An infant is coughing: how to treat it?

How to treat a cough in a baby

We all know that coughing is an important protective reaction of the body, thanks to which the airways are cleared of foreign substances such as sputum, pus, mucus, dust, etc.

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However, cough in an infant is always more difficult to treat due to the characteristics of childhood. How not to harm your baby with treatment and what will help cope with a cough in a newborn - this is what our article is about.

Cough as a symptom of illness

As we have already mentioned, coughing does not appear just like that.

Often a newborn's cough in the morning can be explained physiologically: during the night, mucus from the nasopharynx accumulates and flows down the wall of the larynx, thereby causing a cough reflex. This is due to the inability of babies to blow their nose on their own. You can consider such a process absolutely normal and not worry about it.

Sometimes a child coughs because the air in the room is too dry. Dust particles settle on the respiratory organs and their dry mucous membranes, causing a cough. In this case, the problem is solved by humidifying the room in every possible way.

A newborn’s cough may appear during meals, when the little “greedy” one absorbs milk too quickly and, not having time to swallow, chokes on it. Try changing your feeding position.

Timely vaccination helps to avoid dangerous diseases such as whooping cough

However, often the reason why an infant coughs is some kind of illness, for example:

  1. ARVI and acute respiratory infections. This is the most common cause, appearing as a secondary symptom somewhere on the third day after the onset of the disease. Often the child coughs and sneezes as the infection spreads to all ENT organs.
  2. Bronchial asthma is recognized by a specific whistle when exhaling. It does not arise out of the blue; most likely, it was preceded by chronic bronchitis or an untreated allergy for a long time.
  3. Croup Its hallmark is a barking, dry cough that occurs due to inflammation in the larynx. The disease often occurs in children from 3 months to three years.
  4. Whooping cough. With this infectious disease, a paroxysmal spastic cough is observed, which cannot be confused with anything. A strong cough can cause vomiting. It is debilitating and especially dangerous for children under one year old, as it provokes seizures, which, along with a lack of oxygen, can lead to respiratory arrest. Needless to say, how important it is to vaccinate a baby against this dangerous infection on time.
  5. ENT diseases (laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, inflammation of the middle ear). A chesty cough may indicate inflammation in the bronchi and lungs, when bronchitis or pneumonia is diagnosed.
  6. An allergy can be caused by tobacco smoke, if one of the relatives has the habit of smoking in the apartment, detergents, or plant pollen. To cope with an allergic cough, you need to remove the cause of its occurrence.

What to do if your baby starts coughing?

What to do when a month-old baby suddenly starts coughing and you understand that it is clearly not caused by physiological reasons? The best decision in any treatment for babies under 1 year of age is to call a doctor. Especially if we are talking about a baby who is only 1 or 2 months old. It is strictly forbidden to prescribe medications yourself; this can greatly harm the child.

A specialist should prescribe treatment for an infant

What can mom do

  • Regularly ventilate the room where the baby is located, giving access to fresh air. The room temperature should, if possible, not exceed 22 O C. Some diseases, such as croup and whooping cough, are mainly treated with fresh air. If the disease occurs without fever, you can and should walk outside.
  • Humidify the room by hanging wet towels over the radiators, placing containers of water, spraying with a spray bottle, or in a modern way - using a humidifier.
  • Give more liquid: breast milk or water, compotes. This is necessary to prevent dehydration.
  • Change the position of the child in the crib, carry him in your arms more often.
  • If you have a cough with sputum that is difficult to clear, for example, with bronchitis, you can do a drainage massage. It is approved for children from 6 months of age in the absence of fever and inflammatory processes in the trachea and larynx. If in your case it is possible to do such a massage, the doctor will show you how to perform it correctly. The idea is that the child is placed on the knee with his tummy down (the head is below the horizontal) and tapping movements are made with the fingers on the back, starting from the lower back, towards the back of the head
  • A folk remedy is to rub the baby’s chest, back and feet with animal fat, such as badger fat. The procedure is done before bedtime so that the child can be “kept warm.” Keep in mind that many pharmaceutical ointments are contraindicated for children under 2 years of age due to the menthol and camphor content. In addition, they cannot be used for certain diseases.

Position of the child during drainage massage

If your child often suffers from respiratory diseases, consider purchasing a nebulizer. This is, in fact, a modern inhaler capable of breaking down a medicinal substance into the smallest particles and delivering it in the form of steam to the lower sections of the bronchopulmonary system. Even just allowing your baby to breathe with regular saline solution, you will achieve maximum hydration of the mucous membranes in the thoracic region.

Cough medicines

Although medications can only be prescribed by your doctor, it would be a good idea to understand the types of these medications and know when they are prescribed.

  1. Antitussives. A serious group of drugs that suppresses the cough reflex at the brain level. Prescribed for severe dry debilitating cough. Representatives: Oxeladin, Glaucine, Butamirate.
  2. Mucolytics are agents that thin sputum and facilitate its evacuation from the lungs; their peculiarity is that the amount of secretion (mucus) does not increase. Representatives: ambroxol, bromhexine, acetylcysteine, licorice root syrup. Their use is justified only in cases where there is thick, difficult to separate sputum.
  3. Expectorants. Their goal is to dilute sputum, increasing its quantity, making it easier to pass, and increasing the activity of the ciliated epithelium. These are mainly herbal preparations based on ivy (Gedelix, Prospan), marshmallow (Mukaltin, Alteika), and licorice.
  4. On sale you can find a breast mixture of three or four herbs, such as coltsfoot, oregano, marshmallow, plantain, chamomile, sage, anise. However, some experts believe that it is better for children up to one year to brew one-ingredient teas.

Expectorants are made mainly from herbs

Serious mistakes that cost your life

In medicine, from time to time there are cases when, due to overly proactive parents, children have to be evacuated in intensive care, and sometimes such actions lead to death. Therefore, take the following information seriously and remember it:

  1. You cannot give a newborn child antitussives without a doctor’s prescription! Imagine that your baby’s cough is not dry, but with slight signs of sputum. By coughing, the child tries to get rid of mucus and germs, freeing the airways. What will happen if at this time you give the baby a medicine that “turns off” the cough? The phlegm won't come out anywhere. It will accumulate in the bronchi and lungs, clogging them and preventing normal air circulation. Usually such a story ends in complications.
  2. You cannot give two types of drugs (expectorant and antitussive) at the same time! This is the biggest mistake in treating children, and adults too: giving a drug that increases the volume of sputum and making it impossible to remove it by turning off the cough center. After such procedures, the child almost always requires hospitalization.

To summarize: cough in infants cannot be ignored. Be sure to show your child to a specialist so that they can establish a diagnosis and choose treatment tactics.

If the cough is persistent, lasting more than a month, you may need to consult an otolaryngologist, pulmonologist, phthisiatrician, allergist; in general, it is imperative to find the cause. Remember that after an acute respiratory viral infection, a child may cough for another 3-4 weeks. Don’t forget to give your baby enough to drink, take frequent walks, and the cough will most likely disappear without a trace.


Slava - November 30, :38 :

It is good to do inhalations when coughing. They are also not contraindicated for small babies. The doctor prescribed Prospan for inhalation. This is how we managed to avoid bronchitis.

Tatyana - February 16, 10:

I use mucolytics and expectorants for coughs to remove phlegm. The pediatrician told me to drink Prospan syrup, on ivy leaves. The cough became wet and all the mucus came out well.

