The tip of the nose hurts when touched

Tip 1: What to do if the tip of your nose hurts

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Causes and localization of boils

Pain in the tip of the nose can be caused by a staphylococcus bacillus, which is most often the cause of this disease.

Table of contents:

As a rule, hair follicles and sebaceous glands become inflamed, into which the stick enters. A boil most often occurs in the vestibule of the nose, at its tip or on the nasolabial fold.

Usually the disease is mild. If a person’s blood supply to the face is impaired, there are anastomoses between the facial vessels, then the boil can progress to a severe stage with complications.

Symptoms of the disease

If the tip of your nose begins to hurt, it’s time to closely monitor the symptoms. Depending on them, it will be possible to determine in what form the disease occurs. In the first two days, a person's body temperature may rise slightly. The area where the boil occurs is slightly swollen. On the third or fourth day, a small “rod” may appear in its center. Then the boil heals and the disease goes away. This is a mild form of the disease, which does not always happen.

If the disease is severe, the symptoms will be somewhat different. As a rule, the cheek begins to swell, and the place where the boil appears (the tip of the nose) hurts very much. In this case, swelling can spread to the upper and lower eyelids and upper lip. The patient’s temperature can jump up to several degrees, there is no appetite, irritability appears, and constant headaches torment.

Furuncle in children

For children, this disease is most dangerous. Most often, it affects children who have various intestinal diseases or rickets, and also have a predisposition to diseases of the skin and nasal sinuses. Children are more often affected by this disease than adults.

To prevent the consequences, intensive therapy is necessary. It includes taking various antibiotics that have a wide spectrum of action. If the disease occurs with complications, it is necessary to take anticoagulants and anabolic hormones. All these drugs must be prescribed only by the attending physician; self-medication is unacceptable.

If boils form frequently enough, patients are prescribed screening for tuberculosis and diabetes.

By carrying out preventive measures in a timely manner, the development of the disease can be prevented.


Why does the tip of the nose hurt and what to do?

Pain is a sign of trouble in the body. Pain is caused by different reasons - external and internal. When the tip of your nose hurts, you can’t think about any specific disease. It may be painful due to injury, inflammation, or another condition.

The cause of the pain is indicated by accompanying symptoms. Sometimes it is necessary to use additional examination methods. Making a correct diagnosis means prescribing the right treatment.

In order to better understand the mechanism of development of pain, you need to understand the structure of the tip of the nose. Despite its small size, it has many features that affect the development and symptoms of diseases.

This area consists of cartilage tissue. The outside of the cartilage is covered with skin, and the inside is covered with mucous membrane. The skin contains many sebaceous glands. There are few hair follicles here. The mucous membrane is rich in nerve endings and small blood vessels.

The tip of the nose hurts when pressed as a result of exposure to external and internal factors. Each disease has its own distinctive characteristics.

External reasons include:

  • mechanical injuries - scratches, bruises;
  • dislocations and fractures of cartilage and bones;
  • physical impact - burns or frostbite;
  • bacterial and viral lesions;
  • exposure to chemicals;
  • acne disease.

Manifestations of these diseases and pathological conditions are noticeable even during an external examination.

Internal causes of pain in the tip of the nose when pressed:

  • inflammation of the mucous membrane - rhinitis;
  • inflammation of the sinuses - sinusitis;
  • damage to nerve fibers;
  • injury to the mucous membrane.

If the tip of the nose hurts inside, the symptoms may not be immediately noticeable. To determine the cause, you will need to undergo an examination.

Table. Signs of diseases accompanied by pain in the tip of the nose.

These symptoms help determine the cause of pain in the tip of the nose and begin appropriate treatment. For a more accurate diagnosis, you should contact an otolaryngologist, who will conduct a full examination and prescribe laboratory and instrumental examinations.

Sometimes pain in the tip of the nose has an indirect origin. For example, when you have a runny nose with liquid discharge, a person constantly blows his nose and wipes his nose. This leads to mechanical irritation and pain.

Extremely rare causes of pain are tuberculous or syphilitic lesions of cartilage, and malignant neoplasms.

Treatment measures are prescribed in accordance with the symptoms and origin of the disease. All pathologies are divided into traumatic and inflammatory. Treatment of diseases from each group is carried out according to general principles.

In traumatic pathologies, bleeding of varying degrees of intensity almost always occurs. This is due to the fact that the nasal mucosa is well supplied with blood, and even minor exposure leads to damage to the blood vessels. Therefore, the first treatment measure for injury should be to stop bleeding. This can be done in several ways:

  • apply cold;
  • apply a tight bandage;
  • carry out tamponade of the nasal passages - only doctors do this.

After the bleeding stops, the degree of damage to the cartilage and bones is assessed. A simple bruise does not require hospitalization; it can be treated on an outpatient basis. If a dislocation or fracture occurs, the victim must be taken to the emergency room to realign the nose and receive further recommendations.

