Adult nasal aspirator

Snot sucker: its purpose and rules of use

A runny nose for adults with timely treatment is not particularly difficult. It is especially difficult to treat rhinitis in newborns, since children at this age do not know how to blow their nose.

Table of contents:

And, as you know, stagnation of mucus in the nasopharynx often causes many complications. That is why most young mothers use a snot suction device when their child has a runny nose. It is necessary to get rid of snot that has accumulated in the nose of a small child immediately, since after some time other infectious diseases may develop. For a child, the occurrence of such a process in his body causes many difficulties: breathing worsens, the baby has difficulty sleeping and sucking the breast.

Operation of the device

You can suck out snot using a special device called a nasal aspirator. Using such a device, you can clean a child’s nose, remove substances that irritate its mucous membrane, which caused a runny nose. A nasal aspirator allows you to effectively clean the nose without damaging the mucous membrane, which immediately improves the baby's breathing, condition and well-being. Parents who use such a suction device for formed and accumulated mucus note their child’s rapid recovery from colds.

Types of Nasal Aspirators

Many manufacturers produce a wide variety of snot suckers, but among the large selection, parents often do not know which one is the most effective. It is customary to distinguish the following types of nasal aspirators:

  1. Aspirator-syringe. Perhaps the simplest version of the device, which allows even an infant to suck out snot well, is an ordinary small rubber syringe, or a bulb, as it is more often called. Some manufacturers produce this device with a rubber nozzle, which eliminates the possibility of injury to the baby’s nasal mucosa. You can also buy an aspirator with a wide nozzle, which prevents deep penetration of the device during use. To use the bulb, you need to squeeze it in your hand, releasing all the air, then insert it into the baby's nasal passages. Smoothly opening the syringe, you need to suck out the mucus.
  2. Mechanical nasal aspirator. This device is a thin tube and is designed to remove snot from the nose using the mouth of an adult. One end of the tube must be inserted into the child’s nose, and the mother takes the other into her mouth. The convenience of using a mechanical aspirator is that an adult can independently control the force of air intake. This type of suction device is considered more effective and less traumatic than a rubber syringe.
  3. Electronic aspirator. The principle of operation of such a device is that the mother must bring the tip of the suction device to the baby’s nose and press the corresponding button. The electronic device is convenient in that almost every model, in addition to sucking out snot, is also equipped with additional functions - aerosol and humidification.
  4. Vacuum aspirator. As a rule, such a device is connected to a vacuum cleaner, which performs the function of removing snot. Many mothers are afraid of using such a device because they are afraid of the power with which the baby’s nose will be cleaned. But, according to experts, there is no reason to worry, because the vacuum cleaner itself regulates the power required to suck out snot. Therefore, a vacuum aspirator can be considered the most effective, allowing you to clear your nose of mucus in less than a minute.

Recommendations for use

In order not to harm the child when using nozzle ejectors, parents should always adhere to the recommendations and safety rules for use. You need to be especially careful when cleaning the nose of newborn babies, whose nasal passages are quite narrow and can be easily damaged. Before removing snot, it is recommended that you follow certain steps. First, you need to thoroughly rinse the child's nasal passages with saline solution. Parents should remember that saline solution cannot be poured into the baby’s nose, it must be dripped. During this process, the baby should be kept in an upright position, which will prevent the solution from getting into the throat. If a large amount of saline solution gets into the pharynx, it can cause respiratory arrest due to a reflex spasm of the larynx. To rinse the nose before using a nasal aspirator, it is advisable to use drugs such as Salin, Aquamaris, Marimer, decoctions of chamomile, calendula, sage, and eucalyptus.

However, when using herbal decoctions to remove snot, you need to be careful, since an allergic reaction to the active substance may occur.

If you don’t have saline solution at home, you can prepare it yourself by taking a spoonful of salt per liter of boiled water. Mucus aspirators should always be kept clean and thoroughly sterilized each time before use.

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In this article you will learn about the most popular types of nasal aspirators, their purpose, nuances in use, as well as the advisability of their use with comments from experts. It will be interesting :)

Well-known pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky, well-known throughout the district, answered the question about the advisability of using a nozzle suction on the forum: “a young child cannot fully (consciously) blow his nose. Hence the theoretical and practical feasibility of using auxiliary devices - bulbs, pipettes, syringes, mechanical and electrical suction, vacuum cleaner attachments, cotton wool, sticks, mother's and grandmother's fingers, etc.

The danger of all of the above devices lies in the significant likelihood of mechanical damage: on the one hand, not every adult is able to control their own movements, on the other hand, there are few children who can lie quietly and not turn their heads when performing manipulations in the nose. Another point concerns the exclusive use of aspirators: any such devices, if used incorrectly (carelessly), can stick to the mucous membrane of the nasal passages and seriously injure it, including nosebleeds.

Summary: aspirators can be used, but it is better to use not improvised means, but devices specifically designed for removing snot, having smooth soft edges, limiters that prevent deep insertion into the nasal passages. It is imperative that there is no hand trembling and an understanding of what a sense of proportion is.

