What to do if your nose is stuffy

What to do if your nose is very stuffy

The first thing they try to do if the nose is stuffy is to instill nasal drops, which, of course, will help for a while, but will not completely restore nasal breathing. What to do when your nose is stuffy, and how can you treat it at home?

Table of contents:

Causes of nasal congestion

A stuffy nose can be a symptom of a dangerous disease, and the disease itself needs to be treated as the cause of the problem.

Possible reasons for the lack of nasal breathing may be:

Sometimes congestion occurs only at night; such night congestion occurs due to dry air. There is no runny nose.

When congestion occurs, breathing is impaired, less oxygen enters the body, and all organs of the body suffer from oxygen starvation. If, for example, sinusitis, due to which the nose chronically does not breathe, is not treated, hypoxia of the brain occurs, which causes a blow to its functions.

A person’s mental abilities suffer, and in old age, with brain hypoxia due to congestion of the nasal passages, early signs of senile dementia develop - acquired dementia.

How to restore nasal breathing

When the nasal passages have been severely blocked for a long time, and a person no longer knows what to do, how to open his nose, if he is not breathing at all, it is worth paying attention to the air in the room. If it is too dry, then sometimes it is enough to purchase an air humidifier and ventilate the apartment more often.

If your nose is stuffy due to a cold, you can try doing distracting thermal procedures - foot baths, mustard plasters on your calves, warm drinks.

They will help restore nasal breathing by rinsing. If you do not do them too often, they will clear the mucous membrane, which, of course, will be beneficial for congestion, but will not be able to cure an adult at home from sinusitis, a child if his nose is clogged, from allergic rhinitis or adenoids.


If you are so blocked that it is impossible to breathe through your nose due to a cold, then nasal rinsing will help, which can be done for 5-6 days. It is not safe to use this procedure for a long time.

You can wash it with soda, salt, propolis tincture, use Aquamaris, Aqualor. How to rinse the nose if it is severely stuffy is described in detail on the website in articles about rinsing with salt water and treating a runny nose by rinsing the nasal passages.


When the nose is so blocked that it is impossible to breathe through it, you can instill solutions that you can make yourself at home using improvised means.


If your nose is very clogged, you can instill Kalanchoe juice at home, which will reduce swelling. The juice is squeezed from fresh leaves and diluted by half with water if treating a child.

An adult can instill Kalanchoe juice without dilution, especially if there is no nasal breathing and there is heavy discharge.

Read also about how aloe helps in the fight against nasal congestion in the article Aloe for a runny nose.

Onion garlic

Squeeze out the juice of onion and garlic. Then mix in equal parts and dilute half with water. Instill 1-2 drops in case of severe congestion.

The product is very strong so as not to cause a burn to the nasal mucosa; it should not be used for a long time. If any component is missing, you can only drip onion and garlic juice, which must be diluted with water or saline solution.


Sesame oil is instilled for congestion without a runny nose. It is enough to introduce 1-2 drops into each nostril.

What should you do if your child’s nose can’t breathe? What drops are best at home if the nose is very stuffy?

Protargol drops or the combined drug Viborcil, which contains vasoconstrictor and antiallergic components, will help the child relieve congestion.

Read more about drops for the common cold in children under one year old in the article Medicines and drops for the common cold in children under one year old.

Home Remedies

What to do if the nose is very stuffy, but there is no runny nose, what folk methods are used at home in this case?

  • Lemon with sugar or salt will help. During the day, you need to eat one mug of lemon, sprinkled with sugar or lightly salted, every 2 hours.
  • Laundry soap is also used. They rub it on the finger and insert it into the nasal passage. The sneezing that this causes breaks through any congestion.
  • But if the runny nose is so strong that snot constantly flows, then you can massage and rub the bridge of the nose with the “Star” balm.

Dry inhalations with volatile essential oils of horseradish root can free up breathing in case of strong discharge and dry congestion. If you grate the horseradish root, let it sit for a minute, and then smell it, it will break through the most severe congestion.

You just need to take the following precautions:

  • before opening the lid of the container with grated horseradish, close your eyes;
  • do not bring the container closer to your face than 10 cm;
  • do not perform the procedure too often due to the risk of burning the mucous membrane.

Addiction to nasal drops

And if the nose is very stuffy due to long-term use of nasal drops, what should you do with such stuffiness, when it is impossible not to drip, because the nose can’t breathe, and the drops no longer help?

With prolonged use of nasal drops, the blood vessels of the mucous membrane lose the ability to constrict on their own and can only perform this action upon command received during the administration of vasoconstrictors.

How to treat your nose at home if it is stuffy due to addiction to nasal drops?

To get rid of congestion caused by addiction to the drops, you need to:

  • first lengthen the intervals between instillations;
  • then instill only at night;
  • refuse instillation.

With enough patience, giving up the drops will be easy. But even otherwise, you will have to endure 2-3 nights, after which free breathing will certainly be restored.

What not to do if you have a stuffy nose

What you cannot do if your nose is not breathing is to warm up the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses directly at home without consulting a doctor.

If you have a stuffy nose, you cannot do steam inhalations, apply iodine mesh to the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses, warm it with hot salt, boiled egg - do anything that is accompanied by increased blood circulation in the area of ​​​​the maxillary sinuses.

If you carefully re-read the reasons for nasal congestion, you will notice that in each case it is useless to warm up.

To get rid of congestion, special treatment is always required:

  • for allergies - antihistamines in tablets or drops;
  • in case of a deviated nasal septum, adenoids, or polyps, surgery may be required;
  • with a diseased tooth in the upper jaw, there is a risk of odontogenic sinusitis, which is treated by two doctors - a dentist and an otolaryngologist;
  • in case of drug dependence on nasal drops, discontinue the drug and consult an ENT doctor.

A dangerous cause of impaired nasal breathing can be odontogenic sinusitis caused by a diseased tooth in the upper jaw. A runny nose with this type of sinusitis is not the leading symptom.

