Is Erespal a mucolytic or not?

Does Erespal help with phlegm?

Erespal is an effective drug used for diseases of the respiratory system, as well as to eliminate the symptoms of viral and infectious pathologies. Having studied the indications for use and the composition of the medicine, you can answer the question: Is Erespal a mucolytic or not?

Table of contents:

Composition and dosage form

Erespal is available in two forms: cough syrup and tablets. One milliliter of syrup contains 2 mg of the active ingredient fenspiride hydrochloride. One tablet contains 80 mg.

Excipients in the tablets include hypromellose, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, and glycerin. The auxiliary components in the syrup are represented by an aromatic composition, glycerin, vanilla tincture, saccharin, sucrose, methyl and propyl parahydroxybenzoate.

Pharmacological properties

The pharmacodynamics of the drug gives an affirmative answer to the question of whether Erespal thins sputum. The action of the medicine is aimed at facilitating the discharge of sputum in the bronchi and sinuses. This allows you to remove it more easily, without a hacking cough.

Inhibition of the synthesis of inflammatory mediators reduces the severity of the inflammatory process in the ENT organs, the drug helps make a dry, painful cough moist.

Indications for use

Erespal is prescribed for the treatment of acute and chronic diseases in otolaryngology, which are accompanied or not accompanied by sputum production:

Effective in the complex treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary pathologies, as well as in the treatment of bronchial asthma. Prescribed for allergic rhinitis, symptoms of flu and measles from the respiratory system. As part of symptomatic treatment, Erespal is prescribed for sputum in whooping cough.

Mode of application

For adults, to improve sputum discharge, Erespal is prescribed in the form of tablets - two per day at regular intervals. In case of acute conditions, the instructions recommend taking three tablets a day before meals. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician.

For a child over two years old - only in the form of syrup. The daily dosage is calculated as 4 mg per kilogram of body weight. If the body weight is less than ten kilograms, divide ml of syrup into three equal parts and give to the child throughout the day. For body weights over ten kilograms – ml of syrup.

Erespal syrup and tablets are taken before meals; a measuring cup from the manufacturer is used to dose the syrup. The dosage should be calculated by the attending physician. Tablets are prohibited for children under twelve years of age.

How Erespal works against phlegm

Erespal represents mucolytics - agents that thin the mucus that is secreted by the bronchi, mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and oropharynx. The mechanism of action is that the drug liquefies protein - it is the protein structure that sputum has.

By destroying protein molecules, Erespal makes sputum less viscous. This allows mucus to separate more easily and move through the airways. She clears her throat easier, and the cough itself becomes less painful. Thus, Erespal removes phlegm and reduces the inflammatory process. Other mucolytics also act: Mucoltin, Lazolvan, Bromhexine, Ambroxol.

Side effects and contraindications

During treatment with Erespal, digestive tract disorders may occur, in particular diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, flatulence. Adverse reactions from the central nervous system are noted: headaches, drowsiness, lethargy.

Erespal is prohibited from being taken for sputum by pregnant women and during breastfeeding. Tablets are contraindicated for children under 12 years of age, syrup for children under 2 years of age.

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IMPORTANT. The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.


Is Erespal a mucolytic or not?

The fact is that about a year ago we had a problem, the cough did not go away for a long time and I turned to Evgeniy Olegovich for help. He recommended taking Sinupret. I can say that it helped. Well, then, already knowing what kind of medicine it is, I sometimes give the child Sinupret if the sniffles don’t go away for a long time, or the cough starts from the sniffles. probably a total of 2-3 times during the autumn-winter period, and we took it no more than a week. I can say that there is a result.

And now, I hear from more than one mother that the child should not take this medicine. Nobody explains why. Although the age limit there is up to 2 years.

Maybe someone knows something? Thank you.

The little one too - it goes great, but I put these drops in a teaspoon for her. pertussina.

And in general, I would think about it - are there any reasons for frequent acute respiratory infections? Read Komarovsky’s book, maybe you’ll find answers to some of your questions there (where and how the child lives, bathing and walking, temperature conditions in the apartment). The book can be downloaded from here.

About mucaltin

Expectorant. Contains a mixture of polysaccharides from the marshmallow herb. It has expectorant properties - due to reflex stimulation, it increases the activity of the ciliated epithelium and the peristalsis of the respiratory bronchioles in combination with increased secretion of the bronchial glands. Sodium bicarbonate thins mucus and slightly increases bronchial secretion.

about stoptusin

otherwise the doctor prescribes stoptusin. I say that at home there is only phyto-stoptusin, and she says - then it’s not necessary

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Application of Erespal

Cough is the main symptom of bronchopulmonary diseases. The choice of antitussive drugs is still difficult. All mucolytics are not able to influence the inflammatory process in the bronchial wall, that is, the main link in the mechanism of cough. Therefore, you should consider a drug that not only eliminates symptoms, but also affects the pathogenesis of the process.

Erespal is an anti-inflammatory drug that has an antitussive and mucolytic effect at the same time. It seems that these concepts are incompatible. In order to figure out who and for what type of cough this drug is suitable, you should know the mechanism of its action.

Mechanism of action of Erespal

Erespal appeared on the Russian pharmaceutical market in 1998. The active ingredient of the drug is fenspiride. This drug is intended for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract of any etiology.

Erespal affects the following parts of inflammation:

  • reduces the production of all inflammatory mediators;
  • reduces the release of histamine and cytokines;
  • reduces the permeability of the vascular wall of the bronchus;
  • has an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the bronchi;
  • increases the rate of mucus removal from the respiratory tract.
  • reducing swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract;
  • normalization of sputum production;
  • improvement of its discharge;
  • reduction of cough;
  • preventing the development of bronchial hypersensitivity;
  • inhibition of irreversible changes in the respiratory tract.

Erespal is an α-adrenergic receptor antagonist and reduces the severity of bronchospasm. This effect is especially useful for cough variants of bronchial asthma.

Fenspiride does not belong to either steroidal or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, therefore it does not have the side effects characteristic of these groups.

Who can be prescribed fenspiride?

Erespal is indicated for almost all diseases of the respiratory tract associated with the inflammatory process (septic and aseptic). It is prescribed for the following diagnoses:

  • pharyngitis, laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis (acute, chronic);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • flu;
  • whooping cough, measles;
  • any diseases of the respiratory system accompanied by cough.

Erespal is available in the form of tablets and syrup. Due to the minimal side effects, fenspiride can be used in newborns.

It is known that ARVI practically does not require the use of antibiotics, so folk remedies are often used to relieve symptoms. But they act for a short time, and they are not recommended for children at all. Cough causes a lot of discomfort to the patient. This is why prescribing an anti-inflammatory drug would be very appropriate. Erespal's studies have shown not only its effectiveness, but also the safety of use in all age categories.

For what type of cough should Erespal be used?

There are two types of cough - dry and wet. Their treatment differs in the choice of group of drugs. For dry cough, antitussive drugs are mainly prescribed (Falimint, codeine-based drugs, Tusuprex, etc.).

A wet cough is treated by liquefying and removing sputum, so mucolytic and expectorant agents are used (ambroxol, bromhexine, marshmallow, acetylcysteine, carbocysteine, pectusin, licorice, etc.).