However, when starting to suck out snot, remember the main thing: liquid snot can easily flow out on its own (from the nose outward or along the back wall of the throat - inward). You will not be able to “get” thick snot either with the help of an aspirator or with the help of other available means. Therefore, you should strive in every possible way to reduce the need for aspirators - maintain optimal temperature and air humidity parameters in the children’s room, use saline solution to liquefy (prevent drying out) snot.”

Due to the characteristics of their small bodies, children cannot independently blow mucus out of their nose. When mucus stagnates in the nasal passages, it dries out, the outflow of mucus is disrupted, and as a result, an excellent field for action appears for the further development of the disease. Therefore, not only the EOC, but all pediatricians recommend humidifying the air in the children's room using humidifiers, or improvised means (hanging wet towels, basins of water), or rinsing the nose with saline solutions. If this is not done, then consequences such as otitis media, sinusitis, and so on are possible.

To avoid such stagnation of mucus, people came up with a very necessary thing - an aspirator, or as it is popularly called - a snot pump. Thanks to this tireless worker, you can give your child the opportunity to sleep, walk, walk and play around with his mouth closed, breathing through his nose.

If the nozzle ejector is used correctly, recovery occurs much faster than usual, and the baby’s breathing and well-being become easier.

All nasal nozzle ejectors are divided into several groups according to their action.

The simplest aspirator is an ordinary syringe (also called a pump). It is an enema of the smallest volume. You may be required to bring such a baby pillow to the maternity hospital in order to use it for newborns. In any case, it will never hurt.

Some syringes come with a soft nozzle to minimize injury to the delicate nasal mucosa. To activate the syringe, you need to insert its tip into the nose, after releasing the air from it. Then squeeze, closing the baby’s second nostril. This way, the discharge from the nose will be pumped out. This method is suitable for liquid snot that is located shallow in the nose. If the child “grunts” and the snot is deep, then the blower will not help you. Unless you first irrigate the mucous membrane of the nose with a saline solution, soften the collected snot and then pull it out. But not always. For this purpose, the following type of aspirators was invented.

Plus: always at hand, financial accessibility, bright animal figures. Disadvantages: ineffective, traumatic, impossible to evaluate the result of suction

Mechanical nozzle ejectors. They are tubes through which mucus from the nose is pumped out with the help of the mother’s mouth and breaths. This is very convenient, the main thing is to overcome the child’s resistance. One end of the aspirator is inserted into the nostril, and the other is taken into the mouth and the mucus is sucked out using inhalations. Thus, you can “look” for the place where snot accumulates more specifically than with a blow gun, and you can regulate the strength of inhalation and suction yourself.

Plus: affordable, reliable, the result of suction is visible. Minus: availability of consumables.

Well, if there is a mechanical aspirator, it is clear that somewhere there must be an electronic nozzle suction :) Here the principle of operation is similar, it’s just that instead of the mother’s mouth there is a button that starts the snot suction mechanism.

Plus: the speed of the procedure due to continuous suction, they come with built-in melodies. Disadvantage: cost and frequent maintenance.

Aspirator for newborns (vacuum). The principle of this nozzle ejector is similar to a vacuum cleaner. It cannot be used for dry crusts; you should always rinse your nose with a saline solution, which will dilute the snot and help evacuate it using this type of nozzle suction. These nozzle ejectors are used in ENT surgeries called cuckoo. Only there the vacuum pump works, and here there is a vacuum cleaner.

Plus: fast, hygienic Minus: noise of a working vacuum cleaner

Pediatricians advise using industrially produced drugs as a saline solution, rather than hand-made ones. Because man differs from man to man. One will be done exactly according to the instructions, and the second - by eye. And if you overdo it with salt, even sea salt, you can get burned. I once overbaked my son’s mucus so much that his runny nose got worse and didn’t go away for a long time. Well, it’s better to keep silent about further procedures with the nose. Therefore, buy the drugs at the pharmacy rather than do it yourself. If you really don’t trust pharmaceuticals, try to make the solution so salty that it is, like a human tear, slightly salty.

As for industrial drugs, there are several options for medications.

1) Saline solution (saline solution).

The most commonly chosen ones are:

Action: Salin has an anticongestive (decongestant) pharmacological effect. When applied to the nasal mucosa, it has an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves swelling. If nasal breathing is difficult due to rhinitis, it facilitates nasal breathing by thinning thick mucus, softening dry crusts and removing them from the nasal passages. Highly purified 0.65% NaCl solution ideally matches physiological nasal secretions.

Application: The spray can be used in three positions. Salin is sprayed into both nasal passages by actively pressing in a vertical position into the elastic body of the bottle. Dosage: adults: 2 sprays in each nasal passage three to four times a day. For young children, 1 spray three to four times a day. For infants, it is advisable to use the spray in an inverted position (in the form of drops) to avoid reflex spasmodic reactions. In a horizontal position, Salin flows out as a stream of liquid.

