own expense for several days. Never get sick at work; your sacrifices will not be appreciated by anyone, since you still won’t be able to work productively.
  2. We begin home treatment for colds by measuring the temperature. Those who, at the very first signs of illness, try to take an advertised expensive remedy to stay on their feet are doing the wrong thing. Dropping the temperature below 38 degrees means actually delaying the disease for a longer period.
  3. An effective remedy for colds is vitamin C; it should always be in your home medicine cabinet in the form of pills or tablets. Taking a loading dose of ascorbic acid is very important in the initial stages of treatment. If you don’t like medications, you can replace them with citrus fruits: about five oranges or two lemons with honey - this is both tasty and healthy.
  4. Treating a cold at home will be quick if you take a lot of liquid: absolutely any liquid, but warm. This is necessary for the rapid removal of toxins from the body. Try the following recipes for great drinks that taste good and can quickly cure a cold.
  5. The best cure for a cold is sleep. After taking warm tea, covering yourself with a soft blanket, try to fall asleep. Warm socks and comfortable clothing will help promote good sweating - an essential step in treatment. It is possible that when you wake up in the morning, you will not feel even the slightest signs of what seriously bothered you in the evening.

Anyone who wants to know how to get rid of a cold should tune in for quick results and not become limp. And definitely do not abuse alcoholic beverages.

If you feel excessively sorry for yourself: even if you are practically cured, you do not go out into the fresh air, then the illness can become protracted.

Short walks for all patients who do not have a fever are useful and should be done. If you are unable to recover quickly, traditional medicine offers various methods for treating a runny nose, cough, and sore throat.

What to drink when you have a cold?

Treatment of colds with folk remedies requires drinking plenty of fluids to help remove toxins from the body. What liquid will help effective recovery? Not cold, but not hot either, so as not to cause complications for a sore throat.

Choose the drinking option that is most suitable for you:

  • Rosehip infusion is a storehouse of all possible vitamins.
  • Raspberry tea is an old way to reduce fever; the berries can be frozen, dried or even jam.
  • Chicken broth - when you don’t particularly feel like eating during an illness, this dish will fill you up, give you something to drink, and reduce symptoms.
  • Lemon infusion made from several lemons and honey. These products are boiled in two to three liters of water. The broth cools and a wonderful compote with a high content of vitamins is obtained.
  • Fruit drink made from cranberries, currants, and viburnum is a traditional Russian drink made from berries valued for their healing properties.
  • Warm milk with honey, butter or soda.
  • Regular tea with added honey. In order to preserve its beneficial properties of strengthening the immune system, you need to eat honey with a spoon and only then drink it with tea. Dissolved honey in hot liquid will no longer be healing.
  • Ginger tea for colds has been a popular remedy in recent years. A well-known spice that improves the body's metabolism, it is also famous for its expectorant, analgesic, and wound-healing properties.

How to make medicinal ginger tea? For 0.5 liters of boiling water, take one teaspoon of green tea and about three spoons of grated ginger (approximately a 3-4 cm section of the root), squeeze out lemon juice and add honey. After infusion and cooling, the drink is ready for drinking.

Such folk remedies for colds can be prepared without problems, you should not forget about them, but relying only on them is also reckless. Of course, it’s not entirely right to bother a doctor with minor ailments, because at this time a seriously ill patient may need him, but are you sure that your health is not in danger of problems?

When should you not treat a cold at home?

If for a day or two the symptoms of the disease do not decrease, remain unchanged, or even increase, be sure to call an ambulance or your local doctor.

What you should be wary of:

  • the high temperature stays at 39 degrees for more than three days;
  • a severe cough appeared, accompanied by severe wheezing;
  • you have difficulty breathing;
  • it is impossible to take food and water due to swelling of the throat;
  • headaches torment without stopping;
  • there is pain in the paranasal sinuses and eyeballs;
  • I'm worried about brown or green sputum mixed with blood.

This is no longer a simple cold, but a serious illness. To avoid bad consequences, immediately start the treatment prescribed by your doctor.

Do not refuse necessary hospitalization. Every second you lose while you thought you had a simple, mild cold counts. Never self-medicate and be healthy!

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Everything is correct, thank you.

You can quickly cure it with raspberries with tea and a bite of lemon

When I have a cold, I feel simply disgusting, my whole body aches, my head hurts, plus I also have a runny nose and a fever. So I don’t let it get to this point and at the first sign I start treating it with home remedies.

I have long been looking for a suitable antiviral drug for myself, so that the effect is good, and so that I feel like I am being treated. Otherwise, you swallow some tablets once a day, and you wonder if it will help.

