Discomfort in the throat on the left side

Sore throat on the left side

My throat hurts on the left side, it hurts to swallow and I have no fever. (see description)



Grigory Sh.

How to cure a sore throat in one day

to Novosibirsk and met a traditional healer there.

Table of contents:

He was amazed that

I have been suffering from sore throat for so long. he said. “Otherwise there will be complications in the heart.”

a glass of grated mass, add 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar.

Keep the mixture covered in a dark place for 4 hours. After that, squeeze it out

through thick fabric. Throw away the pulp and gargle with the juice.

every 2.5 hours. Beetroot successfully cures chronic and follicular

Alexander Butenko

Perhaps the tonsil is inflamed. Look in the mirror. If swollen with redness, possibly with purulent discharge. It is not always a sign of illness, since the function of the tonsil is to prevent bacteria from entering the body. So she gets inflamed. 50 grams of vodka or cognac for rinsing :)


buy gramecidin with an anesthetic at a pharmacy, drink it for 3 days and it will go away.

Sore throat on one side

Discomfort in the larynx is an unusual and alarming sign for few people, especially when there are obvious signs of a cold. And even if the throat hurts on one side, many people do not pay attention to it and most often treat it in the same way as a regular sore throat, which is fundamentally wrong. After all, the occurrence of such pain can indicate various diseases.

Why does one side of my throat hurt?

Pain on one side may indicate that the infection is localized and the inflammatory process has spread only to a certain area. It is very important to determine what is causing it.

The main provoking factors may be:

The localization of infection during tonsillitis can be manifested by the appearance of a yellow or white spot with pus on the surface of one tonsil, and with pharyngitis, swelling of the lymph nodes occurs.

Often the left side of the throat hurts due to streptococcal bacteria, which can cause a rash in the upper part of the mouth, white spots and stripes on the tonsils.

It often happens that the left side of the throat hurts, and the pain radiates to the ear. This may indicate the presence of otitis media, which requires complex and serious treatment.

If there is pain on only one side and nasal congestion, we can talk about unilateral sinusitis.

In case of such diseases, it is very important to gargle, drink plenty of fluids and, based on the cause of the disease, undergo a course of treatment with antibiotics.

Sore throat on the outside

It happens that pain occurs not from the inside, but from the outside. This can be caused by osteochondrosis or muscle spasm. For example, sensations are triggered by an uncomfortable posture during sleep or hypothermia on one side.

Please note that the right side of the throat hurts with the following diseases:

  • meningitis;
  • piggy;
  • spinal canal stenosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • tumor of the cervical vertebra;
  • infectious diseases of the brain;
  • retropharyngeal abscess;
  • angina pectoris.

Sometimes the cause of such pain can be a banal draft, which caused pain or numbness as a result of muscle strain, but if the pain does not disappear for a long time, and general malaise appears, as well as an increase in temperature, then consultation with a specialist is necessary. If it is difficult to determine the diagnosis, doctors may prescribe an MRI of the cervical spine, as well as take blood for analysis to exclude the possibility of malignant formations.

My throat hurts very badly on the left side.


TV director

Are your tonsils not inflamed? You may be developing acute tonsillitis. Measure the temperature, look for plaque on the tonsils, and in the meantime gargle with chamomile infusion.

It could be lateral pharyngitis, or maybe something else, you need to have an ENT doctor look at it and prescribe treatment (if antibiotics are needed)

Evgeniy Kryuchkov

rinse with kerasin. he will help.

Elsa Stepanova

why don't you see a doctor? If there is a temperature, it is clear that there is an infection. start dissolving Lysobact 2 tablets 3-4 times a day, the course of treatment is 8 days. It copes well with fungi and bacteria, helping you get better. The main thing is to dissolve slowly, until the tablet is completely dissolved, so the lysozyme fits better into the mouth and throat. Drink more and more warm tea and lie down, you can’t stand it on your feet

Sore throat when swallowing on one side: how and what to treat?

Throughout his life, every person experiences a sore throat when swallowing on one side or both. Such symptoms are often regarded as a sign of a common cold. Accordingly, discomfort is not given much importance. But an unpleasant condition can signal more than just a cold. In some cases, it indicates the development of more dangerous diseases. Let's look at what ailments we might be talking about if the throat hurts on one side when swallowing. How to treat these pathologies?

Main reasons

Most often, a sore throat signals a cold. However, the question arises: why does the throat hurt when swallowing on one side, and not on both? Such selectivity indicates that the infection did not have time to spread to the second tonsil. The cold is just beginning, which means treatment will not be very difficult.

But do not forget that the throat hurts when swallowing on one side in many other pathologies. In these situations, discomfort indicates the site of inflammation or infection.

The main pathologies causing unilateral sore throat are:

  • various tonsillitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • streptococci, which cause a rash;
  • dental caries;
  • otitis media;
  • meningoencephalitis, meningitis;
  • acute lymphadenitis;
  • infectious diseases (measles, scarlet fever, chickenpox, rubella, diphtheria);
  • oncological diseases.

If your throat hurts on the left side when swallowing and discomfort is felt in the ear, most likely the cause is hidden in otitis media. This disease can only be combated through comprehensive measures. Unpleasant sensations accompanied by nasal congestion indicate the development of unilateral sinusitis.

If the right side of the throat hurts when swallowing, then often such symptoms indicate the presence of ailments such as angina pectoris, mumps, tuberculosis, meningitis, or a tumor of the cervical vertebra.

However, normal muscle strain cannot be ruled out. Sometimes unpleasant discomfort can even be caused by a draft.

Let us dwell on the most common causes that cause such unpleasant and sometimes painful symptoms.

Acute pharyngitis

Quite often, the throat on the left side hurts when swallowing as a result of the inflammatory process occurring in the tonsil and pharynx.

Pharyngitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • sore throat that gets worse when swallowing;
  • dry throat;
  • burning sensation, tingling sensation;
  • feeling of incomplete swallowing of food or saliva;
  • frequent desire to drink water (especially during a conversation);
  • stuffing of the ears, which disappears after swallowing saliva.

