How to relieve a night cough

How to alleviate a child’s condition with a debilitating cough at night

A cough that occurs in a child at night makes caring parents worry. In most cases, mothers try to restore the patency of the respiratory canals with antitussive drugs or antibiotics, but without knowing the exact cause of the discomfort, they aggravate the situation.

Table of contents:

A night cough appears due to the influence of various factors:

  • allergy;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • heart pathologies;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • inflammation of the adenoids;
  • teething;
  • gastroesophageal reflux;
  • blocking of the respiratory canal by a foreign object;
  • inhalation of hot, dry, too cold air (or filled with harmful substances).

Also, the cough reflex can be triggered against the background of colds of viral-bacterial origin.

Medication for cough

When a baby suddenly begins to cough at night, he needs steam inhalation. To do this, the mother can fill the nebulizer with saline solution, Ventolin or Berodual. You should also take care to increase the humidity in the room, for which you turn on the humidifier or hang wet towels on the radiators. No-shpa helps to quickly stop spasms. The child is woken up and given half a tablet.

Antiallergic syrups are suitable to improve the condition of edematous mucosa. By combining the product with Sinekod, the mother will provide the baby with a restful sleep until the morning. But it is not worthwhile to carry out such treatment constantly, since Sinekod simply suppresses the cough center without solving the main problem.

ACC solutions and plantain syrup help eliminate a severe cough that bothers the baby at night. They should be given to the child 3 hours before bedtime. The use of these drugs at night irritates the oropharynx and accelerates the separation of mucous contents, so constant coughing will exhaust the baby. The following can also help soothe an irritated throat:

The use of drugs is supported by the introduction of vasoconstrictor drops or Protargol with silver into the nose. This activity helps make it easier to inhale air and prevent mucus from draining down the back of the nasopharynx.

Folk antitussives

If the baby cannot sleep due to a cough that is debilitating at night, parents can provide him with such help. In a closed bathroom, you need to open the hot water tap and add a little essential oil to the filling container. Then the baby is brought into the room and asked to breathe in the moist, fragrant air. If desired, the child can plunge into the prepared water.

Herbal teas can make a dry cough productive and relieve the condition. They are brewed from the following components:

Tea is prepared from one type of raw material or several. It is infused, filtered and cooled to 40 degrees. Honey is dissolved in a warm drink and given to the child to drink.

Another useful remedy for soothing the throat and dulling spasms is tea with honey and lemon. The sweet product is selected from dark varieties with a characteristic amber color. Buckwheat honey eliminates severe cough very effectively. Experienced mothers make homemade syrup from honey and lemon juice (the ingredients are mixed in equal quantities).

As an independent product, honey is given to a coughing child in doses. For children 2 – 5 years old, the permissible one-time amount is 0.5 tsp. Children under 12 years of age are given honey one teaspoon at a time. In total, the indicated doses can be taken 2–4 times per day.

It’s easy to turn a scratchy cough into a wet one with milk and soda or butter. If there is an oil infusion of eucalyptus, add it to the milk. The drink is prepared very quickly. It instantly calms night coughs.

The release of phlegm is also accelerated by hot chamomile tea (given to the baby at night) and an infusion of elderflower flowers (brewed in a thermos and combined with honey).

Burnt sugar allows you to get rid of the cough reflex, which is activated at night. The bulk product is taken with a tablespoon and simmered in an enamel bowl until golden brown. Then the mass is diluted with boiled water and the baby is given water.

Delicious healthy mixtures that help overcome night coughs are prepared from dry or fresh figs. The fruits are boiled in milk for 60 minutes, after which honey and butter are added to the mixture - 1 spoon each. The exotic fruit relieves inflammation. If anise seeds are present, they are boiled in plain water, the broth is filtered and sweetened with honey. The baby is given the decoction at night and throughout the day.

And here is another good recipe that relieves night spasms in a child’s throat:

  1. a finely chopped onion is combined with a liter of cold milk;
  2. the mixture is boiled until the amount of milk is 200 ml (this takes about an hour);
  3. Onion milk is given to the baby throughout the day.

Diet and massage for children's cough

Few people know that the condition of a coughing baby can be alleviated with the help of diet. To begin with, it is recommended to remove dairy products from the diet - they activate the mucous membrane and contribute to the accumulation of phlegm. The next step requires revising the children's menu.

The child should be fed oatmeal with butter, liquid mashed potatoes, whipped with milk, and sour cream. It is advisable to make up your diet from foods enriched with vitamin C. Fresh juices will benefit from drinks. If you are not allergic, you can dissolve a spoonful of honey in them. Following such a diet reduces the frequency of bronchospasms, accelerates the release of mucus and strengthens the immune system.

A massage of the back and sternum will help ease the condition of a coughing baby. Rubbing is carried out using ointments containing essential oils and herbal additives. Preparations for thinning sputum are used according to the instructions.

  1. If your child often suffers from severe bronchospasm, take him to an otolaryngologist. For effective therapy, it is necessary to establish the exact cause of the discomfort.
  2. Go to the doctor immediately if the baby is wheezing, breathing heavily, or there are bloody or green spots in his sputum.
  3. An infusion of nettle leaves in alcohol helps to make it easier for a baby to swallow with frequent coughs. Add it to tea with honey as needed.
  4. A potato-mustard compress will help soften cough syndrome. Boiled potatoes are pounded and combined with a small amount of mustard powder. The mixture is placed in a bag and fixed to the baby's chest. The compress is insulated on top with a woolen scarf.