Abrasions and scratches are treated using healing and antibacterial ointments - Methyluracil, Levomekol. Wounds inside the nose usually heal on their own, since the mucous membrane has high regenerative abilities.

Inflammatory diseases are caused by numerous causes. Therefore, their treatment will have certain features.

Table. Principles of treatment of inflammatory pathologies of the nose.

If the treatment was prescribed correctly, the pain will soon disappear. Preventive measures are important:

  • maintaining personal hygiene;
  • avoiding hypothermia;
  • avoiding traumatic situations.

When the tip of the nose hurts, it causes discomfort and anxiety. This condition is provoked by numerous external and internal factors. Manifestations of pathology are not always obvious, so a thorough examination is required.

Treatment depends on the characteristics of the disease and is aimed at eliminating the cause and symptoms. The prognosis with a correct diagnosis is favorable.

All information on the site is provided for informational purposes. Before using any recommendations, be sure to consult your doctor.

Full or partial copying of information from the site without providing an active link to it is prohibited.


The tip of the nose hurts

Receptors line almost the entire surface of the skin. When nerve endings are irritated, a signal is sent to the brain. If the tip of the nose hurts, then you need to understand that the sensation of pain can be triggered by the occurrence of some pathogen outside or inside the nasal cavity.

Why does the tip of my nose hurt?

Any change in the usual state signals the presence of pathological processes that require treatment. The causes of sore nose are the following:

  1. Various inflammatory processes, namely rhinitis caused by tuberculosis, allergies and the activity of other microorganisms.
  2. Vascular rhinitis, in which fluid leaks from the plasma when the air temperature drops.
  3. Sinusitis is characterized by inflammation in the sinuses, accumulation of mucus, tearing and soreness of the nasal surface, which disappear only after the fluid is eliminated.
  4. Taking vasoconstrictor drugs can cause hypertrophic processes. Various neurological pathologies often cause periodic attacks of pain; when the trigeminal nerve is damaged, it is localized in the nose, forehead and eyes.

The tip of the nose is red and sore

You should dwell on the most common factors that cause discomfort and redness of the nose. These include:

  1. Violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane, injury to the nose, and with a fracture, the pain can bother you for more than a month.
  2. Skin problems, acne, herpes not only cause a burning sensation, but also, as a result of suppuration, cause pain that spreads to the wings of the nose.
  3. Due to sunburn or frostbite, the tip of the nose may turn red and hurt when pressed.
  4. Furunculosis is a skin disease characterized by the fact that the tip of the nose hurts and turns red when touched and, in addition, swells. Pathology develops due to weakened immunity, intestinal diseases and is accompanied by a general increase in temperature.

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Why might the tip of the nose hurt when touched?

Pain always signals problems in the body, and even when the tip of the nose hurts, this is a sign of a disease with possible involvement of neighboring parts of the face. This disease may be accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms - itching, redness, pimples and sores. The nasal mucosa has a rich blood and nerve supply, so the abundance of receptors in the nose makes it very sensitive to various pain and tactile sensations, and the intense blood supply can easily cause bleeding.

A little anatomy

The nose, being the most prominent element on the face, is the first to take on any injuries or bruises. The so-called outer part consists of the root, back, apex and wings. The nasal bones are the frontal process of the maxilla, 2 cartilages: the greater pterygoid and the lateral; they are covered with muscles responsible for compressing the nasal openings. The wings contain connective tissue formations that form the posterior sections of the nasal openings (nostrils). In the area of ​​the nose, especially its tip and wings, there are a large number of sebaceous and sweat glands, the ducts of which can easily become inflamed if hygiene is insufficient.

When inhaling, the air is first warmed and purified in the vestibule of the nose, then passes into the cavity, which is divided by the nasal septum into 2 vertical halves; Many people have a slight natural curvature of the nasal septum, which is not visually detectable and constitutes an asymmetry of the skull. The lateral sections have 3 nasal turbinates, which define 3 nasal passages between their recesses.

Accordingly, the lower nasal meatus is the space between the inferior turbinate above and the bottom of the nasal cavity below.

Causes of pain

There are quite a lot of them, ranging from basic bruises to inflammation and structural changes. As a result, we can conditionally distinguish between external and internal causes. External - boils, bruises, burns, frostbite, violation of skin integrity; internal - fractures, inflammation, neuritis, wounds of the nose with various objects and manipulations.

So, the most common external causes:

  1. Furunculosis is the most common cause of pain in the tip of the nose. In addition to pain, swelling and hyperemia appear. Most often, boils appear when immunity decreases.
  2. Another very common process in which the nose can hurt is rhinitis. The disease can be a consequence of acute respiratory viral infection or caused by bacteria. But it can also accompany diseases such as tuberculosis, syphilis, or be a reaction to a decrease in air temperature (vascular rhinitis), etc.
  3. Sinusitis. Often accompanied by pain in the nose; In this case, both the tip and the entire surface may hurt. With this pathology, pus most often accumulates in the paranasal sinuses.
  4. Sunburn or frostbite. Being the most protruding part of the front side of the skull, in the sun and frost the tip of the nose is affected first of all. The skin may crack, peel, become inflamed, etc. The tip may turn red and hurt when touched.
  5. A bruise or blow - the pain can last for more than a month.
  6. Taking vasoconstrictor medications unsystematically and in large quantities. Drops should not be used for more than 5 days; the mucous membrane easily develops addiction to them. To achieve the effect, they have to be instilled more than usual, which causes dryness of the mucous membrane and the development of hypertrophic processes in it.

