Sore throat - photos, causes, first signs, symptoms and treatment of sore throat in adults, prevention
Sore throat is an infectious disease accompanied by acute inflammation of the tonsils and/or other lymphoid formations of the pharynx.
Table of contents:
- Sore throat - photos, causes, first signs, symptoms and treatment of sore throat in adults, prevention
- What is a sore throat?
- Types and forms
- Classification of sore throats in adults:
- Causes
- Symptoms of sore throat + photos
- What to do when the first signs appear?
- Complications for the body
- Local complications of sore throat:
- Are common:
- Diagnostics
- Treatment of sore throat in adults
- Drugs for the treatment of sore throat:
- Antibiotics
- Gargling
- Diet
- Folk remedies
- Forecast
- Prevention
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- Why does sore throat occur?
- Read more:
- Reviews
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- Sore throat - causes
- Pathogenesis
- Causative agents of tonsillitis
- Etiological factors
- Psychosomatic reasons
- Viral sore throat
- Bacterial sore throat
- Candidal tonsillitis
- Causes of sore throat
- The appearance of sore throat: causes
- Psychological causes of the disease
- Signs of the disease
- How to properly treat a sore throat?
- Possible complications of the disease
- Sore throat - causes, symptoms and treatment
- Symptoms and treatment of purulent sore throat
- How to properly treat a sore throat in a child? Sore throat in children
- Follicular tonsillitis: symptoms, signs, treatment
- Herpes sore throat causes, symptoms, how to cure?
- Lacunar tonsillitis in children and adults
- Catarrhal sore throat: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
- Sore throat during pregnancy: how to save yourself and your child?
- Treatment of sore throat at home, folk remedies
- Treatment of sore throat and prescription of antibiotics
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For many people, all it takes to get a sore throat is to eat ice cream or get your feet wet. Development is also promoted by other diseases of the nasopharynx and irritating substances that enter the pharynx (alcohol, dust, tobacco smoke, and so on). The following pathogenic microorganisms can provoke the development of pathology: viruses, bacteria and fungi.
In the article, we will look in more detail at the causes and first signs of tonsillitis, talk about symptoms in adults, and also tell you which treatment is most effective.
What is a sore throat?
Sore throat is a common disease, second in frequency to acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. Most often the palatine tonsils become inflamed. This is a seasonal disease, usually manifesting itself in the autumn and spring periods.
About 75% affect people under 30 years of age, of which the largest percentage belongs to children under 15 years of age (about 60%).
Sore throat is very contagious, so isolation of the patient is mandatory.
A sore throat is caused by various microbes, mainly streptococci, which often enter the throat with household items used by a person with a sore throat (for example, dirty dishes, etc.).
In some cases, microbes that are in the throat and usually do not cause disease are activated under the influence of certain unfavorable conditions, for example, during cooling or sudden fluctuations in ambient temperature.
Types and forms
Depending on the clinical course, frequency of the disease and the cause of angina, they are divided into different groups.
In adults, there are 3 types of sore throat:
- Primary tonsillitis. Primary angina is understood as an acute infectious disease of predominantly streptococcal etiology, with relatively short-term fever, general intoxication, inflammatory changes in the lymphoid tissues of the pharynx, most often in the palatine tonsils and the lymph nodes closest to them. The duration of the incubation period ranges from 12 hours to 3 days. Characterized by an acute onset with hyperthermia, chills, pain when swallowing, and enlarged regional lymph nodes.
- Secondary or symptomatic. Damage to the tonsils in the pharynx is observed against the background of such pathologies: diphtheria, scarlet fever, agranulocytosis, leukemia, etc.
- Specific sore throat. Caused by a specific infectious agent (fungi, spirochete, etc.).
Classification of sore throats in adults:
- Catarrhal sore throat. Usually develops very quickly and acutely. In most cases, a person falls ill suddenly, with malaise, dryness and a sore throat. Duration from 3 to 7 days.
- Follicular tonsillitis. The most characteristic sign of this form of angina is the accumulation of fibrinous exudate in the lacunae. At the same time, whitish plaques form on the swollen and hyperemic mucous surface of the tonsils, localized at the mouths of the lacunae. More often they are separate formations, less often they merge together and cover most of the surface of these organs. The duration of the disease is 6 – 8 days.
- Lacunar tonsillitis. The tonsils are affected in the area of the lacunae, with subsequent spread of purulent plaque to the surface of the palatine tonsils. When performing pharyngoscopy, infiltration and swelling of the tonsils, severe hyperemia and widening of the lacunae are observed. This type of sore throat lasts 6–8 days.
- Necrotizing tonsillitis. On the surface of the tonsils, large areas of dead tissue are visible, going deep and covered with a lumpy coating of gray or yellow-green color. Foci of necrosis become saturated with fibrin and become denser. After their removal, bleeding occurs, and then an ulcer up to 2 cm in size, with uneven edges, forms.
- Phlegmonous - this type of sore throat most often occurs against the background of supposedly passing classic signs of sore throat - the tonsils begin to swell again, the soft palate turns red.
- Herpetic sore throat. Most often develops in children. It is caused by the Coxsackie A virus and is a highly contagious disease. The virus carrier is a sick person; in rare cases, they can be pets.
- Ulcerative membranous is a sore throat without fever. The patient usually experiences necrosis of one of the tonsils with the formation of an ulcer. The patient complains that he feels a foreign body when swallowing, his salivation increases, and there is a putrid odor from his mouth.
The primary focus of inflammation is formed in the lymphoid tissue of the oropharynx. Causes predisposing to the disease may be local and general hypothermia, dusty and polluted atmosphere, increased dryness of rooms, decreased immunity, etc.
In most cases, angina develops after acute respiratory viral infections, which reduce the protective functions of the epithelium in the respiratory tract, thereby opening the path to infection.
From person to person, sore throat is transmitted by airborne droplets or nutritional (food) routes. With endogenous infection, microbes enter the tonsils from carious teeth, paranasal sinuses (with sinusitis) or the nasal cavity. When the immune system is weakened, sore throat can be caused by bacteria and viruses that are constantly present on the mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx.
Ways of infection entering an adult body:
- Airborne (the most typical route of transmission).
- Enteral (together with contaminated dairy products).
- Hematogenous (with blood flow from organs and tissues infected with the pathogen).
- Endogenous (in patients suffering from gastroenteritis, purulent sinusitis, tonsillitis and caries).
- Artificial (during surgical operations on the nasopharynx and nasal cavity (traumatic tonsillitis)).
In addition, the following reasons can provoke the disease in adults:
- improper and irrational nutrition;
- severe fatigue of the body;
- living in unfavorable conditions;
- lack of sufficient sunlight;
- constant dampness.
Considering that sore throat in the vast majority of cases is caused by streptococci, and rheumatism, glomerulonephritis and myocarditis occur precisely with streptococcal infections, treatment begins with penicillin antibiotics.
Symptoms of sore throat + photos
The incubation period (the time spanning the period of introduction of a pathogenic factor into the human body until the first clinical symptoms) lasts on average about an hour.