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    How to stop coughing at night

    Cough is unpleasant at any time of the day. But if it occurs or intensifies significantly only at night and lasts for a long time, then this is very bad. Firstly, a person is deprived of a full night's sleep, and if a child coughs, then his parents do not sleep either. Secondly, this may be a symptom of serious bronchopulmonary diseases, and therefore requires examination and treatment. Therefore, during an attack, you need to do everything to relieve the cough, and the next morning begin to find out its causes.

    Non-infectious causes

    The reasons why coughing attacks occur at night can be very different. The easiest way to check is whether the cough is caused by banal everyday reasons that can affect a sleeping person:

    • too dry or hot air in the room, which leads to drying out of the mucous membranes;
    • allergy to bedding - down or feather pillow, synthetic fabrics, etc.;
    • bed mite is a tiny insect that, when it enters the respiratory system, irritates it and provokes a cough;
    • incorrect head position during sleep - disrupts normal blood circulation and oxygen flow, creating the impression of lack of air;
    • accumulated dust, which clogs the lungs and can become a strong allergen;
    • pets, not only cats and dogs, but also any other living creatures;
    • indoor plants can not only provoke an allergic cough, but also create a lack of oxygen if there are too many of them in the bedroom (in the dark the process of photosynthesis does not take place, and flowers breathe oxygen just like people).

    Therefore, first of all, you need to inspect the room and make sure that there are no influences from all the factors listed above. In principle, this should be done in any case, even if you are convinced of the infectious nature of the cough. Such preventive measures will contribute to a speedy recovery for any diagnosis.

    If, after you have eliminated all possible non-infectious causes of night cough, the situation has not changed, then the situation is serious, and the cough is caused not by external irritants, but by internal inflammatory processes. The mechanism for the appearance of such a cough is completely different, and it requires mandatory treatment.

    Cough as a symptom

    A night cough can be a symptom of more than just an infectious disease, although this is most often the case. It usually appears after an untreated cold, acute respiratory viral infection, or flu in the legs. And this is a signal that everything is still not all right in the body.

    With chronic bronchitis or sluggish pneumonia, increased secretion of thick mucus continues - in this way the body tries to extinguish inflammatory processes. During the day, it is quietly coughed up or washed off with tea (or other liquid) and enters the stomach. Constant coughing during the day after an illness is considered normal and is called a “residual cough.” It's really not scary if it lasts no longer than 2 weeks.

    When a person takes a horizontal position, the mucus can no longer come out and accumulates in the bronchi or lungs, interfering with normal breathing. A reflex cough appears, with the help of which the body tries to push the mucus out.

    By the way, such a cough is easy to distinguish from an allergic one - it does not occur soon after falling asleep, but in the second half of the night, closer to the morning, and requires mandatory treatment.

    A night cough may be a symptom of even more serious diseases:

    • heart failure;
    • tumors of the lungs or larynx;
    • cystic fibrosis;
    • emphysema;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • acid reflux.

    To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to undergo additional examination and a series of tests. Therefore, it is better not to self-medicate - you can waste time and allow the disease to move to a later stage.

    Stop the attack

    But what to do while the doctor finds out the true cause? Of course, look for affordable ways to calm a night cough and normalize sleep. Even if this gives a temporary effect, a rested body will have the strength to fight the underlying disease. After all, if a person does not get enough sleep, his immune defense decreases sharply.

    1. Change the position of the body, giving it a semi-sitting position - this will make it easier to cough up accumulated mucus.
    2. Open the window, providing additional oxygen flow.
    3. Drink something warm, it is better if it is milk - it softens the cough faster, but herbal or green tea and even warm water will do.
    4. If you feel a lack of air, take a bronchodilator “Bronholitin”, “Gedevit”, etc.
    5. Restore your breathing by slowly inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth (without effort!).

    When the cough calms down, you should try to fall asleep again. Soft lighting and an aroma lamp with lavender oil will help with this. It is better to replace the pillow with a higher one so that your head is in an elevated position while sleeping.

    Do not forget that the only way to alleviate the condition of bronchial asthma is to use a special inhaler. The measures listed above will not help here, but in creating additional comfort they will be useful for such patients.

    Treatment for an adult

    Only a doctor can say for sure what to do to get rid of night cough forever, after making the main diagnosis. Treatment is prescribed individually and may include drug therapy, physiotherapy and proven folk remedies.

    Using “grandmother’s” methods, you can try to treat a night cough on your own if it has recently appeared and was preceded by a respiratory disease.

    Here are some proven effective ways to relieve cough and speed up final recovery for adults:

    • "Gogol-mogol." Children love it very much, but for adults it is prepared with cognac for medicinal purposes. Quickly relieves irritation and soothes even very severe coughs. Has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Relieves spasms, improves blood circulation. Separate the egg yolk from the white and beat thoroughly with a tablespoon of honey until thick white foam. Continuing to beat, add a teaspoon of cognac to the mixture. Eat little by little, it is better after your throat has been warmed up with a warm drink.
    • Mulled wine. Hot red wine activates blood circulation, warms the throat, dilates the bronchi, makes breathing easier and softens cough. Its properties are enhanced by the influence of spices. Pour a glass of wine into an enamel bowl, throw in 2-3 pieces. cloves, 1-2 cm of ginger root cut into small pieces, a pinch of ground cinnamon. Heat over low heat, without boiling, strain, and pour into a cup. When the wine has cooled a little, add a teaspoon of honey and, if desired, a slice of lemon. Drink in small sips while lying in bed. Mulled wine has a slight sedative effect and will allow you to fall asleep quickly and peacefully.
    • Garlic with honey and vodka. Has powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It allows you not only to quickly stop a cough, but also to remove inflammation and irritation of the throat, as well as eliminate any remaining infection. Perfectly strengthens the immune system. Peel two large heads of garlic, crush the cloves in a mortar or chop very finely. Pour a glass of honey and half a glass of vodka. Mix well and leave in a dark place. Take a teaspoon during a coughing attack or for preventive purposes 3-4 times a day.

