Asthma causes

Bronchial asthma - causes, symptoms, treatment in adults, prevention

All about bronchial asthma on the website, the causes of the disease, symptoms and methods of treating asthmatic manifestations, relieving asthma attacks and measures to prevent exacerbations.

Table of contents:

What kind of disease is bronchial asthma, ICD10 code

Bronchial asthma is an inflammatory process in the respiratory tract, often accompanied by coughing, shortness of breath and suffocation. People of all ages suffer from bronchial asthma, but most of them are children. In people with age, this disease often goes away on its own.

Bronchial asthma can be either a response of the respiratory tract to allergens or non-allergic. The type of asthma can be determined by the frequency of attacks. If they occur when the patient comes into contact with certain allergens, this indicates that the person suffers from allergic bronchial asthma. In the presence of non-allergic bronchial asthma, the respiratory organs suffer from the slightest irritation, which is accompanied by suffocation.

Bronchial asthma code according to ICD 10: J45.

Causes of bronchial asthma

There are many causes of bronchial asthma in humans, the most common of which are:

  • - genetic predisposition to the disease. More than 90% of families suffering from this disease have children who are also predisposed to developing asthma.
  • - production factors. Many people who work with chemicals in extremely cold or extremely hot environments are at risk of developing asthma.
  • - Constant inhalation of cigarette smoke (passive smoking). If a person often breathes tobacco smoke, this leads to inflammatory processes in the lungs and changes in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Every second person who smokes does not even realize that he has chronic bronchitis, which can further develop into bronchial asthma.
  • - Medications often cause the development of asthma in many people. These are mainly non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Asthmatic attacks occur exclusively while taking such drugs.
  • - unfavorable environment. The population of villages and small towns suffer from asthma much less often than residents of megacities and cities with large industrial plants. Plus a lot depends on the climate. Wet and cold conditions contribute to the development of respiratory tract pathologies.

Predisposing factors

Signs and symptoms of bronchial asthma

The first and undeniable symptoms by which bronchial asthma can be recognized are:

  • - coughing. Difficult and dry, when a person seems unable to clear his throat. When the attack ends, a small amount of moisture in the form of mucus is likely to appear.
  • - frequent breathing. Attacks can often involve difficulty breathing. When it is difficult for a patient to inhale air, and even more difficult to exhale.
  • - wheezing. Attacks of bronchial asthma are accompanied by wheezing, which can be heard even at a distance.
  • - attack of suffocation. Choking or shortness of breath can happen very suddenly. Both at night while sleeping and during the day during any physical activity. When a person breathes dust, smoke or polluted air.

The more severe the stage of bronchial asthma, the more severe its symptoms may be. Eg:

  • - cardiopalmus. Beats per minute. When 90 beats per minute is considered normal for asthmatics.
  • — pronounced dizziness is a sign of a lack of oxygen in the body with bronchial asthma.

Attack of bronchial asthma

The signs that an asthma attack is on the way are different for everyone. Because every organism is individual. But there are general symptoms, knowing which you can predict the approach of attacks.

The following may indicate that an attack of allergic bronchial asthma will occur: sneezing, a dry prolonged cough, dizziness and mucus discharge from the nasal cavity.

Harbingers of a non-allergic attack also include cough, general weakness and headache. It often happens that it is difficult for doctors to detect the irritant that caused the attack, let alone for an ordinary person. But asthmatics who have lived with this problem for quite a long time can, based on their own feelings, diagnose an incipient asthma attack.

What is an asthma attack itself? This is an active approaching suffocation that occurs due to bronchospasm. The duration of the acute condition varies from three minutes to 5 hours.

An attack that cannot be stopped with the usual means for an asthmatic is called status asthmaticus by experts.

Emergency care for an attack of bronchial asthma

By blueness of the face, profuse sweating, occasional wheezing, the transformation of a normal cough into a loud, jerky barking cough with problems clearing the throat.

Just when sputum appears that can be coughed up, we are already talking about the end of the attack.

If an asthma attack is approaching, the patient needs to free the neck area from collar, tie, scarf and anything that may interfere with easy breathing. Then the person should take a comfortable position, whether sitting or standing, with both hands resting on the table or any other surface. The elbows should “look” in opposite directions.

You also need to try to open access to fresh air to the room where the patient is and support him morally in order to avoid worsening the situation. It is necessary to write down the names of the medications that the patient took before the ambulance arrived. Based on this, doctors will continue to relieve the asthma attack.

The situation is worse if you have witnessed the first attack of asthma... Patients are often in a state close to panic; they need to be calmed down if possible and emergency measures taken before the ambulance arrives.

Patients should not lie, especially on their backs, so as not to choke; it is better to sit with their heads bowed down; it is useful to start warming their feet; you can take a hot foot bath as a distraction therapy.

There is a way to provoke the release of spasm with a painful blow to the knees or elbows. You can bring down a developing asthmatic attack with a couple of sips of regular warm water.

First aid for an asthma attack

Emergency doctors use drugs based on Salbutamol, Berodual, if the attack is not relieved, a solution of Eufillin is administered intravenously, in an even more severe situation, Prednisolone is administered intravenously or Adrenaline subcutaneously.

Diagnosis of asthma

In order to diagnose bronchial asthma, you first need to carefully examine your family, right down to your grandparents, for the presence of this disease.

Then contact a specialist who will check the patient for the presence of rashes on the skin; they indicate the patient’s sensitivity to various allergens.

Next, the doctor will listen to your lungs for wheezing. Then tests will be carried out to determine the body's reaction to allergens. It is also necessary to take blood and sputum tests to make a diagnosis of bronchial asthma.

