At what age can Kagocel be given to children?

Kagocel for children

Among the diseases that children get very often are influenza and respiratory infections. Today, there are a considerable number of drugs that not only speed up the recovery of a sick child, but are also an excellent way to prevent diseases of this type.

Table of contents:

These include the drug Kagocel, which was developed in 2003 by Russian scientists.

Kagocel is a domestic drug that, unlike many antiviral drugs, is effective at any stage of the disease. The main principle of action of the active substance Kagocel is to stimulate the patient’s body to produce interferon protein. Thus, the immune system of a sick child is activated, and the body fights the disease more effectively.

When taking Kagocel, the risk of complications is significantly reduced.

Is it possible to give Kagocel to children?

Parents often worry about their child taking this or that drug. Kagocel in this case is no exception.

According to the developers, the drug is easily tolerated by children, only in very rare cases causing a reaction in the form of allergies or other side effects. Taking Kagocel to children under 3 years of age is strictly prohibited. Children from three to six years old can only be prescribed the drug by a specialist, based on the picture of the disease. At this age, Kagocel is not recommended as a prophylactic agent.

For children 6 years of age and older, Kagocel is prescribed as an antiviral drug and is used as a measure to prevent respiratory diseases, colds and flu.

How to take Kagocel for children?

Kagocel is available in tablet form. One package contains 10 pieces. The dosage of the drug depends on the age of the child. Children from three to six years old are given one tablet in the morning and evening for two days, after which the dosage of Kagocel is reduced to one tablet. The general course of treatment is four days.

Children over six years old should be given one tablet once a day, for two days, as a prophylactic agent. After this there is a break for five days. This cycle can be repeated several times. The number of weekly appointments is determined by the doctor. The total duration of prophylaxis with Kagocel should not exceed 5 months. During the period of illness, Kagocel is taken one tablet three times a day, after two days the dosage is reduced to one tablet in the morning and evening. Taking the drug lasts four days.

When should you start taking Kagocel?

The drug has the most effective effect on the body of a sick child if taking Kagocel was started no later than three days from the moment of the acute period of the disease. If you start taking the drug later, it may not give the desired effect. As a prophylactic agent, Kagocel is used in cases of an outbreak or epidemic of influenza, as well as after contact with sick children.

Like any other drug, Kagocel has a number of contraindications:

  • age up to three years;
  • intolerance to the main substance kagocel;
  • intolerance to galactose, glucose and lactose.


If the drug is given to children in doses recommended by experts, then an overdose is excluded. This is possible only when the child has free access to the drug. If he took more pills than necessary on his own, symptoms such as:

In this case, the child’s stomach should be urgently rinsed and seek help from a doctor.

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Let's get acquainted with the new generation antiviral drug - Kagocel: description and instructions for use for children

Respiratory diseases, frequent colds, flu... It is rare that a child, even with proper care, can avoid these ailments. The baby’s immunity is still developing, and it is difficult for him to resist viral attacks.

For most mothers and fathers, there is no more pressing problem than finding a medicine that will help cope with a cold and prevent its occurrence in the future.

The antiviral drug Kagocel belongs to the group of drugs that promote the production of interferon. It relieves young patients from colds and provides protection for the developing body in the future.

At what age can Kagocel be given to children and how often should the drug be taken? The answers to these questions, as well as instructions for using Kagocel for children, will be discussed in detail in our article.

Composition, effect on the children's body

Kagocel is an antiviral agent with low toxicity. Pediatricians note its fairly high safety. The medicine acts equally effectively at any stage of the disease.

The composition includes a plant active substance copolymer, which is extracted from cotton.

The active substance stimulates the body's production of interferon protein. The functions of interferon are varied and include:

  • preventing the spread of viruses;
  • restoration of damaged cells;
  • increasing cell immunity to viral attacks;
  • relieving cold symptoms;

    On the pages of our website you will learn about how the drug for the treatment and prevention of ARVI and influenza Tonsilgon in drops for children works.

    And in this article there is complete information about Tsifikon suppositories for children, instructions for use and average prices for the drug.

    Read also all about the antiviral drug Laferobion in suppositories for children - instructions for use and reviews from parents can be found here:


    According to statistics, children of preschool and primary school age suffer from 5-8 acute respiratory infections per year. In cities, this figure increases to the number of cases of disease every year.

    Kagocel successfully fights viruses of various origins. The drug is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of the following diseases:

    According to the results of clinical studies, the use of Kagocel can reduce the number of children suffering from ARVI by 3 times.

    Kagocel is also effective in cases where cases of the spread of a dangerous disease - chickenpox - are recorded among children in children's groups. Treatment will destroy the virus at the initial stage of infection. If symptoms of chickenpox do appear, taking medication will speed up the healing process.

