What to add to your inhaler for a runny nose

What inhalations can be done for a runny nose: recipes

A runny nose is a constant companion to a cold. Everyone is familiar with him. There are several ways to treat it: medication, folk remedies and inhalations.

Table of contents:

The latter procedures are more effectively carried out with a nebulizer. This ultrasonic device can quickly ease breathing with a runny nose, and then completely get rid of it, which is why inhalation with a nebulizer for a runny nose is so popular; recipes can be found in the article.

The benefits of the procedure for rhinitis

Inhalations with such a device help effectively and, most importantly, safely eliminate the symptoms of rhinitis without resorting to potent drugs. It can be effective at any stage of a runny nose, but it is still better to use it from the first days. He will be able to:

  • moisturize the nasal mucosa;
  • make nasal discharge less viscous and thereby reduce its discharge;
  • eliminate dryness and itching in the nasal passages;
  • soften crusts formed from dry air or sleep and help eliminate them;
  • ensure the directed effect of the drug on the entire surface of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages;
  • reduce swelling and inflammation of the inner lining of the nose.

The video explains how to breathe through a nebulizer when you have a runny nose:

Rules to follow when performing inhalations:

  1. the environment during the procedure should be calm so that the patient near the device is not distracted by anything;
  2. inhalation is carried out no earlier than an hour after eating;
  3. after using the nebulizer, you should not smoke, drink alcohol, rinse your mouth or drink mucus removers for an hour;
  4. the aerosol must be inhaled deeply through the mouth, and then after a few seconds exhaled through the mouth;
  5. For effective treatment you need to undergo at least 8 inhalations. Each of them should last at least 10 minutes.

The use of a nebulizer is justified in case of viral diseases. Inhalations with it do not have a systemic interaction on the body, and this eliminates the formation of side effects. The device has a local effect on the runny nose: it alleviates symptoms and reduces pathological processes. It works more efficiently than other devices due to the fact that the drug particles coming out of it have a more finely dispersed structure, and therefore are more easily absorbed into the affected area of ​​the nose. But it is worth knowing that such an inhaler requires the use of certain solutions.

The video talks about the mandatory use of an inhaler in some cases:

What to put in a device to treat a runny nose?

Before answering this question, we will first tell you which substances absolutely cannot be used for it:

  • vasoconstrictor drugs. They can cause breathing problems when they penetrate the bronchi;
  • infusions and decoctions of herbs. Firstly, plant particles become clogged in various parts of the device and lead to its breakdown. Secondly, during vaporization, drops of herbal remedies that enter the lungs can cause allergic reactions;
  • oils They will ruin the nebulizer, and it will not be possible to restore it later. Also, their use can provoke pneumonia or lead to desolation of areas of the lungs.

The selection of medicinal solutions for the nebulizer cannot be done independently. You need to visit a doctor; perhaps, at a certain stage of the disease, he may prescribe strong drugs such as antibiotics.

Here you can read about the symptoms and treatment of allergic cough in adults.

The specialist will also tell you the recipe for preparing the solution and give clear proportions of the substances included in it. A wide range of pharmacy tinctures and solutions can be used for the nebulizer. Products intended for inhalation have a high degree of purification. Pharmacological companies even produce special formulations for such inhalers. They bottle them in advance into certain volumes in compliance with optimal proportions for certain diseases. Before using them, you should carefully read the instructions attached to them to avoid allergic reactions to their components.

How to refill a nebulizer to breathe? You can pour it into a nebulizer for a runny nose:

  • alkaline and salt complexes (sodium chloride and its bicarbonate, saline solution or mineral water);
  • immunostimulants (interferon or derinat);
  • antibacterial and antiseptic agents (furacilin, dioxidin, ceftriaxone, fluimucil or streptomycin);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (rotocan, eucalyptus, propolis or malavit);
  • hormonal (cromohexal, dexamethasone or pulmicort).

It is important that pregnant women can use such inhalations, but they should be careful when choosing a medicine for them. They should avoid using drugs with a strong odor to prevent their health from worsening.

The most suitable for them are:

Next, we will consider in detail how to properly prepare solutions with each of the representatives of your group.

Methods for preparing solutions

Here are the recommended doses and proportions of medicinal solutions.

Salt and alkaline

A frequently used and simple procedure is to inhale saline vapor. For these purposes, its 0.9% salt composition is taken, and sometimes Borjomi water is used. For the active substance to work effectively, the alkaline solution must be slightly heated (up to 30 degrees). When these substances are inhaled, the crusts in the nasal canals soften and the mucous membranes are moistened. The removal of mucus improves and dryness in the nose decreases.


Interferon is especially popular among this group. His recipe is not complicated. The contents of one ampoule of the medicine are mixed with 3 ml of saline solution and all this is poured into the nebulizer. The duration of the procedure should be from 5 to 15 minutes. It is repeated twice a day.

Derinat is an antiviral drug. To carry out inhalation, you need to take 2 ml of the medicine and dilute 2 ml of saline solution.

Antibiotics and antiseptics

Independent use of antibacterial agents can worsen the situation: lower immunity and provoke the occurrence of fungal infections.

