What can a nursing mother do for a runny nose?

Treatment of a runny nose during breastfeeding, nasal drops for a nursing mother

During the period of maximum defenselessness of a woman’s body, that is, in the first year after childbirth, rhinitis and other phenomena of a viral, allergic or bacterial nature are a ubiquitous event that requires separate consideration.

Table of contents:

At the same time, a lot of questions arise: which nasal drops are allowed during breastfeeding and which are not?

How to choose an adequate treatment that does not contradict normal lactation? Are medications taken by the mother for a runny nose safe for a newborn? And, finally, how to treat a runny nose so as not to interrupt the baby’s natural feeding?

Breastfeeding and mother’s runny nose – is it compatible?

Despite the apparent danger of acquiring viral infection pathogens through milk, real circumstances reveal events of the opposite plan. The milk nutritional mass that the child consumes during the mother’s illness produces important antibodies that are responsible for the body’s immune response against the virus. These antibodies serve a dual purpose - they increase the resistance of the mother’s body and are laid down in the form of immune memory in the baby.

In other words, a runny nose in a nursing mother is not a reason to transfer the baby to artificial feeding unless a number of the following negative conditions are present:

  • the disease, expressed by rhinitis, does not receive treatment, and therefore progresses;
  • antibiotics or other drugs were prescribed with a note in the annotation about the inadmissibility of using the drug for hepatitis B;
  • a runny nose is classified as an accompaniment of a disease incompatible with the continuation of natural feeding.

If a normal runny nose is not accompanied by other alarming symptoms (except for a rise in temperature, which is considered normal), then feeding must continue on the same schedule, which is very important to observe for the prevention of lactostasis. General measures to protect a baby from infection do not differ from the rules for preventing any respiratory diseases in contact with a sick person. This:

  • frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • an individual, well-ventilated room where the child will be most of the time;
  • daily wet cleaning;
  • hardening of the baby, according to the pediatrician’s recommendations.

Since the mother will have to treat a cold with constant contact with the child, she must wear disposable medical masks for the entire time that the newborn is nearby. According to the instructions, the mask is changed at least three times a day.

The first measures are rinsing

When the unpleasant symptom is only a few hours old and the nasal discharge has not yet turned into congestion, treatment of a runny nose during breastfeeding may be limited to one-day rinsing therapy. To get the optimal medicine, you don’t even have to go to the pharmacy - all you need is a quarter of a teaspoon of table salt in a glass of warm water, a disposable syringe (10-20 cubes) or a small syringe. If you don’t trust home remedies, buy an analogue of this solution prepared by pharmacists - it is sodium chloride at a concentration of 0.9%.

The liquid is collected into a rinsing device and injected into each nostril one by one over the sink. The washing technique is simple:

  • bending over a sink or basin, turn the head so that the nostrils are almost in a vertical line;
  • the tip of a syringe (without a needle) or a syringe with the liquid already drawn is inserted into the nostril and by gently pressing the piston (bulb), the solution is injected.

In total, you need to do from 4 to 6 washes per day. Each injection of the composition into the nasal canal should be accompanied by gargling with the same solution - this must be done even if the snot is not profuse.

You can use other solutions for washing, preparing them yourself:

  • dissolve 2 tablets of furatsilin in 200 ml of hot water;
  • For 200 ml of warm water, take 1 teaspoon (without top) of salt and soda, stir and finally drop 2-3 drops of iodine from a pipette.

In order to cure a runny nose in a nursing mother, you can combine safe ready-made solutions that are used in combination with sodium chloride 0.9%. This is Metrogil, Miramistin. They must be diluted with sodium chloride in equal proportions.

Traditional therapy recipes

When using home remedies, it is important to understand that it is necessary to treat a runny nose in a nursing mother only in combination with drugs that eliminate the very cause of rhinitis by acting on the virus, while the use of drops is considered part of symptomatic therapy. It is not possible to influence a virus or allergen using traditional methods, so it is good if a woman chooses natural nasal drops during lactation:

  • three-year-old aloe or Kalanchoe juice, squeezed from whole, intact leaves, is diluted with boiled cooled water 1:1 or 1:2 and this solution is instilled, 2 drops into each nostril 3 times a day;
  • 1 tbsp. A spoonful of dry chamomile inflorescences is scalded with 200 ml of boiling water and left under the lid for 40 minutes. Use the cooled and strained decoction, 3 drops 4-5 times a day.

Since the nasal sinuses are almost always obstructed during a runny nose due to mucus accumulated there, instillations are carried out after thoroughly rinsing the nose with saline.

What remedies for the common cold are acceptable during lactation?

It is enough to ignore a cold for two or three days, expressed by the primary symptom - a runny nose, and the disease passes into the next stage. The mucus coming out of the nasal canal changes its consistency to a denser one, breathing becomes difficult, and general nasal congestion leads to coughing. In this situation, you have to turn to pharmaceutical agents with vasoconstrictor, antimicrobial and moisturizing effects. If a woman is treating a runny nose during lactation without seeking medical help, then it is important to carefully read the annotation of each medicine offered at the pharmacy.

Some products are considered safe for nursing mothers, but contain a large range of medicinal herbs that can trigger allergies (for example, Pinosol).

So how to treat a runny nose while breastfeeding?


The classification of Russian nasal drops with vasoconstrictor properties, approved for use in nursing women, differs significantly from that accepted by international standards. Thus, in the table of our approved drugs “Naphthyzin” is listed, and international experts are wary of it, as they are of other drugs created on the basis of naphazoline.

