What should an adult drink when coughing?

What should you drink if you have a dry cough to get rid of it quickly?

Cough is a completely natural symptom for many diseases of the body. You always need to deal with unpleasant manifestations. Therapy should be based on medications aimed at eliminating the root cause of cough.

Table of contents:

In addition, it would not be superfluous to use antisymptomatic agents. Let's talk about them in more detail today. What to drink for dry cough? Which drugs are most effective? What is the principle of their operation? Read about this and more in the article below.

Main causes of dry cough

A dry cough does not produce sputum!

Coughing in any of its manifestations is a reflex reaction of the body aimed at cleansing the respiratory system of foreign bodies. As a rule, ordinary mucus acts as a third-party object.

When the respiratory tract is damaged or other damage to the body occurs, it begins to accumulate in the respiratory tract and provoke a cough. As a result, an unpleasant symptom appears.

A dry cough, in turn, is usually not associated with excessive mucus secretion. This manifestation occurs due to irritation of receptors in the respiratory tract. A similar cough is called dry precisely because when it intensifies, there is no secretion or even slight expectoration of sputum.

The reason for such a specific reflex can be:

  1. viral and bacterial diseases of the respiratory tract
  2. allergic reaction of the body
  3. abnormalities in the development of the respiratory system or its individual components (for example, the appearance of neoplasms)
  4. pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract that provoke the release of acids from the stomach cavity into the respiratory tract

As noted earlier, a dry cough is not accompanied by sputum production. Besides this, it is also notable:

  • with its sonority and abruptness, reminiscent of the barking of a dog
  • the appearance of pain or other discomfort in the throat during coughing
  • development of discomfort in the sternum

To effectively get rid of a dry cough, it is necessary to identify the root cause of its development. Combating it and timely symptom relief is the key to successful therapy. Today we’ll talk specifically about eliminating the manifestation itself. Read about the fight against its possible causes in other articles on our portal.

How to treat cough in children?

It is better to give cough medicines to children in the form of syrup.

The pharmaceutical market offers a huge number of products aimed at eliminating dry cough in young children.

Children's antitussive medications must be supplemented with medications that will help eliminate the root cause of the pathological condition. Otherwise, organized therapy will be either less effective or completely useless.

As practice shows, reviews from parents and pediatricians, the following drugs are the best for dry cough in children:

  • Bronholitin is a tablet drug that acts on many nodes of the respiratory system to soften the cough reflex. Today, this drug is one of the most popular for the treatment of children, as it is dispensed without a doctor’s permission, is quite effective and has almost no contraindications for use.
  • Sinekod is a medicine available in tablets and syrup form. This medication primarily affects the bronchi, normalizing their functioning. For dry coughs in children, this is usually enough. Since Sinekod is a potent drug, you cannot buy it without a doctor’s prescription.
  • Levopront is no less effective than the medications already discussed. It is available in the forms of tablets and syrup. Levopront cannot be used to cure an advanced or severe cough in a child. However, the drug is guaranteed to help overcome mild to moderate cough reflexes. By the way, it is available without a doctor’s prescription and costs mere pennies.

When choosing any drug for their child, parents should consult either a pharmacist from a pharmacy or a pediatrician. Such an approach, along with a detailed study of the instructions supplied with the drugs, will help organize the most effective and rapid therapy.

How to get rid of an unpleasant symptom for adults?

If you have a dry cough, you need to take antitussive medications.

The tactics for getting rid of dry cough in adults are completely similar to those described for children. The main thing for successful therapy is to influence not only the unpleasant manifestation, but also its root cause. The difference lies only in the types and strength of the medications used.

There are quite a lot of different pharmacological agents. The three most effective drugs for dry cough for adults look like this:

  • Bronchicum is a medicine of medium potency on the human body. This medication is produced exclusively in the form of syrup. When taken systematically by the patient, already on the 5-7th day of therapy, the unpleasant cough begins to disappear due to the anti-inflammatory, expectorant and tonic effect of the drug. It is released without a doctor's prescription.
  • Codelac is a fairly strong medicine based on the substance “codeine”. The product is available both in tablet form and in the form of syrup. Before using it for therapeutic purposes, you must visit a doctor and get the appropriate direction. Codelac will help eliminate absolutely any cough.
  • Sinecode is a drug already discussed today. As practice shows, it is effective for both adults and children. In terms of strength of action, this remedy is somewhere between Bronchikum and Codelac. Let us repeat, it is available both in the form of syrup and in tablet form. To purchase Sinecode, you also need a referral from a therapist or otolaryngologist.

Before taking any drug, you should carefully study the instructions attached to it and unquestioningly adhere to its provisions during therapy. With a different approach, the effectiveness of organized therapy is called into question.

Taking medications during pregnancy and lactation

Any medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding must be approved by a doctor!

A separate group of antitussive drugs should be allocated for pregnant and lactating women. Due to their unusual position, medications must be selected in such a way as not to harm the mother or the child.

When organizing treatment for any disease, pregnant and lactating women are simply obliged to consult a professional doctor.

Research shows that the following drugs for dry cough are the safest during pregnancy and lactation:

  • Libexin, which has a complex effect on the woman’s body. This remedy has anti-inflammatory, expectorant and sedative effects.
  • Bronchicum, made from herbs safe for pregnant women. In terms of strength, this drug is far from the best, but in mild forms of cough it helps eliminate foci of infection and remove phlegm.
  • Herbion, a stronger analogue of Bronchicum. Considering this, this medication should be used with extreme caution during pregnancy or lactation.

Despite the general safety of the indicated products, it is not advisable for pregnant and nursing mothers to ignore visiting a doctor before using them. In the early stages of illnesses, it is better to completely avoid taking more or less strong drugs, giving preference to sprays or inhalations.

The best folk remedies for dry cough

Inhalations will help a dry cough turn into a wet one

Traditional medicine techniques can be used as an aid to the main course of medication. For dry coughs, they perfectly complement the effect of specialized drugs and speed up the course of therapy.

Folk remedies cannot serve as the basis for treatment. The exception is when the patient has a mild or incipient cough. Under other circumstances, the effect of taking homemade medicines will not be enough.

The best folk remedies for dry cough are rightfully considered:

  1. Inhalation procedures that can be carried out either using regular liquid vapors or using a nebulizer. The most effective are inhalations made with medicinal chamomile, eucalyptus or sage oil. Carrying out inhalation procedures calms the affected areas of the respiratory system, as a result of which relief from cough begins to occur in an accelerated manner and with a more pronounced effect. During treatment, 1-2 inhalations daily are sufficient.
  2. Various types of liquids and decoctions that can not only soothe the affected bronchi, but also significantly enhance the effect of the medications taken. Usually they use warm milk with honey (10 parts of the first and 1 part of the bee treat). Less popular are decoctions of medicinal herbs. Regardless of the chosen remedy, if it is systematically used 4 times a day, the chances of success in cough treatment will increase significantly.
  3. Heat compresses applied to the sternum and have an effect similar to inhalations. A compress based on honey cake is convenient and easy to prepare. To prepare it, take 1 part honey, 5 parts flour or mashed potatoes and 2 parts water. The kneaded dough is baked in the oven for 5-10 minutes, after which it is slightly cooled, wrapped in gauze and applied to the affected area until it cools completely. To get the desired effect, 1 compress every 2-3 days is enough.

It is not necessary to consult a doctor before using traditional medicine methods. The main thing is to use homemade medicines wisely and to rule out allergies to the components of such medicines in the patient. If there is no effect from the methods used, it is better to stop self-medication and seek help from a professional.

What can not be used to treat a dry cough?

It is prohibited to take expectorants for a dry cough!

There are no specific medications prohibited for dry cough. However, it is important to understand that even conventional cough suppressants can cause harm to anyone if used incorrectly.

From this follows the basic principle of treating dry cough: you should not take untested drugs without carefully studying their instructions. Better yet, just consult a doctor.

In addition to a competent approach in terms of choosing medications, it is advisable to:

  1. Do not abuse spicy, fatty and rough foods, as well as coffee and alcohol during therapy.
  2. Increase the amount of warm liquid consumed.
  3. Do not use inhalations, compresses or too hot oral products if there are pustules in the respiratory system.
  4. In principle, taking into account the provisions discussed is the key to successfully getting rid of dry cough. Nothing more is required to quickly and effectively treat the problem.

More folk recipes for dry cough can be found in the video:

As noted earlier, if the genesis of a dry cough is not serious, self-medication is acceptable. In any case, such an approach to therapy always carries risks, so it is undesirable to abuse its use. You should be especially wary if:

  • the desired effect from the organized therapy is not observed
  • the symptoms of the pathology only intensify
  • The medications you take do not help or cause side effects

The presence of at least one of the noted factors is a good reason for refusing to self-medicate dry cough. Do not forget that a person has only one health and it is undesirable to risk it even with a seemingly ordinary cough reflex.

