The most effective remedy for viral infection

List of inexpensive but effective antiviral drugs

Doctors call viruses microscopic organisms that can invade human cells and cause their death. Special antiviral drugs help protect against many diseases caused by these pathogens.

Table of contents:

Today, the pharmaceutical market offers consumers many drugs of different price categories, so choosing an effective product is not easy.

Contrary to popular belief, antiviral drugs can be inexpensive, effective and help quickly cope with unpleasant symptoms (see list of drugs below).

Types of antiviral drugs

Doctors divide medications into several groups according to their principle of action. Thus, vaccines are used for preventive purposes; they produce antibodies in the blood and prevent a person from becoming infected with a viral infection. Drugs that act on the virus suppress the development of the pathogen and speed up the healing process.

But immunostimulants temporarily increase immunity, thereby provoking the production of interferon by the body.

When you go to the pharmacy, you will notice that the best antiviral drugs differ in their intended purpose. Medicines are most often used against the following ailments:

They also produce the latest generation of drugs that act on most types of viruses and specialized medications - antiretroviral drugs for the treatment of HIV. You can choose the best medicine if you know the symptoms of the disease and its name; this information will help you buy an effective and inexpensive remedy.

It is a mistake to believe that only advertised and expensive medications are suitable for fighting a viral infection. Cheap medications can also be useful; they are affordable for most people and help treat respiratory diseases. The human body itself is capable of resisting pathogens, however, for this it will take a long time.

Correctly selected medications will help you eliminate unpleasant symptoms and return to your favorite activities.

Inexpensive but effective remedies for influenza and ARVI for adults

A wide range of antiviral tablets are available in many pharmacies, but it is not easy for a sick person to understand the names of medications and buy the most effective ones. This category includes the following drugs that have proven themselves in the treatment of influenza:


The antiviral drug Ribavirin for influenza and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract is prescribed to adults in the form of tablets of 200 mg 3 to 4 times a day. The doctor may adjust the treatment regimen by prescribing large doses of medication at the beginning of the course in order to eliminate symptoms.

The price of this medicine is considered low and starts from 131 rubles in pharmacies across the country.

Ribavirin can cause side effects such as insomnia, headache, loss of appetite and other phenomena. It cannot be used:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people who have suffered a myocardial infarction, severe anemia;
  • patients who have hypersensitivity to the drug.

If you use Ribavirin together with other medications, be sure to consult your doctor.


The antiviral drug Amiksin is successfully used not only for the treatment of influenza and ARVI, but also as a prophylactic against these ailments. Doctors recommend taking this medicine in a course of 6 tablets, but before using it you should consult a specialist.

The effectiveness of Amiksin is high, and its cost in pharmacies depends on the dosage of the active substance. The average price of the drug is 500 rubles.

The drug Amiksin combines well with other medications for the treatment of bacterial and viral infections, including antibiotics. On the part of the digestive system, side effects in the form of dispersion are possible, and experts also note phenomena such as chills and an allergic reaction.

The medicine gives a good effect in the treatment of a viral infection characterized by an acute course.


Oseltamivir is an inexpensive analogue of the well-known drug Tamiflu. The latter is no different from the indicated medicine, since both drugs contain the same active ingredient (oseltamivir phosphate). The medication should be taken no later than 2 days after the onset of symptoms of influenza and other viral infections.

The drug in tablets should be taken based on a dosage of 75 mg - 1 capsule 2 times a day, the duration of treatment is 5 days. The cost of the medicine in pharmacies across the country starts from 700 rubles.


Ergoferon helps increase immunity, get rid of dry cough and reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa. It can be used not only in the treatment of the disease, but also as a prophylactic agent. Taking this medicine should be started when the first signs of influenza and ARVI are detected.

Ergoferon is taken on the first day of treatment, 1 tablet every 2 hours, then the same amount of medication is taken 3 times a day.


The drug Ingavirin has a wide spectrum of action. It is effective in the treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory diseases; the medicine stimulates the production of interferon in humans. If signs of illness are detected, Ingavirin should be taken immediately, the dosage is 1 tablet per day.

The course of treatment depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and varies from 5 to 7 days. The drug is non-toxic and will be well tolerated by the body, however, it is not prescribed to children.


Remantadine is a cheap and at the same time effective drug. It is recommended for use during flu epidemics; this medicine promotes rapid recovery and improves a person’s well-being. It is advisable to take the tablets in the first 48 hours after detecting signs of the disease.

The acute stage of the disease involves taking 300 mg of the drug once, then you need to drink it at the rate of 50 mg of the drug twice a day. The duration of treatment does not exceed 5 days, so if there is no improvement, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Antiviral drugs fight the infectious agent, thereby causing unpleasant symptoms of the disease, such as runny nose, sore throat and muscle pain, to disappear. They should be prescribed by a doctor, however, many people self-medicate and buy medications without prior consultation.

This approach can be successful, but it is best to find out the correct dosage from a specialist.

Immunomodulators for colds

Cheap antiviral drugs, the cost of which does not exceed 250 rubles when purchasing 10 tablets, have proven themselves well as immunomodulators. This category of drugs includes the following medications:


The most affordable drug in winter to combat influenza and ARVI is Arbidol. A good antiviral agent stimulates cellular immunity, shortens the course of the disease and prevents the development of complications. The dosage of the medicine depends on the individual characteristics of the person and the severity of the disease; most often, an adult patient is prescribed 4 tablets per day.

The duration of treatment is on average 2 weeks; as directed by a specialist, it can be shortened or increased.

The drug Arbidol has proven itself well in the complex treatment of diseases such as tonsillitis, chronic bronchitis and other respiratory viral infections. This medication should be used with caution during pregnancy, but if you have heart, kidney or liver diseases, you should not take the pills without a doctor’s instructions.


Inexpensive tablets for colds are offered by the manufacturer of the drug Kagocel. It acts directly on the causative agent of influenza and ARVI; even using the medicine 4 days after the onset of symptoms of the disease has a positive effect.

The drug for adults is able to provoke the production of interferon, thereby reducing the risk of intoxication of the body during illness and shortening the period of its course.

For ARVI and other ailments, Kagocel is taken 3 times a day, 2 tablets, this treatment regimen is used for about 2 days. Further, the number of tablets is reduced to 1 piece. The final dosage of the medicine depends on the severity of the disease and the condition of the human body, so you should consult your doctor.

Proper administration of Kagocel rarely causes an allergic reaction, most often the medication is well tolerated by patients.