Medicines for the treatment of runny nose during breastfeeding should contribute to the rapid restoration of a woman’s normal well-being with minimal possibility of developing side effects. The following active elements included in nasal preparations answer these requests:

  • Phenylephrine - included in Nazol and Vibrocil drops. Products with this substance as the main element are allowed even for the smallest children;
  • Oxymetazoline is responsible for the action of Nazivin and Rinazoline. It is not recommended for use only in cases of diagnosed heart and vascular defects in mother and baby. It is allowed to treat rhinitis with oxymetazoline drops without interruption from feeding for 1 to 3 days;
  • Fluticasone is the drugs “Nazarel”, “Flixonase”, characterized by minimal absorption into breast milk. This remedy is effective for allergic and cold rhinitis.

Despite the positive reviews from doctors about the action and safety of each of these drugs for a nursing woman and her child, it is better to use pharmaceutical products for rinsing the nasal sinuses and subsequent instillation immediately after putting the baby to the breast. Thus, by the time of the next feeding, the concentration of the active substance of the drug in milk will decrease to a minimum threshold.


Strong allergens are often found in the compositions of antimicrobial agents, so the use of such effective, but multicomponent natural preparations should be treated with caution. The most optimal herbal remedy for mothers who are not allergic to medicinal herbs is Pinosol.

Another option for antimicrobial treatment of a runny nose can be essential oils added to hot water for inhalation. The following oils have the properties of stopping the activity of microbes, as well as thinning and removing mucus from the nasal passages:

There is no need to get carried away with hot inhalations, as this dilates blood vessels and can lead to unpleasant consequences. Two procedures per day, 8 hours apart, are considered sufficient.


Products for moisturizing the mucous membrane are usually available in the form of sprays that evenly irrigate the inner surface of the nose. Among these are “Nasol”, “Aquamaris”, created on the basis of water with sea minerals. Before treating a nursing mother's runny nose with any of the nasal moisturizing preparations, only one condition must be met - make sure that the runny nose is not allergic in nature. Otherwise, you can only get temporary relief, but not a way to combat the symptom.

We should not forget that a nursing mother needs not only to fight the signs of an incipient disease, but also to constantly stimulate the immune defense. Drops will relieve swelling and help stop the flow from the nose, but rare exposure to air, poor nutrition and poor sleep will repeatedly return the need for more and more recourse to medications.

During this period, I washed my nose with a regular saline solution; now sprays are sold that have a very gentle effect on the mucous membrane, they do not cause swelling or an allergic reaction.

Source: http://grudnichky.ru/lechenie/nasmork-pri-grudnom-vskarmlivanii-lechenie.html

How to treat a runny nose while breastfeeding a nursing mother: what nasal drops are possible during lactation

Many women wonder: how to treat a runny nose while breastfeeding? After childbirth, you need to be careful when using medications. Many of them are prohibited during breastfeeding. In this article we will talk about what drugs can be used for breastfeeding and what folk remedies will help cure snot and nasal congestion in a nursing mother.

After the appearance of a runny nose, other symptoms of ARVI usually appear. And sometimes normal nasal congestion may occur. But there are times when a runny nose is accompanied by fever, chills, and sore throat.

If a nursing mother’s runny nose is mild and uncomplicated, then she does not need to see a doctor. In such cases, you can use an already proven medicine or resort to traditional medicine. If the condition does not improve within two to three days, then it is better to visit a doctor who will prescribe effective treatment for a runny nose.

Special symptoms

ARVI or acute respiratory infections are caused by various viruses that “love” to invade different parts of the body. Rhinoviruses “settle” on the mucous membrane of the sinuses. This causes swelling, itching and nasal congestion.

Rhinitis is the body's natural defense. Mucus forms in the nose, which helps fight viruses by eliminating them from the nose. Drops for a runny nose do not provide treatment for rhinitis. They help relieve congestion and reduce the amount of snot. You can completely get rid of these symptoms only after complete recovery.

  1. liquid discharge in large quantities. They indicate that the sinuses are infected with a virus. Most often, frequent sneezing, red eyes and tearing appear first;
  2. thick mucus. Such discharge appears approximately on the third day after the onset of the disease. The snot becomes thick with a white or yellowish tint. This means that the immune system "works" in the nasal mucosa.

You can often hear that a runny nose lasts for a week, regardless of whether it is treated or not. In essence, this is how it is. During this time, the body fights the infection. But if a nursing mother’s runny nose does not go away after a week, then you need to consult a specialist.

Treatment of rhinitis while breastfeeding

A runny nose during lactation cannot be considered as a separate symptom; treatment must be carried out comprehensively, using medications for acute viral infections.

When treating a runny nose, you need to adhere to the following therapeutic actions:

  • Bed rest will help you cope with the disease faster and avoid complications;
  • humid air with a temperature not higher than 22 degrees. During the period of illness, you need to ventilate the room more often and moisten it. The nasal mucosa should not be allowed to dry out and crusts form;
  • Drinking plenty of fluids will help remove toxins from the body that viruses feed on. A nursing mother can drink both plain water and warm tea, compote, milk;
  • If it is necessary to use antipyretic drugs, you must be careful about their use. It is advisable not to lower the temperature below 38.5 degrees. With this indicator, the body itself fights the infection by forming antibodies. But if necessary, a nursing mother can take paracetamol or ibuprofen, which will not only reduce the high temperature, but also relieve pain.

There is no need to stop lactation during a runny nose or flu: breast milk will contain antibodies that will be passed on to the baby.

Medicines for rhinitis with hepatitis B

The use of certain medications to treat a runny nose should be according to indications. To relieve nasal congestion, you can use vasoconstrictors. If you have difficulty breathing, it is not necessary to take them.