    Most pediatricians recommend the drug to patients over 6 years of age. The action will be effective if the intake begins no later than 4 days from the onset of the illness.

    Learn how to protect your child from colds and flu during illness season in this video:


    Despite the high safety of the product, it is necessary to highlight some contraindications, namely:

  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

    With great caution, Kagocel is prescribed to children suffering from renal, endocrine, neurological and psychiatric diseases.

    For babies included in these risk groups, use without a doctor’s recommendation is highly discouraged.

    How to take, dosage

    The product overcomes viral infections, prevents them from gaining a foothold inside the body, and limits their reproduction. The level of interferon increases 3-4 hours after administration, and the maximum effect is achieved after 2 days.

    How to drink Kagocel correctly for children? For viral infections in patients over 6 years of age, it is recommended to take 1 tablet 3 times a day before meals or a few hours after it.

    After 2 days, the dose is reduced to 1 tablet 2 times a day. The course of treatment lasts 4 days.

    If Kagocel is taken for prophylactic purposes, the dose for children is 1 tablet once a day.

    After two days, a break of five days is necessary, then the drug is repeated. To clarify the required dosage, consult a doctor.

    Kagocel is taken orally, without chewing, with a few sips of water. You should carefully monitor your intake time. If the medicine was not taken on time, double dosage is best avoided. The medicine is not recommended during meals, since the process of digesting food reduces its effectiveness.

    Children 3-6 years old take 1 tablet 2 times a day (2 days), then 1 tablet a day (another 2 days).

    Interaction with other substances

    Kagocel combines well with immunostimulants and antibiotics. The drug also complements the effectiveness of other antiviral drugs.

    Price, conditions and shelf life

    The drug is stored in a dry place, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25 C. Shelf life - 2 years. The price of the drug is from 217 to 250 rubles.

    In our material we will tell you about the popular antipyretic drug Paracetamol in suppositories for children - you will learn about dosage rules and contraindications.

    What effect do Nurofen suppositories for children have, as well as reviews of the use of the drug to reduce fever, read in this article.

    Did you know? How to take Smecta correctly for diarrhea and vomiting in a child? Detailed instructions for use can be found here:


    Kagocel is an excellent protector of the immune system of a small patient. When treatment is started in a timely manner, it acts quickly and safely, without giving viruses a chance to gain a foothold in the body.

    “My son had the flu and a high fever. The district police officer advised Kagocel. After 4 days he was already much better. Now we take it as a preventive measure, his immunity is very weak.”

    “I gave mine Kagocel when I was sick, it helps. Although they also took antibiotics and antigrippin.

    Maybe it wasn’t Kagocel who helped, it’s hard to say. By the way, I also drank, but I still got infected and got sick.”

    “My little Kagocel drank last year to avoid getting sick. My sister advised me, she supports her immunity this way.

    And imagine, almost everyone in my daughter’s class had the flu, but in mine it’s even worse! The main thing is to take it on time!”

    “My son is already 6, I gave him Kagocel when he had severe bronchitis. I didn’t notice any particular results. The cough persists and does not go away. Maybe because they started drinking late, I don’t know.”

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    Kagocel for children: instructions for use

    The approaching season of viral infections causes anxiety among many mothers who want to protect their son or daughter from flu and colds. That is why in the autumn-winter period there is an increased demand for antiviral drugs, which include Kagocel.

    How does such a drug affect the child’s body and does it cause harm? Is it allowed to give it to small children, for example, under one year old? Is this medication used for prophylactic purposes and what medications can it be replaced if necessary?

    Release form

    Kagocel has been produced by the domestic company Nearmedic Plus since 2003 only in tablet form. Syrups, capsules, powders, ampoules and other forms of the drug are not produced.

    There is also no separate pediatric form of the medicine. Kagocel tablets have one dosage for all ages, and depending on the purpose of use and the age of the patient, only the dosage regimen, the number of tablets per dose and the duration of use of the drug change.

    The characteristics of the tablets are white-brown color, round shape, and the presence of brown inclusions. One pack may contain 10, 20 or 30 such tablets. Children most often buy the smallest package, since it is enough for one course of treatment and for several weeks of prophylactic use.


    The active ingredient of the drug is called kagocel, which determined the name of the tablets. This synthetic compound is obtained by merging plant molecules with nanopolymer molecules and is represented by a dosage of 12 mg in one tablet. In addition, the compounds in the medicine are calcium stearate, potato starch, crospovidone, lactose monohydrate and povidone. All these additional substances are considered harmless, but in some children they provoke allergies, so it is important for mothers of children with allergies to know the composition of any medications.

    Now let’s listen to the pediatrician about the drug Kagocel.

    Operating principle

    The medication is classified as an antiviral agent, since Kagocel has the property of activating the production of alpha and beta interferons. These substances have quite strong antiviral activity, so they are synthesized in the human body during the immune response to a viral attack. The drug stimulates almost all cells of the immune system - B-lymphocytes, macrophages, granulocytes, T-cells and others.