Purulent inflammation of the hair follicle

The most common process with pain in the tip of the nose is the appearance of boils - acute purulent inflammation of the hair follicle or sebaceous gland when its duct is blocked. Its frequent localization is the wings, nasolabial fold, tip, skin part of the septum. The causative agent is staphylococcus, which can be introduced through minor skin lesions caused by patients themselves during various manipulations in the nose: plucking hair, picking with dirty hands, squeezing out an existing boil; frequent nose blowing.

Boils can be provoked by decreased immunity, obesity, diabetes, and nutritional disorders. Most often, the boil goes away in a mild form within a few days. You should never remove or squeeze it out yourself, as there is a risk of infection entering the brain, which will lead to irreversible consequences. When the immune system is weakened, a boil can lead to complications including sepsis, phlegmon, meningitis, and perichondritis of the nasal septum.

Inflammation often begins acutely, first there is discomfort in the nose when inhaling, then there is pain, sensitivity when pressed, swelling and redness of the tip and its anterior part. The skin in the area of ​​the future boil is tense, reddened, the center is slightly raised in the shape of a cone. Swelling can spread to the cheek and lip. Sometimes pus is visible at the top, and there is a rod in the center. The pain increases during this period, the temperature may rise, the head may hurt, and weakness may be noted.

Within 3-5 days, the abscess opens and the rod is rejected. The moment of abscess formation is accompanied by a particular increase in pain. After the pus is released, the pain subsides, the site of the boil is cleaned, filled with granulations and gradually heals over 4-5 days. The general condition improves, the temperature normalizes. In the absence of pus, physiotherapy is used: UV irradiation, UHF, laser irradiation. The use of antibacterial and symptomatic therapy is mandatory.

Acute and chronic rhinitis

A runny nose (inflammation of the mucous membrane) is a very common pathology that occurs at any age. A runny nose causes a lot of inconvenience to patients; the reason for this is that the inhalation process is sharply disrupted, which causes anxiety. This negatively affects the activity of the cardiovascular system, cerebral circulation, IOP, ICP, sleep disturbances, cephalalgia appear, and the temperature may rise. Conditions are created for the development of complications.

Rhinitis can also accompany infections such as syphilis in its third stage: at first it is painless due to the death of nerve endings. But then, when bone destruction begins, nasal pain becomes very severe.

With a long course of chronic catarrhal rhinitis, hypertrophic rhinitis can develop. The reasons most often lie in poor ecology, climate, and production conditions. The presence of adenoids, inflamed tonsils in chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, and a deviated nasal septum often plays a role. It should also be recalled about drug-induced rhinitis due to the illiterate use of vasoconstrictor drops. This leads to dryness of the mucous membrane, it dries out and cracks or grows roughly. In any case, this causes constant pain inside the nose and in the area of ​​its tip when pressed.

Symptomatic manifestations of rhinitis

With rhinitis, there is severe nasal congestion, the inability to breathe freely, although there is no runny nose, dryness in the nose with severe pain; difficulty blowing your nose, decreased sense of smell. In this case, nosebleeds occur quite often. During such processes, the tip of the nose can become sore because it simply cracks, which causes severe pain to the person. Crusts often form in the nose as a result of atrophic processes, secretions accumulate, they gradually harden and turn into growths. Over time, they begin to emit an unpleasant odor, and ozena develops. The nasal passage is clogged, making breathing difficult. Various ointments are used for treatment: Vishnevsky and Fleming ointment, oxolinic and ichthyol ointment, Doctor Mom, Levomekol, Evamenol.

Viferon is very popular: the reasons for its effectiveness in this case are that this drug acts directly on viruses and modulates immunity. It is especially effective in the early stages of crusting. If cracks in the skin appear instead of crusts, then wound-healing and restorative ointments are applied, sufficient fluid intake, vitamin E, chamomile steam inhalations, humidification of the air in the room, and rinsing with Aqua Maris are required. To confirm the diagnosis, rhinoscopy is performed, which reveals a wide nasal cavity due to atrophy of the inferior turbinates.

Herpes or sinusitis

Why does my nose hurt with herpes? Because its rashes can appear not only on the lips, but also in the nose, on its tip or wing. With herpes, a blistering rash appears on the skin and mucous membranes in the form of transparent growths, with burning and itching, covered with a layer of mucous tissue. Manifestations of herpes often go away on their own.

