Treatment of runny nose in children according to Komarovsky
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What does Dr. Komarovsky say about a child’s runny nose?
Many young parents have already heard about Dr. Komarovsky.
Table of contents:
- Treatment of runny nose in children according to Komarovsky
- What does Dr. Komarovsky say about a child’s runny nose?
- What does Dr. Komarovsky say about the phenomenon of a runny nose in a child?
- What does Komarovsky say about the treatment of runny nose in children?
- Komarovsky about the causes and prevention of rhinitis in children
- How to treat thick snot in a child? Komarovsky: a child has a runny nose
- Etiology of rhinitis in children
- The development of a runny nose and its stages
- How thick snot appears
- What does Dr. Komarovsky say about a runny nose?
- The baby has thick snot
- Treatment of yellow snot
- Basic measures in the treatment of green snot
- Basic recommendations for the treatment of white snot
- Nasal rinsing procedure
- Proper nasal instillation
- Traditional methods
- Prevention of a runny nose
- Runny nose in a 2 year old child: how to treat, effective remedies
- First aid
- Inhalations
- Application of drops
- Other effective remedies
- Komarovsky's opinion
- How long does the disease last?
- How to treat a runny nose in children according to Komarovsky?
- What causes runny nose in children?
- When is it necessary and when not to eliminate discharge?
- Advice from Dr. Komarovsky on treating a persistent runny nose
- Nasal rinsing
- How to pump out mucus with an aspirator?
- Nasal drops
- Prohibitions in treatment
- Prevention of a runny nose
- Conclusion
- Komarovsky’s advice on how to treat a persistent runny nose in a child
- Stages of a runny nose
- Video “How to treat a stuffy nose”
- Treatment
- Video “Runny nose and medications for rhinitis”
- Methods for treating a prolonged runny nose in a child according to Komarovsky
- Common causes and symptom complex of the disease
- Experts' opinion
- Useful tips
- Prohibitions in treatment
He is a practicing pediatrician and opened his own clinic. In his free time from his main job, Komarovsky is engaged in research, which is reflected in his “creativity” - books, the main topic of which is infectious diseases in children. Read this article for advice from a famous doctor.
What does Dr. Komarovsky say about the phenomenon of a runny nose in a child?
Komarovsky even spoke on television with this, undoubtedly relevant topic, and devoted several sections of his book to it.
If we summarize everything that Dr. Komarovsky said, then there is no need to treat a runny nose. And to be more precise, it does not need to be treated, but stopped, since the snot produced during rhinitis is the body’s protective reaction to viruses that have entered the respiratory system. Along with mucus, which is essentially what is commonly called a runny nose, a large number of microorganisms are released that fight infections. If the nasal passages are forcibly “dried out,” pathogenic bacteria will easily penetrate the nasopharynx, bronchi and lungs, causing more serious diseases.
Therefore, according to Komarovsky, with a runny nose, the main task of the parents of a sick child is to maintain the mucous membrane of his nasal passages in a moist state. To do this, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room, making sure that the temperature in it is not higher than 21 degrees, and the air humidity is not lower than 75%.
What does Komarovsky say about the treatment of runny nose in children?
This doctor knows a lot about rhinitis and its treatment, so he gives parents the following professional advice:
1. Komarovsky advises, if you have a runny nose, to humidify the air in the room in which the child is located.
2. Regularly (every 2-3 hours) irrigate the nasopharyngeal mucosa with saline solution, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, or prepare it yourself by dissolving 1 teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of boiled water.
3. The doctor also advises using the drug Ectericide, which has anti-inflammatory and softening properties, for a runny nose.
4. For children under three years of age, it is recommended that once every two to three hours, lubricate the nasal passages with oil enriched with vitamins A and E. It is especially useful to carry out this procedure after using saline solution.
5. In no case should you use vasoconstrictor nasal drops (Naphthyzin, Xelen, etc.) to treat rhinitis, which at the first stage provide temporary relief, and then only aggravate the severity of the condition, provoking swelling of the nasopharynx. The use of these drugs is permissible only in the treatment of allergic rhinitis, and then only if exposure to the allergen has ceased.
Komarovsky about the causes and prevention of rhinitis in children
Komarovsky identified the following as the main causes of a long runny nose:
1. Allergic rhinitis 4 weeks or longer. It occurs quite often and can last for quite a long period of time. It can be a reaction to any external stimulus. Starting from seasonal irritations in the form of an allergic runny nose to poplar and acacia blossoms, ending with constant allergies to tobacco smoke, dust or pet hair. Even parrot feathers and their excrement can cause a similar reaction in the body.
2. Constantly recurring acute runny nose. Due to the fact that a runny nose can recur constantly, those few days when a runny nose does not bother you are simply not noticed.
Long-term rhinitis can cause disorders of the circulatory system, lungs, kidneys, and even disruption of the hormonal system. In diseases of the paranasal sinuses, purulent discharge irritates the nasal mucosa. Then the sinuses themselves need to be treated, but only a specialist can detect this.
© Author: Olga Rost
How to treat thick snot in a child? Komarovsky: a child has a runny nose
Does your child have snot? Treatment is perhaps one of the most common problems that new mothers have to face. If for us, adults, a runny nose is an unpleasant phenomenon, then for children it is a huge problem that can affect the functioning of the entire body with the ensuing consequences.
