How to quickly cure a runny nose for a child - find out the method
Autumn is the favorite time of many people - the leaves turn yellow, the street is as beautiful as at no other time of the year. But colds also love autumn; during this cool time, they also develop and try to affect as many people as possible.
Table of contents:
- How to quickly cure a runny nose for a child - find out the method
- Definition of disease
- Treatment of the disease
- Drugs for the treatment of runny nose
- Cold drops
- Treatment of runny nose in children with folk remedies at home
- Why does a runny nose appear?
- When are traditional methods not enough?
- Effective folk remedies
- Fresh vegetable juices
- Oil mixtures
- Plants
- Warming up
- Inhalations
- Rinse
- The danger of self-medication
- What not to do
- Adviсe
- The fastest methods for treating a runny nose for children
- Causes of a runny nose
- Quick treatment of runny nose in children
- Prevention of a runny nose
- How to treat a runny nose in a child: everything you need to know
- Terminology. What is a “runny nose” anyway?
- What should you not do if you have a runny nose in children?
- The main causes of runny nose in children
- What complications can there be?
- Rhinitis in children: main symptoms
- A child develops a runny nose: what to do?
- How to properly treat a runny nose in a child?
- Principles of correct and reasonable treatment
- Treatment with medications
- Vasoconstrictor drops
- Antihistamines
- Miramistin for runny nose in children
- Antibiotics for a runny nose in a child
- A good cold remedy for children
- What to do if a child’s runny nose does not go away for a long time?
- Folk remedy for runny nose for children
- Mustard in socks
- Saline solution
- Beetroot juice for a speedy recovery
- Radish and honey
- Essential oils
- Inhalation for a runny nose with a nebulizer: for children and adults
- How to treat a runny nose in a child: video
- Add a comment Cancel reply
- A runny nose in a child: how and how to treat it?
- Causes and symptoms
- Treatment methods
- Runny nose in preschool children
- Folk remedies
- Complications of a runny nose
- Useful video about treating a runny nose
Autumn brings the first cold winds and the first puddles, which force people to wrap themselves in several layers of clothing, trying not to be affected by the terrible weather. But children always suffer more from such weather; fragile bodies do not immediately get used to the temperate climate zone. It is not difficult to notice the beginning of a runny nose in a child, but not everyone knows how to quickly cure it. This is what today's article is dedicated to.
Runny nose in a child
Definition of disease
A runny nose in itself is an unpleasant disease that spares no one - there is not a single family in the country where someone does not come home with a runny nose after a cold day. This disease can begin for various reasons, but we will highlight the main ones in the following list:
The onset of a cold in an older child is very noticeable, but small children can begin to get sick unnoticed. In very young organisms, mucus from the nose is also a common occurrence due to the beginning of teeth growth. In an infant, this type of runny nose is caused by the fact that blood circulation in the maxillofacial region significantly increases. This provokes a harmless runny nose, which only interferes with normal breathing, and the child does not suffer in any way. For a similar reason, you can often notice a reddened nose or cheeks - the blood is simply circulating more actively. The child will be able to breathe normally again after a few days. In infancy, any treatment will only do harm, and forget about nasal drops, they will only damage the soft epithelium in the nasal cavity and will do nothing else.
Symptoms of other infectious runny noses include rising temperature, weakness, and loss of strength. The child will feel such symptoms himself and is unlikely to be able to hide them from his parents. So if you notice that your son or daughter is behaving somehow differently, ask how the child is feeling, maybe it’s time to treat the incipient runny nose.
Treatment of the disease
At first, parents have an important task - to quickly cure a runny nose in a child. To do this, do not warm the child, do not try to sit him near the radiator, or turn on the heaters. And you also need to forget about nasal drops, which constrict blood vessels and dry out the mucus in the nasal cavity - they will only make things worse.
Omitting the nuances, let's say this: these rules boil down to the fact that if a runny nose begins, you need to let the mucus drain out, and not dry it out. It is better not to take Derinat tablets, but to use a mechanical method of removing mucus. Special small enemas or aspirators can remove mucus immediately and make breathing easier. In such a situation, there is a chance that the runny nose will go away on its own soon enough. If a baby’s runny nose dries up, then clearing the nose will no longer be so easy and breathing, even after recovery, will not become noticeably better. In addition, the risk of complications from such a simple disease will increase significantly.
Complications if a child often has a runny nose are serious consequences. This is due to the fact that the mucus may not come out through the nose, but go back down and through the nasopharynx into the lungs and cause bronchitis or pneumonia. In infants, such diseases can become serious problems that can be fatal at this age.
Therefore, if a child begins to have a runny nose, then in terms of combating the disease, those products that moisturize the nasal mucosa are better suited. Special attention also needs to be paid to the temperature - it needs to be maintained within normal limits by any available methods.
Drugs for the treatment of runny nose
Now we will look at which drugs are best for therapy:
- Saline solution for rinsing the nose. This drug can be bought at a pharmacy or made independently in the kitchen. To do this, boil several liters of water and stir salt in it in the proportion of one teaspoon per liter of liquid. As an analogue, you can take salted sea water, it is even better because it contains a lot of vitamins. You can also use special aerosols that can be used to spray liquid inside the nasal cavity;
- Aspirators can help your child quickly cure a runny nose; they can be used to gently remove mucus from the nose mechanically. This is suitable for small children who cannot blow their nose;
- If the temperature rises, Nurofen and paracetamol are suitable, which successfully reduce the temperature and are safe for small children. If the child is small, then he should not be given tablets; suppositories with ibuprofen are suitable here;
- You need to spend time outdoors; it is advisable to install a humidifier indoors.
Cold drops
Many parents prefer not to treat an incipient runny nose in a child, but to give the child drops and not think about the consequences. Parents don’t even think about the fact that such drugs should be treated with caution.
The problem is that such vasoconstrictor drops have a lot of side effects, including drug addiction. Therefore, it is better to refuse to use drops even for adults. Such aerosols should be used in exceptional cases, but most people follow this pattern - they bought a child and a runny nose started, so we put drops in and don’t worry.