    In addition to the recipes listed, there are other folk ways to stop a strong cough at night. The main thing is not to leave the problem unattended. And if the cough repeats from night to night, it is necessary to look for and treat the underlying cause.

    The above “adult” methods are not suitable for children - they contain alcohol. You can prepare and give your child regular eggnog, warm milk or herbal tea with honey.

    Rubbing the chest with camphor oil (not a massage!), which warms the bronchi, expanding them and relieving spasms, and at the same time, entering the respiratory tract, gives the effect of anti-inflammatory inhalation, makes breathing easier.


    It is important to understand that if a night cough is caused by an accumulation of mucus in the lungs, then taking antitussive drugs is strictly contraindicated! They can cause bronchostasis (stagnation of mucus in the lungs), as a result of which breathing becomes difficult and inflammatory processes develop rapidly. This is why it is so important to first find out the cause of your cough.

    Expectorants in the middle of the night are also not the best option. They help thin the mucus and facilitate its removal, but then until the bronchi are freed from mucus accumulations, the cough will not allow you to fall asleep.

    It is better to take a medicine that will relieve throat irritation and bronchial spasms:

    Most of these drugs are suitable for both adults and children (only the dosage differs).

    If the cause of a night cough is bronchitis or pneumonia, quick and effective treatment without antibiotics is impossible. The infection has already penetrated so deeply that it will not be possible to cope with it using folk remedies. Broad-spectrum antibiotics are destructive to most pathogenic microbes, and many of them also have excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, already 2-3 days after the start of treatment with correctly selected drugs, noticeable relief occurs.

    Antihistamines often help to quickly cope with a cough, including at night. Chronic inflammatory processes cause swelling of the mucous membranes, and swelling always increases at night. And if during the day it does not interfere with breathing too much, then at night it blocks the normal access of air, causing a cough. By removing it with antihistamines, you can quickly alleviate the condition.

    Physiotherapeutic procedures also provide a good therapeutic effect: ultrasound, electrophoresis, quartz, paraffin therapy, laser heating, darsonvalization. They stop inflammatory processes, activate blood circulation, stimulate the immune system, significantly accelerating recovery.

    Some procedures can be done at home: apply mustard plasters or a vodka compress, warm the bronchi with a blue lamp or Solux, rub your feet and/or chest with warming ointment with essential oils. Performed before bedtime, such procedures, although not a direct way to calm a cough, improve the general condition, speed up falling asleep and serve as an excellent prevention of nighttime coughing attacks.

    It is advisable the next day after warming procedures not to perform active physical exercises and not to go outside in damp weather or sub-zero air temperatures.

    During treatment, you need to protect yourself from drafts and stay away from the air conditioner on. And also make sure that in the bedroom there are no non-infectious causes listed at the beginning that can provoke a cough.

    Author: Anna Alexandrova

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    How to stop a child's coughing attack at night?

  • How to stop a child's cough?

  • Coughing attacks in a child at night

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How to relieve a night cough / How to calm a night cough

Coughing is a protective reaction with which the body tries to remove dust, mucus and other foreign bodies from the respiratory tract. Many diseases, such as bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, etc. accompanied by a cough, which usually becomes more severe at night. This is due to the difficulty in removing mucus from the body in a lying position. Attacks of nocturnal suffocating cough are a rather unpleasant phenomenon that must be dealt with. How to calm a night cough, read further in the article.

How to relieve a night cough with traditional remedies?

If a night cough is caused by swelling of the respiratory tract or allergic reactions, then before going to bed you should take an antihistamine, for example, Loratadine, Tavegil or Suprastin, which will prevent spasms and relieve swelling. Before you start taking it, you should consult your doctor, who will prescribe your dosage regimen and daily dose.

To calm a dry cough at night, you need to start taking expectorants, which should be prescribed to you by your doctor.

The herbal preparation Mukaltin can help an adult calm a night cough. It is necessary to dissolve 3-4 tablets in one glass of warm boiled water and drink this solution throughout the day.

If the cause of a dry cough at night is excessive dry air, then you should use a special humidifier in the bedroom at night. In addition, the sleeping area must be ventilated and vacuumed as often as possible so that dust does not provoke nighttime coughing attacks and the air is as fresh as possible.

How to relieve a night cough using traditional medicine?

You can stop coughing at night using the following methods. Add one teaspoon of butter to a glass of milk and boil the mixture. Then add a small pinch of soda to it. After you drink this hot remedy, you will sleep peacefully. If a severe coughing attack prevents you from boiling milk, drink at least warm water - any warm liquid can soothe a night cough for a while. By drinking plenty of fluids, you ensure easier removal of phlegm from the body. As drinks, you can use tea with currants, lemon, raspberries, honey, and breast milk.