But there is no nasal breathing. The patient can only breathe through the mouth, which dries out the mucous membrane of the throat and increases the risk of pharyngitis and respiratory infection.

Odontogenic sinusitis is diagnosed only by an x-ray of the maxillary sinus, and in order to eliminate congestion, you need to visit a dentist and treat or remove the diseased tooth. You can read about the symptoms of this disease in the article “Odontogenic sinusitis.”

Lump behind the ear in an adult

Runny nose in a nursing mother, treatment with drops and folk remedies

Signs and treatment of sinusitis in adults

Inexpensive drops for runny nose

Treatment of laryngitis in adults at home

How and with what to treat a sore throat in a 2-year-old child

By self-medicating, you can waste time and harm your health!

Copying materials is permitted only with an active link to the site. Everything is in the original texts.

Source: http://loramed.ru/bolezni/nos/nasmork/zalozhen-nos-chto-delat.html

Nasal congestion

General information

Nasal congestion is often a significant inconvenience for a person and impairs the quality of life. A person must breathe through his nose, this is important both for cleansing and warming the air in the nasal cavity and for stimulating the brain. A constant runny nose and nasal congestion in an adult affects the general well-being and condition of the body. In such a situation, the following happens:

  • Since a person inhales unpurified and cold air through the mouth, there is a risk of damage to the upper respiratory tract.
  • It is difficult for a patient in this state to concentrate, remember information, and work productively.
  • If this condition occurs for a long time, problems with sleep appear, as it is difficult for a person to breathe at night.
  • A state of chronic fatigue develops.
  • Headaches cause anxiety, hearing deteriorates, discomfort and pain in the throat and ears are noted.

Why does constant nasal congestion bother you?

To understand why the nose is constantly stuffy, the reasons must be sought, first of all, in the characteristics of a person’s life and habits. Often the patient complains that his nose is constantly stuffy, “I can’t do without drops,” if the room where he is most of the time is too dry. As a result, the nasal mucosa dries out. This also happens due to irritation from dust and cigarette smoke. As a rule, this condition is associated either with an inflammatory process or with allergic manifestations.

With nasal congestion, swelling and swelling of the mucous membrane are observed, the network of blood vessels expands and the secretion of mucus significantly increases. If your nose is constantly stuffy, a specialist will explain what to do and will need to initially establish the correct diagnosis. Only after knowing the exact cause of such problems can the doctor prescribe treatment.

Inflammatory processes

Inflammation in the nasal area can be associated with a number of diseases.

Acute viral rhinitis

With this disease, the nose is stuffy and a clear, watery fluid is discharged from it in large quantities. It is difficult for a patient to breathe in this condition. In addition, I am worried about the redness of the skin on the nose, which is rubbed with a handkerchief and napkins and almost constantly gets wet. Gradually, at the site of redness, maceration of the skin develops and crusts form. If the patient is affected by the herpes virus, then pain in the nose bothers him, and blisters containing a light liquid appear. Gradually they open up and crusts form on them. Such wounds heal without scars.

Rhinitis bacterial

After the viral process, a bacterial one can develop, which runs in parallel with the viral one or displaces the viruses. Gradually the snot turns from yellowish to green. In this state, after clearing the nose, breathing may return. At the same time, the sense of smell is not very much impaired.

Fungal disease

As a rule, we are talking about candidal infection when white snot is released from the nose, in which veins of white mycelium can be seen. Erosion and painful weeping surfaces appear on the mucous membrane.

Inflammation of the sinuses

Often the answer to the question why a stuffy nose without a runny nose is an inflammatory process of the sinuses. If the sinuses are inflamed, the nose also becomes blocked: this happens with sinusitis, sinusitis, and ethmoiditis. In this condition, as a rule, the nose is stuffy and there is no snot.

In adults and children, sometimes only scanty nasal discharge of a purulent nature can be observed. Also, the patient in this condition loses his sense of smell. It may disappear completely or in one half of the nose. Pain sensations appear in the projection of the sinuses; when bending forward or throwing back the head, the pain becomes stronger. In this condition, body temperature may increase.

Sometimes sinusitis occurs in an acute form, sometimes it becomes chronic. It is in this state that a person notes that there is no runny nose, but the nose is stuffy. What to do in this case is determined by the doctor after making a diagnosis. After all, the causes of nasal congestion without a runny nose in adults and children can also be associated with other diseases. Therefore, if you suspect inflammation of the sinuses, especially if this condition recurs frequently and does not go away for a long time, you should visit a doctor and get an accurate answer to the question of why your nose is stuffy without a runny nose. The reasons in this case determine the treatment regimen.

Allergic rhinitis

In modern conditions, this disease often makes life difficult for people. Allergic manifestations develop due to a hereditary factor, increased levels of immunoglobulins E. Allergic rhinitis can also develop as a result of artificial feeding in infancy, drug abuse, and the use of antiseptics and detergents. The nasal mucosa also reacts to other allergens - food, dust, pollen, etc. In this condition, the patient is bothered by swelling, swelling, and redness. He feels itchy and constantly sneezes. A typical symptom of allergic rhinitis is abundant clear mucus that flows from the nose almost constantly.

  • Those who suffer from allergies to flowering trees or grasses experience seasonal rhinitis. This condition often occurs when birch, alder, nuts, etc. are in bloom. If your nose becomes blocked after contact with an allergen, then the same reaction will occur the next time.
  • Year-round rhinitis of allergic origin manifests itself as a reaction to dust, medications, animal hair, perfumes, household chemicals, etc. Even if a person comes into contact with a small amount of an allergen, his nose begins to run and feels stuffy. Eye damage (conjunctivitis of allergic origin) is often observed: the eyes turn red, the eyelids swell and itch, the eyes hurt, tears constantly flow.

Sometimes allergies also affect the bronchial tree, and in this case rhinitis is complemented by bronchial asthma. These processes develop in parallel, their development mechanisms are similar.

