Aspirator what is it

Nasal aspirator - what is it and what is this device for?

Babies are so helpless that they are unable to blow their nose. This seriously affects the quality of life for them and their parents.

Adaptation to extrauterine life lasts about six months - this is exactly the time needed for the nasal mucosa to withstand irritating environmental factors and for the baby’s body to begin producing nasal secretions only as needed.

Table of contents:

After birth, the response to any irritation is snot.

  • high air humidity;
  • dry air;
  • the smell of mom's cosmetics;
  • kitchen smells.

The discharge that appears prevents the baby from breathing, but it is not a runny nose. If the nasal cavity is cleaned and irritation is removed, the symptoms of rhinitis will disappear and nasal breathing will be restored.

You can’t wait for everything to “go away on its own.” Babies have accelerated body reactions, and at the slightest irritation of the mucous membrane, pathogenic microorganisms can invade it. Therefore, the mucous secretion must be removed as soon as it appears. To solve the problem, cotton swabs, syringes, and syringes without needles are used, but a nasal aspirator will help to clean the nose efficiently.

How to use this device and what is it?

The non-scientific name of the device is nozzle suction. It is used to suck out liquid secretions from the nasal cavity in children under 2-3 years of age and weakened patients. There are several types of nasal aspirators - manual, vacuum and electronic.

Manual aspirators

The simplest is a regular syringe.

Its difference from an enema:

  • it looks more voluminous;
  • made of soft materials;
  • the tip is equipped with a limiter.

Manufacturers understand that children do not like the procedure of blowing their nose, so they produce syringes in the form of bright, funny toys.

How to use a nasal syringe correctly:

  • a rinsing solution is filled into a can;
  • then release the contents of the container into the baby’s nose to soften the mucus;
  • suck out the contents.

An additional advantage is the price. Disadvantages are the duration of the procedure and the inability to see the quality and quantity of nasal secretions.

A more complex design of a manual aspirator is mechanical. The device looks like an IV tube attached to a clear container.

  • tube with tip-mouthpiece;
  • container with a transparent body;
  • replaceable nozzles.

Using this device is quite simple:

  • the tip with a soft tube is inserted into the “patient’s” nose;
  • they take the mouthpiece into their mouth;
  • they suck out the mucus, creating a back pressure, sucking in air.

There is no need to be afraid that snot will get into your mouth - the tank is equipped with a non-return valve, which creates absolute safety during use.

Advantages of mechanical devices:

  • low price;
  • durability in use - can be used for children;
  • ease of hygienic processing.

The disadvantage is the unaesthetic cleaning method. Many people refuse to use the device precisely because of the way the procedure is performed.

Manufacture of mechanical devices:

  • “NoseFrida” and “OtrivinBaby” – Switzerland;
  • domestic companies that do not indicate their name.

You should not purchase devices from unknown manufacturers. If the check valve on them is not designed carefully enough, then all the snot will end up in the mouth of the person performing the procedure.

Electronic nasal aspirator

The cost is 2 times more expensive than a manual mechanical one, but it is much more pleasant to use, and the procedure is carried out very quickly. The collapsible device resembles a small electric razor in appearance.

The kit includes:

  • body - manufacturers make it in the shape of a car, steam locomotive or repeating the outline of an animal figure;
  • removable part – mucus reservoir;
  • soft tip.
The reservoir and tip must be boiled after each procedure.

How to use this type of aspirator?

Much simpler than a mechanical one - the tip is inserted into the nose and a button is pressed, which turns on the device. Seconds for each nostril - and the nose is cleaned. The most popular electronic aspirator is the WC-150 (B. Well).

It has additional features:

  • not only sucks out mucus, but with its help you can also rinse and moisturize the nasal cavity;
  • entertains the “patient” during the procedure.

Little music lovers are invited to listen to 12 different musical melodies to distract themselves from an unpleasant treatment session. As soon as the baby grows up, this quality will already be considered a disadvantage. During the procedure, he will grab an interesting musical toy and prevent his parents from cleaning his nose.

There are other disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • batteries have to be changed frequently;
  • often breaks, especially if it falls into the hands of a small patient.
  • children are not capricious during the procedure - it is quick and painless;
  • moisturizes the nasal passages.

You can take the electronic aspirator with you on the road - it is small in size and easily fits in a bag.

Vacuum nasal aspirator

A vacuum aspirator is the most practical, hygienic and convenient device for suctioning nasal secretions. In appearance, it resembles a mechanical nozzle pump, but instead of a mouthpiece that is taken into the mouth, this device has a special nozzle. It must be connected to a regular vacuum cleaner, the power of which does not exceed 2000 W. The vacuum aspirator manifold has 3 compartments, due to which the force of the vacuum cleaner is reduced so that no harm can be caused to the patient.

How to use a vacuum type aspirator correctly?

  • a soft nozzle is inserted into the patient’s nostril - the device can also be used to facilitate the breathing of adult bedridden patients;
  • a bell-shaped attachment is attached to the back of a conventional vacuum cleaner;
  • press the button on the body of the vacuum cleaner.

The nasal passages are cleared within seconds - a minute is enough to clear the nose completely.

After the procedure is completed, the soft nozzle is washed and sterilized or treated with an antiseptic before the next session.

Advantages of vacuum aspirators:

  • ease of use;
  • speed;
  • ease of processing;
  • durability.
  • does not work without a vacuum cleaner or compressor;
  • high price;
  • children are scared by the sound of the compressor;
  • inability to take with you on the road.