To select an effective treatment, it is necessary to determine what causes the pathology. It can be based on either a viral or bacterial infection. Therefore, without consulting a doctor, it is quite difficult to determine adequate therapy.

For bacterial pharyngitis, antibiotics are prescribed. In case of viral pathology, NSAIDs will bring relief: Ibuprofen, Paracetamol.

Symptoms of laryngitis

Inflammation of the larynx, occurring in acute or chronic form, causes extremely unpleasant sensations.

The following picture is often observed: a person has a sore throat when swallowing on one side, but there is no fever. This is typical for laryngitis and pharyngitis. These diseases can occur at normal temperatures. Sometimes they provoke a slight increase in it.

Symptoms of laryngitis include:

  • dry throat;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • soreness, soreness in the throat.

In some patients, during the inflammatory process, the voice may completely disappear.

Tonsillitis (tonsillitis)

Those people who have at least once encountered a similar illness know for sure that a sore throat is the very first and most characteristic symptom of the pathology.

Sore throat is an infectious inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsils. That is why at the initial stage of the disease the patient feels that his throat hurts on one side when swallowing.

Tonsillitis also manifests itself with a number of other symptoms. These include:

  • headache;
  • feeling of being “broken”;
  • temperature increase;
  • general malaise.

Sometimes, against the background of a sore throat, paratonsillitis can develop, in which the peritonsil tissue becomes inflamed.

With this disease, the patient experiences the following complaints:

  • the throat hurts when swallowing on one side and radiates to the ear or teeth;
  • the discomfort is very strong, “tearing”, intensifies when trying to swallow saliva;
  • headache;
  • slight increase in temperature.

Pharyngeal sore throat is extremely rare. In this case, the patient feels that his throat and tongue hurt when swallowing on one side. Discomfort may be felt in the throat above and below. This pathology requires adequate treatment. When the disease occurs, the tonsil, located near the root of the tongue, becomes inflamed. As it increases, it threatens the patient with suffocation. You should contact your doctor immediately.

Otitis media

Sometimes a person complains that his throat hurts on the left side when swallowing, and it goes into his ear. Most often, the culprit of such symptoms is otitis media. In general, any ear diseases can affect the larynx and nasopharynx.

The following symptoms are typical for otitis media:

  • discomfort in the throat;
  • shooting pain in the ear;
  • There may be discharge from the ear (purulent);
  • discomfort increases significantly in the evening and is most aggravated at night;
  • unpleasant odor from the ear.

With this disease, as with tonsillitis, the patient requires adequate drug therapy. You should not self-medicate. Progressive otitis media can be complicated by labyrinthitis and sometimes meningitis. In addition, a patient who ignores the doctor’s recommendations runs the risk of completely losing their hearing.

Injuries to the mucosa

This reason cannot be excluded, if the throat hurts when swallowing on the right side, there is no temperature. But if the left side of the throat is injured, the patient will experience discomfort on this side.

The cause of the pathology can be a chemical or thermal burn, mechanical damage to the mucous membrane, or a foreign object. If we are not talking about a small child, then the patient will always be able to accurately indicate the source that caused the pain syndrome.

Symptoms of mucosal injury differ significantly from signs indicating an infectious disease. But if the treatment measures taken are insufficient, the patient may develop an inflammatory process, including an increase in temperature.

In such a situation, you need to contact an ENT specialist. Therapy consists of eliminating damage. In addition, the patient should avoid hot and cold drinks and solid foods.

Oncological diseases and tumors

This is the most terrible type of disease that a patient may encounter when he feels that his throat hurts when swallowing on one side.

Tumors of the tonsils and larynx can cause quite noticeable discomfort. Benign neoplasms make it difficult to eat and cause pain when swallowing. The malignant process provokes constant or periodic discomfort in the affected area.

It is strictly forbidden to treat such pathologies with home methods. It is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and undergo all prescribed tests and biopsies. Only an oncologist can prescribe adequate treatment.

First aid for pain

Only a specialist can select the treatment necessary for the patient. However, there are symptomatic remedies that will bring relief to the patient if a visit to the doctor is difficult at the moment. However, remember that such medications cannot act as full-fledged therapy.

So, let’s consider, if your throat hurts on one side when swallowing, how to treat this pathology.

For symptomatic therapy, the following sprays can be used:

Tablets (lozenges) designed to relieve sore throat will significantly ease the discomfort:

An excellent effect will be provided by the procedure of gargling. You can prepare decoctions from the herbs of sage, oak bark, calendula, and chamomile.

The pharmaceutical market offers patients the following rinsing preparations:

To reduce discomfort in the throat, relieve swelling, get rid of fever, and suppress inflammation, you can use medications such as:

  1. Antipyretics. Use paracetamol-based medications such as Panadol, Efferalgan.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs. It is better to choose medications based on ibuprofen or nimesulide. These are the following medications: “Nise”, “Ibuprofen”, “Nimesulide”, “Ibuklin”, “Movalis”.
  3. Antihistamines. The following drugs are effective: Loratadine, Erius, Zyrtec, Clemastin, Telfast, Suprastin, Fenistil, Claritin.


However, remember that only therapy that is aimed at combating the cause that provoked the discomfort is effective. Therefore, do not self-medicate, be sure to consult a doctor and get examined. In this case, you will be able to defeat the developing disease much earlier and more effectively.

Why does my throat hurt on the left side?

For about 6 months now I have had a sore throat when swallowing strictly on the left side, swollen tonsils. What could it be? How to treat and what medications to take? Thank you!

Hello Tatiana. A sore throat on the specific side indicates that the infection is localized on the left. The reasons may be different, for example, it could be pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis or streptococci. These diseases are considered quite serious and their treatment varies. For tonsillitis, a course of antibiotics and other drugs is used; for pharyngitis, a conservative method of treatment is used. Only a specialist can correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment for you. Therefore, do not delay and consult a doctor. To reduce pain, it is not recommended to eat hot or too cold food.