  • Fluimucil is a two-component antibiotic. Consists of thiamphenicol and acetylcysteine. It effectively thins mucus. It is especially good for treating diseases that are accompanied not only by a runny nose, but also by a cough. Its solution is prepared as follows: the drug in the form of a dry powder is dissolved in 5 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride. The resulting composition is divided into two doses.
  • Dioxidin is an antibacterial drug. Its active ingredient is quinoxaline. It can be either 1% or 0.5%. If the latter option is chosen, then it is diluted with saline solution, maintaining a ratio of 1:2, and for a 1% solution it is equal to 1:4. No more than 4 ml of the resulting composition can be used in one procedure.
  • Ceftriaxone is a powerful antibiotic. It is diluted with water for injection. Take a 1 ml bottle and mix it with 5 ml of water for injection. Before use, you must mix it thoroughly. The minimum duration of the procedure with it is 5 minutes.
  • Furacillin is an antiseptic. It is poured into the device for inhalation without prior dilution. A 0.02% solution is used in an amount of 4 ml. Twice a day. Read whether it is possible to rinse a child’s nose with furatsilin.
  • Streptomycin is an antiseptic. 0.25 grams of the medicine is diluted in 5 ml of sodium chloride.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

  • Русский
  • Rotokan consists of natural ingredients: chamomile, calendula and yarrow. The drug is diluted in saline solution at a ratio of 1:40. One dosage for the inhaler should contain 4 ml of the diluted composition. Inhalations with it are done three times a day.
  • Propolis. Its tincture is used. It is diluted with saline solution 1:20. 1 ml of herbal remedy and 20 ml of physiological composition, respectively.
  • Eucalyptus extract – Chlorophyllipt. It removes the viscosity of mucus, making it more fluid. Take 10 – 15 drops of the product and dissolve in 200 ml of saline solution. One inhalation contains 3 ml of the prepared composition. It is repeated three times a day.
  • Malavit is a biological supplement consisting of herbal extracts and minerals. For inhalation, 1 ml of the drug is dissolved in 30 ml of saline solution. One dose – 3 ml. It is used three times a day.

Hormonal agents

  • Русский
  • Dexamethasone. Used diluted. You need to take a 0.4% solution for injection. Take 2 mg of the product at a time, dissolve in 3 ml of saline and use up to 4 times a day. You can also use it in ampoules. Then its ratio with the additional substance will be 1:6. The product is used for no more than a week.
  • Pulmicort. Available in the form of suspensions for inhalation with adult and pediatric dosages. It is used in its pure form. Only if the single dosage prescribed by the doctor is less than 2 ml, then it is brought to this amount by adding saline solution. Inhalations with it are done 1 to 3 times a day. Adults and children over 12 years of age use 1 mg per inhalation. And for children who have not yet reached this age, the dosage is prescribed in the amount of 0.25 mg.
  • Cromohexal. The active substance is cromoglycic acid. The contents of the bottle do not need to be diluted. Adults and children over two years of age are prescribed 1 bottle four times a day.

There is no doubt about the effectiveness of nebulizer inhalations. It eliminates runny nose more effectively than other remedies. In addition, it is completely safe, so it is recommended for use even by babies under one year old. The device stimulates the discharge of mucus, moisturizes the mucous membranes of the nasal passages and helps to quickly get rid of a runny nose for a long time. You may also find useful information about the drugs used for inhalation with a nebulizer for laryngitis. Also read what inhalations you can do for allergic rhinitis. Here you can find out what to do if your child has a runny nose that doesn’t go away for two weeks.

Source: http://prolor.ru/n/lechenie-n/ingalyacii-pri-nasmorke-nebulajzerom-recepty.html

Inhalations for a runny nose: secrets of success

Runny nose again! Your nose is running, you can hardly distinguish smells, it’s hard to breathe, and your throat seems to be starting to hurt... Do you know this picture? If you are familiar, read on. And we’ll find out why inhalations help with a runny nose better than pills or injections. And why are they more useful than simply instilling them, using ointments and sprays? And now everything is in order.

Before you continue reading: If you are looking for an effective method of getting rid of a runny nose, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis or colds, then be sure to look at this section of the site after reading this article. This information has helped so many people, we hope it will help you too! So, now back to the article.

Where does a runny nose come from?

First, let's look at this seemingly simple question: why does a runny nose start in the first place? Because I got an infection in my nose? But germs enter the nose all the time - in greater or lesser quantities. However, just yesterday we didn’t notice these microbes, but today we got sick.

The cold has nothing to do with it

Maybe a runny nose starts due to hypothermia? What about walruses then? After all, they don’t catch a cold at all, although they are constantly hypothermic. They certainly don’t need pills, injections, nasal drops, or inhalation solutions.

What's the matter? It turns out that it’s all about the condition of the nasal mucosa. Its functions include protecting our body from harmful substances, microorganisms, as well as from the low temperature of inhaled air.

Every second war against infection: who will win the battle?

If a person is absolutely healthy, the mucous membrane works flawlessly. And we don’t even think about the fact that with every breath, a small battle takes place in our nose between the occupying allied troops (cold, dust, germs) and the defenders of the immune system (mucosal cells).

When the defense is strong, a person does not face a cold, even if he is attacked by a terrible flu. And he is not interested in inhalations, and he is unlikely to read this article. Why, if everything is fine with your health? But how many people have you seen that are absolutely healthy? Unfortunately, today there are only a few of them.

And all because, literally from early childhood, our body, including our nose, is attacked by a huge number of allergens and oncogenes from the environment that is constantly polluted (by us!).

From their destructive action, the thread-like outgrowths of the nasal mucosa - microhairs - get sick and die. It is these formations, amazing in their functions and unique in structure, that guard our health, warming the air coming from outside and preventing harmful substances from entering the respiratory tract. As they say, they “take the fire.”

When microhairs fail, the mucous membrane ceases to cope with its tasks, changes and swells. The result is a runny nose, also known as rhinitis (rinos from Latin - nose).

Treating a runny nose: why inhalations?

Now let's move on to the main thing. Why does an inhalation solution for a runny nose quickly relieve the condition, but treating rhinitis with tablets rarely gives a good result, and often even creates additional problems?