Vacuum aspirators of the Ariana and Benny brands are available for sale - the country of origin is France.

Nuances of use

You shouldn’t cleanse the mucous membranes of accumulated mucus too often:

  • frequent insertion of the nozzle can injure the delicate mucous membrane;
  • Abuse of artificial cleansing interferes with the formation of the nose-blowing reflex.

The nasal passages should be cleared only when they are clogged - this condition prevents infants from eating normally. Outside of feedings or with minor congestion, it is enough to limit yourself to cleansing the nasal passages with a cotton swab.

If the nasal secretion is thick, then the mucus must be softened before use. Sea buckthorn or petroleum jelly oil is injected into the nose (you can use boiled sunflower oil or baby oil from a bottle). Then, using a pipette, a physiological (saline) solution is poured into the nostrils. The procedure begins only when the crusts are removed and the nasal secretion is liquefied.

If there is no pharmaceutical saline solution or rinsing agent at hand, use saline solution or infusions of medicinal plants. For infants up to 2 months old, it is enough to dilute a quarter teaspoon of salt in a glass of water or rinse the nose with fennel decoction.

From 2 months, the concentration of the rinsing solution doubles; chamomile can be used as a plant material for infusion.

The device is not used:

  • in case of problems with the device;
  • if the tip is cracked or has defects.

Malfunctions in the operation of electronic or vacuum aspirators are especially dangerous - the patient may be “jerked” by an electric current. Even a discharge from a battery can cause severe pain; A malfunction in a mains-powered electrical appliance can result in serious injury.

Roughness and cracks in the tip can cause nosebleeds, disruption of the integrity of the body or reservoir - infection of others due to a bacterial or viral runny nose.

  • congenital pathology of the structure of the upper respiratory tract;
  • mucosal defects;
  • tendency to nosebleeds.

Before starting the procedure, the device should be checked for serviceability, and the tip of the device should be sterilized. Any injury to the mucous membrane can disrupt the perception of smells for life - cleansing the nose must be done very carefully and carefully.


Nasal aspirators for newborns (types of aspirators and how to use them)

An aspirator is a necessary item in the home first aid kit for every family with a newborn child.

A nasal aspirator is a simple device for sucking mucus from a child's nasal passages. People call it “nozzle sucker”.

Why is a runny nose dangerous in a newborn?

Mucus and dust accumulate in the baby's nasal passages, and crusts may even form. This is not always a consequence of a cold. It’s just that in the rooms, especially in winter, the air is very dry, which does not have a very good effect on the mucous membranes of the child’s nose.

As a consequence of this, the baby may develop rhinitis, simply a runny nose.

  • The mucus prevents him from breathing, the child cannot suckle the breast or sleep peacefully. This is very dangerous for the baby. He cannot breathe through his mouth, and his nose is clogged with mucus. Some parents try to put drops into their nose for a runny nose. But they will not improve the baby's condition.
  • The baby is still helpless; he cannot blow his nose on his own. A runny nose can lead to breathing problems and the most unpredictable consequences.
  • Abundant mucus, if not removed, can enter the baby's middle ear cavity through the internal auditory tube. This can cause a serious illness - otitis media. And require much more labor-intensive treatment using antibiotics.

Therefore, in the first months of a baby’s life, it is important to consult a pediatrician. He will prescribe treatment.

And to avoid the use of medications for a runny nose, a small device - an aspirator - will help. Using it, you can quickly and easily remove nasal discharge.

Types and characteristics of nasal aspirators

What types of aspirators are there?

In the form of a syringe

This is the most primitive and cheapest type of aspirator (about 50 rubles). It consists of a rubber bulb with a soft silicone tip.

It's easy to use:

  1. Squeeze the pear.
  2. Carefully insert the tip into the nasal passage.
  3. Slowly release the pear.
  4. Along with the air, mucus will also be absorbed.
  5. After finishing the cleansing, the syringe must be thoroughly rinsed and boiled.

The big disadvantage of this aspirator is the lack of a limiter on the tip. You have to insert it “by eye”, so there is a danger of causing injury to the mucous membrane of the nose.

The second disadvantage is that the bulb is opaque, so it is not visible whether the liquid contents have been sucked out of the nose.


Each company advertises its own aspirator, but the type and principle of operation are always the same.

  • A mechanical aspirator is a tube with a reservoir for mucus and has a replaceable filter that prevents mucus from entering the adult’s mouth.
  • Its tips are soft and often replaceable, so the risk of mucosal injury is low.
  • The principle of operation is simple - an adult inserts the tip of the tube into the child’s nose and sucks in air.
  • The secretions enter the transparent tank with air, where they remain.
  • After use, the device is either thrown away (if disposable) or sterilized.
  • Such aspirators cost around 200 rubles. Some models require the purchase of disposable tips.

(Children's nasal aspirator Otrivin Baby)


This is one of the most expensive, but also the most effective types of aspirators. Its positive aspects:

  • Soft silicone tip with stopper.
  • Automatic removal of mucus and crusts. Just insert the tip into the nasal passage, press the button, and the device will do the rest.
  • There is a transparent container for collecting mucus. You can clearly see how and how much of it was removed from the baby’s nose.
  • The ability to rinse the baby’s nose with water – plain boiled or sea water.
  • The power of the device is low, so the risk of injury to the mucous membrane is low.
  • The small size of the device and the ability to operate on batteries allow you to take it with you on the road.
  • Many electronic aspirators can play several tunes, which serves as a distraction during the operation to clean the baby’s nose.