Source: http://neb0ley.ru/gorlo/bolit-gorlo-s-levoj-storony.html

Sore throat on one side: causes

Asymmetric pain syndrome should always be regarded as a more dangerous condition than symmetric pain. The most common cause of “ordinary” sore throat is an inflammatory reaction of the pharyngeal mucosa, its hyperemia, congestion, and looseness.

Causes and nature of asymmetric sore throat

Let's start with the fact that in anatomy there is no such thing as a “throat”. What we call the throat is the oropharynx, which passes into the esophagus from the digestive system and into the larynx from the respiratory system. In addition to these natural “pipes,” there are many formations that can be a source of painful impulses.

A one-sided sore throat is purely psychologically perceived by a person as more unpleasant, since everyone is accustomed to the fact that pain that occurs when swallowing is always symmetrical. Usually, when we drink water or swallow food, the pain seems less severe.

What are the most common diseases that can cause asymmetric pain? Let us list the most well-known pathological conditions that can lead to disruption of the functioning of the oropharynx, and briefly evaluate the possibility of asymmetric localization of painful impulses.

Acute tonsillitis, or sore throat

It seems like everyone had tonsillitis in childhood. It can be catarrhal, follicular, lacunar. It is possible for a sore throat to occur both with a disturbance in general well-being and against a background of normal temperature. Any form of pathology is characterized by symmetrical pain in the throat. One of the tonsils may be slightly more painful than the other, but a significant difference is still unusual for tonsillitis.

Most often, the patient is bothered by the following symptoms:

  • severe pain in the throat when swallowing;
  • high fever, joint pain, malaise, headaches;
  • hyperemia, swelling and enlargement of the tonsils;
  • the presence of plugs of pus on the surface of the tonsils;
  • lymphadenitis - enlargement and pain of regional lymph nodes.

In most cases of classic sore throat, it is impossible to say that the throat hurts on one side. Of course, if one of the tonsils is not removed. Such cases happen, but not often. For example, during a tonsillectomy the patient felt unwell and the removal of the second tonsil had to be postponed. But then this situation is completely understandable and does not pose any danger. Read more about sore throat →


This is an inflammation of the oropharyngeal mucosa. Pharyngitis is one of the most common diseases in the practice of an ENT doctor. The main symptom is pain when swallowing, including an “empty” swallow, looseness and hyperemia, swelling of the posterior pharyngeal wall. Swelling with banal catarrhal pharyngitis will be symmetrical; to do this, just look in the mirror with your mouth open.

If the pain is localized on one side, then this is a reason to contact an otolaryngologist. It doesn’t matter if your throat hurts on the right side or the left. Asymmetry indicates that a focus is emerging that is different from general inflammation, and moreover, that the focus is lateralizing.

It should be explained what this means. In the pharynx, which is a mobile formation, there is a very loose submucous membrane, prone to swelling. Therefore, with a common cold, hypothermia, or flu, a lot of symptoms arise - tickling, tickling, and pain - but they are all located in such a way that a person does not separate the direction of the symptoms.

If a distinct lateral projection of pain appears, for example, a sore throat occurs on the right side, this may mean the following:

  • the appearance of a purulent focus spreading into the submucosa and deeper (abscess);
  • the presence of a specific infection.

In this case, we can talk, for example, about tuberculosis. Sometimes an example is given of the primary period of syphilis, when a hard chancre is located on the back wall of the pharynx. But in this case, there is no pain in the throat on the left side or only on the right. With syphilis, you can see a chancre, but it almost never hurts, since this is the site of introduction of pallidum treponema, and there is no inflammatory process in it. But the regional lymph nodes (posterior cervical, submandibular) will react.


If the process spreads below the pharynx, then inflammation of the larynx, or laryngitis, occurs. Here we are also talking about the mucous membrane. The main symptom of acute and chronic laryngitis is hoarseness of voice (dysphonia) or its complete loss (aphonia). Typically, all other symptoms, such as burning or foreign body sensation, do not cause the lateral sensation.

But with laryngitis, hyperemia and thickening of the vocal cords occur. If, for example, a hemorrhage occurs in one of the ligaments, and its swelling is greater than that of the neighboring one, this can cause severe pain on the side. A “side” pain in the throat may also occur when nodules appear on the ligaments. They are formed under significant vocal load, for example, among singers and teachers, and the pain indicates an exacerbation of chronic laryngitis.

Of course, speaking of specific syphilitic laryngitis, when ulcers and plaques occur, there can also be an arbitrary lesion. It is then, during the period of secondary fresh or recurrent syphilis, that a situation arises when an atypical pain syndrome is disturbing for a long time, and without connection with hypothermia.

Focal ulcers, or abscesses

Perhaps the most urgent pathology is the appearance of a retropharyngeal and peripharyngeal abscess. It is with these limited purulent foci that a sharply asymmetrical pain in the throat appears. Swallowing is difficult or impossible. The mouth may be full of saliva, which simply flows out. It is also difficult to open the mouth, as a reflex spasm of the masticatory muscles, or trismus, occurs.

Upon examination, a swelling dome of the mucous membrane is noticeable, sharply tense and edematous. Urgent hospitalization is required in a specialized department, where the abscess will be opened and antibiotics will be prescribed. This will immediately lead to improved health.

Diseases of the middle ear and eustachian tube

Everyone knows that with otitis media there are “shooting” pains in the ears. There are auditory tubes that equalize the air pressure in the ear and throat. Their openings open into the pharynx, and with pharyngitis, one of the auditory tubes or both may become inflamed. Then pain occurs on the outside of the throat, also associated with swallowing, which extends to the temporal regions.


Soft tissue injuries may well be a source of unilateral pain. The classic cause is accidental ingestion of a spicy fish bone. As a rule, it gets stuck in one of the pharyngeal pockets, can scratch the mucous membrane, infect it, and then deep pain occurs. There is also a foreign body sensation that may be constantly present.

In addition, you can burn the mucous membrane thermally, when eating hot food, or chemically, when vomiting, when gastric juice is erupted. With injuries, the general condition usually does not suffer, and patients can name the cause of the pain.