Hypersensitivity and irritation of cough receptors with a dry cough, viscous, difficult to separate sputum with a wet one - all this is the result of an inflammatory process in the respiratory tract. That is, the drugs are symptomatic, and Erespal can be classified as pathogenetic. It can be used for both dry and wet coughs.

For dry cough, Erespal reduces the sensitivity of cough receptors to irritation, reduces swelling of the mucous membrane, thereby preventing the onset of symptoms.

With a wet cough, it normalizes sputum production. Its quantity decreases and the viscosity decreases. In addition, by activating the work of the cilia of the respiratory tract epithelium, Erespal promotes faster excretion of secretions.


The drug Erespal entered the Russian pharmaceutical market quite a long time ago. During this time, he managed to undergo many clinical trials that proved its effectiveness and safety. Erespal can be used for any type of cough, since it affects not the symptom itself, but its cause. The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect on the respiratory tract due to its combined versatile action. It is suitable for adults and children (from the first days of life) with acute respiratory infections, ARVI, bronchial asthma, obstructive pulmonary disease, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchiolitis and other diseases.


What is better to choose for a child - Ascoril or Erespal

Often, in treatment regimens for protracted bronchopulmonary diseases, one cough drug replaces another, and sometimes the drugs are prescribed together. Parents ask a logical question: Ascoril or Erespal, which is better for a coughing child? The answer involves the effectiveness and safety of the drugs. The drugs belong to different pharmacological groups, but are used for pathologies of the respiratory system.

Erespal's appointment

Erespal contains an active substance - fenspiride hydrochloride, which has an effect in several directions:

  1. Reduces the risk of bronchospasm by reducing the production of neurotransmitters - serotonin, bradykinin and histamine. Therefore, it is effectively used for bronchial asthma.
  2. Blocks beta-adrenergic receptors, which suppresses bronchial tone and the secretory function of the bronchial glands.
  3. Reduces inflammation by affecting the production of arachidonic acid.

The complex effect allows you to take the drug for various diseases:

  1. Against the background of bronchitis and asthma with a risk of bronchoconstriction, an antispasmodic effect is required, aimed at preventing dangerous complications of the disease.
  2. For viral infections affecting the nasopharynx, the drug acts symptomatically - it suppresses cough.

It must be remembered that coughing is a protective reflex to remove phlegm. Inflammation causes the production of mucus, and Erespal affects this process. Compatibility with mucolytics for productive cough is acceptable.

The main purpose of Erespal is chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma, as well as whooping cough, which requires a reduction in symptoms. Allergic rhinitis and sinusitis with edema may also be indications for use. It is recommended to take the drug 2-3 hours before bedtime so as not to cause nighttime coughing attacks. Inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, such as nasopharyngitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis, are indications for use.

There are three advantages of an anti-inflammatory drug against cough:

  • removes formed phlegm;
  • suppresses inflammation and mucus production well;
  • reduces the cough reflex, but not at the level of the central nervous system, like drugs with codeine.

Erespal is prescribed for adults to drink in tablets, and for small children a syrup form is provided. Indications are severe cases of cough with risk of bronchospasm.

Appointment of Ascoril

Ascoril is distinguished by a combined composition aimed at the rapid release of viscous secretions and eliminating the risk of bronchospasm.

The three active substances complement each other's actions:

  1. Salbutamol immediately dilates the bronchi and suppresses the activity of beta-adrenergic receptors. Therefore, the drug is prescribed for bronchial asthma or bronchitis with a risk of constriction.
  2. Bromhexine hydrochloride is a mucolytic with expectorant properties that stimulates secretion production and increases the activity of cilia on the epithelium lining the bronchi. As a result, it helps to thin and remove sticky mucus, but does not suppress cough.
  3. Guaifenesin, similar to bromhexine, has a secretolytic effect, stimulates the production of sputum and protective factors for the bronchi.

The drug is prescribed for tracheobronchitis, when the inflammatory process in the mucous membranes is extensive. The main purpose is obstructive bronchitis, emphysema, tuberculosis, pneumonia and whooping cough. The active substances will help remove viscous sputum and avoid bronchospasm during asthma.

Comparison of drugs

When choosing Ascoril or Erespal for the treatment of cough, it is necessary to take into account the presence of bronchospasms and inflammatory processes in the bronchi and lungs:

  1. Both drugs are capable of relieving constriction and helping with bronchial asthma, but with a difference in effect. Fenspiride affects the nervous system and the production of neurotransmitters, and Ascoril is a beta-blocker. A bronchodilator effect is characteristic of both medications.
  2. Ascoril stimulates the formation and discharge of sputum, and Erespal reduces its formation. However, the drugs are not first-line mucolytics; they are usually prescribed for severe bronchopulmonary diseases.

In addition to stimulating the release of sputum, Erespal is able to reduce inflammation, which may be more beneficial for pneumonia. Ascoril is useful against shortness of breath accompanying cough with bronchospasms. The instructions state that it should not be taken by people with heart failure.

Ascoril is more of an expectorant and is prescribed at the acute stage of tracheobronchitis or bronchitis, when other mucolytics do not help. Erespal facilitates respiratory function, therefore, on the contrary, it is useful if necessary to reduce the cough reflex. The drug does not affect the cilia of the bronchi, therefore it does not stimulate expectoration, but it reduces inflammation. Effective for postnasal drip in children with overgrowth of adenoid tissue, sinusitis and barking cough at night.

Drinking them together is not advisable due to different effects and strong side effects. Patients who drank both drugs together may experience allergic reactions to the components of the syrup.

Test: Which cough medicine is best for you?

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A test that will allow you to determine which cough medicine is best for you.

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Bronholitin syrup - perfect for treating dry cough in children (Average cost in a pharmacy is 100 rubles)

Paxeladin syrup is an analogue of the above product, but in a different price category (Average cost in a pharmacy is 250 rubles)


Stoptussin - excellent and inexpensive cough tablets for children (Average price in a pharmacy is 110 rubles)

Sinekod - excellent tablets for dry cough for children (Average price in pharmacies 200 rubles)

Glauvent is also a very good tablet for cough treatment (Average price in pharmacies is 250 rubles)


Ingalipt is an excellent and inexpensive cough spray for children (Average price in a pharmacy is 60 rubles)

Faringosept is also a very good cough spray (Average price in a pharmacy is 110 rubles)

Tantum Verde is an excellent drug in the form of a spray, in a high price category (Average price in pharmacies is 300 rubles)

Syrups and drops:

Stoptussin syrup - perfect for treating dry cough in adolescents and adults (Average cost in a pharmacy is 150 rubles)

Sinekod drops are also an excellent product, but in a different price category (Average cost in a pharmacy is 350 rubles)


Mucaltin - excellent and inexpensive cough tablets (Average price in a pharmacy is 50 rubles)

Sinekod - this excellent drug is also sold in tablet form (Average price in pharmacies is 150 rubles)

Solutan is also a very good cough tablet (Average price in pharmacies is 200 rubles)


Inhalipt is an excellent and inexpensive cough spray (Average price in a pharmacy is 60 rubles)

Hexoral is also a very good cough spray (Average price in a pharmacy is 170 rubles)

Tantum Verde is an excellent drug in the form of a spray, in a high price category (Average price in pharmacies is 300 rubles)

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Please indicate your age (your child's age)

  • From 6 to 12 years
  • From 12 to 18 years old
  • Over 18

In what price range can you afford a cough medicine?