    Taking Kagocel has the following effects:

    • Strengthens the body's defenses;
    • Restores immunity;
    • Accelerates the death of infectious agents;
    • Blocks the proliferation of viral cells;
    • Resists the formation of pathologically altered cells.

    The maximum level of interferons is observed in the patient’s blood 48 hours after taking a single dose of Kagocel. Interferons produced in response to the use of the drug circulate in the bloodstream for up to 4-5 days.

    The drug itself penetrates the liver, lungs, spleen, lymph nodes and other organs. Most of the medication leaves the patient’s body after 7 days, mainly in the feces. Only 10% of the medicine is excreted by the kidneys, so diseases of this organ do not affect the use of Kagocel.

    The drug does not have a toxic effect and does not accumulate, and the greatest effect from its use is noted in situations where treatment is started in the first 3-4 days of the infectious disease. If the tablets are used for prevention, they can be taken at any time, including the period after direct contact with a sick person secreting viruses.


    Kagocel is prescribed for ARVI, herpes, influenza and other diseases caused by viruses. This drug is in demand in the treatment of sore throat, laryngitis, bronchitis and other diseases if they are caused by a viral infection. In addition, it can be prescribed as part of complex treatment of rotavirus or enterovirus infection. The medication is also used to prevent infection with influenza viruses, rhinoviruses and other pathogens of acute respiratory infections.

    Now let’s listen to Dr. Komarovsky about children’s acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

    At what age is it allowed to take it?

    In pediatrics, Kagocel is used in children over 3 years of age. It is not recommended to give this medicine to younger children (for example, if the child is only 2 years old). But even at the age of 3-5 years and older, you should not self-medicate with Kagocel. Before treatment with any antiviral drugs, you should consult your pediatrician to clarify whether there are indeed indications for such therapy.


    The drug should not be taken:

    • Children who are intolerant to any of its ingredients.
    • Children with glucose-galactose malabsorption.
    • For young patients with lactase deficiency.
    • Adults during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    Side effects

    As with many other medications, an allergic reaction may occur when using Kagocel. Apart from allergies, no other negative effects from these pills are mentioned.

    Instructions for use and dosage

    The tablets should be swallowed with water. It is not recommended to chew the medicine, and meals do not affect the mode of use of the drug in any way. For therapeutic purposes, the following regimen for taking Kagocel is used:

    • For children 3-6 years old, the medication is prescribed in a 4-day course. In the first two days, the child is given 1 tablet twice a day, and then for two days the child takes one tablet once. At this age, a total of 6 Kagocel tablets are given for the entire treatment period.
    • If the child is over 6 years old, then a four-day course is also prescribed for treatment, however, the frequency of administration is different and the course dose will be higher. A single dosage is one tablet. On the first and second days of admission, the little patient is given it three times a day, and on the third and fourth days - twice. In total, the child receives 10 tablets of the drug over 4 days.

    In order to prevent viral infections, the medication is prescribed in a seven-day cycle in childhood. On the first day of treatment, a child over three years old is given 1 tablet of the drug per day, on the second day - another tablet of the drug once, and then Kagocel is not taken for five days, after which the cycle is repeated. The duration of such prophylactic use of the drug can be up to several months.


    Although Kagocel is considered a safe and non-toxic medicine, accidentally taking several tablets of such a medicine at once can lead to abdominal pain, dizziness, severe nausea and other signs of illness. Such an overdose requires prescribing plenty of fluids and inducing vomiting.

    Interaction with other drugs

    It is allowed to use other antiviral drugs together with Kagocel. This drug also combines well with antibacterial agents and immunomodulatory medications, enhancing their effectiveness.

    Terms of sale

    To purchase a package of Kagocel in pharmacies, a prescription from your doctor is not required. The average price of 10 tablets is 220 rubles.

    Storage conditions and shelf life

    Keep Kagocel at home away from sunlight and moisture. The medicine should not be freely available to small children, and the storage temperature should not exceed +25 degrees. If the shelf life of the tablets, which is 4 years, has expired, it is strictly forbidden to give such a drug to a child.


    In most cases, mothers who gave Kagocel to children or took such tablets on their own speak well of the medication. They emphasize the effectiveness of the medicine for colds and flu, since the general condition improved after the start of treatment and the disease passed faster. The medication is also praised for its minimum contraindications, small dosage and short course of use.

    Judging by the reviews, obvious side effects in children from this drug are extremely rare. The drug is well tolerated even by children with allergies. Most parents consider the cost of medicine to be low, so rarely does anyone look for cheaper medicines. The release form does not cause difficulties for most patients. According to mothers, the tablets are easy to swallow and are not bitter.