Oncological causes

The most common diseases include cancer of the lip, tongue and larynx. If a middle-aged person, an experienced smoker, has a chronic sore throat on one side, its causes may lie in a malignant neoplasm of the larynx. It often develops after a long period of chronic laryngitis, against the background of altered laryngeal mucosa.

In addition to one-sided pain, the first signs of cancer are:

  • progressive change in voice, up to aphonia;
  • the appearance of a space-occupying lesion in the neck;
  • if a tumor grows into the lumen of the larynx, restrictive respiratory failure occurs - an obstruction to air flow;
  • in the later stages, compression of the esophagus by the tumor occurs, dysphagia occurs - swallowing disorders - first there are difficulties when swallowing solid foods, and then liquid ones.

Of course, other signs of malignant neoplasms will be noticeable: cachexia, anemia, decreased ability to work, pallor, sallow complexion.


As a rule, most infectious diseases (influenza, parainfluenza, infectious mononucleosis) that affect lymphoid and glandular tissue do not cause unilateral damage. And even if at first the throat hurts only on the right or left, at the height of the illness this feeling is lost.

And only if we are talking about diphtheria of the pharynx, in which dense films are formed that leave behind bleeding marks, one-sided pain can occur. But it is not a diagnostic sign. The doctor is interested in the picture in the pharynx and the nature of the plaque: these are dense gray-white films that are sharply outlined, difficult to separate, and bleeding wounds remain underneath them.

Other reasons

Do not forget that many other diseases can present a picture where the throat hurts on one side when swallowing, during movement and physical activity, or at rest.

Such pathologies include:

  • acute attack of ischemic heart disease (angina) - pain radiates to the left side of the throat, not associated with swallowing;
  • caries and pulpitis of angular molars;
  • basal meningitis and sinus thrombosis;
  • glossopharyngeal neuralgia;
  • acute leukemia.

Even a severe deficiency of ascorbic acid, or scurvy, can cause symptoms such as ulcerative-necrotic lesions of the oral cavity and oropharynx, accompanied by pain and bleeding.

First aid for pain

The most important thing is to never try to self-prescribe antibiotics or open a suspicious lesion. The only thing that can be done is to rinse your mouth with a warm antiseptic solution (Furacilin, Chlorhexidine) and suck on special lozenges.

If there is severe malaise and fever, you need to take antipyretic drugs and call a doctor. For the purpose of pain relief, for example, with ulcerative-necrotic lesions, you can use a spray of local anesthetic - lidocaine.

Which doctor should I consult if my throat hurts on one side?

If you suspect an infectious disease, or are worried about high fever and malaise, you need to call a therapist at home. Signs of infection are usually an accompanying cough or runny nose, preceded by hypothermia.

If pain occurs against the background of normal health, you need to go to an otolaryngologist. He can make a diagnosis and, most importantly, identify the source of pain if it is not visible, for example, he will perform a laryngoscopy.


It makes no sense to talk about the treatment of sore throat in general terms without knowing anything about the causes.

All we can say is that sometimes treatment can be very quick and involve puncturing the abscess with a scalpel. If there is a peripharyngeal abscess and the throat hurts on the left side, then after the puncture the patient’s head is also turned to the left so that the pus does not enter the larynx and esophagus. As a rule, the patient already feels well the next day.

For laryngitis, treatment involves voice rest, inhalation and medication. For influenza, the basis is detoxification, antiviral therapy and prevention of the development of a secondary bacterial infection. And in case of ulcerative lesions due to scurvy, only parenteral administration of ascorbic acid and the use of reparants that are used to lubricate the pharynx will help: methyluracil ointment, Actovegin gel, sea buckthorn oil.


Perhaps, methods for preventing pain in the oropharynx and larynx do not depend on which side the pain is localized on. If you avoid hypothermia and increase your immunity, you can reduce the frequency of colds.

If you do not strain your vocal cords and do not be in a dusty atmosphere, you can avoid laryngitis. Promiscuous sexual intercourse can lead to chlamydia and syphilitic lesions, and constant smoking and the presence of chronic pathology of the vocal apparatus can lead to cancer.

In conclusion, it must be said that whatever the cause of a sore throat, you should never rely on your own strength - you need to turn to specialists. Only in the most common situation, when a sore throat does not cause concern and occurs against the background of a common ARVI, can you treat yourself.

Inhalations with medicinal solutions and decoctions of medicinal plants - calendula and chamomile are used, and salt rinsing is indicated to relieve swelling. It is recommended to drink plenty of vitamins, as well as take antiseptic lozenges and chewable tablets. If treatment is carried out in a timely manner, you will not be at risk for many of the conditions described in the article.

Source: http://moylor.ru/gorlo/bolit-gorlo-s-odnoy-storony/


treatment of colds

  • Respiratory diseases
    • Cold
    • ARVI and acute respiratory infections
    • Flu
    • Cough
    • Pneumonia
    • Bronchitis
  • ENT diseases
    • Runny nose
    • Sinusitis
    • Tonsillitis
    • A sore throat
    • Otitis

Sore throat on the left

What to do if your throat hurts on the left side and it hurts to swallow

When your throat hurts on one side and it hurts to swallow, this may indicate the presence of a certain disease. The majority of people do not pay special attention to these signs and believe that this is a common cold, but this is not the case. In order to understand at least a little about the characteristics of diseases, you need to know their accompanying symptoms.

Why does my throat hurt on one side?

As a rule, pain on one side indicates the location of the infection and inflammation of this area. But the reasons can be completely different. The main diseases include:

  • tonsillitis of various forms;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • streptococci, which may cause a rash.

If there is pain on the left side of the throat and pain is felt in the ear, it is possible that it is otitis media, which can only be treated comprehensively. If a sore throat is accompanied by nasal congestion, this indicates a unilateral form of sinusitis. In some cases, pain manifests itself not inside, but outside, for example, pain appears in the area of ​​​​the Adam's apple. In this case, you need to look for the problem in muscle spasm or osteochondrosis.

