Inhalations with propolis

Inhalations with propolis: effective relief from colds

Bee products are effective in combating various diseases. To treat the respiratory system, inhalation with propolis in a nebulizer can be used as an adjuvant.

Table of contents:

The use of this device makes the procedure more effective, as it allows the medicine to penetrate deep enough into the lungs. However, if you don’t have a device, you can use a proven method - breathe healing vapors over a container of boiling water and medicine.

Beekeeping by-products are no less useful than honey. Propolis is effective for preventing various diseases and strengthening the immune system. Its tincture is used as a concomitant medication in the form of inhalations.

Diseases for which propolis vapor will help:

  • bronchitis, including obstructive;
  • tonsillitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • asthmatic bronchitis.

When inhaled, the medicinal substance enters directly into the source of inflammation, relieves pain and helps to liquefy sputum.

It is important to remember - all bee products are allergenic! Before doing propolis inhalations, make sure that they are not contraindicated for you.

Inhalations are a popular way to treat diseases of the lungs and nasopharynx. It is most effective to carry them out using a special device - a nebulizer. It divides the healing solution into tiny drops and, under pressure, directs them into the lungs or nasopharynx. Thanks to this, the best result is achieved.

For steam treatment, you can take both propolis tincture and dry matter. In any case, the solution must be prepared in advance.

Rub dry propolis thoroughly before use. Then dilute 3 g of powder in 0.2 liters of hot water. This recipe will help cope with a dry cough, soften phlegm and have a slight analgesic effect. Inhalation is carried out in 6-9 deep breaths. It is better to use a mouthpiece as a nozzle.

Alcohol tincture of propolis is prepared industrially. For the nebulizer you need to dilute it:

  • 1 ml is dissolved in 20 ml of boiling water;
  • 3 drops from the resulting solution are poured into the apparatus.

The duration of the procedure is no more than 10 minutes. You can use any attachment for this recipe. It will help relieve an acute cough, ease nasal breathing, and soften the throat.

If you do not have an inhalation device, then breathing healing vapors over a pan of boiling water will be no less effective. Prepare a liter of hot water, pour 5-6 drops of propolis alcohol tincture into it. Inhale the steam for at least 10 minutes.

Propolis is one of the most famous natural medicines. In combination with the achievements of modern technology, it can give an amazing healing effect. Consult with your doctor and, if there are no contraindications, feel free to proceed with the procedures.

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Inhalations with propolis: in a nebulizer and without

Inhalations with propolis are used for the prevention and treatment of upper respiratory tract infections, as well as to strengthen the immune system. The procedure can be carried out using a special device - a nebulizer or by inhaling the vapor of the solution over a saucepan.

The therapeutic effect of propolis is based on its ability to destroy pathogenic flora and relieve pain, as well as its sedative effect. Active substances in a finely dispersed state are able to penetrate into the lungs and into deep pathological inflammatory foci.

Bee glue increases the activity of cells capable of phagocytosis. Phagocytosis is the process of capture and destruction of pathogenic bacteria by human immunocompetent cells. After antigenic presentation by special cells, the foreign genome is recognized and gradually destroyed, which ends with complete illumination from the organism.

In addition, propolis is able to neutralize toxins produced by virulent strains. Inhaling propolis vapor will help get rid of bronchitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, sinusitis and asthma.

Propolis inhalation procedure using a nebulizer

A nebulizer is a device that sprays an ultra-small amount of a drug. There are compressor and ultrasonic devices. The portable nebulizer is easy to use and makes the inhalation procedure as comfortable and effective as possible. It is important to follow the operating rules; talking during the procedure is prohibited.

It is acceptable to use dry matter of natural propolis or tincture of water or alcohol. Dry bee glue is first ground to a finely ground powder, 5 grams of which are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Inhalations are carried out using a mouthpiece attachment by taking deep breaths at least 10 times. The procedure will help eliminate dry cough, soften phlegm and relieve pain.

Propolis tincture with alcohol can be prepared independently or purchased at a pharmacy. The solution purchased at the pharmacy is diluted with water before use to achieve the desired concentration of the tincture. For this purpose, 1 ml of solution is poured into 30 ml of boiled water. For inhalation with a nebulizer, use no more than 5 drops of the resulting solution and any nozzle.

The procedure for inhaling the vapor of an alcoholic tincture of propolis takes 10 minutes. When the inhalation procedure is carried out correctly, acute sore throat is relieved and nasal congestion is eliminated.

Inhalations with propolis without a nebulizer

The absence of a nebulizer is not a limitation for treatment with a pair of propolis tinctures. It is permissible to prepare the tincture in a saucepan in a water bath according to the recipe described above and deeply inhale the healing vapors over the saucepan. The finished alcohol tincture is dripped into 1 liter of distilled hot water (10-15 drops) and inhaled. It is advisable to cover your head with a towel to prevent unwanted spraying of vapors. The duration of the procedure is at least 10 minutes.