As a rule, the appearance of this disease is a manifestation of an inflammatory disease of the nasal mucosa - rhinitis, and many novice mothers are immediately perplexed and stupored: how to treat thick snot in a child?
Etiology of rhinitis in children
In babies, the appearance of thick snot has good reasons, such as a viral or bacterial infection or allergic diseases.
If a child develops thick snot, Komarovsky advises solving this problem immediately. He points out that infants are most susceptible to the occurrence of this disease, which is associated with the low secretory ability of the nasal mucosa, difficult and narrow nasal passages, as well as the absence of the cartilaginous part of the nasal septum.
These circumstances make it difficult to warm and purify the inhaled air and create quite favorable conditions for microbial and viral contamination. In other words, the occurrence of a runny nose in children is due to poorly formed immune defense, and its complex manifestation is reduced to diseases such as rhinitis and pharyngitis.
If a child has snot, what should you do? Knowing certain features of the functioning of the baby’s body and its growth, mothers are no longer surprised by the appearance of snot after a walk.
The main reasons that can cause a runny nose are:
According to Dr. Komarovsky, it is also worth adding a medicinal reason to this list.
The occurrence of vasomotor rhinitis can be caused by a number of factors, such as hot food, psycho-emotional experiences, smoke, etc. This reason is indicated by clear, thick snot in a child.
The occurrence of infectious rhinitis is usually associated with the presence of a microbial, viral or fungal pathogen, and it can appear against the background of various diseases: influenza, colds, scarlet fever, etc.
The allergic component that causes thick snot in the child requires special attention. What to treat can be suggested by medical statistics, which indicate a progressive annual increase in the number of children suffering from various allergic diseases. It is quite clear that the cause of such a runny nose is contact with an allergen, and its distinctive feature is the presence of white snot.
Long-term use of vasoconstrictor medications determines the appearance of drug-induced rhinitis, or, in other words, drug dependence.
The appearance of various types of injuries to the nasal mucosa predetermines the presence of traumatic rhinitis. Causes may include mechanical, chemical or thermal injuries.
When an overgrowth of the nasal mucosa appears, a hypertrophic runny nose is formed, and when it atrophies, an atrophic one is formed.
The development of a runny nose and its stages
Of course, the process of the appearance of rhinitis has certain stages in development.
- The appearance of swelling and swelling of the mucous membrane, which can last for several days.
- Increased secretory activity of the epithelium.
- Generalization of inflammation.
When primary symptoms appear, that is, when the development of rhinitis enters the first stage, it becomes difficult for the baby to breathe through the nasal passages. The peculiarity is that we, adults, easily begin to breathe through our mouths, but it is difficult for a child to do this. This determines the appearance of shortness of breath and refusal of the breast or bottle of formula. After all, the baby simply doesn’t know how to eat and breathe at the same time through a nose clogged with snot.
How thick snot appears
A worrying problem for every mother is snot in her child. Treatment may vary. In otolaryngology, the origin of white snot is often associated with the presence of an allergic reaction in the baby. But mothers should remember that with non-bacterial diseases, thick snot may appear in the child. How to treat them if the allergic nature of the disease is established? The following measures need to be taken:
- regularly ventilate the room in which the child is located;
- carry out wet cleaning of the room at least twice a day;
- take frequent walks in the fresh air;
- completely eliminate contact with potential allergens.
Often there may be a discharge of thick and clear snot. According to parents, thick snot in a baby is a mucous discharge that appears as a result of contact with an allergen, and it may not always be white. In this case, not only the allergic nature of the disease may occur.
Mucous secretions protect the baby's airways from the smallest particles in the inhaled air getting into them, and maybe the baby doesn't get enough fluids. If this is the case, it is recommended to increase the amount of water you drink and consult a doctor before treating thick snot.
In chronic diseases, such as bronchitis, or those that become protracted (pneumonia), the discharge of thick green snot may be observed, which can also appear with an advanced runny nose. The mucous discharge from the nose can take on a yellow-green color due to a bacterial infection, which is caused by the massive death of leukocytes and microorganisms.
Komarovsky considers thick snot in a child to be the most insidious. The nature of the origin of these discharges may be the same as in older children. You should not delay treatment, as this may lead to the development of complications, and babies at such an early age are not able to blow their nose on their own. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly inspect the nasal passages, for example, after each bath, and clean them as necessary.
What does Dr. Komarovsky say about a runny nose?
Everyone knows how to get rid of snot, but it is clear that every mother is concerned about the correct and quick elimination of a runny nose in her baby. It is worth saying that there is no need to engage in self-treatment.
Infants and children under one year of age are completely different people from a medical point of view. The processes that occur in their body are very different from those that occur in the body of an adult or older children.
Dr. Komarovsky’s advice will help you understand how to get rid of snot:
- When a child develops a runny nose of an infectious nature, the main task of the parents is to prevent the mucus from drying out. You should constantly provide your baby with drink and regularly humidify the air in the room.
- If this is not facilitated, the mucus can thicken and gradually settle in the lumen of the bronchi, which, in turn, can lead to the development of bronchitis or pneumonia. This can also lead to complications in the form of pharyngitis, otitis media, sinusitis and other diseases.