But pain on the right side of the throat indicates the presence of diseases such as mumps, angina, meningitis, tuberculosis and tumors of the cervical vertebra. Sometimes pain occurs due to a draft or muscle strain. In this case, they pass quickly, but if the pain does not disappear and an increase in body temperature is observed, then an examination is necessary.

Illnesses with sore throat on the left

Firstly, it is worth noting a disease such as tonsillitis, which is considered quite serious. A feature of tonsillitis is the damage to the tonsils by certain bacteria or viruses, as a result of which they become inflamed. In this case, the person feels pain on the side where the infection is located. The main symptoms include redness of the tonsils, swelling of the lymph nodes, discharge of yellow or whitish pus, loss of appetite, pain when swallowing and ear pain symptoms.

As a rule, the main bacterium is streptococcus, and the viruses can be different. For tonsillitis, the doctor prescribes treatment with antibiotics and other additional drugs. To reduce pain, it is recommended not to eat hot or too cold food; it is better to stick to the golden mean.

With pharyngitis, it is often very painful for the patient to swallow, he has a fever and headaches. Lymph nodes enlarge in the cervical region, and pain appears even in the muscles and joints. The occurrence of pharyngitis is associated with the presence of certain viruses and bacteria; inflammation is localized in the back of the larynx. During treatment, a conservative method is used, and at home it is recommended to drink cold drinks and foods that relieve pain.

Factors influencing the development of inflammation

Sometimes, if your throat hurts on the left side, it hurts to swallow, this may also indicate other diseases, such as a sore throat, cold, flu, sinus infection, as well as increased stomach acidity. But there are also factors that increase the risk. These primarily include smoking, because cigarette smoke, especially in large quantities, greatly irritates the mucous membrane of the larynx, which causes inflammation. In many cases, the pain can be caused by an allergic reaction, as some parts of the throat swell, making it painful to swallow.

If a person spends a long time in a dusty, gas-filled room or with a large amount of chemicals, then he also experiences pain, since the body is oversaturated with bacteria, microbes and other harmful substances.

We should not forget about the level of immunity in the body, because this is directly related to the incidence of disease. For example, people with excellent immune systems get sick much less often because the body fights various types of infections.

In any case, whatever the cause and symptoms, the patient must immediately consult a doctor.

Only he is able to give an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate effective treatment. You cannot do this yourself, as any manifestation that is not promptly treated can lead to serious complications.

Sore throat when swallowing on one side: pain on the right or left side

Throughout life, almost every person experiences a condition where the throat hurts on one side when swallowing. It is important to know why such symptoms occur.

If it hurts on the right or left side of the throat, this may not only indicate the presence of a cold; in some cases, the symptom indicates the development of more dangerous ailments.


In most cases, unilateral sore throat indicates a cold, but the question arises: why does the throat hurt on one side and not both.

This means that the infection has not yet had time to move from the left to the right tonsil or vice versa.

We should not forget that the throat may hurt on the left or right when swallowing due to other pathologies. In such situations, discomfort indicates the site of infection or inflammation.

If your throat hurts, the following diseases may develop:

  • laryngitis,
  • tonsillitis,
  • pharyngitis,
  • streptococci, which cause the rash,
  • caries,
  • otitis,
  • meningitis, meningoencephalitis,
  • acute lymphadenitis,
  • oncology,
  • infectious diseases: chickenpox, measles, scarlet fever, rubella.

If the left side is affected and there is severe pain when swallowing, then most likely the cause is otitis media. This disease can only be combated using comprehensive methods.

There are times when it is painful to swallow and the nose is stuffy, this indicates the development of sinusitis on the left or right side.

When the right side of the throat hurts while swallowing, the symptom indicates the presence of the following ailments:

Muscle overstrain cannot be ruled out either. In some cases, there is no disease, and discomfort may be caused by a normal draft.

Acute pharyngitis

Quite often, the left side of the throat begins to hurt when swallowing due to inflammation of the pharynx or tonsil. The following symptoms are characteristic of pharyngitis:

  1. dry throat,
  2. sore throat when swallowing,
  3. tingling and burning sensation,
  4. a feeling of incomplete swallowing of saliva or food,
  5. frequent thirst, especially when talking,
  6. stuffy ears that disappears after swallowing saliva.

To avoid pain on the left side of the throat, you should determine the cause of the pathology, which can be either bacterial or viral. Without medical help, it is impossible to determine adequate treatment.

If the form is bacterial, antibiotics should be taken for pharyngitis. If we are talking about a viral pathology, then NSAIDs are indicated, for example, Paracetamol or Ibuprofen.

In addition to these drugs, you can use rinsing the nasopharynx and rinsing with medicinal solutions. There is no need to warm up without a doctor's permission, as this may worsen the disease.

If treated incorrectly, the disease can drag on for a month or more and develop into bronchitis or tonsillitis.


Inflammation of the larynx, which occurs in chronic or acute form, causes significant discomfort. Often a person has severe pain when swallowing, but no fever. The condition indicates pharyngitis or laryngitis.

The following symptoms are typical for laryngitis:

  • hoarseness of voice,
  • dry throat,
  • rawness and soreness in the throat.

Some people lose their voice completely during the inflammatory process.


Sore throat or tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils of an infectious nature. Sore throat is the most characteristic symptom of the disease.

Sore throat also manifests itself in the following:

Sometimes, as a result of tonsillitis, paratonsillitis may appear, that is, inflammation of the peritonsil tissue. With this disease the following symptoms are observed:

  • sore throat when swallowing on one side and radiating to the teeth or ear,
  • "tearing" pain when trying to swallow saliva,
  • headache,
  • temperature increase.

Sometimes pharyngeal sore throat is registered, but there is no temperature. A person feels pain in the throat and tongue when swallowing on one side. With this type of tonsillitis, the tonsil, which is located at the root of the tongue, becomes inflamed and becomes very painful.

Moreover, when the tonsil enlarges, there is a risk of suffocation. You should consult a doctor immediately.