Galina - December 14, :13 :

We also did massage with tapping when at 4 months my daughter caught a cold and was coughing. But a more noticeable effect was from Prospan syrup. The pediatrician assured that this is a natural remedy without chemicals or dyes. Our dry cough became wet on the third day of treatment.

Arailym - March 26, :04 :

We are 3 months old, can we drink prospan?

Dina - February 16, :43 :

I heard that Prospan is not allowed for infants, so I give my baby only Gedelix syrup, it is safe, without sugar or alcohol.

Alla - March 15, :49 :

That’s right, Prospan contains fructose, and my child, for example, has a fructose diathesis. So we also take Gedelix syrup. There was no side effect on him.

Albina - March 22, :53 :

I liked Prospan syrup, how it thins mucus and removes phlegm. We were treated at 1.5 years.

Maria - October 31, :10 :

At that age, we were also prescribed Prospan for coughs, I’m happy with how it helps. Moreover, it is safe, without side effects. Now we go to school, but if anything happens we still treat ourselves with this syrup.

Ainur - November 25, :44 :

My daughter is 4 months old and has been coughing for more than 3 months. We've already taken all the medications, done inhalation, but nothing helps. What to do?

Natalya - November 26, :26 :

If the child is bottle-fed, then the formula is chosen incorrectly; if he is breast-fed, the mother needs to exclude all dairy products and exclude a developmental defect, such as a thoraceoesophageal fistula.

Natalya - January 4, :36 :

My advice to you: go to all the doctors there are in the city. I spent 4 months looking for the reason. It turned out to be banal - sinusitis. In 10 days I was cured. But we had to go through everyone until we found a normal specialist. And they coughed for six months. These are the kind of doctors we have working with higher education.

Gulzhan - January 12, :51 :

Can mucaltin and licorice be given to a 3 month old baby?

Gulnur - January 19, :03 :

We are 3 months old, what is the best thing to give our baby for cough?

Ekaterina - January 21,: 12 :

Tell me, what can I use to rinse my nose? The child is three months old.

Victoria - January 22, :05 :

We instill LinAqua Baby drops into each nasal passage, 1-2 drops, then suction them with an aspirator

Manizha - February 22, 18:

Please tell me, I have access, I was in the hospital with him for 1.5 months, bronchitis was treated, and today I started coughing again, can anyone tell me what medicine to give for a cough?

ATTENTION! All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be 100% reliable. No need to self-medicate!


How to treat a cough in an infant?

As a rule, in infants, immunity begins to develop in the second month of life and is finally established quite late, by the age of one year. All this time, and especially in the first two months of life, their health requires special attention, since various painful symptoms in infants do not manifest themselves in the same way as in older children or adults.

To find out how to treat a cough in an infant, you first need to understand how a baby’s cough differs from the same symptom in an adult.

Causes of cough that do not require treatment:

Often, children cough because they produce saliva too actively, and they do not yet know how to swallow it. Saliva flows down the throat, enters the respiratory tract and causes a cough. As a rule, this is due to the fact that the baby is teething. Treatment in this case is not required; To reduce coughing, you can put your child to sleep on his side rather than his back.

In this case, coughing is simply a reflex reaction of the body. It's OK.

With a runny nose, treatment is, of course, required - but what needs to be treated is not the cough caused by the fact that discharge from the nasal cavity “slides” into the neck, but the runny nose itself and its causes.

When is a doctor needed?

Although this should be an axiom for any parent, sometimes it still has to be repeated: only a doctor can decide how to treat a cough in an infant! The younger the children, the more dangerous unqualified “self-medication” is for them. This is due to the fact that infants’ vital systems are not yet fully formed.

Firstly, even the thermoregulation system is not established until three months. This means that even with a serious illness, the baby’s body temperature can remain normal. It seems to parents that nothing bad is happening to the child - just think, he’s coughing, there’s no fever! But in fact, you need to immediately call an ambulance, and the clock is ticking. That is why, before reaching the age of three months, if the child feels unwell, including coughing attacks, it is recommended to immediately call a doctor.

Secondly, coughing is a protective mechanism that allows you to remove phlegm from the respiratory tract. Infants also have this mechanism, but it is not yet developed and does not cope with its task. The child will learn to remove phlegm by coughing later, and at this age it is useless to try to liquefy the phlegm or give expectorants. This is especially true for medications! Remember that doses “for children” are calculated approximately, and the exact amount of medicine (as well as the choice of the right syrup or tablets) can only be prescribed by a specialist!

So, the actions of parents:

1. Determine whether the cough is caused by factors such as saliva or dust getting into the throat.

2. Find out if there are any additional symptoms - fever, pain, runny nose.

3. Call an ambulance or go to see a doctor.

4. During treatment, prepare an appropriate regime for the child - a warm, well-ventilated room, calmness, and plenty of fluids. It is useful to take hot foot baths. If the cough is caused by laryngitis, inhalation of warm steam will help (do not overdo it, too hot steam can cause burns to the mucous membranes).

5. Carefully follow the recommendations of your doctor.

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Cough in an infant

Parents react to a baby's cough in different ways - some ignore it, especially if the temperature is normal and there is no runny nose, while others rush to treat it with both folk and pharmacy remedies. Both options can be called extremes, since when an infant coughs, both at 3 months and at 6 months or older, its cause should be found out and only then should any treatment be started.

What is a cough?

This is the name of a reflex that helps clear the respiratory tract of any foreign substances, for example, dust particles, allergens, viruses, crumbs, accumulated mucus or pathogenic bacteria. In infants, a cough is a sharp, loud exhalation, during which air comes out of the respiratory tract at an increased speed.

Types of cough and causes

Depending on the factors that cause cough, it is divided into physiological (needed to cleanse the respiratory tract) and pathological (appearing in many diseases).

Cough can be a symptom of the following diseases:

If you pay attention to the coughing up of sputum, then there are such types of cough as dry (no sputum is produced) and wet (it is also called productive or wet). Normally, a newborn, infant 2 months or older can cough up sputum in the morning, as it accumulates during night sleep. Later during the day the baby will not have a cough, and the general condition will not change.

Having assessed the sound of a dry cough in an infant, you can define it as:

  • A barking cough is a loud cough that sounds like a dog barking and usually occurs with laryngitis.
  • Pulmonary - exhausting paroxysmal cough.
  • Superficial - characteristic of pharyngitis.

Cough not associated with sore throat

  • An infant may begin to cough due to a foreign object, such as small toys or parts thereof, entering the respiratory tract. In addition to the sudden onset of a cough, the child may lose his voice, have difficulty breathing, and may have blue skin. This situation should be a reason to immediately call an ambulance.
  • The occurrence of cough in an infant, for example, at the age of 5 months, can also be caused by an allergic reaction. A baby can react by coughing to pollen, food allergens, dust, down pillows and many other substances and objects. To help a child with such a cough, it is important to identify the allergen and eliminate its exposure.
  • Another cause of cough without respiratory diseases is helminthiasis. The larvae of some types of worms, developing in the child’s body, can pass through the lungs. During coughing, they pass along with mucus into the gastrointestinal tract and thus reach the intestines.
  • We also note that the cause of a dry cough in infants may be excessively dry air in the room. In this case, the problem can be easily solved using a humidifier or other sources of moisture (water containers, wet towels).
  • Breasts may also cough while eating if the milk comes in too quickly. Changing the position when breastfeeding or changing the nipple when bottle feeding will help eliminate this cough.