Because before reaching the site of inflammation, the medicine, when taken orally, enters the stomach and intestines, and only from there into the blood, with which it enters the nasal mucosa.

It goes without saying that along the way, a significant part of the active substances loses their effectiveness. And, in addition, the tablets have an adverse effect on the stomach and intestines, liver and kidneys, and other organs and systems.

As for drugs that enter the blood immediately, with the help of injections, then, of course, they are much more effective than tablets, and they act much faster. However, this method of drug administration

  • traumatic for the patient;
  • often causes serious and dangerous allergic and other reactions;
  • rarely necessary: ​​in most cases, rhinitis does not require emergency treatment.

The most important thing: only as a result of local treatment for a runny nose, the bacteria that are in the secreted mucus are destroyed, they feel great there and are not afraid of either pills or injections.

You will say: but there are other methods of local treatment of the nose. And ask: why are inhalations recommended to children and adults by all ENT doctors without exception as the most effective help?

We answer: because only inhalations provide a complete, long-lasting and at the same time gentle effect of the medicinal base on the nasal mucosa - the site of rhinitis.

The real benefits and high effectiveness of inhalations for the treatment of nasal diseases, including in comparison with other local methods of treatment, are explained quite simply.

Why inhalations and not drops?

Let's say you use drops to treat rhinitis. But when instilled, they quickly leave the nasal cavity, flowing inside, where they are destroyed under the action of saliva (in the best case, and in the worst, they enter the stomach and are absorbed into the blood).

This method of local treatment of rhinitis, compared to inhalations, has another significant drawback: the medicinal solution does not penetrate everywhere. Therefore, it is not possible to completely get rid of the infection.

Why inhalations and not ointments?

Now let’s say that you are too lazy to inhale with an inhaler for a runny nose, and you chose an ointment. Well, that's your right.

The ointment stays in the nose for a long time and does not dry out the nasal mucosa (unlike most solutions). And a good ointment is really quite effective. But she cannot penetrate deeply. This means: if a runny nose is complicated by severe swelling of the mucous membrane, or even sinusitis, then the ointment will not be of much use.

Why inhalations and not sprays?

In general, in terms of its principle of action, the spray is most similar to the solution from an inhaler. Modern dispenser packages with nasal sprays ensure a uniform flow of medication microparticles into the nose. Almost the same as inhalers do.

But unlike the solution for inhalation, which constantly enters the nasal cavity for several minutes, the effect of the spray on a runny nose is short-term.

How do inhalation medications work?

Only medicinal substances received during inhalation:

  • reach the most remote corners of the nasal cavity;
  • have a long-lasting and gentle effect;
  • in the absence of individual intolerance, they practically do not cause side effects and allergies;
  • penetrate not only the nose, but also the upper respiratory tract, eliminating both runny nose and cough.

Everything about inhalations: from ancient recipes to modern Nebulizers

Grandma's recipes

As we have already said, inhalations in children and adults for rhinitis have been used since the dawn of humanity. Many recipes have survived to this day. And they work very successfully.

So, what to do with inhalations if you want to be treated with folk remedies?

Inhalations with sea water. Why does this help and what can replace it?

Sea water contains many healthy substances. Its unique composition successfully fights infection, allows you to quickly restore the functionality of the nasal mucosa and increase its resistance to disease. Do you want to never get rhinitis? Every year, go to the sea and breathe the sea air for a long time, sitting on the shore during a storm. The result is guaranteed.

And if this is not possible, do not despair. After all, there is always sea salt on sale - it can be dissolved in boiled water in a ratio of approximately 1 gram per 100 ml (half a glass) of water - and sea water is ready. But this is not at all necessary.

Nasal inhalations with ordinary saline solution (0.9% sodium chloride solution) are no less effective. Especially if you add “silver water”, essential oils and other natural healing ingredients to the saline solution.

Recipe No. 1: inhalation with saline solution with the addition of sea buckthorn oil

For a glass of boiled water, take one teaspoon of salt (with the top). After the salt has completely dissolved, add 15 drops of sea buckthorn oil to the glass. The resulting mixture is heated to a temperature of degrees Celsius and poured into the inhaler. Inhalation is carried out immediately. Procedure time: minutes. The used saline solution is poured out: it cannot be used for repeated procedures.

Recipe No. 2. Saline solution with Kalanchoe juice

We want to say right away: be careful! Kalanchoe is a famous medicinal plant, the juice of which provokes increased sneezing: as a result, the nose is quickly freed from viscous mucus. But it often causes very strong allergic reactions.

A saline solution for inhalation with Kalanchoe is prepared in the same way as a solution with sea buckthorn. To prevent Kalanchoe juice from losing its medicinal properties, the solution is heated to no more than 50 degrees. After the procedure, the used mixture is poured out.

Grandma's recipes. Inhalations for pregnant women with a runny nose: looking for an alternative to sea buckthorn and Kalanchoe juice

If rhinitis strikes a pregnant woman (and this happens quite often), then everything is much more complicated. Not only medications for inhalation in pregnant women, but also potent (and also strong-smelling!) herbal ingredients are undesirable.

What to do? It's simple: let's remember about ordinary potatoes. Treatment for snot and cough with hot steam from freshly boiled potatoes is a very effective and completely harmless method that allows pregnant women to quickly get rid of rhinitis.

Recipe No. 3. Inhalation during pregnancy with potato steam

To carry out the procedure, boil 3-4 medium potatoes in their skins. After they become soft, drain the water from the pan and quickly mash the potatoes with a wooden masher. The pregnant woman then inhales the hot steam while bending her head over the pan. To complete the effect, you can throw a terry towel over your head (so that it simultaneously covers the pan). This will prevent the potatoes from cooling quickly and will prevent the loss of medicinal steam.

