How many days is the temperature for ARVI?
Many people are worried about the rise in temperature - how high it “jumps” and how long it lasts - even if the doctor has made a fairly common diagnosis - ARVI. Doubts often creep in: what if complications have already begun or is it not a cold, but the flu?
Table of contents:
- How many days is the temperature for ARVI?
- Associated diseases:
- Associated symptoms:
- Comments
- How many days does a high temperature persist in children with ARVI?
- Normal body temperature
- Mechanisms of fever development
- Climb
- Hold
- A fall
- Causes of fever
- Duration of fever
- Types of fever
- When should you lower your temperature?
- Dangerous symptoms of fever
- Checkup for fever
- Principles of fever treatment
- How long does the temperature last for ARVI: in what cases does fever become dangerous?
- Causes of fever during ARVI
- How long does the temperature last
- When are antipyretics needed?
- What to pay attention to
- What does the “temperature tail” mean after recovery?
- What to do
- Forecast
- How long does the temperature last for ARVI in a child?
- How to identify ARVI: main signs
- Temperature in a child with ARVI
- How long does the temperature last?
- Is it necessary to lower the temperature?
- Video - How to treat ARVI in children
- Can there be no temperature during ARVI?
- Fever with no symptoms of ARVI
- Temperature during ARVI
- How many days does the temperature last for ARVI and influenza?
- How to distinguish influenza from ARVI
- General information
- What is ARVI?
- How long does the temperature last for ARVI?
- How does a virus differ from an infection?
- ARI - what is it? What is the difference between ARVI and ARI?
- ARVI symptoms:
- Symptoms of acute respiratory infections:
- How to treat acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections?
- How to distinguish a sore throat from ARVI?
- How is influenza different from ARVI?
- How is the flu different from a cold?
The question becomes even more acute when it comes to children. Kyiv therapist Alexandra Ratushnyak answers.
Colds and fever: how do they relate? The standard answer is this: an increase in temperature during ARVI lasts from three to five days (this depends on the virus itself and the strength of the person’s immunity). In a child, a “breaking point” most often occurs on the 4-5th day, when the temperature drops to normal levels. If this does not happen, there is a risk that a bacterial infection has been added.
Associated diseases:
What may depend on the type of virus? ARVI is one of the most common groups of diseases in the world. ARVI: acute respiratory viral infection. More than 300 pathogens are now known. 94% of the diseases that a child suffers are ARVI and influenza. Every year, a generally healthy preschooler gets ARVI up to 6 times, an older child gets sick up to 4 times (he develops resistance to a number of pathogens), and an adult gets sick once. For example, adults rarely get sick with this type of acute respiratory viral infection, such as rhinovirus infection, or tolerate it without fever, since they produce protective antibodies, but children get a fever.
There is a special situation with another group of pathogens in ARVI - adenoviruses (about 80 species are known). They are capable of causing a low-grade fever (37-37.5 degrees) for 10 or more days. In most cases, the hallmark of the disease is eye damage - conjunctivitis, which develops at the very beginning of the disease. and then goes away before the catarrhal symptoms.
Associated symptoms:
Although influenza is difficult to distinguish from acute respiratory viral infections only on this basis, the temperature increase with it is usually rapid, to high numbers, the temperature is difficult to reduce with antipyretics, and it can last up to 7 days. After the flu temperature drops, the “temperature trail” lasts for up to three weeks: the person experiences fatigue, weakness, and headaches.
A lot is said about the fact that it is not worth lowering the temperature, which does not exceed 38 degrees, during ARVI. If it approaches this limit, reduce it not to the norm, but to 37.5. The habit of “bringing down” the temperature suppresses the body’s own defenses, slows down metabolic processes and makes ARVI more protracted (although more convenient for those who do not want to stay in bed or continue to work). Such actions lead to complications.
So, if a low-grade fever remains on day 4-5, this is within the normal range. But a temperature of about 39 and above on the 4-5th day of ARVI is a signal that it is necessary to urgently call a doctor so as not to miss complications. The same applies to a temperature of 37.5 - 38.5, if it lasts 6-7 days. A doctor may prescribe an antibiotic if a complication has developed, but you should not take such medications on your own for a standard cold. It would be a good idea to study the topic - antibiotics and colds: five common mistakes that parents make.
Instructions for medications
The article is very relevant for me, as soon as it gets cold I immediately get a cold, but recently I solved this problem. If I get a cold, it usually lasts for a long time, and then I decided to try Ingavirin, which was recommended to me at the pharmacy. As a result, I didn’t even take sick leave! 🙂
I completely agree with you. Influcid is the surest remedy for stopping the disease. With it, the temperature does not fluctuate much, and other symptoms occur more easily. And no chemicals are required.
If you start taking Influcid on time when you have the flu, your temperature returns to normal within four days. And it does not rise to critical. So, all I need to recover is Influcid and timely treatment. Without any antipyretics.
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How many days does a high temperature persist in children with ARVI?
Fever is a common symptom that accompanies almost every infectious disease in children. How many days does a child have a high temperature with ARVI? Is it always necessary to reduce the temperature during a viral infection?
Normal body temperature
Normally, a child’s body temperature should be at 36.6 °C. These data are correct when measured in the armpit. When measured in the rectum, the values will differ by 0.5 °C. Thus, the following indicators are considered to be the norm:
For many children, body temperature fluctuates throughout the day, rising by 0.5 °C in the evening. If the child looks healthy and full of energy, nothing bothers him - there is no need to worry. Such fluctuations are considered completely normal and speak only of fully functioning thermoregulation mechanisms.
Mechanisms of fever development
High body temperature is a natural protective reaction of the body in response to the ingress of a disease pathogen. The moment the virus enters the child’s blood, his immune system launches a number of complex mechanisms to protect against the dangerous infectious agent. When ARVI develops, fever goes through three stages:
In the first stage, a restructuring of thermoregulation processes occurs in the body. As a result, heat production begins to exceed heat transfer. It is interesting that in a child, an increase in body temperature occurs mainly due to increased heat production, while in an adult, a violation of heat transfer predominates.
During the first stage of fever, the following changes occur in the body:
- narrowing of peripheral vessels;
- decreased blood flow in tissues;
- cessation of sweating;
- decrease in skin temperature.
A decrease in skin temperature leads to the development of chills. The baby is trying to warm up: he tucks his arms and legs under him, wraps himself in a blanket. Small children signal the onset of chills by crying loudly.
In the second stage, the temperature reaches a certain set point and remains there for a certain time. With ARVI of mild to moderate severity, the temperature remains at 37.5-38.5 °C. At this point, heat production and heat loss balance each other, and further progression of fever does not occur.
Body temperature is divided depending on the thermometer readings:
- low-grade fever (up to 38 °C);
- febrile (38-39 °C);
- pyretic (39-41 °C);
- hyperpyretic (above 41 °C).
A body temperature above 39.5 °C can be life-threatening for a child. In this case, you must immediately call a doctor at home.
How many days does the temperature stay at the same level? Depends on the disease and concomitant pathology in the child. Usually the second stage lasts no more than 2-3 days, after which the fever subsides.