The baby has thick snot
If a child develops thick snot, how to treat it will be suggested by the recommendations given above. Namely, you need to: regularly ventilate the room in which the baby is located and carry out wet cleaning. In a situation where hyperthermia occurs, you should give your baby boiled water as often as possible. In addition, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:
- do not force feed the child;
- regularly inspect the nasal passages and suck out mucus;
- take the baby in your arms more often;
- talk kindly to the child.
Every mother is concerned about the treatment of a runny nose with any medications. As Dr. Komarovsky says, a runny nose in a child can be treated with medications, but you should follow the recommendations of pediatricians regarding their prescription.
Thus, vasoconstrictor drugs should be prescribed in a minimal dosage and only in the first two days of the development of the disease. To do this, you can use products such as “DlyaNos” (0.05%) and children’s “Otrivin”, which are indicated for infants.
If it is necessary to use antiviral and antibacterial drugs, the following can be used:
- drops "Protargol";
- nasal drops "Grippferon";
- oil-based drops “Retinol”, “Ectericide”, “Tocopherol”;
- rectal suppositories "Viferon";
- children's spray "Isofra".
When using these drugs, you should carefully read the instructions for use, and it is better to consult your pediatrician.
Among antihistamines, it is possible to use Vibrocil drops or Aquamaris or Aqualor Baby washing sprays.
Treatment of yellow snot
Let's say that even with an accurate determination of the cause of the disease, it is necessary to consult with a pediatrician to coordinate the treatment and its stages. If there is no opportunity to consult, then, as Dr. Komarovsky says, a runny nose in a child can be treated by following these recommendations:
- actively blow out mucus from the nose;
- use vasoconstrictor drugs;
- some time after this, rinse the sinuses;
- continue local procedures;
- use antihistamines;
- if necessary, use broad-spectrum antibacterial agents;
- it is possible to use antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs based on paracetamol.
It is worth remembering that if there is no effect from the drug treatment, you may have to resort to surgical intervention in the form of a puncture, which will remove the accumulated pus and ensure adequate ventilation of the nasal sinuses.
Basic measures in the treatment of green snot
Once the diagnosis has been made by the attending pediatrician, both medications and folk remedies can be prescribed. In especially severe cases, when thick yellow snot appears in a child, antibacterial medications may be recommended for a bacterial infection and antiviral medications for a viral one.
Treatment of the disease should begin with the maximum release of mucus from the sinuses and passages to ensure comfortable free breathing for the baby.
You can clear the nasal passages when thick yellow snot appears in a child using a regular syringe bulb. By the way, this procedure is recommended before each nasal rinsing or instillation of medications.
You can rinse your nose with special solutions that are sold in pharmacies, or with self-prepared salt water. In the latter case, the solution should not be stronger than one teaspoon of salt per liter of boiled water. You can use either sea salt or regular table salt. For infants, it is recommended to take special rinsing solutions, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. They contain microelement composition in the most optimal proportion.
Basic recommendations for the treatment of white snot
It is recommended to treat thick white snot in a child after determining the cause of its appearance. Initially, as in the treatment of any type of snot, it is recommended to rinse the nose to clear it of mucus and microorganisms. It is possible to use vasoconstrictor drops, which should not be used more often than 3-4 times a day. To combat inflammation, you can use Protargol and Collargol drops along with antiallergic or antibacterial drugs. Thick white snot in a child responds quite well to treatment with the anti-inflammatory ointment Viprosal.
Nasal rinsing procedure
In order to rinse the baby’s nose, it must be placed on its side, and the rinsing solution must be poured into the nostril that is located above. After this, the child is turned over to the other side and the procedure is repeated. The solution is injected very carefully. You can also wash using an ordinary pipette. It should be remembered that the washing procedure is unpleasant for the baby. It can also be carried out using a medical syringe with a solution volume of no more than 0.5 ml.
After rinsing the nose is completed, therapeutic drops can be instilled.
Proper nasal instillation
In order to properly drop drops into the baby’s nose, he must be laid on his side, in the same way as during the rinsing procedure, and then drop 2-3 drops of the drug. It is necessary that they get on the mucous septum - in this case, the effect will develop as quickly as possible. After this, you should gently press the nostril with your finger so that the drops do not flow out, turn the baby over to the other side and repeat the procedure.
Traditional methods
Some folk methods that our mothers and grandmothers used will help alleviate the baby’s condition.
So, to rinse the nose, you can use not only salt water, but also a freshly prepared and cooled decoction or infusion of chamomile at the rate of two teaspoons per glass of water.
To carry out “disinfection” in the room, you can put an onion cut in half or into 4 parts. Inhaling the phytoncides secreted by it will help break through a stuffy nose. After some time, the swelling of the mucous membrane will decrease, and the baby’s breathing will become easier.
You can also lubricate the nasal passages with sea buckthorn oil, which will have a preventive effect in the formation of crusts.
You can lubricate your baby’s feet with “Star” balm three to five times a day, combining this procedure with massage.
You can instill aloe or Kalanchoe juice. Freshly prepared carrot or beet juice, diluted with boiled water in equal proportions, is also good for a runny nose.
