How to cure snot in a baby

How to get rid of snot in a baby?

The baby is breathing poorly, sneezing, sucking jerkily - these signs are combined with snot in the baby. Poor ventilation of the lungs is observed due to a runny nose, and this affects sleep and feeding.

Table of contents:

The baby is not feeling well, is capricious, and therefore urgently needs adult help.

Parents must know that they are not treating a runny nose, but rather eradicating the infection that caused it. You need to find out what type of runny nose your baby has: allergic, vasomotor or infectious. And then free the child from a runny nose.

Causes of snot in infants

The nasal passages of babies are narrow and short, so the swelling of the mucous membrane formed during a runny nose prevents them from breathing and fully performing the act of sucking. In addition, the nasal passages of tiny children are placed at a special angle, so there is a rapid spread of edema and the process of inflammation, which affects the bronchi, trachea and larynx. Also, the nasal passages have a close connection with the Eustachian tube. This leads to the spread of inflammation from the nasal mucosa to the ear, thus, the development of otitis media is possible.

Often young mothers sound the alarm because their baby has a false runny nose. At one and a half, two months, the little representative of society has actively functioning salivary glands and he “drools or bubbles” from the mouth and nose. Often the child coughs. If the child is generally happy and energetic, then you should not worry about him.

In what cases is it necessary to consult a doctor?

  • the baby abandons the breast and becomes restless;
  • the runny nose lingers, mucus from the nose interferes with sucking and breathing;
  • wheezing is heard in the lower part of the throat, and a combination of cough and snot is observed in the infant.

An infectious type of illness occurs due to all sorts of infections in the respiratory system. The allergic type is caused by some allergen, in children it is mainly food. In this case, you should visit an allergist. Vasomotor runny nose appears due to a disorder in the autonomic relationship between the nervous system and blood vessels. Doctors often find a foreign body in the nose, which can also cause discomfort. Often, snot in a baby is a “response” of the nose to excessively dry air in the room (protective mucus is formed).

Children are often diagnosed with an infectious runny nose. Many mothers ask the question: “How to treat snot in an infant?” A good doctor or an experienced parent can confidently say that it is not difficult to rid a baby of snot.

If the baby discharges clear liquid from the nose and breathing is not difficult, then you should put the baby to the chest more often, wipe the nose, humidify the air in the nursery and suck out the mucus if the discharge is abundant.

1. The first sign of the disease is a burning sensation in the nose, discomfort in the throat, and sneezing. The initial stage lasts approximately 2 days. After these symptoms, mucus discharge from the nose is observed. There may be difficulty breathing and watery eyes. During illness, the baby may refuse food, sleep poorly and begin to lose weight.

2. Second stage – 2-3 days. Redness forms on the mucous membrane because the vessels dilate, causing the nasal turbinates to swell. Often the baby loses his sense of smell and has stuffy ears.

3. Third stage. All of the above is accompanied by thick discharge and bacterial inflammation. Your body temperature may even rise and more severe symptoms may occur.

The average duration of illness is 5-7 days. If a runny nose lasts 7 days, then you need to sound the alarm.

The baby's nasal mucosa becomes pinkish, excess mucus or dryness in the nose disappears, the baby's condition stabilizes, and he begins to breathe well through his nose.

How to pump out snot from a baby?

Adults tolerate a runny nose easily. For them, this is not a serious ailment, because anyone can blow their nose if necessary and clear the mucus from the respiratory tract. But babies who have just recently been born do not know how to independently get rid of the fluid that accumulates in the nasal passages. Therefore, all responsibility rests with the parent.

Devices for pumping out snot from infants are incredibly popular among adults. You will need a nasal aspirator for children and a syringe without a needle. These inexpensive products will help remove snot from babies.

1. The tip of the syringe must be inserted into the baby’s right nostril. With your free hand, pull the retractable part of the device towards you.

2. Once the inside of the device is filled with mucus, remove it and wash the device with soap and water. Repeat for the other nostril. This procedure must be done until the nose is clean.

3. As an option, you can purchase a nasal aspirator (syringe). The device should be washed before use.

4. You need to squeeze the bulb with your fingers and insert the device into the nasal passage without opening them. While holding the device, you should slowly unclench your fingers.

5. Afterwards, rinse the device from mucus and carry out the procedure with the other nostril. The baby's breathing should become free.

6. In order to pump out snot from a baby in another way, you need to use a mechanical aspirator with an extended tube. The soft end of the device is inserted into the baby’s nasal passage, and the parent draws in air using the tube. Once the fluid has been drained from the nostril, remove the tube from the mouth and remove the aspirator from the child's nose.

7. Repeat for the other nostril.

8. Next, remove the used filter from the device and wash it. There is also an electronic aspirator. Its tip is inserted into the nasal passage and the button is pressed. Afterwards, the device is washed to remove mucus.

Medicines that help get rid of snot

Doctors advise purchasing the immunomodulator “Derinat” if snot is observed in a baby without fever. The drug is allowed to be used by newborns. Available in the form of drops that need to be dripped into the nose 2-4 times within 24 hours. The product fights bacteria that cause rhinitis.

An important condition during treatment is not to let the secretions that accumulate in the passages dry out. Otherwise, the baby will stop breathing through his nose and will take in air through his mouth. And this can activate dangerous diseases (bronchitis and pneumonia).

It is recommended to rinse the sinuses with saline solution (saline). Place about 3 drops into the nose every half hour. You can also use Aquamaris drops for rinsing.

A drug that constricts blood vessels is used for no more than 3 days (Nazivin). The drug “Laferon” is also suitable - 2 drops, twice a day. The well-known Delufen spray device is used twice in 24 hours. Remember that it is better to entrust the choice of medicine to specialists.

