Nasal spray for sinusitis, list of medications
There are a wide variety of nasal sprays that are used to treat sinusitis. The main advantages of using medications in the form of a spray are:
Table of contents:
- Nasal spray for sinusitis, list of medications
- Vasoconstrictors
- Products with a moisturizing effect
- Sprays affecting viscosity and mucus removal
- Antibiotic sprays
- Sprays based on glucocorticosteroids
- Nasonex for sinusitis
- Herbal remedies
- Combination drugs
- Treatment of sinusitis with sprays: the most effective drugs
- Symptoms and signs
- Treatment with sprays
- The most popular sprays for sinusitis
- Indications/contraindications for the use of sprays
- Rules of application
- Possible complications
- Video
- Nasal spray for sinusitis - list of the best sprays for treatment
- What are they?
- Vasoconstrictor sprays
- Moisturizing sprays
- Mucolytic sprays for sinusitis
- Corticosteroid sprays
- Antibiotic sprays
- Useful video
- The best sprays for sinusitis
- Review
- Sinuforte
- Bilitong
- Nasonex
- Baconase
- Bioparox
- Isofra
- Polydexa
- Symptomatic sprays
- Nasal spray for sinusitis. Description and prices.
- Sprays for sinusitis using an antibiotic.
- Vasoconstrictor sprays.
- Short acting sprays.
- Medium action sprays.
- Drugs that have a strong effect.
- Very soft
- Moisturizing sprays.
- Products containing medicinal herbs.
- The most effective drugs for sinusitis.
- Sinuforte.
- Avamis.
- Flixonase.
- Bioparox.
- Isofra.
- Polydexa.
- Vibrocil.
- Rinofluimucil.
- TizinXylo.
- Pinosol.
- Tafen nasal.
- Effective sprays for the treatment of sinusitis
- Benefits of using sprays
- Types of sprays
- Antibacterial and antiviral
- Mucolytics
- Moisturizing
- Cortecosteroids
- List of drugs with combined effects
Drops into the nose should be instilled in a lying position; the spray can be used in any place and position.
Due to uniform spraying, medicinal substances penetrate the blood vessels faster and exert their effect.
Less chance of overdose.
A convenient spray dispenser allows you to accurately administer the required amount of the drug. To treat sinusitis, several types of sprays have been developed, which differ in their action and have the following effects:
- Vasoconstrictor;
- Antibacterial;
- Antiallergic.
- Anti-inflammatory;
- Mucolytic;
- Moisturizing.
Combination sprays contain several active ingredients and combine various properties.
They do not have a therapeutic effect, but they are quite effective in eliminating manifestations of sinusitis, such as nasal congestion. They help remove mucus accumulated in the sinuses. They are used for no more than 10 days, as they cause an addictive effect. The effectiveness of the drug gradually decreases over time.
Common side effects include: nosebleeds, allergic reactions, increased blood pressure. Contraindicated for use in pregnant and lactating women, children under one year old, and people with arterial hypertension.
Depending on the active substance, several groups are distinguished:
Short-acting sprays (based on naphazoline).
They work for up to 4 hours, are effective, but cause severe dryness of the mucous membrane and are quickly addictive. Preparations:
- Naphazoline;
- Naphthyzin;
- Sanorin.
Medium action sprays (based on xylometazoline).
Valid for 5–6 hours. They work more gently than the previous group of drugs. Representatives:
- Otrivin;
- Rinomaris;
- Xymelin.
Long-acting sprays (based on oxymetazoline).
They work up to 12 hours. Preparations:
They act for about 4 hours, have a mild effect and are approved for use in children. Representatives: nazol-kids, vibrocil.
Products with a moisturizing effect
Solutions based on sea salt cleanse the mucous membrane, moisturize it and partially reduce swelling of the nasal cavity during sinusitis. They have no side effects or contraindications other than individual intolerance. Can be used in pregnant women and children up to one year old for a long time.
Moisturizing sprays contain purified sea water with varying concentrations of salts or regular saline solution. Representatives:
- Humer;
- Salin;
- Aquamaris.
Interesting! Some sprays have the ability to open the bottle of solution. Therefore, after using the spray, you can pour saline solution or a self-prepared sea salt solution into the bottle and use it to further moisturize your nose.
Sprays affecting viscosity and mucus removal
Mucolytic sprays help to liquefy and remove viscous secretions from the sinuses during sinusitis. Main representative:
Sinuforte is a herbal preparation based on cyclamen extract and juice. When used, it significantly increases the secretion of mucus, which dilutes stagnant mucus and removes it from the sinuses.
Having a harsh effect, it often causes lacrimation, pain in the eyes and redness of the face. Contraindicated for use in children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, as well as patients with a tendency to allergic reactions.
Apply one injection into each nostril once a day or every other day. For sinusitis, the course of treatment is about two weeks.
Antibiotic sprays
Sprays that contain local antibacterial drugs are used in the treatment of mild forms of sinusitis or as part of complex therapy for the disease. Representatives:
Bioparox is a drug based on the antibiotic fusafungine. For sinusitis, use a nasal tip. Apply one inhalation into each nostril every 4–6 hours (depending on age). Approved for use in children over 2.5 years of age and pregnant women.
Isofra – contains the bactericidal antibiotic framycetin. Use for 10 days, several injections into each nostril daily. Approved for use in children from one year of age.