In such cases, you cannot do without vasoconstrictor aerosols:
- With otitis media;
- During complications, when the child can only breathe through the nose;
- Having shortness of breath or asthma;
- In hot weather, when nothing can be done about it.
So for an ordinary, average runny nose, it is better to do without drops, and if you have to use them, then do not use them too often.
Treatment of runny nose in children with folk remedies at home
Children, due to the relative weakness of their immunity, often suffer from a runny nose. Rhinitis can be called one of the most common childhood ailments. Sometimes the disease has obvious causes, but sometimes the nose “blocks up” in a child who is outwardly completely healthy, and apart from impaired nasal breathing, there are no other complaints. Be that as it may, parents want to help the baby as soon as possible. It is not always possible to see a doctor, because clinics are closed on weekends and holidays. It is not customary to call an ambulance with complaints of a runny nose.
Prescribing medications to a child on your own is unsafe and risky, especially if we are talking about a small toddler. Parents can come to the aid of folk remedies that help get rid of a runny nose quite quickly.
Why does a runny nose appear?
A runny nose (rhinitis) is difficult to consider as an independent disease; it is usually a manifestation of a variety of disorders in the body. The nose stops breathing partially or completely due to inflammation of the mucous membranes of this organ. Most often, this is a consequence of resistance to pathogens and viruses.
As is known, viruses enter the body mainly through the respiratory system. The nose is the first line of defense; most often, invading viruses manage to pass further - into the nasopharynx, into the larynx. Inflammation of the mucous membrane in this case is an attempt by the body not to let the harmful agent pass further.
The episode of Dr. Komarovsky’s program about the causes and methods of treating children’s runny nose can be seen in the following video.
But several people inhale the same influenza virus through airborne droplets. But not everyone gets sick. Whether a runny nose starts or not depends not only on the state of the baby’s immunity. The development of rhinitis is greatly facilitated by various factors, such as dusty or polluted air, hypothermia.
There is another type of runny nose - non-infectious. This includes nasal congestion due to allergies (allergic rhinitis) and vasomotor rhinitis (associated with disturbances in the processes in the autonomic nervous system). They arise somewhat differently, as a result of narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels during a reaction to an antigen or vascular nervous pathology.
Acute rhinitis - occurs as a reaction to a virus (less often - to bacteria). With it, the swelling of the mucous membranes is quite strong, and it affects both halves of the nose. With it, the child may experience increased lacrimation, redness of the wings of the nose and the release of liquid mucus; people say “running nose”.
If such a runny nose is treated incorrectly or not treated at all, after 3-4 weeks the process will become chronic. With it, the nose will remain stuffy for a long time, the child’s sense of smell will noticeably decrease, the discharge from liquid will turn into thick, sometimes purulent, the mucous membrane will sometimes dry out, and crusts will form in the nasal passages.
Nasal breathing disorders in children occur due to various diseases:
- ARVI and influenza.
- Scarlet fever.
- Measles.
- Allergy.
- Vegetovascular dystonia.
- Proliferation of the palatine tonsil (adenoids).
- Other diseases.
A runny nose in a child can be mild, or it can be accompanied by fever, loss of appetite, headaches and severe general weakness. It is impossible to predict exactly what symptoms will accompany rhinitis; everything is purely individual.
When are traditional methods not enough?
A runny nose in itself does not pose a danger to a child. But its consequences can be quite serious. These are sinusitis, sinusitis, meningitis, inflammatory processes in the inner ear, and as a result - complete or partial hearing loss, encephalitis and a number of other unpleasant diagnoses. Therefore, there are some indications for immediate consultation with a doctor if you have rhinitis:
- If your child's nasal discharge is gray-green or green in color and has a very unpleasant odor. This may indicate a severe bacterial infection. This condition requires prompt prescription of antibiotics.
- If, in addition to a runny nose, the child has pain in the frontal region, under the eyes, in the area of the paranasal sinuses. This may be a symptom of sinusitis, inflammation of the hearing organs. A child in this situation does not need onion drops in the nose, but serious therapy with the use of antimicrobial agents, hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs.
- If, after a head injury or fall, a child has a stuffy nose and liquid transparent discharge, you should urgently take him to the hospital! Such symptoms may indicate a disturbance in brain activity; this condition requires prompt examination and hospitalization.
- If blood, ichor or clots are noticeable in the mucus discharge from a runny nose in a child. This may indicate the traumatic nature of rhinitis, a foreign body in the respiratory system, the baby needs to be examined as soon as possible.
Effective folk remedies
In most cases of acute infectious rhinitis, a child can be quite effectively helped using alternative medicine.
Fresh vegetable juices
The most popular way to quickly relieve nasal congestion is to give your child onion juice. To do this, you need to grate the onion on a fine grater, squeeze out the pulp using a piece of gauze, and dilute the resulting juice in half with saline or boiled water. You can drip the onion preparation from 2 to 6 times a day.
This recipe is not suitable for children who have not yet turned 2 years old, since onion juice, even diluted, acts quite aggressively and can cause burns to the delicate mucous membranes of children. For children over 5-6 years old, you can add a little honey to the onion drops, this will have an additional anti-inflammatory effect.
Children under 2 years old can use beet or carrot juice in their nose with caution. To do this, using a juicer or a fine grater and a piece of gauze, you need to squeeze out the juice, dilute it with boiled water in half and drop 1-2 drops into each nasal passage up to 5 times a day. When instilled, infants may choke; it is better for them to place small cotton wool pads soaked in beetroot juice in both nasal passages.
Oil mixtures
A good effect for a runny nose is provided by drugs that will have a gentle effect on the nasal passages. These include mixtures that include oil - sunflower, linseed, vaseline.
A popular recipe is based on mixing finely chopped 2-3 cloves of garlic with 30 ml of sunflower oil. You need to infuse the drug for at least an hour, then strain and drop 1-2 drops into the child’s nose 3 times a day. This recipe should not be used to treat rhinitis in children under 6-7 years of age.
Another effective way to relieve nasal congestion is based on sea buckthorn oil mixed with calendula juice. This recipe can be used even by small children who have not yet turned 3 years old. The ingredients are mixed in half. The resulting oil mixture does not need to be dripped into the nose; it is enough to soak cotton swabs in it, which are placed in the nasal passages for half an hour. The procedure is repeated 3 times a day.