Common symptoms of sore throat in adults:
- Temperature increase. Specific reaction of the human body to the pathogenic activity of bacterial agents. High temperature promotes the rapid removal of toxins from the body, enhances the immune response, and also reduces the rate of bacterial growth;
- chills and malaise;
- headache appears due to intoxication of the human body with waste products of pathogenic microorganisms;
- increased fatigue;
- pain in the joints (the symptom is typical for both children and adults).
- Difficulty swallowing. This symptom develops as a consequence of inflammation of the tonsils. This reduces the opening of the oropharynx, which makes it difficult for food to pass through it. Also, when swallowing, pain increases, which causes the patient to be careful when making swallowing movements.
- If the disease is severe, then areas of necrosis that have a dark gray color form on the tonsils. Dead tissue is rejected, being replaced by defective areas measuring 10 mm.
Adults become infected from a carrier of the infection who releases it into the external environment. A significant role here is played by a close team at work, the use of shared cutlery and dishes, and a careless attitude to the rules of personal hygiene.
In the photo below, you can see what a sore throat looks like in an adult:
The photo shows an accumulation of pus on the tonsils - this is a characteristic sign of tonsillitis
- Low-grade fever (temperature rise to 37-38°C)
- Mild malaise
- Possible enlarged lymph nodes
- Enlargement and redness of the palatine tonsils themselves
- pain in the throat area,
- increased swelling of the palatine tonsils,
- rise in body temperature,
- the appearance of signs of intoxication in the body in the form of headaches, attacks of nausea and vomiting,
- an increase in the size of the lymph nodes in the submandibular region,
- the appearance of plaque (yellow-white) at the mouths of the lacunae.
- persistent fever
- headache,
- vomiting, confusion.
In addition, the patient experiences symptoms such as:
- chills;
- feverish condition;
- sore throat;
- grayish coating on the tonsils;
- swelling of the neck;
- bad breath;
- voice change.
What to do when the first signs appear?
The first signs of a sore throat appear very quickly. In most cases, a bacterial form develops, in which the patient complains of a sore throat and plaque on the tonsils. Viral sore throat is often accompanied by lacrimation, runny nose and other signs of acute respiratory infections. Treatment depends on the type of pathogen (bacteria or virus).
The patient is isolated in another room and given separate dishes and care items. He must comply with the following rules:
- bed rest in the first days of illness, especially at high temperatures;
- limiting physical activity;
- non-irritating, soft food, mainly vegetable and dairy, plenty of warm drinks.
Complications for the body
Despite the fact that sore throat seems to be a minor disease and many people ignore its comprehensive treatment, it is fraught with numerous complications. Complications of angina are conventionally divided into local and general.
Local complications of sore throat:
- abscesses of surrounding soft tissues (formation of large cavities filled with pus);
- phlegmon (diffused accumulation of pus, unlimited);
- otitis;
- swelling of the larynx;
- bleeding from the tonsils.
Are common:
- rheumatism;
- kidney damage;
- gastrointestinal tract damage;
- penetration of infectious agents from the throat into the chest;
- spread of infectious agents into the cranial cavity;
- Sepsis is the most severe complication of tonsillitis.
To avoid these complications, it is necessary to consult a specialist in time to choose the right tactics for treating sore throat.
When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should contact an ENT doctor or an infectious disease specialist. If this is not possible, a general practitioner or pediatrician, as well as a family doctor, can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. If complications develop, a cardiologist, nephrologist, and rheumatologist participate in the treatment of the patient.
When making a diagnosis, the clinical picture of the disease, anamnesis data are taken into account, and the patient is prescribed pharyngoscopy and a bacterial culture test. A differential diagnosis of sore throat with ARVI, acute pharyngitis and pharyngeal diphtheria is mandatory.
The main signs to identify a bacterial infection:
- severe redness and swelling of the tonsils and uvula;
- purulent sore throat with areas of gray plaque;
- coating on the tongue;
- enlarged cervical lymph nodes;
- the formation of a peritonsillar abscess, in which one tonsil is pushed towards the center of the soft palate, towards the uvula, is a sign of severe disease;
- pain accompanied by drooling, difficulty speaking, difficulty swallowing and breathing.
Treatment of sore throat in adults
In most cases, treatment of angina is carried out on an outpatient basis, but in case of severe cases, the patient is hospitalized in the infectious diseases department. Do not forget that you should limit the patient’s communication with family members so as not to spread the infection.
Provide the patient with separate dishes and a towel. With proper and timely treatment, recovery occurs in approximately seven days.
Medicines are prescribed to the patient depending on what symptoms he or she experiences. In case of severe pain, he needs to take anesthetic substances.
Drugs for the treatment of sore throat:
- Fusafungin (bioparox) - inhalation, 4 inhalations by mouth every 4 hours for 4-5 days. May cause irritation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, bronchospasm, and allergic reactions.
- Ambazon - keep the tablet in your mouth until it is completely dissolved (adults 3-5 tablets per day, children from 3 to 7 years old 1 tablet 3 times a day for 3-4 days). After taking the tablet, refrain from eating and drinking for 3 hours.
- Gramicidin - the tablet is kept in the mouth (behind the cheek) until it is completely dissolved. Use 2 tablets (one after the other for 20-30 minutes) 4 times a day for 2-3 days.
- In severe cases of the disease, the use of the following drugs is recommended: Hexoral Stopangin Strepsils Luxury Lugol.
- Antihistamines. The following drugs are indicated: Suprastin, Tavegil, Fenkarol, Loratadine, Claritin, etc.
- To reduce body temperature and reduce pain, antipyretic drugs and analgesics are prescribed.
- For sore throat, the symptoms subside thanks to absorbable tablets with menthol-based drugs. Instead, you can use special aerosols. Their use helps relieve pain that occurs in the throat during a sore throat.
If the body temperature persists for more than 5 days, the treatment regimen should be changed, as this indicates its ineffectiveness.
In adults, antibiotics may not be used at the first sign of illness. They are indicated only in case of bacterial nature of the infection. With properly selected antibacterial therapy, the patient's condition improves quickly. But the doctor’s task is not only to quickly recover the patient, but also to prevent the development of complications. This is achieved by completely destroying the pathogen, which occurs when antibiotics are used for at least 10 days.
How many days, in what way, and what dosage of the medicine should be taken is prescribed by the attending physician.
It is important to remember that when gargling, pathogenic microorganisms are washed out from the mucous membrane, so this must be done as often as possible. When gargling at home, you can use the following solutions:
After recovery, the patient is prescribed a control laboratory test, and if signs of complications are detected, consultation and subsequent treatment with a specialized specialist is strongly recommended.
For sore throat, liquid, pureed, warm, fortified food without hot seasonings and spices, drinking plenty of fluids (preferably alkaline mineral waters) are recommended; smoking must be avoided!
This meal includes the following dishes:
- Porridges made with water or milk (oatmeal, rice, semolina) are liquid in consistency, reminiscent of jelly.
- Puree soups, broths (with pieces of bread).
- The bread should be white, without yeast and not too fresh, but not stale.
- Boiled and preferably pureed or pureed vegetables: potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, pumpkin.
- Pasta, but small ones are better.
- Boiled eggs, omelettes.
- Dietary fish varieties: bream, pollock, cod.
- Steamed or boiled dishes: cutlets, meatballs. They are prepared from dietary meat: chicken, veal, rabbit.