Perhaps, this is where the most important provisions on the topic of today’s article have come to an end. We hope that the material presented was useful to you and provided answers to your questions. Good health to you and successful treatment of all diseases!

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Comments (3)


02/02/2018 at 23:19 | #

To treat a cough, you need to understand its cause, because a cough is just a symptom, and the true cause can be anything, from an allergy to a viral disease. But if there’s nothing wrong and it’s just a cold, then warm tea will help.


02/24/2018 at 01:14 pm | #

I didn’t know that you shouldn’t drink coffee when you cough, I’ll have to remember that. I generally drink a lot of warm tea with lemon when I have a cough. I also use the drug Bronchobos for quick treatment. He always helps me a lot. I read that it dilutes sputum well, which helps remove it from the respiratory tract.


02/25/2018 at 01:03 | #

This happens often during a cold, I just drink a lot of warm tea and warm milk with honey. If there is no fever, then I take a hot bath with eucalyptus oil, and all this together helps a lot.

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  • Eva Tsarskaya - My son (7 years old) was sick. – 03/09/2018
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Source: http://tvojlor.com/lor/respiratory/kashel/chto-pit-pri-suhom-kashle.html

Cough tablets. What medicine should I choose if I have a cough?

Many diseases are very often accompanied by a cough, which is considered a protective physiological reaction of the body in response to the irritating effect of chemical, physical or organic factors on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. With the help of a cough, the body tries to maximally cleanse and free the respiratory tract from foreign bodies or phlegm, which is produced in response to the inflammatory process, in a word, from everything that should not be normally in the respiratory system.

Before you continue reading: If you are looking for an effective method of getting rid of a runny nose, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis or colds, then be sure to look at this section of the site after reading this article. This information has helped so many people, we hope it will help you too! So, now back to the article.

In this regard, the issue of suppressing the cough reflex should not arise in principle. Indeed, in the absence of the ability to cough, the respiratory tract will become overfilled with constantly produced sputum and become impenetrable to air. But you still have to eliminate the cough when it becomes annoyingly painful, being completely unproductive, or alleviate it, making it more effective for freeing the bronchi from secretions.

In each case, you have to select certain “cough pills”. By the way, this name is absolutely incorrect in medical terms. It sounds as ridiculous as the phrase “head pills.” But due to the fact that this very concept has taken root among the people, in this article we will use similar phrases for the convenience of our readers in order to clearly talk about the principles of choosing and using cough tablets.

This topic is very important, because often sick people try to self-medicate without turning to a doctor, but to pharmacists who work in pharmacies, where entire display cases are filled with various antitussives in the form of tablets, drops, inhalers, sprays, syrups, mixtures, infusions , tinctures, suspensions, etc., the number of which is simply dizzying. As a result, the sick person relies on the advice of the pharmacist, who is generally prohibited from advising anything. After all, only a specialist doctor has the right to advise which cough tablets to choose...

Why is the list of cough tablets so long?

The answer to this question is quite simple - cough and cough are different. It occurs due to many reasons and various diseases, which is why it is necessary to select strictly defined, most effective cough tablets to treat the corresponding ailment, eliminate or alleviate a certain type of cough.

The respiratory tract, or rather, the mucous membranes of the bronchi, constantly produce a certain amount of mucus, regardless of whether the person is sick or healthy. But with the development of the pathological process, the amount of sputum or mucus increases sharply, and the excess is removed only by coughing. But even without the production of sputum, any irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract leads to a cough, only a very unproductive one.

As a result, coughs are usually classified as dry or moist (wet). The treatment of each type of cough has its own characteristics and determines which cough medications need to be selected.

Dry cough tablets, which generally suppress the cough reflex, cannot be used to treat a wet cough, otherwise the lumens of the bronchi will be completely clogged with constantly produced sputum.

Conversely, there is no point in using tablets for wet coughs, which dilute mucus and promote its formation and easier expectoration, if a dry cough occurs due to irritation of the mucous membrane of the bronchi or trachea by an inflammatory process or exposure to some chemical or physical factors.

In addition to all that has been said, when treating a cough, you should always proceed from the question of not how to choose and what tablets to take for a cough in order to simply get rid of it, but how to cure the cause that provokes its occurrence. Otherwise, the treatment will not be effective and consistent.

But you should always remember that a dry cough most often turns into a wet cough. In this regard, it is necessary to promptly change the entire treatment regimen for the disease in order to maintain airway patency to ensure normal free breathing.

Causes of cough that influence the choice of medication

A cough does not always occur due to diseases of the respiratory tract; sometimes the reasons lie in the pathology of the central nervous system, the cough center of the brain. The list of diseases that lead to cough is very extensive, so we will bring to your attention the main causes - diseases:

1. Infectious diseases of a viral and bacterial nature are the largest and main group of diseases accompanied by cough. This group includes laryngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, bronchopneumonia, pneumonia, bronchiectasis, pleurisy, lung abscesses, COPD, tuberculosis and mycosis of the lungs, etc.

2. Diseases of an allergic or infectious-allergic nature, for example, bronchial asthma, laryngeal edema.

3. Children's infectious diseases, for example, whooping cough.

4. Benign and malignant tumors of the respiratory tract, bronchogenic cancer.

5. Irritation of the respiratory tract by chemical aggressive substances - gasoline fumes, paint, acetone, carbon monoxide.

6. Heart failure, angina pectoris, heart defects.

7. Interstitial lung diseases.

8. Aspiration of foreign bodies into the respiratory tract.

9. Impaired functioning of the pharyngeal muscles, gastroesophageal reflux.

10. Smoker's cough.

11. Nervous cough, with organic pathologies of the brain, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, stroke.

12. Cough caused by taking certain medications, for example, angiotensin inhibitors to lower blood pressure - Capoten, Captopril, Lisinopril, Enap, Enalapril, etc.

This list could be continued further, but it is already becoming clear from it that the use of even the most powerful tablet cough remedies against the background of heart failure or heart disease, leading to stagnation of blood in the lungs, will be absolutely ineffective, because it is necessary to treat the problem, not its consequences.

But be that as it may, cough is a very unpleasant thing, and everyone dreams of getting rid of it in any way and as soon as possible.

Classification of drugs that eliminate and relieve cough

All medications that affect the occurrence of the cough reflex, as well as its intensity and productivity, are divided into three main groups. The first is drugs that directly have an inhibitory effect on the cough center in the brain and the nerve endings of the receptors, which suppresses cough completely or partially. The second group of drugs affects the bronchial mucosa and smooth muscles, the third - the condition of the secreted bronchial secretion - sputum.

From all that has been said above, there are no universal tablets or cough mixtures for bronchitis; it all depends on whether the cough is dry or wet, because the approach to treatment in these two cases is fundamentally different.

The modern classification of medications that affect cough is quite extensive; we will bring to your attention the main groups and indicate the names of the most famous cough tablets that are included in each group. Each group will be discussed in more detail later.

All antitussive drugs that inhibit the cough reflex are divided into drugs of central and peripheral action, as well as combined action:

1. The group of central influence on the cough center is used to extinguish coughing attacks, is used only in the absence of sputum and includes medications for dry cough:

  • With a narcotic effect - Codeine, Hydrocodone, Demorphan, Codipront, Morphine chloride or Ethylmorphine hydrochloride;
  • Without narcotic effect - Glauvent, Tusuprex, Sedotussin, Paxeladin, Sinekod.

2. The peripheral action group includes medications for dry cough that act on nerve endings, receptors located in the tracheobronchial tree - Libexin, Levopront and Gelitsidin.

3. A group of drugs with combined action that simultaneously have expectorant, bronchodilator, anti-inflammatory and cough reflex-reducing effects - Stoptussin, Tussin plus, Prothiazin, Bronholitin, Butamirate, Hexapneumin, Lorraine.