A fall
A decrease in temperature during ARVI can be sudden or gradual (over several days). In the third stage, heat transfer significantly increases heat production. The child's condition improves, sweating increases, and diuresis increases. With some diseases, a second wave of temperature rise may develop, and then the fever goes through all three stages again.
Causes of fever
High body temperature in children occurs under a variety of conditions. Most often, parents have to deal with a viral infection.
The following diseases deserve special attention:
- ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection);
- flu;
- chicken pox;
- rubella;
- measles;
- scarlet fever;
- mumps;
- diphtheria;
- whooping cough;
- meningococcal infection;
- intestinal infections;
- viral hepatitis.
If your child's temperature rises, be sure to consult a doctor!
Duration of fever
How many days does a high temperature last in children? There is no clear answer to this question. It is generally accepted that with a common viral infection (influenza, ARVI), fever can last from 1 to 3 days. An increase in body temperature is allowed for 5 days. Each child’s body is individual, and it is quite difficult to predict in advance how the baby will react to a particular infection.
Situations in which high temperature persists for more than 5 days:
- severe acute respiratory viral infection or influenza;
- development of complications due to ARVI;
- pneumonia;
- purulent otitis;
- angina;
- meningitis;
- some childhood infectious diseases.
Of particular danger is a repeated increase in temperature on the 5-7th day of illness after its previous decrease. This condition may indicate a possible return of the infection or the development of complications. Most often we are talking about the addition of bacterial flora against the background of ARVI. A repeated rise in body temperature during influenza is one of the first signs of the development of pneumonia.
- autoimmune diseases;
- oncological processes;
- immunodeficiency states;
- transition of inflammation to a chronic form;
- tuberculosis;
- endocrine pathology.
If your body temperature persists for more than 7 days, be sure to undergo a full examination by a specialist.
Types of fever
With a viral infection, fever can occur in two forms:
This type of fever is considered the most favorable. The child maintains a balance between heat transfer and heat production, and high body temperature does not cause significant harm to the body. The baby's limbs remain warm, moist, and pink. There may be a moderate increase in breathing and heart rate. The child's general condition does not suffer too much.
This form of fever is dangerous to the health and life of the child. With the development of such a pathology, a pronounced imbalance occurs between heat transfer and its production. Spasm of peripheral vessels develops. The child's skin becomes pale, dry, and cold to the touch. Shortness of breath increases, heart rate increases significantly, and blood pressure drops. When the first symptoms of “pale” fever appear, it is necessary to give the patient an antipyretic drug and call an ambulance.
When should you lower your temperature?
What temperature is dangerous for the body? There is no single correct answer to this question. It all depends on the age of the child, his general condition and the presence of concomitant pathologies. The degree of risk of fever in each specific case must be determined individually.
High body temperature is a normal protective reaction of the body to the penetration of a viral infection. Pediatricians do not advise lowering a temperature that has not reached 39 °C. In this case, the child’s limbs should remain warm and pink, consciousness should remain clear, pulse, pressure and breathing rate should remain within the age norm.
There are situations in which you should not wait until your body temperature rises to 39 °C:
- symptoms of "pale" fever;
- convulsions;
- disturbance of consciousness;
- rave;
- lethargy, severe lethargy, apathy.
In these situations, pediatricians recommend reducing the temperature that reaches 38 °C.
When body temperature rises to 38-38.5 °C, antipyretics are given to children with the following diseases:
- pathology of the heart and blood vessels;
- chronic bronchopulmonary diseases;
- pathology of the nervous system (including convulsive conditions);
- metabolic disorders.
Children under 3 months of age with a viral infection are prescribed antipyretic drugs at a body temperature of 38 °C or more.
Dangerous symptoms of fever
In most cases, parents manage to cope with a child’s high fever at home. Antipyretic drugs are used, and within 3-5 days the baby’s condition improves significantly. Often, the mild course of the disease allows you to do without the use of any medications.
Unfortunately, it is not always possible to cope with a viral infection on your own. There are situations in which medical assistance should be provided as soon as possible.
Consultation with a specialist may be required if a combination of fever and one of the following symptoms:
- cold extremities;
- severe shortness of breath;
- labored breathing;
- attack of suffocation;
- severe pain when swallowing;
- rash on the skin or mucous membranes;
- Strong headache;
- disturbance of consciousness;
- convulsions;
- vomiting or diarrhea;
- abdominal pain;
- joint pain;
- pain when urinating.
In any of these situations, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. If the child's condition quickly deteriorates, you need to call an ambulance.
Checkup for fever
A doctor can recognize a common ARVI by typical symptoms without conducting any examination. Many childhood viral infections are also quite easy to diagnose during the initial examination. Additional tests may be needed if the fever lasts more than 7 days or if the child develops complications from an underlying illness.
List of tests that can be prescribed by a pediatrician:
- general blood analysis;
- blood chemistry;
- blood clotting test;
- general and special urine tests;
- stool analysis;
- bacteriological culture of sputum, urine, feces;
- markers of infectious diseases;
- immunogram;
- FOG;
- Ultrasound;
- X-ray examination;
- ECG.
According to indications, consultations with narrow specialists (ENT, nephrologist, cardiologist, rheumatologist, etc.) are prescribed.
Principles of fever treatment
High body temperature during a viral infection is well treated with antipyretics (antipyretics). In children, drugs based on paracetamol and ibuprofen are most often used. These drugs are considered relatively safe and can be used in children from birth.
General principles for the use of antipyretics
- The drug is prescribed in an age-specific dosage according to the instructions.
- The choice of dosage form will depend on the age of the child. The youngest are offered the product in the form of a syrup or suspension. Children over 3 years old can be given medicine in tablets.
- Antipyretics are prescribed when body temperature is above 39 °C (except for the cases indicated above).
- The effect of taking the medicine occurs within minutes.
- The interval between taking the next dose should be at least 6 hours.
- It is not recommended to exceed the daily dosage of the drug indicated in the instructions.
How many days should a child be given antipyretic drugs? Typically, antipyretics are prescribed for a period of no more than 3 days. If during this time the temperature does not subside, you should consult a doctor.
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The information is provided for informational purposes only. Self-medication can lead to undesirable consequences! At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.
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How long does the temperature last for ARVI: in what cases does fever become dangerous?
Everyone has had ARVI at least once in their life. Some suffered the disease as children, others as adults. A viral infection may cause your body temperature to rise. The actions that the patient should take depend on its readings on the thermometer.
Causes of fever during ARVI
One of the symptoms of an acute form of a viral respiratory infection can confidently be called an increase in temperature. This is exactly what the body’s defensive reaction looks like when it tries to resist the activity of a virus that has entered it.
Usually, with ARVI, the temperature stays within 37 degrees. This is enough to fight the virus. For humans, this indicator does not pose a danger. She should not be “treated.” In the normal course of the disease, such fever goes away on its own after 3-5 days.
In exceptional situations, the temperature can increase further and reach 38 or even 39 degrees. This is especially common in children and infants. Their immunity has not yet fully matured and thus reacts to the virus. The temperature indicator depends on several factors:
- Patient's age
- The strength of his immune system
- Type of viral infection strain
During acute respiratory viral infections, temperature has a positive effect on the body. Fever triggers the body to produce antibodies that can absorb viral cells. Maximum production of the antiviral substance is achieved at levels of 38.5.