- Dairy products should be low in fat. Cottage cheese is taken to a cream-like consistency.
- Fruits need to be baked or boiled.
When treating tonsillitis it is necessary:
- reduce the amount of proteins (up to seventy grams), carbohydrates (up to three hundred grams), fats (up to about sixty grams);
- increase the number of meals up to five times, eat in small portions;
- boil food, steam it, and then serve it in chopped form;
- eat vegetables, various cereals;
- do not eat hot or cold foods;
- drink drinks containing vitamins: fruit drinks, herbal teas, sugar-free jelly.
Folk remedies
Traditional methods of treatment are aimed at reducing inflammation in the pharynx, strengthening the body's defenses, and speeding recovery after illness. For these purposes, decoctions of plants with anti-inflammatory effects (chamomile, sage, oak bark), teas and infusions of berries with a high content of vitamins (currants, cranberries, rose hips) are used.
- Calendula inflorescences, plantain leaves, wormwood grass - equal amounts of everything. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 1 cup of boiling water, simmer over low heat for minutes, strain. Gargle with warm solution every 2 hours.
- Beetroot juice. Grate the beets, squeeze out the juice and gargle with it. Using the same analogy, you can prepare carrot juice, either used alone or diluted with beet juice.
- Sage leaf - 3 parts, chamomile flowers - 3 parts, love spell herb - 3 parts, brew 1 teaspoon of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Gargle for sore throat and pharyngitis.
- Pour 3-5 pieces of spicy cloves into a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Take 50 g of the infusion, but you can take the whole infusion depending on the severity of the disease.
- Grate a glass of beets, pour in a tablespoon of vinegar, and let the mixture settle. Then squeeze out the juice, gargle with it and swallow 1-2 tablespoons.
As for the prognosis of treatment, for catarrhal tonsillitis the prognosis for treatment is favorable in all cases. The disease goes away especially quickly if treatment is started in a timely manner. Favorable prognosis for the treatment of follicular and lacunar tonsillitis. But still, they can lead to the development of chronic tonsillitis.
Severe complications are caused by necrotizing tonsillitis of any form of complexity. The most common complications are rheumatism and glomerulonephritis.
Preventing a disease is always more profitable and easier than treating it. Prevention of sore throat is no exception. At home, you can carry out some simple procedures and follow rules that reduce the risk of getting sick:
- In order to avoid contracting a sore throat, it is also important not to maintain contact with a person with a sore throat, not to use common household items, etc.
- Daily exercises, walking in the fresh air, wiping and dousing with cold water, contrast showers - all this can work wonders on the immune system;
- Proper nutrition. It directly affects the immune system, therefore, it should be rich in healthy food that carries vitamins and minerals to the body, and not fat and cholesterol.
- And one of the basic rules for adults is sanitation of the oral cavity, timely treatment of diseases such as caries, nasal congestion, and adenoiditis.
At the first symptoms of a sore throat, be sure to consult a therapist or ENT doctor for proper treatment.
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Why does sore throat occur?
A sore throat is a very common symptom of an infection in the throat area. This disease is one of the varieties of pharyngitis, and the inflammation mainly affects the palatine tonsils. This disease may have several names, for example, “tonsillitis”, “ amygdalitis ”. In everyday speech, the tonsils are often called tonsils.
The name “pharyngitis” covers not only the inflammatory process in the tonsils, but also inflammation of other lymphatic tissues in the throat area. You can read more about this below.
There are two tonsils in the human body and they are located in the area where the pharynx and oral cavity connect. The tonsil area is separated from other tissues by the palatine arches - formations of the mucous membrane that descend from the soft palate to the base of the tongue. In this regard, the tonsils are also called palatine tonsils. These formations are the proliferation of lymphoid tissues formed by immune cells. In fact, tonsils are lymph nodes that are located in the oral cavity and have a connection with it. The function of the tonsils is a function of local immunity. It is no secret that the mouth, nasopharynx and pharynx are the place where most harmful microorganisms enter the body. The function of the tonsils is to stop and destroy these microorganisms. The cells that make up the tissues of the tonsils react very sensitively to microorganisms that enter the body. In this regard, when pathogenic microbes enter the body, inflammation immediately develops in the tonsils. There are not only palatine tonsils, but also lingual ( at the base of the tongue ), pharyngeal ( on the surface of the pharynx ), and also two tubal ( protect the auditory canals leading to the nose ). Thus, the tonsils block the path of harmful infection into the human body through the nose and mouth on all sides. Doctors even have a special term for the name of these “defensive structures” - Pirogov-Waldeyer ring .
People who have undergone surgery to remove the palatine tonsils are much more tonsillitis , bronchitis, and even pneumonia After all, all respiratory organs are left without protection.
Many different microorganisms can provoke the development of sore throat: these are fungi, bacteria, and viruses. The most common are inflammations provoked by streptococcus, staphylococcus ( in particular aureus ), candida , spirochete , and certain types of viruses ( cytomegalovirus, herpes ). Sometimes inflammation of the tonsils is a consequence of malignant processes in the blood.
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Sore throat - causes
Sore throat (tonsillitis) is an infectious-allergic pathology that occurs as a result of inflammation of the lymphoid tissue in the upper respiratory tract. Bacterial, viral and fungal pathogens can act as an etiological factor provoking the development of the disease. A decrease in local immunobiological barriers leads to intensive proliferation of opportunistic microorganisms, resulting in inflammation.
Why does sore throat appear? Infection of adults and children often occurs through airborne droplets during conversation with a carrier of the infection. The key site of invasion of pathogenic flora is the palatine tonsils and pharynx. The local temperature in these areas corresponds to optimal conditions for the development of streptococci, which most often act as provocateurs of acute inflammation in the lymphoid tissue of the oropharynx.
What are the causes of sore throat? Pathological processes in the respiratory organs are often caused by inflammation of the palatine tonsils, which are accumulations of lymphoid tissue. They are located directly at the junction of the digestive and airways, therefore they are more susceptible to infection by pathogens.
Lymphoid formations have a loose structure, which facilitates the penetration of pathogens into the ENT organs. The introduction of a large number of virulent bacteria into the mucous membrane of the oropharynx leads to the suppression of immune factors, which contributes to the development of the disease. Damage to lymphoid tissue provokes an increase in vascular permeability, resulting in swelling in the throat. Infiltration of the tonsils by neutrophils and macrophages entails the melting of the ciliated epithelium, resulting in the formation of foci of purulent inflammation.
Causative agents of tonsillitis
Why does acute tonsillitis occur in adults? The key reason for the development of pathology is the proliferation of pathogenic flora in the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the ENT organs by exogenous (airborne) or endogenous (hematogenous) routes. Common pathogens that cause the disease include:
In 60% of cases, acute tonsillitis appears as a result of damage to the palatine tonsils by β-hemolytic streptococcus.
With normal reactivity of the body, the number of opportunistic microorganisms in the mucous membrane of the oropharynx is limited. But in the case of a sharp decrease in local and general immunity, pathogenic agents begin intensive development, as a result of which intoxication is observed.
Untimely relief of catarrhal processes can cause the development of severe complications, in particular chronic tonsillitis, otitis media, meningitis, pyelonephritis, etc.