Drops that have antimicrobial, moisturizing and vasoconstricting effects will help cure a runny nose.

How to treat a runny nose for a nursing mother

Doctors often prescribe drops for a runny nose to women after childbirth, such as:

Vasoconstrictor drugs help a young mother during pregnancy to cope with nasal swelling. They will also help free your breathing, improve sleep and overall well-being.

It is also noted that Naphthyzin can reduce the production of breast milk. Therefore, if it is possible for a woman to breastfeed, it is better to treat a runny nose with other, less dangerous drugs. It can be:


Plant-based medicines will help cope with harmful microbes and reduce inflammation. Pinosol drops will help a nursing mother cope with rhinitis after childbirth. They are allowed during breastfeeding, but there is a risk of an allergic reaction.

It is not recommended to use folk remedies for the treatment of a runny nose using essential oils of tea tree, anise or cumin if you are allergic to them. If there is no negative reaction, then you can use them for inhalation.

It is better not to use inhalations using onions and garlic. They can lead to dry nasal mucosa. This reduces the productivity of mucus, which means it slows down recovery.


Saline solutions will help moisten your sinuses. Products made from sea water are often used to moisturize the nose and thin out sticky mucus. So, when breastfeeding, Salin, Nosol, Aqualor or Aquamaris can help.

You can make your own saline solution at home. You need to add a teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water. The drops need to be dripped carefully so that otitis media does not develop.

Folk remedies

The main remedy that will help cure a runny nose for a nursing mother is inhalation. It uses eucalyptus oil, pine buds, and oregano. You can also put three drops of menthol oil into your nose. Some mothers use beet juice, instilling 2-3 drops of it twice a day. A bag of heated salt placed on the bridge of the nose will help relieve nasal swelling.

Regular onions are also used as a folk remedy for the common cold. It is cut into small cubes and infused in vegetable oil. The resulting infusion is smeared on the nasal sinuses.

Prevention of rhinitis

To avoid a runny nose, a nursing mother can follow these recommendations:

  1. Hypothermia must be avoided. It can provoke weakening of the immune system and the development of infections.
  2. It is advisable to avoid contact with a person who is sneezing or coughing. When you sneeze or cough, viruses can spread several meters. A sick person can simultaneously infect more than 20 people who are close to him. When communicating, it is better to cover your nose and mouth with a scarf or turn away to the side.
  3. You should avoid traveling on public transport during an epidemic of influenza and ARVI.
  4. It is necessary to strengthen the immune system, since high immunity can prevent the onset of the disease or cope with it in a shorter period of time.
  5. When caring for a sick person, a nursing mother should wear a gauze bandage, frequently ventilate the room, and humidify the air. You can also apply oxolinic ointment under the nose every 4 hours.

All these simple tips will help a young mother avoid illness. Well, if a runny nose does appear, then it is better to consult a doctor who will prescribe the correct and effective treatment for this ailment.

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Treatment of colds during breastfeeding

Breastfeeding mothers are especially susceptible to colds

No one is immune from colds and, unfortunately, nursing mothers included. Along with feeling unwell, weakness, headache, and fever, she begins to be overcome by painful doubts and thoughts: should she or should she not breastfeed her baby? How to feed correctly so that the child does not get infected? What is the likelihood of a baby becoming infected through mother's milk?

Detection and course of a cold in a nursing mother

A person catches a cold through the upper respiratory tract. A nursing mother is especially susceptible to acute respiratory infections, since her respiratory organs work under constant load, because milk production requires a lot of oxygen.

From the entry of the virus into the body to the development of the disease, it takes approximately one to three days. Therefore, even before the visual detection of a cold, the child has already received along with the milk the causative agent of the disease, antibodies to it, special enzymes of this pathogen for the production of its antibodies, as well as complete immune protection against possible complications. By the time the disease is detected in the mother, the child is either already sick or actively immunized.

Signs of a cold in a nursing mother:

  • Weakness
  • Fever
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Sore throat
  • Sneezing, coughing
  • Sometimes fullness or tinnitus

Breast milk helps immunize the baby

Usually a cold lasts no more than 10 days. But it cannot be neglected, since there is a possibility of complications and exacerbations of chronic diseases.

Just two decades ago, treatment for colds while breastfeeding prescribed immediate isolation of the mother from the baby and interruption (read: actually complete cessation) of breastfeeding. Fortunately, the WHO Bulletin “Feeding of children in the first year of life: physiological basis”, published in 1989, refuted this prevailing stereotype.

Rules of conduct during colds while breastfeeding

Currently, doctors recommend adhering to the following rules when detecting a cold in a nursing mother:

  • Do not try to wean either a healthy or already sick child. This will instantly affect the decrease in his immunity. And the disease will become severe and will linger much longer
  • Feed naturally, no need to pump
  • Breast milk does not need to be boiled at all. This will deprive it of many nutritional and, in this case, medicinal properties.
  • He will receive all the medicines the baby needs during his mother’s illness through her milk.

This is important to know! As a rule, infection of a baby with microorganisms transmitted to him with milk from a sick mother plays a big role in the formation of his immunity. Each next time the child will cope with the illness much easier or not get sick at all.

Treatments for colds while breastfeeding

Treatment of colds while breastfeeding has one main principle: safety for the baby. There are two treatment options: with the help of medicines and folk recipes.

Medicines for the treatment of colds in a nursing mother

If a nursing mother has a high temperature, which she does not tolerate well, then the elevated degrees need to be reduced. Doctors consider Paracetamol to be the safest medicine. If you don’t find anything like this in your home medicine cabinet, then you are allowed to take any suitable remedy once.

