Dioxidin instructions for use for children

The use of Dioxidin in the treatment of children, is it worth instilling it into the nose?

“Dioxidin” has long established itself as an effective antimicrobial agent, which is often prescribed for purulent-infectious processes in adults.

Table of contents:

However, in pediatrics, due to toxicity, this medicine is used with caution. When a doctor prescribes Dioxidin to a child, the mother is interested in how such a drug acts on the child’s body and when its use is justified. Since the instructions for the medication do not contain information about the treatment of otitis media, runny nose, bronchitis and many other diseases with this drug, many parents begin to worry whether Dioxidin will harm the little patient. Not everyone knows how to put it in the nose correctly.

Release form

“Dioxidin” is currently available in several forms:

  • A solution that can be used externally or injected. It is produced in two concentrations. A lower concentration of the drug (0.5%) can also be injected into a vein. “Dioxidine” in this form is ampoules with a greenish-yellowish, odorless, transparent solution. One ampoule contains 5 or 10 ml of medicine, and one package includes 5-10 ampoules.
  • 5% ointment, which is used only topically. This drug is produced in tubes and jars that contain from 30 to 100 g of a greenish-yellow substance.


The main component of the drug is called hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide. Its 0.5% solution contains 5 mg per 1 milliliter, and the content in a 1% medicine is 10 mg/ml. The only excipient in this form is sterile water. In 100 g of ointment, the active substance is contained in an amount of 5 g and is supplemented with monoglycerides, nipagin, macrogol and nipazole.

Operating principle

The drug is an antimicrobial bactericidal drug, effective against pseudomonas, Proteus, Klebsiella, Shigella, staphylococci, clostridia and other microbes. The medication prevents DNA synthesis in the cells of such bacteria, which disrupts the formation of nucleotides and the structure of membranes, which leads to the death of microorganisms. The drug is especially effective under anaerobic conditions, as it stimulates the formation of reactive oxygen species.


In hospitals, Dioxidin is especially in demand for infectious purulent diseases. Intravenous injections (0.5% solution) are usually prescribed for purulent meningitis, sepsis and other life-threatening pathologies. However, injections of the drug are not used in childhood, since there is a high risk of overdose and the harmful effects of such a drug on the adrenal glands. Quite a lot of effective antibacterial agents are produced that are approved for children, even for infants and premature babies.

Local use of the drug is prescribed by dentists, urologists and surgeons. The medicine is administered for purulent pleurisy, pneumonia with abscesses, peritonitis, purulent cystitis or suppuration of the gallbladder. “Dioxidine” is used to wash deep wounds, as well as advanced trophic skin lesions and burns complicated by infection. External treatment with the drug (lotions, compresses) is also prescribed for pustular skin infections.

ENT doctors often prescribe Dioxidin into the nose, and ophthalmologists can prescribe this remedy into the eyes if bacteria have infected the conjunctiva. For sore throat, this medicine is used to gargle, and for purulent otitis media, it is dripped into the ears.

The reason for dripping the drug into the nasal passages is a prolonged runny nose, which cannot be treated with other means, including antibiotics of other groups. In this case, you can use the medication in the nose if the discharge is greenish in color and has an unpleasant odor, which indicates the bacterial nature of the disease.

Some mothers still use Dioxidin in their children’s noses. Why and why they do this can be found out in the following video.

Quite often, complex drops are prescribed, which contain Dioxidin, as well as vasoconstrictors, hormonal and other agents - for example, Dexamethasone, Xylene, Nazivin, Hydrocortisone. The recipe for such drops is selected individually for each patient. They are used not only for rhinitis, but also for adenoiditis, sinusitis, prolonged sinusitis or frontal sinusitis.

For purulent bronchitis, pneumonia or lung abscess, inhalations with Dioxidin can be prescribed, which are done with a nebulizer. This way the drug gets directly into the infected tissues and affects the pathogens. For such procedures, the medication must be diluted with saline solution.

At what age is it allowed to take

One of the contraindications noted in the annotation for “Dioxidin” is age under 18 years. In this case, the medicine can be used for children, but only if prescribed by a doctor who will verify the indications for such treatment and determine the required dosage. It is prohibited to drip Dioxidin into a child’s nose without consulting a pediatrician.


The medicine should not be used in the following cases:

  • If the child has individual intolerance.
  • If the adrenal function of a small patient is impaired.

In case of impaired renal function, the use of the medication requires medical supervision.

Side effects

Since the drug affects not only the DCN of bacterial cells, but also human cells, it is considered toxic, but such a harmful effect is not observed when the drug is used topically if the dosage prescribed by the doctor is not exceeded. In this case, treatment of the skin or mucous membrane with Dioxidin can cause an allergic reaction in the form of itching or dermatitis.

To avoid such a side effect, treatment should begin with a sensitivity test. The medicine is applied to a small area of ​​skin. If the medication is prescribed into the nose, then inject 1 drop into each nostril. If after 3-6 hours there are no negative symptoms, then the medication is used in the dose prescribed by the doctor.

Instructions for use and dosage

Injections into a vein of 0.5% Dioxidin are given only for serious indications and under the supervision of a specialist. Typically, this drug is used in cases of intolerance or ineffectiveness of cephalosporins, carbapenems and other effective antibiotics. Intravenous administration of the medicine is prescribed only by drip, and the medicine is administered into the cavities or bronchi using a syringe, drainage or catheter. The dose and regimen of such use of Dioxidin are determined individually.