A decoction of pine needles is a useful remedy to soothe a night cough. Inhale this decoction or simply place it near your bed. Inhaling steam from pine needles relieves spasms of the respiratory tract.

The following herbs have a good expectorant effect to relieve night coughs: licorice, coltsfoot, elecampane, wild rosemary. Please note that you should not take antitussives simultaneously with expectorant infusions.

You can relieve a sore throat with warm vegetable oil. Take a little oil in your mouth, hold it for a while and swallow gradually.

You can get rid of a dry night cough and sore throat by rinsing with a soda-salt solution with a drop of iodine, as well as infusions of sage, chamomile and oak bark.

Thus, if your child or you are constantly bothered by coughing attacks at night, you should immediately consult a doctor. Cough is not a disease in itself, but it may indicate some kind of bacterial or viral infection, laryngitis, bronchitis, disturbances in the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and a host of other diseases. Only an experienced specialist can correctly diagnose a possible disease and prescribe competent treatment. Coughing attacks, of course, can be alleviated and stopped by various folk methods, but self-medication is not recommended.

Why does night cough occur?

Basically, a night cough appears almost at the very beginning of a cold; initially, coughing attacks at night are dry and only later, gradually, the cough becomes wet. In general, it is not always possible to get rid of a dry cough, because the bacteria greatly irritate the throat, thereby provoking new attacks. Now let's figure out how to calm a night cough.

Typically, a dry night cough is characteristic only in the first days of the disease, at this time there is still no mucus coming out and nothing is coughed up. It is because of this that it is so difficult for the patient to sleep well and in the morning he suffers from a very severe headache. You can get rid of a dry cough using various procedures that effectively moisturize the airways. You can resort to folk remedies and methods for treating dry cough, or you can use pharmaceutical medications that your doctor will prescribe to you.

How to calm a night cough - proven methods

How to calm a night cough, if you have just gotten sick, and the cough is still dry, and therefore there is no clearing effect yet, then you should take medications that contain codeine. This remedy successfully relieves cough, but it should not be used for more than three days. Therefore, before using this remedy, it is best to consult your doctor. If you find any side effects, you should stop taking the medication immediately so that your general condition does not worsen or an even more severe allergic reaction develops.

The safest way to relieve a night cough is steam inhalation. To do this, you need to boil one liter of water and add a teaspoon of baking soda to it. Inhalation occurs in this way: take a container, bend over it, cover your head with a towel and breathe in the fumes, after the procedure you should immediately go to bed. Why soda? Firstly, it softens the mucous membrane well and also effectively eliminates pathogenic bacteria. Inhalations are recommended to be carried out regularly, preferably every day 3 or 4 times. Instead of soda, you can use essential oils, for example, fir, and tea tree oil is also useful.

To calm a nighttime cough, you can take special expectorants or make herbal decoctions. A decoction of wild rosemary or thyme helps very effectively. To prepare it you will need to boil water and brew 2 tablespoons of herbs in a glass. You need to take the decoction 50 ml three times a day. With this decoction you can cure a dry cough in almost one or several days.

To relieve a cough at night, it is recommended to buy mint lozenges or other cough lozenges at the pharmacy. They should be dissolved before bed; with the help of lozenges you can soften the mucous membrane of the throat. And another sudden night attack of dry cough will become easier. Usually at the pharmacy you can buy lozenges to choose from, with different flavors, different prices, there are quite a lot of them and there is plenty to choose from. Some lozenges contain a decoction of medicinal herbs and essential oils. There are many brands of such lozenges, so it’s worth asking your pharmacist who can tell you about them. Most often, there are no side effects when taking such lozenges, the most you may encounter is allergic reactions to individual components.

Another way to relieve a night cough is to dissolve a teaspoon of honey in a cup of warm milk. It is also recommended to add a pinch of soda, stir thoroughly and slowly drink the milk, after which you should immediately lie down to rest.


Night cough: how to stop it

Coughing at night can plague both children and adults. A person just goes to bed to regain strength when some pressure begins under the sternum. It becomes stronger every second, begins to sting somewhere in the depths of the throat, and now the person coughs once, twice, and can no longer stop the attack, piercing the night with this painful cannonade.

The cough itself is a natural protective mechanism: when a foreign body enters the airways or becomes clogged with mucus, a convulsive exhalation should help clear them and also restore breathing. But in some cases, when the condition is not critical, coughing only worsens the situation.

In addition, after a long, and especially dry cough, the bronchi and respiratory tract are irritated solely due to these attempts of the body to clear them, and as a result, a cough generates a cough.

Night cough differs from daytime cough for two reasons:

  • when a person is lying down, mucus accumulates in the nasopharynx, and there is no natural way for its outflow. This is what mostly causes coughing at night;
  • The second reason why the cough worsens at night is considered to be a significant cooling of the air, its dryness from radiators and other heating devices.

Of course, this does not explain what illness caused the cough at night, nor how to stop it. We'll talk about this further

Diseases that cause night cough

Usually, cough at night in both a child and an adult appears for the same reasons. Of course, there are cases of cardiac cough, which appears in heart disease, accompanied by the accumulation of fluid in the lungs. Typically, such cases are considered separately, since relatives of heart patients are mostly aware of the possibilities of developing the disease.