  • Up to 100 rubles
  • From 100 to 200 rubles
  • Over 200 rubles

In what form do you prefer to take your cough medicine?

  • Pills
  • Syrup
  • Spray

Quiz: How susceptible are you to lung disease?

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Our immunity is directly dependent on our lifestyle and nutrition. Only a small part of it is initially genetic. Throughout life, a person acquires immune deficiency, which subsequently leads to various kinds of diseases, allergic reactions and poor health. By taking care of your diet, you will also take care of your immunity, which will subsequently save you from many health problems. This test will show you what to pay attention to in your current diet. What to add, what to reduce, and what should be abandoned completely.

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Something needs to be changed urgently!

Judging by your diet, you don’t care about your immune system or your body at all. Most likely, you get sick often, suffer from intestinal problems, and are haunted by a feeling of constant fatigue. It's time to love yourself and start improving. It is urgent to adjust your diet, to minimize fatty, starchy, sweet and alcoholic foods. Eat more vegetables and fruits, dairy products. Feed the body by taking vitamins, drink more water (precisely purified, mineral). Strengthen your body, reduce the amount of stress in your life, think more positively and the transition to a healthy diet will be much easier, you just need to start.

Your immune system is in fairly good condition.

So far, it’s good, but if you don’t start taking care of her more carefully, health problems may begin (if the prerequisites haven’t already existed). Namely, allergies, frequent colds, intestinal problems and other “charms” of life accompany weak immunity. You should think about your diet, minimize fatty, flour, sweets and alcohol. Eat more vegetables and fruits, dairy products. To nourish the body by taking vitamins, do not forget that you need to drink a lot of water (precisely purified, mineral water). Strengthen your body, reduce the amount of stress in your life, think more positively and your immune system will be strong for many years to come.

Congratulations! Keep it up!

You care about your nutrition, health and immune system. Continue in the same spirit and health problems will not bother you for many years to come. Don't forget that this is mainly due to the fact that you eat right. Eat proper and healthy food (fruits, vegetables, dairy products), do not forget to drink plenty of purified water, strengthen your body, think positively. Just love yourself and your body, take care of it and it will definitely reciprocate your feelings.

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How often do you eat fast food?

  • Few times a week
  • Once a month
  • Several times a year
  • I don't eat at all

Do you eat healthy and nutritious food?

  • Always
  • I strive for this
  • No

How often do you eat foods containing high amounts of sugar?

  • Daily
  • Few times a week
  • Once a month or less
  • I don't use it at all

Do you carry out fasting days or any other cleansing procedures?

  • 1-2 times a week
  • Several times a month
  • Several times a month

How many times a day do you eat?

  • Less than 3 times
  • Breakfast lunch and dinner
  • More than 3 times

What type of people do you consider yourself to be?

  • Optimist
  • Realist
  • Pessimist

How often do you eat baked goods and pasta made from light flour?

  • Daily
  • Few times a week
  • Several times a month or less

Do you eat a varied diet?

  • Yes
  • No
  • I eat a variety of foods, but the same dishes for many years

What products do you have for breakfast?

  • Porridge, yogurt
  • Coffee, sandwiches
  • Other

What time do you have breakfast?

  • Before 7.00
  • 07.00-09.00
  • 09.00-11.00
  • Later 11.00

Do you have food intolerances?

  • Yes
  • No

Do you take vitamins?

  • Yes, regularly
  • Every season
  • Very rarely
  • I don't accept it at all

How much pure water do you drink per day?

  • Less than 1.5 liters
  • 1.5-2.5 liters
  • 2.5-3.5 liters
  • More than 3.5 liters

Have you ever had a food allergy?

  • Yes
  • No
  • I find it difficult to answer

What portions do you eat?

  • While it fits
  • I'm still a little hungry
  • I eat up, but not to the point of being full

Are you taking antibiotics?

  • Yes
  • No
  • In case of urgent need

How often do you eat vegetables and fruits?

  • Daily
  • Few times a week
  • Very rarely

What kind of water do you drink?

  • Mineral
  • Cleaned with household appliances with filters
  • Boiled
  • Raw

How often do you consume fermented milk products?

  • Daily
  • Few times a week
  • Once a month or even less often

Do you always eat at the same time?



What else did you prescribe for cough?

Those. The cough from Erespal is only suppressed and does not develop. Why weren’t you prescribed a mucolytic and expectorant... Tell your doctor that your cough has gotten worse.

And your cough has already descended into the bronchi, it’s time to liquefy and remove phlegm - Ambrobene, Lazolvan, etc.

Expectorants are given until 18.00 to help you sleep peacefully

My cough is a frequent companion to many illnesses(((

Yes, the drugs are compatible. One mucolytic is an expectorant, the second is anti-inflammatory.

So it acts like an expectorant, of course the cough will get worse

So, in my opinion, Erespal is an expectorant drug, which is probably why the child is coughing.

Erespal is not an expectorant.

His son didn’t have that for him. but, for example, Fluditec, it’s definitely an expectorant. What a terrible cough he had.

drank, there were no side effects

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I have a son who is often ill, and the two times when I didn’t give Erispal, we had laryngeal stenosis, we had to call an ambulance and they injected us with hormones. Whether this is related or not, I don’t know. Erispal is not a mucolytic, it is used as an anti-inflammatory agent. Helps us.

We were constantly vomiting on the erespal. We bought Prospan syrup and it became much better.

At the beginning of summer we became very ill. Temperature was 39.5, red throat, runny nose and terrible “choking” cough. The child did not really eat anything, and when he coughed, a gag reflex arose. They tried to do inhalations with a nebulizer, but the son screamed so much that we had to abandon this idea. For cough, Erespal was prescribed 2 times a day for 7 days. One of the side effects was drowsiness, the child slept a lot. I gave it for 5 days, during which time the cough went away. I read a lot of negative reviews, but decided to trust the doctor and monitor the child’s condition more carefully.

It doesn’t help us, I treat my daughter with Ambrobene syrup)

Didn't help us. It became relatively better after taking bronchipret, although it only contained grass. Now my daughter has a cough again due to snot. The doctor recommended Lazolvan.

Well, it's good that it helped. It's all individual.

It is not a mucolytic; it does not produce sputum; it does not make the cough wet or dry. In principle, taking it subjectively slightly improves well-being, but has a nasty side effect: tachycardia. Has not undergone full clinical trials, the role of benefit-risk has not been proven. In world medical practice, it is prescribed and used throughout the Russian Federation.

Erespal did not help us. Now I’m giving you Lazolvan. But I read below that it’s not worth it. Next time I’ll give you sleep, it’s natural syrup, ivy. Or alteyka. In Ukraine, in addition to them, the doctor prescribed bronchipret. Also a natural syrup, the doctor said it helps open the lungs and remove phlegm.

Erespal is a rather dangerous drug: it is addictive; in children under 3 years of age, complications from an increase in the amount of sputum are common. According to official recommendations, it is approved for use in children under 3 years of age only in the intensive care ward of a hospital (because there is the possibility of quickly eliminating adverse effects).