Etiological factors
In small quantities, opportunistic microbes, fungi and viruses are always found in the mucous membrane of the ENT organs. A sharp decrease in the body’s resistance can contribute to an increase in the number of pathogens. The following etiological factors can provoke the development of an infectious disease in adults:
- hypothermia;
- smoking;
- avitaminosis;
- mechanical damage to the throat;
- chronic diseases;
- abuse of hormonal drugs;
- constitutional predisposition;
- hypoplasia of lymphoid tissues.
As a rule, the causes of tonsillitis lie in a decrease in local immunity caused by dysfunction of the palatine tonsils (tonsils). They are involved in the synthesis of protective cells that control the development of pathogens. Malfunctions in the functioning of lymphoid formations inevitably lead to a decrease in local immunity, which is fraught with the development of pathogenic flora.
Psychosomatic reasons
Psychosomatics is a promising direction in psychology and official medicine, which studies the impact of psychological factors on the occurrence of somatic pathologies. Not long ago, scientists came to the conclusion that the development of any infectious disease is based on psychological reasons. Currently, experts are studying the relationship between somatic pathologies and constitutional characteristics of patients.
According to the new theory, diseases arise as a result of psychological disorders caused by mental conflicts in the subconscious and consciousness of a person. Organic causes of the development of pathologies are secondary and are the result of psychosomatic disruptions. What psychological factors can trigger the development of tonsillitis?
According to psychologists and specialists in the field of psychosomatics, infection of the upper respiratory tract is associated with:
- anger;
- irritability;
- holding back emotions;
- constant stress;
- lack of attention;
- social inadaptability.
Acute tonsillitis occurs 4 times more often in children in families whose parents do not pay due attention to them.
Viral sore throat
Viral infection in adults most often occurs as a result of general intoxication of the body and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. For this reason, as the disease develops, patients may complain of cramping abdominal pain, loose stools, constant nausea and fever. Viral flora localized in the upper respiratory tract is most often represented by:
- rhinoviruses;
- syncytial virus;
- coronaviruses;
- herpes virus;
- adenoviruses.
Untimely destruction of a viral infection is fraught with a specific change in the biochemical composition of the blood.
Gastrointestinal dysfunction is caused by general intoxication of the body and a decrease in the number of beneficial bacteria in the small intestine. If the pathology was provoked by rhinoviruses, conjunctivitis, severe runny nose and lacrimation may join the standard manifestations of the infection. Local symptoms of acute tonsillitis in adults are hyperemia of the oropharyngeal mucosa, vesicular rashes on the palatine tonsils, and discomfort in the throat.
Bacterial sore throat
Bacterial (purulent) tonsillitis is the most common form of otolaryngological disease, which occurs as a result of the development of coccal flora in the lymphoid tissue of the oropharynx. As a rule, the causative agent of the infection is streptococcus, which begins to actively reproduce when favorable conditions appear: injuries to the throat mucosa, smoking, hypothermia, vitamin deficiency, etc.
More than 15% of people are latent carriers of streptococcal infections, which can infect a person with reduced immune reactivity.
Bacterial tonsillitis in 30% of cases is complicated, which is due to the rapid spread of pathogenic flora in the airways. Untimely completion of antimicrobial therapy is fraught with the development of otitis media and chronic tonsillitis. The occurrence of low-grade inflammation contributes to the destruction of lymphoid tissue, which can lead to sepsis.
Candidal tonsillitis
Candida infection in adults appears as a result of the uncontrolled development of fungal flora in the lymphoid formations of the pharynx. The causative agent of the infection is often the yeast-like fungus Candida albicans. As a rule, a fungal infection occurs due to a decrease in local immunity, which is associated with excessive use of antibiotics and glucocorticoids.
Candidiasis infection in adults and children occurs as a complication of other pathologies, the treatment of which was accompanied by the use of antimicrobial agents. The general symptoms of the disease are not sufficiently expressed, which complicates the diagnosis and antifungal therapy. A thorough pharyngoscopy examination reveals small purulent foci on the mucous membrane of the tonsils and pharynx. As the pathology progresses, purulent plaque forms on the inner surface of the cheeks and tongue.
Author: Guseinova Irada
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Causes of sore throat
Many people are interested in the causes of sore throat. This disease is an acute inflammation of the palate, tonsils of the tongue and nasopharynx. Most often, the tonsils of the palate succumb to inflammation. Sore throat can be classified as an acute allergic-infectious disease. The causative agent of sore throat can be group A hemolytic streptococcus.
The appearance of sore throat: causes
The main causes of the disease:
- Cold weather without frost. These weather conditions are most suitable for bacteria.
- Epidemic of acute respiratory infections, colds and scarlet fever. This factor can have a negative effect on the throat.
- Cold food or water. You should know that sore throat can appear not only in winter. Ice cream or cold carbonated drinks can cause the disease.
- Weak immunity. In this case, the body will not fight the microbes that enter it.
The disease can be transmitted by airborne droplets, through food and water, and also through direct contact with a sick person. The disease often develops during cold periods (spring or autumn). Sore throat can occur due to hypothermia or diphtheria, influenza and other diseases.
It should be noted that hypothermia is not the main cause of the disease. In most cases, tonsillitis is caused by hemolytic streptococcus. You can easily get infected from healthy people. Another route of transmission is contact (through contaminated dishes). There is a possibility of infection through food, for example, if you drink milk from a cow that has mastitis. It may also be that a person infects himself. In such cases, sore throat is a consequence of tonsillitis, sinusitis and other chronic diseases. The situation can be greatly complicated by unfavorable conditions: decreased immunity, allergic reactions of the body, etc.
Psychological causes of the disease
You need to know that there are other factors that can weaken the immune system. Psychotherapists have identified factors that block human health. The main ones are:
- Refrain from harsh words. Unspoken words can get stuck in the throat in the form of pathogenic microbes, which will contribute to a sore throat. Sore throat often appears in people who are afraid to express their dissatisfaction out loud.
- The person feels as if he cannot express himself. Unspoken thoughts can get stuck in the throat and then turn into germs that cause a sore throat.
Signs of the disease
The main symptoms of the disease are the following:
- sore throat when swallowing;
- elevated temperature (39-40° C);
- headaches.
When examining the throat, it is possible to detect large tonsils that are covered with a white coating. A characteristic sign of the disease is aching joints. If the disease is treated appropriately, the inflammation will disappear in approximately 3-4 days.
Signs that are characteristic of sore throat, and not acute respiratory diseases, are:
- a sharp increase and retention of temperature up to 39 ° C;
- a sore throat.
- bouts of fatigue.
If such symptoms of the disease appear, you will need to immediately contact a qualified specialist.
If, upon examination, the doctor reveals an enlargement of the lymph nodes, a change in the shade of the tonsils, palate, arch and tongue, then he must prescribe appropriate treatment. It also happens that small areas of pus accumulation appear on the tonsils.
Some people confuse the initial signs of a sore throat with the symptoms of a cold. However, practice shows that patients suffer from sore throat much more severely. If spasms in the throat last for more than a week and only get worse, then in this case the patient is worried not about a cold, but about a sore throat. In such cases, appropriate treatment must be started in a timely manner; the disease should not be allowed to progress.