Why is it so useful? Everything is very simple: potatoes contain a huge amount of so-called phytoncides - medicinal substances that have a detrimental effect on microorganisms. They are absolutely safe for human health, so boiled potatoes in their jackets are an excellent remedy not only for inhalation for rhinitis during pregnancy, but also for children.


Pregnant women with a runny nose should carry out such “hot” inhalations very carefully, reducing the procedure time by at least half. Especially if there is a threat of miscarriage: the “bath effect” is contraindicated.

As for children, caution is also needed here, but for a different reason: too hot potato steam can burn the delicate mucous membrane of the children's nasopharynx. Therefore, before mashing the potatoes, you need to let them cool a little.

Inhalations in children: what to use and what to remember

It goes without saying that when children have a runny nose, it is possible and necessary to use not only potato steam for inhalation, but also decoctions (infusions) of medicinal herbs. It is advisable that they do not contain a lot of essential oils: this can cause irritation, swelling and allergies.

As for medications, children need to use them for inhalation very carefully, and only those medications for rhinitis that are intended for this purpose. In some cases, simple inhalations of saline solution without any additives are useful and indicated for children with a runny nose.

Today there are also a number of ready-made solutions based on sea salt that are suitable for inhalation - Aquamaris, Aqualor, etc. The only trouble is that these drugs are mostly imported, and therefore quite expensive.

However, if you are lucky enough to see a good ENT doctor, then he will be able to write a prescription for an inhalation solution that will contain drugs that can help your child, and in the required concentration. Order such a solution at the pharmacy and use it according to the instructions - it will not be too expensive and is guaranteed to be useful.

Nebulizer inhalations are a new word in the treatment of rhinitis. Is there an alternative?

How to inhale for a runny nose? This question applies not only to the solution, but also to the device itself - the inhaler.

It would seem that the answer is obvious: use an inhaler - what else?!

It turns out that not everything is so simple here either. Inhaler is different from inhaler. There is a huge number of different devices, each of which is presented by its manufacturer as the most perfect.

How to choose an inhaler and not make a mistake? Should we focus only on the budget or spare no money on newfangled devices? The opinions of specialists and inhaler owners differ on this issue, but there are two devices that can be recommended to absolutely everyone.

The first of them is a simple and cheap glass inhaler of a bizarre shape, developed by the German scientist Machold in the middle of the last century.

How does this device work? Very simple and very smart.

Due to the numerous bends and expansions of the glass flask, when inhaling, particles of the solution pass into the inhaled air and are evenly distributed in the nasal cavity.

In addition, the shape of the inhaler provides a gentle massage of the upper respiratory tract due to the vibration of the liquid as air passes through it. Therefore, Machold inhalers help to cure not only rhinitis, but also cough with pharyngitis, laryngotracheitis and even bronchitis.

The inhaler is universal: you can add any solutions and medications to it.

Recently, this extremely popular and very cheap inhaler has acquired a “formidable rival” called the Nebulizer. Why is it called that? Because the Latin word “nebula” means “fog”. Namely, inhalation preparations are closest in consistency to fog if they are used to treat rhinitis using a Nebulizer.

The inventors of this ultrasonic device are confident: the effectiveness of Nebulizer inhalations for diseases of the ENT organs is several times higher than the effectiveness of other types of inhalers.

And they have every reason for this statement: Nebulizer inhalations ensure the penetration of drug particles of only a certain size (from 2 to 5 microns) into the deep parts of the upper respiratory tract (from 2 to 5 microns), which tens of times increases the benefit of the procedure for a runny nose and more.

And all because when inhaled with a conventional inhaler, both very large (10 microns) and very small (1 microns or less) particles of the substance enter the nasal cavity and upper respiratory tract. The first ones do not penetrate deeply, settling immediately in the nasal cavity. And too small particles do not settle on the mucous membrane at all, but are exhaled back.

Another tangible benefit of the Nebulizer is the vibrational effect of ultrasound, which leads to liquefaction and easy removal of sputum and purulent mucus.

However, from all of the above it is clear that inhalation with a Nebulizer for rhinitis is not as necessary as for bronchitis or sinusitis: after all, with a mild cold, it is not at all necessary that the solution particles penetrate very deeply. Therefore, to treat it, it is quite possible to use a simpler device.

We recommend that you read it. “Inhalers for children. Which one to choose and how to use it correctly? — a very educational and informative article about nebulizer inhalers.

What's the result?

As a result, we strengthen our immune system, strengthen ourselves and give up smoking. We also avoid treating a runny nose with drugs that injure and change the nasal mucosa.

And we make sure to include an inhaler in our home first aid kit, just in case.

The article above and comments written by readers are for informational purposes only and do not encourage self-medication. Consult a specialist regarding your own symptoms and illnesses. When taking any medicine, you should always use the instructions that come with the medicine and your doctor's advice as a guide.

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Do you want to get rid of your nose, throat, lung and cold diseases? Then be sure to check it out here.

You may be interested in other articles on the topic:

I tried buying simple inhalers. First there was Frolov's simulator. When I had bronchitis, I breathed cold solutions through it, I breathed, but to no avail. I coughed for the month that nature intended for me. I recently bought a heat-moisture inhaler in the shape of a jug. History repeated itself. Sometimes the steam comes out hot, burning the mucous membranes, sometimes it’s barely warm, only condensation settles on the face, and that’s all. But the cough remained the same.

I purchased a steam inhaler (warm steam with various additives - herbs, essential oils, soda, etc.) and the effect was immediately visible.


all solutions containing oils;

suspensions and solutions containing suspended particles, including decoctions and infusions of herbs;

as well as solutions of aminophylline, papaverine, platyphylline, diphenhydramine and similar agents, as they do not have points of application on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

Join, speak out and discuss. Your opinion may be very important to many readers!