Cycloferon is also considered an effective drug for the treatment of influenza, sore throat and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The drug has an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect, due to which the course of the disease is significantly reduced and the symptoms disappear.

The dosage is from 2 to 4 tablets, take the medicine once a day. Treatment with Cycloferon can be combined with antipyretics and expectorants.

Properly selected antiviral drugs help to defeat the disease and get back to normal activities in the near future. Their advantage is not only the low price, but also the ability to purchase such a medicine in a pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription.

However, uncontrolled use of medications can be harmful.

Inexpensive drugs for the treatment of influenza and ARVI in infants

Treating a small child with influenza or ARVI is a difficult task. Parents are often interested in which antiviral drugs are most effective and how to make the right choice, because most medications should not be given to children.

But you shouldn’t get hung up on expensive pills; it would be much better to understand the purpose of the drugs and purchase effective medicines at competitive prices.

The following medications, available at any pharmacy, will quickly help your baby:

Viferon suppositories, costing from 225 rubles for 10 pieces, are successfully used in children with a runny nose, bronchitis and laryngitis, however, before using the medication, you should consult a pediatrician. The drug helps the body produce interferon, thereby slowing down the process of pathogen reproduction, the symptoms of the disease gradually disappear.

Suppositories are always prescribed by a specialist as part of complex therapy, and the duration of treatment depends on the doctor’s recommendation.

The homeopathic remedy Oscillococcinum is often used to treat influenza in infants. The white granules are odorless, so children take this medicine without any hassle. The drug should be dissolved in a small amount of water and given to the child from a spoon; 1 dose of the medication is enough to relieve flu symptoms.

If there is no improvement, you should consult a doctor and continue treatment. The cost of 6 granules of Oscilloccinum in pharmacies across the country starts from 310 rubles.

Effective and affordable medicines for children from 1 year of age

If the symptoms of the disease do not subside, a runny nose and other signs of the flu appear, it is necessary to resort to more effective medications. Antiviral agents in the form of drops help children over 1 year of age cope with the disease; the following names have proven themselves well:

Anaferon is rightfully considered a cheap and effective drug for influenza and ARVI. This antiviral medication reduces the concentration of the pathogen in the body, improves immunity and brings relief, relieving symptoms such as sore throat, runny nose, and high fever. So, on the first day of treatment, children are prescribed 10 drops of the medicine every half hour, then the same dosage is applied 3 times a day.

The product is convenient because it can be taken outside of meals, it is well absorbed by the body and acts quickly. The cost of Anaferon is small and starts from 220 rubles in pharmacies across the country.

An inexpensive and effective antiviral drug, Tsitovir, in the form of a syrup for children, has an immunomodulatory effect, destroying influenza pathogens. It is easily dosed using a measuring spoon; it is taken in concentrated form shortly before meals.

For a child over 1 year old, the medicine is prescribed by a doctor; depending on the weight and age of the patient, the dosage can range from 2 to 8 ml of syrup per day. The average price of such a medicine is 310 rubles.

The homeopathic drug Aflubin in the form of drops has also proven itself well; it is prescribed to children over the age of 1 year. This cheap and effective remedy has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and immunomodulatory effects, reduces signs of intoxication and reduces the appearance of a runny nose.

Thus, for influenza and ARVI, when acute symptoms of the disease are detected, children under 1 year of age are prescribed 1 drop of the drug no more than 3 times a day. For older children, doctors recommend taking 5 drops per day; the duration of the course of treatment varies from 5 to 10 days. In general, Aflubin is considered an effective and affordable medicine; its price varies from 200 to 450 rubles, depending on the volume of the bottle.

Inexpensive antiviral drugs help cope with the disease without extra costs, and you can buy them at your nearest pharmacy. However, parents are advised to listen to the advice of their doctor and avoid independent treatment, especially if the disease progresses.

Drugs for the treatment of influenza and ARVI in pregnant women

During this crucial period, women often suffer from viral infections, especially in autumn and winter. Sore throat, flu and other ailments take the expectant mother by surprise, and the use of known and effective medications is prohibited. However, the disease can be cured with the help of approved medications.

Antiviral drugs - safe and cheap include the following names:

Effective antiviral drugs are not toxic, so you don’t have to worry about the health of the unborn child. However, consultation with a doctor is mandatory, especially in the later months of pregnancy. The flu weakens a woman’s body, negatively affecting the developing fetus and can even cause complications.

Auxiliary antiviral medications against influenza and ARVI

Respiratory diseases always disrupt the usual way of life, so a person cannot cope without auxiliary means. Antiviral agents for topical use complement treatment and help fight signs of the disease such as runny nose, sore throat, and hoarseness.

The following medications can be purchased at the pharmacy:

  • Grippferon (drops and spray);
  • Genferon (nasal spray).

An antiviral drug for influenza and ARVI, Grippferon has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is recommended to use it in the treatment of pneumonia and other diseases. The medication is safe and can be prescribed to children and pregnant women, and its price ranges from 229 to 300 rubles.

The product is highly effective and economical.

Genferon spray is used for influenza and other respiratory diseases. A single injection of the medicine relieves inflammation and alleviates symptoms; this remedy can even be used to treat pregnant women and children. A contraindication to the use of Genferon is individual intolerance to the drug.

These drugs act on influenza viruses and prevent them from merging with healthy cells, thereby stopping the further formation of infection. Thus, signs of the disease are minimized within a few hours after using local medications, which helps a person return to their normal life.

Rules for choosing an antiviral drug

An acute viral infection almost always takes a person by surprise, thereby forcing him to mask the symptoms of the disease with the help of antipyretics. However, you should not drink them in large quantities; if signs of illness are detected, competent treatment should be started immediately.

Go to a doctor's appointment and to a pharmacy that sells affordable and effective medications.

When choosing medications, consider the following features:

  • release form;
  • presence of contraindications;
  • patient's age;
  • price of medicine.

For example, it is more convenient for children to use drops or suppositories, and a neutral or pleasant taste of the drug is preferable. Do not forget about the patient’s age - the dosage of the drug may depend on this. Antiviral medications do not have to be expensive; you can buy good tablets or syrup without hurting your wallet.

To quickly defeat the disease, consult a doctor; only a specialist will prescribe a competent treatment regimen that takes into account the characteristics of your body.

And I try not to take pills unless necessary, so as not to burden the body once again. For prevention, I spray Morenasal Immuno into the nose. It protects the body from viruses, and the peptides in its composition help strengthen the immune system.