Sore throat can occur in different ways. In this case, everything will depend on the nature of the disease. Signs can be distinguished by type:
- Catarrhal disease. A person falls ill unexpectedly, feeling unwell and having a dry throat. The patient may feel swelling in the throat and pain during swallowing. When visually examined, the tonsils of the palate may appear reddened. Feeling the neck in the area of the lymph gland under the jaw most often provokes severe spasms. Pain during swallowing will increase over time. After 2-3 hours, the temperature may rise to 39° C. Sore throat will be accompanied by constant aching. Migraine can trigger a state of delirium.
- Follicular disease is difficult and long-lasting. In most cases, it can cause serious complications. The main symptoms are headaches and fever. All signs are expressed much more clearly than with catarrhal disease. In the oral cavity, in most patients, the saliva content increases significantly. This disease should be treated exclusively in a hospital under the continuous supervision of the attending physician.
- Lacunar disease is also considered serious. It is accompanied by a strong deterioration in the body's condition. A child's temperature can rise to 40° C. In addition to headaches, swallowing food and liquids can cause discomfort. Quite often, pain in the throat can radiate to the ears. The tonsil mucosa will swell and turn red. Patients will develop the usual white or yellow deposits in the lacunae called sore throats, which are called plugs. The elements consist of bacteria and damaged cells. During the examination, you can notice swelling and redness of the arches of the palate.
The average duration of the disease is 14 days; in children, the disease may last longer.
Sore throat is a contagious disease, so it is necessary to isolate the patient.
How to properly treat a sore throat?
Sore throat needs immediate treatment. It is necessary to observe bed rest, especially at the very beginning. Be sure to gargle with various antiseptics or herbal decoctions. You need to drink tea with honey, raspberries or lemon. An effective way is to spray the throat with an interferon mixture.
Even before visiting the appropriate specialist, you will need to start gargling. This should be done once an hour or more often. Rinsing can be done using a solution of salt, soda or iodine with water. In most cases, doctors prescribe antibacterial agents. After treating the disease, it will be necessary to perform prophylaxis against dysbacteriosis. Medicine cannot do without antibiotics. Treatment of the disease using traditional methods does not have such side effects, but one should not forget that it is necessary to consult a specialist for advice.
It is also worth remembering that you will need to completely exclude the patient’s contact with family members. This is necessary in order to prevent the spread of infection. The patient should prepare a separate towel. With appropriate and immediate treatment, recovery can occur in approximately 7 days.
Possible complications of the disease
One of the complications may be a peritonsillar abscess. It may seem that recovery has occurred, but suddenly the patient develops a sore throat that continually gets worse. After a few days, it will be impossible to swallow, the temperature will rise, and salivation will increase. After 2 days, the patient’s condition will deteriorate so much that during the swallowing process, food will enter exclusively into the nasopharynx. This is due to swelling of the palate. Breathing problems may also occur. In this case, hospitalization will be necessary; only the intervention of a surgeon can help. Self-medication is not allowed.
Manifestations can be local and general. The first includes lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes). Common complications include sepsis, meningitis and other diseases. Therefore, after a sore throat, you will need to perform a blood test twice and perform a cardiogram. This is to ensure that there are no complications.
It is not difficult to cure a sore throat, you only need to immediately consult a doctor if you notice symptoms.
Sore throat - causes, symptoms and treatment
Sore throat occurs when the palate and nasopharyngeal and lingual tonsils become inflamed. The disease can be either infectious or allergic in nature. At the same time, the tonsils located on the palate begin to become acutely inflamed; tonsillitis most often develops due to hemolytic streptococcus A. The disease is dangerous because it can subsequently lead to serious pathological processes in the heart, kidneys and other organs, so it is very important to treat it in a timely manner .
Symptoms and treatment of purulent sore throat
A person becomes infected with this disease when he comes into contact with a sick person, also through drinking, eating, or perhaps through airborne droplets. The disease is typical for cold and damp weather - autumn, spring, it can also appear due to the fact that a person is hypothermic or accompany diseases such as whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever, influenza, often appears in people who have problems with the blood.
But you don’t need to think that sore throat most often appears due to hypothermia; it is provoked by hemolytic streptococcus, so a person becomes infected from someone who has this bacterium. Also through unclean dishes, often through food, if you drink unboiled milk, and the cow has mastitis.
In some cases, sore throat is a complication of sinusitis, chronic tonsillitis, or dental problems. This happens if a person’s immune system is weakened, he has constant allergic reactions, in cases of hypothermia.
What are the symptoms of purulent tonsillitis?
With a sore throat, a person becomes weak, the body temperature rises to 40 degrees, it is impossible to swallow, severe pain in the throat occurs, a headache occurs, and the throat becomes very red. When the doctor examines the throat, he notices that the tonsils are enlarged and covered with plaque on top, often causing pain in the joints. If the disease is treated in time, the person becomes better after 5 days. Doctors often diagnose acute respiratory infections instead of a sore throat, but remember, if the temperature is above 39 degrees, this means that the throat is severely inflamed. At the same time, the patient cannot drink, eat, has difficulty speaking, and then begins to get tired quickly.
If the sore throat is purulent, the lymph nodes become significantly enlarged, the tonsils located on the soft palate change, and ulcers begin to appear on them.
How to properly treat purulent sore throat?
The main thing is not to confuse the disease with a cold, it is more dangerous. When the pain lasts more than one week, and only gets worse, the body temperature remains high, this indicates a sore throat. It is very important to treat it comprehensively immediately and not neglect it.
You need to stay in bed, constantly gargle with herbal decoctions - chamomile, sage, calendula, and also use antiseptic solutions for this. Drink as much liquid as possible - raspberries, linden tea, green tea with lemon, be sure to add honey. Sprays help a lot, especially those containing interferon.
You need to gargle after an hour; an effective solution is a mixture of soda, iodine and salt. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics, but remember that you immediately need to drink something for the stomach to avoid dysbacteriosis.
How to properly treat a sore throat in a child? Sore throat in children
The disease in children can develop due to streptococcus, staphylococcus, also viruses, bacteria - adenoviruses, fungi, pneumococci, spirochetes. Sore throat develops due to a viral infection, after the child has become hypothermic, also with a reduced immune system, poor nutrition, and severe physical and mental fatigue. What provoked a sore throat in a child depends on the infection, the treatment will depend on this, and it also necessarily takes into account how old the child is and how severe the inflammatory process is.
What causes sore throat in a child?
If a child does not eat properly, rarely breathes fresh air, does not exercise, all this negatively affects the child’s immune system, when he gets hypothermic, he immediately gets sick, this can happen if the child’s feet are frozen in the cold, he drank something cold, ate ice cream, as a result, harmful bacteria begin to multiply in the mouth.
Thus, sore throat appears in a child:
1. Due to the child’s weakened immune system.
2. In cases where the child has suffered a viral infectious disease - influenza, ARVI, parainfluenza.
3. If the child has an inflamed nasopharynx due to sinusitis, sinusitis, also the oral cavity due to caries, also otitis media, adenoids.
4. Due to the fact that the child was very cold, he consumed a large amount of cold drink or food.
In children, it is very difficult to detect a sore throat in time, because the child does not say that he has a sore throat, but it can be suspected if the body temperature rises sharply, in addition to a very red throat, there may also be a runny nose.