Vasomotor rhinitis

The reason for the development of this disease is a violation of the tone of the vessels of the nasal mucosa, which is why it swells. The disease develops as a consequence of an imbalance in the tone of the autonomic nervous system. The blood vessels in the nose dilate and swelling develops. This produces a large amount of mucus, which clogs the nasal passages. The patient complains of stuffy ears and nose, and he constantly produces clear snot.

Vasomotor rhinitis can develop if bone formations grow in the nose, if there is a chronic inflammatory process of the mucous membrane. This is also possible if a person uses vasoconstrictor nasal drops for a long time.

Nasal congestion without runny nose

This condition can be caused by various reasons.


If a child’s nose is constantly stuffy, the cause of this condition may be adenoids, that is, the growth of lymphoid tissue in the nose. Most often, a child has a constantly stuffy nose due to adenoids before the age of 6 years. In this case, nasal breathing is significantly difficult. And even if the adenoids are removed, this does not solve the problem, since over time the tissue may re-grow. Nasal congestion in a child without snot leads to the fact that he constantly keeps his mouth open, since he is forced to breathe this way.

Sometimes the problem of what to do if a child has a stuffy nose, but there is no snot, and the condition is associated with adenoids, cannot be solved. After all, it happens that this disease goes away on its own with age. But if the adenoids do not disappear, they must be removed. In any case, if a child has a very stuffy nose, the doctor will tell you how to treat this condition and what to do.

Nasal polyps

Polyps appear in adults. Their occurrence is most often associated with chronic inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity. Moreover, more often such formations appear in men. Three stages of polyps are determined, during the development of which a third of the nasal passage is gradually blocked, then half, and then completely. If a secondary infection is added, then the patient with polyps may develop bronchial asthma, which is of an infectious-allergic nature.

Deviated nasal septum

As a result of this pathology, the patency of half the nose is impaired. This leads to impaired nasal breathing.

Other reasons

The nose is stuffy due to other reasons. If a person has a soft and large palate, no teeth, or the innervation of the uvula of the soft palate is disturbed, this can lead to the fact that the soft palate will sink at night, during sleep. In this case, a person is likely to experience apnea at night, and this provokes snoring and increases the risk of sudden death. This condition cannot be ignored. You should definitely consult a specialist.


Expectant mothers, due to increased levels of prostaglandins and progesterone, very often feel that their nose is clogged and it is difficult to breathe. In this case, difficulties with nasal breathing appear without colds or allergies. During pregnancy, women often need nasal drops. At this time, both the mucous and soft tissues of the nose may swell, sometimes even its shape changes. Nosebleeds are also common in pregnant women, especially mid-term. When the hormonal balance gradually normalizes after childbirth, all these phenomena disappear on their own, without treatment.

Baby's nasal congestion

In children under three years of age, the nasal mucosa is unadapted. Therefore, children often experience a physiological runny nose, in which the nose is stuffy and clear fluid is discharged. This is exactly how a vascular reaction occurs, which helps the child gradually adapt to viruses, bacteria, and surrounding dust.

In this case, the question of how to treat a runny nose is irrelevant if the baby calmly takes the breast, does not show anxiety, and does not have a fever. However, it is worth consulting with a pediatrician and showing him the baby.

In a child of the first year of life, nasal breathing may be difficult after a viral infection or bacterial rhinitis. Sometimes against this background the baby develops otitis media. After one and a half years, a child may suffer from ethmoiditis, in which purulent contents are discharged from the nose and the temperature rises.

Older children develop the same diseases as adults.

Congestion due to tumors

With the development of a benign tumor, congestion develops on the affected side.

  • Any tumor of vascular origin (hemangioma, angiofibroma, lymphangioma) not only makes nasal breathing difficult, but can also cause nosebleeds.
  • Osteoma (benign bone formation) most often secondarily penetrates into the nasal cavity from the maxillary or frontal sinus. Mostly occurs in young people.
  • Malignant neoplasms can develop in the nasal cavity or paranasal sinuses.
  • The development of squamous cell carcinoma is twice as common in men. If the tumor is small, it looks like a nodule with a small ulcer on the surface. The large one resembles a knot that blocks the nasal passage.
  • Adenocarcinoma is a malignant glandular tumor that develops predominantly in carriers of the Epstein-Barr virus. This disease is characterized by ulceration of the tumor, with metastases appearing very early.
  • Sarcoma of the nasal cavity is a tumor of connective tissue. It develops very quickly, gradually growing into the orbit and nasal cavity.

The treatment regimen for the tumor is determined by the doctor after establishing the diagnosis. If we are talking about a benign formation, it is removed with a scalpel, a loop or cauterized.

If the tumor is malignant or very large, it is removed surgically, followed by radiation therapy.

What to do if your nose is stuffy

When your nose is constantly stuffy, what to do depends, first of all, on the diagnosis and age. Therefore, first of all, you need to determine the cause of this condition and only then take action.

Humidify the air

Even if the baby has a very stuffy nose and crusts appear in the nose, active air humidification will help. Of course, provided that the child is not sick. To ensure high-quality humidification, you can purchase a special household humidifier. If this is not possible, it is necessary to ventilate the room as often as possible. And also hang a wet cloth on the heating radiator, periodically moistening it.

Contact a doctor

A completely natural answer to the question of what to do if you have nasal congestion is to go see a doctor. A therapist or otolaryngologist will help you understand the cause of this condition. This will eliminate the need to use medications uncontrollably.

Use vasoconstrictor drops

For those who urgently need to get in shape, vasoconstrictor drops will help, which narrow the capillaries in the mucous membrane. As a result, swelling decreases and airway patency normalizes. However, such drops cannot be used independently for a long time. If your nose is stuffy during pregnancy, it’s better to ask your doctor what to do, rather than using the drops that you have on hand.

Alpha-2 adrenergic agonists

These drops effectively constrict veins, arterioles, and precapillary sphincters. After their use, blood flow to the venous sinuses is reduced, which helps reduce swelling. Such drops last longer than Phenylephrine and Mezaton. However, when using them, drying of the mucous membrane may occur, which leads to burning and unpleasant sensations in the nasal cavity. It should be borne in mind that when using such drops for more than one week, their effectiveness decreases. With prolonged use, the so-called rebound runny nose may develop. In this condition, a person constantly has a runny nose, and congestion also increases.