The best and effective antiviral remedies for colds and flu are not medications, for which prices skyrocket in the fall, but blackcurrant juice with hot water, which helps relieve nasal congestion, sore throat and cough, hot water with lemon and honey and chicken bouillon.

Kagocel is a reliable antiviral drug, 2 days and you’re healthy, but it’s a little expensive. 😮

Ribavirin is an excellent drug, although it has many limitations, so it is not suitable for everyone, but it’s a pity that there are no adequate substitutes in pharmacies.

Of all the antiviral tablets that I had to take, and these were Kagocel, Ergoferon, Arbidol, Anaferon and Remantadine, the last drug turned out to be more effective than the others; it cured the flu in a week.

Now I know that there are only influenza and ARVI viruses; everything else (HIV, hepatitis, etc.) is just crap. Wherever you start looking for antiviral drugs, flu and ARVI are everywhere, as if no one is sick with anything else...

Thanks for the advice

My daughter got so sick that she almost failed her winter session. A neighbor's pediatrician recommended Ingavirin, it helps a lot if you need to get back on your feet quickly. Based on observations with him, we somehow quickly began to improve. The session was closed by my beauty. 😛


The best and effective antiviral drugs for adults and children

Antiviral drugs are one of the most popular products in pharmacies. The greatest demand for these medicines occurs in spring and autumn, when epidemics of influenza and ARVI occur throughout the country. We will discuss below what types of antiviral agents can be purchased from the offered range, and whether they are really effective.

Over the past two decades, the pharmaceutical market around the world has not come up with any fundamentally new drugs from reducing fever to relieving headaches. Old medicines are repackaged and reshaped, given a new label and presented as a completely new product. What transformations occur with antiviral drugs?

Medicines for colds and ARVI

A cold in its true form and ARVI are one and the same disease. All other types of colds - on the lips, women's colds and others - are just popular names for cystitis, herpes and similar diseases that have nothing to do with the above.

ARVI itself is caused by viruses that infect the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. More than two hundred of these viruses are known, so no one will determine what type of virus your tonsils are affected by. The doctor will prescribe a broad-spectrum antiviral drug and send you home to rest until recovery.

There are only three types of antiviral drugs:

  • Vaccines
  • Immunostimulants
  • Drugs - neuraminidase inhibitors
  • M-2 inhibitors

Annual vaccinations against influenza and other diseases are common throughout the world. A vaccine is a drug with antigenic material that stimulates the production of antibodies from our immune system even before the disease itself. In this way, we are protected in advance from viral infection.

Immunostimulants are used directly in the treatment of the disease. Your immune system is artificially stimulated to produce interferons, proteins in the body that specialize in protecting against viruses. These are drugs such as Interferon, Amiksin or Arbidol.

Neuraminidase inhibitor drugs can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. The main effect of Tamiflu and its analogues is to suppress the mechanism of viral reproduction. That is, your body will fight the virus on its own.

M-2 inhibitors are designed to prevent the virus from entering the cell. Rimantadine and other drugs in this series act in exactly this way.

Antiviral drugs for rotavirus infection

Rotavirus infection (in simple terms - intestinal flu) is provoked by a virus from the Reoviridae family. The main source and carrier of rotaviruses is humans, and transmission to other persons occurs through the fecal-oral route, that is, due to dirty hands.

  • This virus can be transmitted through food or water;
  • The virus spreads especially often through dairy products;
  • The virus survives well in cold environments (for example, in a refrigerator) and can cause illness in humans even after a long stay in an unfavorable environment.
  • Children are most susceptible to rotavirus infection, especially in preschool age.

Antiviral drugs for this disease should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. Interferon drugs are often prescribed. This can be “Laferon” in the form of suppositories or a low-volume suspension “Lipoferon”.

You should also write about the vaccine to prevent intestinal flu. Certified in Russia, Rotatek has been successfully used in the West for several years. Vaccination allows you to develop immunity to the five most common types of rotavirus and protects against severe disease when infected with other forms of the same virus.

Full vaccination takes place in three doses. The vaccine is presented in the form of oral drops, which are first given to a child aged 6-12 weeks. Subsequent appointments take place at intervals of more than 4 weeks.

Antiviral drugs for prevention

Advertising and other media unanimously speak about the effectiveness of Arbidol and similar medicines as a prevention of ARVI. Frankly, these drugs can't help much if you're constantly in crowded places.

The most common preventive measures are drugs of the interferon series (Anaferon, Cycloferon), as well as vaccination to prevent the disease. Anaferon for prevention is taken once a day during the entire period of the epidemic. Cycloferon has a more complex application regimen, described in detail in the instructions.

Vaccination and taking medications for prevention should begin approximately two weeks before the expected start of the disease epidemic. During the outbreak itself, it is better to focus on maintaining immunity through food and a healthy lifestyle.

To prevent infection it is recommended:

  • Avoid large crowds of people
  • Dress according to the weather
  • Support immunity
  • Carry out wet cleaning indoors more often
  • Ventilate the room

Antiviral drugs for children, adults and pregnant women

The instructions for all antiviral drugs describe the gradation of the dose of drugs depending on the age of the patient. Medicines should be taken based on the recommendations of the doctor or the drug manufacturer. Therefore, we note only a few features of different types of antiviral agents.

  • Contraindicated for use in pregnant and breastfeeding women
  • Contraindicated for children under 1 month
  • Many of these drugs have an age limit of up to 4 years.

Medicines that suppress the reproduction of viruses:

  • Used to treat diseases in children over 1 year of age.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should seek advice from a specialist, since the active substance of these drugs can pass into breast milk, and their effect on the fetus has not yet been studied.
  • After the first dose, approximately half of patients induce vomiting. This is a normal reaction to the drug.

• Like immunostimulants, they are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women

• Children under 7 years of age are not recommended as a medicine.

All antiviral drugs should be taken with caution by people with kidney failure or liver disease.

Effective antiviral drugs

In recent years, the number of virus types resistant to Amantadine and similar drugs has been growing. Immunostimulants, in turn, can help only at the first signs of the disease.

The most commonly used drugs in the fight against viruses are:

  • At the first signs of illness, take Anaferon or similar Cycloferon. These drugs stimulate your immune system to produce interferon.
  • Derinat can also be used as an immune stimulant.
  • Arbidol also has a similar effect.
  • If your condition worsens, you can turn to Tamiflu and its analogues.
  • Rimantadine-type drugs are very effective in fighting viruses.

