Fever lasts a long time with pneumonia

Symptoms of pneumonia in adults with elevated temperature

Pneumonia is an infectious disease called inflammation of the lungs. Most often, children and elderly people, as well as patients with weak immunity, are susceptible to the disease.

Table of contents:

Pneumonia is diagnosed much less frequently in adults, but this does not make the course of the disease any easier.

Pneumonia is considered a bacterial disease that is caused by the following pathogens:

  • Pneumococcus;
  • staphylococcus;
  • Haemophilus influenzae.

As a rule, the disease occurs after a viral infection. This is due to the fact that the upper respiratory tract is inflamed, which creates comfortable conditions for the growth of bacteria.

Signs and temperature of pneumonia

In an adult, it is more difficult to suspect pneumonia at the very beginning of the disease than in a child. The first symptoms are similar to a common viral infection; the temperature with pneumonia does not rise any more than with a simple cold.

It is extremely important to identify the disease at the very beginning, since lack of treatment can lead to serious complications, including death. Symptoms of pneumonia are as follows:

  • runny nose and severe cough for several days;
  • body temperature rises up to 39;
  • feeling that there is not enough oxygen, it is impossible to fully inhale;
  • severe weakness, drowsiness;
  • the appearance of fever that does not go away after taking antipyretic drugs;
  • with advanced disease - shortness of breath.

At the initial stage, even a doctor cannot always make the correct diagnosis. The first symptoms may appear in the form of a rare cough and periodic fever. At this stage, it is much easier to cure pneumonia, but to identify it, it is necessary to take a chest x-ray or undergo the necessary tests.

As a rule, patients consult a doctor at a later stage, when fear appears due to the inability to breathe fully, there is a cough that keeps them awake at night, and the temperature is constantly elevated.

This disease is most often diagnosed in the autumn-winter period, during the peak incidence of viral infections and influenza. At the beginning of pneumonia, it is easy to infect other people with it, since for the first 3-4 days it is transmitted by airborne droplets, after which the patient is no longer contagious.

At the first signs, you should avoid contact with children and the elderly, because the risk of infecting them is quite high. The likelihood that an adult with good immunity and no diseases of internal organs will get sick is quite small.

Quite rarely, the temperature during pneumonia remains normal; almost always it is elevated. An increase in temperature is associated with the appearance in the human blood of certain chemical compounds that arise due to parasitism of microorganisms in the lungs, as well as under the influence of the immune system.

It is difficult to say what temperature is considered normal during pneumonia; it can be a little more than 37 or reach 40 degrees. An increase in temperature during this disease helps the body quickly get rid of bacteria and improve immunity to fight pneumonia. There are three options for fever in adults with pneumonia:

  1. The thermometer scale shows 37-38. This is a normal temperature for many diseases, including pneumonia. These indicators indicate the production of chemicals in the blood that help the body fight bacteria and remove toxins.
  2. If the thermometer shows a temperature of degrees, this means only one thing - the body is no longer able to cope with a bacterial infection on its own. The immune system is still struggling, but it is no longer possible to do without the help of antipyretic drugs.
  3. The critical value is degrees. The temperature rises to this level when the pathological process greatly prevails over the protective functions of the body. The body is not able to fight the disease; urgent intervention is required, preferably in a hospital setting. In this situation, it is necessary to call emergency assistance.

If symptoms are ignored, serious complications can occur. This often occurs when medications are stopped prematurely, especially antibiotics, when the clinical picture improves.

How many days does the temperature last?

Unlike children, the first symptoms of pneumonia in adults are quite mild. This also applies to body temperature. Often the first sign of pneumonia is an increase in the thermometer reading to 37.5-38 degrees in the late afternoon, but in the morning everything is back to normal. Typically, patients do not pay attention to this alarming symptom, and doctors will not send for an x-ray due to a temporary fever.

In cases where a person’s immune system works well, this stage can last up to 2 weeks, while the cough will be rare, dry, and the temperature will persist. A sore throat is also usually present. It is important to consult a doctor and get the necessary tests after 4-5 days of fever, even if it rises for only 2-3 hours. This can be caused by either incipient pneumonia or another serious illness.

If the symptoms are ignored, the temperature subsequently rises to several degrees, shortness of breath, severe cough, headaches and chest pain when breathing occur. In this case, there is no choice left - the patient consults a doctor and receives the prescribed treatment.

It is impossible to say exactly how long the temperature lasts in an adult with pneumonia. This depends on the following factors:

  • type of pathogen;
  • the functioning of the human immune system.

A high temperature, up to 39 degrees, may be present until the antibiotics take effect. This can take up to three days, after which it usually decreases.

I recently read an article that talks about Father George’s monastic collection for the treatment of pneumonia. With this collection you can quickly cure pneumonia and strengthen your lungs at home.

I’m not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered a bag. I noticed changes within a week: the temperature subsided, it became easier to breathe, I felt a surge of strength and energy, and the constant pain in the chest that had tormented me under the shoulder blade before receded, and after 2 weeks disappeared completely. X-ray showed that my lungs are NORMAL! Try it too, and if anyone is interested, below is the link to the article.

With bilateral pneumonia, this is more difficult - the thermometer readings can increase by degrees over the course of a week or even more.

In this case, it is very important to monitor the condition of other organs, since infectious inflammation can spread to them.

How to reduce the temperature with pneumonia?

It should be remembered that fever is not a disease that needs to be treated. Its increase only means that the body is struggling; it is a consequence of some disease. If you successfully get rid of the fever, you should not count on a cure; the temperature will rise again and will continue to rise until the underlying disease is eliminated.

Having studied Elena Malysheva’s methods in the treatment of PNEUMONIA, as well as lung restoration, we decided to offer it to your attention.

Doctors categorically do not recommend lowering the temperature to below degrees.

This is explained by the fact that in such heat the immune system is activated, trying to cope with the infection on its own.

Taking antipyretics in this situation will only deal a blow to the immune system, which will no longer independently resist the disease. The exception is the addition of fever. In this case, taking medications is necessary, even if the thermometer shows less than 38.