Prevention of a runny nose
As you know, it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. By following a few simple rules, you can prevent the development and appearance of a runny nose. So, from a very early age, a child needs to create and maintain a daily routine, provide proper nutritious nutrition, conduct physical education classes and ensure taking air baths. You can also wipe your baby with a damp towel and take contrast baths. In the latter case, the difference between the initial and final temperatures should not be more than 2-3 degrees.
Runny nose in a 2 year old child: how to treat, effective remedies
A runny nose is a very common symptom of a cold in children 2 years old. Many parents are familiar with the situation when, after treatment for a runny nose, it appears again. The reason may be that the previous rhinitis was not completely cured, or the immune system is very weakened, so it reacts to every irritant in this way. This disease occurs especially often in children of this age, since many go to kindergarten, where a huge number of viruses and bacteria are present.
First aid
What is the best treatment? To get the maximum result from the treatment of runny nose in children 2 years old, you must adhere to certain rules. This is the only way you can overcome the disease in a short period of time.
Firstly, you need to refuse to attend kindergarten for 2-3 days. Thus, you can slow down the disease at the initial stage of development. Otherwise, this symptom will become chronic, and treatment will be much more difficult.
For the first 2 days, provide the child with bed rest. The pillow should be placed under the head and shoulders. Then he will feel comfortable, and the accumulated phlegm will begin to separate faster. And this will greatly improve the baby’s nasal breathing.
When a child has a cold, he or she must drink as much fluid as possible. Prepare him a drink from jam, currants, cranberries. Such fruits contain large quantities of vitamin C, and it is known to perfectly eliminate colds and infectious diseases. In addition, such drinking has an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthens the child’s body’s defenses. Patients aged 2 years must be allowed to drink up to 1 liter of liquid per day.
If after 2 days the baby’s runny nose does not go away, then you should give him warm mineral alkaline water. The advantage of this treatment is that in an alkaline environment, pathogenic microorganisms die very quickly. By drinking plenty of fluids, it is possible to improve the discharge of nasal mucus and reduce the intoxication of the body that occurs against the background of redness from bacteria and viruses.
The video explains how to treat a runny nose in a 2-year-old child:
Such measures for the treatment of cough in children 2 years old are considered the most effective. Thanks to them, it is possible to evenly distribute the medicinal substance deep into the nasal mucosa. The result of this treatment is rapid and effective distribution of the drug over the surface of the nasal epithelium. The recovery process after inhalations occurs very quickly. After just 2-3 days, the baby’s breathing improves, the amount of mucus secreted decreases, and the general condition normalizes. 3-4 procedures are necessary per day.
To carry out inhalations, you can use a special device, thanks to which it is possible to turn the medicinal solution into an aerosol under pressure. The name of such a device is a nebulizer, through which you can spray inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antibacterial medications. Nebulizer medications for runny nose are listed here.
Application of drops
As a rule, during the treatment of a runny nose in children 2 years old, vasoconstrictor drops are used. They should not be used for more than a week. Consider only the most effective for children of this age:
- Vibrocil. This medicine is approved for use in infants. The duration of therapy is no more than a week. The resulting effect is achieved in 2-3 minutes and lasts for 6-8 hours. You need to drip 1-2 drops into each nasal passage. Here you can read the instructions for using Vibrocil nasal drops. It is advisable to blow your nose thoroughly before using the medicine or clean your nose strip with a salt solution, as well as Aquamaris. Read how to properly rinse the nose of a 2-year-old child.
- Nazol Baby. These drops should be used very carefully and for no more than 3 days. The resulting effect lasts about 6 hours. Children aged 2 years should use 2 drops in each nostril. The pipette should be wiped dry after use.
- Polydexa. Polydexa nasal drops for children is a nasal spray that can be used by patients after reaching 2 years of age. The course of therapy is 5-10 days. The resulting effect is achieved in 3 minutes and lasts 8-9 hours. Instructions for use suggest one spray into each nasal passage. The number of doses per day is 3 times. But the use of such medicine is prohibited for children suffering from renal failure.
Other effective remedies
Rinsing with ordinary boiled water has a positive effect in the treatment of children's runny nose. To achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to use an infusion of medicinal herbs and sea water. Herbs such as calendula, St. John's wort and eucalyptus are considered effective.
Many children at this age do not really like to wash, but it is necessary to do it. Prepare your baby in advance, promise him some kind of reward for this. Over time, he will get used to it, and the procedure will not seem so scary to him. In addition, a positive result will be noticeable after the first use.
Diet is considered an important role in the treatment of runny nose in children 2 years old. You should not include fatty and meat dishes in your diet. To digest such food, the baby’s body will need more energy. Since the disease reduces energy reserves, it is very important to follow a diet during rhinitis.
Saturate the baby's body with plenty of drinks rich in vitamin C. Replenishing fluids in such patients is a very important point, because dehydration of the body occurs much more severely in them. You can try other folk remedies.
Find out if licorice syrup is suitable for children under one year old.
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Komarovsky's opinion
According to the famous pediatrician Komarovsky, runny nose and cough in such children should be eliminated immediately. For these purposes, it is imperative to use a saline solution. Thus, it is possible to rinse and disinfect the nasopharynx.