Don't stop breastfeeding if you have a cold!

To treat a runny nose, cough and sore throat, take symptomatic remedies, the action of which is aimed at reducing intoxication and activating the body's defenses. Do not forget to drink as much as possible during treatment. This will prevent the mucous membranes of the nose and throat from drying out and promote the thinning of mucus and sweating.

  • An expectorant such as Ambroxol (aka Lazolvan) will help reduce coughing.
  • Herbal preparations based on anise, licorice root, plantain, thyme, etc. are also very effective. For example, Bronchicum, Breast Elixir, Hedelix, Doctor IOM
  • Medicines that contain bromhexine are absolutely contraindicated for nursing mothers.
  • Breathing will be made easier by Naphazolin (aka Naphthyzin), Oxymetazoline (Nazivin), Tetrizolin (Tizin). Each of them can be used for no more than 3-5 days!
  • Pinosol oil drops will have an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. They contain substances of plant origin
  • Sprays Aquamaris and Solin, made from sea water, will moisturize the nasal mucosa, thin the mucus and improve its discharge during a runny nose.
  • A sore throat can be treated with topical antimicrobial agents such as Hexoral, Iodinol, and Chlorhexidine.
  • You can lubricate the mucous membrane of the pharynx with Lugol's solution

Antiviral drugs will help get rid of viral infections. For example, Grippferon. It is compatible with lactation and has no side effects.

  • take medications thoughtlessly
  • exceed the recommended dose

When choosing chemicals, carefully read the instructions for each of them. It must indicate whether it is allowed or prohibited to take them during lactation.

It would also be a good idea to consult with your doctor.

Folk remedies for treating colds in a nursing mother

Many mothers are afraid to take medications, even if they are allowed, and try to use exclusively traditional methods during treatment. Some of them are as effective as industrial products.

Here are the most popular:

  • If you suspect a cold, heat 0.5 liters of milk, add 1 fresh chicken egg, 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. butter. Mix everything thoroughly. Have a drink at night
  • Mix 5 drops of iodine in half a glass of boiled water. Take this mixture. Then chew the garlic clove
  • Pour mustard powder into your socks
  • Bake onions in the oven and eat them without restriction until the cold is over
  • Cut the black radish into small slices, sprinkle with sugar and bake in the oven for 2 hours. Strain. Drink 1 tbsp. up to 5 times a day and always before bedtime
  • Before going to bed, take a mixture of finely chopped garlic and honey (1:1 ratio). Drink with clean warm water
  • Do garlic-honey inhalation for 15 minutes. After it, it is advisable to go to bed and drink tea with raspberries and honey.
  • Breathe over the steam of boiled potatoes in their jackets. Don't forget to wrap yourself up thoroughly
  • Breathe over brewed birch or eucalyptus leaves
  • Make an inhalation based on an infusion of chamomile flowers (15 g), calendula (10 g) and a glass of boiling water
  • Gargle several times a day with thyme infusion (1 tablespoon herb per glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour)
  • Once an hour you can gargle with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water (1 tbsp per glass)
  • Heat 0.5 cups of vegetable oil in a water bath, add 4 finely chopped cloves of garlic and 1 onion. Let the mixture sit for the next 2 hours, then strain and apply to your nose. This method is also effective as a prevention against colds.
  • Drink tea made from linden, raspberry and other plants. Sweeten with honey. Add lemon

A cold while breastfeeding is an extremely unpleasant episode. However, it will certainly pass without consequences if you start treatment on time and do not stop breastfeeding your baby without very serious reasons.

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Runny nose in a nursing mother: treatment at home

When a woman is breastfeeding, the last thing she wants is to get sick, because the baby requires constant attention and care. In the case when the mother’s condition leaves much to be desired: a sore throat, a cough, a fever and snot flowing, it is difficult to care for the baby and the woman herself needs support from loved ones. In addition, there is a risk of infecting the baby. If a woman has caught a cold, she needs to know how to treat a runny nose safely for the health of the baby.

Features of treating a runny nose in a nursing mother

Runny nose during lactation is of a different nature and is associated with the etiology of the disease. You can determine how to cure an insidious symptom by determining the cause of the disease. Common types of runny nose include:

  • allergic – occurs due to exposure to an external irritant (pollen, wool, fluff), characterized by long-lasting watery discharge in combination with redness of the eyes and severe itching;
  • infectious - this type is characterized by congestion, headache and elevated body temperature, and the secreted mucus has a green or dark yellow tint;
  • vasomotor - the vessels of the mucous tissue react to odors, infections, stress, hormonal changes, which is manifested by congestion, weakness, and lack of appetite;
  • viral - it is a symptom of a more serious disease of viral origin, for example, influenza, manifested by dry nose, burning, sneezing, swelling of the mucous membrane.

Dr. Komarovsky insists that if you have a runny nose, you should not quit breastfeeding. Mother's milk contains immunoglobulins, thanks to which the baby's likelihood of contracting an infectious disease is reduced. At the same time, it is still necessary to take precautions to avoid infecting the child during this period. A woman should be more careful about hygiene, wash her hands more often, and wear a mask when feeding. The room should be cool and humid.

Treatment at home and folk remedies

Not every woman is in a hurry to seek medical help in case of nasal discharge. However, getting rid of the symptom can be quite difficult. However, the effectiveness of inhalations and warming cannot be denied. At the same time, it is necessary to use herbs during lactation with extreme caution, because many of them can also harm the baby, cause allergic reactions, and affect lactation processes.