The positive effect on the body concerns only temperature indicators that do not exceed 39 degrees. Such indicators are always associated with headaches, disruption of the functioning of some internal organs (heart, liver) and brain. Prolonged fever can cause dehydration. This is also why drinking plenty of fluids is recommended during ARVI.
Dr. Komarovsky about the reasons for the rise in temperature:
How long does the temperature last
In the normal course of an acute form of a respiratory viral infection, the temperature persists for an average of 2-3 days.
But sometimes it may not even take 5 days. Some strains of the virus do not cause fever at all.
For example, rhinovirus infection. And in other cases, on the contrary, the temperature lasts quite a long time. This happens when:
- Flu (5 days). The temperature maximum is observed on the first day of illness.
- ARVI caused by adenovirus (7 days).
- Parainfluenza (1-2 weeks). The maximum readings on the thermometer are observed on the 4-5th day of illness.
A febrile state persists for a long time with a respiratory-sentential virus that develops in children. All of these cases relate to average temperatures up to 38 degrees.
When are antipyretics needed?
The effect of high temperatures is fatal to viruses and bacteria. When exposed to them, they are not capable of reproduction, their activity becomes slow. Against this background, their death occurs. Therefore, do not rush to immediately lower your temperature during ARVI.
- Temperature 39, accompanied by pain in the head and muscles.
- Temperature of 38.5, developing against the background of existing serious diseases of the lungs or heart.
- Temperature 38-38.5, if heat cramps occur.
In adults, exceeding the temperature threshold of 39.5 degrees can cause serious problems with the functioning of the nervous system. For patients under 15 years of age, the use of Aspirin or Analgin to relieve fever is contraindicated. To bring down the temperature, children can be given:
If the body tolerates the temperature well, then it is advisable not to knock it down. If it does not go away for more than 5 days, then you should consult a doctor.
When taking antipyretic medications, both adults and children should adhere to the dosage and duration of treatment indicated in the instructions for use. After ARVI, a so-called “temperature tail” may be observed. This is a condition in which a person, after recovery, may maintain an elevated body temperature (37-37.8 degrees), called subfebrile, for some time. This shouldn't be scary.
For complete reassurance, take additional blood and urine tests. If a viral or bacterial infection continues to develop, this will certainly affect indicators, for example, of leukocytes or ESR.
What to pay attention to
If the temperature during ARVI lasts for a long time, then you should definitely see a doctor to determine the cause of what is happening. In this case, you should pay attention to:
What to do at high temperatures, see our video:
What does the “temperature tail” mean after recovery?
When there are no symptoms of ARVI, but the low-grade fever continues to persist, you should take a close look at the changes occurring in the body. They may indicate the development of:
- Meningitis, tonsillitis or pyelonephritis
- Infections such as tuberculosis, typhoid or HIV
- Fungal infections
- Parasitic infections
- Oncological neoplasms
- Systemic inflammatory processes (lupus, rheumatism, arthritis)
Therefore, you should seek medical help and undergo additional examination. To make a diagnosis, you will have to take tests again. Without finding out the true reason why a low-grade fever persists, you should not bring it down with antipyretic drugs.
What to do
“Tail temperature” is a normal phenomenon for diseases that are severe. There is no need to take medications. Doctors recommend:
- Spend more time at home
- Eat easily digestible and low-fat foods
- Drink more fluids
- Avoid excessive exercise
- Strengthen immunity
Such measures are carried out only if the “temperature tail” is not higher than 37.5 degrees and there are no general signs of violations of the general condition. If your health worsens, you should definitely seek advice from a specialist.
Why low-grade fever can persist, see our video:
With timely detection and treatment, ARVI does not pose a threat to life and health. The temperature, if it does not reach critical values, indicates that your body is ready to resist the virus and “burns” it.
How long does the temperature last for ARVI in a child?
When a child develops a cough, runny nose, and redness of the throat mucosa, the answer is obvious – ARVI symptoms. The appearance of temperature is a manifestation of the immune system’s protective reaction to the attack of viral cells. An increase in body temperature indicates the activation of leukocytes that enter into the fight against the virus. Most parents make mistakes and begin to bring down a slight fever with drugs, blocking the body’s ability to independently overcome viral cells. However, a high temperature that lasts for a long time may indicate serious illnesses. Therefore, it is very important to know how long the temperature lasts during ARVI in children.
How long does the temperature last for ARVI in a child?
How to identify ARVI: main signs
Symptoms of a viral illness in young children begin with moodiness and lethargy. The child constantly feels weak. Body temperature is kept within C. After a few days, the temperature may rise to 39 C. In this state, the child loses his appetite (if the baby is less than a year old, then he refuses breast milk).
- The appearance of mucous discharge from the nasal passages. Then nasal congestion.
- A more advanced stage of ARVI is characterized by nasal discharge of a greenish color and thick consistency (bacterial infection).
- A headache occurs.
- Sometimes, with ARVI, nausea may occur, which ends in vomiting.
- Inflammation of the throat mucosa, characterized by pain and redness.
- If left untreated, a sore throat may become irritated, leading to a dry cough.
Signs of influenza and ARVI
Attention! If a child experiences several of the above symptoms, then it is necessary to urgently go to a specialist for consultation. Self-medication and the use of folk remedies can aggravate the clinical picture of ARVI and lead to serious complications.
Temperature in a child with ARVI
An increase in temperature during a viral infection of the body is a normal response of the body. When an infection occurs, the immune system is activated, launching a fight mechanism through leukocytes. The duration of fever during ARVI will directly depend on the timeliness of therapy and the level of immunity of the child.
An increase in temperature during a viral infection of the body is a normal response of the body
Fever during a viral infection occurs in three stages.
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Initially, the temperature rises to 38 C. At the same time, the child will feel chills. There is a restructuring of thermoregulatory processes in the child's body. This means that the external temperature drops, on the contrary, the internal temperature rises. The child will be capricious and tremble. At this stage the following processes occur:
peripheral vessels begin to rapidly narrow;
sweating level decreases
peritic – dangerous to the child’s health, as the temperature rises;
hyperpyretic – remains at 41 C., urgent action is necessary, since this temperature threatens the baby’s life
It is important! Experts say that the temperature during ARVI lasts up to three days. If the indicator does not decrease for more than three days, then this is evidence of the development of a complication (a more serious illness).
How long does the temperature last?
Once the virus enters the child’s body, it causes fever, which lasts for an average of 3-5 days. In some cases, the child may have a fever longer.
Reference! With adenovirus, high fever persists for one week.
ARVI severity criteria
Fever for five days indicates an influenza infection. The initial temperature reaches 39 C., and sometimes 40 C. Then the temperature gradually decreases.
Parents may be frightened by prolonged fever that persists for 12 weeks. A similar phenomenon is typical for parainfluenza or RSI (respiratory syntenial disease).
Is it necessary to lower the temperature?
The duration of fever in a child with ARVI in a baby can last up to 5 days, most often it decreases on the second day. However, it is very important for parents to know when to start bringing down the temperature with medications.
ARVI can be characterized by either a temperature of 37-38 or 39-40. If there is a slight increase in temperature (low-grade fever), you should not counteract it, since the drugs can block the protective function of children's immunity to fight the virus.