Such children cannot yet put drops into the nose on their own, so the doctor recommends that parents put 2-3 drops of prescribed medications into each nasal passage, tilting the child’s head in the opposite direction. To suck out mucus from the nose, you should use a special system.
When a runny nose develops very often in children, its treatment must be carried out immediately after the disease has disappeared. Nasal rinsing is also an excellent preventative against rhinitis.
In the video, Dr. Komarovsky talks about a runny nose in a 2-year-old child:
How long does the disease last?
If the treatment was carried out on time and the parents strictly adhered to the doctor’s recommendations, then this unpleasant symptom should go away within a week. If this does not happen, the doctor should reconsider the treatment and prescribe another therapy. Otherwise, a runny nose can become chronic, and it is not so easy to treat.
The video tells how long a runny nose lasts in a 2-year-old child:
A child's runny nose is a very common symptom that parents constantly struggle with. To prevent it from becoming protracted, it is necessary to carry out therapeutic measures in a timely manner and constantly monitor the condition of the little patient. Here you can read how to treat a runny nose in a 3-year-old child. Here we describe a runny nose without fever in a child.
How to treat a runny nose in children according to Komarovsky?
Every child, from birth, is faced with the phenomenon of a runny nose. In some cases, nasal mucus is a physiological cause. The baby's mucous membrane is not yet accustomed to contact with air, so it reacts to this by secreting mucus.
The situation is completely different with rhinitis, which is provoked by a negative factor. It could be a simple cold. Dr. Komarovsky knows a lot about runny nose in children, so he explains the reasons for its occurrence.
What causes runny nose in children?
Rhinitis in children occurs as a result of the action of bacteria on the nasal mucosa. The root causes of children's snot may be the following:
- Viral infection. Among all the viruses, the root cause of snot in babies is the rhinovirus. There are more than 100 varieties of this virus. The primary cause of infection is healthy virus carriers or infected children. During the cold season, the disease occurs in the form of epidemics. The disease begins with a sharp increase in temperature and itching in the nasal canals. After a couple of days, the discharge takes on a greenish tint. This indicates that a bacterial infection is occurring.
- Staphylococcus. Very often, when taking tests, staphylococcus can be detected in a child’s nose. The bacterium is too resistant to antimicrobial drugs, so it is very difficult to treat with the usual method of cure. In case of decreased immunity, staphylococcus begins to multiply very quickly, which causes new symptoms of the disease. A bacterial runny nose has a green tint, since when bacteria multiply there is a release of revitalized substances from the immune system.
- Allergic reaction. In case of allergies, the child begins to develop clear snot. Allergies can be caused by dust, fur, or pollen. Allergies may occur to nasal products used. When a bacterial infection is added, the snot also acquires a greenish tint.
Important! When snot appears, you need the help of a doctor to determine the cause and receive proper treatment.
When is it necessary and when not to eliminate discharge?
Pus cannot just appear from the nose. The root cause may not be medical in nature. Discharge may begin due to irritants entering the nostrils:
There is no need to get rid of snot using conservative methods if the increase in the amount of discharge is physiological in nature. Examples of such phenomena:
- The mucous membrane of newborns has not yet developed and has not adapted to the air. Therefore, when a child under 1 year old has a runny nose, self-cleansing occurs.
- Clearing the nostrils of tears that were there at the time of crying.
- Reflex to dry air. In such a situation, the mucous membrane itself tries to compensate for the lack of moisture.
In case of acute respiratory viral infection in a baby, the discharge does not need to be cured. In this case, they perform a protective function.
When eliminating a runny nose, the normal functioning of the gland is disrupted, the functioning of which is aimed at preventing the penetration of viruses and bacteria inside.
Thus, treatment of a runny nose in children according to Komarovsky is not required if:
- high temperature does not rise;
- the discharge is clear and quite liquid;
- discharge flows calmly from the nose.
Attention! If thick discharge with a pungent odor and a yellowish tint is detected, then urgent action must be taken.
Advice from Dr. Komarovsky on treating a persistent runny nose
Dr. Komarovsky insists on choosing a treatment method depending on the nature of the mucus and consistency. It is very important to maintain moisture and not allow the surface layer of the nasal gland to become too dry. This will provoke the proliferation of harmful organisms.
It is very important to carry out the following activities:
- Constantly moisten the child’s nose, dribble and rinse.
- Ventilate the room, regularly do wet cleaning and control the moisture level in the room.
The doctor strongly discourages the use of vasoconstricting drugs such as Galazolin, Nazol and Naphthyzin. These drugs will not cure the disease, but will only provide temporary relief. Side effects will soon begin to appear. This will cause complications and worsening of the disease.
Komarovsky advises children to use Ectericide oil drops. The drug is absolutely safe for health, as it has no side effects at all. The product actively envelops the mucous membrane, thereby maintaining the required level of moisture.
The doctor prescribes Tocopherol for infants. These are natural purified olive and vaseline drying oils. The product can be used no more than once every 3 hours. Add 3 drops into both passages.
The doctor knows quite a lot about how to treat a persistent runny nose in a child. Therefore, Komarovsky gives the following professional recommendations:
- Regularly humidify the air in the apartment where the baby lives.