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Source: http://cc-t1.ru/stati/ingaljacii.html

What to do with inhalation for a runny nose

Rhinitis is one of the most common companions of colds. Treatment can be carried out in different ways: medication, using traditional medicine, using inhalation. As for the last technique, it is best done using a nebulizer - a completely new ultrasonic device that will help the sick person not only quickly restore difficult nasal breathing, but also completely get rid of a runny nose in a short time. What to use for inhalation for a runny nose, what solutions and preparations are more effective, what recipe to use?

What is the use of a nebulizer

Inhalation for coughs and runny noses with a nebulizer is an absolutely safe way to alleviate the course of the disease and speed up recovery. The use of this technique is possible at any stage of the disease, but it is most effective when used in the first days of the disease. What a nebulizer can do:

  • Inhalations for a runny nose and cough moisturize the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity;
  • They thin out thick mucus, accelerating its removal from the nasal cavity;
  • Relieve or eliminate itching in the upper respiratory tract;
  • Soften crusts formed in the nose;

Inhalation with a nebulizer for rhinitis is a targeted effect of drugs on the site of inflammation of the mucous membrane or nasal sinuses.

How to perform inhalation correctly

  • After the procedure, you can smoke, take other medications or rinse your mouth no earlier than an hour later;
  • After eating, inhalations for a runny nose at home are performed no earlier than 60 minutes later;
  • The aerosol is inhaled through the nose, held for a few seconds and exhaled through the mouth;
  • The course of treatment with a nebulizer at home is at least 8 sessions. Session time is approximately 10 minutes.

This treatment is very effective for viral rhinitis. Steam inhalations for a runny nose act locally, without having any effect on other organs and the body as a whole, which eliminates the possibility of side effects.

The high effectiveness of inhalations at home using a nebulizer is explained by the fact that the drug coming out of the device acquires a finely dispersed structure, which means it is more easily absorbed by the affected areas of the mucous membrane.

What should not be filled in a nebulizer when treating rhinitis?

In the treatment of runny noses, it is very important to use the right solutions. What inhalations for a runny nose are strictly prohibited:

  • Vasoconstrictors. Getting into the bronchi, they can provoke respiratory system disorders;
  • Herbal infusions and/or decoctions. This may cause the device to malfunction, as herbal particles may clog various parts of the device. Drops of plants in the form of steam, if they enter the bronchi, can provoke allergies.
  • Oils. It is strictly not recommended to use it for inhalation with a nebulizer for rhinitis, as this will lead to damage to the device. They are also dangerous for the lungs, because their use can cause the development of pneumonia.

Medicines for inhalation should be taken exclusively with a doctor. It is possible that at a certain stage of treatment, instead of some medications, the patient may be prescribed other medications, for example, an antibiotic or other potent drugs. The specialist will tell you which solutions are best to use and for what symptoms, and describe the proportions and components of the best recipes.

For a runny nose at home, it is better to use pharmacy infusions or solutions. They undergo thorough filtration and have a high level of purification. There are ready-made fees that do not require compliance with proportions. All you need to do before using them is to read the instructions and the components included.

What medications can be used to treat a runny nose?

What to do with inhalation for a runny nose? The following solutions are allowed to be poured:

  • Immunostimulating medications - Derinat or Interferon.
  • Saline or alkaline solutions. These are mineral waters, sodium chloride (or its bicarbonate).
  • You can use inhalation medications with antibacterial or antiseptic effects. These include: “Streptomytin” and “Ceftriaxone”, “Furacilin” and “Dioxidin”, “Fluimucil”.
  • Anti-inflammatory. The best and most effective are Pulmicort with Cromohexal or Dexamethasone.
Women during pregnancy should use such inhalations with extreme caution. You should be very careful when choosing the composition; for example, it is better not to use one with a strong odor in order to avoid deterioration of their well-being.

The most suitable recipes during pregnancy:

  • Mineral slightly alkaline waters. They are used for rhinitis, both as an independent form of the disease and as an accompaniment to cough.
  • Physiological composition or saline solution. With similar symptoms.
  • Inhaling potatoes for a runny nose with or without a cough is an effective and completely harmless way to treat rhinitis for pregnant women.

The session will require approximately 3 medium potatoes. They are put on the fire and as soon as they become soft, the broth should be drained and the potatoes softened. After this, the pregnant woman, covered with a blanket, inhales the vapors with her head bowed over the potatoes.

How to properly prepare medicine for inhalation

Recommended doses and correct proportions:

Saline or alkaline

The simplest method of therapy is inhalation of saline vapor. To do this, you will need a saline solution of 0.9% concentration (you can use Borjomi mineral water). The solution is heated to 30 (no more) degrees. Effectively softens crusts in the nasal passages, moisturizes the mucous membrane, and promotes the discharge of mucous secretions.


  • From this group, Interferon is often used. For one session, one ampoule of the drug and 3 ml of sodium chloride are enough. Session duration is from 5 to 15 minutes twice a day.
  • Is it possible to do inhalation with Derinat? Can! For one inhalation you will need: “Derinat” in a volume of 2 ml and the same amount of saline solution.

Antiseptic and antibacterial inhalations

An independent decision to take an antibiotic or antiseptic can aggravate the disease by reducing the patient’s immunity or provoke the development of a fungal infection.

