Is there a cough when teething?

Can there be a cough during teething?

Cough is often associated with serious pathological disorders. An unpleasant symptom is considered normal when its appearance is associated with teething in infants.

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Not all young parents know about this, and immediately begin to treat their child with harmful synthetic drugs. How can you make sure that a cough is associated with teeth growth, and help your baby more easily survive this important but painful process?

Teething and coughing: reality or myth?

From the moment of conception, the fetus receives the necessary immunoglobulins from the mother’s body through the placenta, and after birth through breast milk. By six months, the composition of the nutrient fluid changes, and it becomes necessary to include new foods in the diet.

The time of introduction of complementary foods coincides with the appearance of the first molars. This is a lot of stress for the body. The acquired immunity has not yet been formed, but the one given by the mother has been used.

You can tell that a child’s teeth are growing by his behavior: he becomes capricious, whiny and irritable, puts everything in his mouth, and refuses to eat.

Another sure sign is a cough and runny nose during teething. This fact explains the close location and relationship of the oral and nasal cavities. The appearance of baby teeth is accompanied by increased salivation, swelling of the gums, and increased blood circulation.

For reference! It is impossible to accurately determine the time when the first tooth appears. The initial timing of this process depends on several factors: the sex of the child, nutrition, heredity, climatic conditions of residence.

A protective reaction is triggered to the inflammatory process, and the amount of mucus produced increases. Because the mucociliary clearance system is destabilized, sputum accumulates in the paranasal sinuses and then flows from the nose down the oropharynx, irritating the cough receptors.

Cough during tooth growth can be wet or dry. The first occurs as a result of the accumulation of mucus at the beginning of the esophagus. The appearance of unproductive acts is associated with dryness of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract due to nasal congestion.

Cough attacks are characterized by paroxysmal nature, occur up to 10 times a day, lasting from 5 to 15 minutes. Coughing attacks worsen while crying. Normally, the duration of forced exhalations should not exceed 5 days.

Most often, babies are bothered by a night cough during teething. The child is in a horizontal position, so the outflow of mucus along the back wall of the pharynx occurs more intensely.

In order not to confuse a cold cough with a protective-adaptive reaction, it is important to know the symptoms of teething:

  • mucus is transparent, watery, without foreign impurities or unpleasant odors;
  • body temperature remains at the level of natural subfebrile indicators, rarely increases slightly;
  • the skin in the chin area is irritated due to excessive salivation;
  • frequent and loose bowel movements are possible;
  • there are no extraneous sounds or wheezing during cough reflexes;
  • cough reflexes do not progress, frequency and intensity decrease by 3-4 days.

Nuance! To remove skin irritation associated with excessive salivation, treat the affected areas with baby emollient cream. It is better to carry out the procedure before going to bed at night so that the beneficial components are completely absorbed.

During the period of tooth growth and a weakened immune system, there is a high risk of infection of the child’s body with viruses and bacteria. Therefore, to exclude the possibility of an infectious disease, the child must be shown to a pediatrician.

Dr. Komarovsky's advice on how to help a child

Authoritative pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky emphasizes that refusal to consult a specialist can lead to serious complications. If your baby has a temperature of 38⁰ C, a stuffy nose, and a severe cough, don’t blame the teeth for everything. Most likely we are talking about an infection, and the mother is waiting for the unpleasant symptoms to go away on their own, while the baby’s condition worsens.

If the doctor has confirmed that coughing is a natural reaction caused by tooth growth, then drug treatment can only worsen the child’s condition. The therapeutic task comes down to eliminating a runny nose, because it is the stagnation of muconasal secretions that provokes reflexes in the cough center.

Important! If your baby suffered from an acute respiratory viral infection before the teeth began to grow, ask a specialist to select immunomodulatory drugs to strengthen the body before a new “test.”

Compliance with the following recommendations will help to quickly normalize the general condition of the baby:

  1. Rinse and moisturize your nose. Mechanical cleansing of the paranasal sinuses reduces the accumulation of mucus and prevents the formation of dry crusts. For this purpose, use saline solutions prepared at home (1 tsp of salt per 1 cup of water). 2-3 drops of liquid are instilled into the previously cleaned nasal cavities; after 5-10 minutes, the residue is carefully removed with ear sticks and sterile cotton wool. An alternative to improvised means are pharmaceutical preparations based on sea water: “Aquamaris”, “Aqualor”, “Humer”, “Marimer”. Due to the absence of synthetic compounds, they are allowed from the first days of life, and the presence of useful microelements in the composition only speeds up the healing process.
  2. Remove excess snot from the nose. A special device - a nasal aspirator - will cope with the task perfectly. A medical syringe, a syringe without a needle, or a pipette can replace a nozzle suction pump. The main rule is to carry out activities systematically. Upon completion, drop 2-3 drops of physiological or isotonic solution into each nostril.
  3. Massage your gums. The procedure will help reduce the intensity of pain. For this purpose, offer your baby chilled special teethers.
  4. Treat the gums with drugs with an analgesic effect: Dentol, Dentokind, Kalgel, Kamistad.
  5. Create a favorable microclimate in the room. The optimal air temperature during the day varies between 20-21⁰С, for night sleep it decreases by a couple of degrees, the humidity level is within 55-60%. Carry out wet cleaning systematically. If possible, ventilate the room 2 times a day.
  6. Provide plenty of fluids.
  7. Increase the duration of walks in the fresh air.
  8. Put the child to sleep on his side, then the mucus will not flow down the oropharynx.
  9. Bath your baby more often. Natural moisture has a beneficial effect on an irritated throat, softens coughs, and prevents the formation of nasal discharge.