Any of the drugs included in the list of nasal drops for nasal congestion cannot be used for a long time. They are not prescribed to people suffering from glaucoma, hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, and arterial hypertension. Drops should not be used for infants diagnosed with glaucoma.

The drugs Phenylephrine and Mezaton narrow the smooth muscles of small arteries. They should be preferred for viral diseases and allergies.

Epinephrine is a beta-agonist whose effects are similar to those of adrenaline. For chronic congestion, this medicine is not used.

Ephedrine and other drugs containing it are now rarely used. These drugs activate the release of norepinephrine.


These drugs are histamine receptor blockers, which effectively reduce the severity of allergic manifestations. When used, vasodilation is reduced and swelling of the mucous membrane is relieved. The patient sneezes less.

Combined products

Sometimes combination medications are effective in the fight against nasal congestion:

  • Polydexa - combines a vasoconstrictor component and an antibiotic.
  • Rhinotheiss Doctor Theiss - contains eucalyptus oil, which has an antimicrobial effect, and xylometazoline, a vasoconstrictor.
  • Rhinopront - contains phenylephrine, which constricts blood vessels, and the antiallergic component carbinoxamine.

Decongestants for children

If a small child has a stuffy nose, be sure to clean and humidify the air in the room. Treatment should begin with inhalation of saline solution through a nebulizer. This way you can cure common rhinitis and ensure effective hydration of the mucous membrane.

  • Drops that are analogues of saline solution (Aqualor, Aquamaris) are effective. For babies, they need to instill one drop into each nasal passage. Parents should note that children should not rinse their nasal passages, as there is a risk of developing a secondary inflammatory process in the middle ear.
  • Sinupret and Pinosol products, which contain essential oils, are used to treat bacterial and viral infections of the sinuses and nasal cavity. You need to drip 1-2 drops.
  • If necessary, use a vasoconstrictor, the drug of choice may be children's Nazivin.
  • For purulent processes, children are prescribed the drug Protargol.
  • You can use combined agents for allergic or inflammatory processes. Such a medicine is Vibrocil, which contains vasoconstrictor and antiallergic components.
  • If your nose is constantly running, you can use Rinofluimucil for treatment. It contains tuaminoheptane sulfate, which constricts blood vessels, and acetylcysteine, which thins mucus.

Folk remedies

If we are talking about viral or bacterial rhinitis, you can use folk remedies to combat nasal congestion. There are a lot of such recipes. But such funds should be used carefully, especially when it comes to small children.

  • Herbal decoctions and infusions. Chamomile decoction is used to rinse the nasal passages. Cotton swabs soaked in chamomile infusion will also help relieve congestion. They need to be inserted into the nasal passages for 20 minutes. Other herbs are also added to chamomile: coltsfoot, St. John's wort, calendula, linden, sage, etc.
  • Aloe leaf. The juice of this plant has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. If severe nasal congestion bothers you, you need to drip fresh aloe juice - 5 drops into each nasal passage if we are talking about an adult patient, and 2-3 drops if you need to relieve the condition of a baby. This procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day.
  • Onions. They contain many phytoncides, so fresh onion juice can treat nasal congestion. After mixing the juice with water in a 1:1 ratio, you need to drip the product into your nose 4-5 times a day, a few drops. Pure juice should not be used to avoid burns to the mucous membrane. You can also inhale the vapors of onion pulp, preheated in a water bath. It is recommended to use red or purple onions for treatment, as they contain the largest amount of phytoncides.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. Pharmacy or homemade remedy should be dripped into each nasal passage, 2-3 drops.


If you have nasal congestion, you should definitely consult with an otolaryngologist or therapist, and your child should definitely be shown to a pediatrician. Despite the apparent insignificance of the problem, in fact such a symptom can be associated with serious diseases. In addition, uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor drops leads to addiction and the development of side effects. Therefore, the doctor should explain how to treat the nasopharynx in adults and children.

Education: Graduated from Rivne State Basic Medical College with a degree in Pharmacy. Graduated from Vinnitsa State Medical University named after. M.I. Pirogov and internship at his base.

Work experience: From 2003 to 2013 – worked as a pharmacist and manager of a pharmacy kiosk. She was awarded diplomas and decorations for many years of conscientious work. Articles on medical topics were published in local publications (newspapers) and on various Internet portals.

I agree with Nika. When I have congestion, I also always use Aquamaster, it breaks through perfectly. And I drink something hot, mainly tea with lemon, of course. 3-4 days and the runny nose is gone)

Change your washing powder!

I don't use drops at all. You get used to them and then you can’t live without them ((Usually I just pierce my nose with Aquamaster + drink hot milk with honey + do inhalations. This all helps very well to remove cold symptoms

We like Sopelka, it has a very pleasant smell and starts working in about 15 minutes.

A very good remedy for treating a runny nose is Morenasal spray. By the way, I now wash my nose with it every day for prevention. It's inexpensive, and one bottle lasts a long time.

Margarita: I give the producers a two for the implementation of the idea. The composition is disappointing, the consistency is...

Nina V.: The article is useful, you can take note and apply it to yourself

Andrey: Not a word is said about choosing the size of stockings according to a person’s parameters: height, leg size, etc.

Olga: For coxarthrosis of the 2nd degree, I have been injecting for 4 years at the rate (after 6 months), there is no improvement.

All materials presented on the site are for reference and informational purposes only and cannot be considered a treatment method prescribed by a doctor or sufficient advice.

The site administration and the authors of the articles are not responsible for any losses and consequences that may arise when using the site materials.