To alleviate the condition of a young mother, it is important to choose the right remedy for a runny nose. At home you can use:

  • Cold drops. It is necessary to bury the nose in order to relieve swelling and make it easier for a woman to breathe. Be sure to use the products at night so that the body can fully rest and gain strength. What you can drip into your nose for rhinitis at home is of interest to many women. For instillation, you can use Kalanchoe juice, chamomile decoction or regular salt solution. You can make oil drops that are safe for breastfeeding. The basis is taken from extracts of eucalyptus, mint and tea tree.
  • Inhalations. During rhinitis, it is important to keep the nasal mucosa moist. Inhalations are perfect for this. It's good if you have a special inhaler at home. If you don’t have a device, you can simply breathe in the steam. A decoction of herbs (thyme, coltsfoot, string) is perfect for inhalation.
  • Warming up. For home treatment, a procedure using a blue light lamp is effective; a bag of warm salt or a hot boiled egg is also a simple solution.

To cleanse the passages and sinuses of the nose, you can organize a rinse at home. To do this, make a saline solution: for 1 liter of warm water, 1 teaspoon of table salt. Homemade saline solution helps drain mucus. To rinse your nose, you need to turn your head to the side, pour the solution into one nostril using a syringe, and the liquid should flow out through the second. First, turn the head to the right, then change position.

Pharmacological drugs

If mommy is worried about a strong and prolonged runny nose, it is important to seek qualified help. Only an experienced doctor prescribes pharmaceuticals that will help quickly relieve symptoms without harming the baby. Pharmacies offer a wide range of products. In this case, the following medications are most often recommended:

  • Vasoconstrictor drops. They restore freedom of breathing and alleviate the condition. Presented in the form of drops and sprays. The drug “Nazol” is recognized as the safest; “Nazivin” is also approved. You can use this group of medications for a course of no more than 4–5 days. 2-3 drops are administered intranasally 3 times a day.
  • Local antiseptics. Drugs with a broad spectrum of action include Miramistin. Used in the treatment of chronic forms and exacerbations of rhinitis, sinusitis and sinusitis. It is absorbed into tissues through the mucous membrane, but does not enter the blood or milk.
  • Hormonal drops and spray. Used for intranasal use for allergic rhinitis, chronic and acute sinusitis, and polyposis. Approved drugs for nursing include Fluticasone and Nasonex. Apply the products 20–30 minutes after feeding. In infants, adrenal hypofunction is monitored.
  • Antiviral. They help relieve symptoms if the disease is caused by a viral infection. Laferobion and Grippferon, developed on the basis of interferon, are recognized as effective means. Treatment lasts 3–5 days.
  • Antiseptics. The drug “Protargol” has been popular for decades. It is created on the basis of colloidal silver oxide. The medicine is prepared in pharmacies, since the shelf life does not exceed 30 days.
  • Emollient. The drug based on mint and eucalyptus extracts "Pinosol" is safe for babies, but is characterized as a highly allergenic composition.
  • Wash solutions. You don’t have to prepare an isotonic solution yourself, but buy it ready-made at a pharmacy. Aquamaris, Humer, and Salin are recognized as safe and effective.

If the discharge is caused by an allergy, it is important to eliminate the allergen, since many antihistamines are contraindicated during breastfeeding. Approved products include Cetrin and Letizen. It is believed that the components of these medications practically do not cause drowsiness in infants.

It is worth noting that rare cases of infectious diseases require complete cessation of breastfeeding. Usually, lactation is successfully combined with the treatment of a runny nose of various etiologies, so a young mother should not urgently wean her baby from the breast or not take action for a speedy recovery.

All materials on the site are for informational purposes only and cannot be used for self-medication!

Source: http://laktacia.ru/krasota-i-zdorove-v-period-laktacii/lechenie-kormyashchej-mamy/nasmork-u-kormyashhej-mamy.html

What can nursing mothers take for a cold?

The birth of a child changes a woman’s life and her usual way of life. Pregnancy and childbirth require her to exert extreme physical and mental strength. The whole first year is no less difficult for a young mother, especially if she chose natural feeding - physical fatigue is superimposed on the constant worry about his well-being.

The female body, despite the joys of motherhood, experiences stress and is susceptible to infections, so colds in nursing mothers are not uncommon.

How to treat if you have a sore throat, headache, or nasal congestion, because now the mother’s health directly affects the well-being of the newborn?

Most of the drugs that helped cope with the ailment before have a contraindication in the instructions for use - lactation period. It is extremely difficult for a mother to choose on her own how to treat a cold while breastfeeding.

Where to begin

If symptoms of the disease appear, you should consult a therapist and get advice on how to treat a cold for a nursing mother without harming the baby. The attending physician will determine the nature of the infection based on a blood test. If poor health is the result of a viral infection, then he will recommend gentle ways to relieve symptoms, but if the malaise is caused by a bacterial infection, then a course of antibiotics will be required for recovery.

Doctors who are not sure of the safety of tablets or mixtures, when prescribing them to mothers, advise not to breastfeed during the illness. This caution is due to the lack of research and clinical experience with the use of drugs sold over the counter during lactation. And since any substances taken by the mother penetrate into the milk, their caution is fully justified.

Should I continue breastfeeding during illness?

There is no point in giving up breastfeeding when a painful condition appears, since any virus remains in the mother’s body for 1 to 3 days before manifesting itself as fever and runny nose. During this period, the newborn manages to receive from the mother a microdose of the pathogen, as during vaccination, as well as a dose of enzymes to form antibodies that fight infection.