The main diseases in which a child or adult may cough at night are the following:

  1. Viral infection is the most common and common cause.
  2. Chronic sinusitis or rhinitis can also cause a coughing fit after going to bed.
  3. With chronic pharyngitis, attacks are also accompanied by constant soreness and tingling in the throat.
  4. An attack with a characteristic whistling sound when exhaling sometimes becomes a manifestation of asthma. In children with mild asthma, this symptom may be the only one that would indicate the manifestation of the disease. Considering that it tends to progress and develop, if such alarming symptoms appear, it is better to consult a doctor in order to either rule out asthma, or monitor its course if it is confirmed.
  5. If the cough is dry, chronic, and appears exclusively at night, then it is most likely a consequence of whooping cough. Attacks with it occur one after another at equal time intervals, and intensify at night. During such an attack, the exhalation is strong, from the depths of the lungs, so that the face becomes filled with blood, and tears appear in the patient’s eyes. Often such attacks end in gagging and turn into vomiting due to increased muscle tone.
  6. Night cough is also observed with gastroesophageal reflux, while older children complain of heartburn.
  7. Night cough occurs in children with adenoids due to mucus entering the larynx and drying of the mucous membrane when breathing through the mouth.

Thus, it is almost always a symptom of a disease that is dangerous in itself or due to its complications, so if you manage to stop it now, do not delay visiting a doctor. And we will look at what Komarovsky and other venerable doctors say about how to stop coughing and get enough sleep at night, when a weakened body requires strengthening the immune system.

How to calm a cough

Stopping a cough is sometimes so difficult that it can turn into vomiting. To avoid getting into this state, use one of these tips:

  • drink more. Liquids soften dry airways and help remove mucus. Often this is the only measure that can stop an attack. A warm drink (herbal tea, milk, broth) has a calming effect on the throat receptors. If a runny nose makes it difficult to breathe through the nose, plenty of warmth keeps the mouth and throat moist, which in turn can ease the cough;
  • humidify the air in your home. During the heating season, dry hot air irritates the respiratory tract and provokes these types of attacks. It will be good if you have a humidifier, but at worst, a bowl of water placed near the radiator will do;
  • If you know your cough is caused by an allergy, taking an antihistamine before bed can help nip the allergic reaction in the bud.
  • honey. Natural honey can be a real salvation from night attacks. It's a good idea to drink milk with it or suck it, just like you suck cough drops. It has a softening and warming effect;
  • a combination of lemon juice, honey and glycerin. The result is a syrup that can be taken a teaspoon up to six times a day;
  • inhalation. You can open a hot water tap, set the pressure to maximum, and breathe in the steam emanating from it. During this process, the doors to the room should be tightly closed so that the humidity in the room rises faster. It will also help relieve coughs by moistening the airways. At the same time, to stop a cough attack, inhalations are performed with the inclusion of cedar oil. If there is no special device for this, then you can replace it with a bowl of hot water and add the mentioned essential oil to it (eucalyptus oil and almost all pine oils, as well as orange or lemon oil can be used along with it). But it is important that the person does not have an allergic reaction to the product used;
  • compress. A warm compress placed on the chest or throat may help relieve the condition. It also helps to simply wrap a woolen scarf around your neck, which can keep you warm for a long time.

All these remedies help stop the attack once, but do not get rid of the root of the problem, so still try to see a doctor as soon as possible.


Night cough in an adult: causes and methods of control

Coughing is a very unpleasant phenomenon, and when it occurs at night, it is exhausting and does not allow a person to fully rest. This is not a disease, but only an indicator of some illness in an adult. It is entrusted with the protective functions of the body, and it cleanses the bronchi and lungs of accumulated phlegm or foreign bodies. So the causes of coughing at night in an adult can be either ordinary dust or various serious illnesses. At night, when a person is lying down, the removal of sputum from the lungs and bronchi is difficult, which is why the attacks are longer and more persistent.

Night cough in an adult

The sudden appearance of cough syndrome for no apparent reason at night warns of dust or other foreign objects entering the respiratory tract. An acute and debilitating cough during sleep, which lasts more than two weeks in an adult, indicates the presence of an infection, and a cough that does not stop at night for two months indicates its transition to a chronic form.

This symptom does not always serve as a herald of the disease. In some cases, the causes of coughing at night in an adult are due to the following factors:

  1. inhalation of gases with a pungent or pungent odor: cigarette smoke, fire smoke, etc.
  2. inhalation of dust, small particles of spray aerosol (perfume, fragrance, etc.)
  3. inhalation of very hot or very cool and dry air.

In such cases, there is no need to worry and consult a doctor. To stop coughing, simply eliminate the irritants.

But if there are no factors that irritate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, and coughing attacks at night have been tormenting for several days, it is necessary to assess its nature, which will help diagnose the disease that has arisen and begin treatment. The causes of night cough in adults are very diverse, so to correctly diagnose and identify the causes, it is worth visiting a specialist.

Dry cough

Continuous attacks, tickling, painful sensations in the throat, with no or little sputum production are the main signs of a dry cough (it is especially painful at night).

The cause of this type of symptom is the onset of a cold, when the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract become inflamed. But at the same time, a dry cough that continues for a long time at night can signal the presence of allergies, chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi, heart failure, respiratory tract oncology, tuberculosis, and even some stomach diseases in an adult.

