Antibiotic for children with sinusitis

What antibiotics can be given to children with sinusitis?


First, let's look at the forms of sinusitis and its symptoms. Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses usually occurs for three main reasons. These are viral infection, bacterial infection and allergy.

Table of contents:

In rare cases, the source of infection may be a fungal infection. Viral sinusitis occurs against the background of acute respiratory viral infection and is treated using the same methods as the underlying disease. In other words, if the inflammation is caused by a viral infection, then antibiotic treatment should never be used. On the contrary, it can lead to an even worse course of the disease in the future. The symptoms are similar to a common runny nose. But unlike a runny nose, one nostril (or two) will definitely be completely blocked. At the same time, the most characteristic symptom of sinusitis is pain that occurs when the head is tilted forward (face facing down). The presence of such a symptom clearly indicates sinusitis.

Inquisitive parents will be interested to know that in infants the maxillary sinuses are in their infancy and the development of these sinuses begins only at the age of three. Therefore, children under three years of age cannot have sinusitis.

Antibiotic treatment will not help either if the disease in children is caused by an allergic reaction to some allergen. For example, the flowering of ragweed. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the allergy and take antihistamines to treat sinusitis.

Likewise, antibiotic treatment is not applicable for fungal infections. In this case, only antifungal drugs can help children.

And only in cases of bacterial inflammation of the maxillary (maxillary) sinuses does it become necessary to treat children with antibiotics.

Children may be prescribed medications in tablets, drops, or spray form. In rare cases, injections may be prescribed. In what form the medication will be taken depends on the severity of the disease and this issue should only be decided by a doctor.

Video “Sinusitis. Komarovsky"


It should immediately be noted that treatment with antibiotics is a last resort. Any use of antibiotics ultimately leads to dysbiosis and a weakening of the immune system in children, which is just being formed at their young age. Therefore, when only symptoms of mild sinusitis are present, namely, there is no high fever and severe headache, gentle home treatment is more appropriate. This can be inhalation, rinsing and nasal instillation. No warming up can be done. It can lead to even more mucus and pus formation. After all, as you know, bacteria multiply well in warm conditions.

And only when symptoms of severe acute sinusitis are present, which are expressed in high fever, severe headache and pain in the maxillary sinuses, is it advisable to treat with antibiotics. Symptoms of the acute course of the disease also include purulent discharge from the nose that is green or yellow in color. Parents of children should take this seriously and not stop taking medications if improvement occurs. This may lead to sinusitis not being fully treated, and the infection becoming resistant to this type of medication. According to Dr. Komarovsky, it is necessary to take antibacterial drugs for at least ten days. Only in this case will a sufficient concentration of antibiotic accumulate in the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses, which will finally defeat the infection.

How to choose

An antibiotic for the treatment of sinusitis should only be prescribed by a doctor. In order to determine the most effective antibiotic, a swab of mucus from the nose is taken for bacterial culture. This procedure is simple and painless and should not cause any difficulties. In rare cases, to diagnose an infection, a puncture or, in other words, puncture of the maxillary sinus may be performed, which allows a sample to be taken directly from the source of inflammation. These methods make it possible to accurately determine the type of infection and thereby correctly decide which medications will be the most appropriate.

If nasal breathing is present, drops or sprays may be most effective. They will allow you to deliver the medicine directly to the site of inflammation. The same opportunity is provided by inhalation using a nebulizer.

When the nose is completely blocked and breathing is possible only through the mouth, taking the medicine is possible only in tablets.

Now let’s figure out what children can take to combat this disease.

Review of effective remedies

The most famous group of antibacterial agents is penicillins. Probably everyone knows this name. After all, these are the first antibiotics obtained by scientists. When treating inflammation of the maxillary sinus, it is recommended to use Amoxicillin. It is used in the form of a suspension (medicine granules are dissolved in water), and can even be prescribed to infants. Unfortunately, many bacteria are already resistant to drugs in this group.

The next group is cephalosporins, which are more effective than penicillins. Cefuroxime is usually used to treat childhood sinusitis. It is part of a drug such as Zinnat, produced in the form of tablets and can be prescribed from the age of three months.

The third group of antibacterial drugs are aminoglycosides. Isofra and Polydex sprays are made on their basis. The latter is also available in the form of drops. It can be used to treat children over two and a half years old, and Isofra is suitable for children over one year old.

The least toxic group with the least side effects are macrolides. The most common drugs in this group are Erythromycin and Sumamed. Their use is possible from the age of six months.

I would like to remind you that taking antibacterial agents is a last resort and can only be recommended when symptoms of a serious illness are observed.

Video “Treatment of sinusitis”

In the next episode of the “Live Healthy” program, you will learn how to properly cure such a tricky disease as sinus sinusitis.


The most effective antibiotics for sinusitis

With sinusitis, the maxillary sinuses become inflamed. Most often it develops as a result of a viral or bacterial disease. Antibiotics for sinusitis are the most effective means that will help stop the active reproduction and spread of bacteria and destroy them. Taking medications in a timely manner reduces the risk of complications. Recovery occurs much faster.

Antibiotic use in adults

Medicines for sinusitis are prescribed if certain symptoms appear. The first thing a person will feel is general malaise and weakness. With sinusitis, pain will appear in the sinus area. In addition, body temperature begins to rise.

Do not delay visiting your doctor if the following symptoms appear:

  1. Intense pressure inside the sinuses that occurs when breathing.
  2. The appearance of mucous discharge. As the disease worsens, they may acquire a greenish tint. With purulent sinusitis, the discharge becomes yellow.
  3. Pain, which is localized in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses, intensifies when the head is tilted. The pain subsides in the morning and increases in the evening.
  4. Body temperature can reach 39 degrees. Chronic sinusitis occurs without fever or with low-grade hyperthermia.