Children are advised to lower their temperature if the level of 38.7 C is exceeded
Note! The temperature drops to 38 C only in infants. Drug therapy is also necessary if the child has cardiovascular pathologies, diseases of the nervous system, or respiratory diseases.
Children are advised to bring down the temperature if the level of 38.7 C is exceeded. If the temperature persists and medications are not able to lower it, then it is necessary to call an ambulance. The pediatrician will relieve the fever through an intramuscular injection.
Is it dangerous! In individual cases, children may experience pale fever. Its symptoms include a convulsive state, clouding of consciousness, and the appearance of delirium; the temperature should be lowered even if the thermometer does not reach 38.5 C.
Video - How to treat ARVI in children
Can there be no temperature during ARVI?
Cases of a clinical picture cannot be excluded when ARVI occurs without an increase in temperature. At the same time, parents send their children to crowded places (kindergartens, schools). The erroneous fact that many parents rely on is the absence of fever. However, this sign does not confirm the child’s complete recovery.
The course of ARVI without an increase in temperature is not normal. This is explained by the fact that when the immune system is activated to fight the virus, the body temperature rises. Its absence indicates that the child’s immune system is weakened and is not able to counteract the viral infection that affects the child’s body.
The course of acute respiratory viral infection without an increase in temperature is not normal
A low temperature that persists for several days is explained by the baby’s physical fatigue. Also, low-grade fever implies pathological functioning of the thermoregulatory system. This phenomenon is most often typical for children under three years of age. In addition to fever, symptoms such as cough and nasal congestion occur.
Fever with no symptoms of ARVI
The clinical picture of ARVI begins with the appearance of fever, while typical symptoms may not be observed. On the contrary, an increase in temperature indicates that the body is producing a special substance that eliminates viral cells.
If high temperature is the only symptom, then the parent should give the child plenty of warm drinks. It is very important that during fever the room temperature does not exceed 17 C. When the thermometer approaches 38.7 C, taking an antipyretic drug, which is approved for children, is indicated.
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Temperature during ARVI
The most common diseases during the off-season are ARVI - acute respiratory viral infections. More than 200 viruses are known that can cause it. It is not necessary to know exactly which virus caused the disease - the principle of treatment is essentially the same for everyone. However, the influenza virus should be highlighted separately, which has its own specific treatment features and poses a greater danger to the body than other acute respiratory viral infections.
Sometimes acute respiratory viral infections occur without fever, but most often these diseases are accompanied by an increase in temperature, and this is one of the factors by which influenza can be distinguished from other acute respiratory viral infections.
The onset of the disease with ARVI is gradual, with influenza it is rapid, a person can even indicate the time when he fell ill. ARVI is accompanied by a slight increase in body temperature, very rarely it rises above 38.5°C. If the illness began with a sharp increase in temperature, which rose to 39-40°C in a few hours and persists for 3-4 days, then most likely it is the flu. In addition to fever, strong symptoms of intoxication indicate the flu: profuse sweating, muscle aches, headache, chills.
In medicine, an increase in temperature is called fever. High temperature during ARVI and influenza in adults and children is the body’s protective reaction to the invasion of infection.
This manifests itself in the following:
- High temperature activates the immune system in the fight against pathogens. At this moment, there is an increase in the activity of leukocytes, which perform the body’s protective function against viruses and bacteria.
- At high temperatures, bacteria and viruses literally burn out in the body: reproduction slows down and they die.
- As the temperature rises, the antitoxic function of the liver increases.
- The excretion of breakdown products by the kidneys is also stimulated.
- High temperature stimulates the activity of various enzymes in the body.
During ARVI and influenza, the body itself controls its defense reactions and understands what temperature during ARVI is necessary to fight pathogens. If we try to lower the temperature using various means, we thereby help viruses and bacteria multiply and worsen the course of the disease. When the temperature drops, the immune system cannot cope with its task, which significantly increases the likelihood of developing complications. Unjustified use of antipyretics for influenza and ARVI increases the recovery period. A person who suppresses a mild fever with antipyretic drugs becomes several times more dangerous as a source of infection for others.
All this is relevant if the temperature does not exceed 38.5°C. If the temperature becomes higher, then this is fraught with delirium, hallucinations and convulsions. Also, at temperatures above 39°C during ARVI, in addition to viral proteins, body cells containing protein begin to die. In this case, high temperature becomes detrimental to the body.
Thus, at temperatures up to 38.5°C, the body needs to be helped not by means to reduce it, but by drinking plenty of fluids and maintaining the optimal temperature in the room. It is best if the air temperature is around 22°C. The body will not be overcooled, and for viruses and bacteria this temperature is not conducive to reproduction.
Drinking plenty of fluids when the temperature rises is key to treatment. It helps thin the blood and remove toxic substances from the body. The more fluid enters the body, the more harmful substances are released along with sweat. Excessive sweating also helps lower the temperature.
How to avoid getting a cold in the spring? Read in this article.
How many days does the temperature last for ARVI and influenza?
In the normal course of the disease, fever during influenza lasts no more than 5 days; with other acute respiratory viral infections, the temperature becomes significantly lower already on the 2-3rd day. If the temperature after ARVI in adults and children began to decline, and after a couple of days it rose again to the previous level or became higher than it was, then we can talk about the addition of a bacterial infection and complications that have begun. This can also be said if the temperature after ARVI remains at 37°C.
You can reduce the temperature in several ways:
- Physical methods: rubbing with cold water, drinking plenty of fluids, compresses and wraps. It should be noted that the body will try with all its might to return the temperature to the level it needs.
- Medicinal methods. Adults can use various antipyretics; for children, only ibuprofen and paracetamol are allowed. Aspirin should not be used in children under 15 years of age due to the risk of liver and brain damage.
To prevent such situations, you need to take timely measures to prevent influenza and ARVI. To do this, it is recommended to take the drug Forcis of natural origin. Forcis is a lozenge based on the medicinal plant cistus, known for its beneficial properties. When the tablets are absorbed, polyphenols are released, which create a protective barrier on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract that prevents dangerous viruses from entering the body. Thus, regular use of the drug Forcis helps prevent colds, which is especially important during the off-season.
How to distinguish influenza from ARVI
General information
Undoubtedly, every adult is familiar with such medical terms as acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. We can say that, along with the flu, these are one of the most common diagnoses during the off-season, when due to unstable weather people often catch a cold. And although everyone has heard these abbreviations, not everyone knows how they stand for and how these diseases differ from each other.
What is ARVI?
Acute respiratory viral infection (hereinafter ARVI) is a whole group of inflammatory diseases that affect the respiratory system. These include:
- influenza virus is one of the most common infectious diseases affecting the respiratory tract, which is caused by the virus of the same name;
- adenoviral infections or adenoviruses are a family of DNA-containing harmful microorganisms that cause acute respiratory diseases.
- parainfluenza virus is a viral infection that affects the upper respiratory tract (most often the larynx);
- human respiratory syncytial virus (or infection) is another type of pathogenic virus that provokes the development of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract; most often they affect the body of newborn babies and older children;
- Rhinoviruses or rhinovirus infection are a group of viruses containing RNA (ribonucleic acid).