Moreover, you should not interrupt feeding if the baby is sick. If the newborn stops receiving from the mother the antibodies necessary to fight the viral infection, the disease will be acute and recovery will take longer.

Feeding will still have to be stopped for a while if, during illness, the mother’s temperature rises above 38 degrees. In this case, artificial formula will help, and after the temperature drops, you can breastfeed the baby again.

How to protect your baby and get better

If you have a cold, before you immediately swallow a pill out of habit, think about the possibility of achieving results in other ways: take inhalations, warm your feet, drink more fluids.

Let your doctor know that you are a nursing mother and do not want to give up breastfeeding, then the doctor will be able to select medications for you that are quickly eliminated from the body.

Drugs taken 3-4 times a day are eliminated from the body faster than drugs with a long-term effect, which require a single dose per day, and they are considered less dangerous for treatment in lactating women.

Find out from your doctor when the active substance has a high concentration in the blood; this usually happens 1-2 hours after taking it and practically disappears after 6 hours.

It is possible to reduce the negative impact of the medicine on the baby if several conditions are met:

  • before starting the course, express and store the milk for several feedings;
  • give the baby the breast, and after he eats, immediately take a pill or mixture;
  • take the drug at night during the baby’s longest period of sleep;
  • if the child becomes hungry when 6 hours have not passed since taking the medicine, give him expressed milk;
  • Be sure to express the milk to avoid stagnation and traces of chemical compounds that may remain in it.

The attending physician, depending on the disease, will help develop the optimal treatment regimen and combine it with the baby’s feeding schedule.

Safe medications

1. Grippferon is prescribed for the treatment of ARVI and influenza, including during lactation. Drops are administered through the nose and act on viruses at the site of their reproduction, so its concentration in the blood is minimal. Within a couple of hours after administering the drops, the main symptoms of a cold are relieved: breathing becomes easier, the temperature drops, the headache subsides, and the sore throat decreases. Just two days after the start of treatment, as research has established, the sick person is not a source of infection, which is especially important when there is close contact between the mother and the baby. Grippferon drops are used for 5 days.

2.Acetaminophen, which is better known as paracetamol, can be taken by nursing mothers to reduce fever and relieve headaches. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it is used for feverish conditions accompanying inflammation and infectious diseases.

Paracetamol begins to act in thirty minutes, after four hours there are no traces of it left in the blood. Only 0.1-0.2% of the dose passed into breast milk.

To reduce temperature without consulting a therapist, take it for no more than 3 days, and to relieve pain - no more than five.

3.Lazolvan (ambroxol) is taken for severe coughing attacks. Long-term clinical experience and preclinical trials have not revealed a negative effect of taking lazolvan in therapeutic doses on infants during breastfeeding.

The therapeutic effect develops within half an hour and lasts from 6 to 12 hours.

Mucolytic preparations of plant origin such as marshmallow syrup and licorice root have no contraindications for use during lactation, but the instructions note that they should be used with caution.

It is better to take any antitussives immediately after the child has eaten, so that the active substances have time to disappear before the next feeding.

4. Aquamaris will help ease breathing with nasal congestion. This drug is sea water enriched with natural microelements. The product is available in the form of drops and spray. You can use it for 2 weeks, injecting 2-3 drops into each nostril 4-8 times a day. It has no restrictions on use, with the exception of allergies to components.

When starting treatment, you need to monitor the baby’s well-being. At the first sign of an allergic reaction, anxiety, or any distress in the baby, you should stop taking it and look for an alternative treatment.

Breastfeeding lays the foundation for the health of a little person and forms his immunity, therefore, the reasonable and justified use of medications by the mother in the first year of life becomes especially important.

Source: http://prostudych.ru/prostuda/chem-lechit-pri-grudnom-vskarmlivanii-kormyashhej-mame.html

How can a nursing mother treat a runny nose: vasoconstrictors and drops during breastfeeding

A runny nose is a harbinger of rhinitis or acute respiratory disease. The development of the disease leads to the appearance of new symptoms: cough, fever, sore throat. Mild forms of rhinitis can be easily cured at home. Complicated illness requires medical supervision. It is especially important to visit a doctor when breastfeeding if the fever and runny nose persist for several days.

Manifestations of a runny nose

ARI is a general name for colds caused by various viruses. The attack of each type of virus is localized, affecting certain areas. A runny nose occurs due to the activation of rhinoviruses that attack the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses. The negative impact of rhinoviruses provokes the appearance of discharge and swelling of the mucous membrane. The course of a runny nose is expressed in two phases:

  1. First phase. The discharge is abundant and liquid, indicating initial damage to the mucous membrane. Constant or intermittent sneezing, watery eyes, and bloodshot eyes.
  2. Second phase. The discharge is thick and mucous in consistency. They appear on the 3rd day of the disease. The mucus flowing from the nose becomes white with a yellow or beige tint. This nature of the discharge is explained by the action of immune forces in the nasal mucosa.

How to protect a baby from a mother's runny nose?

An infectious runny nose in a nursing mother can spread to the baby if measures are not taken to protect the baby from the mother’s illness. To avoid infecting the baby, a nursing woman must follow the following rules:

  • start feeding only wearing a protective mask;
  • maintain indoor humidity around 65-75%;
  • regularly ventilate and monitor the room temperature so that it is within degrees;
  • Frequently change the clothes in which the mother feeds the baby.

A regular medical mask will help protect your baby from bacteria when feeding.

How to properly treat a runny nose?