For purulent wounds or burns, treatment with Dioxidin involves the use of tampons soaked in the solution. They are applied to cleaned wound surfaces and changed regularly. For such treatment, either a 0.5% or 1% solution can be used, but in some cases a more diluted liquid preparation is used. It is diluted with water for injection or saline to a concentration of 0.1-0.2%.

If you are going to drip 0.5% Dioxidin into the ear or nose, you should clean the nasal cavity or ear canal from pathological secretions. You can also rinse with saline solution or a preparation based on sea water. Next, the medication is administered in the dose prescribed by the doctor.

Usually 2-3 drops of a 0.5% solution are instilled into the nose (1-3 times a day). If any warning symptoms appear (for example, dizziness or itching), treatment should be stopped immediately. The duration of use of the drug is often 3-5 days. It is not recommended to use this product for longer than 7 days.

Inhalations for coughs with Dioxidin require dilution of 0.5% of the drug with saline in a ratio of 1 to 2, and 1% solution in a ratio of 1 to 4. For one procedure, take 3-4 ml of diluted medication. The child should calmly inhale this medicine through a nebulizer (for 5-10 minutes).


A high dose of Dioxidin can damage the adrenal glands, causing dystrophic changes in the organ’s cortex. For this reason, it is very important to control the concentration of the solution and the dosage prescribed to children.

Interaction with other drugs

Dioxidin is compatible with many other medications, including antihistamines, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory hormonal drugs and others. In this case, the doctor must decide whether the drugs can be used simultaneously, taking into account the diagnosis and other factors.

Terms of sale

Since the use of the medication has its own characteristics and limitations, you can buy Dioxidin in a pharmacy only after presenting a prescription from a doctor. For 10 ampoules of the drug you need to pay about rubles, and the price of a tube with 30 g of ointment is about rubles.

Storage Features

  • The shelf life of the medicine in liquid form is 2 years, and the ointment is 3 years.
  • The optimal storage temperature for liquid “Dioxidin” is the range from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius.
  • The ointment should be stored at temperatures below +20 degrees.
  • If the storage temperature drops below +15, crystals may appear in the solution. Such a drug should be heated in a water bath so that all the sediment dissolves again and the medication itself becomes transparent.
  • An opened Dioxidine ampoule should be used immediately. If the medicine is used in the nose, then a new ampoule is opened each time for instillation. This can be avoided by pouring the medication from an open ampoule into a nasal drop bottle or drawing it into a syringe, and then measuring the required amount for one procedure.


There are different reviews about the use of Dioxidin for children. In many of them, mothers confirm the good effectiveness of this remedy for purulent infections, and also praise the medication for its low cost and widespread availability. In other reviews, parents note the appearance of an allergy to such a remedy or the lack of a therapeutic effect.

There are also negative opinions from mothers who do not risk using Dioxidin for their child, fearing its toxic influence. They are supported by many pediatricians (including Dr. Komarovsky), preferring to prescribe antibacterial drugs approved for children in childhood, which are now produced by pharmaceutical companies in a wide range.


A replacement for Dioxidin can be the drugs Dioxysept and Dixin, since they contain the same active substance and are available in the form of a solution used for both external treatment and injections. Instead of Dioxidin, other antiseptic and antibacterial agents can be used.

It can be replaced with “Miramistin”, the drug “Polydex”, “Protargol”, “Chlorophyllipt”, “Chlorhexidine”, “Isofra” and other medications that are prescribed for adenoids, runny nose, otitis media and other pathologies. Because they contain other active ingredients and may cause side effects, these medications should not be used without consulting your doctor.

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Source: http://www.o-krohe.ru/antibiotiki/dioksidin/

Dioxidin is a “heavy” drug that is often prescribed to children. Is it worth the risk or is it better to look for an alternative...

Dioxidin is an antibacterial drug that was actively used in hospitals during Soviet times. Today it is also used, but without fanaticism and with good reason. Indeed, Hydroxymethylquinoxyline dioxide (this is what the international nonproprietary name of Dioxidine sounds like) in large doses has a high degree of toxicity, which means it requires a competent and balanced approach when prescribing.

Before you continue reading: If you are looking for an effective method of getting rid of a runny nose, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis or colds, then be sure to look at this section of the site after reading this article. This information has helped so many people, we hope it will help you too! So, now back to the article.

What kind of “beast” is Dioxidin?

In the middle of the last century, a potent substance with a long “name” enjoyed success in many hospitals in the country. The base is a yellow-green, odorless powder. The bactericidal agent destroys the membranes of harmful cells and prevents their proliferation.

The success of the medication among Soviet doctors was explained by its high efficiency in eliminating microorganisms that cause purulent processes. A powerful antiseptic easily copes with streptococci, staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and pathogenic anaerobes.

The ability to fight pathogens that develop without the participation of oxygen distinguishes Dioxidin from other antibacterial drugs. By the way, scientists have not yet been able to determine how he does this. It is only known that the drug prevents the formation of DNA and disrupts the structure of enemy cells.

What do the studies say?

Clinical trials were conducted in 24 different hospitals. In total, the experiments lasted 15 years. The results were impressive. The studies involved patients with severe infections that could not be treated with antibiotics. The use of 0.5%, 0.1%, and 1% Dioxidin in patients with purulent pathologies of the urinary system, ENT organs, burns, and osteomyelitis gave a positive result in 85% of cases.

Maximum productivity was achieved in the treatment of extensive burns, deep trophic ulcers and open fractures complicated by suppuration of soft tissues. After several days of treatment, the spread of infection stopped and healing began.