These viruses are found everywhere. It is interesting that children in the first months of life extremely rarely suffer from diseases belonging to the group of acute respiratory viral infections.
This is due, first of all, to the fact that they inherit immunity from these diseases from their mother, and they also lead a relatively isolated lifestyle. However, most often such a diagnosis as ARVI occurs in children who have started going to a preschool institution.
Moreover, on average, a child in the first year of kindergarten can suffer about 10 respiratory diseases per year. And this is considered normal. This state of affairs is due to the fact that the initial maternal immunity is not enough and viruses and infections easily break through the defenses of the child’s body.
True, over time, a child acquires his own immunity and, at an older age, can only get sick a few times a year, and only in the spring and autumn, when even an adult body is not able to resist the flu. According to statistics, a healthy adult can experience various forms of ARVI about three times per calendar year.
You can become infected with ARVI from a sick person, and in some types of diseases animals and birds can become sources of infection, for example, avian influenza (strain H5N1). The infection is most often transmitted by airborne droplets (coughing and sneezing) through direct contact with the carrier, which remains dangerous from the beginning of the incubation period until the end of the febrile period.
In addition, you can get sick by using common household items (dishes, household items) with an infected person. It is interesting that a person is extremely susceptible to any type of ARVI. This means that in 99% of cases our body will “catch” an acute respiratory virus or infection. After a person gets sick with ARVI, his body develops lifelong immunity to this particular type of virus or infection.
Therefore, we do not get sick with the same strain of influenza twice, for example. However, not only man develops, and science does not stand still. Together with us, harmful microorganisms are rapidly evolving, they are improving their attack techniques, which can disable the immune system of even a completely healthy human body.
At the initial stage of acute respiratory diseases, a viral or bacterial infection develops in the territory of the so-called “entrance gate of the disease,” i.e. in the larynx, nose or nasopharynx. A person begins to feel symptoms of an incipient disease such as a runny nose, pain and sore throat, as well as a dry cough.
When the virus enters the blood and begins to spread throughout the body, other signs of acute respiratory viral infection appear, such as chills, aching limbs, severe headaches and fever. At the end of the fight between the body and the virus, a wet cough and severe runny nose may appear. In this case, these ailments play the role of good “cleaners” of the respiratory tract after suffering an acute respiratory disease.
The epithelial layers affected by ARVI are cleaned by the discharge of sputum when coughing and mucus when running the nose and sneezing.
So, the common symptoms for all types of ARVI are:
- headache;
- general weakness and body aches (felt in muscles and joints);
- pain in the eyeballs and throat;
- runny nose;
- photosensitivity;
- sneezing and coughing.
How long does the temperature last for ARVI?
Many people believe that high body temperature is also a symptom of the disease, but this is not true. There are often cases of ARVI without fever. People, as they say, carry the disease “on their feet,” without even implying that they are carriers of the infection. In fact, temperature is the response of our immune system to the actions of viruses and infections.
When body temperature rises, protective mechanisms are launched (leukocytes are activated), which begin to fight the “enemies” of the body.
Knowing how long the temperature can last during ARVI is really important.
After all, if a patient has a fever for a long period of time, this indicates that his immune system cannot cope with the disease on its own, and he needs outside help.
It is believed that with proper treatment, the high fever goes away within two or three days. In some cases, it is considered normal if the temperature does not subside for 5 days in an adult. As doctors say, this amount of time is enough for a strong, healthy body to develop protective antibodies against viruses.
How many days does a child have a fever during ARVI? The answer to this question is the same as for adults – no more than 5 days. It is worth noting that the temperature should not be brought down immediately with the help of medications. You need to resort to medication only when the temperature exceeds 38-38.5 C.
It is believed that it is from this point that the body needs outside help, but it can easily cope on its own. This is especially true for children. Pediatricians advise not to bring down a low temperature by giving your baby antipyretics. Children's immunity must learn to defeat viruses on their own without medication.
Otherwise, the child’s body will become dependent on medications and for each illness, parents will have to buy many drugs. However, you should also not go to extremes and tolerate too high a temperature. According to research, at 40 C, irreversible changes in the central nervous system occur in the body.
If, when using antipyretic drugs, the temperature remains at 39 for 3 days, this means that the disease has been aggravated by complications. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor, since along with viruses, the body can also be attacked by bacterial infections. This often occurs with pneumonia or bacterial bronchitis.
How does a virus differ from an infection?
In a general sense, an infection is an infection of the human body with harmful microorganisms (bacteria, parasites, fungi, viruses and others). This term refers to all possible forms of interaction between the human body and foreign microorganisms.
Structure of bacteria and virus
A virus is an infection, or rather an infectious agent that does not have a cellular structure.
From a scientific point of view, it would be correct to talk about the differences between bacterial and viral forms of infection.
Bacteria are harmful microorganisms, the structure of which suggests the presence of only one cell with an unformed nucleus.
Viruses are also harmful microorganisms that are compounds of RNA and DNA. They are able to reproduce exclusively in the affected cell. At their core, viruses are parasites that live at the expense of other organisms. Bacteria differ from viruses in their larger size, structure, and life cycle.
It is noteworthy that, unlike bacteria, viruses do not have their own metabolism. They do not grow or reproduce like bacteria. Viruses invade any cells, for example, the human body, fungi, animals, plants, and even bacteria themselves. They then force the affected cell to reproduce copies of the virus over and over again.
A type of virus that can infect bacteria is called a bacteriophage. A bacterial infection is usually characterized by the presence of purulent discharge, while a viral infection produces colorless mucus. A bacterial infection can be either an independent cause of the disease or join a viral infection due to weakened immunity.
For example, a person has the flu, but due to a weak immune system, the disease develops into influenza pneumonia. It is also noteworthy that in the treatment of bacterial forms of infections, antibiotics are used, which are absolutely useless for viral acute respiratory viral infections. People often believe that the same medications can be used for colds and flu.
However, antibiotics do not defeat viral infections, but can only worsen a person’s health condition. Using antibiotics unnecessarily can lead to dysbiosis (disturbance of the body's microflora, which performs a protective function and prevents the development of harmful microorganisms). As a result, instead of relief, a person earns himself even more problems.
Why do some doctors prescribe antibiotics for flu and colds for children? There are several explanations for this phenomenon:
- the doctor wants to play it safe and prescribes medications “just in case”;
- the pediatrician follows the lead of the parents, who believe that if the doctor did not prescribe antibiotics, then he is an incompetent specialist;
- sometimes the doctor actually prescribes the wrong treatment out of ignorance or due to inexperience.
The only effective method of treating most types of viruses is the use of interferon. This substance is produced in the human body; nature itself has provided us with a cure for viruses. In pharmacies you can buy drugs containing interferon, as a rule, these are ampoules with powder, ointments, tablets and suppositories.
ARI - what is it? What is the difference between ARVI and ARI?
Acute respiratory disease or acute respiratory disease is a group of diseases in which the upper respiratory tract is damaged under the influence of harmful microorganisms (bacteria, viruses). Diseases that fall under the definition of ARVI are also characterized by the fact that they affect the respiratory system, but they are exclusively viral in nature.