Source: http://medside.ru/zalozhennost-nosa

Stuffy nose

A stuffy nose prevents a person from breathing, creating a feeling of discomfort, which often leads to various complications. In some cases, a runny nose can go away on its own without any drug treatment, but the inability to breathe normally is very exhausting and irritating for the patient. Nasal congestion is not a separate disease, it is just a symptom of diseases such as colds or allergies. As a rule, such ailments have common symptoms: unpleasant itching in the nasal cavity, swelling, repeated sneezing, watery eyes and mild headaches.

Causes of nasal congestion:

  • allergic reactions;
  • colds;
  • adenoids;
  • deformed nasal septum;
  • tumor formations of the nasopharynx and nasal cavity.

Most often, a stuffy nose is diagnosed with colds, which cause a runny nose. The nasal mucosa is an excellent environment for the activity of many bacteria, which sometimes become aggressive as a result of severe hypothermia, which leads to the development of an inflammatory process.

Runny nose due to a cold

A runny nose is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which is accompanied by the secretion of increased amounts of mucus. This leads to swelling of the nasal tissues, the nasal passages narrow and congestion forms in them. Mucus partially or completely blocks the breathing passages, thereby limiting the ability to breathe normally and fully through the nose. At a minimum, this phenomenon brings discomfort, and in more severe cases, a mild cold develops into diseases such as sinusitis, ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis, otitis media and tonsillitis.

Methods for relieving nasal congestion

Nasal rinsing. There are a large number of special solutions designed for nasal rinsing. The most common are: a solution of table or sea salt, medicinal herbal infusions and special liquids to relieve nasal congestion, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. To rinse the nose, use special devices or small teapots, the spout of which is inserted into each nostril in turn and the medicine is poured so that it comes out freely through the second nostril.

Nasal drops. Currently, there are a large number of different drugs that can instantly eliminate nasal congestion. Among them, vasoconstrictor drops are widely used, which are produced in small bottles, which allows them to be used in any situation. However, it should be remembered that frequent use of such drugs often causes dependence, which over time minimizes the effect of the drug and forces one to look for other alternative options. It is quite difficult to wean yourself off nasal drops, so doctors recommend using them only when necessary and for no longer than 7 days in a row.

Hot drink. For nasal congestion, as with a common cold, warm, generous drinks are recommended. Teas with raspberries, lemon, linden and honey, as well as hot broth, will help overcome congestion. It should be noted that spicy foods such as horseradish, mustard, pepper and spices cause a rush of fluid to the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, which helps to dilute the accumulated mucus.

Warming procedures. For nasal congestion, it is very useful to apply mustard plasters to the calf muscles and take hot foot baths. A warm shower also helps unblock your nose as it warms your entire body.

Inhalations and essential ointments. Potato inhalations will help relieve nasal congestion. To do this, you need to boil the potatoes in their skins, crush them, add a few drops of tea tree or eucalyptus oil and breathe in the fumes, covering your head with a towel. Essential ointments, such as “star”, are good for congestion. It is recommended to smear a little substance on the wings of the nose, and after a short time the nose will begin to breathe on its own.

Rinsing and instilling sea water into the nose and sinuses during congestion is one of the most effective and affordable ways for a speedy recovery. Proceed with comprehensive treatment, don’t forget to purchase products based on sea water - a completely safe and 100% natural cure for the common cold. If you start using such drugs in a timely manner, you can quickly feel relief from breathing and subsequently get rid of such ailments as nasal congestion. Clinical studies have shown that the preventive use of sea water-based cold remedies reduces the risk of acute respiratory infections by three times.

Harm of nasal warming

Warming a stuffy nose with a boiled egg or warm salt is strictly prohibited, since the main cause of this condition may be sinusitis. Pus can accumulate in the maxillary sinuses, and heating the nose will only worsen the situation.

If nasal congestion does not resolve within a few days, you should seek qualified medical help, where the correct diagnosis will be made and proper treatment will be prescribed.

Preventing nasal congestion

In order to get fewer colds, you need to constantly strengthen your immunity, which, if necessary, can protect our body from bacteria and viruses. It is recommended to avoid hypothermia and too crowded places, carry out hardening procedures and lead a healthy lifestyle. It is very important to ensure that your body gets enough of all the necessary vitamins and minerals, to be active and just enjoy life.

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You can rinse with saline solution or drip Kalanchoe, everything comes out with sneezes. I use Aquamaster spray and humidify the air in the room. And you can drink plenty of tea with honey and ginger, raspberries.

Inhalations are definitely necessary, but not necessarily radical. I have a Nozzle at home for inhalation, that’s how I save myself.

Just the consequences, that’s all) Apparently not all the nasty stuff came out of the body. Try some kind of nasal spray (like Aquamaster, etc.) They will help you remove the nasty stuff faster and get better

Try Nasonex, in general, your problem is solved with antiallergic drops, but Nasonex is the best option - better and more effective than others.

Nonsense. No surgery needs to be done. Vasomotor rhinitis can be easily removed with Nasonex or Milt - it is cheaper and, in my opinion, works no worse, and the indications for its use are the same. In 2007, I accidentally got hooked on nazole, vasomotor rhinitis began, in 2012 I finally decided to go to the ENT specialist, she prescribed Nasonex - and after a week of injections, the whole problem was completely solved.

You just got used to the drops, so they stopped helping (I myself was on naphthyzine for about a year). The only solution is laser destruction of the inferior turbinates) or accept it and live like this.

The flu seems to be over, but the nose is stuffy. What is this connected with?

I have had a runny nose for 2 years and this advice may help.

I take chamomile in a saucepan and steam it. Then I pour 4 glasses into the kettle, one glass with a spoon of tea salt, and one mtakan with a dissolved furatsilin tablet. Mix everything together and rinse your nose, first put drops in your nose. After the procedure, the effect of my congestion increased after three hours more than before the start of the procedures, and after 5 hours everything began to improve. In the morning there is no runny nose, it just periodically lays down one side or the other on which I am holding. and the other passage opens freely.