Can children have a teething cough? Yes! But the diagnosis should be made by a qualified specialist, not the parents. Since the child’s immune defense is not fully formed, and weakens even more during tooth growth, there is a high risk of respiratory disease.

Be attentive to your baby’s health, react to every change in his body in order to help him in time and not make mistakes!

Directory of main ENT diseases and their treatment

All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate from a medical point of view. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating you can harm yourself!


Does coughing occur during teething, what does it mean and is there anything you can do: important recommendations

When a baby is teething, parents can observe a full set of symptoms characteristic of colds and viral infections: high fever, runny nose, cough.

Can there be a cough during teething and what to do about it? Instill drops, treat a throat, measure out a mixture with spoons? Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, however, it is also useful for parents to understand the nature of the same cough in order to competently help the baby cope with problems.

Further in the article, read about whether coughing is possible in children during teething and what a mother should do if she has a dry, wet, night or daytime cough at such an important time for the child.

Can it appear and why?

If adults treat teething as a difficult but natural process, then coughing definitely causes anxiety. Adults fear for the baby’s health and do not always associate a dangerous symptom with the appearance of teeth. In fact, this happens quite often and is caused by increased salivation.

It is not difficult to verify that children are coughing from drool during teething.

Look carefully at the skin around the baby's mouth and at his chin: drool gets to them, the surfaces become irritated and reddened.

If the cough is caused by sputum formed as a result of colds and infectious diseases, then such a picture is not observed.

Sore throat symptoms caused by teething usually last two to three days. If they do not go away and are accompanied by shortness of breath and wheezing in the chest, this may mean the onset of respiratory diseases.

Causes of appearance in children

The blood supply to the gums and nose is so interconnected that its increase in the oral cavity (associated with the appearance of teeth) activates processes in the nasal cavity.

In babies, who spend most of their lives in the “lying down” position, mucus moves freely through the nasopharynx into the depths, and this makes soreness almost inevitable.

Types of coughing in infants

A “dental” cough can be dry or wet, strong or weak, but it is especially important to be able to distinguish it from a viral, respiratory one. The latter can also be wet or dry, but it is distinguished by prolonged attacks.

It is also worth paying attention to nasal discharge. If there are no infections, they are watery and transparent (this, by the way, also happens with ARVI), but if there is any bacterial infection in the body, the snot becomes thick, its color is green or yellow.

Dry or wet

A cough associated with teeth is initially dry, since the snot has not yet had time to penetrate deep into the respiratory tract. Sometimes at this stage problems can end safely if the spout is regularly cleaned, not allowing mucus to make its way into the body.

By the way, there is another reason for this type of ailment: a child who is teething becomes anxious, cries a lot, as a result, the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx become irritated and a cough appears. If you manage to calm the baby down and redirect his attention, his well-being will improve significantly.

The cause of a wet cough during teething in children is strong salivation, in which saliva is present almost all the time in the throat, causing irritation.

A pediatrician will tell you whether teething can be accompanied by a cough, and why it is wet:

Night or day

There are more reasons for night cough than for daytime cough, since the child lies down all the time, and mucus easily penetrates into the upper respiratory tract.

Doctors recommend solving the problem in two ways:

  • clean the child’s nose with a bactericidal solution before going to bed;
  • place a small pillow under his head to prevent mucus from flowing towards the respiratory tract.
  • Strong or weak

    Parents should also pay attention to what kind of cough a child develops during teething and its intensity. Weak, infrequent, and clearly not of a viral nature should not cause alarm.

    However, if from a weak child it begins to turn into a strong one, barking, and other suspicious symptoms (wheezing, shortness of breath) are added to it, then it is imperative to show the baby to the doctor.

    Is it necessary to treat and how?

    If the cough is caused by dental problems, then they need to be addressed in order to bring relief to the baby. This can be done by regularly clearing mucus from your nose. The baby himself cannot blow his nose yet, so you need to use a nasal aspirator or a blower.

    In addition, it is recommended to rinse the nasal mucosa with saline solution or special drops prepared using sea water (“Aquamaris”, for example); this should be done 3-4 times a day.

    Rinsing the nose with chamomile decoction will ease the baby’s condition - the liquid will not only cleanse the passages, but also soothe irritated tissues.

    But you will have to refuse medications, for example, mucolytics (sputum thinners and against dry cough) - they will not give the expected effect.

    What Doctor Komarovsky says

    Authoritative pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky draws the attention of parents to the fact that the appearance of teeth coincides in time with the moment when the protection received by the baby from the mother exhausts itself.

    This means that the little person becomes especially vulnerable, and the risk of viral infections becomes real. Therefore, it is very important not to confuse the natural process of teething with a disease. Here are some recommendations from Dr. Komarovsky:

    • if the child suffered any infection before teething, ask the pediatrician to prescribe immunostimulating drugs for the baby to strengthen his body before the new test;
  • You can’t blame your teeth for everything if a cough is accompanied by a high (more than 38 degrees) temperature - in this case, we are most likely talking about an infection;
  • focus on the traditional dates for the appearance of teeth and add six months to them (this may be a deviation “from the standard”), thanks to this you will know whether you can “suspect” the baby’s teeth for poor health or not;
  • in order to save the baby from a cough that torments him, do not replace the pediatrician with yourself, strictly follow the instructions given by him;
  • Children under 3 years of age should not be given drugs with an expectorant effect, because they do not yet know how to spit out mucus;
  • If the cough is associated with teething, the doctor usually does not prescribe medications at all.
  • Now that you know whether your baby can cough while teething, we want to remind you that coughing is one of the controversial symptoms that can indicate a serious illness or accompany the natural process of teething. Don't trust your feelings, consult your pediatrician.