Indications: 1. For atrophic, infectious, allergic rhinitis of various etiologies for the purpose of hygienic care of the nasal cavity and complex treatment of diseases of the nasal mucosa and its sinuses. 2. When using local vasoconstrictor drugs as an additional means to reduce addiction to the main drug. 3. For dry nasal mucosa caused by man-made factors affecting the microclimate of the room (air conditioners in cars and apartments, central radiators and local heating devices) and changes in barometric pressure during air travel and diving.

It is not advisable to use Salin simultaneously with the use of glucocorticosteroids in large doses.

Action: Water is isotonic and contains various microelements that help normalize the functioning of the nasal mucosa. Regular use of the drug leads to the restoration of the normal state of the nasal mucosa. Due to the microelements included in the composition, in particular magnesium and selenium, the drug normalizes mucociliary clearance and stimulates local immunity. The drug Aqua Maris helps reduce the viscosity of mucus and normalizes the functioning of goblet cells of the nasal mucosa. Stimulates the work of the ciliated epithelium, improving the evacuation of mucus, and promotes the removal of foreign particles that cause allergies. Iodine and sodium chloride have an antibacterial effect and help reduce swelling and inflammation.

Application: For adults and children over 1 year of age, it is recommended to use Aqua Maris in spray form for greater convenience. For the treatment of all types of diseases of the nasopharynx, as well as allergic and vasomotor rhinitis, the following is prescribed: For children under 1 year of age, the drug is in the form of drops - 2 drops 3-4 times a day in each nasal passage. For children aged 1 to 7 years, the drug is in the form of a spray - 1-2 injections 3-4 times a day in each nasal passage. For children over 7 years of age, the drug is in the form of a spray - 2 injections into each nasal passage up to 6 times a day. For adults, the drug is prescribed 2 injections 4 to 8 times a day. The course of treatment is usually from 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the severity of the disease.

Indication: The drug is used in patients for the treatment of the following conditions: - acute and chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases of the nose, paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx; - with enlarged adenoids in children; — after surgical interventions on the nasal cavity in order to prevent infections, as well as to quickly restore the physiological functions of the nasopharynx; - rhinitis, regardless of etiology (including allergic and vasomotor); - for dry nasal mucosa to eliminate discomfort and facilitate nasal breathing; — for the prevention of infectious diseases during epidemics of respiratory diseases.

Individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Aqua Maris in spray form is contraindicated in children under 1 year of age. There are drops for this.

Action: Helps restore the normal physiological state of the nasal mucosa, thins mucus and facilitates its removal. Restores the function of the ciliary epithelium, promoting better local protection against viruses and bacteria. For rhinitis of allergic etiology

Application: for hygienic purposes - infants using turundas moistened with the drug 2 times a day or by instilling 1-2 drops into each nasal passage 2-3 times a day, children 1-7 years old - 1-2 injections into each nasal passage 1-3 times a day, children 7-16 years old - 2 injections 1-3 times a day, adults - 2-3 injections into each nasal passage 3-6 times a day. Treatment of diseases of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx: children under 1 year old - 2 drops in each nasal passage, children 1-7 years old, 1-2 injections in each nasal passage 1-3 times a day, children 7-16 years - 2 injections into each nasal passage 4-6 times a day, adults - 2-3 injections into each nasal passage 4-8 times a day. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks, if necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 1 month.

Indications: Adenoids, acute, allergic, vasomotor rhinitis, chronic diseases of the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses, incl. accompanied by dryness of the nasal mucosa. Prevention of nasal cavity infections in the autumn-winter period, with changing climatic conditions (rooms with air conditioning and/or central heating), the presence of polluted atmospheric air (smokers, vehicle drivers, hot and dusty workshops). Washing wounds of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses before and after surgical interventions. Hygienic procedures for the nasal cavity (including in infants), but use disposable bottles with drops.

Action: Humer eliminates irritation of the nasal mucosa with increased dry air, facilitates breathing, and also helps cleanse the nasal mucosa, both in healthy patients and in patients with inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Application: Nasal spray Humer 150: The drug is intended for intranasal use. Before using the spray, you should clean your nasal passages. The most effective use of Humer 150 spray is before meals. When using Humer, it is recommended to tilt your head to the side, and spray the spray into the nasal passage located above. After using the drug, the nasal passages should be cleaned again. A spray with a spray nozzle for children is recommended for the treatment of children from 1 month to 1 year. Children over 1 year of age and adults should use the spray with the adult spray nozzle. As a rule, 1-2 injections into the nasal passages are prescribed from two to 4 times a day. If necessary, you can increase the frequency of spray application up to 6 times a day. Nasal drops Humer monodose are used to treat newborns. Newborns and children under 7 years of age should apply 1-2 drops into the nasal passages 1 to 3 times a day.

Indication: Humer is used for daily hygiene of the nasal passages, including in cases of excessive dry air and dusty rooms. Humer is also prescribed for the prevention of infectious diseases of the nasal cavity during epidemics. Humer 150 spray is also prescribed in the complex treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, nasal cavity and sinuses, adenoid hypertrophy in children, year-round or seasonal allergic rhinitis, as well as during the rehabilitation period after surgical interventions on the nasopharynx.