Please note that if a child’s sore throat is not treated in time, chronic tonsillitis, persistent allergies, cardiovascular diseases, kidney and rheumatoid arthritis may develop. Therefore, immediately after the first symptoms, you need to call your local physician.
When can a child be hospitalized with a sore throat?
1. If he has diabetes, problems with blood clotting, in cases of kidney failure.
2. When a sore throat is complicated by an abscess, cervical phlegmon, rheumatic carditis.
3. If a child experiences severe intoxication during a sore throat, the respiratory system is disrupted, consciousness becomes confused, the temperature cannot be brought down, and nausea, vomiting and convulsions begin to appear.
4. When the child's age is less than one year.
What are the signs of sore throat in children?
It all depends on what type of sore throat, it can be catarrhal, ulcerative-membranous, lacunar, follicular. With primary angina, intoxication begins to develop in children, and the pharynx is affected. With secondary angina, the disease develops due to an acute infectious disease - diphtheria, scarlet fever, leukemia, mononucleosis.
Also for children, tonsillitis of a fungal nature, bacterial, purulent, viral, diphtheria is typical.
But the symptoms of sore throat are similar in all types - the appearance of severe pain in the throat, it is especially felt when the child swallows, the temperature reaches 40 degrees, the child is weak, capricious, he is bothered by severe headaches, then diarrhea and vomiting may appear due to severe intoxication occurs.
After examination, the doctor notices that the tonsils have greatly increased in size, are also red and loose, and a white coating is also visible. At the same time, children are very worried about the lymph nodes, which are located under the jaw and on the neck; please note that they cannot be heated.
Due to the inflammation that occurs with sore throat, the vocal cords are damaged and the voice becomes hoarse. If the disease is diagnosed in time, it can be quickly cured.
Why is it important to see a doctor if your child has a sore throat?
Because it is the pediatrician who can distinguish the plaque that appears on the tonsils and diagnose what kind of sore throat your child has - bacterial, viral, fungal, or diphtheria, stomatitis.
3. The child should stay in bed, eat well, drink as much warm water as possible, constantly gargle or you should help him spray with a spray.
4. In case of follicular tonsillitis, it is very important to get tested and check the bacterial sensitivity to the antibiotic so that it definitely helps cure the disease in the child. This form is best treated in a hospital. Injections may be needed, and note that angina follicularis is contagious.
It is very important to distinguish between bacterial and viral tonsillitis in a child. Remember, if the sore throat is viral, plaque does not appear on the tonsils, the throat may swell a little and become red. In this case, the child may first have a runny nose, high temperature, increased production of tears from the eyes, a dry cough, and then a severe sore throat. In cases of bacterial sore throat, swelling immediately appears, almond plaque forms, a severe sore throat appears, the body temperature may rise sharply, and the child suffers from intoxication.
There is also a sore throat of a herpetic nature, when blisters form on the tonsils, after they burst, ulcers begin to form. This type can be treated with the help of antiviral drugs, taking drugs such as Famciclovir, Valvir, Acyclovir, Valacyclovir, Virdel. It is necessary to carefully give the child immunostimulants and antiviral drugs, because they can only aggravate the situation with a strong allergic reaction; Viferon and Gippferon are safe.
In order for the child to recover as quickly as possible, the treatment must be comprehensive; if prescribed, it is necessary to give him antibiotics, antihistamines, antipyretics, constantly gargle, take eubiotics, and vitamins. For purulent angina, inhalations, warm compresses, ointments and creams that heat up are prohibited.
Older children are advised to gargle as much as possible, while younger children need to treat it with aerosols and sprays. It is also worth paying attention that you cannot constantly use the same medicine for the throat, it will not help.
You can spray your throat with sprays that are sold at the pharmacy - Lugol, Tantum Verde, Ingallipt, Hexoral. You can gargle with Miramistin solution, also with peroxide diluted with water, potassium permanganate, furatsilin gargle helps a lot.
You can also independently prepare a decoction for gargling your child, for this you need to use herbs such as chamomile, sage, calendula, you can buy a ready-made herbal collection at the pharmacy - Rotokan, Ingafitol, Evcarom. A soda-salt solution with iodine is also effective.
Please note that it is best not to lubricate the tonsils with antiseptics for children, because the mucous membrane may be damaged. Older children can be given antiseptic lozenges - Strepsils, Faringosept, Hexoral, Grammidin.
What should be considered when treating sore throat in children?
1. Sprays should not be used by children under 3 years of age, because they cannot retain air, which can cause laryngospasm; it is best to spray them on the cheek or smear the pacifier.
2. The child should learn to gargle as early as possible.
3. Be careful with lozenges; it is best not to give them to children under two years of age.
4. It is very important to pay attention that some drugs can cause a severe allergic reaction.
5. After you have treated your child's throat, he should not eat.
6. Do not overload the child’s body with medications, this worsens the immune system.
7. If the body temperature rises above 38.5 degrees, it needs to be brought down with the help of Nurofen, ibuprofen, paracetomol; in case of a bacterial infection, it only decreases for a few hours, so it is imperative to use antibiotics in this situation. In infants, it is necessary to bring down the temperature with the help of suppositories - Nurofen, Tsefekon, Efferalgan.
Thus, remember that sore throat is very dangerous for a child, because it leads to serious pathological processes in the future, so it is very important to treat it on time.
Follicular tonsillitis: symptoms, signs, treatment
This form of the disease occurs when pus forms on the tonsils. Most often it affects children and adults under 40 years of age.
What causes follicular tonsillitis?
1. Due to ingestion of hemolytic streptococcus, Candida fungi, viruses, staphylococci of group G, C.
2. If a person is very tired, hypothermic, and also malnourished due to vitamin deficiency.
Most often, the pathogen can live in the human body for a long time, but when the body’s protective reaction decreases, it begins to attack the person.
Follicular tonsillitis can be contracted by inhaling air, through the fecal-oral route, or through household contact. Sore throat can be transmitted through household objects, food, and water.
What symptoms are characteristic of follicular tonsillitis?
1. First, the mucous membrane of the palate becomes very inflamed, then the tonsils.
2. The oral cavity becomes covered with mucus.
3. The appearance of a sore throat.
4. Increased body temperature, slight swelling of the throat and mucous membranes.
5. Lymph nodes become enlarged and are painful to touch.
6. After 3 days, you can find bubbles on the tonsils that have pus inside, while the sore throat intensifies, the temperature can rise to 40 degrees, and the lymph nodes enlarge.
7. You may notice that purulent stripes appear on the tonsils.
How does follicular sore throat occur without fever?
1. The tonsils turn red.
2. The tonsils and surrounding tissues swell.
3. Acidity increases in tissues.
4. The organ loses its functionality.
5. Severe pain bothers me.
The norm is when the body temperature rises, then the immune system fights the disease; if this does not happen, this means that the person may have serious health problems - metabolic disorders, autoimmune diseases, infection, heart failure, also if the person used antibiotics for a long time in cases of alcohol intoxication. Also, if follicular tonsillitis is chronic, in women during menstruation.
How dangerous is follicular tonsillitis?
