Children's cough medicine dry instructions reviews

Dry cough syrup for children Lumi - reviews

Cough was treated for a long time

Pros: Still helped

Disadvantages: Sugar, weak effect

Dry Lumi cough syrup for children was prescribed to my daughter by her pediatrician. The dosage for a one-year-old child is as follows: 2.5 ml x 3 times a day.

Table of contents:

The mixture is sold in bags. I didn’t leave the product on, but diluted it every time.

Expensive, but you have to put up with it because of the natural composition and good effect.

Advantages: Natural ingredients in the composition, helps get rid of cough.

Disadvantages: The course of treatment is quite expensive.

I first came across this mixture when my son (then he was only 8 months old) and I were in the hospital, and he caught a cold and started coughing. We were prescribed a dry mixture for cough. I thought it was.

Effective, especially at the end of the disease. Can be used by children of the first year of life.

Advantages: composition, effect, can be used by children of the first year of life

Disadvantages: there are no complete instructions, the dosage information on the sachet is incorrect

Have a good day and good health everyone! Of course, I want the children not to get sick at all, and not to have to use any medications, but this is not possible. All children get sick at an early age, only some more so.

Effective, but why so expensive?

Advantages: an effective drug, not overloaded with chemicals.

My baby's pediatrician prescribes this cough medicine. It is really effective in treating dry cough. I also like the natural composition of this drug - herbal extracts. The mixture is not pleasant to the taste, too spicy (but sweetish), so the child.

helps kids a lot

Advantages: natural composition, heals

Disadvantages: expensive for treating children over one year old

The doctor prescribed the medicine to us at 4 months. The cough was not severe, but the kids had practically nothing to treat it with. It tastes disgusting, but that’s just my taste, the child drank, of course, he didn’t need much.

Not a panacea, but it helps!

Advantages: composition, great for dry cough

Our daughter has a very weak throat, so we immediately get sick and start coughing. The doctor prescribed a dry mixture in sachets as a natural and effective remedy for helping with the discharge of sputum. The drug has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, the composition is very.

Good product for an inexpensive price

Advantages: Convenient single-use packaging. Effective product.

Disadvantages: Side effects are alarming.

Our pediatrician prescribed cough medicine, including this wonderful mixture; To be honest, this was the first time I knew about this. Dry medicine in a bag. In principle, it is not an expensive product. The price is for one such bag.

The child's cough has disappeared

Advantages: Helps cope with cough, good composition

Disadvantages: total amount of bags, expensive

When the pediatrician advised us to take dry medicine for the first time, I didn’t even understand what he was talking about. Usually cough syrups are given and solutions are dripped. But I saw for the first time that there was dry powder in the bag.

he didn't help us

Pros: not found

Disadvantages: expensive, tastes bad

My baby got sick and began to suffer from a cough that just wouldn’t go away. At first, the doctor prescribed this cough medicine to us, which we had to use three times a day. A.

Russia, reading March 17

Good cough remedy

Advantages: Helps, affordable, composition

Disadvantages: Taste, smell

Hello my dear friends! Today I am writing about cough syrup. Every mother worries when her children get sick. And I am one of them. They prescribed all sorts of syrups for us. Everyone is clueless. And this year is 2017.

didn't notice any significant improvements

Advantages: not found;

Disadvantages: nasty taste, not easy to use, expensive

Our doctor, a rock climber, introduced us to this dry cough mixture; it is an excellent medical preparation made from herbal ingredients, which perfectly helps with a wet cough. And we had just such a cough. All.

An effective but expensive cough remedy!

Pros: effective, helps quickly

I learned about dry cough syrup for children after my child’s cough could not be cured for almost two weeks. As soon as we cured a sore throat, literally a day later we started to have a sore throat.

The most effective cough remedy

Pros: Price, pleasant taste, Effective product

After another trip to the doctor with the child, we were prescribed a bunch of expensive medications. However, as usual, this is done according to the latest fashion, so to speak. As practice has shown, all these drugs are little and very effective.

Herbal medicine is your best choice for a wet cough!

Advantages: Acts quickly, can be used from 6 months, removes phlegm

I'll tell you about the mixture itself in a little more detail. Ingredients: thermopsis, sodium bicarbonate, licorice root, ammonium chloride, sodium benzoate, anise oil, licorice root. The mixture contains plant substances. Anise oil and licorice root have a beneficial effect.

Good potion

Advantages: Treats dry cough, tastes good

Disadvantages: Expensive for 1 sachet

I want to tell you about an excellent dry cough syrup for children. It helps in preventing cough at the very beginning, or in mitigating the cough if the child has a dry cough. This mixture is an ideal solution during the cold season.

Natural medicine

Advantages: Natural, quickly applied, convenient packaging

Hi all! The first time I learned about this mixture was from our pediatrician. This mixture is ideal during the cold season and cold season. The medicine costs differently in each pharmacy, the price varies from 7 to 10 rubles.

helped for up to a year

Advantages: natural ingredients

But this medicine helped us very well. At three months old, the child caught a cold and started coughing, the pediatrician advised us to take it. Half a sachet is diluted in water and taken three times a day. that is, 3 bags for two.

efficient to use

Advantages: Pleasant herbal taste, inexpensive, coats the throat well

Disadvantages: none found

I recently purchased this mixture. My son, he was 11 and a half months old, started coughing. When the doctor was called, she prescribed Gedelix for us. But my sister, who is also a doctor, recommended this particular medicine to me, since she treated me herself.