Along with treatment, the doctor will offer a choice of medications to reduce fever. It is impossible to bring down the temperature separately from treatment; there is no point in this. As a rule, it is recommended to take Paracetamol when the temperature rises above 38 degrees. In cases where the thermometer shows below 40, you should call an ambulance, which will give an antipyretic injection to quickly relieve the temperature.

This method is much more effective and lasts longer than oral medications. You can alleviate your condition when your body temperature rises in the following ways:

  • moisten a towel in water at room temperature and place it on your head and wrists;
  • periodically wipe the entire body with a damp towel;
  • dress warmly and open the windows (if it’s not hot outside) - fresh air is necessary for any illness;
  • drink hot tea with honey. Oddly enough, after sweating well, a person feels relief and the fever subsides.

It is important to remember that the water for wiping should be at room temperature. It is better if it is degrees, since rubbing with a too cold towel can cause cramps.

It is strictly forbidden to wipe yourself with vodka, vinegar or anything else; the consequences can be the most unpredictable.

You need to know that the temperature can rise even after recovery; under no circumstances should you bring it down on your own. You should immediately consult a doctor, as this situation indicates a relapse of the disease and the presence of a source of infection in the body.

  • You are tormented by a constant cough with phlegm, shortness of breath and chest pain.
  • You are tired of heavy breathing, fever and weakness every now and then.
  • The prescribed treatment does not help you, or rather, you do not see much use from it.

We recommend reading the story of Galina Savina, who not only cured her pneumonia, but also strengthened her lungs. Read the article>>

Read what Galina Savina says about this. For several months I suffered from PNEUMONIA - constant cough, chest pain, it was hard to breathe, the temperature rose and fell, weakness, shortness of breath even with the slightest physical exertion. Endless tests, visits to doctors, antibiotics, syrups and pills did not solve my problems. BUT thanks to a simple recipe, I COMPLETELY got rid of PNEUMONIA and feel absolutely HEALTHY, full of strength and energy. Now my attending physician is surprised how this is so. Here is a link to the article.

Source: http://opnevmonii.ru/pnevmoniya/02-priznaki/simptomy-vospaleniya-legkix-s-temperaturoj-u-vzroslogo.html

How long does the temperature last for pneumonia?

What is the temperature during pneumonia and how long does it last?

Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs, or more precisely, their tissues and alveoli. The disease is usually infectious and has a severe course. The temperature during pneumonia rises sharply and strongly.

About the disease

Pneumonia can be either an independent disease or occur as a complication of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. To protect yourself from negative consequences, you need to know about the signs of the disease and what temperature occurs with pneumonia and how long it lasts.

It is very important not to confuse the symptoms with acute respiratory diseases. The disease begins abruptly with high fever, cough, chills and pain in the side.

The temperature during pneumonia in adults and children rises to 38–40 degrees and lasts for quite a long time.

Temperature in adults

The temperature during pneumonia appears due to the formation of pyrogens in the bloodstream. These are chemicals arising from the activity and proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms in the respiratory tract. High temperature is a kind of protective reaction of the body. Thanks to it, metabolism accelerates and local immunity increases.

When the value exceeds 39 degrees, we can say that the body is mobilizing all its protective functions and reactions to defeat the disease and is functioning at the limit.

Whatever the temperature during pneumonia, this indicates the presence of a focus of inflammation. Experts do not recommend reducing the fever if the value is less than 38-38.5 degrees. This may worsen the course of the disease. Antipyretic drugs should be taken if the value is higher than the permissible values.

Temperature in children

Temperature readings for pneumonia in children rise above 38 degrees and last more than three days. The disease can be suspected if, after suffering from an acute respiratory viral infection or acute respiratory infection accompanied by fever, the child’s temperature rises again. Pneumonia occurs in children without fever.

In newborns, pneumonia can be caused by the herpes virus and various bacteria that enter the respiratory tract, including during the passage of the birth canal. The duration of fever in children depends on the severity of the disease and the competence of treatment.

Types of fever with pneumonia

There are 2 main types of temperature increase:

White fever

Differs in the following characteristics:

  • cold skin;
  • dry skin;
  • turgor is significantly reduced.

This occurs due to spasm of skin vessels, they narrow, blood flow and heat exchange worsen.

Red fever

The signs of this species are somewhat different from the previous one:

  • hot skin;
  • redness of some areas.

At the same time, the skin vessels dilate, increasing blood flow.

According to another classification, fever can be divided into groups according to the temperature:

  1. Subfebrile (37-38 degrees). In adults and children, it appears against the background of an inflammatory reaction or exposure to toxic substances in the body. You shouldn't knock it down.
  2. Febrile (38-39 degrees). It indicates a strong inflammatory process and depletion of the body's reserves. It must be brought down with antipyretic drugs.
  3. Critical (39-41). The pathological process depletes the body. Immediate contact with a specialist is required. In infants, the situation can be complicated by the occurrence of seizures, which is very dangerous and can lead to the development of epilepsy.

How long does the temperature last

The duration of fever in adults and children depends on the type of disease and its severity. At the very beginning, there is a slight evening rise in the indicator to 38 degrees, which, as a rule, decreases in the morning.

If pneumonia is caused by bacteria, the fever may last about three days with antibiotic therapy.

When the disease spreads to both lungs (lobar pneumonia), fever in adults and children can last up to two weeks.

When antibiotics are used in children, there is a decrease in temperature on the fourth day, followed by temporary increases.

When talking about how long a fever can last, the etiological factor should be taken into account. If the disease is caused by several causes and with widespread foci of inflammation, the temperature may persist for several months.

Why doesn't the temperature go down?

There are a number of reasons why a fever cannot be stopped:

  • secondary inflammation of lung tissue;
  • stopping antibiotics prematurely;
  • wrong treatment.

When treating diseases caused by viruses, special medications are required. Antibiotics only help with bacterial pneumonia. Much depends on how strong the immunity of adults and children is. If the fever does not go away on the seventh day and is not controlled by antipyretics, you should immediately consult a doctor.

It is important!

What is the temperature for pneumonia

Fever during pneumonia is an almost inevitable occurrence. True, sometimes an asymptomatic form of the disease develops, in which there is no temperature reaction. Pathological changes in this case are detected by X-ray results.