  • "Dioxidine". Available in concentrations: 0.5% or 1%. The ratio of the drug and saline solution: at 0.5% = 1:2, at 1% = 1 to 4 ml.
  • "Fluimucil" is a two-component antibactericidal agent. It contains Acetylcysteine ​​and Thiamphenicol. It thins mucus well. For one inhalation you will need 0.5 packets of powder (the drug itself) and 2.5 ml of saline solution.
  • "Cefriaxon". A very strong antibiotic. What to do with inhalations for a runny nose using Cifriaxon? For the solution you will need: 5 ml of water for injection per 1 bottle of the drug, mix thoroughly. The duration of the session is approximately 5 minutes.
  • "Furacilin". The antiseptic drug is poured into the inhaler in a diluted form at a concentration of 0.02%. For inhalation you will need 4 ml of product per session.

Anti-inflammatory drugs for nebulizer

  • "Rotokan". Made from natural ingredients - yarrow and calendula flowers with chamomile. For inhalation, use a solution in the ratio of 1 part of the drug and 4 parts of saline solution. Inhalations should be done three times during the day.
  • "Propolis". The tincture is diluted with saline solution in a ratio of 1:20.
  • "Eucalyptus" or "Chlorophyllipt" help thin mucus. Mix 15 drops of tincture and 200 ml of saline solution. For one inhalation, 3 ml of the product three times a day is enough.
  • "Malavit." Refers to biological additives, consists of minerals and essential oils. For one inhalation you will need: 30 ml saline solution and 3 ml of product. Do at least 3 times a day.

Hormonal drugs

  • "Dexamitazone" is used diluted: 2 mg of the drug (0.4%) per 3 ml of sodium chloride. You need to do about 4 sessions per day.
  • "Pulmicort". Ready-to-use suspensions in the nebulizer. For adults and children in various dosages. If the doctor prescribes to use less than 2 ml of the product, then the missing amount is replaced with saline solution. Inhalations are done up to 3 times a day.
  • "Cromhexal." Also, as in the previous case, there is no need to dilute. Use 1 bottle per session, 4 times a day.

There is no doubt that nebulizer inhalations are effective for a runny nose. They help relieve symptoms, unlike some medications, they are more effective, and are completely free of side effects, safe for the health of the average person, pregnant women, and children. Stimulates the production of nasal secretions, relieves swelling of the mucous membranes and sinuses. In some cases, it acts much faster and more effectively than medications.

We recommend reading:

A hot topic, given the October weather) I don’t know how it is for anyone, but it seems to me that inhalation methods will not be able to speed up the healing process. My illness always lasts for a strictly defined period of time, and it doesn’t matter what medications I use for treatment. On the other hand, I have never tried such an inhaler; perhaps with its help I would be able to cope with the disease faster.

Source: http://netnasmorku.ru/vzroslye/s-chem-delat-ingalyacii-pri-nasmorke.html

Inhalation for a runny nose - can it be done at home? Recipes for inhalation solutions for a runny nose

When the nose is clogged, it becomes difficult for a person to breathe and some discomfort occurs. If a runny nose takes you by surprise, it is advisable to resort to inhalations. This will not only quickly solve the main problem, but also prevent other possible consequences.

Why are inhalations needed for a runny nose?

This method of combating one of the main symptoms helps to quickly destroy the bacteria that cause the pathology. It is recommended to resort to inhalations for nasal congestion and any infectious diseases: colds, rhinitis, sinusitis, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, throat diseases, sinusitis. Inhalations are no less effective in prevention. Contraindications are: asthma, cardiac and respiratory failure.

Procedures should be used with caution in cases where infants and infants under 1 year of age are treated. It is very important to follow the mandatory rules when conducting them:

  • During the procedure, it is important to monitor your breathing;
  • when you have a runny nose, it is advisable to inhale steam only through your nose;
  • inhalations should not be used earlier than 1.5 hours after meals;
  • Do not add boiling water during the preparation process.

What drugs and products are best used for inhalation when treating a runny nose? The use of herbs, essential oils, pinosol, and other mineral medicinal compositions is allowed. The following remedies help increase immunity and overcome infectious pathologies faster:

  • interferon;
  • regular potatoes;
  • sinupret;
  • derinat;
  • dioxidine;
  • miramistin;
  • rotokan;
  • chlorophyllipt;
  • cycloferon;
  • alkaline sodium chloride.

What type of nasal inhaler is needed?

When choosing a specific type of device, it is necessary to take into account some criteria:

  • noise level during use;
  • the age of the patient for whose treatment the inhaler will be used;
  • presence of mask and attachments included.

Ultrasonic nebulizer

This device is better suited for treating runny nose during colds and respiratory diseases. The essence of the work: medicines are sprayed into the larynx and nasal cavity using ultrasonic vibrations. A nebulizer is most suitable for children; if desired, the device can be chosen in the form of a toy. Disadvantages: some antibacterial drugs lose their medicinal properties if ultrasonic immobilizers are used for inhalation.

Compressor inhaler

The jet device has the same operating parameters as the ultrasonic nebulizer. However, the weight and dimensions of the inhaler are much larger, which eliminates the possibility of using the device in “camping” conditions. The disadvantages of the inhaler include the absence of children's attachments in the basic package, which must be purchased separately. The compressor inhaler is not equipped with batteries, so it can only work from the mains.


Inhalation at home for a runny nose is most easily done using this device, which is a container filled with boiling water. If you handle the inhaler carelessly, you can get a burn to the mucous membrane. Often, new devices include nozzles that spray steam masses and a special device that smoothly regulates both temperature and steam supply.

Herbs for inhalation for a runny nose

Chamomile, pine buds, eucalyptus leaves, yarrow, calendula flowers, St. John's wort are excellent antibacterial agents that can effectively combat nasal congestion, relieve inflammation, and actively fight viruses. To prepare an inhalation solution for a nebulizer, steam or compressor device from these herbs, they are pre-mixed, poured with boiling water and infused for 40 minutes. Inhalations with chamomile are considered fast-acting.