Helps your child sleep peacefully all night without coughing

Advantages: one-time packaging, effect

Disadvantages: side effects

I came across dry cough syrup for children by accident - my husband bought it at the pharmacy when my son had severe attacks of dry cough. The mixture is available in powder form for preparing a solution. It is necessary to dissolve the contents of the single-use package.

Natural cough remedy

Advantages: Natural composition

Hello dear readers! Today in my review we will talk about dry cough syrup for children. My eldest child was prescribed a medicine by his pediatrician to treat a cough. The child’s cough was somewhat damp and the sputum was difficult to clear. I bought it.


Antimicrobial agents MosPharma children's dry cough medicine - reviews

An excellent cough medicine, an alternative to another remedy that did not work for us. Helped get rid of a terrible cough quickly and without unpleasant consequences after taking it! How to give a child medicine if he refuses to drink from a spoon (+ photo).

My relative recommended this excellent cough syrup for children. Our pediatrician, unfortunately, did not prescribe it for us. But it suited us perfectly! We bought a few more bags for the future.

If not for a few BUTs, it was an ideal mixture.

I had never heard of DRY mixture for children in my life until we got to the Morozov hospital, where they prescribed it to us instead of our previous one. We were prescribed to take 1 sachet 3 times a day after meals, for a course of 2 weeks.

A good cough remedy, can be used by children up to one year old!

Cold season. Unfortunately, my child got sick, cough, runny nose, fever, so they called a doctor at home. And the baby is not yet a year old, but he already needs to take medications. The cough pediatrician prescribed Gedelix cough syrup and dry children's cough medicine.

Helps better than many expensive syrups

Dry cough syrup for children is our lifesaver for coughs. Prescribed by the pediatrician along with Stodal and Prospan syrups. He says try it - it helps a lot of people. The drug is a dry powder based on marshmallow root. Sold in almost any pharmacy.

Always have it at home!

I started buying this dry mixture from the moment my first daughter was born, that is, 11 years ago. I always keep this mixture on hand. Usually, doctors from our children's clinic immediately prescribe it for coughs, so I don't go there again. I also drink it myself, it helps me.

A good product, but it doesn’t help 100%!

I really liked the herbal composition of the cough medicine, which contains marshmallow and licorice, although there are many additional chemical components. A small bag is designed for 1 dose, i.e.

Good product, but may cause allergies

The baby is 7 months old. Prone to food allergies. The doctor prescribed dry children’s cough medicine, but since the baby is prone to allergies, he recommended diluting it with water in a larger proportion (compared to that indicated on the bag): 1 sachet of water - give 3 times a day, 20 ml (it turns out...


Features of using children's dry cough medicine

Many parents have come across this simple, but at the same time extremely effective drug. Dry cough syrup: the mechanism of its action, the principle and regimen for children and adults, as well as cost and reviews - read everything in our article.


The unique composition is optimally suited for mucaltic action. All components are as useful as possible and help remove sputum. If the cough is too dry, the drug will help thin it and make it easier to cough up.

Useful components

  • Licorice root extract has long been famous for its antitussive effect. Thanks to it, you can expect noticeable improvement within two to three days. It has a stimulating effect on the secretion of the pulmonary epithelium, which helps remove sputum.
  • Alteyka roots are no less important in the successful fight against cough. Its functions are anti-inflammatory and bronchosecretory, which means that it promotes the release of sputum and reduces its viscosity. In parallel, this component fights inflammatory processes in the bronchi and, despite its relatively weak effect on microorganisms, is more successful in helping the rapid regeneration of affected mucous membranes.
  • Anise oil is a good antispasmodic and also has bactericidal properties. The characteristic smell of the mixture is due to this component.

What to do when the cough does not go away is indicated here.

  • Additional chemical compounds: sodium bicarbonate, ammonium chloride and sodium benzoate help to slightly change the acidity of the mucous membrane. The alkaline effect has a mucaltic effect and promotes the rapid removal of mucus from the bronchi and lungs.

What to do when an adult has a prolonged dry cough can be found in this article.

Due to its almost completely natural composition, cough syrup is specifically prescribed for young children (from 1 year), as well as during pregnancy and lactation (after consulting a doctor). The drug, of course, has contraindications, but they all relate to individual intolerance to the active ingredients and allergic manifestations.

The medicine should not be taken by patients who have suffered organic heart damage: myocardial infarction, myocarditis and pericarditis. Prescribe with caution to patients with various concomitant diseases of the kidneys and liver. Here the decision must be made for each case separately. Severe obesity can also be considered a contraindication for this medication, as is diabetes (consultation with a doctor is required).

You can find out which expectorants to use for dry cough by reading this article.