- Using saline solution, regularly spray the child's nasopharyngeal mucosa. You can buy it at every pharmacy kiosk, or mix it yourself. To do this, pour 1 small spoon of sea salt into a container of warm water.
- For children under three years of age, lubricate the nose with oils that contain vitamins A and E. This action can be effectively performed after using saline solution.
If you follow the doctor’s recommendations, you can not only quickly cure your baby’s rhinitis, but also strengthen his immunity.
In order to prevent suppuration of the nasal cavity from becoming chronic, it is necessary to begin surgical treatment of the acute form.
Attention! Only timely identification of symptoms will help avoid complications.
Nasal rinsing
If a runny nose does not go away for a long time, then doctor Komarovsky insists on treatment in combination with washing the passages.
It is worth using a saline solution, as it disinfects and rinses the nasopharynx.
To prepare a solution for 1 liter, add 9 grams of salt. It is still recommended to use medication.
- prepare a 20 ml disposable syringe without a needle;
- draw medicine into the syringe;
- first insert the syringe into one passage, then into the other;
- at the moment of introducing the solution, the child should try to retract it through the nostrils.
Perform all actions very carefully. Liquid should not come out of the second nostril. In this case, complications can be avoided. After completing these steps, take a specialized device and suck out the drained pus.
How to pump out mucus with an aspirator?
To make it much easier for the child to breathe, the doctor advises using an aspirator. This is an artificial way to facilitate the outflow of mucus. This method will help you quickly get rid of dried crusts and unpleasant mucus.
An aspirator is a syringe bulb and a plastic tube. Before automatically cleaning the canals, you need to clean your nose very well with saline using a syringe without a needle.
It is possible to purchase an electronic aspirator that runs on batteries. The kit comes with different attachments. This will greatly facilitate the process of suctioning snot.
Nasal drops
A runny nose can be cured by nasal drops. Parents can prepare their own saline solution. To do this, add 9 grams of salt per 1 liter. Stir the whole mass well and drop 2-3 drops into both passes.
At the same time, tilt the baby’s head in a different direction. After instillation, pump out mucus from the nose using a special device. An older child may close one nostril and independently blow mucus out of the other. Repeat the same with the other nostril.
Prohibitions in treatment
Dr. Komarovsky strongly does not recommend:
- use drops with an antibacterial effect;
- use medications that constrict blood vessels at the very beginning of a runny nose;
- bury the child's nose with aloe juice or other vegetables.
Prevention of a runny nose
Dr. Komarovsky says that it is much easier to prevent the occurrence of a runny nose than to cure it later. It is important to take precautionary measures, which include:
- It is necessary to accustom a child to hardening from the first days of his life.
- It is important to strengthen the child’s immunity through properly distributed nutrition. You need to learn how to choose the right vitamins for your child and optimize your wakefulness and sleep patterns.
- Always take the child out for a walk. Fresh air is very good for health.
- Give the child regular massages and provide physical therapy courses. Be sure to do morning exercises. The child should be enrolled in the sports section. All physical activity should be moderate so as not to harm the child’s health or cause complications.
- During ARVI and other epidemics, rinse the child’s nose with salt solutions.
- Maintain the necessary living conditions for the baby.
By performing these simple steps, you can protect your baby from snot. There is nothing complicated in these points, so you should listen to the advice of Dr. Komarovsky.
From all of the above, the result is that rhinitis is not always dangerous. It could just be an allergic reaction to dust. Perhaps the baby’s mucous membranes have simply dried out, and the body has begun to protect itself from excessive dryness. Therefore, it is worth learning to identify the symptoms of a good bacterial runny nose.
If the discharge acquires a yellowish tint and a pungent odor, then surgical treatment is necessary. It is possible to perform nasal rinsing and instillation at home. Before using any procedures, you should consult a specialist.
Directory of main ENT diseases and their treatment
All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate from a medical point of view. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating you can harm yourself!
Komarovsky’s advice on how to treat a persistent runny nose in a child
Stages of a runny nose
Symptoms of a runny nose in a child are congestion, nasal discharge and moodiness of the baby. Often the nature of the pathology is infectious. Dr. Komarovsky argues that the most important element in the occurrence and treatment of rhinitis is not medications, but environmental parameters (dryness, pollution, air temperature in the room where the child most often visits). It is useless to treat a disease with drugs without observing the necessary parameters of the regime, environment and air quality in the apartment.
The course of rhinitis is divided into stages:
- reflex;
- catarrhal;
- third stage – bacterial inflammation;
- recovery.
Usually a runny nose goes away in 7-8 days. The first stage has a short duration - a few hours. The blood vessels narrow, sneezing and burning appear, as well as dryness of the nasal cavity and nasal passages.
In the second stage, the disease develops, this occurs within three days. The vessels dilate, the mucous membrane turns from pale to red (hyperemic), and the nasal turbinates swell. It is difficult for the child to breathe, there is a lot of discharge (especially with a viral pathology, when it is transparent). The voice becomes nasal, lacrimation appears, and smells are very poorly distinguished. The baby may have blocked ears.
When inflammation of a bacterial nature begins to join, the discharge becomes greenish-yellow and at the same time thicker. Feeling better. The sense of smell and normal breathing are restored, hyperemia of the mucous membrane is reduced.