Action: removes pathogenic microbes and allergens, dust and particles from the surface of the mucous membrane that impede nasal breathing and clog the nasal passages; restores normal mucus formation in the nasal cavity, reduces swelling of the nasal mucous membranes, and reduces the risk of developing otitis media.

Application: No-salt in the form of nasal drops is prescribed for adults, 2 drops in each nasal passage, for children from one year old - 1-2 drops, for children under one year old - 1 caplerase per day as a therapeutic agent, as a prophylactic agent - 1-4 times a day. For adults and children, No-Salt is instilled after clearing the nasal cavity of mucus. When instilling into the right nostril, the head of a child and an adult should be tilted to the left and slightly thrown back, and vice versa. Rinsing the nasal cavity is carried out in a lying position. It is necessary to sit the child down after instilling the solution and free the nasal cavity from thin mucus. When using the drug No-Salt in the form of a spray, during injection, you must take a shallow breath through the nose, and then lie down for 2 minutes, throwing your head back. No-salt in the form of a nasal spray is prescribed for adults 2 doses, for children starting from the age of two - 1-2 doses in each nasal entrance for therapeutic purposes - 3-4 times a day, and up to 3-4 times a day for hygienic purposes. purpose. The average duration of therapy is 3 weeks. The course of therapy can be repeated every month.

Indication: No-salt is used as part of complex therapy for chronic and acute inflammatory processes of the nasopharynx, nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses of various etiologies (rhinitis, including infectious, allergic and atrophic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, sinusitis). No-salt is widely used for prevention during the autumn-winter period and during the epidemic period of infectious pathology of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses (frontal sinusitis, sinusitis) and nasopharynx - See more at: /drug/no-sol/#sthash.7wDmUmwA.dpuf

Saline solution, sold in jars, is also used as a saline solution for infusion.

This makes it more profitable and cheaper. But dosing the drops is more difficult, since a syringe is used for instillation. And the parent himself decides how much to instill. Also a risk.

As an alternative to saline solution, some parents use a decoction of herbs such as chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula and sage. They also instill mineral water without gas.


Nasal aspirator (pistol, syringe, enema)

These puffs are used not only when the baby is sick, but also simply to suck out mucus from the nose, for example, after swimming in the pool or bathing. Such syringes can be washed with soap, but should not be boiled. There are syringes of different sizes; after use, be sure to thoroughly rinse any mucus that has entered the reservoir with water. This sometimes turns out to be labor-intensive work. Of all the pictures, the least convenient for me was the douche in the shape of an animal. I threw it away because my nerves weren’t strong enough. We had such an elephant. You can’t squeeze it properly, nor wash it afterwards. It is not made of soft material, so there were problems with it. In my opinion, the most successful pear may be the last photo and photo No. 2. We had the first photo, I didn’t see much of an effect when suctioning out the snot.

The cost of such pears is approximately: 7-20 UAH

Children's snot pump Ariana

Such an aspirator will help quickly evacuate mucus from the nose using the parent’s inhalation and exhalation. Used from birth, suitable for use at home. The advantage is the speed of suction and minimization of mucosal trauma due to the stopper of the insertion tube. The aspirator is equipped with an upper flask with double swirl technology, which allows you to connect it ABSOLUTELY SAFELY to your home vacuum cleaner.

Before the procedure, be sure to moisten the nasal mucosa and suck out the snot periodically.

You can’t pull everything out with one breath, it can be dangerous. You should feel the pressure. There are two types of such aspirators: NOSE-VACUUM CLEANER (BABY-VAC 1 is not collapsible) and BABY-VAC 2 is a new generation - collapsible - nasal aspirators for children from 3 years old with two attachments: with fixation (from 0 to 6 months) and without fixation ( from 6 months). After using such an aspirator, you need to rinse all its parts with running water. It is recommended to use only when there is heavy mucus discharge. Here you can see the principle of operation:

Price, UAH

Nasal aspirator Marimer

French thing, collapsible. Before using it, fold it according to the instructions, place a cotton pad, which serves as a filter, between the tip and the aspirator body. Place your baby on the changing table and elevate his head. Place the mouthpiece in your mouth. The thickened tip of the mouthpiece allows you to clamp it between your teeth. Insert the tip into one of the baby's nasal passages. Gently draw in air with even breaths through the mouthpiece. Mucus discharge will accumulate in the aspirator body. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times. Repeat the procedure for the other nasal passage. For greater efficiency, before removing mucous secretions using an aspirator, it is recommended to rinse the nasal cavity with a saline, physiological solution. (

After each use, the device is disassembled and washed. The nozzle is periodically sterilized, but not boiled. Suitable from birth, used at home. Advantages: speed and reliability, minus - consumables.

You can buy it in pharmacies in your city.

Children's nasal aspirator Narhinel

Used from birth, it cleanses the nose quickly and well at home. The kit includes: nozzles with filters; nozzles can be purchased separately.

Price, UAH

Musical aspirator B.Well WC-150 WC-150

It may hum and vibrate when used, but it removes mucus quickly and effectively. Plays 12 melodies. Mucus is collected in the transparent part of the nasal aspirator, where its quantity can be seen. The soft nozzle does not irritate the child’s nasal mucosa, and the special shape prevents it from penetrating deep into the nose.