You should not take the mixture without additional medications; the greatest effectiveness of the drug is achieved precisely in complex cough therapy. When treating such diseases, the patient must be provided with a constant intake of warm liquid (tea, compote or just water). This is extremely important for successful mucus removal.

Side effects are relatively rare, but if after taking the drugs you feel nausea, a rash, vomiting and stomach upset appear, you need to urgently stop taking the medicine. Further treatment can be discussed with a specialist.

How to cure a barking cough in a child that occurs without fever can be found in the article.

Indications for use

  • Dry cough.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Bronchopneumonia.
  • Tracheitis.
  • Asthmatic manifestations.
  • Tuberculosis.

You can find out how to treat an allergic cough in a child by reading the article.

The fastest results are obtained by treating a wet cough. For a dry cough, it is necessary to give the mixture time to influence bronchial secretion and produce a sufficient amount of sputum. It is not advisable to take it simultaneously with antitussives. This can have the opposite effect and clog mucus in the bronchi. The optimal combination will be achieved if you take the mixture during the day and use an antitussive drug at night. Any combination of medications must be agreed with your doctor.

In what dosages Erespal is used for which cough is indicated in the article.

In the video - children's dry cough syrup:

You can find out how to stop coughing at night by reading the article.

Release form and prices

Dry cough syrup is available in single-serve sachets. It must be diluted in a glass of warm boiled water. For young children, you can reduce the serving to half a glass. The cost of one serving of the mixture will range from 9 to 15 rubles.

The photo shows instructions for using children's dry cough medicine:

The product is also sold in bottles. In this way, it is possible to provide comfortable treatment for an adult or guaranteed admission for a long time. The mixture is diluted with boiled water up to the mark on the container. Shake the liquid slightly before use (precipitate may form). It is best to store in the refrigerator for no more than a month in a diluted state. Before use, warm the medicine slightly to room temperature.

You can find out how to treat a barking cough by reading the article.

The cost of such a drug will be slightly higher, but also very affordable and accessible to everyone - from 100 rubles per bottle.


  • Children from one year to six take a teaspoon three to four times a day after meals.
  • Children from six years to 16 - a dessert spoon three to four times a day after meals.
  • Adults and children over 16 years of age: one tablespoon four times a day.

Dry cough syrup is an excellent remedy, affordable and effective. It helps to thin out a dry, painful cough and quickly remove mucus from the lungs and bronchi. It is used in complex treatment and has proven itself well among expectorants with a wide spectrum of action. A rather significant advantage will be its affordable cost, and the natural composition of the drug will be a priority for caring parents.

How to treat a child’s cough due to laryngitis can be found in this article.


Cough syrup for children (dry) /

August 31, 2016 at 04:54

Dry cough syrup for adults review

The summer heat forced us to resort to emergency cooling measures. Cold water and a constantly turned on fan did their dirty work. It's blown. Caught a cold. I couldn’t get rid of the cough for almost a week. I didn’t want to take antibiotics and without it I have to take a lot of pills because of the illness. The immune system is already completely suppressed by the pills. I didn’t want to see a doctor, and I still don’t leave the clinic or hospital. A trusted pharmacist advised me to buy cough medicine for adults. Unfortunately, I can’t afford to have a child anymore.))

I was a little confused by the price of cough medicine - 7 rubles 50 kopecks per bag. But I finally decided and bought 10 bags to start with. There was not an iota of confidence that a cheap product would help. Apart from licorice extract, there is nothing familiar in the composition. Each sachet weighs about two grams. The bags are inconspicuous. Modest and inconspicuous. You won’t even notice such pale bags on display. The medicine is deprived of advertising. Therefore it is worth

I dissolved cough syrup for adults in water. It's not very dry. A bit reminiscent of fatty bouillon cubes. This anise oil gives this effect.

The water with the cough syrup took on a dull brown color. The aroma of the mixture is strong. Licorice aroma. Everyone probably remembers the aroma of pertusin. Here too the licorice aroma predominates. The taste is not unpleasant. Sweetish.

I drank cough syrup three times a day. At first, sputum began to come out. She coughed up large clots. The medicine has an expectorant effect. Then the cough decreased. Not instantly, but already on the second day I felt better. At night I could at least sleep without choking on a cough. Surprisingly, the cheap cough syrup coped with the cough no worse than its expensive analogues. I bought 10 more bags. Let them lie in the refrigerator. Fortunately, the shelf life of dry cough syrup is enormous - 3 years.

Source: http://xn--80avnr.xn--p1ai/%D0%9C%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B0/% D0%9C%D0%B8%D0%BA%D1%81%D1%82%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B0_%D0%BE%D1%82_%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1% 88%D0%BB%D1%8F_%D0%B4%D0%BB%D1%8F_%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%B9_(%D1%81%D1%83 %D1%85%D0%B0%D1%8F)


Powder for preparing a solution for oral administration is brownish-gray in color with lighter inclusions, heterogeneous, with the smell of anise oil; the aqueous solution of the drug (1:10) is brown.

Excipients: anise oil 0.0037 g, sucrose up to 1.47 g.

1.47 g - Heat sealable bags.

- hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;

- period of breastfeeding;

Orally, for children: dissolve the contents of 1 packet in 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of chilled boiled water. Take orally 3-4 times a day after meals: for children under 1 year - drops; children 1-2 years old - 40 drops; children 3-4 years old - 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 ml); children 5-6 years old - 3/4 teaspoon (3.75 ml); children 7-8 years old - 1 teaspoon (5 ml); children 9-12 years old - 2 teaspoons (10 ml); children over 12 years old - 1 tablespoon (15 ml). Course of treatment 2-3 weeks

Concomitant use with antitussive drugs, as well as drugs that reduce sputum production, is not recommended.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

The drug does not affect the ability to perform potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions (including driving vehicles, working with moving mechanisms).

In a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children. Shelf life: 1.5 years.

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Children's dry cough syrup

children's dry cough syrup

I would call the doctor back and ask again, if I found out that it was too early for the child to take this medicine, I would also ask about the dosage...

I gave it to mine, it wasn’t even a month old. It helped. I don’t remember how I diluted it, I had instructions on the bag.

children's dry cough syrup

Reviews-Children's dry cough syrup

Choking on phlegm from coughing (What should I do?

In cases of coughing and snot, we usually spend the night in our arms(((. because it’s better in an upright position.

For a cough I gave her a decoction of marshmallow root. It’s not bitter at all and it helps.

children's dry cough syrup

I gave it to us, it helps us very well, only I give the eldest one a tablespoon, and the little ones drop by drop, there are instructions and everything is written

you can't - she's been around since she was 6 months old

Cough medicine.

tell me cough medicine

How to take children's dry cough syrup?

dilute in a teaspoon with water and drink, it’s a rare disgusting thing but it helps very well, I know it myself

Debunking myths - Medicines for coughs and runny noses

For cough and phlegm! Maybe it will be useful to someone.

I recently cured a cough for myself and my child with milk and Borjomi in 2 days. I’ll give it tomorrow, of course, but I had a terrible wet cough!

So your children’s cough was due to a large number of sniffles, that’s all :)

Bookmarked, more relevant than ever, thank you!

Cheat sheet on childhood diseases

Thank you! Everything is clear and to the point)

For single vomiting and loose stools, we were prescribed Ersefuril

Children's cough

If the cough is dry, then Sinekod will not cough. If the cough is wet and productive, nothing will go away until everything is cleared. Drink more.

About children's cough! Need advice!

Hello! We, too, after we went to the garden, often suffer from snot and cough. And, Olya, I treat it like this: Cough medicine, which is prepared at the pharmacy. It’s called an expectorant cough medicine. + I rub the feet of the legs, chest and the back is either Doctor Mom or Badger fat (it’s called so unpleasant, but in fact, the smell is pleasant and it warms well) And of course, you need to treat snot. Because the night cough may be caused by snot. I used to drip Protorgol, but then ENT I prescribed Polydex spray drops (for a long runny nose). They help a lot. One hundred percent better than any Protargol! I know this about Lazolvan cough syrup: You can’t give it at night, as it helps the phlegm to come out and the cough may, on the contrary, get worse at night because of this. Well, that’s about all I wanted to write)

We have the same problem, coughing for the second month. The cough is either dry or wet. I tried everything, to no avail. I don’t know what to do anymore.

We took medicines, from expensive to cheap ones, warmed up the chest/back, breathed through a nebulizer, tablets, antibiotic injections, folk remedies, etc. There is also snot, protargol does not help, only temporarily.

Greetings, fellow sufferer! Everything is the same with us. Now the cough is wet, there was a terrible dry cough and laryngitis. We drink a lot of just water. A lot of! It's cool here and the humidifier is constantly running! Syrups don't help. There was stodat, then lazolvan. Inhalation would be good, but my child will not do this.

Useful article. I'll save it for myself. Maybe it will be useful to someone else. INHALATION (NEBULISER) THERAPY. Part 2

We caught a cold((((((((

The cough has not gone away for 22 days! What to do?

My friend’s son has been coughing for, damn it, 3 months. They visited all the doctors and found nothing. Then they showed up to an adult infectious disease specialist, explained the situation, and he came to the conclusion that it was whooping cough.

The whooping cough bacillus is so insidious - it can only be detected in the first few weeks, and then nothing. Then he stopped coughing.

but in general, if you observe positive dynamics, then you don’t have to worry - it will pass. Surely the doctor listened, the lungs/bronchial tubes are clean? it means there is nothing life-threatening

Yes, a cough can be like residual catarrhal effects after an acute respiratory viral infection. Especially at night and in the evening, when changing body position, an intensifying cough is a reason to consult a doctor again. Let the doctor listen to the child, maybe take an x-ray, take repeated tests.

A night cough is not a very good indicator. + ESR increased. Some kind of crap is still walking around in the body. Try to contact another pediatrician, at least compare.

for the future))

rehydron is a terrible disgusting thing... they prescribed it to me for toxicosis... I had to drink a liter a day... I couldn’t even handle 50 grams)))

5 month old son. cough, strong sputum

Oh my God, maybe he should see another doctor if there is no improvement.