Important! If these symptoms appear, a person should contact a medical facility. For sinusitis in adults, radiography is used to establish the correct diagnosis. Thanks to the image, it will be possible to see the accumulated pus in the sinuses and its volume.

Previously, only the puncture method (puncture of the sinuses) was used for treatment. It is painful and has a risk of complications.

Modern medical treatment includes the use of antibiotics. To choose the most effective remedy, a person must take a special smear. It will help determine the nature of the bacteria that triggered the onset of the disease. During this procedure, the person will not experience pain or other discomfort. The choice of the appropriate antibiotic depends on the root cause of the disease.

Tools Overview

There are several main groups of medications that are prescribed by an otolaryngologist to eliminate sinusitis. It is very important to monitor the healing process. If 2-3 days after starting to take the antibiotic there are no changes for the better, it is better to replace the drug. But you shouldn't do it yourself. Any remedy should be prescribed or discontinued only by a qualified specialist.

The main groups of antibiotics prescribed for the treatment of sinusitis include:

  1. Penicillins. Drugs in this group are the most common and effective medications for sinusitis and sinusitis.
  2. Macrolides. Their doctor prescribes them in case of individual intolerance to drugs containing penicillin.
  3. Fluoroquinolones. These are new generation drugs. They are synthetic in nature. They are effective, but the risk of side effects is high.
  4. Cephalosporins. Usually prescribed when the inflammation is severe, aggravated, and there are no positive changes in treatment with other antibiotics.

Important! The doctor will determine the cause of sinusitis, identify the pathogen, the individual characteristics of the body, the presence of allergies or other diseases in a person. Only after this will he be able to prescribe effective medications to eliminate sinusitis.

For sinusitis in adults, tablets and injections are more often used.

This is the simplest and most convenient form for taking antibiotics. The cost of tablets is usually low, which allows them to be prescribed to people with different income levels.

The following tablets are most often prescribed:

  1. Augmentin. The medicine belongs to the semisynthetic aminopenicillins. It contains two substances – amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. This is an antibiotic with a broad spectrum of action. It is not recommended to take it for more than two weeks. May cause vomiting, nausea, and stomach upset.
  2. Macropen. Belongs to the macrolide group. It will help get rid of pneumococcus, as well as Haemophilus influenzae. The doctor will prescribe how many days to take the medicine. It should be taken strictly after meals.
  3. Sumamed. One of the modern and effective macrolide antibiotics. The duration of treatment is 5 days.
  4. Flemoxin Solutab. This drug from the penicillin group is taken according to the regimen prescribed by the otolaryngologist.
  5. Amoxiclav and its analogues. These are semi-synthetic, inexpensive penicillin drugs that will quickly destroy bacteria. They help adults and children well.
  6. Zitrolide. An effective antibiotic from the macrolide group.

The positive effect of the medications should occur 1-2 days after starting to take them. If this does not happen within 72 hours, then therapy adjustment is needed. This drug is not suitable for the treatment of sinusitis.


Prescribed for severe sinusitis, severe purulent inflammation. Medicines injected into the muscle and vein reach their target faster and immediately have a positive effect.

  1. Ceftriaxone. Prescribed for acute sinusitis. The product is sold in bottles in powder form, from which a solution for intramuscular administration is prepared. The drug is not recommended during pregnancy.
  2. Cefazolin. Available in bottles. Has a strong antimicrobial effect. The medicine should be used with caution, since after its administration, allergies and gastrointestinal disorders may appear.

Nasal drops or spray

The doctor prescribes these medications at home. These include:

  1. Isofra. A spray that can be used instead of injections or tablets. Be sure to irrigate each nostril with the product. Before use, the nose is completely cleared of accumulated mucus. After 7 days there will be improvement.
  2. Polydex with phenylephrine. Has antibacterial and vasoconstrictor effects. Treatment takes 1 week.

Antibiotics are usually prescribed for discharge with pus, high fever and severe pain.

Important! Very often people ask: “Is it possible to cure sinusitis without antibiotics?” At an early stage, the disease is eliminated by washing or instilling the nose, inhalation or traditional medicine methods. But before using them, you need to consult an otolaryngologist. Sinusitis of moderate or severe severity requires antibiotic therapy.

Antibiotics for children

When sinusitis develops in children, pediatricians try to prescribe antibiotic treatment only in severe cases. This usually happens in advanced forms of the disease, when the life and health of the baby is at increased risk. It is also advisable to use them when the disease enters the chronic stage.

Important! Before using such products, parents are required to consult a doctor. The prescription of medications depends not only on the course of the disease and the symptoms that appear, but also on the age of the child.

Typically, an otolaryngologist prescribes modern topical antibiotics. That is, the activity of the drug manifests itself only where the source of infection is localized.

Bioparox has these properties. There are also analogues - Fusafungin and Hexoral. These are special sprays that act exclusively on the mucous membrane of the mouth and nose. They have virtually no side effects. Antibiotics are prescribed to children for no more than 1 week. After Bioparox, dryness in the nasal cavity is often observed.

The most effective medications for a child:

  1. Amoxicillin. If necessary, it can be given even to newborns.
  2. Flemoxin Solutab. It contains the antibiotic amoxicillin.
  3. Cefuroxime.
  4. Polydex and Isofra. These are modern sprays. The first is used for children over 2.5 years old, and the second - from 1 year.
  5. Sumamed. The second name of the drug is azithromycin. It belongs to the group of macrolides. This is the least toxic of all types of antibiotics for children. It can be produced in the form of suspensions and tablets.