We strongly recommend that you do not self-medicate and consult a specialist for any illness. It is necessary to consult with him before taking any drug.

Arbidol: instructions for use

Few people know, but the well-known Arbidol is just a trade name, and the real name of the drug hidden under it is Umifenovir. The medicine has become so popular in Russia that, according to statistics, in 2000 it was the best-selling antiviral drug.

An interesting fact is that the effect of Arbidol has not been scientifically proven. No studies have been conducted on its effects, and if they have been conducted, there is simply no data on them. The manufacturer himself claims that the product is capable of modulating immunity, but there is no evidence of this fact.

The funny thing is that when the bird flu epidemic broke out in the United States, some companies tried to smuggle Arbidol into the country for treatment in “emergency cases.” But the Food and Drug Administration banned the use of the drug.

It is not known what the Americans didn’t like, but in our country Arbidol is not prohibited and is very actively used. Moreover, when the Soviet patent expired in 2007, many pharmaceutical companies began to produce its generics - that is, drugs with the same composition, but under a different name. Today in pharmacies you can find cheaper drugs analogues of Arbidol - Arpetol, Anaferon, Immusstat. Their effect is somewhat similar to the effect of Echinacea tincture.

The instructions for the drug contain the following recommendations for use:

The drug is prohibited for use:

  • pregnant and lactating women
  • children under 6 years old
  • people with kidney failure, heart, liver and vascular diseases

Amiksin: instructions for use

The active substance of this drug is Tiloron. Quite a lot is known about this substance, because unlike the previous Arbidol, Tiloron has been subject to significant research. Thus, scientists were able to establish that taking the drug can:

  • cause miscarriage during pregnancy
  • cause osteopenia
  • provoke mucopolysaccharidosis in the body

It is difficult to say whether Amiksin can really help with influenza and ARVI. Authoritative sources indicate only one case of research on the drug as an antiviral agent. In 1972, Tiloron was actually tested on rats, and the production of interferon in the body was indeed increased, but for this purpose huge doses of the drug were administered.

In more recent studies, the antiviral properties of Amiksin were not analyzed. The only experience that was carried out in the 21st century showed that the drug can be used in the treatment of breast cancer with metastasis, but the result of its effectiveness was the lowest among all tested drugs.

Features of using Amiksin:

125 mg once a week.

Contraindicated for children under 7 years of age, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women.

If the drug is completely beyond your means, do not despair, but ask your doctor to find you a cheaper analogue with a similar effect:

Kagocel: instructions for use

The drug Kagocel stimulates the production of interferon in the body, which fights various viruses. The main active ingredient of this remedy is gosypol. Kagocel is actively used in the former Soviet Union, while the World Health Organization does not recognize it as a drug with proven effectiveness. The product is not registered in European countries.

An interesting fact is that the active ingredient of Kagocel, gosypol, was previously used as a method of male contraception, because it greatly reduces the quality of sperm production. Later, the drug was banned for this purpose as a toxic agent, the benefits of which do not exceed the risk of negative consequences.

Days 1-2: 1 tablet per day

Days 8-9 - one tablet per day

Days 1-2: 1 tablet per day

Days 8-9 - one tablet per day

Days 1-2: 2 tablets per day

Days 8-9: 2 tablets per day

Days 1-2: 1 tablet 2 times a day

Days 3-4: 1 tablet per day

Days 1-2: take one tablet 3 times a day.

Days 3-4: 1 tablet per day

You should avoid taking Kagocel:

Other antiviral agents have a similar effect:

Remantadine: instructions for use

The drug was developed back in 1963 by American scientists and was used with high efficiency to treat influenza. Later in the United States, the drug was canceled because studies showed that its active ingredient, adamantane, is powerless to fight the influenza virus, which has adapted to it.

Day 1: 3 doses of 100 mg

2-3 days: 100 mg 2 times a day

Day 4: 1 dose of 100 mg

  • lactation
  • pregnancy
  • all types of hepatitis
  • thyroid disease
  • kidney disease

Ingavirin: instructions for use

Another domestic antiviral drug, which has been produced since 2088. The effectiveness of the drug has not been proven; the drug is not registered in Europe and the USA and is not considered a drug.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, studies of Ingavirin have shown that the dose of the substance permissible for the body does not have a direct antiviral effect, and an increase in its concentration is toxic to living cells.

The effect on the fetus or mother's milk has not been studied and is therefore not recommended for use.

Should I take antiviral drugs?

No specialist can answer this question unequivocally. The action of most drugs is aimed at strengthening the existing immune system, which is forced to fight viruses on its own. In addition, the huge number of conflicting reviews about medications is confusing.

At the moment, the effect of immunostimulants has not yet been fully studied, as well as the mechanism of immunity itself.

There are many theories that antiviral drugs are a myth that is in no way valid in real life. Many scientists and doctors say that there is no medicine against the virus and only the body itself, including its protective and immune mechanisms, can overcome the viral disease.

Why are there so many antiviral drugs on pharmacy shelves? The answer is banal: pharmaceutical companies successfully make multimillion-dollar fortunes from our health. Whether drugs for colds are really ineffective - time will tell, because pharmacology and medicine do not stand still, but for now it remains to be treated with these drugs, which either really help, or the placebo effect is triggered.

We still recommend not to take risks and consult a specialist, since any infection can lead to complications.

Video: Antiviral agents. School of Doctor Komarovsky

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Review of the 6 best antiviral drugs for influenza

Every year, residents of our country spend more than thirty billion rubles on antiviral drugs for colds and flu. Some choose an effective medicine based on the pharmacist’s recommendations, others based on bright advertising, price, beautiful packaging, advice from a friend or neighbor, while others do the right thing and go to the doctor. I want to present you with a list of the most popular and effective antiviral drugs. And also familiarize you with the features of each flu remedy. Antiviral drugs for the flu will quickly get you back on your feet.

All anti-flu drugs, depending on their mechanism of action, can be divided into the following groups:

  1. vaccine preparations that stimulate the production of antibodies to influenza pathogens;
  2. drugs that increase the body's protective properties by activating the production of interferon;
  3. true antiviral drugs that suppress the replication of the virus by inactivating neuromidase (Oseltamivir, Zanamivir) and those that block the M2 channels of the viral cell (Amantadine, Remantadine).

Effective remedies for influenza and acute respiratory viral infections are new drugs that have not been on the market for more years. Their “young age” is explained by long-term testing before they went on sale. We bring to your attention a list of medications that includes the best drugs for influenza and ARVI:


Ingavirin is an effective medicine against influenza, ARVI and other diseases of viral etiology. Ingavirin, although a new medicine, has already earned good reviews from those who have tried it for the treatment and prevention of influenza.