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    Teething cough

    Teething is a difficult experience not only for the baby, but also for the parents. Along with the joyful realization that the child is getting older and will very soon eat “adult” food, one also has to deal with negative manifestations. For example, infants may experience a runny nose and cough. It is important to determine whether they are caused by the process of new teeth erupting or whether they signal that the baby is sick.

    Teething symptoms

    As a rule, teething does not go smoothly. This process takes a long time, because not one incisor or fang comes out, but as many as twenty.

    Signs that a baby will soon grow a new tooth may appear a day or two before the event, or a week before. The harbingers of the appearance of incisors and fangs are as follows:

    • The gums turn red and thicken.
    • There is increased salivation. It intensifies from the tenth week and lasts up to six months. Mom needs to stock up on bibs and promptly replace used ones with fresh ones.
    • Appetite disappears, the child may refuse to eat altogether.
    • There is a desire to gnaw or chew something. During feeding, the baby tries to bite the nipple. He just wants to scratch his gums, so the baby squeezes any objects that fall into his mouth.
    • Tearfulness and increased irritability occur.
    • There are problems with stool. It is possible to alternate between mild diarrhea and constipation.
    • Restless sleep is noted.
    • There may be a slight fever.
    • A runny nose and cough appear.

    ARVI, intestinal infection and allergies manifest themselves as similar symptoms. The cough sounds very similar to the one that occurs with bronchitis. Therefore, the baby must be shown to the pediatrician. He will determine why the child is coughing. If the cause is teething, then no treatment will be needed.

    Causes of cough

    Cough is a symptom that complements the baby’s already painful condition during teething. True, this symptom does not occur in all babies.

    The reasons that cause it are:

    • Profuse salivation, in which saliva fills the throat. This causes the baby to cough wetly. Excess saliva flows down the larynx, provoking prolonged and frequent attacks. Simultaneously with the cough, skin irritation appears on the baby’s cheeks, chin and around the lips.
    • Runny nose. Its occurrence is explained by an increase in blood supply to the gums and nasal mucosa. These parts of the body are anatomically interconnected. The nasal glands begin to produce excess mucus. It flows down the neck, enters the upper respiratory tract and irritates them, causing a cough. Nasal discharge is profuse, but at the same time transparent. Externally, they differ from those that appear in a baby during a cold. A runny nose may continue for more than one week.
    • Prolonged crying and nasal congestion. A cough occurs due to dryness and irritation in the throat.

    Since the baby’s immunity is not strengthened, and during the period of teething it weakens even more, the development of an acute respiratory disease is possible. It is also necessarily accompanied by a cough and runny nose. Plus, body temperature rises.

    If the cough is associated with teething, it will stop no later than after a few days.

    How to reduce cough?

    To help the child and alleviate his condition, it is necessary first of all to reduce the runny nose. The baby himself cannot do this (he has not yet learned to blow his nose), so the parents will have to work.

    • You should purchase a nasal aspirator from the pharmacy. A small syringe will also do. Using such devices, it is necessary to regularly remove excess mucus from the nose. This is not difficult to do, and the baby will not have to experience any unpleasant sensations. The process is absolutely painless.

    After the procedure, the mucous membrane should be moistened with saline solution or nasal drops containing sea water. This will reduce swelling and irritation. Drops containing sea water should be used at least three times a day. Instead, you can prepare a warm decoction of medicinal herbs.

    The nose must be cleared of mucus and moistened before bed. Then the cough will decrease along with the runny nose and the child will be able to sleep peacefully. The procedure will not only reduce the accumulation of mucus, but will also prevent the lining of the nasopharynx from drying out.

  • You need to stock up in advance with regular teethers and cooling ones filled with water or anesthetic gel. Their main purpose is to massage the gums and reduce pain. The baby will be happy to carry them in his mouth, and the cough will become less intense.
  • You can lubricate your baby’s gums with gels that are designed to relieve pain. They should be recommended by a doctor.
  • The baby needs to get more fluids and be in fresh and cool air. Constant walks outside the house and ventilation of the baby’s bedroom are important.
  • In order not to aggravate the well-being of a sleeping child, you need to place him on his side. Then less saliva will enter the throat and will not make breathing difficult.
  • It is advisable to bathe your baby more often and for longer. Let him swim in the bath with his favorite toys. The humidity in the bathroom is one hundred percent, which will serve as a good prevention of nasal discharge.
  • You need to apply a little softening cream to the washed baby's face. This will help remove skin irritation that appears due to excessive secretion of saliva and mucus from the nose. It is advisable to use the cream before bed so that it is completely absorbed.
  • It is possible that the cough is a consequence of a viral disease. Therefore, you should visit your pediatrician and purchase the drugs recommended by him that strengthen the immune system.

    The order of appearance of teeth

    It is difficult to accurately determine the time of teething. But we can guess the likely timing of this important process. They are:

    • The first two central lower incisors appear (between the sixth and ninth months), then the two upper ones (at seven to ten months).
    • By the age of one year, the lateral incisors should emerge.
    • Before the baby is 18–19 months old, molars (molars) appear.
    • Canines - the most complex teeth - appear after 16 months. They grow until they are three years old.

    By the age of two or three, the baby can boast of twenty teeth, evenly spaced above and below.

    The time when a child teethes is an important period in his life. It is painful, especially when the first incisors appear. Wet and dry cough is most often a symptom accompanying this process. But in order not to confuse it with a cold, you need to consult a pediatrician. He can easily distinguish a painful cough from the one that appears during teething.