This means that the main difference between acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections can be considered the reasons for their development. In the first case, viruses or bacteria are to blame for a person’s poor health; in the second, only viruses are to blame.
A viral infection is quite difficult to diagnose in time, since it often develops asymptomatically.
As a result, a bacterial infection is added to the viral one, and in this case the doctor diagnoses an acute respiratory infection. The difference between acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections can be clearly seen in the causes, symptoms and methods of treating these diseases.
Acute respiratory infections, as a rule, occur due to hypothermia of the body or due to bacteria (pneumococci, staphylococci, streptococci and others) and only then viruses. The causes of the development of ARVI can only be viruses (influenza, adenovirus, parainfluenza), which can be picked up from an already ill carrier.
ARVI symptoms:
- formation of mucus in the nasopharynx;
- sneezing;
- general weakness of the body;
- a jump in temperature approximately on the third day of the disease;
- general intoxication due to elevated temperature;
- failure of the intestines (diarrhea);
- the appearance of a runny nose and wet cough at the final stage of the disease;
- eye pain and photosensitivity.
Symptoms of acute respiratory infections:
- a slight increase in body temperature from the first day of illness, which may not subside for a long time;
- a sore throat;
- the formation of plaque on the throat due to sore throat or inflammation of the throat due to pharyngitis (red color of the mucous membrane and sharp pain when swallowing);
- dry cough turning into wet;
- nasopharyngitis, i.e. inflammation of the nasal mucosa, characterized by the presence of mucous discharge and pus;
- tracheitis.
The symptoms of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections are similar to each other, and not every doctor can immediately determine what the patient is suffering from. Sometimes it takes time for the disease to “give” itself. However, experienced specialists can distinguish a bacterial infection from a viral one by the appearance of the patient's throat mucous membranes.
With a viral infection, the throat is red and inflamed, and with a bacterial type, a white coating forms. Another sure sign of a bacterial infection is a change in the color of the sputum, it becomes green or yellow. In viral diseases, the sputum remains clear.
How to treat acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections?
When treating acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, the same methods can be used, since they have common pathogens, namely viruses. As a rule, immunostimulating drugs are effective in combating viral infections.
In addition, the symptoms of the disease can be alleviated by drinking plenty of fluids and treating the respiratory tract, for example, using inhalations.
Nasal drops or sprays can also help you feel better. It is advisable to use antibiotics only in case of bacterial nature of the disease.
If an acute respiratory infection is the result of a combined viral-bacterial infection, then immunomodulatory drugs are added to the treatment plan along with antibiotics.
How to distinguish a sore throat from ARVI?
Acute tonsillitis, or in common parlance sore throat, is an infectious disease that affects parts of the throat such as the lymphatic pharyngeal ring and tonsils. The causative agents of tonsillitis are most often staphylococcal and streptococcal infections. People often wonder why their throat hurts for a long time and does not go away. In most cases, the culprit of this condition is a sore throat or acute tonsillitis.
Sore throat and ARVI have a lot in common, from the causes and picture (clinic) of the disease as a whole, to symptoms and possible complications. ARVI is a disease of the human respiratory system, which also includes the ENT organs.
All diseases of the ENT organs have such common features as:
- rapid development and acute onset of the disease;
- the presence of symptoms of general intoxication of the body;
- pathological processes cover not only the ENT organs themselves, but also the tissues adjacent to them.
With angina, the disease affects the palatine tonsils - this is perhaps the most specific sign of this disease. Bacterial infection (pneumococci, streptococci, staphylococci, as well as other atypical pathogens) penetrate the tonsils and provoke the development of tonsillitis.
Sore throat, like ARVI, can be contracted through airborne droplets. The incubation period of the disease is 1-2 days. At the initial stage of the disease, the palatine tonsils become inflamed and swollen; if the inflammatory process goes further and affects the pharynx area, then pharyngitis may also join tonsillitis.
The main symptoms of catarrhal tonsillitis (i.e. the initial stage of the disease) are:
If the wrong methods are used in the treatment of tonsillitis, the disease progresses to the more severe next stage - purulent lacunar and follicular tonsillitis. These types of disease are characterized by the formation of fibrinous-purulent and grayish-yellow plaque on the throat. The most serious type of tonsillitis is considered to be ulcerative membranous tonsillitis, which is complicated by inflammation of the lymph nodes.
In addition to pathogens and symptoms similar to ARVI, many methods of combating viral and bacterial infections that affect the organs of the respiratory system are used in the treatment of sore throat. In case of acute tonsillitis, it is recommended to stay in bed, drink plenty of fluids, and review your diet in favor of easily digestible foods rich in vitamins and natural substances - immunomodulators.
Gargling solutions will help relieve pain in the throat area. If acute tonsillitis has transformed into other more severe types of sore throat, then drug treatment cannot be avoided. Remember that only the attending physician can prescribe the right medications after the patient has undergone the appropriate tests to find out what type of harmful microorganisms caused the disease.
Typically, tonsillitis is treated with antibiotics and antifungal medications. Local antiseptic medications, for example, sprays and aerosols, as well as tablets, lozenges and lozenges that help reduce pain in the larynx, are also considered effective for sore throat. If your body temperature rises with a sore throat (from 38.5 C), then antipyretics are used.
How is influenza different from ARVI?
Doctors often hear the question of how to distinguish influenza from ARVI. In everyday life, people who are far from medicine call any acute respiratory viral disease flu, which is absolutely wrong. Since, in addition to the influenza virus, ARVI can be provoked by more than 200 types of other viruses identified to date.
In fact, influenza and ARVI are concepts that go inextricably with each other. After all, ARVI is a generalized group of diseases caused by viruses. In turn, the influenza virus, which causes the development of the disease of the same name, is one of the causes of ARVI.
As you can see, it turns out to be some kind of logical vicious circle. It is probably not entirely correct to talk about the difference between influenza and ARVI. It would be correct to compare influenza with other most common viruses that cause ARVI.
A disease such as influenza once posed a great danger to human life. At the beginning of the 20th century, the “Spanish flu” or Spanish flu claimed the lives of approximately 30% of the population of the planet Earth. This was perhaps the largest influenza epidemic (pandemic).
Scientists were first able to study the influenza virus in the 30s of the 20th century. It is noteworthy that absolutely any adult or child can become infected with the flu. However, children and elderly people whose immune systems are weakened are most often affected.
The source of the spread of influenza is a person infected with the virus, who most often transmits the disease through respiratory droplets, for example, when coughing or sneezing. As a rule, a person realizes that he has caught the virus only when his body temperature rises sharply. But at the initial stage, influenza can develop without fever.
Already during this period of time, the patient becomes dangerous to others as a carrier of the disease. True, not every adult, upon discovering the first symptoms of the flu, immediately consults a doctor.
Usually people start with self-medication. If you have a headache - take pills, have a runny nose - put drops in your nose, a sore throat - use aerosols or traditional methods of treatment, feel unwell due to body aches and weakness without fever - go to bed for a little rest and sleep.
But all these common techniques do not help cure the virus itself, but only temporarily alleviate its symptoms. Ultimately, you still have to seek medical help. It is good if self-medication does not lead to the development of complications and does not significantly worsen the condition of a person suffering from influenza.