Treatment of asthma with medications

How to treat bronchial asthma?

The bulk of medications for asthma are aerosol inhalers, which asthmatics should always have on hand. The effect of such drugs is to quickly relieve swelling in the lungs and, accordingly, stop the attack in a minimum period of time.

For allergic bronchial asthma, experts recommend taking anti-inflammatory drugs, they can be in the form of tablets or inhalers. They have virtually no side effects, acting directly on the respiratory tract. A stable result can be observed no earlier than after 2 months of using the product. Abruptly stopping the drug or trying to replace it yourself can lead to worsening asthma.

There are also medications that help “control” the situation. They act on the bronchial tree, keeping the bronchi open. These remedies are used by those who have attacks mainly at night.

The key to the rapid action of the drug is its correct use. A doctor or pharmacist at a pharmacy can show you the correct technique for using an inhaler. There is no need to be embarrassed to ask a doctor for help.

Treatment of bronchial asthma with folk remedies

One of the most important factors in the treatment of bronchial asthma is proper nutrition. That is, a diet that is often recommended in the treatment of this disease using folk methods.

Since most asthmatics suffer from allergic asthma, this diet is aimed at eliminating allergens from the diet. These include:

  • - fish and fish products. Beans, tomatoes, nuts, eggs.
  • — you also need to minimize flour products. Buns, pies.
  • - whole milk, pork, semolina, cottage cheese.

The main part of the diet should be vegetarian soups and cereals (can be seasoned with low-fat butter and sunflower oil). Light salads with vegetables and fruits (not red). Meat products allowed include chicken, rabbit, horse meat and beef. Drink compotes, teas and uzvar.

Among the products that alone can help in the fight against asthma attacks, the first place is occupied by ginger, which effectively relieves swelling of the lungs, dilates blood vessels, thereby easing attacks, eventually stopping them completely. In order to prepare a product based on this product, you need to take half a dessert spoon of grated ginger and mix with warm water (half a 200 ml glass). Stir well and drink one teaspoon before bed.

An equally effective traditional medicine is garlic, which is boiled in a glass of milk for 5 minutes and taken a teaspoon before bed.

A tablespoon of liquid honey diluted in a glass of warm water helps to expand the bronchi and supply oxygen to them. You need to drink this solution three times a day before meals.

Prevention of bronchial asthma and clinical recommendations

For preventive purposes, in order to avoid the development of bronchial asthma, it is necessary to follow the following recommendations:

  • - spend 2-3 hours in the fresh air every day;
  • - do not have pets;
  • - do not smoke and avoid places where there are many smokers, so as not to become passive.
  • — play sports, strengthen yourself, strengthen the immune system with the help of medications.
  • — rid your home of various molds and excess moisture.

If the climate is quite humid and cold, try to periodically visit the opposite - dry and warm climate, that is, relax more often, visiting warm countries.

It is also necessary to do wet cleaning in the house as often as possible. Do not cover the floor with carpets. Do not accumulate objects that “collect” dust; these can be various decorative pillows, soft toys and shaggy blankets. Buy bed linens that are dust-proof. So that it does not accumulate in pillows, mattresses and blankets. And also from time to time to carry out the prevention of insects, such as cockroaches, bedbugs, lice, etc.

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Who doesn't want to be healthy?

Probably, there will not be a single person who proudly shouted back: “I am.” The opposite situation is observed: everyone wants to be healthy, every holiday they make toasts with appropriate wishes, and consider health to be the main value in our age.

But nevertheless they do not take care of it, miss it, lose it...

Years flash by, education, career, family, children.. Diseases.. Sadly, over the years we almost inevitably acquire diseases. Which progress very quickly, become chronic, and lead to premature old age. Well, we can’t continue any further...

However, I’m not here to sigh on a virtual heap and read a dying epilogue to us all!

You can start fighting and change your life for the better at any stage. And at 30, and at 40, and at 60.. It’s just that the opportunities in this fight will be different.

Let everything take its course? Or systematically do something every day for your precious health. Just a little bit, half a step! But it will be a movement that actually happens.

If you do nothing for years, and then one Monday you start everything at once - doing exercises, going on a diet, starting to lead a healthy lifestyle, then I can disappoint you... You won’t last long. 97% of all beginners quit this “disastrous” activity by the end of the week. Everything is too abrupt, too much, too scary.. Change everything..

But you and I will not be globalists doomed to failure, we will take care of our health little by little, but every day.

Let's start working on health? Not tomorrow.. Not from Monday.. But here.. And now!

On the website you will find many effective ways and methods of strengthening your own health that are accessible at home. We are considering treatment methods

  • with the help of massage (mostly acupressure, which allows you to help yourself independently),
  • physical exercises,
  • therapeutic fasting,
  • hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches),
  • apitherapy (treatment with bees and bee products).
  • There are also methods of treating mumiyo, pet therapy, and herbal treatment.

Particular attention is paid to proper (rational nutrition) and personal experience of the author, who tried most of the methods described here.

Alternative medicine provides an alternative to medical officialdom, allows a person to find his own methods of treatment without drugs, to cleanse his body of waste, toxins and excessive stress (we remember the hackneyed truth that all diseases are from nerves).

Psychological tests and techniques for dealing with stress (strengthening the spirit) will help you survive in the world of speed. Lack of time should not affect your health. The techniques proposed here take very little time, but require regular implementation.

It is possible to restore your health, it all depends on you, your desire, and perseverance. And the blog will do everything to provide you with the necessary information.

Publications on the site are for informational purposes only. For a practical solution to a particular problem, you need to consult a doctor.