    Teething cough

    Among other painful conditions during teething, babies sometimes experience a cough. Why it occurs, what types of cough there are, how long it lasts, whether it is necessary to treat a cough and runny nose during teething - we will talk about this in this article.

    Cough during teething

    Coughing during teething is not a common symptom. The nature of its manifestation allows us to determine whether it is a consequence of the disease, or whether it is caused precisely by the process of formation of new teeth.

    In most cases, teething cough goes away on its own.

    A wet cough during the development of the first teeth in children, caused by excessive salivation, usually disappears after 2-3 days and eliminates the need for any special treatment. Examine the skin around the baby's mouth - it usually appears irritated due to expectorated saliva, which indicates the natural origin of the symptom (the expectoration reflex) during teething.

    If there is a frequent cough and runny nose, as well as shortness of breath and wheezing that persists for more than 2 days, then it is necessary to invite a doctor to examine the child, since these symptoms may indicate a disease.

    Also, children may experience a dry cough at this time. Most often it occurs after a child has been crying for a long time due to prolonged nasal congestion.


    1. Accumulation of saliva in the throat.
    2. In an infant, it may be associated with a cold that occurs due to the infant’s weakened immune system when teething.
    3. Acute respiratory diseases (ARI).
    4. If you experience a cough and sniffles at the same time, the cause may be irritation of the mucus in the back of the throat, causing a reflex reaction.

    How to treat

    First of all, during a severe cough, it is necessary to eliminate the pain from teething. To do this, the baby should be offered to chew a chilled teether or massage the gums. If the pain does not disappear, then it is advisable to use medications in the form of gel, ointment, syrup or rectal suppositories.

    To prevent the baby from being tormented by a night cough while teeth are growing, it is recommended to regularly rinse the nose with a special bactericidal solution from the pharmacy, a self-made product based on salt or medicinal plants. This will prevent drying out and accumulation of mucus. In addition, as prescribed by a doctor, various drops/sprays can be used to moisturize the nasal sinuses: “Aquamaris”, “Salin” and others.

    Due to the fact that a runny nose and cough can be a consequence of an infectious disease or acute respiratory infection, Dr. Komarovsky recommends that after the formation of baby teeth begins, ask your pediatrician what immunostimulating drugs can be given to children during this period in order to increase the body’s protective functions.

    When wondering how to treat a cough during the appearance of molars, you should also remember about simple folk methods. For example, you can achieve natural flow of phlegm and saliva along the wall of the larynx without drugs or rinses by lifting the child’s head when he is lying in the crib. In addition, it is recommended to regularly offer your baby his favorite drinks and ventilate the room - these measures will reduce the likelihood of inflammation and prevent the mucus from drying out.

    How long does it last

    Typically, the symptoms that do not require treatment that accompany this process go away on their own within 2-3 days.

    Read also:

    Comments and reviews 75

    Daughter is 9 months old. No teeth yet. Yesterday the temperature rose to 38.3, min 37.3. I vomited twice, there is a little drool, and sometimes I have a wet cough. Didn't give antipyretics. The ambulance said not to shoot down until 39. Today I will call the pediatrician at home. Is this a reaction to teeth? What to do in this case?

    My son is 8 months old. Erupted at 6 months. 2 lower incisors. Now there are 4 top ones. They're about to cut through. A week ago the temperature rose above 38. It went down easily. Diarrhea appeared. After 2 days a wet cough appeared. Infrequently. No runny nose. Now there is no fever or diarrhea, but the cough persists. The drool is flowing like a stream. The doctor examined my mouth twice and listened. He says everything is fine. I give you chamomile to drink and smear the pacifier with oxolinka. Maybe inhalations can be done?

    My daughter is 2 years old and started coughing and snot. Everything the doctor prescribed for us did not help. Our cough is expectorant, our throat is slightly red, our breathing is clear. Blood tests are good, but our doctor diagnoses us with bronchial asthma. And 2 teeth started to emerge at once. All symptoms appeared on one day, the temperature was only 3 days. Is it possible that the cause of a long-term cough is teeth? Please tell me.

    No, teething does not cause airway diseases. Cough is not a symptom of teething.

    General dentist

    We have the following situation: the baby is 7 months old, has no teeth yet, has been coughing and runny nose for 2 days, diarrhea appeared yesterday and tonight the temperature is up to 38.5. Maybe it's on the teeth?

    During teething, an increase in body temperature is often observed, diarrhea can also occur, but as a rule it is a subfibrile temperature (37 degrees). Those. it's not that serious. You should contact your pediatrician.

    General dentist

    My child is 7 months old. For a month now I have been coughing only in the morning and sometimes at night, the cough is not strong, sometimes wet. There are no other symptoms. What could it be? Thanks for your answer in advance.

    It is unlikely that this is due to teeth or other dental diseases. You should contact your pediatrician with this question.

    General dentist

    My son is 3 months old! 2 days ago I started coughing and snotty. We called the pediatrician and she told us that we had teething syndrome. Could this be possible?

    Maybe our first tooth came out at 3 months. Now we are 7 months old and are already climbing 7 and 8 months.

    Indeed, teeth may begin to erupt at 3 months. The average child's first teeth erupt at 6-8 months, but basically these periods depend on the individual characteristics of the child's body, so options for both “early” and “late” teething are possible.

    General dentist

    Rarely, teething occurs at 3 months. But without an examination, it is impossible to say that teeth are being cut.

    General dentist

    My daughter is 1 year and 2 months old. This problem has been a wet cough for almost two months now, less often during the day, more often at night. Previously, there was strong snot, but it is no longer there, but the cough remains. We treated him with ambrahexal and did complex inhalations, but we are teething and several at once. Could it be on the teeth?