Based on the basic recipe, modifications are prepared by adding other medicinal ingredients. For example, royal jelly (“royal jelly”) enhances the antibacterial effect, saturates the body with vitamins and essential macro- and microelements, and also relieves bronchospasms. A decoction of coltsfoot, medicinal sage and calendula thins mucus and improves expectoration. A solution of propolis with the addition of medicinal herbs is used for inhalation and gargling.

Safety and high therapeutic potential are noted. The peculiarity of the procedure is that to achieve maximum effectiveness after inhaling the vapors, you need to hold your breath, in this case, complete diffusion of the active components will occur in the tissue of the bronchi and lungs. It has been noted that the first inhalation of medicinal vapors causes a cough and sore throat.


Ready-made propolis products

When it is not possible to prepare propolis ointment or tincture yourself, you can buy a ready-made product, and even somewhere better, for example, propolis products from the ZDOROV company, the largest API manufacturer.

Cream-wax “ZDOROV” with propolis:

Propolis elixir “HEALTHY”

Phytoapiproducts with propolis:


Inhalations with propolis - experts advise!

Propolis, sometimes called bee glue, is a versatile product. Even despite insufficient study, existing information indicates its numerous healing properties. Thanks to the unique combination of essential oils and resins, it has antibacterial, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and many other beneficial properties. Propolis is also used in the treatment of ailments associated with the bronchopulmonary system. Inhalations with propolis tincture are an excellent addition to complex therapy of the respiratory system.

What are the benefits of inhalation with bee glue?

Indications for inhalation with propolis in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system are based on its following capabilities:

  • eliminating irritation and inflammation;
  • mucosal regeneration;
  • pain relief;
  • getting rid of wheezing;
  • thinning sputum;
  • reducing stagnation of pus and mucus
  • softening cough;
  • successful fight against runny nose.

Inhalations with propolis in a nebulizer are successfully used:

  • for bronchitis (all types);
  • non-allergic bronchial asthma;
  • acute respiratory infections;
  • hypothermia;
  • obstructive pulmonary breathing disorder.

This series can also be supplemented with tuberculosis, tracheitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, but an aqueous solution of bee glue is especially effective for bronchitis.

General rules for inhalation

A nebulizer is a device specially designed for inhalation, which allows you to get a much greater effect than with conventional steam procedures.

The use of propolis for inhalation with a nebulizer can be either an individual procedure to improve the general condition of the body, or carried out in conjunction with drug treatment for bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory system.

Inhalation is carried out in different ways, depending on the type of ailment. In case of inflammation of the throat, you must use the mask included in the kit (including a separate one for children). In addition, using special cannulas, inhalation of propolis for inhalation can be done through the nose.

In anticipation of the procedures and after them, eating and smoking are prohibited for one and a half hours. The most convenient option for performing the manipulation is a sitting position.

How to carry out inhalation?

Firstly, when carrying out inhalation in nebulizers, you need to know: since a propolis solution is used for inhalation, the methods for adults and children differ. In addition, propolis for inhalation is not always beneficial for a child. The fact is that propolis tincture can be based on water or alcohol. At the same time, different concentrations are used in alcohol tinctures. Such tinctures are strictly prohibited for children under 14 years of age. To treat bronchitis in children, only aqueous tincture should be used, but even in this case, in order to eliminate unwanted side effects, bronchitis in children is treated by inhalation, starting from the age of three.

Propolis tincture must be diluted with physiological solution - to prepare the infusion, 20 ml is needed per 1 ml of undiluted solution. To improve the healing properties of the solution, it can be supplemented with royal jelly, as well as wild rosemary, sage, chamomile, elecampane and other beneficial herbs.

The solution required for one procedure has a volume of 3 ml. The first inhalation should be carried out for no more than 2 minutes, gradually increasing the duration to ten to fifteen.

Attention! To achieve the best result, a fifteen-second breath hold is recommended during manipulation. This will help volatile medicinal substances actively “process” the lungs and bronchi. As the inhalation time increases, the number of delays should also be proportionally increased.

One more note: at the beginning of the therapeutic course, you may have a sore throat or an involuntary cough - there is no need to be afraid of these phenomena, they will stop over time.

Our advice: it is recommended to buy propolis tincture diluted with saline solution in pharmacies. To prepare a water solution at home, do not forget to boil it first.

Propolis inhalation for pregnant women

A special conversation about how beneficial the procedures are for expectant mothers? Although in general pregnancy and inhalation using nebulizers are not mutually exclusive concepts, it should be noted that a possible allergy to bee products can harm both the mother and the fetus. Naturally, this means the option with only water tincture. But even in this case, you definitely need to consult a doctor, since there are also certain contraindications: for example, if a pregnant woman suffers from asthma, it is best to refrain from the procedures.

In any case, it is not recommended to get involved in inhalations during pregnancy.