Ascoril quickly displays everything

Runny nose.

The doctor told me that if the snot is not green and does not flow, do not rinse it, otherwise the reverse reaction will become even worse. Try not rinsing or dripping for 2 days and see.

The baby is sick!

Just snot flowing down her throat and she coughs. Try sucking out the snot. Rinse with a humer. And dig some oak bark.

Do inhalation with lasalvan

Yes, and give me aflubin

Prospan or Sinekod??

Sinecode for dry, barking cough and bronchospasm. And if you need something else to clear sputum, then something else. I don’t know anything about Prospan. We didn't drink.


restoring a child after illness

urgently urgently... can inhalation be done with lasalvan? we are 7 months old...

The inhalation solution can be used using any modern equipment for inhalation (except steam inhalers). Before inhalation, the drug is mixed with a 0.9% NaCl solution (for optimal air humidification it can be diluted in a 1:1 ratio) and heated to body temperature. Inhalations should be carried out in normal breathing mode (so as not to provoke coughing shocks). Patients suffering from bronchial asthma, in order to avoid nonspecific irritation of the respiratory tract and their spasm, should use bronchodilators before inhaling ambroxol.

So we got sick

the doctor came to us today

Are you going to stuff your child with all this?

we are sick. To have antibiotics or not to exist.

where did you get such a cold?? get well! antibiotics too early - I think so too! I would watch for 4 days, Viburkol was inserted, it seems to be homeopathic and also for temperature. I use it first, if it doesn’t help then Nurofen. Now I insert it from Timosha’s teeth from time to time.

Andryukha also fell ill, just before the massage course he managed to catch it, but everything was limited to snot. Timokha didn’t catch anything, although they almost passionately kissed him)) In general, Andryukha has been sick twice since October, when he went to the garden, not very much, and twice Timokha didn’t catch anything) so far he’s lucky in this regard, ttt

They are powerless against viral infections. This means you will be poisoning your child in vain.

What to do with a temperature of 37.7?

It seems to me that this is simply a protective reaction of the body. Mine runs the same way now. At night it rises to 38, I give Nurofen and sleep peacefully. I didn’t try to knock it down; if it doesn’t go away in 3-5 days, then the treatment needs to be changed.

There is an inflammatory process in the body, and it will stay that way for now. Don't be confused and take everything as the doctor said.

I think I should give Nurofen at night, it will be easier for the baby

Girls, please give me some advice. My child has a cough.

Ascoril told us to drink three times a day

cough became easier

She wrote this out when I called her for the third time for weeks


Dry cough syrup for children. Instructions. Reviews

Dry cough medicine is a plant-based drug that facilitates expectoration of mucus, relieves inflammation, and reduces the intensity of wet and dry cough.

The mixture has established itself as an excellent and affordable means for liquefying and removing pathogenic sputum and eliminating severe attacks.

Knowing which cough medicine is best for children, you can quickly and effectively alleviate the child’s suffering, return him to a good mood and restful sleep.

Dry baby formula: what is it?

The product is a powder that is used to prepare a solution for further oral administration.

Taking the drug during coughing attacks, sore throat, and difficulty swallowing helps to activate the bronchi, relieve spasms, and relieve phlegm, which accumulates and negatively affects the body.

The use of the mixture also has a general strengthening effect, increasing the body's resistance to infections and viruses. Before using dry medicine, you should find out the features of its composition, indications for use and contraindications, dosage for a child and an adult, how to dilute it and how to give the medicine to a child.


Herbal medicine is the most optimal combination of natural ingredients that are traditionally used to get rid of painful non-productive cough. The composition of the mixture includes:

  1. marshmallow root extract - softens and envelops inflamed tissues, relieving pain and sore throat;
  2. licorice root extract – facilitates expectoration, increases the activity of the respiratory system;
  3. anise oil – eliminates unproductive cough, accelerates the removal of mucus from the respiratory tract, improves the taste of the mixture;
  4. ammonium chloride – enhances the expectorant effect, has a positive effect on the pH of bronchial mucus;
  5. sodium benzoate and bicarbonate - effective for thinning mucus and its rapid removal;
  6. sugar.

The presence of a small amount of sugar in the composition of the product is necessary to improve the overall taste of the drug, which is especially important for a child.

Children's cough medicine: indications for use

Since the main pharmacological effect of the drug is painless expectoration, it is prescribed in cases where a wet cough is accompanied by the formation of thick viscous mucus that is difficult to separate. Thus, the diseases for which you can take the medicine are:

  • influenza and other viral diseases accompanied by cough;
  • tracheitis and tracheobronchitis;
  • all types of bronchitis;
  • pneumonia, along with sore throat and chest;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • laryngitis;
  • tuberculosis.

The drug is often prescribed to children for the treatment of common colds - acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections of varying severity. It is possible to use the medicine alone, but it will be more effective to prescribe the remedy as part of a comprehensive treatment.


Despite the fact that the drug is well tolerated, in some cases allergic reactions may occur due to individual sensitivity to individual components. Therefore, the drug should be stopped.