Sprays based on glucocorticosteroids
These drugs have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, but show their effect several days after the first use of the drug. They are used to treat allergic and polypous forms of sinusitis. Use it for a month, then take a break of several months, and then return to using the spray again. Representatives:
The main side effect is dryness of the mucous membrane and increased fragility of blood vessels in the nose, which increases the risk of developing nosebleeds.
For prevention, it is recommended to regularly moisturize the nasal mucosa with saline solutions, or drip a few drops of vegetable oil (olive, sea buckthorn, etc.) into the nose.
All these sprays are used in the same way: two sprays into each nostril once a day in adults and one spray once a day in children under 12 years of age.
Nasonex for sinusitis
Nasonex is a spray that is produced by Belgian manufacturers in special bottles. The drug contains the active substance mometasone, which is a synthetic glucocorticoid, and can have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. For ease of use, the package with the drug contains a dispenser.
The mechanism of action of the drug is to prevent the release of inflammatory mediators and inhibit an immediate allergic reaction.
Nasonex is used in adult patients and children over 2 years of age for seasonal and chronic allergic rhinitis. It also helps in adults (over 18 years old) with nasal polyps and impaired smell function.
Nazonenex for sinusitis and rhinosinusitis is used in acute processes or exacerbations of chronic ones as an additional treatment. Sinusitis is treated with this auxiliary remedy twice a day, 3 doses at a time. For a child from 2 years to 12 years old, the nasal cavity should be irrigated three times a day, one measured dose at a time.
Herbal remedies
They are less effective, but are approved for use in pregnant women with sinusitis. Representative: pinosol (spray based on pine, eucalyptus and mint oils).
Combination drugs
To treat and eliminate the symptoms of sinusitis, sprays are widely used that combine the effects of several active components at once. Popular representatives:
A combination of acetylcysteine (mucolytic) and a vasoconstrictor component (tuaminoheptane sulfate). Effectively reduces swelling in the nose, dilutes viscous secretions and promotes its removal from the sinuses. The course of treatment takes a week. Adults are recommended 2 doses 2-3 times a day, children 1 dose respectively.
Polydex with phenylephrine.
A combination of a local hormone (dexamethasone) and two antibiotics (neomycin and polymyxin B).
Spray with vasoconstrictor and antiallergic effects.
On a note. Any liquid preparation for topical treatment of sinusitis can be converted into a spray using a compression or ultrasonic nebulizer.
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Drops and sprays effective for sinusitis and runny nose
Treatment of sinusitis with sprays: the most effective drugs
Sinusitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the maxillary sinuses. Visually, their location can be determined as follows: on both sides of the “wings” of the nose. It is these sinuses that are filled with purulent contents and disrupt the usual rhythm of life, bringing great discomfort. Sinusitis is considered one of the most dangerous diseases in the field of otolaryngology, because the purulent contents of the maxillary sinuses can spread to other cavities of the skull and even negatively affect the brain.
Symptoms and signs
Headaches in the forehead and complete nasal congestion are the main signs of any type of sinusitis
Firstly, you should remember that sinusitis never occurs “suddenly, unexpectedly, by itself.” This disease is always a consequence of an untreated common runny nose (rhinitis). Secondly, the symptoms of the inflammatory process in question are variable and depend on the form in which the disease occurs - acute or chronic. But both one and the second form will have the following symptoms and signs of sinusitis:
- complete nasal congestion;
- changes in olfactory reflexes - the patient will complain of a constant stench;
- headaches in the forehead;
- feeling of heaviness in the maxillary sinuses;
- profuse lacrimation.
Speaking more specifically, it is worth considering that the acute form of sinusitis is characterized by:
- paroxysmal headache;
- spontaneous increase in temperature to high levels;
- inability to breathe fully.
But with the chronic development of the inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses, the symptoms will be somewhat different:
- periodic headaches in the forehead - they are more often present when performing physical exercises, bending the body down/forward;
- a feeling of heaviness in the area of the maxillary sinuses - especially evident when bending down;
- The patient's breathing through the nose is impaired, but present.
Treatment with sprays
The spray is the most effective drug that quickly relieves symptoms and has a therapeutic effect
Sinusitis should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor - the risk of developing serious complications is too high. But this does not at all mean the need for immediate and unconditional hospitalization. Firstly, such a need is determined by the doctor after examining the patient. And secondly, people with chronic sinusitis can completely cope with treatment on their own.
How to treat sinusitis with medications? In case of exacerbations or an acute form of the disease, you will need to prescribe a regimen of antibacterial drugs (modern antibiotics for sinusitis), rinsing with antiseptic solutions, and physiotherapy.
The spray is the most effective drug that quickly relieves symptoms and has a therapeutic effect. This medicine, which has a local effect, is sold in plastic bottles with a dispenser and is easy to use.
How inhalations are done through a nebulizer for a runny nose is indicated in the article.
The most popular sprays for sinusitis
There are several categories of this type of medicine:
- Vasoconstrictors. They act directly on the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, relieve swelling, and facilitate the patient’s breathing. Sprays with a vasoconstrictor effect can be used by children from the age of 6 years, are strictly prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, should be used for no more than 5 days in a row - a longer period of use leads to persistent addiction. To obtain the maximum effect, one injection every 6 hours is enough. Vasoconstrictor sprays include: Sanorin, nasal drops Tizini Vibrocil.