It is worth noting that the clinical picture (a set of symptoms and patient complaints) of a disease such as influenza is quite general and similar to other types of acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections. Without special tests (for example, examination of swabs taken from the throat or nose), it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis. It is for this reason that in practice the doctor assumes that the patient has the influenza virus, because in this particular period of time, according to epidemiological data, an epidemic of the disease is raging.
The incubation period of the influenza virus in some cases, for example, with weakened immunity, can be minimal and amount to only a few hours, and sometimes the disease takes up to 3 days to fully develop. The severity of the flu depends on a person's health and age. The influenza virus is characterized by a rapid jump in body temperature to 38.5-40 C.
Along with an increase in temperature, symptoms of general intoxication of the body appear. How long does a fever last for the flu? If the patient has a healthy body and is treated correctly, then usually the temperature subsides within a few days. In severe forms of influenza, all symptoms of the disease, including fever, may persist for a long period of time.
Parainfluenza is a type of viral infection that is characterized by its anthroponotic nature. In simple words, this disease can only develop in the human body. Just like other viruses united under the concept of ARVI, parainfluenza affects the organs of the respiratory system.
Currently, 5 types of virus have been studied, 3 of which pose a direct danger to humans. The virus, like the flu, is transmitted by airborne droplets. The incubation period ranges from one to six days, it all depends on the strength of the person’s immune system. You can become infected from an infected person.
The parainfluenza virus enters the body through the mucous membranes of the larynx and nasopharynx, and when it enters the bloodstream it causes symptoms of general intoxication (headaches, weakness, pain in muscles and joints). Then symptoms such as a sore throat are observed, at the beginning of the disease a dry cough appears, which over time becomes wet, and sputum is also produced. The duration of the disease is on average up to 7 days.
After suffering from the virus, a person experiences the so-called asthenic syndrome, i.e. a state of increased fatigue and weakness in the body. As you can see, parainfluenza and the influenza virus have a lot in common. It is for this reason that parainfluenza got its name. Perhaps the main difference between the two viruses is that parainfluenza primarily affects the larynx. The course of the disease is characterized by the development of laryngotracheitis or laryngitis.
Both adults and children can become infected. However, children suffer the virus more severely, and there is a risk of developing complications such as croup. Another difference can be considered the low temperature during parainfluenza (relative to the influenza virus), which usually does not rise above 38 C in adults.
In children it may be higher, due to the characteristics of the immune system. The parainfluenza virus is treated symptomatically, most often using methods such as inhalation, drinking plenty of fluids and taking vitamin complexes. A sick person must remain in bed. If there is a need for this (temperature above 38-38.5 C), the patient is prescribed antipyretic or antitussive medications.
Rhinoviruses are a group of RNA-containing viruses that can infect the upper respiratory tract and belong to the causative agents of acute respiratory viral infections. This type of viral infection multiplies in the nasopharynx. The incubation period of the disease ranges from several hours to several days. Both adults and children can become infected.
It is noteworthy that in adults the disease can occur without fever, but in a child it can cause a febrile state. The duration of the disease with proper treatment is from 5 to 9 days. A residual phenomenon such as cough may not go away for up to two weeks.
As a rule, the disease does not cause complications in adults. If not treated promptly, children may develop: otitis media, bronchitis or sinusitis.
The virus can only be identified in a laboratory when analyzing swabs taken from the patient’s nose. For this type of viral infection, as in the case of parainfluenza, only symptomatic treatment is provided.
Human respiratory syncytial virus is a viral infection that affects the human respiratory system. As a rule, this disease is characteristic of a child’s body. It is believed that this virus in adults can manifest itself with very mild symptoms or generally proceed completely unnoticed by humans.
In children, signs of respiratory syncytial virus such as general weakness, decreased appetite and lethargy are recorded. It happens that the body temperature also rises. Often this virus provokes the development of other severe acute respiratory viral infections, pneumonia and bronchiolitis in children. It is worth noting that the virus is often found in newborns in the first month of life.
The source of the disease is an infected person. The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets. The incubation period can range from 3 to 8 days. Interestingly, oxygen helps fight the virus. Some groups of researchers have proposed other treatment options, but most doctors agreed that there are no better or more effective options than supportive care, plenty of fluids and an oxygen mask.
Adenoviruses are a group of viruses containing DNA and capable of infecting the human respiratory system; they belong to the causative agents of acute respiratory viral infections. Adenoviruses are transmitted by airborne droplets, as well as through household items, water or food of an infected person.
The virus enters the blood through the digestive system, as well as the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. The disease is characterized by an acute onset. There is a sharp jump in body temperature, which sometimes immediately reaches 39 C. This condition can last up to seven days. Another symptom similar to the flu is the presence of a severe runny nose.
Approximately on the fourth day of the disease, such a characteristic symptom as adenoviral conjunctivitis may appear. The patient feels pain in the eyes, they may itch and hurt. If treated improperly, conjunctivitis can be complicated by purulent discharge. Adenoviruses provoke inflammation of the lymph nodes and also have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
How is the flu different from a cold?
People often mistake the flu for a cold and vice versa, or even believe that they are the same disease, for which the same medical treatments can be used. As a result, ignorance of the difference between a cold and the flu leads to improper treatment, which is fraught with serious complications.
A cold is not a medical concept at all. This is how in ordinary life we are accustomed to calling diseases that, as a rule, appear after hypothermia of the body. You can catch a cold not only in the cold season, but also in the summer, for example, by drinking ice water in the heat.
A cold is usually associated with a runny nose, sore throat and a slight increase in body temperature. Such symptoms are characteristic of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, so we can say that a cold is a common name for diseases that affect the organs of the respiratory system, arising due to hypothermia of the body against a background of weakened immunity.
Although many primary care physicians use the term cold, academic researchers believe the concept creates serious confusion. The thing is that the development of viral or bacterial infections is not directly related to hypothermia. Just cold can weaken a person’s immunity, which will contribute to the development of acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections. A cold, on the contrary, is a direct consequence of hypothermia.
The table below discusses the main symptoms of colds and influenza virus, which can be used to distinguish one disease from another. However, the most obvious sign of the influenza virus is considered to be asthenic syndrome, i.e. general weakness of the body. This condition accompanies the patient both during the illness and for some time after it.
With a cold the situation is different. If you approached the treatment correctly and followed all the doctor’s recommendations, then in a week you will be “like a cucumber.” The body is completely restored, and the person can return to his normal life. After suffering from the influenza virus, the body takes a long time to restore its strength.
- After the virus enters the blood, body temperature increases and can reach C.
- As a rule, it lasts for several days and is difficult to bring down with the help of antipyretics.
- With a cold, the temperature rarely rises above 38-38.5 C. It decreases after 2-3 days.
- Doctors recommend not using antipyretic medications if the temperature does not exceed 38.5 C.
- The nose is not stuffy, except for people suffering from chronic nasopharyngeal diseases, as well as sinusitis and sinusitis.
- Under the influence of the virus, these diseases can worsen. If you have a runny nose, it goes away quickly, and viral conjunctivitis may develop.
- A severe runny nose and nasal congestion, as well as sneezing and copious discharge of mucous secretions from the sinuses are considered characteristic symptoms of a cold.