There is a separate group of drugs that have mucolytic and (or) expectorant effects. These tablets, syrups, sprays are divided into the following subtypes of drugs used for wet cough:

1. Expectorants:

  • predominantly reflex action - Thermopsis, Licorin, Terpinhydrate, roots of Elecampane, Licorice, Althea, Istoda, Sodium benzoate, essential oils;
  • stimulating the gag or gastropulmonary reflex - Ipecac, ammonium chloride, Guaifenazine, sodium citrate;
  • resorptive action, enhancing bronchial secretion - Sodium iodide, Sodium bicarbonate, Ammonium chloride, Potassium iodide;

2. Mucolytic agents:

A. Direct action, quickly destroying the polymer bonds of bronchial mucus:

  • Mucaltin, Acetylcysteine ​​(ACC), Mucomist, Mukobene, Fluimucil, Terpinhydrate, Exomyuk Pertussin, Potassium and sodium iodides, Sodium benzoate, infusion of marshmallow root, infusion of plantain leaves, licorice or coltsfoot;
  • Carbocisteine ​​group - Bronkatar, Mucopront, Mucodin, Mukosol, Mistabron, Fluvik;
  • enzymatic preparations that reduce the viscosity of sputum - Trypsin, Chymotrypsin, Streptokinase, Ribonuclease, DNAase, DNAase, Pulmozyme;

b. Indirect action (mug regulators):

  • Ambroxol (Ambrosan, Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Ambrohexal, Halixol, Ambrolanlazolvan, Medovent);
  • Bromhexine (Flegamine, Bisolvon, Fulpen, Broxin),
  • Sobrerod, Letostein, Sodium ethanesulfate, Sodium bicarbonate, carboxymethylcysteine;
  • changing the productivity of the bronchial glands - antihistamines, anticholinergic drugs, etc.

3. Anti-inflammatory drugs with an expectorant and (or) bronchodilator effect - Sinupret, Glyciram, Pulmotin, Gelomirtol, Suprima-broncho, Eucabal, Prospan, Gedelix, Ascoril.

From this large list, it is difficult for a person ignorant of medicine to understand which antitussive medications to choose so that the treatment is effective and the cough is productive, easier and quicker.

Basic principles of treating dry cough

At the very beginning of the development of the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract, as well as in many other diseases not related to the pathology of the respiratory system, the cough can be very severe, painful, and annoying. A dry cough without sputum production occurs against the background of irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which can have a wide variety of origins, for example, inflammatory, allergic, infectious and non-infectious.

In this case, the cough does not bring any benefit, but only exhausts the already exhausted sick person. The only way to eliminate such a cough is to use antitussive drugs that suppress the activity of the cough center or act on the receptors of the bronchial mucosa.

At this stage of treatment, narcotic and non-narcotic drugs will be very effective, for example Codelac cough tablets, which are based on Codeine. Codeine-containing drugs are very effective, but they are sold in free pharmacies only with special prescriptions from doctors, because they can cause drug addiction.

But instead of them, the pharmacological industry offers cough tablets that are no less effective, but safer, do not affect the respiratory center, and do not contain narcotic substances. Such drugs, which can be called “cough medications” with great responsibility, include a fairly large list of non-narcotic cough medications - tablets Libexin, Tusuprex, Paxeladin, Glaucine, etc.

These drugs work mainly through the peripheral route, reducing the sensitivity of receptors in the bronchial mucosa, although they can also affect the cough center. Bronchial receptors are very sensitive, they instantly react to irritation and send signals to the medulla oblongata, where the cough center is immediately activated and a cough reflex occurs. These medications are not addictive and do not lead to drug dependence, so these tablets can also be used for children to treat cough.

Combination medications for dry cough are also becoming very popular, for example, Broncholitin, which, in addition to the antitussive substance Glaucine, also contains the well-known Ephedrine, as well as Basil oil. The list of tablets, mixtures, and cough syrups in this category is very large, and certain principles must be followed in using these medications.

It is forbidden to use these very effective and good tablets to treat any type of cough if it becomes wet in nature, otherwise blocking the cough will lead to disruption of lung cleansing and sputum removal, and this is a direct path to the development of pneumonia and impaired ventilation of the lungs. You should know the general contraindications for the use of drugs in this group:

1. If there is hypersensitivity to the active and auxiliary components of the drug;

2. Not for pregnant and lactating women;

3. It is forbidden to use for the treatment of children under 2 years of age;

4. Respiratory failure of 2-3 degrees was revealed;

5. History of aggravated form of bronchial asthma.

Which is better to choose and how to take tablets to treat dry cough?

Of course, there is no definite answer to this question, because the choice of medication is always selected on an individual basis. In addition, when choosing a medicine, you need to pay attention to the release form of the drug. For example, for young children it is better to buy syrup rather than tablets to treat a dry hacking cough.

This form, such as effervescent or absorbable tablets for the treatment of cough, is absorbed much faster, their effect occurs very quickly, but they are also not suitable for children.

In addition, effervescent tablets, as an antitussive, should not be taken by those who have high acidity of gastric juice, hyperacid gastritis, or peptic ulcer disease.

1. Libexin

If a dry cough occurs at the onset of a cold, flu, acute or exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, as well as in patients suffering from heart failure, it is recommended to use Libexin. These cheap cough medications are quite comparable in effectiveness to codeine-containing drugs.

The medicine reduces the sensitivity of cough receptors, affects the cough reflex, but does not have a depressing effect on the respiratory center. In addition, Libexin has mild anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator effects.

If this drug is sold under the name Libexin muco, this means that it contains a mucolytic - Carbocisteine, which reduces the viscosity of sputum. Libexin can be prescribed to young children, but with caution.

According to the instructions, the tablet cough medicine Libexin is used according to a scheme that involves taking it up to 4 times a day at a dose appropriate to the patient’s age - from ¼ to 2 tablets at a time, without chewing the tablets, because they cause anesthesia of the oral mucosa. The duration of action of this drug is quite short (hours).

2. Glaucine

This fairly simple cough medicine may have another trade name, Glauvent. The drug has a central effect directly on the cough center, but it is not a narcotic drug, does not cause depression of respiration and intestinal motility, or addiction to it.

Glaucine can be prescribed from the age of 4 years, but is not prescribed to persons who have had a myocardial infarction and are diagnosed with arterial hypotension, because it can cause a decrease in blood pressure. A pronounced antitussive effect occurs within 30 minutes and lasts for almost 8 hours, which is why it is enough to use it 2-3 times a day.

3. Bithiodine

Among the drugs of peripheral action, the most effective are the common and simple cough pills Bitiodine, which in terms of the strength of their action is quite comparable to Codeine, but at the same time does not cause addiction like narcotic antitussives and has very few side effects. This feature allows it to be used in the treatment of cough in children.

Bitiodine is used up to 2-3 times a day; it has virtually no contraindications, except in cases where patients have hypersensitivity to this drug.

4. Stoptussin

A very popular antitussive drug Stoptussin, which in addition to suppressing the cough reflex has mucolytic properties. It contains butamirate and guaifenesin, which is responsible for its expectorant effect. These effective cough tablets are used up to 4-6 times a day because the drug has a half-life of 6 hours.

Despite all its effectiveness, Stoptusin has a large list of contraindications: it cannot be used in the first trimester of pregnancy (with caution in the 2nd and 3rd trimester), it cannot be used during breastfeeding, for the treatment of children under 12 years of age, and also for myasthenia gravis. During treatment, side effects may occur in the form of diarrhea, dyspepsia, abdominal pain and headaches, dizziness and allergic reactions.

To treat cough, it is better for pregnant women to choose other, safer tablets than Stoptussin.

5. Bronholitin

Bronholitin is available in syrup form and is a combination cough medicine that contains glaucine and ephedrine. In addition to the antitussive effect and inhibition of the cough reflex, the medicine dilates the bronchi and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The range of uses of this cough syrup is very wide - from catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis, pneumonia, to the treatment of whooping cough, COPD and bronchial asthma.

Bronholitin can increase blood pressure, increase heart rate, cause extrasystoles, dizziness, insomnia, hand tremors, dyspepsia, visual impairment... However, this drug is widely used in pediatrics for the treatment of respiratory diseases in children over 3 years of age. It dilates the bronchi well, reduces mucus secretion and has a gentle effect on the cough center.

During pregnancy, give preference to other tablets in the treatment of cough, which are safer, but in case of urgent need, Bronholitin can be used only in the 2nd and 3rd trimester under the supervision of a doctor. It should not be included in the treatment regimen during breastfeeding, for patients with hypertension, coronary artery disease, heart failure, with thyrotoxicosis, prostatic hyperplasia and pheochromocytoma.

Topical cough medicines

The group of antitussive drugs includes drugs that inhibit the cough reflex by anesthetizing the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which sharply reduces the irritating effect of various infectious and non-infectious, physical and chemical factors. Such drugs can reduce the viscosity of sputum and relax the bronchi.

These medications are used mainly in the form of inhalations for irrigation to moisturize the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which seriously reduces the cough reflex. Benzoate or sodium and ammonium chloride, sodium bicarbonate are added to the inhalation composition for this purpose.