Sometimes some stages are absent or, on the contrary, very pronounced, especially if the disease is not treated with anything. It depends on the original cause of the disease. Dr. Komarovsky describes cases where the pathology goes away in just two or three days. But if a child’s immunity is weakened, then a runny nose can torment him for a whole month. With this development, it can become chronic, and serious complications may develop.
A prolonged runny nose is dangerous because it leads to disruption of the functions of the child’s cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as their development. Decreased memory and perseverance of the baby are direct consequences of long-term disturbances in oxygen metabolism in the body.
In addition, prolonged rhinitis contributes to the exacerbation of renal pathologies and bronchial asthma, as well as the onset of the development of allergies in a child. That is why Dr. Komarovsky advises treating the disease immediately.
Video “How to treat a stuffy nose”
A persistent runny nose should be treated comprehensively. You won’t be able to get by with just special medications. It is very important which apartment the child lives in: he should sleep in a room with cool (not cold!) and moist air, insists pediatrician Komarovsky.
Saline solutions for rinsing are helpful. Accumulated mucus in the nasal cavities should be removed in a timely manner on a regular basis. Komarovsky also claims that stress greatly affects a child’s health, and a prolonged runny nose is one such example. It is necessary to show tenderness and care, creating a calm and friendly environment around the baby.
Vasoconstrictors are not approved for all ages. Nazivin and Vibrocil are among the most popular medications of this type for infants. But you cannot use such drops for more than a week; treating such young children with strong drugs can be dangerous.
Dr. Komarovsky advises performing breathing exercises on a child who is often tormented by a prolonged runny nose. This is suitable for babies over two years old. Here is one of the exercises: the child sits upright, exhales, and then pinches his ears with his thumbs and the wings of his nose with his middle fingers. He inhales through his mouth (sharply) and puffs out his cheeks (clenching his lips). Lowering his head forward, he closes his eyes, covering his eyelids with his index fingers, and sits in this position as long as he can. Then he raises his head, opens his eyes, releases his nose with his fingers and inhales deeply through his nose, after which he removes his thumbs from his ears.
For viral pathologies, interferon is prescribed, for bacterial pathologies, antibacterial drugs are prescribed. Antihistamines are prescribed for allergies or to relieve swelling.
It is more difficult to treat the disease in a chronic form; an individual consultation with the treating ENT doctor is required.
Prolonged rhinitis also speaks of other processes in the body, primarily of reduced immunity, which also needs to be treated, says Dr. Komarovsky. Therefore, it is necessary to use vitamin therapy, a healthy regimen and sleep, frequent walks in fresh (not polluted) air for at least 3-4 hours a day. In addition, special preparations are used for children.
Video “Runny nose and medications for rhinitis”
In the video, Dr. Komarovsky will tell you how to properly deal with this disease in the youngest patients.
Methods for treating a prolonged runny nose in a child according to Komarovsky
Unfortunately, a runny nose in children is a common occurrence. It can be provoked by various factors, which determines the treatment tactics and symptoms of the disease. Rhinitis should be treated when the first signs of the disease appear, otherwise complications will not keep you waiting. Komarovsky knows how to treat a persistent runny nose in a child. His advice helped many children recover without serious consequences.
To get rid of the symptoms of the disease and improve the child’s condition, you need to eliminate the cause of the disease and begin drug therapy.
A runny nose can bother you from the first year of life, which requires a special treatment approach.
Against the background of physiological immunodeficiency, complications are observed much more often in infants than in older children.
Common causes and symptom complex of the disease
Why does a runny nose appear and how to detect it at the beginning of the disease? Rhinitis can develop due to:
- colds caused by hypothermia, inhalation of frosty air or exposure to a draft. Note that against the background of spasm of the blood vessels of the nasopharynx, the risk of viral infection of the body increases, as the protection of the mucous membrane decreases. This group of reasons also includes a sharp temperature change;
- an allergic reaction when the nasal mucosa comes into contact with dust, pollen, or hair. In this case, it is possible to get rid of the symptoms of the disease only after the influence of the provoking factor on the body ceases;
- inhalation of dry, dusty air, which irritates the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, provoking increased production of mucus (as a defensive reaction);
- immunodeficiency caused by concomitant pathology. Premature children with severe infectious and somatic diseases are especially often ill;
- increased psycho-emotional excitability, which disrupts the regulation of vascular tone and develops vasomotor rhinitis. In addition, it can be caused by hormonal fluctuations;
- teething;
- infection (viral, bacterial). Rhinitis can develop as a result of primary infection of the body or as a consequence of the activation of opportunistic microbes.
A long runny nose is accompanied by:
- nasal congestion, which is often observed on one side;
- low-grade fever;
- mucous discharge from the nose with a watery or thick consistency;
- difficult nasal breathing, due to which the child’s mouth is constantly open;
- swelling of the nasal mucosa;
- nasal voice;
- impaired sense of smell and taste;
- snoring;
- headaches;
- dysphagia. Intestinal dysfunction in the form of diarrhea, as well as vomiting, can be observed due to the large intake of air into the stomach. This occurs in the absence of nasal breathing, when the child swallows air along with food;
- changes in psycho-emotional state (tearfulness, irritability);
- loss of body weight (due to decreased appetite and difficulty feeding infants due to nasal congestion).