Drink more, use the humidifier at full power, walk more, swim more often.

You can’t go for a walk with a cough, but you SHOULD. Just like swimming as much as possible, swimming as much as possible is generally ideal. How will a child clear his lungs of mucus if he has a lack of oxygen (and indoors is always 2-5% less than in the fresh air) and does not have active movements (active movements at home are not at all the same as outside, Yes, and there is dust too). In water, the respiratory muscles work especially efficiently, which contributes to good coughing. And hydration is especially important; at a humidity of 40%, phlegm will simply hang in the bronchi for a long time.

And erespal. Do you have a suction device for sanitation of bronchi at home and do you know how to use it? Then keep taking it.

By the way, this applies not only to respal - to all expectorants: bromhexine, lazolvan - with the same rules.

The healthcare system is like this. The doctor has a rate + interest for fulfilling the plan. The rate is 5,200 rubles per month after the increase. And the bonus is based on the points scored. Conducted preventative measures, no one gets sick - 0 points. ARI for three days - 3 points, ARI for 7 days - 7 points. Bronchitis month - 30 points. Alas.

But what about paid doctors (who come to your home)? Why do they recommend it? (our doctor does not overuse visits, but when I asked her what to take at sea from the necessary medications, in particular for coughs, for some reason she named erispal. And I also recently read the annotation and somehow doubted its safety, so We are not even 2 years old. Should we change doctors?

I really don't know. Over the years of work, we have learned to believe that everything is only for the benefit of the patient.

see also

Source. L.I. Dvoretsky, A.V. Polevshchikov, A.S. Sokolov Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) occupy one of the leading positions among the child and adult population in terms of seeking medical help, temporary disability, and the number of medications consumed during the period of illness . Due.

Two weeks ago, Vadka developed a fever and was treated with kipferon and chlorophyllipt. after 3 days everything went away, but a week later a cough appeared - I give it ambrobene and spray Panavir in the throat, 5 days have passed and there is no cough.

Has anyone given theirs to their children? We got sick with a very bad cough, wet! Our doctor prescribed influenza, lysobact, and rubbing! On Saturday, Arseny began to wheeze and cough even more, we went there, there was a doctor on duty, they prescribed ambrobene! IN.

Instructions for use of the drug Erespal Erespal (international name - fenspiride) is an anti-inflammatory and antibronchoconstrictive drug that is used in the treatment of the upper respiratory tract. During the inflammatory process, a number of biologically formed substances are formed in the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract.

We were prescribed Erespal for a cough, but it doesn’t help. What else can you take for a cough?

My son is 2.3 years old, he is sick, has sniffles, sneezes, temperature is 38.5 maximum, the second day, we are taking Cytovir, today when we called the doctor (we have a new one, unfortunately) we were prescribed Erespal - like 1 dessert spoon 2 times a day.

We are only 3 weeks old, we were prescribed Erespal for cough, but it has many side effects. who accepted, what opinions?

There is such a miracle drug, based on fenspiride. It is an anti-inflammatory and anti-bronchoconstrictor drug. Amazingly relieves cough and reduces mucus secretion. We met about 10 years ago. I should catch a little cold - that’s it, cough until it’s really warm (+20).

good afternoon, please help. My little son is almost 10 months old, we are teething, because the immune system is weakened when teething, somewhere a breeze blew at the beginning of a cold, a cough that never happened, there was a fever, now it’s not there, but it’s a cough.

How many days should I take it? We have been sick for the 6th day, yesterday the doctor came again, prescribed an antibiotic (after it we vomited at night (((It’s called Sumomed, but I forgot to ask about Erespal and Aflubin. How much should I take them? The cough is still strong


Erespal - instructions for use, indications, reviews

General information

  • Antihistamine ( does not allow extensive swelling of the mucous membrane to develop ).
  • Anti-inflammatory ( acts on the very cause of the disease ).
  • Antibronchoconstrictor ( prevents bronchospasm ).
  • Normalizes the separation of mucous secretions ( reduces its viscosity ).

Composition of the drug

Excipients: licorice extract, vanilla extract, saccharin, glycerin, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, sucrose, potassium sorbate, yellow-orange dye.




  • In the treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory lesions of the respiratory tract, throat, nose ( rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis media, bronchitis, tracheitis, nasopharyngitis , rhinotracheobronchitis ).
  • In the treatment of influenza, measles, whooping cough.
  • In the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • In the treatment of allergies associated with ENT organs.
  • For postoperative rehabilitation after operations in the pharynx and nose.

Used after surgical operations on the ENT organs, the drug provides a rapid reduction in tissue swelling, normalization of nasal breathing, and improvement of the sense of smell.

Brief description of diseases for which treatment with the drug is indicated

Application and dosage

Why is Erespal the drug of choice?

  • Accelerates healing processes.
  • Reduces the intensity of clinical manifestations of acute respiratory infections ( swelling of the mucous membrane, cough, sore throat, runny nose ).
  • It acts directly on the source of inflammation - that is, it does not just relieve symptoms, but eliminates the very cause of the disease.
  • Restores breathing through the nose.
  • Due to its high efficiency, extensive concomitant therapy is not required.
  • The risk of an allergic reaction is very low.
  • The drug is used in combination with symptomatic drugs and antibiotics, and does not affect the effectiveness of these drugs.
  • Even infants can be prescribed the drug in syrup form.

What is included in the concept of concomitant therapy?

  • Antipyretics.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Mucolytics ( help thin and expectorate sputum ).
  • Immunostimulating agents.


Side effects

Note: treatment with Erespal does not replace antibiotic therapy.


Pregnancy and Erespal

Storage of the drug


This is not the first time the drug has helped. I think this is the number one remedy for colds. As soon as I feel that snot is starting to flow from my nose and my throat is scratching, I immediately take Erespal. I buy tablets for myself and give syrup to my child. And it works well, and the price is normal. I recommend!

She fell ill with bilateral sinusitis. I really asked the doctor not to do punctures, because it was very painful (they did it to my sister ), and besides, I read that this is not such an effective method. The doctor agreed that for now we can try to recover using conservative methods. He recommended rinsing and prescribed this drug. And I was cured of sinusitis, without a puncture! And for this, many thanks to Erespal.

I've had allergies since school. No matter how long I was treated, it didn’t go away. And every year, when the pollen blooms, a terrible runny nose begins, the eyes water, the nose turns red and itches... I took the usual Aleron for allergies, but it only relieved the symptoms and did not treat anything; as soon as I did not take the pill for 1 day, the itching and runny nose began again. And recently I was prescribed Erespal. I've been drinking it for 2 weeks now. The condition has clearly improved. And I hope for the best - that at the end of the course there will be no trace left of my allergic runny nose!

I’ve been smoking since I was 20, and I’m not going to quit, I’m too used to smoking. But recently, an incomprehensible cough has begun, I feel that my chest is starting to hurt. I went to the doctor - he diagnosed obstructive disease in the lungs. He said, of course, to quit smoking. Prescribed treatment. And Erespal also prescribed this medicine. But I couldn’t say goodbye to cigarettes - I smoked for too many years. I just tried to reduce the number of cigarettes per day. He took his medications properly. And after two months, indeed, the cough almost stopped... The doctor said that this is not a recovery, this is an improvement, that is, we must continue to follow all the instructions. But I’m already glad that my lungs have improved.