I often have a stuffy nose, especially in the evening, I went to the hospital and had tests done for sinusitis and they didn’t find me with sinusitis. Since I'm pregnant, I can't have x-rays or anything like that. The doctor prescribed me a menthol tint, I read the instructions that it is not recommended for pregnant women. I feel like a drug addict and I can’t live without drops, I washed it with salt and rubbed my nose like a red clown. Advise me what to do. I also dripped beet juice and propolis to no avail.

Massage is the best way and buy a Star

I have allergic rhinitis. I haven’t tried anything that has helped or helped until I made the solution myself. On half a glass of boiled water, a couple of drops of iodine and calendula tincture and on the tip of a knife.

Nothing helps. Very bad

During pregnancy, my nose began to get stuffy, constantly. I went to the doctors and they said it would go away after giving birth. My child is already 2.5 years old and still hasn’t passed. What to do? No matter how much drops I tried, nothing helped. /Constantly on drops (Please tell me what to do? Maybe someone had the same problem.

When I have a runny nose, I use sea water, but my nose gets even more stuffy. I use (Aquarol). Why?

Personally, the only thing that helps me is holding my breath. You just stop breathing for as long as possible. Inhale after the delay as calmly as possible! Effectively unfolds after a second (up to 1 minute). And so on for 3-5 cycles.

helpful information! Thank you!

At the same time, when possible, I use wipes soaked in eucalyptus essential oil. 5 teaspoons of olive oil, pour them into a cup (glass or ceramic, not plastic!), then add 5 drops of pure eucalyptus essential oil to the oil. Mix thoroughly. I take a napkin, fold it, dip the tip into the oil and stick the napkin into my nostril. The second napkin is for the second nostril.

This needs to be done daily - more precisely, every night, 2 hours before going to bed. If your nose is stuffy throughout the day, then perform this procedure in the morning. Eucalyptus oil helps relieve nasal congestion and does not dry out the mucous membranes.

Leave a cup of oil near the bed. Essential oil vapors will help you breathe while you sleep. The contents of the cup will last about a week. The runny nose will go away sooner, but standing next to it won’t do any harm.

I was cured with cuckoo saline solutions.

Good afternoon, I had nasal congestion, I went to the Sich Doctor’s Center in Moscow, and doctor Andrey Leonidovich Dorofeev helped a lot. Regards, Alexey

Is it possible to rinse the nose this way? wash your ears

I live in a damp climate. Therefore, I often catch colds and suffer from nasal congestion. I have never been poisoned by medications, I removed congestion with the help of acupressure, rinsing the nose with salt water, and also warming up. Now I will be careful with warming up. Thanks for the advice :)

Thanks for the smart advice. My nose has been bothering me for a long time now, either runny nose or stuffiness. I tried a lot of things, often the drugs cause dryness and nosebleeds appear periodically. I'll try folk remedies.

Thank you very much, you helped! I didn’t want to go to the clinic with a runny nose, because if you go there with a runny nose, you’ll leave with something worse. Thank God we found this article and didn’t make the typical mistakes when self-medicating.

I had problems with my nose. I was constantly breathing poorly. And here I learned about such a procedure as washing the nasal passages. I bought a special solution at the pharmacy and, as recommended here, mineral-based nasal drops. And everything disappeared. And what is most interesting is “The harm of nasal warming”. As a child, when my nose was blocked, my grandmother would constantly boil an egg and force me to apply it. I resisted, I didn’t like it, and it didn’t help. And now I know that I did everything right.

I have a deformed nasal septum, which constantly causes chronic rhinitis. I apply mustard plasters on my feet, as you say in your recommendations, a very useful remedy, and of course, rinsing the nose.

I never like to use various medications, especially naphthyzine, as they can be addictive. Whenever I have a stuffy nose, I do this: I warm my feet in hot water (so that the blood vessels in my feet expand and at the same time the vessels in the nasal mucosa narrow), I drink various hot teas from different berries that contain a lot of vitamin C, and I also chop an onion at night and put it near your bed (it contains substances that have a detrimental effect on bacteria and viruses that cause rhinitis). In three days everything goes away.

I remember once when I was young, after a runny nose I became addicted to these vasoconstrictor drops, I had to take them every 3 hours, I couldn’t breathe at all, even though the runny nose itself had long since passed. Then I gained patience, suffered for three days, and held out without drops. Plus I washed my nose with regular saline solution. Since then, I have been afraid to use such drops for more than two days.

We warmed our noses in the old fashioned way with a bag of salt. Now I'll think 10 times before repeating the procedure

Source: http://mag.103.ua/zhurnal/73-zalozhen-nos/

What to do if you constantly have a stuffy nose without a runny nose. How to treat

Breathing is one of the basic needs of the human body. The nose plays an important role in the respiratory system - the organ through which oxygen necessary for cells is supplied. The nose protects the body from dust, harmful impurities and pathogenic bacteria, and prevents hypothermia of internal organs.

All colds are related to the nose to one degree or another, because the most characteristic sign of a cold is a runny nose. There are many ways to deal with liquid snot. But there are times when the nose is constantly stuffy without a runny nose. What to do in such a situation?

Inflammation of the nasal mucosa leads to swelling and congestion

Symptoms of persistent nasal congestion

Inflammation of the mucous membrane contributes to tissue swelling and narrowing of the nasal passages. The result is a stuffy nose. Swelling makes breathing difficult and reduces the flow of oxygen to the brain. A person experiences a headache, feels discomfort, and gets tired quickly.

A stuffy nose creates a lot of inconvenience. I have to breathe through my mouth all the time, which makes it difficult to talk, eat, drink and sleep. Difficulty breathing causes difficulties in communication and interferes with a normal lifestyle.

Sometimes nasal congestion goes away on its own, but most often it does not go away for a long time. What to do in such a situation? To answer this question, you need to find out what causes a clogged nose.

Causes of nasal congestion without a runny nose

Although a stuffy nose is a rather unpleasant phenomenon, it is still not a disease, but a symptom. And to get rid of it, you need to understand what caused this problem. There are quite a few reasons. Let's focus on the most basic ones.