If your baby has a runny nose, the B.Well CleanNose nasal aspirator will clear the nose of secretions in a few seconds. The result is free breathing for your baby and a calm, sound sleep. A clean Nose will prevent the development of infection, improve your well-being and speed up recovery. The device’s memory stores 12 children’s melodies that will help the child feel comfortable during the procedure.

— For the little ones

- Clears your nose when you have a runny nose

— 2 tips included

— 12 well-known children’s melodies are stored in the device’s memory

— The device is easy to wash

— Convenient and hygienic

Manufacturer: B.Well, UK

Free service – 5 years

Warranty - 1 year

Delivery set: nasal aspirator, 2 silicone tips, 2 AA 1.5 V batteries, storage bag, user manual, warranty card, packaging. (

Price, UAH

Children's nasal aspirator NoseFrida

This aspirator was developed by otolaryngologists and recommended by Swedish pediatricians. It uses special filters. It consists of a tube with a nozzle into which a hygienic filter is inserted on one side and a red nozzle (oral part) on the other. The shape of the main tube (which is connected to the nozzle in which the filter is installed) prevents any contact with the nasal mucosa, even when the child makes a sudden movement. Cleaning the aspirator. Wash NoseFrida after each use with soap and warm water. Rinse and let dry. Replace the hygiene filter. From the reviews of babyblog users: “The mouthpiece of the aspirator is flat, it does not deform if you hold it with your teeth, the tube is long (no need to hang over the child), the flask is long and thick - it is convenient to hold with your hand. The NoseFrida nozzle ejector does not have a brush for washing, but the flask is wide and can be washed without problems. The hole through which air is drawn in is closed with a circle of foam rubber. At first I thought it would be extremely inconvenient to buy them and then never find them again, and I don’t like being hooked on consumables. And then I read on the Internet that these filters from the NoseFrida aspirator can be washed with hot water and used again - so I started doing it. The nozzle ejector, in general, is excellent in terms of technical parameters.”

Price, UAH

Children's nasal aspirator Otrivin baby


Otrivin baby is a nasal aspirator for children, used from birth. Made in Switzerland

Indications When a child's nose is blocked, it is important to remove mucus from the nose as needed. For greater effectiveness, before removing mucus, it is recommended to rinse the nasal cavity with saline solution or sea water.

Directions for use: Attach the replacement nozzle to the aspirator body. Insert the tip into one of the baby's nasal passages. Gently draw in air through your mouth using even breaths through the mouthpiece. Repeat the procedure for the other nasal passage. To avoid re-infection, the used nozzle should be thrown away. An aspirator with nozzles does not require special temperature storage conditions. The aspirator should be stored out of the reach of children, as the product contains small parts. The aspirator kit includes three replaceable nozzles; you can additionally purchase a special set of 10 nozzles.

Price, UAH

You can buy it here: href=””> html

Children's nasal aspirator Benny

Benny aspirator equipment:

— Suction nozzle (tip) made of plastic (2 pcs);

— Compartment for collecting secretions (internal cylindrical storage tank, separated from the suction nozzle; external storage tank, to which the suction tube of the vacuum cleaner is connected.

Using this device, you can clean your child’s nasal cavity from accumulated secretions at home. This device is also an excellent prevention of blockage of the nasal cavity and maxillary sinuses. Using this device will speed up the clearing of the airways and make breathing easier.

Of all the products existing on the market, ours is the best suited for newborns and children up to 6 months, because... The traction force is reduced, and the part of the device that directly touches the baby’s nose is narrowed. Recommended by the Association of ENT Doctors of the Republic of Hungary. Place the bell-shaped end of the tube against the inner tube of the vacuum cleaner. Turn on the vacuum cleaner and adjust the required suction force with the vacuum modulator of the vacuum cleaner. Attach the end of the tube to your nose. Due to the vacuum effect, the mucus will move into the canister. With breaks of 30 seconds, suction can be repeated several times. Removes mucus with a constant, stable pressure of 0.02 bar, regardless of the suction power of the vacuum cleaner. Social network:

Price approx. UAH.

Nuby nasal aspirator and ear cleaner for children from birth. The aspirator is designed to remove mucus from a child's nose and clean the ears. Soft pear. Nozzle for cleaning the nose (Purtex®).

Ear cleaning attachment (silicone). The soft Purtex® tip is safe for baby's nose and ear. The product is made of safe, durable, non-toxic materials. Certified in Ukraine. Complies with all GOST and SanPiN requirements. The procedure for cleaning the ears and nose is the same and simple: you need to press the bulb and place the tip opposite the child's nostril or ear. By slowly releasing the bulb, you gently remove the mucus. Clean the handpiece after each procedure. This method of cleaning infants' ears is the only one approved by medicine.