Sinusitis can affect one or both sides. Pain and other symptoms are more pronounced in the morning. The essence and causes of this disease are purulent formations in the maxillary sinuses, they are the result of infections. The patient cannot even turn his head without pain; there are sharp pains in the nose, at its tip, in the area of ​​the eyes, eye sockets, forehead, and head. The treatment is antibacterial; in addition, pus is pumped out.

Nose injury

The cartilage of the nose hurts when injured when fractures of the nasal cartilage, bones, and septum occur. The pain is not only strong in itself, but it tends to intensify with any touch to the nose. Nosebleeds may occur, the nose may become swollen, breathing is difficult, the septum is often deviated, and the tip is especially sore. Often there is a hematoma, suppuration in the nasal cavity. In case of such injuries, it is necessary to take an x-ray; for this, a visit to a traumatologist becomes inevitable. This is necessary so that pain in the nose that appears due to damage to the cartilage does not lead to further complications.

With this problem, swelling, nosebleeds occur, breathing becomes difficult, and the inside of the nose hurts. If an inflammatory process occurs, the nose becomes deformed, unpleasant sensations appear in the cartilage, nausea, headaches, and even fainting occur.

Why does the nose hurt when the nasal septum is deviated? Because this often leads to the formation of a hematoma or abscess, which themselves put pressure on the tissue. Incorrect formation of facial bones after fractures leads to the fact that the septum may be deformed. Because of this, some nasal diseases become chronic: rhinitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis. This is a consequence of the lack of normal nasal breathing. For this reason, an inflammatory process develops there.

Snoring occurs due to deviations of the nose to the side. If left untreated, a deviated nasal septum leads to problems with the cardiovascular system and blood circulation, as chronic tissue hypoxia and decreased immunity develop. The patient constantly has headaches, severe nasal pain, malaise, weakness, increased body temperature, memory impairment, and sleep disturbances. When the nasal septum transforms, the cartilage may even fall apart. The flowing blood accumulates behind the septum, which has its consequences.

When the wall retracts, pain in the nose is localized in the cartilage and continues to accompany further deformation of the organ; nasal breathing remains impaired. Touching the tip gives severe pain. In case of closed injuries, cold is applied to the site of the bruise; in case of bleeding, nasal tamponade is performed. Open wounds can lead to general infection and suppuration. When fragmentation of bone and cartilage tissue occurs, surgical intervention is required to reposition the bone fragments.

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All information on the site is presented for informational purposes. Before using any recommendations, be sure to consult your doctor.

©, medical portal about diseases of the respiratory system

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Why does my nose hurt?

Every person has experienced nasal pain. A common cause of this symptom can be ordinary rhinitis, however, there are actually a lot of reasons. There are few nerve endings on the outer surface, but on the inside there are many of them on the mucous membrane. Therefore, it mainly hurts a person if the mucous membrane becomes inflamed. If even minor pain occurs, you need to consult an ENT doctor; advanced disease entails serious consequences.

Reasons why the inside of the nose hurts

There are a number of reasons why the patient feels pain inside the nasal cavity:

  • sinusitis. With an inflammatory process in the maxillary sinus, the patient feels pain or discomfort in the sinuses. This occurs due to the fact that the mucous membrane swells and the outflow of mucus becomes difficult. Pain symptoms are possible only on one or both sides. When you press on the area of ​​inflammation, the pain intensifies. Pathological manifestations are more pronounced in the morning;
  • for chronic sinusitis. In this case, it only becomes painful when you are overworked, physically stressed, or have an exacerbation of the disease. This manifestation is accompanied by general malaise and a slight increase in temperature. To alleviate the condition, comprehensive adequate treatment must be prescribed. In some cases, a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed;
  • Rhinitis (runny nose) is an inflammatory process, the mucous membrane swells and mucus is constantly released. There is an acute or chronic form. The secreted mucus causes constant discomfort to a person, so it is worth taking a comprehensive approach to treatment. Although there is an assumption that rhinitis can be cured on its own;
  • allergies or allergic rhinitis. With this disease, a person suffers from sneezing and constant mucus production. Allergy manifestations become more pronounced upon contact with an allergen;
  • hypertrophic rhinitis is a change in tissue in the nasal cavity. Why does it appear? Cancer, polluted air, frequent climate changes, adenoids are the main causes of the disease. With this type of rhinitis, the tip of the nose often cracks and this causes severe pain to the person;

For each disease, comprehensive treatment must be prescribed to prevent complications.

Why does your nose hurt when you press it?

It hurts the patient when pressed. In this case, there are some diseases in which such a symptom occurs:

  • sinusitis. With this disease, the pain intensifies with pressure from the inflammatory process. The inflammatory process can be unilateral or bilateral;
  • herpes. It occurs not only on the lips, but also in the nasal cavity. When touched, pain is felt. It is most often localized at the tip and affects the wing of the nose;
  • furuncle;
  • injury.

You should seek advice immediately.