Dangerous symptoms (when the cough is dangerous)

Parents need to be wary and show their baby to the doctor as soon as possible if:

  • The cough appeared suddenly and did not stop.
  • Simultaneously with the cough, the baby began to wheeze, which could be heard from afar.
  • The cough occurs at night in the form of attacks.
  • The baby coughs up red or green mucus.
  • The cough lasts longer than three weeks.

How to treat?

When a cough of any kind appears in a baby, for example, at 4 months, you should first determine whether it is normal or caused by a disease. To do this, you need to show your baby to a doctor, since any medications against cough in children under one year of age should be taken only after being prescribed by a pediatrician or ENT specialist.

In addition to medications, the following are used in the treatment of infants with cough:

  • Inhalations. Depending on the method of implementation, they can be steam or nebulizer. An infant should be held very carefully over steam to avoid the risk of burns. Only saline solution or Borjomi should be filled into a nebulizer for inhalation in infancy without a pediatrician's prescription.
  • Drainage massage. It is given to babies who do not have an elevated body temperature, from the 4-5th day of illness to improve sputum separation. With this massage, the baby’s head is located below the body. First the back is massaged, and then the chest. After the massage, the baby should be wrapped up and placed in a crib, changing body position regularly.
  • Folk remedies. These include the use of herbal infusions, cakes with honey and rubbing with badger fat.

Review of the best products

Among the medications that a doctor can prescribe for a baby for coughing are medications from the following groups:

  1. Antitussive drugs. They reduce the activity of the cough center and are prescribed only for debilitating severe dry cough. It is important to remember that drugs of this group are not combined with expectorants.
  2. Expectorants. Their effect is to improve expectoration of sputum. Up to the age of one year, babies are prescribed Gedelix, Prospan, Linkas, Herbion ivy, Bronchipret or licorice root syrup.
  3. Mucolytics. Such products reduce the viscosity of sputum, which contributes to its better separation. These include ambroxol preparations approved for use in infants.
  4. Antihistamines. Such medications are prescribed in cases of allergic cough.
  5. Antibiotics. Their appointment is necessary for bacterial infections manifested by coughing, for example, pneumonia or tonsillitis.

Breast training

To treat cough, medicinal herbs are often used, combining them in different combinations in the form of chest preparations. Such collections may contain marshmallow, anise, coltsfoot, plantain, licorice, sage, oregano and other herbs. However, in order to avoid allergies and other side effects, experts advise giving infants single-component decoctions.

Can chamomile be used in the treatment of infants?

This medicinal plant is often used before the age of one year, as it has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. If you brewed chamomile for a baby for the first time, give this herbal remedy a few drops to check the reaction of the baby’s body.

To prepare the decoction, take a tablespoon of dried flowers and a glass of boiled water, cover the container with a lid, and strain after 10 minutes. It is recommended to give this chamomile tea three times a day, half an hour after feeding, in an amount of up to 30 ml for children in the first months of life.

Chamomile can also be used for inhalation. Brewed dried flowers need to be left for 40 minutes, then boil a liter of water and pour the decoction into it, then bring the baby to the container so that the baby can breathe in the steam for 5-10 minutes.

Passive inhalations

For such procedures in the bathroom, a little boiling water is poured into the bathtub so that the room is filled with steam. Then they enter the room with the infant and sit in it for about 10 minutes. If your baby is not prone to allergies, you can add a little eucalyptus oil to the bath.

Komarovsky's opinion

A well-known doctor calls cough a natural reaction of a child’s body to the entry of any foreign substances into the respiratory tract. If such a cough occurs in a baby, Komarovsky recommends contacting a pediatrician and not giving the baby any medications on your own for up to a year.

When it comes to cough medications, the popular pediatrician recommends focusing on other ways to make a dry cough productive—humidifying the room and drinking plenty of fluids. According to Komarovsky, these methods are no less effective than any expectorant syrups. The following short video is about this.


  • Regularly ventilate the room in which an infant with a cough is located, because he really needs fresh air.
  • It is advisable that the temperature in the room does not exceed +22°C.
  • If your baby's body temperature is normal, be sure to go for a walk with your baby.
  • Change your baby's position in the crib and pick him up more often.
  • To encourage your child to drink more, offer him drinks from a cute new mug, through a straw, or from a brightly colored sippy cup.
  • If a child has a runny nose in addition to a cough, rinse the baby’s nose with water and sea salt, for example, aquamaris.

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Cough in a baby. How to cure it?

Cold symptoms always worry parents, but if a newborn baby has a cough, it is especially dangerous. Manifestations of cough in young children cannot be ignored, even if it is a very mild cough in an infant.

It can be caused by dry air or excess saliva in the mouth, a physiological runny nose, or the first sign of an impending illness.

Cough in a baby

All children get sick during childhood, but diseases in early infancy are especially dangerous. This occurs due to weakened immunity and contact with viruses and germs. One of the common symptoms of a cold, along with a runny nose, is a cough in an infant.

The presence of a cough in an infant, first of all, suggests that the child has a cold, but a cough is not always a sign of only colds.

Cough in infants can be a sign of allergic reactions, diseases of the bronchi, lungs and digestive system, heart and metabolic disorders.

In order to properly treat cough in infants, you must always correctly and accurately find out its causes.

Cough in an infant

First of all, a cough in an infant is one of the body's defense mechanisms, which helps to naturally protect the body from dust, germs, foreign particles and mucus from the mouth entering the respiratory system.

Therefore, a cough in infants will not always be a sign of pathology or colds.

A newborn's cough may be due to the accumulation of secretions from the nasopharynx in the trachea area or milk residues that have entered during feeding.

Coughing in newborns can occur if they choke on saliva or breast milk, since children at an early age are mostly in a horizontal position.

If the baby coughs, and there are no signs of infection, measures come down to holding the child in an upright position more often, ventilating and humidifying the room, and daily wet cleaning. If these measures are not enough and the cough gets worse, it is worth looking for its cause.

Infant cough: causes

If your baby is coughing, there can be many reasons for this. These reasons include:

  • ARVI
  • inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract (angina, rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis)
  • damage to the lower respiratory tract (bronchitis and pneumonia)
  • middle ear lesions
  • allergy
  • entry of foreign bodies into the respiratory tract
  • dryness and air pollution,
  • regurgitation, digestive pathologies.

In this case, cough in infants can be of two types:

  • dry cough in an infant, hacking, with wheezing, painful and without sputum production
  • a wet cough in an infant, gurgling, productive, with the release of a large amount of liquid sputum.

Typically, diseases begin with a dry, strong cough in infants, which, as the disease develops, becomes more wet, with sputum.

Some pathologies, in particular pneumonia, can immediately begin with a wet cough. Before starting treatment for cough in infants, you must find out its cause by consulting a doctor.

How to treat a cough in a baby

First of all, before giving any cough medicine to a baby, you need to consult a doctor and make a diagnosis.

First of all, how to treat cough in newborns? You need to start with non-medicinal means, which are no less important than taking medications. They help to quickly cope with cough and alleviate the condition.