The disadvantage of this device is its rather high cost (from one and a half thousand rubles) and fragility.


This is a fairly new type of aspirator.

  • The principle of its operation is based on connecting the device to the tube of a regular home vacuum cleaner (!) through a mouthpiece.
  • The tip of this type of aspirator is removable.
  • Both attachments must be disinfected after use.
  • Many parents are alarmed by the fact that the mucus will be sucked out by a vacuum cleaner. After all, it has quite a strong suction power.
  • There's no need to worry. The device contains a flask - a collector, and as soon as a vacuum of continuous suction is established in it, the spout is quickly cleaned, literally in a few seconds.

The advantages of this type of aspirator are safety, efficiency of use, durability. This type of aspirator is considered one of the best.

The disadvantages include the noisy operation of the vacuum cleaner, which can frighten the baby, and the rather high price - about 1,300 rubles.

How to use an aspirator

  • Regardless of the type of aspirator, be sure to read the instructions.
  • Use the device only when absolutely necessary. Its frequent use leads to drying and malfunction of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, weakening its protective properties.
  • For allergic rhinitis, it is better to use anti-allergy drugs.
  • Before performing suction, it is advisable to moisten the nasal passages with saline solution, a decoction of chamomile or sage. At the same time, the thick mucus thins and the crusts soften. When carrying out the irrigation procedure, hold the child upright so that moisture does not enter the respiratory tract.
  • Before purchasing an aspirator, consult your pediatrician.
  • When suctioning, hold the tip straight, avoiding suction to the nasal walls. Otherwise, you can injure the mucous membrane, causing bleeding.
  • If you don't know how to use a nasal aspirator or are simply afraid, ask an experienced nurse for advice. Carry out the first procedure under her guidance.

Sequence for cleaning the spout

  1. Read the instructions for use of the device carefully.
  2. When performing the procedure, follow the rules for using the aspirator.
  3. Prepare a saline solution or decoction of the desired herb.
  4. Hold your baby upright in your arms or make him recline.
  5. Make sure that the baby does not worry, otherwise you may accidentally damage the nasal mucosa.
  6. Turn the baby's head to the side and carefully drop 3 to 5 drops with a pipette into one nasal passage.
  7. Sprays should not be used for newborns and infants up to one year old.
  8. Close the other nostril with your finger.
  9. After instillation, insert the tip into the nasal passage and suck out the mucus.
  10. The child remains in an upright position during the entire procedure.
  11. Do the same with the other nasal passage.
  12. Rinse the device after use and disinfect it.
  13. How often to perform the aspiration procedure depends on the rate of mucus formation in the child’s nose.

An aspirator is a necessary device for successfully combating rhinitis in a child. Consult your doctor and buy this device. And then the problem of a runny nose will be solved easily and simply.

Read on for more ways to clean a newborn baby’s nose:

Video: cleaning a newborn’s nose from mucus

Somehow things didn’t work out for us with aspirators. I bought several types and they all sit idle. The baby was born small and all these devices were one and a half times larger than his nostrils! I simply washed his nose with sea water and then cleaned it out with a cotton swab.

Oh, I saw an elephant, I remembered all these manipulations so clearly) I, however, only had this type of aspirator, I have nothing to compare it with, but I didn’t need it. I was more than happy with this elephant. A very smooth nozzle that, even if desired, will not injure the baby’s nose. The volume of the container itself is quite sufficient to pull out all unnecessary things from the spout with good force. If the nozzles are dry, you can always soak them with Humer or Aquamaris. And pull it out without any problems. Wonderful handy item! And no need for any hassles!

We just recently got rid of these nasty snot. We used an ordinary pear, but it had such a long tip that I was afraid to stick it too deep, so I trimmed it a little, then everything went easier. But it would be better not to know what a respirator is, I feel so sorry for the baby when you do this procedure, especially so small, you want to cry yourself. Vibrocil was also dripped after removing the snot.

At first there was an elephant pear, which was of little use, then I bought Otrivin Baby, but I never got the hang of it (I couldn’t hold the baby with one hand and pinch one nostril, and with the other hold the device itself and suck it in) a couple of times the foam filter allowed mucus to pass directly into me mouth (I’ll say something with something) then in the end I got sick. And these attachments are expensive to buy (250 rubles for 5 pieces or something) then I bought them with B.Well kids batteries exactly as in the photo for 1300 rubles and did not regret it. Always helps out. We lost the silicone attachments and easily found where to buy them. I recommend .

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How to choose and use a newborn aspirator

In the first aid kit of young parents there will always be devices that can make their life much easier. Such accessories include an aspirator for newborns. This attribute will not be superfluous.

Any child experiences some breathing difficulties in the first months of life. Mucus accumulates in the nasal passages. As a result, the baby experiences discomfort.

Remember your newborn baby and the first nights in the maternity hospital - something is constantly grunting, seething, sniffling in his nose.

The purpose of the aspirator is to remove mucus and clear the nasal passages. In addition, such a care item is simply necessary when a small child has a runny nose, because:

  • He doesn't know how to blow his nose yet;
  • Choosing safe drops for a baby is not so easy: for more details, see the article Drops for the common cold for a newborn>>>.