You won’t get far with garlic on your neck :) I agree about the barrier reef, it’s a good remedy, the main thing is to change the cartridge on time, and not like me :) I save myself with ginger and tea with lemon, a good medicine.

Thank you for the article! Surprisingly, it turned out to be very informative and simple. Before this, only Forcis saved me from illness. In Vologda, snow has fallen for a long time, there is a “porridge” of mud and snow all around, my wife and I often walk. And she recently got sick, I’ll definitely try these methods, and prevention won’t be superfluous for myself.

how to treat a cold at home eat lemon honey and ginger powder thank you

I discovered herbs not long ago, if you know what herbs are and why you drink them, the effect is no worse than from medications. It helps me a lot, I treat my sore throat and cough with it. Of course, it is important to take good herbs that will definitely help, I take them in bright packaging, with a trefoil still painted on them, they are always of high quality.

This is the first time I’ve heard about Derinat, but I can’t say anything for him. Recently I have been treated only with Reaferon-es-Lipint. I really liked the quick effect of treatment, especially if it is not possible to stay on sick leave and become limp in bed. Can be combined with paracetamol.

Everyone knows that if the immune system is strong, then sores will not stick. But to be honest, I haven’t read or know much about immunity. I talked to the doctor at the appointment and she advised me to take Derinat for two weeks to strengthen my immune system. That’s what I did and didn’t regret it. In winter I went to a ski resort and didn’t get sick for a single day. Derinat perfectly strengthened my immunity.

Thank you for the article. I, too, when I get sick, immediately take a loading dose of vitamin C, and in order to activate the immune system and force my body to fight the virus, I take amiksin, I usually wake up in the morning without any alarming signs of a cold.

Source: http://idealnijdom.ru/kak-bystro-vylechit-prostudu/

How to quickly cure a cold at home, without serious consequences for the body. Doctor's advice: how to treat a cold yourself

While at work or school, you suddenly feel that your throat is sore, your nose is stuffy, and your forehead is warm.

Why do such unpleasant symptoms always await you?

In order not to cancel your plans for the near future, you need to know how to quickly cure a cold at home.

A cold is a respiratory disease that occurs against the background of viral activity.

You can get it at any time of the year.

How to quickly cure a cold at home: regimen and diet

Everyone gets a cold sooner or later. Each family has its own methods of treatment, and therefore we often share advice with each other. Let's start with the fact that many people try to cure themselves in the wrong ways. There are several misconceptions that you need to know and try to avoid:

1. As soon as a very low temperature appears, people start taking medications, but the body is unable to fight the disease on its own. You need to know that you can take medications for fever only if the mark on the thermometer is 38 or higher; in other cases, our immunity itself can overcome the disease.

2. Medicines for immunity. There is still no consensus on their usefulness. They are quite expensive and have little effectiveness. But advertising actively imposes them on us.

3. No need to go on sick leave. If you have a high temperature, then you must take a sick leave. Firstly, you cannot carry colds on your feet, and secondly, while at work, you will infect the people around you.

4. Alcohol helps. Unfortunately, many men willingly believe that if you drink a glass of vodka with pepper when you have a fever, then the next day there will be no trace of the disease. After all, alcohol will help you sweat and warm up. But its benefits are a little exaggerated, because sleep helps first of all. And after taking such a dose of alcohol, you will naturally want to sleep.

Regime and diet to help you get sick correctly

1. You need to be sick with laziness. Be sure to prescribe bed rest for yourself. You can do exercises in the morning, but you cannot actively engage in sports. If you can’t take time off from work, then try to at least reduce your workload a little.

2. Sweat properly. It is better to do this under a warm blanket and drink hot tea.

3. Liquid and tea. During colds, you should try to drink as much warm liquid as possible. It can be anything, tea, compote, milk. Along with this, eat jam, honey, lemon. But make sure that all this is warm, not hot.

4. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Onions and garlic are also beneficial. Many people believe that even the smell is beneficial, and this is true. For food, it is better to eat porridge and broth. The diet should contain only healthy foods.

5. Ventilate your room periodically. The air in the room you are in must be fresh. During this period, it is better for you to go to another room.

6. Get enough sleep; good and sound sleep is the key to good health.

7. Try not to strain your hearing and vision; your delicate senses should rest during this period.

8. Just enjoy your life - read books, lie down and watch an interesting movie. Joyful emotions will contribute to a speedy recovery.

How to quickly cure a cold at home: medications

In order to quickly cure a cold at home, you need to know what medications you should have at home just in case. After all, illness often takes us by surprise and it is not always possible to go to the pharmacy. Therefore, stock up on the following medications in advance:

• Arbidol. This is an antiviral drug that comes in tablet form. It is prescribed for influenza and acute respiratory infections. After the medicine is taken, the patient will feel relief in his body the next day.