- Moisturizing. They do not have a therapeutic effect, but they alleviate the patient’s condition as much as possible - they moisturize dry mucous membranes and have a mild washing effect. This type of spray for sinusitis can be prescribed to absolutely all patients, including pregnant women, lactating women, and children under 6 years of age - they are absolutely safe. Moisturizing sprays used for sinusitis include: Morenazole, Aqua-Maris, Salin.
- Mucolytic. This type of drug in question actively dilutes accumulated mucus, thereby facilitating its removal both from the nasal passages and directly from the maxillary sinuses. Such sprays can be used when treating patients over 12 years of age; they are strictly prohibited for pregnant and lactating women; they can cause allergic reactions and side effects (hyperemia of the mucous membranes, even greater swelling, an itchy rash throughout the body, angioedema and anaphylactic shock). But the drugs described have both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Mucolytic sprays include: Rinofluimucil spray and Sinuforte.
- Corticosteroids. Prescribed exclusively by the attending physician, can be used for a short time (no more than 3 days in a row), perfectly relieves swelling, allowing the patient to breathe through the nose. It is strictly prohibited for use in children under 10 years of age; it is prescribed with extreme caution to pregnant and lactating women; it may cause the development of side effects - heavy bleeding from the nose, burning in the nasal passages. Corticosteroid sprays include: Beconase and Nasonex.
- Antibacterial. This group includes antibiotic sprays, which are considered the best alternative to taking oral tablets. Antibiotic sprays can be prescribed to patients from the age of 2.5 years, there are no categorical contraindications for use by pregnant and lactating women, the duration of the course should not exceed 5 days, there should be no more than 3 injections per day. Antibacterial sprays include Isofra and Bioparox.
Indications/contraindications for the use of sprays
In each specific case, the prescription of sprays of any type of action should be carried out by a doctor
Prescribing medications for the treatment of sinusitis is the prerogative of doctors. It is advisable to prescribe sprays in the following cases:
- the inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses is at an early stage of development;
- the patient has no signs of intoxication of the body with purulent contents of the maxillary sinuses;
- sinusitis occurs in an acute form, diagnosed for the first time;
- exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease in question occurs no more often than once every 3 months.
Sprays of any type may seem like absolutely harmless medicines, but they also have contraindications for use. In medicine, it is customary to consider two types of such contraindications:
- Categorical. These include previously diagnosed allergic reactions to the components of the sprays, early childhood (up to 2 years), polyps and other neoplasms in the nasal passages.
- Conditional. Pregnancy, lactation, unstable hypertension (increased blood pressure), and renal/liver failure can be considered as such.
Important: in each specific case, the prescription of sprays of any type of action should be carried out by a doctor. Only he, based on the results of the patient’s examination, will determine the advisability of carrying out a course of treatment with exactly these medications.
Rules of application
Sprays should not be used for more than 5 days in a row, otherwise it can cause persistent addiction and even some kind of dependence. The dosage should be 1 injection into each nostril, but 2-3 times a day.
Please note: in case of acute disease, the number of procedures per day can be increased by 1-2 positions, but no more.
The drug should not be too cold (it should absolutely not be used straight from the refrigerator). The tip of the “injector pipette” must be inserted into the nasal passage and pressed on the bottle itself. At the moment of injection, you need to take a deep breath - this will help the smallest particles of the drug spread over a wider area.
Possible complications
In the absence of any treatment or ignoring the prescriptions/recommendations of the attending physician, the following complications may develop:
- transition from an acute form of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses to a chronic form;
- development of pathological processes in other cavities of the ENT organs;
- otitis - inflammation of the middle ear;
- bronchitis and pneumonia.
Sinusitis is dangerous because it can “go beyond” the ENT organs, and in this case, the development of more serious and even life-threatening conditions is possible:
- meningitis and/or encephalitis - inflammatory processes in the meninges;
- damage to the heart, disruption of its functioning - myocarditis;
- development of pathological processes in joints - arthritis, rheumatism;
- kidney damage - in particular, against the background of advanced sinusitis, nephritis can develop;
- sepsis is a general blood infection.
You will learn more about the treatment and prevention of sinusitis in adults from this video:
Sinusitis is an inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses, characterized by the formation of purulent contents and severe consequences in the absence of professional therapy. Treatment of sinusitis with sprays is not always justified, so consultation with a specialist is necessary. Otherwise, the pathological process will continue to actively develop.
It's just a disaster!
In addition to the ability to constantly catch colds, I also have a deviated nasal septum, which further complicates the treatment process. Moreover, in the early stages it is completely unclear what to treat, what to take, what pills to take. I came up with a formula for myself: rinsing with sea water and a vasoconstrictor spray, for the first few days, if nothing happens, I feel like I can’t do without sinusitis. I haven't found a better solution yet.
Nasal spray for sinusitis - list of the best sprays for treatment
Sprays are considered to be a fairly popular, functional and convenient pharmacological form of medicine. Especially often, this kind of system is used in preparations intended for the treatment of the nasopharynx. A small hand pump allows you to efficiently and quickly deliver a properly dosed dose of medication through your nasal passage and directly into your sinuses. Nasal sprays for sinusitis are topical medications and do not cause problems with the liver, pancreas, intestines and other organs as when taking the tablet form of drugs. Thanks to the convenient dispenser and uniform distribution of the active component throughout the mucous membrane, the patient using sprays gets better results compared to conventional nasal drops.
What are they?
Sprays are different. Most modern drugs of this type, present on pharmacy shelves, alleviate the course of the disease and relieve its symptoms, and only a few of them actually eliminate the cause of the problem.