Let's figure out which aspirator is best for newborns and how to use the accessory.

Runny nose in babies - danger and treatment

The nasal passages perform the most important function of protecting the body from viruses, and are the first to meet “dangerous guests.” It is all the more important to maintain the condition of the mucous membrane in a working, active state.

If the air in the apartment is too dry, crusts may appear in the nose. It is a mistake to think that a baby is not able to clean his nose on his own.

Sneezing is a reflex skill that is present in a child from the first days of life. You should only get into your child's nose as a last resort. Dry crusts come off easily when you sneeze.

The air in the apartment should be adjusted. The optimal humidity should be 50-70%, and the temperature in the apartment should be 10 degrees.

Of course, Komarovsky talks about lower temperatures, but I don’t think you will implement this - it’s too cold. And putting on socks and wrapping yourself in a blanket in an apartment in the summer is a dubious pleasure.

Rhinitis, or inflammation of the nasal passages accompanied by a runny nose, is a common occurrence in children. Especially in the autumn-winter period.

Fluid accumulated in the nasal passages makes breathing difficult. As a result, the child feels severe discomfort. He cannot eat or sleep normally.

A runny nose is very dangerous for a baby, because newborns, as a rule, do not know how to breathe through their mouths. A runny nose can cause disturbances in the breathing mechanism and other completely unpredictable abnormalities.

Mucus can enter the auditory tube and then into the middle ear area. As a result, the newborn may develop otitis media.

To get rid of such a disease, serious therapy with antibiotics is required. If a runny nose occurs, you should take your baby to the doctor. Only a pediatrician can prescribe adequate treatment.

An aspirator can be used to remove secretions and mucus. What it is?

Description of the accessory

What is a nasal aspirator for newborns? This accessory operates like a pump. The simplest aspirator is a rubber bulb with a tip.

When used, a discharged pressure is created inside the accessory. Thanks to this, you can carefully suck out mucus and secretions from the baby’s nose.

When using an aspirator for newborns, all rules must be followed. Only in this case will cleansing the nasal passages be painless and effective.

A device in the form of a syringe

This type of device is considered the most inexpensive and primitive. The cost of the device is about 50 rubles. This accessory consists of a silicone tip and a small bulb made of rubber.

Using this product is very simple:

  1. It is necessary to squeeze the rubber bulb.
  2. Carefully insert the silicone tip into the child's nasal passage.
  3. Slowly and carefully release the pear. As a result, mucus and secretions will be sucked in along with the air.
  4. After the procedure, the syringe should be washed well and then boiled.

The main disadvantage of this type of aspirator is the absence of a limiter on the tip. The device must be inserted into the nostrils carefully and not all the way, so as not to damage the mucosal tissue.

Another disadvantage of such an aspirator for newborns is the opaque material from which it is made. It is not always clear how much mucus has been sucked out, or whether it has been sucked out at all.

Mechanical aspirator for newborns

At the moment, there are many types of aspirators. However, their mechanism of action is the same.

A mechanical aspirator for newborns, reviews of which are mostly positive, is made in the form of a tube with a special reservoir for mucus.

This product is equipped with a replaceable filter that prevents liquid from getting from a child’s nose into an adult’s mouth.

The risk of injury to a newborn's mucous membrane when using such a device is low, since its tips are made of soft silicone and are easy to change.

The cost of such a child care item is no more than 200 rubles. For certain types of devices, you can purchase disposable tips.

The most popular device is the Otrivin aspirator for newborns.

It's easy to use:

  1. You need to insert the tip into the baby's nostril.
  2. An adult must draw in air. As a result, the mucus should be easily sucked out and fall into the reservoir intended for it.
  3. After use, disposable aspirators are thrown away, and reusable aspirators are sterilized.

Electronic aspirator

Electronic aspirators are the most expensive and most effective.

The product is equipped with a soft tip made of silicone and has a limiter. Thanks to this baby care item, you can carefully remove crusts and mucus. This process occurs automatically.

The device is easy to use:

  1. It is necessary to insert the tip of the aspirator into the nasal passage of the newborn.
  2. Press the button and the device will automatically suck out the mucus.

The electric aspirator is just perfect for newborn babies. The accessory has a transparent container in which mucus is collected. This allows you to see how much fluid has been removed from the baby's nose.

The device allows, if necessary, to rinse the newborn’s nose with boiled water or sea water. The power of the electronic aspirator is low. Therefore, the risk of injury to the mucous membrane is minimal.

This device runs on batteries and is small in size. This allows you to take it with you on a walk. Some models of electronic aspirators are capable of playing melodies.

This allows you to distract the baby from the procedure. The disadvantage of the device is its high cost. Such a product can be purchased at a price of 1,500 rubles and above. In addition, the electronic aspirator for newborns is short-lived.

Vacuum aspirator for newborns

Not long ago, a new type of aspirator appeared on sale - vacuum. The principle of operation of the accessory is the same as the pleasures described above.

The only difference is that a home vacuum cleaner is used to suck out the mucus. The product is connected to it through a mouthpiece. The device has removable tips. All attachments must be sterilized after use.

Most parents refuse such aspirators because they need to be connected to a vacuum cleaner. This fact worries many. However, there is no need to worry.

The product has a special flask - collector. When using an aspirator, a vacuum is established in it. Thanks to this, instant and effective cleansing of the nasal passages of a newborn baby occurs.