The basis of the drug vitaglutam or imidazolylethanamide is pentanedionic acid.

Mechanism of action. The drug has antiviral, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effects.

Ingavirin has a detrimental effect on adenovirus infection, influenza A, B, respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza virus. Activates the production of interferons and cytotoxic lymphocytes (T-killers) in the body. Vitaglutam inhibits the reproduction of the virus at the stage of nuclear formation.

By reducing the production of inflammatory proteins, the drug relieves inflammation.

Ingavirin perfectly relieves intoxication symptoms, catarrhal symptoms, and leads to a rapid normalization of body temperature.

Side effects rarely occur in the form of mild allergic reactions.

The drug is not used in cases of hypersensitivity to its components and in children.

This medicine for the influenza virus is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since its effect in such cases has not been studied.

Ingavirin is capsules for oral administration of 60 mg and 90 mg. Average price in Russia:

  • Ingavirin 60 mg, 7 capsules – 380 rubles;
  • Ingavirin 90 mg, 7 capsules – 480 rubles.


Arbidol is a good medicine for influenza and ARVI, which consists of umifenovir and excipients.

Mechanism of action: Arbidol tablets have antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. Umifenovir copes well with influenza A and B viruses and coronaviruses associated with severe respiratory syndrome by blocking the fusion of the fatty membrane of the viral cell with the cell membrane. Increases the production of interferons, immune cells, enhances the activity of phagocytes.

The drug is well tolerated by patients. In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur.

The drug is not used in cases of hypersensitivity to its components and in children under three years of age.

There are no data on the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation.

Arbidol does not affect the speed of physical and mental reactions, therefore it can be used in patients whose activities require increased attention.

Arbidol is available in the form of tablets of 50 mg, capsules of 100 mg, 200 mg, powder for suspension 25 mg/5 ml bottle 37 g,

Average price in Russia:

  • Arbidol 50 mg, 10 tablets – 180 rubles;
  • Arbidol 100 mg, 10 capsules – 250 rubles;
  • Arbidol Maximum 200 mg, 10 capsules – 500 rubles;
  • Arbidol powder for suspension 25 mg/5 ml bottle 37 g – 300 rubles.


Tamiflu is the most effective medicine against swine flu and influenza B. Tamiflu consists of oseltamivir and excipients.

The drug is widely used for the prevention and treatment of swine flu and other serotypes of influenza A and B.

Mechanism of action: a drug with a pronounced antiviral effect on influenza A and B viruses. Tamiflu acts directly on the virus by inhibiting neuromidase, without which the virus cannot spread throughout the body and multiply.

The drug effectively reduces the intensity of influenza symptoms and the risk of complications, shortens the contagious period. When using the drug to prevent influenza, 90% of people who take Tamiflu do not get sick.

Resistance does not develop to Tamiflu.

The drug is not used in case of hypersensitivity to its components and in case of renal failure.

During pregnancy and lactation, Tamiflu is prescribed with caution when the expected effect outweighs the risk of adverse reactions and fetal pathology.

Side effects of the drug:

  • dyspepsia: nausea and vomiting are observed after taking the first dose. With further use, dyspepsia goes away;
  • very rare: diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache, cramps, cough, insomnia, malaise, nosebleeds, decreased hearing, conjunctivitis, dermatitis, urticaria, bronchitis, sinusitis, swollen lymph nodes.

Note! Some patients who took Tamiflu to prevent or treat influenza experienced seizures and delirium-type disturbances. The reason for such reactions could not be found out.

Tamiflu is available in the form of capsules of 30 mg, 45 mg, 75 mg and powder for suspension 12 mg/1 ml.

Average price in Russia:

  • Tamiflu capsules 75 mg 10 pcs. – 1360 rubles;
  • Tamiflu powder for suspension 12 mg/1 ml bottle 30 g – 1140 rubles.


Relenza and Tamiflu are antiviral drugs for influenza A and B. The active ingredient of the drug is Zanamivir. Relenza is available as a powder for inhalation through Diskhaler.

Mechanism of action: the drug has a pronounced antiviral effect on influenza A and B viruses. Zanamivir acts selectively on the virus by inhibiting neuromidase, without which the virus cannot spread throughout the body and multiply.

The drug effectively reduces the intensity of influenza symptoms, reduces the risk of complications and shortens the contagious period. Resistance does not develop to Relenza.

The drug is not used in case of hypersensitivity to its components. Patients with a history of bronchospasm require careful monitoring when treated with Relenza.

During pregnancy, it is not recommended to take Relenza in the first trimester. The drug is prescribed to pregnant and nursing mothers with caution when the expected effect outweighs the risk of adverse reactions and fetal pathology.

Side effects of the drug:

  • allergic reactions: urticaria, angioedema, rarely Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis.
  • bronchospasm;

Note! Some patients who inhaled Relenza to treat influenza experienced bronchospasm and breathing problems. If you have asthma or chronic bronchitis while using Relenza, have an inhaler containing Salbutamol or another bronchodilator on hand.

Average price in Russia:

  • Relenza 20 doses with Dishaler. – 1200 rubles.


Rimantadine is an old, proven remedy for the prevention and treatment of influenza and GRVI and tick-borne encephalitis based on rimantadine.

Mechanism of action of the drug. The drug has an antiviral effect. Remantadine is a derivative of amantadine (an anti-Parkinsonian drug) that stops the process of viral reproduction. The drug is effective at the onset of the disease.

Remantadine is contraindicated for persons with acute liver pathology, acute and chronic kidney disease, thyrotoxicosis, or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Remantadine is not prescribed for pregnant women.

  • impaired attention and concentration, sleep disturbance, headaches, dizziness, irritability, fatigue;
  • dry mouth, refusal to eat, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain.

Attention! The drug is prescribed with caution to people with hypertension and the elderly, as it increases the risk of stroke.

Remantadine is available in the form of 50 mg tablets and 100 mg capsules.

Average price in Russia:

  • Remantadine 50 mg, tablets 20 pcs. – 205 rubles;
  • Remantadine 100 mg, capsules 10 pcs. – 160 rubles;


Amiksin, like the above-mentioned drugs for influenza and ARVI, is widely used for their treatment and prevention. The basis of Amiksin is Tiloron.