Asthma: symptoms and treatment

Asthma - main symptoms:

  • Dyspnea
  • Sweating
  • Chest pain
  • Confusion
  • Drowsiness
  • Runny nose
  • Dry cough
  • Wheezing
  • Tearing
  • Attacks of suffocation
  • Moist cough
  • Cough with phlegm
  • Pallor
  • Fluctuations in blood pressure
  • Sneezing
  • Excitement
  • Wheezing in the chest
  • Enlarged veins in the neck
  • Shallow breathing
  • Feeling of chest constriction
  • Noisy breathing

Asthma is a chronic disease characterized by short-term attacks of breathlessness caused by spasms in the bronchi and swelling of the mucous membrane. This disease has no specific risk group or age restrictions. But, as medical practice shows, women suffer from asthma 2 times more often. According to official data, today there are more than 300 million people living with asthma in the world. The first symptoms of the disease most often appear in childhood. Elderly people suffer from the disease much more difficult.


The exact etiology of this disease is still unknown. But, as medical practice shows, the causes of the development of the disease can be both hereditary factors and external stimuli. Very often, etiological factors from both groups can act together.

Initially, the following possible risk factors should be identified:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • presence of allergens;
  • overweight, impaired metabolism.

The main allergens that can cause an asthma attack include the following:

  • dander and pet hair;
  • dust;
  • detergents for cleaning the house, washing powders;
  • food products that contain sulfite and its compounds;
  • mold;
  • tobacco smoke;
  • some medications;
  • infectious or viral diseases.

The following ailments can also trigger an asthma attack:

  • inflammatory diseases in the bronchi;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • frequent use of aspirin;
  • long-term use of medications;
  • severely weakened immune system.

General symptoms

At the initial stage, asthma symptoms may look like this:

  • cough - dry or with sputum;
  • dyspnea;
  • retraction of the skin in the ribs while drawing in air;
  • shallow breathing that worsens after physical activity;
  • almost constant dry cough, for no apparent reason.

As the disease progresses and during the attack itself, the patient may experience the following symptoms:

  • chest pain;
  • rapid breathing;
  • increased sweating;
  • swelling of the veins in the neck;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • wheezing and a feeling of tightness in the chest;
  • drowsiness or confusion.

In some cases, short-term cessation of breathing is possible.

In medicine, there are 2 types of asthma, which differ in etiology and symptoms:

Bronchial asthma, in turn, has several more subtypes:

  • tension asthma;
  • cough asthma;
  • occupational asthma;
  • nocturnal asthma;
  • aspirin asthma.

Bronchial asthma

Today in official medicine it is customary to distinguish four stages of development of bronchial asthma:

  • imitating(variable);
  • mild persistent;
  • moderate asthma;
  • severe persistent asthma.

It goes without saying that treatment of this disease in the initial stages is much more effective and poses virtually no threat to the life of a child or adult. The development of the initial stages may be caused by prolonged contact with the allergen. As a rule, when contact is avoided and appropriate medications are taken, the symptoms completely disappear.

As for the last stage of development of bronchial asthma, there is already a real threat to human life. If the patient is not provided with timely medical care, then death is not an exception.

Stages of development of bronchial asthma

  • the attack occurs no more than 2 times a week;
  • night attacks no more than once a month;
  • exacerbations are short-lived.
  • the clinical picture appears no more than once a day;
  • night attacks bother the patient more often - 3-4 times a month;
  • possible insomnia;
  • unstable blood pressure.
  • attacks of illness bother the patient every day;
  • frequent night symptoms of the disease;
  • the disease can significantly affect the patient’s life.
  • attacks daily, several times a day;
  • insomnia, frequent attacks of suffocation at night;
  • the patient leads a limited lifestyle.

At the last stage of the disease, an exacerbation of the disease is clearly diagnosed. You should seek medical help immediately.

Subtypes of bronchial asthma

Aspirin asthma

Among all the possible causes of the development of this disease in children or adults, acetylsalicylic acid, commonly known as aspirin, should be especially highlighted. Sensitivity to this medication is observed in 25% of the total population. As a result, a subtype of bronchial asthma may develop - aspirin asthma. This subtype of the disease is characterized by a pronounced clinical picture and serious condition of the patient.

It should be noted that not only aspirin can provoke an asthma attack or asthmatic cough. Almost any drug with a similar chemical composition can have such an effect on the body. The stages of development of the disease are the same as in the general clinical picture.

The following symptoms are observed in aspirin-induced asthma:
  • attacks of suffocation;
  • inflammation of the nasal mucosa;
  • the formation of polyps on the nasal mucosa.

Aspirin asthma is diagnosed extremely rarely in a child. The main risk group is women 30–40 years old. It is noteworthy that initially the disease can manifest itself in the form of influenza or ARVI. Therefore, patients do not seek medical help in a timely manner, which significantly aggravates the situation.

Allergic asthma

This subtype of bronchial asthma is considered the most common among people. Symptoms of the pathology first appear in childhood and can only intensify over time. Main manifestations of pathology:

Such asthma develops due to an excess of histamine in the body, which begins to be more actively produced due to exposure to allergens.

Most often, the disease develops as a result of prolonged exposure to the following allergic substances on the body:

  • animal hair;
  • smoke - tobacco, from fireworks, etc.;
  • flavored substances;
  • dust;
  • plant pollen and so on.

The main treatment tactic in this case is taking antihistamines. They are prescribed by an allergist or immunologist. It is prohibited to “prescribe” medications to yourself, as this can only worsen the general condition of the body.

Asthma of tension

Signs of progression of this disease usually appear during intense physical activity. The patient has difficulty breathing and a severe cough. The airways narrow to their maximum 5–20 minutes after starting certain exercises. Treatment for this condition involves the patient using inhalers to control the occurrence of such attacks.