Many essential oils and plant extracts, such as eucalyptus, wild cherry, and acacia, have a good effect. Local anesthetics, such as Tetracaine, Benzocaine or Cyclaine, are introduced into inhalers (nebulizers). But this method of treatment can only be used in inpatient settings.

Local anesthetics include Libexin cough tablets, which we wrote about above, as well as Falimint and Tusuprex.

1. Falimint

Falimint cough tablets are used in cases of unproductive irritating cough caused by catarrh of the upper respiratory tract. The medicine has a mild local anesthetic effect, reduces the intensity of dry cough, and thins sputum.

The drug is absorbed very quickly and can be used up to 10 times a day, but the duration of treatment should not exceed several days. These lozenges should not be used to treat cough in children under 4 years of age, in pregnant or breastfeeding children, or in cases of hypersensitivity to it or fructose intolerance.

2. Tusuprex

Very popular and very effective tablets for the treatment of dry non-productive cough Tusuprex have a weak expectorant effect and a depressant effect on the cough reflex. But unlike Codeine, Tusuprex does not depress breathing and does not lead to addiction or drug dependence. However, this medicine may cause digestive problems during treatment.

Tusuprex tablets are often used to treat cough in children even under 1 year of age. According to the instructions, these cough pills cannot be used against the background of bronchospasm, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis and bronchitis with difficult sputum discharge.

Mechanism of action of expectorant drugs: treatment features

Expectorant drugs reflexively increase the secretion of sputum in the bronchi, dilute the secretion and facilitate its easier passage from the lower parts of the respiratory tract to the higher parts. These drugs irritate the receptors of the gastric mucosa, stimulate the vomiting center, which is located in the medulla oblongata, thereby significantly increasing the secretion of sputum by the bronchial glands.

Expectorants are prescribed in cases where little or a lot of sputum is produced, but it is very thick, viscous, difficult to separate, which occurs with bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, bronchiectasis, bronchial asthma, as well as pneumoconiosis and cystic fibrosis.

When treating respiratory diseases with expectorants, they cannot be combined with drugs that depress the cough center and inhibit the cough reflex, because with such a symbiosis, a large amount of sputum accumulates in the respiratory tract, leading to their obliteration and the occurrence of severe inflammatory diseases of the lower respiratory organs, for example , pneumonia.

There are two groups of expectorant drugs for wet coughs, which differ in their mechanism of action - drugs with a reflex and direct effect.

The most popular herbal expectorants

Expectorants with reflex action are mainly represented by medicinal herbs and their extracts, which enhance and accelerate the removal of mucus from the respiratory system. This group is very broad, and most of these drugs are herbal preparations.

Plant extracts have expectorant properties - licorice, marshmallow, deyasil, anise, wild rosemary, plantain, oregano, coltsfoot, thyme, ipecac, violet, sundew, thermopsis, pine buds, thyme, etc.

Plant extracts of these herbs are included in various breast mixtures, powders, tablets, and syrups for wet coughs.

1. Doctor "Mom"

One of the most prominent representatives of herbal expectorant medicines are tablets, syrup or cough lozenges “Doctor Mom”, which contains several herbal extracts - aloe, elecampane, basil, ginger, licorice, turmeric, cubeba pepper, Indian nightshade and terminalia. This remedy is a combination one. Its scope of application ranges from laryngitis to pneumonia.

This drug has anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator, expectorant, emollient, secretomotor, muco- and secretolytic and expectorant effects. Thanks to this, sputum quickly liquefies and is easily removed from the inflamed bronchi, and a dry hacking cough quickly transforms into a wet one.

“Doctor Mom” is produced not only in the form of syrup, but also in the form of cough lozenges in orange, lemon, raspberry, strawberry, pineapple, fruit and berry flavors, which children really like. True, lozenges are prescribed only from the age of 14, and the syrup can be used to treat 3-year-old children and older children.

2. Mukaltin

Mucaltin cough tablets are based on only one plant substance - marshmallow extract. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, expectorant effect, which is due to reflex stimulation of the activity of the ciliated epithelium of the respiratory tract, as well as an increase in bronchiole peristalsis and the secretion of bronchial glands.

The composition of tablets for the treatment of wet cough Mucaltin also includes sodium bicarbonate, which helps make sputum more liquid and increase bronchial secretion. Currently, this rather old drug is recognized as one of the most effective expectorant drugs, as evidenced by numerous reviews of these tablets, which were used to treat cough.

3. Thermopsis - cough tablets

When asked what are the best tablets for a wet cough, one immediately remembers the rather old and still very popular Thermopsis for cough - tablets that contain the thermopsis herb itself and sodium bicarbonate, which enhances the secretion of sputum, while simultaneously reducing its viscosity. Many years have passed since these very cheap tablets appeared, but the effectiveness and popularity of this medicine in treating coughs has not decreased.

There are no chemicals in these tablets, and compared to new, very expensive drugs, they are actually not inferior in effectiveness. There are contraindications for this drug - peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, individual intolerance and pregnancy.

Thermopsis is an excellent tablet for cough therapy in children. However, this drug should not be used for infants if they suffer from bronchitis or pneumonia with large sputum production. Babies simply will not be able to cough due to increased secretion of mucus in the respiratory tract, which will quickly lead to respiratory failure.

In large doses, Thermopsis exhibits an emetic effect; at the beginning of treatment (up to 5 days) it can cause nausea in children.

4. Other expectorant tablets of herbal origin

The pharmacy chain now sells a lot of imported expectorants; they are quite expensive, although, in fact, they have a similar effect and effect as cheap, but very effective, domestic cough medicines.

It is the right of every person to choose which drug to choose, but Bronchicum, Gedelix, Eucabal and many drugs will have a similar effect to the usual and accessible Mucaltin or Thermopsis.

Expectorants of artificial origin

Expectorant antitussive drugs with direct action enhance the excretion of bronchial secretions by affecting the sputum itself and stimulating the bronchi. This group is mainly represented by artificial medicinal substances, for example, iodized sodium and potassium salts, sodium hydrochloride, potassium bromide, sodium benzoate, ammonium chloride, as well as essential oils - eucalyptus, anise or terpinhydrate.

These expectorants are mainly used for inhalation, but when they enter the gastrointestinal tract, due to their resorptive action, they quickly penetrate the circulatory system and are then released through the bronchial mucosa and dilute and increase the amount of sputum. Their effectiveness is quite decent considering the fact that these drugs are very accessible and cheap.

In the pharmacy chain you can find combination drugs for cough treatment that combine herbal substances and cheap chemicals, for example, the same ones - Thermopsis or Ammonia-Anise tablets. The proven Pertussin, which contains potassium bromide and thyme extract, has become very popular in this group.

Scope of application of mucolytic drugs

Expectorants, first of all, increase the production of bronchial secretions, and the action of mucolytics is aimed at liquefying the viscous and thick secretion of the bronchial glands to facilitate their removal from the respiratory tract without increasing sputum secretion.

Mucolytic tablets are one of the main means in the treatment of wet cough. They restore the mucous membranes of the bronchi damaged during the pathological inflammatory process, as well as the elasticity of the lungs.

This group of drugs includes Bromhexine, ACC, Ambroxol, Carbocyten and many others. When combining various herbal expectorants with mucolytics, the effectiveness of both increases dramatically.

It should be noted that both Bromhexine and Ambroxol affect the formation of pulmonary surfactant, which ensures the functioning of the alveoli of the lung tissue, preventing them from sticking together and collapsing. In addition, Ambroxol inhibits the breakdown of surfactant. This circumstance speaks in favor of the use of these drugs in pediatric practice for the treatment of very young children, especially under the age of 5 years.

But these drugs have one unpleasant feature. They can cause bronchospasm, which is why they are contraindicated for use during an exacerbation of bronchial asthma. In such cases, bronchodilators are preferred, but not atropine, which makes sputum more viscous and difficult to remove.

1. Bromhexine

This mucolytic drug can be presented in the pharmacy chain under the trade names Solvin, Phlegamine, Bisolvon. Its action is to reduce the viscosity of sputum and stimulate its secretion by the bronchial glands, which explains the expectorant effect of this drug. According to the instructions, Bromhexine tablets can be used to treat cough in children starting from 3 years of age, because this drug is low-toxic.

This medicine can be used for a long time - up to 4 weeks. It is contraindicated only in the first trimester of pregnancy, children under 3 years of age, with stomach ulcers and recent bleeding, as well as with hypersensitivity to the drug. In other cases, this is a very effective and popular cough remedy.