Mechanism of action. Amiksin has good antiviral and immune-modulating effects by increasing the formation of interferons by intestinal cells, liver, T-lymphocytes and neutrophils. The drug also suppresses the reproduction of the virus by stopping the translation of viral proteins. Amiksin is active against influenza viruses, hepatitis A, B, C, herpes, cytomegaloviruses,

The drug is not used in cases of hypersensitivity to its components, in children under seven years of age, in pregnant and nursing mothers.

Adverse reactions rarely occur in the form of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and allergic manifestations.

Amiksin is produced in the form of film-coated tablets of 60 mg and 125 mg.

Average price in Russia:

  • Amiksin 60 mg, 10 tablets – 600 rubles;
  • Amiksin 125 mg, 6 tablets – 700 rubles.

Antiviral drugs should only be taken after consulting a doctor. Only he will be able to choose an effective and safe drug for you, taking into account your age, severity of the disease and concomitant pathology. Self-medication can harm your body.

What should be the diet for hepatitis C? 2 sample menu options

How is vaccination against hepatitis B carried out? How and where do you get vaccinated?

Hepatitis C incubation period

17 comments on the article “Review of the 6 best antiviral drugs for the flu”

I tried a lot of medications in the winter when I got the flu, but the best one for me in terms of price and result ratio was Ingavirin.

Honestly, of all the drugs listed, I only know Amiksin from two opposite sides. My husband takes it and everything is fine, it helps him, but my friend’s kidneys are failing. So, you should first consult a doctor, because... serious medications.

I try not to use medications. To do this, I simply get vaccinated before the flu season begins. I've been fighting the flu like this for years now.

You are not fighting the flu, but your immunity, watch the videos of virologist G.P. Chervonskaya and D.M. n. Cyrillic G.B.. maybe what’s in your head about vaccines will become clearer...

This list does not include Influcid, which I have been treating with for quite some time. It’s made from natural ingredients, I personally didn’t have any side effects. What you need against influenza and ARVI. Eliminates both headaches and aches. The period of sick leave is reduced by 2-3 days. Overall, I am completely satisfied with Influcid.

And I like Influcid as a prophylactic agent. Ten days of taking 15 drops three times a day, and now I’m going through the third season without any problems. I try to take a preventive course at the end of October or beginning of November - before widespread coughing has yet begun. So, as for me, it’s more reliable.

Thank you for the article. I'll keep it on mind.

The best thing is Tamiflu

As for me, the review is not entirely complete. Influcid, for me, is the best remedy for ARVI and influenza. I have already overcome more than one cold and I always recommend it to my friends who are sick. So far everyone says thank you for the quick and trouble-free treatment.

I would like to contact the author of the article and ask him about his competence. Let him read reference books!! All the drugs described are complete profanation!!

Ergoferon suits me best of all the antiviral drugs. It has good components, has an effect on the immune system, acts as an anti-inflammatory and antihistamine. Because of this, in addition to full treatment, you feel better during illness. I recover quickly with it and manage without complications.

Anaferon undermines the liver in my opinion, everything started to hurt immediately after taking the pill. My liver is fine, but I am now allergic to this medicine. Previously, he was also treated with it on the advice of a therapist. There were no problems before, but now there are when taking it.

I try to strengthen my immune system with various herbs. I drink ginseng, linden, chamomile. But if I suddenly get sick, I take Ingavirin from the pharmacy. An excellent antiviral agent. If you take it on time, the disease will recede immediately.

I take Ingavirin for colds. It is convenient because you only need to drink it once a day for a week. The very next day I feel much better, the sore goes away completely in about five days, but I always finish the pack, just in case and so as not to waste the good stuff))

And we learned about Ingavirin from a neighbor. Mom got sick, temperature 37.5, runny nose, sore throat, weakness, she had a hard time with the virus, the temperature didn’t seem to be high, but she was lying down. A neighbor came to visit, I shared my sadness about my mother, and she told me about Ingavirin, I bought it, I had my doubts, but decided to try it. After 3 days of taking 1 capsule per day, my mom was flying like a bird. In my opinion the best remedy!

And we learned about Ingavirin from a neighbor. My mother got sick, her temperature was 37.5 - it didn’t seem to be high, but she was lying down. A neighbor came to visit, she told me about Ingavirin, I bought it, I had my doubts, but decided to try it. After 3 days of taking it, my mommy was flying like a bird. In my opinion the best remedy!

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Antiviral drugs for colds: inexpensive but effective

Three days ago, our regular reader Natalya asked me to write an article with a complete list of the most effective antiviral remedies for colds.

We first wanted to find a good article on the Internet and give it a link so as not to waste our time, but after searching the Internet for information, we did not find a single article that would answer this question completely. Thus, this material appeared, which collected more than 30 of the most effective and inexpensive antiviral drugs.

The human body is surrounded every day by hundreds of pathogenic microorganisms, which at any time can undermine the immune system and cause colds or viral diseases. Infections caused by viral agents cause up to 5 million deaths annually - this is, unfortunately, a sad statistic from the World Health Organization.

Despite the danger of viruses, people often ignore colds and go to work or other public places with symptoms of the disease, thereby endangering others.

Such negligence towards health sometimes leads to serious complications, including disability and death. Therefore, every person, especially during epidemics, must be on alert and meet the virus with all weapons.

Viruses enter the human body through the upper respiratory system. With strong immune defense, they die in barrier zones - the mucous membrane of the nose and oropharynx and do not reach the lower parts of the respiratory system. Even if the disease begins, it will be mild and will go away in a week at most.

With a weakened immune status, unpleasant symptoms develop that are provoked by viruses: runny nose, cough, pain and sore throat, fever, general malaise. They last more than seven days, and in some cases the full period of recovery occurs only after several weeks.

Not so long ago, therapeutic therapy for acute respiratory viral infections was carried out with the aim of alleviating symptoms. The modern approach to treatment is aimed at preventing complications by prescribing the necessary antiviral drugs that can stop the rapid progression of a cold and quickly relieve all symptoms of the disease.

When taking antiviral drugs in prophylactic doses, a healthy person increases the chances of not “catching” a respiratory infection in epidemiologically difficult times.

Should you be afraid of a cold?

In the understanding of many people, a cold is a harmless condition that is caused by hypothermia, draft, wet feet, etc. Indeed, about 20% of all “wet” noses have precisely these causes, but it is difficult to determine exactly what caused the disease. Therefore, the general name has taken root among the people - the common cold, which includes acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and conditions associated with hypothermia.