Cough asthma

The main symptom of the disease is a severe cough that continues for a long time. Cough asthma is very difficult to diagnose and difficult to treat. Most often, physical exercise and respiratory infections can provoke the progression of pathology.

If the patient repeatedly develops coughing attacks, then it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis. You should undergo a test that will help determine the presence of the disease - a pulmonary function test.

Occupational asthma

The causative agents of this type of asthma are located directly in a person’s workplace. Most often, a person notes that an exacerbation of the disease develops on weekdays, and on weekends the symptoms decrease.

The development of such asthma is observed in people of the following professions:

Nocturnal asthma

If this disease develops, the symptoms become more intense at night, during sleep. It is worth noting that according to statistics, most deaths due to asthma occurred at night. This is due to many factors:

  • decreased lung performance during sleep;
  • horizontal body position;
  • circadian rhythm disturbance, etc.

Cardiac asthma

Cardiac asthma is attacks of suffocation and shortness of breath that occur in a person due to stagnation of blood in the pulmonary veins. This condition develops when the left side of the heart malfunctions. As a rule, attacks develop after stress, increased physical activity, or at night.

  • disruption of blood flow from the lungs;
  • various heart pathologies - chronic cardiac aneurysm, acute myocarditis, etc.;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • cerebrovascular accident;
  • infectious diseases - pneumonia, glomerulonephritis, etc.

Factors that increase the risk of developing the disease:

  • drinking alcohol in large quantities;
  • constant overwork;
  • lying position;
  • stress;
  • injection of a large amount of solutions into a vein.
  • dyspnea. It's hard for a person to breathe. The exhalation is long;
  • due to venous stagnation, swelling of the neck veins occurs;
  • The cough is suffocating and painful. This is the human body’s reaction to swelling of the bronchial mucosa. At first the cough is dry, but later sputum begins to be produced. Its quantity is insignificant and the color is transparent. Later, its volume increases, it becomes foamy, and changes color to pale pink (due to the admixture of blood);
  • pale skin;
  • fear of death;
  • increased arousal;
  • cyanotic skin tone in the nasolabial triangle;
  • profuse and cold sweat.

Asthma in children

In the CIS countries, asthma is diagnosed in 10% of children. Most often the disease is diagnosed in a child aged 2–5 years. But, as medical practice shows, the disease can affect a child at any age.

It should be noted that bronchial asthma cannot be completely cured. In some cases, during puberty, the child's symptoms may disappear. But in this case it is impossible to talk about a complete recovery.

In general, there are three forms of this disease in children:

As in cases of the development of the disease in adults, the main etiological factor is the allergen. This, in turn, can be anything - dust, pet hair, detergents, flowering plants and medications.

Symptoms of asthma in children are:

  • 2–3 days before the attack – irritability, tearfulness, loss of appetite;
  • attack of suffocation (most often in the evening or at night);
  • cough;
  • increased sweating.

Attacks of asthmatic cough in a child can last from 2 to 3 days. During the period of remission, the child does not complain about his health and leads a normal lifestyle.

The main course of treatment for bronchial asthma in a child consists of planned therapy. Treatment should be strictly under the supervision of an allergist.

It is important for adults to understand that the child’s condition and the period of remission depend directly on them. It is necessary not only to give the baby the necessary medications in a timely manner, but also to prevent the allergen from entering the baby’s vital activity field.

As for hypoallergenic living, the following rules should be followed:

  • books and wardrobes with clothes should be closed;
  • there should be no feather or down pillows in the house;
  • The baby’s presence of soft toys should be minimized;
  • put all cleaning and laundry products out of reach;
  • Clean the house thoroughly and prevent mold from forming;
  • If there are pets in the house, they should be bathed and thoroughly combed.

Following these rules at home and your doctor's recommendations will help minimize the frequency of acute attacks and asthmatic cough in your child. The slightest signs of asthma in children require immediate medical attention.

Asthma during pregnancy

If a woman suffers from asthma, the disease may worsen during pregnancy, or vice versa - a long period of remission will occur. But, as statistics show, such cases are quite rare - only 14%.

As for pregnancy with asthma, there are only two forms of this disease:

  • infectious;
  • allergic, but non-infectious in nature.

In the first case, the etiological factor is infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Regarding the second form, we can say that allergens became the cause of the development of the disease.

During pregnancy, a woman may experience the following clinical picture:

  • discomfort in the throat;
  • runny nose;
  • pressing pain in the chest;
  • noisy, shallow breathing;
  • pale skin;
  • cough with slight sputum production.

In some cases, pregnant women may experience increased sweating and bluish skin.

When these symptoms end, an asthmatic attack usually occurs. This is a human condition in which the symptoms only worsen and the attack does not stop for 2-3 days.

But this is not the greatest danger. Some women during pregnancy refuse to take medications, believing that it can harm the baby. And they are very wrong. Refusal to take necessary medications poses a direct threat to the life functions of not only the mother, but also the baby. Simply put, he can simply suffocate in the womb. Asthma should always be treated, even during pregnancy.

The easiest way to treat asthma during pregnancy and maintain a period of remission is with the help of special inhalers. This does not pose a threat to the life and development of the fetus. In addition, you need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and avoid contact with allergens.


When diagnosing this disease, it is very important to find out the possible causes and the patient’s medical history, both personal and family. After this, the patient is sent for instrumental diagnostics.