1. Hypothermia or a common cold is almost always accompanied by rhinitis - a viral runny nose.

The common cold is the main cause of nasal congestion

If, along with a stuffy nose, a person is worried about weakness, chills and headache, then most likely in a day or two snot will flow from the nose. In this case, warming procedures will come to the rescue - hot foot baths, mustard plasters, tea with linden blossom, raspberries and honey.

2. Sometimes nasal congestion occurs only from time to time - during some physical activity, during sleep, during climate change, and sometimes for no apparent reason at all. These are symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis - a chronic ailment in which blood circulation in the vessels of the nasal cavity is disrupted and swelling occurs.

[box type=”info” ]Important to know! Vasomotor rhinitis is often one of the manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia, a disease characterized by heart pain, dizziness, sleep disturbance, tremors of the limbs, and fainting.

At the first signs, you need to consult a doctor who will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.[/box]

3. What should you do if you have a stuffy nose without a runny nose, a constant headache, or bothered by twitching in the cheeks, teeth, and eyes? All this, as well as weakness, general malaise, and bad breath are signs of sinusitis, an inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses. 20% of untreated sinusitis develop into sinusitis - a disease dangerous with severe complications - pneumonia, rheumatism, otitis media, meningitis.

4. Swelling of the mucous membrane, stuffy nose, dry cough accompany allergic reactions to various irritants.

Allergies can be seasonal, for example, to the flowering of certain plants, or permanent, in which the irritant may be pet hair, dust, strong odors, aerosols, food, medications.

If you have allergies, your nose may also become stuffy

The main thing with allergic nasal congestion is to identify the source and completely eliminate contact with it.

5. Sometimes the mucous membrane in the nose and paranasal sinuses grows and polyps form. They can reach significant sizes and make breathing difficult.

If you do not seek medical help, then impaired nasal breathing will torment a person around the clock. It makes it difficult to sleep and causes snoring. Later, various viral and bacterial infections occur.

Removal of polyps is carried out using a laser, as well as surgically using endonasal surgery.

Polyps and adenoids, which often cause breathing difficulties, are best removed in childhood

6. Unlike polyps, which are neoplasms, adenoids are an integral part of the human immune system. They are located in the nasopharynx and protect the body from the penetration of pathogenic microbes.

Adenoids can grow, preventing the normal flow of oxygen through the nose, and also becoming a favorable environment for the development of various infections. In such cases, they are removed using the same methods as polyps.

Interesting fact! Adenoids reach their maximum size by the age of 4, and then begin to grow back and are practically impossible to detect in an adult. Therefore, adenoids are usually removed in childhood.

If you suspect the presence of a foreign body, you should urgently contact an otolaryngologist

7. Difficulty breathing and nasal congestion can be caused by a foreign body. This is more true for children, especially the smallest ones, who can stick buttons, beads and other objects up their noses.

If you find foreign objects in the child’s nasal passages and it is impossible to remove them by blowing your nose, you should immediately contact a medical facility.

[box type=”warning” ]Important! Small children should not be given small objects to play with, for example, construction sets with small parts, and even more so, the child should not be left unattended with such toys.[/box]

9. A deviated nasal septum, most often caused by injury, not only makes breathing difficult, but, in most cases, is complicated by chronic rhinitis.

This problem can be solved by resorting to plastic surgery.

10. People prone to frequent colds use vasoconstrictor drugs - naphthyzine, galazolin, sanorin.

Too frequent use of vasoconstrictor medications can lead to persistent nasal congestion.

Some people use these remedies for weeks, months, and sometimes even years. As a result, a persistent addiction develops; without naphthyzin, a person begins to choke, sleeps poorly, suffers from headaches and a constantly stuffy nose.

Constant exposure of the mucous membranes to medications has extremely negative consequences. The sense of smell decreases and subsequently completely disappears, blood circulation in the brain is inhibited, lethargy, irritability, and often convulsions appear.

Important to remember! Vasoconstrictor drugs can be used to treat rhinitis only for the first 3-4 days.

11. Nasal congestion due to hormonal changes in the body, in particular during pregnancy, is a very common phenomenon. It does not pose a danger to either the mother or the unborn baby, but it does cause some discomfort.

During pregnancy, when a woman's body undergoes hormonal changes, the nose may become blocked for no apparent reason.

It is extremely undesirable to use medications during pregnancy; it is better to use traditional medicine, which will be discussed below. As a rule, two to three weeks after the birth of the child, all signs of nasal congestion disappear without a trace.

12. Insufficient air humidity in the room, especially during the heating season, can cause a constantly stuffy nose without a runny nose. Mucus accumulates in the nasal passages, causing them to swell, making breathing difficult.

If nothing is done, a person’s susceptibility to infections and various respiratory diseases increases. The situation may be accompanied by coughing, sneezing, and nosebleeds.

Normal indoor humidity levels are important for breathing

Interesting fact! Air humidity is an important indicator when assessing the comfort of premises. Air with a measured humidity of up to 55% is considered dry, from 56 to 85% is considered moderately humid, and above 86% is extremely humid. It is possible to maintain normal humidity in a living space if the air temperature does not exceed + 21 degrees Celsius.

13. A constant feeling of a stuffy nose is possible if a person is surrounded by an unfavorable environmental situation, for example, nearby industrial enterprises or major highways.

In such cases, it is necessary to ensure that air from the street does not penetrate into the room, and also, if possible, to landscape the apartment with plants that saturate the air with oxygen.

Help with persistent nasal congestion

Having found out the reason that provoked the condition when the nose is constantly stuffy without a runny nose, they choose ways to eliminate it. What should you do first? The best solution is to see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis. When the diagnosis is determined, treatment begins.

There are a great many recipes of traditional medicine, as well as modern pharmacology. Let's try to figure out which means are most effective.


In every pharmacy, without a prescription, you can buy standard products that help if you constantly have a stuffy nose without a runny nose. What to do to understand the variety of drugs? How do you know which ones will help in a particular situation? Medicines used for nasal congestion can be divided into several groups:

For any cause of nasal congestion, you can use vasoconstrictor drugs, for example, Sanorin

  • Decongents, or vasoconstrictors. They can quickly, in 5-10 minutes, relieve a stuffy nose. They work well in any situation - with allergies, rhinitis, and inflammation of the nasal cavities.