For children over five years old, a mixture of two oils - thyme and olive - can be dropped into the nose. Proportions -1:1. You need to drip 2 times a day, 2-3 drops in each nostril.
Among indoor plants that can quickly cope with a runny nose, the leader is aloe. The juice of this plant has an antimicrobial effect, softens the mucous membrane, and relieves swelling. To prepare the drops, you need to cut off one fleshy aloe leaf and squeeze the juice out of it. Mix the resulting liquid with a drop of honey and drop it into the child’s nose once a day, preferably before bedtime.
St. John's wort will come to the aid of a child who is overcome by a runny nose. The dry collection of this medicinal plant (1 teaspoon) should be mixed with a glass of boiled water and boiled in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Cool, strain through several layers of gauze. Drop the liquid into the nose of a child aged two years and older no more than 4 times a day.
Warming up
Freshly cooked millet porridge should be cooled to a warm state, formed into small balls, placed in a cloth and applied to the maxillary sinuses. Some recipes use a boiled chicken egg instead of porridge. They carefully “roll out” the area of the nose, sinuses, and forehead above the bridge of the nose.
Inhaling the vapors of medicinal herbs and essential oils allows you to quickly cope with a runny nose. The most effective procedures are based on pine and eucalyptus oils, fir oil. Sage, chamomile, and calendula are excellent as raw materials for inhalation. Inhalation can be carried out over a container with a hot decoction of herbs, to which a few drops of oil are added. But it is better if you have a special device at home for such purposes - an inhaler or nebulizer. This way there will be no fear that the child will get burns to the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs if he inhales too much.
You can use regular salt to rinse your nose when you have a runny nose. To do this, a tablespoon of salt should be dissolved in a half-liter container of boiled water. You should rinse your nasal passages with saline solution several times a day, this will relieve swelling and restore nasal breathing.
The danger of self-medication
Parents, even very attentive ones, who are carried away by preparing nasal drops from vegetables and fruits, may not notice important clinical manifestations when the nature of the runny nose begins to change. Thus, they may not notice the transition to a new stage in time, which will then affect the timing of treatment of a runny nose in a child, because doctors will have to treat severe complications of ordinary rhinitis using completely traditional methods.
Often, a mother persistently treats her child’s runny nose, but there is no reaction to any medications.
The fact is that diagnosing allergic rhinitis at home on your own is quite difficult. And vegetable juices in the nose will only increase the swelling of the respiratory organs, since they also contain allergens. What can we say about drops with honey!
What not to do
- You should not carry out any heating if there is purulent discharge from the nose and suspected sinusitis. Heat in this situation can aggravate the problem, the inflammation will only intensify. Also, warming up is strictly contraindicated at elevated body temperatures.
- You cannot blindly trust all the recipes for a runny nose published on the Internet by “knowledgeable” people. Thus, mothers who advise others to wash their children’s noses from the inside with laundry soap for rhinitis are risking the health of their child. Laundry soap, coming into contact with inflamed mucous membranes, irritates them and provokes further spread of infection.
- The positive effect of the laundry soap that they write about can, with a stretch, be explained by the same irritating effect. Soap causes the baby to sneeze; during this reflex, the mucus moves away faster. However, then the congestion will certainly return, and the runny nose may become even stronger.
- When placing turunda and cotton balls with medicine in the baby’s nose, you should not make them too small so that the baby does not accidentally inhale them.
- Before instilling any product into the nose, you should prepare the mucous membrane by pre-rinsing. Only then can you drip the prepared drug, both medicinal and folk.
- If a child often suffers from a runny nose, you need to pay attention to the air condition in the apartment where he lives. Perhaps it is too dry; the mucous membrane inside the nose dries out and inflammation begins. Ventilate the house more often, do wet cleaning, and humidify the air. To do this, you can buy a humidifier or regularly hang wet towels over the radiators. The best indicators for children's health are as follows: air temperature is about 19 degrees, humidity is about 60%.
- When treating a child with a runny nose, you need to provide him with plenty of warm drinks. This is necessary so that the mucous membranes of the nose, already inflamed, dry out less.
- A child’s runny nose is not a reason to refuse walks. In any weather, even in the rain (under an umbrella), you can take short walks outside, since fresh air is very important for restoring breathing through the nose.
- You should not limit your child’s movement. If he wants, let him run and jump; active movements improve blood supply to the body, including the nasal mucosa.
- When treating allergic rhinitis, folk remedies are undesirable; almost all of them can also be allergens. It is important to eliminate the main antigen; for this it is better to go to the hospital, where they will do a special test (nasal swab).
- Vasomotor rhinitis should not be treated with folk remedies, since its causes lie in vascular nervous disorders; it will be better if, with this form of runny nose, the child receives therapy under the supervision of a doctor.
Before you start treating your baby for a runny nose with folk remedies, especially if he is not yet 1 year old, consult a doctor, because even harmless, at first glance, herbal preparations that you prepare yourself can harm the child.
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The fastest methods for treating a runny nose for children
Almost all parents have encountered a runny nose or inflammation of the nasal mucosa in children. They often take it lightly, believing that everything will go away on its own in a week. In fact, a runny nose is a signal that the body is being attacked by pathogenic bacteria, viruses or allergens that cause diseases that are not easy to cure. Without quickly identifying the cause and without carrying out effective treatment, there is a high probability of complications in the form of sinusitis, otitis media or bronchitis.
Causes of a runny nose
To quickly cure a runny nose in a child, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence, since you must fight, first of all, the underlying disease.
You should definitely consult a doctor if, in addition to a runny nose, your child’s temperature rises above 37.5°C, shortness of breath appears, thick purulent mucus comes out of the nose, and rhinitis lasts more than two weeks.
- Bacterial and viral infections. Occurs after contact with a patient with ARVI. They are characterized by the acute onset of the disease, elevated body temperature, and poor appetite.
- Overheat. If the air temperature in the room is high and humidity is low, the baby’s nasal mucosa can quickly dry out and lose protection. This leads to an increase in potentially dangerous bacteria in the nasal cavity.