Diagnosis of bronchial asthma

The standard diagnostic program includes the following:

  • spirometry - test for lung function;
  • peak flowmetry - studies to determine the speed of air flow;
  • chest x-ray;
  • allergy tests - to determine the cause of the disease;
  • test to determine the concentration of air oxide - this allows you to diagnose inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

As for laboratory tests, the doctor may prescribe a general and biochemical blood test. This is necessary to assess the general condition of the patient and measure the number of white blood cells.

Diagnosis of cardiac asthma

Basic diagnostic methods:

Only on the basis of the results obtained can a doctor make a correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment for an adult or child. It is worth noting that research is needed not only for an accurate diagnosis, but also to identify the cause of the disease. Unauthorized treatment at home or through folk remedies is unacceptable.


Bronchial asthma

This disease cannot be completely cured. By following the correct lifestyle and doctor’s recommendations, you can only extend the period of remission and minimize the frequency of attacks. Initially, the cause of the development of this allergic process should be completely eliminated.

Drug therapy involves taking two types of drugs:

  • to block attacks - anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • for quick relief during the attack itself - bronchodilators.

The first group includes oral steroids. They can be in the form of tablets, capsules or a special liquid. The second group includes beta-agonists. That is, asthma inhalers. Inhalers should always be at hand for a person who has bronchial asthma. These asthma inhalers must be used together with inhaled steroids.

In general, drug therapy involves taking the following drugs:

On average, the course of taking these medications lasts from 3 to 10 days. But the dosage and frequency of administration are prescribed only by the attending physician.

Also, treatment of asthma in adults involves taking medications to remove phlegm from asthmatic coughs and nebulizer sessions.

Cardiac asthma

If cardiac asthma develops, you should immediately call an ambulance. Before her arrival, it is necessary to sit the patient comfortably and lower his legs from the bed. It is best to prepare a hot foot bath for him to ensure sufficient blood flow to his feet. A tourniquet is applied to the lower extremities for 15 minutes. This will help relieve the pulmonary circulation.

Treatment of cardiac asthma is carried out only in inpatient settings. Drug therapy includes the prescription of the following drugs:

  • narcotic analgesics;
  • nitrates;
  • neuroleptics;
  • antihistamines;
  • antihypertensive.

Remember that any medicine for asthma should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor and in the dosage indicated by him.

Treatment with folk remedies

On the recommendation of a doctor and if the patient’s health condition allows, treatment can be carried out at home. Folk remedies should also be used only on the recommendation of a doctor. This is due to the fact that most of these products have not been tested; the patient may have an individual intolerance to some ingredients.

Folk remedies should be considered as preventative, and not as the main course of treatment. If the decision was made to treat at home with folk remedies, then it is better to use ginger infusion. Inhalation with steam from boiled potatoes helps a lot in this case.

It is worth noting that treating cardiac asthma at home is unacceptable, as this can lead to the death of the patient. This disease is extremely dangerous, so it needs to be treated only in a hospital setting.


There is no prophylaxis as such to prevent asthma. But you can minimize the frequency of attacks. To do this, the following rules should be applied in practice:

  • regularly carry out wet cleaning of premises, without using scented detergents;
  • bookcases must be closed;
  • if there are pets in the house, then regular disinfection should be carried out;
  • bed linen should not contain down or feathers. It is better to replace it with synthetic;
  • there should be a minimum of fabric and curtains in the room;
  • You should always have an inhaler on hand to relieve an attack;
  • treat diseases of internal organs of infectious and non-infectious nature in a timely manner.

The application of such simple rules will help to significantly reduce the frequency of attacks and significantly facilitate a person’s life. But it should be understood that a person needs to adhere to such a lifestyle throughout his life. It is impossible to completely cure this disease.

If you think that you have Asthma and the symptoms characteristic of this disease, then doctors can help you: an allergist, a pulmonologist, a pediatrician.

We also suggest using our online disease diagnostic service, which selects probable diseases based on the entered symptoms.

Bronchospasm is a pathological condition characterized by the occurrence of a sudden attack of suffocation. It progresses due to reflex compression of smooth muscle structures in the walls of the bronchi, as well as due to swelling of the mucous membrane, accompanied by impaired sputum discharge.

Allergic bronchitis is a type of inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. A characteristic feature of the disease is that, unlike ordinary bronchitis, which occurs due to exposure to viruses and bacteria, allergic bronchitis is formed due to prolonged contact with various allergens. This disease is often diagnosed in children of preschool and primary school age. It is for this reason that it needs to be cured as quickly as possible. Otherwise, it takes on a chronic course, which can lead to the development of bronchial asthma.

Tracheitis and bronchitis are often interrelated, combining into one pathological condition - tracheobronchitis. This is a disease, as a result of which the inflammatory process covers the trachea and bronchi. According to ICD-10, the disease is coded J06-J21. It can only be fully cured in a hospital setting. Self-medication using folk remedies (without a doctor’s prescription) is unacceptable.

A disease that is characterized by the formation of pulmonary insufficiency, presented in the form of a massive release of transudate from the capillaries into the pulmonary cavity and ultimately promoting infiltration of the alveoli, is called pulmonary edema. In simple terms, pulmonary edema is a condition where fluid stagnates in the lungs and has leaked through the blood vessels. The disease is characterized as an independent symptom and can develop on the basis of other serious ailments of the body.

Laryngeal stenosis is a pathological process that leads to a significant narrowing of the lumen of the larynx, which significantly complicates swallowing food and breathing. The most common condition is laryngeal stenosis in children. This pathology requires an immediate visit to the doctor and correct treatment of the child. Lack of timely resuscitation can cause death.

With the help of exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine.

Symptoms and treatment of human diseases

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Why does bronchial asthma occur and how is it treated?