You can heal your child using traditional and folk medicine. Recipes from the people have been tested for generations. To prepare the medicine you need to take Kalanchoe juice. To do this, tear off the bottom leaf of the plant, rinse thoroughly and squeeze out the medicinal mixture. The juice must be passed through cheesecloth so that the pulp does not end up in the solution. For infants, the mixture is diluted with mother's milk 50:50, for older children - with boiled water. Remember that you can put juice in your nose only when the baby’s nasal passage is not swollen. Mucus will “fly” out of the nose. The child should be able to sneeze. If the nasal sinuses are clogged, a vasoconstrictor should be instilled into the passages. This juice helps to quickly get rid of snot in infants, but sometimes it can aggravate the situation. Use the folk remedy sparingly for the first time.

What is dangerous about a prolonged runny nose in a baby?

If you ignore snot in an infant, complications may arise. A prolonged runny nose threatens complete depletion of the baby’s fragile body and delayed physical development.

If the disease drags on and green snot of a viscous and thick consistency is observed in the baby, then it is urgently necessary to stop self-medication and contact an expert.

This mucus indicates a bacterial infection. Coloring of discharge occurs due to microbes and reaction products to infection. Another possible reason is climate change due to adaptation to new microflora. To cure, you can use a combination of drug treatment and recipes taken from the people. But first you need to talk to a specialist. Pharmaceutical products relieve inflammation and swelling. Their long-term use sometimes causes allergic reactions or addiction. And with the help of folk methods, the effect is mild, there is no addiction, and there are practically no allergic reactions. This is a safer treatment for the disease. Medicines prescribed by a doctor can be found in a pharmacy, and folk remedies can be prepared independently.

1. Pour a teaspoon of sea or table salt into a liter of boiling water, after cooling, the liquid is dropped into the nose;

2. Squeeze the juice of beets, carrots, potatoes, dilute the juice with water 1:1 before instillation; such drops can effectively eradicate the infection, since they store the required amount of antibiotics of natural origin.

Yellow snot in a baby should not be ignored. This mucus causes swelling of the mucous membrane, so the baby may completely lose the ability to breathe.

Curing snot is not so difficult, the main thing is not to delay treatment. Consult a doctor before starting to fight the disease.

A prolonged runny nose causes complications in the ears, developing into a chronic stage. What to do if your baby has snot with blood? You must contact your doctor immediately. Young children are extremely sensitive to various drugs. It would seem that such remedies as a spray or nasal drops are harmless, but they can still cause harm. It is not recommended to treat your baby with unknown means without consultation.

Most often, snot with blood indicates inflammation of the nasal mucosa and capillaries are damaged. When a child has fragile and brittle vessel walls, even minor damage causes bleeding. Some doctors prescribe ascorutin; its composition is dominated by rutin and ascorbic acid, which strengthen blood vessels. Green or yellow liquid with blood and fever indicates inflammation of the sinuses.

The nose performs the most important functions in the body: protection, speech, smell and breathing. In a baby, a runny nose often leads to disruption of oxygen metabolism in the body, and pathologies may occur in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. If the disease is chronic, then absent-mindedness, drowsiness occurs, and memory decreases. Thus, physical and intellectual development is inhibited. In some cases, the structure of the chest and facial skeleton even changes. A prolonged runny nose causes complications in the form of tonsillitis, sinusitis, and pharyngitis. This is due to poorly developed immunity.

Remember that in adults a runny nose is often not a serious illness, but in infants it must be cured quickly. After all, a runny nose makes breathing difficult, and the baby cannot eat or sleep normally. The baby will turn into a hungry and tired little man. If the disease is not eradicated in time, then the phlegm will go down into the lungs and then the doctor will diagnose a new disease, at best - bronchitis. Provide the highest quality treatment possible!

An honored Russian doctor named Komarovsky clearly explains about seasonal runny nose, accompanied by thickening of green mucus in the nasal passage.

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Treating snot in babies

In the first days and months of life, children adapt to their new habitat - the air. Myriads of microbes and dust particles invisible to the eye are in the air, which negatively affects the baby’s respiratory system. Typically, pediatricians consider snot in infants to be a physiological manifestation of an imperfect respiratory system. In the first months of life, a runny nose does not require special treatment, but the child will need help from the mother.

Why do babies often develop snot?

When a one-month-old baby exhibits symptoms of acute rhinitis, you need to consult a pediatrician. The doctor will determine whether the cause of the illness is ARVI, or whether the runny nose that occurs is of a natural nature. Parents are at a loss as to how to treat snot in a 2-month-old baby, although at this age a physiological runny nose is a common and not dangerous phenomenon.

Adaptation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract occurs especially actively in 1 month of life. Snot in a child who is not yet 3 months old does not require special treatment if it does not interfere with breathing. Physiological runny nose in infants sometimes lasts up to 6 months. There are many reasons, the main ones are dry hot air, irritants (tobacco smoke, dust, wool and fluff, the smell of perfume, detergents).

How to clear snot from your nose

Although a physiological runny nose is considered a natural reaction to irritants in the surrounding air, nasal congestion and excessive snot make breathing difficult. Therefore, you need to pump out excess mucus in the nasopharynx and instill solutions that normalize its formation in the upper respiratory tract. If you do not remove snot from the nasopharynx, the mucus blocks the narrow and short nasal passages, causing nasal congestion. The baby breathes through the mouth, swallowing dry, dusty air.

But how to get snot out of the nasopharynx and remove it from the nasal passages? The simplest device is a rubber bulb with a soft plastic tip. A baby aspirator allows you to clear the nose of an infant from snot so that it does not obstruct the work of the nasopharynx.