Helps a baby with a cough:

  • Maintaining a sufficient level of humidity in the room (humidifier, wet towels, containers of water), especially during the heating period.
  • Giving the baby's head an elevated position so that mucus and phlegm come out more easily and it is easier for the baby to breathe. It is easier to breathe when coughing in a semi-upright position.
  • In the presence of a wet cough, postural drainage (the child adopting a special position) with vibration massage (tapping on the back for better sputum removal) is effective.
  • When coughing, the baby needs to be given more fluid to expel sputum, especially if there is a fever.
  • Ventilation and walks in the fresh air when there is no temperature will be useful. Oxygen deficiency worsens cough in infants.

Treatment of cough in infants

The question of how to treat a cough in an infant should be decided exclusively by a doctor who will monitor the child throughout the entire period of the illness.

A cough is painful for a child, it disrupts eating and sleeping, and it needs to be eliminated as soon as possible.

When treating cough, various cough remedies are used for children under one year of age. Mainly:

  • for wet coughs, cough syrup for infants (prospan, gedelix)
  • for a dry cough, drugs that dilute sputum are indicated (for coughs up to a year you can use ambroxol, ambrobene, bromhexine, mucaltin and some others).

Sometimes, for a strong, dry and painful cough, antitussives are used, but only for a short course and under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Such drugs are prohibited when sputum appears, otherwise it will lead to swamping of the lungs and the development of pneumonia.

Cough medicine for infants can be in syrup, drops or solutions for inhalation with an ultrasonic device.

The dosage and method of using cough medications for an infant are chosen by the doctor; it is prohibited to seek advice on what to give a baby for a cough from neighbors, friends, or traditional medicine.

You should use folk remedies for cough in an infant with extreme caution. They can lead to the development of allergies, complications and delay of treatment. All prescriptions should be discussed with your doctor in advance.

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  • 9 comment(s) to “Cough in a baby. How to cure it? ”

    When the baby starts coughing, the mother starts to panic. But how difficult it is to treat. Cough is difficult to treat even in an adult. Thank you for your advice.

    Every mother dreams that her child will quickly gain at least a little immunity. It’s so difficult to save his tiny precious life! Of course there will be panic here!

    Walking is, of course, important. When I don’t have time, I just put the stroller on the balcony, and he sleeps there and breathes fresh air. At the same time, hardening is underway.

    We just treated the cough with Prospan, and then with Ambrobene. To be honest, I didn’t see the role of the first one, but the second one helped a lot. And yes, the head, as written in the article, was held a little higher (on a pillow).

    And Prospan really helped us. On the first night, the child slept peacefully and did not cough. I was afraid that it would cause allergies. It worked out, thank God.

    Tonsilgon. Watch, herbal medicine, allergies so that there are no. It helps us a lot.

    Prospan also helped us with a dry cough. At one year and two months they tried it and about five days were enough to recover. We even walked a little bit, since there was no temperature.

    I support the opinion that it is worth walking with your child when he has a cough, if it is not very cold and windy, and the child does not have a fever, be sure to ventilate the room and drink plenty of fluids!! But I also regularly let my child take Gedelix syrup, because... it is also allowed for infants, but it is suitable not only for wet coughs, as written here, but also for dry ones.

    We also treat coughs with Prospan syrup - both dry and wet. It thins and helps remove phlegm so that it doesn’t sink further. From the age of one I still have milk with figs, I give it from traditional medicine.


    Cough in an infant

    Any symptoms and signs of illness in infants should alert the mother. Serious reasons to consult a doctor include a cough in an infant, which may indicate the development of many unpleasant diseases.

    Causes of cough in an infant

    Cough in an infant can be caused by a number of reasons, which can be recognized if you carefully observe the baby. Of course, it will be better if a pediatrician helps you with this.

    1. A cold is the most common cause of cough in an infant. At first, the baby coughs only occasionally, but soon the cough becomes more intense, especially in the second half of the day. Upon examination, you may find a reddened neck. Infants, due to their fragile immune defenses and imperfect thermoregulation system, are prone to colds. Therefore, it is not difficult to “catch” a draft or infection at this age. The mother’s task in this case is to detect the problem in time and consult a doctor, otherwise the disease may drag on.
    2. Inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory organs - this can be a runny nose, pharyngitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, provoked by a bacterial infection. During a runny nose, mucous secretions can enter the trachea, which can cause a cough in the baby. In other cases, the cough can be caused by a narrowing of the airways (as a result of inflammation), which initially manifests itself as a dry persistent cough, which can later develop into wheezing, whistling and breathing problems. Of course, you should never wait for the condition to worsen: you should immediately consult a doctor.
    3. Low indoor humidity is a very common cause of cough in a child. Excessively dry air causes the mucous membrane of the baby’s throat to dry out, which first provokes a sore (“scratching”) throat, and then, as a consequence, a cough.
    4. Otitis is an inflammatory process in the middle ear, the presence of which causes a reflex cough. How to determine this condition? Apply a little pressure on the baby's ear: if this causes a sharp cry or crying, then this means that the child has ear pain. Call the doctor.
    5. Getting a foreign object into the respiratory tract is, unfortunately, also a fairly common situation that requires immediate medical attention, otherwise the baby may simply suffocate. If a child begins to cough sharply and violently, with anguish, “excitedly,” it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. Trying to remove a foreign body from the trachea on your own is a very dangerous task and often only worsens the situation.
    6. Intolerance to odors and lack of ventilation in the room are reasons that can not only cause a cough in an infant, but also serve as an impetus for the appearance of bronchial asthma. This condition can develop in a baby if he is often in a smoky room, or if other sharp and unpleasant odors for the child are constantly present in the air. In such situations, there is an improvement in the baby’s condition after airing the room.

    All of these are the most common causes of cough in an infant. Less commonly, a cough can be associated with diseases of the digestive system and heart, but such pathologies can only be determined by a doctor after a thorough examination of the baby.

    Severe cough in an infant

    The appearance of a severe cough can be triggered by the influence of any damaging factor on the mucous membrane of the respiratory system. This may be due to infection or other reasons. As a rule, a strong cough in an infant indicates that something is “interfering” with the baby’s respiratory tract - this could be excessively dry mucous membranes, foreign objects (crumbs, animal hair, elements of toys, etc.), sputum and mucus, accumulating in the trachea. As a result, a strong cough occurs, the main purpose of which is to eliminate the obstacle to normal breathing and clear the airways.

    A severe cough is dangerous for the baby. If it occurs, the help of a doctor is required. Urgent medical attention is required in the following situations:

    • if a severe cough appears suddenly and does not stop;
    • if a severe cough is accompanied by wheezing;
    • if a severe cough occurs at night in the form of an attack;
    • if, against the background of a strong cough, pink or green sputum is released.

    Also, concern should be caused by a severe cough that does not go away for a long time, or occurs against the background of increased body temperature or difficulty breathing.

    Wet cough in an infant

    In a healthy state, a wet cough in an infant may appear immediately after the baby wakes up. If the child slept on his back, then mucous discharge from the nose could get into his throat. In such a situation, the baby may cough slightly, but this cough subsides if you turn him on his side. The same condition develops when a large amount of saliva or breast milk gets into the throat: the child simply does not yet know how to swallow correctly and on time.