The vacuum aspirator has many advantages. Among them, it is worth highlighting durability, efficiency and safety during operation. As for the disadvantages, there is only one - the high cost of the product: approximately 1300 rubles.

How to use the device

Experts recommend moistening your baby's nose before cleaning. To do this, you can use regular saline solution, a decoction of sage or chamomile.

This procedure will make the mucus more liquid and soften the crusts. When irrigating the nasal passages, the newborn should be held upright. This will prevent fluid from entering the baby's airways.

So, how to use a baby aspirator? The process of sucking mucus from the baby’s nasal passages should be performed according to the following scheme:

  1. The child should be picked up. The baby should be calm during the procedure.
  2. The baby's head should be turned to the side. Place 3 to 5 drops of saline solution or chamomile decoction into each nostril. It is prohibited to use sprays for newborns and children under one year of age.
  3. You should close one nostril with your finger, and insert the aspirator tip into the second and suck out the liquid.
  4. The same must be done with the baby’s second nasal passage.

You can also seek help from experienced healthcare workers.

Safety precautions

An aspirator for a newborn is a necessary item for care. However, such a device should be used with extreme caution. After all, some models can injure tissue in a child’s nasal passages. Before use, you should read the instructions carefully.

Experts recommend using an aspirator for a newborn baby only in extreme cases.

Frequent use of such a product can lead to malfunction of the mucous membrane and its drying out.

As a result, there is a weakening of the protective properties of the tissues in the nasal passages. Before purchasing an aspirator for a newborn, you should consult your pediatrician.

If a child has an allergic runny nose, antiallergic medications should be used to eliminate it.

During the suction process, the tip of the device should be kept level. It should not stick to the walls of the nasal passage. Otherwise, you can severely damage the mucous membrane and cause bleeding.

An aspirator for newborns is a necessary device that allows you to quickly relieve a child of a runny nose due to rhinitis.

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Which aspirator is best to choose for a newborn, and how to use a baby nozzle pump correctly?

Snot is an eternal problem for young children. What to do if the baby is still so small that he cannot blow his nose on his own? Nasal rinses do not do their job. What remains? Nasal aspirators or nozzle ejectors come to the rescue. The market for these devices today is wide and diverse. You can choose both manual and electronic options. Upon closer inspection, you will be able to see which type suits you best.

What should you use an aspirator for?

The type of snot and its origin may vary, but there are a number of reasons why you should suck it out:

  • They prevent the baby from breathing, especially during feeding or sleep.
  • When too much mucus accumulates, especially if it turns greenish or yellowish, there is a risk of complications. Regular-looking snot can turn into rhinitis, sinusitis and even otitis media. The auditory tube in babies is still very wide and short, which means the distance between the nasal passage and the middle ear is minimal.
  • When your nose is clogged, you have to breathe through your mouth, and this puts your respiratory system at risk. A direct path opens for bacteria and there is a danger of hypothermia of the pharynx, and there it is not far from general inflammation.

Rules for choosing a nozzle pump

A nozzle ejector is absolutely necessary for a baby, but the choice of model and operating principle depends entirely on the convenience of the mother.

When setting yourself the task of choosing a good aspirator, it is important to consider the following characteristics:

  • ability to regulate power;
  • ease of washing after use;
  • the presence of a fuse that comes into effect when the mucus collection tank is full;
  • silent way of operation;
  • application is possible in different age groups;
  • the presence of additional functions: there are electronic devices where the baby will be distracted from the process by a pleasant melody, and devices with a spray function can also be convenient.

Nasal aspirators are divided into 4 main types:

  1. aspirator-syringe;
  2. mechanical aspirator;
  3. electronic aspirator;
  4. vacuum aspirator.

What type of aspirators is best? Let's figure it out together by exploring the market for modern devices.

Types of aspirators


What does a syringe look like? Outwardly, it resembles a “pear” made of rubber or silicone. The volume of the “pear” may vary. This aspirator for newborns is sold together with a nozzle that can be used repeatedly. It also has a limiter. After use, all parts should be washed thoroughly in hot water and soap. It is recommended to sterilize the nozzle itself or treat it by immersing it in a solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%).

  • simple design;
  • if purchased at a pharmacy, the product is environmentally safe;
  • low price.
  • there is a danger of damaging the mucous membrane;
  • the suction force cannot be adjusted;
  • it is difficult to assess the sucked volume and type of mucus.

The syringe performs its functions, but this method can be called “blind”, since the contents are not visible after suction

An ordinary medical syringe is suitable for this method. It is advisable to take a syringe of minimal volume. There is a wider selection in children's stores. Suction machines are found here in the form of toys, colorful and funny.

Proper cleaning of the nose with a syringe is done like this. You need to squeeze the “pear” with one hand, blowing out the existing air from it, and then place the nozzle in the baby’s nose, after which the hand unclenches and sucks the mucus inside the “pear”. At the end of the procedure, wipe the nozzles with a cotton swab and blow out the contents of the syringe onto a napkin. Perform these manipulations until the baby's nose is completely free. Cost: 100 rub.


The operating principle of aspirators of this type is similar, but the appearance may differ. In general, the design looks like this: a thin, long transparent silicone tube with an air valve at the end. One end with a nozzle is inserted into the little one’s nose, and the opposite end is intended for the mother. It should suck in air, pulling sniffles out of the baby’s nose. Mom's protection is provided by a valve and a special disposable filter.