Medicine has proven that this disease affects the work and functionality of systemic organs - the heart, blood vessels; a person may subsequently develop arthrosis, arthritis, kidney diseases, and problems with the urinary system. If the disease becomes chronic, skin problems may arise in the future - dermatitis, psoriasis; only when the tonsils are removed does the person’s skin condition improve. Lupus, polyarthritis, and vasculitis may also develop in the future. Follicular tonsillitis is dangerous for the respiratory system; a person may have chronic pneumonia.
It also affects the condition of the liver; if a person has viral hepatitis and has suffered from a sore throat, it can worsen. Rarely, Meniere's syndrome, Raynaud's disease, problems with the menstrual cycle in women, obesity, impotence, and disruptions in the hormonal system may further develop.
How to treat follicular tonsillitis?
This form is treated with medication and surgery. Medicinal treatment includes taking antibiotics, which can be used to calm down microbes - streptococcus or staphylococcus. Antibiotics of the penicillin series are prescribed; if a person cannot tolerate them, then the macrolide group. They help get rid of symptoms within two days.
Medicinal treatments for follicular tonsillitis include gargling, washing, spraying the throat; antimicrobial drugs are used for this.
They may also prescribe antihistamines, painkillers and immunomodulators.
Physiotherapeutic procedures are also effective - electrophoresis, inhalation, magnet, microwave, ultraviolet irradiation, UHF.
Surgical treatment is used as a last resort if follicular tonsillitis constantly recurs. The operation during which the tonsils are removed is performed under local anesthesia. But in no case should this be done if there are problems with metabolism, hemophilia, heart or kidney failure.
Also during pregnancy, in cases of infectious disease.
When is urgent tonsil surgery needed?
1. If the tonsils are greatly enlarged, this makes it difficult for a person to breathe and swallow, especially at night.
2. If medications do not help cure follicular tonsillitis.
3. If the pus begins to spread to the tissues that surround the tonsils.
Modern medicine offers the following methods for removing tonsils:
1. Excision using ultrasound, scissors, infrared scalpel.
2. Radiofrequency ablation - laser.
Herpes sore throat causes, symptoms, how to cure?
This form appears due to the enteroviruses ECHO and Coxsackie. It can be contracted through the oral-fecal route when the patient is in close contact with someone else. It most often appears in summer and autumn. Often a consequence of the flu.
What symptoms are characteristic of herpes sore throat?
The symptoms are similar to other types of sore throat, but it begins acutely, the temperature immediately rises to 40 degrees, the person suffers from severe chills, and in some cases there may be no sore throat. There is a noticeable increase in the cervical and submandibular lymph nodes. The person also loses appetite and becomes lethargic. After a visual examination by a doctor, you can notice red bubbles that reach a diameter of 5 mm; they form on the palate, back wall and tongue.
Often, herpes sore throat can develop due to an intestinal virus, while a person is bothered by nausea, vomiting, problems with stool, and acute pain in the abdominal area.
How to treat herpes sore throat?
The first step is to get rid of high body temperature; for this, antipyretic drugs are used, as well as painkillers, antiseptics, and drugs that can help strengthen the immune system.
Often a bacterial infection is associated with herpes sore throat, then you need to take antibiotics. To get rid of almond swelling, you need to constantly gargle with herbal decoctions based on sage, chamomile, calendula, potassium permanganate, table salt, furatsilin also help well, you can use aerosols to irrigate the throat. In no case should you use lotions or compresses for herpes sore throat, because this can cause the infection to spread throughout the body.
How dangerous is herpes sore throat?
If it is not treated in time, rheumatism, meningitis, nephritis and encephalitis may appear in the future. This happens if a person treated the disease incorrectly or did not complete treatment.
Lacunar tonsillitis in children and adults
This form of the disease differs from others in that it can affect the lymph nodes in the lacunar area. Most often, children suffer from it because their immunity is weakened. The cause of its development is streptococci, adenoviruses, and staphylococci.
Lacunar tonsillitis is contagious, transmitted when a person coughs, sneezes, talks loudly, also by contact, to children through toys. You can become infected if you consume low-quality food, especially pay attention to what kind of dairy products you consume.
Lacunar tonsillitis can be a consequence of surgery performed on the nasopharynx, and also develops due to dental caries.
The disease develops if a person is overtired, overcooled, in cases of dampness, sudden temperature changes, environmental pollution - gas, dust, chemicals.
What are the symptoms of lacunar tonsillitis?
In a child, this disease has an abrupt onset, the body temperature immediately rises, and the body reacts very strongly to it. In this case, there may be intoxication, the throat begins to hurt very much, then there may be chills, the throat begins to get very sore, it hurts for a person to swallow, the lymph nodes become enlarged, they become painful. Frustration, vomiting, and spasms in the intestines and stomach may also occur. A yellowish coating of pus forms on the tonsils.
How does lacunar tonsillitis occur in children?
It is more difficult for children to cope with this disease than for adults, because severe intoxication occurs, convulsions are possible, all this negatively affects the cardiovascular system. When the lymph nodes enlarge, the child has difficulty breathing, which can cause an inflammatory process in the lungs.
Treatment methods for lacunar tonsillitis?
It is very important to maintain bed rest, you will also need antibacterial medications, and the dosage and age must be taken into account. Lacunar tonsillitis can be cured with the following antibiotics:
4. Sore throat can be cured with the help of macrolides - Sumamed, azithromycin, Macropen.
For antibiotics to really help, you must undergo a bacterial culture test. With its help, you can choose the drug that is suitable for yourself.
Children do not need to be forced to eat, because when the disease occurs, the liver, digestive system, and kidneys are stressed. It is best to give the child as much warm drink as possible; food should be liquid - porridge, pureed soups. Avoid milk because bacteria will multiply even faster; you should gargle after drinking it.
To relieve swelling from the tonsils, improve breathing, and get rid of pain, you need to take antihistamines - Zodak, Cetrin, Suprastin, Tavegil.
For lacunar sore throat, you need to drink as much as possible of weak green tea with honey, lemon, raspberries, rosehip infusions, and still mineral water.
For the first few days, it is very important to constantly gargle with antiseptics - furatsilin, chlorophyllipt, miramistin, you can use sprays. The faster you remove the purulent plaque, the faster you can recover. The air in the room must be humidified.
After you have been ill, it is very important to take a course of vitamins and probiotics, because due to the purulent process, prolonged intoxication, the immune system weakens, and all this also negatively affects the condition of the intestines.
What are the complications of lacunar angina?
If the disease is not treated in time, the disease can be complicated by pneumonia, fibrinous tonsillitis, as well as nephritis, meningitis, sepsis, and myocarditis. For children, lacunar tonsillitis is dangerous due to abscess, laryngitis, rheumatism, and inflammation in the middle ear.
Catarrhal sore throat: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
This is one of the milder forms of sore throat and does not need to be treated with antibiotics. Catarrhal tonsillitis appears after the age of 3 years, when the tonsils are already well formed.
What causes catarrhal sore throat?
When microbes get into the throat, a disease occurs, this often happens due to the fact that climatic conditions change sharply, and a lack of vitamins can also provoke the development of sore throat.
Often catarrhal tonsillitis occurs due to adenoviruses when the laryngeal immune system is reduced. This form of the disease develops not only in the lower respiratory tract, but also in the upper.
What symptoms occur with catarrhal tonsillitis?