Solutions for inhalers

Inhalation for a runny nose is done not only on the basis of herbal preparations. Guaranteed results are also provided by antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating drugs, furatsilin solution itself, interferon in ampoules, Borjomi mineral water, propolis tincture, calendula alcohol tincture, dekasan, aquamaris. The products have an antiseptic, antimicrobial effect, increase local immunity, and promote the removal of snot.


This group includes a solution of baking soda or heated mineral water: Essentuki, Borjomi, Narzan. Baking soda is an excellent substitute for saline solution for inhalation - sodium chloride. Alkaline solutions significantly alleviate the condition of patients, effectively treat a runny nose, and relieve inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. The permissible number of inhalations per day is 4. Duration of procedures is from 5 to 8 minutes.

With essential oils

Solutions are made based on mint, rosemary, lemon, eucalyptus, and chamomile. Essential oils have a complex effect, do not give side effects, and have a calming, anti-inflammatory, and disinfectant effect. The permissible number of inhalations per day is 4. Dosage of essential oils:

  • for children: up to 1 year – 1 drop, 1-5 years – from 2 to 3 drops, 5-14 years – from 3 to 5 drops per 15 m3;
  • for adults – from 7 to 10 drops per 15 m3.


Inhalations of these solutions for a runny nose are effective for sinusitis and respiratory diseases. They are made on the basis of sodium chloride in concentrations of 2% and 0.9%. The guaranteed effect is clearing the nose of mucus and purulent discharge, creating an antibacterial environment, and an immunostimulating effect. Inhalations for a runny nose with saline solutions should be done 3 to 4 times a day.

With antibiotics

As the basis for such solutions, the drug fluomycil-IT is used for inhalation, which effectively relieves congestion, eliminates inflammation, and has an antibacterial effect. The drug is sold in powder form, which is diluted according to the instructions, taking into account the patient’s age. The frequency of procedures during the day is from 2 to 3. You should not overuse solutions with antibiotics for inhalation.

Recipes for inhalation for a runny nose

If you decide to use an inhaler to relieve nasal congestion, then you need to study the rules for using the device in advance and stock up on effective, safe recipes that will help you prepare the solution for the procedure correctly. It should be remembered that inhalation products for children and adults are prepared differently. During pregnancy, a number of individual factors need to be taken into account.

For children

You can prepare an effective but safe solution for inhalation for nasal congestion for a child using the following recipes:

1 recipe: to prepare the solution you will need a salt composition of 0.9% or Borjomi alkaline water. A slightly warmed composition is poured into the inhaler. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes. When inhaling the steam, the child’s nose will be well cleaned of unwanted crusts that have grown on its internal surfaces. The solution will reduce the feeling of dryness in the nose and improve mucus discharge.

Recipe 2: to prepare the substance, you will need Ambrobene or Lazolvan for inhalation. They are mixed in a 1:1 ratio with saline solution. The duration of use of inhalations with Lazolvan or Ambrobene is no more than 5 days. The dosage for children is as follows: up to 2 years - 1 ml of the composition, from 2 to 6 years - 2 ml of the composition, from 6 and older - 3 ml of the composition. The procedure is done twice a day.

During pregnancy

1 recipe: the solution for the procedure is prepared with Borjomi or saline solution. It is necessary to first release the gas from slightly alkaline mineral water, then dilute it with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. Inhalation should be carried out 1-2 times a day, the duration of the procedure is no more than 7 minutes. To achieve high efficiency, it is best to use a nebulizer.

Recipe 2: necessary ingredients for the solution: 1 teaspoon of salt, 3 drops of essential oil, 1 liter of boiled water. The water must be heated to 50 degrees, add essential oil and salt to it. Inhalation is done 2-3 times a day, the duration of the procedure should not exceed 5 minutes. Result: removal of mucus from the nose, improvement in general condition.

Check out other recipes on how to prepare nebulizer solutions.

Video: how and why to do inhalations for children with a runny nose

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

Source: http://sovets.net/5928-ingalyatsii-pri-nasmorke.html

Inhalation with a nebulizer for a runny nose: tips for use

A runny nose brings a lot of unpleasant sensations to many of us, which we want to get rid of as soon as possible. In addition, it can be complicated by more serious diseases and take us out of our normal life schedule for a long time. One of the effective procedures for a runny nose is inhalation, which can also be performed using a nebulizer. It is these procedures that provide a more complete, gentle and long-lasting effect of drugs on the nasal mucosa.

Many of the owners of the inhaler are wondering: “How to use this nebulizer with a runny nose?” In our article we will introduce the benefits of this treatment for a runny nose and describe all the intricacies of the procedure.

Benefits of using a nebulizer for a runny nose

The nebulizer can be used at any stage of this unpleasant symptom of many colds and infectious diseases of the respiratory system. It safely and effectively eliminates the symptoms of a runny nose and allows you to refuse to use potent drugs. Inhalations for a runny nose with a nebulizer:

  • moisturize the nasal mucosa;
  • soften crusts in the nose that form when mucus dries;
  • eliminate burning, itching and dryness in the nose;
  • make mucus more fluid and liquid and facilitate its easier removal from the nose;
  • have a gentle and long-lasting effect, do not injure the mucous membrane;
  • do not cause side effects;
  • easily tolerated psychologically (especially by children);
  • ensure the flow of the drug into all parts of the nasal cavity and its uniform distribution throughout the mucous membrane;
  • reach the upper bronchi and help prevent or treat cough.