Having found out that a runny nose is not a separate disease, but serves as one of the signs of acute respiratory infections, it is natural to assume that its treatment is carried out comprehensively. Let's consider the main components of therapy:

  • Bed rest. Aimed at easing the course of the disease and shortening its duration. It is necessary to maintain it for 2-3 days to prevent the disease from worsening.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Increase the amount of liquid consumed: tea, compote, still water. Drinks will help remove toxins formed during the active activity of viruses and improve the general condition of a nursing mother.
  • Humid and fresh air. When staying indoors for a long time, try to maintain normal humidity and regularly ventilate the rooms. The humidity level cannot be lowered below 60%, otherwise the nasal mucous membranes will experience discomfort from drying out, and the mucus will become more difficult to separate, interfering with the functioning of the immune defense. For the heating season, use a household humidifier.
  • Maintain the air temperature in the house around +22 degrees.
  • Decreased body temperature. A cold during lactation often causes a rise in temperature. There is no need to rush to take antipyretics if the thermometer shows less than 38.5. It is irrational to knock down a slight increase, since this is an indicator of your body’s fight against infection. The immune system produces antibodies that kill viruses. Temperatures above 38.5 degrees will be relieved by paracetamol or ibuprofen. Both drugs have an analgesic effect, relieve headaches and colds. In addition, ibuprofen also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

What drugs are approved for use?

The use of anti-runny nose remedies when you breastfeed is carried out symptomatically - resort to medications based on how you feel. Let's find out how to treat a runny nose for a nursing mother. Vasoconstrictor medications will help relieve nasal congestion. If you can breathe freely, you should not pierce your nose. Let us turn to the opinion of gynecologist Svetlana Vavilonskaya. A leading specialist from the department of Moscow State Medical University says that a short period of time is typical for acute respiratory infections. Against a runny nose, you can use drops with antimicrobial, vasoconstrictor and moisturizing effects. Let's see what pharmacies offer us.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

Vasoconstrictor drugs are produced on the basis of various active substances. The following drugs are approved for use by the Russian healthcare system for breastfeeding women: “Tizin”, “Naftizin”, “Nazivin” and “Galazolin”. The action of the medications is aimed at relieving swelling of the mucous membrane and facilitating breathing. The practical use of drugs has identified some of them as undesirable for use during breastfeeding. Thus, “Naftizin” was assigned the second level of danger. Despite the fact that the active substance naphazoline has not been studied for its effect on lactation, doctors do not advise abusing it.

It is noted that doctors have received data on the side effects of the drug that occur in infants. Despite the low level of secretion of the drug in breast milk, Naphthyzin can cause vascular tone, cardiac arrhythmia, and irritability in infants. Long-term use of the medicine by the mother causes a decrease in lactation.

Active substances and their characteristics

  • “Nasivin”, “Knoxray”, “Nazol”. The working substance is oxymetazoline. The E-LACTANCIA directory classifies the drops as level 1 hazard, indicating a low risk of side effects for mother and baby. They are secreted mildly into breast milk, but can cause cardiac arrhythmia and hypertension. A strict dosage and administration for no more than 3 days is recommended.
  • "Nazol" is a combination drug with phenylephrine. Acts against swelling. Used in pediatric therapy up to 1 year. It has minimal bioavailability, which eliminates side effects when applied topically. Studies of the working substance conducted in 2014 confirmed the safety of phenylephrine in small doses.
  • “Azelastine”, “Allergodil” - both drugs contain the active substance azelastine. They belong to antihistamines, the level of secretion into breast milk is minimal. E-LACTANCIA classifies them as drugs with local action and low risk. Recommended for the treatment of allergic and infectious rhinitis. Eliminates severe congestion and excessive nasal discharge. Formulations based on cetirizine and loratadine are also indicated for breastfeeding.
  • “Fluticasone”, “Nazarel”, “Flixonase”, “Nasonex”, Mometasone – a line of new generation glucocorticosteroid drugs. Compatibility with milk feeding has been proven by international studies and confirmed by the E-LACTANCIA reference book. They have a pronounced effect against swelling and inflammation. The level of absorption is minimal. Take immediately after feeding to reduce the concentration of active elements in milk to micro levels.


Plant-based antimicrobial agents are suitable for a nursing mother. For example, you can take Pinosol drops. The drug is approved for breastfeeding with the caveat of possible individual reactions associated with an allergy to the composition of the drug. Read carefully what is included in the drug. If you have previously noticed allergic reactions to any herbal component (pine, mint, eucalyptus oils), avoid purchasing it.

A nursing woman should not treat a runny nose and acute respiratory infections with folk remedies, which involve the use of essential oils of cumin, anise, and tea tree. Inhalations with such components also aggravate allergies. If you are sure that you are not allergic to these substances, use oils for home inhalation. Prepare the composition at the rate of 2-3 drops of the product per pan of hot water. The vapor inhalation procedure lasts about 10 minutes.

Having a powerful effect on the nasal mucosa, they dry it out greatly, and you can even get a burn. The patency of the nasopharynx worsens, the productivity of the mucous membrane is impaired, and the body is poorly resistant to infection.


The need for moisturizing formulations for rhinitis is associated with irritation of the nasal mucosa, which must be eliminated in order to reduce the severity of the disease. Moisturizing preparations are made from ordinary saline solutions or from sea water. Once on the mucous membrane, they moisturize it, increasing protection against viruses. Mothers breastfeeding can take “Salin”, “Nosol”, “Aquamaris” for washing. The drugs are capable of thinning viscous mucus, providing rapid clearance of the nasal passage and making breathing easier.