Inhalations with propolis: indications for use and recipes

Propolis, or as it is also called “bee glue,” is a substance that bees collect in early spring from the sticky buds of various trees, and then process it with their enzymes. The resulting resinous viscous substance serves the bees to seal the cracks of the hive in order to maintain a certain microclimate. In addition, bees prepare honeycombs with this substance, polishing them, after which larval eggs will be laid there.

If for some reason a foreign insect or small animal gets into the hive, the bees are forced to mummify it so as not to destroy the hive, but to isolate the unexpected visitor from the honeycomb.

From each hive, beekeepers annually collect from 55 to 160 grams of propolis. The taste of this substance is bitter, pungent, and the color varies from light yellow to dark brown. “Bee glue” melts at a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius; at sub-zero temperatures it begins to crumble. The biochemical composition of propolis contains about 200 organic compounds, trace elements, resins, esters, vitamins, and pollen.

Indications for use

Official and traditional medicine have been using the medicinal properties of propolis for a very long time and successfully. Preparations based on propolis components treat cases that are beyond the reach of conventional treatment methods: trophic ulcers, deep burns, necrosis, long-term skin diseases, purulent inflammation, tuberculosis and many other problems. Propolis is very effective for acute as well as chronic sinusitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, bronchitis and tracheitis.

Chronic throat diseases

The spectrum of action of propolis, as well as the methods of its use, are very diverse. One of them is inhalation. Since beekeeping products have a delicate structure, heating them at temperatures above 60 degrees leads to the loss of unique beneficial properties, therefore, a special device is required for inhalation - a nebulizer. Through a nebulizer, the active substance is activated not through hot water vapor created by a heating element, but through the creation of a water suspension, by ultrasound or pressure.

Effect of propolis on the respiratory tract

Inhalation procedures using propolis for infections of the respiratory tract, nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses lead to a reduction in the inflammatory process, and also have a mucloitic effect - sputum and purulent discharge become more liquid, which facilitates their removal from the body naturally. Inhalation sessions relieve wheezing, laryngospasm, swelling of the vocal cords, and help with difficulty breathing. Thanks to propolis, the local immune defense of tissues to resist infections increases, and the overall tone of the whole body increases.

Health-improving inhalations using propolis are effective when used separately, as well as as part of complex therapy with broad-spectrum antibiotics. It has been clinically proven that the bee product has the ability to double the effect of all antibacterial and sulfonamide medications.

How to do inhalations - recipes

To carry out inhalations with propolis in a nebulizer, you need to prepare a special solution with an alcohol tincture, which is available in two types:

  • 70 degree tincture containing 20 percent propolis;
  • 40 degree tincture containing 10 percent propolis.

It is recommended to take saline solution as the main liquid to which the medicinal components of propolis are added. It is not advisable to use water, even distilled, for a nebulizer, since the reaction to it is often laryngospasm. Sometimes, instead of saline solution, Borjomi mineral water is used, but not carbonated water.

To carry out inhalation, it is enough to prepare only 3 milliliters of solution:

  • when using a 10 percent tincture, add 10 drops of tincture for every 3 milliliters of saline solution;
  • when using a 20 percent tincture, add 5 drops of tincture for every 3 milliliters of saline solution.

The resulting solution is poured into the nebulizer tank and inhalation is carried out with propolis tincture. The procedure continues until all the liquid has completely evaporated.

Propolis tincture at home

To ensure the quality of the medicine used, you can prepare propolis tincture yourself at home. You can purchase propolis at any specialized store that sells beekeeping products or from beekeepers.

For the tincture you will need 10 grams of propolis, which must be crushed into pieces approximately 2-4 millimeters in size. The crushed substance is placed in an opaque container and filled with 70 percent alcohol (to replace it, you can use 40 proof vodka) with a volume of 90 milliliters. Close the whole thing tightly with a lid and leave to infuse for at least 10 days at room temperature. Every day the container must be shaken several times a day. After the 10-day period, the container must be placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours and only after that the resulting tincture can begin to be filtered. The liquid should be absolutely transparent, with a pleasant bitter odor, its color can be yellow or dark brown - it all depends on the source raw material. The product should be stored in the refrigerator; it retains its properties for at least 5 years.

Features of use in a nebulizer

The use of a nebulizer device allows you to spray a fine dispersive dust-like suspension of a medicinal substance, which contributes to its most effective and deep penetration into the human body. It is not possible to achieve a similar effect with steam inhalation.

When inhaling the mixture from a nebulizer, after each inhalation you need to hold your breath for 5-10 seconds. It is most convenient to use a mask attachment rather than a mouthpiece.

The very first inhalation sessions can be short - children can start with 2-3 breaths, and adults with 4-5. Every day the number of breaths should be increased by 1-2, gradually bringing them to 6. The course of treatment with inhalations is 7 days, 3 inhalations per day.

The first inhalation of a medicinal suspension can cause laryngospasm and cough. There is no need to be afraid of this - this is how your body adapts to the active substance. The next breath will be taken in the usual manner.