If an incorrect diagnosis is made and the main cause of the runny nose is not eliminated, then you can only get rid of it for a short time. Rhinitis will return very quickly and can become chronic, which is much more difficult to cure.
Quick treatment of runny nose in children
It can be quite difficult to cure a runny nose in a baby. The nasal passages and nasal cavity in children are miniature, and the surface of the tissues is delicate, prone to severe swelling. The baby doesn't know how to blow his nose. Common means for adults should be used with caution, and some are completely contraindicated. When the nose is full of mucus, the child breathes heavily, sleeps poorly, cries often, and has a decreased appetite.
If a child is bothered by a runny nose, then after consulting a doctor, the following manipulations will help quickly cure the baby:
- If nasal discharge prevents your baby from sucking normally, you need to get rid of it quickly. For infants, you can use a nasal aspirator or a regular small rubber bulb. Do not use objects that can injure the surface of the respiratory tract, such as cotton swabs.
Treatment of infants by rinsing the nose with solutions of salt or soda, or injecting sprays is not recommended.
Fluid can enter the Eustachian tube and cause inflammation in the middle ear.
- To effectively get rid of thick mucus, you need to thin it out. To do this, instill 1-2 drops of saline solution into each nostril. The saline solution should be preheated to room temperature. You can use similar solutions, for example, special preparations based on sea salt, ectericide or pinosol.
- After clearing the nasal sinuses, the child can be given drops of children's vasoconstrictor medications prescribed by the doctor. It should be remembered that long-term treatment with them, more than a week, leads to addiction, and many drugs are contraindicated for children. An overdose is fraught with side effects: sneezing, burning, dry mouth, swelling of the nasal mucosa.
- Rhinitis can be cured using traditional medicine. Aloe, carrot or beet juice diluted with boiled water in equal proportions, 3-4 drops 4 times a day, helps to quickly cure rhinitis.
- You should not give your baby breast milk. It is a breeding ground for bacteria and increases the likelihood of complications.
- When a child is sick, he not only loses more fluid, but also usually eats poorly. To save your baby from dehydration, it is useful to give him boiled water more often.
- Treatment will be accelerated by mustard powder poured into socks or warm foot baths at night.
- For infants, inhalation treatment in the usual form, with breathing steam over a hot saucepan, is not suitable. But you can leave a container of hot water, adding a few drops of essential oil, next to the child's bed overnight.
- You can get rid of inflammation of the skin around the nose using baby cream.
- When placing your baby in the crib, raise his head higher or place him on his side to improve the flow of secretions.
Treatment of a runny nose must be started on time and continued until complete recovery.
Prevention of a runny nose
The best way to save children from diseases is their prevention. The easiest and at the same time effective way to avoid rhinitis is by creating a comfortable microclimate in the children's room. Regular ventilation and wet cleaning, maintaining the air temperature in the apartment no higher than 22°C, and humidity no lower than 50%, will prevent the baby’s nose from drying out, which will maintain local immunity at a high level.
You need to be careful about your baby's clothing. The baby should neither freeze nor sweat. When going for a walk, your child should be dressed according to the weather. Excessive wrapping leads to the fact that a sweaty baby, exposed to the slightest draft, becomes hypothermic and risks catching a cold.
Hardening can save children from frequent colds. Procedures can be carried out when the child is healthy. From the first days of life, the baby should take air baths. Walks in the fresh air in good weather are required, starting from 20 minutes in the first days of life and gradually increasing to several hours. Daily bathing in warm water also improves health.
How to treat a runny nose in a child: everything you need to know
How to treat a runny nose in a child who appears suddenly? It was all of a sudden: in the morning he was active and lively, but towards lunch he began to sniffle...
Now, in the evening, when more than one handkerchief has already been filled with known contents, both young, “beginner” and experienced parents need to resolve several issues that will determine how serious the situation is and what to do next.
Often, the illness can last a month, or even more, until parents finally pay attention to it and take urgent measures.
If you don’t think about it and immediately start treatment according to a well-known scheme - with vasoconstrictor drugs, then instead of quick healing you can get, for example, “naphthyzine” addiction, which can deprive the baby of the joy of free breathing for years.
So, preferably already in the first hour after the first signs of snot appear, parents should give themselves the answer (or try) to many questions, and we hope that this article will help make the right decision and cope with the disease in a timely manner.
Terminology. What is a “runny nose” anyway?
A condition in which there is excessive secretion of nasal mucus is called “rhinitis.” And ordinary “snot” is scientifically called “rhinorrhea,” that is, literally “nasal flow.”
In medical clinical terminology, the suffix “-itis” means inflammation.
Of course, there is a big difference between appendicitis and rhinitis: no one will remove the nose. This word simply means inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal concha and the nasal passages existing between them.
Inflammation can be expressed to varying degrees: with a real inflammatory process, with the addition of a bacterial infection, the mucous membrane may look tense, swollen, even cyanotic, for example, with meningococcal nasopharyngitis.
In the case of allergic rhinitis, the mucous membrane may be of normal color, only slightly hyperemic, but there will be a significant amount of mucus discharge, which has a transparent appearance.
It is known that the nasal mucosa is capable of responding to any irritation or infection in one - the only protective way - by producing mucus.
If, along with nasal discharge, there is a sore throat, for example, when swallowing, then they speak of nasopharyngitis, that is, damage to both the nasal mucosa and the pharyngeal wall.
What should you not do if you have a runny nose in children?
You need to immediately decide what parents of especially young children are prohibited from doing:
Use nasal drops containing antibiotics from the very beginning without a doctor’s prescription. This is strictly prohibited for a number of reasons:
- the antibiotic affects bacteria, but does not act on viruses, which are the cause in the vast majority of cases;
- It is recommended to prescribe antibiotics only after obtaining the results of bacterial cultures of nasal discharge on nutrient media;
- when they are instilled into the nasal passages, swallowing them is inevitable, and the development of intestinal dysbiosis is possible due to the death of normal microflora with the subsequent development of diarrhea, bloating and abdominal pain. Dysbacteriosis develops especially quickly in young children if they are hastily mixed up with the dosage of antibiotics and given the drug by mistake with adult concentration.