Also, a sick child should undergo special procedures at home. The following methods are considered the most effective for children:

Important! All methods of therapy for sinusitis and otitis media are used only after visiting a qualified specialist and consulting him. Complex treatment requires strict adherence to the doctor’s prescriptions.

Contraindications and side effects

For sinusitis and frontal sinusitis, the doctor does not always prescribe antibacterial therapy. There must be strict indications for it. These drugs can only aggravate the course of, for example, viral sinusitis. This will delay recovery. Antibiotics will not have a beneficial effect in the following situations:

  • the disease began as a result of an allergic reaction that developed into sinusitis;
  • the disease is viral in nature;
  • sinusitis has become chronic.

In such situations, the immune system begins to suffer, which leads to the development of complications and provokes other diseases.

To minimize the negative effects of antibiotics on the human body, the doctor may additionally prescribe probiotics and vitamins.

The following side effects occur after some antibacterial drugs:

  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • allergy;
  • fungal infections;
  • itching;
  • rashes of various types;
  • general malaise.

Otolaryngologists unanimously say that you should not self-medicate. When the first signs of sinusitis appear, you should immediately seek medical help. Only qualified and experienced doctors will be able to establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Questions and answers:

Drug therapy for sinusitis includes the prescription of broad-spectrum antibiotics (azithromycin.

Good afternoon. Take Macropen (antibiotic, 7 days) and Sinupret (also for use.

Good afternoon What treatment did you have?

Good afternoon. To treat sinusitis without a puncture, a “mild” antibacterial and probiotic treatment is performed.

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The information is provided for informational purposes.


Modern doctors prefer to prescribe antibiotics for sinusitis. Many people are afraid to take them, considering such potent drugs to be harmful to the body. But the harm of antibacterial agents lies only in their incorrect or excessive use, and it is not comparable to the consequences and complications that can arise if sinusitis is not treated correctly.

For what purpose are antibacterial drugs prescribed for sinusitis?

Antibiotics are an unconditional asset of modern medicine. Powerful antibacterial agents of the latest generation destroy pathogens in a matter of hours and days, thereby improving the patient’s condition. And in the case of such serious diseases as pneumonia, sepsis, etc., only thanks to antibiotics can a person’s life be saved.

In one form or another, antibiotics are widely used for outpatient and inpatient treatment of bacterial infections in adults and children. These drugs fight the cause of the disease, making it possible to completely remove its symptoms and return the person to normal life.

Treatment of sinusitis with antibiotics is one of the components of complex therapy. It is prescribed and carried out only according to indications, simultaneously with physiotherapy, the use of pharmacological, homeopathic drugs and folk remedies in order to eliminate certain symptoms of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. In no case should the patient prescribe antibacterial drugs to himself; taking them may be ineffective and even lead to aggravation of the disease and the appearance of its complications.

To prescribe antibiotics for sinusitis, the attending physician analyzes the patient’s symptoms and refers him for examinations in order to:

  • confirm the presence of an inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses;
  • identify its causes;
  • determine the specific type of sinusitis;
  • determine the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics.

To do this, the patient will need to take a clinical blood test, undergo an ultrasound or x-ray examination, take a bacteriological culture from the nose and, possibly, undergo a puncture.

Modern antibiotics used to treat inflammation of the maxillary sinuses can be in tablets, capsules, injections or solutions that are dripped or sprayed into the nose.

The question of how long to treat sinusitis is decided only by a doctor. It is a mistake to think that you can stop taking them as soon as the symptoms of the disease disappear or the temperature subsides. A latent infection may remain in the maxillary sinuses, due to which the disease may recur or become chronic.

When antibacterial agents for sinusitis are not needed

Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses can occur for a number of reasons, but always has very similar symptoms. Even if the temperature has risen to 37 degrees, you have a headache, your nose is stuffy or mucus is pouring out of it, you should not immediately grab antibacterial tablets or drops. Treatment of sinusitis with antibiotics is not undertaken if:

  • it is allergic in nature;
  • it is caused by a virus or fungus (even if there is a fever);
  • the nose has a congenital pathology or is injured, but no bacterial infection has occurred;
  • it is caused by bacteria, but the disease is mild, the temperature is not elevated or slightly elevated, there are no signs of intoxication, there is good reason to assume that the body can cope with the infection itself.

What are the direct indications for taking antibiotics for sinusitis?

It is necessary to immediately treat sinusitis with antibacterial agents of natural or synthetic origin if the patient has symptoms of a serious bacterial infection:

  1. Temperature. It can rise sharply to 38 degrees or higher in the first days of the disease, if pathogenic bacteria multiplying in the sinuses provoked inflammation, or after a few days, when the bacterial infection is secondary. This temperature persists and is difficult to break and does not last long.
  2. Stuffy nose. By the nature of congestion, one can distinguish sinusitis from a runny nose. When the maxillary sinuses are inflamed, it is very difficult to blow out thick and dense mucus; the nose, as a rule, is blocked on both sides and is almost completely unable to breathe.
  3. Copious discharge from the nasal passages. Mucus or pus may come out through the nose, depending on the type of sinusitis.
  4. Severe pain in the maxillary sinuses. It intensifies in the evening, and also when moving the head down, up and to the sides.
  5. Signs of intoxication. The patient may complain of chills, muscle pain, loss of appetite, lethargy, etc.

How antibiotics can be taken is decided by the doctor in each specific case, based on the severity of the patient’s sinusitis. He may prescribe local antibacterial agents - nasal drops, if the disease has just begun. At home, it is usually prescribed to treat inflammation of the maxillary sinuses with antibiotics in tablets, capsules, syrups or suspensions. In the hospital, these drugs are injected intramuscularly or intravenously.