  • compactness;
  • ease of use;
  • efficiency;
  • It is possible to monitor the quantity and quality of snot.

Some aspirator models are offered with reusable tips that require boiling or sterilization after each use. Nozzle ejectors with replaceable nozzles require the regular purchase of new disposable nozzles, which must be changed after each use.

If you get used to using mechanical aspirators, they can become a very convenient device.

Popular models

  • Русский
  • The most affordable of these options is the Marimer model. Its price ranges from 200 to 280 rubles. The manufacturer recommends steaming the nozzle after use rather than boiling it.
  • Another good option is Narhinel. Its cost ranges from 300 to 400 rubles. The kit includes two disposable nozzles with filters. You can purchase a set of additional replacement nozzles (10 pcs.).
  • Parents often prefer the Otrivin Baby model. It also comes with 3 disposable nozzles with filters. The price for this device is 280 rubles. Thrifty parents advise changing not the attachments, but the filters, using regular cotton wool instead. Aspirator for newborns Otrivin is the choice of modern mothers.
  • From an ergonomic point of view, the most successful model is Pigeon, developed by the Japanese. The price for it is 770 rubles. The nozzle has an inclined shape and is most comfortable for a child's nose. The tip is made in the shape of the letter U. This development is a joint work of designers and otolaryngologists. The reservoir and the nozzle here are one whole, and therefore the structure is easy to apply to the baby’s nose. The tube has the optimal length for sucking out mucus. You will find photos and videos of each aspirator model on the Internet.

The Pigeon aspirator can be called a leader for its undoubted convenience and ergonomic shape


This type of device runs on batteries. The device should be inserted into the baby’s nose with the nozzle and press “Start”. The unit operates almost silently, and for the child’s comfort there is a number of musical compositions, and there is also a useful function of spraying saline solution into the nasal cavity.

  • effective work in removing mucus;
  • convenience for the child;
  • available additional capabilities: use as an aspirator and as a nebulizer for medicinal solutions; this function is especially important for sinusitis and sinusitis.
  • high price;
  • cannot be used too often, otherwise there is a danger of drying out the mucous membrane.

Among the manufacturers of electronic models, we list the following brands: Coclean, Сleanoz, WC-150 B.Well. The latter is the most popular model. It contains 12 melodies that help distract the child’s attention during the session. Cost: cut

An electronic respirator is more expensive than others, but it allows mothers to quickly remove all the mucus without hysterics and crying.


This type of aspirator requires connection to a vacuum cleaner. It consists of a special tube with additional attachments for the vacuum cleaner and for the spout. One tip is brought to the little one’s nose, and the other is inserted into the vacuum cleaner. One nostril should be closed with your finger, after which you need to turn on the vacuum cleaner. This device works well for sucking out stubborn, thick snot that cannot be sucked out with a syringe or mechanical aspirator.

  • it is very convenient to regulate the vacuum;
  • the suction is very effective due to the duration of the cycle (pauses are 30 seconds);
  • no pain;
  • there is no danger of infecting the assistant.
  • the operation of a vacuum cleaner can frighten a child, so it is advisable to use a silent version of the vacuum cleaner;
  • high price.

The most popular is a series of mechanical models from the Arianna company. At home, the best option would be a convenient new product from this manufacturer called Magic, the price of which ranges from 700 to 800 rubles. You can clean your spout in just a couple of moments.

The Baby-Vac aspirator has proven itself well. Suction control is automatic and continuous suction is convenient. The operation of the vacuum cleaner should be switched to the lowest possible mode or the window on the pipe should be opened. The convenient shape of the nozzles provides protection against insertion into the nostril too deeply. The set includes two nozzles. How much does such a unit cost? The price of the device is approximately 990 rubles.

Among the disadvantages, we list the excessive noise and vibration of the vacuum cleaner, which can frighten a small child. The device can be used no more than 2-3 times a day.

We make an aspirator ourselves

Mom and dad can make an aspirator for newborns with their own hands. To make such a device, you will need a gastric or urological catheter and a simple pipette. There are two options for connecting parts:

  1. The catheter should be cut off at the rounded end, and then a piece of glass pipette should be placed on it.
  2. In another case, the rounded part of the catheter is inserted into the pipette, then mucus is collected in it, avoiding getting into the tube. The difficulty in this case is that it is difficult to select the appropriate diameters of the catheter and pipette.

Is sterility necessary?

You can clean the tips by rinsing them under running water and soap. If desired, you can pour boiling water over them or use a special solution for disinfection. Sterile cleanliness is not required because the nose is not sterile. Through it, even without the use of a nasal aspirator, often impure air comes in.

Regular laundry soap will help kill germs and ensure cleanliness.