    As for the disadvantages of Kagocel, some reviews complain about the lack of its therapeutic effect, which is associated with the effect of the drug not on all types of viruses. There are also complaints that after a treatment course for a child under 6 years old, unused tablets remain. In addition, some mothers do not trust this medicine, since its composition has not been completely deciphered.


    The following drugs with antiviral and immunostimulating activity can replace Kagocel in case of viral diseases or for their prevention:

    • Orvirem. This medicine in syrup is approved for children over 1 year of age. Thanks to the presence of rimantadine in its composition, the drug actively fights influenza and other acute respiratory infections caused by viruses.
    • Amiksin. This antiviral drug in tablets contains tilorone. It is used in the treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in children over 7 years of age.
    • Viferon. The basis of such rectal suppositories is alpha-interferon. The drug is prescribed for ARVI, rotavirus, candidiasis, influenza and many other diseases. It can even be used in premature newborns. The medication is also available in the form of a gel, approved from birth, and an ointment, prescribed to children over one year of age.
    • Cytovir-3. This medicine based on alphaglutamyl-tryptophan, ascorbic acid and bendazole has an immunostimulating effect, therefore it is used in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and for the prevention of influenza.
    • Little Amazon. The active ingredient of this drug is enisamium iodide. The medicine is produced in liquid form (syrup) and is in demand for ARVI in children over 3 years of age.
    • Cycloferon. Such coated tablets activate the formation of interferons, so they help with influenza, herpes and other viral diseases. They are prescribed to children from the age of 4.
    • Arbidol. This domestic drug is prescribed in suspension for children over 2 years of age, and in capsules and tablets for children three years of age and older. This medicine is based on umifenovir, which is active against coronaviruses and influenza viruses.
    • Acyclovir. This medicine has the properties of inhibiting herpes viruses, so it is prescribed for chickenpox (severe form), mononucleosis and other diseases caused by herpes viruses. The drug is available in ointment, powder, cream, tablets and other forms approved for children of any age.

    Some mothers, as a replacement for Kagocel, choose homeopathic remedies such as Anaferon, Ergoferon, Agri, Aflubin and others, but doctors warn that they do not have sufficient effect for viral diseases. Many pediatricians, including Komarovsky, call such drugs ineffective and do not consider them full-fledged analogues of antiviral drugs.

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    Kagocel for children with rotavirus infection and ARVI

    Kagocel is prescribed to children for the treatment of viral diseases, including rotavirus infection. In pediatrics, such a prescription is a frequent occurrence, but it constantly raises a lot of questions among parents related to the development of rotavirus infection and concerns about complications, the admissibility of using the drug in childhood, determining the degree of effectiveness, speed of recovery, immunity stability, etc.

    Among the features of Kagocel is the ability of the drug to cause side effects. Despite the insignificance of the manifestations, they are dangerous due to the allergic component. The instructions included with the drug will help you carry out treatment with Kagocel without consequences. It is better to discuss all unclear nuances, medical terminology and individual cases of the disease directly with therapists and pediatricians.

    Properties of the drug

    According to the instructions attached to each package, the medicinal substance is presented by pharmaceutical industry enterprises in the form of tablets, packaged in blisters and cardboard boxes.

    In pediatrics, the basis for prescribing Kagocel is recognized as:

    • The need to prevent rotavirus infections of various etymologies;
    • Flu;
    • ARVI.

    Attention! The medicine, the price of which is affordable for all segments of the population, is recommended as an effective treatment and prevention tool for children from 3 years of age.

    The instructions offer information that notes excellent indicators of the interaction of the substance with other drugs aimed at combating viruses and characterized by the ability to increase the immunity of the child’s body. Of particular interest is the availability of substances used in tandem with antibiotics.

    Prevention measures using Kagocel are relevant for children at the stage of increasing morbidity rates or when the onset of an influenza epidemic has been identified. Preventive measures in case of contact with sick children are no less important.

    Instructions for use

    It is always worth knowing how the drug behaves in the body, especially since the drug is prescribed to children from 3 years of age:

    • The time of accumulation in the blood at maximum concentration is 24 hours;
    • Accumulation in lymph nodes - a place where pathogenic organisms accumulate;
    • High concentration is necessary for the effectiveness of therapeutic measures.

    The intense effect of the drug after administration lasts 7 days. This fact confirms the effectiveness of the medicine used to prevent the spread of rotavirus infection and complications of diseases.

    Kagocel can be prescribed to children. This is due to the substance’s ability to activate the interferon protein, which is necessary to protect the child’s body from pathogens of various diseases. The action of the drug is focused on activating the activity of cells that produce interferon and cytokines - natural substances that destroy viral organisms.

    Attention! Kagocel, introduced into the child’s body in one dose, helps to increase the level of interferon in the blood by 2 or more times.