    If we consider a wet cough as a manifestation of a disease, then the most common pathologies in this case may be:

    • infections of the upper respiratory tract (which are accompanied by the formation of sputum);
    • inflammatory process in the bronchi with obstruction of the airways (obstructive bronchitis);
    • pneumonia;
    • diseases of allergic origin (bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis);
    • lung abscess;
    • tuberculosis disease.

    If a wet cough indicates a disease in the baby, mandatory medical attention will be required.

    Dry cough in an infant

    It should be noted that a dry cough in an infant is the most painful for a small patient, since a dry cough causes trauma to the mucous membrane, which causes pain and extremely unpleasant sensations for the baby.

    How can you tell if your cough is dry? As a rule, such a cough is loud, sharp, without the characteristic “gurgling” sounds. There may be a “whistle” and barking sound when coughing. The child often cries, and the baby’s voice may change due to damage to the larynx and vocal cords. As the inflammatory process progresses, the ligaments may swell and stop allowing air to pass through properly, which will lead to the child suffocating.

    As a rule, a sick child with a dry cough becomes capricious, lethargic, and loses his appetite. In such a situation, it is important not just to call a doctor: you should do it as soon as possible. Moreover, a dry cough can be a serious symptom of incipient bronchitis or pneumonia, as a complication of ARVI or acute respiratory infections. If the doctor suspects such diseases, the baby will most likely be sent to the hospital with his mother.

    Infant: cough and runny nose

    The main cause of cough and runny nose in an infant is a cold, or acute respiratory infection - mostly a viral disease that primarily affects the respiratory tract. The disease can also affect the middle ear, lungs, and in severe cases, the meninges and skeletal system.

    A child can “catch” a cold from a family member who is sick with an acute respiratory infection, or is a carrier of the disease, as well as through dirty hands and means of caring for the child. The baby’s immunity also plays an important role: insufficient nutrition, hypothermia, drafts - all this can adversely affect the baby’s health.

    What symptoms of a cold can an infant exhibit: cough and runny nose, high fever, lack of appetite, lethargy, possibly upset bowel movements, constant crying and regurgitation of food.

    With an uncomplicated cold, the disease can regress within 4-5 days: in this case, body temperature levels normalize, and signs of the inflammatory process weaken. If the condition does not improve, then a microbial infection may be suspected. In such a situation, the intervention of a doctor is simply necessary. Sometimes you have to add antibiotic therapy.

    Cough mixture for children

    The issue of using breastfeeding in young children is quite controversial. Most doctors do not recommend giving such decoctions to children, at least to children under 1 year of age, since plant components can cause an allergic reaction or even poisoning in a small child.

    If you still decide to use any of the 4 existing chest harnesses, adhere to the following rules:

    • do not start treatment without consulting your doctor;
    • start treatment, using a highly diluted decoction at the beginning to check the baby’s reaction to the medicine. If the child does not have a negative reaction, you can move on to a more concentrated decoction;
    • the total daily volume of decoction from the breast milk for an infant is no more than ml.

    Remember: breastfeeding may cause some side effects, such as skin rashes, itching, allergic runny nose, and symptoms of poisoning.

    In any case, a cough in an infant should be a signal to consult a doctor: the newborn baby is still too weak to cope with the disease on his own. And timely medical assistance will never be unnecessary: ​​it often helps prevent dangerous complications and consequences.

    Who to contact?

    Treatment of cough in infants

    If we are dealing with a slight cough due to irritated throat mucosa, then drug treatment for cough in infants may not be necessary. Such irritation can be eliminated by increasing the humidity in the room and drinking warm drinks (including breast milk).

    If there is an inflammatory process in the trachea or bronchi, then heated mineral still water (30 to 50 ml/day) can be added as a warm drink.

    To facilitate the release of sputum, you should periodically turn the baby over, do not limit his active movements, and do a light chest massage. To carry out the massage, the baby is placed on his stomach and gently tapped on the back with the pads of the fingers in an ascending line.

    With the consent of the doctor, you can use expectorant drugs such as Lazolvan or Gedelix, the dose of which is determined by the doctor depending on the weight and age of the baby.

    Erespal enjoys a good reputation among anti-inflammatory drugs.

    Thermal procedures should never be performed on infants. Such procedures include hot baths, mustard plasters, cupping, heating patches, etc. Rubbing and warm compresses are also not recommended, although their use is possible if the attending pediatrician does not mind. The fact is that rubbing and compresses can in some cases worsen the child’s condition by increasing blood circulation and thereby aggravating the swelling and inflammatory reaction in the respiratory organs. Moreover, the use of drugs with eucalyptus, menthol or pine oils can provoke bronchospasm in infants or cause an allergic reaction.

    How to treat a cough in an infant?

    The doctor will prescribe medications for the treatment of cough for an infant: we will talk about them below. What can a child’s parents do when their child coughs to alleviate his condition?

    • Call a doctor regardless of whether the child has a fever.
    • Maintain an optimal level of humidity in the apartment, especially in winter, when the air in the room is obviously dry. The best level of humidity for a child to feel good is 50-60%. The ideal device for achieving optimal humidity levels is a humidifier. However, if it is not there, then you can make do with improvised means. For example, you can place containers of water on the batteries, or place towels soaked in water on the batteries. You can use a spray bottle and spray the room with clean water several times a day.
    • Provide fresh air access to the apartment: ventilate the room at least in the morning after waking up, during the day before feeding and at night.
    • Ensure the child’s activity and mobility, perform light gymnastics and massage.
    • Offer your baby something to drink often, especially at elevated temperatures.
    • Despite the cold, it is necessary to go for walks (dressing the baby according to the weather so that he does not get cold or overheat). In winter, walks should be short.

    Your pediatrician will advise you on medication treatment for your baby.

    Cough medicine for an infant

    • Prospan is an expectorant based on an extract from ivy leaves. Helps soften bronchial secretions and relieve bronchospasm. Prospan can be used both from birth and for older children, starting from 2.5 ml three times a day.
    • Ascoril is an expectorant drug in the form of syrup that promotes the discharge of bronchial secretions. Use 2-3 ml of syrup three times a day.
    • Lazolvan syrup – stimulates the secretion of mucus from the respiratory tract, reduces the symptoms of cough. Children under 2 years of age take 7.5 mg of syrup (2.5 ml) twice a day.
    • Ambroxol (syrup and solution for injection) is a drug that stabilizes the secretory activity of the bronchi and prevents airway obstruction. Prescribe 2.5 ml of syrup twice a day, or in the form of intramuscular injections of ½ ampoule twice a day.
    • Ambrobene is a mucolytic drug used in the form of syrup (2.5 ml twice a day) or injection (half an ampoule twice a day).
    • Stodal is a homeopathic herbal preparation, an expectorant and bronchodilator that has no age-related contraindications. Use up to 5 ml of syrup every 8 hours.

    You should not use medications for children on your own; first, consult your doctor.

    Not always a medicine labeled “for children” can be used to treat infants.

    Medical Expert Editor

    Portnov Alexey Alexandrovich

    Education: Kiev National Medical University. A.A. Bogomolets, specialty - "General Medicine"

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    An infant is coughing: how to treat it?

    How to treat a cough in a baby

    We all know that coughing is an important protective reaction of the body, thanks to which the airways are cleared of foreign substances such as sputum, pus, mucus, dust, etc.