Immediately begin treatment of colds with vasoconstrictor drugs. Especially such rough ones as “Naphthyzin”, “Galazolin”. First of all, they dry out the mucous membrane and cause vascular spasm.
And if the symptoms disappear for a few hours, this does not mean anything: recovery treatment after abuse of such drugs can be quite long.
It must be remembered that the discharge of mucus in case of a cold is a protection, and there is no need to interfere with it.
Vasopressor intranasal agents can be used as the main ones only in the case of allergic aseptic swelling of the mucous membrane, as an element of pathogenetic therapy that affects the development of the process. Use a rubber syringe to rinse the nasal passages. Especially for kids. The force of pressure may well cause injury to the eardrum, and fluid entering the structures of the middle ear may cause reactive otitis media. to the content?
The main causes of runny nose in children
You should not think that the only reason and source is a common cold. The reasons may be different, but infections still lead in frequency of occurrence in all age groups.
If the protective barrier is strong, then the antiviral immunity quickly copes with pathogens, and such ailment quickly goes away on its own.
It is about him that it is said that “an untreated runny nose goes away in a week, and a treated one – in seven days.”
By this we mean that the laws of the development of a viral infection and methods of combating it in the body go through certain stages, which can be helped, but cannot be accelerated.
Most often, such an event as nasal congestion and runny nose is preceded by hypothermia: general or local (wet feet, an extra portion of ice cream).
As a result, bacterial inflammation develops on the weakened mucosa, which manifests itself as mucous-purulent discharge from the nasal passages. General signs of intoxication often develop: fever, malaise;
In more severe cases, bronchospasm may develop, which makes it difficult to exhale rather than inhale.
Finally, in some cases, swelling of the larynx may progress, which may require urgent surgery to avoid death from suffocation.
Finally, the most severe allergic manifestation is fulminant anaphylactic shock.
As a rule, this type of rhinitis has a strong connection with both respiratory (pollen, fish food, house dust) and food allergens (strawberries, chocolate, shrimp, eggs, citrus fruits). Sometimes such allergic rhinitis develops while caring for animals.
You need to understand that the speed of action and effectiveness of adrenergic agonists does not mean that these drugs should form the basis of the therapeutic arsenal of parents.
This is similar to how large-caliber heavy artillery should become the basis of an offensive operation.
A quick effect will be achieved, but at the cost of a scorched desert. This form of the disease is often transitional to chronic.
Most often, the provocation is some action or phenomenon: excitement, increased blood pressure, change in weather. May accompany symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia.
In addition, other reasons may be the culprits of the disease: the presence of polyps, enlarged adenoids, foreign objects entering the upper respiratory tract.
Sometimes the painful condition may be due to the presence of a chronic congenital disease, such as cystic fibrosis or sarcoidosis. Therefore, in any case, for an accurate diagnosis you need to consult a doctor.
What complications can there be?
Despite the fact that it is difficult to imagine a more “trivial” disease, it is fraught with serious complications and dangers. Let's list the most common ones:
- gradual spread of infection into the bronchi and lungs due to the drainage of infected mucus downwards;
- blockage of the Eustachian (auditory) tube with thick mucus with the development of inflammation in the tube (reactive otitis media);
- development of sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmotiditis) - with the involvement of the cranial sinuses (maxillary, frontal and ethmoidal labyrinth, respectively);
- In infants who must feed by sucking, nasal congestion does not allow them to breathe fully while eating. Therefore, they may become malnourished, lose weight, choke on milk or formula, and it may even develop into aspiration pneumonia.
to the content?
Rhinitis in children: main symptoms
We will not consider here the manifestations of intoxication of the whole body (fever, malaise, lethargy), since they are well known to everyone and will focus only on local ones:
- nasal congestion. It is very easy to check: close one nostril and breathe “half-heartedly”. It turns out without tension - there is no symptom;
- rhinorrhea, or nasal discharge. They can be serous or serous-purulent. There is no purely purulent discharge from the nasal passages, but with puncture of the maxillary sinus you can sometimes get pus;
- sneezing. Everyone knows that its purpose is to clear the airways with the help of a reflexively caused push of air. The air speed when coughing and sneezing can reach 100 km/h or more. Sneezing is usually preceded by rich and varied sensations: burning, scratching, pleasant tickling.
- with atrophy of the mucous membrane (atrophic rhinitis), scanty dry crusts form instead of rhinorrhea;
- Since the secretion of mucus and tears have much in common, lacrimation can sometimes occur with a runny nose. Sometimes it occurs on one side, with sensations preceding sneezing;
- Hyposmia or anosmia is the inability to distinguish odors. This feeling is also familiar to everyone firsthand.
There are also other discharges from the nasal passages: for example, with a fracture of the base of the skull and ruptures of the dura mater, cerebrospinal fluid may leak from the nose and ears in rare cases.
Sometimes a child may have a runny nose with blood.
This symptom may indicate fragility of the blood vessels, which are damaged when sneezing or wiping the nose.
Sometimes blood may drip from the nose, causing nosebleeds. There is even a special area from which almost all nosebleeds originate - the Kisselbach area.
You should not be afraid of this symptom, you need to put the child down, throw back your head and put cold on the bridge of the nose, but for no more than five minutes, so as not to catch a cold in the maxillary sinuses.
You can roll up turundas from soft paper (napkins, toilet paper) and insert them into the nostril so as not to stain your clothes with blood.
Sometimes a nosebleed can simply occur because a child who doesn't cut his nails simply picks his nose.
A child develops a runny nose: what to do?
Therefore, the answer to the question “how long does a child’s runny nose last” suggests at least two options. The first - about a week with strong immunity and the second - for as long as desired - with a weak level of immune defense, since it enters the chronic stage.
The frequency of the disease also affects the speed of recovery. If a child is bothered by frequent sniffles, it may simply be the course of chronic rhinitis with long periods of relatively pronounced remission.
How to properly treat a runny nose in a child?
To do this, you need to follow a soft, physiological approach, and in no case do harm with your activities.