    The instructions for use recommend that you carefully consider the information according to which the medicine can only be taken for 7 days. Elimination data suggest figures of 100%, with a larger volume of the drug being excreted through the intestines. A positive result from using medicine against rotavirus infection can be achieved if you take medicinal substances during the first 3 days of the disease, which has entered the acute phase. If this stage is missed, the effectiveness may be low.


    In order not to harm children, you must follow the recommendations contained in the instructions and not exceed the doses and dosage regimens indicated by doctors.

    Recommended dose of medication for a child over 3 years old to prevent rotavirus infection:

    • The first 2 days – 1 table. twice a day;
    • Subsequent days - 1 table. at 24 hours;
    • For older children, the maximum course of treatment is 4 days;
    • If the child is over 6 years old, then the daily dose of the medicine for the first 2 days is 1 tablet. three times a day. In the following days, you can reduce the dosage, which will be 1 tablet. twice a day;
    • For prevention purposes, the daily dose for children is 2 tablets. once in the morning or evening and only for 7 days.

    Attention! Regardless of the age of the child, after completing the above course, you should not take the drug prescribed for prophylaxis for 5 days, which ends with the next cycle of dosed use lasting a week.

    It is worth remembering that the drug is prescribed only after a thorough medical examination and only by a pediatrician. You can consult with a specialist and find out the corrective timing of taking the drug for preventive purposes.

    For information! An individual preventive course of taking the drug can be extended up to 5 months.


    An overdose of the drug can only be caused by non-compliance with the norms recommended by doctors for taking the drug. Another option for the appearance of signs of overdose is non-compliance with storage recommendations, open access to the drug.

    In case of overdose, the child may experience the following symptoms:

    • Abdominal pain;
    • Vomiting reflex;
    • Nausea and dizziness.

    The first aid for the baby is gastric lavage. It is obligatory to call an ambulance and contact a doctor.


    Children should not use the drug if:

    • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
    • Lactose intolerance;
    • Glucose and galactose malabsorption;
    • Lactose deficiency.

    The medication is strictly contraindicated for children under three years of age.


    Kagocel, developed by Russian scientists in 2003, is produced by Nearmedic Plus.

    The pharmaceutical industry today offers a list of drugs, among which there is more than one analogue, similar in action and purpose to Kagocel.

    Among the variety of medicinal drugs sold in the pharmacy chain, the following medications stand out due to their relative similarity:

    When purchasing an analogue, it is worth remembering that any similarity to the original is relative. Despite the similar component composition and focus on enhancing the production of interferon, these drugs can be characterized by the presence of a personal mission. Kagocel should not be replaced with another medication at your own request. If there is no prescribed product in the pharmacy network, you should consult a pediatrician so that a specialist can accurately select the substance that is suitable for each specific case.

    By comparing similar drugs, you can see the differences that determine the correctness of prescription and affect the degree of effectiveness and speed of cure.

    Kagocel is an immunomodulator, Amiksin is a medicine that has a positive effect on the immune system. The closest in spectrum of action and effectiveness is called Arbidol. If we consider the parallels between Kagocel and Oscillococcinum, then the first belongs to the category of synthetic drugs, and the second to homeopathic remedies. Both substances are used prophylactically. However, they differ in dosages, which are higher for Kagocel, and in the duration of prophylactic use. The second parameter of a synthetic drug lasts longer.

    Kagocel, in essence, is a drug prescribed to children in small dosages, but it does not belong to the category of children. Proof of this is the prescription of the drug for the treatment of urogenital chlamydia and herpes in adults. This fact very seriously characterizes the medicine and its medicinal properties.


    Kagocel is sold freely in the pharmacy chain, without a prescription. Its price is democratic. The retail price of the drug is from 190 rubles. This is not to say that the medicine is very expensive or unavailable. However, there is always a temptation to find a medication option whose price is cheaper and the result is better.

    Do not self-medicate. Relying on information received from friends and relatives can seriously harm a child. Remember this and, if necessary, seek advice from medical professionals.


    At what age can children take Kagocel? We bought regular Kagocel at the pharmacy for a 13-year-old child, can we give it to him?

    — prevention and treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in adults and children aged 3 years and older;

    - lactation period (breastfeeding);

    - children under 3 years of age;

    - lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption;

    - hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

    The drug is taken orally.

    For the treatment of influenza and ARVI, adults are prescribed 2 tablets in the first 2 days. 3 times a day, in the next 2 days - 1 tablet. 3 times/day. A total of 18 tablets for a course lasting 4 days.

    Prevention of influenza and ARVI is carried out in 7-day cycles: 2 days - 2 tablets. 1 time/day, break for 5 days. Then the cycle is repeated. The duration of the preventive course varies from 1 week to several months.