There are rules to follow when inhaling:

  • the patient must not speak during the procedure;
  • the session can only be carried out while sitting;
  • After the session, you are prohibited from going outside or eating for an hour and a half.

Each nebulizer comes with a set of different attachments. How to use them:

  • for rhinitis, use a nozzle with cannulas in both nasal passages - thus, the medicine specifically affects the source of inflammation;
  • for tracheitis and laryngitis, it is best to use a mask that will help draw in the medicinal suspension simultaneously through the mouth and nose;
  • for bronchial diseases, a mouthpiece is used, which allows you to take as deep a breath as possible and hold your breath.

Important! When performing steam inhalations, it is very important to assess the patient’s condition. If the body temperature of a sick person at this moment is above 37 degrees, steam inhalation is contraindicated for him. Hardware inhalation has its advantages - when inhaled through a nebulizer, the procedure is approved for use even when the patient’s body temperature rises above 38 degrees.


Propolis, despite all its positive qualities, is a very strong allergen. Therefore, in persons with individual intolerance to bee products, allergic and atopic reactions may occur when using preparations with propolis, which is an absolute contraindication and a reason for refusing inhalation sessions.

Inhalations with propolis preparations should be used very carefully in pediatrics, and it is best not to use this remedy for children under 1 year of age in order to avoid unforeseen complications. Before using beekeeping products, older children need to undergo an allergy test to clarify the body's reaction to propolis. If the results of such a test are positive, propolis is contraindicated.

For patients with a history of chronic renal or liver failure, cholelithiasis, pancreatitis, urolithiasis, the use of propolis is not recommended.

Patients who, for one reason or another, are contraindicated for autoimmune therapy should not use propolis. Such cases include cancer patients, HIV-infected patients, post-transplant conditions, and others.

Important! To adapt the body to propolis, it is best to start using it with small trial dosages. If no undesirable manifestations occur from the body, you can gradually move on to therapeutic doses, which only a doctor can recommend to you. Exceeding dosages is not permissible.

Since ancient times, people have considered propolis to be a natural medicine that brilliantly copes with any infections and microorganisms, leaving them no chance. This substance is also invaluable for strengthening the immune system - consuming propolis not only reduces the risk of colds, but it is also a powerful prevention of cancer. Propolis rejuvenates the body, maintains vigor, strength, and endurance. By improving cellular metabolism, it significantly slows down the aging process.


All materials on the website are for informational purposes only. Before using any medications or procedures, consultation with a doctor is required! Self-medication can harm your health

21+ © 2018 Beekeeping Magazine

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Inhalations with propolis

Inhalations with propolis relieve inflammation of the lower respiratory tract, help thin mucus, and relieve wheezing.

Propolis is widely used in ointments, tinctures, and suppositories. But for the treatment of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, propolis should be used in the form of inhalations. Then its essential oils and resinous substances are in the finest dispersed state and penetrate deeper into the pathological foci of inflammation.


  • acute protracted bronchitis
  • chronic recurrent bronchitis
  • asthmatic bronchitis and bronchial asthma
  • obstructive and non-obstructive bronchitis
  • It has been proven that inhalation with propolis and taking its preparations orally have a healing effect for tuberculosis.

The effect of propolis on the upper and lower respiratory tract

  1. Propolis has the properties of a strong antibiotic, relieves inflammation and stimulates the immunity of the bronchi and mucous membranes of the mouth and nose.
  2. Improves the evacuation of sputum, reduces its viscosity.
  3. Reduces stagnation of mucus and pus during sinusitis and sinusitis.
  4. Restores damage to the mucous membrane in throat diseases, relieves pain.
  5. Relieves irritation and soreness during dry cough.

Warning! For a “quality” procedure, you should hold your breath for 15 seconds when inhaling propolis vapor. Then volatile medicinal substances will work at full capacity in the bronchi and lungs. Therefore, the first inhalations should be short, 0.5-1 minutes. Every day the time increases by one inhalation and one breath-hold. Gradually increase to 6 breath holds. During the first inhalations, a spasmodic cough and sore throat are possible - there is no need to be afraid of this, the following procedures are better tolerated!

How to do inhalations

  • Recipe with pure propolis. Grind 3 g of bee glue, add water in an enamel pan (about 200 ml), heat. Inhale the vapor 5-6 times per inhalation, holding your breath. The course of inhalations is 10 days.
  • Recipe with propolis tincture. The tincture is taken at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. per glass of boiling water. The inhalation method is the same as with the pure substance. The tincture is more irritating than pure propolis. Therefore, for people with dry and irritating cough, it is better to use an aqueous extract or pure substance.
  • Inhalations with propolis and royal jelly. For 30 ml of propolis tincture, take 10 g of royal jelly and 300 ml of water. Such inhalations exhibit truly magical properties in weakened patients. The technology is the same as for simple inhalations with propolis.
  • Recipe for improving expectoration. Prepare a decoction of coltsfoot, wild rosemary, elecampane, sage, calendula and chamomile (1 filter bag of herbs per 300 ml of water), add 20 drops of propolis tincture. Inhale as usual. With this solution you can gargle for pharyngitis and rinse your nose for sinusitis.
  • Inhalations with a nebulizer. The device allows you to spray fine particles of the medicinal substance. The small size of the particles produced by the nebulizer allows them to penetrate deep into the respiratory system and have a therapeutic effect. This effect cannot be achieved using steam procedures.
  • Certain rules must be followed:

    1. The position during the procedures is sitting.
    2. You cannot talk during the procedure.
    3. For a sore throat, use a mask (each set includes an adult and a children's mask). Air from the nebulizer is drawn in and released through the mouth.
    4. For diseases of the bronchi (including alveoli and bronchioles), trachea and lungs, a mouthpiece is used, air is drawn in through the mouth.
    5. For a runny nose, the nebulizer kit includes special cannulas for inhaling medicine through the nose.

    6. After the procedures, you cannot eat, smoke or go outside for at least 1.5 hours.


    0.9% sodium chloride (saline solution) is used as a solution. Before the procedure, you need to dilute 1 ml of propolis tincture with 20 ml of saline. solution. Then take 3 ml of solution for one inhalation. Depending on the location of the disease, a mask, mouthpiece or cannula is used.

    The solution is poured into a nebulizer and inhaled until it evaporates (about 10 minutes).

    Inhalations with propolis can be used in combination with antibiotic therapy. Bee glue increases the intensity of antibacterial agents and sulfonamides several times. It reduces their negative effect on the patient’s body.

    Good results are shown by inhalation and monotherapy for dry and wet cough and runny nose. In any case, with propolis recovery will come much faster.

    “A 2-year-old child has frequent bronchitis and tonsillitis. how to do inhalations with a nebulizer? How many days is the course of inhalation treatment and what are the breaks between courses? Should I use a water or alcohol tincture to prepare a solution for the inhaler? Is it possible, simultaneously with inhalation, to give 2 drops of 10% tincture with milk during meals to increase immunity and normalize intestinal microflora after antibiotic therapy?

    Our answer in the appropriate section is here.

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    Inhalation of propolis tincture with a nebulizer: instructions

    Honey and other bee products are healthy. They are actively used to treat various diseases in alternative medicine. A beekeeping product such as propolis is actively used. One of the options for using it for medicinal purposes is to perform inhalations with it. It is no coincidence that it is used, since it contains many useful substances. Their effect on the site of inflammation leads to the elimination of the inflammation that has arisen in the patient.

    Propolis inhalations

    The healing properties of propolis have been well known to everyone for a long time. Therefore, it is not surprising that this beekeeping product is actively used in medicine. The most valuable component in its composition are essential oils. Along with them, propolis contains resinous substances. Together they have a healing effect on the body, strengthening the protective properties of the immune system. Quite often, procedures using propolis are carried out in the treatment of respiratory diseases.

    When medicinal procedures are carried out using beekeeping products, they enter the respiratory tract, where they end up in finely dispersed form. Thanks to this form, the enhanced effect of this drug is ensured, since small particles penetrate quite deeply directly into the site where inflammation has occurred.

    Propolis is a popular bee product that is widely used for treatment. It is used for medical purposes not only to eliminate inflammation, but also to increase the protection of the immune system. If the disease that has arisen in a person has entered the active phase, then in this case, in order to carry out prevention, one should act as quickly as possible.

    Experts, speaking about the beneficial properties of this type of beekeeping product in the treatment of respiratory diseases, note the following:

    • removal of the resulting inflammatory process;
    • liquefaction of formed sputum;
    • getting rid of wheezing when breathing.

    It should be noted that the benefits of procedures using propolis are not limited to these beneficial actions. The essential oils contained in this product, as well as resinous substances, contribute to a more effective fight against cough, and also help eliminate runny nose. They also provide relief from irritation in the throat, and in addition to soreness, they provide a good effect in the fight against pain, which disappears when carrying out procedures with propolis.

    Experts recommend propolis to patients with obstructive pulmonary disease, which develops in a chronic form, as a therapeutic agent. Heavy smokers will also benefit from using this beekeeping product. Taking it allows you to relieve the side symptoms that arise from smoking.

    Using a nebulizer for inhalation

    For inhalation, a special device is used - a nebulizer. It is a device into which propolis is introduced by spraying and when inhaled by the patient, the therapeutic agent enters the respiratory tract directly to the source of inflammation. Carrying out procedures using the inhalation method using a nebulizer allows you to achieve a better therapeutic effect than using conventional steam procedures.

    The main advantage of inhalation using a nebulizer is that this device allows you to separate substances into small fractions. Carrying out such procedures yourself at home, it is simply impossible to achieve such an effect. It is worth saying that the smaller the fraction of particles of a substance, the easier it is for them to penetrate deep into the respiratory tract, reach foci of inflammation and have a calming effect on the affected areas.