2. Ambroxol

The very popular Ambroxol cough tablets have pronounced mucolytic and expectorant effects. In the pharmacy chain, this medicine is sold under the names Ambrobene, Ambrolytic, Lazolvan, Lindoxil, Bronchopront, Viscomcil, Mucozan, Mucofar, Mucovent, Mucosolvan, Fluixol, Secretil, etc.

The active substance is a derivative of Bromhexine; it perfectly stimulates alveolar secretion. The mucolytic cough medicine Ambroxol affects the concentration of antibiotics in the lung tissue, which contributes to more effective anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy.

At the same time, Lazolvan practically does not suppress cough, but combining it with other antitussive drugs is not recommended. This medicine is widely used by pediatricians in the treatment of even infants.

By the way, the difference between all the listed Ambroxol taxes lies only in the name of the manufacturing company, despite the fact that the Kiev “anti-cough” tablets Ambroxol are in no way inferior in effectiveness to the German Lazolvan, but are several times cheaper than the imported analogue.

3. ACC - cough tablets Acetylcysteine

This drug effectively thins thick and viscous sputum, ensuring its faster discharge, but at the same time acts as an antidote for paracetamol, aldehydes and phenols. Due to the fact that it easily crosses the placenta, it should be used with caution during pregnancy, although ACC has not been shown to have an embryotoxic effect. It is often prescribed to nursing mothers, but only under medical supervision.

The instructions clearly indicate how to take ACC cough tablets, and it is worth noting that this drug can be prescribed from the 10th day of a child’s life. The duration of the course of taking this drug can reach several months, which indicates the absence of toxicity if the correct dosage is observed.

It is worth considering that side effects when taking Acetylcysteine ​​do exist, and they are quite extensive - from dyspepsia, increased blood pressure, bronchospasm to skin and allergic manifestations.

ACC cough tablets are not used in cases of bleeding in the lungs, stomach ulcers, hepatitis, renal failure, or a history of fructose intolerance. These ACC cough tablets cannot be used in conjunction with Tetracycline and its derivatives, aminoglycosides, cephalosporins, or semisynthetic penicillins. It should not be combined in treatment with other antitussives in order to prevent congestion of the respiratory tract.

Features of the use of combined antitussives

Recently, combination cough tablets have become very popular, which contain more than two active ingredients that have antitussive, antihistamine, bronchodilator, mucolytic and expectorant effects. They often contain antipyretic and antibacterial substances.

Of course, they are very effective, however, contraindications and the presence of a large number of side effects are directly dependent on the amount of medicinal ingredients, which makes it very difficult to select the dose and combine them with other medications. It is not recommended to use such cough medicines for children.

The list of combined cough medicines includes Codelac phyto, Stoptussin, Doctor Mom tablets (lozenges), Tussin plus, Bronholitin.

Remember that if the cough does not go away for several weeks, is accompanied by painful sensations in the chest and the release of thick purulent sputum while the temperature persists, this is a reason to urgently consult a doctor, even if at least one of the listed symptoms is present.

The article above and comments written by readers are for informational purposes only and do not encourage self-medication. Consult a specialist regarding your own symptoms and illnesses. When taking any medicine, you should always use the instructions that come with the medicine and your doctor's advice as a guide.

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I am tormented by a cough without sputum of unknown origin, similar to tracheitis, one trachea is swollen, and I suffer from attacks of suffocation. The therapist cannot make a diagnosis and prescribe proper treatment. The article was very helpful. There is no sputum, it’s time to take cough pills before the cough turns into a psychological problem. The article is very modern and has a lot of useful information. Added to bookmarks/

It is herbal and completely harmless. He helped us well the first time.

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Source: http://cc-t1.ru/stati/tabletki_ot_kashlja.html

How to treat a cough: the best remedies

Cough is a protective, reflex reaction of the body aimed at mechanically cleansing the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract from a variety of irritants.

Most often, cough occurs as a result of an acute or chronic inflammatory process (bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, etc.) occurring with significant swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

It is necessary to treat a cough only according to its type (it can be dry or wet) since the drug treatment for each of them is significantly different from each other.

It is recommended to begin treatment of cough immediately when it develops; however, it is strictly not recommended to delay it, which can significantly provoke further exacerbation and a possible rapid transition to a chronic (protracted) stage that is more dangerous for the body.

It is recommended to treat cough in a comprehensive manner with the mandatory use of antitussive medications, as well as maintaining a rational and nutritious diet.

Also, today, many effective traditional methods of treatment that promote anti-inflammatory effects are actively used to combat cough.

If you have a prolonged and frequent cough (more than 2-3 weeks), you should definitely consult a pulmonologist or therapist, and also, if necessary, undergo fluorography of the lungs in order to exclude the possible development of quite dangerous diseases of the respiratory system of the body (pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, etc.) .).

How to treat dry cough?

Treatment of long-term dry cough should be carried out comprehensively with mandatory and regular use of medicinal antitussives, as well as the use of various folk and physiotherapeutic methods of treatment (inhalation, UHF, chest massage, electrophoresis, mustard plasters).

To begin treatment of a dry cough, it is necessary to determine the main cause that caused it (colds, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.). For this, it is recommended to consult with a qualified general practitioner or pulmonologist, since self-medication in this case is strictly not recommended (can significantly complicate further progression of the disease).

The main stage of drug treatment of dry cough is its effective transformation into a wet (wet) form with the release of a sufficient amount of sputum and mucus that has collected in the respiratory tract, causing frequent attacks of dry cough.

If the cause of an annoying dry cough is laryngotracheitis or tracheitis, then in this case the cough can be triggered by even the slightest inhalation of air, since the mucous membrane of the trachea is significantly inflamed.

Medicines for the treatment of dry cough

  • antitussive drugs based on codeine (codeterpin, codelac, omnitus, libexin, codeine, tusuprex, glycodin) are recommended to take 1 t. 2-3 r. in a day. These drugs have a good antitussive effect, capable of relieving even a very strong, painful dry cough;
  • B-blockers of the cough center (Stoptusin, Bronchicum, Flavamed, Sinecode) can quickly reduce a strong, annoying dry cough. Medications are available both in the form of tablets and syrup. The main course of treatment should be prescribed by the attending physician depending on the specific disease, and it should not exceed more than a day;
  • antiviral drugs (Novirin, Amiksin, Aflubin, Amizon, Anaferon, etc.) are used if the dry cough has a viral etiology (develops very quickly and is accompanied by the main symptoms of ARVI or influenza). It is recommended to take medications immediately when a dry cough develops, 1-2 t. 2-4 r. per day depending on the specific antiviral drug;
  • antibiotics (azithromycin, amoxil, sumamed, erythromycin, tigeron, chloramphenicol, biseptol) are prescribed by the attending physician in the event of the development of quite serious inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract (acute bronchitis, pneumonia). Taking antibiotics on a self-prescribed basis is highly discouraged, since this can only aggravate the progression of the disease; antibacterial agents should be prescribed only by a qualified doctor, depending on the severity of the progression of the disease, as well as in the presence of secondary complications. The average course of antibiotic treatment is 5-7 days at a medicinal dose of no more than 1 t. 1-2 r. per day after meals;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (seratta, ibuprofen, mucaltin) are used in the complex treatment of long-term dry cough. Medicines can relieve the inflammatory process at the very source of inflammation of the respiratory tract. These drugs are prescribed exclusively by the attending physician, 1 t. 2-3 r. per day after meals, the course of treatment averages 7-10 days;
  • antihistamines (suprastin, L-Cet) are prescribed to accelerate the anti-inflammatory effect, 1 t. 1 r. per day after meals for 5-7 days;
  • vitamins (ascocil, dekamevit) can further strengthen the human body’s immunity during the inflammatory process, it is recommended to take 1 t. 2-3 r. per day for approximately 7-10 days;
  • antipyretics (panadol, paracetamol, ibuprofen, aspirin) if the temperature rises above 38 degrees. The average daily dose of medications is 1-2 tons after meals. Temperature up to 38 degrees. knocking down is not recommended, since at this time the body’s immunity must fight the infection on its own.

Attention: improper self-medication of a prolonged dry cough can lead to a large accumulation of sputum in the respiratory tract of the body with possible subsequent descent into the lower parts of the lungs with the development of severe pneumonia, so you should always consult a doctor.

Physiotherapeutic treatment of dry cough

In order to significantly accelerate the anti-inflammatory effect with the subsequent elimination of dry cough, it is recommended that all patients undergo various methods of physiotherapy.

Physiotherapeutic methods for treating cough significantly speed up the healing process due to local improvement of blood circulation in the tissues of the respiratory tract, thereby relieving the inflammatory process much faster.