    For the treatment of herpes, 2 tablets are prescribed. 3 times/day for 5 days. A total of 30 tablets per course lasting 5 days.

    For the treatment of influenza and ARVI, children aged 3 to 6 years are prescribed 1 tablet in the first 2 days. 2 times a day, in the next 2 days - 1 tablet. 1 time/day A total of 6 tablets per course lasting 4 days.

    For the treatment of influenza and ARVI, children aged 6 years and older are prescribed 1 tablet in the first 2 days. 3 times a day, in the next 2 days - 1 tablet. 2 times/day. A total of 10 tablets per course lasting 4 days.

    In children aged 3 years and older, prevention of influenza and ARVI is carried out in 7-day cycles: 2 days - 1 tablet. 1 time/day, break for 5 days, then repeat the cycle. The duration of the preventive course is from 1 week to several months.

    Kagocel (Kagocel/Gossypol + carboxymethylcellulose): welcome to Skolkovo! The official Russian nanofuflomycin, approved by the government and personally by Golikova, periodically ends up in the VED. According to the manufacturer, this is an antiviral drug against herpes and influenza, it works as an interferon inducer; even has several flawed RCTs on children, military personnel, and the mentally ill. Pubmed 0 (12 humorous stories); Cochrane Reviews 0; FDA 0; RXlist 0; WHO 0; FC (-).


    How to take children's Kagocel?

    Every time a pediatrician prescribes Kagocel for children, the first question for any parent is whether the medicine is dangerous for a child at his age? The second question is: will treatment with its help be effective? To dispel all worries and provide parents with the required information, today’s conversation was started. This medicine is produced in the form of tablets, which are in a cellular contour blister, which is placed in a cardboard package. Instructions for use are also provided with the medicine.

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    Secrets and features of Kagocel

    Let's look at the exact cases in which Kagocel is used. Pediatricians prescribe it for the treatment, as well as prevention, of various forms of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections for children over 3 years of age. Its peculiarity is that it has minor side effects, including only mild allergic reactions. However, despite the above, the drug also has a number of contraindications, which we will discuss a little later.

    Actually, the instructions for use say that this drug interacts well with other antiviral drugs, immunomodulators and, most importantly, with antibiotics. Based on this sentence alone, it is clear why Kagocel is so popular among pediatricians today. However, the question “can this drug be given to children and, if so, at what age” always arises during such conversations.

    Let's look at the pharmacokinetics of this drug. After taking Kagocel, it accumulates in the blood for 24 hours. What can make you happy? Its extremely low content in brain tissue. An important point is its presence in the lymph nodes, where there is always a large accumulation of pathogenic organisms, and it is from the lymph nodes that the second line of attack comes. In the blood, Kagocel is contained in bound form within 47%, which is also important.

    In the process of preventing and treating influenza or ARVI, the properties of Kagocel are aimed not only at stimulating the production of interferon by cells, but also at enhancing the production of cytokines, which are natural destroyers of viral organisms. Even a single dose of Kagocel more than doubles the level of interferon and other components of the immune system in the blood. This offer applies to children in the age group: from 3 years and over 6.

    An excellent argument for the question “can this drug be given to children over 3 years old” is research conducted at the Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after. N.F. Gamaleya RAMS. The same institute is also the founder of the Nearmedic Plus company, where this medicine is produced.

    One cannot but rejoice at its excellent elimination after the end of the dose. Remember, the instructions for use warn about the maximum possible use of this medicine - no more than 7 days.


    Let's talk about those cases when it is not recommended to give it to children over 3 years old:

    • individual hypersensitivity to the components of this drug;
    • lactose intolerance;
    • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
    • lactase deficiency;
    • age less than 3 years.

    Medication use and dosage

    When purchasing Kagocel for children, you must take it correctly and safely.

    If your child is over 3 years old, you can take the medicine in case of flu, colds or other viral diseases for 2 days, one tablet 2 times a day. Then the dosage is reduced to 1 tablet per day. The duration of the course of treatment cannot exceed 4 days.

    Those children who have crossed the 6-year mark can take Kagocel no more than 3 times a day, 1 tablet, but only for 2 days. Then the dosage is changed again, and from the third day the medicine must be taken one tablet in the morning and in the evening.

    For preventive purposes, the medicine can be taken by children for 7 days, 2 tablets in the morning or evening. Preferably in the morning. Then, regardless of the child’s age, from 3 years, 6 years or older, it is necessary to take a break of at least 5 days. After they expire, it is necessary to repeat the seven-day cycle again. In any case, Kagocel is prescribed to children by a pediatrician, and he also indicates the duration of the preventive period. However, prophylaxis can last from 3 to 5 months inclusive.

    Important advice from the editors!

    If you are experiencing problems with the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. Frightening statistics - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain components that poison our body. The substances that cause all the troubles are designated in the composition as sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG, DEA, MEA.