  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system can be indicated by a dry cough at night in adults, combined with increased heart rate and shortness of breath.
  • Interruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (gastroesophageal reflux), which are associated with irritation of the nerve receptors of the respiratory tract and esophagus, where stomach acid can enter, are also accompanied by coughing.
  • When the vocal cords are inflamed, an adult has a dry, barking cough at night.
  • Hysterical, throat-tearing attacks can warn of the presence of a tumor in the respiratory tract.
  • A dry cough that continues for a long time, which may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, is a clear symptom of whooping cough in an adult.
  • Long persistent dryness may indicate pneumoconiosis, tuberculosis, collagenosis or pulmonary sarcoidosis.
  • A frequent dry cough at night indicates incipient bronchitis.
  • The cause of wheezing, accompanied by heaviness in the chest, is such a dangerous disease as bronchial asthma. In advanced forms of the disease, an adult’s cough worsens at night.

Moist cough

This type of cough occurs when a significant amount of mucus accumulates in the bronchi, trachea and lungs, which the body reflexively tries to get rid of. The causes of a wet cough at night, which often becomes a continuation of a dry cough, are the following diseases in adults: pneumonia; viral diseases; tuberculosis; rhinitis; pleuropneumonia; tumor of the trachea or heart; diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; oncological diseases of the respiratory system; sinusitis, etc.

  • Scanty viscous sputum indicates the presence of tracheitis, bronchitis or asthma in an adult.
  • Mucus with a very unpleasant odor may be a symptom of a ruptured lung abscess.
  • The cause of slippery sputum with pus is focal pneumonia.

Based on the color of the mucus, one can also draw certain conclusions about the suspected disease.

  • Yellow-orange rust-colored discharge indicates pleuropneumonia.
  • If the secreted sputum contains blood impurities, and the patient is shivering, the cause is tuberculosis or oncological pathologies.
  • In viral diseases, sputum production in an adult at night is most often accompanied by fever, nausea and dizziness.
  • If a cough with sputum production at night occurs without fever or other symptoms of illness, this may indicate the development of an inflammatory process in the respiratory tract, oncology or tuberculosis.
  • The causes of a cough that does not go away for a long time are whooping cough or sinusitis.
  • Rhinopharyngitis (inflammation of the nasopharynx) manifests itself as a sore throat and cough, which worsens at night in an adult. Sputum is present, but it is very difficult to come out.
  • As a result of a breakthrough of the hepatic abscess, impurities similar to small grains can be found in the secreted mucus.

A wet and dry cough at night in an adult occurs for various reasons. It is almost impossible to independently diagnose yourself correctly without a medical education. Therefore, if a symptom intensifies at night and does not stop tormenting you for a long time, it is time to consult a doctor to identify the causes, so as not to trigger the disease and begin timely treatment. To make an accurate diagnosis, an adult needs to undergo a blood and sputum test, have a chest x-ray, fibrogastroduodenoscopy and bronchography.

How to calm a night cough?

Cough at night in adults, regardless of the cause, is an unpleasant, exhausting symptom that interferes with proper rest. In this case, you can significantly alleviate your condition with the help of medications or using traditional methods of treatment.


A dry cough occurs when inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract occurs, and the cause of a wet cough is the accumulation of sputum in them. To eliminate its symptoms, sedatives that relieve inflammation are prescribed, and the symptoms of a wet cough are combated with the help of mucolic agents, which dilute sputum for its easier removal from the respiratory tract in an adult. It is important to remember that a dry cough, in the absence of adequate treatment of the disease, over time turns into a wet cough, which indicates the further development of the inflammatory process. How to calm a cough at night? What medications are effective in treating it?

Modern drugs for the treatment of this unpleasant symptom are varied and effective. But you should not use them yourself without obtaining professional advice from a doctor. Medicines will help eliminate the symptom of the disease - cough, but the cause of the disease will remain unclear.

  1. Herbion - plantain syrup. It has expectorant, antibacterial, antitussive and anti-inflammatory properties. As a result of using the drug, a dry cough at night becomes softer, and sputum begins to be discharged in an adult.
  2. Sinekod is a medicine that can suppress symptoms and alleviate dry acute coughs of various origins. The drug relieves inflammation, relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi and improves their patency, has an expectorant effect and a moderate anti-inflammatory effect. Synecode is strictly contraindicated for children under two months, pregnant and lactating women.
  3. Stoptusin. Prescribed to adults and children after one year of age to eliminate the symptoms of dry cough, as it locally anesthetizes, relieves inflammation of the bronchi and facilitates coughing by thinning the mucus.
  4. Codelac Phyto. Contains licorice, thyme and thermopsis extract, as well as codeine. It has an expectorant effect and relieves attacks at night.
  5. Bronholitin – moderately relieves pain, relieves inflammation, has an antibacterial, sedative and antispasmodic effect, relieves swelling of the bronchi, and makes breathing easier at night for an adult. Contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, as well as persons suffering from heart failure.
  6. Bronchicum. Relieves inflammation, facilitates mucus discharge. Prescribed for dry and wet coughs of various origins. Contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, persons with liver and kidney diseases.
  7. Linkas is a herbal medicine. Facilitates coughing, relieves inflammation and has a mucoltic effect.
  8. Libexin - has a local analgesic, antitussive effect, relieves inflammation and dilates the bronchi.

Folk remedies

Having consulted a doctor and holding in hand a prescription with medications that can stop coughing at night, many begin to doubt: is it possible to do without taking medications? Are there folk remedies that cure the causes of this disease and how to relieve cough thanks to them? Traditional recipes for the treatment of nocturnal attacks in adults are very diverse, but in order for their effect to be as effective as possible, the following rules must be followed.