    There may be a similar reaction to teething, but you should consult a pediatrician to rule out other diseases.

    General dentist

    We are now 11 months old. Day 3: severe wet cough, a lot of mucus from the nose. Temperature 38. We eat, we don’t sleep, we eat every other time. The top ones are climbing. Just 1 got through. I apply kamistad (the doctor said). An hour later it hurts again, but often you can’t. How to help a child?

    Take very good Dantinorm drops. We are in the same situation.

    Don't waste your money on Dantinorm, it's a mixture of herbs that costs a lot of money. When it hurts a lot, it screams, ointments don’t help, then Nurofen, syrup, suppositories - whatever.

    NUROFEN helps us

    Dear Anastasia! You can use Dantinorm Baby. Use it according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

    Chief physician of the dental clinic "Bionic Dentis". Official implantologist-expert at BIOTECH (France) in the Russian Federation. Tel. ,

    I advise everyone to give Al-rahik. Great for colds and coughs in general. We drink with the whole family and are very pleased. Ps Mother of three children

    Al-rahik - is it syrup or tablets?

    The child is almost 9 months old. From the age of 6 months, a wet cough appeared 5-6 times a day (not at night), wheezing in the nasopharynx, and from time to time thick transparent snot. They treated us with everything - the antibiotic amoxiclav, Viferon suppositories - 2 courses, Gedelix for cough, bromhexine, lazolvan. No result. Could this be related to teeth? We only have one for now.

    Hello Ekaterina, so what helped you? The doctors simply treated the same situation with everything they could. Nothing helps. We’ve been sick for a month now. Yes, now the temperature has begun to rise. Have you had such a reaction to your teeth?

    Dear Ekaterina! When teething, a symptom such as coughing is not typical. You need to examine your child, for which you should consult a pediatrician.

    Chief physician of the dental clinic "Bionic Dentis". Official implantologist-expert at BIOTECH (France) in the Russian Federation. Tel. ,

    Potemkina Elena

    Moscow, Zubovsky Boulevard, 4

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    Teething cough Komarovsky

    Home » Cough » Cough during teething Komarovsky

    Cough during teething: normal or pathological

    Teething in infants can be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, among which parents most often complain of a runny nose, fever and cough. Such symptoms do not require treatment, but the baby’s condition can be alleviated by giving an antipyretic or rinsing the nose with saline. Cough during teething does not require treatment, but you need to be able to identify it, because at this time the child’s body is weakened, so it cannot always resist the penetration of viruses and bacteria.

    What is the difference between a cough when teeth appear?

    If a child coughs and this is associated with the appearance of baby teeth, this is a completely natural reaction of the body. In this case, it is not recommended to give your baby medications, because such actions can only harm him. This symptom occurs in two cases - with excessive salivation or sputum production. If you hear your baby coughing but can't tell if it's actually teething, look at the skin around the mouth. Saliva, produced in large quantities, not only flows down the throat, but also causes irritation around the mouth and on the chin, so the skin often becomes red and inflamed in infants during this period.

    In addition, do not forget that serious changes are occurring in the baby’s body. This process causes a lot of unpleasant sensations, so infants often cry and are capricious, as a result of which mucus is produced in the nasopharynx. It tends to travel down the respiratory tract, just like with a cold, causing coughing attacks. In such situations, the cough can be dry, when the mucous membrane of the throat is irritated, or wet, if mucus has already accumulated in the respiratory tract. That is why, when teething, a runny nose and cough are frequent accompaniments of this physiological process.

    As a rule, such a cough goes away within two to three days, but if this symptom is accompanied by a runny nose, shortness of breath, or you hear wheezing in the baby’s chest, invite a doctor to examine the baby, because such manifestations may indicate the development of respiratory diseases.

    How to help a child?

    To alleviate the child's cough during teething, it is necessary to eliminate the pain. To do this, let your baby chew a chilled teether or massage the gums. If the pain syndrome cannot be eliminated, you will need to use medications in the form of gels, ointments, and rectal suppositories. They will normalize the baby’s body temperature, reduce pain and alleviate the condition. It is advisable to use medications at night, so the child’s sleep will be more restful.

    Nighttime coughing attacks caused by mucus running down the wall of the throat prevent the child from sleeping. To reduce their intensity, before going to bed, rinse your nasal passages with a special bactericidal solution, instilling it into each nasal passage from a pipette. You can use not only saline solution, but also infusions of medicinal herbs. This procedure will prevent drying out of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, as well as the accumulation of sputum.

    According to doctors, during this period, coughing in children during teething can be reduced by using saline solutions in the form of drops, for example, Salin or Aquamaris.

    When children are teething, pediatricians recommend giving them immunostimulating agents that increase the body's defenses.

    Many parents are concerned about the question of how long it takes for children to erupt milk teeth, because such a process is difficult to bear not only for the child, but also for adults. When the first tooth appears and at what age all the incisor canines will erupt depends on the genetic factor. Typically, a child has 8 teeth per year, but they continue to erupt until the age of 3, so be prepared that a symptom such as cough may appear periodically in your baby.

    Why does teething cough occur in children?

    The long-awaited appearance of a child's first tooth is a whole event for every mother. But this joy is very often accompanied by fever, excessive salivation and poor sleep of the baby. During this period, children behave restlessly, refuse to eat, and are capricious. The child’s immunity becomes weakened and various diseases may begin against this background.

    Could he appear

    Can there be a cough during teething, one of the most asked questions among parents, but these symptoms do not occur in all children. But still it cannot be said that they are rare. It is especially important not to panic and first find out the reason for their appearance. It doesn't have to be viruses.