If a baby is outside during the cold season, then due to a runny nose, insufficiently warm air enters his lower respiratory tract. The duration of rhinitis and cough depends on how often cold air is swallowed. Sometimes colds do not go away for weeks or months; The baby falls into the “frequently ill” category.

When the mucus in the nasopharynx becomes thick, it forms viscous lumps. In this case, the baby sniffles and breathes through his mouth, sneezes, and coughs. It is imperative to get the snot out, otherwise the patency of the narrow nasal passages is impaired, and conditions for inflammation of the adenoids appear. Many mothers are interested in how to suck out a baby’s snot with their mouth using a straw. To do this, you can use the Otrivin Baby complex, which includes a nasal aspirator with nozzles.

The mother carefully inserts one end of the tube with a nozzle into the baby’s tiny nasal passages one at a time, and slowly draws air from the other with her mouth. Too intense suction of mucus leads to unpleasant consequences. In the aspirator, snot appears with blood coming out of the damaged capillaries of the mucous membrane. Instead of using an aspirator to suck out mucus from your nasal passages, you can use a damp cotton swab to remove snot.

Treatment of a runny nose in an infant

Parents are worried about how to treat snot in their infant using methods that are safe for him. In addition to cleansing and burying the nose, you should take care of comfortable conditions for the functioning of the respiratory system. Simple hygiene procedures will not require special expenses, but will bring tangible benefits to the baby’s health.

What to do in case of physiological runny nose in an infant:

  1. Humidify the air in the room where the baby spends most of the time (the optimal water vapor content is from 55 to 75%).
  2. Instill saline solution into the nasal passages to prevent the mucous membrane from drying out.
  3. Give your baby something to drink more often - water, baby teas with a calming effect.
  4. Clean your nose twice a day.

How to get rid of snot in a small child using saline solution:

  • Remove excess mucus in the nasal passages using an aspirator (suck).
  • Prepare a solution from 1 tsp. table salt and 1 liter of warm boiled water.
  • Filter the liquid, then put it into a pipette.
  • Inject 2-4 drops of solution into each nasal passage.
  • Repeat the procedure several times during the day.

Instead of instillation, you can clean and moisturize the baby's nasal cavity using cotton wool flagella soaked in saline solution. A 9% salt solution is similar in properties to pharmaceutical drops with sea water. The composition and method of use of the ready-made saline solution are the same.

Medicinal plants for the treatment of runny nose in infants

Alternative medicine suggests how to cure snot in a baby with home remedies. The baby is instilled into each nasal passage with 5 drops of a weak chamomile infusion, warmed to body temperature. The procedure is repeated at least 3 times a day. The folk remedy has antiseptic, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties. Chamomile should be harvested in environmentally friendly places or bought dried flower baskets at the pharmacy.

Carrot and beet juice have medicinal properties. The carrots are briefly boiled, chopped, the juice is squeezed out and mixed with a small amount of warm boiled water. Carotene in carrots works better if you add 1 tbsp. l. juice the same amount of boiled vegetable oil. Instill the baby 5 drops daily into each nasal passage, or administer the product using a cotton swab. The folk remedy relieves swelling, moisturizes and disinfects the mucous membrane.

Runny nose in a child with acute respiratory infections (ARVI)

If the baby is only 1 to 2 months old, then cases of ARVI are rare. The fact is that the newborn is protected by immunity received from the mother. After all, the blood flow between the woman and the fetus was common until birth. After 5 months of life, inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract, provoked by infection, may appear.

Symptoms of rhinitis resulting from ARVI:

  • the child's body temperature rises;
  • poor appetite or its complete absence;
  • copious, clear snot;
  • deterioration in general health;
  • lethargy.

A viral infection makes itself felt by the baby's fever and runny snot only in the first days of the disease. Often the body temperature remains normal. First, clear mucus of a watery consistency is secreted from the nasal passages, then it darkens and becomes viscous. One can understand the anxiety of a mother who notices these unpleasant symptoms in her baby at 4 months. In this case, an experienced pediatrician will be able to make the correct diagnosis by examining the pharynx and listening to the child.

ARVI in a baby of the first year of life passes in the same way as in older children. On the 5th day, the production of antibodies to the virus begins, and in total it takes at least a week to fight them. Therefore, it will be problematic to cope with a runny nose in a baby in 2-3 days. The pharmaceutical preparations and folk remedies used must support the child’s immunity and create favorable conditions for the whole organism. That is, you need to do the same procedures that are recommended for a physiological runny nose.

The Russian-made immunomodulatory drug “Derinat” in the form of nasal drops 0.25% is suitable for the treatment and prevention of ARVI in infants. At the first signs of infection, the baby is administered 2 drops into each nasal passage every 1.5–2 hours during the first 24 hours. Then they switch to instillation 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment should not be shorter than 5 days. If you continue to use nasal drops after recovery, your baby will be less susceptible to seasonal infections.

5 ways to prevent snot in an infant

Nasal discharge appears in children from the first days of life. This is one of the main signs of the functioning of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Treatment is only required if mucus accumulates, interferes with the child's breathing, or causes a cough. Pumping out snot, rinsing, followed by nasal drops are considered simultaneously a hygienic, preventive and therapeutic procedure, especially for infants.

For a child of the first year of life, nasal drops, saline solution, and infusions of medicinal herbs are mainly used. After getting rid of the symptoms that bothered me the most, parents can help improve the baby’s respiratory system.