    When a nebulizer is used during procedures, certain rules must be followed:

    • the patient should be exposed to a sitting position;
    • talking during the procedure is prohibited;
    • During inhalation, the resulting vapors of the beneficial substance can be exhaled through the mouth or nasal passages.

    How the procedure for inhalation with a nebulizer with calendula or another drug will take place largely depends on the diagnosis made by the attending physician, as well as the manifestations of the disease that need to be eliminated. In addition to the medicine and nebulizer, when carrying out inhalations, it is necessary to have devices that are mandatory for effective therapy. These include the following:

    To treat throat diseases during inhalations, for example, with calendula, a mask is used. A nebulizer in its standard configuration usually has several varieties - for children and for adults.

    A mouthpiece is a device that is used to inhale a medicinal substance through the mouth. Experts use this method of treatment to eliminate symptoms of diseases of the lungs, trachea and bronchi.

    A cannula is a device that is used in conjunction with a nebulizer to treat emerging diseases by inhalation through the nose. This device ensures the effectiveness of procedures in the treatment of runny nose.

    After the procedure with calendula is carried out, in order for the effect to be consolidated, it is necessary to follow a certain regime. Drinking is not recommended. Smoking and going outside are also prohibited. This recommendation should be followed by patients for at least one and a half hours.

    When and how to do propolis inhalations?

    Before starting procedures with propolis, you must carefully familiarize yourself with the indications for use of this medicinal product, as well as find out all the details regarding the inhalation procedure using a nebulizer.

    If a patient has inflammation of the upper or lower respiratory tract, the use of the medicinal properties of propolis during the inhalation procedure ensures high efficiency in the treatment of these ailments. This type of treatment is used for various types of bronchitis: both diseases that develop in an acute form and chronic diseases.

    Bronchial asthma is another indication, in the presence of which the attending physician may prescribe inhalation with a propolis nebulizer. Inhalations with propolis in a nebulizer are also prescribed if the patient has asthmatic bronchitis.

    Propolis has a beneficial effect on the human respiratory tract even in the presence of serious diseases. For tuberculosis, procedures using this remedy can alleviate the patient's condition.

    If a person suffers from such serious ailments of the nasopharynx as sinusitis or sinusitis, then in this case propolis can also be used, which, due to its medicinal properties, will have a serious therapeutic effect. When carrying out treatment with this beekeeping product, its main effect will be associated with a decrease in mucus stagnation, as well as the removal of purulent discharge.

    If you understand for yourself that the use of propolis is extremely necessary for your treatment, then you can proceed directly to the procedure of inhaling the vapors of this beekeeping product.

    The main remedy, propolis, should be prepared in advance in the required quantity. For inhalation it can be used in its pure form. However, one therapy session will require a fairly small amount.

    Perhaps you will make your choice when treating the disease that has arisen in favor of a propolis solution. In this case, before the procedure it is necessary to carry out manipulations to prepare it. To get a ready-to-use product, you need to take a small amount of boiled water. During treatment, it is necessary to inhale the healing vapors of propolis. This will ensure that the substance is retained in the lungs and bronchi for a sufficient time to provide a healing effect.

    The best option is when the patient varies the time spent on one procedure. The first sessions using a nebulizer should not exceed 1 minute. Gradually, with each new session, their duration can be increased. This method of treatment has certain side effects. The most serious ones include cough and tickling. However, you should not be afraid of this, since repeated procedures are tolerated much better.

    Inhalation options

    In order to ventilate the respiratory tract, propolis can be used in a variety of forms. It can be used for procedures in its pure form, and also used as a solution or tincture.

    Aqueous solution of propolis

    When a patient has chosen propolis in its pure form for treatment, then before using it for the procedure, it is necessary to spend some time grinding it. The resulting mass should be diluted in a small amount of boiling water. The proportions should be as follows: for 3 g of propolis you need to take 200 ml of water.

    If you need to prepare a solution from propolis, then you need to choose enamel dishes as a container for this. During the procedure, the drug vapor should be inhaled five to six times.

    The procedure with a solution in water should be carried out by people who experience attacks of dry and irritating cough. Propolis diluted with boiled water will not have an irritating effect on areas of the throat that are affected by the disease.

    Alcohol tincture

    Propolis tincture is made with alcohol. The main component is a 9% sodium chloride solution. It is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 ml of tincture to 20 ml of water. For one procedure, 3 ml of the finished product will be quite enough. It is poured into the nebulizer, after which the procedure can be carried out, which should last 10 minutes. Upon completion, the drug in the device should completely evaporate.

    Propolis can be used not only for the inhalation procedure using a nebulizer, but also used internally. This treatment option with propolis has a good therapeutic effect on the body’s condition.