Previously, I often suffered from the flu, a protracted flu that lasted longer than a week. I tried several medications and settled on this one. I read good reviews about him. Indeed, it is a good remedy, and it relieves pain instantly, and there is no such lethargy and weakness after the flu as usual.

Author: Radzikhovskaya A. A.

Read more:

PS: People suffering from panic attacks are better off not taking this drug at all. Everything is individual.

I do not suffer from chronic diseases, I have no allergic reactions to medications.

In the Instructions for Medical Use of the drug Erespal, there is a paragraph highlighted in a special font: Side effects - Inform your doctor if you experience any unwanted reactions and sensations, including those not mentioned in this instruction, as well as changes in laboratory parameters during therapy.

With so many negative reviews for this Drug and not a small price for it, why do such a huge number of side effects associated with the cardiovascular system occur and is this Drug verified, tested or does the above paragraph from the instructions say that it is still being tested on our poor people and it would be interesting to know how things are with French patients?

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Is Erespal a mucolytic or not?

I won’t be able to give it during these two hours, since we will be taking bioporox and inhaling in an hour.

Mucolytics - thin the mucus to facilitate its removal. Erespal is really not a mucolytic.

I did not recommend any medications, I retold the information from the words of the doctor.

Get to know someone else already.

Also on the blacklist.

Both my son and I have tachycardia. I ended up going to a cardiologist, getting examined, etc.

Erespal is a drug with anti-inflammatory, antihistamine and bronchodilator effects (antispasmodic, papaverine-like). So according to the articles, instructions. Everything is super great. In fact, fenspiride (this is the active ingredient of erespal) - honestly, God knows what effect it has. It is enough to take an interest in some recognized research library (Cochrane, PubMed, etc.) and... you will find 2 dozen works over... 20 years) Of these, 15 will be Russian, the rest will be Poland with 1-2 French... Surprisingly? – this somehow interested me. No one studies it or applies it. Why? I got the answer bit by bit by researching what was wrong there. The first thing I understood was that the French were looking for countries (this applies to the requested syrup) where Sunset Orange S can be used. This is an E110 dye. I hope you can find everything else yourself. So, the use of this syrup is impossible in a number of eurozone countries and practically in the USA. In the Russian Federation - please.

Next, the drug is frankly paraben, also find it yourself using the term paraben. It contains 2 of them (methyl- and propyl-), which also sharply narrows the range of countries, because parabens seem to be nothing, but the use of them in a drug that is drunk in 3-5 days is very controversial. So the presence of a dye, which may not be devoid of Sudan + parabens - ... well, this is a significant negative argument. Big minus. In addition, parabens are analogues of salicylates, and if you are intolerant to them, they will DEFINITELY cause an allergy, or even bronchospasm. And further - the presence of blood pressure or other allergy alert - the danger of spilling on these 2 components is simply high.

And finally - licorice inside... Which itself has a strong expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. What is this for? So what works - erespal or licorice? )) Further more interesting. Erespal himself. Anti-inflammatory effect. Many authors write that it only appears with a high dose of the drug... That is. this is not 4 mg per 1 kg of child weight per day... (by the way - the dose for 20 kg = 80 mg = 1 tablespoon, 3 times a day.) Since high dosing of the drug is allowed at a dose of more than 1 mg per day, in practice this means the manifestation of ANTI-INFLAMMATORY properties if you drink half a bottle a day... or even more. Otherwise, everything that they write about how it is anti-inflammatory and so extinguishes inflammatory factors, cytokines, radicals, tumor necrosis factors... is nonsense. What properties remain? yeah - bronchodilators... And where from? - we find it. This is due to the effect of phosphodiesterase, which is not widely declared, we are looking for where it comes from - yeah, it exhibits the properties of an adrenergic blocker! This is where the papaverine-like antispasmodic effect comes from. An interesting movie - but adrenergic blockers will cause tachycardia, nasal congestion and a host of other systemic effects. What if it’s half a bottle? And what remains in the bottom line with a therapeutic dosage? – antihistamine effect. What many serious manuals write about is the drug class: antihistamine. But doctors just don’t know) Why is it better/worse then than Suprastin or the new Erius there? So it’s on the tip of your tongue - but nothing) As a result, we get an excellent commercial drug, which is unknown how and how it works, it is not free of dangerous impurities, unexplored by the serious medical community. The opinion is just for consideration... That’s why I don’t apply it.”


Erespal: the most mysterious cough medicine

Much has been said and written about cough treatment. With a wet cough, you need to thin the sputum with the help of mucolytics and remove it with expectorants, and with a dry cough, you should achieve the antitussive effect that is exhibited by centrally acting drugs. Erespal stands out from this orderly series: a cough medicine that does not affect either sputum, the rate of its elimination, or the center of the cough. So how does this medicine work and, most importantly, how to take it correctly?

Before you continue reading: If you are looking for an effective method of getting rid of a runny nose, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis or colds, then be sure to look at this section of the site after reading this article. This information has helped so many people, we hope it will help you too! So, now back to the article.

Treatment for cough is simple and understandable only at first glance. In fact, it has many nuances, and debates in the scientific community on some issues do not subside to this day. Many Western experts generally believe that cough in the usual sense, that is, a reflex that develops against the background of a bacterial or viral infection, does not need to be treated at all. They say it will go away on its own. However, the overwhelming majority of domestic specialists categorically disagree with this approach to the matter.

In Russian practice, coughs are treated, and often treated for a long time, persistently and unsuccessfully. The sad fruits of therapy can be the result of incorrect diagnosis, incorrect treatment tactics or incorrect prescription, and sometimes a complex combination of several errors. There are also many unfulfilled expectations among patients who are looking for a magic cough pill: they take a drink and the next day they are back again, like a cheerful cucumber from the garden. Unfortunately, such drugs simply do not exist. The possibilities of pharmacology, alas, are not limitless, but with the correct, correct use of drugs, it is still possible to receive full-fledged help. So, let's understand the features of the purpose, action and dosage of one of the most incomprehensible cough medicines for people far from medicine - Erespal.

Rescue cough

To understand how Erespal works in our body, we will have to start from afar - with the mechanism of cough development. Why do we suddenly start coughing? Where does phlegm come from?

Mucus in the respiratory tract is vital. It plays the role of a filter for small foreign particles and bacteria that penetrate the bronchi along with the inhaled air.

The removal of “spent” bronchial mucus from the body is ensured by the constantly working mucociliary apparatus.

It is a system of cilia that perform translational movements. Thanks to their tireless work, the mucus gradually rises up the respiratory tract and enters the pharynx and oral cavity. A healthy person secretes several tablespoons of bronchial mucus per day. Without noticing it, we swallow it. Having reached the stomach, the bacteria contained in the sputum die ingloriously.

Another mechanism for removing mucus is the cough reflex. The mucus that accumulates in the lower respiratory tract irritates special receptors that trigger the cough mechanism. These receptors are located sequentially along the entire air path: from the nose to the deepest bronchi. After their irritation, the muscles of the respiratory tract contract and a deep exhalation occurs through the mouth, allowing a large volume of mucus to be removed at once. Thanks to coughing, our bronchi and lungs are additionally protected from the penetration of dust, pieces of food and other uninvited guests. However, sometimes the situation develops according to a different, pathological scenario.