What is asthma? Many people who have encountered the disease and are trying to learn everything about this pathology would like to know the answer to this question. Bronchial asthma is a disease of the respiratory organs that occurs in humans due to a specific etiology. The main symptom characterizing the disease at any stage of its development is suffocation. Today, doctors distinguish bronchial, dyspeptic and heart diseases, which are endowed with certain symptoms and characteristics of the course. Treatment of asthma is carried out under the strict supervision of a physician, since the pathology often leads to the death of the patient as a result of complete blockage of the airways. So, what is bronchial asthma, and how to determine its development in the body?

Description of the disease

The concept of bronchial asthma is a serious chronic disease that develops in the respiratory organs. The main signs of asthma, by which the development of the disease can be determined, are shortness of breath, coughing and suffocation, which accompany the asthmatic throughout the treatment. From ancient Greek, the disease is translated as “heavy or difficult breathing.” The disease was identified a long time ago, during the life of Hippocrates, so today the treatment of asthma is quite effective and efficient.

Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves when the cells of a healthy person, namely eosinophils, macrophages and mast cells, are negatively affected by various negative factors. For example, these include allergens that most often cause pathology.

When cells are damaged, the body's high sensitivity causes a narrowing of the lumen of the respiratory organs, namely the bronchi. In this case, based on the form of bronchial asthma in the respiratory organs, mucus begins to form, which clogs the bronchi and leads to poor air flow into the lung cavity. After this, the person begins to feel the signs of bronchial asthma, one of which is severe wheezing. In addition, during the formation of mucus in the bronchi, the patient begins to constantly cough and feel a strong heaviness in the chest. These symptoms of the disease are the main ones during the course of the disease. In addition, they clearly characterize the disease, and the doctor will not be able to confuse this disease with other pulmonary diseases.

The causes of bronchial asthma today are very different - from ordinary dust to constant stress and neuroses. In addition, all reasons for the development of pathology can be divided into two types - internal and external.

Based on their type, the doctor prescribes treatment for bronchial asthma in adults, also paying attention to the symptoms and form of the disease.

Can asthma be cured? Today this question interests many asthmatics who have been attacked by bronchitis.

In fact, it is not difficult to completely overcome the disease, you just need to follow:

  • treatment plan for the disease;
  • doctor's advice;
  • attend physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • maintain the condition of the body using traditional methods.

Is it possible to cure chronic bronchial asthma? It is possible, but it will require a lot of effort and time.


Bronchial asthma, as shown by WHO (World Health Organization) indicators, is currently diagnosed in 4-10% of the world's population.

Most often, the disease occurs in the following peoples:

  • Kuban residents;
  • New Zealanders;
  • Spaniards.

This is due to the high content of allergic substances in the air, which quickly cause asthma and do not allow you to completely “say goodbye” to it. Such allergens enter the air due to sea air, which constantly brings various allergens into populated areas that cause serious health hazards. In Russia, asthma is diagnosed in 7% of adults and 10% of children.

The increase in the occurrence of this disease began quite recently, when many plants and factories began to be built, and all waste was released into the atmosphere. Today, anyone can catch bronchial asthma, regardless of their state of health and general well-being. It is important to note that asthma disease can appear in people who often take unnatural products or lead a sedentary lifestyle (lifestyle).

People who have developed this pathology would like to know how to cure bronchial asthma forever? To do this, it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease, as well as completely eliminate it from the body. Only then will it be possible to overcome the disease by taking medications, using inhalations and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Causes of bronchial asthma

The principles of treating bronchial asthma are quite different, since today there are quite a few causes of the disease. As mentioned earlier, they can be divided into two types - external and internal.

External causes of asthma include:

  1. Dust. Ordinary dust contains many different particles, which include skin particles, pollen, chemical elements, wool, and so on. These substances are considered the strongest allergens that can cause attacks of the disease.
  2. Poor ecology in the country. People living in industrial areas, where everything is literally teeming with chemicals, gases and frequent climate change, are susceptible to bronchial diseases much more often, unlike residents of villages and villages where the climate is clean and uniform. Is “household” and chemical asthma treatable or not? In this case, everything depends on the correct treatment - if the patient follows all the doctor’s advice and also takes medications correctly, overcoming the disease will be quite simple.
  3. Work activity. Doctors have noticed that people who often come into contact with paint, varnish, plaster and other accessories necessary for repairs are more susceptible to developing allergies. This also applies to other chemicals - nail polishes, personal care products, and so on.
  4. Smoking. Constant inhalation of tobacco smoke and mixtures from which cigarettes are made leads to disruption of the integrity of the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs. How does asthma begin in this case? First, a person feels unwell and has difficulty breathing, and then this is accompanied by pain and heaviness in the chest, as well as a severe cough. It is important to note that bronchial asthma syndromes, which appear as a result of smoking, are the most unpleasant for humans.
  5. Stress. It will not be possible to cure the disease with frequent stress and nervous breakdowns, since the respiratory organs and the central nervous system (central nervous system) are closely interconnected. As a result of constant stress, it becomes difficult for the body to cope with the negative effects of allergens, so bronchial asthma can develop quite quickly.
  6. Poor nutrition. Oddly enough, but an unbalanced diet causes the rapid onset of asthma. The fact is that dishes with minimal thermal processing saturate the body with a large amount of useful substances, which prevents bronchial asthma. Also, to prevent the disease from overtaking people, it is necessary to take as many vitamins and minerals as possible.

The only internal causes of the disease include heredity. If one of the parents has asthma, the child will also develop the disease in 30% of cases.

When asthma is diagnosed, the first signs and symptoms in adults show a person that a dangerous disease has begun to develop in the body, causing a large number of problems for the person. First of all, these include disruption of normal and healthy breathing, which greatly complicates existence in the modern world.