The remaining 80% of viral infections require antiviral drugs, because Antibacterial drugs are not helpful in this case. To effectively treat colds, antiviral drugs are used that can cover a wide range of viral agents.

You shouldn’t be afraid of a cold; you need to deal with it wisely. A good antiviral remedy for a cold can only be selected by a doctor who knows what virus is currently “walking” around the city.

You can read more about the dangers and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections in this article.

What viruses most often cause colds?

The following types of viruses are the culprits of respiratory infections:

  • adenoviruses (most often serotypes 3, 4, 7, 8, 14 and 21);
  • orthomyxoviruses (causative agents of influenza A, B, C);
  • reoviruses (spherical viruses);
  • rhino- and enteroviruses (picornaviruses);
  • coronaviruses (family of 37 viruses);
  • paremyxoviruses.

To suppress all these microorganisms, the pharmacological market provides antiviral agents, and your doctor will definitely tell you which one is best to choose.

What effective antiviral agents can be used for colds?

Antiviral drugs for adults and children differ in their group relationship (interferons, etiotropic drugs, others) and in their effect on the body. We will not dwell in detail on complex medical terminology, but will immediately move on to an introduction to antiviral drugs and their brief characteristics.

List of commonly purchased (best) antiviral drugs for colds:

Let's look at some of them.


Remantadine is an old, proven antiviral agent, inexpensive, and suppresses even swine flu strains. The drug is approved for use in children from one year of age. Most reviews about the drug are positive, but there are patients who report a number of side effects: dry mouth, nausea, dizziness, gastralgia, tachycardia, apathy, nervousness, and others.

The drug is prescribed in the first days of the disease, when only signs of the disease appear.

It has been proven that Remantadine exhibits resistance to some mutating viruses; then the drug must be replaced with more modern antiviral agents. Not used for epilepsy, severe liver and kidney diseases.

The price for 100 mg capsules No. 10 ranges from 174 to 300 rubles. Tablets in a dosage of 50 mg No. 20 cost an average of 50 – 150 rubles.


Tamiflu is a drug that is highly active against influenza A and B strains. It is used in the first days of illness. Tamiflu may cause the following side effects: diarrhea, headache, nausea, insomnia, hallucinations, depression, anxiety and others.

Due to the high toxicity of the drug, some international experts consider Tamiflu a dangerous drug advertised by the manufacturer.

If you look at the official instructions for Tamiflu, then probably any patient will not read it to the end. There is a lot of research data and special instructions, which naturally suggests the complexity of the drug. One gets the impression that Tamiflu has not been studied enough, although it is recommended for patients from 12 months of age.

The price of the drug is high, the minimum cost in pharmacies is approximately 1,150 rubles per package (75 mg of oseltamivir No. 10). Therefore, we wrote a material where we reviewed cheap analogues of Tamiflu and instructions for using the drug.


Arbidol is a low-toxic antiviral drug used for influenza, ARVI, acute severe respiratory syndrome, immunodeficiency, as well as complex therapy for bronchopulmonary diseases, rotavirus and herp infections. The drug is used from the age of three, both for treatment and prevention.

Side effects are associated only with individual intolerance to the drug, which makes it popular and safe to use. Arbidol is widely used in Russia and is included in standard treatment regimens for viral infections.

The average price of Arbidol is 220 rubles for 100 mg capsules No. 10, which is quite expensive. We looked at cheap analogues of Arbidol.


Ingavirin is an antiviral drug used for acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial infection, and adenoviruses. The drug is prescribed only for the treatment of adult patients. Ingavirin has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antitoxic effect, and has established itself as a highly effective immunomodulatory drug for colds of various origins.

The drug is non-toxic and rarely causes allergic reactions. A number of studies have shown that Russian Ingavirin has higher antiviral activity than Tamiflu (Switzerland).

The price for 60 mg capsules No. 7 averages 350 rubles.


Ribavirin is a fast-acting antiviral medicine used only after 18 years of age. The remedy is indicated for respiratory syncytial virus, adenoviruses, influenza, herpes, oncogenic viruses and other diseases caused by rare forms of viruses, for example, smallpox viruses.

Ribavirin will be relevant when traveling in Africa and South America, where there is a high probability of catching something “exotic” for your health.

The drug has toxicity and is contraindicated in heart failure, myocardial infarction, severe anemia, severe renal and hepatic pathology, autoimmune processes, and the patient's suicidal tendencies.

The price in pharmacies for domestically produced Ribavirin 200 mg No. 30 averages 160 rubles.


Amiksin has antiviral and immunomodulating effects. It is non-toxic, and in therapeutic doses, as a rule, has no side effects. At higher dosages, allergic reactions, chills, and gastrointestinal complaints were observed.

The drug is used from the age of seven, the main indications are: ARVI, influenza, herpes, hepatitis of viral origin, cytomegalovirus infection. Amiksin is used in the complex treatment of tuberculosis, urogenital infections and other pathologies.

The price for Amiksin 125 mg No. 10 is 600 rubles and more. We wrote an article about cheap analogues of Amiksin.


Cycloferon is an immunomodulating agent used in patients over 4 years of age. The drug induces interferon, thereby forcing the immune system to exhibit antiviral, anti-inflammatory and immune protection against influenza, ARVI, papillomavirus, herpes, and other viruses.

Cycloferon is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance or severe liver diseases. There are also relative contraindications: gastrointestinal diseases and allergies in the past.

The price of Cycloferon tablets 150 mg No. 10 is approximately 165 rubles.

Instructions for use of cycloferon tablets.


Viferon (rectal suppositories) have antiviral and immunomodulating effects. The drug belongs to the group of interferons and is recommended for use from birth.

Indications for use include ARVI, herpes and other complications of infectious processes. The usual course of treatment is 5 days. Viferon can be used by pregnant women. The drug is contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance.

Most pediatricians in practice confirm the effectiveness of the drug, so it is often prescribed to children.

The price for a package of ME candles (10 pieces) is about 250 rubles.

In addition to the medications presented, doctors often recommend other medications for colds, such as:

  • Grippferon (nasal drops) – 250 rubles;
  • Amizon – 350 rubles (250 mg tablets No. 20);
  • Leukocyte interferon (10 ampoules) – 95 rubles;
  • Relenza (powder for inhalation) – about 1000 rubles.

Tips for treating a cold


For the treatment and prevention of runny nose, sore throat, ARVI and influenza in children and adults, Elena Malysheva recommends the effective drug Immunity from Russian scientists. Thanks to its unique, and most importantly 100% natural composition, the drug is extremely effective in treating sore throats, colds and strengthening the immune system.