How soon the patient goes to the hospital and receives adequate treatment depends on whether there is a fever during pneumonia. Unfortunately, non-fever forms of the disease are especially dangerous, since a person is unaware of the pathology and often seeks help when the process has already gone far. In this article we will look in detail at how long the temperature lasts during pneumonia. We will also explain the reasons why it does not decrease even after illness.

Causes of temperature during pneumonia

Despite a considerable amount of scientific research, it is not clear exactly why pneumonia is accompanied by fever. In the lobar form of the disease, the thermometer may show degrees, but scientists are unable to detect the pyrogenic substances that cause this reaction.

It must be remembered that high temperature is a physiological phenomenon that can be caused by a combination of several factors. It significantly speeds up the metabolic process, with accelerated elimination of bacteria occurring, and local immune defense is enhanced.

Temperature with pneumonia in adults

What is the temperature for pneumonia in adults? It's more of an individual process. Nevertheless, it is considered normal if the patient’s temperature ranges from 37.7 to 38 degrees. More often, its increase is observed in the evening hours, but by the morning the situation has already stabilized.

How many days does a fever last for pneumonia? Usually - about 2 weeks. However, it must be taken into account that in adult patients, pneumonia is caused by a variety of bacteria, viruses and fungi. In this regard, the duration of the temperature reaction may vary.

Usually, to remove the symptoms of pneumonia in adults, medications are prescribed, but with a temperature, everything is more complicated. It is worth knocking it down only if it rises above the 38 degree mark.

Temperature with pneumonia in children

What is the temperature during pneumonia in children and how many days does it last? In the case of a bacterial nature of the disease, the thermometer may show from 37 to 39 degrees for about three days. Subsequently, with the use of antibiotics, the temperature gradually decreases. Periodic ups and downs are possible.

In some cases, the high temperature persists regardless of the treatment used. In such a situation, the child must be hospitalized as quickly as possible. Pulmonologists should monitor his condition.

Temperature with pneumonia 37

This indicator is considered normal, especially if it occurs in the evening hours. This process is rather individual. Often the temperature remains stable at 37 degrees for several days.

Usually, if a sore throat and cough appear against the background of such a temperature reaction, a person is not particularly worried and takes measures that are standard for eliminating simple colds. It is better to contact a trustworthy doctor as soon as possible, because the sooner treatment for pneumonia begins, the easier it will be to get rid of it.

Temperature with pneumonia 37.2

This is a standard indicator related to the norm. However, there is a problem: because this temperature is almost normal, many people carelessly and recklessly do not pay enough attention to it.

If the patient does not consult a doctor to receive adequate treatment, the inflammation gains momentum and gets worse. If a person’s body temperature remains at 37.2 degrees for more than 5 days, you need to quickly contact a trusted specialist.

Temperature for pneumonia 39

This condition indicates that the patient's pneumonia cannot be controlled properly. In fact, this is a borderline state.

The critical mark of 40 degrees has not yet been reached, but it is clear that the body cannot cope on its own. You should seek help from a trusted doctor as soon as possible.

Temperature with pneumonia 40

This critical indicator indicates that the affected body cannot cope with inflammation on its own. That is, you need qualified medical care. In this situation, it is useless and dangerous to use traditional methods. The only salvation is antibiotics.

This temperature situation is especially dangerous for young children. The problem is aggravated by the fact that some parents do not give their children antibiotics, fearing harm to the child’s body. When the thermometer shows a temperature of 40 degrees, it is better to forget about such considerations. You need to immediately call an ambulance and trust the professionals.

Temperature after pneumonia

So, we figured out how long the temperature during pneumonia lasts normally, but sometimes unusual situations arise. Sometimes all the symptoms of the disease regress, but the temperature reaction remains. This obviously indicates the presence of a chronic inflammatory process in the lung tissue. The reason for this phenomenon may be stopping the antibiotic too early. After pneumonia, the temperature may be:

  • subfebrile (37-38 degrees) - indicates an increase in the content of pyrogenic substances in the blood due to exposure to toxins or inflammatory processes;
  • 38-39 degrees is a borderline state, signaling that the body of a recovered person is not able to cope with the infection on its own;
  • 39-41 degrees is a critical value at which emergency medical attention is needed.

A low-grade reaction requires the most careful diagnosis, but the temperature should not be lowered if the patient does not have shortness of breath. The degree value indicates that there is a clear and threatening prevalence of the pathological process over the human body’s own protective mechanisms. If such numbers are observed some time after the disease, the likelihood of relapse is high.

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What is the temperature for pneumonia?

Pneumonia is one of the most dangerous diseases of the respiratory system. The difficulty of diagnosis lies in the fact that the pathology is often asymptomatic, especially in the early stages. Therefore, many people are interested in what temperature is most often observed during pneumonia, and what signs will help distinguish this disease from other lesions.

Body temperature with pneumonia

The disease in question develops due to infection with bacteria. These microorganisms produce a special type of toxin called pyrogens. These substances, entering the blood, provoke a response from the immune system, which, in turn, causes an increase in body temperature. With normal functioning of the immune system, the thermometer rises only a few degrees, usually in the evening, and in the morning the temperature drops to 36.6. This indicates the onset of sluggish or focal pneumonia.

If the thermometer shows values ​​of 38-40, we are talking about acute pneumonia. In addition to this symptom, the patient suffers from chills, dry cough, insomnia, aching bones and joints. It is worth noting that the type of pneumonia described is fraught with death, especially with low immunity and lack of timely treatment. A high temperature during pneumonia often indicates not a bacterial, but a viral nature of the disease, so the use of antibiotics in this situation is inappropriate.

How long does the temperature last for pneumonia?

With focal pneumonia, low values ​​of the considered indicator are observed from 3-4 days to 8-10 days. As a rule, the disease does not pose a threat to life, is relatively easy and can be cured quickly. If both lungs are affected, the duration of fever increases to 2-3 weeks.

Acute inflammation does not have a typical course. A high temperature can last for 1-3 days or several months, depending on the causative agent of the disease and the degree of damage to the respiratory tract.

Chronic pneumonia with a temperature of 37 degrees lasts the longest. Protracted pneumonia often goes unnoticed, since a slight increase in body temperature is not accompanied by stable clinical manifestations, the disease either recurs or fades. This leads to irreversible pathological changes in lung tissue and severe complications.