It turns out that the percentage of Dioxidin is of great importance. Thus, for osteomyelitis, a 0.1% solution turned out to be the most effective, and for festering wounds - 1%. In the first stage of an infectious wound process, 5% Dioxidine ointment helped well.

For patients with severe bacterial lesions of the respiratory and urinary tract, the solution was administered intravenously 2 times a day. A good therapeutic effect was achieved in 88% of cases. The result was even better in patients with peritonitis. Intracavitary infusions of a 0.5% solution gave a 100% result.

Doctors at the All-Russian Center for Surgery B.V. Petrovsky prescribed Dioxidin in ampoules to prevent complications after operations on the abdominal organs. This made it possible to reduce the number of postoperative purulent inflammations. Experts noted excellent tolerability. Side effects were recorded only with intravenous administration; no side effects were noted with intracavitary or external use.

At the N. N. Burdenko Institute of Neurosurgery, the antiseptic became a real discovery. Endolumbar administration did not cause convulsions, which is very valuable for purulent pathologies of brain tissue.

All this increased the popularity of the drug, which became almost the main assistant in the fight against severe infections.

A fly in the ointment

And everything would be fine if not for one “BUT”. In fact, Hydroxymethylquinoxyline dioxide is a poison that requires careful attention. Designed for hospitals. Home use is possible only with strict adherence to the instructions for use of Dioxidin and only as prescribed by a doctor.

Perhaps many will have a question: if Dioxidin is so dangerous, why do pediatricians prescribe it to children? Unfortunately, some doctors, especially the old-school ones, like to prescribe Dioxidin drops for the nose or ear. At the same time, parents are given only a prescription without any accompanying explanations, which is unacceptable. You will learn very soon how to drip Dioxidin into a child’s nose and whether it is worth doing it. In the meantime...

Indications for use of Dioxidin

The antimicrobial agent effectively fights the bacteria Proteus vulgaris, salmonella, Friedlander's bacillus, staphylococci, Klebsiella, Shigella, pathogens of dysentery and gangrene. Prescribed for purulent processes of any localization. Indispensable in the treatment of pleurisy, cystitis, lung abscesses, phlegmon, burns.

Release form: solution (0.5% and 1%) and ointment (5%). For pneumonia, peritonitis, soft tissue abscesses, cystitis, mastitis and other infectious diseases of the chest, abdominal cavity, bile and urinary tract, Dioxidin solution is injected directly into the affected cavity.

Intravenous drip medication is prescribed for meningitis, sepsis, rapidly spreading purulent infection and for the prevention of postoperative complications.

Dioxidin ointment is used externally for burns, deep wounds, trophic ulcers, osteomyelitis and phlegmon.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is not used to treat pregnant, lactating women and children. Individual intolerance to Hydroxymethylquinoxyline dioxide and adrenal insufficiency are also contraindications.

Most common side effects:

  • temperature increase;
  • chills;
  • cramps of the calf muscles;
  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • stomach ache;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • redness and itching of the skin.

If any unpleasant symptoms appear, stop taking it.

You need to know this!

Dioxidin is prescribed to children in exceptional cases. Before use, you should check the functioning of the urinary system and do a drug tolerance test.

The main disadvantage of the drug is its negative effect on the functioning of the adrenal glands. After 60 years, kidney performance decreases; for older people, a prescription is issued after laboratory tests.

The drug is recommended for stationary use. In this case, for intravenous drip administration it is better to use a 0.1% solution, because 1% is characterized by unstable storage. Store the antiseptic in a warm room.

If you see that the solution has crystallized, do not be alarmed. This happens often. Heat it in a water bath and use as recommended by your doctor.

Please note that administration of Dioxidin without a dropper (just into a vein) is contraindicated. Intracavitary administration is carried out using a catheter or syringe.

Dioxidin - a cure for a runny nose?

Doctors often prescribe Dioxidin for a runny nose. Trophic ulcers, meningitis, sepsis... And then “bang” - a runny nose? Is it possible to use Dioxidin for a runny nose? After all, there is nothing like that in the testimony.

First of all, you need to understand that the drug is not used for mild nasal congestion. There are other medications for this. The use of Dioxidin in the nose is justified if:

  • a runny nose has been bothering you for several months;
  • you have tried everything possible, including antibiotic therapy;
  • The discharge from the nasal passages acquired an unpleasant odor and a greenish color.

In these cases, the antiseptic helps well. It quickly suppresses pathogenic microflora and alleviates the general condition after just a few instillations.

Dioxidin is used not only in the treatment of severe burns and extensive phlegmon, but also sinusitis, otitis, and periodontal disease.

Now about the children. After reading the instructions for use, many parents will think about whether to drip Dioxidin into the child’s nose or not. And they will do the right thing by thinking about it. The use of this drug in pediatric practice is disputed. There are several reasons for this:

  • insufficient knowledge of the mechanism of action;
  • high probability of overdose;
  • a large selection of other, “softer” bactericidal agents.

However, sometimes Dioxidin is extremely necessary for children. We are talking about diseases when traditional treatment of chronic purulent processes does not bring results.

What are compound drops?

Doctors often prescribe complex drops with Dioxidin. This step has both pros and cons. First, let's define the terminology. Complex drops are a drug made according to an individual prescription. It is a mixture of several medicinal substances, “adapted” for a specific patient.

There can be many recipes. But the main “ingredients” remain unchanged: vasoconstrictors, antihistamines, hormonal and antibacterial agents. Dioxidin is most often used as an antibacterial.