Effective methods of physiotherapy in the treatment of dry cough are:

  • inhalations - allow you to warm up the entire mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, thereby significantly reducing the inflammatory process. For inhalation, you can use various anti-inflammatory herbs (linden flowers, St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula), which should be added to hot water for inhalation. Also, soda (1 tbsp), salt (1 tsp), as well as iodine (1-2 drops) have a good antibacterial effect, which should be added to the container for inhalation. You need to breathe the hot vapors of these medicinal components for at least a min. at least 2-3 r. in a day;
  • UHF – has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, warming up the entire cavity of the body’s respiratory tract well, significantly relieving the inflammatory process;
  • chest massage - can significantly improve local blood circulation in the chest, while relieving the inflammatory process. It is recommended to massage 1-2 rubles. per day for at least 5-7 days;
  • electrophoresis is one of the best physiotherapeutic methods for treating cough, which is based on long-term heating of the inflamed area of ​​the body with heat rays, thanks to which local blood circulation significantly improves, and also reduces the area of ​​the inflammatory process;
  • Medical cups can significantly improve blood circulation in the respiratory system, and also quite effectively relieve the inflammatory process. It is recommended to place jars 1 p. per day on the inflamed area of ​​the chest.

Before undertaking any of the above physical therapy methods, you should definitely consult a doctor to prevent possible complications.

Traditional methods of treating dry cough

Traditional methods for the complex treatment of dry cough contribute to a significant acceleration of the anti-inflammatory effect. With the help of various folk remedies, you can quickly relieve even a very strong, painful dry cough.

Effective methods of alternative treatment for dry cough:

  • Pour boiling water over several small branches of pine needles, leave for about 3-4 hours, after which the resulting decoction must be thoroughly strained and cooled. You need to use 1 tbsp. 2-3 r. per day after meals for 7-10 days. This folk remedy helps very well with a strong, dry cough. It is also recommended to carry out steam inhalations with a warm decoction of pine needles, which are very helpful for coughing;
  • Melt a few tablespoons of sugar in a warm frying pan and wait until it hardens. Dissolve in mouth 4-5 r. in a day. This remedy coats the inflamed mucous membrane of the respiratory tract well, while the dry cough goes away quite quickly;
  • The use of honey has always been an excellent folk remedy in the treatment of both dry and wet coughs. It is recommended to eat honey at least 2-3 times a day. per day 1-2 tbsp. best with hot milk or tea. This folk remedy helps to quickly reduce severe cough due to enveloping the inflamed mucous membrane of the respiratory tract;
  • It is recommended to drink warm milk in small sips for at least 3-4 r. per day for prolonged cough. Milk quickly coats the inflamed mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, thereby reducing cough. It is best to drink milk with honey, which will significantly improve the anti-inflammatory effect.

Also, with a prolonged dry cough, the patient is recommended to significantly increase the amount of warm liquid consumed (water, compote, tea, fruit juice, juice, still mineral water, herbal decoctions) which will significantly accelerate the removal from the body of accumulated phlegm and mucus in the respiratory tract of the body. It is recommended to drink at least 2-2.5 liters daily. warm liquid.

How to treat a wet cough?

Treatment of wet cough is carried out comprehensively with the use of expectorants and sputum-thinning medications, as well as using various folk and physiotherapeutic methods, based on local improvement of blood circulation in the respiratory tract of the body.

As a rule, a wet cough is always a little easier than a dry one, but patients are still advised to consult with a general practitioner or pulmonologist to prescribe the necessary antitussive or expectorant medications.

The most effective antitussive cough medications are herbal remedies, which have much fewer side effects.

For prolonged wet cough, it is recommended to drink as much warm liquid as possible (at least 2-2.5 liters per day) to speed up the removal of accumulated mucus in the cavities of the bronchi or lungs. It is best to drink warm hot milk with honey, compote, warm water, juice, herbal infusions, fruit juice, etc.

It is recommended to regularly ventilate the patient’s room, and, if possible, change bed linen daily. Nutrition during illness should be balanced and complete, containing a sufficient amount of vitamins (fruits and vegetables) in order to further strengthen the immune system.

Also, for prolonged wet cough, periodic physical activity (walking, breathing exercises) is recommended, which helps to accelerate the liquefaction of accumulated sputum and mucus in the bronchi.

It is strictly not recommended to adhere to strict bed rest if you have a persistent wet cough, as this can lead to even greater stagnation of sputum and mucus in the respiratory tract.

Medications for the treatment of wet cough

  • expectorants (marshmallow, herbion, pertusin, thermopsis, bromhexine, ambrobene, lazolvan) that help effectively liquefy and remove accumulated mucus in the respiratory tract of the body. Medicines can be taken both in tablet form and in syrup. The main course of treatment should be prescribed by the attending physician, on average it lasts 7-10 days;
  • mucolytics (ACC, abrol, carbocisteine, ambroxol) have an astringent and effective antitussive effect, promoting the rapid dilution of sputum and mucus. You need to take medications 2-3 times. per day after meals for 5-7 days;
  • antihistamines (loratadine, L-Cet, suprastin) are prescribed in the complex treatment of prolonged cough in order to relieve the inflammatory process in the respiratory system. It is recommended to take 1 t. 1-2 r. per day strictly as prescribed by the attending physician.

Comprehensive treatment of wet cough includes the use of physiotherapeutic methods of treatment (steam inhalation, hot foot baths, cupping, UHF, electrophoresis, compresses on the chest cavity) that significantly improve local blood circulation in the respiratory tract, thereby facilitating elimination much faster accumulated phlegm and mucus.

Folk remedies for wet cough

  • hot milk with honey is one of the most effective folk remedies for treating wet cough. Milk contains a sufficient amount of medicinal substances that thin phlegm and mucus, which help to quickly reduce cough. You need to drink milk with honey regularly, at least 2-3 times a day. per day after meals. This remedy has a good enveloping effect, thereby reflexively relieving a prolonged cough;
  • Badger fat is an excellent folk remedy for wet coughs. It is recommended to take 1 tsp. 2 r. per day after meals, the average course of treatment is approximately 5-7 days. You can also rub a small layer of badger fat over the entire chest cavity, which will significantly accelerate the anti-inflammatory effect. After this, it is recommended to wrap yourself warmly and lie down for a while so that the fat is well absorbed. Thanks to this folk method, the dilution and removal of mucus from the respiratory tract of the body significantly increases;
  • Lemon juice must be carefully mixed into 30 ml. liquid honey, after which the resulting mixture should be consumed 2-3 r. per day 1 tsp. jam before meals. The average course of treatment is 7-10 days, until the wet cough completely stops.
  • Pour boiling water over a small sprig of pine needles, let it cool slightly, after which it is recommended to cover your head well with a towel and breathe in the warm fumes for at least a minute. It is recommended to repeat this procedure 2-3 times. in a day. Steam inhalation with pine needles significantly improves local blood circulation in the bronchi, while accelerating the removal and cleansing of accumulated sputum and mucus from the respiratory tract.

How to treat a severe cough?

A frequent, strong, painful cough produces a lot of unpleasant, painful sensations in the chest, so its treatment should be started immediately when it first occurs.

Treatment of a severe cough should be carried out depending on the main cause that provoked it (laryngotracheitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia) using the most effective antitussive drugs, as well as many folk and physiotherapeutic methods.

To begin treatment for a severe cough, it is necessary to determine its type (dry or wet) since the treatment for each of them has a significant difference in the use of certain medications.

If you have a painful, strong cough, you should definitely consult a doctor, since it can cause a fairly serious inflammatory process in the respiratory tract (acute bronchitis, pneumonia).

The patient must necessarily increase the volume of daily fluid intake to 2-2.5 liters in order to accelerate the reduction of the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract of the body. To do this, it is recommended to regularly drink hot tea with honey, raspberries, various herbal decoctions, compote, fruit juice, juice, and warm water.

Medicines for severe cough

  • centrally acting antitussive drugs (stoptusin, herbion, codelac, sinupret, codeterpin, ambrobene, rotokan) can quickly and effectively relieve severe coughs by blocking the nerve receptors of the cough center. It is recommended to take 1 t. 2-3 r. per day after meals for 7-10 days;
  • mucolytics (ACC, mucoltin, tonsilgon, carbocisteine) have a good astringent and antitussive effect. Medicines should be taken 1 t. 1-2 r. a day after meals;
  • expectorants (lazolvan, purtusin, ambroxol, polydex, marshmallow, thermopsis, linkas) can effectively dilute and remove accumulated sputum and mucus from the respiratory tract. It is recommended to take 2-3 r. per day after meals. The course and dose of the drug is prescribed by the attending physician depending on the situation;
  • anti-inflammatory (eucabal, Dr. Mom) agents in the form of ointments, which are recommended to be rubbed daily (preferably before bed) on the patient’s chest. This drug can significantly accelerate the anti-inflammatory effect, while significantly reducing cough;
  • antibiotics (amoxicillin, erythromycin, amoxil, tigeron, biseptol) are recommended to be taken in the event of the development of fairly serious bacterial complications (tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia) 1 t. 2-3 r. per day, average course of treatment is 5-7 days;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (seratta, ibuprofen) will significantly speed up the relief of the inflammatory process in the affected part of the respiratory tract. You need to take 1 t. 1-2 r. in a day;
  • vitamins (decamevit, ascocil, undevit) can significantly strengthen the patient’s immune system. It is recommended to take 1 t. 2-3 r. per day for 7-10 days.