We can advise adherents of home methods to prepare saline solutions themselves. Pour warm water into a glass, dissolve a teaspoon of salt in it, drop it in with a pipette or pour the prepared product into a spray bottle. You cannot syringe your nose. A jet entering the nasopharynx under high pressure can flow into the ear canal and enter the middle ear. Irritation of the middle ear will lead to otitis, then a more severe disease will be added to the acute respiratory infection.

If the runny nose cannot be cured, the snot continues to flow, the condition does not improve, go to the doctor. Rhinitis that lasts after treatment indicates a bacterial infection in the sinuses. Contact your otolaryngologist immediately if your nasal discharge turns green or if you experience a headache. It is impossible to delay treatment of the disease, especially during lactation.

Attention! All information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is for informational purposes only. For all questions regarding the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, you must consult a doctor for an in-person consultation.

Source: http://vseprorebenka.ru/laktaciya/samochuvstvie-mamy/chem-lechit-nasmork-pri-grudnom-vskarmlivanii.html

How and what to treat a runny nose while breastfeeding

A runny nose occurs for various reasons. As a rule, this is a symptom of a cold or acute respiratory viral infection. However, the disease can appear due to allergies, infections, nasal trauma and dry indoor air. It is important to correctly recognize the cause and, if necessary, begin treatment.

To minimize the consequences and risk of infection for your baby, it is better to consult a doctor. He will prescribe the correct treatment and select medications. This will allow you to quickly get rid of the disease.

Runny nose and breastfeeding

A runny nose while breastfeeding is normal, and there is no need to stop breastfeeding at this time! But if a nursing mother has a cold or bacterial infection, there is a risk of infecting the baby. To avoid trouble, you must take the following precautions:

  • Wear a mask during feeding and prolonged contact with the baby;
  • Maintain a normal level of air humidity in the room, which is 65-75%;
  • Ventilate the room regularly;
  • Maintain the room temperature around zero degrees;
  • Change your clothes regularly.

It is necessary to stop breastfeeding only when a nursing mother needs to take antibiotics that are prohibited during lactation. Only a doctor can prescribe such drugs! Treatment with spray and drops is carried out immediately after breastfeeding. This will reduce the risk of drug contents passing into breast milk to a minimum.

Folk remedies for runny nose

Please note that home methods only clear the nasal passages and temporarily relieve congestion, but do not eliminate the cause of the runny nose. The most common methods of folk treatment include instillation of chamomile and aloe juice into the nose, as well as rinsing with water and salt.

Rinse the nose with salt water 4-6 times a day using a syringe or a small kettle. To prepare the solution, mix one teaspoon of salt with a liter of water. A nursing mother should use the syringe very carefully and not exceed the permissible volume of salt water, otherwise it will pass into breast milk.

Aloe juice is squeezed from one of the lower leaves of the plant and diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 5 (one part of juice is five parts of water). The product is instilled into the nose, 3-4 drops two to three times a day. The juice of these plants moisturizes the nasal passages and relieves swelling. But keep in mind that the solution only has a beneficial effect within 24 hours of receipt.

Chamomile infusion is prepared from one teaspoon of dried flowers, which is poured with a glass of boiling water and left under the lid for one hour. You need to instill 3-4 drops three to four times a day. By the way, in addition to chamomile, you can use coltsfoot, thyme and string.

Drug treatment for runny nose

Before treating a runny nose with pharmaceuticals, carefully study the instructions and composition of the drug, find out about the consequences and side effects, the effect on lactation and the effect during breastfeeding. Consult your physician before use. There are various sprays and nasal drops:

  • based on sea water;
  • with essential oils;
  • constricting blood vessels.

Vasoconstrictor drops are among the most popular due to their low cost. However, when breastfeeding, such drugs should be used with caution, as they can be addictive if used frequently or for a long time. And some drugs, like Navizin and Tizin, are contraindicated during lactation.

Plant-based drops with essential oils are thick and are great for eliminating a runny nose. However, some components can cause an allergic reaction in a nursing mother and baby.

Seawater drops are safe for breastfeeding. They rinse well and free the nose from mucus, wash the mucous membrane and resist viral infection.

If a runny nose is treated intensively and correctly, it goes away in 4-6 days. If the illness bothers you longer, consult a doctor!

Which drops to choose

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

If the cause of a runny nose is an allergy, you need to determine the cause of this reaction and eliminate the allergen. If you have allergies, you should not take medications or inhale herbal decoctions and essential oils. Such components can only enhance the reaction.

To treat allergic rhinitis, you must consult a doctor. Many anti-allergenic drugs are contraindicated for a nursing mother. Taking such well-known drugs as Tavegil and Suprastin is harmful to lactation and the infant.

Your doctor may recommend taking Nazaval or Nasonex drops. However, such drugs act temporarily and localize symptoms, but do not cure a runny nose. What should a nursing mother do if she has allergies? Read the link http://vskormi.ru/mama/suprastin-pri-grudnom-vskarmlivanii/.

Prevention of a runny nose

Prevention is always better than cure. Follow the recommendations and you will avoid a runny nose while breastfeeding:

  • Don't get too cold;
  • During outbreaks of infections, avoid public places, wear a protective mask;
  • Avoid contact with common allergens (dust, wool, flowers, etc.);
  • Maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity in the room;
  • Ventilate the premises regularly, but avoid drafts.

If a runny nose is a symptom of a cold, comprehensive treatment should be used. Do not rush to take antiviral drugs, try folk remedies first. However, do not forget here that some components of the decoctions cause allergies in infants. To find out what will help a nursing mother with viral diseases, read the article “How and with what to treat a cold while breastfeeding.”

Source: http://vskormi.ru/mama/nasmork-u-kormyaschei-mami-lechenie/