    A runny nose during teething can be caused by increased activity of the glands in the nasal passages. The mucus is usually clear in color and is secreted for four days, and sometimes less. If your baby has a stuffy nose and therefore can’t sleep, then you can use baby drops to relieve them.

    Preparations based on xylometazoline and oxymetazoline are suitable. It’s best to rinse the baby’s nose with saline solutions. For these purposes, “Salin”, “Humer”, saline and “Quix” are used.

    Sometimes you can limit yourself to eliminating snot using a special nasal aspirator, which is a rubber cone-shaped tip with a flask. If the secreted mucus does not go away for a long time and lasts more than a week, and also becomes yellowish or pistachio in color, then you need to contact your pediatrician.

    The appearance of cough during teething occurs for several reasons:

    • as a result of excessive salivation, which accumulates in the throat;
    • nasal congestion;
    • prolonged cold;
    • hidden respiratory disease.

    How to cure dry paroxysmal cough at night and before bedtime is indicated in the article.

    How to treat a dry cough in a child without signs of a cold can be found in the article.

    What is the treatment for a cough that does not clear the throat is indicated here:

    The child has a cough in the morning and evening, what to do about it is indicated in the article.

    Most often, the cough after the tooth appears goes away on its own. But still, you can’t leave the situation with a baby’s thumping to chance. Constantly monitor coughing attacks and their frequency. If it is caused by colds, complications may follow. Regardless of the nature of the cough during teething, its duration usually does not exceed four days.

    Different types

    During the appearance of teeth, any type of cough may appear. There is no need to treat him. Medicines can only make things worse. Wet begins due to excessive salivation or accumulated phlegm. If you still have doubts about the nature of the cough, then carefully examine the child’s face around the mouth; if the cough occurs naturally, irritation appears.

    It indicates that saliva comes with expectoration. Such bubbling occurs several times a day, but infrequently. Usually it lasts three days, no more. If, along with it, shortness of breath and wheezing appear, and coughing attacks occur frequently, then it is necessary to urgently consult a pediatrician so as not to miss the onset of the disease. During the period of teething, the baby's immunity can be greatly reduced and his body can pick up various viruses and harmful bacteria, so it is so important not to confuse the symptoms of a cold with the appearance of teeth.

    Attacks of dry cough can be triggered by the baby's crying. If he was capricious and cried for a long time, or the mucus in his nose prevented him from breathing normally, then as a result, a dry throat occurs, which causes a cough reflex.

    It can last for two days and then stop when the mucous membranes of the larynx return to normal.

    The video talks about teething cough in children:


    Cough caused by teething does not require a serious course of therapy. The main medicine for a child should be attention and care. But this does not mean that during this process the baby should constantly lie down and be in silence. Unlike adults, children's mood changes every minute and you can take advantage of this.

    You need to offer your baby various games or fun activities, go for a walk with him and play in the sandbox. The little one will be able to distract himself from the pain, and his crying will be replaced by a contented laugh.

    With a strong cough, the child will not respond quickly to games, so during them it is necessary to eliminate the pain that causes attacks. The baby can be given a chilled teether to chew. Now they can be purchased at the pharmacy in any design; they are usually made of safe silicone or rubber. You can massage your gums by gently pressing on them.

    The video talks about symptoms such as cough, snot and high fever during teething in a baby:

    If the pain is very severe, you should use pharmaceutical drugs in the form of ointments, syrups, rectal suppositories or gels. The latter are often used by mothers. They are convenient to use:

    • Before applying the gel, you should thoroughly wash your hands and wipe dry. The child needs to clean the mouth of food debris and excess saliva;
    • You need to squeeze a pea-sized amount onto your index finger. You will immediately feel slight frostbite, and the gel will also act in the baby’s mouth. It seems to freeze the pain;
    • then apply this composition to the child’s gums, trying to spread the medicine well on both sides of the growing tooth while gently massaging the surface around it;
    • this action is performed up to six times a day at regular intervals so that the baby does not feel discomfort.

    According to reviews from mothers, several gels and other preparations performed well.


    Kamistad consists of lidocaine and chamomile flower tincture, therefore it has an antiseptic and analgesic effect. For infants from three months and children up to two years, the product is applied 5 mm - 3 times a day. But you should not use it more often so as not to become addictive. For children over two years of age, the length of the gel strip remains the same, but the number of applications increases to five.


    • lidocaine hydrochloride is an anesthetic substance that has a freezing effect on the nerve endings of the lining of the gums, which are cut through by the emerging tooth;
    • Cetylpyridinium chloride acts as an antimicrobial agent that can eliminate many types of bacteria and fungi. It prevents their reproduction and stops their vital functions.

    The gel can be used on children over five months old. If necessary, you can repeat its application after 20 minutes. But it is not recommended to use it more than six times a day.


    Pansoral is a natural preparation consisting of extracts of chamomile, saffron and marshmallow, as well as Irish moss. They can have a softening and soothing effect on the gum mucosa. It is recommended to use it regularly. Due to the plant base, the number of uses per day is not limited. But it is still worth monitoring to ensure that no side effects occur.


    Dentokind - tablets that effectively eliminate pain when teeth appear. Despite this form of medication, they are often prescribed to infants. This homeopathic remedy eliminates swelling and hyperemia of the gums, as well as pain, abnormal bowel movements of the child and even fever.

    It is drunk half an hour after eating. For infants, the tablet is dissolved in water. The duration of admission and course of treatment are determined by the pediatrician. For babies less than a year old, you should give one pill every hour. After the child’s well-being improves, the drug is used three times a day.