  1. Maintain cleanliness in the children's room and favorable temperature conditions (18–20°C).
  2. Ventilate the room while walking with your baby and before going to bed (in the absence of the baby).
  3. Dress the child according to the weather, go for walks on all days when the weather permits, and the baby does not have a fever.
  4. When bathing a baby, add infusions of St. John's wort, sage, and table salt to the water.
  5. There should be clean, moist air in the children's room at all times.

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the article is useful and interesting

Our baby had very profuse snot; the pediatrician called to the house said that this is how the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx functions, and the amount of discharge depends on the individuality of the body. Regular saline solution helped us, after using it everything returned to normal.


Runny nose in infants: normal or pathological? How to cure snot in a baby?

A baby's runny nose does not mean the onset of a disease. After birth, the mucous membrane is not yet accustomed to the new conditions. The process of adaptation of the upper respiratory tract occurs in the form of the appearance of mucous discharge from the nose.

But how can you figure out whether this is normal or an infection? We will tell you how to treat a runny nose in a newborn correctly in this article.

Features of “baby” noses

While inside the mother, the baby does not use breathing through the nose. After birth, the baby's nasal passages begin to function as part of the respiratory system. The nasal mucosa in children in the first month of life is abundantly supplied with blood vessels and is loose. Therefore, during the inflammatory process it swells quickly.

The nasal passages are narrower, which contributes to difficulty breathing when you have a runny nose, and are short. They are located close to the ear canals, so a common problem in children of the first year of life is complications of the runny nose - otitis media.

Due to the small size of the nasal canals, stagnation of mucous discharge may occur, crusts may appear, which makes nasal breathing even more difficult.

Physiological runny nose

Following from the above, we can say that newborns are characterized by a physiological runny nose. A newborn's snot is transparent, liquid, and light-colored. As a rule, they occur in the first 2-2.5 months of life.

A runny nose in a baby without fever is considered normal in most cases.

A newborn's snot should never be green.

What does Dr. Komarovsky advise to do with a physiological runny nose?

  • Ventilate the room more often.
  • Walk with your baby for at least 1 hour. The child must breathe fresh air, then the nose will suffocate.
  • Give your baby more to drink if the room is too hot. Dry air dries out mucous membranes.
  • It is possible to moisturize the mucous membranes with saline solutions, which will be discussed below.

Newborn snot due to inflammation

How does an infectious runny nose manifest in a baby?

  1. Viruses. Snot in an infant is a protective reaction to the introduction of a foreign agent. In a baby they are transparent, abundant, endlessly “wet under the nose.” There may be nasal congestion. As a rule, body temperature is low - up to 38 degrees.
  2. Bacteria. This kind of runny nose in a baby is protracted. On the 6-7th day of the disease, the mother notices changes in the nature of the discharge. The baby's snot becomes thick and green, and the temperature rises above 38 degrees. The child suffers - appetite decreases, sleep deteriorates. All this indicates the addition of a bacterial infection.
  3. Allergy. The nature of the snot is similar to that of viral rhinitis. Sneezing and watery eyes also appear. As a rule, allergic rhinitis does not come alone. Such babies periodically develop skin rashes with itching - diathesis. Such children are prone to allergies.

How to treat a runny nose in a child and what types of nasal drops are there?

Vasoconstrictor drops

Makes breathing easier for several hours. They do not have a therapeutic effect. Relieves the symptom of nasal congestion. Use no more than five days and no more than 2 times a day.

  • Nazivin baby - allowed from the first days of life. Contains oxylometazoline. Average price: 130 rubles;
  • Sanorin for children – approved for children over 2 years old. Average price: 140 rubles;
  • Vibrocil - used from 12 months. It also has an anti-edematous effect, as it contains an antiallergic component. Average price: 250 rubles;
  • Nazol baby with phenylephrine is also allowed from the first months of life. Average price: 180 rubles.

Vasoconstrictor drugs are divided into two groups.

  1. With a short action of up to six hours.
  2. Long-acting (oxymetazoline-based products) up to 10 hours.

Moisturizing drops based on saline solutions and sea water

Sea water reduces swelling of the mucous membrane, washes away all pathogenic viruses and bacteria, thereby reducing inflammation, and thins the mucus. Can be used up to 4 times a day. Has virtually no side effects.

  • Aquamaris. Average price: 140 rubles;
  • Aqualor baby. Average price: 135 rubles;
  • Salin. Average price: 120 rubles;
  • Physiometer. Average price: 370 rubles;

Antiviral drops

Drops containing interferon - Grippferon - are allowed from the first days of life. Stored in the refrigerator. Average price: 260 rubles.

Antibacterial drops – Isofra

Used for persistent snot in a baby only on the recommendation of a doctor. Average price: 300 rubles.

How to cure a runny nose in an infant?

First, rinse your nose with sea water, then drip Grippferon or Isofra (if prescribed by a doctor) and after 40 minutes - Nazivin or Nazol. This can be done up to 3 times a day.

Runny nose in a 3 month old baby and its causes

Snoring or grunting may be due to milk getting into the nose due to improper latching of the nipple. A baby at this age experiences profuse salivation, as a result of which saliva can enter the nose.

Runny nose in a 6-month-old child and its treatment

5-6 months is the age of teething, profuse salivation and swelling of the mucous membranes. Therefore, a runny nose in a child of 5 or six months may be accompanied by the appearance of copious mucous discharge from the nose.

At this age, you can warm up your legs. Wear socks with mustard plasters for 2-3 minutes; a woolen sock is better on top. Allows you to stimulate points on the sole that are responsible for the functioning of the upper respiratory tract. Relieves nasal congestion.

  • syringe or bulb. The downside is that it has opaque walls, and you will not see whether the contents of the nose have been sucked out or not;
  • Otrivin baby. From personal experience I can say that there is no better aspirator. It has transparent walls, aspirates the contents of the nose well, there is a limiter on the nozzles so as not to damage the mucous membrane;
  • electronic aspirator. The product is quite expensive, but effective. Has a special tip with a limiter. Its power is low and will not damage the delicate mucous membrane of the baby.