In addition to Hydroxymethylquinoxyline dioxide, prescription Dioxidin contains Hydrocortisone and Adrenaline. The first prevents the development of allergies, the second constricts blood vessels. This is one of the most popular options. Others are also possible: Dioxidin in combinations with Galazolin, Dexamethasone, Mezaton, Cefazolin, Nazivin, Lincomycin... The exact composition is determined by the doctor after testing.

Pros: the ability to implement an individual approach in the treatment of a protracted inflammatory process, high efficiency, affordable cost.

Disadvantages: labor-intensive manufacturing, lack of information about the compatibility of medications, the ability of some drugs to affect the functioning of internal organs, additional side effects.

How to drip Dioxidin?

If you have been prescribed Dioxidin in ampoules into the nose or ear, then soak a cotton swab in 3% hydrogen peroxide (for the ears) or in saline solution (for the nose) and clean the passages. Carefully open the ampoule, take a pipette and drop 3 drops into each nasal (auditory) passage.

If unpleasant symptoms appear (dizziness, abdominal pain, calf muscle cramps), stop taking the drug.

Memo for parents!

Never drip Dioxidin into a child’s nose just because it has helped the son or daughter of one of the mothers you sometimes meet on the playground. Drops are used only as prescribed by a doctor whom you trust 100%.

Do you doubt the advisability of the appointment? Consult another pediatrician. It would be a good idea to do a bacterial culture of the discharge to identify the causative agent of the disease and its sensitivity to antibiotics. It may be possible to find a less toxic remedy for the treatment of a runny nose.

The sensitivity test was passed, but the prescribed antibiotic does not work? This is a completely justified reason to prescribe Dioxidin to your baby.

Many parents are stopped by the fact that in the annotation the medicine is positioned exclusively as a “medicine for adults.” This is true. But every rule has exceptions.

Don't compromise your child's health. If the drug is prescribed to you by a specialist whose competence has been tested by you many times, then trust him and ask in as much detail as possible about the specifics of using Dioxidin in childhood.

Dioxidin in the nose for children: instructions for use

The use of the drug for children has some peculiarities. So, only a 0.5% solution is used for instillation. You cannot put more than 2 drops into one nasal passage at a time. As a rule, the drug is dripped 3 times a day. Course duration is 3-5 days. In very severe cases - 7 days, but this is the limit.

Before starting therapy, it is necessary to conduct a test. Apply 1-2 drops and observe the child for 3-6 hours. Is your baby acting as usual? Treatment can begin!

Most often, side effects in children manifest themselves in the form of chills, sleep disturbances, rashes, and fever.

Some mothers do not instill drops, but treat the nasal sinuses with a cotton swab dipped in Dioxidin. The argument is less dangerous. Just the opposite. You can't do that. Such actions can lead to damage to the villi and mucous membrane.

The medicine is also not suitable for rinsing the nose. There is a high probability of the solution entering the Eustachian tube or being swallowed.

Is Dioxidin used for inhalation with a nebulizer?

Today, a nebulizer is popular in the treatment of coughs and runny noses. However, not all owners of a useful device know which solutions are suitable for inhalation and which are not. What doctors say about the use of Dioxidin in nebulizers and inhalers.

The solution can be used at home, but under strict control of the dosage of Dioxidin. Inhalations are prescribed for lung abscesses, pleural empyema, severe inflammation of the bronchi. Dioxidin is rarely prescribed for sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis - in case of protracted course of the disease and the appearance of resistance (immunity) to other (weaker) drugs.

The concentrated solution is not poured into the nebulizer; it is diluted with saline solution. How to dilute Dioxidin correctly?

  • ampoules with a 1% solution are diluted in a ratio of 1:4;
  • ampoules with a 0.5% solution are diluted in a ratio of 1:2.

One inhalation will require 3 ml. What is left can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours. The only point is that before inhalation, Dioxidin should be removed from the refrigeration chamber so that it warms up naturally. The solution must not be heated!

Dioxidine analogues

What analogues of Dioxidin can be found in pharmacies?

  • Dioxysept. Identical to Dioxidin in all respects: action, method of application, indications, side effects;
  • Dioxicol. Available in the form of an ointment. In addition to Dioxidin, it contains Trimecain, Methyluracil, and Polyethylene oxide. It is well tolerated and causes virtually no side effects;
  • Quinoxidine. Essentially, this drug is a tablet form of Dioxidin. Prescribed for multidrug-resistant urinary tract infections. Characterized by a high frequency of side effects from the digestive system;
  • Urotravenol. Consists of Dioxidine, Glycine and water. Supplied in sterile 10 liter containers. Used in hospitals for intracavitary administration.

Conclusion: Dioxidin is a powerful antiseptic that is prescribed in special cases. In large doses it is toxic, but if you follow medical recommendations, it helps where even the most modern antibiotics are powerless.

The article above and comments written by readers are for informational purposes only and do not encourage self-medication. Consult a specialist regarding your own symptoms and illnesses. When taking any medicine, you should always use the instructions that come with the medicine and your doctor's advice as a guide.

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Source: http://cc-t1.ru/preparaty/dioksidin.html

About the use of Dioxidin solution for the treatment of children

In general, Dioxidin is a drug intended for adults. It has a strong medicinal effect and contains toxic substances. But sometimes the drug is prescribed to children when, in the opinion of the doctor, the intended benefit to the child is higher than the potential danger. Due to the high risk of adverse reactions, the medicine is usually used in hospital settings. Home treatment is permissible only as prescribed and under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Dioxidin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic.

Composition and effect of the drug

Dioxidin is a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug. It is effective against most aerobic (which require air to live) and anaerobic (living in environments without oxygen) microorganisms, while conventional antibiotics only act against a few types of bacteria from one of the above groups.