Cough as a symptom of illness

Unfortunately, some bacteria and viruses still “take root” in the upper respiratory tract and trigger a pathogenic process. When they reach the lower respiratory tract, they stimulate the development of a powerful inflammatory response. It is accompanied by the release of special substances - the so-called inflammatory mediators, which cause swelling of the mucous membrane and a sharp increase in mucus production. Excess mucus for the time being accumulates in the lower respiratory tract, as a result of which the patient begins to feel heaviness in the chest, pain, coughing, and then a cough.

Typically, at the onset of an inflammatory response, swelling of the airways precedes excessive mucus production. Therefore, often with infectious diseases, primarily due to irritation of the receptors located in the bronchi, a dry, unproductive cough appears. As mucus production and accumulation increases, the cough becomes increasingly wetter. That’s when expectorants and mucolytic cough medications are prescribed. For a long time they remained the only effective means to cope with this symptom. However, today there is another medicine, and it works completely differently. Now we come to the description of the properties of the hero of our article, the cough medicine Erespal.

Three effects of Erespal tablets and syrup

If antitussive and expectorant drugs act on the consequences of a dry or wet cough, then Erespal affects its root cause, namely inflammation. At the same time, it works in several directions simultaneously.

Firstly, the drug Erespal blocks the so-called H1-histamine receptors. Due to their binding to the allergy mediator histamine, which is released during inflammation, swelling of the mucous membrane quickly develops. Erespal “neutralizes” these receptors, making them insensitive to histamine.

Secondly, the cough medicine Erespal reduces the production of special biologically active substances that “feed”, that is, support the inflammatory reaction and are responsible for its manifestations. Their names are often mentioned in the instructions for drugs, including Erespal, but most often they don’t mean anything to the average consumer. So that every reader of sophisticated drug annotations at least approximately understands what manufacturers are trying to convey to him, we will provide a list of pro-inflammatory factors. These include:

  • cytokines;
  • tumor necrosis factor-α;
  • arachidonic acid derivatives;
  • prostaglandins;
  • leukotrienes;
  • thromboxane;
  • free radicals.

Pro-inflammatory factors not only stimulate inflammation, but also contribute to the narrowing of the bronchi. This disrupts the flow of air through the respiratory tract and contributes to decreased oxygen levels and increased carbon dioxide levels in the blood. The patient feels short of breath and shortness of breath appears. Accordingly, blocking pro-inflammatory factors due to the effect of Erespal tablets and syrup prevents narrowing of the lower respiratory tract and the occurrence of breathing difficulties, regardless of the cough that worries the patient.

And thirdly, Erespal also blocks alpha-adrenergic receptors. They take part in a chain of biochemical reactions, the final stage of which is the production of thick, viscous mucus. Inhibition of alpha-adrenergic receptors leads to a decrease in the amount of difficult-to-clear sputum in the respiratory tract.

Due to its complex effect on the respiratory tract, the mechanism of mucus formation and inflammation, Erespal also has an antispasmodic effect, and its use helps to relax the bronchi, and, therefore, their expansion.

In addition, Erespal also exhibits antitussive properties that help cope with dry cough. Moreover, unlike traditional antitussive drugs (for example, codeine and others), the drug does not affect the cough center in the brain.

Erespal - an unusual anti-inflammatory medicine

There are only two groups of drugs on the pharmaceutical market that exhibit anti-inflammatory properties, and each of them has its own disadvantages that limit its use.

The first group includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Just like Erespal, they block the production of inflammatory mediators, but they act completely differently. Unlike fenspiride, NSAIDs indirectly block an enzyme that protects the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the use of NSAIDs can lead to the development of an inflammatory process in the stomach and duodenum, and sometimes to peptic ulcers. Erespal, exhibiting an anti-inflammatory effect similar to NSAIDs, does not have a negative effect on the digestive system.

Another group of anti-inflammatory drugs that can in some way be considered a potential alternative to Erespal are glucocorticosteroids. They have no equal in their anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiallergic effects. However, the side effects of glucocorticosteroids are impressive, so doctors try not to prescribe these medications unless absolutely necessary. Although Erespal cannot match the anti-inflammatory effects of corticosteroids, it is an excellent alternative due to its airway targeting and safety.

Composition and release forms of Erespal

Having dealt with the complexities of pharmacology, let's move on to things that are more understandable and down-to-earth - to the composition and forms of release of Erespal.

So, Erespal is the trade name of the medicine, its active substance is called fenspiride hydrochloride. Erespal is a brand drug produced by the famous French company Servier. It is produced in two release forms:

  • Erespal tablets, dose 80 mg;
  • Erespal syrup containing 2 mg of fenspiride in 1 milliliter.

I would like to add that Erespal syrup has a bright orange-yellow color. When storing it, sometimes a slight sediment appears, which quickly dissolves if the bottle is shaken well.

Erespal syrup: taste aspects

Fenspiride hydrochloride has a rather unpleasant bitter taste. To disguise it, the manufacturer did his best. The syrup contains sunflower honey, vanilla tincture, saccharin, sucrose, and licorice root extract as flavoring agents. According to the manufacturer, the resulting composition should have hints of a honey smell.

In fact, Erespal syrup, which is usually prescribed for the treatment of children, has a distinctly sweet, but still not very pleasant taste.

This nuance should be taken into account by mothers of picky children. Reviews indicate that it can be difficult to get particularly picky children to drink Erespal. Mixing syrup with juices, water, compotes and other liquids, although theoretically not prohibited, does not give any particular positive result: the syrup’s own taste qualities are so pronounced that it is almost impossible to “hide” them. Therefore, in such cases, it sometimes makes sense to buy Erespal tablets, divide them according to the dosage and, grind them into powder and mix with water, give them to the child. However, it is worth considering that it is almost impossible to select the exact dose, especially in the case of multiple divisions of the tablet.

Indications for use

Due to its special mechanism of action, Erespal has a special range of indications. If traditional antitussives are used only for dry coughs, and expectorants for wet coughs, then fenspiride is successfully prescribed for any type of cough, without thinking about its origin and type.

In addition, Erespal’s ability to reduce the production of thick mucus and reduce the severity of inflammation is widely used by ENT doctors, prescribing the drug for nasopharyngeal pathology.

So, indications for the use of Erespal include many diseases of both the upper and lower respiratory tract, including:

  • rhinopharyngitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose and pharynx;
  • laryngitis - an inflammatory process in the vocal cords;
  • inflammation of the trachea and bronchi (tracheobronchitis);
  • inflammation of the bronchi (bronchitis);
  • cough, tickling or hoarseness due to various infectious diseases, including whooping cough, influenza and measles;
  • bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (as one of the drugs in a complex treatment regimen);
  • inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, including sinusitis, sinusitis and others;
  • otitis media, regardless of its origin.

In addition, Erespal, together with other medications, is widely used as part of combined treatment regimens for many infectious diseases that are accompanied by cough. The drug is often prescribed for pneumonia, pleurisy and other respiratory tract pathologies. Moreover, its use definitely eases the course of the disease and speeds up recovery.