In some cases, severe tonsillitis requires hospital treatment for a person, which lasts a month or more. It is important to avoid further damage to the body, characterized by infection in the lymphatic system and blood.

Despite the prevalence of angina, this disease cannot be called mild, therefore, failure to comply with therapeutic rules can provoke serious complications, for example, problems with the cardiovascular system or damage to internal organs.

If you approach treatment responsibly, most sore throats go away within 10 days, so it is important to start timely therapy.

Otitis media

In some cases, a person complains that when swallowing, the throat on the left hurts, and it radiates to the ear. As a rule, the cause is otitis media. Any ear disease can affect the nasopharynx and larynx.

  1. shooting pain in the ear,
  2. discomfort in the throat,
  3. sometimes – purulent discharge from the ear,
  4. specific odor from the mouth,
  5. increased discomfort at night and in the evening.

This disease requires drug treatment; self-medication is contraindicated.

Progressive otitis media is also complicated by labyrinthitis (inflammation of the inner ear), and in some cases, meningitis (inflammation of the cerebral cortex).

Drug treatment is indicated and lasts about a month. If a patient ignores medical advice, he may completely lose his hearing.

Injuries to the mucosa

The throat may hurt on the right side if the mucous membrane is damaged. In all cases, there is no fever. Naturally, if the throat on the left is injured, the patient will feel discomfort on this side.

Violations can also be caused by:

  • thermal or chemical burn,
  • mechanical damage to the mucous membrane,
  • foreign object.

In case of mucosal injury, the symptoms differ significantly from those that indicate an infectious disease. If therapeutic measures are insufficient, an inflammatory process will develop with an increase in temperature.

In this situation, you should consult with an ENT specialist. Treatment consists of eliminating damage on the right or left. The patient must refuse:

Oncological tumors

This is the most dangerous type of disease that a person with a sore throat when swallowing on one side can encounter. Tumors of the larynx and tonsils bring the most noticeable discomfort.

Benign neoplasms seriously make it difficult to eat and cause pain when swallowing. A malignant tumor causes constant or periodic discomfort when the right or left side of the throat suffers.

These pathologies are strictly prohibited from being treated at home. It is important to seek medical help in a timely manner, undergo all necessary tests, as well as a biopsy. Adequate therapy can only be prescribed by an oncologist.

First aid for pain

Only a doctor can select the right treatment, but there is a list of symptomatic remedies that will alleviate the patient’s condition.

It is important to remember that medications cannot be a complete therapy. If your throat hurts on one side and when swallowing, you can use symptomatic therapy, for example, sprays:

Special lozenges against sore throat significantly relieve discomfort:

Gargling always brings positive results, but it may take a month or more. It is useful to use decoctions of oak bark, chamomile, calendula and sage.

The following gargles can be purchased in pharmacies:

If your throat hurts, the following medications will help, which will also relieve swelling:

  1. Antipyretic drugs. You should use medications with paracetamol, for example, Efferalgan or Panadol,
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs. Among them are: Nimesulide, Movalis, Nise, Ibuprofen, Ibuklin.
  3. Antihistamines. The most effective: Erium, Loratadine, Clemastine, Suprastin, Telfast, Claritin, Fenistil, Zyrtec.

It is important to remember that only treatment that is aimed at eliminating the causes of discomfort can be effective. There is no need for self-medication as medical examination is necessary for effective therapy. Experts will tell you why your throat hurts in the video in this article.

What to do if your throat hurts on one side when swallowing?

A sore throat is one of the most unpleasant and painful symptoms of colds. Sore throat on one side (right or left) may indicate the onset of tonsillitis, which is better known as sore throat. Read our article on how to protect yourself and your loved ones from further spread of the disease, as well as the most effective methods of treating a sore throat.

How to treat a throat when it hurts to swallow can be found in this article.


Despite the fact that a cold is the most common manifestation of a sore throat, such a symptom can also signal other problems in the body. If the throat hurts only on one side, this means that the infection has not yet spread to the other tonsil, and the process has not yet gone far, which means that treatment will not be so difficult.

  • Caries of corner teeth;
  • Streptococcal tonsil infection;
  • Acute otitis media;
  • Exacerbation of chronic infections of ENT organs;
  • Acute lymphadenitis (inflammatory process in the lymph nodes);
  • Meningitis and meningoencephalitis;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Infectious diseases: chickenpox, rubella, measles, scarlet fever or diphtheria.

You can find out what to do when a child has a sore throat; it hurts to swallow.

All these conditions require timely diagnosis and immediate treatment. Based on the type of inflammation and the nature of the disease, the specialist will give an opinion on the type of infection: streptococcal or bacterial require mandatory antibacterial therapy (taking antibiotics), viral responds to local anti-inflammatory drugs and immunomodulatory drugs.

The video explains what to do if your throat hurts on one side when swallowing:

What to do when your throat and ear hurt on the right side can be found in the article.

If this is a sign of immune defense, which can also cause a reaction in the lymphatic system, treatment will be aimed at eliminating the source of infection and preventing possible complications. Often this symptom manifests itself in other ENT diseases.

Acute pharyngitis

The picture shows acute pharyngitis

Sore throat is accompanied by a dry and painful cough, fever, joint pain and soreness in the larynx. In addition to pharmaceutical drugs, rinsing with disinfectant solutions and rinsing the nasopharynx give good results. You should not use warming without consulting a doctor, this can aggravate the disease and contribute to the rapid spread of infection throughout the body. With insufficient or improper treatment, there is a high degree of transformation of pharyngitis into a sore throat or bronchitis.

What to do when your throat doesn’t hurt, but something is bothering you, is indicated in this article.


Sore throat or tonsillitis is also a common cause of sore throat. This inflammatory process can develop on one or two tonsils, spreading to the larynx and oral cavity. Most often, a sore throat is manifested by a sharp increase in temperature and complete congestion of the pharynx. It is painful for the patient to swallow and even speak; there is a sharp loss of strength and loss of appetite. The best treatment is strict bed rest, drug therapy and home rinses. To do this, it is best to use alkaline solutions: salt, soda, a couple of drops of iodine or acidic mixtures: lemon juice or acid, apple cider vinegar.