The active ingredient is hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide. This is a toxic substance with strong bactericidal properties: after contact with it, hostile microflora quickly dies.


The active component of Dioxidin has medicinal properties when used in small quantities, and if they are slightly exceeded, a toxic effect may already occur. When used to treat a child, it is important not to cross the line between a medicinal dose and one that will lead to poisoning.

Only a doctor can prescribe the drug.

The product is used only according to strict indications. It is usually prescribed when mild antibiotics have not given the desired effect, or the patient needs urgent and strong antibacterial therapy. This happens with purulent-inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs or soft tissues.

The drug is recommended for the following prolonged, severe bacterial diseases:

Usually, before prescribing Dioxidin, they try to eliminate inflammation with mild antibiotics. But if gentle therapy does not help, and the disease progresses, a remedy with a strong effect is required for the child’s recovery.

Manufacturers, prices, release forms

Dioxidin is produced by Russian companies:

  1. JSC "Biosintez" (Penza);
  2. LLC "Mir-Pharm" (Moscow);
  3. OJSC OJSC Novosibkhimpharm (Novosibirsk);
  4. JSC "Moskhimfarmpreparaty" named after. N.A. Semashko" (Moscow).

The drug is available in the following dosage forms:

To treat children, use a 0.5 percent solution of Dioxidin in 5 ml ampoules. They are sold in 10 or 20 pieces on pallets placed in a box, which additionally includes an ampoule knife and instructions for use (you can download the instructions here). The price in Russian pharmacies is from 387 rubles.

Dosage and administration

Dioxidin is prescribed to a child for instillation into the ears and nose (for otitis or runny nose) or for inhalation (for purulent-inflammatory diseases of the lower respiratory tract - bronchitis, pneumonia, less often - for sinusitis).

Treatment of otitis media

To put the medicine in your ear, you will also need:

  • pipette;
  • cotton buds;

Use cotton swabs with a stopper for added safety.

  • hydrogen peroxide 3%.

Cold drops will cause pain after use, and they should not be heated. The temperature should rise naturally. Otherwise, the product will lose its healing properties.

  1. Soak a cotton swab in a solution of hydrogen peroxide and clean the ear canals of pus.
  2. Carefully open the ampoule and draw up its contents using a pipette.
  3. Ask your child to lie on his side.
  4. Pull the pinna back to straighten the ear canal.
  5. Place 2-3 drops of medicine into the sore ear and wait about 5 minutes.
  6. Turn the baby over to the other side and repeat steps. 4-5.

Use antibiotic drops in the ear for severe acute otitis media.

Dioxidin should be instilled 3 times a day with an interval of 8 hours. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor. Usually it is 3-5, but no more than 7 days.

Treatment of a runny nose

Before instillation, clean the nasal passages with saline solution (0.9% sodium chloride solution). To do this, take the rinsing liquid into a pipette and drop it in accordance with the dosage according to age into each nostril:

For this you can also use products based on sea water (Aquamaris, Quix, Dolphin, Aqualor).

Before instillation, thoroughly clean your nasal passages with salt water.

Attention! Sea water is often sold in pharmacies in the form of a spray. It is sprayed when pressed under high pressure, which helps to block the auditory tube with mucus. As a result, otitis media may develop. To prevent this from happening, use drops for children under 2 years of age.

Use an aspirator to clean the small nose.

Wait a minute after rinsing and let the child blow his nose or use a nozzle suction device. Then:

  1. Place your baby on a flat surface (without a pillow) on his back.
  2. Open the ampoule and draw the medicine into a pipette.
  3. Place 2 drops in each nostril and let your baby lie there for a few minutes.

Dioxidin should be dripped into the nose of children every 8 hours (3 times a day) for 3 to 7 days.


If your doctor has prescribed inhalations, use a nebulizer - a special device that turns the medicine into a therapeutic aerosol that can be inhaled using a mask.

Inhalations can be done at home, but only with the permission of a doctor.

  1. Open the ampoule with Dioxidin 0.5% and draw it into the syringe.
  2. Mix the product with two parts of saline solution (for 5 ml of medicine you will need 10 ml of sodium chloride solution).
  3. Use a syringe to draw 3 ml of the resulting liquid and release it into a sterile inhaler cup.
  4. Put a child's mask on your child and perform inhalation. Its duration for children from 2 to 6 years old is 1 minute, from 6 years old - 2 minutes.

For better absorption of the medicine, inhalation should be carried out 1.5 hours after meals. You can do 1-2 procedures per day with an interval of at least 12 hours. Duration of treatment is 3-7 days.

Side effects

When treated with Dioxidin, side effects may develop:

  • chills;
  • weakness;

Taking the drug may be accompanied by drowsiness and lethargy.

  • fainting;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • temperature increase;
  • allergic reactions;
  • increased salivation;
  • disruption of the digestive system.

If the child’s body has a strong reaction (several effects at once), call an ambulance.

Dioxidin for children: pros and cons

If the drug contains toxic substances and the medicine is contraindicated for persons under 18 years of age, should it be used by children? Let's listen to feedback from parents and medical practitioners.

Sofia Anatolyevna Cherkasova (therapist) refers to the use of Dioxidin in pediatrics as follows:

“This is a potent antibacterial drug that gives a quick healing effect. But it is difficult to dose because the poisonous dose is only slightly higher than the medicinal dose. This is why there are so many adverse reactions. That is why Dioxidin is indicated only for adults. However, according to some data, its use is allowed in otolaryngology from the age of 12. In practice, some pediatricians recommend the solution for instillation into the nose and ears from 2 years of age.