Erespal and laryngitis

Erespal is a universal drug. He manages to work when most other drugs are almost powerless. A striking example of this is the possibility of using Erespal for laryngitis. Inflammation of the vocal cords, as a rule, is of a viral nature, and therefore cannot be treated with “traditional” antibiotics. Antiviral drugs will not help with laryngitis.

Antiseptics in the form of lozenges or sprays for treating the throat also cannot work: they are simply not able to “reach” the deep-lying vocal cords. For many years, inhalations with essential oils (for example, eucalyptus, pine, fir) remained almost the only effective medicine for laryngitis. They are still included in standard recommendations for patients who have lost their voice in the fight against a viral infection. However, the appearance on the market of fenspiride drugs, and Erespal in particular, has expanded the capabilities of ENT doctors.

Erespal blocks the production of substances that trigger inflammation, thereby reducing the inflammatory process in the vocal cords of children and adults in a few days.

Thanks to this, the voice “returns” faster. In addition, the drug helps prevent the likelihood of recurrent and, especially, chronic laryngitis.

Erespal as a component in the treatment of asthma

Of interest is also the possibility of using Erespal for obstructive processes in the respiratory tract, including bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis and one of the most severe diseases of the respiratory system, chronic obstructive bronchitis. It is due to three properties of fenspiride:

  • the ability to prevent narrowing of the airways, and, therefore, facilitate the passage of air flow into the lungs and back;
  • anti-inflammatory qualities that can reduce the severity of the pathological process in diseases, one of the components of which is inflammation (COPD, obstructive bronchitis);
  • blocking H1-histamine receptors, which are directly involved in the mechanism of the allergic reaction. As is known, it is allergies that play a leading role in the occurrence and progression of bronchial asthma.

For obstructive diseases of the respiratory system, the use of Erespal tablets as a component of a combined treatment regimen can reduce shortness of breath and make breathing easier, prevent or reduce the likelihood of bronchospasm and, of course, reduce the severity of inflammation.

Erespal for cough: the versatility of the drug

The possibility of using Erespal for different types of cough deserves special mention - after all, the drug exhibits its properties regardless of its underlying cause.

Let us remember that cough can develop as a result of many different diseases. Let's take a closer look at this problem.

Viral infection

Most often, cough appears as a result of a respiratory viral infection - ARVI. More than two hundred different respiratory viruses can provoke its appearance against the background of several traditional accompanying diseases of ARVI: bronchitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, laryngotracheitis and so on. Antibiotics are powerless against a viral infection and traditional antiseptics are not very strong. That is why cough with bronchitis and laryngotracheitis often has a protracted course.

Treatment of ARVI can have two directions. The first, domestic, involves the prescription of antiviral drugs, interferons and other agents that resist the onslaught of viral infection. In this case, the cough is corrected symptomatically: antitussives for dry cough, expectorants for wet cough.

The second direction is preferred by adherents of Western medicine. In general, it is quite difficult to call it treatment: experts who adhere to this point of view believe that ARVI does not need to be treated at all. Indeed, all respiratory viruses die on their own, 7–10 days after infection. Following this path, it is important not to miss possible complications, especially likely in children and debilitated patients. In addition, in the West it is believed that drugs active against respiratory viruses do not exist in nature. But there are no problems with Erespal tablets and syrup: it definitely reduces inflammation and speeds up recovery from a viral infection.

Bacterial infection

Everything is simple here: infection with bacteria is a reason to prescribe antibiotics. The most common bacterial infection that accompanies a cough is pneumonia, or pneumonia. Taking Erespal during antibiotic treatment for pneumonia can reduce the severity of the inflammatory process, as well as facilitate the penetration of air into the lungs and increase saturation (oxygen saturation of the blood), which is often reduced.

In addition, Erespal is also effective against other bacterial infections: whooping cough, which, by the way, is accompanied by a painful dry cough, measles, and so on.

Postnasal drip syndrome

A very common cause of cough, especially in children, is associated with an inflammatory process in the nasopharynx - rhinitis or sinusitis. Excessive mucus produced in the nasal cavity or paranasal sinuses flows down the back wall of the pharynx and enters the tracheobronchial tree, where it stimulates the cough receptors located there.

Statistics show that postnasal drip syndrome is associated with 20–34% of all cases of chronic cough.

At the same time, the root cause of the disease is very often interpreted incorrectly. Doctors like to blame a long, unproductive cough due to mucus drainage on chronic bronchitis.

Erespal can be prescribed both for postnasal drip syndrome and for chronic inflammation of the bronchi, including in combination with traditional expectorants, for example, Lazolvan or Ascoril. In this case, the reason that caused the cough is almost irrelevant: the drug will help thin the mucus and facilitate its removal, as well as reduce inflammation in the nasopharynx and respiratory tract.

Erespal in the body

When taking Erespal in tablets or syrup, the highest concentration of the drug in the blood is achieved after about 6 hours. After another 6 hours (12 in total), the dose of medication is already excreted from the body along with urine.


Fenspiride hydrochloride is a fairly safe drug, as clearly evidenced by the existence of a pediatric form of the drug, syrup. And yet, there are some contraindications to taking Erespal. Situations in which you should not rely on fenspiride include:

  • hypersensitivity to fenspiride itself (which is very rare) or to the components of Erespal. The latter situation is more common, given the composition of the syrup, rich in flavors and flavoring additives);
  • younger children (children under 2 years old). Thus, Erespal is contraindicated for children under one year of age.

In addition, the manufacturer pays special attention to the fact that the syrup contains fructose and sucrose. These features of the drug may become an obstacle to prescribing Erespal in syrup to children with fructose intolerance, impaired absorption of glucose and galactose in the intestines (glucose-galactose malabsorption), and deficiency of enzymes that break down sucrose (sucrase and isomaltase deficiency). Caution is also required when prescribing sugary-sweet syrup to diabetics.

Erespal during pregnancy: instructions warn

Pregnant women, unfortunately, get ARVI no less often, and sometimes much more often, than non-pregnant women. And coughing during pregnancy is a rather dangerous phenomenon, leading to unnecessary uterine tone, constipation and other troubles. Therefore, expectant mothers are often concerned about the question of whether certain drugs, including Erespal, can be used during pregnancy.

In the instructions for use of Erespal, the manufacturer notes that data on its use in pregnant women are “absent or limited.” This means that the drug simply has not undergone clinical trials on pregnant women, that is, in practice, no one knows how it affects the child and the course of pregnancy. Therefore, Erespal is not officially recommended for use by expectant mothers. However, there are known cases of its prescription for severe, debilitating cough. They fall under the well-known situation in obstetrics “when the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus.” As a rule, a clinical cough that requires the prescription of fenspiride is very intense and can lead to an increase in the tone of the cervix, and in severe cases (for example, with isthmic-cervical insufficiency, ICI) and to premature birth. For women who fall into the risk category, it makes sense to rely on the doctor’s experience and begin treatment according to the regimen.

However, most often there is no such need for prescribing Erespal during pregnancy, and it is better to do without it.