.Pigeon Baby spout aspirator

Pigeon baby spout aspirator with storage case. * Allows you to pump out fluid from the baby's nose with intensity adjustment using the mother's mouth. * The round tip of the nozzle is pressed tightly against the baby's nostril. * The pumped-out liquid accumulates in the bottle, does not go back and is not absorbed by the mouth. Usage: sterilize with boiling water. A jar for collecting mucus cannot be sterilized with boiling water. Fix the baby's head, press the tip tightly against the baby's nose, hold the edge of the tip slightly higher than the jar. The hose connection and the base of the nozzle should be facing up and slightly towards you. Start by suctioning slowly, adjusting the strength. Product composition: polypropylene, silicone, hydrogenated styrene copolymer. Manufacturer: Pigeon Corporation, Japan.

Price approx. UAH.

Nasal aspirator-nozzle suction Chicco PhysioClean

Very effective nasal aspirator. A soft plastic “bottle” that is inserted into the baby’s nose, the tube goes into the mother’s mouth. This way, much more snot is sucked out than with a simple aspirator. You can adjust the suction strength. There is a foam filter inside the “bottle”, so the pumped-out liquid accumulates in the bottle and does not go back and is not absorbed by the mother’s mouth.

Price approx. UAH.

You can buy it at Chicco branded sales points.

Homemade aspirator “Hand-made”

This simple invention helped me a lot in the hospital. This is a drip system, you throw away everything except the tip and hose, which you cut to a length convenient for you. This simple device helped my daughter and a couple of other kids sleep peacefully in the hospital, and now at home. You insert the white tip completely into the nostril, it “goes in and out” just fine)). Clarification on use. You need to suck in the air lightly, preferably with short breaths, so as not to cause swelling of the mucous membrane. Try it now and let your snub noses sleep peacefully! Py.Sy. This invention is well suited for children up to 6 months, no older, since the diameter of the tube is narrow, but the nose is growing))

We took a brief excursion into the world of nozzle ejectors :) I hope this review of the most popular aspirators was useful to you.


Aspirator for suctioning snot: how to choose the right one?

For young children who do not yet know how to blow their nose correctly, rhinitis can be a real problem. As a result, the baby loses his appetite and sleep is disturbed.

To prevent this from happening, you can use an aspirator designed to suck out snot. This device helps to quickly and painlessly remove excess mucus from your baby’s nose and significantly improve his well-being. To avoid causing harm to your baby, you need to know how to use a nozzle ejector correctly.

Types of nasal aspirators

Manufacturers of medical equipment offer parents quite a few types of such devices, and each aspirator has its own characteristics. In order not to harm the baby or injure the delicate mucous membrane of his nose, you need to know how to properly suck out snot using an aspirator.


This is a fairly common type of device for suctioning snot, which is a small syringe or rubber bulb. To remove mucous secretions from the baby’s nose, you need to squeeze the device in your hand, release all the air, then insert it into the baby’s nasal cavities and, gently unclenching the bulb, carefully suck out the snot.

In order not to disturb the mucous membrane of the nose, you should not choose an aspirator with a plastic nozzle - a rubber tip is much better. In addition, do not insert the device too deeply into the nasal cavities.

Mechanical aspirator

This type of nozzle suction is a tube that allows you to remove mucus from the baby's nose. To correctly perform this procedure and remove snot, you need to insert one end of the device into the baby’s nasal passage, and the other into the mother’s mouth. After this, the mother should draw air into herself and thereby clear the child’s nose of snot. It is very important to keep the retraction force under control - this will avoid injury to the baby’s delicate mucous membrane and effectively remove snot.

Electronic aspirator

The principle of operation of this device is that an adult must bring its tip to the baby’s nose and then press the button. In addition to suctioning snot, such an aspirator usually has additional functions such as humidification and aerosol.

Vacuum aspirator

This device is usually connected to a special device - a vacuum cleaner, which helps suck out snot. Parents are often afraid to buy such an aspirator because of the power with which it operates. However, doctors claim that such an aspirator is completely safe and quite effective, because it allows you to remove snot in just a minute.

Rules for using the aspirator

Many parents wonder how to properly suck out snot with an aspirator. To ensure that the use of this device is completely safe, all recommendations provided by the manufacturer must be followed.

Children who have narrow nasal passages need to be especially careful when suctioning out snot, as they can be easily damaged. Before sucking out your child's snot with an aspirator, you must thoroughly clean his nose. Saline solution can be used for this purpose. It is also allowed to use drugs such as aquamaris, salin, marimer. They are absolutely safe and can be used even for infants.

For a newborn baby, 1 pipette is instilled into each nasal passage. For slightly older children, you can do this with a syringe without a needle or syringe. To prevent the liquid from getting into the throat, it is necessary to instill it in an upright position. In addition to the solution, you can use decoctions of medicinal plants - chamomile, sage, calendula, eucalyptus. It is important to ensure that the child does not have allergic reactions to herbs.

Many parents are interested in how often a nozzle suction can be used to remove mucous secretions. To effectively eliminate snot, you need to use the aspirator several times a day. This is recommended to be done in the morning and every time before bed. Thanks to this, the child will become calmer, his sleep will be restored and his diet will improve.