    These chemical components destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. Also, this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause various diseases. We recommend that you avoid using products that contain this chemical. Recently, our experts conducted an analysis of shampoos, where products from the Mulsan Cosmetic company took first place.

    The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

    Kagocel's analogs

    Many will be interested to know what analogues of Kagocel can be offered by pharmaceuticals today. When mentioning the word analogue in this context, it is necessary to note the following drugs:

    However, each of them claims to be an “analogue” indirectly, since they also contain components that stimulate the body’s production of interferon, which enhances the immune response to viral diseases of a wide variety of etiologies, but their purpose is somewhat different. When can Kagocel analogue be used? Only if Kagocel itself, prescribed by a pediatrician, was not available in pharmacies in your city.

    It is necessary to understand that the word analogue should be perceived not as a full-fledged replacement, but as a replacement that contains some components necessary for the recovery of the child or children. It is also necessary to take into account the age of the small patient: under 3 years old it cannot be taken, from 3 to 6 years old inclusive it is possible, over 6 years old it is possible. It would seem that these are all nuances, however, the recovery of children and the elimination of all kinds of complications and deaths depend on them.

    If you look at the instructions for use of each of the above medicines, then by comparison you will see how they differ not only from each other, but also from Kagocel. Here's at least one thing: if Kagocel is prescribed as an immunomodulator, then Amiksin is prescribed exclusively for therapeutic purposes, but with the ability to have a certain effect on the child's immune system. Here's an analogy for you. The “closest” drug in this case is Arbidol.

    Perhaps we will repeat ourselves, but it is necessary to understand that children's Kagocel simply does not exist in nature, but there is a drug with different dosages for children.

    Let’s assume that they can be given to children of the appropriate age groups, but the question arises: how effective will the treatment be in this case? After all, prescribing Kagocel will be much more productive than complacency by using any of its outdated and ineffective analogues.

    Kagocel or Arbidol?

    Pediatricians often use Kagocel in the treatment process, but its analogue Arbidol is no worse and is used no less often. However, if the first drug can be used in any case, then the analogue will require the small patient to maintain the proper condition of his liver. In the process of metabolism, the components of Arbidol acquire new properties, providing a more pronounced therapeutic effect. In turn, the main drug we are discussing does not depend on the metabolic processes of the liver.

    Proper storage of the drug

    It is recommended to store Kagocel in a dark and dry place, avoiding exposure not only to direct sunlight, but also to sunlight itself. Particular attention should be paid to the distance of the medicine from heating systems. The manufacturer recommends that the temperature in the room where the drug is stored should be in the range from 15 to 25 degrees. The shelf life of the medicine is no more than 2 years.

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    I had to take Kagocel today, I couldn’t get on my feet. They were afraid that the child would become infected, so they called the pediatrician and asked what to do. He told me to put a barrier reef next to my bed so that it would kill the infection. And it really helped. Why haven't you heard of this before? The whole family was sick all the time.

    I heard that this barrier reef can be taken for prevention; some mothers have already bought it for their children in kindergarten. But I haven’t taken it myself yet, somehow I don’t trust innovations...


    "Kagocel" for children: reviews, contraindications and instructions for use

    "Kagocel" is a domestic drug for influenza, colds and acute respiratory diseases. Its effect on the body is to stimulate the production of interferon, which helps cope with the disease. The medicine significantly facilitates the course of the disease and prevents the development of complications. In addition, the beginning of its use is permissible at any stage of the disease; it has no side effects (with the exception of isolated cases of allergic reactions). Approved for use by children over three years of age; in general, “Kagocel” for children has positive reviews. Thus, it has received approval from the Ministry of Health and is recommended as an effective remedy for influenza, ARVI and all kinds of pathologies associated with these diseases.

    Interferon inducers

    Interferon is a special protein, the production of which is a natural immune response to a viral infection. This is why interferon-stimulating drugs are so popular. In addition, their use does not cause an overdose, since these inducers promote the production of interferon strictly in the required quantity. It should be noted that all drugs in this group are of both natural and artificial origin, and “Kagocel” (for children) belongs to the natural category. Reviews also mention that it promotes the production of α-, β- and γ-interferons.

    Impact on the body

    The active substance used in the manufacture of the drug is combined with a cellulose base. Thus, less than 50% of the total substance is absorbed by the body, due to which most of it interacts directly with the immune system. The effect of Kagocel on the body is to induce the production of interferons, this process takes from five to seven days. Such a long-lasting effect of the drug means that it can also be used as a prophylaxis against acute respiratory infections. “Kagocel” for prevention for children receives the following reviews: if all recommended doses of the drug are followed, toxic effects on the body are impossible. Carcinogenic and mutagenic effects are also excluded.