Vasoconstrictor sprays
This type of medication relieves symptoms of nasal congestion and slightly dries out the mucous membranes. In addition, swelling of the membrane is reduced and breathing through the nose is normalized. You can use this kind of drugs for no more than a week, since the body quickly gets used to the systemic effect and the positive effect disappears, replaced by even greater nasal congestion and even drug-induced rhinitis. All vasoconstrictor sprays are contraindicated for pregnant and nursing mothers.
- Vibrocil is a complex vasoconstrictor spray based on phenylephrine and dimethindene maleate. Provides not only air patency of the nasal passages, but also has an antiallergic effect, simultaneously reducing heavy exudation. The spray can be used by children from six years of age. To obtain a lasting effect, one full injection into each nostril is sufficient. There are practically no side effects if you do not use it for more than a week in a row.
- Sanorin is a drug based on naphazoline. The inexpensive spray has a systemic effect on the vessels of the mucous membranes, reducing swelling. The effect of use lasts for three to four hours. Contraindicated in children under twelve years of age and patients with arterial hypertension. Side effects include burning in the mucous membranes, headache and tachycardia. This type of spray can be used for no more than five days in a row, one spray three times a day.
- Tizin is a vasoconstrictor based on xylometazoline. The therapeutic effect of the spray appears a few minutes after use and lasts for six to eight hours. The product can be used by children from six years of age. Possible side effects are reactive hyperemia, headache, burning of the mucous membrane. Tizin spray should not be used together with monoamine oxygenxylase inhibitors.
Moisturizing sprays
This type of nasal spray moisturizes the nasal mucosa, eliminates allergens and gently cleanses the sinuses. Almost all such drugs have no contraindications and can be used from the first days of life, since they contain only a prepared saline solution.
- Salin is a preparation based on ionized salt water. Can be used from the first day of life, effectively and quickly moisturizes the mucous membranes of the nose and paranasal sinuses, and provides gentle thinning of mucus. Has no side effects.
- Aqua Maris is a combined spray system with a convenient dispenser based on purified ocean water. Helps thin mucus, removes pathogenic microbes from cavities, and moisturizes the mucous membrane. The drug has no contraindications or age restrictions.
- Morenazole is a moisturizing spray based on ionized sea water. It has a cleansing and thinning effect, has no side effects or contraindications.
It is worth noting that it is also a good idea to use nasal rinsing for sinusitis, for which saline solutions are usually used.
Mucolytic sprays for sinusitis
This type of spray helps not only thin out sticky mucus, but also effectively remove it from the sinuses.
- Sinuforte is a medicine for the effective treatment of sinusitis diseases. The components of the spray have a plant base (cyclamen) and when they come into contact with the mucous membranes, they quickly dilute stagnant snot, irritating the membranes, which in turn stimulate the removal of secretions from the nasal passages. In addition, the general condition of the nasopharynx is normalized and swelling is reduced. Sinuforte spray can be used by children from twelve years of age, two injections once a day. The average course of treatment is from six to fourteen days. Possible adverse reactions are excessive lacrimation, burning in the nose, redness of local areas on the face. The spray should not be used by pregnant women, people under twelve years of age, patients with hypertension, polyposis and cystic sinusitis, as well as people with allergies.
- Rinofluimucil is a combined mucolytic nasal spray based on tuaminoheptane and acetylcysteine. It has anti-inflammatory, mucolytic and pronounced antioxidant effects, reduces swelling and hyperemia. Can be used by children over six years of age. Dosage: 1-2 sprays three times a day for no more than a week. Possible side effects include dry mucous membranes, rapid heartbeat, allergic reactions, and central nervous system stimulation. Contraindicated for pregnant women, patients with glaucoma, thyrotoxicosis and those taking MAO inhibitors, as well as for allergy sufferers.
Corticosteroid sprays
The above type of sprays significantly slows down inflammatory processes, but can only be used for a short period of time and strictly as prescribed by a doctor. Effective against very strong blockages of the nasal air passages, some types of sinusitis and polyps. Compared to broad-spectrum systemic corticosteroids in tablet form, this type of hormonal liquid does not have such strong side effects because it is applied topically.
- Beconase is a spray based on an intranasal corticosteroid from the adrenal cortex. It has a powerful anti-allergic, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect, and partially enters the circulatory system. The spray can be used strictly according to the instructions prescribed by your doctor, and a clear therapeutic effect is observed five days after the start of the course. Baconase can be used for a long period of time. Side effects include nosebleeds, burning of mucous membranes, and rarely allergic reactions and perforation of the nasal septum. Can be used by children over the age of six and pregnant women; it is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to a component of the drug.
- Nasonex is a local antiallergic and anti-inflammatory spray based on adrenal hormones. Inhibits the development of infections, does not penetrate the blood, and is more effective against allergies of various etymologies. Can be used by children from two years of age and pregnant women; the medicinal effect is visible a day after use. The dose of the drug is determined exclusively by the attending physician, usually 2 injections into each nostril throughout the day, the course of treatment is from six to twelve days. Possible side effects are burning sensation, exacerbation of pharyngitis, headache, and very rarely, perforation of the nasal septum. Contraindicated in children under two years of age, patients with tuberculosis of any form, people with nasal injuries, as well as those who have fungal or viral forms of diseases of the respiratory system.