    However, cough in an infant is always more difficult to treat due to the characteristics of childhood. How not to harm your baby with treatment and what will help cope with a cough in a newborn - this is what our article is about.

    Cough as a symptom of illness

    As we have already mentioned, coughing does not appear just like that.

    Often a newborn's cough in the morning can be explained physiologically: during the night, mucus from the nasopharynx accumulates and flows down the wall of the larynx, thereby causing a cough reflex. This is due to the inability of babies to blow their nose on their own. You can consider such a process absolutely normal and not worry about it.

    Sometimes a child coughs because the air in the room is too dry. Dust particles settle on the respiratory organs and their dry mucous membranes, causing a cough. In this case, the problem is solved by humidifying the room in every possible way.

    A newborn’s cough may appear during meals, when the little “greedy” one absorbs milk too quickly and, not having time to swallow, chokes on it. Try changing your feeding position.

    Timely vaccination helps to avoid dangerous diseases such as whooping cough

    However, often the reason why an infant coughs is some kind of illness, for example:

    1. ARVI and acute respiratory infections. This is the most common cause, appearing as a secondary symptom somewhere on the third day after the onset of the disease. Often the child coughs and sneezes as the infection spreads to all ENT organs.
    2. Bronchial asthma is recognized by a specific whistle when exhaling. It does not arise out of the blue; most likely, it was preceded by chronic bronchitis or an untreated allergy for a long time.
    3. Croup Its hallmark is a barking, dry cough that occurs due to inflammation in the larynx. The disease often occurs in children from 3 months to three years.
    4. Whooping cough. With this infectious disease, a paroxysmal spastic cough is observed, which cannot be confused with anything. A strong cough can cause vomiting. It is debilitating and especially dangerous for children under one year old, as it provokes seizures, which, along with a lack of oxygen, can lead to respiratory arrest. Needless to say, how important it is to vaccinate a baby against this dangerous infection on time.
    5. ENT diseases (laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, inflammation of the middle ear). A chesty cough may indicate inflammation in the bronchi and lungs, when bronchitis or pneumonia is diagnosed.
    6. An allergy can be caused by tobacco smoke, if one of the relatives has the habit of smoking in the apartment, detergents, or plant pollen. To cope with an allergic cough, you need to remove the cause of its occurrence.

    What to do if your baby starts coughing?

    What to do when a month-old baby suddenly starts coughing and you understand that it is clearly not caused by physiological reasons? The best decision in any treatment for babies under 1 year of age is to call a doctor. Especially if we are talking about a baby who is only 1 or 2 months old. It is strictly forbidden to prescribe medications yourself; this can greatly harm the child.

    A specialist should prescribe treatment for an infant

    What can mom do

    • Regularly ventilate the room where the baby is located, giving access to fresh air. The room temperature should, if possible, not exceed 22 O C. Some diseases, such as croup and whooping cough, are mainly treated with fresh air. If the disease occurs without fever, you can and should walk outside.
    • Humidify the room by hanging wet towels over the radiators, placing containers of water, spraying with a spray bottle, or in a modern way - using a humidifier.
    • Give more liquid: breast milk or water, compotes. This is necessary to prevent dehydration.
    • Change the position of the child in the crib, carry him in your arms more often.
    • If you have a cough with sputum that is difficult to clear, for example, with bronchitis, you can do a drainage massage. It is approved for children from 6 months of age in the absence of fever and inflammatory processes in the trachea and larynx. If in your case it is possible to do such a massage, the doctor will show you how to perform it correctly. The idea is that the child is placed on the knee with his tummy down (the head is below the horizontal) and tapping movements are made with the fingers on the back, starting from the lower back, towards the back of the head
    • A folk remedy is to rub the baby’s chest, back and feet with animal fat, such as badger fat. The procedure is done before bedtime so that the child can be “kept warm.” Keep in mind that many pharmaceutical ointments are contraindicated for children under 2 years of age due to the menthol and camphor content. In addition, they cannot be used for certain diseases.

    Position of the child during drainage massage

    If your child often suffers from respiratory diseases, consider purchasing a nebulizer. This is, in fact, a modern inhaler capable of breaking down a medicinal substance into the smallest particles and delivering it in the form of steam to the lower sections of the bronchopulmonary system. Even just allowing your baby to breathe with regular saline solution, you will achieve maximum hydration of the mucous membranes in the thoracic region.

    Cough medicines

    Although medications can only be prescribed by your doctor, it would be a good idea to understand the types of these medications and know when they are prescribed.

    1. Antitussives. A serious group of drugs that suppresses the cough reflex at the brain level. Prescribed for severe dry debilitating cough. Representatives: Oxeladin, Glaucine, Butamirate.
    2. Mucolytics are agents that thin sputum and facilitate its evacuation from the lungs; their peculiarity is that the amount of secretion (mucus) does not increase. Representatives: ambroxol, bromhexine, acetylcysteine, licorice root syrup. Their use is justified only in cases where there is thick, difficult to separate sputum.
    3. Expectorants. Their goal is to dilute sputum, increasing its quantity, making it easier to pass, and increasing the activity of the ciliated epithelium. These are mainly herbal preparations based on ivy (Gedelix, Prospan), marshmallow (Mukaltin, Alteika), and licorice.
    4. On sale you can find a breast mixture of three or four herbs, such as coltsfoot, oregano, marshmallow, plantain, chamomile, sage, anise. However, some experts believe that it is better for children up to one year to brew one-ingredient teas.

    Expectorants are made mainly from herbs

    Serious mistakes that cost your life

    In medicine, from time to time there are cases when, due to overly proactive parents, children have to be evacuated in intensive care, and sometimes such actions lead to death. Therefore, take the following information seriously and remember it:

    We recommend reading: How to treat a cold in an infant?

    1. You cannot give a newborn child antitussives without a doctor’s prescription! Imagine that your baby’s cough is not dry, but with slight signs of sputum. By coughing, the child tries to get rid of mucus and germs, freeing the airways. What will happen if at this time you give the baby a medicine that “turns off” the cough? The phlegm won't come out anywhere. It will accumulate in the bronchi and lungs, clogging them and preventing normal air circulation. Usually such a story ends in complications.
    2. You cannot give two types of drugs (expectorant and antitussive) at the same time! This is the biggest mistake in treating children, and adults too: giving a drug that increases the volume of sputum and making it impossible to remove it by turning off the cough center. After such procedures, the child almost always requires hospitalization.

    To summarize: cough in infants cannot be ignored. Be sure to show your child to a specialist so that they can establish a diagnosis and choose treatment tactics.

    If the cough is persistent, lasting more than a month, you may need to consult an otolaryngologist, pulmonologist, phthisiatrician, allergist; in general, it is imperative to find the cause. Remember that after an acute respiratory viral infection, a child may cough for another 3-4 weeks. Don’t forget to give your baby enough to drink, take frequent walks, and the cough will most likely disappear without a trace.

    Cough in an infant

    Parents react to a baby's cough in different ways - some ignore it, especially if the temperature is normal and there is no runny nose, while others rush to treat it with both folk and pharmacy remedies. Both options can be called extremes, since when an infant coughs, both at 3 months and at 6 months or older, its cause should be found out and only then should any treatment be started.

    What is a cough?

    This is the name of a reflex that helps clear the respiratory tract of any foreign substances, for example, dust particles, allergens, viruses, crumbs, accumulated mucus or pathogenic bacteria. In infants, a cough is a sharp, loud exhalation, during which air comes out of the respiratory tract at an increased speed.