2018 Health Info. The information on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. All copyrights to materials belong to their respective owners

Source: http://healthyorgans.ru/organy-dykhaniya/lechenie-legkikh/18542-kak-dolgo-derzhitsya-temperatura-pri-vospalenii-legkikh

How many days does the temperature last for pneumonia and how to bring it down

Elevated temperature with pneumonia is quite normal. It can persist for a long time and is the most important signal that an inflammatory process is underway in the body. It shows that the body is trying to cope with the infection on its own, while the readings on the thermometer can vary.

A person who is diagnosed with pneumonia is interested in how long the high temperature will persist. At the initial stage of the disease, the thermometer can rise to 38 degrees, mostly in the evening. By morning the indicators drop to normal.

With strong immunity, this condition can persist for about two weeks. This is confusing for many, and pneumonia is not immediately diagnosed, so treatment is not started immediately. If the elevated temperature persists for about a week, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In medicine, there are cases where pneumonia is asymptomatic and the temperature does not rise. Such cases are especially dangerous for a person because appropriate treatment is not carried out, and the person simply wastes time treating a common (in his opinion) cold.

It often happens that the temperature rises sharply to 39-39.5 degrees. This situation may persist for a week. In this case, therapy should be carried out exclusively with antibiotics. Self-medication in such cases is simply prohibited. Each person's disease process occurs individually. Fever is an important symptom that, if ignored, can be dangerous.

During the course of the disease, temperature readings should be carefully monitored. The rehabilitation process directly depends on this. Acceptable thermometer readings during pneumonia are 38 degrees. If increases above this figure are observed, this may indicate a threat to the patient’s life.

How long do high rates last?

Pneumonia is a disease in which there is a strong inflammatory process in the body, so the temperature can reach critical levels.

When it comes to children, high readings on the thermometer sometimes last up to 3 days if the etiology of the disease is bacterial.

In the case of bilateral pneumonia, a high mark on the thermometer may persist for several weeks. In this case, it is imperative to conduct a thorough examination, since there is a danger of developing complications and secondary diseases against the background of pneumonia.

In children, during antibiotic therapy, the temperature may rise and fall periodically. It gradually decreases and completely disappears after a couple of weeks.

Give a clear answer to the question “How long does a high temperature last in an adult?” pretty hard. This depends on many factors, including what type of pathogen caused the disease.

Even in medicine, there are cases of contamination when a high temperature continues to persist regardless of treatment methods. When antipyretic drugs do not have the desired effect, the patient is hospitalized in the pulmonology department.

When the condition returns to normal

If after therapy the patient’s temperature does not drop, then the cause must be sought in residual effects in the lungs. It may occur due to:

  • improper treatment;
  • untreated pneumonia;
  • premature cessation of antibiotics.

If there were several etiological factors, then the effect of therapy could affect only one pathogen, while the rest remained in the body. This happens when parents do not want to “stuff” their children too much with antibiotics, or adults have some kind of fear of these drugs, and they stop taking the pills as soon as the first improvements occur. As a result of this, the therapeutic course prescribed by the doctor is interrupted, and the disease enters the chronic stage.

When pneumonia is viral in nature, antibiotics cannot cope with high fever, as a result, chemicals have no effect on viruses. Due to improper treatment, adults develop a chronic bacterial process, and children acquire gastrointestinal pathologies.

In case of viral pneumonia, high fever is brought down with antipyretics.

Temperature indicators after pneumonia can be:

  • 37-38 °C – these indicators require examination, but lowering this temperature is not recommended;
  • 38-39 °C - these indicators indicate that. That the body cannot cope with the infection on its own;
  • 39-40 °C is a critical level that requires immediate hospitalization. In some cases, it may indicate a relapse of the disease.

If a high temperature remains for a long time after suffering from pneumonia, you should definitely consult a doctor. Self-medication is strictly prohibited, since there is already an infection in the human body. Therapy should be aimed at eliminating this infection, otherwise complications cannot be avoided.

Dr. Komarovsky spoke a lot about the treatment of pneumonia in children in his publications.

Source: http://legkievnorme.ru/pnevmoniya/informatsiya/skolko-dnej-derzhitsya-temperatura-pri-pnevmonii-i-kak-ee-sbit.html

How many days does a fever last for pneumonia?

It is very important to know as much as possible about the signs of pneumonia, as well as how long the temperature lasts during pneumonia, in order to begin the correct treatment in a timely manner.

Pneumonia occurs as a result of the development of pathogenic bacteria. This disease often becomes a complication of the common cold. Most often, pneumonia affects residents of areas with damp and cold climates.

The first signs of pneumonia are very similar to the symptoms of acute respiratory infections; the greatest danger is pneumonia, which has become a complication of a cold on the legs.

Fever, cough, weakness and apathy can be a manifestation of pneumonia. At the beginning of the disease, body temperature does not exceed 38 degrees in the evenings; by morning it is restored to normal values. In people with a fairly strong immune system, this stage can last up to 2 weeks, while the cough remains dry and a sore throat is bothersome. In order not to start the disease, you need to consult a doctor if your body temperature rises within 5 days.

There may not be any acute or disturbing manifestations, only a noticeable deterioration in well-being and weakness. Then the temperature rises to several degrees, shortness of breath appears when walking, and the cough becomes wet, sometimes with the release of bloody sputum. Headaches and chest pain may also occur. All these unpleasant manifestations can be quickly removed if you consult a specialist in time and take the prescribed treatment.

Doctors never tire of reminding people that the temperature should not be lowered below 38 degrees. And there is a scientifically proven explanation for this. As a result of the development of pathogenic microbes in the respiratory tract, pyrogens are produced. They are also produced by the human immune system. It is pyrogens that cause temperature increases. If it is kept within degrees, then the metabolism accelerates and the bacteria that caused the disease are suppressed. But if the temperature rises above 39 degrees, this means that the body itself cannot cope with neutralizing the pathological process.

Too high a body temperature, as well as a low one, aggravates the course of pneumonia. Therefore, experts in the treatment of lung diseases advise reducing it to normal physiological values.

How long does the temperature last for pneumonia?