The dangers of prescribing harsh vasoconstrictor drugs at the very beginning of treatment and antibiotics have already been discussed.
Therefore, it is possible to provide a general scheme according to which it is necessary to act from the onset of the disease until the “critical point” is reached, which approximately occurs on the 4th or 5th day from the onset of the disease.
It is during this period that it will become clear whether your treatment has achieved its goal, or whether you need to call a doctor and add stronger drugs to the treatment.
Principles of correct and reasonable treatment
If you look at the instructions for children's medications for intranasal administration (numerous sprays, dosed drops), you will notice that the approach to treating an infant aged 8 to 9 months will differ in both approach and dosage of medications from the principles of treating children, say , preschool age - at 5 or 6 years old.
Treatment with medications
The article does not set out to give a comparative overview of all available drugs, so we will limit ourselves to covering one or two of the most effective and popular drugs in each group that can be used:
Vasoconstrictor drops
Indicated as the main remedy for allergic rhinitis, together with antihistamines:
- “Nazol Baby” and “Nazol Kids spray” for children from birth and from the age of 6 years;
- "Nasivin" is a drug that lasts about 12 hours (long-term action).
- "Fenistil", "Allergodil". These drops are indicated for use even in babies aged 1 – 2 months;
- "Tizin allergy". It is used in older children, but can also be successfully used by adults;
- “Zyrtec” in the form of an intranasal spray effectively relieves swelling and allergic rhinorrhea without causing side effects;
Miramistin for runny nose in children
You can find information on the Internet that Miramistin can be used as a remedy for children's runny nose. The thing is that this is not entirely true: if this drug can be used after unprotected sexual intercourse, this does not mean that it can be poured anywhere.
Below are arguments that refute the effectiveness of this remedy in almost all cases of childhood (and adult) rhinitis:
- in the market era, the manufacturer would definitely release Miramistin spray for intranasal use, however, the manufacturing company does not agree to this;
- the drug is intended to protect the mucous membrane and destroy bacteria on its entire surface, therefore, for ordinary viral rhinitis, the drug is useless. It is effective against hepatitis viruses, HIV, but not adenoviruses;
- with a bacterial complication and serous-purulent discharge, Miramistin will also be ineffective, since it is first desirable to identify the causative agent.
And, although the instructions contain indications for treating the oral cavity, and in otolaryngology it is indicated for irrigation of the pharynx and ear, the drug is not indicated for instillation into the nose according to the instructions.
In addition, Miramistin promotes the formation of a dry scab in the wound, and for the nasal mucosa, this is extremely harmful, since the pathogen remains in these dried crusts.
Antibiotics for a runny nose in a child
The use of antibacterial drugs and the precautions associated with them have already been discussed above. Here are a few of the best representatives:
- "Bioparox" - available in the form of a spray, contains fusafunzhin. Can be used in children from two years of age.
- "Isofra" - contains the antibiotic framecitin. Prescribed to children aged one and a half years.
A good cold remedy for children
What should you put in a child’s nose when they have a runny nose without regard for safety? What remedy can a mother give, in the hope of helping, but without harm or side effects?
- "Ectericide." Translated, it means “killing dryness.” It is a good moisturizer, and at the same time an antiseptic in an oil solution. Children's doctors like to prescribe it, as it is included in Komarovsky's schemes for the prevention of dry mucous membranes;
- The second good drug, which is indicated for softening and moisturizing, is Pinosol. In addition to the antibacterial effect caused by phytoncides of essential oils, it contains vitamin E, which is fat-soluble. Indicated for children from the age of 2 to 3 years.
What to do if a child’s runny nose does not go away for a long time?
If, against the background of a decrease in immunity, a frequently ill child develops a persistent, persistent, long-lasting runny nose, then in this case he is shown immune drugs containing antiviral protection - interferon and other active components:
- "Genferon - Light." Made in the form of nasal drops based on leukocyte interferon. Also contains taurine for more powerful immune activation. They can be used by babies starting from one year old;
- "Derinat" is a complex drug that contains DNA, so it is able to renew the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and improve its reparative functions. There are no contraindications to its use even in early childhood.
Folk remedy for runny nose for children
In order to quickly cure rhinitis in a child at the initial stage, it is not necessary to use medications, which may have various side effects.
You can use numerous traditional medicine remedies that can either prevent the disease from dragging on and becoming chronic, or even prevent the disease even before its first manifestations.
So, for example, going to the bathhouse, warming up the whole body, and drinking tea with raspberries, honey and linden blossom can simply prevent a cold from becoming active in the body due to hypothermia.
Mustard in socks
This method refers to reflexology techniques. Its meaning is to pour dry mustard powder into the child’s socks to improve blood circulation in the feet.
Since the vascular networks in the body are connected by reflexes, this causes an increase in immunity in response to the irritating effect of mustard.
This method cannot be used in children under one year old, or when the temperature rises. This is a preventive method, it can be resorted to only in case of hypothermia, which happened a few hours ago, and, according to the fear and experience of parents, it can develop into a cold.
Mustard is poured 1-2 teaspoons into children's socks at night, and woolen socks are put on top.
Saline solution
Saline solution prepared at home is the same saline solution, provided that it has a concentration of 0.9% salt, which is equivalent to the state of blood plasma. It is very useful to use devices to rinse your nose with salt water heated to 38 - 40 degrees.
In addition to mechanical and atraumatic cleaning of the mucous membrane, water has the ability to draw water out, and with the water, swelling of the nasal mucosa goes away.
In the case of multiple drug allergies, the use of saline solution along with cleansing, moisturizing, and warming can cause the disease to recede.
Beetroot juice for a speedy recovery
How to cure a child’s runny nose quickly at home using vegetables? Many believe that for this you need to use raw beet juice, which is first left to settle in the refrigerator and then dropped into each nostril.
The entire effect of this event will be reduced to moisturizing the nasal mucosa, and beetroot juice has no advantage over ordinary salted water. In any case, studies have not shown any acceleration of the period of rhinorrhea when using this remedy.
Radish and honey
Black radish juice with honey has a great immunogenic effect: the top of the radish is cut off and a hole is made in the center. Honey is placed in the hole and closed again with a radish lid.