Patients with diabetes should take into account the fact that the mixture contains sugar. There are no barriers to pregnant women and nursing mothers taking dry herbal medicine.

The drug is not prescribed to children under 6 months of age. Long-term use exceeding a period of two months may cause disturbances in the water-salt balance. The acute form of pyelonephritis is also a contraindication for use.

Possible side effects

As noted, cough syrup very rarely causes intolerance problems. The same can be said about side effects; they are rare and usually result from improper use of the drug.

Excessive doses of medication lead to nausea, minor abdominal pain, vomiting, and general weakness.

The medicine has a slight irritant effect on the gastric mucosa. Canceling the medicine guarantees quick relief from negative manifestations and does not require specialized treatment. In severe forms of poisoning, gastric lavage is indicated.

Before choosing a dry mixture, you should find out whether the child’s cough is caused by an allergy, since in this case it will not give positive results.

If a patient (usually children) has an intolerance to the components, this is externally manifested by the appearance of a skin rash, complicated by itching, redness of the skin, swelling, fever or chills.

Forms of release and packaging

The medicine is available in two forms: paper bags with powder or 200 ml glass bottles. Which form to choose is decided by the patient together with the attending physician. Reviews indicate that the effectiveness of the drug does not depend on the form of packaging.

Children's cough medicine: instructions

The instructions for dry cough syrup for children will help you figure out how to prepare the medicine. It takes into account all the details and provides age restrictions.

If the medicine is packaged in sachets, the method of preparing the medicine is as follows. The contents of the bag are poured into a glass container or a regular glass, adding 15 ml (tablespoon) of boiled water.

The water temperature should not be very hot. Room temperature will be the most optimal. The resulting suspension is thoroughly stirred. The diluted mixture is stored for no more than two days in a place protected from sunlight.

How to prepare an expectorant cough mixture if the powder is contained in a bottle? Prepared warm water is poured into the bottle up to the 200 ml mark, which is marked on the outside of the bottle.

Close the bottle with a cap and shake thoroughly. The suspension obtained in this way is taken orally according to the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

Before each use, the resulting mixture in the bottle must be shaken, thus eliminating sediment. The aqueous solution of the drug has a characteristic brownish color and anise aroma.

The course of treatment is from 5 to 7 days. Treatment should not exceed two weeks. Before use, consultation with a doctor is required.

The medicine is prescribed with caution to children suffering from obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma, as well as to persons who have previously experienced allergic reactions to medications or food.

If various negative manifestations appear (skin rashes, itching, redness of the skin), the medicine should be discontinued and the attending physician notified.

As already noted, dry cough syrup is not a panacea and does not guarantee complete recovery, much less elimination of the causes of cough. It is much better if it is included as an integral part of a complex treatment and combined with other drugs.

Recommended age dosage of the drug

The dosage required for effective cough relief is determined by the doctor. This takes into account the severity and duration of the disease, as well as the age of the patient.

However, average indicators can be identified that can be recommended in the absence of contraindications for use.

So, for infants from six months to a year, drops are enough; at one year of age, the dosage is about 40 drops. Children from 2 years old are prescribed from ½ to 2/3 teaspoon; after 6 years, the dose is increased to a teaspoon or more.

If the child refuses to take the mixture from a spoon, it is added to a bottle of water.

Drug analogues: what else can be used for treatment?

Having found out which dry mixtures can be recommended for children, their existing analogues should also be highlighted. The list of names of such medicines is quite extensive. These include Bronchosan, Mukaltin, breast collection, Pectusin, Pertussin and others.


The more well-known form of release is tablets for resorption in the oral cavity. A combined herbal remedy with thyme, potassium bromide, eucalyptus oil and menthol is effective against cough with sputum in diseases such as tonsillitis, laryngitis, tracheitis. Most effective for dry cough.

Pectusin is contraindicated in case of bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, or allergies to plant components in its composition.

Tablets are recommended for children over 6 years of age, since at a younger age it is difficult for a child to hold them in the mouth for a long time until they are absorbed. The tablets cannot be chewed; they are taken throughout the day, regardless of meals.

If for any reason it is impossible to take tablets, use the drug in syrup form. This medication is prescribed during pregnancy by a doctor according to strict indications. They are taken under medical supervision.

Like dry medicine, Pectusin can be included as part of a complex treatment of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system.


One of the most famous and inexpensive medicines used to liquefy and remove sputum. The main active ingredient is marshmallow plant extract, which has long been the most accessible way to get rid of coughing attacks. Auxiliary components include tartaric acid, sodium bicarbonate.

Mucaltin stimulates the activity of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, improves the productivity of wet cough, relieves pain and irritation. The tablets are dissolved or drunk after dissolving them in a small amount of water.

The drug is contraindicated for peptic ulcers, thrombosis, diabetes mellitus, and children under one year of age. Pregnancy is not a contraindication.

However, this medicine is not prescribed if there is a threat of miscarriage, since the herbal component marshmallow in its composition increases the muscle tone of the uterus.

Quite rarely, negative reactions such as itching, skin rash, and Quincke's edema occur. Mucaltin is not taken together with other drugs that relieve coughing attacks, such as Codeine, Glaucine.