The tip of the nose hurts. Reasons for this symptom

The tip is covered with skin on the outside and epithelium on the inside. If it is swollen or red, this indicates the following diseases:

  • if the nose and its tip are swollen, this may mean an injury or fracture, while the nose hurts greatly and the color of the skin may change. Symptoms last a long time;
  • herpes, affects the mucous membrane and skin;
  • acne also spreads to the wings of the nose;
  • furunculosis, severe redness;
  • burn or, conversely, frostbite.

To prevent a number of diseases, it is necessary to boost the immune system.

My nose is swollen on only one side

There are cases when swelling or swelling appears on only one side. In this case, pain may appear when blowing your nose, the color of the swollen area may change, and you may feel dry. This condition can occur in certain pathological processes:

  • barley. If the stye affects the eyes, the swelling may spread to one side of the sinus;
  • boil inside the sinus cavity. The mucous membrane may become affected and swell;
  • sinusitis. Only a one-sided process is possible, with the nose hurting only on one side;
  • colds. In this case, swelling of only one side is possible.

It is important to correctly diagnose and begin timely treatment.

Wing hurts

The pain can only be in the wing of the nose. In this condition, a person complains that the wing is swollen, he feels a burning sensation and discomfort in this area. This symptom occurs due to mechanical injury from constant wiping of a runny nose. For inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity and for furunculosis. Another reason is herpes.

For any pathological manifestation, you should immediately visit a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis.


What to do if the tip of your nose is red and hurts when touched?

Inflammation at the tip of the nose, in which pain is felt when touched, is evidence that the human body is susceptible to some kind of disease. And despite the fact that at first glance the symptom is insignificant, it is still an alarming signal. If things take a serious turn, the pain does not go away quickly. In addition, swelling, changes in the skin, an increase in the affected area and increased pain may be added to the main symptoms.

Many infectious diseases in which an active inflammatory process develops are fraught with serious consequences and complications. Thus, if the tip of the nose is red and hurts when touched, first of all you should find out the cause of such manifestations, and only then think about what to do.

Why does the tip of the nose turn red and hurt?

Frequent inflammation of the outer part of the nose, especially its tip and wings, is due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of this organ and its location on the face. The same can be said about the increased likelihood of a deviated nasal septum when injured.

It is the nose that is equipped with a large number of sweat and sebaceous glands, which tend to easily become inflamed if the rules of basic hygiene are not observed. Factors influencing the development of the pathological process can be external and internal.

Among the most common external reasons that may cause the tip of the nose to hurt are the following:

Internal reasons include:

  • mechanical damage, trauma and fractures of the nasal cavity;
  • neuritis.

The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is supplied with many blood vessels and nerve bundles. That is why there is an increased sensitivity to various types of infections and allergens.


Furunculosis is the most common cause, as a result of which pain may be felt at the tip of the nose.

In some cases, manifestations may be accompanied by hyperemia and swelling of the nasal cavity and face.

A boil in the nose is an abscess formed as a result of inflammation of the follicle.

The tumor can be of any size. In most cases, with furunculosis, neighboring areas are involved: in this case, large inflammatory foci are formed. The location of boils is most often the tip of the nose, although this is not always the case.

Furunculosis can develop when the immune system is weakened against the background of various diseases, such as diathesis, intestinal infections, rickets and acute respiratory diseases of viral etiology. Boils can appear if you pick your nose or have the habit of squeezing pimples on your face.

The above factors create a favorable environment conducive to the development of furunculosis, but the main causative agent of the disease is a staphylococcal infection that has entered the hair follicles, sebaceous and sweat glands.

Furunculosis is most severe in childhood. Moreover, in some cases, the disease poses a serious threat to the patient’s life.


If measures are not taken in a timely manner, then you can expect the most unpleasant consequences, among which are:

  • development of the inflammatory process around the boil;
  • thrombosis;
  • inflammation of the meninges that develops as a result of the spread of infection;
  • brain abscess.

That is why it is important to react to the problem in a timely manner and prevent the situation from worsening.

The initial symptoms of furunculosis are soreness of the skin area and its hyperemia, while the tip of the nose hurts inside when pressed.

Manifestations are accompanied by fever and chills. The area where the abscess appears first thickens and turns red, and only then, after some time, the abscess matures and becomes noticeable.

After opening the tumor, the pus comes out, and the patient’s body temperature becomes normal.

If the tip of the nose is swollen and pus begins to appear on the inflamed area, then you should not clean it off and squeeze it out yourself; it is best to immediately go to the doctor.


The inside of the nose may hurt with rhinitis. With a runny nose of any etiology, inflammation of the mucous membrane occurs, accompanied by swelling, an increase in secretory secretions and pus. Infectious or allergic rhinitis does not cause pain inside the nasal cavity, although it can occur with regular blowing of the nose and rubbing of the wings of the nose.

But a hypertrophic or atrophic runny nose is precisely characterized by the occurrence of pain inside the olfactory organ. This occurs as a result of drying and cracking of the mucosa, as well as damage to the vascular walls. The most painful place is the cracked tip of the nose, when when you lightly touch and rub it, the vessels are damaged again.