Persistent disruption of nasal breathing over several months can lead to hypoxia and delayed development of the child.
Experts' opinion
To cure a persistent runny nose in a child, Komarovsky recommends first establishing the cause of the disease. Without eliminating the effect of the allergen on the body, it will not be possible to completely get rid of the symptoms of the disease. With the help of medications you can only reduce their severity. A long course of allergic rhinitis is fraught with the appearance of asthma attacks and the development of bronchial asthma, as complications of allergies.
In addition, in the presence of infectious pathogens in the nasopharyngeal mucosa, the inflammatory process will be supported by toxins produced by microbes. Thus, chronic rhinitis of infectious origin will persist until the bacterial focus is completely sanitized.
Komarovsky repeatedly focused the attention of parents on the fact that the production of mucus in the nasal cavities is a physiological protective reaction. Thanks to mucus and the constant movement of epithelial cilia, the nasal passages are cleared of dust, toxins, and microbes. It also provides hydration of the mucous membrane, preventing it from drying out, and protection from the negative effects of environmental factors.
Increased mucus secretion helps prevent infection of the body by washing away germs from the nasal cavities. This information is relevant for those parents who begin to use vasoconstrictor nasal drops from the first days of illness.
Komarovsky notes that the use of vasoconstrictors is rational only in cases of allergic origin of the runny nose, which helps reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and rhinorrhea.
In children, with improper treatment or no treatment at all, the risk of complications increases. They are presented:
- sinusitis, when inflammation spreads to the mucous membrane of the paranasal cavities;
- otitis, as a result of the spread of infection to the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube and ear cavity;
- pharyngitis (rhinopharyngitis), which is quite often observed with a runny nose;
- inflammation of the lacrimal apparatus;
- meningitis;
- sepsis.
Useful tips
Throughout the entire period of treatment of chronic rhinitis, it is necessary to moisturize the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. For this it is advisable to use saline solution. It is absolutely harmless and can be used from the first days of life. You can also prepare your own solution by dissolving table salt (2 g) in 320 ml of warm water. Note that the salt crystals must be completely dissolved, otherwise they can damage the delicate nasal mucosa.
To make breathing easier, you need to ensure the nasal passages are open. For this purpose, special aspirators have been developed, but if they are not available, a small syringe can be used.
The aspirator is indicated for use in infants with a runny nose, because older children can blow their nose on their own.
Note that frequent use of an aspirator can lead to dry mucous membranes, which also slows down recovery. In some cases, the cause of the disease may be the anatomical features of the nasopharynx or traumatic injury to the nose. In this case, it is necessary to consult a pediatric otolaryngologist, who performs operations to eliminate a deformed septum and other anomalies.
To cure a runny nose, you need to follow these recommendations:
- control of air humidity in the children's room (optimal level 75%). Thanks to air humidification, the nasal mucosa does not dry out, thereby maintaining an optimal level of protection. To moisturize, you can use special devices (humidifiers) or hang wet diapers in the room;
- regular cleaning and ventilation of the children's room. By reducing the concentration of dust and allergens in the air, the nasal mucosa is less exposed to their irritating effects;
- temperature regime. The optimal temperature in the room is 20 degrees;
- walks in the open air. Many parents neglect walks, citing the high risk of worsening the disease. This can happen if you dress your child lightly or spend the whole day outside. To saturate the internal organs with oxygen and facilitate nasal breathing, a two-hour walk is enough, repeating it a couple of times a day. In this case, the weather should be warm, and the child should be dressed “for the weather”;
- nutrition. Particular attention should be paid to a nutritious diet. If the disease affects an infant, the problem is the inability to suckle at the breast or bottle. When trying to feed, the baby begins to choke and cry. Avoiding food can lead to weight loss. In this case, you can use a spoon or syringe (without a needle) for feeding. When a runny nose occurs in older children, it is recommended to enrich the nutritious diet with fresh fruits high in vitamin C;
- drinking regime. Increased drinking is considered an important part of therapy. With fever, increased sweating, and shortness of breath, the body loses a large amount of fluid, which is unacceptable for children. In infants, due to diarrhea and vomiting, dehydration occurs very quickly, which can lead to seizures. To replenish fluid losses and normalize the water-electrolyte balance, it is recommended to give the child still mineral water, unsweetened salts, compotes or herbal teas. This does not apply to infants who have not yet been introduced to complementary foods;
- vitamin therapy (vitamin C in combination with microelements).
Calculation of the daily volume of drinking should be carried out exclusively by a doctor, taking into account the child’s age, severity and symptoms of the disease.
Prohibitions in treatment
Treatment of a runny nose in a child must be approached with caution, because not all medications are approved for childhood. This is why a medical consultation should be carried out before starting treatment. Komarovsky does not recommend:
- use nasal drops with antibacterial action;
- use vasoconstrictors at the beginning of a viral runny nose, because increased mucus production is a protective reaction of the body;
- drip your nose with aloe or vegetable juice.
By following the advice of Dr. Komarovsky, you can not only cure a persistent runny nose in children, but also strengthen the immune system. To prevent chronic inflammation in the nasal cavities and other ENT organs, it is necessary to promptly treat the acute stage of the disease.
Author: Svetlana Galaktionova
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