    When you treat the respiratory tract using the nebulizer inhalation method, you must remember that even with a long-term, but one-time effect of propolis on the inflamed respiratory tract, you will not be able to alleviate your condition. The best treatment option is when several courses are carried out. Only in this case can you get serious relief from your condition.

    Typically, specialists prescribe a course of therapy lasting 10 days. This method of treatment can be supplemented by the use of other medications and the use of products with healing properties.

    It is worth noting that the effect of propolis therapy is enhanced when it is combined with beeswax and royal jelly. To carry out a procedure using these substances, you need 10 g of royal jelly, 30 ml of propolis tincture, and 10 times more water. This procedure is no different from the usual one. In this case, the therapeutic effect is achieved through the use of the products listed above.


    The inflammatory process that occurs in the respiratory tract causes great problems in the life of a person who is faced with such a pathology. He experiences bouts of severe coughing, a sore throat and painful sensations in the throat. In order to cope with the symptoms of the disease, many people go to the doctor, who usually prescribes therapy using medications.

    However, along with them, you can also use traditional medicine, which doctors prescribe with particular enthusiasm. Propolis is a beekeeping product, the effectiveness of which in the treatment of many diseases has been proven by many years of experience in its use. To effectively treat respiratory diseases, propolis inhalations are prescribed using a device such as a nebulizer.

    Its main advantage is that it divides the substance into small particles, and as a result, once in the respiratory tract, they can get very deep, reach the source of inflammation and provide a serious therapeutic effect. Propolis can be used for procedures not only in its pure form, but also in the form of a tincture. When carrying out inhalations, in addition to propolis, you can use other beekeeping products: royal jelly, beeswax. This ensures higher efficiency of the procedures performed.


    Tips for inhalation with propolis in a nebulizer

    Bee products have always been beneficial to human health. The use of bee glue in inhalations reduces inflammation, thins mucus congestion and eliminates wheezing. The product is also used as an oral tincture, ointments and suppositories. Inhalation with pure propolis in a nebulizer can alleviate the symptoms of various respiratory tract pathologies.

    Indications for use

    The beekeeping product is highly effective in the treatment of the following diseases:

    • Asthma bronchial
    • Asthmatic bronchitis
    • Acute protracted bronchitis
    • Non-obstructive and obstructive bronchitis
    • Relapse of chronic bronchitis
    • Tracheitis
    • ARVI and acute respiratory infections
    • Tonsillitis

    Inhalations with propolis in a nebulizer have a beneficial effect on the respiratory organs in cases of serious illness such as tuberculosis. The procedure using a bee product allows you to alleviate the general condition of the patient.

    Serious ailments, sinusitis and sinusitis, can also be cured by the substance in combination with other drugs. This treatment produces a serious therapeutic effect. The main action for these diseases is to eliminate pus and stagnant mucus from the body.

    Inhalations with propolis eliminate wheezing and cough.

    Effects of propolis on the respiratory tract

    The range of effects of procedures using bee products is wide. During infection in the paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx, the procedure eliminates the inflammatory process. Thanks to its mucloitic property, propolis dilutes pus and sputum, allowing them to be easily removed from the body. Inhalations with propolis eliminate swelling in the vocal cords, wheezing, laryngospasms and facilitate the patient’s breathing.

    In addition, the use of the substance increases the body’s ability to fight infections and increases the tone of the body as a whole.

    The bee product is effective when used alone, as well as in combination with antibiotics. The product has the property of enhancing the effect of sulfonamide and antibacterial drugs.

    Inhalation for smoker's bronchitis

    An unfavorable condition of the bronchi, in which a large amount of resins has accumulated in them. Inhalation with bee glue for this type of bronchitis alleviates and reduces the amount of cough. To prevent a complication in the form of purulent bronchitis, the procedure is carried out at least 2 times every seven days. It is not recommended to smoke before and after the session in order to reduce the burden on the respiratory system.

    How to carry out inhalation recipes

    Inhalation with bee glue requires the preparation of a liquid based on an alcohol tincture. Manufacturers present two types of tincture:

    • Tincture 70 degrees
    • 40 degree tincture

    For the base, you need to take a saline solution and add components based on the bee product to it. It is not recommended to use ordinary water to prepare the liquid. Since a negative reaction in the form of laryngospasm is provoked. Mineral waters are rarely used as a base.

    For one inhalation, a medicinal liquid is prepared in an amount of 3 milliliters.

    • If a 10% tincture is used, add 10 drops of medicinal tincture to three milliliters of saline solution.
    • Propolis is added in an amount of 5 drops if it is 20%.

    The resulting liquid is poured into the reservoir and the treatment procedure is carried out. Inhalation is carried out until the solution evaporates completely.

    For inhalation you will need an alcohol solution of propolis


    Recipe with pure bee product

    Grind 3 grams of beekeeping product and add water. The mixture is placed in a fireproof container on the stove. During one procedure, inhale 4-5 times while holding your breath. Duration of therapy is 7 days.