How to treat a runny nose in a baby using folk remedies?

Treating a runny nose with folk remedies is quite possible and relatively safe. You can use the secrets of traditional medicine after making sure that the child is not allergic to the products used (you can first test it on the skin).

Any decision regarding alternative methods must be agreed with the pediatrician and used not instead of, but together with traditional methods of treatment.

  • Onion oil infusion. It is necessary to chop the onion and add vegetable oil. This mass can be used for about a week. Instill 2 drops 3 times a day. Avoid using a highly concentrated solution to avoid irritation of the nasal mucous membranes!
  • Beetroot and carrot juices need to be mixed. You can also add vegetable oil 1:1. Instill 3 times a day.
  • The juice of the Kalanchoe or aloe plant is found in almost every home. It is necessary to instill three times a day.

Physiotherapy and runny nose

  • Oil burner. Allows you to disinfect the room and clear the air of harmful pathogens. Oils of oak, juniper, pine, and fir have excellent antimicrobial effects.
  • Quartz lamps. Daily quartzing of the room allows you to dry the mucous membranes and disinfect the air in the room.

More about how to treat snot in a baby...

Treating a runny nose in newborns requires patience. Prevention will also be useful, especially during the cold season. You can put peeled onions or garlic on a plate. They contain phytoncides that help fight microbes.

For the first two months of a child’s life, you should not use medications to treat a runny nose.

Graduated from South State Medical University, internship in pediatrics, residency in pediatric cardiology, since 2012 she has worked at the Lotos MC, Chelyabinsk.

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5 comments to the article “Runny nose in infants: normal or pathological? How to cure snot in a baby? »

After reading the article, I came to the conclusion that as an infant grows up, serious problems with a runny nose appear. After childbirth, the nose has physiological characteristics (the nose begins to work), so snot is natural. You need to carefully monitor the snot and not miss the moment when the snot becomes thicker. You can use drops such as Nazivin baby, Aquamaris, Salin. Under no circumstances should you use (grandmother’s methods) or drip breast milk into your nose. It is important to contact your doctor if you have symptoms. The article says that treatment is the doctor's job.

// It is not recommended to instill breast milk, as grandmothers advise. Not all mothers have sterile milk, and this can provoke a bacterial infection. //

The most crazy explanation you can come up with. As if the nasal drops are sterile or the air the baby breathes is sterile. I’m generally silent about the syringe. Author, read at least one article about what sterility is and how to achieve it.

Tatyana, please introduce yourself. Please indicate your education and activity profile. Articles on our website are written by practicing doctors. And no one knows who you are. I think it would be interesting for readers (and the author of this article) to know who is raising the objection.

My name is Tatyana, I work as a dentist. And the argumentation amazes me to the core. “You can’t use milk because it’s unsterile.” Maybe it shouldn’t be used because it won’t help in any way and is certainly not intended for nasal instillation?

When my baby, after being discharged from the hospital, began to “grunt” with his nose, I became worried and called the doctor. The doctor said that this was a physiological runny nose and advised me to moisturize the mucous membranes. We used Aqualor-baby.

I also liked the Otrivin Baby aspirator, which the author of the article mentions - it is very easy to use.

It was also interesting to learn about the treatment of runny nose in babies at 3 and 6 months.

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Treatment of a runny nose in an infant

The body of children under 1 year of age (infancy) is more susceptible to various diseases than older children, and very often parents are faced with the problem of a runny nose in their child. The nasal mucosa of infants is very sensitive, so respiratory diseases are almost inevitable. The main causes of runny nose in newborns are viruses, allergies, and inflammatory processes. But, at the same time, in children under 2.5 months of age, the presence of sniffles does not at all indicate the child’s illness. Immediately after birth, the inner cavity of the nose is first very “dry”, then becomes too “wet” - this is a normal process of adaptation of the body to external conditions, this is a physiological runny nose. In infants, full-fledged work of the mucous membrane begins after 10 weeks of life, so phlegm in the nose is a physiological and natural process. There is no need to treat it. It is important to recognize it and you just need to provide comfortable air in the newborn’s room. Let's take a closer look at the types of runny nose and how to help your child breathe normally.

Types and causes of runny nose

A runny nose for an infant is very tiring, because the baby does not yet know how to breathe through the mouth, the nasal passages are narrow, and the swollen nasal mucosa makes it very difficult to breathe properly. When a child has a clogged nose, he eats poorly, sleeps poorly, and is capricious. In the first days, a runny nose is accompanied by copious watery discharge from the nose, an increase in temperature (mainly due to a cold or hypothermia) and lasts up to 2 weeks. If you have a severe runny nose, there may be swelling and irritation around your nose and upper lip.

The main symptoms are snot :)

  • Copious watery discharge from the nose.
  • Deterioration of the child’s general condition, possible appearance of a temperature of 37ºC.
  • When nasal congestion or a runny nose appears, the baby refuses the breast (bottle) and begins to take frequent breaks while sucking.
  • Shortness of breath appears and normal breathing is disrupted.
  • If the runny nose is of an allergic nature, in addition to watery discharge, there are attacks of sneezing, itching in the nose, and redness of the eyes.
  • Infants involuntarily pull their hands to their nose, rubbing it.
  • The child’s rhythm of life (sleep, wakefulness and eating patterns) is disrupted.
  • Physiological. At the beginning of the article they said that this is a natural process of the body.
  • Infectious or viral. The causes of the disease are bacterial or viral infections. Sniffles are the body’s protective reaction to a viral infection.
  • Allergic. It is caused by various allergen substances (dust, foods (if the child is breastfeeding, then everything that the mother eats is received with milk by the child), flowering plants, household chemicals, etc.). In this case, there is not only a runny nose, but also watery eyes.
  • Vasomotor. It occurs due to problems with the vessels of the nasal mucosa (it occurs quite rarely in infants).