It is dangerous to treat infants with this medicine, because There is no information about how the drug affects children at this age. And even despite this, doctors sometimes prescribe it for babies up to one year old. Moreover, they select the dosage “by eye,” starting with the lowest dose.

Parents should make the decision to treat their child with Dioxidin and take responsibility for this at their own peril and risk. I believe that the drug can be used for children starting from school age and for serious illnesses. But before that, it’s better to try other, safer means.”

For bacterial rhinitis and otitis in children, the following are used:

The mother of the girl Lena asked pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky a question:

“When we were in the hospital, my daughter and other children who had a cold were given Dioxidin instillations for a runny nose. I only found out later that it is contraindicated for children. What could be the consequences?

Evgeniy Olegovich gave the following answer:

“This antibiotic causes allergization of the body. This means that you will get rid of your runny nose now, but later using the medicine can be dangerous due to the development of allergic reactions to it. And you will have to give up the drug even if you have a serious, dangerous illness. And in general, Dioxidin should not be used by children. There are other antibiotics that treat effectively and without consequences.”

Reviews from parents about the drug are also mixed.

“The child’s runny nose did not go away for 2 weeks. The snot turned green. During this time we tried Nazivin, Protargol and Vibrocil. None of them helped. Every day we went to rinse our nose, but the disease did not subside. Then the doctor prescribed Dioxidin. I bought the medicine, read the instructions and looked at reviews on the Internet, after which I wondered whether it was worth dripping the solution at all. But I decided that it would be better to trust a pediatrician with extensive experience. And I was right - within a course of 3 days, my daughter completely recovered.”

When Progargol does not help, the pediatrician can prescribe Dioxidin.

And this is what Valeria says:

“The pediatrician prescribed inhalations with Dioxidin to my son (7 years old) for sinusitis. Within a few hours after the first procedure, a rash and hives appeared. Additionally, the temperature rose, nausea and headache began. I called the doctor to ask what to do. He canceled the treatment, and advised to give the child Suprastin to eliminate signs of allergies, and Paracetamol for headaches. Within a day, the side effects went away, but there is no longer any confidence in this drug.”

Dioxidin is an effective, but dangerous due to its high toxicity. Therefore, it should be used only for serious reasons, when other drugs have not helped. To minimize the risk of adverse reactions, do not exceed the dosage prescribed by your doctor. This is especially true for inhalations, when you need to strictly control the duration of the procedure.

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Source: http://www.o-my-baby.ru/zdorovie/lekarstva/antibiotiki/dioxydin.htm

Dioxidin in the nose: instructions for use. Reviews, price

Otolaryngologists prescribe Dioxidin in the nose for bacterial damage to the mucous tissues of the nasopharynx and paranasal emptiness.

The active drug substance is a synthetic derivative of quinoxaline that has an antimicrobial effect.

It is capable of destroying even those pathogens that have developed resistance to effective chemotherapeutic agents.

This antimicrobial medication has a wide range of effects on numerous types of infectious lesions.

It is used in the elimination of ENT diseases caused by gram-positive cocci and bacilli (salmonella, streptococci, staphylococci, shigella, anaerobes and others), including antiseptic-resistant mycobacterium tuberculosis.

How does the drug work?

Nasal drops with Dioxidin are used for various diseases of the nasopharynx, which are accompanied by the release of purulent exudate and inflammation of the mucous tissues.

The drug is effective in physiotherapy of ENT diseases provoked by pathogenic microorganisms. After its use, wound surfaces quickly clean and heal.

The introduction of an antimicrobial component also stimulates tissue regeneration. The antiseptic solution can be used in the form of external or intravenous administration.

It selectively acts directly on the DNA of pathogenic microorganisms, due to which it is possible not only to inhibit, but also to completely destroy pathogens.

If an ENT disease is caused by anaerobic pathogenic microbes, then the drops contribute to the breakdown of the cell membrane as a result of active oxidation. Bacteria very rarely develop an addiction to a powerful chemical.

After use, the active ingredient is quickly absorbed into the mucous tissues and skin. When administered locally, it immediately penetrates small blood vessels and then spreads through the bloodstream throughout the human body.

It is excreted by the kidneys, so it is very important to select the dosage in each specific case.

Despite its high effectiveness, dioxidin cannot be prescribed independently, as it has a toxic effect on the body.

Indications for use

The synthetic derivative of quinoxaline is not available in the form of intranasal drops, although it is often prescribed by otolaryngologists to treat various types of rhinitis.

How to drip an antibiotic into the nose if it is not sold in a specially designed container for the common cold?

First, it should be noted that Dioxidin is used only in extreme cases:

  • Prolonged bacterial rhinitis with purulent discharge, which does not respond to treatment with other groups of antibacterial medications;
  • Development of sinusitis;
  • Complications of otitis media extending to the upper respiratory tract;
  • Chronic diseases of the ENT organs requiring long-term use of antibiotics;
  • Rhinitis in people with immunodeficiency conditions.

How to use Dioxidin in ampoules? Firstly, before starting the treatment course, experts recommend conducting a drug tolerance test.

If not, then the medicine is suitable for a course of phthisiology.

A 0.5% or 1% solution is suitable for local intranasal instillation. It is often sprayed together with saline solution by inhalation or nasal rinsing.

An ENT specialist should explain how to dilute an antibiotic for instillation into the nasal cavity, taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s body and the severity of his pathology.