Symptoms of bronchial asthma

How to treat bronchial asthma? First, the patient needs to correctly detect the symptoms of the disease and only then begin to eliminate them immediately.

Often the first symptoms of asthma are similar to VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia) and other diseases, so a person should know for sure about the onset of bronchial asthma. To begin with, it should be noted that at night and in the morning the signs of pathology intensify significantly.

The first symptoms of asthma that develop at the initial stage of the disease include:

  • hives;
  • shortness of breath - it especially often appears after performing physical activity;
  • wheezing while breathing;
  • cough - at first dry, and after a couple of days with sputum;
  • constant sneezing;
  • suffocation;
  • feeling of heaviness in the chest;
  • orthopnea.

If such signs are present, it is important for the patient to consult a doctor, especially if such symptoms appear and disappear for a short period of time. After all, after 1-2 weeks of absence of treatment, the disease will become chronic, which is the most dangerous for the health and condition of the respiratory system.

The main symptoms of bronchial asthma development include:

  • malaise;
  • constant weakness;
  • breathing with bronchial asthma becomes difficult and intermittent;
  • wheezing with every breath;
  • severe pain in the head;
  • pain in all parts of the chest.

How to get rid of asthma in this case? To do this, you should contact a doctor who will carry out diagnostic measures and prescribe correct and effective treatment.

How to determine asthma when it is severe? To do this, you need to detect certain signs in the victim.

Common symptoms include the following:

  • disruption of the heart;
  • change in pulse up to 90 beats, and during an attack up to 130 beats;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • blue discoloration of the skin (this is especially noticeable in the upper part of the body);
  • drowsiness;
  • cracking of nails and their severe peeling;
  • increase in heart volume;
  • the appearance of skin diseases, namely dermatitis, rhinitis, psoriasis, eczema.

Is bronchial asthma treated in this case? Yes, but for this the patient will have to undergo a serious therapeutic course of treatment, which lasts more than one month.

Classification and diagnosis of the disease

Bronchial asthma, the causes of which depend on the etiology of the disease, is divided into several types.

These include:

  1. Exogenous pathology. Its development is characterized by the penetration of certain types of allergens into the respiratory system, which include animal hair, dust mites, mold, and so on. In this case, asthma, the symptoms of which will be clearly visible, requires removal of the allergen and the body, as well as prompt treatment.
  2. Endogenous pathology. In this case, the development of symptoms is facilitated by an infection occurring in the body, cold air currents, physical activity, stress, and so on. How to recognize asthma of endogenous origin? The patient needs to carefully assess his health, and also monitor his blood pressure, which remains high even during the absence of an attack.
  3. Mixed genesis. In this case, an attack occurs as a result of a simultaneous attack of the body by external and internal factors.

What kind of diagnosis is asthma, and what it is, has now become clear. But how to determine the course of the disease in the body if the signs of asthma in an adult are similar to other respiratory diseases? To do this, in the early stages of the development of pathology, the doctor prescribes diagnostic procedures, with the help of which it will be possible to determine the degree, form and type of pathology, as well as to identify the general condition of the patient.

Bronchial asthma, the symptoms and treatment of which play an important role in the course of the pathology, requires all diagnostic procedures.

Asthma in adults is diagnosed as follows:

  • the doctor takes into account the patient’s medical history and general complaints;
  • a physical examination of the body is performed;
  • spirometry, which evaluates lung volume and the rate of egress and inhalation in the presence of disease in an adult;
  • chest X-ray, which allows you to accurately identify bronchial asthma in adults;
  • carrying out diagnostic methods to identify the allergen - for this, skin, nasal and inhalation tests are performed, as well as an allergosorbent test);
  • examination of sputum and blood to identify eosinophils and other elements in them;
  • performing computed tomography;
  • ECG (electrocardiography).

How to treat bronchial asthma

Asthma - how to overcome it, how does the disease manifest itself, and in what ways can it be cured? Treatment of asthmatic manifestations of any severity, which are accompanied by suffocation, coughing and other symptoms, must be carried out comprehensively. How to get rid of bronchial asthma?

To do this, the following therapeutic methods must be followed:

  1. Drug treatment that can help cure bronchial asthma quite quickly. To get rid of asthma forever, the doctor will prescribe the patient anti-inflammatory and supportive treatment, with the help of which respiratory activity will be restored and other symptoms of the disease will disappear.
  2. Exclusion from the patient’s life of allergens and other factors that cause the development of the disease.
  3. Dieting. Treatment of bronchial asthma in adults can be easily carried out using a diet that will normalize overall health, as well as saturate the body with useful substances and components. What kind of diet should be followed should be found out from your doctor.
  4. General health promotion. If an attack of bronchial asthma occurs frequently, it is necessary to follow certain treatment methods to maintain the person’s health.

Treatment of pathology should only be carried out comprehensively, otherwise it will not be able to completely restore the condition of the bronchi, as well as eliminate their spasm.

Such drugs are actively used in the treatment of mild and moderate disease, and are also used for prevention. These hormones reduce the number of white blood cells in the body, which increase as a result of allergens entering the body. Also, glucocorticosteroids slow down the course of the disease, relieve side effects and are used as inhalations. If pathology appears, the patient is prescribed Singulair or Acolat.

These medications are given to any patient with manifestations of pathology. The principle of action of this group of drugs is to create a powerful blocking of connections occurring between cells that are able to penetrate the bronchial cavity and cause swelling of their mucous membrane. In other words, they do not increase the amount of bronchial secretion, but, on the contrary, reduce the amount of sputum and clear the bronchi of mucus.