Attention: before taking any medicine for a severe cough, it is recommended to consult a doctor to prevent the possible development of unwanted allergic complications.

Traditional and physiotherapeutic methods for treating severe cough

When treating any type of cough, especially severe cough, all patients are advised to undergo various physiotherapeutic procedures based on local improvement of blood circulation in the respiratory tract, due to which the area of ​​the inflammatory process is significantly reduced, and, accordingly, the painful cough goes away much faster.

The most effective physiotherapeutic methods are steam inhalations with the addition of soda (1 tbsp), salt (1 tsp) and 1-2 iodine or various anti-inflammatory herbs. Also, inhalations with inhalation of pine needles, which have excellent anti-inflammatory properties, are very effective. It is recommended to carry out steam inhalations with a strong cough regularly, at least 3-4 times. per day for 5-7 days or more.

Thanks to the inhalation of warm air, the accumulated mucus in the respiratory tract is quite effectively diluted, and it begins to be eliminated from the body much faster.

In addition to inhalations, the patient is recommended to warm up the chest using UHF therapy and electrophoresis, which contribute to a good anti-inflammatory effect. It is recommended to apply warm compresses or mustard plasters to the inflamed area of ​​the chest, which have an excellent anti-inflammatory therapeutic effect.

Also, today the pepper patch is very popular and effective, which can be applied to the chest for more than 1-2 days, while it will constantly warm up the inflamed area of ​​the chest cavity, relieving the inflammatory process in the affected area.

If a painful cough occurs, the patient is advised to regularly steam his feet with sea salt added to hot water, which has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. The procedure should be carried out daily, preferably 1-1.5 hours before bedtime, but only if the person does not have a high temperature, at which this procedure is strictly contraindicated.

The best folk remedies for a severe cough are:

  • Hot milk with honey has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect in various inflammatory diseases of the body's respiratory tract. It is recommended to drink in small sips, at least 3-4 r. in a day. Drinking warm milk significantly reduces the inflammatory process in the chest cavity, quickly eliminating a severe cough attack;
  • It is recommended to rub the chest cavity daily with badger fat, which has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect that relieves the inflammatory process;
  • Grated lemon juice with sugar is a very effective folk method for treating a severe cough. It is recommended to consume 2-3 r. per day after meals;
  • carefully chop the plantain leaves, mix them with liquid honey, and mix everything well again. The resulting mixture should be taken 1 tbsp. 2-3 r. per day before meals. This folk remedy has a good thinning and phlegm-removing effect;
  • melt a few tablespoons of sugar on the stove, cool well, take in small, hard pieces, periodically dissolving them in your mouth. The drug well coats the entire mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, and a strong cough is eliminated quite quickly.

How to treat cough in an adult?

Cough treatment in adults should be carried out comprehensively, depending on the duration, nature, as well as its type (dry or wet). You need to start treating a cough immediately when its initial symptoms appear; however, it is strictly not recommended to significantly delay treatment.

In order to speed up the healing process, adults are recommended to carry out physiotherapeutic and traditional methods of treatment that significantly improve local blood circulation in the respiratory tract of the body.

For adults with a prolonged cough, it is recommended to drink large amounts of warm liquid (tea with lemon, hot milk with honey, compote, fruit drink, juice) in order to speed up the removal from the body (including from the cavity of the lungs and bronchi) of accumulated phlegm and mucus, which causes cough. The patient should drink at least 2.5 - 3 liters. warm liquid per day.

During periods of severe coughing, long walks outside should be temporarily limited; it is recommended to ventilate the room daily to provide fresh air. Bed and underwear should be changed regularly.

The most effective antitussive drugs for adults are expectorants (Ambrol, Lazolvan, Bromhexine, Glycodin, Herbion, Pertusin), mucolytics (ACC, Mucolvan, Mucoltin), cough receptor blockers, which are prescribed for dry cough (Libexin, Codeine, Codelac, Oxeladin, codeterpine), as well as local antitussive drugs (sinupret, trachesan, bronchipret, travisil, gedelix, linkas).

If an adult’s cough is caused by a more severe bacterial disease of the respiratory system (bronchitis, pneumonia), then in this case, broad-spectrum antibacterial agents (amoxil, levofloxacin, erythromycin, ceftriaxone, amoxicillin, tigeron, beseptol, sumamed) can be prescribed.

You can take medications either in the form of tablets or in syrup, which in most cases is much more effective in helping to eliminate an annoying, severe cough.

The course of treatment and dose of the drug should be prescribed by the attending physician or pulmonologist, depending on the severity of the disease, while the average daily dose should not exceed 1 t. 2-3 r. per day after meals, for 5-7 days.

Attention: in case of prolonged, hacking cough and elevated body temperature in adults, you should definitely consult a doctor to prevent the possible development of unwanted complications.

With a progressive cough in adults, rubbing the chest with eucabal or eucalyptus oil (preferably before bedtime) helps very well; the drug has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, quickly relieving the inflammatory process in the chest area. You can also rub the chest with badger fat, which has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect.

As for folk remedies, for prolonged coughs, adults are recommended to carry out steam inhalations with the addition of soda (1 tbsp) and salt (1 tsp), eucalyptus oil or 1-2 k. iodine. Inhalations are allowed only at normal body temperature, since at elevated temperatures, inhaling hot air can significantly complicate the progression of the inflammatory process.

Compresses that need to be applied to the inflamed area of ​​the chest for 1-2 rubles are very effective in combating cough. for a day. Adults are also recommended to steam their feet daily with the addition of sea salt, which has excellent anti-inflammatory properties.

Among the folk remedies for adults, the best way to combat cough is hot milk with honey, which has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, due to the liquefaction and envelopment of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, the inflammatory process is significantly reduced.

A good folk remedy for cough is melted sugar (you need to melt a few tablespoons in a frying pan), which needs to be dissolved in small pieces in solid form throughout the day. This product well envelops the entire cavity of the respiratory tract, while preventing a possible coughing attack. Today it is very effective and one of the best folk remedies for cough.

Also, with a prolonged cough in adults, you can perform steam inhalations with inhalation of pine needles, which perfectly relieve the inflammatory process in the thoracic region. Inhalations should be done regularly, at least 2-3 times. on the day of commemoration each procedure.

Effective cough remedies

The best results of complex treatment of cough are possible only by combining various traditional methods of traditional medicine (inhalations, compresses, heating, massage) and taking medicinal antitussive and expectorant drugs.

The best cough medicines are libexin, stoptusin, gedelix, ambroxol, tusuprex, ambrobene, ascoril, ACC, broncholitin, eucabal, which can be taken both in tablet form and in syrup (recommended for severe coughs). Medicines have good expectorant, antitussive, and also diluting and removing phlegm and mucus from the bronchi. The course of treatment and dose of the drug are prescribed by the attending physician or pulmonologist, while the average daily dose is 2-3 doses per day after eating (the duration of treatment is no more than 7-10 days).

Among the best folk remedies for coughs are steam inhalations, which are recommended to be carried out regularly, preferably 3-4 r. for a day. Thanks to the inhalation of warm air, the area of ​​the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract is significantly reduced, blood circulation improves locally, and the process of sputum discharge from the bronchial ducts occurs much faster.

For inhalations, you can use various medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, eucalyptus) that promote a rapid expectorant and antitussive effect. It is also recommended to do steam inhalations with the addition of baking soda (1 tbsp), salt (1 tsp), as well as 1-2 parts of iodine, which perfectly relieve the inflammatory process.

If the patient has a strong cough, it is recommended that the patient receive a daily warming massage of the chest (including the back), which significantly improves blood circulation in the bronchi and accelerates the discharge and removal of mucus from the respiratory tract. After the massage it is recommended for min. Cover yourself warmly and lie down for a while.