How and with what to treat a runny nose in infants

Use medications for infants only on the recommendation of a doctor!

We treat physiological and infectious (viral) runny nose

  1. As was already said at the beginning of the article, a physiological runny nose in an infant does not require special treatment. A viral runny nose is a natural reaction of the body that helps the nasopharynx cope with a virus or bacteria. The main treatment is to prevent the mucus from drying out. To do this, you need to maintain the optimal temperature and air humidity in the room of no more than 22 degrees (you can maintain the humidity using ordinary cups of water, spray it from a spray bottle, use special humidifiers, or set up an aquarium).
  2. Moisten the nasal mucosa with ordinary saline solution (or ordinary saline): at the rate of 1 teaspoon of salt (preferably sea salt. If sea salt is not available, use regular table salt) per 1 liter of warm boiled water. Place 1 drop in each nostril. (READ THE ARTICLE: How to properly bury a child’s nose). IMPORTANT! use saline solution (store-bought or homemade) only as drops; it cannot be used as a rinse!
  3. Calendula or yarrow herbs: steam 1 teaspoon per glass of water in a water bath. Let it cool and drop half a pipette into each nostril for the baby.
  4. If the runny nose is severe, then clean the child’s nose of crusts and thick mucus with a special small enema for removing sniffles (sold at any pharmacy.) You can use a regular “pear”. There are special nasal aspirators (nozzle ejectors). Or very carefully remove the mucus with baby cotton swabs. (See the article on how to clean a newborn baby’s nose in different ways)
  5. Drop in breast milk. Breast milk contains substances that will help protect the baby’s mucous membranes from “harmful” microbes.
  6. You can drip drops of Aquamaris (based on sea water).
  7. Chamomile decoction helps (if the child is not allergic to it).
  8. Bathe your newborn in medicinal herbs. Bath with calendula, sage and yarrow. Take 25 g of herbs, brew and leave in a thermos for 2 hours. Pour the resulting broth into a bath with a water temperature of no more than 37 degrees.
  9. The most common folk remedy for treating a runny nose in infants is to drip freshly squeezed beet or carrot juice, half diluted with water or olive or vegetable sunflower oil, into the nose.
  10. Another folk remedy is to drip sea buckthorn oil into your nose.
  11. You can drip aloe or Kalanchoe juice. The juice must be diluted with boiled water, 1 part juice to 10 parts water. Instill 5 times a day.
  12. Breathe in eucalyptus oil. Pour water into the aroma lamp and add 5-10 drops of eucalyptus oil, heat it and leave it in the room for a minute, the child will breathe in the vapor.
  13. Apply baby cream to irritated areas.

Herbal decoctions must be used carefully, as they can cause allergies in infants.

NO! In case of physiological or viral runny nose, infants do not need to drip vasoconstrictor drops into the nose. These drops can only be used after a doctor's prescription in extreme cases (if the child cannot sleep or eat due to a clogged nose). The drops may cause swelling of the mucous membrane.

NO! We suck out the mucus with an enema or a bulb, but under no circumstances should the nose be rinsed! Fluid under pressure can enter the baby's eustachian tube (which connects the ear and nose) and cause otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear).

Allergic runny nose

With an allergic rhinitis, swelling of the nasal mucosa occurs and only a doctor can prescribe treatment!

Prevention for a runny nose caused by allergies - exclude contact of an infant with an allergen: do wet cleaning more often, you need to stop using household chemicals, such as carpet cleaners, polishes, cleaning powders and gels, air fresheners, wash clothes only with phosphate-free baby powders or simple soap (see how to wash children's clothes). To ensure clean and moist air in the room, use a humidifier, a vacuum cleaner with a water filter, a salt lamp, and an ionizer.

Cold remedies for little ones

We give names of drops and ointments for general information. Before use, it is better to consult your pediatrician!

  • Nasal drops for babies from the first days of life: Aquamaris, Aqualor, Nazivin, Vibrocil, Doctor MOM, Salin and Pinasol.
  • Warming ointments and tinctures: calendula ointment, St. John's wort, Vitaon, Pulmex-baby (lubricate the feet), Doctor MOM (lubricate the feet).
  • Aromatherapy: thuja oil (2 drops per glass of boiling water, let evaporate in the room with the baby); Tea delevo oil (from 6 months, 1 drop on the pillow before bed).

What a baby should not do when treating a runny nose

  • Do not rinse the nose with enemas, pears, or other pumping devices;
  • Antibiotics should not be instilled;
  • Do not suck out snot from the inner areas of the nose;
  • Vasoconstrictor drugs only as prescribed by a doctor.

In some cases, medical attention may be needed if:

  • The child's breathing became wheezing;
  • With a runny nose, there is redness in the throat;
  • The child refuses food and begins to lose weight;
  • You suspect your child has headaches;
  • Bloody discharge from the nose;
  • A runny nose lasts longer than a week;
  • If the baby is 3-6 months old. temperature below normal;
  • If an infant's temperature is 40°C, it does not decrease, but continues to rise.

Video consultation: how to treat a runny nose in a baby

School of Dr. Komarovsky: Runny nose and medicines for the common cold

Actress Anastasia Basha turned to Dr. Komarovsky with questions about a runny nose - where it comes from, how and how it is treated, how dangerous it is... Obviously, it is impossible to avoid runny noses, but it is quite possible to make it so that a childhood that is constantly snotty becomes a childhood that is snotty occasionally, and these episodes will be short, mild, rare. Let's listen to the doctor's recommendations!