    Types of cough and causes

    Depending on the factors that cause cough, it is divided into physiological (needed to cleanse the respiratory tract) and pathological (appearing in many diseases).

    Cough can be a symptom of the following diseases:

    • ARVI
    • Angina
    • Laryngitis
    • Pharyngitis
    • Bronchitis
    • Tracheitis
    • Sinusitis
    • Pneumonia
    • Bronchial asthma
    • Tuberculosis
    • Whooping cough and other infections
    • Allergy
    • Helminth infection

    If you pay attention to the coughing up of sputum, then there are such types of cough as dry (no sputum is produced) and wet (it is also called productive or wet). Normally, a newborn, infant 2 months or older can cough up sputum in the morning, as it accumulates during night sleep. Later during the day the baby will not have a cough, and the general condition will not change.

    Having assessed the sound of a dry cough in an infant, you can define it as:

    • A barking cough is a loud cough that sounds like a dog barking and usually occurs with laryngitis.
    • Pulmonary - exhausting paroxysmal cough.
    • Superficial - characteristic of pharyngitis.

    Cough not associated with sore throat

    • An infant may begin to cough due to a foreign object, such as small toys or parts thereof, entering the respiratory tract. In addition to the sudden onset of a cough, the child may lose his voice, have difficulty breathing, and may have blue skin. This situation should be a reason to immediately call an ambulance.
    • The occurrence of cough in an infant, for example, at the age of 5 months, can also be caused by an allergic reaction. A baby can react by coughing to pollen, food allergens, dust, down pillows and many other substances and objects. To help a child with such a cough, it is important to identify the allergen and eliminate its exposure.
    • Another cause of cough without respiratory diseases is helminthiasis. The larvae of some types of worms, developing in the child’s body, can pass through the lungs. During coughing, they pass along with mucus into the gastrointestinal tract and thus reach the intestines.
    • We also note that the cause of a dry cough in infants may be excessively dry air in the room. In this case, the problem can be easily solved using a humidifier or other sources of moisture (water containers, wet towels).
    • Breasts may also cough while eating if the milk comes in too quickly. Changing the position when breastfeeding or changing the nipple when bottle feeding will help eliminate this cough.

    Dangerous symptoms (when the cough is dangerous)

    Parents need to be wary and show their baby to the doctor as soon as possible if:

    • The cough appeared suddenly and did not stop.
    • Simultaneously with the cough, the baby began to wheeze, which could be heard from afar.
    • The cough occurs at night in the form of attacks.
    • The baby coughs up red or green mucus.
    • The cough lasts longer than three weeks.

    How to treat?

    When a cough of any kind appears in a baby, for example, at 4 months, you should first determine whether it is normal or caused by a disease. To do this, you need to show your baby to a doctor, since any medications against cough in children under one year of age should be taken only after being prescribed by a pediatrician or ENT specialist.

    In addition to medications, the following are used in the treatment of infants with cough:

    • Inhalations. Depending on the method of implementation, they can be steam or nebulizer. An infant should be held very carefully over steam to avoid the risk of burns. Only saline solution or Borjomi should be filled into a nebulizer for inhalation in infancy without a pediatrician's prescription.
    • Drainage massage. It is given to babies who do not have an elevated body temperature, from the 4-5th day of illness to improve sputum separation. With this massage, the baby’s head is located below the body. First the back is massaged, and then the chest. After the massage, the baby should be wrapped up and placed in a crib, changing body position regularly.
    • Folk remedies. These include the use of herbal infusions, cakes with honey and rubbing with badger fat.

    How to properly treat a cough in a baby. Drug Review

    Pediatrician Zinovieva N.A. 07/18/2015

    How to treat a cough in a baby? The choice of drugs depends on the type of cough and disease. Cough is a symptom, it is important to identify its cause. Also, in babies under one year old it can be physiological in nature. Sometimes coughing in a baby alarms the mother. And this may just be a reaction to mucus that accumulates on the back wall of the nasopharynx, especially during teething.

    Coughing in infants is much less common than in older children. If your baby is breastfed, the risk of getting ARVI or influenza is even lower. What is important? If a cough is accompanied by a runny nose and fever, this is a sure sign of ARVI. If the nose does not run, there is no fever, and the infant is coughing, this may indicate an allergic nature of the cough or whooping cough. Treatment of cough in children under one year of age can only be prescribed by a doctor. Even if your baby coughs, you should definitely see a pediatrician. In infants, the respiratory muscles are poorly developed. Inflammatory processes during ARVI can result in complications due to stagnation of mucus in the bronchi and lungs, because the child is unable to cough it up.

    About dry and wet cough

    Coughing, like sneezing, is a protective reflex of the body. Normally, a baby can cough up to 10 times a day and be absolutely healthy. A slight cough in infants may be a physiological norm.

    • Dry cough in a baby. The reasons for it can be very different. Therefore, sometimes difficulties arise in making an accurate diagnosis. A dry cough can be the beginning of an acute respiratory viral infection. And at the same time, it is characteristic of the first weeks of whooping cough and parawhooping cough. It may be a symptom of allergies or bronchial asthma (alas, it also occurs in infants). Sometimes the cough seems dry to the mother, but the doctor comes, listens and says that it is wet. The fact is that a 3-month-old baby still does not know how to spit out mucus and swallows it.
    • A wet cough in an infant without fever. Indicates the productive nature of the cough. It usually appears during the recovery stage after ARVI. If clear liquid mucus is coughed up, then there are no complications. Greenish and yellowish sputum indicates a bacterial infection in the respiratory system. Sometimes a prolonged wet cough without fever can indicate chronic bronchitis, tracheitis, or pneumonia.

    The bronchi have the property of self-cleaning. Cough in a newborn, as in a 5-month-old baby, may be associated with the immaturity of this function. It also often occurs when mucus runs down the back of the nasopharynx and irritates it.

    What the doctor can prescribe

    How to treat a cough in an infant? The treatment regimen depends on the disease. What can a doctor prescribe if a baby has signs of ARVI?

    • Antiviral drugs. Immunomodulatory drugs with antiviral effects are often prescribed. Viferon is most often used in candles, which has no age restrictions. It can be given to newborns.
    • Nasal rinsing. An important procedure, especially before bedtime. If a baby has a clogged nose, he breathes through his mouth. This leads to rapid drying of the mucous membranes, which then intensifies the baby’s cough. You need to rinse the nose with saline solutions. You can use regular saline solution: drop 3 drops into each nostril, at least every hour. After rinsing, you can instill 1 drop of the “Ectericide” oil solution, which will cover the mucous membranes with a thin protective layer. It is strictly forbidden to instill antibacterial drops. In rare cases, the pediatrician prescribes vasoconstrictor drugs for the nose. Usually they are not used for ARVI.
    • Antipyretics for fever. Syrups based on paracetamol and ibuprofen are used.
    • Homeopathic medicines. Widely used in modern pediatrics in the treatment of ARVI in children of different ages. Homeopathic syrup "Stodal" is popular. It has an expectorant, bronchodilator, and mild antitussive effect. It is prescribed for dry and wet coughs; it also relieves bronchospasms well.

    With ARVI, a baby sometimes has a cough and runny nose without fever. Also, these symptoms can be observed with allergic rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis.