    What is the treatment for cough with green sputum in adults is indicated in the article.

    The cough has not gone away in the morning for 3 months; what to do about it is indicated in the article.

    How cough with sputum in a 3-year-old child is treated is indicated here:

    Children over one year old are prescribed to take two tablets, but no more than six times a day for the first few days, then you can switch to three times a day.

    Cough often appears at night, this is due to nasal congestion. To eliminate snot, bactericidal pharmaceutical solutions or products prepared at home from salt and medicinal herbs are used.

    Along with them, in order to eliminate drying of the nasal mucous membranes and prevent the accumulation of sputum, doctors often prescribe drops or sprays:


    Salin spray contains sodium chloride. It helps thin mucus and removes it from the nasal passages. This absolutely safe product is used for infants.


    Aquamaris consists of sea water, which can wash away all the mucus from the nose. Moreover, it has no harmful effects on the body. What Aquamaris drops for children look like is indicated in the article.

    Sometimes a child is capricious and doesn’t know what he wants, then you can use the means at hand and offer him a crust of bread, a chilled piece of apple or carrot. But there is no need to give crackers or cookies, so as not to further harm their already irritated throat with crumbs. Perhaps he will independently choose his favorite toy for scratching his gums instead of a teether, then he needs to wash it periodically and keep it clean.

    When teething, don’t forget about folk remedies; you can use the following proven methods:

    • give the child liquid honey (if the baby is not allergic to it). This natural product can relieve itching and redness, eliminate swelling;
    • to eliminate snot, use drops with natural oils (for example, eucalyptus and fir);
    • regularly ventilate the child’s room;
    • If a coughing attack begins in your baby while he sleeps, simply lift his head and the mucus will go away from the larynx;
    • Give him plenty of his favorite drinks.

    If after all the preventive measures the cough still persists, you should contact your pediatrician. In the meantime, you can find out Dr. Komarovsky’s opinion about runny nose and cough during teeth growth. He will share his experience on this issue and tell whether viral infections are to blame for these phenomena.

    Komarovsky's opinion

    Parents are more worried about this than their children. The most difficult thing is to prove that the doctor is unable to advise anything effective. And therefore, the main task is to reassure not the baby, but the parents. They must understand that no pills or drops can completely eliminate the baby’s suffering. Medications can only freeze the pain temporarily.

    Teething is a natural process that occurs in every person on earth, and not one of them has them all at once. We have an opinion that as soon as a child is six months old, all his worries: screams, hysterics and various other blathers are necessarily associated with teeth. Although this is actually not the case. There is no need to constantly look into the baby’s mouth and irritate him.

    Understand that at six months the child runs out of antibodies received from the mother, even if she is still breastfeeding him. Therefore, at this age, a toddler can easily catch a viral infection. But for some reason, all manifestations of cough and runny nose are associated with teeth.

    They can cause a fever, but if the child doesn’t want to eat or even drink, then it’s not their fault. And it’s worth telling your doctor about these symptoms, then he will be able to correctly determine the causes of these manifestations.

    The main rule when teething is not to interfere with their appearance. Medical science is not able to influence the order of their appearance. What is considered normal for one child is not entirely normal for another. If, instead of a lower tooth, an upper one suddenly appears, then you should not run to the doctor screaming for help. This is all normal. No means or grandma’s decoctions can affect the speed, sequence and timing of the appearance of teeth, and the same applies to painful symptoms. Cough and runny nose do occur, but you should not wait for them to go away on their own if their duration exceeds four days.

    The video shows cough and snot during teething from Komarovsky’s point of view:

    Parents' fears and worries about their child's condition are understandable, but there is no need to exaggerate. Each child overcomes the appearance of teeth in his own way; they can be accompanied not only by fever, but also by cough, runny nose and even stomach upset.

    Sometimes a small child’s body is not able to cope with them on its own, so we need to help him in proven ways. Don't wait for complications to appear.

    Teething cough

    For every mother, the appearance of the baby’s first tooth is an important event. But before you celebrate it, you have to go through a lot. After all, the baby is very restless during the teething period and sleeps poorly. Quite often, a cough during teething frightens the mother and a trip to the pediatrician is not delayed for a second.

    What is a cough during teething?

    Even the most panicky mothers should know that there is no need to treat a teething cough. This is a normal reaction of the body and you can simply harm the child with pills.

    To begin with, it is worth recognizing exactly what kind of cough a child has when teething. As a rule, it occurs in two cases: excessive salivation or sputum. If you hear that your baby has a wet cough when teething and are in doubt, then pay attention to the skin around the mouth. As a rule, excess saliva not only flows down the larynx and causes coughing attacks, but also provokes irritation on the chin and cheeks.

    Do not forget that during the teething period the child’s immunity is weakened, and it is very easy to catch an infection. The baby is capricious and constantly cries. This leads to the appearance of phlegm and snot, which is why mothers often hear a cough when teething. It happens that the baby seems to be choking and trying to clear his throat. A dry cough during teething is also not uncommon. If the baby cried for a long time or the sniffles did not allow him to breathe through his nose, then dryness and irritation appear in the throat, which provokes a cough during teething.

    A child has a cough on his teeth: what should a mother do?

    All your actions should first of all be aimed at eliminating the pain. Invite your baby to chew a chilled teether; some babies feel better after massaging the gums.

    To prevent your baby from coughing while teething, constantly rinse his nose with a special solution. Do not allow mucus to accumulate or dry out. If your baby is teething, snot and cough may well become signs of an infectious disease. Therefore, at the first hint of a new tooth, immediately consult your pediatrician about immunostimulating drugs.