By the way, women who managed to undergo treatment with Erespal before the fact of pregnancy became known do not have to worry about the health of the unborn child: the drug does not have a teratogenic effect, and its use is in no way a reason to terminate the pregnancy.

In addition, the instructions indicate that there is no data on whether Erespal passes into breast milk or not. Therefore, in order to avoid unexpected side effects, it is better for nursing mothers to refrain from treatment with fenspiride.

How to take Erespal?

For categories of patients who do not fall into the “Contraindications” section, Erespal is prescribed before or after meals in a dose depending on the age and severity of the disease. The exact dosage and course of therapy is determined by the attending physician, but the standard doses are quite specific.

The instructions for use of Erespal in syrup and tablets contain somewhat conflicting information regarding how to take the drug for adults and children. Thus, the recommended dosage of syrup for adults and adolescents is 3–6 tablespoons three times a day. Considering that 1 ml of syrup contains 2 mg of fenspiride, and one tablespoon contains 15 ml of solution, the average “adult” dose received with the liquid form will fluctuate between 90 and 180 mg of the drug per day.

However, the same abstract reports that the daily recommended dose of Erespal tablets is 80 mg (one tablet) 2-3 times a day. It is easy to calculate that the average dosage of tablet Erespal in this case will reach 160–240 mg. Agree, the difference is quite significant. Most likely, the “range” in dosages is due to the fact that the daily (and single) dosage must still be selected by the doctor, based on the patient’s individual indicators.

With children's doses the situation is more favorable. They are calculated in accordance with the child’s body weight based on the ratio of 4 mg per 1 kilogram of weight per day. Erespal syrup can be given along with baby food and breast milk.

The instructions also say very vaguely about the duration of the course of treatment: it is determined by the doctor.

It is known for sure that taking Erespal for less than seven days does not make sense.

According to clinical trials, the first results of therapy appear after a week of continuous use. When treating chronic diseases, including obstructive ones, the course of therapy can be extended to several weeks, and sometimes more.

Side effects

Despite the relative safety and a modest list of contraindications, taking Erespal is still quite often accompanied by side effects.

In 1–10% of cases, the use of fenspiride is associated with gastrointestinal disorders. These include moderate nausea, vague pain in the epigastric region. In addition, cases of diarrhea (diarrhea) and vomiting caused by treatment with Erespal have been reported. As a rule, the digestive effects of fenspiride do not require discontinuation of the drug.

In 0.1–1% of patients using fenspiride, moderate heartbeat (tachycardia) was recorded. It had a clear relationship with the dosage of the drug: as the dose increased, the tachycardia increased, and as the dose decreased, the heart rhythm was restored. If palpitations occur while taking Erespal, you should notify your doctor, who will most likely reduce the dose of the drug.

Sometimes (still in the same 0.1–1% of cases) during treatment with Erespal, drowsiness is observed, and in some patients (the exact probability is unknown) dizziness. People whose work or activity requires increased attention should be warned about this side effect: drivers, precision workers, and so on.

Rarely, hives, rashes, and other skin side effects occur and are not dangerous and usually do not require any treatment.

Data from post-marketing studies, which are carried out for each drug that has already entered the market, indicate several other side effects of Erespal. Thus, there are known cases of increased fatigue and the development of asthenic conditions during treatment with the drug, as well as the appearance of skin itching.

Erespal's analogs

Erespal is an imported drug, and therefore its price is directly proportional to the exchange rate of foreign currencies. It is not surprising that in conditions of economic instability and crisis, many patients are looking for alternative remedies - analogues of Erespal in syrup for children and tablets, containing the same active ingredient, but at a lower price.

Indeed, the Russian pharmaceutical market offers several generics that contain fenspiride. Analogues of Erespal include:

  • Russian drug in tablets Codestim produced by the Obolenskoye pharmaceutical enterprise;
  • Polish syrup Siresp;
  • Fenspiride tablets (manufactured by the Russian company Ozone);
  • domestic long-acting tablets Eladon (Vertex);
  • Hungarian syrup and tablets Epistat, produced by Gedeon Richter;
  • drug produced in Slovenia (Sandoz company) Erispirius in the form of tablets and syrup.

When looking for a drug that can replace Erespal - both adults and children, in syrup - you should take into account the country of origin. Imported medicines are a priori more expensive than domestic ones.

Often, buyers who are looking for an economical replacement for expensive foreign drugs are worried whether it will affect the quality of the medicine. This question is really important and voluminous. Theoretically, both the brand and the analog contain the same active ingredient, exhibiting the same properties. However, in practice, brands and analogues contain various auxiliary components that can affect the absorption and distribution of the drug. These seemingly insignificant nuances can lead to a noticeable loss of efficiency.

As practice shows, a fundamental attitude towards the authenticity (“branding”) of a medicinal product is a truly important aspect of the treatment of serious diseases, for example, malignant neoplasms and others.

Perhaps you should not save on medications in the process of treating chronic diseases. COPD and bronchial asthma are pathologies that require an extremely serious attitude to the choice of medications. Although patients, forced to spend large sums of money on the treatment of these pathologies, and constantly, often cannot withstand such a financial burden and look for cheap replacements for expensive drugs.

When it comes to banal acute respiratory viral infections and even pneumonia, replacing Erespal with a cheaper domestic analogue is unlikely to have a significant impact on the final result of treatment. In any case, the decision whether to replace the brand with a generic, or whether it is better to trust the original product, should be made by the patient, and ideally, in collaboration with the attending physician.

The article above and comments written by readers are for informational purposes only and do not encourage self-medication. Consult a specialist regarding your own symptoms and illnesses. When taking any medicine, you should always use the instructions that come with the medicine and your doctor's advice as a guide.

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Do you want to get rid of your nose, throat, lung and cold diseases? Then be sure to check it out here.

It is also worth paying attention to other drugs for bronchitis and cough:

But children, as you can see, often experience side effects from this drug.

After the first use, severe tachycardia, stomach pain. I stopped taking it and my pulse returned to normal.

Tachycardia 150, blood pressure 90/60, bitterness in the mouth, dizziness, nausea, weakness.

Where is this written?

• nasal breathing was fully restored;

• redness of the oral mucosa disappeared;

• sputum is removed more easily;

• the general condition improved almost immediately.

• bronchospastic syndrome in ARVI;

• allergic diseases of the trachea, larynx, paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx.

• promotes speedy recovery;

• works simultaneously in several directions (relieves bronchospasm, eliminates pain and cough, reduces the viscosity of sputum and promotes its unhindered removal).

How much Erespal should I give to children? Children from birth to 2 years old are given syrup one ml per day (2-4 teaspoons). The syrup can be mixed with the mixture or with water. From 2 to 16 years - ml per day (2-4 tablespoons). The exact dosage of Erespal is determined by the doctor. Even a slight excess of the daily dose can lead to an overdose.

• from the stomach and intestines - abdominal pain, vomiting, loose stools;

• from the heart - tachycardia (rapid heartbeat);

• on the skin - itching, urticaria, swelling, erythema pigmentosa (localized redness of a brownish-red hue).

Drowsiness, weakness (a kilogram slips out of your hands), swelling of the throat and nasopharynx, suffocation.

From the nervous system: tinnitus, lethargy, and absent-mindedness have increased.

Think for yourself whether you need such problems or look for a replacement.

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