    Read more about cough medicines

    How to treat cough in a child under one year old? There are three large groups of drugs for treating cough. The most acceptable and safe dosage form for infants is syrups and drops.

    • Antitussive drugs. They suppress the cough reflex and are used for dry, obsessive, paroxysmal cough in children, more often for whooping cough. Most of these medications are contraindicated in children under 2–3 years of age. Sinekod syrup is a drug with central non-narcotic action, approved from 2 months. Panatus syrup is also a drug of central non-narcotic action, approved from 6 months under strict medical supervision. The dosage is prescribed depending on body weight.
    • Mucolytic drugs. They may be based on the following substances: ambroxol, bromhexine, acetylcysteine, hydrochloride. Helps thin out thick mucus in the respiratory system. The most well-known trade names of syrups: “Lazolvan”, “Ambrobene”, “Bromhexin”, “Mukosol”, “Fluditek”, “Flavamed”, “Mukodin”. Most of these drugs can be given to infants, but strictly as prescribed by a doctor.
    • Expectorants. Prescribed for wet cough, when viscous mucus is difficult to cough up. Herbal expectorant syrups with ivy and plantain extract are considered to be the safest for children under one year of age. The preparations may also include: thyme, anise, licorice, marshmallow, elecampane, oregano, thyme, wild rosemary, coltsfoot and other herbs. However, allergic reactions may occur to them. It is necessary to monitor the child's condition. If a rash, swelling, or anxiety appears, you should stop treatment and consult a doctor. The most well-known trade names: “Gedelix”, “Doctor MOM”, “Prospan”, “Bronchicum”, “Dr. Theiss." “Prospan” syrup, for example, can be given to a baby at 4 months, “Bronchicum” can be safely used at 7 months. It is acceptable to use expectorants at an earlier age, in newborns. This is decided only by the doctor, who accurately calculates the dose of the medicine.

    An overdose of herbal expectorants should not be allowed, because this will lead to a lingering cough. The volume of sputum may increase, and the baby will not be able to cough it up. A combination of expectorants and antitussives is considered dangerous. They are not compatible. Most instructions for expectorant syrups warn about this. Suppression of the cough center and the formation of excess sputum result in pneumonia.

    How to help your baby

    What should parents do if their baby coughs?
    • Drink as much as possible. If a newborn coughs, then at that age you should not give anything other than water. The ideal option is breast milk. If your baby has a fever, dehydration occurs much faster. This must be taken into account. How can you tell if your baby is getting enough fluids? By filling the diaper. If urination occurs once every 4 hours, this is a signal that the baby needs to be hydrated. In addition to water, an 8-month-old baby can be offered dried fruit compote, non-concentrated juices, decoctions of linden, rose hips, and raisins.
    • Don't dress too warmly. The child will lose even more moisture, and the mucous membranes will dry out faster.
    • Be outdoors as much as possible. If a baby has a cough without fever, and the child feels well, there are no contraindications for walking (except for severe frost outside the window). After walking, the baby may begin to cough more severely. There is no need to be afraid of this, because when the cough intensifies, the phlegm comes out better.
    • Humidify the air in the baby's room. An important condition for a dry, non-productive cough to become a wet, productive cough without any medications. Air humidity should be from 50 to 70%. Air temperature is no less important. Ideally it should be 18°C. At temperatures above 22°C, the mucus in the respiratory organs quickly becomes thick and viscous.
    • Natural inhalations. Infants are prohibited from doing steam inhalations for safety reasons, so as not to accidentally burn the skin and delicate mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. You can install an ultrasonic humidifier next to the crib. During attacks of dry obsessive cough, it is recommended to go into the bathroom with the baby. You need to fill the bathtub with hot water, add soda to it and breathe in the steam that fills the bathroom. The humidity in the bathroom will be very high, which is useful for dry coughs. If the cough is wet, then it is better not to add soda.
    • Water procedures. Is it possible to bathe a child with a cough? It depends on the nature of the disease and the general condition of the baby. In the first days of ARVI, when the temperature is elevated, it is not recommended to bathe the baby; you can only wipe the body with a damp towel. When the baby's condition improves, you can take a medicinal bath. You can add decoctions of medicinal herbs (pine needles, eucalyptus, chamomile, wild rosemary and others) and sea salt to the water. After water procedures, babies usually begin to cough up the remaining sputum well.
    • Drainage massage. Indicated for wet cough with difficult to separate sputum. It helps well in infants whose respiratory muscles are poorly developed. How to carry it out? If possible, you should invite a professional massage therapist who works specifically with infants. But there are some things mom can do herself. You need to lay the child on his back, clasp his chest with his palms and perform stroking movements from bottom to top. Then turn the baby over on his stomach and stroke his back in a circular motion without touching the spine. After stroking, more intense patting movements are performed from bottom to top. It is better to lay the baby so that the buttocks are higher than the head.
    • Folk remedies. Pediatricians do not recommend resorting to traditional recipes if the baby is coughing. Wrong and thoughtless actions of parents sometimes lead to disastrous results. It is strictly forbidden to use compresses with vodka, vinegar, or dry mustard. The baby may get burns, poisoning, and spasms of the larynx and bronchi may occur. Also, decoctions and infusions, and breast preparations should be used with great caution. Young children are often allergic to medicinal herbs.

    What are the dangers of complications in infancy?

    Against the background of ARVI, an infant may develop acute bronchitis or pneumonia, secondary bacterial infections. The baby will have to be treated with antibiotics and many different medications. They are not advisable during the formation of the immune system. Also, when pneumonia was suffered at 2 months or earlier, the alveoli of the lung are affected, which will remain undeveloped in the future.

    More about whooping cough

    Whooping cough has a number of characteristic features. Therefore, an experienced doctor will immediately determine whether it is whooping cough or not. If a child has received the DPT vaccine, he can suffer from this disease in a mild form. Today, whooping cough is becoming more common and is diagnosed late, in the second or third week, or even later. This is explained by the massive refusal to vaccinate. Severe forms of whooping cough are dangerous for infants. A hysterical, paroxysmal cough can lead to respiratory failure, severe vomiting, and respiratory arrest. How to recognize whooping cough?

    • At the first stage, it is similar to a dry cough during ARVI.
    • However, it does not become productive, it becomes more and more intrusive.
    • Has a paroxysmal character.
    • Cough shocks occur during exhalation.
    • After a series of coughing shocks, the child takes a deep breath (reprise).
    • Inhalation is accompanied by a whistle.
    • The attack ends with vomiting, sometimes viscous mucus comes out.
    • Attacks of whooping cough can occur up to 50 times a day.

    How to treat a cough in an infant with whooping cough? Antibiotics are used because whooping cough is a bacterial infection caused by the whooping cough bacterium. Treatment with antibacterial drugs is effective at the initial stage of the disease, as long as the cough center is not overexcited. Even if whooping cough is detected in the third or fourth week, the doctor still prescribes antibiotics so that the baby is not contagious. The doctor also prescribes antitussive medications. They relieve a baby's debilitating cough. Whooping cough is a disease that can last for months. It can be cured with time and fresh air.

    Treatment of cough of any nature in children under one year of age is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. Babies recover quickly if they are not overheated and given enough water. Also important are walks when the baby is feeling well, and humidified and cool air in the room.

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