Antibiotic sprays
Topical antibiotic sprays are a good alternative to broad-spectrum antimicrobials in tablet form.
- Bioparox is an inhalation antibiotic spray based on fusangin, which has a powerful bacteriostatic effect on most pathogenic microorganisms. Can be used both through the nasal passages and through the mouth. Approved for use by children from 2.5 years of age, the course of treatment does not exceed a week. Dosage - one or two doses of the medicine three times a day. Possible side effects: allergic reactions, dryness and burning of mucous membranes, nausea, redness of the eyes, and in rare cases, anaphylactic shock. Prescribed with caution for pregnant women, contraindicated for allergy sufferers and persons under 2.5 years of age.
- Isofra is an antibiotic spray based on framycetin. It has pronounced antimicrobial activity and does not enter the bloodstream. Course of intranasal use: one injection three times a day for no more than ten days. Contraindicated for children under one year of age and people with allergies. Possible adverse reactions: systemic symptomatic allergy.
Useful video
Treat yourself correctly, choose sprays that are appropriate for your situation, and if necessary, be sure to contact a specialized ENT clinic!
The best sprays for sinusitis
Spray for sinusitis, unlike tablets, acts locally and is practically not absorbed into the blood, which avoids the effect of the drug on the liver, kidneys, heart and intestines. Thanks to the convenient dispenser, its active components are evenly distributed throughout the mucous membrane, penetrating into the most remote corners and sinuses of the nose.
Sprays for sinusitis come in several types: some are designed to relieve symptoms, others can prevent and treat the disease. There are also combination drugs that relieve symptoms and treat at the same time.
The drug is based on an extract of the poisonous plant cyclamen, which is considered very effective in combating inflammatory processes of the sinuses. Upon contact with the mucous membrane, Sinuforte immediately begins to liquefy thick sputum with vigorous secretion of liquid mucus.
The drug naturally improves the functioning of sinus anastomosis. As a result, phlegm and pus easily leave the sinuses. By acting on the secretory glands, the spray relieves swelling of the nasal mucosa. The effect is noticeable after the first injection.
Sinuforte is allowed from 12 years of age; it should be sprayed into the nose 2 times a day. Duration of use - 8 times, headache goes away after 3-4 injections. Sinuforte is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. Allergy sufferers, hypertensive patients, and people with polyps and cysts in the paranasal sinuses should not be treated with them.
Chinese herbal medicine. Indicated in the early stages of the disease. Relieves inflammation, improves cell renewal, constricts blood vessels and fights bacterial infection.
Contraindicated in case of intolerance and in children under 5 years of age.
A strong anti-inflammatory and antiallergic agent containing the hormone mometasone. It perfectly relieves inflammation, stops the proliferation of viruses and bacteria, and copes with the allergic cause of the disease. The effect of the drug is noticeable at the end of the first day of use.
The course of treatment is up to 12 days. Contraindicated for nasal injuries, fungal infections of the nasal cavity, before the 12th week of pregnancy and during lactation. Safety of use in children under 6 years of age has not been proven.
Also a hormonal drug containing the hormone Beclamethasone. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, but it cannot be treated for long. The drug quickly relieves swelling, improves communication between the sinuses and the nasal passages, which prevents the accumulation of pus in them, increased pressure, and pain. It perfectly relieves allergy symptoms and is more intended for the treatment of allergic sinusitis and runny nose.
Beconase helps from the first day of use. Prescribed for sinusitis in adults and children over 6 years of age. The drug may cause a sneezing attack. It is not recommended to use it during pregnancy - it partially penetrates into the blood.
Spray based on the antibiotic fusangin, extracts of cumin, cloves, coriander, mint, orange and pepper. The antibiotic fusangin is effective against most bacteria that can cause sinusitis, and also has the ability to relieve inflammation. Can be successfully used to treat sore throat, bronchitis, tracheitis and runny nose.
The medicine is approved for adults and children over 12 years of age. During pregnancy it is safer than taking an antibiotic orally. The course of treatment is up to 10 days, the drug must be sprayed every 6 hours (can be in the nose and mouth). The manufacturer does not recommend the use of Bioparox sinusitis spray for people prone to allergies and bronchospasm.
Nasal spray based on the antibiotic framycetin. Isofra is an analogue of Bioparox. Once in the nasal cavity, the antibiotic immediately begins to fight the cause of the disease. The effect occurs when bacterial growth is inhibited and inflammation subsides, and lasts for a very long time.
The drug has proven itself well in clinical trials in the treatment of prolonged and chronic runny nose and sinusitis. As part of complex treatment, it cures well and perfectly prevents relapse of the disease.
The drug is approved after 1 year of life. Isofra is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation, but still, a nasal antibiotic taken by the mother is less dangerous for the fetus than a tablet one.
A combination drug of two antibiotics: polymyxin B and neomycin, the hormone dexamethasone and the vasoconstrictor phenylephrine. Polydexa is a unique drug that contains all the necessary components for the treatment of sinusitis and runny nose.
It quickly relieves swelling, improving the patency of anastomoses, eliminates nasal congestion, and promotes the release of mucopurulent contents from the sinuses. It affects the cause of the disease with two antibiotics simultaneously, leaving no chance of saving any bacteria.
Polydexa is approved for adults and children over 2.5 years old. Treatment can be continued for no more than 10 days. Contraindicated for herpes and chickenpox of the nasopharynx, pregnancy, glaucoma and renal failure.