Usually, a high body temperature of up to 39 degrees persists until the antibiotics prescribed by the doctor begin to take effect. Usually, even after starting treatment, it can last up to 3 days. If the inflammatory process has affected both lungs and bilateral pneumonia has developed, the thermometer may show degrees for several weeks, which requires a careful and detailed diagnosis: perhaps the infectious inflammation has affected other organs.

Sometimes pneumonia can occur without fever - this is dangerous. The patient can continue to lead a normal life, and meanwhile the infection will gain momentum.

If the temperature rises sharply to about a degree, you should immediately seek medical help. You should not try to bring down the fever on your own or self-medicate.

In general, it is impossible to say exactly how many days the temperature lasts for pneumonia. It depends on the causative agent of the disease: virus, fungus, bacteria. A combination of several pathogens at the same time is possible, and then even during treatment the temperature will remain elevated. If the fever does not go away at home, you may need to go to the hospital to be constantly monitored by doctors.

What is the temperature for pneumonia?

Pneumonia is characterized by a temperature of degrees. If it persists for 5 days or more, you should consult a doctor.

A high temperature is an indication that the inflammatory process has intensified and the body is not able to neutralize the infection. If the temperature rises to 41 degrees, you need to call an ambulance, especially if we are talking about a child. This may indicate that the disease has taken over the body's defense reactions.

How many days it lasts depends on the individual characteristics of the person, the causative agent of the disease and the effectiveness of treatment. But in any case, it is necessary to monitor the temperature and tell the doctor about it.

Focal pneumonia, when the infection does not affect the whole lung, but only its individual lobes, can manifest itself as a low-grade fever that lasts up to 5 days. Elderly people and those with weakened immune systems may not experience a fever.

If the thermometer shows a degree, you should immediately seek emergency medical help. This condition is considered critical and requires immediate medical attention. It is especially important to remember this if a child is sick.

When and how to reduce the fever

If you are ill, you can lower your temperature only after consulting a medical professional. He will recommend medications that will be quite effective. But you can try using traditional methods, but it is very important to do this extremely carefully so as not to cause harm.

You can wipe the person with a towel soaked in a solution of water and vinegar. The water should be warm, but not hot. Berry fruit drinks, raspberry or cranberry juices are good in hot weather. Linden or thyme tea will increase sweating. Drinks made from honey and lemon, as well as currant juice or rosehip decoction or citrus fruits contain large amounts of vitamin C, which is excellent in helping to cope with pneumonia.

Temperature after pneumonia

After recovery there should be no fever. If it continues to rise during the day, this means that treatment was stopped too early or a focus of chronic inflammation has developed in the lung tissue. If there were several causative agents of the disease, then treatment should be aimed at eliminating all microbes and viruses. Often patients do not want to take too many medications, especially if they are prescribed for a child, fearing that the “chemistry” will cause harm. But this is fundamentally wrong: the disease can become chronic, and it will be very difficult to overcome it.

If, some time after recovery, the high temperature rises sharply again, this may be a sign of a recurrence of an untreated lung infection. It is necessary to consult a doctor and take all measures to eliminate the source of infection.

Small increases in temperature that may occur for a short time are not dangerous. They will disappear as soon as the amount of pyrogens in the body returns to normal.

Temperature during pneumonia is a very important symptom; you need to monitor it especially closely when a child has pneumonia. The younger he is, the more dangerous the complications can be. In order for recovery to occur as soon as possible, the doctor will prescribe complex treatment, which will take up to 2 or more weeks, depending on the severity of the condition and the causative agent of the disease. The fever will continue for some time even after starting treatment, you need to tell your doctor about it.

Pneumonia is a complex and rather unpredictable disease, so it is important to follow all medical recommendations and not try to cope with it on your own or using only traditional medicine.

The disease process can very quickly worsen, and the patient’s condition can deteriorate sharply.

Prevention is best; there are even vaccinations against the most common pneumonia pathogens.

Source: http://respiratoria.ru/pnevmonija/skolko-derzhitsya-temperatura-pri-pnevmonii.html

Symptoms of pneumonia in children with fever and cough

Fever during pneumonia in children is evidence that the immune system is actively fighting pneumonia. However, it can tell a lot about the child’s illness.

A little about the disease and its symptoms

Pneumonia is any inflammatory process in the lungs. It can be either a separate disease or a complication of other respiratory diseases (acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections), which is why pneumonia is called a whole group of ailments.

Inflammation is caused by various bacteria and viruses, develops in both lungs and mainly affects the alveoli. In the youngest, the disease can be triggered by herpes and various microbes that enter the lungs during the passage of the birth canal. Pneumonia in a child is most often accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • Cough. Most often it is wet and occurs in children with ARVI. Usually, with proper treatment, it goes away in about five days;
  • Blue or pale discoloration of the hands and feet, for example when coughing. You shouldn’t let your baby’s condition get to this point;
  • Headache;
  • Weakness, loss of appetite, dizziness;
  • Breathing quickens. If the baby breathes more than 40 times per minute, this is already serious;
  • And finally, temperature. The temperature in children with pneumonia usually rises strongly and sharply. At the initial stages of the inflammatory process, it can rise in the evening and return to normal in the morning. If it is very high (from 38) and lasts longer than 72 hours and is combined with other manifestations, you need to urgently admit the child to the hospital.

Pneumonia in numbers and what to do with the temperature?

It often rises to 38 degrees and above and can last more than three days.

If after treatment for ARVI the temperature rises again, an inflammatory process in the lungs can be suspected. However, it also happens without fever.

But the temperature during pneumonia is divided into several types. So it could be:

  1. Subfebrile. There's no need to do anything with it. A temperature of 37 to 38 degrees indicates the presence of toxins or an inflammatory reaction in the body;
  2. Febrile. A temperature of up to 39 degrees indicates severe inflammation and weakness of the body: its reserves have been depleted and help is needed here. At a febrile temperature, antipyretics are already needed;
  3. Critical. At temperatures up to 41 degrees, the body is very depleted. Here you need to urgently consult a doctor. In the smallest children, high and critical temperatures sometimes lead to complications in the form of seizures and epilepsy.

There is also a division into red and white fever. In the first case, redness of the skin is observed (in some areas), the skin becomes hot. Blood flow increases, capillaries greatly expand. And with white fever, the skin becomes dry and cold, its turgor decreases, heat exchange and blood flow worsen, and a spasm of skin vessels is observed.