The entire structure is placed in a warm place for several hours. At this time, the radish will release juice, which should be taken 1 tbsp. spoon.
It can be used in children from 3-4 years of age, as it strengthens the immune system well and alleviates not only the runny nose, but also bronchitis, tonsillitis and other colds.
Essential oils
After all, essential oils can cause severe bronchospasm. Thus, it is almost impossible to force a child to breathe essential oils of garlic and onion.
Therefore, inhalation of tea tree oil, mint, eucalyptus, and lemon would be a good alternative. Thuja oil has a good healing effect. This oil is obtained from thuja needles, and it has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect.
In addition, vapors of essential oils can moisturize and soften the mucous membrane of not only the nose, but also the bronchi, having a beneficial effect on the ciliary epithelium.
To achieve a more complete effect, it is recommended to use an ultrasonic inhaler (nebulizer), which is capable of transforming essential oil into the smallest mist - an aerosol.
For more detailed information on the use of a nebulizer in the treatment of ENT diseases, you can read the article below:
Inhalation for a runny nose with a nebulizer: for children and adults
What are the advantages of this technique? It has a mild and long-lasting aftereffect with minimal side reactions.
The main purpose of this article was to make parents understand that in most cases, a runny nose (rhinitis) is a natural process that cannot be suppressed, just as a cough cannot be suppressed, otherwise all the infected sputum will accumulate inside and can cause pneumonia.
How to treat a runny nose in a child: video
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I recently learned about a good antiviral drug called Influcid. So, when my child has a runny nose and other symptoms, I give this antiviral tablet. After 3-4 days of consistent use, breathing is much easier. The child's general health improves noticeably.
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Specialty: Otorhinolaryngologist Work experience: 12 years
Specialty: Otorhinolaryngologist Work experience: 8 years
A runny nose in a child: how and how to treat it?
How to cure a runny nose in a child is a problem known to all parents without exception. The disease, which affects children of any age, causes a lot of inconvenience to the child: breathing becomes difficult, the sense of smell is dulled. And these are just the first, mild symptoms.
The problem requires immediate resolution, since inflammation of the nasal mucosa cannot be ignored. This is fraught with all sorts of complications: from chronic diseases to those that can only be cured through surgery.
A child's body, which grows and develops rapidly, has a number of characteristics. You need to take each one into account when asking the question: how to cure a runny nose in a child in order to eliminate possible complications and not cause harm.
Causes and symptoms
It is best to do this under the supervision of a pediatrician, because there can be many reasons for a runny nose:
- Allergy. The manifestation of allergic rhinitis should be combated with specialized means; conventional antiviral and vasoconstrictor drugs are at best useless, at worst they will aggravate the situation. Read more about childhood allergies→
- Dry air (both indoors and outdoors). The release of moisture from the nose in this case is a protective reaction of the mucous membrane.
- Hypothermia or overheating.
- Foreign objects entering the nasal passage. Any small parts from toys, sparkles from a dress, dust, particles of chalk or sand cause vasomotor rhinitis. It is accompanied by attacks of headache and severe watery discharge from the nose.
Treatment methods
The nasal passages of infants are very narrow and it is often difficult for them to cope with the natural production of mucus, especially if parents, trying to protect the child from hypothermia, heat the air in the room to greenhouse temperatures.
When thinking about how to quickly cure a runny nose in a child, you should first of all:
- ventilate the room;
- do wet cleaning (even better - stock up on a household humidifier; if this is not possible, hang a damp towel on the headboard);
- clean the nose with a moistened gauze pad (but in no case with cotton swabs. They, unlike gauze twisted into a rope, are inelastic and can injure the mucous membrane, especially if the child turns or throws back his head while cleaning the nose).
You can quickly and effectively cure a runny nose in a one-month-old baby by rinsing. For this purpose, pharmaceutical preparations based on sea water are used (Aquamaris, Otrivin, Aqualor, Dolphin, Marimer).
Any of the solutions should be warmed to room temperature and 1-2 drops should be instilled into each nasal passage. It is advisable to place a diaper under the baby's head so that liquid can flow freely onto it.
It is also necessary to clear the nose of draining mucus using a regular rubber bulb for douching without a plastic tip (hard plastic can injure the mucous membrane, and if it slips deep, it can injure the nasal septum).
It is worth remembering that any pharmaceutical drugs can be instilled for no more than 4 days. As a rule, pediatricians prescribe the following medications to infants:
For more effective treatment of a runny nose, you should avoid bathing your baby for several days and give him 1-2 tablespoons of boiled water as an additional drink.
Runny nose in preschool children
From the age of 3, a child can already blow his nose on his own. However, you should not blow too hard to avoid damaging the blood vessels. If the nose is clogged, you can drip 2-3 drops of diluted Kalanchoe juice (provided that the baby is not allergic to it).
When choosing drops, you should carefully study the composition. Natural and herbal-based products (Protorgol, Pinosol, Rinoxyl, Vibrocil) are best suited for children.
The same drugs that are used to treat infants are suitable, you just need to increase their dose - in accordance with the age of the child. If the runny nose is persistent, Isofra or Xemelin are usually prescribed.
- Sanorin. It often causes allergic swelling. This drug can only be prescribed to school-age children.
- Naphthyzin. It sharply constricts blood vessels. They can only lightly blot the nasal mucosa by applying the liquid to the turunda.
You can also lubricate your nose with Iodoglycerin to make breathing easier - twice a day (in the morning and before bed). However, only a doctor can advise what is best to use.
Warm foot baths help a lot, especially if you add sea salt to them (and to make it more interesting for a child to sit in warm water, you can tint it with a decoction of chamomile or sage).
Folk remedies
Treatment of runny nose in children with folk remedies is also effective.
To rinse the nose of infants, you can use:
- a thin decoction of pharmaceutical chamomile (a dessert spoon without a slide in a glass of water, steamed for 10 minutes, cooled, filtered);
- decoction of calendula (add half a tablespoon of dry collection per liter of water. After it sits for a minute, strain);
- saline solution (9 grams of salt - less than a teaspoon per liter of boiled water). For children after a year, the saline solution is made more saturated - a teaspoon full of coarse table salt is placed per liter;
- tincture of a tablespoon of dried mint leaves (pepper mint, not lemon balm), with two glasses of boiling water. The solution must be infused for an hour and then filtered. This tincture can be drunk twice a day, adding half a teaspoon of linden liquid honey to a cup.