  • During treatment, you need to drink plenty of fluids (herbal tea, clean water). The liquid dilutes mucus well and promotes its removal from the pulmonary tract of an adult.
  • Humidify the air in the room and prevent it from excessive cooling and overheating. To humidify the air, you can purchase special humidifiers, and during the heating season you can simply hang wet towels on the radiator. Such measures can significantly alleviate coughing attacks at night and help fight the causes of cough syndrome in adults.
  • If coughing during sleep is caused by allergies, you should additionally use antihistamines.
  • When sleeping, use a high pillow to avoid the accumulation of mucus in the lungs and to better remove it.
  • Herbal inhalations moisturize the mucous membranes very well and significantly alleviate the patient’s condition.
  1. Mix lemon juice, glycerin and honey in equal proportions. Take one teaspoon 4 – 6 times a day.
  2. Take chamomile and coltsfoot in equal quantities. Pour boiling water and let it brew for an hour. This infusion relieves pulmonary edema and has an expectorant effect.
  3. A decoction of wild rosemary will help quickly relieve cough symptoms. To do this you need to take 50 ml. funds daily.
  4. Add one teaspoon of butter to a glass of milk and put on fire. After the milk boils, you need to add a pinch of soda to it and, allowing it to cool quite a bit, drink.
  5. Take oregano, licorice and coltsfoot in equal proportions, pour boiling water over it and let it brew. Take half a glass of infusion three times a day.
  6. Fry one tablespoon of sugar in a small iron container on the stove until dark brown, add a quarter of a glass of water, add a few drops of aloe juice and drink before bed.
  7. Boil one tablespoon of sage in a glass of milk, let it brew in a warm place for 40 minutes, strain. Drink hot, one glass per day before bed.
  8. You can quickly relieve a severe cough by chewing a leaf of the “golden mustache” plant.
  9. To prevent night coughing attacks, drink a decoction of pine buds. Pour one tablespoon of pine buds with one glass of boiling water, let it brew for 50 minutes, strain. At the very beginning of an attack, take one or two sips of this infusion.
  10. If a cough catches you on the street or at a party, then the following remedy will help calm the attack: stand up straight, raise one arm up and raise it as high as possible above you, trying to reach your fingertips as high as possible. Pull until relief occurs.

Preventive measures against night cough

In order to encounter the causes of coughing at night in an adult as little as possible, it is necessary to follow preventive measures and carefully monitor your health.

  • Toughen up. You don't have to douse yourself with ice water outside. To begin with, it will be enough to simply walk barefoot at home and increase the time you spend in the fresh air.
  • Play sports. Even regular morning exercises can give good results.
  • Eat properly and nutritiously. Your diet must include fruits and vegetables.


How to calm a cough, how to quickly relieve attacks of wet and dry cough

Cough is a common symptom of colds and viral diseases; it accompanies other, much more serious diseases of the respiratory organs. It is divided into types, treatment is prescribed according to this division. Let's figure out how to calm a cough in an adult and a child.

Types, how they differ

There are two types of cough: dry and wet. The difference between them is the presence of sputum when wet and its absence when dry.

Dry cough

With this type, mucus (sputum) does not form; it often irritates the mucous membrane of the throat and causes inconvenience during sleep. It can be barking, accompanied by a sore throat, the voice is lost, these are the symptoms that occur at the onset of a cold. There is also a paroxysmal type, with bronchitis or tracheitis.

Moist cough

It produces mucus and is often difficult to expectorate. It can be acute or chronic. Acute lasts only during illness, and chronic is observed for a long time against the background of disease of the bronchi and lungs.

Sometimes during colds and flu, the dry version can turn into a wet one, this happens because the infection multiplies in the body and the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract begins to produce phlegm.

These two types of illness are treated in different ways and with different medications; it is important not to confuse which treatment should be resorted to.

For any type of illness, you need to create favorable conditions for recovery; for this there are general tips:

  • It is very important to pay attention to the air in the room. Humidifiers should be installed, as dry air irritates the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Moist air helps improve human condition.
  • Drinking fluids promotes expectoration and thins mucus.
  • Bad habits, such as smoking, should be forgotten during a cold.
  • Inhalations based on medicinal herbs will ease breathing and relieve spasms.

What caused it can only be reliably determined by a specialist. If you have the first symptoms, do not delay going to the clinic. If you start treating yourself, you can lead to complications from the disease.

How to get rid of attacks of dry cough, pharmaceutical preparations

In the modern world, there are various drugs to relieve symptoms; they have softening properties. For pharyngitis, medications are indicated that help relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, and they also have antibacterial properties. For laryngitis, experts recommend inhalation.

The composition of the drugs includes such substances as:

To quickly calm a barking cough, you need to gargle with salt water. In addition, physiotherapy, massages and inhalations will be useful.

But such a symptom can be a sign of dangerous diseases; you should definitely consult a specialist.

There are a number of medications to eliminate symptoms and acute attacks, we will note the most popular of them.


A plant-based syrup, it is an expectorant and anti-inflammatory drug.

Alex Plus

It has antitussive and expectorant properties.

Broncholine Sage

It contains ephedrine and glaucine. It has a bronchodilator effect.


It contains codeine, a highly effective drug, but it should be taken only if prescribed by a doctor.


When taking this remedy, you also need to follow the instructions, depending on the age and weight of the patient.