Inexpensive antivirals

In the article, we reviewed the most popular drugs with antiviral effects for colds. Based on the information presented, you can make a list of inexpensive drugs:

Naturally, the patient faces a dilemma: “Which is the best antiviral tablet to choose?” You should not select these drugs on your own, and cheap drugs will not always help replace an expensive drug.

Therefore, only the doctor decides on the prescription of an antiviral drug, its dose and course of administration. In exceptional cases (independent use), it is recommended to use the drug following the clearly attached instructions for use.

What immunomodulatory drugs can be used with antiviral drugs?

These medications include:

  • IRS-19 (nasal spray 20 ml) – 420 rubles;
  • Polyoxidonium (12 mg tablets No. 10) – 700 rubles;
  • Lykopid (tablets 10 mg No. 10) – 1400 rubles;
  • Ribomunil (0.75 mg tablets No. 4) – 300 rubles;
  • Broncho-munal (capsules 7 mg No. 10) – 470 rubles.

These funds help the body increase its adaptive properties and strengthen the resistance of cells against viruses and bacteria.

Children's antiviral medications for colds

Parents should not forget that at the first signs of illness they should urgently call a pediatrician. The main thing is to kill the virus in the child’s body in time, when the disease is only at the initial stage of development.

The following medications are suitable for treating flu and colds in children:

  • Interferon and influenza (drops) - used for children in the first year of life (babies up to 6 months, drop 1 drop into each nasal passage twice a day, from 6 to 12 months, 2 drops three times a day) - the price for these products is within 250 rubles;
  • Children's Anaferon (tablets No. 20) - approved for use in children from 6 months, individual treatment regimen (as prescribed by a doctor) - price 175 rubles;
  • Gripp-Heel (50 tablets) is a homeopathic medicine used from birth. The dosage of the drug is individual, depending on age. Price from 400 rubles;
  • Tamiflu is a toxic antiviral drug that suppresses influenza viruses. Use from 12 months. Price – 1150 rubles;
  • Oxaline ointment (0.25% 10 g) - an excellent cheap ointment against influenza and virus, used from the age of two (good to use as a preventive measure) - price 37 rubles;
  • Kagocel (12 mg tablets No. 10) - prescribed from 6 years of age for the prevention and treatment of influenza and ARVI - price 190 rubles. You can get acquainted with cheap analogues of Kagocel.
  • Amiksin (60 mg No. 10) is an antiviral drug with an immunomodulating effect. Price500 rubles;
  • Remantadine (50 mg No. 20) is an inexpensive anti-flu drug used from the age of seven. Price from 50 to 100 rubles.

Plant-based antiviral and immunomodulating agents

Among herbal antiviral drugs for influenza and viruses, the following remedies are recommended:

  1. Gossypol is a natural polyphenol from cotton;
  2. Altabor – gray and sticky alder (dry extract substance);
  3. Oscillococcinum is a preparation from barbary duck liver extract;
  4. Proteflazide – herb of ground reed grass and turf pike (liquid extracts);
  5. Flacozide is a drug from the rutaceae family (Laval and Amur velvet).
  6. Helepin – lispidae penumina (liquid extract);
  7. Megosin (ointment) – a product based on cottonseed oil;
  8. Echination (extract) – used for immunodeficiency conditions;
  9. Alpizarin - contains exotic ingredients: mango leaves, alpine and yellowing kopeks;
  10. Imupret - contains walnut (young leaves), horsetail, oak bark (extract).

These drugs block the spread of viruses and increase the production of natural interferon in the body.

Folk (natural) antiviral remedies for colds

You should not neglect traditional methods of treatment, they are still safer, and sometimes they work no worse than advertised expensive drugs. Based on the huge number of recipes collected over the years, we have identified the most effective and popular remedies among patients.

List of folk remedies for treating colds - 10 best recipes

  • Onions and garlic - these remedies are held in high esteem by the people; they are considered almost a panacea for all infectious diseases. Recipe for making onion juice for a runny nose;
  • Vodka with pepper – for 50 grams of vodka, take a pinch of black pepper, or buy ready-made pepper (drink three times a day). The body warms up well, blood circulation improves, and recovery occurs;
  • Chicken broth from homemade chicken – perfectly relieves inflammation and improves immunity;
  • Products with vitamin C - citrus fruits, rose hips, sea buckthorn, various types of cabbage (especially sauerkraut). These products reduce fever and increase the body's defenses;
  • Tea made from viburnum, raspberry, black currant, meadowsweet, ginger, lingonberry, linden and elderberry;
  • Propolis tincture (preparation recipe) – drink 20 drops, diluting them in 30 ml of water. Continue the course of treatment for at least 7 days;
  • Honey - 1 teaspoon 4 times a day (it is better to buy honey in honeycombs, and try to chew longer the wax, rich in propolis, pollen and other beneficial substances) More than 20 recipes for preparing medicines based on honey;
  • Red wine with tea and raspberry jam - all ingredients are taken in equal parts and placed in a 300 ml cup. Stir well and drink before bedtime;
  • Hot milk with honey – add honey (1 tsp), a pinch of soda and butter (on the tip of a knife) to milk (200 ml). Mix the mixture thoroughly and drink it before going to bed;
  • Horseradish juice with honey - the products are taken in a 1:1 ratio. Before preparing the mixture, the horseradish is ground in a blender and poured with a small amount of water. Leave the pulp for 30 minutes and then squeeze out the juice. The resulting juice is mixed with honey. Drink a tablespoon twice a day.


The article presented various means of antiviral therapy. If it so happens that medical care cannot be obtained on time, then we hope that the information presented will help guide our readers in the treatment of colds.

If the cold is minor, always start with herbal remedies; you should not abandon the “heavy artillery” for mild forms of the disease. But, if severe malaise and high temperature appear from the first hours of illness, influenza or another severe viral infection should be suspected.

Eat right, exercise and swim, spend more time in the fresh air, and then a cold will not be scary. Be healthy!

How to treat a cold - the answer from a professional doctor

And a little about secrets.

If you or your child are often sick and are treated with antibiotics alone, know that you are only treating the effect, not the cause.

So you simply “spare” money to pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies and get sick more often.

STOP! Stop feeding someone you don't know. You just need to boost your immunity and you will forget what it’s like to be sick!

There is a way for this! Confirmed by E. Malysheva, A. Myasnikov and our readers! Read more.