Rhinitis, caused by pulmonary tuberculosis or syphilis, leads to the destruction of the septal bone. Pain occurs when the nasal septum is destroyed.

Burns and frostbite

Among the reasons that can cause a boil to appear on the tip of the nose are sunburn and frostbite.

The nose stands out quite clearly on the face. That is why this organ is most exposed to sunlight.

With prolonged exposure to the sun, there is a real risk of getting a burn, after which severe pain may occur.

The same can be said about the likelihood of frostbite on the tip of the nose.

Exposure to cold wind and frost often leads to damage to the skin. The fact that the nose is frostbitten is indicated by cracked and reddened inflamed skin, as well as pain at the tip of the nose.

Nose injuries

Mechanical damage and trauma, leading to the development of deformation processes in the nasal septum, as well as fracture of the bone and cartilage tissue of the nose, are often accompanied by prolonged pain and difficulty in nasal breathing. In this case, the cartilage hurts more when pressed and touched. The nasal bone hurts even when touched lightly. The tip of the olfactory organ becomes especially sensitive.

Against the background of injury, hematomas often occur - the nose swells and breathing is impaired. In this situation, frequent nosebleeds are observed. In addition, the inflammatory process leads to deformation of the nose and headaches. In especially severe cases, manifestations are accompanied by attacks of nausea and loss of consciousness.

How to provide first aid for a nose injury? Read in this article.

Neurological disorders

Sometimes nasal soreness can be caused by neurological disorders. In this case, the active inflammatory process spreads to the facial part of the skull, affecting its nerves.

Trigeminal neuritis is characterized by acute pain in the nose, eye sockets and jaw, as well as a decrease in the sense of smell or its temporary loss. A runny nose is usually absent with these manifestations.

When to see a doctor?

If the tip of the nose hurts when touched, its wings turn red or the inside is affected, and swelling appears, body temperature rises and other alarming symptoms arise, it is recommended to consult a doctor or call an otolaryngologist at home. The doctor will determine the true cause of the developing pathology and prescribe the correct treatment.

In order not to drive the disease deeper, if the above-described signs appear, it is strongly not recommended to delay a visit to the doctor. It is worth noting that in some cases, urgent hospitalization is required. So the situation with a red nose is far from a joke and requires serious treatment.

Treatment of pathologies of the olfactory organ is carried out by an ENT doctor and a dermatologist.


Treatment for a nasal boil depends on the stage of the disease. Conservative therapy can be used in the infiltrative phase. The method includes the use of topical antibacterial drugs, antibiotics, as well as agents to relieve inflammation and allergies.

Purulent-necrotic furunculosis is treated through surgery. The operation consists of urgently opening the abscess on the tip of the nose and ensuring the outflow of pus. After the intervention, the area must be treated with antiseptic agents to prevent the spread of infection.

Treatment of rhinitis requires an integrated approach. The treatment regimen is developed by an otolaryngologist for each individual patient individually, and it depends on the type of rhinitis.

For example, in case of allergic manifestations, it is enough to eliminate the main irritant, while in other cases, therapeutic treatment is necessary to eliminate the main symptoms.

In cases of frostbite and burns, the following are used:

  • vinegar lotions;
  • regenerating preparations for skin;
  • antibiotic ointments;
  • corticosteroids.

Traumatic injuries in the nasal area require mandatory x-ray examination, after which the doctor prescribes treatment depending on the degree of damage suffered:

  1. If we are talking about closed injuries, then applying cold is suitable as first aid.
  2. If nosebleeds occur, nasal tamponade is performed. Treatment of open wounds is carried out to eliminate pus and prevent blood poisoning.
  3. In case of serious damage to bone tissue and cartilage, surgery is required.

Treatment of neurological disorders comes down to eliminating the cause that caused them and taking measures to relieve pain and relieve inflammation.


Thus, redness of the tip of the nose can be caused by completely different reasons, which in most cases are independent diseases requiring diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, if your nose is red and hurts when touched, do not delay visiting a specialist. Self-treatment or lack thereof in this case can have serious consequences.

The occurrence of pain in the nose is extremely unpleasant. You can avoid them by observing basic hygiene rules. In this way, you can prevent the development of such a dangerous disease as furunculosis. In addition, it is recommended to exercise caution to avoid injury, frostbite, as well as chemical and mechanical damage to the nose.

Directory of main ENT diseases and their treatment

All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate from a medical point of view. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating you can harm yourself!


Why does the tip of the nose hurt when touched?

Painful sensations on the body undoubtedly signal possible problems in the functioning of the body and its individual systems.

Even when a person’s tip of the nose hurts, this symptom should be taken seriously and responsibly, especially when the pain alternates with redness, peeling, itching and rash.

Such symptoms most often indicate the presence of inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane, which is characterized by strong sensitivity and intense blood supply.

In this case, you need to contact qualified specialists and undergo a medical examination, which will indicate the cause of the pain.