    Inhalation based on tincture

    Take 1 tablespoon of tincture and stir with a glass of boiled water. The method of application is similar to the procedure for using the pure product. The recipe has an irritating effect, which precludes its use for non-productive cough.

    Recipe with royal jelly and propolis

    To make it you will need 300 ml of water, 10 g of royal jelly and 30 ml of bee product tincture. Adsorbed uterine milk is used. Inhalations improve the well-being of weakened patients. They are carried out in the same way as the above.

    Recipe for a Productive Cough

    To make it, take 20 drops of medicinal infusion. Then a decoction is prepared from coltsfoot, sage, elecampane, chamomile, calendula and wild rosemary. Take one teaspoon of all the ingredients of the decoction and pour two glasses of mineral water. All ingredients are mixed and inhaled using the usual technology. The medicine is used not only in steam inhalations. The solution is used to wash the nose and throat.

    All inhalation recipes for children and adults require consultation with a doctor.

    DIY propolis tincture

    To ensure a high-quality therapeutic effect of inhalation with propolis tincture, it is possible to make the medicine yourself with your own hands. It is recommended to purchase bee glue from beekeepers or pharmacies so that the bee product is of high quality and natural.

    To make a tincture, it is enough to take 10 g of propolis. It is then crushed into two or four centimeter pieces. To infuse the medicine, you should take an opaque container. The container is filled with already crushed bee product and filled with alcohol.

    Alcohol must be taken in a volume of 90 ml 70%. You can replace it with 40 proof vodka. Cover the mixture tightly and leave for a week. During the infusion process, you need to shake the mixture every day.

    On the 8-10th day of infusion, we transfer the container with the tincture to a cold place for a few minutes. After the allotted time has passed, the medicine is filtered.

    It is important to monitor the appearance of the tincture. The medicine should be clear without any cloudy sediment. Its color can be dark brown or yellow. The smell is pleasant and slightly bitter.

    The alcohol tincture is suitable for use for 5 years.

    You can prepare the tincture yourself at home

    Features of use in a nebulizer

    A fine dispersive dust-like suspension of the medicinal solution is qualitatively sprayed using a nebulizer. The effect of the procedure is significant due to the deep penetration of the medicine into the respiratory system.

    When inhaling the mixture from the device, you must hold your breath for 7-10 seconds after each inhalation. The mask attachment is easy to use.

    Inhalations with propolis in the first stages last for a minimum duration. Children inhale no more than 2-3 times, adults no more than 4-5. Increase the number of necessary breaths gradually, adding 1-2 every day. The maximum number of breaths in one procedure should not exceed 7 times.

    Inhalations are prescribed for a duration of seven days, with a number of procedures per day of at least 3.

    The medicinal suspension at the first inhalation often causes coughing and laryngospasm. This is the adaptation period of the body to the substance.

    During the procedure, it is important to follow the following rules:

    • It is not allowed to talk during the procedure
    • Inhalation must be carried out in a sitting position
    • It is necessary to go outside and eat food 1.5 hours after the session.

    Any nebulizer is equipped with several nozzles. They are intended for use in various diseases:

    • Cannulas will be required during rhinitis. The medicine specifically passes into both nasal passages and acts on the site of inflammation.
    • A mask is required when it is necessary to draw medicine into the mouth and nose. Used for laryngitis and tracheitis.
    • The mouthpiece allows you to take a fuller breath and delay the breathing process. It is intended for patients with bronchial pathologies.

    Steam inhalations cannot be performed if a person’s body temperature is above 37 degrees. Inhalation using a nebulizer can be performed by a person up to 38 degrees body temperature.

    Inhalation for a child should be carried out under the supervision of an adult


    Despite all the usefulness of the bee product, it is not used if the patient has an individual intolerance to the components of propolis.

    When using a bee product, allergy sufferers can cause an atopic and allergic reaction. In this case, you should abandon the procedure.

    In pediatrics, products containing bee glue should be used with great caution. The product is not used in the treatment of children under one year of age, so as not to cause complications. If a child is older than one year, the doctor performs an allergy test for propolis. If the results are positive, the bee product is not used to treat the child.

    It is prohibited to use propolis if autoimmune procedures are contraindicated for the patient. These include patients with:

    • oncology
    • HIV infection
    • Post-transplant period

    The use of propolis in various forms is contraindicated for people with the following diseases:

    • Chronic forms of renal and liver failure
    • Cholelithiasis
    • Urolithiasis
    • Pancreatitis

    Attention! It is necessary to spend a period of adaptation of the body to propolis. To do this, therapy begins with minimal dosages. If there is no negative reaction, gradually switch to the main dosage. Only a doctor should prescribe propolis and its dosage. Exceeding the specified amount is strictly prohibited.

    The bee product provides powerful prevention of colds and cancer. The substances that make up propolis can give a person vigor and endurance. This bee product can slow down the aging process due to its ability to improve cellular metabolism.

    Propolis is an excellent natural “doctor”, but its use should be treated with care.

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