I have two children, they are already grown, but my little grandson needs to thoroughly clean the baby’s nose with a small enema, of course he doesn’t like this procedure, we scream... and my mother also taught me that you need to put breast milk in the nose, it helps a lot!

It is best to treat with folk remedies or drops for newborns, for example, “nazol baby”, etc.

We have already worked out a treatment regimen for a runny nose. We rinse with Aquamaris, then drip Derinat and at night more Dlyanos or, in general, any vasoconstrictor. And after 3-5 days there is no snot. Well, we use an aspirator to remove mucus during the day.

And at one time, children’s “Aqualor” helped us a lot. It just contains sea water, it moisturizes the mucous membrane well and softens the crusts. By the way, my daughter tolerated it quite calmly and almost didn’t cry.

It's good to ease your breathing, of course! Because otherwise you may, for example, have problems with your ears. But it is best to influence, among other things, the immune system. I recommend Tilaxin for immunity. I sometimes use naphthyzine to pierce my nose.

We also have a scheme worked out. We clean with saline solution (1 teaspoon of sea salt, regular or iodized) per 1 liter of warm boiled water. Free Aqua something. And then a drop of Rhino-Baby. For older adults, Rinoxyl for children in a spray.

And by the way, girls and grandmothers, up to the age of 3 you can’t give anything, not an enema, not a spray. Blood vessels can be damaged.

Useful article! A doctor friend enlightened me and recommended using Quix - this is a very convenient spray based on Atlantic water. I used it myself when I was pregnant and now I’m treating my baby with it; regular Quix can be used from 3 months. It helps to decompress the nose if it is stuffy, and to wash out all the nasal congestion so that it does not turn into sinusitis. So another great option for dealing with nasal congestion.

Tell me, will the Otrivin aspirator cause harm to the child’s ears? After all, when you suck out the nozzles, there is a lot of pressure on the ears, particularly on the membranes. Is it possible to damage it? have any studies been carried out?

Typically, an acute runny nose, if the child’s condition remains satisfactory, in the vast majority of cases, does not require intensive treatment.

Once we caught a runny nose in kindergarten. We went to see a pediatrician and he advised us to rinse our nose with morenasal. This turns out to be our domestic sea salt-based spray. At first I was thinking whether to take it or not, but the pharmacist assured me that it does not contain chemicals and is absolutely safe for children, unlike aerosol sprays that can cause otitis media. and cheaper than aquamaris, which a friend first suggested I take before we visited the doctor. I tried morenasal, and the spray turned out to be excellent. They started rinsing it and after a few days the runny nose subsided.

Moderators, please correct the article. For a long time now, the entire civilized world has given up putting milk and juices into the nose. Thank you!

Vibrocil is contraindicated in children under 1 year of age, Pinosol - up to two years of age.

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How to quickly cure rhinitis in infants

The question of how to treat a runny nose in a baby will always be relevant for young parents, especially when the weather is so unstable and there are a lot of colds around. Babies easily catch a runny nose, because an infant’s body is practically defenseless against viruses. In the first years of life, the immune system is just developing, and periodic colds are an integral part of this process.

Treating a runny nose in children under one year of age is not an easy task, because many drugs that can help with a runny nose are contraindicated for infants. How to get rid of snot in a baby in this case?

In this article we will tell you what medications can be used to treat a runny nose in a child under one year old and what to do if a baby has a runny nose in order to quickly get rid of snot.

Determining the cause of a runny nose

Before treating snot in a baby, it is necessary to understand what exactly caused its appearance. A runny nose is not a disease, but a symptom characteristic of several diseases, such as:

Treatment for a runny nose in an infant will vary depending on which of the above reasons provoked it.

In addition, in newborns and children under one year old, a runny nose can be caused by other reasons, characteristic only of an early age. More details about them:

  1. Physiological runny nose, caused by the physiology of the mucous membrane in a child 3 months and younger. In infants, the mucous membrane is first very dry, and then, on the contrary, it becomes too moist. This is due to its restructuring during adaptation to environmental conditions. Sometimes there is so much mucus produced that it looks like snot.

If a runny nose in a 2-month-old baby is not accompanied by any disturbances (no fever, normal appetite and sleep), parents have nothing to worry about. Such a runny nose in a 2-month-old child is physiological, it is not dangerous and does not require treatment.

  1. Teething is another cause of runny nose in babies 5 months and older. When teething, the gums become inflamed, and blood actively flows to them. Such changes provoke excessive mucus formation both in the mouth (i.e. saliva) and in the nose. Teeth can begin to erupt at 4 months, but this is rather an exception - the likelihood of the first teeth appearing in a 6-month-old baby is much greater. Is it possible to quickly cure a runny nose in a 6-month-old baby who is teething? In fact, there is no need for this - the runny nose will go away when the tooth erupts.
  2. A runny nose as a reaction to dust, dry air and heat is often found among infants. Such a runny nose in children under one year of age is treated not with medications, but by changing the conditions in the home. It is recommended to do wet cleaning frequently and not to overuse heaters. Air humidity should be maintained in the range of 60-70%, and the temperature at +20C.

Treatment of runny nose with ARVI

ARVI is the most common cause of runny nose in children. Most often, ARVI outbreaks occur during the cold season, since when hypothermia occurs, viruses penetrate the body more easily. The entry points for infection are the upper respiratory tract - the nasopharynx and oral cavity.