Local antibacterial agents for sinusitis

Topical antibiotics, nasal drops, sprays or aerosols, are used to treat catarrhal sinusitis. With this type of illness, the temperature rarely rises above 38 degrees, clear, serous, yellowish and greenish mucus with a neutral odor is released from the nasal passages, the general condition of the patient can be described as satisfactory.

To use antibiotic drops, the nose must first be prepared. In order for the active substance to reach the mucous membrane and be well absorbed, the nasal passages must be rinsed. To do this, you can use saline solution, sea water, another pharmaceutical drug or traditional medicine, for example, a decoction of herbs. Next, vasoconstrictor drops prescribed by the doctor (Nazol, Naphthyzin, Vibrocil, etc.) are instilled into the nose.

In order for the antibacterial drops to get as deep as possible into the nose and into the inflamed maxillary sinuses, the head must be thrown back during instillation.

The most effective local antibiotics for sinusitis are Bioparox and Isofra nasal drops and Polydex spray. The doctor will tell you which medications to use.

If antibiotic drops do not help, you need to choose a stronger drug and start taking it orally.

Antibiotics taken orally to treat inflammation of the maxillary sinuses

If the patient’s temperature is above 38 degrees, nasal breathing is impaired, there is reason to assume that sinusitis becomes purulent, antibacterial drops alone will be ineffective. The doctor will prescribe antibiotics in capsules or tablets for adults, syrups or suspensions for children. The best antibiotic for sinusitis is the drug to which pathogenic microorganisms are sensitive. A bacterial culture and analysis of an antibiotic history will help determine it (the doctor finds out what antibacterial drugs the patient was treated with previously).

For sinusitis, you will need to take broad-spectrum antibiotics, the active substance of which is:

  • cefixime (the trade name of the drug can be: Pancef, Suprax, Ceforal


  • amoxicillin (Amoxicillin, Hiconcil, etc.);
  • amoxicillin and clavulanic acid (Amoxiclav, Augmentin, etc.);
  • azithromycin (Azithromycin, Zitrolide, Sumamed, Ecomed, others);
  • erythromycin (Erythromycin);
  • ofloxacin (Ofloxacin, Zanotsin, Ofloxin, others);
  • ciprofloxacin (Ciprofloxacin, Tsipromed; Ecotsifol, others).
  • Sometimes the course of antibiotic therapy needs to be adjusted. If on the second or third day of taking the antibiotic the temperature does not drop, the condition does not improve or worsens, the drug should be replaced.

    Antibacterial drugs should be taken strictly according to the instructions, without exceeding or reducing the dose, following the recommendations for food intake. To maintain optimal concentrations of the drug in the blood, you need to respect the timing of taking antibiotics.

    As soon as the titer of pathogenic microbes decreases, the temperature begins to subside and the symptoms of the disease subside. After this, it is recommended to take the antibacterial drug for another day or two to consolidate the result.

    Drops and oral antibiotics can be used to treat sinusitis.

    During sinusitis, there is no need to avoid treatment with antibacterial agents. Modern drugs have minimal negative effects on the body if taken correctly. But you will be able to recover quickly and for sure.


    Antibiotics for sinusitis and sinusitis

    Antibacterial therapy is an integral part of the complex treatment of sinusitis, sinusitis and other types of sinusitis diseases, regardless of the type of causative agent of the problem. At a certain stage in the development of the disease, pus begins to accumulate in the sinuses of the nose, which leads to the rapid proliferation of bacteria in the cavity, inflammation of the mucous membranes and further infection of neighboring organs and tissues.

    General information

    The main task of antibiotic drugs is to localize the infection and eliminate its pathogens. They are used for both acute and chronic sinusitis, while the treatment system for diseases of different forms is significantly different. In the case of acute sinusitis diseases, the doctor usually prescribes a “shock” dosage of the drug, and the course of administration does not exceed one week. In chronic forms, the duration of treatment is several times longer: the effectiveness of the drug is periodically monitored by analyzing the microflora of the sinus mucosa and, if necessary, the drug is replaced with an effective analogue.

    One of the main tasks of antibiotics in the treatment of sinusitis and sinusitis is considered to be not only the elimination of infection, but also the prevention of the development of serious complications in the form of pneumonia, meningitis, osteomyelitis, neuritis and brain abscess. Naturally, in addition to antibiotics, in the case of an advanced state of infection, complex physiotherapeutic and even surgical measures are also necessary, aimed at forced outflow and pumping out of the cavities of pus - the main catalyst for infectious processes.

    In addition to antibiotics, the doctor usually prescribes a group of special drugs that weaken the negative effects of inflammatory processes on the body - these are antihistamines, corticosteroids and other drugs.

    It should be remembered that all antibiotics must be used strictly in accordance with the prescribed course, otherwise their effectiveness is reduced significantly. The most effective form of release of antibacterial drugs is considered to be injection solutions. If it is not possible to take a course of injections, you can use the tablet form of the medicine or drink it in the form of a suspension, as well as topical drops, however, the effectiveness of treatment in this case is somewhat lower, since the active substances have to overcome either the gastrointestinal tract barrier or the mucous system.

    Main groups of antibiotics for sinusitis

    Below, the main groups of antibacterial drugs and popular medications of these types used to treat sinusitis, sinusitis and other types of sinusitis will be presented.


    Effective and safe antibiotics of this kind block the growth of bacteria and inhibit the proliferation of microorganisms. They can be used both in acute phases of disease development and for the treatment of chronic forms of diseases.