Symptomatic sprays
The best among symptomatic drugs are the following:
- Isotonic solutions: Quix, Aquamaris, Humer. They moisturize the nose, wash out toxins and allergens, can relieve swelling and increase local immunity. The drugs have a long-term positive effect when used daily for a long time. Allowed from birth.
- Mucolytic or sputum thinner - Rinofluimucil. Nasal preparation based on acetylcysteine. Used as an additional treatment. In addition to its thinning effect, it relieves swelling and inflammation.
- Vasoconstrictors: Otrivin, Galazolin, Xymelin. Perfectly relieves swelling after the first use, instantly eliminates congestion. Among the vasoconstrictor sprays during pregnancy, Indanazoline and Naphazoline are allowed. Vasoconstrictors can be used no more than every 6 hours and no more than 4 times a day. The duration of treatment should not exceed 5–7 days. Each drug in this group has an individual age limit for children.
The listed medications can be successfully combined and alternated. Spray for sinusitis is a good and convenient remedy, but even it should be prescribed by a doctor and should not be the only drug for treatment. Sinusitis is not such a simple disease that could be cured with one miracle spray.
- Sinusitis (32)
- Nasal congestion (18)
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Nasal spray for sinusitis. Description and prices.
Sinusitis is a very common disease. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to cure it. Therefore, there are special sprays that are good for preventing sinusitis during an exacerbation. You can learn about their advantages and disadvantages here.
Sprays for sinusitis using an antibiotic.
Such sprays contain components to fight bacteria and are designed to combat sinusitis during an exacerbation.
Bioparox. Contains fusafungine. If a person has sinusitis, then they use a special nasal tip.
Isopra. It contains the antibiotic framycetin. Jump every day. Can be used by children over one year of age.
Vasoconstrictor sprays.
They do not treat the disease itself, but they are effective for nasal congestion. They can be addictive, so it is not recommended to use them for more than two weeks. In addition, the effectiveness of the spray decreases after some time.
But these sprays have a number of side effects. Among them:
- Allergic reaction.
- Bleeding from the nose.
- Blood pressure problems.
In addition, the spray is not recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers. It should not be used by children under one year of age and those who suffer from arterial hypertension.
There are several groups of such drugs (it all depends on the active ingredients).
Short acting sprays.
They are based on infazolin. A person very quickly gets used to drugs in this category. Such sprays greatly dry out the mucous membrane. Duration of action is 4 hours. They fight sinusitis well. Among these drugs are:
Sanorin is a remedy that helps with nasal diseases. It stimulates the nervous system and acts on adrenergic receptors. Due to the contraction of blood vessels, it reduces swelling and improves the ability to breathe through the nose during sinusitis. Sanorin helps open the nasal ducts and protects against bacteria. However, it dries and irritates the mucous membrane.
Medium action sprays.
They are based on xylometazoline. Milder than short-acting drugs. They last for about 5-6 hours. Among them are:
Drugs that have a strong effect.
They are based on oxymetazoline. Action time is about 12 hours.
Sprays based on phenylephrine.
Very soft
But still quite effective. Can be used even by children. Duration of action is 4 hours. Among them:
Moisturizing sprays.
This includes sprays and solutions based on sea water. Its salt effectively cleanses the mucous membrane and helps with swelling of the nasal cavity. Among them:
These preparations contain salty sea water. The concentration of the solution is different. The drugs are not intended for instillation into the nose, but for rinsing it. That is, after the drug is sprayed into the nose, some time must pass and the person blows his nose.
Products containing medicinal herbs.
Less effective than other groups, but allowed for pregnant and nursing mothers. The most famous spray is pinosol.
If the mucous membrane is dry, then you can use products that moisturize it (saline solutions).
The most effective drugs for sinusitis.
Helps with nasal inflammation. It effectively pierces the nose. It can be used even after operations. Reduces swelling and clears the nose.
Can be used by children over 12 years of age and adults. Spray 2 times into each nasal cavity once a day. Treatment time is 14 days.
Contraindications: sometimes, burning and dryness in the mucous membranes, tearing or drooling, headaches and redness in the face and cheeks. Avoid contact with eyes as there is a risk of irritation or conjunctivitis.
Price from 2200 to 3000 rubles.
Actively used for exacerbation of sinusitis. Effectively combats nasal congestion and problems with loss of smell. Can be used by adults and children over 2 years of age.
Children from 2 to 11 years old - one dose in each nasal cavity once a day. For adults, during exacerbation, 2 to 4 doses into the nasal cavity 2 times a day. When the period of exacerbation of sinusitis has passed, the dose should be reduced.
Side effects: bleeding from the nose or discharge of red mucus (related to the concentration of blood in it), headache, problems with the mucous membranes, constant sneezing and itching. Very rarely, an allergy to the components of the drug may occur. Also pharyngitis or bronchospasm.
Price from 850 to 1700 rubles.
Very similar to Nasonex. Effective for nasal congestion.
Children from 6 to 12 years old take 1 dose into the nasal cavity once a day. Over 12 years of age and adults – 2 doses into the nasal cavity 1 time per day.
Side effects: nosebleeds, dry, itchy or burning nasal passages.
Can be prescribed to pregnant and lactating women. But you should consult your doctor.
Price from 700 to 1000 rubles.
Constricts blood vessels, pierces the nose, and prevents the reappearance of symptoms of sinusitis.
Not recommended for children under 6 years of age, as well as people who suffer from tuberculosis or bronchial asthma.