Causes of pain in the tip of the nose

Among the most common causes of such pain are various nasal injuries, neurological disorders, burns and frostbite, herpes, furunculosis, rhinitis and sinusitis.


The first thing that comes to mind when pain in the nose occurs is the possibility of injury.

In this case, pain may be caused by:

  • Deformation of the bones of the septum and dorsum of the nose;
  • Damage to cartilage;
  • Flattening of the nasal bridge;
  • Retraction of the nasal bones;
  • Fracture of the processes of the paranasal sinuses.

Neurological disorders

Due to various types of neurological disorders, inflammation spreads to the facial part of the skull, and pain at the tip of the nose can be caused by the location of the inflamed nerve.

Such pain is not localized to the nose, but spreads to the jaw, hands and eye sockets.

Frostbite and burns

Due to the fact that the nose clearly protrudes on the face, one should be wary of prolonged exposure to the sun.

If you are exposed to the sun's rays, you run the risk of getting a serious burn to your nose, which will lead to severe pain.

The same applies to possible frostbite of the nose: strong exposure to frost and cold wind has a detrimental effect on the skin.

In case of frostbite, the nose begins to turn red and the mucous membrane becomes inflamed.


The herpes virus spreads through the air and affects the internal tissues of the nose.

It causes the formation of blisters on the nasal mucosa, which leads to painful sensations. In such cases, the pain spreads to the tip and wings of the nose and is accompanied by itching.


The formation of boils on the internal tissues of the nose occurs due to inflammation of the sebaceous glands and follicles. Inflammatory processes can spread both at the tip and on the wings and septum of the nose.

The causes of pain may be:

  • Poor immunity;
  • Chronic nasal diseases;
  • Poor hygiene.


Inflammation of the nasal mucosa can be caused by viruses and bacteria due to frequent blowing of the nose, drying out of the mucous membrane, exposure to allergens and damage to blood vessels.

Pulsating pain at the tip of the nose is extremely acute, accompanied by a runny nose and burning sensation.


Sinusitis can be caused by ineffective and untimely treatment of a runny nose, which leads to complications and inflammation begins to spread in the sinuses.

Painful sensations with sinusitis tend to intensify when the head is tilted. And with chronic sinusitis, exacerbations of pain also occur.

Also, untimely treatment of sinusitis leads to pneumonia, otitis media and sepsis.

When to see a doctor

If alarming symptoms occur that accompany pain on the tip of the nose, you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist and dermatologist.

Symptoms include:

You should not delay going to the clinic if you notice the following symptoms: this may lead to the need for immediate hospitalization and inpatient treatment. Having sought professional help in a timely manner, the patient will be prescribed treatment based on the diagnosis of the developing pathology.


Methods for dealing with pain on the tip of the nose are determined depending on the cause of its occurrence:

  • For furunculosis, the patient is prescribed antibiotic drugs, antibacterial ointments and topical drugs to combat inflammation (Trimethoprim, Clindamycin, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol and others);
  • You can get rid of purulent furunculosis only by surgical intervention: surgical treatment will allow you to open purulent formations on the nasal mucosa without consequences and further complications;
  • When treating rhinitis, an integrated approach is used. To eliminate irritants of the nasal mucosa, the otolaryngologist may prescribe corticosteroids, antibiotic ointments, as well as skin regenerating drugs;
  • Therapy for traumatic injuries to the nose depends on the results of x-ray studies. So, in the case of minor closed injuries, applying cold to the bruise is enough for the patient; in case of open bleeding, nasal tamponade is performed; in case of serious damage to cartilage and bone tissue, surgical intervention may be required;
  • Neurological pathologies that cause pain at the tip of the nose are eliminated with the help of topical anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • To combat drying of the nasal mucosa, sprays, drops and ointments are used (Nosol, Aquamaris, saline solution, Radevit, Methyluracil ointment and Solcoseryl).


Pain in the tip of the nose can be caused by completely different reasons, so to effectively combat the symptoms, it is necessary to diagnose the cause of the pain.

It is recommended not to delay visiting an otolaryngologist or dermatologist and to begin treatment in a timely manner - the consequences may be irreversible and more serious treatment methods will be required.

You can avoid the appearance of painful sensations in the tip of the nose by maintaining basic hygiene rules and starting timely treatment of allergic or inflammatory diseases. It would be useful to avoid frostbite, as well as physical and chemical damage to the nose.


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Why does the tip of my nose hurt when touched?


As a rule, after a patient consults a doctor with complaints of nasal pain, the specialist conducts an examination and simple diagnostic procedures to determine the cause of the pain and prescribe effective therapy.

The most common reasons why the nose may hurt when pressed are rhinitis of various origins, sinusitis, the presence of the herpes virus, injuries, boils, and neurological disorders.


Rhinitis is one of the main causes of painful sensations in the nose. The disease occurs as a result of the action of viruses or bacteria, causing inflammation of the nasal mucosa, swelling, and the appearance of a viscous secretion.