    1. Azithromycin. It has a direct antibacterial effect on most known types of pathogenic microflora and is quickly absorbed into the blood both directly and through the gastrointestinal tract. It has a minimum of side effects and is contraindicated only for people with impaired liver function and those with an allergy to individual components of the drug.
    2. Erythromycin. A well-known antimicrobial drug with a medium spectrum of effectiveness against pathogenic microflora, not effective against gram-negative bacteria, similar in pharmacokinetics to penicillins, but can be taken by people who are allergic to broad-spectrum penicillins. Side effects are minimal: in some cases, diarrhea and nausea are observed; with very long-term treatment, liver dysfunction is possible.


    The most well-known type of antibiotic is a beta-lactam type with a natural base. They suppress the synthesis of pathogenic microorganisms, have virtually no side effects, but act on a narrow list of main types of bacteria.

    1. Amoxicillin. A semi-synthetic drug that actively destroys the main types of cocci and gram-negative bacilli, except for the flora that synthesizes panicillinase. It has a minimum of side effects (in rare cases, inflammation of the mucous membranes, joint pain and mononucleosis), but it is rational to use it in the short term, since bacteria very quickly adapt to this drug and develop resistance to the main active ingredient.
    2. Augmentin. A broad-spectrum antibacterial drug based on amoxicillin, however, enhanced with clavulanic acid, which expands the capabilities of the penicillin drug and enhances its effect. The most likely side effects are digestive disorders, in rare cases - dermatitis, swelling of the mucous membranes and liver dysfunction.


    This type of antimicrobial drugs formally belongs to the penicillin group, but they are especially active against pathogenic microflora that develop specifically with sinusitis. At the moment, doctors recommend the use of third-generation antibiotics of this group, in particular ceftriaxone.

    1. Ceftriaxone. Beta-lactam antibiotic of the latest generation with the widest possible spectrum of action against almost all known pathogenic flora. It is very effective in the treatment of sinusitis, but has numerous side effects - there is a high probability of gastrointestinal disorders, hepatitis, Quincke's edema, jaundice and interstitial nephritis. Ceftriaxone should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

    Other types of antibiotics

    As an alternative, doctors sometimes prescribe antibiotics to patients from the tetracycline, aminoglycoside, and chloramphenicol groups. The former have a bacteriostatic effect and are mainly used in topical preparations; therefore, they can only be used as an addition to the main treatment. Aminoglycosides are effective, but have very high toxicity, especially to the liver, and are therefore used only in critical cases. Levomycetins were previously widely used to treat sinusitis, but recent studies have shown that this type of drug significantly increases the risk of bone marrow damage, which has significantly limited the scope of the drug.

    Antibiotic treatment of sinusitis in adults

    Conservative medical treatment with antibacterial drugs must be carried out under the supervision of an ENT specialist. Depending on the severity of the disease and its clinical manifestations, the doctor will prescribe an appropriate course of medications. To neutralize the acute phase of sinusitis, Ceftriaxone is usually used, which is most effective against microbes of sinus cavities.

    However, some patients may experience serious side effects or complete rejection of the drug - in this case, tetracyclines or macrolides, in particular Azithromycin, Erythromycin, Levomycetin, are prescribed as an alternative.

    The chronic phase is treated, as a rule, with penicillin antibiotics, in particular Augmentin. The duration of treatment with antibiotics for the acute phase of sinusitis usually does not exceed five to seven days; chronic forms take longer to get rid of - an average of 2-3 weeks.

    Antibiotic treatment of sinusitis in children

    Sinusitis in children is a separate serious problem. Only in rare, extraordinary cases, the doctor decides to prescribe the above-mentioned broad-spectrum antibiotics in the form of injections or tablets to a small patient, when we are talking about a danger to the baby’s life, since these kinds of drugs have a very negative impact on health in the future, especially affecting the liver and microflora intestines.

    Doctors recommend in this case the use of modern topical antimicrobial drugs, which are localized directly at the sites of infection and do not circulate throughout the body.

    One of the most effective systemic drugs in the spectrum described above can be considered Bioparox and its analogues - Hexoral and Fusafungin. These medications are effective local polypeptide antibiotics used in the treatment of sinusitis in children. Usually available in the form of nasal or oral inhalers, they act only in the area of ​​application, and have a minimal number of side effects. The antibacterial course with Bioparox and analogues does not exceed a week.

    And most importantly, remember that before using any medications, be sure to consult an otolaryngologist.


    Which antibiotic is better for sinusitis?

    In the last century, the use of a special group of drugs – antibiotics – was very popular. They began to be used to treat all ailments of an infectious nature. A whole era of antibiotics had arrived - they were not difficult to purchase at any pharmacy, so patients practically determined their own course of treatment. Consequently, incorrectly selected drugs caused a side effect in the form of allergies, as well as the body's resistance to the effects of the antibiotic.

    New times have presented drugs that are based on plant materials and can very quickly eliminate the inflammatory process. On the contrary, not all groups of antibiotics are able to resist pathogenic viruses that provoke diseases such as herpes, some types of influenza and the most common - sinusitis. Therefore, it is advisable to understand which antibiotics are effective in eliminating sinusitis and its consequences.

    Which antibiotic is better for sinusitis?

    What is sinusitis and how to deal with it?

    When the nasal sinuses (more accurately called maxillary sinuses) become inflamed, an unpleasant illness such as sinusitis occurs. Very often it acts as a complication of a simple runny nose.