• Theraflu powder. Before use, the powder is diluted in hot water. The main substance included in its composition is paracetamol. If the patient remains in bed, the remedy will help quickly enough. People who suffer from alcoholism and diabetes should not take the medicine. Also, people with liver and kidney diseases should also consult a doctor before taking it.

• Anaferon. The medicine is quite effective. It contains antibodies that can activate the immune system. Moreover, you can drink it not only during the period of illness, but also for prevention. If you take the medicine strictly as prescribed by your doctor, then there will be no side effects.

• Kagocel. Under no circumstances should the product be taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as children under three years of age.

• Antigrippin. If you believe the opinion of the majority, then this is one of the best remedies against colds. The tablets can quickly relieve headaches and lower fever. The medication is contraindicated for those with renal failure or prostatic hyperplasia.

• Amiksin. The medicine is available in tablet form, its main component is tilaxin. You can use the tablets together with other flu medications. Those who have an intolerance to one of the components included in its composition should not take the medicine.

• Grippferon. This is a good drug with an immunomodulatory effect. Even pregnant women can take it. After the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should immediately inject the medicine into the nasal passage. The course of treatment is no more than one week.

To summarize, we can say that it is, of course, possible to quickly cure a cold at home. There are quite a lot of drugs for this purpose. Each person can choose a good remedy for themselves and cope with the disease in just a few days. But of course, to avoid complications, you need to trust the treatment to specialists.

How to quickly cure a cold at home: folk remedies

If you have the first signs of a cold, then you need to know how to cure it at home quickly and effectively. Folk remedies will come to your aid:

1. Foot baths. If the disease is accompanied by no fever, then mustard can be added to the water. To do this, add one tablespoon of dry powder per 7 liters. Place your feet in the water and hold until the water begins to cool. After this, dry them well and put woolen socks on your feet.

2. Another good remedy is ginger. Making a ginger drink is simple; all you need is the root of the plant. Grate it and pour boiling water over it. The product should be infused for several hours. You can store this tincture in the refrigerator and drink as needed.

3. Baking soda. Not everyone knows about its beneficial properties. But even our great-grandmothers used the method. You can pour a glass of warm milk and add one teaspoon of soda to it, then drink it.

4. Propolis. This is an effective remedy that helps against many diseases, including colds. This homeopathic remedy was used even in ancient Rus'. According to experts, you can get rid of the symptoms of a cold in just a few days. Add the product to a glass of milk, drink, and then go to bed. When you wake up in the morning you should feel significant relief.

5. Gargle with hydrogen peroxide. It needs to be diluted by taking 2 teaspoons in 50 ml of warm water. You need to use the product 3-5 times a day until you feel relief.

6. Viburnum. This is one of the best health remedies. It is better if a decoction of the berries is used and drunk with honey. The medicine can be used even by nursing and pregnant women.

These are the best folk recipes to fight colds. But it is better to use them after you have been examined by a doctor. Indeed, with an advanced form of the disease, serious complications may arise that require immediate medical intervention.

How to quickly cure a cold at home in a child

Each parent decides for himself how to quickly cure his child, but one must remember that giving antibiotics is useless.

The main thing is to provide plenty of warm drinks. Moreover, you do not need to take ordinary water for this, because it will reduce the supply of salts in our body. It is better to give your baby tea with lemon or raspberries. You can heat milk and add butter to it. Together with the liquid you drink, toxins, and therefore viruses, will leave the body.

If your runny nose has just started, acupressure will help. To do this, you need to influence the points located next to the wings of the nose.

After the first cough without fever appears, you can use a proven method, which is recommended by many pediatricians. To do this, take camphor alcohol and mittens (it is better if they are made of wool). After this, apply it to the baby's back and chest. Then put on mittens and start rubbing the alcohol in one direction, do this until the skin becomes slightly red. Dress your baby in warm clothes and place him under a blanket. The next day the cough should be less.

Another main condition is bed rest. If you suffer from a cold on your feet, your child may experience serious complications.

Watch what your child eats; his food should be liquid. Give us porridge, fish puree and fruit. Moreover, the food should not be very hot or cold. Don’t force yourself to eat; your body is not always ready to accept food.

It is important that the body has a sufficient amount of vitamins. They are found in tomatoes and carrots.

Now you know how to cure a cold at home, not only in an adult, but also in a child. If possible, it is better to consult a doctor to avoid complications.

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Source: http://zhenskoe-mnenie.ru/themes/health/kak-bystro-vylechit-prostudu-v-domashnikh-usloviiakh-bez-sereznykh-posledstvii-dlia-organizma-sovet-vracha-kak-samomu-lechit- prostudu/