After using the aspirator, all parts that came into contact with mucous secretions must be washed. And before using such a nozzle pump the next time, it must be sterilized in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

The dangers of nasal aspirators

Parents who do not know how to use a nozzle ejector for newborns can damage the delicate mucous membrane of the baby's nose. Any careless movement by an adult or child when using the aspirator can lead to mechanical damage.

In addition, careless use of the device can lead to it sticking to the mucous membrane of the nasal passages and seriously injuring it. In some children, using a snot aspirator even causes nosebleeds.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

To ensure that using an aspirator to remove snot does not cause harm to your child, you need to carefully check the condition of the tip. If it touches the mucous membrane and blood appears, you need to tilt the baby’s head and press the wing of his nose to the septum.

When using a solution to rinse the nose before removing mucus, you need to be careful about its dosage. If liquid gets into the throat, it can lead to coughing attacks and the spread of infection through the respiratory tract.

You should not delay visiting a doctor if your child’s condition worsens sharply - a runny nose can be a sign of any respiratory infection. You should also contact a specialist if your baby is ill in the first year of life.

An aspirator is a fairly effective device that allows you to quickly remove snot from a child. Thanks to this, his well-being improves, sleep is restored and his appetite improves. However, in order not to harm the baby, you need to know how to properly and painlessly suck out snot with an aspirator. To do this, you must strictly follow all the manufacturer’s recommendations given in the instructions.

Children's doctor Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky will tell you how to properly treat a runny nose:

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All materials published on the site are for informational purposes only. Before starting treatment, consult a specialist.


Buy a nasal aspirator at a low price in the Medtekhnika Moscow store - Medtekhnika Moscow

Nasal aspirator

Aspirator B Well WC 150

Children's device for quick cleaning of the nasal cavity. Made in a bright design, it has the function of playing 12 melodies to choose from.

Coclean Deluxe aspirator + instant delivery within the Moscow Ring Road!

A functional device for eliminating nasal congestion with a spray function. Convenient attachments allow use by both adults and children.

Coclean New aspirator + non-stop delivery within the Moscow Ring Road!

Model with enhanced suction. Can work as a nasal spray. The kit includes nozzles for aspiration and spraying.

Coclean Original aspirator + instant delivery within the Moscow Ring Road!

A device with an additional spray function not only for the nasal cavity, but also for the eyes, thanks to a special nozzle. Suitable for both adults and children.

Nasal aspirator Baby-Vac

The device is powered by a vacuum cleaner. Nozzle for vacuum cleaner with diameter mm. Maximum pressure - 15.52 kPa. Weight: 0.14 kg. Package dimensions: 4×20×10 cm.


What types of snot suckers are there, which one is better?

Many manufacturers produce a variety of types of aspirators: from very cheap to expensive. But we’ll try to figure out how to choose the best one, whether it’s worth overpaying for an expensive modern device and how to suck the snot out.

There are 4 types of nasal aspirators:

  1. Aspirator-syringe.
  2. Mechanical aspirator.
  3. Electronic aspirator.
  4. Vacuum aspirator.


The simplest and cheapest device for suctioning snot. The parent can easily control it; it is almost impossible to injure the nasal mucosa. There are syringes on sale with rubber and silicone tips that reduce the risk of nasal injury to zero.

You can buy the smallest regular medical syringe at the pharmacy. In children's stores, suction cups look more interesting; they are presented in the form of a colored rubber toy.

To properly clean a child’s nose, you need to squeeze the syringe in one hand, removing all the air from it, then insert the nozzle shallowly into the baby’s nostril and unclench the syringe. The snot that is sucked out at the exit from the nose is pulled up and wiped with a cotton ball, the mucus is blown out of the syringe onto a handkerchief or napkin. The procedure can be continued until the child’s nose is completely clean.

Cost: 100 rub.


The device is a thin, long flexible silicone tube. One end of it is inserted into the baby’s nasal passage, through the other, the parent sucks out the mucus with his mouth. Some aspirators are equipped with a canister, so the snot is sucked out by the mouth, but does not fall into it.

Advantages: the good thing about the device is that although the adult pulls out the mucus with little force, he controls the force applied and can see how much mucus has accumulated in the baby’s nose. Like a syringe, this device lasts a long time.

Disadvantages: the baby's snot ends up in the adult's mouth; there is not always enough breath to clear the nose.

Some aspirators are sold with a reusable nozzle, which does not change, but must be sterilized after each use. For aspirators with replaceable nozzles, you need to buy disposable nozzles and change them after each use - they are not boiled or sterilized.

The most common manufacturers: Nosefrida, Otrivin, Pigeon, Benny, Happy Baby. The latter is equipped with a special bottle into which the mucus is sucked out. The ATOPITA device has 2 tubes, which also prevents mucus from entering the adult’s mouth. In our country, Otrivin products are more common, which is explained by their high quality and affordable price.

Cost: 300 rub. The products of the Otrivin company are considered one of the cheapest.


It is a small device that runs on batteries. To use, just press the “Start” button and insert the nozzle into the child’s nose. The device operates silently, often has several pleasant children's melodies loaded into it, and has an additional function of irrigating the nose with saline solution.