    The cavity of the maxillary sinus where pus accumulates during sinusitis

    It is not at all difficult to identify the first symptoms in an adult. The first symptoms that should become the driving force behind an urgent trip to the doctor are characterized by:

    1. When a person experiences a pressing and bursting feeling in the nasal sinuses.
    2. After which mucous discharge may appear. In the absence of therapy, the inflammatory process intensifies and this can be understood by the green tint of the mucous discharge. If yellowish discharge appears, you should sound the alarm, as this indicates the beginning of a purulent process.
    3. Pain in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses begins to worry, which can intensify in the evening and radiate to the head. Also, the pain becomes much stronger when bending over.
    4. The patient feels a loss of strength, and the temperature rises significantly. But for chronic sinusitis (if the patient has started the disease or chosen the wrong therapy), then an increase in temperature is not typical.

    The first symptoms of sinusitis

    How is the diagnosis confirmed?

    To determine the disease, radiography is used; it is thanks to it that the presence of purulent contents in the nasal sinuses is determined. The most outdated method of treatment is puncture. The procedure is not pleasant and scary for almost every adult. Fortunately, this technique is a thing of the past and is extremely rarely used due to dangerous consequences and extreme pain.

    The process of puncture procedure in the treatment of sinusitis

    It is important! Remember that the doctor must send the patient for a smear, which will determine the type of microorganism that caused sinusitis. As a result, you can select an effective antibiotic as accurately as possible to quickly cope with the infection.

    Antibiotics: when are they needed?

    The first alarming symptoms are expressed in the form of copious purulent discharge, severe pain that radiates to the head and fever. If sinusitis has not progressed to the purulent stage, then you can get by with home treatment, which involves washing the sinuses with a special solution, instilling drops, and herbal inhalations.

    Signs of chronic sinusitis

    Before you start taking antibiotics, you should determine which pathogen caused the inflammatory process. As already mentioned, this can be done through a smear. You cannot make a diagnosis yourself and select antibiotics at random - this can lead to irreparable consequences. When the type of pathogenic microorganisms or virus is known, it is not difficult for a specialist to select the correct effective group of antibiotics.

    Note! There are a number of cases when taking antibiotics will be completely useless. First of all, for allergic reactions. Against their background, sinusitis can easily begin to develop. Therefore, treatment with antibiotics will be inappropriate and ineffective. A similar result can be expected when the causative agent of sinusitis is a fungal infection.

    Without knowing the clinical picture of the disease, you cannot ignore going to a specialist and confirming the diagnosis, followed by diagnostics for the correct selection of medications.

    How are antibiotics taken correctly?

    Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses with sinusitis

    For successful treatment, the right drug is not enough. After all, the result of recovery directly depends on the patient’s actions - how he follows the doctor’s instructions, whether he interrupts the use of antibiotics, or whether he uses additional self-prescribed drugs that can block the action of the antibiotic.

    So, depending on the complexity of the disease, the specialist prescribes an antibiotic in the form of injections, oral administration, or topical application. With moderate severity of sinusitis, tablets of antibiotics are generally used. More severe damage requires mandatory intravenous administration, but it can also be administered intramuscularly. Once relief occurs, the patient will be switched to oral medications.

    When taking antibiotics, the patient must follow the following recommendations:

    1. Do not deviate from the dose determined by the doctor.
    2. Take the drug strictly on time.
    3. Do not interrupt the prescribed course of antibiotics unless side effects are observed.
    4. Do not take additional medications that have not been approved by your doctor.
    5. Under no circumstances should you take alcohol or drugs at the same time.
    6. When purchasing a drug, pay attention to the expiration date.
    7. Additionally, to improve overall well-being, the doctor may prescribe thinning agents and anti-edema medications. Don't ignore them.
    8. You cannot use self-selected nasal drops in parallel with antibiotics. The entire course of treatment is drawn up by a doctor.

    The course of antibiotic treatment is drawn up only by a doctor

    Reference! On average, a course of treatment in tablet form lasts from one week to fourteen days. If this period is exceeded, the patient may experience intestinal dysbiosis. Consequently, beneficial microorganisms will be destroyed.

    What antibiotics are used to eliminate sinusitis?

    After establishing the diagnosis and subsequent identification of the causative agent, the specialist can choose an antibiotic from the main groups that are the most effective for eliminating sinusitis:

    1. Penicillin. It is considered the most common antibiotic that is used for manifestations of sinusitis.
    2. Macrolides. They are in second place after penicillin. Prescribed in case of individual intolerance to the penicillin group.
    3. Fluoroquinolones. It is a synthetic antibiotic. It can quickly eliminate the activity of the pathogen - bacteria, since the latter have not yet developed immunity to it.
    4. Cephalosporins. When there is no result from other drugs, this type of antibiotic is prescribed, which perfectly eliminates any inflammatory process.

    Attention! If the patient does not feel any relief already on the second or third day of taking the antibacterial drug, then this is evidence that the antibiotic was incorrectly selected and is not able to eliminate the pathogen. In addition, you need to take into account possible allergic consequences and the individual characteristics of the body.

    Video - Sinusitis: signs, symptoms and treatment

    Treatment of sinusitis

    Despite the fact that the symptoms of sinusitis caused by pathogenic bacteria are similar to the symptoms of sinusitis caused by a virus, the treatment is still significantly different. Experts do not immediately turn to antibiotics, but only as a last resort, when the effect of local drugs is absent or profuse purulent green or yellow discharge from the sinuses has begun.

    Viral sinusitis is treated in a special way. After all, penicillin macrolides are not able to eliminate the virus. The patient will feel improvement with this type of sinusitis only when the virus goes into an inactive phase.

    On the contrary, inflammation of a bacterial nature can be triggered by several types of pathogenic bacteria:

    Symptoms of allergic sinusitis

    When a patient does not have purulent drainage from the nasal sinuses, there is no elevated temperature, but there is severe swelling, then allergic sinusitis is diagnosed. In this case, the effects of antibiotics are powerless.