Sometimes severe forms of tonsillitis require hospital treatment of the patient, in order to avoid further infection of the body and infection in the blood and lymphatic system. Despite the prevalence of the disease, it cannot be called mild, so failure to comply with basic treatment rules can cause serious complications, among which the leading ones are problems with the cardiovascular system, damage to internal organs and joints. With proper treatment, most sore throats go away in 7-10 days, so it is better to be cured on time than to develop serious health problems in the future.

How to treat a sore throat in an adult with folk remedies can be found in this article.

Various manifestations of ear diseases to one degree or another affect other organs, mainly the nasopharynx and larynx. A sore throat is accompanied by shooting pains in the ear; sometimes there may be purulent discharge or an unpleasant odor from the ear cavity. All symptoms worsen as evening approaches, and at night they become simply unbearable. All this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor and undergo an examination. Treatment is mostly medicinal, traditional methods will help relieve pain and promote recovery, but many prescriptions are prohibited in order to avoid complications and progression of otitis media into labyrinthitis (inflammation of the inner ear) and even meningitis (inflammation of the cerebral cortex). The consequences of untreated otitis media can also manifest themselves in a decrease in hearing acuity and even complete loss.

This article provides reviews on how to treat pharyngitis.

Streptococcal infection

A common cause of sore throat can be one of the types of streptococcal or staphylococcal infections. It couldn’t be easier to “catch” it; it’s not for nothing that it’s called the disease of dirty hands. Children most often suffer from it, but even in adulthood, painful microbes cause many problems. A small number of cocci bacilli are found in each organism and, subject to favorable factors: decreased immunity, concomitant diseases, hypothermia and nervous stress, the colony begins to multiply and increase intensively.

An accurate diagnosis will only be confirmed by examining a smear from the throat and nasopharynx, but it usually takes some time to get the result, so the doctor can prescribe a broad-spectrum antibiotic in advance. During treatment, it is necessary to isolate the patient from other family members, as well as maintain cleanliness and regularly ventilate the room. Separate utensils and hygiene products are a must! The disease is contagious almost throughout, so the better you disinfect surrounding objects and limit patient contact, the higher the chances of getting by with only one sick person in the house.

You can learn how to quickly cure a runny nose and sore throat from this article.

Injuries to the mucosa

The cause of pain in the pharynx can be thermal and chemical burns, a foreign object and mechanical damage to the mucous membrane. Usually the patient can indicate this reason for which the injury can be diagnosed, but sometimes this is prevented, for example, by childhood or certain mental illnesses. The symptoms in this case differ from an infectious infection, but with insufficient measures, the spread of the inflammatory focus and an increase in temperature may also occur.

Treatment will be aimed at eliminating the damage; the patient is not advised to eat solid food or hot drinks (cold ones, however, also). The length of recovery will depend on the severity and nature of the injuries.

Why you have a sore throat without a cold can be found in this article.

Tumors and oncological diseases

Probably the most terrible diagnosis when identifying a sore throat will be this type of disease. Tumors of the larynx and tonsils are also accompanied by pain. With benign tumors, patients often complain of difficulty swallowing and some pain that accompanies the process of eating. The malignant process of formations leads to periodic or constant pain in the affected area.

Diagnosis of diseases includes a mandatory examination, all necessary tests and a biopsy. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, a consultation with an oncologist and further measures are prescribed. You cannot treat oncology with home methods! Even if the pain has disappeared for a while, the disease still progresses and may progress to a more severe and incurable stage.

What to do when you constantly have a sore throat and dry cough, you can learn from this article.

Disease Prevention

  • High level of personal hygiene;
  • Timely treatment of chronic diseases;
  • Good sanitation of the oral cavity;
  • Bed rest and creating comfortable conditions for the patient;
  • Quitting bad habits, especially smoking;
  • Preventive examination by a specialist.

How to treat herpetic tonsillitis in a child can be found in this article.

A sore throat is an unpleasant symptom that signals other possible diseases of the ENT organs. There can be many reasons for this condition, and it is better to consult a doctor in time than to subsequently suffer from incompetent treatment.

Most traditional medicine methods will provide a short-term effect, but will not completely eliminate the problem. Often, for sore throats, home methods of warming the affected area are used. This relieves the pain for a short time, but there is a high risk of further complications due to the spread of infection. Qualified assistance and correct diagnosis are a guarantee of quick victory over the disease and the absence of serious complications.

Sore throat when swallowing on one side: how and what to treat?

Throughout his life, every person experiences a sore throat when swallowing on one side or both. Such symptoms are often regarded as a sign of a common cold. Accordingly, discomfort is not given much importance. But an unpleasant condition can signal more than just a cold. In some cases, it indicates the development of more dangerous diseases. Let's look at what ailments we might be talking about if the throat hurts on one side when swallowing. How to treat these pathologies?

Main reasons

Most often, a sore throat signals a cold. However, the question arises: why does the throat hurt when swallowing on one side, and not on both? Such selectivity indicates that the infection did not have time to spread to the second tonsil. The cold is just beginning, which means treatment will not be very difficult.

But do not forget that the throat hurts when swallowing on one side in many other pathologies. In these situations, discomfort indicates the site of inflammation or infection.

The main pathologies causing unilateral sore throat are:

  • various tonsillitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • streptococci, which cause a rash;
  • dental caries;
  • otitis media;
  • meningoencephalitis, meningitis;
  • acute lymphadenitis;
  • infectious diseases (measles, scarlet fever, chickenpox, rubella, diphtheria);
  • oncological diseases.

If your throat hurts on the left side when swallowing and discomfort is felt in the ear, most likely the cause is hidden in otitis media. This disease can only be combated through comprehensive measures. Unpleasant sensations accompanied by nasal congestion indicate the development of unilateral sinusitis.

If the right side of the throat hurts when swallowing, then often such symptoms indicate the presence of ailments such as angina pectoris, mumps, tuberculosis, meningitis, or a tumor of the cervical vertebra.