Interaction with other drugs

Dry mixture does not combine well with other antitussives and medications that reduce sputum production. The doctor should be notified if the patient is taking other medications.

Terms of sale

A prescription is not required to purchase the drug.

Storage conditions and expiration dates

The shelf life in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25 C is 12 months. After preparing the mixture, it can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 10 days.


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Specialty: Otorhinolaryngologist Work experience: 12 years

Specialty: Otorhinolaryngologist Work experience: 8 years


Dry cough syrup for children

Dry cough medicine for children is a herbal expectorant based on herbal ingredients. It is used to facilitate the discharge of sputum in various types of cough, accompanied by an increase in its viscosity.

Release form and composition

The drug is available in powder dosage form for the preparation of a solution for oral administration. It contains several active ingredients, their content in one bottle is:

  • Anise oil – 50 mg.
  • Medicinal marshmallow extract – 4 g.
  • Dry extract of licorice glabra roots – 1 g.
  • Sodium bicarbonate – 2 g.

The powder is contained in an amount of 19.55 g in a 200 ml glass bottle or laminated paper bags of 1.47 g each. A cardboard pack contains one bottle of powder, 5 or 10 laminated bags and instructions for use of the drug.

pharmachologic effect

Dry cough syrup for children has an expectorant, antitussive and anti-inflammatory effect due to the presence of active ingredients in it:

  • Sodium bicarbonate shifts the sputum reaction to the alkaline side and helps to liquefy it.
  • Anise oil and licorice root have antispasmodic (expands spasmodic bronchi), anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects.

There is no data on the absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of active substances.

Indications for use

Taking dry cough medicine for children is indicated as an expectorant for pathologies of the respiratory system, accompanied by a cough with difficult sputum discharge, including for the treatment of bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchi) of various origins, tracheitis (inflammation of the trachea) and bronchopneumonia (inflammation of the lungs).

Contraindications for use

Taking dry cough syrup for children is contraindicated in a number of pathological and physiological conditions of the body, which include:

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • Acute glomerulonephritis or pyelonephritis is an autoimmune or inflammatory pathology of the kidneys.
  • Deficiency of sucrose or isomaltase.
  • Fructose intolerance.
  • Glucose-galactose malabsorption.
  • Pregnancy at any stage and the period of breastfeeding.

Before you start taking cough medicine for children, you should make sure there are no contraindications.

Directions for use and doses

Cough mixture for children is taken orally after meals 3-4 times a day. First, the contents of the sachet are dissolved in 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of water. The recommended therapeutic dosage depends on the age of the child:

  • Age up to 1 year – drops.
  • 1-2 years – up to 40 drops.
  • 3-4 years – ½ teaspoon (2.5 ml of solution).
  • 5-6 years – 2/3 teaspoon (3.75 ml solution).
  • 7-8 years – 1 teaspoon (5 ml solution).
  • 9-12 years – 2 teaspoons (10 ml).
  • Ages over 12 years – 1 tablespoon (15 ml).

The average course of treatment is determined individually, usually it is 2-3 weeks.

Side effects

After taking cough medicine for children orally, side effects may develop, which include the development of allergic reactions (skin rash, itching, urticaria), nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. The drug may be irritating to the stomach.

special instructions

Before you start taking cough medicine for children, you should carefully read the instructions for the drug. The drug does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions and the ability of the cerebral cortex to concentrate. Persons with concomitant diabetes mellitus should take into account that one dose of the drug contains carbohydrates equivalent to 0.06 XE (bread units). Dry cough syrup for children is available in the pharmacy chain without a prescription. If you have any questions regarding the use of the drug, you should consult your doctor.


To date, no cases of overdose with dry cough syrup for children have been reported.

Analogues of dry cough syrup for children

In terms of composition, there are no similar preparations for dry cough medicine for children.

Terms and conditions of storage

The shelf life of dry cough syrup for children is 1.5 years. The drug should be stored in a dry, dark place, inaccessible to children, at an air temperature no higher than +25° C. After dissolving the powder in water, it must be used within 2 days; the solution should be stored at a temperature of up to +15° C.

The average cost of dry cough syrup for children in Moscow pharmacies is 15 rubles.


Reviews: Dry cough syrup for children

  • Wifitech, Russia
  • Expiration date: until 06/01/2019
  • Tula pharmaceutical factory
  • Expiration date: until 05/01/2019
  • Moscow pharmaceutical factory, Russia
  • Expiration date: until 05/01/2019
  • Lumi
  • Expiration date: until 07/01/2018
  • Wifitech, Russia
  • Expiration date: until 05/01/2018
  • Tula pharmaceutical factory
  • Expiration date: until 05/01/2018

Customer reviews about Dry cough syrup for children

A very good and effective remedy. The kids drink with pleasure. Removes phlegm and helps avoid complications after acute respiratory infections.

We use it only and it really works

the best cough medicine together with mucaltin

When treating our grandson for a cough, we used Joset - this is a complex cough medicine, especially good to give to children. There are no age restrictions, and for a small child a complex drug is just right. It helped very quickly, I didn’t have to wait two weeks - I felt better within a day.