Another question that concerns mothers: how long does the temperature last for pneumonia? If the inflammation is caused by microbes, it can last three days, even if antibacterial therapy is carried out. With lobar pneumonia, it can last for two weeks. With antibiotic therapy, it can last for 4 days and then periodically rise again. In addition, the answer to the question of how many days the temperature lasts for pneumonia depends on the child’s immunity.

In any case, you should not lower the temperature in children if it is below 38 degrees. Low-grade fever indicates that the body is coping with the disease on its own. In general, treatment of any type of pneumonia is purely individual and can only be prescribed by a pediatrician.

What if there is no temperature?

Typically, pneumonia in children is accompanied by symptoms such as cough and fever, but sometimes it occurs without them at all.

Most often, such inflammation is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. General weakness;
  2. Severe shortness of breath;
  3. Cough;
  4. Excessive sweating;
  5. Decreased activity and constant desire to sleep;
  6. Unhealthy blush on pale skin;
  7. Tachycardia;
  8. wheezing;
  9. Chest pain;
  10. The chest (its pliable areas) can retract.

Pneumonia without fever can be diagnosed using x-rays, tapping of lung tissue, blood tests, and listening to the lungs.

Why doesn't she fall?

It happens that the temperature does not drop after pneumonia. The main reason here is untreated pneumonia. Therapy can cope with the symptoms, but not completely destroy the causative agent of the disease. If not all microorganisms have been destroyed, after treatment of pneumonia a so-called temperature tail may be observed.

In addition, fungi and bacteria that cause pneumonia can become resistant to drugs and develop a defense system. With reduced immunity, they will again begin to actively reproduce and again stop active activity during antibiotic therapy. This is how chronic pneumonia develops.

But lobar pneumonia can develop and subside for several months in a row. Typically, hospital treatment in this case lasts three weeks, and then you need to continue treatment at home. In the case of lobar pneumonia, it is imperative to undergo an X-ray examination one month after discharge from the hospital. The temperature may remain at a subfebrile level for several more weeks. However, some doctors believe that if with this form of pneumonia the temperature is 37 degrees and no higher, then there is no need to sound the alarm. It is enough to give the child plenty of fluids and normalize nutrition. If a child has good immunity, his body will deal with minor inflammation.

In addition, the temperature may not subside for many other reasons: if the child was stopped giving antibiotics ahead of time, if they were chosen incorrectly, if a secondary inflammatory process has begun. Incorrect treatment of pneumonia and an incorrect diagnosis may also be to blame. So, if the inflammatory process is caused by fungi, antibiotics and antibacterial agents will not affect it in any way. This is why screening for pneumonia is important. If the temperature does not drop for more than seven days in a row and no antipyretics can cope with it, consult a doctor immediately.

Pneumonia is a serious disease. You should not treat your child yourself. Be sure to contact a pulmonologist or pediatrician.

Source: http://temperatura03.ru/detskie-bolezni/pnevmoniya-simptomy-u-detej-s-temperaturoj-i-kashlem.html

How long does the temperature last for pneumonia?

In order to start therapy on time, it is necessary to know all the symptoms of the disease. You also need to know how long the temperature lasts during pneumonia, and within what limits. You will learn about all this from our online magazine bronhi.com.

Pneumonia occurs due to the appearance of specific bacteria. This illness is often a complication of some common cold. Often this disease affects people who live in cities with damp and cool climatic conditions.

The first symptoms of the disease are very similar to acute respiratory infections. Pneumonia is considered the most unsafe, which is formed as a complication of a cold contracted while on the move.

An increased thermometer value, cough, weakness - a picture of pneumonia. Initially, the thermometer readings do not rise above thirty-eight degrees, and then only in the evening; in the morning it returns to normal. In patients with excellent immunity, this stage of the disease lasts about two weeks, but the cough remains dry and itchy in the throat. In order not to start the disease, you should go to the doctor if the temperature increases over a period of five days.

There may not be any sharp and disturbing signs at all. Then the temperature rises sharply to forty degrees, shortness of breath appears when walking, the cough is already wet, sometimes with blood. I have a headache and chest pain. The presented symptoms can really be eliminated if you consult a doctor in time and receive treatment.

Doctors say that you should not lower your temperature below thirty-eight degrees. A very high temperature, like a low one, aggravates the course of the disease. For this reason, doctors recommend lowering it to normal.

How long does the temperature last for pneumonia?

Readings up to thirty-nine degrees are saved until the antibiotic drugs prescribed by the doctor begin to take effect. It happens that after starting therapy it lasts about three days. If inflammation has affected the lungs and bilateral pneumonia has developed, then the thermometer may show thirty-seven to thirty-eight degrees for two to three weeks. This course of the disease requires careful study, because it may happen that the infection also affects other organs.

Sometimes inflammation occurs without fever - this is a dangerous condition. The patient may not be aware of the development of such a serious illness. If the temperature rises very sharply and very high, then you should contact a specialist. There is no need to try to cope with the disease yourself.

It is impossible to say exactly how long the temperature lasts during pneumonia. It depends on many factors.

What is the temperature for pneumonia?

This disease is characterized by thermometer readings ranging from thirty-seven to thirty-eight degrees. If it lasts for five days or longer, then you urgently need to seek help from a professional.

High scores (39-40) represent a sign that inflammation has increased and the body cannot eliminate the pathogen. When the temperature rises to forty-one degrees, you need to call an ambulance, in particular this applies to children. This suggests that the disease has taken over the body’s protective function.

How many days this condition lasts depends on the person, his characteristics, therapy and the pathogen. However, you need to monitor the temperature in any case.

Focal inflammation, when the infection does not affect the entire lung, but parts of it, can be formed by low-grade thermometer readings that last up to five days. In elderly patients and those with low immunity, there may not be a rise in temperature at all.

If the thermometer shows forty to forty-one degrees, then you need to urgently seek urgent help from doctors. This is a critical situation that requires urgent medical intervention. This is very important in situations where a child is sick.

When and how to reduce the fever

Reducing the temperature if you are ill is allowed only after consultation with a healthcare professional. He will recommend medications that will be effective. However, it is worth trying folk remedies, but carefully so as not to cause harm.