However, normal muscle strain cannot be ruled out. Sometimes unpleasant discomfort can even be caused by a draft.

Let us dwell on the most common causes that cause such unpleasant and sometimes painful symptoms.

Acute pharyngitis

Quite often, the throat on the left side hurts when swallowing as a result of the inflammatory process occurring in the tonsil and pharynx.

Pharyngitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • sore throat that gets worse when swallowing;
  • dry throat;
  • burning sensation, tingling sensation;
  • feeling of incomplete swallowing of food or saliva;
  • frequent desire to drink water (especially during a conversation);
  • stuffing of the ears, which disappears after swallowing saliva.

To select an effective treatment, it is necessary to determine what causes the pathology. It can be based on either a viral or bacterial infection. Therefore, without consulting a doctor, it is quite difficult to determine adequate therapy.

For bacterial pharyngitis, antibiotics are prescribed. In case of viral pathology, NSAIDs will bring relief: Ibuprofen, Paracetamol.

Symptoms of laryngitis

Inflammation of the larynx, occurring in acute or chronic form, causes extremely unpleasant sensations.

The following picture is often observed: a person has a sore throat when swallowing on one side, but there is no fever. This is typical for laryngitis and pharyngitis. These diseases can occur at normal temperatures. Sometimes they provoke a slight increase in it.

Symptoms of laryngitis include:

  • dry throat;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • soreness, soreness in the throat.

In some patients, during the inflammatory process, the voice may completely disappear.

Tonsillitis (tonsillitis)

Those people who have at least once encountered a similar illness know for sure that a sore throat is the very first and most characteristic symptom of the pathology.

Sore throat is an infectious inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsils. That is why at the initial stage of the disease the patient feels that his throat hurts on one side when swallowing.

Tonsillitis also manifests itself with a number of other symptoms. These include:

  • headache;
  • feeling of being “broken”;
  • temperature increase;
  • general malaise.

Sometimes, against the background of a sore throat, paratonsillitis can develop, in which the peritonsil tissue becomes inflamed.

With this disease, the patient experiences the following complaints:

  • the throat hurts when swallowing on one side and radiates to the ear or teeth;
  • the discomfort is very strong, “tearing”, intensifies when trying to swallow saliva;
  • headache;
  • slight increase in temperature.

Pharyngeal sore throat is extremely rare. In this case, the patient feels that his throat and tongue hurt when swallowing on one side. Discomfort may be felt in the throat above and below. This pathology requires adequate treatment. When the disease occurs, the tonsil, located near the root of the tongue, becomes inflamed. As it increases, it threatens the patient with suffocation. You should contact your doctor immediately.

Otitis media

Sometimes a person complains that his throat hurts on the left side when swallowing, and it goes into his ear. Most often, the culprit of such symptoms is otitis media. In general, any ear diseases can affect the larynx and nasopharynx.

The following symptoms are typical for otitis media:

  • discomfort in the throat;
  • shooting pain in the ear;
  • There may be discharge from the ear (purulent);
  • discomfort increases significantly in the evening and is most aggravated at night;
  • unpleasant odor from the ear.

With this disease, as with tonsillitis, the patient requires adequate drug therapy. You should not self-medicate. Progressive otitis media can be complicated by labyrinthitis and sometimes meningitis. In addition, a patient who ignores the doctor’s recommendations runs the risk of completely losing their hearing.

Injuries to the mucosa

This reason cannot be excluded, if the throat hurts when swallowing on the right side, there is no temperature. But if the left side of the throat is injured, the patient will experience discomfort on this side.

The cause of the pathology can be a chemical or thermal burn, mechanical damage to the mucous membrane, or a foreign object. If we are not talking about a small child, then the patient will always be able to accurately indicate the source that caused the pain syndrome.

Symptoms of mucosal injury differ significantly from signs indicating an infectious disease. But if the treatment measures taken are insufficient, the patient may develop an inflammatory process, including an increase in temperature.

In such a situation, you need to contact an ENT specialist. Therapy consists of eliminating damage. In addition, the patient should avoid hot and cold drinks and solid foods.

Oncological diseases and tumors

This is the most terrible type of disease that a patient may encounter when he feels that his throat hurts when swallowing on one side.

Tumors of the tonsils and larynx can cause quite noticeable discomfort. Benign neoplasms make it difficult to eat and cause pain when swallowing. The malignant process provokes constant or periodic discomfort in the affected area.

It is strictly forbidden to treat such pathologies with home methods. It is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and undergo all prescribed tests and biopsies. Only an oncologist can prescribe adequate treatment.

First aid for pain

Only a specialist can select the treatment necessary for the patient. However, there are symptomatic remedies that will bring relief to the patient if a visit to the doctor is difficult at the moment. However, remember that such medications cannot act as full-fledged therapy.

So, let’s consider, if your throat hurts on one side when swallowing, how to treat this pathology.

For symptomatic therapy, the following sprays can be used:

Tablets (lozenges) designed to relieve sore throat will significantly ease the discomfort:

An excellent effect will be provided by the procedure of gargling. You can prepare decoctions from the herbs of sage, oak bark, calendula, and chamomile.

The pharmaceutical market offers patients the following rinsing preparations:

To reduce discomfort in the throat, relieve swelling, get rid of fever, and suppress inflammation, you can use medications such as:

  1. Antipyretics. Use paracetamol-based medications such as Panadol, Efferalgan.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs. It is better to choose medications based on ibuprofen or nimesulide. These are the following medications: “Nise”, “Ibuprofen”, “Nimesulide”, “Ibuklin”, “Movalis”.
  3. Antihistamines. The following drugs are effective: Loratadine, Erius, Zyrtec, Clemastin, Telfast, Suprastin, Fenistil, Claritin.


However, remember that only therapy that is aimed at combating the cause that provoked the discomfort is effective. Therefore, do not self-medicate, be sure to consult a doctor and get examined. In this case, you will be able to defeat the developing disease much earlier and more effectively.

Source: http://0p3.ru/gorlo/bol-v-gorle-sleva.html