Instructions for use in nasal ampoules for adults

Under stationary conditions, Dioxidin 1% is combined with water to prepare injections. An adult is prescribed no more than 70 ml of medication diluted with saline in a 1:1 ratio for rinsing. When a 0.5% concentration is prescribed, there is no need to dilute it.

The instructions for the antimicrobial synthetic chemical intended to eliminate rhinitis in adults recommend acting according to the following methods:

How many days to take intranasal drops or do inhalations should be prescribed by your doctor. As a rule, 3-7 days are enough to completely cure rhinitis.

For severe illnesses, the course of physiotherapy can last up to 4 weeks. If necessary, therapeutic manipulations are repeated again after a month of rest.

Dioxidine in a child's nose

Since the quinoxaline derivative is a powerful antibiotic with toxic effects, it is extremely rarely recommended in the treatment of ENT diseases in children.

Dioxidin is strictly prohibited during pregnancy, because it can have significant side effects on the body of the mother and the unborn developing fetus.

But in case of low effectiveness or absence of any results from the use of other antibacterial agents, the doctor may decide to prescribe a medicinal composition, strictly selecting the dosage for each child individually.

At what age can it be recommended for children?

Dr. Komarovsky does not recommend antibacterial chemicals for treating rhinitis in children under 12 years of age.

A 1% antiseptic must be diluted with saline solution. Typically, children are prescribed a 0.5% concentration, since high doses of hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide can lead to a gene mutation in the child.

This solution is advisable in cases where the treatment of chronic purulent infections does not give the required results. Physiotherapy is carried out exclusively under the supervision of medical staff in the inpatient department of the hospital. At home, it is undesirable to fight ENT disease with a toxic antibiotic.

The drug is sold in 10 ml ampoules and in ointment form. Antimicrobial drops are available in pediatrics. Moreover, the instructions indicate that you should not wipe your nostrils with tampons soaked in the prepared solution, as this can lead to damage to the baby’s delicate mucous tissue.

It is forbidden to practice it in rinsing the paranasal sinuses, since the liquid can enter the Eustachian tube, which can be fraught with otitis or pharynx and thereby cause an overdose.

The procedure for instilling a nose in children is carried out as follows:

  1. The child’s nostrils are cleaned of infectious exudate and dried crusts.
  2. The ampoule of 0.5% or 1% (diluted with saline) is opened and pipetted.
  3. Drop 1-2 drops into both nostrils (strictly adhering to the doctor’s prescriptions).
  4. Then the child must tilt his head back so that the active substance penetrates deep into the nasopharynx and sinuses.

Instillation is repeated up to three times a day. The maximum treatment course should not exceed 7 days. After opening, the ampoule is stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Complex nasal drops: composition dioxidine hydrocortisone mezaton

Often, for rhinitis or sinusitis of mixed infectious etiology, otolaryngologists prescribe a prescription for medications consisting of several active ingredients.

This is especially true for diseases that provoke the development of serious complications in the lower parts of the respiratory system. For example, Dioxidin for staphylococcus in the nose can be mixed with Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone, Dexamethasone (hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs).

Mezaton, Farmazolin, Ephidrine are used as vasoconstrictor components. Often the composition includes sodium sulfacyl.

Complex drops are recommended when single-component options do not give positive results or the infectious disease lasts for a long time.

  • Dioxidin 1% and Galazolin 0.1% take 5 ml each and add Dexamethasone 0.1% in a volume of 2 ml.
  • An ampoule of Dioxidin 1% is diluted with 2 ml of anti-inflammatory Hydrocortisone 2.5% and 1 ml of vasoconstrictor Metazon 1%.
  • Instead of Mezaton, you can take Farmazolin 0.05% in a volume of 5 ml. The concentration of Dioxidin is reduced to 5% and only 5 ml of the drug is taken. And Hydrocortisone is left in the same amount as in the previous recipe - 2 ml.

If an otorhinolaryngologist prescribes Mezaton, Dioxidin and Dexamethasone in the nose, the mixing proportion is selected depending on the age of the patient, the individual characteristics of the person, the severity of the disease and the duration of its course.

It is not recommended to prepare complex recipe mixtures yourself, even knowing the exact proportions of all the included components, because there is a high probability of overdose.

Many of the prepared liquids can act not only locally, but also systemically. If these points are not taken into account, the medicine can have serious side effects.

The main advantages of complex drops with several types of active substances are adaptation to a specific person.

The ENT specialist can be confident that therapeutic manipulations will not cause allergies and will effectively fight infectious agents.

You can also add plant extracts to the recipe, which alleviate health conditions and soften the aggressive effects of the selected ingredients.


Quinoxaline derivatives should not be used by people intolerant to the drug. Since it is excreted by the kidneys, it is contraindicated in adrenal insufficiency. As already mentioned, it is prohibited to use during pregnancy and children under 7 years of age.

Nasal rinsing with Dioxidin for sinusitis or sinusitis in patients with renal failure is not a contraindication, but is carried out under the supervision of a physician with extreme caution.

Even the dosage of ointment for external application should be strictly selected by the attending physician. It is placed using a turunda or a cotton swab, which is removed after 15 minutes. If necessary, reduce the dose.

Side effects

When Dioxidin is administered, sick people may experience negative reactions of the body, manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Fever;
  • Muscle spasms, chills;
  • Headache;
  • Allergy;
  • From the gastrointestinal tract, nausea or vomiting is possible.

If an antimicrobial drug is applied to the skin for wounds of bacterial origin, patients may develop dermatitis around the injury.

In rare cases, due to increased dosage, patients experience the appearance of skin pigment spots. The fact is that a group of quinoxaline derivatives can increase individual skin sensitivity to ultraviolet rays.