Advantages: good suction power, takes less than one minute to clean the spout.

Disadvantages: price, which is several times higher than an ordinary small pear, frequency of use no more than 2 times a day so as not to dry out the mucous membrane, the child is afraid of the buzzing sound that the device makes.

In addition, household appliances become unusable, and most often at the most inopportune moment. If the device is not used for a long time, the batteries must be removed.

Manufacturers: Coclean, Сleanoz, WC-150 B.Well – the most common model, equipped with 12 melodies for children. Turning on the melody can distract the baby's attention.

Cost, rub.


This is a special tube with attachments for a vacuum cleaner and a baby’s nose. You need to insert a thin tip into the baby’s nose, attach the second one to the vacuum cleaner, close the entrance to the second nostril with your finger and turn on the vacuum cleaner. We recommend using this type of device for thick, difficult-to-remove snot that cannot be reached with a syringe or suction tube.

Advantages: snot is removed quickly and very cleanly.

Disadvantages: the noise and vibration of the vacuum cleaner can frighten a newborn baby; you can use it no more than 2-3 times a day.

Many parents underestimate this aspirator, fearing that it can introduce an infection into the child’s nose. This is wrong. The air flow in the vacuum cleaner is always directed inward, and dust does not reach the child. The power of the vacuum cleaner does not harm the child, since the device itself regulates the required suction force due to the built-in triple collector. As a result, the pressure of the vacuum cleaner becomes safe.

Manufacturer names: Baby-vac, Arianna, Benny.

Cost: 500–1500 rub.

How sterile is the procedure?

To clean the tips, it is enough to wash them under warm water and soap; in addition, they can be doused with boiling water or treated with a disinfectant solution.

It is not necessary to achieve sterile cleanliness - the nose is not a sterile organ; even without an aspirator, clean air does not always flow into it.

Useful tips

  1. In order not to harm the health of your baby, use the aspirator correctly; for this purpose, read the instructions carefully before use.
  2. Before suctioning, the baby's nose must be rinsed with saline solution. Saline solution can be replaced with Salin, Humer, Marimer.
  3. There is no need to rinse the nose of newborn children with decoctions of medicinal plants. This is unsafe from the point of view of allergic reactions. When snot first appears, we do not recommend putting vasoconstrictor drops (Xidin, Nazol, Otrivin) into the newborn’s nose. Firstly, a child can often cope with snot without it, and secondly, these drugs are unsafe for the health of a newborn baby.
  4. Properly suck out snot before bedtime and before feeding to make it easier for the child to sleep and eat. You also need to clean and rinse your nose before instilling medicinal drops (Vibrocil, Otrivin, Pinosol, etc.)
  5. To avoid re-introduction of infection into the body of children, nozzles must be changed. The Otrivin aspirator comes with 3 nozzles. Additionally, the Otrivin company sells spare sets of 10 nozzles.
  6. After use, the disposable nozzle must be thrown away and the mouthpiece must be treated with boiling water and a disinfectant solution. Disposable nozzles, such as, for example, in the Otrivin mechanical aspirator, should not be reused and should not be used to clean the noses of other children with the same nozzle.
  7. Automatic and vacuum devices dry out the mucous membrane. Therefore, after using them, the child’s nose needs to be moistened with saline solution. It is necessary to maintain a damp, cool climate in the children's room. If nasal congestion persists for more than three days and brings a lot of discomfort to the baby, the pediatrician may prescribe vasoconstrictor nasal drops. Use the lowest concentration of children's drops Otrivin, Nazol baby, Phenylephrine.

Why does a child need to clean his nose?

Snot is a source of infection, so it is imperative to remove it. Due to the fact that the baby cannot blow his nose, snot will continue to circulate in his nose until an adult cleans it. Snot disrupts breathing and appetite.

In a newborn baby, a runny nose for more than 3 days poses a high risk for the development of otitis media, which is facilitated by the wide and short connection between the ear and nose at this age, as well as the predominantly lying position, thanks to which mucus can easily get into the ears. Due to the fact that the child is constantly lying down, snot flows into the throat, causing pharyngitis, bronchitis, and cough.

The disadvantage of aspirators is that an adult cannot always control his actions, and the child does not always lie quietly and calmly. As a result, the mucous membrane can be easily injured. In addition, the tip of the automatic device can stick to the mucous membrane.

Remember that a newborn baby's nose can be easily cleaned with a regular small syringe and a cotton swab. Liquid snot from a newborn baby will flow out without parental help, which means that only difficult and thick mucus needs to be removed.

Use the syringe as often as necessary. If a lot of snot has accumulated, it is squelching and “asking” to be pushed, clean your nose. It is especially important to clean your nose before eating and going to bed. Children experience only slight discomfort but no pain during this procedure.

  • Sinusitis (32)
  • Nasal congestion (18)
  • Medicines (32)
  • Treatment (9)
  • Folk remedies (13)
  • Runny nose (41)
  • Other (18)
  • Rhinosinusitis (2)
  • Sinusitis (11)
  • Snot (26)
  • Frontit (4)

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