    When the baby is lying in the crib, the head should be slightly raised so that saliva or phlegm can easily flow down the larynx and the baby does not choke. Constantly ventilate the room and offer your baby his favorite drinks, this way you will prevent the phlegm from drying out and causing inflammation.

    Runny nose during teething. Teeth cutting: how to help?

    Cutting baby teeth is a real challenge not only for children, but also for parents. Some babies go through this process quite easily, while others have to endure troubles such as pain, fever, runny nose and cough. In any case, parents should do everything to alleviate the baby’s condition. In just a short time, the child will be able to chew food and will delight mom and dad with a snow-white smile.

    When do the first teeth start to emerge?

    This process occurs individually for each child. The mother may notice the first signs of teething even when the baby is not yet two months old. But this does not mean at all that the first tooth will appear any day now. In very rare cases, babies are born with their first teeth. Most babies begin to develop teeth after six months of age.

    The first and chewing teeth erupt the most painfully. In most cases, baby teeth erupt in this order:

    A runny nose during teething is considered normal. But this event should not take parents by surprise. It is worth preparing a first aid kit in advance, which should contain medications that alleviate the child’s condition.

    How can you tell if your baby is teething?

    Determining that a child will soon have teeth is quite simple. The baby becomes capricious and irritable. He can cry for any reason. The child's gums become red and swollen. As a result, there may be a lack of appetite and increased salivation. Teething may be accompanied by a runny nose, cough, and fever.

    If a child is teething, the signs can be very different. The first thing that may alert parents is the child’s desire to taste everything. The child does this not at all in order to anger his parents. With the help of surrounding objects, the child strives to scratch the gums and reduce pain.

    What should you be wary of?

    If the above signs are absolutely normal, then a number of symptoms should alert parents. In some cases, it is necessary to immediately contact your pediatrician. During teething, the child's immunity decreases significantly. The body becomes more susceptible to various infections. You should immediately contact a specialist if your child experiences vomiting and diarrhea. Dehydration is very dangerous for a baby under one year old.

    You should also be wary of the fact that a runny nose during teething is accompanied by a very high body temperature. If the reading reaches 39° C, parents should call an ambulance. The doctor will determine the exact cause of the fever and help alleviate the child’s condition. Your home medicine cabinet should always contain ibuprofen-based children's medications. With their help, parents will be able to lower the baby’s temperature even before the doctor arrives. At the same time, if the baby’s body temperature does not exceed 38 ° C, it is not recommended to lower it.

    Runny nose during teething in baby

    A runny nose is one of the most common symptoms of teething in a child. But parents should initially make sure that nasal discharge is not accompanied by a viral infection. When teething, the discharge is always clear and liquid. While a runny nose caused by an infection is characterized by yellow and thick discharge. The runny nose should go away immediately after the baby has a tooth.

    The parents' task is to make the baby's breathing easier. It is necessary to prevent the mucus from drying out in the nasal cavity. To help your child breathe well, you should use a nasal aspirator. This is a special device that allows you to quickly remove mucus from the nasal cavity. Special drops will also help ease your child's breathing. But drug treatment should be started only after examination by a doctor. The pediatrician will tell you how the drugs should be used in a particular case.

    Baby teething cough

    Not only a runny nose during teething is quite common. The process may also be accompanied by a wet cough. This is explained very simply. Mucus, which is produced by the nasal glands, collects in large quantities in the nasopharynx. Cough is especially common in children who do not yet know how to sit. In older children, seizures may occur at night.

    Parents can make teething easier for children. A runny nose should be eliminated first. If you prevent the appearance of mucus, then you can get rid of the cough. Special vasoconstrictor drugs will come to the rescue. But drug treatment can be selected only on the recommendation of a pediatrician. Self-medication can harm the child. It is not recommended to use vasoconstrictor drugs for a long time. The medicine may be addictive.

    The baby is teething. How can I help you?

    Pain during teething is the main cause of moodiness and poor night sleep. During the daytime, massage has a good effect. The mother can, after washing her hands, massage the baby’s gums on her own. There are also special toys on sale - teethers. They have a ribbed structure. The child can chew the toy and massage his gums in this way.

    At night, a special cooling gel will help improve the baby’s condition. It often contains chamomile, which is a natural antiseptic. The gel not only reduces pain, but also reduces inflammation. This product will help your baby sleep peacefully throughout the night.

    We pay more attention to the child

    It’s not easy for those mothers whose babies are teething. Komarovsky believes that the key to a child’s well-being during this period is his calmness. During teething, the mother must devote all her time to the baby. He should not be allowed to cry and be capricious a lot. Crying can provoke a rise in temperature and an even greater decrease in immunity. As a result, simple teething may also be accompanied by a viral infection.

    You should take your baby for more walks in the fresh air and carry him in your arms. This way, the baby will be able to take his mind off the pain, and the teething process will proceed more calmly.

    The child refuses food

    Cough and runny nose during teething are far from the only troubles. Very often, babies refuse to eat. It is much easier for those mothers who breastfeed their babies. Breast milk not only gives the baby the opportunity to get enough, but also relieves pain. In addition, babies almost never refuse their mother’s breast.

    If your baby is teething, every mother should know how to help him. Under no circumstances should you force your baby to eat! The child will be able to regain weight when the pain subsides. The baby should be given more to drink. It can be herbal tea, compote or fruit drink. You need to make sure that the drink is not too cold.

    The child's menu may include liquid porridge and well-mashed vegetable purees. During the teething period, it is worth offering the baby those foods that he loves most. It is better to feed the baby often in small portions.