The cheapest and weakest are drops with naphazoline - Naphthyzin, Sanorin. They are instilled 1-2 drops into each nasal passage. The effect occurs almost instantly and lasts up to 4 hours. Cost, rub.

Preparations with xylometazoline, in particular Xymelin, act for up to 8 hours. Cost, rub. It is advisable to use it for no more than 7 days.

The effect of using Nazol and Nazivin occurs within minutes and lasts for up to hours. These medications are based on oxymetazoline, which is not recommended for use for more than 5 days. Cost, rub.

Among hormonal drugs you can use Nasonex

  • Hormonal drops. Having the same effect as decongents, they are not addictive. They begin to act after 5-6, less often – after 10 hours.

It is important to know! You should not be afraid of the term “hormonal”, since the drug is not absorbed into the blood and does not have a negative effect on the body as a whole.

The most famous drops and sprays of this group are Nasonex, Alcedin, Rinoklenil. The only drawback of these drugs is their high cost - up to 800 rubles. However, of all the remedies recommended for unblocking the nose, they are the safest.

For nasal congestion due to allergies, antihistamines are recommended, for example, Vibrocil

  • Antihistamines. These medications are effective if the cause of a stuffy nose is an allergy. They act quite quickly - within minutes the nose begins to breathe. This group includes: Vibrocil, Allergodil, Histimed. Cost – up to 500 rubles.

Aqualor or other special solutions are used to rinse the nose

  • To eliminate nasal congestion and relieve swelling, rinsing with various solutions is used. This method is especially good if difficulty breathing is caused by increased dryness in the room, or is a consequence of abuse of vasoconstrictor drugs.

Washing is done with saline solution (25 rubles) or Aqualor, Aquamaris (up to 500 rubles). This is the safest method and is used even for small children. The disadvantage is that the effect is rather slow.

[box type=”note” ]Important to remember! If the symptoms of a stuffy nose are not eliminated by medications within 7 days, you need to consult a doctor to prescribe the correct and effective treatment.[/box]

Traditional methods

An alternative to drug treatment for a stuffy nose is treatment with traditional methods. They are widely used due to their availability and complete safety. Let's look at the most famous ones:

1. Kalanchoe juice is instilled 1-2 drops into each nostril. It causes intense sneezing and helps unblock the nasal passages.

Aloe juice causes sneezing - as a result, the nose clears

2. Essential oils of fir, juniper, lemon, eucalyptus not only help restore breathing, but also prevent viruses and pathogenic bacteria from entering the body. Add 3-4 drops of oil to hot water and, covered with a towel, breathe for minutes.

3. In the same way, steam inhalation is carried out over a pan of boiled potatoes.

4. Onion or garlic juice will help restore your breathing instantly. Small swabs are moistened with it and inserted into each nostril.

It should be used with caution by people prone to allergies to avoid the opposite effect.

Garlic juice can be used for instillation provided there is no allergy

5. Instillation of freshly squeezed carrot or beet juice has a good effect - 3 drops into each nasal passage.

6. Thermal procedures will help a stuffy nose - warming with salt or a chicken egg. Salt, preferably sea salt, is placed in a linen bag and heated in the microwave. Apply to the nose area for 15 – 20 minutes. A chicken egg is boiled and, wrapped in a napkin, rolled around the nose and forehead.

7. Drinking large quantities of herbal decoctions - elderberry and linden flowers, sage, strawberry leaves, as well as teas with raspberries, lemon, black currants will cope with difficulty breathing and saturate the body with vitamins.

You need to drink a lot of decoctions based on medicinal herbs, for example, chamomile

8. Kerosene compresses applied to the soles of the feet at night can help unblock a stuffy nose by the morning.

Important to remember! Folk remedies are good, but not for all diseases. If after using home treatment methods the problem does not disappear, you cannot do without visiting a doctor.

What is the danger of this condition?

What to do if a person has a constantly stuffy nose without a runny nose for a long time, often even years? After all, systematic disruption of the normal respiratory process is fraught with very serious complications:

  • Partial or complete loss of smell, which cannot always be restored;
  • Constant headaches, impaired oxygen supply to the brain, sometimes leading to irreversible phenomena;
  • Inflammation of the ears;

Constant nasal congestion can lead to complications, in particular otitis media.

  • Snoring, sleep disturbance;
  • Depression, lethargy, irritability;
  • Weakening of memory.

Note! No disease goes away on its own. Timely treatment is the key to a successful and quick recovery.

Preventing nasal congestion

How to prevent a situation where your nose is constantly stuffy without a runny nose? What to do in order to avoid this extremely unpleasant condition? You need to follow some pretty simple tips:

1. Avoid hypothermia, dress according to the season, be sure to wear a hat in the cold season;

A healthy lifestyle (healthy eating, exercise, giving up bad habits) is the prevention of nasal congestion.

2. Give up bad habits - smoking, alcohol abuse;

3. Lead a healthy lifestyle, follow a diet and sleep schedule;

4. Try to spend as much time as possible outdoors;

5. Engage in physical exercise - walking, swimming, cycling;

6. Do breathing exercises regularly;

7. Do not attend public events during epidemics of colds.

By following these simple but important recommendations, you can not only get rid of a stuffy nose, but also strengthen the immune system, improve the health of the body and prevent the development of serious complications.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

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I have two growing children who almost never get sick) And all because during the sick season for children after kindergarten, I rinse the nose with homemade saline solution (a glass of warm water + 1 teaspoon of salt). Be sure to do exercises with the children in the morning (5-10 minutes) and ventilate the children's room every day (morning and evening).

I sneeze and my nose is stuffy, this is my reaction to flowering (((

Source: http://ideales.ru/kladovaya-zdorovya/postoyanno-zakladyivaet-nos-nasmorka.html