Pigmentation usually occurs on the hands or face. But this side effect disappears after the prescription of antiallergic tablets with a simultaneous increase in the time between the use of antimicrobial medication or a reduction in its dose.

If preventive measures do not have a positive result, the antibacterial medicine is discontinued.

To avoid the development of side effects during treatment, tolerance tests are carried out. To do this, a 1% concentration of drops is instilled intranasally and after 3-6 hours the patient’s health condition is assessed.

If no negative manifestations occur, then therapeutic manipulations are continued.

Since the quinoxaline derivative inhibits the function of the adrenal cortex, it is very important to use it carefully in people with chronic renal failure.

Doctors prescribe a lower dose, reduce the frequency of intranasal procedures (rinsing, instillation, inhalation) and shorten the duration of treatment.

If the patient has developed acute sinusitis, then the simultaneous use of antihistamines with an antibacterial component is not recommended.

Antiallergic drugs reduce mucus production, which inhibits the drainage function of the paranasal sinuses. Therefore, in case of acute sinusitis with allergic reactions, the antiseptic is temporarily discontinued.

If the inflammation of the maxillary cavities is chronic, then antihistamine tablets or injections are suitable for simultaneous use in treatment. But to improve mucus drainage, patients are advised to frequently rinse their nose with saline liquids. This action helps to avoid drying out of the mucous membranes.

In case of overdose, the following symptoms may occur:
  • Acute adrenal insufficiency;
  • Arrhythmias, decreased blood pressure;
  • Nausea, diarrhea, flatulence, vomiting;
  • Lethargy, hallucinations;
  • Epileptic or muscle cramps;
  • Coma.

Symptoms of overdose are relieved by completely stopping the drug and prescribing hormone replacement therapy.


When there is an individual intolerance to Dioxidin, solutions with a similar effect on pathogenic microorganisms are prescribed. Analogues of a broad spectrum antibacterial agent are:

These drugs also destroy pathogens: cocci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, pathogenic anaerobes, etc. They are prescribed if other types of powerful antibiotics cannot eliminate the pathological process or are contraindicated.


It helped very well with bilateral sinusitis, which appeared due to a long running runny nose. The hospital prescribed complex treatment. We also did the “Cuckoo” procedure, rinsed the sinuses with a solution of dioxidine.

This is an antibacterial drug. Sold in ampoules of 10 ml. Can be purchased individually. A wonderful tool. Cured in 8 visits (washings). Now I will take care, getting sick in our time is an expensive pleasure. Andrey, 33 years old

I suffer from chronic sinusitis, often exacerbations especially against the background of severe colds. At the clinic, the ENT doctor advised, in addition to traditional antibiotic tablets, to use the antibacterial agent Dioxidin by instilling it directly into the nose.

First you need to clear your nose (if it is clogged) using some vasoconstrictor (Xylene, Rinostop, Nazivin, etc.), then take an ampoule of a 1% solution and drop 2 drops into each nostril 3 times a day.

You can use a syringe or pipette for this. Sometimes there may be temporary mild discomfort - a burning sensation in the nose or tingling, but this does not last long. I can say for sure – it helps 100%. Vladimir, 39 years old

This drug is prescribed exclusively for bacterial infections, if other, weaker antibacterial drugs are powerless and do not have any therapeutic effect. It is not suitable against acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, since these diseases are caused by viruses.

Particularly good for sinusitis (yellow-purulent nasal discharge). It is convenient to use for instillation if you pour it from an ampoule into a Nazivin bottle or other glass container with a cap.

But you should use it with caution and consult your doctor before doing so, so as not to get harm instead of benefit. If side effects occur, stop using it immediately.

Using inhalations with Dioxidin, a wet cough in a child was cured. He had bronchitis.

It has an antimicrobial effect, well disinfects the sinuses, nasopharynx, and bronchi. It should be remembered that it is contraindicated for children under 7 years of age.

To carry out inhalations with a nebulizer and prepare a solution, we used 0.5% Dioxidin (3-4 ml), diluting it one to two with saline or boiled water. We breathed 2 times a day for 3 minutes, no more.

Before the inhalation itself, the child needs to clear his nose and cough so that the effect is more pronounced and recovery occurs faster. Alla, 28 years old

It was prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of green snot and a runny nose that has not gone away for a month. Green snot is a sign of bacterial or mixed rhinitis, as the ENT told me.

This color indicates the accumulation of leukocytes in mucus and dead bacteria. Treatment with saline solution, washing or AquaMaris will have a weak effect and the use of an antibacterial and antiseptic drug like Dioxidin is justified here.

Before use, you need to blow your nose well and clear your nose of snot. Drip 0.5% Dioxidin from an ampoule - three drops three times a day into each nostril, for 7 days using a pipette. Cover the opened ampoule with cotton wool and store in the refrigerator. Warm it in your hand before next use.

When it flows down the back wall of the nasopharynx it has a bitter taste. After 4 days of use, the result became noticeable. At first, the snot turned from green to transparent, the nose started to breathe, the congestion went away, and on the 7th day it went away completely. The drug is contraindicated for children, as it is highly toxic. But if absolutely necessary, it can be used with caution. Petr Sergeevich, 57 years old

Why is there a stuffy nose and frequent snot: video

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Specialty: Otorhinolaryngologist Work experience: 12 years

Specialty: Otorhinolaryngologist Work experience: 8 years

Source: http://nasmorkam.net/dioksidin-v-nos-detyam-i-vzroslym-instrukciya-po-primeneniyu/