Apply 1-2 doses into the nasal cavity once a day.
Scientists have not yet been able to determine whether it can be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women. It all depends on whether the doctor allows it to be used.
An overdose of Beconase can lead to suppression of adrenal regulation. This does not need to be treated, you just need to stop using the drug and over time everything will be restored.
Price from 550 to 850 rubles.
Very similar to Beconase, but more effective. A person with a stuffy nose should feel relief within 2 hours of use and this effect lasts 24 hours.
Not recommended for use by pregnant and nursing mothers.
Side effects: nosebleeds, dry mucous membranes, burning sensation in the nose, headaches, unpleasant taste or smell. Very rarely there are skin rashes, burning in the nose or nasal congestion.
The drug is more powerful than Beconase, but there are also more side effects.
Price from 750 to 1000 rubles.
What is needed if a person has an exacerbation of sinusitis.
Inhalation can be done through the mouth or nose. If it’s sinusitis, it’s in the nose. Before taking the drug, you need to clear it of mucus.
Children over 12 years of age and adults take 2 doses in each cavity 3-4 times a day. Children under 12 years of age need to take 1 dose in each cavity 3-4 times a day.
Side effects. In general, patients tolerate this drug well. Rarely there may be: problems with dry mucous membranes, sneezing, itching and burning in the nose, redness of the eyes, watery eyes, coughing and asthma. Also sometimes: nausea, bad taste in the mouth, skin rash or hives.
Price from 350 to 550 rubles.
This spray protects the mucous membrane well from viruses and germs. Helps with sinusitis.
Use only for children over one year of age and adults.
Adults should take 1 dose into each cavity 4 to 6 times a day. Children: 1 injection 3 times a day. If no changes are observed a week after the start of treatment, treatment should be discontinued.
Isofra is well tolerated by patients. But this spray cannot be used to rinse the sinuses. Also, Isofra cannot be used in combination with other sprays.
This drug should not be used by pregnant and lactating women. Some components in the spray may have a toxic effect on the fetus.
Price from 250 to 450 rubles.
Helps well with chronic sinusitis.
Children and adolescents: one spray into each nasal cavity 3 times a day.
Adults - from 3 to 5 times a day.
Cannot be used by pregnant and nursing mothers.
Price from 300 to 450 rubles.
Helps well with sinusitis. It is often prescribed after operations or when it is necessary to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane.
Can be used by children of any age and adults. Children under 1 year – 1 injection into the nasal cavity 3 times a day. From 1 to 5 years – 2 injections 3 times a day, and for adults – 4 injections 4 times a day. Course duration – 1 week.
Vibrocil comes in 2 types – spray and drops. Children under 6 years of age can only use drops.
It is not recommended for use by pregnant and nursing mothers.
Side effects and contraindications: dryness and burning in the nose, allergies to some components of the drug.
Price from 250 to 350 rubles.
Eliminates symptoms of sinusitis during exacerbation.
Children: one dose 3 times a day. Adults: 2 doses 3-4 times a day. Treatment time is one week.
Should not be used by children under 2 years of age, pregnant and nursing mothers, as well as people suffering from bronchial asthma and angina pectoris.
Side effects: problems with blood pressure and rapid heartbeat, irritation of the mucous membrane, problems with urination, allergies to the drug, addiction to the drug.
Price from 250 to 350 rubles.
Suitable for complex therapy of acute otitis. Protects the mucous membrane from germs and viruses.
Before taking the drug, you should clear your nose of mucus.
It comes in the form of drops and spray.
You can bury your nose and spray it. Children are given nasal drips 3 times a day, 3 drops. Adults can take 4 drops. Also for both, 1 injection 2-3 times a day.
Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.
Price from 200 to 350 rubles.
A product made from oils. Well eliminates the symptoms of acute and chronic sinusitis.
The nose should be sprayed 3 times a day, 1 spray per cavity. The course of treatment is 10 days.
Side effects: in rare cases, itching and burning in the nose.
Price from 150 to 250 rubles.
Tafen nasal.
Suitable for the prevention of sinusitis. Effective if you need to break through a stuffy nose.
You need to spray your nose 2 times a day, 2 sprays.
Pregnant and lactating women are prescribed Tafen nasal only in rare cases.
Side effects: problems with the mucous membranes, dizziness, high blood pressure, slow growth, nausea, sneezing, skin rashes. In rare cases, fever.
Price from 320 to 550 rubles.
Most sprays are effective only in combination with other drugs (tablets, injections or warming for the nose). By themselves they may not have an effect.
This video describes the causes of sinusitis, its symptoms, as well as sprays that effectively help with exacerbation.
Each spray has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some are very effective for exacerbations, but they are prohibited for pregnant and lactating women. For others, the effectiveness is noticeably less, but there are also few side effects. You should consult your doctor to choose the most appropriate drug for your case.
Effective sprays for the treatment of sinusitis
Spray for sinusitis is one of the most common methods of treating sinusitis; when diagnosing inflammation of the maxillary sinuses or any other diseases of the nasopharynx, it is prescribed to almost every second patient. This kind of preparation, namely in the form of a spray, is multifunctional, convenient and, most importantly, effective. Unlike drop medications, sprays cover the entire nasal mucosa as much as possible and almost immediately alleviate the person’s condition.
Benefits of using sprays
Sinusitis is an infectious disease and an allergic reaction to pathogens. For nasal sinusitis, the best relieving medications are sprays. They are suitable for alleviating the condition at almost any stage of the disease, but it is recommended to consult a doctor before use.