Rules for using the aspirator

Different types of nozzle ejectors require different operating conditions and appropriate preparation. All requirements are set out in the instructions that come with the unit. Let us list the main principles of suctioning mucus using nozzle ejectors:

  • The child should be laid on his back or his head slightly tilted back, for which a towel rolled into a roll is used. A saline solution should be dropped into the nose to soften the mucus. Instead of saline solution, you can use the following drugs: Marimer, Salin or Humer, then wait 15 seconds.
  • When using a manual aspirator in the form of a pear, squeeze the rubber part with your hand, and then carefully insert the tip into the nasal passage. The free nostril should be pressed slightly. Then you need to slowly unclench your hand, the rest of the injected solution is absorbed along with the snot. Remove the pear and squeeze out the mucus onto a napkin. Wipe the nozzle and start treating the second nostril.
  • Before use, the aspirator with vacuum must be assembled by connecting the tip and two flasks. The conical flask is connected to the hose, after which the vacuum cleaner can be turned on. The power of the nozzle pump is regulated using a hole in the cylindrical flask. Depending on the need, it is opened or closed. There is no need to cover the other nostril. The vacuum cleaner is turned off, and then the aspirator is removed.
  • When using a vacuum aspirator in manual mode, remove the conical tip. The freed end serves as an opening for mucus suction. The device must be disinfected as follows: remove the flask, wash all parts, and sterilize the tip itself.
  • When using the electric format of the nasal aspirator, you should put on the silicone nozzle and then insert it into the nostril. The device is turned on, and the second nostril is covered with a finger. The baby does not have to be laid down; a sitting position is possible for the procedure.

Having got the hang of it, mommy can remove the accumulated mucus from the baby’s nose without much hassle.

Useful tips

  1. In order not to harm the baby, you need to carefully read the instructions before using the nozzle pump.
  2. Do not use herbal infusions to rinse a newborn's nose. They may cause allergic reactions. The appearance of snot is not a signal to use vasoconstrictor drugs such as Nazol, Otrivin or Xidin. The baby is quite capable of overcoming snot without using it, and besides, it is not entirely safe for the health of a newborn baby.
  3. The best time to suck out snot is before meals or before bed, this will make the process that follows easier. First, you should rinse and clean the nose, and only then apply medicinal drops (Otrivin, Vibrocil, Pinosol, etc.).
  4. Nozzles should be changed to prevent re-infection of the child's body. For example, the Otrivin baby aspirator comes with 3 nozzles, and it is also possible to additionally buy replacement nozzles in a set of 10 pieces.
  5. The disposable nozzle must be disposed of after use. The rest is treated with steam, boiling water or a disinfectant solution. The disposable pads included in the kit, as in the Otrivin model, cannot be used twice or used to clean the noses of different children.
  6. Keep in mind that automatic and vacuum devices excessively dry out the mucous membrane. After using them, be sure to moisten the nose with saline solution. A pediatrician may recommend treating snot that torments a baby for more than three days and causes discomfort with vasoconstrictor drops. To do this, you should use products with a minimum concentration: Nazol baby, Otrivin or Phenylephrine.

After the procedure, you can put medicinal or moisturizing drops into your nose.

Precautionary measures

In their practice, pediatricians sometimes recommend the use of additional means for sucking out snot, but do not forget to warn parents to be as attentive and careful as possible. When using a nasal aspirator, there is a danger of harming the baby:

  • it is possible to injure the inner surface of the nose due to the fact that the baby may twitch during the procedure (this happens when using any type of device);
  • if you use the vacuum device carelessly, the nozzle can stick to the mucous membrane and lead to its damage, including bleeding;
  • Do not leave the tip in the spout, and avoid inserting too deeply.

The aspirator should have soft edges and stops to prevent the nozzle from being inserted too deeply. When carrying out the procedure, it is important to be calm and confident, while at the same time not forgetting about a sense of proportion.

We should not forget that liquid snot flows out on its own. The most important thing is not to let them dry out. Excessively thick snot will not respond to any type of device. Use aspirators only when absolutely necessary; the rest of the time, try to maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity in the room. Use special solutions to thin mucus.

Contraindications for use

Before purchasing an aspirator, be sure to consult an ENT specialist about existing diseases for which the use of these devices is not permitted. You should absolutely not use them if:

  • the child has regular nosebleeds;
  • there are tumor formations in the nose, sinuses or nasopharynx;
  • absolute obstruction of the nasal passages.

Attention! All information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is for informational purposes only. For all questions regarding the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, you must consult a doctor for an in-person consultation.


How to use a baby aspirator correctly

A child may have a runny nose from birth, and this is a fairly common occurrence for newborns and infants. First of all, this is due to the specifics of nutrition. When the baby sucks on the breast or bottle, mucus and snot appear in the nose. In addition, when feeding, milk may accidentally enter the nasal cavity, which also impairs breathing. In addition, excess fluid may appear due to a cold, allergies, or due to dry air and insufficient humidity in the room.

Of course, a runny nose causes great discomfort and unpleasant sensations for the baby. But he cannot blow his nose on his own. To help a newborn, various products are produced today, including an aspirator or nozzle ejector. In this article we will find out what this device is. Let's look at how to properly use an aspirator for newborns.

What is an aspirator: concept and action

The classic aspirator is produced in the form of a rubber flask with a plastic or silicone tip. More modern devices resemble a construction pistol in appearance. To use, you need to press the button or the rubber part, after which the device will carefully and carefully remove mucus and snot from the baby.

This device facilitates breathing and the baby’s condition, eliminates discomfort and speeds up treatment in the presence of colds. But before you clean your newborn’s nose with an aspirator, you should definitely consult with your pediatrician and determine the cause of the runny nose.

Experts advise using the device if snot accumulates near the surface of the nose and prevents the baby from breathing comfortably. It is important to carry out the procedure before feeding so that the child eats calmly. If excess fluid is not removed from the nose, mucus and dust will accumulate in the nasal passages and crusts will form. This will not only prevent the baby from breathing normally, but will also lead to rhinitis or other similar diseases.