We treat attacks of dry cough with folk remedies

Traditional medicine plays an important role in the fight against dry cough. Do not neglect ancient knowledge; our ancestors knew a lot of useful and very effective recipes.

If the illness develops due to a cold, then you need to drink hot milk with soda and honey. This drink softens the mucous membrane and helps remove phlegm.

Traditional medicine recommends drinking herbal teas from:

It is important to carry out aromatherapy; this procedure not only lifts your spirits, but also helps in the fight against illness. Frankincense, mint, and sandalwood oils effectively relieve its symptoms.

There are many options for preparing medicinal drinks, here are three decoctions according to traditional recipes:

  • Coniferous plants are useful in the treatment of colds. The decoction recipe includes: combine pine buds, sage and licorice in equal proportions and pour boiling water. This decoction is infused for 15 minutes and should be taken three times a day before meals.
  • Ginger tea has a warming effect, helps remove phlegm and alleviate the patient's condition. Ginger root needs to be crushed and pour boiling water over it, let it brew and you can drink it.
  • Onion broth with milk. You need to boil the onion in milk and take this decoction periodically (every 3 hours). Onions have been popular since ancient times in the fight against colds.

What medicines and folk remedies will relieve attacks of wet cough

You can get rid of the disease by resorting to drugs that dilute sputum.

Act quickly and effectively:

  1. Gerbion. This medicine is in the form of a syrup, it contains ivy. The syrup has expectorant properties and removes phlegm.
  2. Bromhexine belongs to the group of mucolytics.
  3. Ambroxol is suitable for treating wet coughs in children and adults and does not conflict with antibiotics.
  4. Alteyka. The marshmallow root included in the composition affects the expectorant properties of the drug. The main thing is to know whether the patient is allergic to marshmallow.

What traditional medicine recipes can be used?

You should also not forget about folk recipes. Many medicines are made from organic raw materials. Knowing which plants help with a wet cough, you can prepare a healing decoction at home that will be no less effective than the remedy from the pharmacy.

Vitamin C drinks help thin mucus. This could be lingonberry or lemon tea, fruit drinks, rose hips.

Here are a few recipes for those who want to be treated according to traditional medicine:

  • Black radish juice is very useful. The radish is grated, the mixture is squeezed through cheesecloth and honey is added to the resulting juice. You should drink a teaspoon of this mixture every two hours.
  • You can make sage tea. For 1 glass you need a teaspoon of this plant and boiling water. Brews like regular tea leaves. You should drink this tea 3 times a day.

How to calm a cough at home

There are many ways to quickly overcome the disease with home remedies.

Below are some tips on how to alleviate the patient's condition and prevent cough complications:

  1. Inhalations. There is no need to buy special equipment; you can brew herbs and breathe over the pan. Potatoes, essential oils of mint and eucalyptus are suitable for this procedure. Be careful; very hot steam can cause burns.
  2. Mustard plasters. An old proven method familiar to everyone since childhood.
  3. Ointment Zvezdochka. It should be applied to the chest at night.
  4. Mustard foot baths.
  5. Gargling with saline solution.
  6. Lollipops. Pharmacies sell various types of cough drops; they will relieve symptoms and help relieve throat swelling.
  7. Humidifiers in the home. Dry air makes breathing difficult and irritates the throat. If you do not have a humidifier, then you can put wet towels on the radiators (during the heating season).

How to calm a cough at night

To prevent frequent attacks at night, you need to put more pillows under your head. During the day, take medications, do inhalations, use lozenges, stop smoking, avoid smoke and dust.

You need to remember to frequently drink teas based on vitamin C, use lemon with honey, as well as raspberry jam. But if the illness still torments you at night, then you can calm it down with a glass of water.

Drinking fluids may temporarily stop the attack. Therefore, if you have a cold, it is important to have a glass of water by your bed every night.

How to calm a child's cough

What is recommended for a child to take? In children, the disease is often associated with dry indoor air. The removal of mucus is quite difficult, so it is important to install air humidifiers in places where the child is.

It is useful for children to massage the chest with patting and tapping movements, this helps to remove mucus. Typically, in such cases, the doctor prescribes non-narcotic medications in combination with sedatives.

The drug Fluditec is intended for children; it helps a dry cough quickly turn into sputum.

It is important to know that the best medicines and traditional methods can cause harm if they are used for other purposes. You need to be able to distinguish a dry cough from a wet one and use only those medications that will benefit the body, then the unpleasant symptoms will disappear much faster.

For more detailed information on how to get rid of obsessive coughing attacks, watch the video:

  • To post comments, please login or register

Re: How to calm a cough, how to quickly relieve attacks of wet cough.

Only Codelac or Terpincode help me treat a serious dry cough. I take decoctions and infusions of herbs, licorice syrup as an additional remedy. Ginger tea is also good.

  • To post comments, please login or register

Re: How to calm a cough, how to quickly relieve attacks of wet cough.

And my cough medicine is much simpler. You need to take 1 tsp. honey and a pinch of soda, and stir it all in a glass of warm boiled milk. Drink at night before bed. A very effective remedy.

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Re: How to calm a cough, how to quickly relieve attacks of wet cough.

And I like to drink milk with a piece of butter before going to bed, so that it coats my throat and removes soreness. Then you can sleep more peacefully at night. And during the day I take the expectorant, effervescent tablets Prospan. I cope with the cough for a few days.

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