Also, in addition to relieving symptoms, they have antibacterial and antiallergic properties, reduce swelling, stimulate the release of pus and thereby facilitate the patient’s breathing. To cope with such symptoms, sprays are more suitable than ever.
Additional benefits of sprays:
- Used economically.
- More convenient to use than drops. 1) The drugs are as convenient as possible, because they are made in such a way that with one click you get exactly the required amount of the drug that is required. This is a good protection against overdose. 2) The substance is distributed throughout the nasal cavity as evenly as possible, capturing additionally hard-to-reach areas.
- The drug can be used anywhere.
- Deeper penetration and faster absorption.
- Fewer side effects.
Types of sprays
To choose a nasal spray for sinusitis, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics and symptoms. If there is already thick yellowish nasal discharge that is very difficult to clear, it is necessary to use sprays with antibacterial properties to treat sinusitis, and if there is swelling, the first thing doctors will do is prescribe vasoconstrictors.
For the treatment of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, sprays are divided according to the presence of symptoms:
- Vasoconstrictors
- Antibacterial, antiviral
- Anti-inflammatory
- Mucolytic
- Moisturizing
- Antiallergic
Also, practically each of the drugs has a complex effect, which means they can fight several symptoms at once.
The most popular and indispensable spray for sinusitis. One of the most unpleasant symptoms of sinus inflammation is swelling, and it is this kind of spray that reduces swelling by narrowing the volume of blood vessels, which in turn makes breathing easier, and normalizes the sinuses and nasal passages.
Additionally, anti-allergy substances, antibiotics, plant-based oils, and components for moisturizing the nasal membrane are added to such products.
Very important! Long-term use of vasoconstrictor sprays is strictly not recommended. It must be used strictly according to the period specified in the instructions.
Since they are highly addictive, they disrupt the normal functioning of the nasal lining and make the blood vessels weaker. It is also necessary to know that their action has only a temporary effect; they cannot fully cure sinusitis.
Not a long lasting effect (action about 4 hours), contains naphazoline:
- Naphthyzin, Naphazolin (the name speaks for itself), Naphazolin-Ferein, Sanorin and Sanorin with eucalyptus oil.
- They dry out the mucous membrane much more than others.
Medium effect with xylometazoline (5-6 hours):
- Galazolin, Rinomaris, Ximelin, Tizin
- They act more easily on the mucous membranes and have a moisturizing effect.
Long-term effect of sprays, oxymetazoline base (10-12 hours):
Complex nasal spray for sinusitis based on phenylephrine:
- Vibrocil
- Minimum contraindications, can be used in children over 6 years old. They have an antiallergic effect.
Antibacterial and antiviral
An effective type of antibiotic spray for sinusitis, the most important thing is to use them correctly. When used in the first stages of the disease, they will help get rid of a runny nose in 3-4 days. It is these drugs that treat sinusitis, with mild pathologies; a spray containing antibiotics can be used for treatment even without the use of tablets.
Sprays containing antibacterial drugs - Bioparox (contains the antibiotic fusafingine, must be used for four to six hours, inhalation drug, course of treatment for up to 7 days, not recommended for pregnant women, people with allergies, children. They have side effects and contraindications), Isofra (can used during pregnancy and children over 3 years old, there are fewer side effects and contraindications).
Such sprays with mucolytic action are used in the presence of such symptoms. The most popular drug with a mucolytic is Rinofluimucil, it doesn’t even have analogues, it is a safe combination that treats a runny nose, relieves swelling, and has vasoconstrictor components.
Sinuforte is a remedy for sinusitis and sinusitis, helps allergy sufferers, a drug with cyclamen (plant base), the product is one of the most expensive, but has a strong effect, after the aerosol has been used, strong mucus production begins, which helps to ease breathing.
This type of spray combats dryness, burning and irritation. Maximum moisturizes the nasal mucosa, has an anti-allergic effect, and cleanses the sinuses. Moisturizing medications have a minimal list of contraindications; they can be used in children from 1 month of age, since such medications are based on saline solution.
Salin (ionized salt water, effective, maximally moisturizes the nasal membrane).
Aqua Maris (Dilutes mucus, kills germs, moisturizes the nasal mucosa) There are no contraindications or age restrictions.
Morenasal (Cleansing and thinning effect, there are also no contraindications or age restrictions).
Nasonex, Flixonase, Beconase.
A type of spray with hormones. The use of such medications should only be as prescribed by a doctor; they are not used to fight viruses and bacteria, and are not recommended for use by children or during pregnancy. The main purpose of hormonal sprays is to prevent inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. They also relieve swelling and fight polyps. Due to topical application, they have very few side effects.
List of drugs with combined effects
Quite often, doctors prescribe sprays to patients with a wide range of components that have several properties at once.
- Rinofluimucil, it belongs to sprays with mucolytic and anti-edematous effects. It also has a vasoconstrictor, thinning effect, and stimulates the secretion of pus. The drug is not recommended for use for more than 14 days.
- Polydex. A combination drug developed by a French company. Antibacterial medicine for sinusitis, which contains antibiotics - neomycin, polymyxin.
- Vibrocil, a combination product containing phenylephrine (vasoconstrictor effect) and dimethindene (antiallergic agent). It is not recommended to use for more than 1 week, as it may cause drug-induced rhinitis.