You can do wiping - wipe the body with a towel soaked in water and vinegar. It should be warm. When it’s hot, berry fruit drinks and raspberry drinks are also suitable. Linden tea will increase sweat production. Drinks made from lemon and honey, currant juice, rose hip decoction, and citrus fruits contain a huge amount of vitamin C, which perfectly cures pneumonia.

Temperature after pneumonia

After treatment there should be no increase in temperature. When it still increases, then the therapy was completed early, or that the focus of inflammation has again developed in the lung tissues. If there are several pathogens, then therapy is aimed at removing all viruses and microbes. Often, patients do not want to take many medications, in particular if they are prescribed for a child, for fear that they will harm. But this is not true, because the disease can become chronic.

If, after some time after recovery, the temperature rises again, this may indicate that the disease has not been fully cured and inflammation is developing again. You need to go to the doctor and eliminate the outbreak.

A slight increase in thermometers is not dangerous. It will go away when the pyrogen balance returns to normal.

Temperature during pneumonia is an important sign; you need to monitor this especially carefully if a child is sick. The smaller it is, the less likely complications can arise. In order for recovery to come faster, you must take all the medications prescribed by the doctor. As a rule, this is complex therapy, which takes up to two weeks.

Pneumonia is a complex disease, so you need to follow all the advice of doctors.

As a preventative measure, it is recommended to be vaccinated against pneumonia pathogens.

Source: http://bronhi.com/skolko-derzhitsya-temperatura-pri-pnevmonii

Temperature with pneumonia

Fever during pneumonia is a standard manifestation of this disease.

Moreover, it lasts for a long time. Temperature is the main symptom that you need to listen to. It reflects the state of the body trying to overcome the infectious factor. It is worth noting that the temperature indicator can vary.

How long does the temperature last for pneumonia?

People suffering from this disease are interested in the question of how long the temperature lasts during pneumonia. At the initial stage, the indicator reaches degrees. Moreover, this figure is observed exclusively in the evening. By morning, the temperature is restored to 36.6 degrees.

If a person has a strong immune system, then this condition will accompany him for two weeks. Naturally, this can be misleading and pneumonia will not begin to be treated immediately. Therefore, if the temperature persists for 5-7 days and does not subside, you should seek help from a doctor.

Pneumonia can occur without fever. This poses a particular danger. A person cannot understand what is happening to him and treats a common cold. Meanwhile, the disease is gaining momentum and the situation is getting worse.

There are also cases when the temperature rises sharply by several degrees. This condition can last for a week or even two. In this case, you need to be treated exclusively with antibiotics. Trying to lower the temperature on your own is prohibited. The course of the disease is in some way an individual process. Fever in pneumonia is a standard symptom that can be life-threatening if ignored.

How long does the temperature last after pneumonia?

Do you know how long the temperature lasts after pneumonia? In fact, this process is somewhat individual. The fact is that for some people the temperature disappears immediately, for others it does not occur at all, and for others it persists even after recovery.

This symptom may indicate that the treatment was of poor quality or the person has not fully recovered. If the fever after pneumonia does not go away, you should look for a chronic inflammatory process in the body.

Under normal conditions, the indicator should not be higher than 36.6 degrees. Not taking into account those cases where there is a specific increased or decreased body temperature.

After pneumonia there should be no fever at all! Naturally, such cases occur mainly due to the fault of the victims themselves. Not wanting to take prescribed antibiotics, the recovery process is not only delayed, but also becomes chronic. Pneumonia is a disease that needs to be eliminated comprehensively and efficiently. You cannot self-medicate; the disease will not go away in this case. Therefore, if the temperature during and after pneumonia remains at the same level, it is necessary to undergo examination.

What is the temperature for pneumonia?

Patients are interested in the question of what temperature is considered normal for pneumonia. It is worth noting right away that this is a purely individual process. There are, of course, standard indicators, but situations are still different.

So, a temperature of 37.7-38 degrees is considered normal. It lasts approximately 2 weeks. Basically, its peak increase is observed in the evening hours. By morning, the situation has stabilized significantly.

There are cases when pneumonia occurs with a temperature of several degrees. This indicates that a person has a weak immune system and the inflammatory process in the body is quite complex. This temperature can last for a couple of days or a couple of weeks. It all depends on the person's immune system and how the body can fight inflammation.

Temperature readings must be monitored. After all, the healing process depends on this. The normal temperature for pneumonia does not exceed 38 degrees and appears exclusively in the evening hours.

Low-grade fever with pneumonia

Low-grade fever for pneumonia is around 10 degrees. It is this that can reflect an increase in the amount of pyrogenic substances in the blood against the background of an inflammatory process or the presence of toxins in the body.

If this indicator has not improved after treatment, additional diagnostics must be performed. In many cases, this indicates the presence of a chronic inflammatory process. A relapse due to poor quality treatment cannot be ruled out.

There is no need to reduce the temperature if the person does not suffer from shortness of breath. With such indicators, the body is able to independently fight the infection. If the numbers begin to gradually increase, it is necessary to resort to the help of medications. In this case, the temperature with pneumonia is due to the body’s inability to cope with the problem on its own.

Temperature 37 with pneumonia

A temperature of 37 with pneumonia is normal. Especially if it appears in the evening hours. It is worth noting that this process is partly individual. The fact is that pneumonia can develop for several days in a row. This condition is characterized by a constant increase in temperature to 37.

People don't pay attention to it because it doesn't really bother them. If a cough and sore throat appear along with a fever, a person simply treats a common cold and does not think about the fact that it could be pneumonia.

Therefore, if the temperature stays at the same level for a long time, you should seek help from a doctor. In its advanced stage, treating pneumonia is not so easy. Moreover, the process becomes significantly more complicated and delayed.

In some cases, inflammation is bilateral, which is dangerous. Therefore, if any signs appear, you should immediately go to the hospital. Fever with pneumonia can be dangerous and indicate the presence of serious inflammation.

Temperature with pneumonia 37.2

A temperature with pneumonia of 37.2 is also normal. This is a standard indicator. But, unfortunately, due to the fact that the temperature is not high, not many people pay attention to it. Meanwhile, the inflammation begins to gain momentum and worsens significantly.