With a runny nose, the baby cannot breathe normally, suck the breast or bottle, and sleep peacefully. Rhinitis in newborns often leads to respiratory distress and difficulty. In addition, accumulated fluid and mucus enters the middle ear through the auditory inner tube, causing otitis media. To avoid such problems and illness, it is important to regularly clean the nose of babies. Let's look at what nasal aspirators are produced.

Types of aspirators

A syringe is a cheap and simple device with multiple uses. This is a rubber bulb with a soft silicone tip, which must be thoroughly rinsed and boiled after each use. The device is quite effective, but it does not have a limiter on the tip. Therefore, you need to use the device very carefully so as not to overfill the solution and not injure the mucous membrane of the nose. In addition, in an opaque pear it is not visible how much product is left inside.

A mechanical device is a tube with a mucus reservoir and a replaceable filter. One end of the tube is inserted into the child's nose, and the adult must suck out the air from the other. A replaceable filter prevents mucus from entering the mouth of an adult; the secretions remain in the reservoir. The device is distinguished by the presence of soft, replaceable tips. Disposable nozzles prevent the spread of infection. After the device has been used, the aspirator is thrown away or sterilized, depending on the type of product.

An electronic or electric aspirator is an easy-to-use device that is convenient for sucking out snot, cleaning and moisturizing the baby’s nasal cavity. The product is controlled using buttons, and a transparent container for collecting liquid allows you to monitor the contents. Due to its small size and battery operation, the aspirator is convenient to take for a walk, on the road or traveling. It is distinguished by its high cost, high efficiency and ease of use, safety and compactness.

The vacuum device is a safe, modern, adjustable device that works by connecting to a home vacuum cleaner through a special mouthpiece. After use, the nozzles are disinfected. The device includes a collector flask that allows you to pump liquid out of the spout in a matter of seconds. The device is easy and convenient to adjust, which ensures safe use. The product is distinguished by high efficiency, fast action and durability, but at the same time it is quite expensive. Despite its high cost, a vacuum aspirator is considered the best of all nozzle ejectors.

Respirator solution

To rinse your nose you need not only a respirator, but also a special solution. This can be saline or saline solution. From the first day of life, you can use Aqualor Baby, Nazol Baby, Otrivin Baby, Salin and Aqua Maris drops. Pinosol drops are approved for children over two years of age. It is better not to use sprays until three years of age. Additionally, many nasal sprays can make a runny nose worse. Read more about what to do if your baby has a runny nose here.

You can prepare your own saline solution. To do this, add a teaspoon of table salt to a liter of water and mix. Instead of salt, you can put soda. In addition, you can use regular mineral water or sea salt solution. These are affordable, effective and safe products that thin out secretions and do not dry out the nasal mucosa, are not addictive and are suitable for daily use.

Herbal decoctions are another remedy that is suitable for infants and small children. Chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula or sage are used to prepare a decoction. The main thing is that the child does not have an allergic reaction to the selected component. And then we’ll learn how to clean your baby’s nose with a nasal aspirator.

How to properly clean your nose with an aspirator

  • Before using the device, be sure to consult with your child’s doctor and carry out the procedures carefully so as not to harm the baby’s delicate mucous membrane;
  • First, using a pipette, you need to drip saline solution, drops, or another chosen product into your nose. To do this, tilt the baby's head back or lay the baby down with a folded sheet or towel under his head. Place two or three drops into each nostril and leave your head in this position for a few seconds;
  • When using natural solutions, it is advisable to prepare a new product every day. You can store the composition in a clean glass jar with a closed lid for no more than a day, otherwise harmful bacteria will appear;
  • The tip of the device is inserted into one of the baby's nostrils, and the other is closed with a finger to create a vacuum. Make sure that the child is in a strictly vertical position!;
  • Depending on the type of device, press and release the bulb or press a button or rubber surface to collect mucus and snot;
  • After the procedure, remove the aspirator. If the device does not provide a special container for collecting liquid, squeeze the mucus onto a napkin. Wipe the device and repeat the procedure with the second nostril;
  • After cleaning is completed, if the aspirator is not disposable, the device must be thoroughly washed and sterilized or treated with a disinfectant to eliminate accumulated bacteria.

Many parents are interested in how often they can use an aspirator. It is recommended to clean a child’s nose no more than two or three times a day, so as not to irritate the child’s delicate mucous membrane. It is advisable to do this before feeding and bedtime. The saline solution should not be used for more than four days in a row, otherwise it can dry out the nasal mucosa.

Among the most popular aspirators are the mechanical aspirator Otrivin Baby and the electronic device Bebe Confort. The first is accessible and effective, has a long shelf life (5 years) and is easy to use. Using the Otrivin Baby aspirator is very simple. To do this, place the tip on the device and insert one end into the child's nostril. Gently draw in air from the other side of the tube through the mouthpiece.

Bebe Confort is a safe and comfortable device with soft suction. Effectively removes internal secretions without discomfort or pain. But this aspirator is not suitable for newborns and is only used for children older than three months. Among the vacuum devices, Baby-Vac is distinguished. It effectively and painlessly cleanses children's noses and is suitable for babies from birth.

A runny nose can occur not only in infants, but also in nursing mothers. In this case, it is important for a woman to choose the right medications so as not to harm the baby. After all, the components from the composition of the drugs pass into breast milk, and therefore into the body of the infant. Read the article “How and with what to treat a runny nose while breastfeeding” to choose safe remedies for a nursing mother.