    Indications for use

    "Kagocel" is indicated for the treatment of acute respiratory infections, flu, colds and other viral diseases in children from three to six years old. As a rule, parents who give Kagocel to their children leave positive reviews of this drug, since it effectively eliminates not only the symptoms, but also the disease itself.


    Reviews allow the use of the drug "Kagocel" for children from 3 years of age. However, there are some contraindications. It is not recommended for children to take Kagocel at an earlier age. The reviews contain the following contraindications: intolerance to galactose, glucose and lactose.

    Directions for use and doses

    The drug is taken orally. One tablet three times a day - this is how children should take Kagocel. Reviews and instructions mention that after this the daily dose of the medicine should be reduced to two tablets. To prevent influenza and acute respiratory infections, the drug is taken for a week, two tablets once a day. If complete recovery does not occur, you need to take a five-day break, and then resume the seven-day cycle. In particular, the duration of this prophylaxis is determined by many factors and is determined by the doctor. So, it can range from a week to five months.

    Overdose and side effects

    Children should take Kagocel with caution. Reviews about this drug in case of overdose contain the following advice: drink plenty of fluids to induce vomiting. It is also recommended to consult a pediatrician if treatment needs to be restarted. No significant side effects of the drug were noted. In rare cases, an allergic reaction is possible.

    Interaction with other medications

    A good combination of the drug "Kagocel" with many medications was noted, including both immunostimulants and antibiotics. In the second case, “Kagocel” for children is recommended by reviews to enhance the effect.

    special instructions

    Clinical trials of the drug have not been conducted on young children. For this reason, Kagocel is recommended as a therapeutic agent only from the age of six. Reviews of "Kagocel" for a 3-year-old child are approved only as a preventative against influenza and ARVI. It should be noted that the production of interferon begins in the body immediately after birth, so the effect of the drug on the child and adult body is not significantly different. Interferon inducers, in particular Kagocel, can serve as significant support for the child’s body in the cold season. This drug not only speeds up the healing process, but also stimulates natural defense against all kinds of infections.

    When is it better to start giving Kagocel to children? Reviews from doctors on this matter agree on one thing: at the very beginning of the disease, that is, no more than three days after the onset of the disease. For preventive purposes, the drug can be used immediately after contact with the spread of infection.

    Storage conditions

    The drug must be stored at a temperature of 24 degrees and out of the reach of children. Shelf life: 24 months.

    The effectiveness of treatment of ARVI in children

    The effectiveness of the drug for children has been confirmed by many studies, including a study by Roszdravnadzor. The group of subjects consisted of 60 children from six to thirteen years old. Hospitalization took place no later than two days after the onset of the illness. Thus, each child had symptoms of acute respiratory infections. All patients were divided into two groups of 30 people based on criteria such as gender, age and symptoms of the disease. The first group of children was given one tablet of the drug three times a day for two days. Then the dose was reduced to two tablets per day. Thus, each child received only ten tablets or 0.12 g of medication. In addition, they were provided with additional symptomatic therapy, including inhalation, nasal drops and cough medicine. As for the second group of subjects, for the first four days they received placebo and symptomatic therapy, as in the first case. It was noted that the signs of fever in children of the first group disappeared after two days, while in children in the second case they lasted three days longer. Other signs of illness (runny nose, inflammation of the larynx, redness of the throat) also disappeared in both of them within two days of each other. Thus, the subjects from the first group got rid of their runny nose on the fourth day of treatment, while in the children from the second group it went away only on the fifth or sixth day.

    Thus, “Kagocel” for children with fever received the following reviews: regardless of the individual characteristics of the child and the course of his illness, this drug helps to significantly speed up the recovery process. In addition, the medicine promotes increased production of interferon if its level is insufficient, and taking the medicine does not cause side effects. It is well tolerated by children. However, Kagocel is not recommended as a primary treatment for children over 3 years of age. Reviews from pediatricians only allow for the preventive use of this drug. Now, regarding the expiration date. “Kagocel” is recommended for children to store for 2 years, but no more.

    Bird flu

    Speaking about disease prevention, it is worth mentioning avian influenza. The most effective way to prevent it, as is known, is vaccination followed by the use of interferon inducers. Unfortunately, there is still no vaccine that can completely prevent this disease. At the same time, a drug such as Kagocel significantly reduces the risk. By inducing the production of interferon, it enhances the body's natural defenses. Thus, even after the outbreak of the epidemic, this drug can serve as a good preventative measure. However, it should be remembered that this method of treatment is effective against the influenza virus, but does not affect the risk of ARVI.

    Advantages of the drug

    Among the main positive qualities of Kagocel, a short course of treatment combined with a minimum of contraindications should be noted. This is what distinguishes the medicine among its many analogues. During treatment with this drug, timeliness plays a major role. Only in this case can you count on a quick recovery, or even prevention of illness.