When treating a runny nose, you cannot do without steam inhalation:
- Add a tablespoon of raspberries and currants to a liter of boiling water and leave the broth for a few minutes.
- Pour boiling water into a small teapot, add 2 tbsp. spoons of soda, 1 tbsp. l. table salt. Stir and wait until the water cools a little. Then breathe alternately through each nostril through the spout of the kettle.
- Place a deep container of hot water by the child’s bed, into which add a few drops of essential oils. It could be eucalyptus, myrtle, fir, lavender.
It is important to control the temperature of the water in the inhalation container - it should not be too hot so that the child does not get burned.
You can prepare nasal drops yourself. For infants it is recommended:
- solution with aloe: 2 drops of aloe juice are diluted with boiled water (it is important that the plant is more than 3 years old);
- breast milk: 2 drops into each nasal passage.
For children after one year, drops made from:
- dried calendula petals and yarrow leaves (also called fish or bloodworm) - a teaspoon, pour boiling water over it. Wrap for half an hour or steam in a water bath for about 20 minutes. Cool, filter, and instill 3-4 drops into each nasal passage twice a day (2 for younger children);
- coltsfoot leaves, sage, plantain and calendula flowers. All of them should fit in a tablespoon, which is poured into a glass of boiling water. Then the broth is heated in a water bath for 5 minutes, infused for half an hour, and filtered. Instill 2-3 drops into each nostril three times a day;
- mint essential oil with liquid (preferably linden) honey. Mix 1 teaspoon of each component, slightly warming the honey. The solution must be infused for 15 minutes - during this time the oil and honey will complement each other’s healing properties. Afterwards, you need to moisten the gauze turunda and coat the nasal mucosa.
- red beet juice. Mix a dessert spoon with a teaspoon of boiled water and drop it into your nose (you can add a little linden liquid honey, but it’s not necessary). In its pure form, beet juice is very hot.
You can make a warming compress for your child: pour dry mustard into cotton socks. This warming significantly speeds up the healing process. However, if the baby has a fever, this treatment method should be excluded.
Complications of a runny nose
In the absence of timely treatment or in a chronic form, the infection of the nasal mucosa spreads to the respiratory tract. The most common complications of a runny nose include:
- Sinusitis. Common symptoms include soreness in the eyes, cheeks, nose and forehead. In advanced cases, patients complain of bad breath and partial loss of smell. General weakness is accompanied by fever and headache. In rare cases, sinusitis can cause blurred vision, ear infections and inflammation in the membranes of the brain.
- Laryngitis. Main symptoms: dry mouth, hoarseness, dry cough, which is subsequently accompanied by sputum production. As a rule, body temperature with laryngitis remains normal.
- Bronchitis. Accompanied by a cough with the release of specific mucus, which can have a different shade. Body temperature rises during the most severe course of the disease. If symptoms persist for a long time, a chest x-ray should be performed.
There are other complications of a runny nose that are less common, but require more serious treatment:
- Hyposmia. As a rule, it occurs with chronic rhinitis and can lead to complete loss of smell.
- Polyps. Benign formations in the nasal cavity facilitate the penetration of allergens and bacteria.
- Dacryocystitis. Accompanied by the discharge of pus from the eyes. In advanced stages of the disease, probing is performed.
Despite the apparent mildness of the disease, rhinitis can lead to dangerous complications. To avoid serious drug treatment or surgery, treatment of the runny nose should be done at an early stage of the disease.
Author: Olesya Kharlanova,
especially for
Useful video about treating a runny nose
You should not get carried away with self-medication, the immune system is developing, and you can do harm. It wouldn't hurt to see a doctor. And if anyone is interested, here is a good site, it often helps me!
I also recommend Protargol for children, now it is produced under the name Vitargol Forte with a long shelf life, and not as before 2 weeks, and there was almost nowhere to buy. We buy from pharmacies.
Girls, just don’t take aerosols, I washed my child’s otitis with Aqualor infusions (((The doctor explained that they have a strong pressure, so the water pours and pours as it wants. On her advice, now we use a spray with a dispenser, it’s called Morenasal. Moms, nose It cleans perfectly, and the bottle is safe, which is the most important thing for me now.
We make our own spray, it’s light and washes well.
I have never used antibiotics in the nose. But dry heat has always helped us. While the child is sleeping, I put a small bag of salt on the bridge of the nose and warms it up well. I also diluted carrot juice with honey and dripped it. It clears up a runny nose perfectly.
When my daughter and I arrived home from the maternity hospital, she immediately began to have a runny nose, as it later turned out, this was because the air in the maternity hospital was very dry, and the air at home was a little humid, since we live on the first floor.
The pediatrician prescribed rinsing with Aqualor, but it didn’t help us, I started using Otrivin Baby, and of course I used a baby bulb, it is safe and will not damage the mucous membrane, we only used it for three days and everything went away, unlike Aqualor.
Apparently, each child needs to choose a medicine, but so far we haven’t had a runny nose anymore, although we are already 1.7.
When a child is small and does not yet know how to blow his nose, a runny nose causes many problems. One of the first is that the child cannot sleep normally. Here you cannot do without vasoconstrictor drops. I often resort to folk remedies. During the day I give my children diluted carrot or beet juice. It dries out nasal discharge perfectly.
It’s strange, but snot causes so many problems. Regarding Kalanchoe juice, I will say that this method is not particularly productive. I tried to drip it for my son and bought Kalanchoe especially for this purpose. It turned out to be a continuous sneezing and nothing more, but more snot. I think this is how the allergy manifested itself. One doctor told me that there are 2 types of medicinal nasal drops: Protargol and Albucid. The rest only constrict blood vessels and you shouldn’t get carried away with them. And we used Isofra when our son had purulent (green) discharge. This is an antibiotic for the nose, a good drug, but it cannot be used for more than 5 days.