If the indicator remains at this level for more than 5-7 days, you need to seek help from a doctor. During this period, the temperature should either increase or go away completely. If this does not happen, it means that an inflammatory process has begun in the body, which must be eliminated in time so that it does not take a chronic form.

It is easier to see a doctor in time than to treat complications later. Pneumonia is a serious disease. It should not be left to chance or attempted to be eliminated on your own. This is a disease that requires complex treatment, which can be prescribed by the attending physician. Temperature during pneumonia is a very dangerous thing; you need to constantly monitor it and, in case of any deviations, go to see a doctor.

High temperature with pneumonia

High temperature during pneumonia is associated with a strong inflammatory process or with the body’s inability to resist this phenomenon. In general, the presence of an increased indicator may be associated with the individual characteristics of a person. This does not always indicate the severity of the disease.

Temperature in degrees is a critical value. In this case, you cannot delay providing emergency care, especially to a child. This indicates that the body cannot cope and infectious inflammation has taken over.

Some people suffer from high fever for 2 weeks. Usually its indicator varies from 39 to 40 degrees. It is impossible to completely reduce the temperature and it constantly returns. In this case, strong antibiotics must be used. Many parents do not give their children medications so as not to harm their health, and thereby allow the inflammatory process to worsen.

Typically, the temperature during pneumonia reaches its highest level in the late afternoon; in the morning everything stabilizes.

Temperature with pneumonia 39

A temperature of 39 for pneumonia indicates that the situation is gradually getting out of control. This means that the body cannot fight the problem on its own. Indicators in degrees are a borderline state. The body cannot cope with the infection and needs help.

When the temperature reaches 39 degrees, this is a critical value. In this case, it is necessary to provide the person with emergency medical care. Such indicators are especially dangerous for children.

If the temperature has risen significantly, this indicates a sharp predominance of the pathological process over the protective functions of the body. When these indicators manifest themselves after treatment of the disease, then most likely we are talking about a relapse. In this case, the necessary assistance must be provided immediately. Repeated inflammation is dangerous for humans. Temperature during pneumonia is an indicator that needs to be constantly monitored. Otherwise, the situation may get out of control.

Temperature with pneumonia 40

A temperature of 40 for pneumonia is a critical indicator. This indicates that the body is not able to cope with inflammation on its own. He needs help, and qualified help. Traditional methods will not help in this case; antibiotics are needed. Many parents do not give their children the necessary pills for reasons of harm to the body, thereby worsening the child’s condition.

This indicator is especially dangerous for children. Therefore, you need to call an ambulance immediately. A high temperature indicates a sharp predominance of the pathological process over the protective functions of the human body.

In some cases, this indicator lasts for a long time. This may be due to the severity of the disease and the characteristics of the body. The main thing is not to delay starting treatment. There are also cases when the temperature during pneumonia persists even after recovery. This indicates the beginning of a repeated inflammatory process, which will not be so easy to eliminate.

Temperature during pneumonia in children

Fever during pneumonia in children is a unique symptom that needs to be constantly monitored. Unlike respiratory diseases, for which a decrease in indicators is typical on the third day, this does not happen in this case.

With pneumonia, the temperature can remain at the same level for a long time. Basically, its indicator fluctuates and does not exceed 38 degrees. Sharp jumps to 40 are possible, and a decrease is possible. Thus, the latter process usually occurs after taking antibacterial agents. True, it is worth understanding that this medicine, on the contrary, has a beneficial effect.

Until people understand that the process has become more complicated, the situation will no longer be the simplest. You will have to resort to more serious treatment using strong antibiotics.

The temperature indicator in children is not very different from that of an adult. Failure to seek help in time significantly complicates the situation, which leads to the development of serious consequences. Temperature during pneumonia should be constantly monitored.

Temperature with pneumonia in adults

The temperature with pneumonia in adults has no special features. The first signs of the disease are: cough, sore throat, apathy and weakness. The temperature indicator plays a special role, but not many people understand this.

So, at the initial stage it fluctuates within 38 degrees. There is nothing wrong with this, the body tries to cope with the problem on its own. But he won't be able to do it. Because pneumonia is a serious process that must be eliminated with the help of antibiotics.

When the temperature persists for a long time, you need to consult a doctor. Even with the flu, it will not torment a person for more than 7 days, unless we are talking about an advanced form of the disease. If the temperature rises sharply to 39-41, a critical moment has arrived. The body is not able to cope with the problem on its own; immediate medical attention is needed.

Some people experience a sharp rise in temperature. There are also cases when it remains at a high level for a long time; this can all be due to both the severity of the process and the individual characteristics of the body. In any case, the temperature during pneumonia should be monitored and controlled.

Where does it hurt?

What needs to be examined?

How to examine?

Who to contact?

How to reduce the temperature in case of pneumonia?

Naturally, many are interested in how to reduce the temperature during pneumonia. But first, it’s worth thinking about whether it’s possible to do this yourself; any manipulations with such a complex inflammatory process should be carried out with the permission of a doctor and under his supervision.

There are several good ways to bring down a high fever, but this must be done with caution. The person should be dried with a damp towel. It is recommended to drink water at room temperature. You can wipe your body with a towel that has been previously soaked in vodka or vinegar. You should not do this with a child, because after such a procedure the baby begins to tremble.

When the temperature is high, you need to sweat a lot. The best ways to do this are: tea from linden and raspberry flowers, cranberry juice and tea from thyme, linden and chamomile. These products promote a good sweating process. Red currant juice, rosehip infusion, lingonberry juice, a drink made from lemon and honey, and kombucha are perfect. In order to bring down the temperature, it is enough to eat one grapefruit, two oranges and half a lemon. Vitamin C helps stabilize the condition.

If a high temperature is easily tolerated by a person, there is no need to bring it down; it can indicate the source of infection. This is important if there is some doubt about the diagnosis. The temperature during pneumonia does not drop if it does not exceed 37 degrees.

More information about treatment

Medical Expert Editor

Portnov Alexey Alexandrovich

Education: Kiev National Medical University. A.A. Bogomolets, specialty - "General Medicine"

The latest research on the topic Temperature during pneumonia

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