  1. Today, doctors prescribe the following medications if symptoms of the disease appear: Montelukast, Pranlukast and Zafirlukast.
  2. Cromons.

Such medications are required at the onset of the disease, but they require very little time to be taken, since after 7-14 days the patient is prescribed glucocorticosteroid therapy. Cromones include Tailed and Intal (doctors say that we will take this group of medications for as long as the treatment of a specific form of the disease requires).

What are xanthines used for? This group of drugs is used to eliminate attacks of the disease. Xanthines are mainly used to enhance the therapeutic effect. These medications are especially often used at night or in the morning, when attacks of the disease can occur most often and most severely.

If attacks appear too often and such occurrences are difficult to treat, doctors prescribe inhalations based on glucocorticosteroids, ASIT (allergen-specific immunotherapy), monoclonal antibodies, and so on. It happens that a patient may be prescribed several medications at once in order to improve the patient’s general condition and get rid of the disease faster.

Also, an emerging attack of bronchitis can be overcome with the help of:

  • inhalers based on medicinal plants and herbs or just hot water;
  • massage for better mucus discharge;
  • taking traditional recipes, among which there are easy treatment options.

It happens that treatment of pathology is carried out in a hospital setting - in this case, doctors will monitor the patient’s condition and give him medications prescribed by the doctor.

Test: Is your lifestyle causing lung disease?

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Since almost all of us live in cities with very unfavorable health conditions, and in addition to this we lead an unhealthy lifestyle, this topic is very relevant at the moment. We perform many actions or, on the contrary, we remain inactive, without thinking at all about the consequences for our body. Our life is in breathing, without it we cannot live even a few minutes. This test will help you determine whether your lifestyle can provoke lung diseases, and will also help you think about your respiratory system health and correct your mistakes.

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You lead the right lifestyle

You are a fairly active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and your body will delight you throughout your life. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and strong emotional overload. Try to minimize contact with sick people; if forced contact, do not forget about protective equipment (mask, washing your hands and face, clearing your respiratory tract).

It's time to think about what you are doing wrong...

You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is required, or even better, start playing sports, choose the sport that you like most and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, gym, or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu promptly, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work on your immunity, strengthen yourself, and be in nature and fresh air as often as possible. Do not forget to undergo scheduled annual examinations; it is much easier to treat lung diseases in the initial stages than in advanced stages. Avoid emotional and physical overload; if possible, eliminate or minimize smoking or contact with smokers.

It's time to sound the alarm!

You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the functioning of your lungs and bronchi, have pity on them! If you want to live a long time, you need to radically change your entire attitude towards your body. First of all, get examined by specialists such as a therapist and a pulmonologist; you need to take radical measures, otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the doctors’ recommendations, radically change your life, perhaps you should change your job or even your place of residence, completely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and reduce contact with people who have such bad habits to a minimum, toughen up, strengthen your immunity as much as possible spend more time in the fresh air. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely eliminate all aggressive products from everyday use and replace them with natural, natural remedies. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and ventilation of the room at home.

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  1. With answer
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Does your lifestyle involve heavy physical activity?

  • Yes, daily
  • Sometimes
  • Seasonal (eg vegetable garden)
  • No

How often do you undergo a lung examination (eg fluorogram)?

  • I don’t even remember when was the last time
  • Every year, without fail
  • Once every couple of years

Do you play sports?

  • No
  • Yes, professionally and regularly
  • It happened in the past
  • Yes, amateur
  • Yes
  • No
  • When I'm sick
  • Sometimes

Do you treat acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and other inflammatory or infectious diseases?

  • Yes, at the doctor's
  • No, it goes away on its own after some time
  • Yes, I self-medicate
  • Only if it's really bad

Do you carefully observe personal hygiene (shower, hands before eating and after walking, etc.)?

  • Yes, I wash my hands all the time
  • No, I don't follow this at all
  • I try, but sometimes I forget

Do you take care of your immunity?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Only when sick
  • I find it difficult to answer

Have any relatives or family members suffered from serious lung diseases (tuberculosis, asthma, pneumonia)?

  • Yes, parents
  • Yes, close relatives
  • No
  • I can not say for sure
Do you live or work in an unfavorable environment (gas, smoke, chemical emissions from enterprises)?
  • Yes, I live permanently
  • No
  • Yes, I work in such conditions
  • Previously lived or worked

Do you or your household use sources of strong odors (aroma candles, incense, etc.)?

  • Often
  • Rarely
  • Almost daily
  • No

Do you have heart disease?

  • Yes, chronic
  • Rarely, but it does happen
  • No
  • If you have any doubts, you need an examination

How often are you in damp, dusty or moldy environments?

  • Constantly
  • I'm not there
  • Previously was
  • Rarely, but it happens

Do you often get sick with acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections?

  • I'm constantly sick
  • Rarely, no more than once a year
  • Often, more than 2 times a year
  • I never get sick or once every five years

Do you or any of your relatives have diabetes?

  • Yes, I have
  • I find it difficult to answer
  • Yes, with close relatives
  • No

Do you have any allergic diseases?

  • Yes, one
  • No
  • Not sure, needs testing
  • Yes, even a few

What kind of lifestyle do you lead?

  • Sedentary
  • Active, constantly on the move
  • Sedentary

Does anyone in your family smoke?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Happens sometimes
  • Used to smoke
  • Yes, I smoke regularly
  • No and never smoked
  • Rarely, but it happens
  • Previously smoked, but quit

Do you have air purification devices in your home?

  • No
  • Yes, I change filters all the time
  • Yes, we use it sometimes
  • Yes, but we don’t monitor the devices

Do you often use household chemicals (cleaning products, aerosols, etc.)?