    Tablet form of antibiotics against sinusitis

    Antibiotics can be found in the form of capsules and tablets - this is a fairly convenient and most preferred form of drug release by patients. There are several of the most effective antibiotics in tablet form, which cope well with the disease and its consequences.

    Attention! If the antibiotic does not show results in the form of improvement in well-being within 48 hours, then you should not take it longer; it is ineffective against sinusitis.

    Intramuscular and intravenous types of antibiotics

    When a patient experiences intoxication of the body, the use of injections is indicated, since antibiotics in this form are highly bioavailable. So, the following drugs are considered the most effective:

    Local preparations

    The early stages of sinusitis are not so difficult to eliminate with the help of a special spray or drops. But even in this form antibiotics are produced.

    How to treat sinusitis in children with antibiotics?

    Most often, children may suffer from complications after rhinitis, which manifest themselves in the form of sinusitis. At the same time, an allergic reaction is clearly manifested in children, so doctors are required to prescribe antiallergic drops. In some cases, the use of antibiotics is not necessary.

    Sinusitis in children

    Attention! When using a spray or drops, the child should not feel a burning sensation. If such discomfort is present, it is recommended to use sea water.

    Additional recommendations for taking antibiotics

    The main disadvantage of taking antibacterial drugs for a long time is the destructive effect on the intestinal microflora. Consequently, the patient may develop dysbiosis. Therefore, it is recommended to take Fluconazole for preventive purposes. In case of stool disorder, a specialist may prescribe taking prebiotics.

    The drug Fluconazole to prevent dysbacteriosis

    It is very important that the dosage and duration of antibiotic use is determined by the attending physician. Otherwise, the patient’s condition may worsen significantly, and pathogenic microorganisms will become resistant to the chosen antibiotic.

    What happens if you don't take antibiotics?

    Sinusitis is dangerous due to its complications, which can manifest as serious diseases that threaten the patient’s life. So, the list of complications of sinusitis includes:

    1. Meningitis. A rather dangerous disease characterized by an inflammatory process of the membranes of the brain.
    2. Abscess. A process of isolated suppuration that occurs in the brain.
    3. Complete loss of one of the most important senses in life – smell.
    4. The beginning of the inflammatory process in the facial nerve.
    5. Spread of the lesion down the respiratory tract.
    6. Inflammation of the eye socket.

    Meningitis as a complication of sinusitis

    Possible side effects after taking

    Antibacterial treatment with antibiotics can not only improve the patient’s condition, but also lead to unpleasant manifestations of the body. In general, if we consider the treatment of sinusitis, then with a reasonable selection of antibiotics, the patient gets better in five days. But, in any case, the doctor should warn about possible side effects:

    1. Swelling of the face or throat.
    2. Difficulty breathing.
    3. Skin rashes, redness or other manifestations.
    4. The patient fainted.
    5. There is increased dizziness.
    6. Gastrointestinal disorders.

    If alarming symptoms appear, you should immediately call an ambulance and do not self-medicate. Successful recovery depends not only on the specialist, but also on the timeliness and correctness of the patient’s actions.

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    The most effective antibiotics for sinusitis in children

    Sinusitis in children differs from inflammation of the maxillary sinuses in adults. The child’s skull bone tissue is still forming, so all the mucous membranes are very loose, and the nasal passages are narrow. Therefore, when the maxillary sinuses are inflamed, the passage of mucus from the nasal passages in a child is difficult. Because of this, pathogenic bacteria with colds and nasal congestion in children begin to multiply and grow faster in their ideal environment, which leads to the appearance of an infectious source of inflammation.

    To prevent inflammation in the nasal passages when diagnosing its bacterial nature, doctors prescribe special antibiotics for infectious sinusitis for children.

    Causes of sinusitis in children

    Sinusitis is the name given to inflammatory processes occurring in the maxillary sinus. The maxillary sinus is connected through the outlet to the nasal cavity. Because of this, all pathological processes occurring in the nose ultimately move into the sinus cavity. This is most often explained by the lack of timely, qualified treatment for colds or rhinitis resulting from its development. After 5 years, children begin to develop sinusitis after any colds or viral diseases. Doctors treat sinusitis in children with weak antibiotics. With timely treatment of sinusitis in children with antibacterial drugs, it is possible to avoid exacerbation of the disease and its transition to a chronic form.

    Unlike parents who self-medicate their offspring without taking into account the age-related characteristics of sinusitis, otolaryngologists know exactly what acute sinusitis in children is and how it should be treated correctly. Antibiotics for sinusitis in children can only be prescribed by a doctor. Doing this on your own is unacceptable due to the diversity of pathogenic microflora and the large number of antimicrobial drugs.

    The causes of this disease in children are:

    • usually colds and viruses;
    • injuries;
    • pathological changes in teeth and jaws;
    • disruption of the endocrine system.

    Until the age of three or four, children do not develop sinusitis at all due to the fact that their maxillary sinuses are in the process of formation. After five years, this disease occurs in children only in the catarrhal form. With this form of the disease, pus does not form. Therefore, most often it is not necessary to prescribe antibiotics to children. The disease is treated with local medications and goes away when the runny nose disappears.

    Cases of purulent inflammation occur in childhood, but are extremely rare. When such a diagnosis is made, treatment should only be carried out by an experienced otolaryngologist.

    Anatomical features of the development of the maxillary sinus in children

    The structure of a child’s skull is significantly different from the structure of an adult’s skull. Due to the fact that bones grow, in children under three years of age the upper jaw sinuses are located higher than in adults. In a baby at birth, the maxillary sinus itself looks more like a narrow slit. Because of this, purulent sinusitis simply cannot develop in children of this age.