1. The tonsils are slightly enlarged.
2. Swelling of the pharynx, the occurrence of painful sensations in it.
3. Mucus is released.
4. The throat becomes dry and very sore.
5. Difficult to swallow.
6. It seems that the tonsils are being squeezed very hard.
7. The appearance of a severe headache.
8. Chills, general weakness.
9. Lymph nodes become enlarged.
How does catarrhal sore throat occur in children?
Convulsive conditions may appear, and pain in the back of the head occurs. If the disease is caused by an adenovirus, symptoms resemble meningitis, and Kerning's symptom, characteristic of this disease, may appear. If a child’s body temperature rises with this form of sore throat, this may indicate sepsis.
How dangerous is catarrhal tonsillitis?
It can lead to heart problems, glomerulonephritis, rheumatism, and further problems with bones and joints. Sore throat is also dangerous because in the future it can develop an abscess, diseases of the trachea and bronchi.
Treatment of catarrhal tonsillitis
You can reduce symptoms by rinsing with herbal decoctions, you can only drink warm drinks - compotes, fruit juice, but not sour, jelly, tea with honey and lemons.
When the disease just begins, it is necessary to lie down so that there is no kidney or cardiac stress and problems with the joints do not arise in the future.
For a while you need to forget about sour, solid, sweet foods, you need to eat semi-liquid and liquid healthy foods. If you are ill, you should not smoke, and also avoid passive smoking.
The pain can be relieved with antiseptic sprays. It is very important that if catarrhal tonsillitis becomes complicated, consult a doctor immediately.
Sore throat during pregnancy: how to save yourself and your child?
The disease is especially dangerous during pregnancy because it can affect the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy. During this important period of life, a woman is susceptible to various infectious diseases because she has a weakened immune system. If a woman gets a sore throat, her body's defenses are further reduced.
What are the symptoms of sore throat during pregnancy?
The woman loses her appetite, she gets chills, she weakens, gets tired quickly, her body temperature rises sharply, she constantly sweats, she is bothered by severe headaches, the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes are significantly enlarged and painful. The tonsils turn red, there is pain in the throat, it is difficult to swallow, and plaque may form on the tonsils.
How to treat sore throat during pregnancy?
It is very important to constantly lie down until complete recovery, adhere to a diet so as not to burden the body, and also drink as much as possible.
Remember, during pregnancy, you should never treat yourself on your own; you must immediately call your doctor at home, he will advise you on what you can do and what you cannot do. In no case should you get a sore throat in the first trimester, because you may have a miscarriage. Also, after you have been ill, it is very important to monitor the condition of the fetus with an ultrasound.
A pregnant woman's diet must include foods rich in vitamin C.
It is impossible to bring down the temperature with aspirin or paracetamol, so it is best to do this by rubbing with warm water with the addition of vinegar.
Constantly gargle with herbal infusions.
Drugs such as Yox, calendula tincture, propolis, Stopangin are prohibited during pregnancy.
What medications can be used for sore throat during pregnancy?
1. The chlorhexidine solution is not absorbed into the blood, it will help get rid of germs, but it causes plaque to appear on the teeth.
2. Rinse with miramistin, it does not penetrate the placenta.
3. Chamomile is an excellent anti-inflammatory remedy; you should gargle with it.
4. Lugol is a safe remedy for sore throat, but it is used in severe cases.
5. Most lozenges cannot be used during pregnancy; only Lizobact and Chlorophyllipt can be used.
6. It’s good to gargle with this solution; add a few drops of tea tree essential oil to a glass of water.
How to protect yourself from sore throat during pregnancy?
1. Have as little contact with sick people as possible; you should have your own dishes and personal hygiene products.
2. Wash your hands and use antibacterial products.
3. During a flu epidemic, you need to lubricate your nose with oxolinic ointment, then gargle at night with infusions of calendula and eucalyptus.
4. Take vitamins.
5. Monitor the air in the room, it should not be too dry, constantly humidify it, ventilate the room.
Why is sore throat dangerous during pregnancy?
If the infection is not treated, it can spread throughout the body, leading to miscarriage or premature birth. In this case, blood circulation in the uterus may be disrupted, the fetus may suffer from a lack of oxygen, may be delayed in development, and the placenta may also detach. Due to the fact that sore throat causes intoxication, the waters may be green. When the child is already fully formed, the infection is not so dangerous for him, because it does not cause pathological processes in development, but still, labor can begin earlier because the child suffers from hypoxia.
1. Negative effect on the heart, may be a defect or rheumatism. Because when the body begins to fight a bacterial infection, antibodies begin to be actively produced, which negatively affect the functioning of the heart. Diseases such as myocarditis, arrhythmia, cyanosis, shortness of breath, and swelling of the legs may develop.
2. Sore throat negatively affects the condition of the joints; rheumatism and arthritis very often develop.
3. The disease is dangerous for the renal system; in the future there may be glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis.
4. Sore throat causes complications in the ears and maxillary sinuses; this can cause chronic sinusitis and sinusitis.
5. Often, due to the disease, the larynx swells, the lymph nodes become inflamed, and it is dangerous because it can lead to meningitis and problems with the thyroid gland.
6. In children, sore throat can cause an abscess.
Treatment of sore throat at home, folk remedies
1. Gargle with a soda-salt solution with added iodine.
2. This recipe works well; to prepare it, you need to grind the lemon, do not peel it, add sugar or honey. Take one teaspoon up to 6 times a day.
3. Take 200 ml of apple juice, add garlic cloves, boil for 5 minutes, leave, drink in small sips.
4. Take 100 grams of vodka, add 2 tablespoons of salt, and apply this tincture to your tonsils.
5. Rinsing with marshmallow infusion helps a lot; it must be warm.
6. Take 200 ml of juice from the millennium, add hot beer to it, gargle with this decoction at least three times a day.
7. To gargle effectively with this solution, you will need 250 ml of beetroot juice and a tablespoon of vinegar.
8. In half a liter of water you need to brew 100 grams of blueberries. Leave and gargle as often as possible.
9. After eating, you can chew propolis.
10. It is good to apply a fresh cabbage leaf to your throat, this way you can get rid of pain and heat.
Please note that folk remedies may be additional to the main course of treatment.
Treatment of sore throat and prescription of antibiotics
It must be remembered that sore throat is not always treated with antibiotics; they are prescribed if the sore throat is caused by streptococcus and the diagnosis was made on the basis of a rapid test and microbiological diagnosis. Antibiotics are necessary for a sore throat to prevent the development of complications in the future, and also so that the sore throat does not recur in the near future.
To treat sore throat, antibiotics are used such as:
2. Penicillin groups.
You need to pay attention, if the antibiotic does not help within two days, it needs to be replaced, it is not suitable for you.
Antibiotics of the tetracycline group, sulfonamides, cotrimaxazole, chloramphenicol can also be used.
With the catarrhal form of tonsillitis, antibiotics are most often not prescribed; anti-inflammatory drugs, antihistamines and antipyretics are used for its treatment.
Thus, sore throat is a serious disease that cannot be treated on its own; it is best to immediately seek help from a doctor, and he will prescribe an effective course of therapy. If a sore throat is not treated correctly, there can be serious complications in the form of pathologies of vital system organs.
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