It is recommended to rub the patient’s chest daily with badger fat or eucalyptus oil (you can use eucabal), which has anti-inflammatory properties. About 1 hour before bedtime, it is advisable to take warm foot baths with the addition of sea salt, which effectively relieves inflammation. It is recommended to place mustard plasters on the chest cavity, which have a good anti-inflammatory and local warming effect.

If you have a strong and prolonged cough, you should drink as much warm liquid as possible every day (preferably warm decoctions, compote, juice) at least 2-2.5 liters. per day to speed up the process of removing collected sputum from the cavity of the lungs and bronchi.

Effective folk remedies for cough:

  • Finely chop 3-4 cloves of garlic, mix them with 30 ml. liquid honey, leave for about 3-4 hours. Take the resulting mixture 1 tbsp. 2-3 r. per day before meals for 7-10 days;
  • Brew several fresh pine twigs with needles with boiling water, perform steam inhalations for 2-3 r. in a day. Thanks to this procedure, the liquefaction and removal of accumulated sputum and mucus from the respiratory tract of the body is significantly improved. This medicinal decoction can also be drunk in small sips several times a day;
  • mix freshly squeezed lemon juice with 20 ml. liquid honey, consume 1 tsp daily. jam before meals. The drug helps coat the bronchial mucosa, significantly reducing cough;
  • melt 2-3 tbsp. sugar in a frying pan, cool completely, periodically dissolve in the mouth (especially during severe coughing attacks). This remedy has a good anti-inflammatory effect, and also quickly envelops the mucous membrane of the bronchi and lungs, while relieving the inflammatory process and cough;
  • Add 2-3 parts of iodine to 1 tbsp. boiling water, cool slightly, drink about 1 hour before bedtime. This procedure should be repeated for 5-7 days.

Remember: if the cough does not go away for a long time, you should definitely consult a pulmonologist, and also, if necessary, take an X-ray of the lungs to accurately determine the possible cause of a prolonged cough.

How to treat cough in children?

Treatment of cough in children must be carried out only after an accurate determination of the main cause of its development. It is necessary to choose the medications necessary for treatment depending on the duration of the cough and its type (it can be dry or wet), as well as the age of the child.

It is recommended to treat cough in children comprehensively, using various physiotherapeutic methods, as well as regularly taking the necessary medicinal antitussives and expectorants.

It is recommended to provide the child with complete peace of mind, as well as bed rest. It is advisable to ventilate the room daily with sufficient fresh air, and you should also change bed linen regularly.

During the period of illness, it is necessary to consume plenty of warm liquid (warm milk with honey, tea with lemon, raspberries, fruit compote, juice, fruit drink) in a total daily amount of 1-1.2 liters. Thanks to increased fluid intake, the liquefaction and discharge of sputum from the bronchi and lung cavity significantly improves.

The child’s nutrition should be rational and complete, containing a sufficient amount of vitamins and vegetables that are beneficial for the body and strengthen the immune system.

Steam inhalations with chamomile and eucalyptus oil, which exhibit excellent antitussive and expectorant effects that eliminate cough, will help significantly reduce coughing. Inhalations are recommended for children from 4-5 years of age; this procedure is contraindicated for younger children, as it can lead to severe laryngospasm, which is dangerous for the child’s life.

Warm foot baths with the addition of various medicinal herbs or sea salt have a very good antitussive effect. This procedure significantly improves blood circulation in the body, allowing for faster removal of sputum and mucus from the child’s respiratory tract. It is advisable to steam your legs slowly. before sleep.

Also, at night, it is advisable to rub the child’s chest with eucabal, badger fat, or eucalyptus oil, which relieves the inflammatory process in the bronchial cavity. It is necessary to treat a child’s cough after consultation with a qualified pediatrician, since self-medication can significantly aggravate the further progression of the disease.

Cough medicines for children

  • centrally acting drugs for dry cough (codeine, codelac, tusuprex, herbion, dimemorphan) which need to be taken 1 t. 1-2 r. per day, strictly as prescribed by the pediatrician. Medicines are prescribed for an annoying, fairly severe dry cough starting from 2 years of age;
  • expectorants (licorice root, broncholitin, pertusin, sinuprex, thermopsis, flavamed, eucabal, sinecode, marshmallow, broncholitin) that improve the discharge and dilution of mucus in the bronchi. Can be taken either in tablet form or in syrup 1-2 r. per day after meals. Medicines are prescribed by a pediatrician from 2-3 months of age, depending on the specific disease;
  • antitussive combination drugs (libexin, Doctor Mom, levopront, glycerin, prospan) have a reflex antitussive effect and are prescribed exclusively by the attending physician;
  • mucolytics (ACC, ambroxol, herbion, mucolvan, bromhexine, mucoltin, bronchostop) are prescribed to accelerate the discharge of sputum from the bronchi, at least 2-3 times. per day after meals. The course of treatment and dose of the drug is prescribed exclusively by the pediatrician, depending on the situation;
  • antihistamines (suprastin, L-Cet) can be prescribed strictly by a pediatrician to accelerate the anti-inflammatory effect, reducing the inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract;
  • antibiotics (levofloxacin, erythromycin, cefotaxime, azithromycin, amoxiclav, augmentin) are indicated for use in cases of fairly severe inflammatory processes in the respiratory system (tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia) strictly as prescribed by a pediatrician;
  • vitamins (univit) help strengthen the child’s immunity during the period of acute inflammatory disease accompanied by cough.

Depending on the age of the child, it is recommended to choose the most suitable and more effective form of the drug for him. Children under 4-5 years of age are recommended to take antitussive drugs in the form of syrup, since they are the safest for their age.

If the child is more than 5-6 years old, then the medicine can already be given, both in tablet form and in syrup, depending on the prescription of the attending physician.

Cough syrup for children

For children under one year old, the best cough syrup is libexin muco, flavamed or prospan, which do an excellent job with both wet and dry coughs. Medicines have a good anti-inflammatory effect, quickly eliminating a child’s cough. You need to give your child syrup 1-2 times a day. per day, after consulting with your pediatrician.

For children from 1 to 2 years of age, Fluditec syrup, Herbion, Doctor Mom, and Ambrobene will help relieve coughs, allowing you to effectively eliminate cough, as well as remove and thin out stagnation of phlegm and mucus in the bronchi and lungs. Medicines contain exclusively medicinal plant substances that perfectly relieve the inflammatory process.

To eliminate cough in children 3-4 years old, it is recommended to use eucabal, licorice root syrup or broncholithin, which exhibit effective antitussive and expectorant effects. You can take these syrups for any form of cough (wet or dry) on average 2-3 r. per day after meals. The average course of treatment and dose of the drug is prescribed exclusively by the attending pediatrician, depending on the disease.

Good cough syrups for children of different ages:

  • dry cough (ambrobene, prospan, broncholitin, codelac phyto) are prescribed with the aim of quickly transitioning a dry cough into a wet one with sputum discharge. Medicines can be used from the age of a child, strictly as prescribed by the attending pediatrician;
  • wet cough (Erespol, Fluditec, Joset, Herbion, Doctor Mom, Alteyka) allows you to normalize and accelerate the discharge of accumulated sputum and mucus in the bronchi. It is recommended to take 2-3 r. per day after meals for 5-7 days.

Remember: Before giving your child any medicated cough syrup, it is strongly recommended that you consult your pediatrician to prevent possible unwanted complications.

Folk cough remedies for children

  • 4-5 tbsp. Melt sugar in a warm, hot frying pan, add a little boiling water (about ½ cup), mix everything thoroughly, cool. Give the child 1 tsp. 2 r. per day after meals. The folk remedy quickly and effectively coats the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, relieving even a very strong, annoying cough;
  • It is recommended to drink warm milk with honey at least 4-5 r. per day for at least 5-7 days. It is one of the best folk remedies, which perfectly helps with bronchitis, tracheitis and many other diseases of the respiratory system;
  • boil ½ l. milk, remove it from the heat, then add a little pine buds (no more than 2-3 tbsp), cool completely and let it brew thoroughly (about 2-3 hours). You need to drink the resulting decoction in small sips throughout the day;
  • Mix freshly squeezed lemon juice with a small amount of honey, mix everything thoroughly until smooth, take 1 tsp. 2-3 r. per day after meals. The folk remedy significantly reduces cough due to significant coating of the inflamed mucous membrane of the respiratory tract;
  • 2 tbsp. mix olive oil with 2 tbsp. honey, mix everything thoroughly until smooth, give the child 1 tsp. 2-3 r. per day after meals for 3-5 days.

Before using any folk remedy for cough for children, you should definitely consult with a qualified pediatrician to prevent the possible development of unwanted complications.

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Source: http://in4health.ru/chem-lechit-kashel.html