- If during the course of the disease the mucus has changed its color, this should not be ignored.
- The secretion secreted from the nose during a runny nose changes its basic characteristics only for a good reason. Colds are characterized by colorless mucus.
- Bright yellow snot in an adult or child may indicate the development of a viral infection or allergy.
- Children may react severely to the influenza virus. During illness, children may experience nausea and vomiting, as well as diarrhea.
- The gastrointestinal system of adults tends to tolerate influenza more easily, but they may also suffer from diarrhea.
- It is worth noting that the presence of diarrhea, vomiting and temperature 38 in an adult does not always indicate a viral infection; this may be a consequence of disorders of the nervous system, as well as stomach diseases (colitis, gastritis, ulcers and others).
- Usually, with proper treatment, the body of a healthy person copes with the influenza virus within 10 days. High fever can last for a maximum of 5 days.
- In difficult cases, the disease may persist for a long time. The temperature remains stable and is not brought down by medications; complications may develop.
- Even after complete recovery, a person experiences symptoms of asthenic syndrome for two or three weeks (headaches, pressure surges, weakness, decreased appetite and performance, etc.).
In general, it became clear how diseases are similar to each other and how flu and colds differ from each other. However, the data presented in the table is average information. Deviations from the general rule occur quite often. For example, a cold often occurs without an increase in body temperature. Why do some people have no fever when they have a cold?
This can be explained by different reactions of the immune system to exposure to pathogens. For one person to catch a cold, it will be enough to get caught in the rain in the fall, and the second will drink ice water in the heat and walk without a hat in the chilly weather, but will not get sick. All people are unique and react differently to the same diseases.
However, if you feel body aches without fever, the causes may be not only colds, but also a number of other serious ailments, for example, a blood disease (leukemia), the development of a malignant tumor or systemic lupus erythematosus.
Body aches and a temperature of 37 C may be the first symptom of a viral infection. In addition, this condition indicates the development of other infectious diseases, poisoning and inflammatory processes occurring in the human body, and many other serious ailments.
In any case, whatever the cause of this condition, only a doctor can determine what the problem is and how to deal with it so that you feel normal again. As mentioned earlier, the type of disease depends on the method of its treatment. The flu virus cannot be defeated with antibiotics.
He is “afraid” of antiviral drugs and immunomodulators specially created to combat it, containing interferon (a compound secreted by the immune system of a healthy person in response to the harmful effects of viral infections). In addition to drug treatment, gargling, inhalation, nasal rinsing and other symptomatic treatment can be effective for both flu and colds.
Many people believe that treatment will not work unless it involves drugs. Doctors often have to answer the question of what to take for a cold without fever.
In fact, everyone knows the answer, but they do not want to believe in the effectiveness of this method of treatment.
If there is no temperature or there is one, but does not exceed 38 C (for children) - 38.5 C (for adults), then you should not resort to medication.
The body is able to cope on its own and, if it needs help, a temperature jump will serve as a signal to action.
In the treatment of colds, flu and other acute respiratory viral infections, the following simple rules apply:
- Drink more liquids, you can use plain or warm water without gases, you can take vitamin drinks, for example, fruit drinks, compotes or herbal tea, as well as infusions and herbal decoctions. The body, weakened by illness, is in great need of maintaining water balance for a speedy recovery.
- Maintain bed rest. You cannot endure the disease “on your feet,” as many adults do. Of course, family, work and other urgent matters occupy an important place in a person’s life, but health is the main thing. A sick body is weak and especially susceptible to various kinds of diseases. In order not to aggravate your condition with complications, it is better to stay at home, rest and return to normal in order to return to an active life.
- If you feel you are getting sick, consult a doctor. Our people do not like to go to doctors and prefer to be treated with traditional methods or widely advertised drugs. Unfortunately, this position often leads a person to a deplorable state. Even if you are sure that nothing bad is happening to you, and the common cold will soon go away, it would be better to contact a specialist who will conduct an examination and prescribe suitable therapeutic treatment.
- Doctors like to repeat that it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Therefore, there is nothing better than prevention. Vaccination is effective against the influenza virus.
To protect yourself and your loved ones, do not forget about some rules during an epidemic of flu and colds:
- Try to avoid places with large crowds of people, especially in closed spaces, such as clinics or public transport, where the concentration of virus carriers is off the charts. If possible, take a walk to your place of work or school. This is doubly beneficial for the body - breathe some air, take a walk and avoid catching the flu from other people.
- After visiting the places indicated above, as well as traveling on public transport, be sure to wash your hands and face. It is also recommended to clear or rinse your nose using a saline solution.
- It is better to wear a gauze mask on your face, which can provide at least some protection from infections and viruses transmitted by airborne droplets.
- Don't forget to disinfect personal items such as mobile phones. Many people don’t even think about the fact that gadgets can become carriers of colds and viruses.
- The nose is the entry point for infections and viruses into the human body, so before going outside it is recommended to lubricate the mucous membranes with oxolinic or leukinferon ointment.
- Ventilate the room more often and do wet cleaning. Viruses do not like the cold, so opening a window for a moment in frosty weather will be an excellent means of combating harmful microorganisms.
- Lastly, if you feel sick, do not go to work, school or errands. Stay home and start treatment as early as possible to avoid complications. It is best to consult a doctor so that a specialist can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.
I didn’t have the flu, but I had ARVI not so long ago. I started taking Ingavirin and was advised to buy it at the pharmacy. Good capsules, they brought me back to normal within a few days of taking them. Now I recommend them to sick colleagues at work.
From my own experience, I have already realized that even an ordinary, untreated cold can cause serious complications. For a long time now, at the first sign of a cold or flu, I start taking Ingavirin! For me personally, the best antiviral.
I was recently very sick, in a circle and without stopping, the viral infection was complicated, and a bacterial infection began. Trekrezan pulled me out of this nightmare; it significantly rebooted my body and set it up for recovery.
Esberitox helps me avoid the flu and its severe consequences. In spring and autumn I take courses and my immunity remains at the level of a healthy person, which is difficult to lower by external factors. That's why I haven't been sick for several years.
The diseases are really similar and for me personally, they are equally disgusting and difficult.
When I have a cold, I try to drink unlimited quantities of warm ginger tea, brew rose hips, and eat raspberry and currant jam. For medications, I dissolve the antiviral Influcid every hour, it is very effective and, at the same time, absolutely natural. If your throat starts to hurt, I gargle with saline solution. All this perfectly helps to get rid of unnecessary symptoms.
Let's start with the fact that I have a very weak immune system and therefore I get the flu or ARVI almost every year. But this year I bought Ingavirin, as soon as I started to feel that I was getting sick, I immediately started taking this medicine. what is its use? It significantly reduces discomfort from symptoms (eg fever). There is also a children's version of the drug, I recommend this medicine to everyone.
I use carmolis drops for the flu. A proven remedy based on essential oils of medicinal herbs
German: prescribed by a proctologist. After a course (15 tablets), weeping appeared on the legs along the toes.
Ekaterina: Since childhood, when I worry, my stomach shrinks and becomes a lump, and then it hurts.
Svetlana: I constantly go on diets, and because of this I have problems with stool. Girlfriend for me.
Lily: And if it’s a thorn, can you drip some drops?
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