While my daughter was little, I gave her this mixture. Now that we have grown up, we decided to try a more effective, complex drug. The choice fell on the Joset; a lot is written about it everywhere. A good syrup, it helped quickly - almost on the second day the cough was wet and did not torment my daughter.

No matter how many different cough syrups I tried, none of them really helped. I tried joset in this way - the effect was visible immediately, on the very first day. This is what a good composition means.

Dry cough syrup helps well, even more so with dry coughs. What I don’t like about it is that you need to dilute the powders, I don’t like this business, it’s better to give a ready-made mixture or syrup. And when I tried Joset, I realized that the medicine could act faster, even on the first day. In addition, Joset also treats wet cough. That’s why we don’t use the mixture anymore.

The cough syrup works well. Not as fast as I would like, but still helps. The problem I had with it was that the first time I managed to give it to my child with grief. And when we got sick the second time, no tricks helped. But for some reason the child accepted Joset with great enthusiasm, and it turned out to be even easier. The drug is a combination drug, for all types of cough, so I didn’t take anything else. And the action began on the first day.

Our pediatrician always recommends it, it always helps, and it has a good (natural) composition.

“We learned about Joset syrup by accident. My son began to have a severe cough, from which the herbal syrups we were already familiar with did not help. We went to see a doctor, the doctor diagnosed wheezing in the lungs and diagnosed bronchitis. She recommended drinking Joset and will come for an appointment in 3 days. We bought it and immediately started drinking it. This syrup tastes very pleasant. The effect exceeded all our expectations, we started coughing less after 24 hours. And after 3 days at the doctor’s appointment we were told that there was no more wheezing. Nothing has helped us so quickly before "The multicomponent nature of the drug ensures a good result. Bromhexine, Guaifenesin, Salbutamol are the components of the drug and promote rapid recovery. Since then, Joset has been in our medicine cabinet constantly."

“Joseth syrup helps us a lot, it’s the only way we can save ourselves! It seems like a medicine, but when you use it, there is no disgust. Tasty, the effect is excellent! Helps well, thins sputum, has an expectorant effect. You don’t have to force the baby, he’ll enjoy it himself Takes. It also helps adults, the cough goes away in a couple of days. Doesn’t cause allergies, and we didn’t have any side effects. I really like it, I’m happy with its actions, most importantly, it immediately softens the cough. I like it, and I recommend it to you, so "As a young mother, I'm very worried about my baby. And it's inappropriate to be sick myself. But in general, it's better to never get sick. Be healthy!"

“My friend’s son fell ill at the age of five, she called a doctor to the house and she recommended Joset. The cough went away after 3 days. The baby took it with pleasure and did not spit it out. Joset is a very effective mucolytic and an excellent expectorant. I recommend it to mothers!

The doctor recommended Joset syrup. An effective drug that quickly relieves symptoms. This is very important for me, because I don’t have the strength to listen to my baby bursting into coughing. Dry cough is the most dangerous, and Joset can deal with it quickly and easily.

“I want to tell you about a repeatedly tested and effective cough medicine. I trust it 100%. Just the other day, my little son got sick and started coughing, which turned into a dry and very intrusive cough. And in this case, it is Joset that comes to the rescue. This drug must be taken for a dry, frequent, obsessive cough. It is in this case that Joset acts quickly and reliably. Literally the next day after taking the drug, my son’s cough became wet and rare. And two days later we practically forgot about it.

And we were cured of a dry cough with Joset syrup. And it helps quite quickly. The doctor explained that this is a combination drug for all types of cough. During the treatment process, a dry cough turns into a moist one, phlegm is removed and inflammation is relieved. It is important that children can be treated from 0 years old, i.e. Joset is absolutely safe. It suited us in terms of efficiency, price, and even taste!

If you dissolve the mixture in water, it will have a pleasant sweetish taste. But my son refuses to drink it in this form, so I only dilute it in a mixture. We drank it for the first time at 8 months, when we got very sick. My son couldn’t even sleep at night because of his strong cough. We drank it for almost a week, during which time the cough completely disappeared.

The child had bouts of dry cough, and the local police officer prescribed this mixture for us as a medicine. The bag looks so unattractive, but it worked wonderfully for a cough, and it just disappeared! It is better not to dilute more than one sachet at a time; as it turns out, the mixture spoils quickly even in the refrigerator.

My daughter developed a terrible cough, we tried a lot of syrups, expensive, well-known ones. We settled on dry mixture for children, which helped the best. I only had a slight allergy, red spots popped up and were very itchy. Although then she disappeared. And the cough became moist, she coughed well, and was cured without consequences.

Medicines in alphabetical order

** Delivery is carried out only for the preferential category of citizens on the basis of Art. 2 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 01/09/1997 N 5-FZ “On the provision of social guarantees to heroes of socialist labor and full holders of the Order of Labor Glory” (as amended on 07/02/2013) and Article 1.1 of the RF Law of 01/15/1993 N “On the status of Heroes Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory." All orders are placed in a pharmacy (licensed) and collected by qualified pharmacists.