    As the skull grows, the size of the nasal sinuses also increases. Over the years, the functioning of the maxillary sinuses in children completely coincides with those of mature people. They begin to fully perform their functions by the age of 20, when the growth of the cranium and the process of pneumotization of the maxillary cavities are completely completed in the adolescent. His maxillary sinuses begin to perform the following functions:

    • reduce the weight of the bones of the skull;
    • act as a protective barrier when hit in the face;
    • warm, clean and moisturize the air in the nose when breathing;
    • create individual features of voice sound;
    • protect the roots of the upper teeth and their nerve endings from the cold.

    Unlike adults, a sign of sinusitis in children in the form of congestion in the nasal cavities can manifest itself from the ingress of viruses and dust particles. They are very sensitive to air quality, since their maxillary sinuses are not yet fully formed and do not actively perform their protective functions during breathing. Systemic antibiotics should not always be prescribed for nasal inflammation. If you see a doctor in time, you can get by with local antimicrobial drugs that affect only the source of inflammation, and not the child’s entire body.

    Diagnosis of sinusitis in children and treatment with antibiotics

    Sinusitis in children should be diagnosed not only on the basis of examination and interpretation of complaints from their parents. The doctor always interviews the baby himself, if possible. Taking an anamnesis helps the otolaryngologist accurately determine the cause of the disease and correctly prescribe complex therapy. Without testing, you cannot prescribe antibiotics for sinusitis in children. The doctor always takes into account the etiology of the infectious origin and the age of the child.

    If a specialist identifies possible acute sinusitis during the examination (also called sinusitis in medicine), then a tomography can be performed to confirm this diagnosis. Unlike adults, the mucous membrane of a child’s nose is thicker and more active to any external aggressive influence; it responds with swelling and the production of mucus as a protective barrier. To detect swelling in the sinuses, doctors can take an x-ray, which will confirm or refute the symptoms of chronic sinusitis in children.

    Symptoms of sinusitis in children

    When a child has inflammation of the nasal sinuses, the following symptoms appear:

    • The temperature rises with sinusitis in children and their general well-being worsens;
    • A headache may appear in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, forehead or nose, which the baby complains about. It intensifies with head movements or bending. Only in a supine position does the child feel better;
    • dental diseases, reluctance to eat because of this;
    • nasal congestion and difficulty breathing;
    • copious discharge of mucus and pus;
    • cough caused by irritation of the trachea and bronchi with mucus flowing down the nasopharynx;
    • swelling of the eyelids and cheeks;
    • deterioration of sense of smell;
    • an increase in the light sensitivity of the retina.

    In addition to viral inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, allergic sinusitis may occur in children, which is caused by allergic swelling of the mucous membrane. For any form of nasal inflammation in children, you should consult a doctor immediately so that he can select the appropriate antimicrobial drugs for the child.

    Antibacterial treatment of sinusitis in children

    Treatment of sinusitis in children should be aimed at:

    • restoration of nasal breathing
    • cleaning the nasal sinuses from pathological secretions;
    • removal of swelling.

    You don't have to take medication for this. You can achieve the desired result by rinsing the nose with special solutions such as Aquamaris or Salin, which are sold in pharmacies, or using solutions prepared independently. For rinsing, you need to use solutions with antiseptic properties that will help clean the baby’s nose. To prepare them you can use:

    • Furacillin;
    • Pharmaceutical saline solution;
    • Saline solution prepared at home, etc.

    Rinsing the nose with antiseptic solutions is effective only for catarrhal sinusitis in children.

    The child may also be prescribed such procedures in a clinic where medical devices are used to rinse the nose. The doctor may prescribe drops in the nose to narrow blood vessels and relieve swelling. Doctors prescribe only children's medications like Nazol-Baby.

    In severe cases, the doctor prescribes a puncture, which allows you to take mucus and free the nasal passage from it with the help of a puncture.

    At home, during the initial stage of the disease, you can use preventive measures that will help strengthen the body. To do this, on the sore side, drip 10 or more pharmaceutical or homemade drops prepared from decoctions of medicinal herbs into the nostrils several times a day. You can use decoctions of chamomile, calendula, garlic juice diluted in boiled water or a saline solution. At the initial stage of inflammation, natural antibiotics and bacterial agents of natural origin can be used.

    Having finished with one half of the nose, you can return to it again in a few hours. In this way, without the use of synthetic antibiotics, it is possible to relieve the first symptoms of inflammation of the nasal mucosa at the initial stage, preventing the infection from penetrating into the upper sinuses.

    You can also use pharmaceutical drops to prevent stagnation of mucus and the development of microbial microflora in it. Several washes a day will help get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of sinusitis. When using rinsing solutions, choose two or three of the most effective remedies to avoid getting used to their therapeutic effect.

    The harm of self-medication

    Parents who try to quickly start giving their baby pills, including antibiotics, not only do not treat the disease, but only worsen their child’s condition. As soon as your baby has a stuffy nose, you should consult a doctor. Quick and timely treatment of any runny nose in childhood will avoid the appearance of sinusitis and its transition to a chronic form.

    Conclusions and Conclusion

    Sinusitis in childhood can be cured in the early stages if therapy is carried out correctly, including antibacterial therapy. Due to the fact that it most often occurs in a catarrhal form, the baby does not need to take a large amount of antibiotics. If you consult a doctor in time, the child will never develop purulent sinusitis, and the child will not have to take antibiotics. The doctor will prescribe procedures and safe topical medications that will help relieve nasal congestion and swelling of the mucous membrane.

    If a child is diagnosed with an acute form of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses with an elevated temperature, then he should immediately be prescribed a course of antimicrobial therapy. This can only be done by a doctor with extensive clinical practice. You should not give your child antibiotics for adults on your own.