Unlike drops, which quickly flow from the nasal cavity into the mouth and are destroyed under the influence of saliva, inhalation with a nebulizer ensures uniform delivery of the medicine to all parts of the nose without entering the oral cavity. The use of nasal ointments also does not provide effective treatment for a runny nose, since this dosage form cannot be delivered to all parts of the nasal cavity. In some cases, the use of drops is accompanied by their ingestion and absorption into the blood from the stomach. With this development of events, drugs have a negative systemic effect on the entire body. When using a nebulizer, such side effects from inhaled drugs are completely eliminated, since they only act locally.

The effectiveness of inhalations with a nebulizer cannot be compared with the use of various nasal sprays. Despite the fact that the delivery of the drug from them is very similar to the aerosol mixture from a nebulizer, its effect on the nasal cavity is quite short-lived and cannot replace full inhalation.

Using a nebulizer for a runny nose helps to clear mucus from the nose more quickly, reduce nasal congestion, swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane - all this leads to faster recovery and prevention of rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, otitis media, etc. These procedures can also be used to treat complications . In this case, antiseptics, antibacterial and antiallergic drugs can be used for inhalation.

What should you remember when choosing an inhalation nebulizer for a runny nose?

When choosing a nebulizer to treat a runny nose, you should not forget about the following aspects:

  • Ultrasound devices cannot be used for the use of hormonal and antibacterial drugs;
  • for inhalations, it is better for bedridden patients and small children to purchase an electronic mesh (or mesh) nebulizer (it can even be used for newborns or during sleep);
  • Not a single model of the device allows for inhalation with solutions of essential oils or infusions (decoctions) of medicinal herbs.

How to prepare a nebulizer for inhalation?

  1. Assemble the device as described in the instructions.
  2. Connect to the electrical network (if using a portable model, insert batteries).
  3. Check the tightness of the tank by rinsing it with water.
  4. Prepare a face mask and a small towel.

How to prepare a medicinal solution for a nebulizer?

  1. Use only medicinal solutions prescribed by a doctor.
  2. Before use, warm the solution stored in the refrigerator to room temperature.
  3. Place the dose of the drug in a container and add 2-3 ml of water for injection or saline (the solvent is used to extend the inhalation time to 5-15 minutes).

Remember! You cannot use plain water or oily solutions for inhalation!

How to prepare a patient for inhalation for a runny nose with a nebulizer?

  1. Inhalation should be carried out no earlier than 1–1.5 hours after eating.
  2. Wear comfortable clothes that do not constrict your throat.
  3. Measure the temperature, since the procedure cannot be carried out at temperatures above 37.5 °C.
  4. Stop smoking during treatment or do not smoke before the procedure for at least about an hour.

Carrying out inhalation for a runny nose with a nebulizer

The frequency of procedures and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

It should be remembered that the continuous operation of the nebulizer should not exceed 15 minutes. If it is necessary to carry out another procedure, another family member should give the nebulizer a rest (the break time is indicated in the instructions).

How to clean the nebulizer after nasal inhalation?

When using a home nebulizer after inhalation, it is enough to rinse the container for the medicinal solution, the air tube and the mask with warm water and a non-aggressive detergent. After washing, they are thoroughly rinsed and air dried.

When using a nebulizer in a hospital setting, the device components must be disinfected by boiling or autoclaving. Some parts of the device made of polyvinyl chloride, which are not treated with such methods, can be disinfected with special non-aggressive disinfecting solutions.

Recipes for nasal inhalations with a nebulizer

When using a nebulizer, you should not independently prepare solutions from medicinal herbs, essential oils, or tablets crushed in a mortar and water. For inhalation, you can only use medications prescribed by a doctor and strictly follow all his recommendations. When prescribing procedures with different inhalation solutions, they should be carried out alternately and an interval between them should be maintained, which should be at least 15 minutes.

The most frequently prescribed nasal inhalations with a nebulizer are:

  • Interferon - the contents of the ampoule are diluted to a homogeneous state in 2 ml of physiological solution, another 1 ml of physiological solution is added and placed in a container for inhalation, the procedure is carried out 2 times a day for viral diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • Tonsilong - the drug solution is diluted in physiological solution in a ratio of 1:1 (for adults and children over 7 years), 1:2 (for children from 1 to 7 years) or 1:3 (for children under one year old), for one procedure it is necessary 4 ml of the resulting solution, inhalation is carried out up to 2 times a day for acute and chronic diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • Furacilin - 4 ml of pharmaceutical solution is used for one inhalation; it is used for acute respiratory viral infections and to prevent complications;
  • Chlorophyllipt - the drug solution is diluted in physiological solution in a ratio of 1:10, 3 ml of the resulting solution is used for one inhalation, procedures are carried out 3 times a day or more for staphylococcal infections of the nasopharynx;
  • alcohol solution of calendula - the tincture is diluted in physiological solution in a ratio of 1:40, 4 ml of the resulting solution is used for one inhalation, the procedures are carried out 3 times a day for acute inflammation of the nasopharynx or sinuses;
  • alcohol pharmaceutical tincture of propolis - the tincture is diluted in physiological solution in a ratio of 1:20, 3 ml of the resulting solution is used for one inhalation, procedures are carried out 3 times a day for wounds in the nasal cavity or acute inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx (not recommended for those prone to allergic reactions) .

Modern medicine recommends using a nebulizer to treat various types of runny nose, and many have already become convinced of the effectiveness of these simple and affordable procedures. Using our instructions, you will also be convinced of the benefits of such nasal inhalations. Constant unpleasant discharge, heavy breathing, itching or burning, crusts in the nose, loss of smell, difficulty falling asleep - a nebulizer will help you forget about such unpleasant manifestations of a runny nose in the shortest possible time.

Source: http://otolaryngologist.ru/789