Soreness may occur due to:

  • drying out of the mucous membrane;
  • damage to blood vessels;
  • frequent nose blowing.

If there are cracks in the area of ​​the tip of the nose, then in this place the pain syndrome is especially acute, and the slightest pressure causes secondary damage to the capillaries.

Also, pain in the nose when pressed can occur as a result of allergic rhinitis. Under the influence of an allergen (dusty air, plant pollen, animal hair), a burning sensation in the nose, runny nose, and pain that gets worse when sneezing may appear.


As a result of improper or untimely treatment of a runny nose, the disease is often complicated by the development of sinusitis. When sinusitis occurs, the source of inflammation is located near the sinuses. In this case, pain appears both inside the nose and in the area of ​​the wings, intensifying with pressure and tilting the head. If sinusitis has entered a chronic stage, then periods of exacerbation and remission may occur. The period of remission is characterized by a decrease in pain, while during the period of exacerbation, pain when pressed and touched may intensify.

Important! Sinusitis is dangerous due to the development of complications in the form of meningitis, otitis, sepsis, pneumonia, etc.


It is known that the herpes virus can cause blisters, which are most often localized on the nasal mucosa, causing pain. In this case, the virus affects both the tip of the nose and its wings. The pain is most often dull in nature, accompanied by itching.

The cause of herpes in the nose is a virus, which is most often transmitted by airborne droplets from a sick person to a healthy one. In this case, first of all, when the herpes virus enters the body, it affects the internal tissues of the nose, while external rashes are a sign of a recurrent infection.


Injuries can cause severe pain localized to the inside of the nasal cavity, which intensifies when pressed or touched.

Soreness can be caused by:

  • soft tissue bruise;
  • cartilage damage;
  • injury to the nasal septum.

In this case, pain in the nose occurs immediately after the injury and persists for some time after, depending on the severity of the bruise. If there is a nasal fracture, the pain will continue until a callus has formed, a process that usually takes at least three weeks.


The presence of boils on the nasal mucosa is a common cause of pain. In this case, inflammation of the hair follicles or sebaceous glands occurs, most often caused by:

  • improper skin hygiene;
  • reduced immunity;
  • chronic nasal diseases.

Inflammation can occur both in the area of ​​the nasal septum and the tip or wings of the nose. In this case, the patient experiences aching, throbbing pain, which subsides only after the boil opens.

Self-squeezing boils is dangerous, as there is a risk of infection spreading to nearby tissues and organs.

Neurological disorders

Sometimes soreness in the nose, accompanied by headaches, can be a consequence of neurological disorders. In this case, the inflammation affects the nerves of the facial part of the skull, and the location of the pain will depend on the location of the affected nerve. In this case, the pain is most often acute, affecting not only the nose, but also the jaws, eye sockets, and hands. Trigeminal neuralgia is also accompanied by symptoms such as pain in the eye sockets and nose. In this case, patients most often complain of pain in the nose in the absence of a runny nose, as well as a temporary inability to distinguish odors.


Depending on the reasons that caused inflammation of the nasal mucosa and pain, there are various treatment methods.

  • If the cause of soreness in the nose is rhinitis caused by the action of viruses or bacteria, then in this case, treatment should first be aimed at eliminating the infection. For this purpose, antiviral drugs (Arbidol, Anaferon, Rimantadine) and antibacterial agents are used.

In situations where allergic rhinitis occurs, antihistamines (Suprastin, Loratadine, Zodak) are usually used.

To prevent drying out of the nasal mucosa, use saline drops and sprays (Aquamaris, Nosol, saline solution). To speed up healing, wound healing ointments are used (Methyluracil ointment, Solcoseryl, Radevit).

  • In the case when pain in the nose is caused by sinusitis, it is necessary to carry out antibacterial therapy, as well as regularly moisturize the nasal mucosa to prevent drying out of the mucous membrane and improve the removal of viscous secretions.
  • For herpes, it is necessary to carry out complex treatment aimed at combating the virus (Acyclovir), as well as use local painkillers and healing ointments.
  • If the soreness of the nose is caused by an injury, then in this case it is advisable to use wound healing creams and ointments based on panthenol, as well as use anti-bruise remedies (heparin ointment), which help speed up the healing process.

Important! Injuries to the nose can not only cause nasal soreness, but also cause nosebleeds, difficulty breathing, and also contribute to the formation of bruises. In this case, self-medication is unacceptable.

  • When furunculosis causes pain inside the nose, a set of measures is required to ensure a speedy recovery and minimize the risk of spreading the infection.

The following are used as treatment:

  • antibiotics (Trimethoprim, Clindamycin, etc.);
  • to improve local blood supply, use warm compresses or compresses with Vishnevsky ointment;
  • in the absence of pus, you can use such physical procedures as: UV irradiation, UHF, laser irradiation;
  • at elevated temperatures and severe pain, use analgesics (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen).

From all of the above it follows that it is not difficult to cure nasal pain, the main thing is to find out the cause of its occurrence.

Author: Chernobay Nadezhda

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