In infants, viral rhinitis is almost never isolated - in addition to the nasal cavity, the virus affects the pharynx, and sometimes the larynx and trachea. As a result, nasopharyngitis, nasopharyngolaryngitis, etc. develop.

The child develops characteristic symptoms - sneezing, redness of the throat, thin or viscous discharge from the nose, often coughing and fever.

You can treat a runny nose in children with ARVI at home (under the supervision of a pediatrician).

General treatment regimen

How to cure a runny nose in a baby with a cold? According to attending physicians, successful treatment of a runny nose in an infant has three components:

  1. Moisturizing mucus in the nasopharynx. Viscous and thick mucus does not allow the child to breathe normally. How to get rid of it? It should be diluted by using moisturizing nasal drops (for example, Aqua Maris based on sea water and analogues). They have no contraindications and can be used in the treatment of runny nose in infants.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids. Compensates for fluid loss by the body, reduces the viscosity of secretions and prevents dehydration (especially if the patient has a high temperature).
  3. Auxiliary therapy - antipyretics, vasoconstrictors, etc. (as needed).

What medications are suitable for infants?

Choosing a drug for a sick child is not an easy task, especially when it comes to infants. Thus, most nasal drops are contraindicated in infants. For example, vasoconstrictors are given to children under 1 year of age strictly according to doctor’s indications, and in a diluted form (mixed with boiled water).

Vasoconstrictors do not speed up recovery or destroy viruses, but they can make breathing easier if a child's nose is stuffy.

Children over one year old can receive drips of a 0.025% solution of naphazoline (naphthyzin, sanorin). For children over 2 years of age, a wider range of vasoconstrictor drops is suitable - Nazol, Nazivin, Galazin and Tizin. When using vasoconstrictor drops, you should remember that the maximum course of their use is 5-7 days (with an increase in the course or dosage, side effects may occur - burning in the nose, swelling of the mucous membrane, headache).

How to cure snot if the child is not yet a year old, without resorting to taking vasoconstrictors? It is recommended to treat a runny nose in a baby 3 months or younger exclusively with moisturizing drops - Aqua Maris, Salin and analogues. At home, you can prepare a complete replacement for such drops by dissolving a teaspoon of ordinary kitchen salt in a liter of boiled water. This solution can be instilled into the patient’s nose every half hour, a small drop into each nostril.

Antipyretics should be used as needed. Thus, the temperature of a child under 3 years of age should be reduced only when the readings exceed 38-38.5C. Antipyretic drugs based on paracetamol are recommended.

Temperatures below 38C do not threaten the health of the baby and accelerate the removal of viruses from the body.

Do not give your baby stronger antipyretics without first consulting your pediatrician. If paracetamol does not help bring down the temperature, call an ambulance.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is the second most common type of rhinitis in children. Unfortunately, parents do not always realize that their child has allergic rhinitis - they can attribute a constant runny nose and congestion to frequent colds, ineffectiveness of medications, etc.

Allergic rhinitis is a chronic disease caused by the body's hypersensitivity to an allergen (or several allergens) that enters the nasopharynx with inhaled air.

Contact of the allergen with the mucous membrane provokes inflammation, which leads to the appearance of typical symptoms of allergic rhinitis - sneezing, discharge of clear mucus from the nose, watery eyes, redness of the eyes. At the same time, the child’s temperature and activity are generally not impaired.

How to treat a runny nose in a child if it is caused by an allergy? First, it is necessary to limit contact with a potential allergen. This can be house dust, animal hair, plant pollen, components of household chemicals, etc.

Secondly, antihistamines (anti-inflammatory) drugs should be used if necessary. Children from 1 month of age can be prescribed 1st generation antihistamines (based on promethazine, dimethindene, chloropyramine). They have antiserotonin activity. This means that in addition to anti-inflammatory, they produce a sedative effect (cause drowsiness, apathy). The sedative effect of 2nd generation antihistamines (loratidine, cetirizine, etc.) is less pronounced, but they are allowed for children over 2 years of age.

There are also allergy medications in the form of nasal drops, for example, Vibrocil, Levocabastine. They can be used for a long time (more than 2 months, unlike vasoconstrictors).

Bacterial infections

Bacteria are rarely the cause of a runny nose in infants; however, if your child has yellow-green purulent nasal discharge, this option cannot be ruled out. Bacterial rhinitis is a dangerous disease. In infants it is accompanied by high fever, which threatens the health and life of the baby; In addition, the bacterial infection can spread to the middle ear, paranasal sinuses, and pharynx. Bacterial rhinitis, not treated in time, is the main cause of chronic rhinitis.

How to cure a runny nose in an infant if a bacterial infection is suspected? First of all, the patient should be examined by a doctor. Next, he will prescribe treatment - these can be antibiotics in the form of tablets (less often, injections), vasoconstrictor and moisturizing nasal drops, and physiotherapy.

On the use of traditional methods in the treatment of infants

You can treat snot in an infant at home, but this does not mean that you can not contact a pediatrician. Only a qualified doctor, having examined a sick baby, will be able to answer you how to treat a runny nose in a baby in your particular case. You should not use any medications without consulting a specialist. You should be especially careful with traditional medicine methods that supposedly help get rid of runny noses in infants in an instant.

It is strongly not recommended to use plant juices, for example, beets, aloe, for colds in newborns and infants - they can cause allergies, swelling and damage to the mucous membranes from fruit acids.

Also, do not treat snot in an infant with breast milk or honey - they contain too much sugar and too few antimicrobial substances to speed recovery.

Thus, there can be only one answer to the question “how to quickly cure a runny nose in a baby” - you need to treat it not quickly, but in full, and with minimal side effects on the child’s body.

Author: Oksana Tsiklauri

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